Expanded Floral Compendium
Expanded Floral Compendium
Expanded Floral Compendium
Table of Contents
Creatures. Page Number
Awakened Plants 3
Awakened Tree 6
Awaken Mushroom 11
Forest Effects 15
Carnivorous Plants 16
Mantrap 17
Skytrap 18
Death Lotus 19
Devourer Plant 20
Dewstalk 21
Deathvine 22
Tumbleweed 23
Maw Lotus 24
Shambler 27
Hydra Bloom 31
Floral Elementals 34
Vegepygmy 40
Woads 45
Spriggan 51
Myconids 57
Treants 71
Bloomplague 85
Sporebloom 88
Blight 91
Awakened Plants Nightleafs are plants that have adapted to living in the
There are only very few regions on the Material Plane Underdark where there is not any sunlight. These plants
wherein some form of plant life is not present. These sport a beautiful array of bioluminescent leaves which protect
lifeforms come in many varieties, often adapting to the it from aberrant magics in the Underdark as well as guides
conditions of the biome that they dwell. pollinators to its branches.
Sometimes due to their vicinity to magical ley lines or the When awakened, these plants seem to hate any form of
influence of druidic magics, these otherwise inert plants gain sunlight, immediately fleeing at the presence of it. Despite
a life of their own. Depending on the origin of this magic, this innate fear, there is no evidence that sunlight seem to
these plants acquire a personality of their own or are under harm the plant as seen in other creatures, outside possible
the control of another force, whether for good or evil. mental trauma, if plants even suffer from that.
Awakened Shrubs. Sunbloom
Sunblooms are one of the dazzling of all plants thanks to its
Awakened shrubs make up the majority of all kinds of scintillating leaves. As their name suggests, they resemble
awakened plants. This classification is rather broad, as it miniature suns with their gleaming branches and, unlike
encompasses all forms of underbrush and smaller flora. other plants, they have a natural immunity to fire. Many
believe that these plants were brought from the Upper Planes
as a gift of the gods, or possibly the work of a mischievous
Briarthorns are known for their prickly leaves that are almost adventurer who smuggled their seeds from their native
as sharp as knives. These leaves are typically used to deter planes.
herbivorous animals from making a meal out of them.
When awakened, it turns out these plants tend to have a Amberwoods
personality as prickly as their appearance, as they tend to be Amberwoods are easily recognizable thanks to their
quite territorial. Additionally, their newfound sentience has glistening appearance as if they're coated with wax. This film
taught them a few new tricks, such as firing a storm of blade- is actually a layer of viscous amber. This amber is highly
like leaves at anyone who upsets them. prized for its many uses.
This sap is quite popular to make very potent ales and
desserts. These deserts are known to be extremely sweet or
Rivervines are aquatic plants that often take the appearance sour, but have been known to be extremely acidic if too much
of seaweed or kelp. When awakened, these plants can prove is consumed. This sap also is particularly useful as a fire
to be quite dangerous since they tend to live in large groups retardant.
and will work together to entangle and drown their attackers.
Daliah Cacti are the hardiest of all plants, living in the harshest and
Daliahs are one of the most beautiful of all plants and come most arid of environments. Their leaves are perfectly adapted
in dozens of variations. They all share the same base for retaining moisture and as well as repelling the heat. They
characteristics, as they tend to sport a unique array of flowers also have a unique ability to regrow from the most lethal of
that emit a slightly hypnotic pollen. Such an arrangement is wounds and even dismemberment.
unique to each plant, as some sport a specific arrangement, Despite their thorny appearance, awakened cacti are
coloration, or number of flowers. actually the most amiable of all plants and often provide aid
Blighted to the stranded in the desert. Unfortunately, despite their best
Blighted shrubs are typically awakened differently than most intentions, they have a hard time understanding personal
of its other kin. These plants gain sentience due to the space.
influence of necromantic magic or parasitic spores. As a Duskbloom
result, these plants tend to seek out other plants to drain The duskbloom is probably the most peculiar of all plants.
their life force to sustain them. However, if desperate enough, Whereas most plants require light for sustenance, the
they have been known to come after beasts and humanoids. duskbloom takes it to a whole new degree. The leaves of
Winterbloom these plants have the unique ability to completely siphon light
Winterblooms are a rather unique breed of plants that only from its surroundings.
appear in the coldest of environments. Since flora in such When awakened, these plants can prove to be quite the
environments tend to be quite scarce, most herbivorous nuisance as they tend to migrate towards large sources of
creatures tend to be attracted to them. These plants use this light, such as large towns or cities
to their advantage to acquire sustenance, as it absorbs the
body heat of the unsuspecting creature to make up for the
general lack of nutrients and sunlight in such a cold climate.
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Awakened Shrub Awakened Bush
Template Template
small plant, unaligned large plant, unaligned
13(+1) 8 (-1) 11(+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 18(+4) 8 (-1) 16(+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)
False Appearance While motionless, the shrub is False Appearance While motionless, the bush is
indistinguishable from a normal shrub indistinguishable from a normal bush
Spider Climb The shrub can climb difficult surfaces Spider Climb The bush can climb difficult surfaces
without needing to make an ability check without needing to make an ability check
Rooted Defense The shrub has advantage on saving Rooted Defense The bush has advantage on saving
throws and ability checks against be pushed, throws and ability checks against be pushed,
shoved, or knocked prone. shoved, or knocked prone.
Flammable Whenever the shrub takes fire damage, it Flammable Whenever the bush takes fire damage, it
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire
damage at the start of each of its turns for one damage at the start of each of its turns for one
minute. It must use its action to put out the flames. minute. It must use its action to put out the flames.
However, while in this state, its attacks deal an However, while in this state, its attacks deal an
additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.. additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration..
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis
While in sunlight, the shrub gains the following While in sunlight, the bush gains the following
benefits: benefits:
Regeneration It can regain 5 hitpoints at the start of Regeneration It can regain 5 hitpoints at the start of
each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint
and hasn't taken fire damage on its turn. and hasn't taken fire damage on its turn.
Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it
can end one of the following conditions: can end one of the following conditions:
poisoned. poisoned.
Special Effects Special Effects
Some shrub variants that rely on a saving throw for Some bush variants that rely on a saving throw for
its Primary DC or Melee DC its Primary DC or Melee DC
Primary DC The Primary DC for a shrub is 10 Primary DC The Primary DC for a bush is 13
Melee DC The Melee DC for a shrub is 11 Melee DC The Melee DC for a bush is 14
Actions Actions
Rake Melee Weapon Attack, +3 to hit:, 5ft., , one Rake Melee Weapon Attack, +5 to hit:, 5ft., , one
target. Hit 4(1d4+1) slashing damage. target. Hit 9(2d4+4) slashing damage.
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Damage Resistances Poison, Necrotic
Thorns Creatures that grapple or make a melee
attack against the shrub while within 5ft. of the
shrub takes 3(1d4) piercing damage. Blighted Resilience The shrub has advantage on
saving throws against being poisoned or diseased.
Withered Form When a creature grapples or hits the
Razor Leaf(Recharge 5-6): Bush Only Creatures within shrub with a melee attack while within 5ft. of it, that
a 10ft. radius must succeed a DC 13 saving throw creature takes 4(1d6) necrotic damage and the
or take 10 (4d4) slashing damage. On a successful shrub regains a number of hitpoints equal to the
saving throw, it takes half damage. necrotic damage dealt
Movement Speed 20ft. swim
Damage Immunities Cold
Amphibious The shrub can breathe in air and in
water Cold Aura Creatures that first enters or start its turn
within 5ft. of the shrub, takes 4(1d6) cold.
Vine Melee Weapon Attack, +3 to hit:, 10ft., , one
target. Hit 4(1d4+1) bludgeoning damage. If the
target is a Small or smaller creature, it is
grappled(escape DC 10).
Vine (Bush Only) Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit:,
10ft., , one target. Hit 9(2d4+4) bludgeoning Night Bloom The shrub gains the benefit of
damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller photosynthesis while in dim light, darkness, or at
creature, it is grappled(escape DC 14). night instead of daylight.
Sun Turning When it starts its turn or first enters
sunlight, the nightleaf must use its action to Dash as
far away from the source of light as it can. It can
safely navigate any hazardous terrain. If it cannot
escape, it takes the Dodge action for the duration.
Bioluminesence The shrub has advantage on saving
Aromatic Pollen Creatures other than the shrub that throws against spells and magical effects. It gives off
first enter or start its turn within 5ft. of the shrub dim light in a 5ft. radius.
must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to
the plant's primary DC.
On a failed saving throw, creatures are considered
poisoned. Creatures poisoned in this manner are
considered to be charmed by the plant. It can repeat
its saving throw at the end of each of its turns. Upon
a success, creatures are immune to being poisoned
in this manner for the next 24 hours.
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Sunbloom Cactus
Damage Resistances Radiant Damage Resistances Fire
Damage Immunities Fire
Heatproof The cactus cannot be set aflame. Upon
Frost Susceptibility The shrub or bush takes cold succeeding a saving throw against an effect that
damage, it loses its heated body, photosynthesis, deals fire damage, the cactus takes no damage. It
and illumination ability until the end of its next turn. can still benefit from photosynthesis even if it takes
fire damage.
Heated Body Creatures that grapple or make a melee
attack against the shrub while within 5ft. of the Spiked Body A creature that touches the cactus
shrub takes 5(1d8) fire damage. It only gains these takes 4(1d6) piercing damage.
benefits while its Photosynthesis effect is active
Self Propagation The cactus can still regain hitpoints
Illuminate The shrub gives off bright light in a 10ft. from it photosynthesis feature even if it starts its
radius and dim light an additional 10ft. turn with 0 hitpoints. It can still die as normal upon
failing all of its death saving throws.
Damage Resistances Acid, fire
Light Drain Upon taking radiant damage, the
Sticky Form Creatures that grapple the shrub, hits it duskbloom takes no damage but regains a number
with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. of hit, of hitpoints equal to the radiant damage dealt.
or is hit by the shrub's melee attacks are grappled by
the shrub (escape DC is equal to the plant's primary Dusk Leaf The duskbloom emits nonmagical
DC). Ability checks made to escape this grapple darkness is a 10ft. radius around it. Dim light
have disadvantage. extends an additional 19ft. around it. This darkness
extinguishes non-magical and magical sources of
Fireproof Film The amberwood cannot be set aflame light.
and does not lose the benefits of photosynthesis
when it takes fire damage
Acidic Amber Creatures grappled by the shrub takes
3(1d4) acid damage at the start of each of its turns.
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Awakened Tree Whisperglade
Whisperglade trees are the most bizarre of all trees. Their
Awakened trees are some of the largest of all kinds of origins are not entirely understood, but some believe they are
awakened plants. These entities are a bit rarer than their the result of magical experimentation on trees, while others
small kin, as they require much more magical energy to believe they are an aberrant species of flora native to the
animate their forms. underdark.
However, once awakened, or in some cases tames, These trees seem to feed off of the psychic energy of living
awakened trees are incredibly useful creatures. They can beings around them. As horrific as this sounds, this effect
serve as plants of burden and are extremely versatile battle seems to be relatively harmless and actually serves as a boon
creatures. Thanks to their hardy forms as well as their to nearby creatures. Since these trees seem to reside in
attunement to many druidic magics, they serve as the ideal magically volatile environments such as the Underdark, their
troop transport, easily bypassing enemy lines and able to ability to siphon psychic energy actually dampens harmful
move many troops at a time over long distances. psionic magics to nearby creatures.
Because some of these trees share similar traits to smaller However, this psionic aura can generate some unintended
varieties of awakened plants, this section while only highlight consequences, as its psychic attunement also occasionally
species that haven't been previously mentioned. causes one to see hallucination or hear the thoughts of
Timbersteel nearby creatures. Additionally, if the tree is harmed in any
As their name suggests, timbersteel trees are known for their way, it can redirect this psychic energy in a painful blast
incredibly durable bark. In fact, this bark is much harder than against its attacker.
steel and is used as armor for many druidic tribes. However, Describing their appearance is quite problematic, as their
despite its strengths, it still has one weakness wherein it coloration tends to change the longer you look at it. To make
quite flammable and requires additional modifications for things even more peculiar, it seems that the appearance of
optimal use. the tree seems to be unique to each individual observer, as
accounts from multiple observers looking at the same tree
Razor Willows seem to describe vastly different appearances.
Razor willows are known for their tendril-like leaves that
drape from its branches. These leaves are razor sharp and
primarily serve as a defense against herbivores. Unwary
travelers can easily end up heavily wounded by these
creatures, as it is easy to become entangle and lacerated by
its leaves.
Lotus woods seem to resemble colossal flowers with thick
wooden stems. Just like their smaller flower counterparts,
they are known for their aromatic pollen that actually as
many medicinal properties from just inhaling its spores.
Sirenwood often resemble dead trees, due to their pale,
twisted bark and scarce variety of trees. However, these
plants are very much alive and the hollow nature of their
anatomy can generate a rather interesting effect. When the
slightest wind blows across the tree, it can create an eerie
howling cacophony that is known to drive a creature mad in
fear. However, the sound of the scream sounds different
depending on the unique structure of each tree. However,
when in a forest of sirenwoods, this cacophony becomes
nearly unbearable.
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Awakened Tree Regeneration It can regain 10 hitpoints at the start of
each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
Huge plant, unaligned
hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn.
Armor Class 16(Natural Armor) Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
Hit Points 63 (6d12+30) end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
Speed 20ft., 20ft. climb Special Effects
Some tree variants that rely on a saving throw for its
19(+4) 6 (-2) 20(+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) Primary DC The Primary DC for a tree is 16
Melee DC The Melee DC for a tree is 15
Skills Athletics +7, Perception +3
Damage Resistances Piercing, bludgeoning damage Actions
Damage Immunities Psychic Multiattack The tree can make two Entangling Root
Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 13 Attacks. It can substitute a Root Attack for a Fling.
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed Raking Limbs Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit:, 10ft., ,
Proficiency Bonus +2 all targets within range. Hit 14(4d4+4) slashing
Challenge 4(1100 XP) damage.
Entangling Roots Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit:,
False Appearance While motionless, the tree is 10ft., , one target. Hit 14(2d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
indistinguishable from a normal tree If the target is a creature, it is grappled and
Spider Climb The tree can climb difficult surfaces restrained(escape DC 14). A creature must use its
without needing to make an ability check action to break free from the root. The creature can
also choose to attack the root to escape. The roots
Rooted Defense The tree has advantage on saving have an AC of 16, 15 hitpoints, resistances to
throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, and is
knocked prone. immune to all conditions. Destroying the root does not
Siege Monster The tree deals double damage to deal any damage to the tree.
buildings and objects Fling One Large or smaller object held or creature
Flammable Whenever the tree takes fire damage, it grappled by the tree is thrown up to 30 feet in a
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. strikes a solid surface, the target takes 4 (1d6)
It must use its action to put out the flames. However, bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If
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must©Wizards of
succeed the
on Coast
14 Dexterity saving throw or
take the same damage and be knocked prone.
8 While in sunlight, the tree gains the following benefits:
Elder Tree While in sunlight, the tree gains the following benefits:
Gargantuan plant, unaligned Regeneration It can regain 20 hitpoints at the start of
each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
Armor Class 17(Natural Armor) hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn.
Hit Points 210(12d20+84) Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
Special Effects
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Some tree variants that rely on a saving throw for its
24(+7) 6 (-2) 25(+7) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) Primary DC or Melee DC
Primary DC The Primary DC for a tree is 19
Skills Athletics +11, Perception +4
Damage Resistances Piercing, bludgeoning damage Melee DC The Melee DC for a tree is 19
Damage Immunities Psychic damage
Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Multiattack The tree can make two Entangling Root
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed Attacks. It can substitute a Root Attack for a Fling.
Proficiency Bonus +4
Challenge 12(8400 XP) Raking Limbs Melee Weapon Attack, +11 to hit:, 20ft., ,
all targets within range. Hit 35(8d6+7) slashing
False Appearance While motionless, the tree is damage.
indistinguishable from a normal tree Entangling Roots Melee Weapon Attack, +11 to hit:,
20ft., , one target. Hit 14(4d6+7) bludgeoning damage.
Barkskin The tree can reduce bludgeoning, piercing, and If the target is a creature, it is grappled and
slashing damage by 5. restrained(escape DC 19). A creature must use its
Spider Climb The tree can climb difficult surfaces action to break free from the root. The creature can
without needing to make an ability check also choose to attack the root to escape. THe roots has
an AC of 18, 30 hitpoints, resistances to bludgeoning
Rooted Defense The tree has advantage on saving and piercing damage, and is immune psychic damage
throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or and to all conditions. Destroying the root does not deal
knocked prone. any damage to the tree.
Siege Monster The tree deals double damage to Fling One Huge or smaller object held or creature
buildings and objects grappled by the tree is thrown up to 60 feet in a
Flammable Whenever the tree takes fire damage, it random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire strikes a solid surface, the target takes 4 (1d6)
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If
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creature, materials used
while in this state, its attacksare property
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5 (1d8) of the Coast
must succeed on a LLC.
DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or
fire damage for the duration. take the same damage and be knocked prone.
Photosynthesis 9
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Damage Resistances Acid, Poison
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Night Bloom The tree gains the benefit of
photosynthesis while in dim light, darkness, or at
Timbersteel Bark The tree can reduce damage taken night instead of daylight.
by 5.
Bioluminescence The tree has advantage on saving
Resilient Form The tree has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects. It gives off
throws against being poisoned or diseased. dim light in a 10ft. radius. If an elder tree, the radius
is 20ft.
Razor Willow
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 Sunbloom
Damage Resistances Radiant
Willow Snares Creatures that first enter or starts its Damage Immunities Fire
turn within 10ft. of the willow must succeed a Challenge Rating Increase by 1
Strength save of 14 or become grappled and
restrained by the willow. Creatures grappled in this Frost Susceptibility When the tree takes cold
manner take 5(2d4) slashing damage at the start of damage, it loses its heated body, photosynthesis,
each of its turns. and illumination ability until the end of its next turn.
Flaming Aura Creatures that first enter within 10ft. of
the tree, takes 5(1d8) fire damage
Heated Body Creatures that grapple or hit the tree
with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. of the
Lotus Wood tree takes 9(2d8) fire damage. It only gains these
benefits while its Photosynthesis effect is active
Aromatic Pollen Creatures that first enter or start its
turn within 10ft. of the tree have advantage on Illuminate The tree gives off bright light in a 30ft.
saving throws against being blinded, deafened, radius and dim light an additional 30ft. This light
exhausted, paralyzed, or poisoned. If an elder tree, counts as sunlight
the radius is 20ft.
Damage Resistances Fire
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 Challenge Rating Increases by 1.
Howling Wood Creatures that first enters or starts its Heatproof The cactus cannot be set aflame. Upon
turn within 30ft. of the tree that can hear it must succeeding a saving throw against an effect that
succeed a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or become deals fire damage, the cactus takes no damage. It
frightened until the end of its next turn. If an elder can still benefit from photosynthesis even if it takes
tree, the DC is 19. fire damage.
If another sirenwood is within 30ft., creatures have Spiked Body A creature that touches the cactus
disadvantage on the saving throw. takes 7(2d6) piercing damage.
Upon a successful saving throw, creatures are Self Propagation While in sunlight, the cactus can
immune to being frightened in this manner for 24 still regain hitpoints from it photosynthesis feature
hours. even if it starts its turn with 0 hitpoints. It can still
die as normal upon failing all of its saving throws.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Whisper Glade
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Damage Resistances Acid, fire
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Psychic Wood When a creature deals damage to the
tree while within 30ft. of it, it takes 5(1d8) psychic
Sticky Form Creatures that grapple the tree or hits it damage.
with a melee weapon attack while within 5ft. is
grappled by the tree (uses the tree's Melee DC). Psychosynthesis Whenever a creature that is not an
Ability checks made to escape this grapple have undead or construct is within 30ft. of the tree, it can
disadvantage. benefit from the effects of photosynthesis. If an
elder tree, the range increases to 60ft.
Fireproof Film The amberwood is not set aflame and
does not lose the benefits of photosynthesis when Psychic Sensitivity The tree can pinpoint the
it takes fire damage presence of a creature that is not an undead or
construct within 1 mile of it. However, it cannot
Acidic Amber Creatures grappled by the tree take determine the identity of the creature.
5(2d4) acid damage at the start of each of its turns.
Psychic Muddling Creatures that starts its turn or
first enters within 30ft. of the tree have
disadvantage on saving throws to maintain
Damage Resistances Poison, Necrotic
Damage Immunities Cold
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
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Awakened Mushroom Spellspore
Spellspore mushrooms are the rarest and most sought after
Whereas trees tend to be the staple form of plant life on the mushroom on the material plane. These mushrooms can only
surface of the Material Plane, fungi dominate the sunless be found in the deepest and most remote portions of the
realm of the Underdark. Instead of relying on sunlight, Underdark. Because of their magically volatile environment,
mushrooms tend to gather nutrients from nearly anything, its spores actually emit a slight anti-magic aura to protect it
such as decomposing matter or even from other living from such effects.
creatures as a parasite. If inhaled by a creature, it can temporarily disrupt the
Mushrooms are much different from their surface dwelling ability for a creature to tap into the magical aether around it,
kin. Although they do not possess the regenerative abilities of hindering its ability to cast spells.
their kin, they also do not share many of the weaknesses of For many centuries, it was believed that these spores were
other plants and have more tools at their disposal to defend primarily used a defense, but further studies from observing
themselves. awakened variants seem to suggest that these fungi actually
Their primary means of defense and reproduction are feed on magical energy as they tend to flock towards sources
microscopic spores that it can use to infect other creatures, of magic.
as well spread its offspring over long distances. The origin of their awakening is rather unclear, as spells
Despite their differences, mushrooms can be awakened in and rituals that often creates such sentience has no effect on
the same manner as other plants and often serve similar these fungi. It is theorized that with enough consumption of
functions as their surface dwelling counterparts. magic, a mushroom can eventually generate a spark of
Blightspore sentience.
Blight spores are probably the first thing to come to mind Frostspore
when regarding sentient mushrooms. Their main form of Despite its name, frost spores are only found in regions of
sustenance tends to come from other plants, but occasionally, extreme heat such as volcanoes, elemental hotspots, and
especially when awakened, it devours living creatures. Its even the Elemental Plane of Fire. These mushroom crave
spores are especially designed to decompose its prey by warm has extreme heat has the capability of mending its
preventing any regenerative abilities a creature may possess wounds.
and making it extremely susceptible to the mushroom's As a result, these mushrooms tend to attack any nearby
attacks. source of heat, whether it be a living creature or even
Thankfully, most of the time, these mushrooms are content elementals. They tend to surround themselves in a cloud of
to being scavengers but have been known to search for and misty spore, which sap the very body heat from any creature
pursue living creatures if other forms of food is lacking. that wanders too close.
Mirespore However, their appetite for heat leaves them extremely
Mirespores are known for the psychedelic spores. Exposure vulnerable to any form of cold.
to such spores begins to warp the mind of its victim, causing Umberspore
them to see hallucinations of their own making. The most common of all mushrooms are the umberspore.
Unfortunately, this ability makes them the prime target as These mushrooms are often the primary sources of light in
their spores are used for ingredients in many ales, medicines, the Underdark living in large patches lighting up the ground
and pleasure drugs. or even the ceiling with various hues of otherworldly light.
When awakened, mirespore mushrooms tend to be quite When awakened, they are generally the most peaceful of all
friendly creatures, although they tend to be pranksters. They mushrooms, preferring to keep to themselves. However,
favorite tactic is to use distract their victim with psychedelic when threatened, their spores have been known to cause
spores while they proceed to steal their belongings, typically blindness.
anything shiny. However, in the end, these mushrooms
typically don't harm any creature unless threatened and will Ragespore
often return belongings once they grow bored with it. As their name suggests, ragespore mushrooms are able to
Host Spore incite a furious rage within creature's they infect with their
The hostspore mushroom is the most parasitic of all of its spores. While infected, the mushroom is actually in fully
kin. Creatures infected with its vampiric spores that ties the control of that creature, causing it to harm other creatures
essence of its victim with the life force of the mushroom. and eliminate anything that would compromise the
mushroom's safety.
If a creature dies while infected with these spores, it serves Although this tends to be a defense mechanism, sentient
as the perfect breeding ground for the mushroom to spawn ragespores have proven to be quite calculating with their
its offspring, typically within an hour of the creature's death. spores. They use their abilities to take control of nearby
creatures, inciting it into a violent rampage to attack any
nearby creature.
The mushroom often does not care who the victor is as
long as one creature dies. Once its work is complete, the
mushroom can move in to feast on the remains at its leisure,
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. since
Not approved/endorsed
its hostofdid thebyLLC.
workPortions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards theall
Coast hard for it already.
Awakened Mushroom Stench Creature that first enter or start its turn within
5ft. of the mushroom must succeed a DC 13
small plant, unaligned
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until
the start of its next turn.
Armor Class 11(Natural Armor)
Hit Points 20 (3d6+9) Spore Puff Whenever the mushroom is grappled or hit
Speed 20ft. with a melee attack by a creature within 5ft. of it, that
creature must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned until the end of its next turn.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Death Plume Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures
14(+2) 6 (-2) 16(+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or take 5(1d8) necrotic damage + 5(1d8)
poison damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes
Skills Athletics +4, Perception +2 half damage.
Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic, Psychic
Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12 Actions
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed Spore Slam Melee Weapon Attack, +4 to hit:, 5ft., , one
Proficiency Bonus +2 target. Hit 5(1d4+2) bludgeoning damage. Creatures
Challenge 1/2(100 XP) must succeed a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or
become poisoned until the end of its next turn.
