Images and Values of Nature
Images and Values of Nature
Images and Values of Nature
A survey in nine EU Member States
Policy Study
Citizens’ images and values of nature in Europe
A survey in nine EU Member States
Hans Farjon
Arianne de Blaeij
Tineke de Boer
Fransje Langers
Janneke Vader
Arjen Buijs
Citizens’ images and values of nature in Europe Acknowledgements
A survey in nine EU Member States Special thanks are due to Georgia Lavinia Cosor (University of
© PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency Bucharest, Romania), Anke Fischer (The James Hutton Institute,
The Hague, 2016 Scotland), Lubos Halada (Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS,
Slovakia), Agnieszka Malinowska, Trond Selnes, Laura Miguel
In cooperation with Wageningen UR Ayala (Wageningen UR), Antoine Legal and Kathrin Ludwig (PBL)
for their valuable comments on the questionnaire.
PBL publication number: 1662
Production coordination PBL Beeldredactie
PBL Publishers
Corresponding author Xerox/OBT, Den Haag
Hans Farjon (
Hans Farjon (PBL), Arianne de Blaeij, Tineke de Boer,
Fransje Langers, Janneke Vader and Arjen Buijs (all Wageningen UR)
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency is the national institute for strategic policy analyses in the fields of the
environment, nature and spatial planning. We contribute to improving the quality of political and administrative decision-making,
by conducting outlook studies, analyses and evaluations in which an integrated approach is considered paramount. Policy relevance is
the prime concern in all our studies. We conduct solicited and unsolicited research that is always independent and scientifically sound.
Summary 8
1 Introduction 14
1.1 Background 14
1.2 Aim 15
1.3 Approach 15
1.4 Reader 15
2 Conceptions of nature 16
References 30
People have different images of nature and value nature European citizens have a broad conception of
for various reasons. This is relevant for nature policies in nature
the EU as people with different beliefs and motives may In the first question, people were asked to give their
prefer different futures for nature and landscape. opinion about the degree of naturalness for certain types
However, the diversity in images and values is not well of nature. A majority of respondents considered all
known, as only very few Europe-wide surveys have been presented examples of nature to be natural to a greater
carried out on this subject. or lesser extent (Figure 1). Although city parks were rated
as the least natural, half of the respondents considered
This report presents the results of a European survey into them to be natural in some way. Primeval forests were
citizens’ images and values regarding nature. The survey seen as the most natural type of nature by 90% of the
was held in nine Member States of the European Union: respondents. This ranking by citizens closely matches
France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, that of experts, whose ranking was used for selecting the
Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. types of nature. There was not much difference in ranking
By filling out an online questionnaire, a representative between the nine Member States.
sample of 1,000 respondents per country participated in
the survey. The majority of European citizens endorses the
intrinsic value of nature
The survey is part of the Nature Outlook project by The response to six propositions about moral issues
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency concerning the relationship between nature and humans
( It explores the multiple revealed that attitudes vary widely among European citizens
ways people view and value nature. The project aims to (Figure 2). However, most people (about 60%) agree more
provide building blocks for a new EU Biodiversity with an ecocentric view of nature. They more or less endorse
Strategy, as people with different beliefs and motives the intrinsic value of nature, which includes biodiversity,
may prefer different futures for nature. wilderness and the integrity of wild animals. There is far less
support (around 25%) for the anthropocentric notion that
nature should be used for meeting human needs rather than
be left in its natural state. This predominance of ecocentric
over anthropocentric views was found in all studied Member
States, which is in line with the findings of earlier surveys on
environmental attitudes and nature values.
Garden plants
City parks
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of respondents
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of respondents
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR
Summary | 9
Figure 3
Opinions about the intrinsic values of nature, 2014
Primary education
Tertiary education
Living environment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Very much Neutral Very much
disagree agree
However, it should be noted that about half of the On this issue, the differences in opinion between Member
respondents to our survey did not show a strong States are rather small. Among the Slovaks and the Dutch,
preference. Possible explanations for this fact could be about one in five agreed with the proposition, whereas for
that people have no strong feelings on the issues, do not the Germans and the Swedes this was one in eight, while
consider themselves knowledgeable enough, or are simply the other nationalities scored somewhere in between.
very pragmatic.
The protection and management of nature is
Young people agree more with the intrinsic value mainly the responsibility of the government
of nature than do older people Two thirds of all survey respondents considered the
The survey shows that young people, people with a government as the main responsible actor with respect to
tertiary education and city dwellers agree more with the protection and management of nature and the
nature’s intrinsic values, compared to older people, those environment (Figure 5). Looking at levels of administration,
who have had only a primary education and those who the national governments were indicated as having far
live in the countryside. The differences between these more responsibility than the EU government or regional
groups (Figure 3) are statistically significant. The reverse and local governments. However, considerable differences
is also true; young, highly educated and urban members were found between Member States, reflecting the
of the population agree less with anthropocentric values. differences in governmental structure between them.
