Class 10 Maths Surface Area Volume Pyq @dmas SPsir

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Prepared By- Dr.

S Prasad

: · - , . • Previous Years' CBSE Board Questions

13.1 Introduction 12. A heap of rice ls In the form of a cone of base diameter
24 m and height 3.5 m. Find the volume of the rice.

\~@:! ;;,rv~dsurtace ;,ea -~ . ~;n~ having height

24 cm and radius 7 cm, is
How much canvas cloth is required to just CCNer the
13. The sum of the radius of base and height of a solid

(a) 528 cm 2 (b) 1056 cm2 right circular cylinder is 37 cm. If the total surface
(c) 550 cm 2
(d) 500 cm 2 (2023) area of the cylinder is 162.8 sq. cm, find the volume of
<,2- Curved surface area of a cylinder of height 5 cm is the cylinder. ( Use1t = : ) (Deihl 2016)
94.2 cm 2• Radius of the cylinder is (Taken= 3.14}
(a) 2 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 2.9 cm (d) 6 cm
14. A right circular cone of radius 3 cm, has a rurved
surface area of 47.1 cm2. Find the volume of the cone.
(2023) (Use 1t = 3.14} (Deihl 2016)~
"(i A solid spherical ball fits exactly inside the rubical 15. A 5 m wide cloth is used to make a conical tent of
box of side 2a. The volume of the ball is base diameter 14 m and height 24 m. Find the cost of
(a) 16 7W3 (b)
(c) 32 7W3 (d)
doth used at the rate oft 25 per metre. [ Use1t= ';2]
(2020C) (Foreign 2014}
The radius of a sphere (in cm) whose volume is
12ncm3 , is
MJiA (4 / 5 / 6 marks)
(a) 3 (b) 3✓ 3 (c) 3213 (d) 3u3 16. Case Study : John planned a birthday party for his
younger sister with his friends. They decided to make
(2020)~ some birthday caps by themselves and to buy a cake
(s. A rectangular sheet of paper 40 cm x 22 cm, is rolled
to form a hollow cylinder of height 40 cm. The radius
from a bakery shop, For these two items they decided
the following dimensions:
of the cylinder (in cm) is Cake : Cylindrical shape with diameter 24 cm and
height 14 cm.
(a) 3.5 (b) 7
Cap : Conical shape with base cirrumference 44 cm
(c) 80 (d) 5 (Foreign 2014)~ and height 24 cm.

Two cones have their heights in the ratio 1: 3 and radii

in the ratio 3 : 1. What is the ratio of their volumes?
Volume and surface area of a solid hemisphere
are numerically equal. What is the diameter of
hemisphere? (Delhi 2017)

K$jM (2 marks)
Based on the above information answer the following
8. How many cubes of side 2 cm can be made from a
solid cube of side 10 cm? (2020)
(a) How many square cm paper would be used to
9. A cone and a cylinder have the same radii but the make 4 such caps?
height of the cone is 3 times that of the cylinder. Find (b) The bakery shop sells cakes by weight (05 kg,
the ratio of their volumes. (2020) 1 kg, 1.5 kg, etc.,). To have the required dimensions
10. If the total surface area of a solid hemisphere is 462 how much cake should they order if 650 cm3 equals
100 g of cake? (Term II, 2021-22)
cm 2, find its volume. [ Taken= ~ ] (Al 2014}~ i . . • •
(3 marks)
! 13.2 Surface Area of a Combmat1on of
' Solids
U . The radius of the base and the height of a solid right
circular cylinder are in the ratio 2: 3 and its volume is &1411 (3 marks)
1617 cm 3• Find the total surface area of the cylinder. , 17. Three cubes of side 6 cm each, are joined as shown
2 in given figure. Find the total surface area of the
[ Taken-= ~ ] (Term II, 2021-22C}
resulting cuboid.
Prepared By- Dr. S Prasad
(Term II, 2021-22)
18. Two cones with same base diameter 16 cm and height
15 cm are joined together along their bases. Find the (Delhi 2015) ~
surface area of the shape so formed. (2019 C)
24. Due to sudden floods, some welfare associations
19. A wooden article was made by scooping out a jointly requested the government to get 100 tents
hemisphere from each end of a solid cylinder, as fixed immediately and offered to contribute 50%
shown in figure. If the height of the cylinder is 10 cm of the cost. If the lower part of each tent is of the
and its base is of radius 3.5 cm. Find the total surface form of a cylinder of diameter 4.2 m and height 4 m
area of the article. with the conical upper part of same diameter but
of height 2.8 m, and the canvas to be used costs
f 100 per sq. m, find the amount, the associations
will have to pay. What values are shown by these
associations? [ usen= / ] (Al 2015) ~