False Appearance While motionless, the mushroom is
indistinguishable from a normal mushroom
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Awakened Mushroom Spore Puff Whenever the mushroom is grappled or hit
with a melee attack by a creature within 10ft. of it, that
Huge plant, unaligned
creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or
be poisoned until the end of its next turn.
Armor Class 13(Natural Armor)
Hit Points 63 (6d12+30) Death Plume Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures
Speed 20ft. within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or take 9(2d8) necrotic damage + 9(2d8)
poison damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA half damage.
19(+4) 6 (-2) 20(+5) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) Actions
Multiattack The mushroom can make two club attacks
Skills Athletics +8, Perception +2
Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic, Psychic Spore Club Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit:, 10ft., , all
Senses tremorsense 60ft., passive Perception 12 targets within range. Hit 11(1d12+4) bludgeoning
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, damage. Creatures must succeed a DC 15 Constitution
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its
Proficiency Bonus +2 next turn.
Challenge 4(1100 XP)
Spore Plume(Recharge 5-6) Creatures within a 30ft.
radius other than the mushroom must succeed a DC
False Appearance While motionless, the mushroom is 15 Constitution saving throw or take 9(2d8) necrotic
indistinguishable from a normal mushroom damage + 9(2d8) poison damage and become
Stench Creature that first enter or start its turn within poisoned for one minute. Creatures poisoned in this
20ft. of the mushroom must succeed a DC 15 manner can succeed its saving throw at the end of each
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until of its turns.
the start of its next turn.
Siege Monster The mushroom deals double damage to
buildings and objects
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Cold Susceptibility Whenever the mushroom takes
Blightspore Creatures poisoned by the mushroom cold damage, it movement speed is halved until the
cannot regain hitpoints for the duration. Whenever end of its next turn.
creatures recover hitpoints, it takes necrotic
damage instead. Whenever creatures take necrotic Frostspore Creatures that first enter, start its turn
damage, it takes maximum damage instead of roll. within 10ft. of the mushroom, or is poisoned by the
mushroom, it takes 9(2d8) cold damage.
Flame Heal When the mushroom takes fire damage,
it takes no damage and is healed a number of
hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt.
Mire Spore Creatures poisoned by this mushroom
are subjected to psychadelic hallucinations. For the
duration of this effect, creatures have a movement
speed of 0 and have is considered incapacitated. Umber Spore
Illumination The mushroom can give off bright light
in a 10ft radius and dim light an additional 10ft.
Umber Spore Creatures poisoned by the mushroom
Hostspore are blinded for the duration.
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Forest Effects Travel within this forest counts as difficult
terrain. Additionally, Wisdom (Perception)
By their very nature, plants tend to have a drastic impact on 10 Tanglewood checks relying on sight has disadvantage.
their environment around. This is more so the case with Vision beyond 60ft. is shrouded by dense
many of the various forms of plants seen on the Material plant life.
Plane. You can choose to roll a d20 to determine the effect of Creatures that take a long rest within the
the respective tree or mushroom forest. You can choose to forest must succeed a DC 10 Wisdom
roll randomly or select as many appropriate effects to 11
saving throw. On a failed saving throw, it
simulate the forest you wish to build. Woods
is unable to gain the benefits of a long
rest due to restless sleep.
d10 Effect Description
The surrounding forest is shrouded in
Whenever you take a short or long rest, 12 Duskwood
non-magical darkness
1 Blightwood you can only recover half the amount of
hitpoints gained. Creatures can hear a small fragment of
another creature's thoughts (no longer
Each time a creature casts a spell of 1st than 5 words) as long as that creature is
level or higher, it must roll on the Wild Whispering
2 Wildwood 13 within that same forest and within 1 mile
Surge table to determine a magical Woods
of those creatures. The creature has no
effect.. clue of the thought's owner nor its
Whenever a creature casts a spell, it must location
succeed a DC 10 Charisma saving throw. Whenever creature take a short or long
On a failed saving throw, the spell effect rest, it roll its hit die with advantage.
3 Spellwood 14 Rosewood
fails but the spell slot is still expended. Additionally, it can end one status effect
Creatures in this area has advantage on upon itself.
saving throws against spell effects.
For every hour a creature spends within
Creatures in the forest can only see up to this forest, it must succeed a DC 10
4 Mistwood 10ft. without their vision obscured by Constitution saving throw or take 5(1d8)
pollen, spores, or a similar effect. 15 Cinderwood
fire damage and suffer one level of
Whenever creature take a short or long exhaustion. Creatures are immune to this
rest, it must succeed a DC 10 saving effect if it is resistant to fire damage.
throw of the DM's choice. On a failed For every hour a creature spends within
5 Banewood
saving throw, that creatures ability score this forest, it must succeed a DC 10
decreases by 1. Upon dropping to 0 is a Constitution saving throw or take 5(1d8)
certain ability score, the creature dies. 16 Frostwood
cold damage and suffer one level of
Whenever a creature is reduced to 0 exhaustion. Creatures are immune to this
hitpoints while in the forest, it is effect if it is resistant to fire damage.
6 Deadwood instantly is killed and its corpse is The forest is full of haunting sounds and
transformed into an awakened plant or shapes just at the edge of ones senses.
mushroom within the next hour. 17 Ghostwood
These illusions are amplifications of
Beasts born within this forest increase by animals and sounds of the forest.
one size larger. If it has a dire or giant The forest is shrouded with sunlight, even
7 Direwood
variant, it transforms into that form 18 Sunwood if the sun is completely obscured from
instead. view by the foliage
Creatures within this forest that are The forest seems to be continually
shapechagners or have the ability to shifting and any physical evidence of
change its shape must succeed a DC 10 19 Mazewood tracks disappear after 10 minutes.
Charisma saving throw. On a failed Wisdom(Survival) checks are made with
8 Moonwood
saving throw, it is unable to transform or disadvantage
use such effect for the next 24 hours
while in these woods wasting a use of At the end of each short or long rest
that ability. while in the forest, creature must succeed
20 Frenzywood a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a
The woods takes on the traits of one failed saving throw, it suffers from an
creature type from the following list: effect on the Short-Term Madness table.
Aberration, Celestial, Dragon, Elemental,
Fey or Fiend. Creatures of the select type
9 Godwood
have advantage on saving throws while in
this area and creatures have disadvantage
on saving throws to resist their spells
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
and effects.
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Mantrap Dewstalk
The mantrap is probably the most recognizable and Dewstalks are one of the most unique of all carnivorous
notorious of all carnivorous plants. These plants take a plants. Its form is lines with rows of glistening spines similar
number of different forms depending on their biome, whether to that of raindrops. However, the glistening orbs are actually
it is a beautiful flower, a lanky palm tree, or even the bushy fir a sweet smelling secretion that draws unsuspecting prey
tree in arctic environments. towards the plant. Once a creature gets too close to the
Despite have the ability to move under its own volition, the dewstalk, it wraps around the creature like a gigantic
mantrap prefers to stay stationary unless absolutely tentacle. While constricting a creature, this secretion acts as
necessary (such as moving to a more ideal hunting spot). an adhesive preventing a creature from escaping its grasp,
Instead, it utilizes an intoxicating aroma that causes a while simultaneously liquefies and drains the life force from
creature to approach it. Once in range, the mantrap unfurls its prey.
its flower-like head, revealing a jagged maw full of spines that Unlike the mantrap, the dewstalk is much more liberal in
cage its victim within its jaw. Once trapped, the plant begin to which prey it targets, using its multiple tendrils to latch out to
secrete corrosive acids that are capable of completely anything that wanders too close.
dissolving a creature in a couple of minutes.
Due to the potential dangers of retaliation from large prey Deathvines
such as humanoids and beasts, the mantrap seems to be Deathvines are very hard to identify, as they tend to resemble
quite selective on which prey it with latch out to. It seems to a tangle mass of vines or roots. These plants are not a single
be able to recognize if creatures are too large for its maw and entity, but instead are a symbiotic colony of small vine-like
will not attack if there are multiple creatures nearby, as it plants. These vines are active hunters, slowly writhing
cannot defend itself while feeding. Hence, mantraps tend to through the undergrowth after its prey.
live in small clusters to help defend one another while When attacking, the vine latches onto the form of its victim,
feeding. preventing its escape. These vines are incredibly strong,
Death Frond capable of breaking bones and suffocating its victims. In
addition to crushing its prey, the death vine implants small
The death frond is probably the most elusive, as it takes the tendril like roots into the victim's body, allowing it to drain its
form of some of the most beautiful of flowers. The reason this prey's vitality.
plant can be so elusive is due to the fact that it is a much However, these roots also serve as a protective
more passive hunter than its other kin, as it hardly moves at countermeasure while the plant is in the somewhat
all whenever it preys on a creature. vulnerable state. Whenever the vine is harmed, it can redirect
The death frond uses its aromatic pollen to lure creatures some of its pain to its ensnared victim, hastening that
close enough for it to infect it with a puff of pollen filled of creature's demise.
noxious spores that causes creatures to fall unconscious.
Once incapacitated, the frond extends one of its roots a tether Tumbleweed
to latch into that creature, draining its life force leaving Tumbleweeds are a rather peculiar species of carnivorous
behind a withered husk. plants, typically found in arid regions with wide open fields.
Devourer Plant These plants resemble tangled masses of dried leaves and
tend to migrate in large droves of 10 (4d4) members at a
The devourer plant is one of the largest species of time. They become especially become active during
carnivorous plants. Although they come in many forms or sandstorms, serve as a boon to their mobility. However, they
varieties, many share a central locus of pitcher-like bulbs have been known to form massive swarms of hundreds
wherein they can entrap their prey. Depending on their type, during massive dust storms, known as haboobs.
they can emit a pleasant (or foul) aroma to attract various Despite their fluffy forms, these plants are ravenous
kinds of prey. hunters, using the wind as a means of locomotion, enabling
Such an aroma from this plant is quite unique, as it is them to travel long distances with ease. Their appearance
tailored for a specific kind of creature that this plant prefers makes them rather unassuming as they drift aimlessly near
to consume. For example, a foul smelling odor may be used their prey. Creatures usually do not recognize the threat they
to attract undead while sweet smells may be used to attract pose until these seem to be followed by a small entourage of
beasts. tumbleweed.
Its primary method of grabbing prey, its vast array of vines When tumbleweeds attack, they ram into their prey, using
to grab its victims and to drop them into its digestion bulbs. their surprising razor sharp leaves to hook into the flesh of
Creatures trapped within its bulb are essentially drowned in their prey. They rely on numbers to clump onto their prey,
digestive acids that siphons the creature's life essence, slowly shredding its flesh, leaving a bloody mess in the end.
transferring it to its own vitality instead. Thankfully, their buoyant forms also serve as their primary
Unlike its relatives, the devourer is prone to be much more weakness, as they are easily prone to being pushed away
nomadic, traveling long distances towards large populations from the slightest shove. However, they tend to make up for
of its favored prey. this weakness by their sheer numbers as for every
tumbleweed pushed away, two more seem to be ready to take
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not its place. .
approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Mantrap Flammable Whenever the mantrap takes fire damage, it
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire
Large plant, unaligned
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute.
It must use its action to put out the flames. However,
Armor Class 13(Natural Armor) while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8)
Hit Points 51 (6d10+18) fire damage for the duration.
Speed 5ft., climb
Reactive The mantrap can take a reaction at the end of
each of every creature's turn.
18(+4) 16 (+3) 16(+3) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 2 (-4)
While in sunlight, the mantrap gains the following
Skills Stealth +7, Perception +6
Damage Immunities psychic Regeneration It can regain 10 hitpoints at the start of
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., passive each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
Perception 12 hasn't taken fire damage on its turn.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened,
Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed
end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 2(450 XP) Actions
False Appearance While motionless, the mantrap is Engulf Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit:, 10ft., , one
indistinguishable from a plant Medium or smaller creature. Hit 17(2d12+4) piercing
damage. Upon a hit, the target is trapped in its jaws.
Attractive Aroma Creatures that first enter or starts its
turns within 60ft. of the mantrap must succeed a DC While trapped, that creature is blinded, restrained, and
13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned on a has total cover from attacks and other effects outside
failed saving throw. the mantrap. While trapped in this manner, thgat
creature takes 14(4d6) acid damage at the start of each
Poisoned creatures are considered to be charmed, of its turns.
incapacitated, and is forced to use all its movement to
get as close to the mantrap as possible. An affected If the mantrap dies, the creature is no longer restrained.
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of For the duration of engulf, the mantrap can only trap
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. one creature at a time and cannot make another engulf
attack against another creature during the duration.
Upon a successful saving throw, creatures are immune
to being poisoned in this manner for the next 24 hours. Reactions
This is unofficial
Rooted Defense Fan
mantrappermitted under theonFansaving
has advantage Content Policy. Reactive
Not approved/endorsed
Jaws Whenever by Wizards. Portions
a creature of the materials
first enters within used
throws and ability checks againstare beproperty
Wizards orof the Coast. ©Wizards
10ft. of the of the Coastit LLC.
mantrap, can use its reaction to make a
knocked prone. Engulf attack against that creature.
Skytrap Photosynthesis
Gargantuan plant, unaligned While in sunlight, the skytrap gains the following
Armor Class 13(Natural Armor)
Hit Points 279 (18d20+90) Regeneration It can regain 30 hitpoints at the start of
Speed 20ft., 20ft.climb each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
hasn't taken fire damage on its turn.
Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
28(+9) 16 (+3) 21(+5) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 2 (-4)
Skills Stealth +9, Perception +6 Multiattack The skytrap can make one attack with its
Damage Immunities psychic Engulf and two with its Ensnaring Vines. It can replace
Senses blindsight 120ft., tremorsense 120ft., passive an Ensnaring Strike for a Fling Attack
Perception 15
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened, Engulf Melee Weapon Attack, +12 to hit:, 20ft., , one
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed Huge or smaller creature. Hit 44(5d12+9) piercing
Proficiency Bonus +6 damage. Upon a hit, the target is trapped in its jaws.
Challenge 19(22000 XP) While trapped, that creature is blinded, restrained, and
has total cover from attacks and other effects outside
False Appearance While motionless, the skytrap is the skytrap. While trapped in this manner, that creature
indistinguishable from a plant takes 42(12d6) acid damage at the start of each of its
Attractive Aroma Creatures that first enter or starts its
turns within 60ft. of the mantrap must succeed a DC Ensnaring Vines Melee Weapon Attack, +12 to hit:,
19 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned on a 30ft., , one target, Hit 20 (4d6+6) piercing damage.
failed saving throw. Upon a hit, the target is grappled and restrained
(escape DC 20).
Poisoned creatures are considered to be charmed,
incapacitated, and is forced to use all its movement to Fling One Huge or smaller object held or creature
get as close to the skytrap as possible. An affected grappled by the skytrap is thrown up to 60 feet in a
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of random direction and knocked prone. If a thrown target
its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. strikes a solid surface, the target takes 3 (1d6)
bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If
Upon a successful saving throw, creatures are immune the target is thrown at another creature, that creature
to being poisoned in this manner for the next 24 hours. must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or
Rooted Defense The skytrap has advantage on saving take the same damage and be knocked prone.
throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or
knocked prone.
Bonus Action
Snapping Jaw The skytrap can use its reaction to make
Flammable Whenever the skytrap takes fire damage, it
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire an Engulf attack against a creature grappled by it
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. Reactions
It must use its action to put out the flames. However,
while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) Reactive Jaws Whenever a creature first enters within
fire is unofficial
for Fan
the Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. 30ft.
duration. Not approved/endorsed
of the skytrap, itby Wizards.
can use itsPortions
reactionof to
a used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards
Engulf attackofagainst
the Coastthat
Reactive The skytrap can take a reaction at the end of
each of every creature's turn.
Armor Class 12(Natural Armor) Flammable Whenever the frond takes fire damage, it
Hit Points 45 (6d10+12) catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire
Speed 5ft., 5ft. climb damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute.
It must use its action to put out the flames. However,
while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA fire damage for the duration.
13(+1) 14 (+2) 14(+2) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) Life Tether When the frond takes damage while
grappling a creature, it takes half the damage,
transferring the damage to one of its grappled
Skills Stealth +6, Perception +4
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., passive
Perception 14 Photosynthesis
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened,
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed While in sunlight, the frond gains the following
Proficiency Bonus +2 benefits:
Challenge 2(450 XP)
Regeneration It can regain 10 hitpoints at the start of
each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
False Appearance While motionless, the frond is hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn.
indistinguishable from a plant
Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
Attractive Aroma Creatures that first enter or starts its end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
turns within 60ft. of the frond must succeed a DC 12
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned on a failed Actions
saving throw. Verdant Bloom A creature within 10ft. must succeed a
Poisoned creatures are considered to be charmed, DC 12 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious up
incapacitated, and is forced to use all its movement to to 1 hour on a failed saving throw. It can repeat its
get as close to the frond as possible. An affected target saving throw at the end of each of its turn to end the
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its effect.
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Vampiric Roots Melee Weapon Attack, +4 to hit:, 10ft., ,
Upon a successful saving throw, creatures are immune incapacitated creatures in range. Hit 25 (4d10+3)
to being poisoned in this manner for the next 24 hours. piercing damage. Upon a hit, if the target becomes
Life grappled and restrained (escape DC 12).
ThisDrain Creatures
is unofficial grappled
Fan Content by the death
permitted frond
under the Fantakes
Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
14(4d6) necrotic damage at theare property
start of its of Wizards
turns. Theof the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
death frond regains a number of hits points equal to
the amount of necrotic damage dealt and that creature
has its hitpoint maximum reduced by that amount.
Devourer Plant Reactive The plant can take a reaction at the end of
every creature's turn.
Huge plant, unaligned
Armor Class 12(Natural Armor)
While in sunlight, the plant gains the following benefits:
Hit Points 63 (6d12+24)
Speed 5ft., 5ft. climb Regeneration It can regain 10 hitpoints at the start of
each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn.
Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
17(+3) 8 (-1) 18(+4) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
Dewstalk Rooted Defense The dewstalk has advantage on saving
throws and ability checks against be pushed, shoved, or
Large plant, unaligned
knocked prone.
Armor Class 14(Natural Armor) Sticky Adhesive The dewstalk adheres to anything that
Hit Points 39 (6d10+6) touches. A Medium or smaller creature is adhered to
Speed 5ft., 5ft.climb the Dewstalk is also grappled and restrained by it
(escape DC 13).
Draining Sap While grappled to the dewstalk, creatures
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA take 7(2d6) acid damage + 7(2d6) necrotic damage.
17(+3) 17 (+3) 12(+1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) The dewstalk regains hitpoints equal to the necrotic
damage dealt.
Damage Immunities Acid, Psychic Fire Proof Sap The dewstalk cannot be set aflame and
Damage Resistances Fire upon succeeding a saving throw against an effect that
Skills Stealth +7, Perception +4 deals fire damage, it takes no damage instead.
Senses tremorsense 60ft., blindsight 60ft., passive Reactive The dewstalk can take a reaction on ever
Perception 12 creature's turn. This reaction can only be used to make
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened, an sticky vine attack of its choice against a creature that
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed provokes opportunity attack or first enters within 10ft.
Challenge 2(450 XP) of the dewstalk.
False Appearance While motionless, the Dewstalk is Photosynthesis
indistinguishable from a plant
While in sunlight, the dewstalk gains the following
Attractive Aroma Creatures that first enter or starts its benefits:
turns within 10ft. of the plant must succeed a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or be charmed. A charmed Regeneration It can regain 10 hitpoints at the start of
creature is forced to use all its movement and cannot each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
take actions or bonus actions on its turns to get as hasn't taken necrotic damage on its turn.
close to the dewstalk as possible. An affected target Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Upon a
successful saving throw, creatures are immune to being Actions
charmed in this manner for the next 24 hours. Sticky Vine Melee Weapon Attac, +5 to hit:, 10ft., , one
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Medium
Not approved/endorsed by Wizards.
or smaller creature Portions
in range. Hitof17
materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards ofdamage.
bludgeoning the CoastUpon
LLC. a hit, creatures are
considered grappled and restrained.
Death Vine Life Drain For the duration of this grapple creatures
must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving throw at the
Large plant, unaligned
start of each of its turns. Upon a failed saving throw,
the creature take 21 (6d6) necrotic damage at the start
Armor Class 13(Natural Armor) of each of its turns and the vine recovers a number of
Hit Points 85 (10d10+30) hitpoints equal to the amount of necrotic damage dealt.
Speed 5ft., 5ft. climb On a successful saving throw, the creature takes half
damage and the vine does not recover hitpoints.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA The vine regains hitpoints equal to the necrotic damage
dealt. The vine can only constrict one creature at a time
18(+4) 15 (+2) 16(+3) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
Regeneration The vine can regain 5 hitpoints at the start
of each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn. If in
Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +8, Perception +3
sunlight, it regains 10 hitpoints,and can end the
Senses tremorsense 60ft., blindsight 60ft., passive
poisoned condition at the start of its turns.
Perception 13
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened, Damage Transfer While grappling a creature, the vine
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed, Prone takes only half the damage dealt to it(rounded down)
Proficiency Bonus +3 and the other half takes the other half.
Challenge 7(2900 XP) Spider Climb The vine can climb difficult surfaces
without needing an ability check
False Appearance While motionless, the deathvine is
indistinguishable from a normal plant Actions
Flammable When the vine takes fire damage, it catches Constrict Melee Weapon Attack, +6 to hit:, 20ft., , one
aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at Large or smaller creature. Hit 10 (2d6+4) bludgeoning
the start of each of its turns for one minute. It must use damage. Upon a hit, creatures are considered grappled
its action to put out the flames. However, while in this and restrained (escape DC 14).
state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage
for the duration. While grappled in this manner, creatures are blinded,
cannot speak, cannot breathe, and has total cover from
Shambling Form The deathvine can move through any effects outside of the vine.
another creature's space without penalties to its
movement. Creatures that first enters or starts its turn
within the vine's space must treat it as difficult terrain.
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Tumbleweed False Appearance While motionless, the tumbleweed is
indistinguishable from normal tumbleweed
small plant, unaligned
Flammable When the tumbleweed takes fire damage, it
Armor Class 13(Natural Armor) catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire
Hit Points 27 (6d6+6) damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute.
Speed 30ft. It must use its action to put out the flames. However,
while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8)
fire damage for the duration.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Pack Tactics The tumbleweed has advantage on attack
1(-4) 20 (+5) 13(+1) 1 (-5) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) rolls against a creature if at least one of the
tumbleweed's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and
the ally isn't incapacitated.
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing
Skills Acrobatics +9, Perception +2 Razor Brambles Creatures grappled by the tumbleweed
Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 12 take 3(1d4) slashing damage at the start of each of its
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened, turns.
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed, Prone Slowfall Whenever the tumbleweed takes damage, it can
Proficiency Bonus +2 make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
Challenge 1(200 XP) saving throw, it takes half damage and none on a
success. The DC increases by 10 for every 10ft. above
Bounce The tumbleweed can spend any amount of its 60ft.
movement speed to vertically jump by that amount.
Charge If the tumbleweed moves at least 20ft. in as
straight line, it deals an addition 5(2d4) piercing Tackle Melee Weapon Attacks +7 to hit:, 5ft., , one
damage. Creatures hit by an attack using this feature creature. Hit 8 (1d4+5) slashing damage. Upon a hit,
must succeed a DC 15 Strength saving throw or fall creatures are considered grappled (escape DC 8). For
prone. the duration of this grapple, the tumbleweed cannot
make an attack against another creature
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Maw Lotus Battle Plant
Tamed lotus maws are much more dangerous than their wild
Advanced Specimen counterparts. In the wild, maw lotuses tend to be solitary, but
It is believed that the maw lotus is an advanced evolution of when tamed as a group, maw lotuses are frighteningly
the conventional carnivorous plant. These creatures are effective. Many sentient plants such as vegepygmy's and
much more mobile and intelligent than their other kin. The blights train these creatures as battle mounts, guardians, and
maw lotus can be identified by a central bulb that often takes even troop transports. They provide the necessary muscle
the form of a single colossal maw or multiple smaller maws and sheer power for these entities, while suppressing their
surrounded by a writhing mass of tentacles. enemies with clouds of toxin that only affect its foes.
Toxic Pollen Maw Lotus Tactics
Despite its intimidating maw, the lotus's greatest weapon and Maw lotuses are extremely aggressive, brazenly attacking
defense is the perpetual cloud of toxic pollen around it. The creature their size or smaller. Because they are constantly
poison from its pollen is one of the most potent in all the expending energy as they tend to be much more mobile than
Material Plane and is capable of debilitating any creature, their other relatives, they are nearly always hunting or
even those that conventionally cannot be poisoned, such as searching for food.
undead or even constructs. However, thanks to its appearance as natural foliage, it is
It is believed that the potency of this toxin can be able to easily get within reach of its prey before deploying a
correlated to the rapid evolving nature of this poison. The cloud of toxic pollen. Because the maw lotus prefers not to
longer a creature is poisoned by the lotus, the more chase down its prey, it tends to use its pollen spray first to
debilitating effects it begins to suffer, often leading to an incapacitate its prey. If it can target multiple prey at a time, it
extremely painful death. will do so, as it prefers to eat as much as it can in a single
As a result, this makes the maw lotus extremely valuable as meal so that it does not have to constantly hunt.
many adventurers and mercenaries take on extremely In the rare chance that it is overwhelmed or exposed to
dangerous contracts to retrieve maw lotus poison, often fire, the lotus will use its poison to deter attackers long
leading to their demise. enough to make its escape.
