Easton Gazette 07-1834
Easton Gazette 07-1834
Easton Gazette 07-1834
;^ : ,, iv,;^:^£;|^
" 'vmc.t no . . - •.- -,..-,., ,,, i r - - ; - - - ji - 'i!t i" v!'1<!
mi»ifr''i;..Tfey.('"«.' < ;i- ri"
.:.: 'urii-ofcM^s^iril^S^f^lsU^^ifpg^iiiiiiJ 4tr : ^*y-L--M : '.'T-:i!i-'•:! i'.-.••iii,.-:•-:..: IN-- -..•': \Mi-\slv
•i? Vi i. l 'l^i:sfi:isu«t.\n»litfi|*iK«.i?iHc)?Hf^it'''-^-^:>-•';- •?"" f|ia'OJ''t^r-*»B'!i-;!-'iU-. ..: s !:;;i, vr-i.,-',:,.^:^;',:,) xv.?".:
^||'|^te|||l^ijj!|| 5 :K :; , ! 1 ^'f'q:^i'iir7^;''.'.;^u"-
T WQ DOLLARS AND F? II i- : A3i|!j:|jfi|iJl3ij;..^yjj^ ;> v-.",:c
Peri i: , 7.}(ii:iyiEi{4|)Jij!7jaa4%"s'-':^''-- '-"--^ :: ^-^ i^?"-''.1 -' 1 '. '•.l.l'yjfelfe'i.^uiiff^sihiri M. :I.. i: .;u. iV^f v<' ! i''
I "'i'';''-1 ;;!!^-' -:":,.-» :/'v! .'.l',-iSf I'v'ifc'lW.'.' • • • •.- "—'--- : -I I'-i'.'I'.'i-".'.(', VIJl|'^SllJ]p^t<» ! it,jffi;:'. i l.'-.i .'l.''!.l:.-!] ru 1 '-?-'-,
A^^^.^>:_;_a-^ .,.'.' .L ..-'.I.' - -'--'i'..:- .• - - .', '"1*1 iii-..? * T V fl. i-'li'V.'^t'- ..-I1.{.i t !•: jI'..nw !iiii*ji{^:.t'u*'4l;-i.'.*Swul'.". -• ... - - • i- . t .
Not-exceeding1 ! a square in i<.fo<i ;;.i'-1 -' - :...'• ' : ''••>- • T"- -r'lt'v;"-"!'/ .-J-.iVH-itl'"! , ; -;:.V"i->*'.:.„. ', iijM'-.v:;:-;
'', T,-;:i . Cir«;8;;:l;lj(!S.i!rijfTJsy''Ai^ • j-,..'-p'
foT^ONB- DOLLAR; and '.'>.
'•*"'•''•"-•' '''i;!: ^l|^t!^-;.;;ri-'X'^J..a!it^(^l irt!Ji\&;;^!ltVp:'--- ; ',; ''".'l',. !."• . a! an •
icEHTs for every snbseqi :mt.llt;rilY !'<> V.
U^^:^4;i,^: F^W^'tt'AVl'VVf <k i<r- ; ' '" '..r:' ; •••.: .-.urilijiiujiii.
