मंसिर २५ Engeneer

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इन्जिनियर तयारर कक्षा

प्रथम पत्र
नमुना परीक्षा
1. In T-section,maximum value of shear stress occur at:
A. web B. flange
C. bottom flange D. At junction of web and flange
2. According to IS 456:1978 the thickness of reinforced concrete footing on piles at its edges,is kept
less than
A. 5cm B. 10cm C. 15cm D. 20cm
3. A circular slab subjected to external loading, deflects to form a
A. semi-hemisphere B. ellipsoid C. parabolloid D. none of these
4. Maximum deflection of a simply supported single span beam with a concentrated load’P’ at its centre
A. 3WL3/584EI B. 5WL3/584EI C. WL3/48EI D. WL3/24EI
5. The prestress transferred at the time of working load is
A. anchor prestress B. initial prestress C.final prestress D. partial prestress
6. Solder is an alloy of
A. nickel and steel B. steel and lead C. lead and tin D. tin and zinc
7. Most economical method of sawing wood is
A. a radial sawing B. tangential sawing C.quarter sawing D.flat sawing
8. Cement used for canal lining is
A. sulphate resisting cement B. rapid hardening cement
C. quick setting cement D. pozzolana cement
9. Upto a maximum of 72% of iron,is available in
A. Magnetite B.Red haemetite C.limonite D. Siderite
10. The dressing of stone is done
A. immediately after quarrying B. after seasoning
C. after three month of quarrying D. just before building
11. Good quality cement contains higher percentage of
A. lime 63%:silica:22%:other ingredients:15% B. silica 22%: lime 63%:other ingredients:15%
C. silica 40%: lime 40%:other ingredients:20% D. silica 70%: lime 20%:other ingredients:10%
12. The permissible error in chaining for measurement with chain on rough or hilly ground is
A. 1 in 100 B. 1 in 250 C. 1 in 500 D. 1 in 1000
13. In chain surveying,perpendiculars to the chain line,are set out by
A. theodolite B. a prismatic compass C. a level D. an optical square
14. Which of the following errors can be neutralized by setting the level midway between the two
A. error due to curvature only B. error due to refraction only
C. error due to both curvature and refraction only D. none
15. An average length of a pace is
A. 60cm B. 80cm C. 100cm D. 120cm
16. The “point of curve” of a simple circular curve is
A. point of commencement B. point of tangency
C. point of intersection D. all of the above
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17. Spire test is used in permanent adjustment of theodolite for
A. adjusting the plate levels B. adjusting the line of sights
C. adjusting the vertical axis D. adjustment of horizontal axis
18. In leveling,the correction for curvature(in meters) is equal
A. 0.00785D2 B. 0.0785D C. 0.0112D2 D. 0.0673D2
19. Inflation is a natural phenomenon in which
A. nominal price of the object is raised B. nominal price of the object is decreased
C. nominal price of object is constant D. none of the above
20. The benefit cost ratio is
A. directly proportional to discount rate B. inversely proportional to discount rate
C. no any relation with discount rate D. All of the above
21. Fundamental decision criteria for acceptability of public projects is
A. Financial analysis B. Economic analysis C. Both D. None
22. The difference between actual cost of the project with the targeted cost is called
A. loss B. profit C. variance D. all of the above
23. Payback period is counted only after
A. tendering for the project
B. starting of the construction of the project
C. completion of the construction of the project
D. commissioning of the project
24. In CPM,the cost slope is determined by
A. Crash cost/Normal cost
B. Crash cost-Normal cost/Normal time-Crash time
C. Normal cost/Crash cost
D. Normal time-Crash time/ Crash cost-Normal cost
25. The time interval for which the cement products remain in plastic condition is known as:
A. reaction time B. hardening time C. curing time D. setting time
26. Dummy activities are used to
A. determine the critical path B. determine the project completion time
C. maintain the required network D. none of these
27. Insurance is done for works value
A. >5 lakhs B. >10 lakhs C. >20 lakh D. >60 lakhs
28. The probability of completion of any activity within its expected time is
A. 50% B. 84.1% C. 99.9% D. 100%
29. Dispersed type of soil structure is an arrangement comprising particles having
A. face to face or parallel orientation B. edge to edge orientation
C. edge to face orientation D. all of the above
30. For general engineering purposes, soils are classified by
A. particle size classification system B. textural classification system
C. HRB system D. Unified soil classification system
31. The soil moisture driven off by heat is called
A. free water B. hygroscopic water C. gravity water D. none of these
32. What is the nature of displacement in shear zone?
A. Ductile B. Brittle C. Malleabl D. Sonorous
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33. Which one of the following methods is generally adopted for tunneling in firm ground
A. full face method B. Top heading and benching method
C. Drift method D. all of the above
34. The percentage of compressive strength of concrete at 7 days to that of 28 days
A. 40% B. 65% C. 100% D. 115%
35. Shrinkage in cement concrete decrease with
A. initiation of load B. removal of load C. removal of moisture D. addition of moisture
36. In the batching of material the ingredients should be measures to a tolerance of
A. ±1.0 B. ±2.0 C. ±3.0 D. ±4.0
37. Curing of pavements,floors,roofs and slabs,is done by
A. membrane method B. ponding method
C. covering surface with bags D. sprinkling water method
38. Most common method of prestressing used for factory production is
A. Long line method B. Freyssinet method
C. Magnel-Blaton system D. Lee-Macall system
39. NEC regulation,2057 is effective from
A. 2057/3/8 B. 2057/4/8 C. 2057/5/8 D. 2057/6/8
40. According to Labor act, maximum working hour for a labour per week should be
A. 44 hours B. 49 hours C. 48 hours D. 52 hours
41. EOI is required for consulting works of value
A. >5 lakhs B. >10 lakhs C. >20 lakhs D. >25 lakhs
42. For dimensioning and lettering normally following pencils are used
A. H& HB B. 2H & HB C. H&2HB D. 2H& 2HB
43. The locus of center of curvature is known as
A. space B. evolute C. point D. centre
44. The measurement of standard A3 size drawing sheet in mm is
A. 594 × 891mm B. 297 × 420mm C. 210 × 297mm D. 420 × 594mm
45. The point where the eye of the observer is located is called
A. vanishing point B. centre of vision C. Intersecting point D. Station point
46. Specification for hold fasts are given in terms of
A. number B. weight C. volume D. length
47. The unit of cribbing is
A. m B. m2 C. m3 D. all of the above
48. Which of the following is not a part of estimating norms for rate analysis?
A. labour cost B. material cost C. equipment cost D. taxes
49. The nominal lead and lift allowed for the earthwork in the excavations of the foundations are
A. 50m and 2m B. 30m and 2m C. 30m and 1.5m D. 20m and 1m
50. The information which cannot be included in drawings is conveyed to the estimator through
A. specifications B. cover note C. progress chart D. none of the above
51. In following question, a number series is given with one term missing. Choose the . correct
alternative that will same pattern and fill in the blank spaces.:
21. 25, 33, 49, 81,
A. 145 B. 129 C. 113 D. 97
52. In a certain code language,
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(a) 'pit dar na' means 'you are good'
(b) 'dar tok pa' means 'good and bad'
(c) 'tim na tok' means 'they are bad'
In that language, which word stands for 'they'? .
A. na B. tok C. tim D. pit
53. Select a suitable figure from the Answer Figures that would replace the question mark (?).

