E Notes Infection Control in Nursing
E Notes Infection Control in Nursing
E Notes Infection Control in Nursing
Nursing tutor
Microorganisms exist everywhere: in water, in soil, and on body surfaces such as the skin,
intestinal tract, and other areas open to the outside such as our mouth, upper respiratory tract,
vagina, and lower urinary tract. many organisms are harmless, others are lethal, some are a
normal part of our body. As such, the ones directly involved in providing a biologically safe
environment are none other than the nurses.
Infection is the growth of microorganisms in body tissue where they are not usually found.
Four major categories of microorganisms cause infection in humans: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and
Local infection. A local infection is limited to a specific part of the body where the
microorganisms remain.
Systemic infection. If the microorganisms spread and damage different parts of the body,
the infection is a systemic infection.
Bacteremia. When a culture of a person’s blood reveals microorganisms, the condition is
called bacteremia.
Septicemia. When bacteremia results in systemic infection, it is referred to as septicemia,
which has become common over time.
Acute infection. Acute infections generally appear suddenly or last a short time.
Chronic infection. A chronic infection may occur slowly, over a very long period, and
last months or years.
Nosocomial infections are classified as infections that originate in the hospital, and is a
subgroup of health care associated infections or HAIs.
Intact skin and the mucous membranes are the body’s first line of defense against
The nasal passages have a defensive function: moist mucous membranes and cilia trap
microorganisms, dust, and foreign materials.
The lungs have alveolar macrophages (large phagocytes); phagocytes are cells that ingest
microorganisms, dead cells, and foreign particles.
The oral cavity regularly sheds mucosal epithelium to rid the mouth of colonizers.
The flow of saliva and its partial buffering action help prevent infections; saliva contains
microbial inhibitors, such as lactoferrin, lysozyme, and secretory IgA.
The eye is protected from infection by tears, which continually wash microorganisms
away and contain inhibiting lysozyme.
The high acidity of the stomach normally prevents microbial growth.
The resident flora of the large intestine help prevent the establishment of disease-
producing microorganisms.
Peristalsis also tends to move microbes out of the body.
When a girl reaches puberty, lactobacilli ferment sugars in the vaginal secretions,
creating a vaginal pH of 3.5 to 4.5; this low pH inhibits the growth of many disease-
producing microorganisms.
The entrance to the urethra normally harbors many microorganisms; urine flow has a
flushing and bacteriostatic action that keeps the bacteria from ascending the urethra; an
intact mucosal surface also acts as a barrier.
Inflammation is a local and nonspecific defensive response of the tissue to an injurious or
infectious agent; it is an adaptive mechanism that destroys or dilutes the injurious agent, prevents
further spread of the injury, and promotes the repair of damaged tissue.
First stage: Vascular and cellular responses. There is constriction of blood vessels,
dilatation of small vessels, increased vessel permeability, increased leukocytes, swelling,
and pain; leukocytes begin to engulf the infection.
Second stage: Exudate production. This stage is characterized by exudation with fluids
and dead cells; serous (clear, part of the blood), purulent (thick, pus with leukocytes), and
sanguineous (bloody).
Third stage: Reparative phase. The repair of tissues; examples are regeneration (same
tissues), stroma (connective tissues), parenchyma (functional part), and fibrous (scar).
Specific defenses of the body involve the immune system; the immunes response has two
components: antibody-mediated defenses and cellular-mediated defenses.
Antibody-Mediated Defenses
Another name for the antibody-mediated defenses is humoral (or circulating) immunity because
these defenses reside ultimately in the B lymphocytes and are mediated by antibodies produced
by B cells.
Active immunity. In active immunity, the host produces antibodies in response to natural
antigens (e.g. infectious agents) or artificial antigens (e.g. vaccines); B cells are activated
when they recognize the antigen; they the differentiate into plasma cells; the B cell may
produce antibody molecules of five classes of immunoglobulins: IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, and
Passive immunity. With passive (or acquired) immunity, the host receives natural (e.g.
from a nursing mother) or artificial (e.g. from an injection of immune serum) antibodies
produced by another source.
Cell-Mediated Defenses
The cell-mediated defenses, or cellular immunity, occur through the T-cell system.
