UNIT3 SBE Students

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Energy Management

• Energy management is the proactive and systematic

monitoring, control and optimization of an organization's
energy consumption to conserve use and decrease energy
• Energy management includes minor actions such as
monitoring monthly energy bills and upgrading to energy-
saving lightbulbs.
• Energy Management System (EMS) : a system of computer-
aided tools used by operators of electric utility grids to
monitor, control, and optimize the performance of the
generation or transmission system.

Energy efficiency in buildings
• The energy efficiency of a building is the extent to which the
energy consumption per square metre of floor area of the
building measures up to established energy consumption
benchmarks for that particular type of building under
defined climatic conditions.
• Building energy consumption benchmarks are representative
values for common building types against which a building’s
actual performance can be compared.
• Comparisons with simple benchmarks of annual energy use
per square metre of floor area or treated floor area (kWh/m2
/annum) allow the standard of energy efficiency to be
assessed and priority areas for action to be identified.

• Benchmarks are applied mainly to heating, cooling, air-
conditioning, ventilation, lighting, fans, pumps and controls,
office or other electrical equipment, and electricity
consumption for external lighting. The benchmarks used vary
with the country and type of building.
• The measure of heat loss through a material, referred to as
the U-Value, is also used as a way of describing the energy
performance of a building.
• The U-value refers to how well an element conducts heat
from one side to the other by rating how much the heat the
component allows to pass through it

• U-values also rate the energy efficiency of the combined
materials in a building component or section.

• A low U-value indicates good energy efficiency.

• Windows, doors, walls and skylights can gain or lose heat,

thereby increasing the energy required for cooling or heating.
For this reason most building codes have set minimum
standards for the energy efficiency of these components.

• Focus on insulation
• Choose the right ventilation system
• Buy certified equipment
• Buy certified equipment –
An Energy Star certified computer, for example, will use 30% to
65% less energy than a typical non-certified model, depending
on its use. These products evolve quickly, so it's important to
stay informed about new developments.
• Use LED lights –
Upgrading to LED lighting can help you reduce your energy use
by 75% compared to incandescent lighting.

Simple techniques such as altering building orientation,
architecture, use of the latest energy-efficient insulation
materials, and enhanced construction techniques contribute
significantly towards energy efficient and sustainable
performance of buildings.

Energy efficiency standards & codes
Energy Efficiency Performance Levels
1) Energy Conservation Building Code Compliant Building (ECBC
Building) : ECBC Buildings shall demonstrate compliance by
adopting the mandatory and prescriptive requirements listed
under ECBC Compliant Building requirements in §4 to §7, or by
following the provisions of the Whole Building Performance
(WBP) Method in §9.
2) Energy Conservation Building Code Plus Building (ECBC+
Building) : ECBC+ Buildings shall demonstrate compliance by
adopting the mandatory and prescriptive requirements listed
under ECBC+ Compliant Building requirements in §4 to §7, or by
following the provisions of the Whole Building Performance
(WBP) Method in §9.
3) Super Energy Conservation Building Code Building
(SuperECBC Building) : SuperECBC Buildings shall demonstrate
compliance by adopting the mandatory and prescriptive
requirements listed under SuperECBC Compliant Building
requirements in §4 to §7, or by following the provisions of the
Whole Building Performance (WBP) Method in §9.

The provisions of this code apply to:
a) Building envelope,
b) Mechanical systems and equipment, including heating,
ventilating, and air conditioning, service hot water heating,
c) Interior and exterior lighting, and
d) Electrical power and motors, and renewable energysystems.
Reference Standard : The National Building Code of India 2016

Building Classification:
1. Hospitality: Any building in which sleeping accommodation
is provided for commercial purposes, except any building
classified under Health Care. Buildings and structures under
Hospitality shall include the following:
i. No-star Hotels – like Lodging-houses, dormitories, no-star
ii. Resort
iii. Star Hotel

2. Health Care: Any building or part thereof, which is used for
purposes such as medical or other treatment or care of
persons suffering from physical or mental illness, disease, or
infirmity; care of infants, convalescents, or aged persons, and
for penal or correctional detention in which the liberty of the
inmates is restricted.

