Tips For A Shorter Labor & Birth - Babypedia

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Starting from Pregnancy
A shorter labor and delivery does not happen for all
women. Some may be lucky enough but most will be in
labor for a average of 12 hours.
Preparing for Labor and Birth starts during Pregnancy.
The earlier you start, the netter the results.
Being prepared has a lot of benefits such as better birth
outcomes, easier births, more stamins to tolerate birth,
faster recovery, etc.

So what are you waiting for? Start preparing for birth

right now.

In this e-book, I have given you ten tips on

preparing for birth starting from pregnancy.
Read and make notes and start doing them from

Tip 1 - A healthy diet during Pregnancy

Yes, you read it right. How does diet have an impact on birth? well, a
nutrient rich diet during pregnancy will ensure that your body and
baby are well nourished and can withstand the ordeal of birth much
better. Your body has more stamina to manage hours of labor.

So start eating nutrient dense foods that are recommended for

Tip 2 - Check your Vitamin D levels
Did you know that women who had lower levels of Vitamin d
experienced more pain during labor? And more pain can leave you
more tensed thereby prolonging labor. So check your Vitamin D levels
and talk to your doctor regarding it.

Tip 3 - Squat Tip 4 - Eat dates

"Squat 300 times a day to birth Studies show that women who eat
easily" - Ina May Gaskin, an dates daily during the last 6 weeks
American Midwife. of their pregnancy are less likely
This holds true because squats can to be induced or need Pitocin to
open your pelvis in preparation for help the progression of labor.
birth and also strengthen your lower They were also more dilated upon
body and build stamina and arrival at the hospital and labored
muscular strength for birth. seven hours less. Eat your dates!

" Being prepared is the key factor in having a happy and

empowered birth experience."
Tip 5 - Get Some Sleep
A study found that women who slept fewer than six hours during their
last month of pregnancy labored for 11 hours longer and had C-
sections four times more frequently than women who slept seven hours
or more. That means you have to prioritize sleep as you approach your
baby’s due date.

Tip 6 - Get Active and Move Often

Exercising during pregnancy has a lot of benefits for both mom and
baby. One of those benefits is shorter labors and faster recovery after
birth. Babies of moms who exercised at least 30 minutes a day during
pregnancy tolerated labor and birth better. So get at least 30 minutes
of moderate exercise 6 days a week after getting an OK from your
Tip 7 - Take Childbirth Classes
Familiarizing yourself with the stages of labor and practicing comfort
measures before the big event will help you feel less anxious, which can
make for an easier labor

Tip 8 - Massage during Pregnancy

Regular massage helps women to breathe into areas of discomfort,
relaxing tight muscles. Muscles made supple from regular massage
relax more quickly following a contraction during labor, making the
rest between contractions feel a little longer.

Remember to get massaged by a person trained in Prenatal massage.

Tip 9 - Encourage baby into a good position
Our sedentary lifestyles, including slouching on the couch and riding in
cars, allow gravity to encourage the heaviest part of the baby—the spine—
to roll to the back of the mother’s body. If the back of a baby’s head is
turned to press against the mother’s tailbone, the mother experiences
intense back pain in labor and often a slower labor as well. Sometimes
these posterior babies require assistance with forceps or vacuum
extraction to be born.
Spend time every day sitting upright with a slightly forward lean, or kneel
on the floor while leaning forward into the couch. Getting on yo0ur hands
and knees for 10 minutes a day starting from the 34th week of pregnancy
may help your baby to be in an optimum position.

Tip 10 - Prepare your Mind

Try not to listen to horror stories about labor as these are really unhelpful
if you’re feeling nervous. Try to remember that for every bad experience,
there is a mum out there with a positive story to tell.
This can be hard, especially if you’ve had a bad experience yourself. But
try to think positively as much as possible. Lots of mums tell us it really
helps to have a positive outlook.
Thank you for downloading this e-book
This is a great step towards having an empowered
birth. You are an action taker and I applaud you.

Did this e-book help you? Would you like to know

more information?

Then join THE BABYPEDIA TRIBE Community to

get lots of information, weekly meetups and daily
activities to do during pregnancy. Details are available
in this link - The Babypedia Tribe Community

Take Care,
Lots of love and strength,

Saranya Sastikumar.S
Founder - Babypedia.

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