Valued Tame
One of the significant advantages that the maw lotus in
comparison to the rest of its carnivorous kin is its heightened
intelligence (at least in comparison to other plants). Although
their intelligence is not much greater than the average beast,
they are highly valued as they prove to be quite reliable
guardian plant's while tamed.
Although most sentient plants can be tamed, their very
limited intelligence makes them very hard to use. However,
the maw lotus has the ability to understand basic commands
and shows extreme loyalty to its tamer. Interestingly enough,
creatures that it shows affection too also seems to gain
immunity an immunity to its debilitating pollen. Despite these
benefits, taming a maw lotus is an extremely long and
dangerous process, especially if its tamer is not a plant.
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Maw Lotus On a failed saving throw, creatures are poisoned for
one minute and must roll a d20 on the Lotus Poison
large plant, unaligned
table to determine an additional effect.
Armor Class 15(Natural Armor) Creatures can repeat its saving throw at the end of each
Hit Points 84 (8d10+40) of its turns to end the effect. Upon each failure, you can
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb roll of the lotus poison table to determine the
additional effect of the poisoned condition, rerolling
duplicate effects.
19(+4) 11 (+0) 20(+5) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 2 (-4)
While in sunlight, the maw lotus gains the following
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic Regeneration It can regain 10 hitpoints at the start of
Skills Perception +3 each of its turns while it has at least 1 hitpoint and
Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 13 hasn't taken fire or necrotic damage on its turn.
Condition Immunities Charmed, Blinded, Deafened,
Rapid Recovery At the start of each of its turns, it can
Frightened, Stunned, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Prone
end one of the following conditions: poisoned.
Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 7 (2900 XP) Actions
False Appearance While motionless, the lotus is Multiattack The lotus can make a bite attack and two
indistinguishable from normal tropical plant vine attacks
Flammable When the lotus takes fire damage, it catches Bite Melee Weapon Attack, +7 to hit:, 5ft., , one
aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire damage at creature. Hit 19 (6d4+4) piercing damage.
the start of each of its turns for one minute. It must use Vine Melee Weapon Attack, +7 to hit:, 10ft., , one
its action to put out the flames. However, while in this creature. Hit 7 (1d4+4) bludgeoning damage. If the
state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) fire damage target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is grappled
for the duration. (escape DC 15) and pulled 10ft. towards the lotus
Spider Climb The lotus can climb difficult surfaces Pollen Spray(Recharge 5-6) Creatures of the lotus's
without needing to make an ability check choice that is not another maw lotus in a 30ft. cone
Pollen Marked When the lotus take the Attack action must succeed a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or
against a creature poisoned by it, it can make an become poisoned for one minute and suffer an effect
additional bite attack against that creature and it can from the Lotus Poison table. At the end of each of its
make these attacks with advantage. turns, it can make a saving throw to end the effect.
Upon a failure, the poison's duration resets and the
Potent Toxins The lotus's poison is extremely potent creature suffers an additional lotus poison effect by
can ignore any resistances or immunities a creature rolling a d20.
may have against poison or the poisoned condition
Debilitating Pollen Creatures of the lotus's choice that is Bonus Actions
not another maw lotus that first enter or starts its turn Hungering Maw The lotus can use its bonus action to
within 10ft. of the lotus must succeed a DC 16 make an additional bite attack against a grappled
Constitution saving throw. creature or a creature with 0 hitpoints.
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Lotus Poison Options Lotus Poison Options
Poison Poison
1d20 Option Effects 1d20 Option Effects
Poisoned creatures do not suffer any Spellbane Poisoned creatures cannot maintain
1-2 No effect 11
additional effects. Poison concentration nor cast spells
Nighteye Poisoned creatures are blinded for the Limblock Poisoned creature are paralyzed for the
3 12
Poison duration Poison duration.
Poisoned creatures take 7(2d6) Dreamcast Poisoned creatures are unconscious for
Bloodfire 13
4 poison damage at the start of each of Poison the duration.
its turns.
Fleshrot Poison creatures suffer vulnerability to
Poisoned creatures cannot recover Poison all damage for the duration
5 hitpoints. If the creature is reduced to
Poison Doomlock Poisoned creatures have disadvantage
0 hitpoints while poisoned, it is killed. 15
Poison on all saving throws for the duration.
Poisoned creatures are considered
If the poisoned creature is touched by
Terrorbloom frightened for the duration. The source or touches another creature other than
Poison of fear for that creature is anything
the maw lotus, its target must succeed
that the creature can see or hear.
Baneplague a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
Mutemaw Poisoned creatures cannot breathe or Poison become poisoned by the Maw Lotus.
7 Creatures poisoned in this manner
Poison speak for the duration
must roll a d20 to determine its initial
Cripple Poisoned creatures have its movement effect.
Poison speed halved for the duration.
Whenever poisoned creatures take
While poisoned, creatures must make Vertigo damage or spends any movement
an attack against the nearest creature 17
Poison speed, ,it must succeed a DC 15
Frenzy within range of it that is not the maw Wisdom saving throw or fall prone.
Poison lotus. If there is no suitable target, the
creature takes 7(2d6) psychic damage Muddling Poisoned creatures are considered
and wastes its turns Poison stunned for the duration
Poisoned creatures deal half damage Upon rolling a 20, you can roll the
10 Lethargy on Strength and Dexterity based 19- Dual DC20 twice to add two effects to a
damage rolls. 20 Effects poisoned creature. You must ignore and
reroll duplicates or additional 20s.
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Shambler Elemental Consumption
While in this state, elemental loses all control of its body and
Shamblers are often confused to be a form of blights due to is fully under the shambler's control. Once a shambler
their large and somewhat humanoid form. However, these acquires an elemental host, it rarely detaches unless it comes
entities tend to be much large colonial masses of sentient across a more powerful or more favorable host. While in this
plants or fungi. This feature is the primary factor that state, it uses its elemental form to slay and consume stronger
separates a shambler from a species of blight. elementals, gaining sustenance for each elemental it
Another signature feature of a shambler is its ability to destroys.
absorb various forms of energy. Some scholars believe that
such absorption is actually what grants these entities their Golem Alternative
colonial sentience. This unique ability makes shamblers quite desirable to tame
Their primary tactics are to grasp its prey with its tendril by many druids and other natural casters, as they are able to
like arms and then proceeds to engulf its victim within its utilize the strengths of both creatures without many of the
colossal body where its constricting vines crushes its prey to detrimental side effects often associated with dealing
death. elementals using other arcane methods.
Corpseflower Husk
As its name suggests, corpseflower shamblers are covered Husk shamblers are probably the most frightening and
with the bloated decomposing body and jagged skeletons of disturbing of all shamblers. It seems to behave very similarly
its prey protruding from its body. Although the shambler to the primordial shambler, but seems to infect any creature
prefers to scavenge corpses, it has been known to attack with flesh and blood. It seems to not display a particular
living creatures on numerous occasions. preference for which type of creature it possesses, but it
seems to show a general disdain for constructs or elementals,
Corpse Collector completely avoiding these creatures entirely.
Interestingly enough, the shambler gain no nutrients from the
skin or bones of its prey, only feasting on its blood. The Hungering Host
shambler's vine latch into an engulfed creature, linking its life Like their other kin, they are driven by their insatiable
force to that of its prey. Whenever the shambler receives hunger. Like the primordial cousin, the shambler will attempt
harm, it can redirect its pain to its quarry. Once its prey is to keep its host alive while under its control, only allowing
slain, the body of its victim slowly begins to protrude from the harm to come to it if the shambler's own life is threatened. It
rest of the shambler's form, causing its appearance to will use its new form as well its capabilities to seek out new
resemble an abomination of flesh and vines. Because of this, sources of food or possibly new, more powerful hosts.
corpseflower shamblers are often accompanied by a
sickening stench. Druidic Extermination
Their ability to take the possession of the body of any
Primordial Shambler creature makes them extremely dangerous. In fact, numerous
Primordial shamblers are a rather unique breed of druidic circles and ranger conclaves have dedicated
shamblers. Whereas most shamblers prefer to hunt creatures themselves to attempting to hunt these creatures to
with flesh and blood, the primordial shamblers favored prey extinction due to the threat they can pose once they find a
are elementals. host. Thankfully, because of such efforts, they tend to be
extremely rare.
Elemental Evolution
It is believed these shambler have undergone extensive Spellflower
evolutionary adaptation due to exposure to elemental magic These shamblers tend to be less aggressive than the rest of
due to exposure to volatile regions such as the planar rifts their kin, since their primary source of food is magical
between the Material Plane and Elemental Plane. energy. These plants tend to reside in magical volatile biomes
As a result, these shamblers have learned to feed off of where they can passively feed off the ambient magical energy,
certain elemental energies to heal its wounds. They also have using it to heal itself as well as defend itself.
evolved to act as a parasite that uses elementals as their host. Whenever it detects the presence of a creature with
Whereas most shamblers simply engulf their prey, primordial magical potential, it will attempt to drain that creature dry of
shamblers can wrap its form around and take control of its innate magic. Although the sheer strength of this creature
elementals feeding off its life essence. can prove to be lethal, most encounters tend to be nonlethal,
as it tends to leave once it has absorbed its fill of that
creature's magic.
Many spellflower shamblers are often tamed by druidic
settlements as a specific counter to enemy spellcasters.
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Shambler Regeneration At the start of each of its turns, the
shambler regains 10 hitpoints.
Large Plant, unaligned
Constriction At the start of each of its turns, engulfed
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) creatures take 14 (3d8) bludgeoning damage
Hit Points 126 (12d10+60) Actions
Speed 20ft., 20ft. swim, 20ft. climb, 20ft. burrow
Multiattack. The shambler can make two slam attacks.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft., one target.
Hit 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage. If the creature is
18 (+4) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 5 (-3) a Large or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC
Saving Throws Strength +7, Constitution +8
Skills Stealth +5, Perception +3, Bonus Actions
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and Engulf. As a bonus action, the shambler can engulf a
slashing, necrotic Large or smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed
Damage Immunities poison, psychic the target is blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe.
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhausted, If the mound moves, the engulfed target moves with it.
paralyzed, poisoned The mound can have only one Large creature or four
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., passive Small or Medium creatures engulfed at a time.
Perception 13
Proficiency Bonus +3 When the shambler takes damage from an engulfed
Challenge 7 (2900 xp) creature, it must succeed a Constitution saving throw
with a DC equal to half the damage dealt(minimum 10).
False Appearance While motionless, the shambler is On a failed saving throw, the shambler ejects that
indistinguishable from normal underbrush creature to a space 5ft from it. prone.
Spider Climb The shambler can climb difficult surfaces If the shambler dies while engulfing a creature, that
without having to make an ability check creature can spend 10ft. of movement to exit from the
shambler prone.
Siege Monster The shambler deals double damage to
buildings and objects
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Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Challenge Rating Increases by 2
Hydra Bloom Bloom Locus
Whenever its central body is severely wounded, the heads can
The hydra bloom is the largest and the deadliest of merge back onto the primary body. However, if these blooms
carnivorous plants. Just like its other relative, its appearance die while disconnected, it cannot merge back with the main
often varies depending on the region, but many share the body.
same characteristics of four flowery maws, similar to that of a Any time its body loses all of its heads, the hydra bloom
mantrap. Its body seems to resembles a tangled, bulbous instantly becomes inert and is unable to move. While in this
mass of leaves, petal, or vines, while its dozens of writhing state, the hydra bloom is extremely vulnerable and can only
vines propels it through the forest with surprising speed and recover if one of the blooms merges back within its form.
agility. However, if the hydra bloom dies while at least one of the
Fearless Hunter blooms are still alive, the bloom mite can fully regrow within
Because of its immense size, strength, and durability, the a week. Only one of the bloom mites can fully grow in this
hydra bloom is an intrepid hunter brazenly taking on manner at a time and the others simple serve as additional
anything that comes across its path. Few creatures are able bloomstalks for its new body.
to withstand its devastating barrage of bites and noxious Memory Blooms
poisons. As fearsome as these creatures are, they tend to be Because of this regeneration, hydra blooms tend to at least
very territorial and solitary by nature often clashing to the keep one bloom mite hidden and secure while it goes hunting
death with their other kin. As a result, they tend to be quite so that it can fully regrow if it ever dies. Therefore,
rare and it is practically unheard of that two wild hydra adventurers must be extremely thorough while hunting hydra
blooms are found within 100 miles of each other. blooms lest it returns. Since each mite shares an aspect of
Sentient Blooms the hydra bloom's consciousness, it is known to have
As its name suggests, the hydra bloom possess the unique extremely long memories and often holds grudges against
ability to regenerate stalks that it loses in battle. However, creatures that slew its previous forms.
each stalk actually serves as an aspect of the hydra bloom's Legacy Blooms
consciousness. Whenever a head is cut off, it begins to act as Because of their status within their ecosystem and their nigh
if it has a mind of its own aiding its body in battle. These are immortal nature, they are often viewed as a symbol of power
often known as bloom mites. by many forest-dwelling civilizations. In fact the most
Extended Consciousness. powerful of these civilization have tamed these creatures as
Although hydra blooms seem to only have 4 stalks on its body battle mounts. High ranking nobility often pass down bloom
at a time, it is believed that they can possess up to 20 bloom mites to each family member almost as an heirloom carrying
mites at a time. Oftentimes, the other mites serve as that hydra bloom's memory across generations. As a result,
extensions of its senses allowing to find prey nearby, distract these creatures have often forged powerful bonds with loyalty
attackers or protect the hydra bloom from harm. If the mites to its masters that has lasted over numerous lifetimes.
are not patrolling for its central body, these reside in special
compartments located within its central bulb.
Unique Bloom
Each bloom is unique as it can generate a special kind of
pollen to debilitate its prey. Current research seems to
suggest that these blooms can come in 8 variations often
changing color depending on its type.
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Hydra Bloom At the end of its turn, its severed head returns to life as
a Bloom Mite that is under the Hydra Bloom's Control.
Huge Plant, unaligned
The Hydra Bloom can only have up to 4 bloomstalks at
Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) a time but can have up to 20 bloom mites it can have
Hit Points 175 (14d12+84) under its control.
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb Regeneration The bloom can regain 20 hitpoints at the
start of each of its turns while it has at least 1 bloom
mite under is control and hasn't taken fire or necrotic
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage on its turn. If in sunlight, it regains 30
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 2 (-4) hitpoints.
Regenerate Heads(Recharge 5-6) At the start of its turn,
Saving Throws Strength +9, Constitution +10, Wisdom the hydra bloom can regain 3(1d4) heads. It cannot
+9 possess any more than 4 heads at time. When it uses
Skills Perception +10 this feature, it can change its existing blooms to one of
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing its choice
Senses tremorsense 60ft., blindsight 60ft., passive Spider Climb The hydra bloom can climb difficult
Perception 20 surfaces without having to make an ability check
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened, Stunned,
Paralyzed, Poisoned Actions
Proficiency Bonus +5
Challenge 13 (10000 xp) Multiattack. The hydra bloom can make four bite or
pollen puff attacks on its turn.
Bloomless If the hydra bloom loses all of its heads Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 20ft., one target.
(while bloom mites are still under its control), it can Hit 18 (2d12+5) piercing damage.
only use its Action to Dash, Dodge, or Disengage. The
hydra bloom is unable to die unless all the bloom mites Pollen Puff Consult the hydra bloom table to determine
under its control all destroyed. the effect
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Floral Elementals Spore Elemental
In many circumstances, an extreme abundance or Despite their name, spore elementals are not truly
concentration of nature magic can have unintended considered to be elementals. although their appearance and
consequences. One of these side effects can result in the origins are quite similar to many elementals, spore
creation of Flora Elementals. Because of this, they are elementals are actually a collection of spores that have
typically found deep in the heart of overgrown jungles or acquired heightened sentience due to an large concentration
corrupted bogs of the blight. of nature magic.
These entities are quite similar to their primordial Spore elementals resemble a whirling cloud of noxious
counterparts as they typically behave according to the spores that poisons any creature that gets too close to it.
element that they represent. In fact, the appearance of these Thanks to their gaseous form, they are incredibly Thanks to
entities can be a omen for a potential magical outbreak such their newly awakened state and heightened, spore elementals
as the blight as these entities, depending on their type, serve are prized minions by many myconids. In fact, myconid fungal
as a natural defense (or instigator) for such events. gardens are used to attract these entities who fiercely guard
these guardians from any intruders.
Floral Elemental Tactics Leaf Elemental
In combat, these elementals share many tactics as their Just life the spore elemental, the leaf elemental is commonly
primordial kin. They possess an instinctual need to spread mistaken for a elemental when in reality, it is actually a
their respective form of life, whether it be engulfing symbiotic host of plants. Just like the spore counterparts, they
everything in overgrown forests, assimilation through fungal are typically creatures when dying leaves are exposed to a
spores, or corrupting the living with the blight. Because of nexus of nature magic. This magic grants them sentience and
their elemental aspect, they are often bound as servants to a physcial form that resembles a swirling mass of leaves that
druids and powerful awakened plants. possesses a vaguely humanoid shape.
Anima Elemental Thanks to their leafy form, they can prove to be
troublesome opponents as they are able to easily blend into
Anima Elementals are created by high concentrations of their surrounding posing as pile of leaves in the undergrowth.
nature magic created by overgrown and ancient forests. They have even been known to flock into tree giving it the
These entities are revered by many druidic circles and false appearance of a tree bough full of leaves.
awakened plants who believe these elementals actually are Although most leaf elementals tend to be much smaller
the spirits of the forest given physical form. They come in a than other types of floral elementals, they have been known
variety of form, as some appear as masses of floating vines to merge into a truly colossal form. Thankfully, such a event
and leaves while others seem to be made of moss-covered tends to be quite rare and requires an large amount of magic
stones bound together by green nature magic. to fully link the consciences of so many plants into one entity.
As their name suggests, these elementals give off an aura
of life giving magic that is able to fully heal the wounds of
creatures within range. They have the unique ability to
harness sunlight to convert it into a concentrating beam of
radiance that annihilates any creature within range.
Blight Elemental
Blight elementals are the twisted counterpart to the anima
elemental. These entities are created when a forest is
corrupted by the ravenous Blight. The very presence of these
entities is known to cause nearby plants to instantly wither
and die.
These elementals only have one goal in mind, which is to
corrupt any living creature with the Blight. Whenever these
entities slay a creature, that creature is tainted with its magic
causing it to rise again as a Blighted creature in less than a
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Anima Elemental Sun Absorption When the anima elemental takes radiant
damage, it takes no damage. Instead, it regains a
Large Elemental, unaligned
number of hitpoints equal to the radiant damage dealt.
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Blight Elemental Withering Aura Creatures 10ft. of the Blight Elemental
takes 1d8 necrotic damage.
Large Elemental, unaligned
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
Multiattack. The blight elemental can make two attacks
Hit Points 102 (12d10+36)
with its Blighted Vine. It can substitute any number of
Speed 40ft., 40ft. climb
these attacks for an Blight Blast
Blight Vine. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 17 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage + 9(2d8)
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, the blight elemental
regains a number of hitpoints equal to half the necrotic
damage dealt.
Saving Throws Con +7
Skills Perception +4 Blight Blast. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 120ft.,
Damage Immunties Necrotic, Poison one target. Hit: 18 (4d6+4) necrotic damage. Upon a
Condition Immunities Poisoned, Exhaustion, hit, the target cannot regain hitpoints until the end of
unconscious its next turn
Senses blindsight 60ft.
Blight Pulse(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. radius
Languages Druidic
around the blight elemental must succeed a DC 15
Proficiency Bonus +4
Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
Challenge 9(5000 xp)
creatures take 36 (8d8) necrotic damage and half as
much on a successful saving throw.
Blighted Corruption Creatures killed by the blight
elemental returns to life as a Blighted creature after 1 Plants have disadvantage on this saving throw.
Bonus Actions
False Appearance While motionless, the blight
Plant Stride As a bonus action, the blight elemental can
elemental is indistinguishable from a large plant enter a Huge or larger plant and emerge 5ft. from
Blighted Hunger When the blight elemental takes the another Huge or larger plant within 60ft. of its original
Attack action against a beast, plant, or humanoid, it can location
make an addition blighted touch attack.
Photosynthesis At the start of each of its turns, the
blight elemental regains 20 hitpoints. Tree Stride If the blight elemental is within 5ft. of a
Huge or smaller plant, it can use its reaction to merge
It cannot benefit from this feature if it takes fire into that plant whenever it is targeted with an attack or
damage on its turn. saving throw. This reaction occurs before the triggering
Spider Climb The blight elemental can climb difficult effect and grants the woad total cover as it takes no
surfaces without needing to make an ability check damage. This effect only applies to the trigger attack or
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Spore Elemental Toxic Spore The spore elemental can ignore resistance
and immunity to poison damage and being poisoned.
Large Plant, unaligned
Creatures with immunity to being poisoned have
advantage on the saving throw instead.
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 126 (12d10+60) Actions
Speed 40ft., 40ft fly(hover)
Multiattack. The spore elemental can make two attacks
with its Spore Touch. It can substitute any number of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA these attacks for a Spore Bomb
7 (-2) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) Spore Touch Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 10ft., one
target. Hit: 19 (4d6+5) poison damage
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +9 Spore Bomb Creatures in a 10ft. radius around a spot
Skills Perception +4 the Spore Elemental can see within 60ft. must succeed
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving
Slashing damage from magical attacks throw, creatures take 14 (4d6) poison damage and are
Damage Immunties Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing poisoned until the end of its next turn. On a successful
damage from nonmagical attacks, Necrotic, Poison saving throw, it takes half damage and is not poisoned.
Condition Immunities Poisoned, Exhaustion,
Spore Cloud(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. radius
around the spore elemental must succeed a DC 17
Senses blindsight 60ft.
Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
Languages Druidic
creatures take 27 (8d6) poison damage and are
Proficiency Bonus +3
poisoned until the end of its next turn. Creatures
Challenge 10(5900 xp)
poisoned in this manner are considered incapacitated
until the end of its next turn.
Gaseous Form The spore elemental can move through a
space that is 1 inch wide without squeezing. The spore On a successful saving throw, creatures take half as
elemental can enter a hostile creature's space and stops much on a successful saving throw.
there. The first time it enters a creature's space on its
turn, that creature must make a DC 17 Constitution Bonus Actions
saving throw or become poisoned until the end of its Fungal Stride As a bonus action, the spore elemental
next turn. can enter a Huge or larger plant and emerge 5ft. from
another Huge or larger fungi within 60ft. of its original
Stench Creatures that first enters or starts its turn location
within 10ft. of the spore elemental must succeed a DC
17 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until Reactions
the end of its next turn.
Fungal Merge If the spore elemental is within 5ft. of a
Spore Burst When the spore elemental is reduced to 0 Huge or smaller fungi, it can use its reaction to merge
hitpoints, creatures must succeed a DC 17 into that fungi whenever it is targeted with an attack or
Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 poison damage. saving throw. This reaction occurs before the triggering
On a successful saving throw, creatures take half effect and grants the woad total cover as it takes no
damage. damage. This effect only applies to the trigger attack or
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Leaf Elemental Swarm The leaf elemental can occupy another
creature's space and vice versa, and it can move
Large Plant, unaligned
through the spce large enough for a tiny creature. The
leaf elemental can't regain hitpoints or gain temporary
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) hitpoints
Hit Points 45 (6d10+12)
Speed 40ft., 40ft. fly(hover) Swarm Tactics The leaf elementals has advantage on
attack rolls against within the Elemental's space.
Swirling Leaves Creatures in the leaf elemental's space
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA are considered blinded and take 5 (2d4) piercing
10(+0) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) damage at the start of each of its turns.
Saving Throws Dex +7
Skills Perception +3 Multiattack. The leaf elemental can make two attacks
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and with its Leafy Slam. If it starts its turn below half its
Slashing damage hitpoint maximum, it can only make one leafy slam
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled,
Leafy Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 5ft., one
Paralyzed, Prone, Petrified Exhaustion, stunned,
target, Hit: 15 (4d4+5) slashing damage
Senses blindsight 60ft. Leaf Storm(Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 30ft. cone
Languages Druidic centered from the leaf elemental must succeed a DC
Proficiency Bonus +2 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
Challenge 3(700 xp) creatures take 20(8d4) slashing damage and are
blinded until the end of its next turn. On a successful
False Appearance While motionless, the leaf elemental saving throw, it takes half damage.
is indistinguishable from a pile of leaves or foliage on a
tree. Bonus Actions
Floral Stealth The leaf elemental can use its bonus
Flamable Whenever the leaf elemental takes fire action to take the Hide action as long as it is lightly
damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5
obscured by ample plant life.
(1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for
one minute. It can use its action to put out the flames.
However, while in this state, its attacks deal an
additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.
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Greater Leaf Elemental Swarm The leaf elemental can occupy another
creature's space and vice versa, and it can move
Gargantuan Plant, unaligned
through the spce large enough for a tiny creature. The
leaf elemental can't regain hitpoints or gain temporary
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) hitpoints
Hit Points 300 (24d20+48)
Speed 40ft., 40ft. fly(hover) Swarm Tactics the leaf elemental's has advantage on
attack rolls against within the Elemental's space
Swirling Leaves Creatures in the leaf elemental's space
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA are considered blinded and take 17 (5d4) piercing
20(+5) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) damage at the start of each of its turns.
