Linear Algebra Assignment 2 Vector Space, Subspace, Basis & Dimension
Linear Algebra Assignment 2 Vector Space, Subspace, Basis & Dimension
Linear Algebra Assignment 2 Vector Space, Subspace, Basis & Dimension
1. Let V denote a vector space over a �ield 𝔽 and with a basis ℬ = {e1 , e2 , ⋯ , en }.
(d) dim W = n.
(a) For any A, dim WA ≤ 10. (b) For any A, dim WA < 10.
(c) For some A, 10 < dim WA < 100. (d) For some A, dim WA = 100.
7. Let n be an integer ≥ 2 and let Mn (ℝ) denote the vector space of n × n real
(c)WB = Mn (ℝ)
n2 + n − 4 n2 − n + 4 n(n − 1) n2 − n + 3
(a ) . (b) . (c ) . ( d) .
2 2 2 2
10. Let n be a positive integer and let Hn be the space of all n × n matrices A = �aij �
with entries in ℝ
11. The dimension of the vector space of all symmetric matrices of order n × n (n ≥ 2)
n2 − n n2 + n (n2 − 2n) n2 + 2n
(a ) − 1. (b) − 1. (c ) − 1. ( d) − 1.
2 2 2 2
0 1 0
12. Let W = �P(B) ∶ P is a polynomial with real coef�icients, where B = �0 0 1��
1 0 0
the dimension d of the vector space W satis�ies
IIT-JAM 2022
1 1
13. Consider the 2 × 2 matrix M = � � ∈ M2 (ℝ). If the eighth power of M satis�ies
1 0
1 x
M8 � � = �y� , then the value of x is
(a)21. (b) 22. (c) 34. (d) 35.
14. Let V be a real vector space consisting of all polynomials in one variable with real
coef�icients and having degree at most 6, together with the zero polynomial.
(c) �f ∈ V ∶ f � � = f(1)� is a subspace of V.
(d) �f ∈ V ∶ f′ � � = 1� is a subspace of V.
15. For P ∈ M5 (ℝ) and i, j ∈ {1,2, … ,5}, let pij denote the (i, j)th entry of P.
(d) If P ∈ S and all the entries of P are integers, then 5 divides the sum of all
each entry of M by its complex conjugate. Consider the real vector space
� }. Where MT denotes the transpose of M.
H = {M ∈ M4 (ℂ) ∶ MT = M
IIT-JAM 2021
17. Let V be the real vector space of all continuous functions f: [0,2] → ℝ such that
the restriction of f on the interval [0,1]is a polynomial of degree less than or equal
IIT-JAM 2020
Let W be the subspace given by W = {∑ni=0 ai x i ∈ P2020 ∶ ai = 0 for all odd i}.
IIT-JAM 2019
19. Let W1 and W2 be subspaces of the real vector space ℝ100 de�ined by
IIT-JAM 2018
20. Let W1 be the real vector space of all 5 × 2 matrices such that the sum of the
Entries in each row is zero. Let W2 be the real vector space of all 5 × 2
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