••'•'•'"'-'"'"'"•ul ;| "- -vailitb,.;
uS'''In; ;iv;iil{ibie, cl;aui!i
ci;;i tino
Gf6at. Bargains, 'Iv^r 'i '' :1i?l%-f^^|*^ ''"''" m;i " :;;[ " -wti othiTS to tho department
'a.-.- 1'1!--'••"''• •- ' ^i''^^'.^"^'^^/^^!^^^^^'^!''^:^ j !>h' : '-•'•' -' ;i - <'ii' fi:' i>! < 'i.-iydijjndnjso'the, amount
wn«r TO D
.^£-.-^^..^1:^ ''i.•»(::. .ru i fttiHfllillMiniinirv nquiry tho.v
•••'^';i''rt£^ir>^ "' '••"- .-.I';"1 '";," !!l^ work <' f
•*.;?=^ 1.-JI.-.XV'" I A;w J*..* £ '; "; '.> -"." Vr/Hi! ; U'Ji! '-' I:1 ", o forc^ i ;,-.',
."jBrVeorthem Is hiinjpri SiJ
I.-.-)II i;;i:: J--. 1-im !i.; i'i](.'r'.:iiii i.nivv.fo limiM'--':. MJ,.„.;,,(' tiii' tli>ji:u-!;,v.'i»i, and, lie lina sta-
p;iflir-; ii- iniHvirltiiil'i in. i.:-;>rnliirf-~ \\':< uiUniilr: I ;, M | !!, ;i |. ;i4:M),0(ii'J is ili^ stualloal sum ihat;will
ke.epin<1' in tii ; b::.r ti!!' hc-^i. »l' i./i'inorti, niui iiis j -v^i-ve t.ii:;t pmpii-;n.
Jar reason to doubt their
afc-'t'Splendid assortment of'•••• Tubiu i.biiH bo jiinii:ilu:d i'i si'.trtni u'itli Miiob u:i 'i*lm suii;sbojrowed and overdrawn on l>anks •:,M not to the credit and on!.iinmliny• i in"•.
'S*'. .^NEW.HAIW tho itiarkbrwill afford. Ho IK", smiviJeil at- (o Uio die 11th April, 1S3<1,
133-1, and th'cn-p.visUnj
th'on-pxistinsr. as ofclatrJKof the departtioent, your coiutniu>-i 1. j innni
tentivo Ostlers mid Wii'uet.-i, niiii ba.i acter- a debt aqainsl against tho
th« department,
' .are itaUd by could wf place the sarnSjIreliance on thn gun-i lion*
all of which will bo.disposed of on moderate mined nothing on liis part ch;-!! bv ,. anting to the officers tu bo $183,000 walealBfiatcpresented totherri. Theamount'phfc
terms, for cash or Rood paper, and liberal pri- give satisfaction. Hin 7/acku will tr.n regular- L<jnd they 8UitO:tlio amount due ' " Iar|rer.'than they had reaStirMtrBup-l te.ifSKB
cesgiven for old Carriages in exchange. ly to tho Steam Boat Maryland, ftr, theaccom-J "to cfmtraotdrs .on the. 1st of.| c; tonvtheir knowlldgo of the gen- (fflrf
TOey have uiider way a^first r^Cnacjicr ijpdatioti of possonpfora, w hen they cap.ho con -1 «iApril,,/ " -•**-'—•--- '!„ J|,Q 4ep«tUuont, and I pee
and jrnumber ofGIGS, to nnv pnrt <il tlio mitd ty at Si'*, . m "±. • __J*. .Jte.« ^- ,. _ .-**•« 1 • Jfl
p. whi
to artfl 'C.vl can ','19 h^d.ttCilsv ;! '::'U)!-
er ~*\f^^^ , n ' .' * fcr ^i :-j jt:L bi:i;:i (_'ivut; io ;i tail iiiiiio by
ordeposites in banks it. eai9om»do, and hero Senftte, on;tbo nth Jay;of March lut, on
-Balti-1 fie dopartmenVof J37.000, 95j jhaent «n ostlmate of the revenue and ex- milted by the presentPosfo Rind, i rcswlnlioh olfurcd by,pnc ot your committee,
.in the Mpro I Of this there was donoaited in Tertditu as of the depar1 tutent of the last qnar- in a third, tlie rcporfcame iri'0»lsto to be re- 'or a statement^ of the sums paid for tnnsporbp*
era banki'which ha*e'(ail 5,455 07 «r of tr s-year 1833, by which it will be seen forted toby jmif.cpmraittfe, and Io aid them lion and. exira'arlowa'nce/ if »nj-, omitted in
, — - .- . —,-.— -. i advnntage'ln r • f I. |p VfH V .
