Ladder Princton Analysis
Ladder Princton Analysis
Ladder Princton Analysis
Kirk T. McDonald Joseph Henry Laboratories, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 (May 6, 2007)
The problem of a ladder that slides without friction while touching a oor and wall is often used to illustrate Lagranges method for deducing the equation of motion of a mechanical system. Suppose the ladder has mass m, length 2l, and makes angle to the vertical. Deduce the equation of motion via a torque analysis about each of the ve points A, B, C, D and E as shown in the gure below. All of these points except A are accelerating in the lab frame.
The usual statement of the ladder problem is to ask at what angle does the ladder lose contact with the vertical wall if it starts from rest at = 0 (and the bottom of the ladder is given a tiny horizontal velocity).
Solution 1
Lagranges Method
We use as the single generalized coordinate. The center of mass of the ladder is at point B and moves in a circle of radius l about the xed point A. The moment of inertia of the
A solution to this problem that avoids use of the equation of motion is given at
ml2 . (1) 3 The kinetic energy of the sliding ladder consists of the kinetic energy of the motion of the center of mass plus the kinetic energy of rotation about the center of mass, Icm =
2 m(l)2 ml2 2ml2 mvcm Icm + = + = . T = 2 2 2 6 3 2 2 2
The gravitational potential energy of the ladder relative to the oor is V = mgl cos . The equation of motion of the ladder follows from Lagranges equation, d L L = , dt where the Lagrangian is L = T V . From eqs. (2)-(4) we nd that = 3g sin . 4l (5) (4) (3)
The ladder loses contact with the vertical wall when (horizontal) contact force Fw vanishes. This contact force causes the horizontal acceleration of the center of mass, Fw = max. (6)
The x and y coordinates of the center of mass (so long as the ladder remains in contact with the wall) are ycm = l cos , (7) xcm = l sin , so the acceleration of the center of mass has components 2 ax = xcm = l cos l sin , 2 ay = ycm = l sin l cos . (8)
The angular velocity of the ladder follows from conservation of energy, mgl = T + V, so that2 (9)
2 3g = (1 cos ). (10) 2l The ladder loses contact with the vertical wall when Fw = max vanishes, which occurs when cos = 2/3, using eqs. (5), (8) and (10).
The equation of motion (5) can also be deduced by taking the time derivative of eq. (10).
A Newtonian approach to the equation of motion of the sliding ladder is based on a torque analysis about some point. If that point is at rest, the torques are due only to the forces that are apparent in the lab frame. However, if the point is accelerating, there are additional torques due to apparent forces associated with the use of an accelerated coordinate system. First, we consider an analysis about point A, which is xed in the lab frame. The torque equation is dLA (11) = A = 2Ff l sin mgl sin 2Fw l cos , dt where LA is the angular momentum of the ladder about point A, and a torque is positive if its vector points along the +z axis in a right-handed coordinate system. The subtlety of the torque analysis about point A (and about point F ) is that the rotation of the ladder is not a rigid body rotation about this point, so the angular momentum is not the product of the momentum of inertia about point A times the angular velocity In general, the angular momentum of a rigid body with respect to a point equals the angular momentum of the center of mass motion with respect to that point, plus the angular momentum of the body relative to the center of mass. The angular momentum of the center of mass motion of the ladder relative to point A is ml2 , while the angular momentum of the ladder relative to the center of mass is = ml2 /3, recalling eq. (1) and noting that the senses of these two rotations are Icm opposite. Thus, the total angular momentum of the ladder about point A is 2 2 ml = 2ml . (12) LA = ml2 + 3 3 We note that the moment of inertia of the ladder about point A (as well as that about points C, D and E) follows from the parallel axis theorem, 4 IA = IC = ID = IE = Icm + ml2 = ml2. (13) 3 But this moment of inertia is relevant only if the rotation of the center of mass about the point of reference and the rotation with respect to the center of mass are equal in magnitude and sign. In the present example this is true for points C and D but not points A and E. As previously discussed, the horizontal force Fw equals horizontal acceleration of the center of mass, so that 2 (14) Fw = max = ml cos ml sin . Similarly, the vertical force Ff is related to the vertical acceleration of the center of mass according to Ff mg = may , so that 2 Ff = mg + may = mg ml sin ml cos . Combining the torque equation (11) with eqs. (12), (14) and (15) we nd 2 2 ml2 = 2mgl sin 2ml2 sin2 2ml2 cos sin 3 2 mgl sin 2ml2 cos2 + 2ml2 cos sin = mgl sin 2ml2 , 3 (15)
Points B-E are accelerating, so the torque analyses about these points must include the eect of the coordinate force (17) FP = maP that appears to act on the center of mass according to an observer at a point P that is accelerating with respect to the lab frame [1]. However, if the point of reference is the center of mass of the system, the coordinate force (17) causes no torque, so a torque analysis about the center of mass has the same form whether or not the center of mass is accelerating. Point B is the center of mass of the ladder. The angular momentum about point B is therefore (18) LB = Icm , and the torque equation is dLB ml2 = = B = Ff l sin Fw l cos dt 3 2 = mgl sin ml2 sin2 ml2 cos sin 2 ml2 cos2 + ml2 cos sin = mgl sin ml2 , which again leads to the equation of motion (5).