A cubical block of side 10 cm is surmounted by a

hemisphere. What is the largest diameter that the
hemisphere can have? Find the cost of painting the
total surface area of the solid so formed, at the rate
20. In the given figure, there is a off 5 per 100 sq. cm [Use 1t = 3.14]. (Al 2015)
decorative block, made up of
two solids - a cube and a (4/ 5 / 6 marks)
hemisphere. The base of the A wooden article was made by scooping
block is a cube of side 6 cm and out a hemisphere from each end of a solid
the hemisphere fixed on the top cylinder, as shown in the figure. If the
has a diameter of 3.5 cm. Find height of the cylinder is 10 cm and its base
the total surface area of the is of radius 3.5 cm, find the total surface
area of the article. (2023)
block. ( Use1t= / )
Case Study: A 'circus' is a company of performers
who put on shows of acrobats, clowns etc. to
21. A toy is in the form of a cone of base radius 3.5 cm
entertain people started around 250 years back, in
mounted on a hemisphere of base diameter 7 cm. If
open fields, now generally performed in tents.
the total height of the toy is 15.5 cm, find the total
One such 'Circus Tent' is shown below.
22 (Delhi 2016)
surface area of the toy. ( Use 7t= )

22. In the given figure, a tent is in the ~

shape of a cylinder surmounted
by a conical top of same diameter. ,=.c...--+--"-'-'
If the height and diameter of · · · · · · · · · · j
cylindrical part are 2.1 m and 3 m

respectively and the slant height of !·
conical part is 2.8 m, find the cost
of canvas needed to make the
tent if the canvas is available at the
The tent is in the shape of a cylinder surmounted by
2 - a conical top. If the height and diameter of cylindrical
rate of f500/sq. metre. ( Use 1t = / )
part are 9 m and 30 m respectively and height of
23. In the given figure, from a cuboidal solid metallic conical part is 8 m with same diameter as that of the
block, of dimensions 15 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm, a cylindrical part, then find l
cylindrical hole of diameter 7 cm is drilled out. (i) the area of the canvas used in making the tent. t
Find the surface area of the remaining block. (ii) the cost of the canvas bought for the tent at
2 the rate ~ 200 per sq. m, if 30 sq. m canvas was
[ Use1t= ~ ]
wasted during stitching. (Term II, 2021-22) ~

Prepared By- Dr. S Prasad

, 8. From a solid cylinder of height 2.8 cm and diameter 35. A solid wooden toy is in the form of a J,emisphere
• 4.2 cm, a conical cavity of the same height and same surmounted by a cone of same radius. The radius of
diameter is hollowed out Find the total surface area hemisphere is 3.5 cm and the total wood used in the

