Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet
responsibilities regarding health and safety, He didn't supervise the work or the workers around the work
premises, Thus the workers followed unsafe practice which in return caused the accident.
2) The MD didn't introduce any proper dress code, coverall or uniform because it was not mentioned
anywhere in the scenario due to which workers wore any dress and unprotected foot wear which also
contributed to the accident.
3) risk assessment was not carried out properly since 2018 (for over 5 years now) which is a main failure of
the MD that contributed to the accident.
4) there is no training (induction training) provided for the new hires and a refresher training/course
provided for old workers about carrying out their respective duties professionally as there was an old
training matrix attached to the shipping container’s doors and worker B pointed out that the training matrix
is old and out-of-date and needs to be reviewed as the last training was carried out 5 years ago.
5) there are no records of past accident and near misses which also contributed to the accident of which
health and safety consultant asked the managing director, the MD replies that they have not had any
accident and therefore do not need one.
6) there is no induction training provided for the new workers as it was not stated if there was any. Both old
and new workers have no written induction training principles and are completely following their instincts or
what they think is right. In addition, workers B clearly add that they do not think of those workers listed in its
training matrix still work here, which means all workers currently working have not been trained formally.
7) The MD’s only concern is about the sales which will lead to investment in the center and increase the
number of visitors each year. No concern or attention is provided to the health and safety of the workers.
8) there is no updated health and safety policy document displayed for all to see and read, the health and
safety consultant asked the MD if the policy statement is displayed anywhere and the MD replied that the
policy is not displayed anywhere which was a big failure in management.
9) there is no personal protective equipment like the helmet, steel toed boots, chin straps, safety harness
belt, fall arrestor etc that was provided by the MD for the workers, if there was, accident may not have
resulted to the severity.
10) there is No proper supervision provided by the management (managing director) as he spends most of
his time in the office on the telephone as stated in the scenario.
11) the managing director doesn't listen to the complaints or whatever they have to say. He doesn't engage
them in any form of discussion about the job and when they try to talk to the MD, the MD always tells them
to come and talk to them when they are not busy as stated in the scenario and this is a big failure in the
12) there is no proper inspection of tools & equipment by the managing director, if there was, the fault long
ladder would have been identified and fixed or replaced.
13) there is No proper audit and certification by the third party which would have made the use of the faulty
ladder impossible and the faulty ladder was still kept around the work site. This is a management failure.
14) there is No emergency response plan prepared by the management (managing director) to educate the
workers on what to do in time of emergency as it was noted that worker D was shouting for help and asking
for someone to call an ambulance and also looking for something not knowing where what he was looking
for is.
15) the management (MD) did not take any preventive or corrective control measures relating to the past
incidents, near misses or accident maybe because they were not recorded or reported anywhere in the
scenario and therefore, there was No corrective/ prevention control action that was taken.
16) there was work pressure and lack of adequate manpower to do job the MD has agreed to do a job that
require more manpower which made worker A to accept to work alone. (Recall the MD agreed with animals’
world that the F&W bird keepers will do all the work in order to keep the cost down instead of increasing
17) the management was not paying any attention ergonomics of the workers due to which might affect
workers thinking and judgement to task they are doing because after workers B &C have cleared enough
undergrowth to access some of the trees that have nesting boxes attached to them, they still have to start
removing the nesting boxes and at the end of the day worker B & C have cleared three- quarter of the area
and have relocated one nesting boxes.
18) there was no motivation by the MD in form of bonuses, salary increase or any other incentives to
motivate them to come and work with joy and happiness, that might be one of the reasons worker B refuse
to come to work on that day.
19) the MD was not interested in knowing why the faulty ladder was kept leaning against open- topped
waste containers and the MD only assume it has been left out without checking the condition of the ladder.
This is the failure on the part of the management. (The MD).