Health Care buildings ordinarily provide sleeping

accommodation for the occupants. Buildings and structures
like hospitals, sanatoria, out-patient healthcare, laboratories,
research establishments, and test houses are included under
this type.

3. Assembly: Any building or part of a building, where number
of persons congregate or gather for amusement, recreation,
social, religious, patriotic, civil, travel and similar purposes.
Buildings like theatres or motion picture halls, gathering halls,
and transport buildings like airports, railway stations, bus
stations, and underground and elevated mass rapid transit
system are included in this group.
4. Business: Any building or part thereof which is used for
transaction of business, for keeping of accounts and records
and similar purposes, professional establishments, and service
facilities. There are two subcategories under Business –
Daytime Business and 24-hour Business. Unless otherwise
mentioned, Business buildings shall include both Daytime and
24-hour subcategories.
5. Educational: Any building used for schools, colleges,
universities, and other training institutions for day-care
purposes involving assembly for instruction, education, or
recreation for students.
If residential accommodation is provided in the schools,
colleges, or universities or coaching/ training institution, that
portion of occupancy shall be classified as a No-star Hotel.
Buildings and structures under Educational shall include
following types.
i. Schools
ii. Colleges
iii. Universities
iv. Training Institutions

7. Shopping Complex: Any building or part thereof, which is
used as shops, stores, market, for display and sale of
merchandise, either wholesale or retail. Buildings like
shopping malls, stand-alone retails, open gallery malls, super
markets, or hyper markets are included in this type.

Compliance and Approach
To comply with the Code, buildings shall
(a) have an Energy Performance Index Ratio (EPI Ratio) as
defined in §3.1.1 that is less than or equal to 1 and,
(b) meet all mandatory requirements mentioned under §4.2,
§5.2 , §6.2, and §7.2.
Energy Performance Index
The Energy Performance Index (EPI) of a building is its annual
energy consumption in kilowatt-hours per square meter of the
building. While calculating the EPI of a building, the area of
unconditioned basements shall not be included. EPI can be
determined by:

annual energy consumption in kWh
EPI = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
total built – up area (excluding unconditional basements)

To comply with the Code, EPI shall be calculated based on one

of the following:

(a) Prescriptive Method including Building Envelope Trade-off

Method (see §3.2.2)
(b) Whole Building Performance Method (see §3.2.3)

Core and Shell building Compliance

New core and shell building shall demonstrate compliance with ECBC
requirements for the following base building systems in the common
(a) Building envelope
(b) Thermal comfort systems and controls (only those installed by
developer/ owner)
(c) Lighting systems and controls (only those installed by developer/
(d) Electrical systems (installed by developer/ owner)
(e) Renewable energy systems
Additionally, the tenant lease agreement shall have a legal
undertaking clause to ensure interior fit-outs made by tenant shall be
Code compliant. The legal undertaking shall mandate the relevant
energy efficiency compliance requirements for all interior fit-outs
within the tenant leased area. 18
Compliance Documents
Construction drawings and specifications shall show all pertinent data
and features of the building, equipment, and systems in sufficient detail
to permit the authority having jurisdiction to verify that the building
complies with the requirements of this code. Details shall include,
(a) Building Envelope: opaque construction materials and their thermal
properties including thermal conductivity, specific heat, density along
with thickness; fenestration U-factors, solar heat gain coefficients
(SHGC), visible light transmittance (VLT) and building envelope
sealing documentation; overhangs and side fins, building envelope
sealing details;
(b) Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning: system and equipment
types, sizes, efficiencies, and controls; economizers; variable speed
drives; piping insulation; duct sealing, insulation and location; solar
water heating system; requirement for balance report;
(c) Lighting: lighting schedule showing type, number, and wattage of
lamps and ballasts; automatic lighting shutoff, occupancy sensors,
and other lighting controls; lamp efficacy for exterior lamps;
(d) Electrical Power: electric schedule showing transformer losses, motor
efficiencies, and power factor correction devices; electric check
metering and monitoring system.

