break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? That was not and
certainly is not the truth today. Three-quarters of all children say
they have been bullied or teased.[1] Bullying and teasing are
similar, but one of the key differences between them is intention.
Teasing becomes bullying when it is a repetitive behaviour with the
conscious intention to harm or hurt another child.[2] Bullying is one
of the largest problems in schools, where the percentage of
students reporting bullying at least once a week has steadily
increased since 1999, according to the FBI.[3] Bullying can make
kids feel hurt, scared, lonely, embarrassed, and sad. In addition, it
can also make kids fearful of and unwilling to attend school. Here
are some tips on how to deal with bullies at school.
Tell a parent or guardian about the bullying.[4] If you are being
bullied, it's very important to tell an adult first and foremost. [5]
Tell your parents the entire story. Parents are here to help
and want to know what is going on with you. Your parents,
moreover, may then be able to get in touch with staff at the
school to try to stop the bullying. This is important particularly
if you don't feel comfortable telling your teacher or fear
retribution from the bully.
It's useful if you keep a diary of everything that happens.
That way you can let your parents and other adults know
about specific incidents.
Report bullying and victimization incidents to the school. Inform
teachers, principals, and other school helpers.[7] These individuals
have the power to intervene and help stop bullying.[8] Sometimes
bullies stop as soon as a teacher finds out because they're afraid
they'll get in trouble.
Teachers are especially important resources if you're being
bullied. They can protect you from bullying by letting you stay
in the classroom during recess or by setting up a buddy
system on your behalf.
It's important to let your school know about any bullying
incidents because there may be other kids being bullied by
the same person.
Talk openly about bullying. Just talking to someone about your
experience can bring you a bit of relief. Good people to talk to
include a guidance counsellor, sibling, or friend. They may offer
some helpful solutions, but should not be approached instead of
telling your parents or school personnel. Just talking about what
you're experiencing and feeling can help you feel less alone.
Feel good about who you are. Ask yourself what makes you feel
and look your best. Emphasize your strengths, talents, and goals.
Feeling good about yourself will make you feel more confident and
help build your self-esteem. It will also help you be more self-
assured at school and perhaps less fearful of running into the
person bullying you.[14]
For example, do you want to be more fit? If so, maybe you
decide to spend less time on the couch watching TV and
more time exercising.
Write down a list of your favourite qualities about yourself.
Read over the list each morning before school to boost your
Spend time with friends who have a positive influence.
Playing sports or participating in clubs are good activities to
help build positive friendships and confidence.[16]
Stand tall and keep your composure. Sometimes just acting brave
is enough to stop a bully from approaching and intimidating you.
By standing tall and holding your head high, you send the
message that you are not to be messed with.[18]
Acting and even feeling brave is easier when you feel
confident and good about yourself. It is also something you
can practice. Practice walking with your head up, looking at
people, and greeting anyone you know who looks back at
you. Practice using a strong and assertive tone of voice (and
not shouting). Remember, practice makes perfect. [
Use the buddy system. If you're trying to avoid being bullied, two
people are stronger than one. For example, walk with a friend or a
group of friends to school, or hang out with them at recess.[20] In
other words, make sure to have friends surrounding you wherever
and whenever you think you might run into the bully.[21]
If you have a buddy, remember to be a buddy. Offer to be
there for a friend if you know he or she has bullying trouble.
Act if you see a friend being bullied; after all, you know how
hard it is to be bullied. Tell an adult, stand with your friend
being bullied, and tell the bully to stop.[22] Support those you
see being hurt with words of kindness.[23
Ignore the bully if they say or do something to you. As much as
you can, try to ignore the bully's threats. Pretend you can't hear
them and try to leave the situation immediately and go to a safe
Bullies are always looking for a reaction to their teasing.
Pretending that you don't notice or care (even if you do care
on the inside) may stop a bully's behaviour because they are
not getting the reaction they expect and want.
Recognize that you have a right not to be bullied. It is not your fault
that you are being harassed. You, like everyone else, deserve to
feel safe.
Say "no." Tell the bully "No, stop it!" in a loud, assertive voice and
then leave if you feel you need to.[26]
You can also say something straightforward like, "Stop
bothering me.
Standing up to the bully, simply by saying "no," sends a
message that you are not afraid and will not accept his or her
behaviour. Bullies tend to go after kids who don't stick up for
themselves and who they think will take their abuse and do
whatever they say.
There's always strength in numbers. Kids can stand up for
each other by telling a bully to stop teasing or scaring
someone else, and then walk away together.
Shield your feelings. Plan ahead. How can you stop yourself from
getting angry or showing you're upset?
Try to distract yourself. Count backwards from 100, sing your
favourite song inside your head, spell words backwards, etc.
Keep your mind occupied until you are out of the situation so
that you can moderate your feelings and not give the bully
his or her desired reaction.
Don't bully back. Don't hit, kick, or push as a way to deal with
someone bullying you or your friends.[28] Fighting back satisfies
bullies because it shows them that they can get to you.
Fighting back can also be dangerous. If you fight with the
bully and win, you might think that you are more powerful
than everyone then end up becoming a bully yourself.
Someone could get hurt and you could get in trouble. It's
best to stay with others, stay safe, and find the nearest adult.