23 Dbs 01 T 06 Co
23 Dbs 01 T 06 Co
23 Dbs 01 T 06 Co
[3] Income tax reported for estates and trusts is included in individual income tax in Fiscal Years (FY) 1960–2007. Beginning with FY 2008, estate and trust income tax is reported separately.
[4] Includes taxes for Old-Age, Survivors, Disability, and Hospital Insurance (OASDHI); unemployment insurance under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA); and railroad retirement under the Railroad
Retirement Tax Act (RRTA).
[5] Excludes excise taxes collected by U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. The Internal Revenue Service collected taxes on alcohol and tobacco until FY
1988 and taxes on firearms until FY 1991.
[6] Represents fiscal-year transitional period, July 1976 through September 1976, resulting from redefinition of the term “fiscal year.” FY 1976 covered July 1975 through June 1976 (earlier years were
similarly defined). FY 1977 covered October 1976 through September 1977 (subsequent years are similarly defined).
[7] The estate tax was temporarily repealed for deaths in Calendar Year (CY) 2010 before being reinstated retroactively with a $5-million exemption as part of the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance
Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. As a result of this legislation, the estates of CY 2010 decedents could elect to file either Form 706 (estate and generation-skipping transfer tax return), due
September 19, 2011, or Form 8939 (allocation of increase in basis for property acquired from a decedent), due January 17, 2012. The law also provided a $5-million exemption for the estates of CY 2011
decedents. These tax law changes significantly reduced estate tax gross collections in FY 2011 relative to other fiscal years.
Partnership, S corporation, regulated investment company, and real estate investment trust data are not shown in this table since these entities generally do not have a tax liability. Instead, they pass any
profits or losses to the underlying owners, who include these profits or losses on their income tax returns.
This table shows gross collections. Gross collections less refunds equal net collections. See Table 1 for data on refunds and net collections.