A review of other studies about shifts in cultural values The importance of the French arrondissements and German
and environmental attitudes showed that this difference Länder in the national government structures of these
in valuing nature between generations does not Member States is reflected is the stronger preferences for
automatically imply that the ecocentric view of nature will the responsibility of regional governments. The overall
become a more important motive for nature policies in picture is that a majority of EU citizens considered
the future. However, it is most likely that the current governments to hold the prime responsibility for the
majority having an ecocentric view will not decline. protection and management of nature.
Very much disagree
26 % Disagree
Slightly disagree
Neither disagree nor agree
Slightly agree
17 % Agree
Very much agree
Included countries:
France, Germany, The Netherlands,
Figure 5
Opinions about the
whoresponsibility for protection
is mainly responsible and management
for protection of natureofand
and management the environment,
nature and 2014
the environment, 2014
7% 15 % EU government
9% National government
Regional government
Local government
16 % Citizens
Conservation organisations
10 %
Included countries:
France, Germany,
The Netherlands, Poland,
Romania, Slovakia, Spain,
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR Sweden, United Kingdom
Summary | 11
| 13
individually held images and values, not on those held by The questions were based on earlier surveys carried out in
social groups or entire societies. Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.
The Dutch version was compiled jointly by GfK and the
The survey considers four aspects: authors of this report. GfK was responsible for the
• the cognitive dimension, referring to the way people translations, using translators to convert the Dutch
define or understand nature; questionnaire into English and then into the seven other
• the normative dimension, referring to the way people languages. Subsequently, proofreaders were hired to review
value nature in general; the spelling and grammar. Furthermore, PBL consulted
• the objectives for management of nature areas with a native speaking nature experts in each country to check the
specification of values in terms of their functions and translation of terms related to nature and the environment.
ecosystem services; The full questionnaire is reproduced in Annex 1, and Annex 2
• the responsibility for nature management, asking who is details the response to the questions.
in charge of nature preservation.
1.4 Reader
1.2 Aim
Section 2 presents and discusses the cognitive dimension
The aim is to provide an overview of the diversity of of images of nature and Section 3 deals with the value
images and values of nature held by EU citizens, dimension. The preferred functions of nature, and the
including: responsibility for nature preservation follow in Sections 4
• the present-day images and values of nature in the EU; and 5, respectively. Each section highlights the overall
• the differences and similarities between different survey scores, the variations between Member States and
Member States with regard to images and values; between people of similar age, who have a similar
• an insight into the characteristics of individuals, such as educational background and living environment.
age, education and living environment, that may A glossary of terms can be found in Annex 5.
influence the dynamics of the images and values of
1.3 Approach
A representative survey was performed in nine Member
States: France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland,
Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United
Kingdom. This selection is considered to be
representative for the diversity in language groups
(Germanic, Romance and Slavic), as well as the various
spatial planning and governance traditions and cultural
values. The international market research bureau GfK
executed the survey, inviting members of their internet
panels from the nine countries to participate in an online
survey from 3 to 16 September 2014. Of all the invited
panel members, 15% returned a completed
questionnaire. This means a total of 9,021 European
citizens, roughly 1,000 in each country, participated in the
survey. The sample is representative for age, gender and
education and there was sufficient response from rural
areas to perform a statistical analysis on differences
between environments (cities, towns, villages and
countryside). Annex 1 gives a more detailed explanation
of the survey approach.
Introduction | 15
Conceptions of nature
The cognitive dimension of images of nature reveals what The average scores on naturalness awarded to these two
people consider real nature. The respondents had to groups are a good illustration of the variation between
examine nine examples of nature and indicate the extent countries (Figure 2.2, Annex 3). First of all, in all countries
to which they considered each example to be ‘real’ nature respondents rate the very human-dependent group as
(Figure 2.1). The results show that the respondents have a less natural than the less human-dependent group, with a
broad image of nature: a majority considers all examples mean rating of 4.8 against 5.9. This finding corresponds
to be real nature, to a greater or lesser extent. Although with the results a series of Dutch surveys on the cognitive
city parks are rated as the least natural, 30% consider them dimensions of images of nature (Buijs and Volker, 1997; De
to be natural or very natural. Primeval forests are seen as Bakker, Van Koppen and Vader, 2007; De Boer et al., 2014).
the most natural type of nature in the survey, with 82% of
respondents rating them as natural or very natural. These Secondly, there are some differences between Member
results agree closely with the ranking by the authors that States in the ranking of meadows and wild flowers.
was used to choose the nine examples of nature. The French consider their meadows to be more natural
than average, while the Polish, the British and the Dutch
The response, both overall and within the individual rate them less natural than average. These three
countries, leads to the following characterisation of two nationalities also give wild flowers at the roadside a lower
nature groups: (see Annex 3 for a description of the rating than the other countries. Perception is one
methodology): explanation for the difference in ranking, and varying
• The group of less human-dependent nature includes ‘naturalness’ between countries could be another
primeval forests, birds of prey, swamps and wild flowers explanation. For example, Dutch meadows are less
at the roadside. Experts consider these to be represen- natural because to a large extent they are intensively
tative of nature which develops with very little human managed, while French meadows are generally less
interference. intensively used.
