Paper492 160810073123
Paper492 160810073123
Paper492 160810073123
In receiving mode when an antenna gets signal from space, like
satellite , it is known that there is a very little back ground noise emanating
from sky, compared to noise generated by the warn 300 Kelvin earth
during terrestrial communication . It is true that most of the noise received
by an antenna pointed at the sky is earth's noise arriving through feed
spill, which can be reduced by increasing edge taper.
Parabolic reflector antennas, often There are a number of factors that affect the
called parabolic dishes are normally used in parabolic antenna gain. These factors include
applications where gain and directivity are of the following:
paramount importance. Satellite TV reception, 1. Diameter for the parabolic reflector antenna
microwave links and other satellite links are reflecting surface
prime examples of where parabolic reflector 2. Surface accuracy
gain is used. 3. Quality of illumination of the reflecting surface
4. Frequency or wavelength of the signal
The parabolic reflector antenna is ideal being received or transmitter
for high gain applications. At microwave
frequencies where these antennas are normally The parabolic antenna gain can easily
used, they are able to produce very high levels be calculated from a knowledge of the diameter
of gain, and they offer a very convenient and of the reflecting surface, the wavelength of
robust structure that is able to withstand the the signal, and a knowledge or estimate of the
rigours of external use, while still being able to efficiency of the antenna.
perform well. Many other types of antenna
design are not practiceable at these frequencies. The parabolic reflector antenna gain
is calculated as the gain over an isotropic source,
High gain parabolic reflector antennas i.e. relative to a source that radiates equally in
come in a variety of sizes. The most commonly all directions. This is a theoretical source that
seen are those used for satellite television is used as the benchmark against which most
reception. However parabolic antennas are antennas are compared. The gain is quoted in
used in many other applications. Parabolic this manner is denoted as dBi.
reflector antennas are also often seen on
microwave towers for communications. The standard formula for the parabolic
reflector antenna gain is:
Larger ones still can often be seen on TV
broadcast stations where signals need to be 10 log 10 k ( D) 2
transmitted up to a broadcast satellite and Gain G =
where performance is paramount. Even larger
antennas may also be used for other where
communications or even space research G is the gain over an isotropic source in dB
applications. Some these parabolic antennas k is the efficiency factor which is generally
are many tens of metres across. around 50% to 60%, i.e. 0.5 to 0.6 D is the
diameter of the parabolic reflector in metres
The one common feature of all these lambda is the wavelength of the signal in metres
examples is the parabolic antenna gain, or
parabolic dish gain. While the larger antennas From this it can be seen that very large
have greater levels of parabolic antenna gain, gains can be achieved if sufficiently large
the performance of all these antennas is of reflectors are used. However when the antenna
prime importance. has a very large gain, the beamwidth is also
Role of spillover and illumination efficiency in case of parabolic antennas. 71
Table A,B,and C
Illumination Efficiency
S. Edge Taper % Efficiency
No. (dB)
1. 1.04 103.32
2. 2.08 102.77
3. 4.16 101.66
4. 6.24 98.88
5. 8.32 95.55
6. 104 91.1
7. 12.48 86.66
8. 14.56 83.33
9. 16.64 79.44
10. 18.72 76.66
11. 20.80 73.33
Role of spillover and illumination efficiency in case of parabolic antennas. 73
pattern like shown in fig. now as shown in energy near the edge of the dish and have the
fig. we super impose the idealized pattern on energy drop off very quickly beyond the edge.
our desired pattern we have too much energy
in the centre, not enough at the edge and some It is known that all feed horns will
misses the reflector entirely. The missing provide less energy at the edge of dish than in
energy at the edges shown as blue are dotted the centre like the difference in power at the
is called illumination we need to increase edge is referred to as the edge taper. Which
74 Ultra Scientist Vol.24(1)B, (2012).