Class - XII
Subject – English Core
Time: - 3hr
Roll No: - M.M.: -
Section A: Reading Skills (22 marks)
Que1. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions. [12]
1. Human beings are in the process of dramatically reshaping the Earth's ecosystems. As far
back as the 19th century, some scientists have noted that the current era is defined mainly by
the impact of human activity. Now, there is an emerging consensus among Earth scientists
that we have indeed entered a new period of geological time, the Anthropocene epoch.
2. Scientists who study the history of the Earth usually divide the geological time according to
major changes to the biology and climate of the Earth. For instance, the ancient Cambrian
period, some 500 million years ago, is distinguished by a sudden explosion in the diversity of
life, including the emergence of the ancestors of many modern species. More recently, the
Pleistocene epoch, which ended about ten thousand years ago, is notable for the glaciers that
swept over much of the Earth. The new Anthropocene epoch would be distinguished from all
earlier times in Earth's history by the dramatic impacts of human activity on the Earth.
3. Though Earth scientists debate exactly when the Anthropocene began, there is a clear
consensus that human changes to the environment are real and extreme. For one, many life
forms have become, and are becoming extinct as a result of human activity. For this reason,
some palaeontologists argue that the human impacts of the Anthropocene began at the end of
the last Ice Age, around ten thousand years ago.
4. The growth and spread of human populations, caused by advances in seafaring technology
and agriculture, has led to overexploitation of fragile ecosystems, introduction of invasive
species, and pollution, causing many extinctions.
5. This ongoing rapid loss of species has been described as a mass extinction, as severe as the
event that wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
6. Since the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries, humans have significantly
altered the atmosphere by mining and burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
Some by-products of the use of these fuels, such as carbon dioxide, are greenhouse gases that
trap solar energy on Earth. Ice cores, samples of ice layers that have trapped atmospheric
chemicals over time, have supplied scientists with millennia of year-by-year information
about greenhouse gas concentrations and atmospheric temperature.
7. Evidence from ice cores clearly shows that the Industrial Revolution brought about a sudden
jump in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, along with an increase in temperatures. A scientific
consensus exists that this ongoing rise in temperatures has resulted in warming of the oceans,
rising sea levels, and more frequent extreme weather events. Thus, some climatologists
propose that the Anthropocene's onset occurred with the Industrial Revolution and its effects
on Earth's atmosphere.
8. Whenever the Anthropocene is judged to have begun, its impact is undeniable. Human
activity has changed the face of the planet; the global ecosystem has been and is being
reshaped, the composition of the atmosphere has been altered, and even weather patterns are
changing in response to human activity. The consequences of these changes will affect life on
Earth for millions of years to come, leaving a mark of human activity that may well outlive
humanity itself.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.Complete the
sentence by choosing the correct option. The main
a. Purpose of the passage is to [1]
i. respond to controversial claims made by rival scientists.
ii. Argue for potential solutions to the problems posed by climate change.
iii. describe impacts of human activity on the Earth’s environment.
iv. Account for recent changes in global biodiversity. (ii) What happens to the
environment due to human
b. What happens to the environment due to human activity? [1]
c. What is the author’s tone of writing in thisPassage? [1]
d. Select the option that conveys the opposite of the word ‘withdraw’ as used in
Paragraph 7. [1]
i. Occurred iii. Onset
ii. Propose iv. Consensus
e. The writer would agree that the purpose of the second Paragraph 2 is to [1]
i. provide a broad description of the Earth's history.
ii. compare the current geological epoch to the Cambrian period.
iii. describe the origins of the majority of the Earth's biodiversity.
iv. explain how scientists divide geological time.
