M10 - FGD 2
M10 - FGD 2
M10 - FGD 2
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: tinya.flora@ecolres.hu (F. Tinya).
Received 6 March 2023; Received in revised form 2 June 2023; Accepted 21 June 2023
Available online 23 June 2023
2351-9894/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Institute of BioEconomy, National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IBE), Via Madonna del Piano, 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino, FI, Italy
Research Centre for Forestry and Wood, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA), Via Valle della Quistione, 27, 00166 Rome,
Forestry Consortium of Catalonia, C. Jacint Verdaguer, nº 3, 17430 Santa Coloma de Farners, Spain
University of Würzburg, Glashüttenstraße 5, 96181 Rauhenebrach, Germany
Bavarian Forest Nationalpark, Freyunger Str. 2, 94481 Grafenau, Germany
Département RDI, Office National des Forêts, Boulevard de Constance, 77300 Fontainebleau, France
Joint Research Unit CTFC-AGROTECNIO-CERCA, Crta. Sant Llorenç de Morunys, Km 2, 25280 Solsona, Spain
Department of Environment and Ecology, Agriculture Academy, Vytautas Magnus University, Studentu g. 11, Akademija, Kaunas dist. LT-53361,
Silviculture and Forest Ecology of the Temperate Zones, University of Göttingen, Büsgenweg 1, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management Research Group, School of Life Sciences, Department of Life Science Systems, Technical University of
Munich, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising, Germany
Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Technical University in Zvolen, T. G. Masaryka 24, SK-96001 Zvolen, Slovakia
Lab ECODIV USC INRAE 1499, Normandie Université, UNIROUEN, 76000 Rouen, France
Terrestrial Ecology Research Group, School of Life Sciences, Department of Life Science Systems, Technical University of Munich, Hans-Carl-von-
Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising, Germany
Institute of Environmental Protection and Nature Conservation, University of Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky u. 4, H-9400 Sopron, Hungary
Keywords: Most European forests are used for timber production. Given the limited extent of unmanaged
Deadwood (and especially primary) forests, it is essential to include commercial forests in the conservation of
Forestry treatment forest biodiversity. In order to develop ecologically sustainable forest management practices, it is
Gap cutting
important to understand the management impacts on forest-dwelling organisms. Experiments
Microhabitat enrichment
allow testing the effects of alternative management strategies, and monitoring of multiple taxa
Thinning informs us on the response range across forest-dwelling organisms. To provide a representative
picture of the currently available information, metadata on 28 multi-taxa forest management
experiments were collected from 14 European countries. We demonstrate the potential of
compiling these experiments in a single network to upscale results from the local to continental
level and indicate directions for future research. Among the different forest types, temperate
deciduous beech and oak-dominated forests are the best represented in the multi-taxa manage
ment experiments. Of all the experimental treatments, innovative ways of traditional manage
ment techniques (e.g., gap cutting and thinning) and conservation-oriented interventions (e.g.,
microhabitat enrichment) provide the best opportunity for large-scale analyses. Regarding the
organism groups, woody regeneration, herbs, fungi, beetles, bryophytes, birds and lichens offer
the largest potential for addressing management–biodiversity relationships at the European level.
We identified knowledge gaps regarding boreal, hemiboreal and broadleaved evergreen forests,
the treatments of large herbivore exclusion, prescribed burning and forest floor or water ma
nipulations, and the monitoring of soil-dwelling organisms and some vertebrate classes, e.g.,
amphibians, reptiles and mammals. To improve multi-site comparisons, design of future experi
ments should be fitted to the set-up of the ongoing projects and standardised biodiversity sam
pling is suggested. However, the network described here opens the way to learn lessons on the
impact on forest biodiversity of different management techniques at the continental level, and
thus, supports biodiversity conservation in managed forests.
1. Introduction
Forests cover 35 % of Europe’s land area and are home to a major part of Europe’s terrestrial biodiversity, whose conservation
represents an increasing challenge and responsibility (European Commission, 2021). Moreover, forests are significant for the economy
and society, as they provide timber and many other economically valuable goods and ecosystem services (Forest Europe, 2020).