(e) Renewable energy systems: system peak generation capacity,

technical specifications, solar zone area

Star Labelling for Appliances

Mandatory Scheme

Voluntary Scheme

Energy-efficient building envelopes
• A building envelope is a physical barrier between the external
environment and the internal conditioned space, keeping the
residents comfortable.
• A building envelope consists of fenestration (doors and windows),
roofs, walls, and insulations.
• Since a building envelope separates the unconditioned exterior
environment from the conditioned interior space, it is one of the
key factors that impact building energy consumption.
• Building envelopes of energy-efficient buildings are not simply
barriers between interior and exterior; they are building systems
that create comfortable spaces by actively responding to the
building’s external environment, and substantially reduce the
buildings’ energy consumption.

Energy-efficient building envelopes:
● have high thermal resistant materials in the facade of the building,
● use vapor barriers and are effective in vapor control,
● have efficient window and door seals,
● have effective airflow control to minimize infiltration of outdoor air.

Heating and cooling loads

• The heating load is the amount of heat energy that would need to be
added to a space to maintain the temperature in an acceptable range.
• The cooling load is the amount of heat energy that would need to be
removed from a space (cooling) to maintain the temperature in an
acceptable range.
• The heating and cooling loads, or "thermal loads", take into account:
• the dwelling's construction and insulation; including floors,
walls, ceilings and roof; and
• the dwelling's glazing and skylights; based on size, performance,
shading and overshadowing.
• Lower thermal loads indicate that, relatively, the dwelling
will require less heating and cooling to maintain
comfortable conditions.
• Lower thermal loads do not necessarily correspond to lower
electricity usage.
• In practice, the heating and cooling loads may be handled
by heating or air-conditioning equipment.
• Lower loads will improve the Energy score.

Arid Climate Envelope
Arid climates are very dry, and usually
hot, but they often have large swings
of temperature from day to night.
Thus thermal mass on the outside of
the building is the most crucial design
strategy to even out such temperature
swings. For consistently hot locations,
it also helps to have high ceilings,
shaded breezeways, light colors, and
daylighting via reflected light (not
direct sun), such as in this audience
hall in the Jaipur city palace.
Courtyards with natural ventilation
and pools or fountains can provide
evaporative cooling as well.
The City Palace in Jaipur, India. Photo: Jeremy Faludi
Tropical Climate Envelope
Tropical climates are hot and humid.
Therefore, keeping the heat of the sun off
is the top priority, as well as maximizing
ventilation—essentially a reflective
insulated roof with walls that pass breeze
but not rain is ideal. This traditional Papua
New Guinean home’s thick light-colored
thatch roof keeps out the sun’s heat, while
open eaves and porous bamboo slats for
walls and floor maximize natural
ventilation. The materials are all low-mass
to avoid condensation and mold growth,
which can happen with high-mass
materials in humid climates. (Note:
Jalousie windows are found in the tropics,
A traditional home in Papua New but are not as common elsewhere,
Guinea. Photo: Jeremy Faludi because they are so porous to breezes.)
Cold Climate Envelope
Cold climates have many more heating
degree days than cooling degree days.
Thus maximizing insulation is the key to
keeping warm, as well as using windows
for solar gain on thermal mass inside the
building envelope (not outside as in arid
climates). Part of having effective
insulation in cold climates is an air-tight
envelope, avoiding infiltration. This
Finnish cabin has very few and very small
A vernacular-design cabin windows except on the south side, to
in Finland maximize solar gain while minimizing
losses elsewhere. Before modern
insulation, thick solid log walls such as
these provided better insulation than
board walls could.
Building Orientation

Different building orientations

• Along with massing, orientation can be the most important
step in providing a building with passive thermal and visual
• Orientation should be decided together with massing early in
the design process, as neither can be truly optimized without
the other.
• Orientation is measured by the azimuth angle of a surface
relative to true north.
• Successful orientation rotates the building to minimize
energy loads and maximize free energy from the sun and

Successful orientation can also take advantage of other site
conditions, such as rainwater harvesting driven by prevailing
winds. It can even help the building contribute to the health
and vitality of the surrounding social, and economic
communities, by orienting courtyards or other social spaces to
connect to street life.