f. On what basis is the geological time divided? [1]
g. Which event led to a jump in the carbon dioxide levels? [1]
h. Complete the given sentence appropriately, onthe basis of the passage. Based on the
passage, the relationship between "" carbon dioxide and ice cores is that
_____________. [1]
i. What is the Pleistocene epoch period notable for [1]
i. Birth of life on Earth
ii. Impact of human activity
iii. Glaciers that covered most of the Earth
iv. Reshaping of the ecosystem
j. Select the most suitable title for the above passage. [1]
i. The decaying age of Anthropocene
ii. Anthropocene changes in the environment
iii. The Anthropocene effect on the planet
iv. The geological age of change
k. How does the view of palaeontologists and climatologists differ on the topic of the
onset of the Anthropocene epoch? [1]
l. Select the option that points out 'consensus' that exists among scientists. [1]
i. The Anthropocene epoch has begun
ii. We are on the way to mass extinction
iii. Earth has changed due to human activity
iv. Ice Age will come back
Que2. Read the passage given below. [10]
1. Among the natural resources which can be called upon national plans for development.
Possibly the most important is human labour. Science the English language Suffers from a
certain weakness in its ability to describe groups composed of both male and female
members. this is usually described as "manpower"
2. Without a productive labour force including effective leadership and intelligents middle
management no amount of foreign assistance of for natural wealth can ensure successful
development and modernization.
3. The manpower for development during the next quarter of century will come from the
world's present population of infants, children and adolescents. But we are not sure That they
will be equal to task. Will they have the health The education the skies, the socio-cultural
attitudes essential for the responsibilities of development?
4. For far too many of them the answer is no the reason is basic FA Child's most critical years,
with regard to physical Intellectual social and emotional development, are those before he
reaches five years of age During those critical formative years he is cared for almost
exclusively by his mother and in many parts of the world the mother may not have the
capacity to raise a superior child. She is incapable of doing so by reason of her own poor
health her ignorance and her lack of status and recognition of social and legal rights of
economic party of independence. One Development essential factor has been over looked and
ignored the forgotten Factor is the role of women. Development will be handicapped as long
as women remain second class Citizen, uneducated without any voice in family or
community decisions without legal to economic Status married when they are still practically
children and hence forth Producing one baby after another often to see half of them die before
they are of school age.
5. We can enhance development by improving women power by giving women the opportunity
to develop themselves. Statistics show that the average family size increases. in inverse ratio
to the mother's years of education is lowest among college graduates highest among those
with only primary school training, or no education. Malnutrition is most frequent in large
families and increases in Frequency with each addional sibling. The Principle seems
established that an educated mother has heal their and more intelligent children, and that is
related to the fact that she has fewer children. the tendency of educated upper class mothers
to have fewer children operates even without access to contraceptive services.
6. The educational level of women is significant also because It has a direct influence upon their
chances of employment and the number of employed women in country's total labous force
has a direct bearing on both the gross national Product and disposable income of the
individual family. Disposable income especially in the hands of women influences food
purchasing and therefore the nutritional status of the Family. The fact that the additional
income derives from the paid employment of women provides a logical incentive to restrict
the size of the family.
Based on your understanding of the passage answer the questions given below.
i. According to the passage the development can be. Enhanced by improving
__________. [1]
ii. Human labour is usually described as mom power because _________[1]
iii. According to the passage which is the most critical years for a child's development?
iv. Pick out the option that is not true with reference to the above passage.
1. In many paints of the worlds a woman is hot capable to raise a superior child
due to her poor health.
2. Mother plays an important role in overall development of a child.
3. Development can never be improved fill the time women are considered
second class citizen.
4. The larger a family is the healthier it will be since it has More members to
work and earn money.
a. Both 1 and 2 c. Both 2 and 3
b. Only 4 d. Only 3
v. According to the passage malnutrition is most common in______ [1]
1. Small families 3. Nuclear families
2. Large families 4. Joint families
vi. As per the principle mentioned in the above passage, it seems that a / an.
________________ mother has healthier and more intelligent children. [1]
vii. What factor, is there that Weakness a women's identityas an individual? [1]
1. Consideration of women as a second class citizen.
2. Responsibilities that are laid on a woman's shoulder.
3. Marriage at a very young age.
4. Ignorance in her social and legal rights.
5. Being financially independent.
a. 1, 2 and 3 c. 1,3 and 4
b. 2, 3 and 4 d. 2,4 and 5
viii. The educational level of women is significant and also hasa direct bearing on. [1]
1. Her personal statue
2. The gross national product
3. Disposable income of the individual.
4. The marketing of local products
a. 1 and 2 b. 2 and 3
c. 3 and 4 d. 2 and 4
ix. The above passage gives stress on ____________. [1]
x. Disposable income in the hands of a women ensures the _________ [1]status of
a family.
