Project Office Response On Quries

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First Request of Clarifications By M/S NESPAK dated February 20, 2023

Sr. Quires by M/S NESPAK Project Office Replies
1 Refer to Clause 1.6 on page No. It is clarified that all the necessary tasks “to be
68 of the RFP Document, it is performed by consultants” for implementation of the
stated that, “Project Management project have been made part of the TORs, however,
and Technical services will be for smooth implementation of the project, it has
provided to WAPDA by the been requested in the TORs (Additional Services)
consultants in accordance with that “any task which are not specifically mentioned
the Scope of Work and on an as in the TORs but are allied and essential for the
needed basis for additional effective implementation and completion of the
services (if any) in response to services will also be suggested/ provided by the
specific written requests issued Consultants in Technical Proposal and will be
by WAPDA.” Please note that deemed to have been part of the TORs. Furthermore,
additional services (if any) shall it is clarified that Regarding any services additional
be rendered by the (Management to those specified in the TORs, Consultants, if
Consultant) MC at extra cost to specifically requested by WAPDA will be made on
the Employer. Please confirm additional cost.
2 Refer to Section 3 on page No. It is clarified that Contract Administration services
69 of the RFP Document, it is shall be rendered by the MC for the entire EPC
stated that, “These services shall Contract.
provide project support
beginning with the preparation
of PQ Documents & shortlisting
of EPC Contractors, Preparation
of Bidding Documents for
shortlisted EPC Contractors, Bid
Evaluation Report, Design
Review, Supervision of all civil,
Electrical & SCADA works,
Contract Administration for
Automation, selection of the
EPC Contractor through to Final
Commission of the Project”.
Please clarify that Contract
Administration services shall be
rendered by the MC only for
automation or the entire EPC
3 Refer to Section 3 on page No.
69 of the RFP Document, it is
stated that, “The MC will
review/validate the EPC
contractor’s design. The
Consultants will be responsible
for preparing the draft EPC
bidding documents (based on
FlDIC Conditions of Contract
for EPC/Turnkey Projects) after
shortlisting of EPC Contractors”.
Please note that the role of MC
shall be limited to only design
review and comments leading to
approval. The validation of EPC
Contractor’s design shall not be
in the scope of MC. Please
4 Refer to point (c) on page No. 71 It is clarified that during preparation of PQ
of the RFP Document, it is stated Document, as per Employer’s Requirements, for
that, “To review International shortlisting of EPC Contractors the point “c” will be
Case Studies on installed considered and added to the scope of EPC
Telemetry Systems best Contractor that “it is mandatory for EPC Contractor
comparable to the instant that the design proposed for Telemetry System must
WAPDA/IRSA proposed one be in working effectively since 05 to 10 years on
and also best suited to Hydraulic Hydraulic Structures in the World best comparable
& Structural Conditions of to the Hydraulic & Structural Conditions of Intended
Intended Barrages in Pakistan”. Barrages in Pakistan.
Please clarify that what is
expected from the MC by the
5 Refer to point (e) on page No. 71 It is clarified that installation of security cameras on
of the RFP Document, it is stated each site shall be for local surveillance as well as for
that, “To conduct field survey for remote viewing from the central control room as &
investigation & condition when needed.
assessment of selected barrages
for fine tuning the project scope
with respect to flow gauging
equipment including the
provision of security system
against Cyber-attack as well as
human vandalism (installation of
security cameras on each site)
and construction of Local
Stations: (02 rooms / Hut) at 04
nos. Barrage Site, Local Stations
with Provision of Suboffice at 03
Barrages (Guddu, Taunsa,
Chashma), Hostel for
Accommodation of Staff at each
Barrage Site”. Please clarify that
the installation of security
cameras on each site shall be for
local surveillance only or for
remote viewing from the central
control room?
