Monthly Profit & Loss Report and KPIs (5 Stores)
Monthly Profit & Loss Report and KPIs (5 Stores)
Monthly Profit & Loss Report and KPIs (5 Stores)
Cincinnati Seasonings with Five Stores - Monthly Profit & Loss Report plus KPIs
SALES REVENUE Total Company Seasonings Factory Seasonings DC Louisville Store Indianapolis Store
Products Sold (Demand at Stores 9,920 3,100 2,170
** Retail Markup % (enter manually) 30.00 30.00
Retail Sales Price 1,300 1,300
Total Income 12,896,000 $4,030,000 $2,821,000
Cost of Products Sold 9,920,000 3,100,000 2,170,000
Facility Storage & Operating Cost 3,258,000 1,320,000 1,200,000 225,000 165,000
Transportation Cost 62,325 10,962 51,363
Total Expenses 13,240,325 1,330,962 1,251,363 3,325,000 2,335,000
SUPPLY CHAIN PERFORMANCE Total Company Seasonings Factory Seasonings DC Louisville Store Indianapolis Store
** Spicy Cube: Product Cost $1,000
Beginning Inventory On-Hand 6,240 940 3660 400 230
Ending Inventory On-Hand 7,250 2860 2730 500 300
Percent Change 16.19% 204.26% -25.41% 25.00% 30.43%
Avg On-Hand Inventory Amount 6,787 1,888 3,195 457 270
Avg On-Hand Inventory Value $6,787,000 $1,888,000 $3,195,000 $456,667 $269,667
Product Daily Demand 320 100 70
Inventory Days of Supply 21.21 4.57 3.85
Vehicle Carbon Footprint (kg) 88,956
** Accept default numbers for Product Markup and Product Price, or enter other numbers manually in cells outlined in orange.
-- What is the Gross Profit before Admin & Tax? Is it positive or negative? Look under the main heading MONTHLY PROFIT OR LOSS. Did you make m
What can you do to increase the Gross Profit? Look for ways to cut Transportation Cost, and Faciity Storage & Operating Cost
-- Default rent costs at facilities are set higher than market rates. If you wish to use market rates, find them at a commercial real estate website such as
-- Expand this template to accomodate new products, facilities, and vehicles as you add them to your supply chain. See how cells in this reporting tab
* Add new columns to read and display data for new facilities - repeat column G for each new store
* Add new rows to read and display data for new products - repeat rows 24 - 31 for each new product
* See "Modify P&L Reporting Template for New Facilities – A Short Tutorial" at botton of Analyzing Simulation Data section in Onlne Guide
en click "Download as" in the submenu and select download format
780 200 30
640 170 50
-17.95% -15.00% 66.67%
712 219 46
$712,000 $219,333 $46,333
20 100 30
35.60 2.19 1.54
in orange.
lls in this reporting tab read data in the simulation data tab:
Demand report
Facility Seasonings Factory - Spicy Cube Seasonings DC - Spicy Cube Louisville Store - Spicy Cube
Day 0 0 0 100
Day 1 0 0 100
Day 2 0 0 100
Day 3 0 0 100
Day 4 0 0 100
Day 5 0 0 100
Day 6 0 0 100
Day 7 0 0 100
Day 8 0 0 100
Day 9 0 0 100
Day 10 0 0 100
Day 11 0 0 100
Day 12 0 0 100
Day 13 0 0 100
Day 14 0 0 100
Day 15 0 0 100
Day 16 0 0 100
Day 17 0 0 100
Day 18 0 0 100
Day 19 0 0 100
Day 20 0 0 100
Day 21 0 0 100
Day 22 0 0 100
Day 23 0 0 100
Day 24 0 0 100
Day 25 0 0 100
Day 26 0 0 100
Day 27 0 0 100
Day 28 0 0 100
Day 29 0 0 100
Day 30 0 0 100
Production report
Facility Seasonings Factory - Spicy Cube Seasonings DC - Spicy Cube Louisville Store - Spicy Cube
Day 0 350 0 0
Day 1 350 0 0
Day 2 350 0 0