Despite the recent increase in forest cover, millennia of human land use in Europe have considerably decreased forest cover and
structural and compositional heterogeneity in extant forests (Kaplan et al., 2009). Although 24 % of Europe’s forests are protected
(Forest Europe, 2020), most of these are also managed for timber production. Only about 3 % of Europe’s forests (excluding Russia)
retain their primary condition (FAO, 2020). Notwithstanding the indisputable value of primary forests (Bruun and Heilmann-Clausen,
2021; Schall et al., 2021), their limited area points to the crucial role of close-to-nature forest management and forest restoration in the
conservation of Europe’s terrestrial biodiversity (Bauhus et al., 2013).
Forest management influences the levels of biodiversity basically by changing habitat structure, habitat availability and abiotic
circumstances. Hence, exploring the effects of management and the alteration of stand structure and abiotic conditions on biodiversity
is essential for the elaboration of sustainable timber production that integrates conservation and economical aspects (Kraus and
Krumm, 2013). Revealing these relationships is also necessary for the development of conservation-oriented forest management,
which aims at increasing forest biodiversity without timber production purposes (Bauhus et al., 2013).
Relying on a diverse group of taxa, rather than on single indicators has a key role in assessing the biodiversity sustainability of forest
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
management since it increases representativeness of the forest biota (Burrascano et al., 2018), and may help to counter the taxonomic
bias in conservation research (Clark and May, 2002). Multi-taxa studies are more likely to include taxa that are highly species-rich and
hold great significance for forest ecosystem functioning such as fungi and arthropods (Halme et al., 2017), or taxa with a high share of
species of high conservation concern, such as saproxylic beetles (Cálix et al., 2018) or several groups of vertebrates (EEA, 2010).
Moreover, linking the diverse range of responses of multiple taxa to environmental changes sheds light on various ecosystem processes
(Aubin et al., 2013). In this view, numerous multi-taxa studies have been published regarding the management effects on forest
biodiversity in Europe in recent years (Seibold et al., 2015; de Groot et al., 2016; Schall et al., 2018; Lelli et al., 2019).
Experiments allow for disentangling the correlating factors and isolating single effects and thus are useful tools in identifying
underlying mechanisms, and multi-taxa forestry experiments are key complements to observational studies of the manage
ment–biodiversity relationships (Burrascano et al., 2020). The starting point for the present study is that there are several such ex
periments at the local or national levels across Europe, but no overview of these have been published yet, however, their joint analyses
would allow for generalising the results of individual studies at the European scale. Such compiled evidence could help enhance the
development of European-level guidelines for sustainable and conservation-oriented forest management.
We aim to provide an overview of recent experimental field studies in Europe dealing with the effects of various forestry treatments
on multi-taxa biodiversity. Here, we describe them by reporting on i) geographical and habitat representation; ii) broad treatment
types; iii) representation of different taxonomic groups; and iv) environmental variables. We aimed to:
1) map the information from multi-taxa forestry experiments regarding forest categories, treatments and organism groups;
2) explore the potential of the existing information for addressing management-related questions at the European level;
3) identify knowledge gaps (issues not covered by the existing experiments) concerning the forest and management type and
biodiversity coverage.
2. Methods
We compiled information on experiments according to the following criteria: i) experiments were established in European closed
forests (i.e., pre-treatment canopy cover >40%); ii) experiments included both manipulation and control sampling units; iii) treat
ments comprised interventions that changed the forest structure (canopy, understory, or microhabitats) or influenced the forest floor
or water conditions. Interventions could have commercial and/or conservation-oriented purposes. iv) Minimum of three replicates per
treatment were applied; v) a minimum of three taxonomic groups were sampled, representing at least two of the kingdoms Plantae,
Fungi and Animalia; vi) detailed information on study design, treatments, sampling protocols and coordinates of sites was available.
The search for experiments followed multiple pathways. It was initiated in the framework of the BOTTOMS-UP COST Action
(https://www.bottoms-up.eu/en/) involving forest ecologists from 28 European countries who searched for appropriate experiments
within their network and country. Besides, we scanned the list of LIFE projects (https://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/project/
Projects/index.cfm) related to forests and searched for relevant publications on the Web of Science (https://www.webofscience.
com, applied search strings: “forest”, “experiment”, “biodiversity”, “Europe”). Experiments in the metadatabase by Bernes et al.
(2015) about the effect of conservation-oriented forest management on biodiversity fitting the above criteria were also incorporated.