1. Emotional 3. Financial
2. Nutritional 4. None of these
Q3(b). India Public School Mumbai had given an advertisement in 'The Times of India' for
recruitment of a ‘Dance Teacher’.
India Public School invites applications for the post of experienced and qualified Dance teacher with
minimum 5 years’ experience, skilled in both classical and contemporary forms of dance. Mention
additional skills, interests and achievements.
Contact Principal, India Public School.
Write a letter of application along with a detailed bio-data for the above post in 120-150 words.
Invent necessary details. You are Ankit/ Amrita, Dilkhsuh Road, Sakinaka, Mumbai.
Q7(b) [6]
“ What I want should not be
confused with total inactivity.
Life is what it is about;
I want no truck with death.”
i. About which confusion the poet is referring to here? [1]
1. Keeping still means total inactivity.
2. Introspect for sometime while being active.
3. Stillness and keeping quiet for some time. does not mean end of everything.
4. All of the above
ii. Identify the phrase from the extract, that suggests the following: No association with
death as life is to be lived fully Stillness and inactivity for few minutes is different
from death. [1]
iii. What is life about according to the poet? [1]
1. Living it gainfully
2. Living a hectic life with no time for anything else
3. Multiple activities to earn as much money as possible
4. Gainfully occupied with time to analyse and introspect
iv. Complete the following analogy correctly [1]
Confusion: Uncertain :: Relation: ……………..
v. What should not be confused with 'total unproductivity? [1]
1. Putting on clean clothes
2. Stopping wars
3. Practicising to keep still and quiet
4. Relaxing for a while
vi. What is the significance of 'Keeping Quiet? [1]
1. Very peaceful atmosphere
2. No involvement in harmful activities
3. Establishing peaceful coexistence
4. All of the above
Note: Attempt ANY ONE extract given below from Q8 (a) and Q8 (b) and answer the question the
Q8 (a).He had thick hair on his chest. He was a beautiful physical specimen, with legs and arms
thatshould rippling muscles. He yelled, "Hi, skinny! How'd you like to be ducked with that he picked
me up and tossed me into the deep end. [4]
A. Who is being referred to as 'he' in the given extract? [1]
i. Douglas iii. Douglas's father
ii. The bully iv. The instruction
B. The excerpt has been taken from__________ ? [1]
i. Indigo
ii. Going places
iii. The Rattrap
iv. Deep Water
C. What is the misadventure the author is talking "about? [1]
i. His experience at the beach in California
ii. While the author was waiting for others at the Y.M.C.A. pool, a big bruiser of a boy
had come and tossed him into the deep end of the pool.
iii. His father's inability to save him from drowning.
iv. His Childhood memories
D. Where did the misadventure happen? [1]
i. California iii. Y.M.C.A. Pool
ii. Yakima River iv. Tieton River
Q8(b). [4]
941, Willard Street
Galesburg, Illinois
18th July, 1894
Charley I got to wishing that you were right. Then I got to believing you were right. And,
Charley, it's true; I found the third level! I've been here two weeks and right now, down the street
at the Daly's, someone is playing a piano and they're all out on the front porch singing 'Seeing
Nelly Home.' And I'm invited over for lemonade. Come on back, Charley and Louisa. Keep
looking till you find the third level! It's worth it, believe me! The note is signed Sam.
i. What was the feeling of Sam as conveyed in the letter? Choose the appropriate option in
the context of the extract. [1]
a. Surprise c. Anger
b. Doubt d. Excitement
ii. What was Sam Weiner's reaction when Charley told him about the third level? [1]
a. Dismissal c. Wonderstruck
b. Acceptance d. Puzzled
iii. The phrase 'Charley, it's true' in the context of the extract implies which of the given
options? [1]
(i) Sam is relaxed.