Orientation for Visual Comfort

• As with massing for visual comfort, buildings should usually

be oriented east-west rather than north-south.
• This orientation lets you consistently harness daylight and
control glare along the long faces of the building.
• It also lets you minimize glare from the rising or setting sun.

Orientation #1 is worst for daylighting, #3 is good, and #2 is best

Orientation for Thermal Comfort: Solar Heat Gain
Different faces of the building get very different amounts of heat
from the sun. As with massing, orientation for thermal comfort is
similar to orientation for daylighting, with some exceptions:
• First, the amount of sunlight that is optimal for daylighting is
often not optimal for solar heat gain.
• Second, since the sun's heat does not come from all directions
like the sun's light can, walls facing away from the sun's path
get no heat gain, even though they can still get large amounts
of diffuse light.
• Third, the sun's heat can be stored by thermal mass, which the
sun's light cannot. This can be useful for west-facing walls to
store heat for the night.
• This orientation lets us consistently harness daylight and
control glare along the long faces of the building.
• It also lets us minimize glare from the rising or setting sun.
Glazing and Materials on different faces
• Material choices and glazing are part of a building's orientation
for thermal comfort. They can avoid solar heat gain, or--unlike
daylighting--they can store the sun's heat with thermal mass.
• The orientation that supplies just enough daylight may supply
too much heat, or vice-versa.

More glazing to
the east and more
thermal mass to
the west can even
out temperature
swings from the
sun’s heat.
• Equator-facing sides of the building are well suited to capture
and store the sun's heat via large windows and materials with
high thermal mass, while sides facing away from the sun's path
are not.
• To even out temperature swings at sunrise and sunset, east
sides may benefit from more window area for direct solar heat
gain, while west sides may benefit from smaller window areas
and high thermal mass to absorb the heat and release it through
the night. The right strategy depends on the climate.

Orientation for Thermal Comfort: Natural Ventilation
• Buildings should be
oriented to maximize
benefits from cooling
breezes in hot weather
and shelter from
undesirable winds in cold

• Look at the prevailing

winds for your site
throughout the year, using
a "wind rose" diagram, to
see which winds to take
advantage of or avoid.
Generally, orienting the building so that its shorter axis aligns
with prevailing winds will provide the most wind ventilation,
while orienting it perpendicular to prevailing winds will provide
the least passive ventilation.

• Fenestration refers to the openings in the building envelope,
including the installation of windows, doors, and skylights.
• The inclusion of windows and other openings in the home are
necessary as they improve the overall environment inside the
home, however they do work to break the seal of the home,
providing possible places for air, water, and cold air to enter
the home.
• Thus, the number of openings included in a home must be
taken into account, as well as the quality of the materials used
to create these openings along with the placement.

Benefits of Fenestration
• The inclusion of openings in the building envelope is
necessary for people to live comfortably inside a building (or
even get in and out of them in the first place).
• Openings such as windows allow natural light into the home
and can promote passive solar heating and cooling, as well as
providing natural points of ventilation, air circulation and fire
• Doors are also vital to a buildings design to provide a point of
entry and exit to the building. Skylights provide similar
benefits as windows, however they generally do not open.