20) the MD has an irresponsible/ bad attitude/ non challant attitude towards everything and everyone under
his control because when he realizes what has happened that he was the cause he said nothing to the
workers and did nothing to correct re- occurrence instead he left an angry message telling them they need
to speak to them when they are back at work there is lack of visible leader.
21) the workers (specifically worker D) don’t seem to know (has not been trained) on first aid administration
as it was mentioned in the scenario but worker D stayed with worker A until ambulance arrives.
22) there is no safety signage, caution, warning tags of any kind both on the faulty equipment (ladder etc)
and other unsafe conditions around the work premises and these safety signage and material are one of the
major responsibilities of the management MD.
23) there was no trained first aider on site before the arrival of the ambulance.
24) there were so many unsafe act going on like someone climbing a ladder without any support or anybody
watching out or holding the ladder , acts like working alone ( as the case of worker A, a lone worker etc) in
short, there is no safety officer to identify the hazard, access the risk and mitigate the accidents, incident,
like hood of the accident, level of severity or even stop the accident or any other incident from happening.
Based on / referring to the scenario at F & W it was clear that there was a very big gap/ bridge in
communication between the management (MD) and the workers regarding health & safety management.
One or the way we can improve communication of health & safety at F& W is:
1) Provide adequate/ appropriate training for the workers both training on general health and safety relating
to safe conduct at the work place and specific task related training for safe work practice, since it was
mentioned in the scenario that there was an old training matrix and worker B pointed out to the HSC that
the training matrix is out of date.
2) To provide instruction for the workers both in written and oral including the citing of clear written
instruction and the use of sign etc. As it was not mentioned anywhere in the scenario and there would have
been some instruction for what to do when we discover faulty equipment (ladder).
3) by providing and making use of written procedure like method statement etc. Particularly regarding safe
system of work to communicate health and safety. Since there was no method statement or any safe system
of work document provide by the MD for the workers.
4) there No means of communication via technology, the managing director needs to introduce
technological system like computers, television etc. To keep themselves updated in the trends in health and
5) there was no forum for the workers to raise concern and complains, a forum needs to be formed by the
6) there are no mediator / middle personnel between the workers and the MD like a safety officer, HSC
advisor who can relate to the workers’ health and safety issues to the MD in order to improve safety
communication at F& W, the managing director needs to employ a safety officer, HSE advisor, facility
manager or a worker representative who will relate/ pass the information to the MD from the worker and
vice versa.
7) more supervision needs to be provided by the MD through which wrong action of the worker can be
corrected verbally or by example instead he spends his time on the telephone inside his office.
8) there is no form of discussion or conversation between the MD and the workers, it was cited in the
scenario even when the new workers tried to complain/ talk to the MD about what they don’t like the MD
always tells them to come back and talk when there are not busy. The MD needs to engage all his workers
on a one- on- one conversation.
9) there is no written policy to the knowledge or the reach of the workers provide by the MD, even when
asked by the HSC, the MD clearly stated that the policy is not displayed, anywhere the MD needs to paste
the policy for every one of the workers to see and read.
10) the MD is always in the office as usual with the door shut. The MD needs to stop shutting the door and
give access to whosoever (the workers) that want to see and speak with him (the MD).
11) it wasn't mentioned that the MD verbally communicate to the workers regarding health and safety. One
best way to improve health and safety at F& W for the management (MD) is to give verbal communication in
form of toolbox talk, instructions etc to the workers regarding health and safety.
12 there was no communication gadget like phone, radio etc or contact of emergency numbers. The MD
needs to provide for the workers communication devices like phone, radio etc and phone numbers of both
local & national emergency numbers to improve health and safety.
As a health and safety professional I will advise the managing director to feathers and wings (F&W) on the
key distinctions between an audit ( safety audit) and a work place inspection (safety work place inspection)
1) audit is a system of critical examining health and safety management system, involving a structural
process for the acquisition or collection of self-sufficient/independent information with the aim of finding
out or accessing the effectiveness and reliability of the system advising/suggesting and corrective action
when it is thought to be necessary, while inspection is a general examination of health and safety
performance of a work place ( eg f&w) at a particular point in time.
