Municipal Solid Waste Mangement in Mysore City

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Solid waste management is a worldwide phenomenon. It is a big challenge all over

the world for human beings. The problem of municipal solid waste management
(MSWM) is also prevailing in the urban environment of Mysore. Therefore the present
study was taken to find out the problems and prospects of Municipal solid waste in
Mysore city. A detailed investigation was made regarding the methods of practices
associated with sources, quantity generated, collection, transportation, storage,
treatment and disposal of Municipal solid waste in Mysore city. This study reveals
that the present system of MSWM in Mysore city is not satisfactory based on
Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules 2000.
Mysore is the second largest city in Karnataka after Bangalore .Mysore was the
capital of Mysore state until 1956, then Bangalore. Mysore is spread over an area
of about 128 sq. km with the growing population (0.65 millions in 1991 to 0.76
millions in 2001) at faster rate due to influx of many service industry activities, the
generation of municipal waste both garbage and sewage has been on the rise
.Anthropogenic activities in society generate large quantities of wastes posing a
problem for their disposal. The city has several major and small industries present
in Nanjangud 20 Km away from the Mysore city together with many educational
and commercial establishments.
Solid waste management is a integral part of urban and environmental
management of each city. Municipal solid waste management, like most of other
infrastructural services has come under great stress, consider low priority areas,
solid waste management was never taken up seriously either by public or by
concerned agency or authorities and now the piled up waste is threatening our
heath, environment and well being. Mysore City Corporation (MCC) is responsible
for community solid waste management in city .The present study has been carried
out in the urban environment of Mysore in the year 2006 to understand the
problems and perspective associated with solid waste management in the city.

The solid waste from the different sector

of society was collected, mixed and one
Kg sample was prepared by using
quartering method. The waste was then
characterized and the percentage of each
constituent was calculated .Secondary
data regarding solid waste generation,
collection system and disposal methods
were collected from Mysore City


MCC is responsible for the management of sold waste generated in
the city. The city administration has been decentralized in 8 zones.
There are in all 65 wards in the city. The chief Health Officer is the
Waste generation rates works out to be 0.35 Kg per
overall incharge of solid waste management in the city. According to capita per day. Approximately 170 TPD waste is
MCC, around 259.14 TPD solid waste is generated every day . generated from the residential sources. The hotels,
Choultry and markets account for 55 TPD and the rest
is from others sources.
1 Non Slum Households 160.7
2 Slum Households 10.3
3 Shops and establishment, 20.5
schools, temples etc 1 Shops 20067

4 Hotels, Choultries etc 26.7 2 Choultries 124

5 Market, Vegetable shops & Meat 28.8 3 Hotels 410

shops & other small shops 4 Industries 133
6 Hospitals and Clinics 5.9 5 Meat shops 387
7 Industries 1.4 6 Hospitals & Clinics 599
8 Others 5.1 7 Temples 430
Total 259.4 TPD
1 Health Officer 1
The solid waste is collected from different sources/establishment by various
2 Deputy Health Officer 1 methods. The solid waste management activity in Mysore consists of wastes
3 Senior Health Inspector 4 generator throwing the waste into the round RCC bins and masonry bins. The
pourakarmika sweeps the road and drains and then transfer the waste into
4 Junior Health Inspector 18 small heaps on the road or into the bins. Mysore being a tourist city, there
5 Conservancy Dafedar 42 are many location within the city and occasion especially during Dasara
where special effort for cleaningness are required. Special contingents of
6 Pourakarmika(Sweeper) 787
staff are dedicated for these operation.
7 Pourakarmika on time 16
There are 2879 dust bins are placed in Mysore city. Two types of dust bins
scale & Gram Panchayat
are used. These are cylindrical bottomless cement concrete of 0.45-0.8 m3
8 Drivers 23 capacity and rectangular bins with bottom made of masonry of 2-10 m 3
The city has various government hospitals, private capacity. The present location of dust bins and the waste collection point
hospitals, nursing homes and clinics .MCC has have been classified into daily collection (A type), weekly twice collection (B
contracted private agency that has set up a type) and weekly once collection (C type) as part of Nirmal Nagara
Biomedical Waste Processing Facility (BWPF) on Programme. In addition, there are 20 dumper placer containers used as
T.Narsipura road .The infectious waste from 599 primary collection containers in commercial areas and bulk generator.
hospitals are collected by agency at cost and being Around 30 wards are managed on contract by private contractor authorized
treated .The industrials waste from small unit get by MCC. The contracts involves sweeping of the wards , transfer of waste to
mixed in the municipal stream while the larger the bins and others collection point ,collection of waste from these point and
industries manage their own waste. transporting them to the Waste Processing Facility (WPF) or any other
designated disposal point.
TRANSPORTATION Transportation of solid waste is carried out partially by MCC and partially by private
contractor. Out of 65 wards, MCC is responsible for transportation of about 50-55 % of
VEHICLE NOS solid waste generated, while private contractor are responsible for the rest 40-45 % of the
TRACTOR TIPPER 5 waste in the city. The solid waste is stored temporarily in the dust bins and then
transported to the disposal site.
One tipper and four tractors are more than 15 years old. Another 2 tippers and 6 tractors
DUMPER 2 are over 10 years old. Lifting of garbage is done manually. The waste collected from the
roads and bins is directly transported to the final dumping site .The refuse vehicles have to
travel about 6 Km distance through the city to carry waste up to the dumping site. The
tractors and dumpers carrying waste are not covered or partially covered during the journey
and waste tends to spill on the roads. Most often workers are not provided with protective
hand gloves and shoes so they are directly expose to the waste. Protective measures are
necessary to avoid contracting skin allergies and respiratory diseases .The loading and
unloading of waste is done through mechanical system reducing direct contact of worker
with the wastes.

