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 Introduction
 DC Shunt Motors
 DC Series Motors
 Separately Excited DC Motors

Lecture 8 – DC Motors  Operating Characteristics of DC Motors

 Starting methods

Electrical Drive Systems  Speed control methods

 Braking methods

8.1 Introduction
DC motors can be classified according to their armature
and field winding connections as follows

 Shunt dc motors
8.1 Introduction
 Series dc motors

 Separately-excited dc motors

 Compound motors

3 4

8.1 Introduction 8.1 Introduction
Fundamental Equations Fundamental Equations

Terminal voltage V  Ea  Ra I a Ea : induced voltage in the armature windings

Induced emf Ea  ke I a : armature current
Ea I a Ra : armature resistance
Electromagn. torque Td  ke I a 
 Td : developed electromagnetic torque
Electromagn. power Pg  Td  Ea I a Tm : shaft torque (mechanical torque)
Input power Pin  VI a Equivalent curciut of : motor efficiency
a dc motor armature
Output power Pout  Tm   Pin
5 6

8.2 Shunt DC Motors

In shunt dc motors, the armature and field windings are
connected in parallel.

8.2 Shunt DC Motors

I a : armature current
I f : shunt field current

7 8

8.2 Shunt DC Motors 8.2 Shunt DC Motors
Total line current In  Ia  I f Emf-Current Characteristics
Ea  U n  Ra I a
Induced emf Ea  U n  Ra I a

Speed of the motor a) For Un is constant, if we add resistance to Ra

U n  Ra I a
  a 2
ke  ke 
9 10

8.2 Shunt DC Motors 8.2 Shunt DC Motors

Emf-Current Characteristics Emf-Current Characteristics

a) Un is constant, if we add resistance to Ra Ea  U n  Ra I a

b)Ra is constant, if we change the applied voltage U1  U n  U 2  U 3

11 12

8.2 Shunt DC Motors 8.2 Shunt DC Motors
Emf-Current Characteristics Speed-Current Characteristics
b)Ra is constant, if we change the applied voltage U1  U n  U 2  U 3 U n Ra I a
 
ke ke
a) Un and φ are constant, if a resistance is added to Ra

13 14

8.2 Shunt DC Motors 8.2 Shunt DC Motors

Speed-Current Characteristics Speed-Current Characteristics
a) Un and φ are constant, if a resistance is added to Ra U n Ra I a
  
ke ke
0 b) Ra and φ are constant, if Un is changed U1  U n  U 2  U 3


15 16

8.2 Shunt DC Motors 8.2 Shunt DC Motors
Speed-Current Characteristics Speed-Current Characteristics
b) Ra and φ are constant, if Un is changed U1  U n  U 2  U 3 U n Ra I a
  
ke ke
c) Un and Ra are constant, if φ is changed n  1  2

17 18

8.2 Shunt DC Motors 8.2 Shunt DC Motors

Speed-Current Characteristics Speed-Torque Characteristics
c) Un and Ra are constant, if φ is changed n  1  2  3 Un RT
   a 2
ke  ke 
03 
0n 0

19 20

8.3 Series DC Motors
In series dc motors, the armature and field windings are
connected in series.

I  Ia  I f
8.3 Series DC Motors
E  U  IR
The field current varies
with the load.
  k I
T  ke I a  ke k I 2
21 22

8.3 Series DC Motors 8.3 Series DC Motors

Emf-Current Characteristics Speed-Current Characteristics
 U RI U R
E  U  IR    
ke ke ke k I ke k

ke k
Ra  R1  R2

 
ke k I ke k

23 24

8.3 Series DC Motors
Speed-Torque Characteristics
 
T ke k
ke k
ke k 8.4 Separately Excited DC

25 26

8.4 Separately Excited DC Motors 8.4 Separately Excited DC Motors

In separately excited dc motors, the armature and field The armature current The developed power
windings are fed from separate sources.
U E
Ia  a Pd  EI a  Td 
The motor speed Speed-torque relationship
 a  a a Ua RT
ke ke   a d
ke  ke 2
No load speed
0 
27 28

8.4 Separately Excited DC Motors 8.4 Separately Excited DC Motors
Speed-Current Characteristics Speed-Torque Characteristics
 a  a a   a 2
ke ke ke  ke 
 

0 0
n n

Ia Tn
29 30

8.5 Operating Characteristics

Operating Characteristics
1. Starting
2. Speed control
8.5 Operating Characteristics 3. Braking
4. Reversing the direction of rotation

31 32

8.5.1 Starting Methods

U a  E U a  ke
Ia  
Ra Ra
If a dc motor is directly connected to a dc power
8.5.1 Starting Methods supply, the starting current can be dangerously high.