Aside from the increased energy efficiency, benefits of
fenestration include :
• Increase comfort by reducing drafts and making a house feel
warmer during the cold season.
• Improve indoor air quality by reducing condensation,
preventing mold growth. As well, a tighter seal into the home
prevents external contaminants from entering the home.
• Saving money by minimizing air leakage, improving the
performance of furnaces and air-conditioners, and improving
the thermal performance of windows.
• Control condensation due to the fact that energy-efficient
windows stay warmer on interior surfaces, allowing for a
higher level of relative humidity without condensation. This
in turn allows windows to last longer, decreasing the need to
replace them as frequently.
Issues due to Fenestration
All fenestration products experience a degree of heat loss due

• Radiation: heat energy is absorbed by the material of the

door or window and radiates toward the cooler side.
• Conduction: heat energy moves through the solid materials
that make up the frame or other parts of the window, door,
or skylight.
• Convection: heat energy is transferred to the air between
parts of the window or door.
• Air leakage: heat energy is transferred to air moving through
seals or gaps in the door or window.

Air conditioning 43

• A standard air conditioner or cooling system uses a specialized chemical
called refrigerant, and has three main mechanical components: a
compressor, a condenser coil and an evaporator coil.
• These components work together to quickly convert the refrigerant from
gas to liquid and back again.
• The compressor raises the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant
gas and sends it to the condenser coil where it is converted to a liquid.
• Then the refrigerant travels back indoors and enters the evaporator coil.
• Here the liquid refrigerant evaporates, and cools the indoor coil.
• A fan blows indoor air across the cold evaporator coil where the heat
inside the home is absorbed into the refrigerant.
• The cooled air is then circulated throughout the home while the heated
evaporated gas is sent back outside to the compressor.
• The heat is then released into the outdoor air as the refrigerant returns
to a liquid state.
• This cycle continues until your home has reached the desired
Window Air Conditioners
• These used to be a very common choice for controlling the
temperature in a small room. They contain the compressor,
condenser, coils and the evaporator all in one single unit.
• Window air conditioners are designed to fit into the window
of a room, so they generally don’t need any significant home
modifications for installation.
• Wall units are very similar, except they need a hole made in
the room’s wall in order for them to fit.

• Window air conditioners generally have a low up front cost.
• If one is considering cooling down multiple rooms, one may
want to consider a split or ducted system, because they tend
to be more efficient.
• One advantage of window air conditioners is that they can be
taken with you when you move houses.
• This makes them suitable for renters, or those who are
considering moving in the near future.

• Most window air conditioners work in cycles that involve
them turning on to cool down or heat up the room, then
switching off once the desired temperature is reached.
• They click back on once the room starts to heat up or cool
down again.
• They tend to not be very energy-efficient.

Portable Air Conditioners
• Portable air conditioners tend to have relatively low up-front
• However, in the long run they are likely to cost you more in
electricity than other options.
• It is recommended that you look into other models unless
you move frequently, only have a very small space to cool, or
don’t plan on using it often.

Wall Hung Split or Multi Head Split Air Conditioners
• These ductless systems are quite common in modern homes.
• They are referred to as split systems because they consist of
two units, one kept inside your home and one outside.
• They can be used to cool or heat single areas, or multi-zone
systems can be installed.
• These have one compressor outside, with several indoor
units conditioning the air in various parts of your home.

• The indoor units tend to be mounted high on your walls, so
it is important to take them into account when planning the
décor of your space.

• Wall-split and multi-head split systems tend to be smaller

than ducted systems and are connected by piping rather
than large ducts.

• Despite this, the indoor units are still more visible than the
vents of ductless systems.

• Wall hung split and multi head split systems have a relatively
high upfront cost compared to the previous two types of air
conditioners, but the costs are not as high as ducted air
• Despite the initial expense, they tend to be more efficient
than window or portable units, which makes them cheaper
in the long run.
• A wall hung split or multi head split system will require slight
modifications to your home, including holes for the piping.

