Processing Subsystem
Processing Subsystem
Processing Subsystem
Agribusiness Subsystems
Government Agencies
subsystem Private Institutions
Industry Associations
subsystem Education/Research Institutions
o generates employment that is expected to provide incomes for rural o results in increased demand for a wide variety of machinery, equipment,
households and addresses time smoothing in the labor market packaging materials, and intermediate goods used in the processing itself
o provides relief on rural underemployment o paves the way for activating sideway linkages (derived from the use of by-
o addresses food security demand for these products are called derived demand since they are
dependent on the demand of the processed/ main product
o improves access to food and other necessities to large groups of population
6. Use of by-products
Decision to make: where to locate the plant Factors favoring plant location near the raw materials source:
o plant near the source of raw materials or near the market? o raw materials perishability
o raw materials sensitivity or fragility
In both cases, an investor has to determine availability of: o difficulty in transporting raw materials vs. finished products
o labor o products that are affected by the supply of labor and the availability
o basic utility like electricity and water of power and other structure
o basic provisions such as roads and communication networks
o land costs
o development costs Not meeting the above conditions would favor locating the
plant near the market.
The need for a careful inventory management o next to raw materials in terms of importance to the processing activities
o agroindustrial raw materials are characterized by seasonality, perishability
and variability o include ingredients or parts other than the raw materials, packaging
o depending on the availability and timing of raw material supply, there is a materials, and other finishing products such as varnish in the case of
need to examine: wood furniture manufacture
storage capacity of raw materials and storage cost
capacity of other physical facilities like refrigerators o contribute a considerable proportion in the cost of processing
storage capacity of warehouse of finished products
shelf-life of raw materials and finished products o reliability and availability of supplies must be ensured
o Aspects: production design, production scheduling, control systems o Processors must be able to identify potential by-products and their
commercial value
o Production design – implementation plans and production engineering
(specifies physical facilities and lay out) o Market-linkaging activities must also include by-products marketing
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): The 5 P’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): The 5 P’s
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): 10 Principles Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
1. Create Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for processes and design o Developed by NASA in 1960 to ensure food safety of astronauts in the
specifications for facilities and equipment space program
2. Follow the SOP and specifications
3. Validate the SOP and specifications o is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the
4. Document everything analysis and control of hazards from procurement to consumption of the
5. Monitor the facilities and equipment finished products.
6. Employ competent and qualified personnel
7. Protect products against contamination o requires an identification of all the steps where “hazards” or problems
8. Control components and processes that are related to the product might occur; monitoring of the said steps; and taking corrective action
9. Ensure quality in operations, manufacturing, logistics, and distribution
10. Perform periodic audits with certified auditors o focuses on hazard prevention instead of hazard detection
Codex Alimentarius
o Raw agricultural product supply and other critical input o Raw agricultural product supply and other critical input
problems (seasonal, variable and perishable) problems (seasonal, variable and perishable)
o Raw agricultural product supply and other critical input o Lack of quality standards
problems (seasonal, variable and perishable) hampers the ability of the processing industry to enter foreign
markets; for example:
Perishability effects: • absence of industry quality standards (cut flowers and cut foliage)
inadequacy of transport, cold storage facility and processing - constraint in the entry to lucrative Japanese floriculture market
• Netherlands is able to penetrate and dominate the international
technology limitations in packaging and low adoption of controlled trade due to industry domestic standards that are superior to the
environment have decreased effective utilization of raw material average international standards
o Inadequate support for farmers o Human resources and labor supply limitations
lack of access to technologies, technical knowledge, and quality inputs inadequate occupational standards makes it difficult for firms to hire
lack of access to financing, with many excluded from the formal skilled and professional manpower in production operation and
financial system due to lack of collateral or high transaction costs. management
for the meat processing industry, the lack of accredited butchers has
o Insufficient provision of public goods been identified as constraint in the establishment of livestock
agricultural innovation is a public good that requires investments in slaughterhouses and meat cutting and processing
infrastructure, R&D and extension activities, with the public sector
playing a key role in provision.
o Weak regulatory system high cost of processing – unstable cost of energy as a result of rising
effective regulation is one way to promote coordination in markets, by oil prices in the international market substantially raising the cost of
harmonizing expectations about product characteristics and behavior production and threatening the competitiveness of large export-
of agents oriented agro-processing firms and eroding the profitability and
even if standards are in place, the regulatory system may still fail variability of SMEs
owing to poor quality of regulatory services
technological disadvantages of small processing firms
o Increasing demand for processed food products o Development and growth of industry players
external as well as internal scale economies are important in
o Increasing demand for non-traditional non-food products generating volume and lower production cost
External scale – entry of more players in the industry thus increasing
o Flourishing healthy lifestyle industry output
Internal scale – increase of capacity of firms in the industry in the
o Largely a private sector undertaking with strong industry associations, process contributing to the total industry output.
increased attention is given to make the sector flourish
o Development and growth of industry clusters
o Many allied industries are supporting agroindustries The agro-processing industry cluster should be driven by self-
sustaining and reinforcing inter-relationships among the various
industry players arising from geographical proximity
o Innovation and technology diffusion and generation o Food and product standards
boosts development of new products and processes important in setting of product standards ensures quality and consistency;
driving higher demand and entry to new markets requirement for food safety
developing countries succeeds because of their ability to facilitate key issue that is essential in achieving acceptability of Philipine agro-
technology diffusion in the early stages of development and generate processed products in the US, EU, and other Asian nations
technology in the advance state of development. industry clusters with firms and government cooperation should
automation to achieve quality and reliability of products implement food traceability
production facilities should conform to world standards and best
practices should be adopted to achieve higher productivity
with costs as major constraint, interfirm cooperation or government –
industry cooperation can be developed
o American Society for Quality (ASQ). Quality Resources: ISO 9000.
o Coordination mechanism among stakeholders
is essential to have constant communication and collaboration among
o FAO. Codex Alimentarius.
its players
o GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices).
o Rodriguez, R.A., & Echanis, E.S. (2001). Fundamentals of management : text and Philippine cases.
o World Health Organization (2016). WHO good manufacturing practices for biological products, Annex 2, TRS No 999.