Jiat, wi bout some real and substantial reform in'their investir'«ii6'ri.7""So »n»wf'r has yet .ho'Blao JJook, which; Wonld bavo enabled
in theirlino, of* cYefy1 'description, from" vi -._-,. ,.,.,_,-- • ./ . , •* -••' '^ "«IJ .
Boarders will be accommodated on liberal terms Leaving to thn credit account,
by tflfc assistance of trie. 'be$tr workmen j -anti R trr* m tnagerncTit of its eonccins, there is lit- lioeh given by the SecVetary ofjhe Treasury tliam to present an explanation of the discre
theirYwn knowledge of tho business,' they are by.thft day, week, VnoiitrTor year—ho sbticitc funds in hank, Apiil -lllli, tle prosj (ect (hit h will extricate itself from to resolution of the Sertste adopted ori.irfo11th pancy; a)id we can perceive of DO mode of ae-
persuaded they can finish offasf handsome and the ojjj stomcrs of tTm linu.ic and tho 1H3.I, available, ,545 SSj ;h* presmt embarrassments. day of March h?<, oh motion of'orw' 61 y'otii «iiirit[ng fb« it,. consistent with tlio correct ad»,
substantial COACHEES;'*BAKO.lfqH ES gcri'e'rally,' to call and SPO him. They alsu reported, aa a eonjeetvteJ. cttt [I appeani as stated above, thai thn coininittcfl, wh'iqli calls for copiorf 6f the tlnpli miriistratiori of tfio dcpaftlnetrt, and.)a careful
GIGS, &o. fec.asany . establilliqu^in the Oct. :V iiMte, that thero was tine fruin poetmnsters receipts for postoges- m ib cates of contracts, bids, and nxlfa' nlliiwanccs .iiid accnraic cxatniftatiorj of ilia papers whicU
State. All kinds of repairs dmioTn n neat nnt tor posiao;(!s liciVruirt^ prior to January 1st - ter amount^ to -1"' ' wniclilticlaw rcquircs.f should bo filelinv Ihr, ^ff^Ufttto;' ' l < anJ tniilcr il»tifBcial onthoritv. : "'
tlurtUe manner, and steel spring's of every tie $300,000 Tire tn'nsporialiun for tho' ofR6e,of tire''
Comptroller qfthr/.I'leasury.' Tli ' Utco hasnlso b'aove'd to |m select-'
scription, made and repaired, nil of which wil. from \yhich this CHliinato was 'quatlrr aniotihletlj bitfertro ;
be doue al tho shortest notice and on rcasonabli '" i ih:nvd bnyo been examined by tho connniltee to tuny h nil din : (.Vnoijtr to tho^Senato on
lerms. ••--.• ,, ,, . ;''! :t'nti Ui'i rr-itilttiF that ot'ntnination --leaves 'no Incidental e.i I:! 1-!, :,lf that hisve been
I'iTH c(ii)i;unniK a ''MI-:! ..f on- J 1( nbi. ;!ir; ) ihc ;inioii!\t. o( this credit id jrreatly ::i'Uiii't nlluwtnces *inc»
The Public's OVtSetV!:; i ;i'.t v:iliini unit rcmai!-:. '.iifi-.iivii tl':"li!!ni >')inov: (,\-..ITH-[-J.,(.I,"| ' f-iiiiif; !lX.,(, wliich oAgKt tr»
Total oxpcnditurp.
ANDERSON".&. HOL'KLVs. ,i!'tt..i If.nmiimj'nrsiti^Hl, tin.l ill! M;i:«is w!i(, iT";,,,, ,,,... ,; i:u t!u; iv .-.;-inC; of tho dopa'rt- there'by. tho i" i -"li'iiioeii in Ihu Uiuu Bo<.»..