Projects that were merely in the planning stage were also included.
At first, we collected detailed structured descriptions of the projects. The description forms were filled by one or several custodians
associated with each experiment, providing general information about the experiment, metadata about the sites, description of the
applied treatments, investigated taxa, environmental variables, functions and processes (see the blank form and instruction guide in
Appendix 1).
In order to make the highly heterogeneous setups of the experiments comparable, several terms were defined and applied
consequently across the projects, even if it resulted in some simplifications. The lowest level of analysis, even within complex sampling
procedures were defined as ‘experimental units’. ‘Blocks’ were determined as areas for replicates of the complete set of treatments.
‘Sites’ were determined as homogenous geographical areas to which discrete abiotic (topography, macroclimate and bedrock) and
homogeneous stand structural parameters were assigned. Sites were delimited by the experiment custodians, and their spatial scale
highly varied between the different projects, thus – contrary to the terms ‘experimental unit’, ‘number of replications’ and ‘block’ – this
term could not be handled uniformly across the experiments. The experimental units and replicates of an experiment could be located
in different sites or within one site.
Several variables of the experiments, where standardisation was possible and meaningful, were merged into two metadata tables at
the experiment- and site levels separately. Since the experiments varied widely in their spatial scale and data accuracy, in many cases,
only ranges were available for numerical characteristics of the sites (e.g., altitude, stand age, or canopy openness), or just the same
approximate value was given for all sites. Forest compositional categories and types were defined based on the EEA classification (EEA,
2007); in many cases, more than one compositional type was assigned to a single site.
We defined six main intervention categories with subcategories (hereafter ‘types’, Table 1). For cuttings, we separated types ac
cording to the approach of the canopy opening. If cutting was based on an individual tree or stem selection, we called it ‘thinning’,
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
while aggregated cuttings based on a defined size area were categorised as ‘gap cutting’ or ‘clearcutting’. We defined the area threshold
between ‘gap cutting’ and ‘clearcutting’ as 2000 m2, based the separation on their potential effect on site conditions, even if the
boundary between them would not be sharp (Muscolo et al., 2014). In some cases, an experiment could include more than one
treatment category and/or type.
The definition of organism groups was based on their taxonomic categories; however, the studied groups spanned across different
taxonomic levels (family and higher). Some taxonomically identical groups were considered as two independent groups, typically
‘woody regeneration’ and ‘herbs’. Likewise, ‘Carabidae’ were often studied independently from other groups of beetles (‘Coleoptera’),
thus we handled them separately. Similarly, ‘Chiroptera’ were treated separately from the other mammals (‘Mammalia’). On the other
hand, taxa with ecologically similar functions were merged (Bryophyta and Marchantiophyta into ‘bryophytes’, lichenised fungi, as a
paraphyletic, but morphologically and functionally well-isolable group to ‘lichens’). Our ‘Fungi’ group covers mainly macrofungi
detected by the naked eye, but in some cases, it also contains a wide range of fungi determined by environmental DNA sequencing.
Notwithstanding the heterogeneous ranks and the multiple exceptions, for the sake of simplicity, thereafter we call all groups ‘taxa’. In
many projects, only subgroups of a given taxon were sampled. In such cases, the list of subgroups was also provided. Occasionally,
these were taxonomic groups, but they often covered functional groups or groups that can be collected by special sampling methods.
The nomenclature for high-rank taxonomic groups follows Roskov et al. (2019).
Arthropod traps collected numerous taxa, among which only a few have been identified and analysed in a given project. However,
the other collected taxa have the potential to be identified and used in the future; therefore, besides the investigated taxa, the applied
collecting methods for arthropods were also listed.
Figures were created in R 3.6.1. (R Development Core Team, 2019) with the package ggplot2 (Wickham, 2016).
3. Results
The established network comprised 28 experiments conducted over 14 European countries (Fig. 1, Table 2), each with a
comprehensive list of metadata (Appendices 2 and 3) and a detailed textual description (Appendix 4).
The experiments covered not only a broad latitudinal and longitudinal range but also varied greatly in altitude (5–1850 m above
sea level). Overall they covered 29 EEA forest compositional types from 12 compositional categories (EEA, 2007). Comparing the
frequency of the compositional categories in the network to their total area in Europe (Barbati et al., 2014), Mesophytic deciduous
forests, Beech forests and Mountainous beech forests were overrepresented among the experiments, as well as Mediterranean conif
erous forests. Some relatively common compositional categories as boreal and hemiboreal forests and the other categories were un
derrepresented (Fig. 2).