2) audit include the health and safety policy of f&w , while inspection will include implementing immediate
corrective action where it is possible in f&w.
3) audit will include a completed risk assessment/ the completion of a risk assessment. While inspection will
identify imminent work place hazard.
4) audit will include the arrangements for the control and direction of the contractors while inspection
involves listening to the consultant with the workers on the health and safety issues.
5) audit will include the records of all employees’ competence and trainings while inspection will observe the
behaviors of the employees like in the use of personal protective equipment identifying and accessing risk ,
following instructions etc.
6) in audit there will be provision/arrangements for consultation with the employees while in inspection
there is no consultation with the employees rather we observe their compliance to health and safety like use
of PPE etc.
7) in audit there is a detailed enforcement history while in inspection previous findings and
recommendations are reviewed.
8) in audit there are reporting and investigation procedure for accident while in inspection, improvement
and further controls are recommended when there are seen to be necessary.
9) in audit we include the allocation of roles and responsibility while in inspection we provide a summary
report to individual manager on standard in their areas of control.
10) in audit there are minutes of safety committee meeting while in inspection there is no minutes of
11) audit there are specific hazard control like those that are connected with the display screen equipment,
working at heights above 1.8/2m high manual handing and material lifting etc. While in there are
recommendations for improvement and further control when these are seen to be necessary.
12) In audit documents are examined, while in inspection the work place is been checked.
13) In H&S audit standard are verified while in inspection the basic competence may be the only
14) audit are usually costly/expensive to execute while inspection are relatively lower in cost.
15) In H&S audit, high level of competence is very essential and required while H&S inspection is the part of
the H&S audit.
16) In H&S audit , the procedure are examined while in H&S inspection the record are checked.
Based on the given scenario general employers obligations may not have been followed at feathers and
wings ( F&W) such as:
1) To provide maintenance safe plant and equipment, bases on the scenario the MD didn't provide suitable
equipment like the “A” step ladder, a mobile scaffold with support etc, even the longer ladder have a faulty
locking mechanism and there no proper maintenance.
2) To carry out risk assessment, there was no risk assessment done or organised by the MD according to the
3) To introduce safe system of work, there was no existence of a safe system of work recorded based on the
scenario given so all the workers will do whatsoever they think is good for them.
4) To provide and maintain a safe work place which also includes safe access and egress, the MD failed/
didn't maintain a safe work place because based on the scenario it was small rest areas that was provided
and next to the rest area is where the food for the bird are prepared which means both fermented, decayed
and rotten flying food particles and smell will definitely make the rest area unsafe and unhealthy to stay/
rest and there is also a large - topped waste containers for general waste which will also contribute to an
unsafe condition/ unsafe environment.
5) There was no safe system of work on display anywhere only an old training matrix date 2018 and which
was out dated.
6) To provide training and refresher courses, based on the scenario there was no training provided whether
it was an induction training or how the specific task is been done by the MD as the last training was done
back in 2018 and all the trained staffs had left.
7) To provide information and instructions, based on the scenario, there was no time the MD give a clear
information to the workers regarding H&S either written, verbal or by signs.
8) To provide a safe working environmental with adequate welfare facilities including first aid , based on the
scenario obligation was not met by the employer as there was no mention of water facility, no comfortable
resting area which is small with environmental polluted and unkept area.
9) To provide and review a health and safety policy, based on the scenario there was No prepare health and
safety policy talk more of revising it for the past years.
10) To cooperate and consult with workers based on the scenario, the MD never cooperate or consult with
the workers as he always comes out when they have all gone for the day and when they want to talk to the
MD about something bothering them, he always tells them to come back and talk when they are not busy.
11) To secure competent health and safety adviser. based on the scenario there was no competent health
and safety officer employed at F&W thereby making it impossible to get health and safety advise.