Considering quantity and composition of Municipal solid waste

generation in Mysore city, a composting plant was set up under
the ADB assisted Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development
Project at Vidayranya Puram to generate compost from the city
refuse. The plant is located about 6 Km from the Mysore city
within an areas of 12.5 acres The plant was set up by the Excel
Industries and was being operated by M/S Vennar Organics till
June 2005. The plant has been operational at sub optimal
levels and as of then the agency stopped operation. Now MCC
is operating the Excel plant itself. The plant has the capacity to
handle 200 tons of waste per day. The remaining waste is
being dumped besides the Excel plant. The city doesn’t have
disposal sites. Management of biomedical waste (BMW) is
taken care by a private agency that has set up a biomedical
waste processing facility on T.Narsipura road. There is also a
small vermin-composting is operational in Mysore Zoo.
 The quantity and characteristics of solid waste vary from place to place .factors that influence the
quantity and composition are the average income level, the sources, the population, social
behavior, climate, industrial production and the market for waste materials. The waste generation
and economics level of the society have been related by studying the quantity of domestic solid
waste generated from three socioeconomic groups’ i.e. Low income group (LIG), middle income
group (MIG) and high income group (HIG) and a positive correlation between the high income and
waste generation has been noted. The HIG people throw away more plastic, metallic and glass
waste and also hazardous waste. Plastics, metals and glass account for 11 % in the Mysore city
solid waste.
 The study reveals that the composition of solid waste in Mysore city has 40 % organic matter
followed by 45 % earthen materials and 1.5 % as wooden materials. This shows that municipal
solid waste of Mysore city has a fair amount of biodegradable materials. The percentage of non
biodegradable waste like metals and plastics is not very high but substantial percentage of
concrete /pebbles/silts/sands etc was observed, which is indicative of large scale building
construction and other development activities.


1 Organic Component 40
2 Straw, Bagasses & Banana Leaves
3 Wooden Material 1.5
4 Plastics 10
5 Stones/Pebbles/Silts/Sands 45
6 Cloth/Rags 1.5
7 Metals 0.2
8 Rubber/Leather 1
9 Glass/Ceramics 0.8
TOTAL 100%
The solid waste management in Mysore city appears to be inadequate and needs up gradation. The solid waste has to
be disposed off scientifically through sanitary landfill and recyclable portion of the waste should be salvaged.
Segregation of recyclable material would also leads to reduction in quantity of solid waste for final disposal. Higher
priority needs to be assigned to the management of municipal solid waste by the local authority and a system approach
needs to be adopted for optimizing the entire operation of SWM encompassing segregation at source, timely and
proper collection, transportation routes and types of vehicles and development and proper operation of sanitary landfill
site .Mysore city might need to look for better solution of waste disposal considering unavailability of landfill and
disposal site.
The present system of MSWM in Mysore city is not satisfactory based on MSW(M & H) Rule 2000.There is need to
implement MSW (M & H) Rule 2000 in an integrated manner. More emphasis needs to be laid on segregation and
collection of waste at door step. Segregation of recyclable material from mixed waste not only is tedious but also
wasteful, therefore the residents should be sensitized towards the importance of segregation of wastes at source.
Rather than considering the municipal solid waste simply as residue to be thrown away, it should be recognized as
resource materials for the production of energy, compost and fuel depending upon the techno-economical viability,
local condition and sustainability of the project on long term basis.

 Yadav Ishwar Chandra and N.Linthoingambi Devi Department of Environmental Science, University of
Mysore, Mysore-570006, India
 Malvia R, Choudhary R and Budhia Dharam (2002) Study on solid waste assessment and management.
Indore city. IJEP 22(8): 841-846.
 Macwan J.E.M, Jay Shukla, Perita patel and Bhumika Shah (2003) Metropolitan Domestic Solid waste
Generation Analysis in Indian context” Journal of Indian Association Management Vol. 30:158-161.
 G.P. Shivashankara, H.B Rekha (2005) Solid waste management in suburban areas of Bangalore. Nature
Environment and Pollution Technology 4(4): 495-500.

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