6 Refer to point (f) on page No. 71 It is clarified that operation & maintenance training,
of the RFP Document, it is stated for installed Telemetry System, for WAPDA/ IRSA
that, “MC will prepare necessary Field Staff be provided by the EPC Contractor.
requirements of Flow Furthermore, MC will prepare necessary
Measurement Equipment and requirements of Flow Measurement Equipment and
Testing & Calibration Testing & Calibration Equipment, in the light of
Equipment, in the light of provisions of approved PC-I & Employer’s
provisions of approved PC-I & requirement, for future flow measurement on sites
Employer’s requirement, for and provide plan for the procurement of these
future O&M of the sites and Equipment through National Competitive Bidding
provide plan for the procurement alongwith necessary training to WAPDA/ IRSA
of these Equipment and Field Staff on flow measurement.
necessary training on operation
& maintenance of these
Equipment for WAPDA/ IRSA
Field Staff”. Please note that by
standard practices, the O&M
training is always provided by
the Contractor as he is most
knowledgeable on his particular
solution and exact technical
characteristics of the equipment
supplied by the manufacturer.
Thus, it is most appropriate that
operation & maintenance
training for WAPDA/ IRSA
Field Staff be provided by the
EPC Contractor. Please confirm.
7 Refer to point (h) on page No. 71 It is confirmed that MC will only identify projects
of the RFP Document, it is stated for International Study Tours of WAPDA/ IRSA
that, “MC will also prepare a staff for better understanding of the existing
detailed schedule for Pre- Telemetry Systems installed in the world. However,
Execution International Study the preparation of detailed schedule and other travel
Tours for WAPDA/ IRSA for arrangements shall be done by the Employer.
better understanding of the
Telemetry Systems installed in
other countries”. Please note that
MC will only identify projects
for International Study Tours of
WAPDA/IRSA staff for better
understanding of the existing
Telemetry Systems installed in
the world. However, the
preparation of detailed schedule
and other travel arrangements
shall be done by the Employer.
Please confirm.
8 Refer to point (i) on page No. 71 It is clarified that The MC will carry out detailed
of the RFP Document, it is stated study of the Data Center (services, Networking,
that, “The MC will also carry out Hardware and Software) already in working in IRSA
detailed study of the Data Center HQs primary site and Disaster Recovery Site at FFC
(services, Networking, Hardware Office, Islamabad and linkage between both sites.
and Software) already installed After detailed study, the consultant will provide
in IRSA HQs primary site and recommendation about the
Disaster Recovery Site at FFC upgradation/improvement of the said Data Centers
Office, Islamabad and linkage regarding both Hardware & Software and
between both sites. After furthermore, real-time data of the Project (7 key
detailed study the consultant will sites) shall be transmitted either to the existing
provide recommendation about software application already installed in IRSA HQs
the upgradation/improvement of primary site and Disaster Recovery Site after
the said Data Centers as per upgradation as per Telemetry Project requirements
Telemetry Project requirements or new software application installed and after
and after approval, upgradation approval, necessary scope will be included in "EPC
scope will be included in "EPC Contract”.
Contract”. Please clarify that
real-time data of the Project (7
key sites) shall be transmitted to
the existing software application
already installed in IRSA HQs
primary site and Disaster
Recovery Site or a new software
shall be installed? Further, please
confirm that upgradation of the
existing customized software,
installed at IRSA will be
required or not.
9 Refer to point (m) on page No. It is clarified that Consultants will submit qualitative
72 of the RFP Document, it is analysis only among the proposed PC-I approach
stated that, “To draw parallel and the Data as a Service (DAAS) approach with
among the proposed PC-I Technical Proposal.
approach and the Data as a
Service (DAAS) approach”.
Since Feasibility Study requires
area specific expertise (not asked
for in the TOR), thus
feasibility/economic analyses
shall not be conducted in this
regard. Please confirm.
10 Refer to point (n) on page No. 72 It is clarified that MC will carry out detailed study &
of the RFP Document, it is stated field survey and submit inception report comprising
that, “To submit an inception of the detailed scope of work, in the light of
report regarding the viability of Employer’s Requirements, including the technical &
the project by factoring in the functional parameters and details needed for
hydrological, morphological, implementation of the Project through EPC contract.
hydraulic conditions & structural
conditions of the intended
Barrage sites in addition to the
project background &
objectives”. Please note that the
Project already stands declared
feasible and viable by virtue of
the existing PC-I. Therefore, the
inception report submitted by the
MC shall only deliberate upon
on the MC’s findings of the field
survey. Please confirm
11 Refer to point (p), bullet No. 4 It is clarified that MC will carry out detailed study &
on page No. 72 of the RFP field survey and submit inception report comprising
Document, it is stated that, of the detailed scope of work, in the light of
“Upon completion of the pre- Employer’s Requirements, including the technical &
qualification of the applications, functional parameters for pre-qualification of the
MC will develop the detailed EPC contractors.
scope of work,”. Please note that
the detailed scope of work needs
to be known prior to issuance or
preparation of the EOI and not
after prequalification of the
prospective Contractors. Please
12 Refer to point (p) on page No. 73 It is clarified that MC will mention this requirement
of the RFP Document, it is stated during preparation of the PQ Document and confirm
that, “System flexibility to this during review of the EPC Contractor’s detailed
integrate life-cycle changes and design.
adoption of future technology.