N.B. .A- 8tll.,-havp also for sale, n l:u;;.: ' : " ! -!' !"< l( "n ; !ll!l " '" •••"•b"^-.ii>- > ><••;'.-> trv j ,,,, , li; ( ;, r tfl ,. i:,,u ,,,, a ,; ( , r ;,,•,)„. yoar 1833i Excess of ox ;cpnrt o
& superior turninpr Latlie,and tools, which can j !;;l '"" :>i'i«"V' !ll< rn - {'•<!"" •'-•;!-.:-'•'-%• :-" L^ooiiiiy.- <»\.\ it . ;,.. i (vuitunic ib:acan'')oloim- nno ' 0351,573
i bought low. boys ofgood'atcady hub- ;•'•«';/ ( '""' ; ^''" l!! <" ! ';' /"'•y-^'^' <'-'"' ' ' • - LaMMmigji^^-, i:n i ; ,, H haviiisbpen
it», from 13 to 15 . f „ d h :v<; in.-L-ii,) amounted Which ronttnuiri
as apprentices, the one'at. the woodwor':, :
vha olhcr at^lho tiimmin^ I! ranch ofthn !'i>:! | an aniitial deficit of
ness.. Letters,, addressed to Atuleiium DIHI { An opifti
Hopkins, Easlon, Talbot 00111115 Md. sip ;:!:;.. j iV ' ; '3 J f the preso i i (' Tos t
ingthe kind of carriage \vantinjT, will bupt"iti|'!j_ r IB,
ly attended to, and tho c,irri;i|r;'i bioiuriii tn , i|- >(| ^ ..,,.. ,„,,., hyia vlgilimt :uTiniuis
their own door. *. • j P!i' ;1 .K;'-> "V .1 !U.ri'', jtl! th
\.i-.ir. 1 y.'a'nd-in a lew year's to'i">"i
Feb. 15 3m ! i:.,',!\ .''Mn.in I:;,* ;;l |h i-i-ihi •-,• h. •! •.•:. •,. u S it., j ;,-[:;. intotl . ry, an »nnual stiin 1'"""
' flie Eastern Shore .Wliljf. nml CainbrW"!; S : ... r,~;.i iinb.v iTih -mi 1 •'",.-! this estiniBlo Sccmf to have
"' Chronicle will publish the JOl'idl::. I O^'f'.i.r
"':'.'. i /.i*.7 tltnt considerable BUIH3 on the rtDid increase of the receip
•'Vi-rr T"i'i'i'.'r(l !>iliis ]!C.-:lnr,lf.ti'l:., ' xe.ltlsi' agesi the itnprovpmcnt of romls aui
Easton and Bal i!u: t!(!p;i ::!(::! il! ':• :'ll,'-. Y/hiiM !:•,
I'rHni'i- tin: :nii')'uit, in i.m.'ir li:im.!.'i |i>r jec'ei
.'. -
yance, and
ol-.-. pns.engfers
• ' •
the^ttcat and :\nor
<%i^^H^*f"Y **> •-:•! ' i
way diirim;- ihi !;is', (jii-uirr of iS.i.t, in AS;t, tlio profits of tliei
i'r:: ; .i.:r. i.-'; v.'biui: ./.i,:!. -,i-, !iltii;i;' Ivdin llte ,'i:verttl data to iiie-costs of trnrtsportafioh' of th
''..:. ' ' i '..'ilUlb ';"•:: ;:.!'.:: ^iTi:.;:;, i:, li.\ci| upon «3 tllO your comtnitleo entertain ho doubt, hsd
'.:(!!••:•.:\iin;i!iim u» tin: (mill, attainable fairs beeh conducted prudently, with « vf
<ii'' h!,/,-'.'-',!" sin!,-, -..-'iii:h it was in otlrthopnblio'intercat, the,.-anticipation would
•'••^•'.•ii.''n> siii:-: p-titofthi; inve8li(jn- this timehavobeorrreftl'iT^d;unless, itulecil, .....