• The group of very human-dependent nature includes
city parks, large crop fields, garden plants and timber Finally, it is striking that the differences in perceived
forests. These types are referred to as human- naturalness between the two groups of nature are
dependent nature since they are intensively used relatively small in Romania, Spain, Poland and the United
and managed by humans. Kingdom where citizens rate human-dependent nature
higher and autonomous nature lower than their
Meadows with grazing cattle are seen as belonging to counterparts in Germany, Slovakia, Sweden, the
both groups. Netherlands and France.
Figure 2.1
Opinions about the degree of naturalness for certain types of nature, 2014
Garden plants
City parks
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of respondents
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR
Figure 2.2
Opinions about the degree of naturalness of nature, per country, 2014
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Very much so
Source: GfK; analysis Wageningen UR
Conceptions of nature | 17
Figure 2.3 about the degree of naturalness of nature, per age, 2014
Opinions about the degree of naturalness of nature, per age, 2014
Included countries:
France, Germany, The Netherlands,
25 – 49 Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom
Over 49
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Very much so
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR
Europeans have contrasting opinions on the right way of An explorative factor analysis revealed the three factors
dealing with nature. Ethical views on nature differ. that account for the variation in the response to these
This section explores the normative dimension of propositions, (see Annex 3):
citizens’ images of nature and measures the variety • an anthropocentric factor in propositions b and c that
among opinions about values of nature in a more indicates to what extent the respondents agree with
comprehensive way through an analysis of the response utilitarian values of nature;
to six propositions. The question was to what extent the • an ecocentric factor in propositions a and d that reveals
respondents agreed with the propositions that: to what extent respondents appreciate the intrinsic
a. Vulnerable nature areas should be closed to leisure and value of nature;
recreational activities. • a holistic factor in propositions e and f that shows to
b. We should use nature in such a way that we get the what extent the respondents agree with a vision that
most economic value from it. nature comprises much more than the fate of an
c. Too much emphasis has been placed on nature individual animal or plant and that nature conservation
conservation. should focus on the preservation of habitats and
d. Hunting is cruel and inhumane to animals. ecosystems rather than the protection of individuals.
e. It is natural that wild animals sometimes starve to death
or are injured by other animals, and we should accept This section presents the results of the comprehensive
that. analysis. The results for the individual propositions are
f. Trees may be felled if needed to increase the diversity of given in Annex 2. These show that there occasionally is a
species in a forest. striking variation in opinion as can be seen in Box 1 with
the proposition on hunting. The variations are slightly
less pronounced in the comprehensive presentation.
Figure 3.1
Opinions about hunting, per country, 2014
How do you feel about the proposition that hunting is cruel and inhumane to the animals?
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of respondents
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR
The extent to which ethical views differ between persons and countries is clearly illustrated by the response to the
proposition that hunting is cruel and inhumane to animals. Of all respondents, 54% agree to a certain point with
this proposition, which underpins the predominance of ecocentric over anthropocentric values. In some countries,
this moral issue, which centres around animal rights, hunting methods and the motives for hunting, generates
heated debates. A survey in the Netherlands showed that hunting is more widely accepted when done to prevent
the starvation of wild animals than to prevent wildlife causing damage to crops or danger to traffic
(Natuurmonumenten (Dutch nature conservation society), 2014). In Sweden, only 25% of the respondents agree to
some extent with the proposition. The familiarity of the Swedes with hunting and the local consumption of game
meat could be an explanation for the broad acceptance there (Svenska Jägareförbundet, 2014). At the other end of
the spectrum is the United Kingdom, where 69% agree to some extent with the proposition. This may be a
reflection of the ongoing intensive public debate about fox hunting with hounds which started ten years ago
(Mason, 2015). The Netherlands seems to be the most divided country when it comes to hunting with 40% of
respondents agreeing with the proposition and 40% disagreeing.
Figure 3.2
Opinions about the values of nature, 2014
Included countries:
France, Germany, The Netherlands,
Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain,
Sweden, United Kingdom
0 20 40 60 80 100
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR
Figure 3.3
Opinions about
Opinions about the
the values
values of
of nature,
nature, per
per country,
country, 2014
United Kingdom
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Very much Neutral Very much
disagree agree
Bron: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR
Primary education
Tertiary education
Living environment
In the countryside outside villages
In a large city with more
than 60.000 inhabitants
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Very much Neutral Very much
disagree agree
Therefore, according to this 2011 study, the general ranking on the anthropocentric scale and comes second
population is more ecocentric than anthropocentric. on the ecocentric scale.
On the other hand, Bozonnet (2005, 2014) concluded that
three quarters of the Europeans are not very committed Secondly, a systematic difference between countries was
or even indifferent to all the grand narratives about the expected, based on their material wealth. This
environment, and therefore neither ecocentric nor assumption is based on Inglehart’s finding that in
anthropocentric. His conclusion is founded on the high countries with a higher GDP per capita, the more
percentage of Europeans that did not answer the non-materialistic cultural values predominate (Inglehart,
questions of the NEP scale in the European Value Study. 2008). The correlation did not reveal a statistically
significant relationship between any of the three factors
from this survey and GDP per capita.