I a _ st   I an

33 34

8.5.1 Starting Methods 8.5.1 Starting Methods

In order to limit the starting current, the following 1) Inserting a starting resistance
methods are used: When Rst is connected in series with the armature
winding, the maximum armature current is limited to
Ua  E
1. Inserting a starting resistance, Ia  Ua
Ra  Rst I a _ st _ max 
Ra  Rst
The emf increases, as the speed increases from 0 to ω'.
2. Modifying an armature voltage (requires a variable-
U  E  U a  ke
voltage) I a  a 
Ra  Rst Ra  Rst
When the speed reaches its rated value ωn, the starting
resistance is removed. U  E U a  ken
Ia  a 
Ra Ra
35 36

8.5.1 Starting Methods 8.5.1 Starting Methods
1) Inserting a starting resistance 1) Inserting a starting resistance
In starting mode, the speed-torque characteristics is 
U R R 0
  a  a 2st T n Ra  R1  R2
ke  ke 
The slope of the characteristic
d R R
  a 2st
dT  ke 
37 38

8.5.1 Starting Methods 8.5.1 Starting Methods

1) Inserting a starting resistance Procedure:
1. SM1 is switched on. (The field winding is energized)
2. SM2 is switched on. (The armature winding is ener.)
SM1 SM2 S1
Rtotal  Ra  RS1  RS 2  RS 3
3. When the speed reaches 1 , S1 is switched on.
Rtotal  Ra  RS1  RS 2
4. When the speed reaches 2 , S2 is switched on.
Rtotal  Ra  RS1
5. When the speed reaches 3  n , S3 is switched on.
Four-stage starting circuit Rtotal  Ra
39 40

8.5.1 Starting Methods 8.5.1 Starting Methods
2) Modifying an armature voltage
U a Ra  Rst
  T
ke  ke 2

When the armature voltage U a is modified

Ua d Ra
0   2
ke dT  ke 
T1 ,Ia1 T2 ,Ia2
41 42

8.5.1 Starting Methods

2) Modifying an armature voltage

U n  U 3  U 2  U1 8.5.2 Speed Control Methods

T1 ,Ia1 T2 ,Ia2
43 44

8.5.2 Speed Control Methods 8.5.2 Speed Control Methods
1) Changing armature resistance  ,U a  const
Ua Ra
  Td
ke  ke 2
1. Changing armature resistance Ra  Rsc
2. Changing supply voltage (armature voltage) U a

3. Changing the field flux 

This is not an efficient method due to the power loss in
additional resistance.
However, it is simple and cheap for very low power motors.
45 46

8.5.2 Speed Control Methods 8.5.2 Speed Control Methods

2) Changing armature voltage  , Ra  const 2) Changing armature voltage
The variation of armature voltage can be obtained by
using the following methods
i. Solid-state control method (AC/DC, DC/DC
ii. Ward-Leonard method (AC supply available)

It is the most commonly used speed control method.

47 48

8.5.2 Speed Control Methods 8.5.2 Speed Control Methods
2) Changing armature voltage 2) Changing armature voltage
i. Solid-state control method (AC/DC, DC/DC ii. Ward-Leonard method
Rectifiers (AC to DC)
Three/Single-phase-half-wave converter
Choppers (DC to DC)
49 50

8.5.2 Speed Control Methods 8.5.2 Speed Control Methods

2) Changing armature voltage 3) Changing the field flux n  1  2  3
ii. Ward-Leonard method

I and III
M1 and M2: motor
G: generator

II and IV
M1 and M2: generator
G: motor T,Ia
Tn ,Ian
ok  a By weakening the field flux,
kek the speed increases.
51 52

8.5.2 Speed Control Methods 8.5.2 Speed Control Methods
Combining two control methods Example: Consider a 100-hp, 250-V, 1200 rpm separately excited
dc motor with an armature resistance of 0.03Ω and a field
Armature voltage control works well for speeds below resistance of 41.67Ω. The motor is initially running with VA = 250 V,
base speed, and field resistance or field current IA = 120 A, and n = 1103 rpm, while supplying a constant-torque
control works well for speeds above base speed. load. What will the speed of this motor be if VA is reduced to 200

  const U a  const   const U a  const 54

8.5.3 Braking Methods

55 56

8.5.3 Braking Methods 8.5.3 Braking Methods
There are three types of electric braking 1) Dynamic braking
The supply to the field winding is maintained, but the armature is
1. Dynamic or rheostatic braking disconnected from supply and reconnected to an external
2. Counter current braking

3. Regenerative braking

The machine acts as a generator, converting its kinetic energy to

electrical energy which is dissipated as heat in the resistor.
57 58

8.5.3 Braking Methods 8.5.3 Braking Methods

1) Dynamic braking 1) Dynamic braking
Ea k 
The braking current: Ib    e Active load:
Ra  Rbr Ra  Rbr
The torque:

Tb  ke Ib
The speed-torque relation:

Ra  Rbr
 2
 ke 

59 60

8.5.3 Braking Methods 8.5.3 Braking Methods
2) Counter current braking 2) Counter current braking

The braking can be performed by Plugging method is suitable for the active loads.

- Plugging method The terminal voltage reversal can stop the motor, but it
cannot hold the motor at zero speed if the load is
or active.
- Reversing the polarity of the terminal voltage.

61 62

8.5.3 Braking Methods 8.5.3 Braking Methods

2) Counter current braking 2) Counter current braking

Plugging method: Plugging method:

63 64

8.5.3 Braking Methods 8.5.3 Braking Methods
2) Counter current braking 2) Counter current braking

The terminal voltage reversal: The terminal voltage reversal: bidirectional load

65 66

8.5.3 Braking Methods 8.5.3 Braking Methods

2) Counter current braking 3) Regenerative braking

The terminal voltage reversal: unidirectional load When the motor speed exceeds its no-load speed, the
machine is in the regenerative braking mode. PF: L  M

1 3

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