Standardized state of the art
equipment may be used which
are in practice world-wide
successfully &
Specific/customized solution
may be avoided”. This said
requirement can only be fully
addressed upon the review of the
Contractor’s detailed design after
it has been submitted for
approval by the MC and not at
tender submission/evaluation
time. Please confirm.
13 Refer to last bullet on page No. It is clarified that MC will prepare invitations and
73 of the RFP Document, it is allied material for stakeholders and WAPDA/ IRSA
stated that, “Conduct will ensure the presence of stakeholders.
comprehensive stakeholder
consultation to obtain feedback
and additional insights on both
the above review and the
proposed design options”. The
MC shall prepare invitations and
allied material for stakeholders,
however, ensuring the presence
of stakeholders falls beyond the
responsibility of the MC as he
has no authority over the
stakeholders. Please confirm.
14 Refer to the 1st bullet of the It is clarified that the role of MC shall only be
heading “Procurement” on page limited to the extent of the EPC Contract and no
No. 74 of the RFP Document, it sub-contracts awarded beyond the EPC Contract,
is stated that, “Review and however, in addition to EPC Contract, MC will also
comment on major purchase assist WAPDA/ IRSA regarding requirements of
orders and sub-contracts”. Please Flow Measurement Equipment and Testing &
confirm that the role of MC shall Calibration Equipment, in the light of provisions of
only be limited to the extent of approved PC-I & Employer’s requirement, for future
this EPC Contract and no sub- flow measurement on sites and provide plan for the
contracts awarded beyond the procurement of these Equipment through National
EPC Contract. Competitive Bidding alongwith necessary training to
WAPDA/ IRSA Field Staff on flow measurement.
15 Refer to the 5 bullet of the Confirmed.
heading “Construction” on page
No. 74 of the RFP Document, it
is stated that, “Ensure that the
contractor compensate for its
failures or faults observed during
the visits and inspections”.
Please clarify that the MC will
not only identify the faults but
also take all legal measures
within the EPC Contract to have
then rectified, but cannot be held
liable if the Contractor fails to
correct them. Please confirm.
16 Refer to the 5th bullet of the Confirmed.
heading “Reports, Verification,
Certification” on page No. 75 of
the RFP Document, it is stated
that, “MC will prepare
SOP/Operation and Maintenance
Manual for the installed
equipment/system based on the
Manufacturer’s and EPC
contractor’s instructions and
guidelines”. Please note that the
SOP shall be framed by MC,
however, the O&M Manual can
only be prepared by the
Contractor in line with the
instructions of Original
Equipment Manufacturer
(OEM). MC shall review the
O&M Manuals prepared by the
Contractor. Please confirm.
17 Refer to the point (d) of the Confirmed.
heading “Limitation of
Consultants” on page No. 75 of
the RFP Document, it is stated
that, “Issuing the Performance
Certificate”. Please note that as
per standard engineering
practices for similar contracts, a
separate performance certificate
is superfluous as performance
shall already have been
established during SAT, prior to
the issuance of TOC. Please
18 Refer to the 2nd bullet of the Confirmed.
heading “Quality Assurance
Program” on page No. 75 of the
RFP Document, it is stated that,
“The MC shall be responsible to
monitor/coordinate field and
laboratory tests being carried out
during construction”. Please note
that the MC will only monitor
the field and laboratory tests
being carried out during
construction, however, the
coordination and scheduling of
the same shall be the
responsibility of EPC Contractor.
Please confirm.
19 Refer to the 1st bullet of the Confirmed, however, MC will take care and inform
heading “Contract the Procuring Agency timely regarding any delay
Administration Assistance” on from EPC Contractor for submission of monthly
page No. 76 of the RFP progress reports.