3.2 Variations between countries
The variation in opinions about values of nature as
presented in Section 3.1 is observed in most Member 3.3 Dynamics of the values of nature
States, although there are differences between countries.
In all countries, the respondents on average disagree with In the past decades, cultural values in Europe have not
anthropocentric values and agree with ecocentric values remained static, but changed drastically from
(Figure 3.3). Only with regard to holistic values, the predominantly materialistic to post-materialistic
response that does not conform to the overall picture is (Inglehart, 2008). In addition, Inglehart expects a further,
from Romania and Spain where respondents slightly but less pronounced, shift in values in the decades ahead,
disagree with the propositions. Most of these citizens do because the cultural values of today’s youngest generation
not agree with proposals to fell trees to benefit the are still less materialistic than those of older generations.
ecological development of the woods or to leave starving The question now is whether values concerning nature and
animals to their lot. the environment have changed as well and how they may
change in the future. Future developments are inherently
Although the differences between Member States are uncertain, but highly relevant when rethinking nature
statistically significant, the survey analysis does not policies for the decades ahead. Since intergenerational
provide a systematic explanation of the rankings. A low differences have been a driver for changing cultural values
ranking on the anthropocentric scale was expected to be in the past (Inglehart, 2008), a summary of the survey’s
coupled to a high ranking on the ecocentric scale. While results regarding differences between generations is
this is the case for Germany for instance, for most provided first. A discussion of the implications follows in
countries this assumed relationship was not found. This is the form of a systematic literature review of quantitative
most clearly observed in France, which has the highest surveys on values of nature and the environment.
The survey shows that the values of the youngest However, the uncertainties about a possible future trend
generation differ significantly from those of older citizens towards less anthropocentric values are considerable.
(Figure 3.4). The respondents younger than 25 disagree First of all, as suggested by De Groot and Van den Born
more with anthropocentric values than those over 49. (2003), Van den Born (2008) and Hunka et al. (2009),
Similar marked, although less strong relationships were no evidence was found for a shift in values of nature in
found between age and ecocentric and holistic values. the past, simply because the systematic literature review
The differences between educational levels are even of representative quantitative surveys revealed no
larger than between age groups: people who have longitudinal data on nature values. Furthermore,
attained higher levels of education agree less with a secondary analysis, described in Annex 4, of worldwide
anthropocentric values and more with ecocentric and quantative monitoring data based on the NEP scale
holistic values. shows no statistically significant increase of
preservationist values at the expense of utilitarian values
These findings are in line with a study by Inglehart (2008) during the 1987–2007 period in Europe. On the other
who, on the basis of a 35-year-long monitoring hand, the International Social Survey Programme
programme of cultural values, convincingly revealed a slight decline in preservationist values during
demonstrated how today’s young generation in Europe the first decade of the 21st century (Franzen and Vogl,
agrees more with post-materialistic values than older 2013).
generations do. Although with less pronounced
differences than in the previous 35 years, Inglehart Ecocentric values will probably remain predominant over
believes that the same process will cause post- anthropocentric values of nature, but there is insufficient
materialistic values to become even more predominant. evidence to affirm that they will become more important.
His records revealed a drastic shift from materialist to
post-materialist values, caused by a process of
intergenerational change. Values are often specific to a
certain generation, as these are formed in people’s early
years and stay with them throughout their lives.
This means that the predominant values held by a
particular generation become less prevalent as this
generation ages and ultimately dwindles in size. In the
past, this intergenerational shift in values was caused by
the dramatic rise in existential security after World War II.
In the coming years, people in Europe may become even
less anthropocentric than they are today, assuming that
values of nature change in the same way as cultural
values have changed during the past decades, and will
continue to do so in the future, according to Inglehart’s
expectations. Increasing numbers of people attaining
higher education may further support a trend towards
non-anthropocentric or preservationist values (Franzen
and Vogl, 2013).
The management of nature areas may have various The results show that the respondents have a broad,
objectives, which are detailed specifications of the values of multi-objective perspective on nature. On average, all
nature. Two people can share a strong preference for presented objectives are considered important to very
ecocentric values but disagree on the functions of a certain
nature area. For instance, one can be in favour of preserving important (Figure 4.1). Even the least important objective,
pristine areas while the other loves cultural landscape the maximisation of the provision of goods and services,
heritage. As these preferences are not always mutually was rated as important to some extent by a majority of the
compatible within a single nature area, an insight in the array respondents.
of preferred objectives for management is required.
