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DARRELL V MANNING, Director, Idaho Transportation Department

Vice Chairman
. 7 LAWRENCE D. DAHMS, Executive Director, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, San Francisco Bay Area

THOMAS B. DEEN, Executive Director, Transportation Research Board

RAY A. BARNHART, Federal Highway Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
FRANCIS B. FRANCOIS, Executive Director, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ex officio)
WILLIAM J. HARRIS, JR., Vice President for Research and Test Department, Association of American Railroads (ex officio)
J. LYNN HELMS, Federal Aviation Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
:1 THOMAS D. LARSON, Secretary of Transportation, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (ex officio, Past Chairman, 1981)
RAYMOND A. PECK, JR., National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
ARTHUR E. TEELE, JR., Urban Mass Transportation Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
CHARLEY V. WOOTAN, Director, Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University (ex officio, Past Chairman 1980)
GEORGE J. BEAN, Director of Aviation, Hillsborough County (Florida) Aviation Authority
JOHN R. BORCHERT, Professor, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota
RICHARD P. BRAUN, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Transportation
ARTHUR J. BRUEN, JR., Vice President, Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Company of Chicago
JOSEPH M. CLAPP, Senior Vice President, Roadway Express, Inc.
ALAN G. DUSTIN, President and Chief Executive Officer, Boston and Maine Corporation
ROBERT E. FARRIS, Commissioner, Tennessee Department of Transportation
ADRIANA GI ANTURCO, Director, California Department of Transportation
JACK R. GILSTRAP, Executive Vice President, American Public Transit Association
MARK G GOODE, Engineer-Director, Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation
WILLIAM C. HENNESSY, Commissioner of Transportation, New York State Department of Transportation
LESTER A. HOEL, Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Virginia
MARVIN L. MANHEIM, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
FUJIO MATSUDA, President, University of Hait'aii
DANIEL T. MURPHY, County Executive, Oakland Count)' Courthouse, Michigan
ROLAND A. OUELLETFE, Director of Transportation Affairs, General Motors Corporation
RICHARD S. PAGE, General Manager, Washington (D.C.) Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
MILTON PIKARSKY, Director of Transportation Research, Illinois Institute of Technology
GUERDON S. SINES, Vice President, information and Control Systems, Missouri Pacific Railroad
JOHN E. STEINER, Vice President, Corporate Product Development, The Boeing Company
RICHARD A. WARD, Director-Chief Engineer, Oklahoma Department of Transportation


Transportation Research Board Executive Committee Subcommittee for NCHRP
DARRELL V MANNING, Idaho Transp. Dept. (Chairman) RAY A. BARNHART, U.S. Dept. of Transp.
LAWRENCE D. DAHMS, Metropolitan Transp. Commission, San Francisco Bay Area THOMAS D. LARSON, Pennsylvania Dept. of Trans.
FRANCIS B. FRANCOIS, Amer. Assit. State Hwy. & Transp. Officials THOMAS B. DEEN, Transportation Research Board
Field of Materials and Construction
Area of Specifications, Procedures, and Practices
Project Panel, DIO-20

ROBERT L. REED, Texas State Dept. of Hii'ys. and Pub. Transp. (Chairman) DAVID G. MANNING, Ontario' Ministry of Transp. and Communications
MARTIN P. BURKE, JR., Burgess and Niple, Ltd. CHARLES W. PURKISS, California Dept. of Transportation
GRANT W. COOKE, Consulting Engineer KENNETH J. SMITH, State University of New York
E. V. HOURIGAN, New York State Dept. of Transportation JAMES D. COOPER, Federal Highway Administration
FLOYD JACOBSEN, Illinois Department of Transportation LAWRENCE F. SPAINE, Transportation Research Board
Progra in Staff

KRIEGER W. HENDERSON, JR., Director, Cooperative Research Programs ROBERT J. REILLY, Projects Engineer
LOUIS M. MACGREGOR, Administrative Engineer HARRY A. SMITH, Projects Engineer
CRAWFORD F. JENCKS, Projects Engineer ROBERT E. SPICHER, Projects Engineer
RIAN KINGHAM, Projects Engineer HELEN MACK, Editor

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