Ducted Air Conditioning
• Ducted air conditioning, also known as central air conditioning,
can be the most efficient in many situations.
• A ducted system involves a large compressor on the outside of
the building, an internal evaporative unit and ducts that bring
conditioned air to various rooms through vents.
• A ducted system will require some significant modifications to
your home and tends to have a high upfront cost.
• These systems are great for controlling the temperature of a
whole home or office, and they can often come out cheaper to
install and run than multiple mini-split systems and window
• While they require a large compressor on the outside, they are
almost invisible on the inside, except for the vents and
Design considerations for air conditioning systems
HVAC engineers look at a wide range of different factors, but
the most important to consider are:

• The type of air conditioning system

• The size of the system and the available space
• Ducts and ventilation
• Cooling loads
• Energy efficiency
• Cost-effectiveness
• Health and safety requirements

The type of air conditioning system

• There are several popular types of air conditioning systems,

and each has its advantages and disadvantages.
• Different systems use different energy sources, while some
offer more compact designs over others.
• The most common systems are:
 Split systems
 Hybrid systems
 Packaged systems

Split Systems
• Split systems are the most popular type of air conditioning system
that can be installed on a commercial property.
• The term ‘split’ refers to the fact that a split system has two
primary components to its design.
• These are a heating unit and a cooling unit, which can be operated
independently or in conjunction with one another via a thermostat
• Split systems usually consist of a boiler that provides heat and a
traditional air conditioning unit that provides the cooling element.
• On top of this, traditional split systems are designed with a
network of ducts and vents in order to allow heat or cold air to be
effectively circulated through the building.
• Ductless split systems can be installed without the need for added
• Split systems have the advantage of being cost effective, easily
adaptable and, when optimised, energy-efficient. 57
Hybrid Systems
• Hybrid systems are similar to split systems, with the major
difference being that there are two sources of heat to choose
• A hybrid system has a traditional boiler as well as a heat pump,
which gives you much more control over the level of heating
within a commercial property.
• The heat pump doubles up as a heat extractor, adding the cooling
element to the HVAC system.
• Hybrid systems are energy-efficient and, as temperatures can be
set from a central thermostat, you’ll have the ability to control the
property’s heating to a greater extent, lowering energy bills and
improving the building’s environmental rating.
• Like split systems, hybrid systems can be designed with a network
of ducts and vents to evenly and effectively distribute heat
throughout a commercial property.
Packaged Systems
• Packaged systems are another popular choice of air
conditioning system for businesses, as they are cost-
effective, relatively easy to adapt, and very compact.
• Packaged systems are essentially an all-in-one air
conditioning system.
• Rather than having a separate unit for heating and cooling, a
packaged system has one unit that provides both elements of
temperature control.
• It’s an easy system that can fit into even the smallest of
spaces if necessary, but it does mean that, if something goes
wrong, the whole system goes down quickly.

The size of the system and the available space
• Different systems take up varying amounts of space.
• A packaged system is the most compact.
• While this is great for an office block, it won’t be the best
option for a multi-tiered football stadium.
• Larger commercial spaces require more complex systems, so
split or hybrid systems are often the best choice.
• Designers need to factor in the space available for the units
and their location.
• For example, is there a basement where heating systems can
be installed or will the air conditioning units disrupt the
existing office plan if they are installed inside rather than

Ducts and Ventilation

• Air conditioning units and heaters can’t work in isolation, at

least not if a system’s designed to regulate the temperature
of large commercial properties.
• HVAC designers need to factor in a series of ducts and vents
that allow the entire building to be temperature controlled
in a cost-effective manner.
• Again, engineers need to factor in the layout of a building,
the extent of the system, and the available space as part of
the initial design process.
• Vents and ducts are needed to circulate air, remove
moisture and dust, and create a healthy indoor environment
for employees.

Cooling Loads
• Cooling loads are an incredibly important calculation that
designers need to make while constructing and optimising an
air conditioning system.
• Cooling loads are a measure of how much heat an air
conditioning system can remove from a building within a
given space of time.
• For large buildings, buildings that retain more heat and
buildings that need to be kept cooler than standard, an air
conditioning system needs to be able to cope with a high
cooling load.
• If it can’t, then the building will be inefficient and it’s going to
be hot all the time.