Document, it is stated that, “To
assist the Client in
project/contract administration
during the project execution
including certification of
periodic progress and other
reports needed time to time for
appraisal of stakeholders”.
Please confirm that the timely
certification of periodic progress
and other reports shall be subject
to timely receipt of Contractor's
monthly progress reports (on his
20 Refer to the 3rd bullet of the It is clarified that there is no special requirement of
heading “Contract studies regarding environmental and/or social
Administration Assistance” on impacts. MC will monitor the activities of the EPC
page No. 76 of the RFP Contractor during installation of the equipment
Document, it is stated that, “To keeping in view the Environmental and Social
monitor the environmental Policy only and guide accordingly.
and/or social impacts in addition
to the contractual issues and
promptly inform the Client about
them with mitigation measures”.
Please specify what
environmental and social studies
are required (if any) so that the
Consultants can assess the scope
of works and quote accordingly.
Please confirm.
21 Refer to the last bullet of the Confirmed.
heading “Contract
Administration Assistance” on
page No. 76 of the RFP
Document, it is stated that, “To
keep accurate and systematic
records and accounts in respect
of the Services in such form and
detail as is customary to the
Consultant, and shall be
sufficient to establish accurately
that the costs and expenditures
have been duly incurred”. The
said requirement shall be done in
accordance with the existing MC
standard operating procedures
and accounting/financial
practices. Please confirm.
22 Refer to the 1st bullet of the It is clarified that MC will submit necessary
heading “Durable Operability proposals for requirement of IRSA Field Staff and
Actions” on page No. 76 of the their capacity building regarding O&M of the sites.
RFP Document, it is stated that,
“To develop the structure
reforms & capacity building
proposals for IRSA”. Please note
that structural reforms is a
specialized study and requires
dedicated qualifying personnel
not asked for in the Employer's
manning requirements.
Employer to elaborate this
requirement so the appropriate
expert firms can be partnered
with the MC's JV and its cost be
built in accordingly. Please
23 Refer to the last bullet on page Confirmed.
No. 76 of the RFP Document, it
is stated that, “To ensure the
timely completion of minor
pending liability/ works
highlighted in the punch list”.
Please confirm that timely
completion of minor pending
liabilities/works highlighted in
the punch list shall only be done
in line with the procedures
defined in the EPC Contract?
However, the MC shall not be
liable if Contractor is unable to
do so.
24 Refer to the 2nd bullet on page It is clarified that during this activity, EPC
No. 77 of the RFP Document, it Contractor will also participate with both Procuring
is stated that, “At the end of Agency & MC.
DLP, before discharging of the
Contractor from warranty
obligations, MC shall prepare
the Final Acceptance
Certificates. However, prior to
this, the MC will together with
the Client's representatives
participate in the final review of
the performance of the works/
installation”. By rights this
should not be a MC-Employer
bi-lateral activity, but
participation by the EPC
Contractor is also imperative.
25 Refer to the 2nd paragraph of the It is clarified that all the necessary tasks “to be
heading “Additional Services” performed by consultants” for implementation of the
on page No. 77 of the RFP project have been made part of the TORs, however,
Document, it is stated that, for smooth implementation of the project, it has
“Provide special technical advice been requested in the TORs (Additional Services)
on aspects of the project that are that “any task which are not specifically mentioned
not normally required / provided in the TORs but are allied and essential for the
during the studies. However, any effective implementation and completion of the
task which are not specifically services will also be suggested/ provided by the
mentioned in the TOR above but Consultants in Technical Proposal and will be
are allied and essential for the deemed to have been part of the TORs. Furthermore,
effective implementation and it is clarified that Regarding any services additional
completion of the services will to those specified in the TORs, Consultants, if
also be provided by the specifically requested by WAPDA will be made on
Consultants and will be deemed additional cost.
to have been part of this TOR”.
This is an open-ended
requirement which is against the
fair practices defined by
PPRA/FIDIC. The MC cannot
asses the scope of work and built
it into his cost proposal.
Accordingly, this may please be
removed or exact scope
26 Refer to Sr. No. 1 of the table on It is clarified that MC will have to submit the
page No. 79 of the RFP Inception Report withing 2.5 months.
