IACP Cork Advanced CBT Slides

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“It’s therapy, Jim,

Advanced CBT
Eoin Stephens but not as we know it”
Familiar in some ways…
• Individualised Case Formulation approach
An advanced working understanding of CBT
comes from using (as distinct from Programme/Protocol approach)
About client’s personal meanings…
• Individualised Cognitive-Behavioural Case
Formulation …but different… Main difference not in techniques
• Core CBT change-focused Guided Discovery but in theoretical assumptions/framework:
processes such as Socratic Questioning and • Based on Learning Theory – behavioural
Behavioural Experimentation. conditioning, cognitive information-processing
(primarily in the tradition of Beck, etc)

Some Principles of Cognitive Therapy (from What is CBT?

J. Beck, 1995)

• Requires a sound therapeutic alliance, and • CBT is based on the idea that how we
emphasises collaboration and active think, how we act, how we feel and what
participation. goes on in our bodies all interact together.
• Is goal oriented and problem focused.
• Initially emphasises the present. • In particular, our thoughts strongly
• Is educative, and aims to teach the client to influence our feelings and behaviours,
be his or her own therapist. therefore any unhelpful, unrealistic or
• Aims to be structured and time limited. negative thoughts can be a major
• Teaches clients to identify, evaluate and
respond to their dysfunctional thoughts and cause/maintainer of distress.
• Uses a variety of techniques to change • CBT uses a variety of techniques directed
thinking, mood and behaviour. mainly at Cognition & Behaviour

CBT Cross-Sectional Formulation Levels of Cognition

(Maintenance Model)
Thinking/Cognition Appraisal/Interpretation
Self-talk/Automatic Thoughts
Physiology Behaviour Thinking styles/Biases
Core Beliefs/Schemas


Case Formulation CBT Longitudinal Formulation

(“Cognitive Psychotherapy”)
Learning History + Temperament
•What it’s about/not about (client meanings)
•Problem is client’s perception, not their world Core Beliefs + Rules for Living

•Surface issues don’t neatly map on to Triggers

underlying cognition/meaning
•Being a Cognitive Detective:
Learning History, Triggers, Emotions, why now..? Physiology Behaviour

•“Off-the shelf” formulations? (e.g. LSE etc…) Emotions

Behavioural Experiment = Therapeutic

Guided Discovery Experiment
(Experiential Relearning)
Not about achieving any immediate life goals (e.g.
visiting a friend, getting the shopping done),
•Look for Themes in Problems but about testing beliefs/assumptions/predictions,
•Use Memory, Notes & Supervision thereby increasing the possibility of
•Use Advanced Empathy Experiential Relearning/Guided Discovery.
•Emotion = information Therefore should be
•Timing/pacing – an ongoing process • Relevant but
•Don't assume client is already aware • Small &
• Unimportant in the context of immediate life goals
of all of the relevant information
e.g. going to unfamiliar shop for something you don’t need…

Socratic Questioning
- Taking seriously the beliefs we live by Socratic Questioning – Padesky video
A type of Guided Discovery
(like Behavioural Experiment)
1. A cognitive-empathic process which teases Gathering Information
out what beliefs etc the client has developed Listening Empathically
through experiential learning. Summarizing frequently
2. A probing, testing process, where the basis Asking Synthesising questions
of beliefs are examined and questioned, in
relation to their current personal value,
importance, meaning, usefulness, relevance…

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