SCIIOONEH- should have beeni.thought expedient io rcducojci
b-')."r :,M-, .iUai,;-8ny.'"per»on
JAMES STE , the postages, and thus relievo.lho•community
' 'HieBubscribertberjfli of a part of its-pr«Bm>t hiirdon .iit the' li.ftj)^ " nr-!?(tr? til' ?•;' tif -hilv . IS>!>
that the above fine,, faW tion tif business, aqdut&p g'——'^•'•'^-•-'- —•• U'f: Hid J
L •ujnlially built, 'copper ,', <::i(itnatd tlie amount of knovvlcdgo.
e., is now in complet^ord, ith ri vory near In order to proscnf-v"
of f"|jband Passeiigertj • - 3l -;; ;- i--'i'^.! ;-;< : ;»', •( !.- - . .'•-! .ji •;..! 'id;'::, :te>:iU:t.^', nn.iiluit, tinj.i of lincily to the1 Sonato'f^
iv.-'.v ivni>lt>lij.ii,';ij(jyt .™:!!:.;h: •| ".!,,i l : ! . ,';!i".:i.^nt. v.'.n, ;it . i;y :i<n" lak«n, and hero ptr
accorarrwdation of Gentle' .'. .''Ulwrn'{')l(>I)}'.qtJ\1::)'''l.':Ui'. ! '-- !!V i '"i'i'.o ..n ,ib;ir.tr! ^l:s( t 'iii!'i!i. Ire revenue and e
V She wiH'commenco < T^l^^ i": L ,'.:-'i^'..''lr i . i'V-(i^'i-! .„, , i '".Hii'''ll!'- ::. ! hi- i Of iUliS:' tinlr ;>|' ,m ;• rrifcnt for the four xehn
I acket between thti abovd'nain; i ,"«'-''.•'••• ;•"•••-'. »:-': •:;":;.;..:^ 1-': | iii-n'iil!;.' ;u'!',:i ,''i- f:i: !ftr (irdinn >r»'peXt following thfe.time at'ivliii-li it!
will leave Miles llivor l'\irr.y"
i o(Mairch inat.at !> o'nlnrk, nt PtWtmastor'GtineraU • of tlio dn)i:tiiiufni :it 'iio'-'f; svroi:-, ji ••inpi-.-ir-'i iiu n ;<:n: i('' Genera),
* timore.^Returnirig wilt it^vi, ;;,i<;iit Mtien'-i -v ••"••'••?> st of .Inly, (SJ."i,| in ilif'nr, tli;;' tl-,i -iCi'-^aiZWrmQL. « ii'i i liu'th ill another
f" wharf^'Baltimore, oppoyiK: ibciU.jnM)! .",. ;•. | r,:-..K:>\ •i i;iim;i, v/itluit liio hv; <marUir of'tlip there >vas» tilt rnore^ic-
I': HMrisOfl*fe 9 O'clock, A. M -in iii,: fb) - : j 1,,!),:,,. .;,<;.,|,
P^-, . .fi LI Q U ORSj JlJlRD- imoro to Castlehnvon or Easton^. ,,v; . ..>#/-,••"'' third ,will bo added whenever the necessities
!e liioso^ifaflilTorentpoliticsl way of of llio Stato, a'nd'takon fio.p any portion of tho
frlj'r c'U C IMJ J X f^^VTIKf^^^HK'"^l-?a * '''O'Othor 'side of the (|iicslion. Tei-ritory:-;iif the Stale. j;'>'v " r ' "•""• CUIjVJl .."^. •Of) Monday, the 21st insl..she will cqrjjimcince ofTlib College sliall require. .." • 1NL
f Itl'yOrt^_ Oi JV« >> *-*" >^b|f||^^^^Mtyrm[lrnoanin™ Ii6wevcr to press this view Itfputsuaticoof those duties, tho undersign- whichy.'ldu'edrHo . their,former Stoelr roa ler routes from'iBiillimore,'.to Corsica and . oftAndovcr, Mass, and
ilccciveiFal'iht Storesf^^^^^HJ^UKnijocl, f-'musl say/ thai llio real design ril. is'abont'to/proceed' immediately .to the tlieir, assortment very.complete.. . •', • Ihestcrtown, leaving Daltiinore evey -Mon- JOHN HOLMES AowE'wJ lately of Washing Talbot Cc
T II 0 M A-S H. J E N 1C 4%iH^6T»"WHiuing these tw^o-bighlyinleresting topics Eastern Shoro of Maryland, where he will re >? Their friends and the public, (generally are lay morning at C o'clock and rclurn'samo day; ton' Cbllogle Penn., both of th,em accomplished it
Who can exhibit the la'tcit style* »ud P-iabl « *> B'vo greater interest to the paper; and to main until tho end of'June, after which ho respectfully inviied to give them .ft call, ?assacre as heretofore. scholars,' experienced teachers, and bringing On applicant'
•ns either for Ladles or.Gcniloni»B. tig|i*f J»k«it.morc worthy of genoraUttention. -, " will visit tho counties lying betwocn*rie r Pa- may 3 Cw • ' • ' All baggage/packages &.c. at the risk of the tho highest --recommendations,' have the prea- tor of George f
,, -s»wwv*t'. ent^chargo- of; tho Institution. .Till the elec
' ' "'" i '•'••• -'-ff. M*^T -' ."