The experimental design and spatial scale of the survey were rather variable across projects, with a broad range of both in terms of
number (1–89) and the area of sites (0.16–30 000 ha) per experiment. The number of experimental units varied as well (15–272, and
an exception, where 1170 logs were the experimental units). The replication number of the treatments ranged from three to 90. A block
design was applied in 18 out of the 28 experiments. Before-After-Control-Impact design was implemented in 25 projects, while the
other three experiments had only a Control-Impact design. After-treatment data collection was heterogeneous regarding the total
number of samplings and the temporal frequency of the samplings of different taxa.
3.2. Treatments
Cutting was the most commonly applied experimental treatment (52 %), but microhabitat enrichment and large herbivore
exclusion were also applied in several projects (26 % and 9 %, respectively) (Fig. 3). Forest floor manipulation and prescribed burning
were scarce, and water manipulation was performed only in one experiment. Thinning and gap cutting were the most common cutting
Table 1
The applied treatment categories and types in the collected experiments.
Treatment category Category abbreviation Treatment type Type abbreviation
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Fig. 1. The location of the multi-taxa forest management experiments analysed in this study. Black dots: sites; red circles: centroids of experiments
with multiple sites, or positions of experiments with only one site (labels: experiment ID reported in Table 2). Green background: forest areas (EEA
and Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, 2021).
types, while the most frequent microhabitat treatment was deadwood enrichment. The median number of treatment types within an
experiment was two, ranging from one to five different treatment types. The number of temporal repetitions of the interventions varied
between one and 10.
Altogether a total of 29 taxa were studied in the analysed experiments (Fig. 4). The median number of taxa per experiment was
seven, ranging from three to 16. Woody regeneration and herbs were studied in almost all experiments (27 and 26 cases, respectively).
Fungi, Coleoptera, bryophytes, Carabidae and Aves were sampled in more than 10 experiments. In the case of Fungi, Coleoptera,
Hymenoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Annelida and Mammalia, only various subgroups within the higher taxon were sampled in most of
the experiments. In most cases, arthropods were sampled by flight interception trap (17 projects) and pitfall trap (14 projects), while
soil coring was used in five cases.
Stand structural data were available for all experiments although their quality and range were variable (Fig. 5). Tree diameter and
species were determined in most of the experiments (in 25 projects), and data on basal area, tree height, standing or lying deadwood,
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Table 2
Overview of the analysed experiments: forest compositional categories (EEA, 2007), number of replications and experimental units, treatment
categories and investigated taxa.
Experiment ID EEA codes Replications Experimental units Treatments Taxa
EX01_CZ 5 6 36 CUT
EX02_CZ 5 5 15 CUT
EX03_CZ 5 15 45 FLO
EX04_DE 6 various 69 MH
EX06_DK 6 5 25 CUT, MH
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Table 2 (continued )
Experiment ID EEA codes Replications Experimental units Treatments Taxa
EX16_HU 5 6 36 CUT
EX22_SW 2 25 50 CUT
EX23_SW-NO 2 26 52 CUT
EX24_SI 7 9 27 CUT
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Table 2 (continued )
Experiment ID EEA codes Replications Experimental units Treatments Taxa
EX26_DE 2, 6, 7 90 1170 MH
EX27_CZ 4 10 20 CUT
EX28_DE 6 8 72 CUT, MH
Experiment ID: identification number of the experiment and the code of the country. EEA codes: 1. Boreal forest, 2. Hemiboreal forest and nemoral
coniferous and mixed broadleaved-coniferous forest, 3. Alpine coniferous forest, 4. Acidophilous oak forest, 5. Mesophytic deciduous forest, 6. Beech
forest, 7. Mountainous beech forest, 8. Thermophilous deciduous forest, 9. Broadleaved evergreen forest, 10. Coniferous forest of the Mediterranean,
Anatolian and Macaronesian regions, 11. Mire and swamp forest, 14. Plantations and self-sown exotic forests.