(ii) Charley had migrated with Louisa.
iv. Sam had met Charley's grandfather. [1]
Choose the most appropriate option.
a. I and II c. I and III
b. II and IV d. Only IV
Note: Attempt ANY ONE extract given below from Q9 (a) and Q9 (b) and answer the question the
Q9(a).Read the extract and answer the questions that follow: [6]
Everyone stood transfixed in stupefaction. They looked wildly at each other and blinked “O wise
prophets! It was I who spoke!! This time there were no grounds for doubt. It was the infant boon Just
ten days ago who has enunciated the words so clearly. The chief astroger took of his spectacles and
gorged intently at the baby. “All those who are both will one day have to die we don't need to know
your predictions to know that There would be some sense in it if you could teeters The manner of that
death” The royal infant uttered these words in his little Squeaky Voice.
i. Who is "I" in the above lines? [1]
1. The tiger King
2. Kalki Astrologer
3. The tiger ring’s wife
4. None of the above
ii. Who spoke at age of ten? [1]
1. The tiger king 3. Jack
2. Dr. Sadao 4. Evans
iii. What did the royal infant want to know? [1]
iv. Find out the Synonym of "Otter" from the following: [1]
1. To speak 3. To let out
2. To express 4. All of there
v. Who is the author of this chapter? [1]
vi. What does the narrator mean by the phrase ‘They bit their lips’? [1]
(a)They hesitated (b) They spoke confidently
(c)They replied angrily (d) They replied happily
Q9(b). "I sometimes find a rupee, even a ten rupee note", Saheb says, his eyes lighting up when you
can find a silver coin in a heap of garbage, you don't stop scrounging, for there is the hope of finding
more. It seems that for children, garbage has a meaning different from what it means to their parents.
For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for the elders, it is a means of survival. One winter morning I
see Saheb standing by the fenced gate of the neighbourhood club, watching two young men dressed in
white, playing tennis. "I like the game", he hums, content to watch it standing behind the fence. "I go
inside when no one is around" he admits. "The gatekeeper lets me use the swing." [6]
i. Saheb found a rupee________ [1]
1. on the street
2. in Firozabad
3. in the garbage dump
4. on the tennis court
ii. Which emotion of Saheb is revealed in the phrase 'his eyes lighting up? [1]
1. Anxiety 3. Envy
2. Happiness 4. Greed
iii. For the elders garbage is for children it is __________ and for the children it is
_________________. [1]
iv. On the basis of the extract, choose the correct option with reference to I and II given
below: [1]
1. Saheb watches the game from outside.
2. Saheb had lost the previous match.
(a)I is true and II is not (b) II is true but I is not
(c) Both I and II are true (d) Both I and II are untrue
v. 'Scrounging' in the passage most nearly means_______ [1]
1. Digging 3. Searching
2. Flinging 4. Burying
vi. "There is hope for finding more". Explain reference to the above extract [1]
Q10.Note: Answer any FIVE questions out of the SIX in about 40-50 words. [5x2=10]
i. What was the order from Berlin and changes did it Cause in the school?
ii. In what sense is garbage gold to the rag pickers?
iii. Why are the young trees described as 'Sprinting?
iv. How is the mother tongue important to a person? What does M. Hamel, the teacher say about it?
v. Which industry was a boon and also bane for the people of Firozabad? How?
vi. What handicap did Douglas suffer from? How did he overcome that?
Q11. Note: Answer ANYTWO questions out of the THREE in about 40-50 words. [2x2=4]
i. What would you describe as your walking dream wish fulfilment? Explain?
ii. When was the tiger king in danger of losing his throne?
iii. What does the third level refer to?
Q12.Answer ANYONE from 12(a) and 12(b) in 120 – 150 word. [5]
(a)“our native language is part of our culture and we proud of it” how does the presence of village
elders in the classroom in M. Hamel’s last lesson show their love for French language.
(b) How does the poet represent the pathetic state of mind the people who run the roadside stand?
Q13Answer ANY ONE from 13(a) and 13(b) in 120 – 150 word. [5]
A. Imagine you are an ardent environmentalist who is involved in the save the tiger campaign.
You have been asked to deliver a speech in a seminar related to your campaign and weed for
the youth to be involved in such campaigns. Draft your speech.
B. Imagine that you came across Louisa’s diary. What might you mind in it about the third level?
Compose at least diary entry based on any of the events from the story ‘the third level’.