Heat Exchanger Design

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Dr. Md.

Shahinoor Islam
Department of Chemical Engineering
BUET, Dhaka-1000
Objective :
The prime objective in the design of an exchanger is to determine the surface
area required for the specified duty (rate of heat transfer) using the temperature
differences available.

Heat Exchanger Standards and Codes

 British Standard BS-3274
 TEMA standards are universally used.
 TEMA standards cover following classes of exchangers:
 Class R – designates severe requirements of petroleum and other related processing
 Class C – moderate requirements of commercial and general process applications
 Class B – specifies design and fabrication for chemical process service.
Common Heat Exchanger Types
1. Double-pipe exchanger: 5. Scrapped surface exchangers:
 the simplest type, used for cooling  highly viscous or crystallization systems
with fouling tendency (peanut butter, ice
and heating cream, chocolate industry)

2. Shell and tube exchangers: 6. Air cooled:

 used for coolers and condensers
 used for all applications
7. Direct contact:
3. Plate and frame exchangers:
 used for cooling and quenching
 used for heating and cooling
8. Spiral plate and Tube exchanger:
4. Plate-fin exchangers
 good choices for small-scale applications
 Compact heat transfer system with variety of fluids
Selection of Heat Exchanger
The selection process normally includes a number of factors, all of which are
related to the heat-transfer application. These factors include, but are not limited
to, the following items:
1. Thermal and hydraulic requirements
2. Material compatibility
3. Operational maintenance
4. Environmental, health, and safety considerations and regulations
5. Availability
6. Cost
Basic design equations for heat exchangers
Th − Tc Peter Chapter 14
Rtot = − − − 14.1
q=heat flux, R tot =total resistance
and Th -Tc =temperature driving force.
For a heat exchanger, heat exchanging between two fluids:
1 1 x 1
Rtot = = + Rh , f + + Rc , f + − − − 14.2
U hh kw hc
The three overall heat transfer coeeficients are related :
1 1 1
= = − − − 14.3
U i Ai U 0 A0 U m Am
For outside wall area A 0 is used :
1 A0 A0 A0 xw 1 1
= + + + + − −14.4
U 0 hi A i hi ,d Ai kw Am , w h0 h0,d
When inside wall area is used :
1 1 1 A i xw Ai Ai
= + + + + − − − 14.4a
U i hi hi ,d k w Am , w A 0 h0 h0,d A 0
 L( D0 − Di )
Ai =  Di L; A0 =  D0 L; Am, w =
q&= UATo ,m − − − 14.5
To ,m = mean overall temperature difference between two fluids
heat balance: q&= (mCpT ) h = (mCpT )c − − − −14.6
T1 − T2
To ,m = To ,log mean = − − − − − 14.7
ln(T1 / T2 )
Apply a correction factor F for multipass:
To ,m = To ,log mean .F − − − − − 14.8
F normally should be greater than 0.75 for the steady
operation of the exchangers.
For 1 shell-2 tube pass exchanger

For other passes, You can use Fig 19.9 and 19.20 for determining Ft using R and S
FIGURE 19.19. Temperature correction factor: one shell pass, two or more even tube passes.
FIGURE 19.20. Temperature correction factor: two shell passes, four or multiples of four tube passes.
Heat Exchanger Design
For a typical design, the following parameters and constraints are
usually given:
 Materials selection
 Fluids used and their properties
 Inlet and exit fluid temperatures
 Fluid flow rates
 Operating pressure
 Allowable pressure drop
 Fouling resistances
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger
 Most commonly used type of heat transfer equipment in the
chemical and allied industries.
 Advantages:
 The configuration gives a large surface area in a small volume.
 Good mechanical layout: a good shape for pressure operation.
 Uses well-established fabrication techniques.
 Can be constructed from a wide range of materials.
 Easily cleaned.
 Well established design procedures.
Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
 Kern method:
 Does not take into account bypass and leakage streams.
 Simple to apply and accurate enough for preliminary design calculations.
 Restricted to a fixed baffle cut (25%).
 Bell-Delaware method
 Takes into account:
 Leakage through the gaps between tubes and baffles and the baffles and shell.
 Bypassing of flow around the gap between tube bundle and shell.