of the remaining solid. [ Take 1t = ~] (Delhi 2014) ~ : making of toy is 166~cm3 • Find the height of the toy.
Also, find the cost of painting the hemispherical part
29. Ahemispherical depression is cut out from one face of
acubical block of side 7 cm, such that the diameter of of the toy at the rate of 10 per cm 2• [ Use 1t = ~]
the hemisphere is equal to the edge of the cube. Find (Delhi 2015) ~
the surface area of the remaining solid. [ Use1t= 22] 36. A metallic cylinder has radius 3 cm and height 5 cm.
To reduce its weight, a conical hole is drilled In the
(Foreign 2014)
cylinder. The conical hole has a radius of ~cm and
13.3 Volume of a Combination of its depth Is ~cm. Calculate the ratio of the volume of
Solids 9
metal left in the cylinder to the volume of metal taken
l\jji 13 marks) out in conical shape. (Foreign 2015)
30. A room is in the form of cylinder surmounted by a 37. A solid right-circular cone of height 60 cm and radius
hemi-spherical dome. The base radius of hemisphere 30 cm is dropped in a right-circular cylinder full of
is one-half the height of cylindrical part Find total water of height 180 cm and radius 60 cm. Find the
height of the room if it contains volume of water left in the cylinder, in cubic metres.
1408) m of air.. (Taken= 722)
(21 3 (2023) [ Use1t= ~] (Foreign2015) '!£,
38. The largest possible sphere is carved out of a wooden
31. An empty cone is of radius 3 cm and height 12 cm.
solid cube of side 7 cm. Find the volume of the wood
Ice-cream is filled in it so that lower
th left. [ Use1t = / ] (Al 2014)
part of the cone which is (¼) of the
volume of the cone is unfilled but N•W 14 / 5 / 6 marks)
hemisphere is formed on 39. Water is being pumped out through a circular pipe
whose internal diameter is 8 cm. If the rate of flow
¢ Find v9l~me of the ice-cream.
of water is 80 cm/s, then how many litres of water is
(Taken= 3.14) It>" (2023)
being pumped out through this pipe in one hour?
32. A solid is in the form of a cylinder with hemispherical (2021 C)
ends. The total height of the solid is 20 cm and the 40. A well of diameter 3 m is dug 14 m deep. The earth
diameter of the cylinder is 7 cm. Find the total volume taken out of it has been spread evenly all around
it in the shape of a circular ring of width 4 m to
of the solid. ( Use 1t= ~ ) (2019) form a platform. Find the height of the platform.
33. A juice seller was serving his customers ( Take1t= ~ ) (2020 C)
using glasses as shown in ·the given • • •
figure. The inner diameter of the 41. In Figure-4, a solid toy is in
cylindrical glass was 5 cm but bottom the form of a hemisphere
of the glass had a hemispherical raised surmounted by a right circular
. .. --- . ... cone. The height of the cone is
portion which reduced the capacity of
theglass. lfthe height of theglasswas 10 · ·· · · · · · · · · 2 cm and the diameter of the
cm, find the apparent and actual capacity of the glass. base is 4 cm. Determine the
volume of the toy. (Take1t= 3·14) Figure -4
(Use 1t = 3.14) (NCERT, Al 2019) ~
(2020 C)
34 - A cylindrical tub, whose diameter is 12 cm and height
42 A solid toy is in the form of a hemisphere surmounted
15 cm is full of ice-cream. The whole ice-cream is to by a right circular cone of same radius. The height
be divided into 10 children in equal ice-cream cones, of the cone is 10 cm and the radius of the base is 7
with conical base surmounted by hemispherical top. cm. Determine the volume of the toy. Also find the
If the height of conical portion is twice the diameter area of the coloured sheet required to cover the toy.
of base, find the diameter of conical part of ice-cream 22
(Use 1t=- and ../149 = 12.2) (2020) J;
cone. (Foreign 2017) 7 ---

Prepared By- Dr. S Prasad

--➔=¥11¼1/-Ui· 91WJiii11
13.1 Introduction 13.3 Volume of a Combination of So!ids
-m ■ (2 marks)
ltiiil (4 / 5 / 6 marks)
3. Due to heavy floods in a state, thousands were
1. The curved surface area of a right circular cone is rendered homeless. 50 schools collectively decided
12320 cm 2• If the radius of its base is 56 cm, then find to provide place and the canvas for 1500 tents and
its height. (Term II, 2021-22) ~ share the whole expenditure equally. The lower part
of each tent is cylindrical with base radius 2.8 m and
height 3.5 m and the upper part is conical with the
13.2 Surface Area of a Combination of same base radius, but of height 21 m. If the canvas
Solids used to make the tents costs U20•per m 2, find the
amount shared by each school to set up the tents.

2. 4. There are two identical solid cubical boxes of side 7

The sum of the length, breadth and height of a
cm. From the top face of the first cube a hemisphere
cuboid is 6✓3 cm and the length of its diagonal is of diameter equal to the side of the cube is scooped
out. This hemisphere is inverted and placed on the
2✓3 cm. The total surface area of the cuboid is top of the second cube's surface to form a dome.
(a) 48cm 2 (b) 72cm 2 (i) the ratio of the total surface area of the two new
(c) 96 cm 2 (d) 108cm2 solids formed .
. (2022-23) (ii) volume of each new solid formed. (2022-23)

Dmas Institute Address- SCO-28 2nd floor Sector 19D Chandigarh, Panchkula (Old)

Prepared By- Dr. S Prasad

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