Project Office Response On Quries
Project Office Response On Quries
Project Office Response On Quries
12 Referred to the Additional It is clarified that all the necessary tasks “to be
Services to be carried out by performed by consultants” for implementation of the
consultants and technical advice project have been made part of the TORs, however,
on the aspects of the project thatfor smooth implementation of the project, it has
are not normally required and been requested in the TORs (Additional Services)
will be part of these TORs. that “any task which are not specifically mentioned
Please specify/limit the extent ofin the TORs but are allied and essential for the
such services so that it may be effective implementation and completion of the
bid in the proposals. services will also be suggested/ provided by the
Consultants in Technical Proposal and will be
deemed to have been part of the TORs. Furthermore,
it is clarified that Regarding any services additional
to those specified in the TORs, Consultants, if
specifically requested by WAPDA will be made on
additional cost.
First Request of Clarifications By M/S MM Pakistan dated February 22, 2023
Sr. Quires by M/S MMP Project Office Replies
1 Please refer to the Qualification It is clarified that to carry full marks if a Pakistani
Requirements for the Key national is being proposed for any international
Experts at page-78 of RFP. It is position, minimum threshold for International
mentioned that four (4) Key Experience (Outside Pakistan) is to have experience
Positions will be occupied by the in Project Specified Disciplines and accordingly,
International Expert and three Experience of the key expert nominated for
(3) by the National Experts. It is International Position will be evaluated on pro-rata
further written that for the basis in case period of experience is found shorter
International Key Positions, it is than required.
not mandatory that the expert
should be a Foreign National and
any expert (can be a Pakistani).
Who has worked on projects
outside Pakistan possessing
minimum qualification and
experience can be proposed for
International Positions.
Please confirm what threshold
International experience
(Outside Pakistan) is required to
carry full marks if a Pakistani
national is being proposed for
any international position?
2 Please refer to the Data Sheet on
page 35 of RFP, it is required
that all CVs should have original
signatures as in Form Tech-6.
We understand that scanned
signatures of National and
International Key Experts will be
acceptable. However, signatures
of the Authorized Representative
who’s signing the proposal on
behalf of JV shall be done in
original. Please confirm?
3 Please refer to the page 5 of RFP, It is clarified that ISRIP, being self-financing
M/s National Engineering organization within WAPDA, has the mandate to
Services Pakistan (Pvt) Limited provide its expertices in flow measurements and
is shortlisted with ISRIP as their sedimentation studies in order to generate funds to
sub-consultant. meet with official expenses.
We understand that ISRIP being
WAPDA sub-department, cannot
be part of any Consultant on
exclusive basis.
4 Gate opening data will be It is necessary to collect gate opening data for
collected for measuring discharge measurement of barrages and associated
discharge of Barrages. canals.
Can we suggest other solutions It is pertinent to mention here that prime objective of
in addition to gate opening this project is to establish confidence building
measurement procedures? between federating units of Pakistan therefore, it is
necessary that the same mechanism of discharge
measurement must be opted which is used by all the
federating units.
5 CCTV cameras have proposed The scope of Installation of CCTV cameras on all
for security purposes. Is real the 07 key sites for surveillance will be related to
time opening of gates and their EPC Contractor, however, it’s a better idea to have
monitoring in control room real time monitoring of gate openings in control
office required? room in addition to surveillance, therefore, during
the preparation of PQ documents for EPC
contractors, it will be finalized after consultation
with stakeholders.
6 RD numbers of two canals, i.e., Coordinates of all the 07 key sites have been
Chashma Right Bank Canal at provided in the RFP, however, the RDs will also be
Ramak and Kirther Canal at provided at the time of Contract Agreement.
Garang are not given. Please
7 As per Task-I (f) of page 71, MC It is clarified that MC will prepare necessary
is required to prepare necessary requirements of Flow Measurement Equipment and
requirements of flow Testing & Calibration Equipment, in the light of
measurement equipment, testing provisions of approved PC-I & Employer’s
and calibration equipment. On requirement, for future flow measurement on sites
the other hand, it is an EPC and provide plan for the procurement of these
Contract in which Contractor has Equipment through National Competitive Bidding
to provide design of the system alongwith necessary training to WAPDA/ IRSA
with equipment. According to Field Staff on flow measurement. The activity of
our view, Consultant based on procurement of flow measurement/ test &
his experience prepare Calibration equipment will be carried out separately
equipment detail and in parallel to EPC Contract.
specification, installation design,
keeping in view Client
requirements field conditions
and the Contractor should follow
the guidelines prepared by the
Consultant. Please clarify.
8 Task-I (h) on page 71 regarding It is clarified that both activities Pre-Execution
Pre-Execution Study Tours and Study and Pre-shipment Inspections will be carried
page-74 bullet three under out separately. Pre-shipment Inspections will be
Procurement heading regarding carried out after award of EPC Contract while Pre-
Pre-shipment Inspections. Execution Study will be carried out before award of
We understand that this is a one EPC Contractor for better understanding of the
(1) tour which will cover both Telemetry systems installed in the World. It is
study and pre-shipment further added that MC will only identify projects for
inspections and the associated International Study Tours of WAPDA/ IRSA staff
cost will be borne by the for better understanding of the existing Telemetry
Contractor. Please confirm. Systems installed in the world. However, the
preparation of detailed schedule and other travel
arrangements shall be done by the Employer.
First Request of Clarifications By M/S AQUALOGUS Pakistan dated February 22, 2023
Sr. Quires by M/S AQUALOGUS Project Office Replies
1 Can you inform us the total
estimated cost of this
2 TOR refer under item 3. Scope It is clarified that 11 No. client stations are already
of Services, Tasks (Components) defined with locations in RFP (Refer to Table No.1
and Expected deliverables that on Page No.70). Whereas the MC will prepare
data storage, access and sharing detailed requirements for establishment of Server
shall consider the 7 monitoring Rooms at client premises. The MC will also carry
stations to be implemented as out detailed study of the Data Center (services,
well as 11 client stations for data Networking, Hardware and Software) already
sharing & redundant stations. installed in IRSA HQs primary site and Disaster
Please confirm if these other 11 Recovery Site at FFC Office, Islamabad and linkage
stations are already defined or if between both sites.
they are to be defined by the
consultant. If they are already
defined please specify their
locations and main