Treatments: BUR = prescribed burning, CUT = cutting, EXC = exclusion of large herbivores, FLO = forest floor manipulation, MH = microhabitat
enrichment, WAT = water manipulation.
Taxa: Acari, Amphibia, Annelida, Araneae, Aves, Bacteria, Bryophyta, Carabidae, Chiroptera,
Collembola, 9Coleoptera (except Carabidae), Diptera, Fungi, Herbivorous insects, Hemiptera, Herbs, Hymenoptera,
Isopoda, Lepidoptera, Lichens, Mammalia (except Chiroptera), Mollusca, Myriapoda, Nematoda, Neuroptera,
Fig. 2. Frequency of the experiments according to forest compositional categories (EEA, 2007), compared to the respective share of the area of these
categories in Europe. One experiment may contain forests of multiple categories.
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Fig. 3. Frequency of the different treatment categories and types in the experiment network. Cutting: CC = clearcutting, FOM = forest–open field
mosaic creation, GC = gap cutting, GTR = green tree retention, THI = thinning, UGR = undergrowth removal. Microhabitat: DW = deadwood
enrichment, HT = habitat tree enrichment. Exclusion of large herbivores: EXC = exclusion of large herbivores. Floor manipulation: FRT = fertili
sation, LR = litter raking, MCH = mechanical damage of ground layer. Burning: BUR = prescribed burning. Water manipulation: DF = ditch filling.
stem number, canopy openness and tree volume was accessible in > 15 projects. Regeneration density data were available in 12
Among the environmental variables, light data were collected with high frequency (in 20 cases, Fig. 6), mainly by hemispherical
photos (13 cases). Soil components, pH and temperature, air temperature and humidity were also measured in at least 10 projects.
Litter data were collected in seven experiments.
In 19 experiments, biodiversity-related functions or processes were also measured (Table 3), among which the most frequent ones
were browsing by large herbivores and decomposition.
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4. Discussion
Compared to their cover in Europe (Barbati et al., 2014), Mesophytic deciduous forests, Beech forests and Mountainous beech
forests are the best represented among the multi-taxa experiments, similar to observational multi-taxa studies (Burrascano et al.,
2020). Only an intermediate number of experiments was found in the huge area of the boreal and hemiboreal regions. Although there
are many forestry experiments conducted in this region (http://noltfox.metla.fi; Koivula and Vanha-Majamaa, 2020), the relative
number of multi-taxa experiments is low. Coniferous forests of the Mediterranean region, Thermophilous deciduous forests and
Acidophilous oak and oak-birch forests are well-represented compared to their share in Europe. In Broadleaved evergreen forests, Mire
and swamp forests and Plantations and self-sown exotic forests only one experiment per forest category was found, thus, the
management-biodiversity relationships in these forests have not been adequately explored. Involving Floodplain forests and
Non-riverine alder, birch or aspen forests in multi-taxa experiments is an important recommendation for future studies.
Thinning, gap cutting, deadwood enrichment and herbivore exclusion are broadly applied in forestry practice in Europe (Matthews,
1991; Pommerening and Murphy, 2004; Seibold et al., 2015; Bernes et al., 2018), thus they are well-studied in multi-taxa experiments
as well. Other treatments are relevant only in certain regions and are studied only on a few sites. Hereafter, we discuss individually
those treatments that occurred in more than five projects, and then shortly the rarer treatment types.
4.2.1. Thinning
A total of 15 experiments studied different types of thinning, covering the main regions and compositional categories of Europe.
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Thus, the effect of thinning on forest biodiversity in different forest types (e.g., in coniferous vs. broadleaved, or in stands of shade-
tolerant vs. intolerant tree species) would be a potential research avenue. Evaluating the biodiversity responses to thinning in
different climatic zones might help to understand the effect of canopy openings facing climate change.
In practice, thinning is often implemented in rotation forestry system (as preparation cutting), but it is also a widely used tool of
continuous cover forestry system (selection cutting) (Matthews, 1991), furthermore, it is applied in conservation-oriented forest
management as well (Bernes et al., 2015). Thus, thinning experiments are established with two different goals, to find either
ecologically sustainable management techniques for commercial forestry or potential tools for improving forest habitats.