The variation in responses can be summarised in a more
The opinion of the respondents was estimated by asking comprehensive way into three groups that were revealed
them to value the importance of ten management by an explorative factor analysis (see Annex 3 for a
objectives which promoted values ranging from detailed description):
unambiguously ecocentric to clearly anthropocentric: • Multiple objectives, a group with the most important
objectives, including intrinsic values (the diversity of
• the diversity of species and plants animal and plant species, the conservation of pristine
• the conservation of pristine areas areas, beautiful landscapes, the conservation of old and
• beautiful landscapes characteristic landscape features) and the regulating
• the conservation of old and characteristic landscape ecosystem services (e.g. flood prevention, clean air and
features clean water). Figure 12 shows that this group is conside-
• the identity of local communities red to be more important than the other two groups.
• the contribution to flood prevention • Utilitarian objectives, a group with clear utilitarian motives
• the production of clean air and clean water aiming to maximise the provision of goods and services,
• the attractiveness for recreation prevent damage to agriculture and other forms of land use
• the maximum provision of goods and services, such as by pest species, and contribute to flood prevention.
by forestry, hydroelectric power stations and wind farms • Cultural objectives, a group relating to cultural ecosystem
• the prevention of damage to agricultural and other land services involving beautiful landscapes, the attractiveness
uses by, for example, predators, pests and weeds for recreational activities and the identity of local
Figure 4.1
Opinions about
about objectives
objectives for
for nature
nature management,
management, 2014
How important do you consider the objectives for nature management?
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of respondents
Figure 4.2
Opinions about objectives for management of natural areas, per country, 2014
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not important Neutral Very
at all important
The variation in ranking of objectives between countries Individual traits have a limited influence on the valuing of
is summarised in Figure 4.2. Citizens from Germany, the objectives. Only age has a distinct weight as older people
Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom rate all were found to rate the objectives more highly. This seems
objectives as slightly less important than average, but the to be in line with what the survey revealed about age and
Eastern European Member States rate them as slightly the valuing of the naturalness of nature types.
more important.
To gain insight into who is responsible for the protection Considerable differences between countries do exist.
and management of nature and the environment, As for the levels of administration, citizens from Germany,
respondents were asked to rank eight groups of actors. France and Slovakia assign less responsibility to national
and more responsibility to regional governments than
Two thirds of all respondents in this survey consider people in the other Member States. This seems to reflect
governments as the most responsible actor in the the importance of the French arrondissements and
protection of nature and the environment (Figure 5.1). German Länder in their national government structures.
Of all levels of administration, national governments are
pointed to as having far more responsibilities than the EU Of all respondents, the Dutch and the British consider
or regional and local governments. Furthermore, the national governments the most, and the European Union
respondents rank individual citizens as the second most the least responsible for the protection and management
responsible actor. What is remarkable is that local actors of nature. This may reflect a wish for their national
such as landowners, farmers and hunters, are hardly governments to gain more control.
considered to bear any responsibility. Businesses and
companies are believed to be the least responsible. The Romanians and the Slovaks, more than citizens from
other Member States, pointed to individual citizens as the
most responsible actors, revealing a relative preference
for individual action as compared to the other countries.
Figure 5.1
Opinions about the responsibility for protection and management of nature and the environment, 2014
Opinions about the responsibility for protection and management of nature and the environment, 2014
7% 15 %
2% EU government
7% 15 %
9% National
EU government
9% Regional government
Local government
Regional government
Local government
16 % Citizens
16 % Conservation organisations
32 % Farmers, landowners,
Conservation and hunters
32 % Businesses
Farmers, and companies
landowners, and hunters
l.n l.n
pb pb
Included countries:
10 % France, Germany,
9% Included countries:
The Netherlands, Poland,
France, Germany,
9% Romania, Slovakia, Spain,
The Netherlands, Poland,
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR Sweden, United Kingdom
Romania, Slovakia, Spain,
Source: GfK; analysis by Wageningen UR Sweden, United Kingdom
References | 31
Annex 1
The survey in detail
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of invitations
Source: GfK
A 1.3 Representativeness
Great effort was made to gather a sufficient amount of
fully completed questionnaires but this may have had the
consequence that the sampling of participants, in spite of
the applied quota for age, education and gender, was
skewed instead of random. In some countries, involving
certain groups proved to be a challenge. Table A 1.1
compares the response per country with census data to
highlight underrepresented or overrepresented groups in
the survey. It is safe to conclude that the response is
representative for the population insofar as gender and
age are concerned.
Annexes | 33
Table A 1.1
Respondents’ individual characteristics compared with population data
Germany Spain France Netherlands Poland Romania Slovakia Sweden Kingdom
Male 49% 49% 49% 49% 48% 48% 50% 50% 48% 48% 49% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 49% 49%
Female 51% 51% 51% 51% 52% 52% 50% 50% 52% 52% 51% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 51% 51%
Age 1
16–24 13% 13% 12% 12% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% 14% 14% 13% 13% 16% 16% 16% 16%
25–49 46% 46% 53% 52% 46% 46% 46% 46% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 48% 46% 46% 48% 47%
50–74 41% 41% 35% 35% 38% 38% 39% 39% 37% 36% 37% 37% 39% 39% 38% 38% 36% 37%
Low 18% 18% 25% 16% 28% 9% 29% 17% 16% 5% 28% 6% 19% 18% 23% 14% 22% 4%
Middle 57% 52% 44% 45% 43% 52% 42% 48% 61% 69% 58% 75% 57% 54% 46% 47% 43% 51%
High 25% 29% 31% 39% 29% 38% 29% 35% 23% 26% 14% 19% 24% 28% 31% 39% 36% 44%
Living environment 2
Urban 74% 70% 77% 85% 86% 56% 83% 69% 61% 83% 53% 86% 55% 60% 85% 74% 80% 77%
(cities & towns)
Rural (villages & 26% 30% 23% 15% 14% 44% 17% 31% 39% 17% 47% 14% 45% 40% 15% 26% 20% 23%
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency would like to know your opinion about nature,
landscape and the environment.