Saving Throws Dex +10
Skills Perception +5 Multiattack. The leaf elemental can make two attacks
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and with its Leafy Slam. If it starts its turn below half its
Slashing damage hitpoint maximum, it can only make one leafy slam
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frightened, Grappled,
Leafy Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 5ft., all
Paralyzed, Prone, Petrified Exhaustion, stunned,
targets in range Hit: 30 (10d4+5) slashing damage
Senses blindsight 60ft. Leaf Storm(Recharge 5-6) Creatures (other than the leaf
Languages Druidic elemental) in a 300ft. tall and 60ft. radius column
Proficiency Bonus +5 centered on the leaf elemental must succeed a DC 18
Challenge 15(13000 xp) Dexterity saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
creatures take 50(20d4) slashing damage and are
False Appearance While motionless, the leaf elemental blinded until the end of its next turn. On a successful
is indistinguishable from a pile of leaves or foliage on a saving throw, it takes half damage.
Bonus Actions
Flamable Whenever the leaf elemental takes fire Floral Stealth The leaf elemental can use its bonus
damage, it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5
action to take the Hide action as long as it is lightly
(1d8) fire damage at the start of each of its turns for obscured by ample plant life.
one minute. It can use its action to put out the flames.
However, while in this state, its attacks deal an
additional 5 (1d8) fire damage for the duration.
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Vegepygmy Fungal Hatred
Of all sapient forms of plant life, the vegepygmy is the Although vegepygmies have varying degrees of relations with
smallest and most numerous. As with most species of plants, one another, they all do share a common hatred for sentient
vegepygmies come in numerous varieties and temperaments. fungi that seeming has existed for all of recorded history.
However, their intelligence is not to be underestimated as Vegepygmies, as well as most other forms of sapient plants,
they more than make up for their diminutive stature by thrive on the expansion of the forest and floral assimilation.
making use of their superior regeneration capable of fully However, myconids and other fungi are also driven by a
healing them from the brink of death, their expert knowledge similar motive, which often places them at odds with one
of the forest as well as their superior numbers. another. Under most circumstances, this conflict serves as a
check and balance to keep each force in check; however, it is
Clever Hunters often the responsibility of many druidic tribes to ensure this
Regardless of their temperament, vegepygmies make full use balance is not swayed lest one force gets out of control.
of their small size. Despite their diminutive stature, they are Blighted
able to cover a lot of ground thanks to their ability to merge An unfortunate side effect of this conflict is the emergence of
and reappear into nearby foliage. This allows them to be the the blighted. The blighted can be best as a mutation that
perfect ambush hunters as they can continually harry their affects many sentient plants as a resistance against parasitic
foes using grass-like darts to launch at their foes before fungal swarms. Although the host managed to resist its
fleeing deeper into the undergrowth. Thanks to their effects, it warps the body and mind of the individual. As a
heightened regeneration, they can prove to be problematic to resulted, the blighted are driven by a desire to consume both
kill, as they can fully heal from all but the deadliest of wounds plant and fungal life.
in a matter of seconds.
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Kelp Dandelion
Kelp vegepygmy's are one of the more dangerous breeds of Dandelions are notorious for their mischievous antics. They
vegepygmy. Unlike their other kin, they tend to reside are easily recognizable by their fluffy bodies and their
primarily in the water, only staging terrestrial expeditions if airborne mobility. These plants always gravitate to anything
food is scarce. They primarily reside in the tangled that sparks their interest. As a result, they typically play
underwater forests of kelp, using these colossal plants as a numerous pranks on unsuspecting humanoids, such as
means of camouflage and entangling their prey. stealing their stuff and particularly trying to make them
Their favored tactic is to form groups of 10 (4d4) to engage sneezing by blowing pollen in their face. Now that I think
their enemy from a far, flinging grass-like darts laced with a about it, they have a weird, a fascination with sneezes.
suffocating poison before merging into the kelp to reappear Despite their friendly attitude, they are rarely found
at another location. amongst other vegepygmies. It turns out that most other
vegepygmies do not like them because the dandelions seem
Flytrap to possess a superiority complex over their other kin thanks
The flytrap vegepygmy is notorious for its oversized maw and to their ability to fly. Based on numerous vegepygmy sources,
equally oversized appetites. These little monsters rampage this superiority complex seems to involve taunting and
through the forest in small mobs of about 10(4d4) individuals practical pranks, all revolving around the inability of their kin
in search of their prey. Such mobs are often led by a single to fly.
chieftain, which drives them into a feeding frenzy.
Thankfully the vegepygmies never appear in groups any Twig
larger than these since they tend to be quite territorials Twig vegepygmies are the most common and widespread of
towards other vegepygmies and often enter turf wars with all their kin. They are much hardier than their relatives and
their own kind and other breeds of vegepygmies. are capable of enduring most conventional forms of
weaponry. They are also distinguished artisans amongst their
Sunbloom kin, making incredible structures, contraptions, and weapons
Sunblooms are some of the friendliest of all vegepygmies, forged of sticks and leaves.
especially towards other plants. They have the unique ability
to absorb sunlight and emit it, to throw glowing spores. They Lotus
tend to be very outgoing, wanting to spread their inner Lotus vegepymies are the most beautiful of all their relatives.
sunlight to other plants. Their flower-like appearance is quite interesting as each
As a result, they are typically seen in a large community individual seems to have its own unique design with varying
consisting of other types of vegepygmies as well other number, shapes, and colors of their pebbles. They are often
sentient plants. Sometimes these vegepygmies have taken accompanied by an entourage of other vegepygmies who
this friendliness a bit too far, often spurring crusades of seem to revere them as some sort of royalty.
vegepygmies into the Underdark to spread their light to its When threatened, they prefer not to fight themselves,
myconid denizens, resulting in a long-lasting hatred between instead they command their allies to fight in their stand. But if
vegepygmies and myconids. pressured enough, they will use their hypnotic pollen to
incapacitate their enemy long enough for help to arrive or for
Mandroga them to make an escape.
The mandroga is the rarest and most elusive of all
vegepygmies. One of the primary reasons for this, mandrogas Blighted
are extremely shy and spend most of their time hiding Blighted vegepygmies are despised by all of their kin. It is
underground with the only sign of their presence is a small believed that blighted vegepygmies are the result of deviant
tuft of foliage that absorbs sunlight. Despite their reclusive mutations from those infected by blights and other fungal
nature, they enjoy the company of other mandrogas often creatures. However, these mutations seemed to warp the
hiding together in hidden grottoes. mind of these creatures as well as their bodies, resulting in
However, when disturbed they enter into a wild frenzy as an insatiable hunger for plants and fungi alike.
they burst from the ground to scream. This "screaming" However, this ravenous hunger did not warp their
seems actually only audible to creatures poisoned by darts intelligence, as they are still just a cunning as their other kin.
generated on their body. Once one is disturbed, all the nearby Under most circumstances, blighted vegepygmies will not
mandrogas burst from the ground and enter into a violent attack humanoids unless threatened or if their territory is
fury, viciously attacking the source of their disturbance. If encroached. In fact, blighted vegepygmies tend to be more
angered, it's best to leave the mandroga's territory as they will prone to work with humanoids, since often times they share a
not follow, preferring not to leave their home. common enemy. Such deals usually enables the humanoids
to deal with any problems associated with sentient plants,
while the blighted can satisfy their ravenous hunger for
sentient plants.
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Vegepygmy Warrior Vegepygmy Chieftain
Small Plant, any alignment
Small Plant, any alignment
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 45 (6d6+24)
Hit Points 9 (2d6+2) Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb
Damage Resistances Radiant
Movement Speed 30ft. swim
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold
Radiant Pollen The vegepygmy gives off bright light
in a 5ft. radius and dim light and additional 5ft. This
Amphibious The vegepygmy can breathe in air and in light counts as sunlight
Sun Empowerment When the vegepygmy starts its
Aquatic Regeneration If the vegepygmy starts its turn turn in sunlight, the vegepygmy has advantage on
in water, it regains 10 hitpoints and can end one of attack rolls and saving throws
the following effects on itself: poisoned or stunned.
While in water, it can still benefit from these Sun Poison Creatures poisoned by the vegepygmy
features even if it doesn't meet the other are considered to be blinded.
requirements of its regeneration feature. If a
chieftain, it regains 20 hitpoints
Drowning Poison Creatures poisoned by the
vegepygmy are unable to breathe , speak, and is
considered suffocating
Kelp Spear When the vegepygmy hits a creature with
a melee weapon attack, that creature is grappled and Movement Speed 30ft. burrow
Restrained. The escape DC is equal to the
vegepygmy's Secondary DC False Appearance While motionless, the vegepygmy
is indistinguishable from a small plant
Sneak Attack When vegepygmy has advantage
against surprised creatures. When it makes an attack
against a surprised creature, it deals an additional 7
(2d6) damage. It can only benefit from this trait
Mantrap once on each of its turns.
Devourer When the vegepygmy makes an attack Terror Poison Creatures poisoned by the vegepygmy
against a beast or humanoid, it can make one is considered to be frightened and deafened for the
additional bite attack duration
Bite (Replaces Spear) Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, 5ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10+2) piercing
Frenzy Spore(Replaces Spore Cloud) Plants within a
10ft. radius of the vegepygmy have advantage on
attack rolls until the end of its next turn. When it
takes the attack action, it can make an additional
bite attack as a bonus action.
Rampage When the vegepygmy deals a critical hit or
reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it can use its
reaction to move up to half its movement speed to
make a bite attack against a creature within range.
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Movement Speed 30ft. fly(hover) Aromatic Spores Creatures that are not plants that
first enter or starts its turn within 10ft. of the
Flyby The vegepygmy can fly outside the reach of vegepygmy must succeed a DC 12 Constitution
another creature without provoking opportunity saving throw or become poisoned until the end of
attack its next turn.
Windborne While exposed to a moderate wind (at *Pleasant Aroma Creatures poisoned by the
least 10 miles per hour), the vegepygmy's vegepygmy are considered charmed it
movement speed increases by 10ft. For every 5 Narcotic Poison Creatures poisoned by the
miles per hour above 10, the vegepygmy's vegepygmy cannot repeat its saving throw as a
movement speed increases by an additional 5ft. result of taking damage.
Slow Fall Whenever the vegepygmy takes fall
damage, it can make a DC 10 Dexterity saving
throw. Upon a successful saving throw, it takes no
damage and upon a failure, it takes half damage. For
ever 10ft. above 60ft. that the vegepygmy falls, the
DC for this ability increases by 1. Blighted
Reactions Condtition Immunities Poisoned
Floating Defense Whenever the vegepygmy is hit Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
with a melee attack, it can use its reaction to move
up to half its movement speed out of the range of Floral Bane Whenever the vegepygmy takes the
the attack causing the attack to miss. This Attack action against a creature plant, it can make an
movement does not provoke opportunity attack additional tendril attack.
Witherblight Creatures poisoned by the vegepygmy
takes 5(1d8) necrotic damage at the start of each of
its turns and cannot regain any hitpoints.
Armor Class increases by 3
Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing
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Woad Ancient Rivalry
Woads are the much larger and more dangerous relatives of Regardless of their location, woads share a disdain for
the vegepygmy. Woads as a whole tend to be fiercely sentient fungi such as myconids and blights, resulting in
protective of their Woodland homes, which often places them numerous conflicts. To fully understand this ancient rivalry, it
at odds with many humanoid civilizations, wherein is best not to view it as a centuries long conflict. Instead, it is
interactions between both species are wary at best. more appropriate to view both sides as opposing forces of
nature. At their very core, both woads and blights seek to
Woad Society spread their form of life, whether it be through vibrant forests
Woad civilizations are just as diverse as that of humanoids, or spore filled fields of fungi. Whenever these two front
with a wide array of rather unique customs and agendas. In collide encroach the domain it results in a powerful conflict
general, they tend to be rather untrustworthy of humanoids capable of warping entire ecosystems.
but have been known to forge alliances with local druidic Woad Titan
communities, working together to protect their home. The most ancient of all woads can transform into a woad
Woad Tactics titan. Because of their somewhat similar size and
Just like their smaller relatives, woads have the unique ability appearance, they are confused to be treants. However, the
to merge and reappear in nearby plant life. This makes them primary thing that sets woad titans apart is their inability to
extremely hard to fight or track, as they will prefer to slowly assume the appearance of a normal tree.
wear down their opponent using a series of ambush tactics. These colossal entities are the largest and most powerful
of their kin. However, their colossal size and strength is not
their only advantage. Due to the intertwined life force of most
plants, a single woad titan is capable of transporting legions
of vegepymies and woads to their aid thanks to their plant
stride ability.
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Needle Woads Cinderbloom
Needle woads are one of the more common of all of their kin. Cinderbloom woads live in regions of the Material Plane
They are easily recognizable thanks to their bark-like skin touched by incursions from the Elemental Plane of Fire.
covered with an array of thorny vines. Living in such environments has imbued the body of the
Much like twig vegepygmy, needle woads are capable of woad with the fire from the Elemental Plane. Cinderbloom
creating feats of engineering creating massive wooden woads are frequently at odds with their other kin, as they are
fortresses. They are created elaborate wooden contraptions still driven by their inner drive to expand the forest.
to defend their homes and to entrap intruders. However, their exposure to the elemental plane has warped
their view of nature as one closer aligned to the elemental
Wicker Woads plane of fire. As a result, cinderblooms regularly burn down
Whereas many woads make their homes in dense forests, entire forests in order to grow trees native to the elemental
wicker woads find themselves at home in open plains of tall plane of fire. Because of this, woad and druidic civilizations
grasses. Their appearance resembles a slightly humanoid alike often stand vigil against the expansion of these entities.
form composed of writhing masses of grass. In fact, their
appearance is often confused with that of an animated Winterbloom
scarecrow. Winterblooms are easily identified by their frost-coated
In general, wicker woads tend to be much more nomadic barkskin that has developed after centuries of adaptation to
than their other kin. Because of this, wicker woads rarely live in such climates. The sole desire of winterblooms is to
have much interaction with humanoids. However, they can spread vegetation to frigid wastelands. However, they are
prove to be quite a threat to those living on the frontier, as extremely protective of their winter grottoes and will violently
wicker woads have been known to come together to attack refuse the entry of humanoids in their realm.
farmers or settlements that seem to expanding into the open The only one can acquire sanctuary in such areas is from a
plains where they live. test of worth, wherein they may demand a task or gift from an
Since they are especially adapted to vanishing into the tall outsider. Such demands can vary from eliminating a nearby
grass, the first resort to combat these creatures is to use fire threat or acquiring a rare plant seed to add to their grottoes.
to force them out of hiding. However, fire sends them into a
berserk fury as they immediately seek to destroy the source Skulltrap Woads
of the flame. Skulltrap woads are the most dangerous and terrifying of all
woads. Their bodies resemble humanoid flytraps, and they
Vine Woads patrol forests in parties of 5(2d4) to search for their next prey.
Vine woads are probably the second most common of all Although they will devour nearly anything with flesh, they
woads and are found primarily in very tropical environments. particularly enjoy eating beasts and humanoids, especially
Vine woads are avid gardeners, even more than their other devouring their heads.
kin, growing extensive gardens of sentient carnivorous plants It is unclear why they particularly enjoy eating the heads of
to decorate and guard their grottoes. To feed their pets, vine their victims, some accounts seem to suggest it is a delicacy
woads often travel in small hunting parties of 7(2d6) for these woads while other claim that brains have nutritional
members, searching for suitable prey. benefits for them. Regardless of the reason, it is best to avoid
Vine woads are typically quite amicable towards other fighting skulltrap woads if possible.
sentient plants, often coming to their aid when they are However, despite their brutal practices, they are quite
threatened. They show a special affinity for vegepygmies, friendly to other sentient plants and often aid vegepygmies
almost looking after them as if they were children. and other woads in protecting their settlement or joining
them in battle against outsiders or myconids.
Moss Woads
Although they can be found in nearly any biome, moss woads Blighted Woads
are the most reclusive of all species of woad. They spend the Blighted woads are the unfortunate result of the centuries
majority of their times underground or in subterranean long conflict between fungi and plants. These woads favor
caverns. They have the unique ability to climb and even to neither their other kin nor fungi, as their warped minds and
camouflage into stone. physiology drives them to consume all other plants.
Because of the vicinity of their habitat near the Underdark, Naturally, this hunger causes them to be the mortal
they often have numerous skirmishes with the myconid and enemies of both fungi and plants, causing these rivals to put
other sentient fungi. Because of their perpetual hatred of aside their differences to fight them. To even the odds,
these creatures, they will regularly attempt to guide or even blighted woads have been known to employ the aid of
escort creatures through the Underdark to prevent them from humanoids and other entities who goals would benefit from
falling victim to their fungal enemies. the removal of nearby sentient plants or fungi.
Throughout history, such alliances have been resulted in
both good and evil as in some cases, the spread of woads and
fungi have been controlled thanks to the assistance of the
blighted while in other cases, entire ecosystems have been
ravaged by their presence.
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Woad Template Regeneration The woad regains 5 hitpoints at the start
of its turn as long as has 1 hitpoint and it has not taken
Medium Plant, any alignment
fire or necrotic damage on its previous turn. If it starts
its turn in sunlight, it regains 10 hitpoints.
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d8+12) Special Effects
Speed 30ft. Some woad variants that rely on a saving throw for its
Primary DC or Melee DC
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Primary DC The Primary DC for a woad is 12
17 (+3) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) Melee DC The Melee DC for a woad is 13
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened Multiattack. The woad can make two claw attacks
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 30ft.
Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft, one target.
Languages can understand Common but cannot speak
Hit: 7 (1d6+3) piercing damage
it, Druidic
Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 3 (700 xp)
Bonus Actions
Plant Stride As a bonus action, the woad can enter a
Flammable Whenever the woad takes fire damage, it Large or larger plant and emerge 5ft. from another
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire Large or larger plant within 60ft. of its original location
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. Reactions
It can use its action to put out the flames. However,
while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) Tree Merge If the woad is within 5ft. of a Large or
fire damage for the duration. smaller plant, it can use its reaction to merge into that
plant whenever it is targeted with an attack or saving
Plant Camouflage The woad has advantage on Dexterity throw. This reaction occurs before the triggering effect
(Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with ample and grants the woad total cover as it takes no damage.
obscuring plant life. It can use its bonus action to Hide This effect only applies to the trigger attack or effect.
while these conditions are met.
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Woad titan template Regeneration The woad titan regains 10 hitpoints at the
start of its turn as long as has 1 hitpoint and it has not
Huge Plant, any alignment
taken fire or necrotic damage on its previous turn. If it
starts its turn in sunlight, it regains 20 hitpoints.
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 113 (9d12+54) Siege Monster The woad titan deals double damage to
Speed 30ft. buildings and objects
Special Effects
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Some woad titan variants that rely on a saving throw for
its Primary DC or Melee DC
22 (+6) 9 (-1) 22 (+6) 9 (-1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1)
Primary DC The Primary DC for a woad titan is 17
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +8 Melee DC The Melee DC for a woad titan is 17
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 30ft. Actions
Languages can understand Common but cannot speak Multiattack. The woad titan can make two spiked slam
it, Druidic attacks
Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 8 (3900 xp) Spiked Slam Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, 10ft, one
target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) bludgeoning damage + 7(2d6)
Flammable Whenever the woad titan takes fire damage, piercing damage.
it catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire Brambled Boulder Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. 60/240ft, one target. Hit: 20 (4d6+6) bludgeoning
It can use its action to put out the flames. However, damage + 14(4d6) piercing damage. Creatures must
while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) succeed a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked
fire damage for the duration. prone.
Plant Camouflage The woad titan has advantage on Reactions
Dexterity (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with
ample obscuring plant life. It can use its bonus action Tree Merge If the woad is within 5ft. of a Gargantuan or
to Hide while these conditions are met. smaller plant, it can use its reaction to merge into that
plant whenever it is targeted with an attack or saving
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woad LLC.cover as it takes no damage.
This effect only applies to the trigger attack or effect.
Movement 30ft. climb
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Elongated Limbs The woad's melee weapon attack
Sharpshooter The woads ranged weapon attacks have an increased reach of 5ft.
ignore range penalties and the benefit of half or
three-fourth's cover. Spider Climb The woad can climb difficult surfaces
without needing to make an ability check
Spiked Body If a creature grapples or hits the woad
with a melee attack while within 5ft. of it takes Constriction Creatures grappled by the woad takes
4(1d6) piercing damage. 9(2d8) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of
its turns, cannot speak, breathe, and is considered
Actions to be suffocated.
Needle Spike Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, Vine Body The woad can move through a space of at
120ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage. least 1 inch without squeezing
Impaling Spike(Titan only) Melee Weapon Attack: +9 Vine Grasp When the woad hits a creature with a
to hit, 480ft, one target. Hit: 20 (8d6+6) piercing melee weapon attack, it is considered grappled and
damage + 14(4d6) piercing damage. Creatures must restrained. The escape DC is equal to the Woad's
succeed a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be Melee DC.
knocked prone and restrained. While restained in
this manner, the creature must use its action to
succeed a DC 17 Strength saving throw to pry itself
from the gigantic spike.
Movement Speed 30ft. climb, 30ft. burrow
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Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Damage Immunities Fire
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Ravenous Hunger If the woad makes an attack
against a beast or humanoid, it can make an
Cinder Touched Its weapon attacks deal an additional additional bite attack as part of its action.
5(1d8) fire damage.
Pack Tactics The woad has advantage on attack rolls
Blazing Body When the creature grapples or hits the against a creature that is within 5ft. of one of the
woad with a melee weapon attack, it takes 5(1d8) woad's allies
fire damage.
Brutal Strikes The woad deals a critical hit on a19-20.
Illumination The woad gives off a bright light in a 5ft. Upon dealing a critical hit, it can triple the damage
radius. It gives off dim light an additional 10ft. die.
Multiattack The woad can make a bite and two claw
Winterbloom Bite Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft, one target.
Damage Immunities Cold Hit: 9 (1d10+3) piercing damage. Creatures
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 reduced to 0 hitpoints by this attack are killed as it
bites the creature's head off.
Frost Touched Its weapon attacks deal an additional Bite(Titan only) Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, 5ft,
5(1d8) cold damage. one target. Hit: 28 (4d10+6) piercing damage.
Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by this attack are
Winterbloom Whenever the woad takes fire damage, killed as it bites the creature's head off.
it does not catch aflame. Until the end of its next
turn, it becomes shrouded in a mist that obscures
sight within a 10ft. radius around the woad until the
end of its next turn. If a woad titan, the radius is
Frozen Body When the creature grapples or hits the Blighted
woad with a melee weapon attack, it takes 5(1d8)
cold damage. Condtition Immunities Poisoned
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison
Snow Stride The woad can move across and climb
icy surfaces without needing to make an ability
check. Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice Floral Bane Whenever the woad takes the Attack
or snow doesn't cost it extra movement. action against a creature plant, it can make an
additional tendril attack.
Witherblight When the blighted damaes a creature, it
can deal an additional 5 (1d8) necrotic damage.
Upon a hit, the target cannot regain hitpoints until
the end of its next turn and the woad regains a
number of hitpoints equal to the necrotic damage
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Spriggan Floral Authority
Spriggans are one of the most powerful of all sapient plants, Regardless of the origin of their creation, this transformation
only second to the treant. Due to their similar appearance, seems to grant them a great deal of reverence from other
spriggans are often confused for woads. However, the sentient plants. Spriggans typically are viewed as minor gods
distinguishing factor between woads and spriggans is their or guardians for many woads and vegepygmies. They are
innate ability to take the form of a living plant, as well as their often viewed as an extension of the will of nature due to their
ability to command plants around them. innate attunement to their surroundings.
Forest Skirmishers
Spriggan Origins Like all sapient plants, spriggans have the ability to quickly
It is not entirely clear how spriggans are created, but many traverse the forest using the interconnected life force
sources seem to agree that spriggans at least used to be a between plants. However, thanks to their innate magical
woad at some point in its life. Whereas some woads tend to ability, they are able to use this ability in a greater capacity
transform into a woad titan give enough time, others seem to than their other kin. Despite being much more powerful than
transform into a spriggan. their relatives, spriggans still rely primarily on the element of
surprise, preferring to attack or cast spells from a distance
Mysterious Origins before merging into a tree to reappear elsewhere.
The most common theory is that has woads grow, some In combat, spriggans always keep a close vicinity to a tree
develop a deeper attunement to the interconnected life force or other large plant, so they can make a quick escape. If
that most plant's possess granting them the ability to control desperate enough, they are able to temporarily merge their
it at will, somewhat akin to the development of certain forms form to a tree in order to evade attacks.
of sorcery in humanoids. Others seem to believe it involves
an extremely secretive ritual that only the most capable of
woads seem to be able to endure.