Document, it is stated that,
“Draft Inception Report
followed by Inception
Workshop”. Please note that the
time duration of 1.5 months
mentioned for inception report is
very less. The inception report
shall be prepared after detailed
site survey which may take more
than 1.5 months. Based on our
prior experience, a minimum of
3 months shall be allocated for
this activity. Please confirm.
27 Refer to Sr. No. 13 of the table Confirmed.
on page No. 80 of the RFP
Document, it is stated that,
“Supervision report including
Site Acceptance Testing, System
Testing, Completion Certificates
and Operational & Maintenance
Manuals”. Please clarify that no
separate supervision report shall
be submitted as monthly
progress reports will cover the
same purpose. Moreover, no
separate reports shall be required
for system testing as these shall
already be covered in SAT report
results. Please confirm.
First Request of Clarifications By M/S EASEPAK dated February 21, 2023
Sr. Quires by M/S EASEPAK Project Office Replies
Contractual Queries
1 In the short-listed list of Firms at It is clarified that ISRIP, being self-financing
sr. No. 2, M/S NESPAK has organization within WAPDA, has the mandate to
shortlisted with ISRIP as Sub provide its expertices in flow measurements and
Consultant. It is to be pointed sedimentation studies in order to generate funds to
out that ISRIP is one of the meet with official expenses.
formations of WAPDA and not a In accordance with Clause ITC 3.3(iii), a Consultant
separate entity. How ISRIP being (including its Experts and Sub-consultants) that has
WAPDA organization, can a close business or family relationship with a
participate in the bidding professional staff of the Procuring Agency, who are
process? As per clause ITC directly or indirectly involved in any part of
3.3(iii) its classical example of (i) The preparation of the Terms of Reference for
Conflict of Interest and unfair the assignment.
advantage in several ways. (ii) The selection process for the Contractor.
(iii) The supervision of the Contract.
May not be awarded a Contract, unless the conflict
stemming from this relationship has been resolved in
a manner acceptable to the Authority throughout the
selection process and the execution of the Contract.
With respect to above mentioned clause, it is
clarified that the process of hiring Consultancy
Services has been conducted by the Procuring
Agency i.e., WAPDA through General Manager
(HRM) while ISRIP, being self-financing
organization within WAPDA is under administrative
control of General Manager (Central) WAPDA,
therefore, it is pertinent to mention here, ISRIP
officials are not directly involved in any part of
above mentioned 03 activities under clause ITC
Furthermore, NESPAK is participating in this
bidding being ISRIP has only the mandate to
provide to participate.
In view of above, it’s not a case of Conflict of
Interest on the part of “Relationship with the
Procuring Agency’s staff”.
2 Thanks for sharing the reports All the reports indicated in the Data Sheet 2.3 have
indicated in Data Sheet Item 2.3 been shared in soft form through email on February
- Availability of reports, except 08 & 09, 2023, however, the same will be shared
NESPAK Report regarding again through email.
improvement of the Water
Resources Management of Indus
Basin to Enhance the Capacity
of Indus River System Authority.
Would appreciate if this report is
also shared.
3 As per clause 16.3 of Data As per clause 16.3 of Data sheets, consultant can
sheets, consultant can express express the price for their services in any fully
the price for their services in any convertible currency singly or in combination of up
fully convertible currency singly to one foreign currency. However, payment of
or in combination of up to one remuneration and re-imbursable cost will be paid in
foreign currency. But as per equivalent Pak Rs. as per clause 45.1 of SCC and no
clause 45.1of SCC, payment of exception will be given to JV of Local and Foreign.
remuneration and re-imbursable
cost will be paid in equivalent
Pak Rs. But for JV with local
and foreign partners, we would
hope that the foreign firm’s
invoice will be paid directly in
foreign US currency for foreign
experts and their expenses
(international travelling etc) and
in local currency for local
experts and their expenses.
Specifically, this is very
important and crucial in context
of the very volatile forex
situation and particularly US$ in
4 We think the estimates of 55 key Estimated key experts’ input i.e., 56 Man-Months is
experts man months for a indicative and the firms are encouraged to propose
quantum of work and duration of key experts man months according to their best
3 years are on lower side and professional judgement. However, regarding Man-
further no details on non-key months of Non-Key Experts and other Technical
experts and other technical staff Staff, Firms can quote according to professional
mentioned in the RFP. capability of their staff keeping in view the scope of
5 As per clause 24.1 of Special
Conditions of Contract (SCC) of
sample Agreement, to cover
Professional Liability insurance
coverage of minimum 2 times
the total value of contract is
mentioned, which is on higher
side and should be rationalized.