Day 3 350 0 0
Day 4 350 0 0
Day 5 350 0 0
Day 6 350 0 0
Day 7 350 0 0
Day 8 350 0 0
Day 9 350 0 0
Day 10 350 0 0
Day 11 350 0 0
Day 12 350 0 0
Day 13 350 0 0
Day 14 350 0 0
Day 15 350 0 0
Day 16 350 0 0
Day 17 350 0 0
Day 18 350 0 0
Day 19 350 0 0
Day 20 350 0 0
Day 21 350 0 0
Day 22 350 0 0
Day 23 350 0 0
Day 24 350 0 0
Day 25 350 0 0
Day 26 350 0 0
Day 27 350 0 0
Day 28 350 0 0
Day 29 350 0 0
Day 30 350 0 0
In report
Facility Seasonings Factory - Spicy Cube Seasonings DC - Spicy Cube Louisville Store - Spicy Cube
Day 0 0 0 0
Day 1 0 330 100
Day 2 0 660 200
Day 3 0 880 300
Day 4 0 1210 400
Day 5 0 1430 500
Day 6 0 1760 600
Day 7 0 2090 700
Day 8 0 2310 800
Day 9 0 2640 900
Day 10 0 2860 1000
Day 11 0 3190 1100
Day 12 0 3520 1200
Day 13 0 3740 1300
Day 14 0 4070 1500
Day 15 0 4290 1600
Day 16 0 4620 1700
Day 17 0 4950 1800
Day 18 0 5170 1900
Day 19 0 5500 2000
Day 20 0 5720 2100
Day 21 0 6050 2200
Day 22 0 6380 2300
Day 23 0 6600 2400
Day 24 0 6930 2500
Day 25 0 7150 2600
Day 26 0 7480 2700
Day 27 0 7810 2800
Day 28 0 8030 2900
Day 29 0 8360 3000
Day 30 0 8690 3100
Out report
Facility Seasonings Factory - Spicy Cube Seasonings DC - Spicy Cube Louisville Store - Spicy Cube
Day 0 110 340 100
Day 1 440 680 200
Day 2 770 1020 300
Day 3 990 1300 400
Day 4 1320 1640 500
Day 5 1540 1980 600
Day 6 1870 2210 700
Day 7 2200 2550 800
Day 8 2420 2830 900
Day 9 2750 3170 1000
Day 10 2970 3510 1100
Day 11 3300 3850 1200
Day 12 3630 4130 1300
Day 13 3850 4470 1400
Day 14 4180 4810 1500
Day 15 4400 5150 1600
Day 16 4730 5430 1700
Day 17 5060 5660 1800
Day 18 5280 6000 1900
Day 19 5610 6340 2000
Day 20 5830 6620 2100
Day 21 6160 6960 2200
Day 22 6490 7300 2300
Day 23 6710 7810 2400
Day 24 7040 8090 2500
Day 25 7260 8430 2600
Day 26 7590 8770 2700
Day 27 7920 9000 2800
Day 28 8140 9280 2900
Day 29 8470 9620 3000
Day 30 8690 9960 3100
Indianapolis Store - Spicy Cube Ft Wayne Store - Spicy Cube Chicago Store - Spicy Cube Columbus Store - Spicy Cube
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Indianapolis Store - Spicy Cube Ft Wayne Store - Spicy Cube Chicago Store - Spicy Cube Columbus Store - Spicy Cube
0 0 0 0
70 20 110 40
140 40 220 80
210 60 330 120
280 60 440 120
350 80 550 160
420 100 660 200
490 120 770 240
560 120 770 240
630 140 880 280
700 160 990 320
770 180 1100 360
840 180 1210 360
910 200 1320 400
1050 220 1430 440
1120 240 1540 480
1190 240 1650 480
1260 260 1760 520
1330 280 1870 560
1400 300 1870 600
1470 320 1980 600
1540 320 2090 640
1610 340 2200 680
1680 360 2310 720
1750 380 2420 720
1820 380 2530 760
1890 400 2640 800
1960 420 2750 840
2030 440 2860 880
2100 440 2860 880
2170 460 2970 920
Indianapolis Store - Spicy Cube Ft Wayne Store - Spicy Cube Chicago Store - Spicy Cube Columbus Store - Spicy Cube
70 20 100 30
140 40 200 60
210 60 300 90
280 80 400 120
350 100 500 150
420 120 600 180
490 140 700 210
560 160 800 240
630 180 900 270
700 200 1000 300
770 220 1100 330
840 240 1200 360
910 260 1300 390
980 280 1400 420
1050 300 1500 450
1120 320 1600 480
1190 340 1700 510
1260 360 1800 540
1330 380 1900 570
1400 400 2000 600
1470 420 2100 630
1540 440 2200 660
1610 460 2300 690
1680 480 2400 720
1750 500 2500 750
1820 520 2600 780
1890 540 2700 810
1960 560 2800 840
2030 580 2900 870
2100 600 3000 900
2170 620 3100 930