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Aluraine Blightwood
The aluraine is the most devious and elusive of all spriggans. Blightwood spriggans are twisted mutations of spriggans
It surrounds itself with a hypnotic but potent aroma of pollen negatively warped by exposure to fungal spores during their
that is able to take control of all but the strongest of minds. conflict with myconids. Although they acquired a resistance
This poison has a wide array of effects, causing the spriggan to these spores, its effects left their bodies and minds twisted
to seemingly appear as any beast or humanoid of its victim's and warped. They are drive by a desire to consume any form
choice to mask its true identity. Once poisoned, the creature of plant or fungal life.
becomes enthralled by the spriggan obeying it every Although they do not directly pose a threat to humanoids
command through a telepathic link enabled by its pollen. as their primary goal is to wipe out and assimilate any other
Aluraines thrive off of chaos they unleash upon their form of plant life, they are often at odds with many druidic
opponents. They prefer to attack from a distance, letting their civilizations as they often corrupt their nearby ecosystem.
spells and poison do the work for them, causing their
enemies to attack one another, fall into traps, or even get Shadowgleam
mauled by enthralled beasts. If their foes manages to see Shadowgleam spriggans are the rarest and most unique of all
through all of their ruses, they are content with fleeing until spriggans as they have the unique ability to shift forms
another window of opportunity presents itself. depending on the time of day. During the day, the bark of
these spriggans transforms into a radiant gold while sporting
Kelp Spriggans leaves with an array of hues from gold, red, orange, and even
These type of spriggans are often mistaken for kelpies. pink. While in this form, they are able to emit sunlight stored
Thanks to their immense power, they are viewed as gods to within its leaves and is able to absorb radiant energy to
many kelp vegepygmies forming massive syndicate and cults empower its attacks.
that dominate coastal rivers or beaches. At night, their bark begins to black and their leaves revert
Kelp spriggan civilizations are quite interesting as a group to hues of blue, purple, gray, and even black. While in this
of about 9 (2d8) will rule multiple vegepygmy societies as a state, the spriggan seems to act as a light sink, siphoning the
joint pantheon, commanding the vegepygmies to carry out smallest mote of light into its form, capable of snuffing out
their will. even the most brilliant of lights. Any source of light absorbed
As a result, these spriggans can prove to be a bane or boon in this manner is able to heal the spriggan from the harshest
to nearby humanoid settlements. Some chose to aid their of wounds.
humanoid neighbors with fish or navigating the waters, while Their affinity for light and darkness is very evident in their
others use their power for piracy and exploitation or even act society, as nearly every aspect of their life is tied to this
as servants for even more powerful entities such as krakens. connection between light and darkness. Other species (even
including other spriggans) of sentient plants regard these
Cinderwood spriggans with a high degree of reverence. As a result, it is
When exposed to the rampant magics of the elemental plane very easy for shadowgleams to hold considerable authority
of fire, some woads are imbued with a more potent burst of among sentient plants, bringing together numerous species
elemental magic, resulting in a cinderwood spriggan. These together under one banner.
spriggans have only one goal in mind, which is either to
return to the Elemental Plane of fire or to make an equivalent
home on the Material Plane.
These spriggans often cultivate quite a following of
cinderwood woads as well as many fire elementals as they
would also benefit from their home of never-ending flames.
Like winterbloom woads, rimewood spriggans are fierce
guardians of the frozen grottoes. Although rimewoods tend to
be extremely distrustful of humanoids; they have been known
to forge alliances with other arctic creatures such as yetis to
help protect their frozen sanctuaries. However, once one
acquires the trust of these creatures, they can prove to be
quite capable guides and loyal allies.
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Spriggan Template Cantrips(At Will) Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Commune with
Nature, Speak with Plants
Medium Plant, any alignment
1st Level(4/long rest) Cure Wounds, Entangle, Hail of
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Thorns
Hit Points 85 (10d10+30) 2nd level(3/long rest) Spike Growth, Lesser Restoration,
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb Locate Animals and Plants, Web
3rd level(3/long rest) Plant Growth
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 4th level(2/long rest) Grasping Vine, Guardian of Nature,
18 (+4) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) Hallucinatory Terrain
5th level(2/long rest) Awaken, Greater Restoration,
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing Wrath of Nature
Damage Immunities Psychic
Skills Stealth +9, Nature +8, Perception +7, Survival Actions
+10 Multiattack. The spriggan can make one spell attack and
Condition Immunities Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed one splinterstaff attacks. It can a splinterstaff attack for
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 30ft. a tetherbow.
Languages can understand Common but cannot speak
it, Druidic Splinterstaff Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft, one
Proficiency Bonus +3 target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4 bludgeonning) + 5(2d4)
Challenge 8 (3900 xp) piercing damage. Creatures other than the spriggan
within 5ft. of the target takes 5(2d4) piercing damage.
Flammable Whenever the spriggan takes fire damage, it Tetherbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire 150/600ft, one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4 piercing). Upon
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. a hit, the target must succeed a DC 15 Strength saving
It can use its action to put out the flames. However, throw or become restrained until the end of its next
while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) turn.
fire damage for the duration.
Life Drain (Recharge 5-6) One creature within 60ft. of
Plant Camouflage The spriggan has advantage on the spriggan must succeed a DC 15 Constitution
Dexterity (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with saving throw. On a failed saving throw, creatures take
ample obscuring plant life. It can use its bonus action 54(12d8) necrotic damage and the spriggan can
to Hide while these conditions are met. recover a number of hitpoints equal to half the damage
Regeneration The spriggan regains 10 hitpoints at the dealt.
start of its turn as long as has 1 hitpoint and it has not Upon a successful saving throw, creatures take half
taken fire or necrotic damage on its previous turn. If it damage and are the spriggan does not regain any
starts its turn in sunlight, it regains 20 hitpoints. hitpoints.
Forest Guardian The spriggan has advantage on initiative
checks while in forest terrain. While in the forest, it can
Bonus Actions
make ranged attacks or cast a spell while hidden Plant Stride As a bonus action, the spriggan can enter a
without revealing its location. Large or larger plant and emerge 5ft. from another
Large or larger plant within 60ft. of its original location
Magical Attacks The spriggan's attacks count as magical
for the purpose of overcoming resistances and Reactions
Tree Merge If the spriggan is within 5ft. of a Large or
False Appearance While motionless, the spriggan is smaller plant, it can use its reaction to merge into that
indistinguishable from as small tree plant whenever it is targeted with an attack or saving
throw. This reaction occurs before the triggering effect
Spellcasting and grants the spriggan total cover as it takes no
The spriggan is a 10th level spellcaster. its spellcasting damage. This effect only applies to the trigger attack or
ability is Wisdom(spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell effect.
attacks). The spriggan has the following spells prepared.
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Resistances Acid, Cold
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 Movement Speed 30ft. swim
Hallucinatory Aroma The aluraine can resemble the Amphibious The spriggan can breathe in air and in
appearance of a beast or humanoid of its choice. A water
creatures must succeed a DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check to decipher its true nature. Aquatic Regeneration If the spriggan starts its turn in
Creatures that are immune to being poisoned can water, it regains 20 hitpoints and can end one of the
discern its true identity following effects on itself: poisoned or stunned.
While in water, it can still benefit from these
Binding Aroma As long as the aluraine is within features even if it doesn't meet the other
300ft. and on the same plane of existence of a requirements of its regeneration feature.
creature poisoned by it, it can telepathically
communicate with that creature. False Appearance While motionless, the spriggan is
indistinguishable from normal seaweed
Aluraine Toxin Creatures poisoned by that Aluraine
are charmed by it for the duration of the poison. The Kelpie Spells
charmed target obeys the aluraine's verbal and
telepathic commands for the duration of the Cantrips(At Will) Acid Splash, Shape Water
poisoned condition 1st Level Tasha's Casutic Brew, Create and Destroy
Narcotic Toxin Creatures cannot repeat their saving Water
throw against being charmed by the Aluraine 2nd Level Suggestion, Phantasmal Force
Aluraine Spells 3rd Level Water Walk, Tidal Wave
Cantrips(At Will) Friends, Minor Illusion 4th Level Vitreolic Sphere, Wall of Water, Watery
1st Level Charm Person
5th Level Spells Maelstrom
2nd Level Suggestion, Phantasmal Force
3rd Level Hypnotic Pattern Actions
4th Level Phantasmal Killer, Dominate Beast Vinestaff(Replace Splinterstaff) Melee Weapon
Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4
5th Level Spells Dominate Beast, Geas bludgeonning). Upon a hit, a Large or smaller target
is pulled 10ft. towards the spriggan
Poisonbow (Replace tetherbow) Ranged Weapon
Attack: +7 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. Hit: 13
(2d8+4 piercing). Upon a hit, the target must
succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
become poisoned until the end of its next turn.
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Cinderwood Rimewood
Immunities Fire Immunities Cold
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Heated Body Creatures that grapple or hit the Rimewood Whenever the spriggan takes fire
spriggan with a melee attack while within 5ft. of it damage, it does not catch aflame. Until the end of
takes 9 (2d8) fire damage. its next turn, it becomes shrouded in a mist that
obscures sight within a 10ft. radius around the
Inner Fire The cinderwood cannot benefit from spriggan until the end of its next turn.
photosynthesis if it takes cold damage on its
previous turn. Snow Stride The spriggan can move across and
climb icy surfaces without needing to make an
Illumination The spriggan gives off bright light in a
ability check. Additionally, difficult terrain
10ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft.
composed of ice or snow doesn't cost it extra
Cinderwood Spells movement.
Cantrips(At Will) Create Bonfire, Produce Flame Rimewood Spells
1st Level Armor of Agathys, Ice Knife
1st Level Burning Hands
3rd Level Sleet Storm
2nd Level Scorching Ray
4th Level Ice Storm
3rd Level Fireball, Stinking Cloud
5th Level Spells Cone of Cold
4th Level Wall of Fire
5th Level Spells Immolation Actions
Rimestaff(replaces Splinterstaff) Melee Weapon
Actions Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4
Cinderstaff (Replaces Splinterstaff) Melee Weapon bludgeoning) + 9(2d8) cold damage. Upon a hit, a
Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4 creature's movement speed is reduced by 10ft.
bludgeonning) + 9(2d8) fire damage. Creatures
other than the spriggan within 5ft. of the target Rimebow(replaces Tetherbow) Ranged Weapon
takes 9(2d8) fire damage. Attack: +7 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. Hit: 13
(2d8+4 piercing) + 9(2d8) cold damage. Upon a hit,
Cinderbow (replaces Tetherbow) Ranged Weapon a creature's movement speed is reduced by 10ft.
Attack: +7 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. Hit: 13
(2d8+4 piercing) + 7(2d8) fire damage.. Creatures
hit with the attack are set aflame for one minute.
Ignited creatures takes 9 (2d8) fire damage at the
start of each of its turns unless it takes an action to
put out the flames.
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Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Immunities Poison, Necrotic
Condition Immunities Poisoned
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 Sun Shift While during the day or when the spriggan
starts its turn in sunlight, it transforms into its
sunwood form
Blight Bloom Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by the
spriggan are killed. Additionally, plants have Night Shift While during the night or when the
disadvantage on saving throws against the spriggan spriggan starts its turn in darkness, it transforms
into its nightwood Form.
Vampiric Blight The spriggan regains a number of
hitpoints equal to half the necrotic damage dealt Spells
from its weapon attacks
Cantrips(At Will) Dancing Lights, Light
Actions 1st Level Color Spray, Faerie Fire
Blightstaff(replaces Splinterstaff) Melee Weapon
2nd Level Darkness, Pass without a Trace
Attack: +7 to hit, 10ft, one target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4
bludgeoning) + 9(2d8) necrotic damage. Upon a hit, 3rd Level Daylight
the target cannot regain hitpoints.
4th Level Shadow of Moil
Blightbow(replaces Tetherbow) Ranged Weapon 5th Level Spells Dawn
Attack: +7 to hit, 150/600ft, one target. Hit: 13
(2d8+4 piercing) + 9(2d8) necrotic damage. Upon a Sunwood Form
hit, the target cannot regain hitpoints.
While in this form, the spriggan has the following
Blightwood Spells traits:
1st Level Inflict Wounds
As a bonus action, it can emit bright light 10ft.
3rd Level Vampiric Touch radius and dim light an additional 10ft. This light
counts as sunlight and lasts for 1 hour and can be
4th Level Blight dismissed as a bonus action. It cannot use this
feature again until it takes a short rest.
Upon taking radiant damage, it takes no damage.
Until the end of its next turn, it deals an additional
5(1d8) radiant damage on each of its damage
Nightwood Form
While in this form, the spriggan has the following
As a bonus action, it can emit magical darkness
10ft. radius and dim light an additional 10ft. This
light lasts for 1 hour and can be dismissed as a
bonus action. It cannot use this feature again until
it takes a short rest.
Whenever it takes radiant damage, it takes no
damage but recovers a number of hitpoints equal
to the damage dealt instead
While in this state, it regains 20 hitpoints at the
start of its turns while in darkness. It is still
subject to the other limitations of regeneration.
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Myconids Assimilating Spores
The most common of all sentient fungi are myconids. Not only do their spores act as a means of communication, it
Myconids take many sizes and forms, ranging from the also serves as a means of defense and reproduction. In
diminutive mite to the lumbering myconid behemoth. What combat, myconids use their spores to debilitate their foes by
sets myconids apart from other sentient plants and even infecting their body tissue with their spores. Depending on
other sentient fungi is their composition. the type of myconid, such attacks can inflict various effects. If
a creature dies, while infected with these spores, the spores
Although many myconids assume a humanoid form, the within that creature's body begins to blossom gaining
essence is actually composed of a collection of spores that sentience of its own converting its organic matter into a
contains its consciousness. Its body is essentially a shell suitable body. Within an hour, a new myconid is born in its
made of organic matter that gives it form. Myconids are able place. Although this myconid develops a unique personality, it
to decompose nearly any form of organic matter transforming does retain some traits or quirks of the original.
it into a suitable body.
If its body dies, the spores escape from the empty husk to Floran Rivalry
find a new host. While in this state, myconids are extremely The innate drive of myconids to assimilate organic matter
vulnerable and will die if their spores are harmed or if they into fungi often places them at odds with other societies
cannot find a new host within a short period of time. within the Underdark. However, myconids have made
numerous attempts to expand their reach from the
Spore Mind Underdark. Their arrival in the surface has placed them at
Myconids do not speak in the same way as most sentient odds with another opposing force, sentient plants. Myconids
creatures on the Material Plane. Instead, they communicate have been bitter rivals with sentient plants such as
with one another via spores. Although most of myconid vegepygmies, woads, spriggans, and treants for centuries.
spores are stored within its body, they tend to leave a Scholars believe the source of this rivalry is best
seemingly invisible cloud of wandering spores that can be understood as two opposing forces of nature that seeks to
used to transmit to other fungi. This network creates a hive- assimilate and spread its form of life. Interestingly enough,
like structure of communication between myconids to send man druidic circles do not intervene with this conflict as they
alerts of nearby food or imminent danger. serve as a natural checks and balance preventing one side
from getting out of control. Only until one side gains the
upper hand will intervention be required, as that will result in
devastation of entire ecosystems.
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Myconid Mites Myconid Tactics
Myconid mites are the smallest and most numerous of all Despite their generally peaceful attitude, myconids can prove
sapient fungi. Myconid mites can be found in nearly any to be troublesome enemies. Myconids typically do not
location within the Underdark. Due to their friendly nature become aggressive unless they are provoked; however, they
and knowledge of the Underdark, they are often a welcome have been known to go on the offensive at the command of
sight to many humanoids who often trade various good, larger myconids.
preferably some form of organic matter that they convert into Due to their small, size, myconids prefers to fight in their
new mites, in exchange for navigation through the favored terrain wherein they have advantage. Such terrain
Underdark. would typically include fungal forests or their fungal gardens.
Just like their floral counterparts, myconids have the ability to
Curious Nomads merge into nearby fungi and reappear in another fungi
elsewhere. Such tactics enable them to employ hit-and-run
In general, they are extremely curious and nomadic fungi. tactics, keeping their enemy constant on edge.
They tend to travel in large groups of up to 20 (10d4) Thanks to their link to the spore mind, they are able to call
members to traverse the deepest and darkest reaches of the for aid to nearby myconids. Typically, if ambushed or
Underdark. overwhelmed, they will telegraph their position to
Occasionally, mites make a trek to the surface world to reinforcements while evading the grasp of their enemy using
experience the sun. Such a journey is actually believed to be a their fungal stride.
tradition celebrated by all myconid mites, as they will embark The final advantage that they possess in their fungal
on entire pilgrimages to the surface world consisting of gardens is that they can quickly find a new host body with
hundreds or even thousands of them at a time. ease if their primary body is destroyed. Thanks to the fungal
mists that typically accompany their fungal gardens, their
Fungal Gardeners vulnerable spore form is able to easily slip away so that it can
When they are not traveling, mites love to tend to their fungal find a new body to rise from.
gardens, wherein they grow normal and awakened fungi.
These gardens are maintained by masses of various organic
matter they find from their journeys. Occasionally, if they
reside closer enough to the surface, they are known to trek
into sewers and even cemeteries to acquire more organic
matter for their gardens.
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Myconid Mite Template Fungal Camouflage The myconid mite has advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with
Small Plant, any alignment
ample obscuring fungus. It can use its bonus action to
Hide while these conditions are met.
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 13 (2d6+6) Spore Cloud Creatures that first enter or starts its turn
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb within 5ft. of the myconid mite must succeed a DC 13
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until
the end of its next turn. Upon a successful saving
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA throw, creatures cannot be poisoned in this manner for
the next 24 hours.
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
Spore Spawn If a creature poisoned by the mite is
reduced to 0 hitpoints, it is killed. After 1 hour, that
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 creatures returns to life as an myconid mite. This
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
feature does not work against constructs or undead.
Paralyzed, Poisoned
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison Actions
Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 13
Lanuages Telepathy 30ft. Fungal Mace Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 10ft., one
Proficiency Bonus: +2 target. Hit: 7 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage + 4(1d6)
Challenge 1/4(50 xp) poison damage.
Spore Wand Once creature within 30ft. of the myconid
Spore Mind The myconid mite can communicate with mite must succeed a DC 12 Constitution saving throw
another myconid within 240ft. of it. Myconid Mites in or take 7(2d6) poison damage Upon a successful
this range can sense the pain of another. saving throw, creatures take half damage.
Symbiotic Mind The myconid mite has advantage on Bonus Actions
attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, while
within 30ft. of another creature with symbiotic mind. Fungal Stride As a bonus action, the myconid mite can
enter a Medium or larger fungus and emerge 5ft. from
Spore Burst Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures
another Medium or larger fungus within 60ft. of its
within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 12 Constitution
original location
saving throw or take 5(1d8) necrotic damage + 5(1d8)
poison damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes
half damage.
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Myconid Walker Agents of Assimilation
Myconid walkers are much larger forms of myconids. As Unlike their smaller kin, walkers tend to be much more
mites are typically the first stage of life for myconids, walkers dangerous as they seek to expand their civilization and fungal
are usually born once a mite become powerful enough to forests beyond the Underdark. They regularly organize in
assimilate and control a much larger body. large raid parties of 11(2d10) members, which actively hunts
for any living creature. The purpose of these raids are to find
Fungal Guardians suitable hosts to create more walkers as well as to refill their
Whereas mites tend to be more nomadic, walkers are barrows filled of organic matter to feed their fungal gardens
typically more prone to build settlements and cities with the as well as to maintain a store auxiliary hosts for when their
fungal forests of the Underdark. These cities are quite alien settlements fall under attack.
in comparison to that of most societies in the Material Plane, Walker Tactics
as their cities often resemble a large amalgamation of Much like their smaller kin, walkers are at their strongest
mushrooms or lichen. Thanks to their innate ability to merge while in fungal forests or gardens, employing hit-and-run
into fungi, navigating such cities is nigh impossible for most tactics. However, depending on the location of their target,
other creatures. they may not have the luxury fighting in such a location.
In addition to building myconid settlements, walkers also To make up for this, tend to choose their targets carefully,
tend to be very protective of mites and other sentient fungi. oftentimes watching them for hours to identify any strengths
They frequently accompany mites on their various or weaknesses. Communicating via spore mind, they are able
pilgrimages as well as tend to the fungal garden. to silently coordinate attacks prioritizing the most dangerous
attackers, such as individuals who can cast spells (primarily
fire) as their fungal form and toxic spores are able to weaken
most forms of conventional weaponry.
For much larger raids, they tend to bring larger awakened
fungi or even myconid behemoths along to serve as additional
strength as well as quick transport via their fungal stride
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Myconid Walker Spore Mind The myconid walker can communicate with
another myconid within 240ft. of it. Myconids in this
Template range can sense the pain of another.
Medium Plant, any alignment Symbiotic Mind The myconid walker has advantage on
attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, while
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) within 30ft. of another creature with symbiotic mind.
Hit Points 51 (6d8+24) Spore Burst Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures
Speed 30ft. within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 12 Constitution
saving throw or take 9(2d8) necrotic damage + 9(2d8)
poison damage. On a successful saving throw, it takes
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA half damage.
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) Spore Cloud Creatures that first enter or starts its turn
within 10ft. of the myconid walker must succeed a DC
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, the end of its next turn. Upon a successful saving
Paralyzed, Poisoned throw, creatures cannot be poisoned in this manner for
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and the next 24 hours.
Slashing damage Fungal Camouflage The myconid walker has advantage
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Psychic, Poison on Dexterity (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain
Senses blindsight 60ft, passive Perception +3 with ample obscuring fungus. It can use its bonus
Lanuages Telepathy 60ft. action to Hide while these conditions are met.
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Challenge 4(1100 xp) Spore Spawn If a creature poisoned by the walker is
reduced to 0 hitpoints, it is killed. After 1 hour, that
Spore Soul When the walker is in its spore form, it can't creatures returns to life as an myconid walker. This
take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. It is feature does not work against constructs or undead.
weightless, has a flying speed of 20ft., can hover, and
enter a hostile creature's space. In addition, if air can
pass through a space, the spore can do so without Multiattack The myconid walker can make two fungal
squeezing and it cannot pass through water. It has strike. It can substitute any number of fungal strikes for
advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution a spore wand.
saving throws, is immune to all conditions, and is
immune to to bludgeoning, necrotic, piercing, poison, Fungal Strike Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft., one
and slashing damage. target. Hit: 7 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage + 5(1d8)
poison damage.
Fungal Resurrection When the myconid walker drops to
0 hitpoints, the life-giving spores of the walker escapes Spore Wand One creature within 60ft. of the myconid
walker must succeed a DC 14 Constitution saving
from its body instead of falling unconscious provided it
throw or take 9(2d8) poison damage + 9 (2d8)
hasn't taken fire damage on its previous turn. If it
necrotic damage. Upon a successful saving throw,
cannot escape, it is destroyed.
creatures take half damage.
While in is in its spore form, it has 1 hitpoint, it can't
revert to its physical form and it must be able to infect Bonus Actions
a medium corpse within 1 hour or become destroyed. Fungal Stride As a bonus action, the myconid walker can
After spending 1 hour assimilating into a new corpse, it enter a Medium or larger fungus and emerge 5ft. from
returns as a fully healed myconid walker. another Large or larger fungus within 60ft. of its
original location
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Myconid Behemoth Sovereign Guardians
Myconid behemoths are the final stage of the traditional life Despite their immense power and size, behemoths typically
cycle of most myconids. Behemoths are created where a hold a lower social station than sovereign's in myconid
myconid's essence is powerful enough to control and society. Many tend to be the staunch protectors of their
manipulate a large amount of organic matter to grow into a sovereigns as well as for myconid archspores. Over serve as
towering colossus. commanders or generals, leading myconids on massive
raiding parties or coordinating the defense against attackers.
Mobile Sanctuary Behemoth Tactics
Thanks to the innate ability that allows myconids to merge In combat, behemoths are living siege engines capable of
into nearby fungi, myconid behemoths are able to serve as breaking down the strongest defenses and cutting a path
temporary homes from many myconid mites, walkers, and in through enemy lines. They also inadvertently serve as a troop
even some cases sovereigns. This is especially the case for transport, capable of serving as a nexus where troops can
the more nomadic groups that traverse the very dangerous retreat or reinforce by using its body with their Fungal Stride.
terrain of the Underdark. Because of their size, few creatures Because of this, one should be extremely wary when
would dare attack a behemoth. fighting a behemoth, especially a solitary one. More often
Rare Ascension than not, small portals will begin opening on its form to bring
Because of their immense size, behemoths are often quite through squads of mites, walkers, and at times even
rare since they require a lot of organic matter to assimilate in sovereigns.
a new form. If a behemoth's form is destroyed, it is much
more likely that the behemoth will split is essence to form
multiple walkers unless it can find a large enough host to
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Myconid Behemmoth Spore Burst Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures
within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 19 Constitution
Template saving throw or take 18(4d8) necrotic damage +
14(4d8) poison damage. On a successful saving throw,
Huge Plant, any alignment
it takes half damage.
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Fungal Camouflage The myconid behemmoth has
Hit Points 125 (10d12+60) advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks it makes in any
Speed 30ft. terrain with ample obscuring fungus. It can use its
bonus action to Hide while these conditions are met.
Spore Spawn. If a creature poisoned by the behemmoth
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is reduced to 0 hitpoints, it is killed. After 1 hour, that
22 (+6) 8 (-1) 23 (+6) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) creatures returns to life as an myconid walker. This
feature does not work against constructs or undead.
Saving Throws Constitution +10 Spore Cloud Creatures that first enter or starts its turn
Skills Perception +5 within 20ft. of the myconid behemmoth must succeed
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or become
Paralyzed, Poisoned poisoned until the end of its next turn. Upon a
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and successful saving throw, creatures cannot be poisoned
Slashing damage in this manner for the next 24 hours.
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Psychic, Poison Spore Mind The myconid behemmoth can
Senses blindsight 60ft. communicate with another myconid within 240ft. of it.
Lanuages Telepathy 120ft. Myconids in this range can sense the pain of another.
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Challenge 11(7200 xp) Mushroom Portal The behemmoth counts as a fungi for
the Fungus Stride feature.