 Stream Analysis method (by Tinker)

 More rigorous and generic.
 Best suited for computer calculations; basis for most commercial computer codes.
General design consideration

Factor Tube-side Shell-side

Corrosion More corrosive fluid Less corrosive fluids
Fouling Fluids with high fouling Low fouling and scaling
and scaling
Fluid temperature High temperature Low temperature
Operating pressure Fluids with low pressure Fluids with high
drop pressure drop
Viscosity Less viscous fluid More viscous fluid
Stream flow rate High flow rate Low flow rate
Fluid Allocation: Shell or Tubes?
 Corrosion
 Fouling
 Fluid temperatures
 Operating pressures
 Pressure drop
 Viscosity
 Stream flow rates
Tube-Sheet Layout (Tube Count)
An estimate of the bundle diameter Db can be obtained from Equation 19.3b, which is an
empirical equation based on standard tube layouts. The constants for use in this equation, for
triangular and square patterns, are given in Table 19.4

where Nt = number of tubes

Db = bundle diameter, mm
do = tube outside diameter, mm
FIGURE 19.12. Shell-bundle clearance.
Baffle Cut
The term “baffle cut” is used to specify the dimensions of a segmental
baffle. The baffle cut is the height of the segment removed to form the
baffle, expressed as a percentage of the baffle disc diameter. Baffle cuts
from 15% to 45% are used.
Generally, a baffle cut of 20% to 25% will be the optimum, giving good
heat-transfer rates, without excessive pressure drop. There will be some
leakage of fluid around the baffle as a clearance must be allowed for
assembly. The clearance needed depends on the shell diameter; typical
values, and tolerances, are given in Table 19.5.
Another leakage path occurs through the clearance between the tube holes
in the baffle.
Table 19.5

The minimum thickness to be used for baffles and support plates is

given in the standards. The baffle spacings used range from 0.2 to 1.0
shell diameters. A close baffle spacing will give higher heat-transfer
coefficients, but at the expense of higher pressure drop. The optimum
spacing will usually be between 0.3 to 0.5 times the shell diameter.
Table 19.6 Conductivity of Metals

Fig. 19.23.

Fig. 19.23 19.14

Tube Side Heat Transfer Factor

FIGURE 19.23. Tube-side heat-transfer factor.

Equation 19.14
FIGURE 19.24. Tube-side friction factors
19.19 gives
Fig. 19.28

Fig. 19.29)


Shell Side Heat Transfer Factor

FIGURE 19.29. Shell-side heat-transfer factors, segmental baffles.

Shell Side Friction Factor

FIGURE 19.30. Shell-side friction factors, segmental baffles.

Figure 19.30

Heat Exchanger Design Steps
Towler Chapter 19
Example 19.1
Design an exchanger to subcool condensate from a methanol condenser from 95 °C to 40 °C.
The flow rate of methanol is 100,000 kg/h. Brackish water will be used as the coolant, with a
temperature rise from 25 °C to 40 °C.

Only the thermal design will be considered. This example illustrates Kern’s method.

Q = UATm
Fig 19.19
Overall coefficients (join process-side duty to service
side and read U from center scale).
1 / n1
N 
Db = d 0  t 
 K1 
FIGURE 19.12
Towler Chapter 19 Shell-bundle clearance.
4200(1.35 + 0.02t )u t0.8
hi =
d i0.2





Fig. 19.29. Shell side heat transfer factors, segmental baffles
d 
d 0 ln 0 
+  di  + d0 1 + d0 1
U0 h0 hod 2k w d i hid d i hi

  L   
 u 2
Pt = N p 8 j f    + 2.5 t

  di   w   2


Fig. 19.30. Shell side friction factor, segmental baffles

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