Ans : B
54. If white is called blue, blue is called red, red is called yellow, yellow is called geen, green is called
black, black is called violet and violet is called orange, what would be the colour of human blood ?
A. Red B. Green C. Yellow D. Violet
55. In a school, there were five teachers.
A. A and B were teaching Hindi and English
B. C and D were teaching English and Geography
C. D and A were teaching Mathematics and Nepali
D. E and B were teaching History and French
Who among the teachers was teaching maximum number of subjects ?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
Study the following table and answer the questions based on it. Expenditures of a Company (in
Pesetas) er Annum Over the given Years. (for question no 56-60)
Year Item of
Salary Fule and Bonus Interest on Taxes
Transport Loans
1998 288 98 3 23.4 83
1999 342 112 2.52 32.5 108
2000 324 101 3.84 41.6 74
2001 336 133 3.68 36.4 88
2002 420 142 3.96 49.4 98
56. What is the average amount of interest per year which the company had to pay during this period?
A. 32.43 B. 33.72 C. 34.18 D. 36.66
57. The total amount of bonus paid by the company during the given period is approximately what
percent of the total amount of salary paid during this period?
A. 0.1% B. 0.5% C. 1.0% D. 1.25 %
58. Total expenditure on all these items in 1998 was approximately what percent of the total expenditure
in 2002?
A. 62% B. 66% C. 69% D. 71%
59. The total expenditure of the company over these items during the year 2000 is?
A. 544.44 B. 501.11 C. 446.46 D. 478.87
60. The ratio between the total expenditure on Taxes for all the years and the total expenditure on Fuel
and Transport for all the years respectively is approximately?
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A. 4 : 7 B. 10 : 13 C. 15 : 18 D. 5 : 8
61. तल दिइएको मेदिक्सको प्रश्नवाचक चचह्न दिएको स्थानमा दिइएका ववकल्पहरु मध्येबाट कुन ववकल्प उपयुक्त होला
? Which of the following options would be appropriate in place of the matrix question mark given
18 24 32
12 14 16
3 ? 4
72 112 128
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
62. तल दिइएका चचत्रहरूमध्ये एउटा अरुभन्िा फरक छ तर अरु सबै समान छन ् । उक्त फरक चचत्र कुन चादह हो पत्ता लगाउनुहोस ्
। One of the pictures below is different from the others but all the others are the same. Find out what
the different picture is.