Spore Soul When the behemmoth is in its spore form, it
can't take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. It Actions
is weightless, has a flying speed of 20ft., can hover, and Multiattack The myconid behemmoth can make two
enter a hostile creature's space. In addition, if air can fungal strike. It can substitute any number of fungal
pass through a space, the spore can do so without strikes for a spore blast
squeezing and it cannot pass through water. It has
advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution Fungal Strike Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, 10ft.,
saving throws, is immune to all conditions, and is one target. Hit: 24 (4d8+6) bludgeoning damage +
immune to to bludgeoning, necrotic, piercing, poison, 18(4d8) poison damage.
and slashing damage. Spore Blast Once creature within 240ft. of the myconid
Fungal Resurrection When the myconid behemmoth Behemmoth must succeed a DC 19 Constitution
saving throw or take 18(4d8) poison damage + 18
drops to 0 hitpoints, the life-giving spores of the
(4d8) necrotic damage . Upon a successful saving
behemmoth escapes from its body instead of falling
throw, creatures take half damage.
unconscious provided it hasn't taken fire damage on its
previous turn. If it cannot escape, it is destroyed. Spore Burst(Recharge 5-6) Creatures within a 30ft.
While in is in its spore form, it has 1 hitpoint, it can't radius around a spot within 120ft. of the behemmoth
can see must succeed a DC 18 Constitution saving
revert to its physical form and it must be able to infect
throw. On a failed saving throw, it takes 18 (4d8)
a Huge corpse within 1 hour or become destroyed.
Alternatively, it can infect 4 Medium corpses to turn poison damage + 18 (4d8) necrotic damage and
becomes poisoned for one minute. At the end of each
into 4 walkers
of its turns, it can repeat its saving throw to end the
After spending 1 hour assimilating into a new corpse, it effects on a successful saving throw. On a successful
returns as a fully healed myconid behemmoth or 4 saving throw, creatures take half damage and are not
myconid walkers. poisoned.
Siege Monster The myconid behemmoth deals double
damage to buildings and objects
Symbiotic Mind The myconid behemmoth has
advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving
throws, while within 30ft. of another creature with
symbiotic mind.
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Myconid Variants Frostspore
Just like their normal and awakened relatives, myconids can Ironically, frostspore myconids can only be found in areas of
come in many varieties. These variants typically can be extreme heat, such as volcanoes, underground magma lakes,
identified by the different effects their spores can induce on or near planar incursions with the Elemental Plane of Fire.
their victims. The fungi primarily feed off of warmth, siphoning it from its
Mirespore If their environment does not suit their needs, they will
often resort to living creatures as they are drawn to their body
Mirespores are easily recognizable by their sweet-smelling heat. Unfortunately, their craving for heat also makes them
aroma of their spores. Despite their pleasing scent, extremely susceptible to cold as it greatly saps their vitality,
mirespores have very dangerous, mind-altering capabilities. making them extremely sluggish.
Creatures infected by these spores suffer from hallucinations
and imaginary noises. Based on accounts, these Blightspore
hallucinations vary from individual, as they tend to take the Blightspores are typically what comes to mind when one
form of that creature's greatest fears or desires. thinks of a myconid. Although myconids share a general
More powerful myconids such as sovereigns and hatred towards plants, blightspores absolutely despise their
archspores are able to control these spores to a greater floral counterparts. Although most myconids do not have a
degree, using them to take control of their victims minds or preference for what type of creature they assimilate,
spread mass hysteria and chaos amongst their enemies. blightspore specifically aim to target plants during their raids.
Spellspores Their spores are perfectly adapted for combating plants, as
their spores are able to completely nullify and even reverse
Spellspore are the rarest of all myconids and are found in the any form of regeneration or healing magic. Because of its
deepest parts of the Underdark. Their spores have unique nature, plants are extremely susceptible to becoming infected
antimagic properties capable of blocking an infected with their spores.
creature's connection to magic. These spores are also strong
enough to generate an antimagic field in a close vicinity Umberspore
around the myconid. This spore cloud provides the myconid Although most myconids occasionally make a yearly trek to
ample protection from the magical, volatile environment often the surface to experience the sun, umber spores absolutely
associated with the deepest reaches of the Underdark. despise the presence of any light, especially sunlight.
However, interestingly enough, the antimagic properties Unlike most creatures which are hindered by the light,
generated by these spores seems to have no bearing on the umberspores enter into a violent frenzy. Although most
myconid's own spellcasting abilities. Scholars believe that umberspores tend to be less aggressive than their other kin,
myconids do not channel magic in the same way that most they are one of the most common fungal perpetrator of
other creature do, as their spores are actually believed to be attacks against humanoids. This is primarily due to the fact
the source of its magic. Essentially, these spores act that humanoids tend to rely on light while traversing the
somewhat like a battery, absorbing nearby arcane energy to Underdark as they stumble across a group of umberspore
power their own spell effects. myconids.
Hostspore Halospore
Of all myconids, the host spore is the most dangerous and Halospores are one of the few myconids that naturally live on
frightening, as they have the ability to take the control of the the surface of the Material Plane. Their spores have the
body and mind of living creatures. The spores of these unique ability to absorb and emit sunlight. As a result, one
myconids tend to have a higher degree of sentience than their can find these myconids basking in sunlight, absorbing its
other kin. Once it infects a creature, it is able to make take energy.
over that creature's body, forging a temporary link between Halospores are also responsible for the myconid
the myconid and its new host. pilgrimages to the surface, as they regularly trek to the
While under the myconid's control, the creature has no Underdark to give their kin a taste of sunlight through their
control over its body and mind ; but is still fully aware of its spores.
actions. For the duration of its effects, the myconid has full Despite their peaceful motives, halospores often find
access to that creature's abilities and thoughts. Thanks to this themselves in conflict with many surface dwelling creature,
symbiotic link, whenever the myconid is harmed, it is able to particularly other plants. As they try to establish a home on
transfer some of its pain to that of its host. the surface, converting nearby forests into fungi gardens, they
often end up in large skirmished with nearby awakened
plants or even druidic circles. Such skirmishes often
deteriorate into large-scale conflicts, as their other myconid
relatives will often rise from the Underdark to aid their sun-
loving kin.
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Host Spore
Mirespore Challenge Rating Increases by 1
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Myconid Sovereign These barrows not only serve as a source of potential host
bodies for itself, it also uses it as a reward for loyalty, as its
Sovereigns are extremely special and highly valued amongst most trusted subjects will be gifted a share of hosts within
the myconid spore minds. Sovereigns are individuals who this barrow as a guaranteed rebirth if it ever falls in battle.
show a special affinity to replicate magical effects using their
spores. Sovereign Tactics
Under most circumstances, myconid mites and walkers are
Sporemind Entitlement not as afraid of dying as most creatures on the Material
Because of their special abilities, they are held with much Plane. Many of them view death as a chance at rebirth as it
regard in myconid society. They not only command assumes a new host. If by some circumstance, it is not able to
considerable authority amongst their kin, they also gain acquire a new form before death, many still take comfort in
priority upon preserving their physical forms. the fact that as aspect of its essence resides in another form
created from a prior assimilation.
Favored Offspring However, this is not entirely the case for sovereigns, as they
Sovereigns also seem to show partial favor towards thralls are paranoid of dying. This is the reason for why they acquire
created by its own spores when it infects a slain creature. and hoard so much organic matter, so they have a guaranteed
Although these walkers do not retain any of the sovereign's chance at rebirth. Unless forced to leave (usually by
magical ability, the sovereign often acts as a guide or tutor for command of an archspore), they rarely leave their seat of
these individuals in hope that they will one day become power within myconid society, sending their minions to do
powerful enough to develop their magical ability. their bidding.
Sovereign Barrows If forced to fight, they are extremely dangerous as they are
Their status also entitles them to entire fungal gardens or always accompanied by 5(2d6) walkers and 7(2d6) mites.
barrows dedicated to them. Since sovereigns regularly have The sovereign will concentrate its most powerful attacks on
the most dangerous opponents from a distance. Meanwhile,
entire legions of walkers and mites under its authority, any the majority of its minions will focus on harrying and
bodies acquired under an assimilation raid are brought to its distracting other opponents while the rest stay back
barrow. protecting the sovereign by weakening them from a distance.
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Myconid Sovereign Spore Burst Upon dropping to 0 hitpoints, creatures
within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 15 Constitution
Template saving throw or take 14(3d8) necrotic damage +
14(3d8) poison damage. On a successful saving throw,
Medium Plant, any alignment
it takes half damage.
Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Fungal Camouflage The myconid sovereign has
Hit Points 85 (10d8+40) advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks it makes in any
Speed 30ft. terrain with ample obscuring fungus. It can use its
bonus action to Hide while these conditions are met.
Spore Cloud Creatures that first enter or starts its turn
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA within 10ft. of the myconid sovereign must succeed a
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
until the end of its next turn. Upon a successful saving
throw, creatures cannot be poisoned in this manner for
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
the next 24 hours.
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
Paralyzed, Poisoned Spore Spawn If a creature poisoned by the sovereign is
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and reduced to 0 hitpoints, it is killed. After 1 hour, that
Slashing damage creatures returns to life as an myconid walker. This
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Psychic, Poison feature does not work against constructs or undead.
Senses blindsight 60ft.
Languages telepathy 120ft. Spellcasting
Proficiency Bonus: +3 The sovereign is a 10th level spellcaster. its
Challenge 7(2900 xp) spellcasting ability is Constitution(spell save DC 15, +7
to hit with spell attacks). The sovereign has the
Spore Soul When the sovereign is in its spore form, it following spells prepared.
can't take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. It
is weightless, has a flying speed of 20ft., can hover, and Cantrips(At Will) Druidcraft, Toll the Dead
enter a hostile creature's space. In addition, if air can 1st Level(4/long rest) Bane, Fog Cloud, Inflict Wounds,
pass through a space, the spore can do so without Sleep
squeezing and it cannot pass through water. It has
advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution 2nd level(3/long rest) Ray of Enfeeblement
saving throws, is immune to all conditions, and is 3rd level(3/long rest) Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch
immune to to bludgeoning, necrotic, piercing, poison,
and slashing damage. 4th level(2/long rest) Blight
5th level(2/long rest) Cloudkill, Contagion, Enervation
Fungal Resurrection When the myconid sovereign drops
to 0 hitpoints, the life-giving spores of the sovereign Actions
escapes from its body instead of falling unconscious
provided it hasn't taken fire damage on its previous Multiattack The myconid sovereign can cast one spell
turn. If it cannot escape, it is destroyed. and make two fungal strikes. It can substitute any
number of fungal strikes for a spore wand.
While in is in its spore form, it has 1 hitpoint, it can't
revert to its physical form and it must be able to infect Fungal Strike Strike Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
a medium corpse within 1 hour or become destroyed. 5ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8+3) bludgeoning damage +
After spending 1 hour assimilating into a new corpse, it 9(2d8) poison damage.
returns as a fully healed myconid sovereign. Spore Wand Once creature within 120ft. of the
Fungal Stride As a bonus action, the myconid sovereign myconid sovereign must succeed a DC 15 Constitution
saving throw or take 9 (2d8) poison damage + 9 (2d8)
can enter a Large or larger fungus and emerge 5ft. from
another Large or larger fungus within 60ft. of its necrotic damage. Upon a successful saving throw,
original location creatures take half damage.
Spore Mind The myconid sovereign can communicate Spore Burst (Recharge 5-6) Creatures in a 20ft. radius of
with another myconid within 240ft. of it. Other a spot within 120ft. of the myconid sovereign that it
creatures with spore mind in this range can sense the can see must succeed a DC 15 Constitution saving
pain of another. throw. On a failed saving throw, it takes 14 (3d8)
poison damage + 14(3d8) necrotic damage At the end
Symbiotic Mind The myconid sovereign has advantage of each of its turns, it can repeat its saving throw to end
on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws, while the effects. Upon a successful saving throw, creatures
within 30ft. of another creature with symbiotic mind. take half damage and are not poisoned
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Myconid Archspore Immortal Hosts
Archspores are the rarest and most powerful of all myconids. Unlike their sovereign counterparts, most archspores no
Archspores originate from sovereign that have lived for longer fear death, as few creatures are capable of challenging
centuries or even millennia. Oftentimes, an entire myconid its power. The primary reason for this is that although
settlement is founded by a single archspore. Just like myconids can prove to be hard to kill without the use of fire,
sovereigns, archspores have colossal barrows dedicated to archspores are especially so due to their ability to transfer
them for when they fall in battle. their life force to another body.
As long as the archspore, it can connect to the Spore Mind,
Myconid Gods it can transfer its essence to the form of a walker or
Archspores are the representation of divine ascension for sovereign if its physical body happens to be destroyed. This
their society. Become an archspore is the ultimate goal of any transfer is fatal to its host, as the archspore cannibalizes the
myconid sovereign. The influence of an archspore is spores of its host, taking the new body as its own.
immense, as hundreds or, in some cases, thousands of Archspore Tactics
myconids have flocked under its banner. Just like sovereigns, archspores prefer not to leave their seat
Interestingly enough, archspores rarely display any form of of power and are always accompanied by an entourage of
rivalry or violence between one another. Instead, they myconid behemoths, walkers, and sovereigns. Those who
combine their powers to commanding their subjects to seek to fight an archspore must manage to fight or sneak
spread their fungal civilization. Such alliances are nearly their way into the heart of myconid settlements.
always followed by a Sporetide wherein they sweep through However, to fully defeat it, one must separate it far enough
the Underdark or even travel to the surface world, from the spore mind, as it will simply transfer its essence to a
assimilating anything in its path. Thankfully, such incursions new form. Once this happens, it will either escape using its
are rare and were only hindered by massive druidic coalitions new form to blend in among its subjects, or it returns with
or the opposing tide of nature from sentient plants. reinforcements.
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Myconid Archspore Upon using this feature, the archspore can cast a spell
of 5th level or lower.
Large Plant, any alignment
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Multiattack The myconid archspore can make one spell
Hit Points 230 (20d10+120)
or Spore Burst(if available) and two fungal strikes. It can
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb
substitute any number of fungal strikes for a spore
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Fungal Strike Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, 5ft., one
17 (+3) 13 (+1) 23 (+6) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) 22 (+6) target. Hit: 17 (3d8+3) bludgeoning damage + 14(3d8)
poison damage.
Saving Throws Con +12, Int +12, Wis +12 Spore Wand Once creature within 120ft. of the
Skills Perception +12, Nature +18, Stealth +7, myconid archspore must succeed a DC 20 Constitution
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, saving throw or take 14 (3d8) poison damage + 14
Paralyzed, Poisoned (3d8) necrotic damage. Upon a successful saving
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing throw, creatures take half damage.
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Psychic, Poison
Spore Burst (Recharge 5-6) All creatures with a 30ft
Senses blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 22
radius around a spot within 120ft. of the archspore that
Languages telepathy 120ft.
it can see must succeed a DC 20 Constitution saving
Proficiency Bonus: +6
throw. On a failed saving throw, it takes 27 (6d8)
Challenge 21(33000 xp)
poison damage + 27 (6d8) necrotic damage and
becomes poisoned for one minute. At the end of each
Spore Soul When the archspore is in its spore form, it of its turns, it can repeat its saving throw to end the
can't take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. It effects. Upon a successful saving throw, creatures take
is weightless, has a flying speed of 20ft., can hover, and half damage and are not poisoned
enter a hostile creature's space. In addition, if air can
pass through a space, the spore can do so without Sovereign Resurrection (1/long rest) If the archspore is
squeezing and it cannot pass through water. It has hit by an attack that would reduce it to 0 hitpoints, it
advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution can choose to not take damage as it transfers its
saving throws, is immune to all conditions, and is essence to another myconid walker or sovereign within
immune to to bludgeoning, necrotic, piercing, poison, 60ft. of it. Upon using this feature, the archspores
and slashing damage. original body as well as the myconid host dies and the
archspore takes over the new body retaining its original
Fungal Resurrection When the myconid sovereign drops statistics except that its current hitponts is equal to
to 0 hitpoints, the life-giving spores of the sovereign that of its new body. Using this feature does not
escapes from its body instead of falling unconscious recover any expended spells or legendary resistances.
provided it hasn't taken fire damage on its previous
turn. If it cannot escape, it is destroyed. While in is in Bonus ACtions
its spore form, it has 1 hitpoint, it can't revert to its
Fungal Stride As a bonus action, the archspore can enter
physical form and it must be able to infect a Large a Huge or larger fungus and emerge 5ft. from another
corpse within 1 hour or become destroyed. After Huge or larger fungus within 60ft. of its original
spending 1 hour assimilating into a new corpse, it
returns as a fully healed myconid sovereign.
Spore Mind The archspore can communicate with Create walker The archspore can cause one corpse it
another creature with sporemind within 240ft. of it. can see within 30ft. of it to turn into a Myconid walker.
Other creatures with spore mind in this range can This walker acts on initiative count 20 losing an ties.
sense the pain of another.
Legendary Actions (3/turn)
Fungal Camouflage The archspore has advantage on
Fungal Merge(1 action) The archspore can use its Fungal
Dexterity (Stealth) checks it makes in any terrain with
ample obscuring fungus. It can use its bonus action to
Hide while these conditions are met. Create walker(1 action) The archspore can use its create
Spore Spawn If a creature poisoned by the archspore is walker feature
reduced to 0 hitpoints, it is killed. After 1 hour, that Spore Plume(2 action) The archspore can force one
creatures returns to life as an myconid walker. This creature it can see to make a DC 20 Constitution
feature does not work against constructs or undead. saving throw. On a failed saving throw, that creature is
Spore Cloud Creatures that first enter or starts its turn poisoned until the end of its next turn.
within 20ft. of the myconid archspore must succeed a Rapid Recovery (3 action) The archspore can end one
ThisDC 20 Constitution
is unofficial saving
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permitted or become
the Fan poisoned
Content Policy. Not condition
or spell by Wizards.
effect of itsPortions
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until the end of its next turn.are property
Upon of Wizardssaving
a successful of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
throw, creatures cannot be poisoned in this manner for Cast Spell(2 actions) The archspore can cast a spell of
the next 24 hours. 5th level or lower.
Legendary Resistances (3/day) Upon failing a saving 16
throw, the archspore can choose to succeed.
Frostspore Variant Spells
Archspore Spell Template
Spellcasting The frostpore variant has the following additional
The archspore is a 20th level spellcaster. its spells
spellcasting ability is Constitution(spell save DC 20,
+12 to hit with spell attacks). The archspore has the Cantrips(At Will) Ray of Frost, Frostibte
following spells prepared.
1st Level(4/long rest) Frost Fingers
Cantrips(At Will) Druidcraft, Toll the Dead 3rd level(3/long rest) Slow
1st Level(4/long rest) Bane, Fog Cloud, Inflict 5th level(2/long rest) Cone of Cold
Wounds, Sleep
2nd level(3/long rest) Ray of Enfeeblement
3rd level(3/long rest) Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch
4th level(2/long rest) Blight
5th level(2/long rest) Cloudkill, Contagion, Spellspore Variant Spells
6th level(2/long rest) Circle of Death, Eyebite, Harm The spellpore variant has the following additional
7th level(1/long rest) Tether Essence, Power Word spells
Pain At will Detect Magic
8th level(1/long rest) Abi-dalzim's Horrid Wilting, 3rd level(3/long rest) Counterspell, Dispel Magic
8th level(1/long rest) Antimagic Field
9th level(1/long rest) Time Ravage
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Treants Nature's Zeal
The largest and most powerful of all sapient plants are However, some have proven to be more zealous in their
treants. Despite their similar appearance and physiology, they resolve to nature. These treants have led vengeful campaigns
are much different from their other kin. Whereas most against those that threaten their forest homes. These treants
spriggans and woads are essentially evolved awakened wield the power of the forest with brutal efficiency, burying
plants, treants are far more ancient and are probably closer entire towns under an unstoppable tide of root and vines.
to an aspect of nature itself rather than a single entity. Others act as warlords that believe that they are the very
will of nature and seek to expand their forest realms,
Soul of the Forest recruiting or even conquering treants of other forest realms.
One of the defining characteristics of a treant is its innate Such crusades often threaten the balance of nature, as their
connection to the forest. It is believed its life force is actually goals are to topple civilization or to cleanse the world of the
tied to that of the forest. This connection grants it the ability myconid threat.
to project its essence into surrounding trees, allowing it to Treant Tactics
assume the form and consciousness. Although most treants Fighting a treant in its forest home, is a terrible idea, even for
maintain this connection with the forest of their birth; some the most experienced of adventurers. Not only must one
embark on expeditions to find a new forest to call its homes. contend with its immense size, strength, and ability to
Such journeys are often viewed as an opportunity of self- animate the surrounding forest, treants have numerous allies
discovery as it learns its purpose in the world. to come to its aid, whether it be awakened plants or even
Forest Shepherds druidic humanoids. However, what makes them extremely
These titans are commonly known as tree shepherds, as they dangerous is their ability to project their essence to
are known to be stalwart guardians of their forests realms. surrounding trees, giving them similar forms to itself, quickly
Although a particular forest may be protected by one or turning a battle into the treant's favor.
treants, the largest of forests have been known to protected Because the treant acquires the majority of its power in its
by entire conclaves or orders of treants. There is very little forest home, it rarely travels beyond its forest home. To make
that goes on in a forest that at least one treant is not aware of. up for this disadvantage, a vengeful treant that ventures
beyond its forest home is often accompanied by a troop of
Druidic Patrons awakened plants such as woads, spriggans, druids, or even
A treant is extremely devoted to its forest realm and will do other treants.
anything for its subjects, for better or worse. Many druidic
conclave work with, or in some cases were founded by, by
treants. These powerful entities teach humanoids how to tap
into and communicate with the will of nature around them.
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Treant Sapling Template Regeneration The treant regains 10 hitpoints at the start
of its turn as long as has 1 hitpoint and it has not taken
Large Plant, varies
fire or necrotic damage on its previous turn. If it starts
its turn in sunlight, it regains 20 hitpoints.
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 63(6d10+30) Magical Attacks The treant's attacks count as magical
Speed 30ft. for the purpose of overcoming resistances and
Treant Template Primary DC The Primary DC for a treant is 22
Huge Plant, varies Melee DC The Melee DC for a shrub is 20
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Tree Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, 15ft., one
target. Hit 25 (3d12+6) bludgeoning damage. If the
23 (+6) 8 (-1) 26 (+8) 17 (+3) 21 (+5) 17 (+3) target is a creature, it must succeed a DC 18 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.
Saving Throws Str+12. Con +14
Boulder. Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
Skills Athletics +12, Stealth +11, Nature +9, Perception
120/480ft., one target. Hit 45 (6d12+6) bludgeoning
damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed a DC
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and is
Damage Immunities psychic
restrained. It must use its action to escape from being
Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhausted,
paralyzed, stunned
Senses tremorsense 60ft, blindsight 60ft., passive Grasping Tendrils Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit,
Perception 21 30ft., one target. Hit 21 (3d6+6) bludgeoning damage.
Languages Common, Druidic If the target is a creature, it is grappled and
Proficiency Bonus +6 restrained(escape DC 20).
Challenge 20 (25000 xp)
Legendary Actions (3/turn)
False Appearance While motionless, the treant is Binding Roots (1 Action) A creature within 60ft. of the
indistinguishable from a normal tree treant must succeed a DC 20 Strength saving throw or
become restrained. Restrained creatures must use its
Siege Monster The treant deals double damage to action to escape the root. The root can also be
buildings and objects
attacked. It possesses 20 hitpoints and has an AC of
Rooted Defense The treant has advantage on saving 19. It shares the same resistances as the treant but is
throws against being knocked prone or pushed. immune to all conditions. Upon dropping to 0
hitpoints, the root is destroyed but does not deal any
Flammable Whenever the treant takes fire damage, it
damage to treant itself.
catches aflame. While aflame, it takes 5 (1d8) fire
damage at the start of each of its turns for one minute. Fling(2 Actions) One Large or smaller object or creature
It must use its action to put out the flames. However, grappled by the treant is thrown up to 60ft in a
while in this state, its attacks deal an additional 5 (1d8) direction of its choice and knocked prone. If a throw
fire damage for the duration. target strikes a solid surface, the target takes 1d6
Regeneration The treant regains 20 hitpoints at the start bludgeoning damage for every 10ft. thrown. If the
of its turn as long as has 1 hitpoint and it has not taken target is thrown at a creature, that creature must
fire or necrotic damage on its previous turn. If it starts succeed a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take the
its turn in sunlight, it regains 30 hitpoints. same damage and be knocked prone.
Legendary Resistances(3/day) Upon failing a saving Leaf Storm( 2 actions) Creatures within 15ft. of the
throw, the treant can choose to succeed. Upon using treant are enveloped in a cloud of swirling leaves.
this feature, the treant can regain 30 hitpoints. Creatures that first enter or starts its turn in this space
takes 10 (4d4) slashing damage and are considered
Magical Attacks The treant's attacks count as magical blinded until the end of that creatures next turn.
for the purpose of overcoming resistances and
immunities. Resilience (3 actions) The treant can choose to end one
status condition or spell effect on itself.