6 As per clause 29 of SCC, the As per Clause 29 of SCC, “The Consultant is
code of conduct policy of the required to have a Code of Conduct for Experts as
WAPDA for the experts should per the policy of the Authority”. Here Authority
be followed. Please provide this means PPRA (Public Procurement Regulatory
code of conduct policy for study. Authority) and code of conduct available on PPRA
7 As per clause 38 of SCC, says
about changes in the applicable
laws and any increase or
decrease in direct taxes during
the execution of 3 years
assignment. How the consultant
will be protected and specially
how foreign firms will deal this
situation in a very volatile
situation now a days in Pakistan.
8 Clause 44.1 and 44.2 talks about
payment of custom and import
duties and local direct and
indirect taxes imposed. How the
foreign firm will handle these
several increasing taxes in
9 As per clause 46.1(e), 5%
advance will be paid of the
contract value in local currency.
We think this should be 10% of
the contract price and be paid in
foreign and local currency of the
contract price respectively.
10 As per clause 47.1, the interest
rate on delayed payment is 2%
which is on very low side, it
should be rationalized keeping in
view the current inflation rate.
11 As per the RFP criteria, Expertices of Flow Measurement Expert will be
education required for the “flow used for cross-checking the telemetric system data
measurement expert” is graduate by physical verification through ADCP, River
in civil/ hydrology/ water Profiler & Current meter or any suitable latest
resources Engineering. However equipment available. Therefore, education required
as per our experience in working for the “flow measurement expert” is mentioned as
all over the world on major graduate in civil/ hydrology/ water resources
basins we think it’s better if this Engineering. Furthermore, Expertices of Key Expert
position’s qualification would be i.e., Deputy Team Leader, will be used for Data
electrical engineering back Acquisition Equipment like gate positioning sensors
ground. As during measurement, and velocity sensors because education requirement
he has to deal with Data for Dy. Team Leader has been mentioned as
Acquisition Equipment like gate graduate in Electrical (Major in Electronics)
positioning sensors and velocity /Electronics / Instrumentation & Control
sensors. Engineering.

12 Referred to the Additional It is clarified that all the necessary tasks “to be
Services to be carried out by performed by consultants” for implementation of the
consultants and technical advice project have been made part of the TORs, however,
on the aspects of the project thatfor smooth implementation of the project, it has
are not normally required and been requested in the TORs (Additional Services)
will be part of these TORs. that “any task which are not specifically mentioned
Please specify/limit the extent ofin the TORs but are allied and essential for the
such services so that it may be effective implementation and completion of the
bid in the proposals. services will also be suggested/ provided by the
Consultants in Technical Proposal and will be
deemed to have been part of the TORs. Furthermore,
it is clarified that Regarding any services additional
to those specified in the TORs, Consultants, if
specifically requested by WAPDA will be made on
additional cost.
First Request of Clarifications By M/S MM Pakistan dated February 22, 2023
Sr. Quires by M/S MMP Project Office Replies
1 Please refer to the Qualification It is clarified that to carry full marks if a Pakistani
Requirements for the Key national is being proposed for any international
Experts at page-78 of RFP. It is position, minimum threshold for International
mentioned that four (4) Key Experience (Outside Pakistan) is to have experience
Positions will be occupied by the in Project Specified Disciplines and accordingly,
International Expert and three Experience of the key expert nominated for
(3) by the National Experts. It is International Position will be evaluated on pro-rata
further written that for the basis in case period of experience is found shorter
International Key Positions, it is than required.
not mandatory that the expert
should be a Foreign National and
any expert (can be a Pakistani).
Who has worked on projects
outside Pakistan possessing
minimum qualification and
experience can be proposed for
International Positions.
Please confirm what threshold
International experience
(Outside Pakistan) is required to
carry full marks if a Pakistani
national is being proposed for
any international position?
2 Please refer to the Data Sheet on
page 35 of RFP, it is required
that all CVs should have original
signatures as in Form Tech-6.