Point C has coordinates (0, 2ycm ) so the coordinate force associated with taking this point as our reference point for a torque analysis is y FC = (0, 2mcm ) = (0, 2ml sin + 2ml cos ),
recalling eq. (8). Since point C is located on the ladder, the angular momentum about point C is simply 4ml2 , (21) LC = IC = 3 recalling eq. (13). The torque analysis about point C is then dLC 4ml2 = = C = mgl sin + 2Ff l sin + FC,y l sin dt 3 = mgl sin 2 +2mgl sin 2ml2 sin2 2ml2 cos sin 2 +2ml2 sin2 + 2ml2 cos sin = mgl sin , (22)
Point D has coordinates (2xcm , 0) so the coordinate force associated with taking this point as our reference point for a torque analysis is 2 FD = (2mcm, 0) = (2ml cos + 2ml sin , 0), x (23)
recalling eq. (8). Since point D is located on the ladder, the angular momentum about point C is simply 4ml2 LD = ID = , (24) 3 recalling eq. (13). The torque analysis about point D is then 4ml2 dLD = = D = mgl sin 2Fw l cos FD,x l cos dt 3 = mgl sin 2 2ml2 cos2 + 2ml2 cos sin 2 +2ml2 cos2 2ml2 cos sin = mgl sin , which again leads to the equation of motion (5). (25)
The ordinary torques from the oor and wall about point E vanish, but we must still consider the torques due to gravity and to the coordinate forces. Point E has coordinates (2xcm , 2ycm ) so the coordinate force associated with taking this point as our reference point for a torque analysis is 2 2 x y FE = (2mcm , 2mcm) = (2ml cos + 2ml sin , 2ml sin + 2ml cos ), (26)
recalling eq. (8). Point E is not on the ladder, so we calculate its angular momentum as the sum of the angular momentum of the center of mass relative to point E plus the angular momentum relative to the center of mass, 2 2 ml = 2ml , (27) LE = ml2 + 3 3 as for the analysis about point A. The torque analysis about point E is then dLE 2ml2 = = E = mgl sin + FE,xl cos FE,y l sin dt 3 = mgl sin 2 2ml2 cos2 + 2ml2 cos sin 2 2ml2 sin2 2ml2 cos sin = mgl sin 2ml2 , (28) which again leads to the equation of motion (5). 5
We have deduced the equation of motion of the sliding ladder by six methods. Of these, Lagranges method is perhaps the simplest. If a torque analysis is desired, it is simplest to use the center of mass as the reference point so that no coordinate forces appear in the calculation. The use of reference points not on the ladder, such as points A and E is complicated by the fact that the ladder is not in simple rigid-body rotation about these points, so the angular momentum must be calculated as the sum of that of the center of mass plus that relative to the center of mass. Thanks to Amin Rezaeezadeh for discussions of this problem.
[1] See, for example, sec. 39 of L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Mechanics, 3rd ed., (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960).