Special Effects
Some treant variants that rely on a saving throw for its
Primary DC or Melee DC
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The treant can use its lair actions as long as it is within
Mythic Actions the forest of its birth or the forest that it claims as its
Soul of the Forest(1/day) When the treant starts its turn domain.
below half its hitpoint maximum, it body begins to Tangled Vines Grasping roots and vines erupts in a
glow a luminous green as it transfers its essence to two 20ft. radius centered on a point on the ground that
nearby trees that are not awakened. the treant can see within 120ft. of it. Creatures of the
Each of these tree transform into similar likenesses of treant's choice within the are must treat the area
the treant using its statistics except that its hitpoint difficult terrain and each creature must succeed a DC
maximum is equal to half the treant's maximum 20 Strength saving throw or become restrained by
hitpoints. These new forms act on their own initiative. the roots and vines. The vines wilt away when the
treant dies or uses another lair action
The treant cannot truly die as long as one of these trees Briar Patch The treant creates a briar patch appears in
has at least 1 hitpoint. These surviving trees remain a 60ft. cube centered on a point on the ground that
animated in this manner for up to 1 day or until it dies. the treant can see within 120ft. of it. When it
The treant assumes its original form if possible but will appears, creatures of the treant's choice that starts
inhabit the body of one of its additional forms if its its turn in this area must succeed a DC 20 Dexterity
original body is destroyed. saving throw or take 14 (4d4) piercing damage and
While its Mythic trait is active, the treant recovers all of is pushed 5ft. out of its space.
its legendary resistances and legendary actions and are Each time a creatures of the treant's choice starts its
shared between all of its forms. The treant can also turn or first enters within this area, it must succeed a
benefit from these new features DC 19 Dexterity or take 10(4d4) piercing damage. On
Linked Essence While within 30ft. of at least one of its a successful saving throw, the creature takes half
forms, the treant has advantage on attack rolls and damage.
saving throws.
For every 10ft. a creature willingly moves through this
Reactions space, it must make the repeat this saving throw taking
full damage on a failed saving throw and half on a
Life Tether(1 legendary action) The next damage roll success.
against the treant takes can be split between it and one
of its other forms as long as it is within 30ft. of the These briars sink back into the ground when the treant
treant. dies or when it uses another lair action
One can often detect the presence of an amberwood treant
Amberwood long before they see it due to an extremely sweet aroma
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 originating from it. This aroma is generated by viscous sap
Damage Immunities Acid that oozes from the treant's body. Despite its sweet scent,
large amounts of the sap can prove to be extremely acidic,
Sticky Sap Creatures that touch the tree takes 9 capable of corroding the skin of most creatures.
(2d8) acid damage and become grappled and
restrained to the treant (escape DC 22).
Amber Traders
Despite these detrimental effects, this does not stop traders
Adhesive Creatures have disadvantage on ability and revelers from making deals with the treant to acquire
checks and saving throws to escape the treant's this sap to make exotic ales, desserts, and even drugs. It also
grapple has been manufactured for utilitarian purposes such as glues
Flammable Sap If the treant is set aflame, creatures and even as means of capturing individuals. Their raw sap is
grappled to the tree are set aflame as well. also quite valuable in its crystallized form, as it is believed to
have medicinal as well as even slight arcane properties.
Crystallized Trophies
Amber Toss(Replaces Boulder) The treant's boulder
attack deals acid damage instead. Creatures hit by
Unfortunately, some are not content with the quantities of
the boulder must succeed a Strength saving throw
amber sold by the treants and attempt to hunt them to
equal to the treant's Primary DC. On a failed saving
harvest the sap. However, such hunts tend to go awry as
throw, the target is encased in a globule of amber.
many underestimate the power of a treant leading to an
untimely death. Such treants proudly store or even wear the
Encased creatures are considered restrained, cannot corpses of their assailants encased in an amber tomb.
breathe or speak, and have total cover inside the
amber. The amber capsule has 20 hitpoints, an AC Multiple Professions
of 15 , resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and Due to the demand of their natural commodities, many
slashing damage, and is immune to acid, poison, treants use this demand as a means to embark on other
psychic damage as well as all conditions. economic ventures. Some amberwoods are nomadic
While encased, creatures take 9(2d8) acid damage merchants traveling to neighboring cities bordering their
at the start of each of its turns. Creatures reduced to forest realm, while others act as smiths crafting specialty
0 hitpoints in this manner are killed and are turned armors, tools, and weapons made of crystallized amber.
to solid amber. There is even one account, where an amberwood treant was
a very successful bounty hunter, storing their quarry in amber
Bonus Actions capsules that it stored on its form.
Amber Encapsulation One creature grappled and
restrained by the treant must succeed a Strength
saving throw equal the treant's Primary DC or
become encapsulated in capsule of amber located
on the treant's body.
Refer to amber toss to determine the effects of Amber
Legendary Action
Amber Collection (1 actions) The treant can attach an
encapsulated creature to its body.
Amber Petrification(3 actions) One creature within
30ft. that the treant can see must succeed a DC 22
Strength saving throw or become encapsulated in
capsule of amber.
Refer to amber toss to determine the effects of Amber
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At first glance, ashwood treants are nearly indistinguishable
Ashwood from other species of treants. The only trait that sets them
apart, is that their bark tends to have a somewhat darker or
Ash Fumes Whenever the treant takes fire damage, it slightly ashy appearance.
takes no damage (however, the treant is still set
aflame). Instead emits a noxious cloud in a 30ft. Ashwood Body
radius around it 30ft. around that lasts until the end The coloration alludes to the strange fireproof properties of
of the treant's next turn. the treant's body. When exposed to flame, the treant emits a
noxious cloud similar to that of ash. This ash cloud is
Creatures that are not a plant that first enters or extremely toxic to most creatures, making it impossible for to
starts its turn within this cloud are considered see or breathe.
blinded, has its vision obscured, and must succeed This ability is extremely dangerous because the smallest
Constitution saving throw equal to the treant's flame is capable of triggering this effect. To make matters
Primary DC. On a failed saving throw, that creature worse, despite its innate immunity to damage by fire, the
becomes poisoned until the end of its next turn fumes given off by this wood are extremely flammable. As a
Creatures poisoned in this manner cannot breathe, result, the treant's form will still be ablaze. However, this
speak, or take an actions or reactions as it spend its blaze seems to have no effect upon the treant.
turn choking on the fumes.
Blazing Fury
Blazing Fury Whenever the treant takes fire damage,
it gains resistance to all damage and can make an
Although most treants despise fire, the presence of fire sends
additional tree club or grasping tendril attack as part
the ashwood into a terrible frenzy. Although fire is the often
of its action until the end of its next turn. one of the best counters when fighting a treant, using fire
against an ashwood treant often spells certain doom. When
Pyrosynthesis(Replaces Photosynthesis) The treant hit with fire, the treant transforms into a terrible avatar of
regains 20 hitpoints at the start of its turn. If it takes vengeance cloaked in a shroud of flame and ash.
necrotic damage, this trait doesn't function at the Unfortunately, it only takes the smallest of flames to send
start of the treant's next turn. If the treant starts its
turn 0 hitpoints, it doesn't regenerate. If it starts its
the treant into this fury.
turn in sunlight or takes fire damage on its previous Wildfire Warden
turn, it regains 30 hitpoints at the start of each of its
next turn.
One of the most tragic things to treant are wildfires that
destroy entire swathes of forests, their forest home. This is
Torchwood Upon taking fire damage, the treant especially the case for ashwood treants. Many ashwoods view
gives off a bright light in a 20ft. radius and dim light themselves as the wardens of these graveyards. They dutifully
and additional 20ft until the end of its next turn. watch over these regions, ensuring that life can one day
abundantly return.
Ash Fumes(Torchwood Form only: Recharge 5-6) The Mysterious Origins
ashwood treants unleashed a blast of cinders and Because of their connection to such catastrophes, many
smoke upon its foes. Creatures in a 120ft. cone believe that ashwood treants are formed when a treant
originating from the treant must succeed a survives a wildfire that destroyed its forest. Other scholars
Constitution saving throw with a DC equal the theorized that ashwood treants are simply an adaptation that
treant's Primary DC. treants have undergone to resist the common threat to their
home, especially considering incursion from the elemental
On a failed saving throw, creatures a number of d8s
equal to the treant's proficiency bonus as both fire
plane of fire.
damage and poison damage. That creature is also
considered poisoned until the end of its next turn.
Creatures poisoned in this manner cannot breathe,
speak, and is considered to be incapacitated as it
spends its turn choking on the fumes.
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All throughout recorded history, there have been numerous
Blightwood accounts of the seemingly eternal struggle between sentient
Condition Immunities Poisoned plants and fungi, as both sides attempt to overwhelm and
Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic assimilate the other. Forever, an unfortunate side effect of this
conflict was the creation of the blighted, a twisted form of
Blighted Hunger Whenever the treant takes the plants formed by an errant mutation to resist the assimilating
Attack action against a plant, beast, or humanoid, it spores of fungi.
can make an additional bite attack as part its action This mutation leaves its victim with a twisted, insatiable
hunger to consume both plants and fungi alike. Although this
Blight Sense The treant knows the general location mutation takes different forms depending on the plant, it is
of any beast, humanoid, or plant within 1 mile of it. most to pronounce in the blightwood treant. This mutation
Witherblight Creatures hit by the treant's attacks has twisted and warped its mind as it constantly must sate its
must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to appetite.
the treant's primary DC. On a failed saving throw,
that creature becomes blighted for one minute . Insatiable Hunger
Whenever blighted creatures takes damage it takes However, this hunger however has driven this consumes any
an additional 1d8 necrotic damage. It also cannot creature outside of just plants and fungi. The treant's
regain hitpoints for the duration of the effect. connection to nature gives it the ability to pinpoint the
location of any living creature within one mile of it, allowing it
Actions to hunt with little difficulty. Although the treant seems to
Multiattack The treant can substitute one tree club devour its prey whole, it is believed that what it truly values is
attack for a bite attack. the blood of the creature. Upon each victim it devours, it is
able to siphon the life force of its prey to gives it renewed
Bite.(Replaces Tree Club) Upon a hit, if the target is a vitality.
one size smaller than the treant, that creature is
swallowed. Twisted Maw
Swallowed creatures are blinded, restrained, cannot This drive has caused the treant to take a form much
breathe or speak, and has total cover against attacks different from its other kin as it develops a terrible,
and other effects outside the treant. At the start of consuming maw of jagged thorns and bark. It devours
each of the treant's turns, swallowed creatures takes creatures whole, shredding it within its twisted body.
piercing damage equal to a number of d6s equal to
the treant's proficiency bonus. Devious Cunning
Do not let their eternal need to consume fool you for a lack of
If the treant takes damage from a creature inside of intelligence. Of all sentient plants, treants tend to be the most
it, the creature can force the treant to make a
Constitution saving throw (minimum of 10). On a
intelligent and calculated, and this definitely the case for the
failed saving throw, all swallowed creatures can
blightwood. Knowing that both myconids and other sentient
climb its way out of the treant and fall prone in a
plants have been known to band together to fight them, the
space within 5ft. of the treant.
blightwood treants have been known to forge alliance with
factions in opposition to these entities. In fact, blightwoods
If the treant dies, a swallowed creature is no longer have even come to the aid of settlements besieged by a
restrained by it and can exit from the corpse by vengeful treant.
using 20ft. of movement. Many times, blightwoods often offer their services in times
Reactions of war to a faction that they deem would be advantageous.
Such a conflict frequently provides an ample supply of food
Devour The treant can make a bite attack against a as well as serves a means to gauge potential means. If the
creature has 0 hitpoints within its reach opportunity presents itself, the blightwoods will not hesitate
Legendary Action to turn on their allies to consume them. However, such
actions tend to be extremely calculated, for blightwoods
Bite(3 actions) The treant can make a bite attack prefer not to make more enemies than it can handle.
against a creature within range
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Cactus Treants
Unlike most of other kinds of treants, Cactus treants are not
Cactus specifically bound to a particular forest due to the biomes in
Damage Resistance Fire which they are typically found, such as deserts and
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 wastelands. Instead, cactus treants instead choose to forge
this connection with any plant they happen to come across in
Endurance When the treant is forced to make a their bleak domains.
Constitution saving throw against an effect that
deals damage, it takes half damage on a failed saving
Nomadic Protectors
throw and none of a success. In general, cactus treants tend to be quite nomadic, often
traveling hundreds of miles within a matter of weeks. Despite
Flameproof The treant is immune to being set their intimidating and thorny appearance, they are arguably
aflame. one of the friendliest kinds of treants often aiding stranded
Sand Treader The treant can travel across non- and lost travelers leading them to sanctuary. They even have
magical difficult terrain caused by sand or rocky been known to nurse stranded individuals back to health in
terrain without expending additional movement. the oases that they protect. In fact, some oasis communities
are actually led by the local cactus treant that resides there.
Thorny Blows Each of the treant's attacks, deal an
additional damage die as piercing damage. Desert Shepherds
Thorny Body Creatures that grapple or hit the treant These treants are extremely protective of any plants or
with a melee attack while within 5ft. of it takes 5 animals that manage to survive in the harsh desert climates.
(2d4) piercing damage. It is not uncommon for one to find cactus treants traveling
with an entourage of various animals or awakened plants.
Actions However, despite their friendly demeanor, they are terrifying
Needle Spray Creatures in a 20ft. radius around the opponents to those who seek to do harm to their charges or
treant must succeed a Dexterity saving throw to the their oasis sanctuaries.
treant's Primary DC. On a failed saving throw,
creatures in range take piercing damage equal to a Kelp Treants
number of d8s equal to twice the treant's
proficiency bonus. On a successful saving throw,
Kelp treants are the aquatic wardens of the magnificent kelp
creatures take half damage.
and coral gardens and forests that line the ocean floor. These
treants come in a variety of form resembling towering colossi
made of ribbon-like kelp while others resemble walking coral
Defenders of the Waves
Kelpwood Just like their terrestrial kin, these treants possess a special
connection with their underwater forests and seek to protect
Damage Resistance Acid it from those that would seek to harm it. In general, these
Movement Speed 30ft. swim treants tend to be somewhat suspicious of surface dwellers
and can be quite territorial. In fact, they have been known to
Aquatic Regeneration (Replaces Regeneration) The sink vessels that intrude upon their lands. Many scholars
treant regains 20 hitpoints at the start of its turn. If believe that many accounts of shipwrecks are not because of
it takes fire or necrotic damage, this trait doesn't an accidental collision with a reef, but was the doing of one of
function at the start of the treant's next turn. The these treant's instead.
treant starts its turn within 0 hitpoints and doesn't
regenerate. If it starts its turn in sunlight or Underwater Rulers
underwater, it regains 30 hitpoints at the start of In some cases, kelp treants have forged a close bond with
each of its turns. many aquatic races such as merfolk, sahuagin, and other
Amphibious When the treant can breathe in air and
aquatic races, allowing them to build powerful communities
in water
and nations that extend across entire coastlines. Coastal
settlements must be sure to maintain peaceful relations with
Underwater Camouflage While underwater, the treant such entities, unless these treants unleash the wrath of their
can use its bonus action to Hide while only lightly underwater forests upon their enemies.
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Cinderwood treants are created from prolonged exposure to
Cinderwood the elemental plane of fire. The exposure to the raw
elemental magic from this realm begins to warp the mind of
Immunities Fire treant.
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
Elemental Acclimation
Heated Body Creatures that grapple or hit the treant Cinderwood treants often consume their home flame in
with a melee attack while within 5ft. of it takes 5 elemental flame, transforming it into an environment closer
(1d8) fire damage. to that of the elemental plane of fire. These actions are not
simple mindless destruction, for from these flames grows
Inner Fire The treant cannot benefit from special flora native to the Plane of Fire.
photosynthesis if it takes cold damage on its
previous turn. Additional, whenever its fire damage Elemental Alliance
is halved until the end of its next turn. As the cinderwood treant spreads its fires of change,
Illumination The treant gives off bright light in a elemental entities are often drawn to such regions, as it
30ft. radius and dim light an additional 30ft. reminds them of their home on the Material Plane. Because
Flame Touched The treant deals an additional 5(1d8) of their ability to create biomes suitable to that of the Plane of
fire damage on each of its weapon attacks. Fire, many elementals align themselves with the agenda's of
cinderwood treants.
Blazing Demise the treant is reduced to 0 hitpoints
while its torchwood feature is still active, creatures Druidic Scourge
within a 30ft. radius of the tree must succeed a Because of their elemental corruption, cinderwood treants
Dexterity saving throw equal to treant's Primary DC are frequently at odds when many druidic conclaves. As a
or take fire damage equal to a number of d8s equal result, many druid circles have dedicated their orders to push
to the treant's proficiency bonus. On a successful back against the influence of cinderwood treants. Conversely,
saving throw, creature take half damage. these treants have launched blazing campaigns against these
Burning Presence Creatures that first enter or starts druids to annihilate their enemies with all-consuming fire.
its turn within 30ft. of the treant takes 5(1d8) fire
damage at the start of each of its turns. Elemental Sanctuary
However, this is not the case for all cinderwood treants, as
Legendary Actions some have chosen to embrace their purpose providing
Cinderblaze(2 actions) Creatures within a 20ft. radius sanctuary for rampant elementals stranded on the Material
around a spot within 60ft. that the treant can see Plane. These treants regularly search out for rogue
must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to elementals and provide them safety in their blazing forests
the treant's Primary DC. On a failed saving throw, while searching for a way to return to the Elemental Plane of
that creature is setaflame for one minute. Ablaze Fire.
creatures take 5(1d8) fire damage at the start of Recognizing their ultimate goal, some humanoids have
each of its turns and can use its action to get rid of aligned themselves with these treants aiding them in their
the flames. quest to keeping elementals in check and returning them to
the Plane of Fire. Such alliances have resulted in various
druid circles such as the Circle of Wildfire.
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Shadowgleam Treants
Although most plants share a special connection to the sun,
Shadowgleam shadowgleam treants display a special affinity and appreciate
for both day and night.
Umbrasynthesis (Replaces Photosynthesis) The treant
regains 20 hitpoints at the start of its turn. If it takes Dual Forms
fire or necrotic damage, this trait doesn't function at Shadowgleam treants have the unique ability to transition
the start of the treant's next turn. The treant starts their form depending on the presence of light or darkness.
its turn within 0 hitpoints and doesn't regenerate. If This duality provides numerous benefits, such as the ability
it starts its turn in sunlight or darkness, it regains 30
hitpoints at the start of each of its turns.
to benefit from photosynthesis regardless of the time of day.
Sun Shift When the treant starts its turn in bright Sunwood Form
light or daylight, it transforms into its Sunwood In the presence of light, the treant's body begins to acquire a
form golden hue while its leaves begin to turn a bright orange,
gold, red, or pink. While in this form, it is able to absorb any
Night Shift When the treant starts its turn in bright form of radiant energy emitting it like a beacon of sunlight.
light or daylight, it transforms into its Nightwood While in this form, it is capable to redirect radiant magic to
form further empower its attacks. It is also capable of channeling
Radiant Empowerment(Sunwood Only) When the this energy into a ray of blinding brilliance.
treant takes radiant damage, it takes no damage as
its body begin to radiate this excess radiant energy. Nightwood Form
Until the end of its next turn, each of its attacks deal The treant's nightwood form acts as a siphon, draining all
an additional 9(2d8) radiant damage. light from its surroundings into its form. When targeted with
Radiant Absorption(Nightwood Only) When the concentrated bursts of radiant energy, the treant is able to
treant takes radiant damage, it takes no damage absorb this magic to mend some of its wounds. Its body is
absorbing it into its form. Instead it regains a also capable of draining its surrounding of any form of light
number of hitpoints equal to the amount of damage energy, leaving a vacuous void of darkness in its wake.
it would have taken
Floran Icon
Actions Thanks to their attunement to light and darkness, they are
Solar Beam(Sunwood Form only: Recharge 5-6)
both idolized and feared by their floral counterparts.
Creatures within a 10ft. wide and 120ft. long line Shadowgleam treants are prone to bring together all kinds of
must succeed a Constitution saving throw with its sentient plants under one banner, regardless of their kind or
Primary DC. On a failed saving throw, creatures take any pre-existing rivalries.
radiant damage equal to twice the the treant's
proficiency bonus and are blinded until the end of Luminous Devotion
its next turn. Their devotion to light and darkness makes shadowgleam
treants more prone to be avid followers of many divine
Shadow Beam(Nightwoood Form only: Recharge 5-6) entities, particularly those whose domain tends to reside
Creatures within a 10ft. wide and 120ft. long line around light and darkness. This devotion can result in
must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to extreme zealotry amongst the treant and its followers as it
the treant's Primary DC. On a failed saving throw, seeks to bring itself and its subjects closer to divine
creatures takes necrotic damage equal to twice the ascension.
the treant's proficiency bonus. The affected area
become obscured in magical darkness until the end
of the treant's next turn.
Legendary Actions
Sun Glade (Sunwood only: 3 actions) The treant
create a radiant of beam of sunlight in a 30ft. wide
and 60ft. tall column around a spot that it can see
within 60ft. Creatures that first enters or starts its
turn within this area must succeed Constitution
saving throw equal to the treant's Primary DC or
become blinded until the end of its next turn.
Shade Grotto (Nightwood only: 3 actions) The treant
create shadowy mist in a in a 60ft. cube around a
spot that it can see within 60ft. This area counts a
magical darkness for creatures. This effect lasts until
the end of the treant's next turn.
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Leshens are the most powerful and possibly the most ancient
Leshen of all treants. Although most treants are fundamentally linked
Challenge Rating Increases by 2 to the surrounding forest, their bond pales in comparison to
that of the leshen treant. Leshens are able to command
powerful druidic magics and are even able to call upon the
aid of any beasts that live within their realm.
The treant is a 12th level spellcaster. its spellcasting
ability is Wisdom(spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with Druidic Guardians
spell attacks). The treant has the following spells It is believed by some scholars that leshens were the first
prepared. practitioners of certain forms of druidic magics, as they have
Cantrips(At Will) Druidcraft, Mold Earth, Commune developed a deep bond with both animals and plants of their
with Nature, Speak with Plants respective realms. Despite their large size, leshens are
known to be quite elusive, as they are capable of assuming
1st Level(4/long rest) Cure Wounds, Entangle, Find the form of a beast.
Familiar, Hail of Thorns
2nd level(3/long rest) Flock of Familiars, Spike Forest Shepherds
Growth, Lesser Restoration, Locate Animals and The influence of a leshen as their realm often contains larger
Plants, Summon Beast, Web populations of awakened plants and animals within its
3rd level(3/long rest) Plant Growth, Conjure Animals domain. These creatures serve as the eyes and ears of the
leshen's realms as well as protects the region from any
4th level(2/long rest) Dominate Beast, Grasping Vine, trespassers or assailants.
Guardian of Nature, Hallucinatory Terrain,
Polymorph Druidic Mastery
5th level(2/long rest) Awaken, Greater Restoration, Because of their innate connection to natural magics, they
Mass Cure Wounds, Wrath of Nature often advise or even serve as patrons for entire druid circles.
It is believed that the most powerful of leshens actually are a
6th level(2/long rest) Wall of Thorns part of a group that spans across the Material plane through
Actions multiple druid conclave to preserve the balance of nature.
Multiattack The treant can cast a spell and can make Treant Sages
two tree club attacks. It can substitute any one of its Because of their heightened attunement to nature, leshens
club attacks for a vine strike. frequently act as advisors to other treants, especially younger
Alternatively, it can cast a spell and make a boulder
treants that have ventured out on their own to search for a
forest to call their own. Some train up other treants to take
their place in their forest homes so that they embark on a
Legendary Actions quest to lead other treants.
Spell (3 actions) The treant can cast a spell of its
Although many leshens are born with their natural
abilities, treants are believed to be able to ascend into a
leshen when their connection with nature becomes strong
Mythic Traits enough.
Linked Casting When it enter its Soul of the Forest
State, each form shares the same pool of spell slots
but each can independently concentrate on three
spells as a time. The treant does not recover any
expended spell slots from entering into this state.
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Rimewoods are the most reclusive of all treants preferring to
Rimewood stay deep within their frozen grottoes. Unlike their other kin,
Immunities Cold rimewoods will rarely ever travel beyond their frozen grotto.
Challenge Rating Increases by 1 Instead, young treants stay will stay in the forest of their birth,
as largest forests in many polar regions tend to be quite rare.
Rimewood Whenever the treant takes fire damage, it
does not catch aflame. Until the end of its next turn,
Expansive Hinterland
it becomes shrouded in a mist that obscures sight Because these arctic forests are maintained by multiple
within a 30ft. radius around the treant until the end rimewood treants, what once was a small grove of tree within
of its next turn. a frozen wilderness can transform into a frozen and tangled
wilds. Such forests are sanctuaries for other awakened plants
For the duration of this effect, any fire damage that reside in such frozen regions. Much like their other kin,
within this area is halved by the cloud of mist they are very untrustworthy of humanoids that enter within
Ice Walk The treant can move across and climb icy their forests, and they must perform extensive acts of trust to
surfaces without needing to make an ability check. gain refuge from them.
Additionally, difficult terrain composed of ice or Despite their suspicion of humanoids, they have been
snow doesn't cost it extra movement. known to form alliances with yetis and other wintry denizens,
providing sanctuary and protection for one another. They
Cold Aura Creatures that first enter or starts its turn
within 30ft. of the treant takes 5(1d8) cold damage
have even been known to forge alliances with white dragons,
at the start of each of its turns.
as their frozen sanctuaries attracts ample prey for the dragon
and the dragon's presence seems to dissuade humanoids.
Rime Touched The treant deals an additional 5(1d8)
cold damage on each of its weapon attacks. Draconic Alliance
An essential component to such a surprising relationship is
Legendary Actions probably due to the fact of their mutually beneficial goals.
Strength Sap(3 actions) Creatures within 30ft. of the The treants and its allies would rarely fear the dragon's
treant must succeed a Constitution saving throw wrath, as they would hardly satisfy the dragon's appetite. In
equal to the treant's Primary DC. fact, the presence of such a dragon is often welcomed, for it
would typically would discourage any humanoid presence.
On a failed saving throw, creatures have their Similarly, the treants desire to spread their wintry forests
movement speed halved for the duration until the would attract more powerful and suitable prey, such as
end of its next turn. mammoths and remorhazes. Additionally, thanks to the
rather territorial nature of the treant, its lair would be
protected from any unwanted intruders by the treant's
watchful eyes.