Similarly to the diversity of the applied thinning methods in forestry practices, the thinning experiments are also heterogeneous in
their implementation. There are two different methods applied in thinning experiments: systematic and selective thinning (to promote
target trees). In the latter case, thinning can be part of various multifunctional management systems, with numerous conservation-
oriented considerations. Thinning is always paired with uncut controls, but in some cases, it is also compared to gap cutting or
clearcutting. Thinning intensity ranges from 10% to 61%, and two projects compare different thinning intensities.
The differences in the applied thinning (e.g., in intensity or extent) might influence the outcomes of the multi-taxa monitoring.
Thus, thinning treatments should not be compared across experiments as the same kind of intervention but may allow exploring the
effect of various thinning intensities on forest taxa. This is definitely true for more sessile groups like plants and soil-dwelling or
ganisms. However, more motile taxonomic groups like some groups of insects and birds, are more affected by the surrounding stands
and are therefore more dependent on the context (i.e., forest type) (de Groot et al., 2016). In these cases, all thinning treatments could
be compared, e.g., across forest types.
Table 3
Other functions and processes measured in the experiments.
Function/process Frequency
Browsing 9
Decomposition 7
Seed fall 3
CO2-efflux 2
Fire prevention 2
Large wild ungulates activity 1
Wild boar activity 1
Development of transplanted bryophytes 1
Incidence of oak mildew and ash dieback 1
Development of transplanted sedge 1
Nature sounds 1
Seed recruitment of herbs 1
Socio-economic evaluation 1
Seed predation 1
Tree growth 1
Tree phenology 1
Windthrow 1
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Besides comparing gaps to uncut parts of the forest, in three projects, gap cutting is compared to thinning and/or clearcutting as
well. Two projects are focusing on the details of the implementation of gap cutting with the comparison of different gap types: isolated
gaps vs. gaps connected to open areas, or gaps with different sizes (small vs. large), shapes (circular vs. elongated) and creation modes
(one or two steps) are compared.
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Numerous treatment types (such as cutting, herbivore exclusion, burning, or forest floor manipulation) have a strong influence on
woody regeneration and herbs (Cugunovs et al., 2017; Boulanger et al., 2018; Tinya et al., 2019). Plants can be easily observed and
determined and woody regeneration is of silvicultural interest as well. Thus, it is anticipated that these taxa are the most frequently
sampled (in 27 and 26 experiments, respectively), enabling common analyses at a wide range of forests. Fungi, Coleoptera, bryophytes,
Carabidae and Aves have also been sampled in more than 10 studies, allowing us to study their response to various forestry treatments
across the network. However, in the case of Fungi and Coleoptera, it must be considered that in different experiments sampling is
limited to various subgroups. Soil invertebrates, Diptera, Hymenoptera and other vertebrates than birds are underrepresented in the
experiments. Numerous taxa are related to deadwood (Stokland et al., 2012), among which herbs, regeneration, bryophytes,
wood-inhabiting fungi, Carabidae, saproxylic beetles and birds are often studied in deadwood enrichment experiments (more than five
experiments out of 13), while bacteria, lichens and bats constitute research gaps.
The heterogeneous sampling methods strongly hamper the comparability of the different projects, especially in the case of the
insect groups. To increase comparability in future experiments, more standardised samplings are suggested (Burrascano et al., 2021).
The comparability of the existing biodiversity data (collected with different methods, sampling intensities and in different
geographical regions) can be increased if not the absolute value of the community variables (such as species richness and abundance)
are compared, but a per-dataset standardised effect size of differences in the investigated variables between control plots and inter
vention plots is used. Similarly, for species composition, not the raw species, but community dissimilarity indices and traits should be
compared across the various projects. To compare experiments collecting data on different elements of forest biodiversity, multi
diversity indices can be calculated for each project and effect of a given treatment on multidiversity can be compared across projects.
Most of the studies also collect environmental and stand structural attributes as explanatory variables for biodiversity. Basic stand
structural variables (species composition, tree diameter, stand basal area and tree height) are available for most of the projects.
However, other structural, microclimatic and soil variables are collected in very heterogeneous ways.
Light, which is the abiotic factor most directly influenced by the cutting treatments (Kovács et al., 2020) is studied in most of these
experiments. The broad use of hemispherical photography makes the data comparable. Canopy cover may influence the decay process
and colonisation of organisms on deadwood (Seibold et al., 2016), however, it is considered only in half of the deadwood enrichment
experiments, with quite heterogeneous methodologies.
