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Oxidation/reducing agents Reduction/oxidizing agents

dG=-nf x Eocell EW=A.M/No of e Z=AM/n x f
-Formation of cation -Formation of anion
K=GxV => 1/R x L/A Λm=K x 1000/Mole (Scm-)
-Increase in charge of cation -Increase in charge of anion
Λm=K/Mole x 1000(Sm-) Λcm= Λom - b√c
-Decreasing charge on anion -Decreasing charge on cation
Oxidation states
α = Λm/ Λom Λcm= Λm Ka=Cα²/1-α C=Ka/α²
Q=nf=>nef R=ÞL/A K=G x G* G*=L/A
Elements in elementary state=0 [Na,P4,S8,C,Mn,Zn,Mg]
G=Conductance ,G*=cell constant, K=Specific
Oxidation state of ions is equal to charge [Na+ = +1]
Oxidation state of oxygen: [H2O2,Na2O2,CaO2=-1]
Λm=Molar Conductivity Λom=limiting Molar
[MgO,CaO,Na2O=-2] , [O2F2=+1 , OF2=+2] , O2=0
Oxidation of Hydrogen: metals=-1[NaH,CaH2,ClH]
Nonmetal=+1[H2O,HCl,H2S] , H2=0
Metallic conductance Vs Electrolytic
Oxidation state of halogen:[F,Cl,Br,I]=-1 , [F2,Cl2,Br2,I2]=0
*flow of current due to e- *due to ions
[li,Na,K,Pb]=+1 , [Be,mg,Ca,Sr]=+2
*no chemical decomposition *has chemical
Electrochemical cell/Voltic cell/Galvanic cell Elecrolytic cell
Convert chemical energy to electrical energy Converts electrical energy to chemical energy
*R due to +ve Cations *R due to ions/solvent
Daniel cell[Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)] Non spontaneous reactions are carried out due to
*Temp inc,R inc,M.C dec *Temp inc,R dec,E.C
Electrode potential
e- =+ = 1.1v when conc of ions =1 Used for refining of metal
If Eex>Ecell converted to electrolytic cell Nernst equation
Spontaneous reaction provides electrical energy Ec = Eo − (0.0592v /n) log10[P/R] [Eo=EoCathode -
Potential difference
When potential diff/ develop b/w electrode and electrolyte it is knows as electrode potential [SRP=-
Potential diff b/w two electrodes of galvanic cell is called cell potential given by diff of cathode and
anode potential
In daniel cell oxidation reaction occurs on anode and reduction on cathode these are called half cells or
redox couples
Faraday Laws
1.The amount of chemical change that occurs at an electrode during electrolysis is directly proportional
to the amount of electricity passed through the electrolyte. [ M=ZxQ => ZxIxT ]
2. When the same amount of electricity passes through different electrolytes, the mass of the
substances deposited are proportional to their equivalent weights. [Mass of Zn/Mass of cu = E.W of
Zn/E.W of Cu ]
*Discharge potential of Ions=> Slowest(SO4->NO3->OH->Cl->Br->I-)Fastest
*Kinetically Slow => more bonds, Slowest(N2>O2>H2)Fastest
It is the process of slowly eating up metals by gas and water vapours present in the atmosphere due to
the formation of certain compounds like oxide, sulphides, carbonate, etc depends on
reactivity,strain,impurity of metal and salinity of electrolyte as well as presence of SO2/CO2.Prevented
by Barrier protection,Superficial platting,Cathodic Protection[Magnesium metal],solution
Rust is a reddish-brown flaky coat present on the metal. Technically, rust is a Hydrated Iron (III) Oxide
whose chemical formula is Fe2O3 x H2O. The rusting of the iron formula is represented by 4Fe + 3O2 +
6H2O → 4Fe(OH)3. Rusting can be prevented by galvanization, painting, and the application of grease.
Use of electrochemical, cell develops 1.67 v [anode:2Fe=Fe2+ +4e | cathode:O2 + 4H+ + 4e =2H2O]
Kohlrausch's law states that at infinite dilution equivalent conductivity of an electrolyte is equivalent to
the sum of the conductances
Dry Cell(Lenlanche of the cationsLead
Mercury Cell andStorage
anions.Battery Nickle-Cadmium cell Fuel cell
cell) -primary battery used -Secondary battery -secondary cell -Galvenic cells that
-primary battery,used in watches used in -longer life than lead convert combustion
in clock,potential=1.5V etc ,Constant automobiles,can battery energy to electrical
-Anode:Zn container potentaial=1.35 v recharge and discharge -more expansive energy from
-Cathode:Graphite rod -electrolyte paste of -electrolyte:H2SO4 Reaction: hydrogen/methanol/met
with C,MnO2 KOH and ZnO -Anode:spongy lead Cd+2Ni(OH)3 = hane
-Space b/w electrodes -Anode:Mercury Pb+SO4²-=PbSO4+2e- CdO+2Ni(OH)2+H2O -Cathode:O2+H2O+4e-
fill with NH4Cl Amalgam -Cathode:spongy PbO2 =4OH-
And ZnCl2 Zn(Hg)+2OH- PbO2+SO4²-+4H+ +@e- -Anode:2H2+4OH-
-Anode:Zn=Zn2+ + 2e- =Zno+H2O+2e- =PbSO4+2H2O =4H2O+4e-
-Cathode:MnO2 + -Cathode:HgO and C -Connected in series -Fuel cells produce
NH4+ paste =Arranged in parralel electricity at 70%
MnO(OH)+NH3 HgO+H20+2e- efficiency compared to
=Hg+2OH- thermal at 40%

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