Rimewood Armor
Rimewood treants have many similarities to other variants of
treant's; however, their bark is coated is always coated with a
layer of permafrost. It is said that one can gauge how old a
rimewood treant is based on how thickness of this
permafrost layer. This permafrost not only acts as a layer of
armor, but also can counteract the effects of fire. When
exposed to an open flame, this layer of frost emits a damp
mist around the treant which temporarily dampens the
effects of fire.
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(Attacks or saving throws forced by conjured
Runic Treant creatures do not activate this feature)
Challenge Rating Increases by 2
Divination The treant's gains advantage on all attack
rolls and saving throws until the end of its next turn.
Magic Sense The treant can pinpoint the location of a Evocation The treant's next attack deals additional
spell or magical effect within 1 mile of it. It can also force damage equal to a number of d8s equal to the
determine the school of the magical effect. spell level cast (minimum 1) until the end of its next
It can also determine if a creature it can see is a
Enchantment The treant can reflect the spell effect
spellcaster or not
back on the original caster.
Magical Resistance The treant has advantage on saving Illusion Attacks against the treant has disadvantage
throws against spells and magical effects. until the end of its next turn.
Necromancy The treant recovers a number of
Spell Negation If the treant is hit with a spell attack, it
hitpoints equal to a number of d8s equal to the spell
can roll a d6. Upon roll a 5 or a 6, the spell has no
level cast (minimum 1).
effect on the treant and it can activate its runic
Transmutation The treant's movement speed is
protection feature.
doubled until the end of its next turn. For the
Runic Protection duration of this ability, it can benefit from a climbing,
burrowing, or flying speed
Upon succeeding a saving throw against a spell effect
or activating its spell negation ability, it it gains the Legendary Actions
benefits of one of the following effects depending on Siphon Magic(1 action) The treant can force a creature
the school of magic. that it can see within 120ft. that is concentrating or
The treant can only benefit from one feature on its turn under the effect of a spell to make a Charisma saving
at a time. throw equal to the treant's Primary DC.
Abjuration The treant gains resistance to one damage On a failed saving throw, the treant can end the spell
type of its choice until the end of its next turn. effect and the target cannot concentrate or cast spells
Conjuration The treant is able to conjure a magical until the end of its next turn.
avatar of its self that appears in an unoccupied space
within 60ft. of it. Whenever the treant takes the
Attack action, its avatar can take the Attack action as
This iswell against a creature within its range as well. Upon
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making this attack, the avatar
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Runic Treants Arcane Guardians
Runic treants are the rarest of all species of treants. Many In comparison to their relatives, runic treants tend to be
scholars theorize that runic treants have quite peculiar much more nomadic. Instead of solely residing and
origins in comparison to most other kinds of treants. Runic protecting their respective homes, runic treants see
treants are believed to acquire sentience in forest exposed to themselves as guardians of the very essence of magic itself.
magically volatile environments, such as a biome near a zone Many not only seek to preserve the natural balance of magic,
of Wild Magic or a nexus of eldritch ley lines that converge at but also seek to further understand the arcane.
various points throughout the Material Plane. They are naturally drawn to concentrations of great
magical power and embark on vast treks to investigate the
Arcane Sensitivity source. Their deep knowledge and connection to the arcane
As a result, runic treants are extremely sensitive to various often brings them into the circle of many spellcasters, from
forms of magic. This sensitivity often manifests itself through all sources, whether arcane, divine, or druidic.
its bark and leaves that pulse with eldritch energy, often
changing color if in the vicinity of a particular school of
magic. However, this arcane attunement is harnessed in a
much different manner than for other magically sensitive
treants such as leshens.
Spell Negation
Despite their magical origins, most runic treants do not seem
to poss the ability to innate cast spells like the leshen.
Instead, it has the ability to absorb arcane energy, converting
it into various effects that depend on the school of magic.
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The Bloomplague Dormant Seeds
One of the constants of life, within nature, is that it desires to However, the bloomplague is near impossible to eliminate
grow and spread. Often, many druidic tribes understand this due to the seed's ability to remain dormant for centuries, only
basic principle and seek to encourage and safeguard this germinating within the corpse of a living creature. Scholars
process. However, their duty also requires them to keep this believe that this germination occurs only if there is enough
growth in check. For if this balance is disrupted, the results ambient natural magic in its surroundings. They believe that
can be widespread and devastating. such an environment will ensure that a bloomplague is able
to spread rapidly and successfully. Without it, it risks
Verdant Growth germinating too soon and could be completely destroyed if it
Most of the time, nature itself serves as its own checks and doesn't find enough hosts.
balances; for example, abundant herbivores are countered by Verdant Hosts
a predator population. This is also the case on the grand
scale of things. One of the primary forces in nature on the Once a bloomplague begins, it is nigh impossible to stop. For
Material Plane are plants. Nearly every corner of the realm each host controlled by the bloomplague has one thing in
has some form of plant life. The spread of plant life would mind; to spread its seeds to other creatures. Infected hosts
theoretically overtake most of the realm if it were not for the resemble their normal form except its body seems to consist
presence of fungal creatures such as myconids. of overgrown ivy, moss, or vines, and has a vibrant green light
emitting from its eyes and mouth.
Fungal Counter The bloom-plagued are extremely dangerous because they
Fungi serve as a direct counter to the growth of plants, as it take on the physical might and even intellect of their host.
breaks down and assimilates plants for their own sustenance. They are even capable of replicating the abilities and spells of
Although the most fungi reside in the subterranean powerful creatures and couples it with the regenerative
Underdark, fungal forests have often ventured to the surface, endurance of plants.
often in regions where plant life seems to have grown Floran Assimilation
It is for this reason why there is a chronic rivalry between Each creature slain by a bloomplagued returns to life as one
sentient plants and fungi. It is more than a simple feud, as with an hour as the seed rapidly germinates within its body.
each side represents a rival force of nature. Kill a bloomplague is extremely risk without precautions for
upon its destruction, it bursts into a shower of miniscule
Bloomplague seeds that latches itself inside a living host. From there, the
One of the most devastating side effects from unchecked seed can lies dormant for weeks or even years, waiting for the
plant life is the bloomplague. The bloomplague is best instant that creature die to give it new life as a bloomplagued.
understood as a parasitic plant that resides in the corpse of a One of the definitive counters to its spread is to kill it with
living being, giving it seemingly reanimated life. Bloomplague fire. Open flame will instantly kill the germinating seeds,
seeds are extremely rare, for they were believed to have been preventing it from spreading to a new host or infecting a
extinct. It was believed to have been destroyed by ancient living creature.
druids who sough to prevent an outbreak, whether by natural Template Notes
causes or by intention by entities such as vengeful or This feature provides additional features to add to a
overzealous treants, spriggans, or even other druids who bloomplagued creature. It retains all of its stats, proficiencies,
were disgruntled by civilization. or any other feature it had in life.
If there are similar traits, they do not stack, instead the
bloomplague benefits only from the best of the two (for
example Regeneration or Heated Body).
This template cannot be applied to constructs, elements,
plants, or undead
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Bloomplague Template Thorny Body If a creature grapples or hits the
bloomplague with a melee attack, it takes 4(1d6)
Damage Immunities Psychic piercing damage.
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, Vine Limbs The creatures melee weapons attack has a
Exhausted, Paralyzed, Stunned, Unconscious reach increased by 5 ft.
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft.
Seed Flare When the bloomplagued dies, creatures
Languages Languages it knew in life
Challenge Increases by 1. within 10ft. of it must succeed a Constitution saving
throw equal to 8 + its proficiency bonus + its
Constitution modifier. On a failed save, creatures are
Assimilating Bloom Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by infected with a bloomplague seed. It does not benefit
the bloomplague, it is killed. After 1 hour, the corpse from this feature if it took fire damage on its final blow.
comes back to life as a bloomplagued. Bloomplagued
creatures count as a plant. Regional Effects
This feature does not work on constructs, elementals, A region affects by a bloomplague infestation warps its
plants, or undead. This feature fails if the corpse is environment creating the following effects.
burned or it returned to life
1. The affected areas are difficult to traverse due to
False Appearance While motionless, the bloomplague is rampant overgrowth. This terrain counts as difficult
indistinguishable from a plant terrain from magical plants. Vision is obscured up to
Photosynthesis The bloomplague regains 5 hit points at 15ft. by the abundant overgrowth.
the start of its turn. If it takes fire, or necrotic damage, 2. Creatures that are reduced to 0 hitpoints while in
this trait doesn't function at the start of the this region are instantly killed and return to life as a
bloomplague's next turn. The bloomplague can bloom-plagued
continue to regenerate even if it has 0 hitpoints.
However, it can die normally from failed death saving 3. Spells such as Commune with Nature gives false
throws. information that would align with the goals of the
If it starts its turn in sunlight, it regains 10 hitpoints at
the start of each of its turns instead.
Plant Camouflage While obscured by ample plant life,
the bloomplague has advantage on Dexterity(Stealth)
checks. While these conditions are met, it can use its
bonus action to Hide. While hidden, it is
indistinguishable from normal plant life to creatures
that rely on sight to see it.
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Bloom-plagued Lion If it starts its turn in sunlight, it regains 10 hitpoints at
the start of each of its turns instead.
Large plant, unaligned
The bloomplague can continue to regenerate even if it
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor) has 0 hitpoints. However, it can die normally from
Hit Points 26 (4d10+4) failed death saving throws.
Speed 50ft. Plant Camouflage While obscured by ample plant life,
the bloomplagued lion has advantage on
Dexterity(Stealth) checks. While these conditions are
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA met, it can use its bonus action to Hide.
17 (+3) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) Pounce If the lion moves at least 20ft. straight toward a
creature on the same turn, that target must succeed on
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6 a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If
Damage Immunities Psychic the target is prone, the lion can make one bite attack
Condition Immunities Blinded,Charmed,Frightened, against it as a bonus action
Exhausted, Paralyzed, Stunned, Unconscious Running Leap With a 10ft. running start, the lion can
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., passuve long jump up to 25ft.
Perception 12
Proficiency Bonus +2 Seed Flare When the bloomplagued dies, creatures
Challenge 2 (450 xp) within 10ft. of it must succeed a DC 11 Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, creatures are infected
Assimilating Bloom Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by with a bloomplague seed.
the bloomplague, it is killed. After 1 hour, the corpse Thorned Body If a creature grapples or hits the
comes back to life as a bloomplagued. Bloomplagued bloomplague with a melee attack, it takes 4(1d6)
creatures count as a plant. piercing damage.
False Appearance While motionless, the bloom-plagued Actions
lion is indistinguishable from a normal plant
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one
Keen Smell The bloom plagued lion has advantage on target. Hit 8(1d8+3) piercing damage.
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell
Pack Tactics The lion has advantage on an attack roll Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one
against a c reature if at least one of the lion's allies is target. Hit 7(1d6+3) slashing damage.
within 5ft. of the creature and the ally isn't
Photosynthesis The bloomplagued lion regains 5 hit
points at the start of its turn. If it takes fire, or necrotic
damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of the
bloomplagued lion's next turn.
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The Sporebloom Parasitic Spores
As plants are one of the driving forces of nature on the Regardless of its origins, the sporebloom results in a horrific
surface of the Material Plane, fungi has the primary influence outbreak, consuming everything it comes across. The
in the subterranean caverns of the Underdark. Just like its rampant spore takes the form of corpses of living creatures,
floral counterpart, fungi can be extremely beneficial to the altering its form with fungal growths protruding from its
subterranean ecosystem; but can also result in mass body. These creatures are surrounded with a cloud of toxic
devastation if left unchecked as it consumes and assimilates fungi that not only poisons the individual, but also infects it
any organic matter it encounters. with dormant spores that transformed into a sporebloom
monstrosity only an hour after death.
Floran Rivalry
Due to its innate drive to grow and spread, fungi often Spore Essence
crosses paths with plants. These encounters have driven the The most frightened aspect of the sporebloom is that the
millennia old rivalry between plants and fungi, as both side majority of its essence resides in a gaseous form made of
seeks to consume and control the realm of the other. spores. These spores enable it to take control of its host's
Interestingly enough, the conflicts preserves the natural body and is able to replicate that creature's abilities. To make
balance between both species, keeping the overall balance of things worse, its ability to create these effects are due to its
nature in check. However, if one side gains the upper hand, it rapidly evolving spores. Due to the physiology of these
can have dire consequences. spores, it grants these abilities additional potency, as its
infectious form allows its host's attacks to overcome some
Sporebloom weaknesses it may have in life.
One of these consequences is the sporebloom. Similarly to Fungal Resurrection
the bloomplague, the sporebloom only occurs with rampant
fungal overgrowth. However, it differs from its floral The final advantage that its spores provides is its ability to
counterpart due to the process of its creation. seemingly become immortal. Once its body is destroyed, it
Whereas the bloomplague can lie dormant for decades or can simply assume its gaseous form, infecting any nearby
even centuries, many believe that the sporebloom is an errant corpse. Therefore, during a sporebloom outbreak, it is highly
mutation amongst fungal spores that only occurs during recommended to destroy the sporebloomed with fire as well
extreme periods of fungal expansions. as any potential dead in the vicinity.
Others believe that the sporebloom is created by myconid
rituals that can only be completed with enough natural Template Notes
ambient magic that is only generated from the life force of This feature provides additional features to add to a
nearby fungi. It is believed that myconids weaponize bloomplagued creature. It retains all of its stats, proficiencies,
sporeblooms to begin the assimilation campaign against the or any other feature it had in life.
denizens of the Underdark and ultimately surface world If there are similar traits, they do not stack, instead the
bloomplague benefits only from the best of the two (for
example Regeneration or Heated Body)
This template does not apply to constructs, elementals, or
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Sporebloom Template Spore Soul When the sporebloom is in its spore form, it
can't take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. It
Damage Immunities Poison, Necrotic is weightless, has a flying speed of 20ft., can hover, and
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, enter a hostile creature's space. In addition, if air can
Exhausted, Paralyzed, Poisoned Stunned, pass through a space, the spore can do so without
Unconscious squeezing and it cannot pass through water. It has
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft. advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
Languages Languages it knew in life , telepathy 60ft. saving throws, is immune to all conditions, and is
Challenge Increases by 1. immune to to bludgeoning, necrotic, piercing, poison,
and slashing damage.
Assimilating Bloom Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by Spore-touched Creatures damage by the sporebloom
the sporebloom or its poison are killed. After 1 hour, must succeed a Constitution saving throw equal to 8 +
the corpse comes back to life as a sporebloom. the sporebloom's proficiency bonus + the
Sporeblooms count as a plant. It counts as a fungi for sporebloom's Constitution bonus.
the purposes of fungal stride. Toxic Spores When the sporebloom deals poison
Fungal Camouflage While obscured by ample fungal life, damage, it can ignore resistance and immunity to
the sporebloom has advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) poison damage and the poisoned condition. Creatures
checks. While these conditions are met, it can use its with immunity to being poisoned have can make their
bonus action to Hide. saving throw with advantage instead.
Fungal Resurrection When the sporebloom drops to 0 Regional Effects
hitpoints, the life-giving spores of the sporebloom
escapes from its body instead of falling unconscious A region affects by a sporebloom outbreak twists its
environment creating the following effects.
provided it hasn't taken fire damage on its previous
turn. If it cannot escape, it is destroyed. 1. The affected areas are covered in a dense spore fog
While in is in its spore form, it has 1 hitpoint, it can't obscuring vision up to 10ft. Fungal overgrowth is
revert to its physical form and it must be able to infect rampant replacing any form on natural plant life.
a corpse within 1 hour or become destroyed. 2. Creatures that are reduced to 0 hitpoints while in
After spending 1 hour assimilating into a new corpse, it this region are instantly killed and return to life as a
returns as a fully healed sporebloomed sporebloom
Spore Cloud Creatures that first enter or starts its turn 3. After each long rest, creatures must succeed a DC
within 10ft. of the sporebloom must succeed a 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving
Constitution saving throw with a DC equal to 8 + its throw, creatures gain 1 level of exhaustion.
proficiency bonus + its Constitution modifier.
On a failed saving throw, creatures are poisoned for
one minute. Poisoned creatures can repeat its saving
is unofficial
at theFan
of eachpermitted undertothe
of its turns endFantheContent
effect.Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Giant Sporebloom Spider Spore Soul When the spider is in its spore form, it can't
take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. It is
Large plant, unaligned
weightless, has a flying speed of 20ft., can hover, and
enter a hostile creature's space. In addition, if air can
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) pass through a space, the spore can do so without
Hit Points 26 (4d10+4) squeezing and it cannot pass through water. It has
Speed 30ft., 30ft. climb advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution
saving throws, is immune to all conditions, and is
immune to to bludgeoning, necrotic, piercing, poison,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and slashing damage.
14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) Toxic Spores When the sporebloom spider deals poison
damage, it can ignore resistance and immunity to
Skills Stealth +7 poison damage and the poisoned condition. Creatures
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison, Psychic with immunity to being poisoned have can make their
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, saving throw with advantage instead.
Exhausted, Paralyzed, Poisoned Stunned, Web Sense While in contact with a web, the spider
knows the exact location of any other creature in
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., passive contact with the web
Perception 12
Challenge 2 (450 xp) Web Walker The spider ignores movement restrictions
caused by webbing.
Assimilating Bloom Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by
the sporebloom or its poison are killed. After 1 hour, Actions
the corpse comes back to life as a sporebloom. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one
Sporeblooms count as a plant. It counts as a fungi for target. Hit 8(1d8+3) piercing damage, and the target
the purposes of fungal stride. must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 9
(2d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
False Appearance While motionless, the sporebloom damage on a successful one. If the poison damage
spider is indistinguishable from a normal mushroom reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable
Fungal Camouflage While obscured by ample fungal life, but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points,
the sporebloom has advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
checks. While these conditions are met, it can use its
bonus action to Hide. Web(Recharge 5-6) Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 30/60ft., one creature. Hit he target is restrained
Fungal Resurrection When the sporebloom drops to 0 by webbing. As an action, the restrained target can
hitpoints, the life-giving spores of the sporebloom make a DC 12 Strength check, bursting the webbing on
escapes from its body instead of falling unconscious a success. The webbing can also be attacked and
provided it hasn't taken fire damage on its previous destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage;
turn. If it cannot escape, it is destroyed. immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic
While in is in its spore form, it has 1 hitpoint, it can't damage).
revert to its physical form and it must be able to infect
a medium corpse within 1 hour or become destroyed.
After spending 1 hour assimilating into a new corpse, it
returns as a fully healed sporebloomed
Spore Cloud Creatures that first enter or starts its turn
within 10ft. of the sporebloom spider must succeed a
DC 11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving
throw, creatures are poisoned for one minute. Poisoned
creatures can repeat its saving throw at the end of each
of itsisturns
to endFanthe
Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
effect. are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Blighted Template Withered Corruption If a creature does not succeed its
saving throw against Witherblight before its duration
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison, Psychic ends, its effects become permanent. After every 24
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, hours, that creature's hitpoint maximum reduces by
Exhausted, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Stunned, 5(1d8).
Unconscious If this reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it instantly dies.
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft. After one hour, the corpse returns as a blighted.
Languages Languages it knew in life
This effect can be reversed by using Greater
Challenge Increases by 1.
Restoration or similar magics.
Blighted Corruption Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by Witherblight When the blighted deals necrotic damage,
the blighted, it is killed. After 1 hour, the corpse comes it can ignore resistance and immunity to necrotic
back to life as a blighted. Blighted creatures count as a damage.
plant. Life Drain When the blighted deals necrotic damage, it
This feature does not effect undead, constructs, or can recover hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt.
Regional Effects
Blight Touched Creatures that take damage from the
A region affects by a blighted infestation warps its
blighted cannot regain hitpoints until the end of its
environment creating the following effects.
next turn. If the blighted deals bludgeoning, piercing or
slashing damage, it can replace the damage type as 1. The affected areas are difficult to traverse due thick
necrotic instead. and twisted undergrowth. This area counts as
Blighted Immunity The blighted is immune to being difficult terrain.
infected by the bloomplague or sporebloom. 2. This region corrupts any body of water that causes
Photosynthesis The blighted regains 5 hit points at the creatures to regurgitate it within minutes.
start of its turn. If it takes fire damage, this trait doesn't 3. Creatures that are reduced to 0 hitpoints while in
function at the start of the blighted's next turn. The this region are instantly killed and return to life as a
blighted can continue to regenerate even if it has 0 blighted after 1 hour unless the corpse is burned.
hitpoints. However, it can die normally from failed
death saving throws. 4. Creatures that take a short or long rest in this region
cannot regain hitpoints
If it starts its turn in sunlight, it regains 10 hitpoints at
the start of each of its turns instead.
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Blighted Young Red If it starts its turn in sunlight, it regains 10 hitpoints at
the start of each of its turns instead.
Dragon. Witherblight Creatures that take damage from the
Large plant, unaligned blighted attacks must succeed a DC 17 Constitution
saving throw or become blighted for one minute.
Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) Whenever blighted creatures cannot recover hitpoints
Hit Points 178 (17d10+85) and whenever it takes damage, takes an additional
Speed 40ft., 80ft. fly, 40ft. climb 5(1d8) necrotic damage.
Withered Corruption If a creature does not succeed its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA saving throw against Witherblight before its duration
ends, its effects become permanent. After every 24
23 (+6) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) hours, that creature's hitpoint maximum reduces by
Saving Throws Dexterity +4, Constitution +9, Wisdom If this reduces a creature to 0 hitpoints, it instantly dies.
+4, Charisma +8 After one hour, the corpse returns as a blighted.
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +4
Damage Immunities Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, Fire This effect can be reversed by using Greater
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, Restoration or similar magics.
Exhausted, Paralyzed, Poisoned Stunned, Life Drain When the blighted dragon deals necrotic
Unconscious damage, it can recover hitpoints equal to half the
Senses blindsight 60ft., tremorsense 60ft., darkvision damage dealt.
120ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Common, Draconic Actions
Challenge 12 (8400 xp)
Multiattack The dragon makes three attacks: one with
its bite and two with its claws.
Blighted Corruption Creatures reduced to 0 hitpoints by
the blighted, it is killed. After 1 hour, the corpse comes Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10ft., one
back to life as a blighted. Blighted creatures count as a target. Hit 17(2d10+6) necrotic damage + 4(1d6) fire
plant. damage.
This feature does not effect undead, constructs, or Claw Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one
elementals target. Hit 13(2d6+6) necrotic damage.
Blighted Immunity The blighted is immune to being Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6) The dragon exhales fire in a
infected by the bloomplague or sporebloom. 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 56 (16d6) fire
Blight Touched Creature's damage by the dragon cannot
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
regain hitpoints until the end of its next turn.
successful one.
Photosynthesis The blighted dragon regains 5 hit points
at the start of its turn. If it takes fire damage, this trait
doesn't function at the start of the blighted's next turn.
The blighted can continue to regenerate even if it has 0
hitpoints. However, it can die normally from failed
is unofficial
savingFan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
A special Thanks to my Patrons
Mythic Patrons
Marcella V.
Marshmellow Owlbear
Jake C.
The Emcredible
Terra Nova
Kandros Vashtet
Legendary Patrons
Daniel M.
Sir Prize
Steven K.
Epic Patrons
Brad E. , Jordan B
Flamerules3, Vincent
Alex D, Aaron S.
Captain Blackwood. Jacob S.
Razi R., Glenn S.
Tallon M., Andrew C.
Douglas B.
John B.
Nathan S.
Joseph L.
Cyptossarian, Andrew W.
Justin R.
Particle Man
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Art Credits
Front Cover Art: Alayna Danner Myconid Mite 2: Mike Burns
Table of Contents: Jonas De Ro Myconid walker: Marco Nelor
Awakened Tree: Vincent Proce Myconid Sovereign: Jason Engel
Elder Awakened Tree: Xu Tianhua Myconid Archspore : James Paick
Awakened Mushrooms: Brad Rigney Ashwood Treant : Rob Alexander
Awakened Mushrooms Forest: Wombo Art Treant Sapling: Viktor Titov
Mantrap: Adam Paquette Leshen Treant : Viktor Titov
Skytrap: Suzanne Helmingh Runic Treant (Tree Form): Jason Engle
Skytrap: Wombo Art Runic Treant: Raymond Swanland
Death Lotus: Chris Rahn Bloomplague: Lucas Staniec
Devourer Plant: Daren Bader Bloomplagued Beasts: Aaron Miller
Dewstalk: Wombo Art Bloom Plague Lion: Alex Konstad
Death Vine: Ralph Horsley Sporebloom: Sveltin Velinov
Tumbleweed: Wombo Art Sporebloom Spider: Lars West
Maw Lotus: Wombo Art Blighted Forest: Vincent Proce
Shambler: Grzegorz Rutkowski Blighted Forest 2: Adam Paquette
Husk Shambler: Simon Dominic Brewer Blighted Dragon: Chippy
Corpseflower Shambler: Peter Mohrbacher Back Cover Art: Sam Burley
Hydra Bloom: Peter Mohrbacher
Anima Elemental: Mike Lim
Leaf Elemental: Vincent Proce
Greater Leaf Elemental: Wombo Art
Vegepygmy: Sam Burley
Woad 1: Raymond Swaland
Woad 2 : Svetlin Velenov
Woad Titan: Mike Lim
Spriggan 2: Dante Liu
Myconid Behemoth: Alex Konstand
Myconid Forest: Even Amundson
Myconid Mite: Bram Sels
This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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