Energy Efficiency
• HVAC designers need to factor energy efficiency into their
plans as a major consideration.
• An energy-efficient system allows the building to retain heat
in the winter while remaining cool in the summer.
• This lowers the energy usage of an air conditioning system,
which in turn lowers the commercial property’s monthly
energy bill.
• Where possible, a building also needs to be adequately
insulated to provide optimal conditions for an HVAC system to
function in.
• Energy efficiency also helps the environment, ensuring that
your company can promote itself as a greener, more
sustainable operation.
• For any commercial business, cost is always a huge factor,
particularly when such a large project is being undertaken.
• HVAC designers endeavour to ensure that their plans are as
cost-effective as possible, while also balancing the need to
save money in the short term with the chance to invest for
future savings (through improved energy efficiency, for
• Ultimately, cost-effectiveness isn’t about simply cutting costs
and ordering the cheapest possible air conditioning unit, it’s
about creating a bespoke and efficient system that saves
money over several decades.

Health and Safety Requirements
• Finally, air conditioning systems being installed on a
commercial or industrial scale have to meet stringent health
and safety requirements.
• Designers need to factor in restraints such as building
regulations, as well as directives from the Health and Safety
• Large projects may even need planning permission, but this
depends on the building in question and the local council’s
• A professional air conditioning system designer will ensure
that all health and safety requirements, as well as other legal
constraints, are met before installation begins.

Lighting in building

Lighting includes the use of both artificial light sources like
lamps and light fixtures, as well as natural illumination by
capturing daylight.
Daylighting (using windows, skylights, or light shelves) is
sometimes used as the main source of light during daytime in

Artificial light and daylight – the difference
• There are some significant differences between natural daylight
and artificial light.
• Most important here are intensity and spectrum.
• The full light spectrum can only be found in daylight, although
bright sunlight is not absolutely necessary.
• Even an overcast winter day still provides better light than
bright office lighting.
• This natural daylight not only lifts the mood and helps the body
produce vitamin D, it is also better for the eyes and
• Fonts are easier to read and colours easier to distinguish in
daylight than in artificial light.
• Also, our eyes do not have to strain as they do in the light of a
lamp. The white light colour of the midday sun or an overcast
day is rather cool and provides a clear and unfiltered colour
perception. 68
Meeting room with artificial lighting

Meeting room with daylight illumination from above and the side

Importance of day lighting over artificial lighting
• Daylighting not only saves electricity but it also leads to light,
airy architecture of great beauty.
• It has become a major element in energy-efficient design and
sustainable solar passive architecture.
• If day lighting is being used effectively then the decrease of
cooling and lighting energy required to condition building
would come true.

Important factors to have day lighting are given below:

• Daylighting increases the comfort and productivity of people

living in them.
• Daylight boosts one’s mood and motivation in the work place;
the work is done faster and involves more pleasure and the
results are better.
• Stress has been reduced since it creates a calmer indoor
environment as it reminds people of the outdoor.
• Maximum daylight helps to reduce monthly electricity bills by
decreasing the amount of electricity spent.

Ways to improve day lighting with sustainable aspects
1. Window orientation to maximize the benefits of day lighting
• It aims at using maximum sunlight through the size and
location of the window.
• Daylight captures diffuse light without any compromise on
comfort and its functions.
• Depending on the nature of the room this strategy should
enhance the quality of light.
• Discomforts are reduced by providing overhangs and by
avoiding the location of windows on east and west side of the

2. Use of clerestories
• In Egyptian architecture, this strategy has been long used.
• A clerestory is a series of fenestration or glass window at a
top of a high section wall usually at or near the roof line.
• The main purpose is to admit light, fresh air, or both.

Clerestory 74
Showing daylight through clerestory 75
3. Light shelves

• A light shelf is a horizontal day lighting system that

introduces external natural light into the building interiors by
reflecting the light from light shelf’s reflector and indoor
ceiling surface.
• Light shelves are installed in classrooms, office buildings and
higher education facilities for day lighting.