Nursing Assessment
The nurse obtains the client’s history, conducts physical assessment, and gathers laboratory data.
History. During the nursing history, the nurse assesses (a) the degree to which the client
is at risk of developing an infection and (b) any client complaints suggesting the presence
of an infection.
Physical exam. Signs and symptoms of an infection vary according to the body area
involved; for example, sneezing, watery or mucoid discharge from the nose, and nasal
stuffiness commonly occur with an infection of the nose and sinuses; urinary frequency
and cloudy or discolored urine often occur with a urinary infection.
Laboratory data. Laboratory data that indicate the presence of an infection include the
following: elevated leukocyte count, increases in specific types of leukocytes as revealed
in the differential WBC count, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, urine, blood,
sputum, or other drainage cultures that indicate the presence of pathogenic
Nursing Diagnosis
Based on the assessment data, the most appropriate nursing diagnosis are:
Because it is not always possible to know which clients may have infectious organisms, a set of
guidelines has been established by the CDC and other organizations outlining steps all healthcare
workers must follow to reduce the chances that organisms in blood and potentially infectious
organisms from other body tissues will be transmitted from the client to other individuals.
Standard Precautions
Standard precautions are used in the care of all hospitalized individuals regardless of their
diagnosis possible infection status.
Transmission-based precautions are used in addition to standard precautions for clients with
known or suspected infections that are spread in one of three ways: by airborne or droplet
transmission, or by contact.
Airborne Precautions
Use standard precautions as well as the following:
Place client in an airborne infection isolation room that has negative air pressure, 6 to 12
air changes per hour, and either discharge of air to the outside or a filtration system for
the room air.
If a private room is not available, place the client with another client who is infected with
the same microorganism.
Wear an N95 respirator mask when entering the room of a client who is known to have or
suspected of having primary tuberculosis.
Susceptible people should not enter the room of a client who has rubeola (measles)
or varicella (chicken pox).
Limit movement of client outside the room to essential purposes; place a surgical mask
on the client during transport.
Droplet Precautions
All healthcare providers must apply PPE according to the risk of exposure to potentially infective
Gloves are worn for three reasons: first they protect the hands when the nurse is likely to
handle any body substances; second, gloves reduce the likelihood of nurses transmitting
their own endogenous microorganisms to individuals receiving care; and third, gloves
reduce the chance that the nurses’ hands will transmit microorganism to from one client
or object to another client.
In all situations, gloves are changed between client contacts.
The hands are cleansed each time the gloves are removed for two primary reasons: (1) the
gloves may have imperfections or be damaged during wearing so that they could allow
microorganism entry; and (2) the hands may become contaminated during glove removal.
Clean or disposable impervious (water-resistant) gowns or plastic aprons are worn during
procedures when the nurse’s uniform is likely to become soiled.
Sterile gowns may be indicated when the nurse changes the dressings of a client with
extensive wounds.
Single-use gown technique (using a gown only once before it is discarded or laundered)
is the usual practice at hospitals.
Face Masks
Masks are worn to reduce the risk for transmission of microorganisms by the droplet
contact or airborne routes and by splatters of body substances.
The CDC recommends that masks be worn:
By those close to the client if the infection is transmitted by large-particle aerosols
(droplet); large particle aerosols are transmitted by close contact and generally travel
short distances (about 1 m or 3 ft).
By all individuals entering the room if the infection is transmitted by small particle
aerosols (droplet nuclei); small-particle aerosols remain suspended in the air and thus
travel great distances in the air.
Eye Wear
Protective eye wear (goggles, glasses, face shields) and masks are indicated in situations
where body substances may splatter the face.
If the nurse wear prescription eyeglasses, goggles must still be worn over the glasses
because the protection must extend around the sides of the glasses.
Sterile Technique
It is well known that sterile technique is practiced in operating rooms and special
diagnostic areas.
Sterile technique is also employed for many procedures in general care areas such as
when administering injections, changing wound dressings, performing urinary
catheterization, and administering intravenous therapies.
In these situations, all principles of the surgical asepsis are applied as in the operating or
delivery room; however, not all of the sterile techniques that follow are always required.
Principles of Surgical Asepsis