For this reason PBL regularly surveys the Dutch population. But we are also interested in the opinion
of people in other European countries about these subjects.
We would like to invite you to participate in this survey. It is not relevant whether you are familiar
with these subjects or not.
Q1. The following propositions concern how society should deal with nature.
How do you feel about these propositions? [S]
1. Very much disagree a. Vulnerable nature areas should be closed for leisure and
2. Disagree recreational activities.
3. Somewhat disagree b. We should use nature in such a way that we get the
4. Neither disagree nor agree most economic value from it.
5. Somewhat agree c. Too much emphasis has been placed on nature
6. Agree conservation.
7. Very much agree d. Hunting is cruel and inhumane to animals.
e. It is natural that wild animals sometimes sterve to death
or are injured by other animals, and we should accept
f. Trees may be felled if needed to increase the diversity of
species in a forest.
Annexes | 35
Selection: ALL
Q2. Here you find some examples of what one could consider nature. Please indicate for all examples
to what extent you consider it to be real nature. [S]
Selection: ALL
1. Very much disagree a. If nature areas are allowed to develop freely according
2. Disagree to natural processes, their quality will improve.
3. Somewhat disagree b. Careful human guidance will improve the quality of
4. Neither disagree nor agree nature areas
5. Somewhat agree
6. Agree
7. Very much agree
Selection: ALL
Q4. The management of nature areas has different goals and functions. How important do you consider a focus of this
management on:
Q5. In your view, who is responsible for the protection and management of nature and the environment
in your country? Please rank 1–9: 1=most responsible, 9= not responsible at all)
EU Local government
Q6. Where do you currently live? Please choose the best option. [S]
Selection: ALL
Q7. What is the highest level of education you have completed? [S]
1. Primary school
2. Left school after age 14 without qualification
3. Secondary school
4. University
• Don’t know
Selection: ALL
Annexes | 37
Annex 2
Response to each question
Question 1
The following propositions concern how society should deal with nature.
How do you feel about these propositions?
Vulnerable natural areas should We should use nature in such a way Too much emphasis has been
be closed for leisure and that we get the most economic value placed on nature conservation
recreational activities from it
Hunting is cruel and inhumane It is natural that wild animals starve Trees may be felled if needed
to the animals sometimes to death or are injured to increase the diversity of
by other animals, and we should species in a forest
accept that
France France France
Germany Germany Germany
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands
Poland Poland Poland
Romania Romania Romania
Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia
Spain Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden Sweden
United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom
Garden plants Wild flowers at the roadside Meadows with grazing cattle
and flowers
Annexes | 39
Question 2 part 2
Here you find some examples of what one could consider nature.
Please indicate for all examples to what extent you consider it to be real nature.
Large crop fields Timber forests Primeval forests
Question 3
How do you feel about the following propositions?
If natural areas are allowed to develop freely Careful human guidance will improve the quality
according to natural processes, their quality of natural areas
will improve
France France
Germany Germany
Netherlands Netherlands
Poland Poland
Romania Romania
Slovakia Slovakia
Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden
United Kingdom United Kingdom
0 50 100 0 50 100
% of respondents % of respondents
Focus on the attraction for recreation Focus on the contribution to Focus on the production of clean air
flood prevention and clean water
Annexes | 41
Question 4 part 2
The management of natural areas has different goals and functions.
How important do you consider a focus of this management on the following goals and funtions?
Focus on the maximum provision of Focus on the prevention of damage Focus on the identity of the local
goods and services through to agricultural and other land uses communities
e.g. forestry, hydroelectric power by species, e.g. predators, pests
stations and wind farms and weeds
France France France
Germany Germany Germany
Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands
Poland Poland Poland
Romania Romania Romania
Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia
Spain Spain Spain
Sweden Sweden Sweden
United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom
United Kingdom
0 50 100
% of respondents
France EU government
National government
Regional government
Local government
Individual civilians
Romania Conservation organisations
Slovakia Farmers, landowners and hunters
Spain Businesses and companies
United Kingdom
0 20 40 60 80 100
% of respondents
Source: GfK 2014; analysis by Wageningen UR
Annexes | 43
Annex 3
Factor analyses
A 3.1 Introduction The following sections show the results of the factor
analysis for each dimension, overall and per Member
Factor analyses can be used to empirically test a State. In each section, the first table gives the overall
hypothesis, for instance to test whether a proposition fits values of the explained variance of the significant factors
in a theoretical model or to explore similarities in (eigenvalue>1, in order of the explained variance) and the
agreement with the various propositions at the level of extent to which the survey propositions contribute to a
the individual respondent. In this survey, factor analyses factor. Only factor loadings >0.4 with p<0.001 are
were conducted to reveal the variation in the cognitive displayed. The second table in each section displays the
and normative dimensions and in the objectives for results by Member State, showing how the composition
nature management. First, a hypothetical model of of a particular factor in a single country deviates from its
images of nature was tested. The analysis confirmed the equivalent in the overall results. For an explanation of the
model only partly, probably because the chosen results, see the main text and the notes under the tables.
