HGP Monitoring Tool
HGP Monitoring Tool
HGP Monitoring Tool
Department of Education
To the observer: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.
O- No chance to observe
1- Not Observed
2- Observed but insufficient
3- Sufficiently observed
4- Sufficiently Observed and Commendable
The Teacher 4 3 2 1 0
1. makes sure that the learning modality is conducive for learning and
2. effectively organizes learning situations to meet the objectives of the
class presentation.
3. uses instructional methods that encourages relevant learner
participation in the learning process.
4. implements the module in accordance to the guidelines.
_____________________________________ ______________________
Adviser’ signature over printed name Date
Evaluated by:
Evaluator’s signature over printed name
Direction: Check the box that corresponds to your answer in each item using the legend below.
LEGEND: E- Evident EI- Evident but Inadequate NE- Not Evident NA- Not Applicable
V. Administrative Concerns
Write the total number of checks per area and identify those that are not evident and evident but
inadequate which merit actions to be taken.
I. Curriculum
and Compiance
II. Delivery Process
III. Evaluation of
IV. Suprvision of
V. Administrative
certifies that the monitoring and evaluation results have been discussed with me. I understand that my
signature does not necessarily indicate agreement, but acknowledges receipt of the report, and that I
may respond to any and all issues contained in this evaluation. Written response must be submitted to
the undersigned supervisor wiyhin 10 working days of date noted below.
Annex 3:
School Year 2020 – 2021
To the class adviser: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.
0- No chance to observe
1- Needs Improvement
2- Developing
3- Sufficiently Developed
4- Developed and Commendable
Competency 4 3 2 1 0
1st Quarter
Value oneself
Value others
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
To the class adviser: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.
0- No Chance to Observe
1- Needs Improvement
2- Developing
3- Sufficiently Developed
4- Developed and Commendable
Competency 4 3 2 1 0 Remarks
1st Quarter
Value oneself
Value others
2nd Quarter
Share the lessons learned from school and community that can
be used in daily living
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
To the class adviser: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.
0- No Chance to Observe
1- Needs Improvement
2- Developing
3- Sufficiently Developed
4- Developed and Commendable
Competency 4 3 2 1 0 Remarks
1st Quarter
Value oneself
Value others
2nd Quarter
Share the lessons learned from school and community that can be used in daily
Apply lessons from home, school and community to daily living with consideration
to family and society
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Respond to personal and social needs that can contribute to the promotion of
international standards
To the class adviser: Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.
0- No Chance to Observe
1- Needs Improvement
2- Developing
3- Sufficiently Developed
4- Developed and Commendable
Competency 4 3 2 1 0 Remarks
1st Quarter
Value oneself
2nd Quarter
Share the lessons learned from and community that can be used
in daily living
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Outline plans for the chosen profession, vocation and the future
To the class adviser : Check the box to indicate your assessment guided by the scale below.
0- No Chance of Observe
1- Needs Improvement
2- Developing
3- Sufficiently Developed
4- Developed and Commendable
Competency 4 3 2 1 0 Remarks
1st Quarter
Value oneself
Value others
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter