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Hisr 4u Novel, TheoyHu
t-Gamo Morthi
ranuo Meauti adlksut h a qshons

y ae novels in prosS

a so ollo shoms adoanhous

Loas 1k ise Novd erenialy Euao peanan! nor iue.

o seassh to undissand novd on ihue vele:


leub smca Loves

hovpnolcl duapo
Mo& adenp lo undutrd novd mu duply wo h1c a n
aas m adaaa aab it

Moe th enqiaus prosat shy& Nove


Tau Cengi(ako poe Awced ia n

naven mudivad omonus, -thee o u e n o h veas
-Moreh enbicshol, in vech e n mey
a pat Hhahuma asound ond t o m s bauk
pat tm

Cacs ermenanu, u

on h sfu haod u metcas,it aLalue a

ense mpev manence(2ashrg yi a limited peaiod) and
iYeveasibl (Cannst be ehangd).
has taNon il Loansraad, \g meoning
The det
Tuee an
depevds om
owr ies canaad

he rwand Looei vg aARAVgermun in

pgo dloto i typicd
accelocham nasahue sythm
e proe ch,
Alahive qung
became populas du to
t complexihy.
Seuondy the prose ry
Vasu has ina hCon shud aone indapendesk causes
paoce incdudts mase uondina causs conhouy y
Coninous moa a congmuuhop

Unik poety, usnith is sen sadh e inapived y a
seea and a n
spontanuous instantaneou quaunes,
a a
pooe i ans Vced

ose a too, it e produivi h e sin

Au prose|hyp» to xic or
Lukas, wg u m
abonous, ik
OOhos,iaquiauu aik, mamen, adsquahoo 6 means
hah he um s pali
y mo
e uaany, amng claura,
Te aubo«linaha anble hes a

meama betomug ahullatd end Compexiy Comu o


The accelesahonnaasaiv om e Covma muuhim (

mad 4hL novd populoa and cuhvated. o
and sueceul m .
At ihe san h
unloquely odaptebe
taluobeame eztyemy polasied
e a e t i euggesi iha ohat Lnt needed to de novd

a morphologt ca dupthshe we haue shyahc

eztames. Unprhunal naaRah vi an tonpeeid)
stse hoo
Can ahiwe
as hunî ng -tho nowl
o m ohati

Naasai ens hepele cpe rmindad, ov. toneli d3

So ushet s he sue?
Novel i a divided beucen nanaivi ad o
Nasaahiy donimes t hiu i compuxiha ih o n

echnatoe uA AEndurdiyeahzts otH

bunayaletadC cndtulkbeaedzos

when a valu Judaumen made on a noel, it houth r

be eeme the bats YConep Beeas he value judgumunt

ont addanus sha u-fhin talde oY nor in anouelrono a

Ths o SO ue - e on h whar ia unthanta o0ould


be he uas majom o h e novel aldnsu

ootutl le
ks ve shapeCcompux h compmied.
aad a novel asd on ih cxtremus, he tmer esenu
- w

ltoill e lochbnd. We cooctd on undussrend
he ci aod
nove Cam inb tems toith eo inequaly
li cated
i in cultuuaintq usllhy
Thee ox,
Thereo, uggsh hat M outi
Mouh we ned o haue c uo
the nove Rath t o uing on

meikod analr
e oes nuds b
n d s ho
an iorepaaig i
naarahve huels
be dhlrdono ( he nove H
Thas h e mdhod hao hould pradse
e ceplouneol
the muthod haho loues
as it
auan6 tabve Analyste e
aol noudl
u e choull
te a ma
vadoug permutahams, esiahons,
e nud s l 4 r o u
avnd appoximahoo |theon 4e novd)
CEches aAgitak asbixtest
asoin a quanhtah ve
undusnod novd, we need ask quuhms
Basicasym orle ro
novels ax Donq.ha vg*h
fus-ia, Moldi obseve her, h
Vasiu l J Hs seond olseuaho00 abou hovelt a

adenmuuo us and staa Rat

l n a s a a t e shories Loich a

Could e o condi bauhvg -ea a oan it comes o h Lerah

um dhe o o .
Adurruu epande novesb open
CA ca htp a athm)
h eu o k n o u o n & mosty viuoed as
an opputunht
prog Karss,
lhus ú no dis hohs
a 4hauat hae As dhe sho
bho a h n e a ad

Aduenhuue mabu novels ova ou3 i mab hem so oid

exploru betees oCaans, costus, seuwOns, praivg
islands, glum, Junds ad galaxiet
dust Qike paos muulhpliex sh, adurhua mulhpús Shona
Novds oith ne aaaliunm hisy ma enisr, but nst h o u

Meuti caukcally stau hak, a th Hhe ovd chos
xelle in u t oa e polasised tas edvenhua and eweyda

exis n novels
H e caliu hat asoial naaas unUs

h assoiaed uih viclvyg al Ane end , the q u

ond hu dmals and 4iloulaha dumy the coua a h o
Auduced te poseilsliy fno Pope cho cetd arkulg u
on athon n 10 he nanaho in otbe Loods, ke shy

and movauged" sor i n ketseess posse he queshoo how

is quns Coould suaive to h s bougevu ag
Befoa ansueiv qwshw entirely, Mozuti uthea
his hogubs ngandi v a e o n a o t Novet.

ttnk 4e
4he end n cent, Gust Asrao and Wat fusopcao
novels dueped independent.

Swh ao oñein provide a n oppuhumb Compaausm end

a ete aneustandivg b haana altogethe.
novels uoea ns individus
p o o g o n i s t h e Chn

u oups
and thse u0as no
Lsc pe ttus
Some Chinuse cCosis
gome Jin Pig Me Th let 4agijo)
charaeka io thee novs 600 casaiiu io
> hl weaL man

he Soaas e
CLeon n Chunge novds
O ha
he hugu num beas many

did ro make -fte sto unpredi cablu, in}aut heoppal

aaduuurg ak
nasaahoo abusaysatemp
he Cmu
Anpaedicdtil and aaalanci e naasaive ystem


tmployihe stnategy mmi3ira

3uddanbosoks a s boots c o ch coves Conujio

550 paa and She eesa a do en yeas i aooP paaea

nanahan bh
ANana in his iu he dileanee
synehny end Aiaehrong.
sope a in genaal kas a proard Loob?v9Sh
Oel Cine ne vel haue a bomz entzl dominan*s
a ohe Qtes " He stds

he cn- cyomeddcel shka nou, qRaAO Gekano tcna

yreveasilbílhy, in hom

e n m Chise novels, -h contin t vves

u c h y muty gains 3 Ctntrary

> smuhe 9Chinese novela a naty asarged. he vea
eouh otha, iG ao ademaive tvaditiom
chaptu sae
Acc. h Mozeth, unRl Igh cantsy. h Chinssc nove usags

uaB nuala io both quanhy and qualit 1o

I n recaovds,F u oF So he Chine nove was dikuent on
the usopeao nov, baug the(haopan ise male the unez
nov Les Canen

China n mly hod a huge Lteaahunu novd canen but alko

an immeneu investmuo- 8 elle ehuad enunea n edinm,
W On &e and espeeial Commantay&novelt.
T e Eusonan beli t e l k e o was ha 4u ovd
has lus needCom untu hen olhee u n a g l o s Weoll).
but Ahe Cieu. hovels hedud am buug h we

as aut

The paih uopaa and CKanae novls wene huge, e

ALaso bean ha aegthuhc tum

The changes in s u Neva a itaah

iaopted en {e bi% a con uoma souh

Th who discove pmhi pas, T ho -edihs

ComMnp people a d , CultogetNa changed | inusoacd h
s h ovel Es bauiu was anse aaso
iensive Aadia uoas the nomo (Pl; Engelig) Compas
wlenive aLadiw in hu oords, uoding beuamu a dutveihio.

l sho, w bo o Conuna sout a u k

Cusopon nove mo \n
numb out so Luc io atlenhm
Vied t e hove eously Ov In othu ods thy
e ines

EootsLoolfobea lole iad
Mouth obscu hak, only Modsmicm masl peoplo chvdy
t t
od ui pens and Counta n
novels 1b thy wa

Contuy, h e teculd haute een no e t h e tuoper

The rear *heone3houels haue eeen dheonaMolasndny

h e initia qushon hoco Ov dna a adventu
Rahuning o
dsiva he modesn oodd ? h qoush capteuho
on ha 6engivep lanuty cosi o uens as

Advehse so vod a imaginv Oo. Adoen 4 he

aumpa coaprar

p blend mid and na

muralusa aescuu e w ealk
ezpansion bug the houel

om all so abusus

1he masla, he noual
ig boueeau clas,naads ce ap* so
novd s h desiphes H qologcasto
Conienau n he copittalia
onoo ohilt bvot
Donald Rurthul ma

Pb: Mu
aullly , e Shos Wktek heuettal
A Pocmodarn
Kruin, Cdusad, Rubur
Sno bui and Hhe evn duoeue (Bl,
Clero Dan) ghns an apatmn ande novl Lae
indiviud aelakorghips
oaus on -e duoasves,
t depos Bill (aden).
well i v musioo
&roa dht as as

T e novd poucdus t h ovabre becaunc -he
pesomm hi iradinal

Wtl io
hae paa, intelMora| phaases
Pask Lephce evds i a
u g asia t
OKesAhe novel eo tas.

lvtepaata elenun b snakam od absusd.

Tho t appeas b e nonseniea, it auo nspoabi
ukism 5) nurim, Anaican cahusa awd o c e .
gexuali and ituas tadhom

(nou as a postmede novel A
shy a collagehasets, plor ins shs

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