propositions did not adequately address the cultural
differences between Member States or because of the The value of each factor is the mean of all variables that
wording or even the way they were translated. Therefore, contribute to the variation of the factor. The value ranges
explorative factor analyses were carried out only to from 1 (not natural at all / very much disagree / very
describe the measured variations. The factor analyses unimportant), through 4 (neutral) to 7 (very natural / very
were executed per country and for all countries as a much agree / very important).
Table A 3.2
Deviations from factor analysis of the cognitive dimension per country, compared with a factor
analysis for all respondents
Swamps Spain: in human-dependent nature factor
Wild flowers at the roadside Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom: in human-dependent nature
Meadows with grazing cattle and flowers France: limited to autonomous nature factor
Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom: limited to human-dependent
nature factor
Annexes | 45
Table A 3.4
Factor analysis of the normative dimension, per country
Country Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Explained variance
Total e, f b, c d, a 66.8
France b, c e, f, a d, a 68.5
Germany e, f d, a c, b 68.8
Netherlands b, c e, f a, d 65.7
Poland d, a b, c e, f 52.2
Romania e, a, f b, c d 48
Slovakia e, f b, c d, a 64
Spain b, c a, d e, f 53.2
Sweden d, a c, b e, f 67.2
United Kingdom e, f b, c d, a 52.3
Note: In each country a factor is explained by the same pairs of propositions except for France and Romania where slight
deviations were observed. The differences in the order of the factors reflect the contribution of each factor to the explained
variance. For instance, in Poland the ecocentric factor (a, d) is more important than the factor analysis for all respondents,
while the holistic factor (e, f) is less important.
Table A 3.5
Factor analysis of objectives for the management of nature areas for all respondents
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
Multiple objectives Utilitarian Cultural objectives
Proposition objectives
b...the conservation of pristine areas .822
a...the diversity of species and plants .803
f...the production of clean air and clean water .781
j...the conservation of old and characteristic landscape features .769
c...beautiful landscapes .549 .501
g...the maximum provision of goods and services through e.g. .783
forestry, hydroelectric power stations and wind farms
h...the prevention of damage to agricultural and other land uses, .761
e.g. by predators, pests and weeds
e...the contribution to flood prevention .563 .571
i...the identity of the local communities .784
d...the attractiveness for recreation .705
Explained variance (total 68.2 %) 47.7% 13.4% 7.2%
France a, b, c, e, f, i, j d, e, g, h d, i 70.7%
Germany a, b, e, f, j d, e, f, g, h c, d, i 67.3%
Netherlands a, b, c, e, f, i, j e, g, h c, d, i, j 63.8%
Poland a, b, c, f, j e, g, h c, d, i 70.0%
Romania a, b, c, e, f, j d, e, g, h c, d, i 70.4%
Slovakia a, b, c, e, f, j d, e, g, h a, b, d 61.8%
Spain a, b, c, h, i, j g, h d, i 74.2%
Sweden a, b, c, e, f, j d, e, g, h d, i 70.8%
United Kingdom a, b, c, d, e, f, i, j d, g, h, j a, e, f 67.5%
Note: In all Member States except Romania, some deviations in factor loading by objectives occurred, compared with the analysis of the
overall results. Examples are the lack of beautiful landscapes (c) in factor 1 in Germany, and the contribution of diversity of species and
plants (a) to factor 3 in Slovakia and the United Kingdom.
Annexes | 47
Annex 4
Empirical evidence from
20 years of NEP studies
Over the past decades only very few longitudinal • gather a response from over 100 individuals;
representative surveys have been carried out which • include information on publication year, authors,
reveal changes in values of nature. However, there is a country of residence of respondents, and
large body of information about the changes in representativeness of the sample.
environmental attitudes, involving much more than
nature alone. This includes a data record of 20 years of For the trend analysis, representative samples from
figures on environmental attitudes that have been Europe would have provided the most interesting data,
collected through surveys using the New Environmental but only seven were available, which is not sufficient for
Paradigm, the NEP scale, developed by Dunlap and Van statistical analyses. Therefore, the number was expanded
Liere (1978). It measures a respondent’s agreement with to 114, by including samples from other continents as well
various statements concerning human attitudes towards as convenient samples that were not representative for
the environment on a scale from 1 (totally disagree), to 5 the total population. Most samples come from North
(totally agree). The average of all statements also ranges America (44%), followed by Europe (22%) and the other
from 1 to 5 (strong preference for utilitarian view to continents, except Africa.
strong preference for preservationist view of the
environment), with 3 being the neutral position. A trend analysis compared the year of publication with
Examples of NEP statements are: ‘Humans have the right the average NEP score for all samples and different
to modify the natural environment to suit their needs’ subsets which were established according to continent
and ‘Plants and animals have as many rights as humans and representativeness. In each case, the date three years
to exist.’ prior to a survey’s year of publication was used as a proxy
for the date of execution..