Ans : D
63. िे हायका कुन चादहिँ रे खा चचत्रले (A) आपसी (B) न्यायाचिश र (C) चोर बीचको अन्तरसम्बन्िलाई सही ढं गले प्रष्ट्याउने
काम गिद छ ? Which of the following diagrams accurately illustrates the relationship between (A) mutual
(B) judge and (C) thief?

Ans : D
64. तल (?) लेखखएको ठाउिँ मा कुन अक्षर ममल्िछ पत्ता लगाउनह
ु ोस ् । Find out which letter matches (?)

A. R B. D C. P D. F
65. तल दिइएको चचत्रहरूमध्ये एउटा अरूभन्िा फरक छ तर सबै समान छ। उक्त फरक चचत्र कुनचादहं हो पत्ता लगाउनुहोस ् ।
One of the pictures below is different from the others but all are the same. Find out what the different
picture is.

Ans : D
66. कुनै पनन वस्तुको ऐनामा िे खखने आकृनत अथादत ् चचत्रलाई तल दिइएका A, B,C र D मध्ये कुन सही छ पत्ता लगाउनुहोस ्।
Find out which of the following A, B, C and D figures are correct in the mirror image of any object.
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Ans : A
67. तल एउटा डाइसलाई तीन पटक गुडाउिँ िाको अवस्था दिइएको छ । १ वटा ववन्ि ु भएको स्थानको ववपररत स्थानमा कनत वटा
बबन्ि ु हुन्छन ् ? Below is a situation where a dice is rolled three times. How many points are there in
the opposite of 1 point?

A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6
68. If x stands for 'addition', - stands for 'subtraction', + stands for 'multiplication' and - stands for 'division',
then 20 x 8=8-4+2 = ?
A. 80 B. 25 C. 24 D. 5
69. तीन व्यक्क्तहरू एकसाथ दहिँड्न शुरू गिद छन ् र नतनीहरूको पाईलाको नाप क्रमश: ३० से. मम., ३५ से. मम. र ३६ से.मम.
छ। प्रत्येक व्यक्क्तहरूले पर्
ू द पाइलाहरूमा समान िरु ी पार गनद कनत न्यन
ू तम ् िरू ी दहड्नु पछद ? Three people start
walking together and their feet measure 30 cm, 35cm and 36 cm Respectively. What is the minimum
distance that each person has cover to the same distance in full steps?
A. 6 m. 30 cm B. 12 m 60 cm C. 18 m 90 cm D. 3 m 15 cm
70. तल दिइएका ववकल्पहरू मध्ये सम्बन्ि पत्ता लगाई सही ववकल्प छनोट गनुह
द ोस ् ।
Select a suitable figure from the four alternatives that would complete the figure matrix.

