Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah
Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah
Latihan Soal Ujian Sekolah
2. Can we still drink this Milk Calcium in 2011, why? (source
A. No we cannot, because the expire date on cianjur-
the label is earthquake-dref-application-mdrid025)
27th April 2010,
B. Yes we can, although its expire date is 27th 4. Although BNPB has given data on casualties but the
April 2010. It underlined sentence can still mean that .....
is usually still ok. A. casualties can still be increasing
C. Yes we can, the expire date does not have B. casualties can still be decreasing
bad effect to the product. C. BNPB has found all of the missing people
D. No we cannot, we have to ask the D. BNPB has identified 298 casualties
manufacturer first.
5. According to BNPB, how many houses are
3. Read the following text to answer questions number reportedly damaged?
3. A. 12,729 houses C. 6,944 houses
B. 2,234 houses D. 21,907 houses
13. The moral value which is described Mbok Rondo’s The correct statements is .....
character is A. Ela has joined a competition B.
..... Lisa got a present from Ella.
A. No matter how trivial the kindness, it will be C. Lisa is a winner of English debate.
paid by another kindness too. D. Lisa's mother teaches her about the English
B. It does not matter if you are poor, but you debate
have to had a golden hearth.
C. We have to help the rich people, so we can 18. Dear Mrs. Karen,
take a good Our prayers and good thought to your whole family. Hold
benefit. on tightly to each other always! We are so blessed
D. Kindness only can be done by the rich to have met Mr. Bram and will always remember his
people. most generous heart. Your father was a great man,
because he raised such a kind and noble son.
Read the following text to answer questions number 14 to Warm regards,
16 Mr. Smith and family
Long time ago a remote village, in central China,
was inhabited mainly by farmers and hunters. One day, Who has just passed away?
a poor farmer lost his entire livestock because of a A. Mr. Smith’s father
flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family B. Mrs. Karen’s son
would die of starvation. C. Mr. Bram’s son
A few days later, an old man with a long grey beard, D. Mrs. Karen’s father
passing by his house, took a pity on the farmer. He
gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any 19. Happy Mother's Day
expensive thing to give you and hope this goose will Your smile brightens each day just as the morning rays
help you to ease your hardship.” A week later to his shines on the hills and it’s with doubt that this gives
surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. It was not us the courage to face the new day with joy.
an ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly
filled with joy.
To whom the card is sent?
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but
A. Mother C. Grandmother
the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship. He
B. Father D. Grandfather
became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the
goose only laid one golden egg every six months. The
greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his 20. To: Ruth.
goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside I’d like to congratulate you on passing your exam. I
its stomach. He found nothing! Poor him! Though he do hope you are always successful.
very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too Love
late. Joshua
14. The farmer regretted at the end of the story because Joshua sends the card because .....
..... A. His exam is difficult to do
A. he had done something stupid to the goose B. He wants to be successful
B. he became a lazy and arrogant person C. He wants to congratulate Ruth
C. the goose did not lay golden eggs very often D. He wants to tell Ruth about his exam
D. the eggs were not ordinary ones
21. People work ..... they can earn money
15. “ ..... this goose will help you to ease your A. wish C. in order to
hardship .....” (Paragraph 2).What does the B. hope D. so that
underlined word refer to?
A. The farmer. C. An old man. 22. He has the ..... house among all his friends.
B. This goose. D. A golden egg. A. big C. bigger
B. biggest D. morr bigger D. a university student
23. We ..... bring out mobile phone to the class ini 30. Karishma needs a smartphone during her work
SMPN 1 Jonggol to .....
A. Must C. Have to A. chat with her family
B. Must not D. Don't have to B. interview people
C. listen to music
24. Students ..... wear the school uniforms at school. D. play games
A. must C. mustn't
B. should D. shouldn't Quations No 31 to 34
I've got a friend named Halim. He's a compulsive
25. I think you ..... practice more on your dance move. eater. He likes all kinds of food. He eats anything that is
A. must C. mustn't served to him. He weighs 85 kilograms and is a very
B. should D. shouldn't chubby-cheeked, funny and friendly person.
When he is absent, everyone will miss him as he
always makes people laugh with his jokes. That is why
26. The underlined expression expresses .....
people love him very much.
Mother : You know that Mira
always takes sleeping lately to solve her
31. What is the text about?
A. Halim's physical appearance
Father : That’s wrong! It can be dangerous for her life if
she doesn’t change her bad habit. B. The hobby of the writer's friend
A. Sympathy C. Agreement C. The family of the writer's friend D.
The description of the writer's friend.
B. Possibility D. Disagreement
From the BRI Liga 1 table above, we know that the team
which got the second position was .....
A. Borneo FC C. Bali United FC
B. Persib D. Persija
Wipping cream
1. The following are the steps how to make an
original dragon fruit juice, but before begin to try it,
make sure you choose the fresh dragon fruit
2. First of all, cut the fresh dragon fruit and remove
its skin.
46. How could you describe the girls? A. They were animals lovers.
B. They obey to their father.
C. They hate their father.
D. They dislike their father’s friend.
39. From the text above, we can conclude that ..... A. Flood is always caused by heavy rain.
B. Damage caused by flood cannot be avoided.
C. People prefer moving away than staying in the flood-prone area.
D. Flood is natural phenomena that occurs when water on
land is not normally submerged