12) To provide supervision for the workers based on the given scenario, there was no form of supervision
from the managing director instead when on-site the MD spends most of his time in his office on the
13) Based on the scenario given, the MD recently recruited four school leavers who are under the aga of
eighteen (18) years. That is to say he employed under age for workers which is against the international
labour law.
Task 8
1. Health and safety policies
2. Hazard identification
3. Workplace Ergonomics
4. Emergency procedures
5. Employee duties
6. First Aid
7. Emergency response
8. Risk assessment system
9. Personal protective equipment
10. Manual handling
11. Site rules
12. Fire safety
13. Reporting incident
Task 7
1. Accident and ill-health statistics and reports;
2. Incidents of reported near-misses and dangerous occurrences;
3. Property damage;
4. Actions taken by the enforcement authorities;
5. The number of civil claims;
6. An analysis of absences and lost time;
7. Complaints by workers and
8. The costs involved in all the above.
1. Accident reporting
2. Monitoring cases of ill health and sickness
3. Investigating accidents, incident and near-misses and dangerous occurrence
4. Property damage
5. An analysis of absence and lost time
6. Number of complaints from employees
7. Worker compensation claim
Reffering to the scenario given the organization factor that might negatively influence in health and safety
(F&W) are:
1) Lacking of training of new workers and refresher training for the old workers, the managing director of
f&w nelegected to provide adequate training for new hired workers B, they confirmed that the last training
was carried out three years ago, workers B added that the MD believes once a worker is trained they don't
need training again, worker B continues that the MD considers that the money is spend elsewhere.
2) Health and safety procedures, there is no health and safety information or policies posted/displayed for
workers at f&w because when the HSC asked if the i policy statement was displayed anywhere, the MD relies
the policy wasn't displayed and that they had not have any accident.
3) Lack of resources in health and safety only 2 ladder ( short and long) and the long one is faulty due
improper maintenance.
4) They lack/ didn't have any near miss report system, there was no record of any miss incidents or accident
infact the MD claims that they had not have any accident off course the health and safety consultant
suspected that this is not the case.
5) Poor house keeping around the site because next to the rest areas is where there food for the bird is
prepared and also a large open-topped waste containers for general waste which was also full.
6) Insufficient manpower based on the scenario, they lack manpower while the MD was still adding more
work to keep the cast down .
7) It is noticed that there was no proper documents or record or any kind of welther accident, new missed
8) Risk assessment is not conducted which justify the management negligence on h&s matters.
9) Three wad no motivation in form of bonuses, increase in salaries etc for the workers.
11) There is no record of any support from the MD to the staff that were not feeling fine or have other
Such induction training for new workers may assist in reducing workplace accidents and incidents in a
number of ways, including:
Making workers aware of the workplace hazards and risks
By introducing the new starts to related safe systems of work
By ensuring awareness in emergency preparedness procedures to be followed
Making them aware of restricted areas
By training them in the correct and safe use of tools and equipment and ensuring that they are conversant
with their proper use
Ensuring that new starts are aware of the reporting procedures for mal-functioning equipment
Making them aware of incident and hazard reporting procedures
·Making them aware of the sources of help available should further need arise
Such training will foster a positive attitude towards safety and safe working and may assist in countering any
pressure put on them by peers and others
Reduces risk to an organisation – risk assessments allow the identification and onwards
management of
Reduced risk allows/attracts reduced insurance liability coverage
Ensures legal compliance and as a consequence helps the organisation to avoid costly legal as well
as civil
Having less accidents/incidents means that time is more productive and as such would improve
financial performance (could even have quality improvement connotations).
There will be cost savings to employers (as stated earlier), individuals – as they will not have
affected due to accident/ill-health absence, the economy would benefit by having additional
of cash and of course society would not be faced with the financial burden of caring for persons who
ill/recovering/disabled due to poor and /or unsafe working practices.
It would allow target setting and as such economic benefit would be obtained by the company being
aware of their performance and effectively managing it accordingly.