Showing daylight through light shelf
4. Skylights
• A skylight is a light-transmitting structure that is located on
the roof of a building for day lighting purposes.
• Skylights are installed to provide day lighting and/or
• It is an energy-efficiency structure for comfort and day
• Skylight is a source of natural light and can admit more
than three times as much light as a vertical window of the
same size, distributing it evenly, saving energy and
improving your visual comfort levels

Fixed unit skylight
Operable skylights

Tubular skylights
energy systems
and technologies
Renewable energy systems and technologies
Technology options include solar, wind, microhydropower, and
hybrid electric systems (solar and wind).

Small solar electric systems –

• A small solar electric or photovoltaic system can be a reliable
and pollution-free producer of electricity for your home or
• Small photovoltaics systems also provide a cost-effective
power supply in locations where it is expensive or impossible
to send electricity through conventional power lines.

Small wind electric systems –
• Small wind electric systems are one of the most cost-
effective home-based renewable energy systems.
• They can also be used for a variety of other applications,
including water pumping on farms and ranches.

Microhydropower systems –
Microhydropower systems usually generate up to 100 kilowatts
of electricity, though a 10-kilowatt system can generally provide
enough power for a large home, small resort, or a hobby farm.

Small “hybrid” solar and wind electric systems -- Because the

peak operating times for wind and solar systems occur at
different times of the day and year, hybrid systems are more
likely to produce power when you need it.
Net Zero-energy Building

• A net zero-energy building (NZEB) is a residential or
commercial building with greatly reduced energy needs
through efficiency gains such that the balance of energy
needs can be supplied with renewable technologies.

• At the heart of the NZEB concept is the idea that buildings

can meet all their energy requirements from low-cost,
locally-available, non-polluting, renewable sources.

• At the strictest level, an NZEB generates enough renewable

energy on site to equal or exceed its annual energy use.

Designing of NZEBs
Net Zero Energy Buildings uses less Energy consumption loads.
The heating and cooling loads are replaced by energy-efficient
loads, Optimize design for passive strategies, Optimize design
for active systems to recover Energy, generate energy on–site.
Features of Zero Energy Buildings:
• Zero Energy Buildings use glue-laminated timber which has
low carbon content as the main structural element in place
of concrete and steel. This reduces the overall weight of
house and is less vulnerable to natural disasters.
• Green roofs are utilized to act as insulation as well as cooling
• Thermal mass is used for passive heating and cooling.
• Installing solar panels on rooftop which is to be connected
to Grids, which makes grid interdependent on other sources
of energy.
• Optimizing passive solar orientation and use external
shading to prevent unnecessary solar gains during summer.
• Using low e-glazing window panes would increase energy
efficiency and saves our money.
• Using blended concrete structural steel, ceiling and floor
tiles, carpeting, carpet padding.
• Provide a clean and healthy building. Use biodegradable and
environmentally-friendly cleaning agents that do not release
VOCs or other harmful agents and residue.

• Conserve water and preserve site and ground water quality
by using only indigenous, drought-resistant and shrubs,
plants and turf that require no irrigation, fertilizers,
pesticides or herbicides.
• Use Energy Star-certified (ISI) marked energy efficient
appliances, office equipment, lighting and HVAC systems.

India’s first Net Zero Energy Building has been established with
the help of Passive solar design and energy efficient
construction materials..

The Indira Paryavaran Bhavan is the first Net zero energy

building. It is one of the NZEBs which have been given Rating 5
under GRIHA Scheme.

Advantages of Net Zero Energy Buildings:

• More energy efficiency allows more saving.

• Reduction in grid blackouts .
• Reduced total net monthly cost of living
• GHG emissions would reduce
• The cost of NZEBs would increase with increase in energy costs.

Disadvantages of Net Zero Energy Buildings:

• The initial investment is very high.
• There are very few architects, sustainable designers who have
necessary skills to build NZEBs.
• The energy produced would be less during bad weather as solar
panels don’t work in rainy days.
• Energy-efficient construction materials are not readily available.

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