Soil conditions are influenced not only by cuttings and burning but also by forest floor and water manipulations (Sayer, 2006;
Agbeshie et al., 2022), thus soil components and pH are studied in numerous experiments (altogether, in 18 cases).
Air temperature and humidity are measured in much fewer projects; however they may also vary after different cuttings (De Frenne
et al., 2021), and can be important explanatory variables for deadwood enrichment studies as well (Seibold et al., 2016). Although
their longer-term simultaneous data collection needs some effort, some affordable and user-friendly instruments could make these
measurements feasible in more projects.
Among ecological processes and functions, besides the numerous occasionally studied topics, only browsing and decomposition are
widely investigated and comparable across projects.
5. Conclusions
The multi-taxa experiments conducted as a part of this study cover major parts of Europe and investigate a considerable share of
forestry interventions that are relevant for sustainable or conservation-oriented forest management, and a large number of taxa. The
experiments significantly differ not only in their spatial scale, type, intensity and extent of interventions but also in their sampling
methods. Despite their heterogeneity, there are several general questions that can be investigated with meta-analyses across a relative
broad pool of the experiments. Regarding these general questions, the commonalities of the scientific results of the local studies can be
tested, as well as their variability across regions or forest types. Besides, there are some specific questions that are investigated by only
one or few experiments (e.g. to compare different implementation types of the given treatment, such as various gap types or deadwood
enrichment in shady plots vs. on sunlight). These questions cannot be upscaled to European level, but some plots of these projects (e.g.
their most typical treatment types) can be involved to answer the above-mentioned general questions at a continental level, even if the
original aim of the experiment was more specific.
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Although there are many forestry manipulation experiments in Europe involving biodiversity investigations (Bernes et al., 2015;
Seibold et al., 2015), most of them are single-taxon studies. Using a multi-taxa approach in our study is a relevant step towards getting
more comparable information across experiments regarding the management–biodiversity relationships (Sabatini et al., 2016).
The most important similarities among multi-taxa forest management experiments are gap cutting, thinning, deadwood manip
ulation and large herbivore exclusion among the treatments, and the most frequently studied taxa include herbs, tree regeneration,
fungi, beetles, bryophytes and birds. The data from these allow us to make the broadest generalisations, however, their application
width depends on the given issue. Besides, numerous other treatments and taxa have the potential for common analyses on the scale of
two or more experiments.
We pose several questions directly related to sustainable forest management that could be upscaled to the European level based on
the generalised results of the considered experiments (Fig. 7):
1. During timber production forestry, how do various close-to-nature management techniques (such as gap cutting and thinning)
affect forest biodiversity? Which are the best available forestry methods for conserving biodiversity?
2. How can the different conservation-oriented interventions (deadwood enrichment, habitat tree enrichment, or canopy openings)
improve forest biodiversity?
3. How does the cutting intensity (size of gaps, intensity of thinning) influence forest biodiversity?
4. How does the forest type (coniferous/mixed/broadleaved; shade-tolerant/light-demanding dominant species) influence the effect
of management? Understanding the management impacts in various climatic zones may help to predict the biodiversity response to
treatments and to find those methods that better conserve forest biodiversity in managed forests under climate change.
Besides these questions, others have prominent relevance for ecology (Sutherland et al., 2013, Fig. 7):
5. Are the responses of different biodiversity components to disturbances such as forestry interventions congruent across taxa? How
are the taxa of different trophic levels influenced by treatments?
6. What are the effects of forest management disturbances on the functional diversity of the taxa?
7. How do the forest specialist and generalist species respond to treatments?
8. How are the abiotic conditions (microclimate, soil characteristics) influenced by management and how do they affect forest
biodiversity? Does forest management impose changes on environmental filters that determine the assembly of ecological
Hereby, we describe those issues that are not well covered by the existing multi-taxa forestry experiments and need additional
Fig. 7. Research agenda and knowledge gaps based on the existing multi-taxa forestry experiments in Europe.
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
experiments (Fig. 7). More representation of boreal and Mediterranean broadleaved forests would increase the spatial representa
tiveness of the results and our knowledge about the management effects on biodiversity. Zonal forests are usually well studied, while
the – primarily water-determined – edaphic forests are less known with knowledge gaps. Despite the lower conservation value of
plantations, their high contribution in terms of the total area in Europe urges their more intensive investigation.