ma V 17 ' .^tMHBl ^Huw/Ur.ihe plan can be;made acceptable To .uxont and Potomac fivers, proposing to idake owner or owners thereof- ty, deceased, it
- ---——=^SE=Z the* public,.lastomusl be left to'thescquelt in iis examination of this portion of tho Slate EDWA11D STUAR1\ By order • \ . . tion of a President, Mr. Munroe will act M ORDERED
case a sufficiehl palronage is extended to justi during'the rfionths dEJuly and 'August.'.'His Principal. . - : " '
Slill continues to carry on Up L. Q.TAYLOR, Commander. rei|iured by la
DS; TREKS,; PLANTS,' DOL fy the increased expenses to'bo'incdrred in cabinet 'duties CMittpt tfieref;ro be commeneed April 12 '.•__ . _j. Thaplan of study, and general principles i.' their claims :
rMALS, IMPLEMENTS. wages for additional labour, typo and other rW- •efore tho monlhSf. September. ' Desirous, Cartwheel-right-and. Scythe Cra- government and discipline, it is intended, shall eslate&that he
BOOKS, <-c. «tc. • terials—^a» well as in procuiing the most inter lowever,' that ho-avoidable delay shouU be correspond$f9*ia]ra8' practicable, with tho&of once in each w
l-QU SIL* IT TH» esting VUpnjnd..works relating^trf Politics experienced by such of his fellow citizens ns dling Business, -' best Kastcrn Colleges/ ' No feber rs tobe rc-K.sivo weeks i
FARMERBSTABUSH- and Ag^BlijIp, *(}lich ran not bo-hhd by the are interested in the subject of his investigation ; -> Arid no Professor duflKg his con- tod in the town
stand, ....al the
. corner of
^ - ....^"Ttfcj^« ll^,. isrib engage^ fr a" *d
ordinaryitfenu^ngM^unong EJfrors-^-aml the tho understgrieiThns made arranifetnents frith newspapors prii
.*&**.*.* .-,. ;-, '*-^ *^**.- pr^U^rijjBbjBjjytWDot be risked, until I can Mr. Philip T. Tyson, of the firm of Tyson ' and South streets,'oppo& .. ~ proirJs^lun" Durwill cfdVoto • In testimony
. 13 SotdA Calwr/ SJr«f» Salltiiun Md- ascorurrWni^rfljJic opiriton|ljif''relation to iho •ihd ^Fishef, No. 1D2 Baltimore street; to re- Denntfs nnd the Youn self exclusively to the business of iustruc-
'• iho subscriber presents Iii« respects to far plan, and their disposition to sustain it. :cive dnriut; hia absence tho specimens of
mers gardeners, and dealers in Scedii through v'l'hal jte nlan'can bo rcndercd'acceptablo 1 tiinoral substances, soils, wnters, SirfiV^rhich Ladies' Seminary. . > .'Tlio sitnatio'a of New 'Ark, in a railing
out the. United State* rrariicnlarly hia custom bare? ho'doubt, If adequate encouragement is may be submitted. Apy^infdnnatitjn concorn- vi . Feeling grateful for past favors, ho begs leave country, on ihe borders of Delaware, Maryland
er*,'and informs thor>i''that*lie, hai received given." v. •' • • ime these, not rcniiirihc.ln he determined 1 on 'to inform his frionds and ihe publfc'.gnnenlly and Pennsylvania, has for more than 100 years
from .Eurppe,, from jafown Seed Garden, and 'It may perhaps be thought by some, that the -V elaborate . . _;,--. *.. \V?r
investigatidn or
. ..