Hawcroft and Milfont (2010) published the dataset
mentioned above, but an analysis of trends in the data The analysis shows that the mean NEP score varies
has not yet been made. However, the authors executed a between 2.9 and 4.7, and has an average value of 3.8
secondary analysis on the database to reveal trends in the which is markedly higher than neutral (3). This means that
NEP scale during the 1987–2007 period. The analysis in almost all samples preservationist values of the
looked at samples which met the following criteria: environment predominate over utilitarian values (Figure
• use a minimum of five items from the original, A 4.1). Over the 20 year period, the NEP score decreased
shortened or revised NEP scale; slightly. This was tested by calculating Spearman
• always include adults; correlations between the survey year and the mean NEP
• include the mean NEP score; score for different subsets (Table 4.1). The calculated
Utilitarian view
correlation coefficients are mostly negative, and only ecocentric world view. This correlation is not significant
significant when considering all samples worldwide or either. To conclude, this secondary analysis shows that
datasets combining all representative and convenient support for a preservationist attitude towards the
student samples worldwide. A half to two thirds of the environment is stronger than support for a utilitarian
samples are not representative for the population of a attitude. There was a slight decline in support for a
country, region or city. When only representative samples preservationist point of view between 1987 and 2007,
are taken into account (n=36), the correlation appears to which suggests that worldwide attitudes may be
be positive instead of negative, referring to a more changing.
Table A 4.1
Correlation between mean NEP score and year of publication for different subsets between 1987 and 2007
Number of samples Correlation Significance
Included samples (n) (R) (P)
Sample size >100, all continents, all backgrounds 114 -0.353 0.000
Sample size >100, all continents, only representative and 72 -0.295 0.012
Sample size >100, all continents, only representative 36 0.211 n.s. (0.194)
Sample size >100, only Europe, all backgrounds 25 -0.375 n.s. (0.065)
Sample size >100, only Europe, only representative and 16 -0.296 n.s. (0.266)
Sample size >100, only Europe, only representative 9 0.365 n.s. (0.334)
Annexes | 49
Annex 5
Glossary of terms
Anthropocentric values of nature An anthropocentric point of view puts human beings at the centre of attention and
holds that nature deserves moral consideration because it is instrumental to human
well-being, providing goods and services that enhance quality of life for humans.
(Dunlap and Van Liere, 1978; Gagnon Thompson and Barton, 1994; Kortenkamp and
Moore, 2001) (Kortenkamp & Moore, 2001; Thompson & Barton, 1994).
The opposite of anthropocentric value is ecocentric value.
Biocentric values of nature Biocentric values are a specification of ecocentric values focusing on the importance of
the well-being of individual animals and plants instead of on the principles of abstract
concepts such as biodiversity and ecosystem. This distinction reflects long-standing
debates in environmental ethics (Leopold, 1949; Taylor, 1986; Callicott, 1989;
Stenmark, 2002). The opposite of biocentric value is the holistic value of nature.
Ecocentric values of nature Ecocentric values do not focus on the usefulness of nature for humans, but on the
intrinsic value of nature, the notion that it is valuable in itself, and therefore should be
treated as such. (Dunlap and Van Liere, 1978; Gagnon Thompson and Barton, 1994;
Kortenkamp and Moore, 2001)
Environmental attitudes See New Environmental Paradigm scale
Guardian of nature In the guardian attitude, humans are part of nature and responsible for conserving the
natural environment to ensure enough is left intact for future generations. Humans
are not placed above nature, but are seen as part of it and should work together with
it (De Groot et al., 2011). This attitude is related to traditional stewardship but has a
more ecocentric content.
Holistic values of nature Holistic values are a specification of ecocentric values that focus on the importance of
the quality and integrity of ecosystems. In the protection of nature, the well-being of
individual animals and plants is considered subordinate to the value of natural
processes. (Leopold, 1949; Taylor, 1986; Callicott, 1989; Stenmark, 2002). The
opposite of holistic value is biocentric value.
Human attitudes toward nature A commonly used scale to define the relationships between people and nature is the
Humans and Nature (HAN) scale (Flint et al., 2013). Inspired by the work of Zweers
(2000), it largely builds on qualitative studies and non-representative surveys (De
Groot and Van den Born, 2003; Van den Born, 2007). The scale is meant to distinguish
between varying attitudes towards nature, such as master, steward, guardian, partner
and participant.
Annexes | 51
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