Tree cuttings – which usually have economical relevance – are well studied. However, forest management and conservation also
operate with other interventions like prescribed burning, forest floor or water manipulation. The effects of these interventions are
relatively less explored and thus more evidence is essential to formulate best practices. Large herbivore exclusion is widely applied in
large areas and for the long term, thus it would be especially relevant to understand its effect not only on the well-studied understory
but also on other components of forest biodiversity.
Soil-dwelling organisms are extremely species-rich components of forest ecosystems, with important ecological functions such as
decomposition. To better assess the management effects on these processes, the inclusion of soil organisms in experiments is highly
recommended. In the same context, Diptera and Hymenoptera are rarely studied species-rich groups, because of their complex
identification. However, metabarcoding may facilitate their inclusion in experiments in the future. Amphibians, reptiles and mammals,
as characteristic vertebrate elements of forest biota, also constitute knowledge gaps.
We think that the current overview would promote fitting the design of future experiments to the set-up of these projects and using
standardised biodiversity sampling (see Burrascano et al., 2021) to enable multi-site comparisons and generalisation of results on a
transregional scale.
Flóra Tinya: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Data curation, Writing – review & editing.
Inken Doerfler: Formal analysis, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Maarten de Groot: Formal
analysis, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. Jacob Heilman-Clausen: Formal analysis, Data curation,
Writing – review & editing. Bence Kovács: Conceptualization, Methodology, Visualization, Data curation, Writing – review & editing.
Anders Mårell: Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Björn Nordén: Formal analysis,
Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Réka Aszalós: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Claus Bässler: Data curation,
Writing – review & editing. Gediminas Brazaitis: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Sabina Burrascano: Data curation,
Writing – review & editing. Jordi Camprodon: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Markéta Chudomelová: Data curation,
Writing – review & editing. Lukáš Čížek: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Ettore D’Andrea: Data curation, Writing – review
& editing. Martin Gossner: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Panu Halme: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Radim
Hédl: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Nathalie Korboulewsky: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Jari Kouki:
Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Petr Kozel: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Asko Lõhmus: Data curation,
Writing – review & editing. Rosa Ana López Rodríguez: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. František Máliš: Data curation,
Writing – review & editing. Juan A. Martín: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Giorgio Matteucci: Data curation, Writing –
review & editing. Walter Mattioli: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Roser Mundet: Data curation, Writing – review &
editing. Jörg Müller: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Manuel Nicolas: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Anna
Oldén: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Míriam Piqué: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Žydrūnas Preikša: Data
curation, Writing – review & editing. Joan Rovira Ciuró: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Liina Remm: Data curation,
Writing – review & editing. Peter Schall: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Pavel Šebek: Data curation, Writing – review &
editing. Sebastian Seibold: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Primož Simončič: Data curation, Writing – review & editing.
Karol Ujházy: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Mariana Ujházyová: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Ondřej
Vild: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Lucie Vincenot: Data curation, Writing – review & editing. Wolfgang Weisser: Data
curation, Writing – review & editing. Péter Ódor: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Data curation, Writing –
review & editing.
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing in
terests: Sabina Burrascano reports financial support was provided by EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Flóra Tinya reports
financial support was provided by National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary. Flóra Tinya reports financial
support was provided by Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Markéta Chudomelová, Radim Hédl, Ondřej Vild reports financial support
was provided by Czech Academy of Sciences. František Máliš, Karol Ujházy, Mariana Ujházyová reports financial support was provided
by Slovak Research and Development Agency.
Data Availability
This review was funded by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 through the COST Association (www.cost.eu): COST
F. Tinya et al. Global Ecology and Conservation 46 (2023) e02553
Action CA18207: BOTTOMS-UP – Biodiversity Of Temperate forest Taxa Orienting Management Sustainability by Unifying Per
spectives. The authors are thankful to all experts contributing to the experiments here reviewed. F.T. was supported by the National
Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary (NKFIA PD134302) and by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. M.C., R.H. and O.V. were funded by the Czech Academy of Sciences (Nr RVO 67985939). F.M., K.U.
and M.U. were supported by Slovak Research and Development Agency under Grant APVV-19-0319.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02553.
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