analysis; will
... .
be thai ho has procured"* first rate assortment of recommended it as'* convenient, healthful
.. rtf_.._ Rr.-i._ -» rhis sjpurvtry, liis depressed nnd' reduced •cotldition'of pur .country
fron».varjiaiiB Tho Subscriber'feeling grateful for past fa economical, and pleasant location for a Public Lord pijjhtei
furnished .-'by Mr. Tyst'in; furlhci inforuiatign MATERIALS,
•nnqal supply?. _ at .thB'p'reserit' time renders it-' atf'Unsuitable ivill ho'commiiriicnted 'by Iho' uri vors begg-leavo to inform his'friends and tiro School.' The College liaa grown out of art Ti-.st,
•HEEDS; and tlmt he is prermcd^to riCcasibn to put-forth pronosalsYfor'a Journal, liimsulfat tho earliest cunvpnicn has Commenced/ cradling, and intends public-generally, ihfit *lio .has just r'clurncil Academy, established-, by the Allisons, tho
brdUrs, vrlio'.caalotand •' retail, ,-wilThpr (: , lhafis"tO rcquifo pah(jnago'''ar.tho !handSi of the .1. T. DU ^ pepinglhorn, Mi'eady made on Land, from Baltiraoro' with, a'choice a'ssMtmorU of Blairs and M'DowcH'8 of a former age.
•nd accuracy, at aeliiw prices, and on as.fa- ^Persons wfip may waritVCradles te?,.willdo ."MATERIALS in his line, and 'is^vrepard4 to rtTherb\yil] bo,cbnnecled with the College,
remark is obvuninlv a plausible
Toribje terms JIB canTjenfibriSod by any. dealer mas, and would bo irresistible-)' if tii'o Journal
1-1 Ijcxingtou street, Ha '
well'by making.imm(;diat6nppll In coni])lia
May 17, I3.M ](>w
a thing often put oir till trolj^"^ do. nil 'kinds pf, work .in hisflinein the best 'yiJIcailemical Department, under tho. cafe of
in tho;-United SlateaV/orJirjJ" rale article!.-' ' ilsolfdid not-mainly contemplate'liaagency in manner and on tho most reasonable torms, ho the" Professors, in which studeuls may fit for NOTIL
s.t)d hrnimenlal \recar«nd plants fufnishin^ "'0"3lhiBipBiip|^:y\tt^wPirmation aiu has on haiul beauliful •: . assortment.,d College; and in which thoso who do not wish That tho
TO KENT. Easton, May 3. 133, hntli olitailK'
prspevmus, tl>p niilvi urn 1! fuid limi' To limit, my farm fur the year 1835,81(11:' no\v WA'jl'f ivilh many othi-r aMiclr tii qo through a regular course, can be taught
jorl am such brar(clie's as they, may'select. - of Talbut cuu
currint, atml on Third J/.iveii Crrek, oppositoHenry ton lediouh tn iiiciiliiin—• ~:;\\ o!' lie \\ il
other fli)Wcr 1001? ifrrso wan Hollyday'8 and jmnitijr. Thus. ,pa\v.aon, '.for- \ sell at a smrtll proli! tor c;i:;h. Siude'tits willjyj^lgcelved at'once not only adminislraliiiii
b«procured too sly Ejected TIlC t'lliilii,':; (lll't :.ii!VV'C. \V.i, into the FreshratB^«"int6a»y of the Collcgo George Stev