Ans : D
71. तल दिइएका तीनवटा शब्िहरुको क्रमजस्तै ववकल्पहरुबाट ममल्िो ववकल्प छनौट गनुह
द ोस ् ।
Choose the matching option from the options like the order of the three words given below.
Magazine : Story : Article
A. Tea : Milk : Sugar B. Television : Newspaper : Entertainment
C. Bed : Quilt : Pillow D. Novel : Drama : Literature
72. 7952 : 1211 : 23 भए जस्तै: तलका कुन ववकल्प हुन्छ ?
7952: 1211: 23 Like: Which of the following is an option?
A. 3482 : 2408 : 16 B. 3496 :.1254 : 39 C. 4798 : 1315 : 28 D. 5687 : 1115 : 26
73. Choose the right option from the given options in order to match the facts given below.
(1) District (2) Village (3) Area (4) City (5) Country
A. 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 B. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5 C. 2, 5, 1, 3, 4 D. 4, 1, 5, 3, 3
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74. A and B can do a work in 8 days, B and C can do the same work in 12 days. A, B and C together
can finish it in 6 days. A and C together will do it in:
A. 4 days B. 6 days C. 8 days D. 12 days
75. A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?
A. 120 metres B. 180 metres C. 324 metres D. 150 metres
76. Match the mountains and their height between the two groups and choose the correct code.
Group i Himal Group ii Elevation
a. Kanchenjunga 1. 8586 m.
b. Choyu 2. 8516 m.
c. Makalu 3. 8463 m.
d. Lhotse 4. 8201 m.
A. a-1, b-4, c-2,d-3 B. a-1, b-4, c-3,d-2 C. a-4, b-3, c-2,d-1 D. a-4, b-1, c-2,d-3
77. Which river in Nepal flows from two sides with the same name?
A. Narayani B. Trisuli C. Rapti D. Gandaki
78. What is the most fertile soil in terms of production for agriculture?
A. Sandy rocky soil B. Red loose soil C. Pago soil D. pond soil
79. What is the largest landlocked nation in the world?
A. Kazakhstan B. Liechtenstein C. Uzbekistan D. Nepal
80. New York City is on the banks of which river?
A. Hudson B. Potomac C. Amazon D. Mississippi
81. What is 'thum' called in Kirat period?
A. Zone B. Village C. District D. area
82. According to Gopal's genealogy, who is the last Kirant king?
A. Patrol B. Galiz C. Khigu D. Harty
83. Which of the following statements is correct?
1. Mahashivaratri is celebrated on the day of Maghakrishna Chaturdashi.
2. Rathyatra of Seto Machhindranath is celebrated on the day of Chait Shukla Ashtami.
3. Gaijatra is celebrated on the day of Bhadra Shukla Pratipada.
4. Indrajatra is celebrated on Ashwin Shukla Chaturdashi.
A. 1 only B. 2 only C. 3 and 4 only D. All right
84. How many feet tall is the world's tallest Shiva temple at Chittapol in Bhaktapur?
A. 143 B. 146 C. 147 D. 148
85. What is the most spoken language in Nepal after Nepali, Maithili and Bhojpuri?
A. Tamang B. Tharu C. Newari D. But
86. Which of the following is a source of government expenditure?
A. Revenue B. Internal debt C. Foreign aid and loans D. All of the above
87. Match the pairs and choose the correct answer from the code.
Group I Group II
a. Nepal Rashtra Bank 1.2024 BS.
b. Rashtriya Bima Sansthan 2.2013 BS.
c. Citizen Investment Fund 3. 2047 BS.
d. Radio Nepal 4.2007 BS
A. a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4 B. a-3, b-2, c-4,d-1, C. a-4, b-3,c-2,d-1 D. a-1, b-2,c-3.d-4
88. What is the name of the organization born instead of GATT?
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89. When was the World Trade Organization (WTO) established?
A. January 1, 1994 B. January 1, 1995 C. January 1, 1993 D. January 1, 1996
90. What percentage of the total land in Nepal is cultivable?
A. 16 percent B. 18 percent C. 20 percent D. 21 percent
91. Which is the last SAARC country to have diplomatic relations with Nepal?
A. Afghanistan B. Bhutan C. Sri Lanka D. Maldives
92. What is the situation where the same resolution is used twice in the UN Security Council?
A. Super Veto B. Veto Power C. Double Veto D. Emergency Veto
93. Match the pair between the organization and the headquarters and choose the right pair.
Organization Headquarters
a. United Nations University 1. Geneva
b. WTO 2. Washington DC
c. International Monetary Fund 3. Nairobi
d. United Nations Environment Program 4. Tokyo
A. a-4, b-1, c-2, d-3 B. a-1, b-4, c-3, d-2 C. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-1 D. a-3, b-2, c-1, d-4
94. Where is the head office of the International Labor Organization?
A. Rome, Italy B. Geneva, Switzerland
C. Paris, France D. Washington DC, USA
95. How many priority areas of BIMSTEC have been identified and which sub-sector does Nepal lead?
A. 14 areas, poverty alleviation sub-area B. 14 areas, agricultural sub-areas
C. 13 areas, poverty alleviation sub-areas D. 6 areas, public health sub-areas
96. Which is the Nepali bank to be honored with 'The Banker of the Year Asia 2021' by The Banker, a
famous magazine published from London, UK?
A. NMB Bank B. Prime Bank C. NIC Asia Bank D. NCC Bank
97. According to the 2068 census, which of the languages of the Bhote Burmese language family is the
most spoken language in Nepal?
A. Newari B. Tharu C. Tamang D. Bhojpuri
98. When will Nepal be declared a digital Nepal?
A. 2024 AD B. 2025 AD C. 2026 AD D. 2026 AD
99. If Puraditya Gadhi belongs to Mahottari district, where does Dugunagadhi belong?
A. Kathmandu B. Nuwakot C. Sindhupalchwok D. Dhading
100. Since when has the National Master Plan for the Prevention of Child Labor (2075-2085) been
implemented in line with the objective of making the country child labor free by eliminating all forms
of child labor from the country?
A. 2075 Shrawan 1 B. 2076 Shrawan 1 C. 2075 Push 1 D. 2076 Push 1

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