We understand that scanned
signatures of National and
International Key Experts will be
acceptable. However, signatures
of the Authorized Representative
who’s signing the proposal on
behalf of JV shall be done in
original. Please confirm?
3 Please refer to the page 5 of RFP, It is clarified that ISRIP, being self-financing
M/s National Engineering organization within WAPDA, has the mandate to
Services Pakistan (Pvt) Limited provide its expertices in flow measurements and
is shortlisted with ISRIP as their sedimentation studies in order to generate funds to
sub-consultant. meet with official expenses.
We understand that ISRIP being
WAPDA sub-department, cannot
be part of any Consultant on
exclusive basis.
4 Gate opening data will be It is necessary to collect gate opening data for
collected for measuring discharge measurement of barrages and associated
discharge of Barrages. canals.
Can we suggest other solutions It is pertinent to mention here that prime objective of
in addition to gate opening this project is to establish confidence building
measurement procedures? between federating units of Pakistan therefore, it is
necessary that the same mechanism of discharge
measurement must be opted which is used by all the
federating units.
5 CCTV cameras have proposed The scope of Installation of CCTV cameras on all
for security purposes. Is real the 07 key sites for surveillance will be related to
time opening of gates and their EPC Contractor, however, it’s a better idea to have
monitoring in control room real time monitoring of gate openings in control
office required? room in addition to surveillance, therefore, during
the preparation of PQ documents for EPC
contractors, it will be finalized after consultation
with stakeholders.
6 RD numbers of two canals, i.e., Coordinates of all the 07 key sites have been
Chashma Right Bank Canal at provided in the RFP, however, the RDs will also be
Ramak and Kirther Canal at provided at the time of Contract Agreement.
Garang are not given. Please
7 As per Task-I (f) of page 71, MC It is clarified that MC will prepare necessary
is required to prepare necessary requirements of Flow Measurement Equipment and
requirements of flow Testing & Calibration Equipment, in the light of
measurement equipment, testing provisions of approved PC-I & Employer’s
and calibration equipment. On requirement, for future flow measurement on sites
the other hand, it is an EPC and provide plan for the procurement of these
Contract in which Contractor has Equipment through National Competitive Bidding
to provide design of the system alongwith necessary training to WAPDA/ IRSA
with equipment. According to Field Staff on flow measurement. The activity of
our view, Consultant based on procurement of flow measurement/ test &
his experience prepare Calibration equipment will be carried out separately
equipment detail and in parallel to EPC Contract.
specification, installation design,
keeping in view Client
requirements field conditions
and the Contractor should follow
the guidelines prepared by the
Consultant. Please clarify.
8 Task-I (h) on page 71 regarding It is clarified that both activities Pre-Execution
Pre-Execution Study Tours and Study and Pre-shipment Inspections will be carried
page-74 bullet three under out separately. Pre-shipment Inspections will be
Procurement heading regarding carried out after award of EPC Contract while Pre-
Pre-shipment Inspections. Execution Study will be carried out before award of
We understand that this is a one EPC Contractor for better understanding of the
(1) tour which will cover both Telemetry systems installed in the World. It is
study and pre-shipment further added that MC will only identify projects for
inspections and the associated International Study Tours of WAPDA/ IRSA staff
cost will be borne by the for better understanding of the existing Telemetry
Contractor. Please confirm. Systems installed in the world. However, the
preparation of detailed schedule and other travel
arrangements shall be done by the Employer.
First Request of Clarifications By M/S AQUALOGUS Pakistan dated February 22, 2023
Sr. Quires by M/S AQUALOGUS Project Office Replies
1 Can you inform us the total
estimated cost of this
2 TOR refer under item 3. Scope It is clarified that 11 No. client stations are already
of Services, Tasks (Components) defined with locations in RFP (Refer to Table No.1
and Expected deliverables that on Page No.70). Whereas the MC will prepare
data storage, access and sharing detailed requirements for establishment of Server
shall consider the 7 monitoring Rooms at client premises. The MC will also carry
stations to be implemented as out detailed study of the Data Center (services,
well as 11 client stations for data Networking, Hardware and Software) already
sharing & redundant stations. installed in IRSA HQs primary site and Disaster
Please confirm if these other 11 Recovery Site at FFC Office, Islamabad and linkage
stations are already defined or if between both sites.
they are to be defined by the
consultant. If they are already
defined please specify their
locations and main

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