merly occupied by RcibOTt Bartlett.- ; ; 0'no half dec'd. all persi
said farm is cnclusdd.by water which abounds ..... ,...,.,.,...,.„., ..fall iho necessaries and con- deceased's
In this co&ntt rmiimi with fish and oysti'rs; tho land is of good
bcr !• ag^pu a 1) tlu-y VfVtonces of life in .New-Ark will render thu exhibit ihe
il. tho present.tenant Elizabeth Uarllctt, i^i 1 hereof to th
j \Vl\oIo expenses of an education in this inslitu-
PLOUOL _^_ io<;ivf free. ncccsjt,o .srcit in grain tho 1 ;ul;.i lion romarknbly low. Tho Students w*ill Room 1st day of
•utters, wliBai fanrf^^oVrRrlfiltilrr^tlitcshlnd iv <)!' Si'ptnmhiir next. Any. furtjier do- orwiso by
triacliinos, and all olhnr kinds bfagrjcuhdul tSk y "V? 1 in Collcgo a\.n rpri'l of 5 d-illars a year, Board
mjliot deemet necessary aa.all per- !; jll."M in Commons ai3l 25 per ftreek, and the Tui- lit of the said
1iorti«{t^uft\|$riplcHi(iiUn, will be procured ftoo1 ho Form. ' AnyHjfurllier'-infor- Given nn
. the' beSt^rViSirrifnctorieii in Baltimore; at tl»j S:! ~-1 fi"ti will be ^0 n .year. The-eTudents will bo
lined hy application to tho Juno 133-1.
(uanitfaettirrrq1 prices. l eiul)<5m1 TO R. Loockerman, Es<(.,
pooled to furnish their own Rooms, and fiml
DOMESTIC AMlMALS ji.irlirularly <-nt? a'ro al
and Cheap & Groat "Rnirgaiiis to Ix- had'; [cir own fuel, light, washirig, ironing, Sic. It
<?NA JSJEEi^ES. Till 1' .subscriber has just returned iroui confidently believed that the necessary ex-
Oo v{ lliq improved Durham Sliorihiini, till ns'es of iljo iristilutipn, for tho 40 weeks of June -21
I)otot4,"and tLe'//(ilatcin'"breeds; Shcru iil834 . •&*,- . Baltimoro, with a complcln assortincnl 01"
Tin tinny vviH tibroxibeed 100 dollars;—and at
DaSlDWoll/Soulhdown, and varinni !im • 1JOOT& ANDKIIOES, triituiosi vvill>b«<lc8S3m\ri'H5 dollars'per
Swine (if si'vcr;i' ',-:ilii;-.Uhi UuiB "' COf>SISTlK(S OF *t ^ .>w«!*^ /y --- • • ' Easton at
•tho IJarnii-.-. '.if M!, ! i.i-v'
Gentlemen's BOOTS, SHOK.San.l iMTMPS, For furUfflitiBnnBiiilitiStrT'wire'rence may bo
»''•" ! had h>il««fflinS};Bell,^'r Doctor Thomas
y, inch ;w \vhiti! lurkir'i, lire? ofall.doscriitionr;. .
LADIES- SHOES,''<-on:>i'.-<tiii" ui kl!;, .
li^Ka K<;c:yo, gnnic and oilier lUdJ
Uy order of llio Hoard.. ,
'.lpTal. lilhor ypi-cii1 ^ of anima SEAL and MOROCCO, of iho UH.;) li-.'n- •.•null! : i.vi'i' the public
M of choicosl broerts, (fiiiit'iio nlher.^ ;<;• ionahlc atyle, and mado by tho b 1 1 ;.i 111:111 i'- d'•'<-;n\iir..<! .ihatiiei- E. W. '' GILBERT, Prest
er; kept for sale at'tlm I'xpcriini'iitnl ami O •hall bo waulinij on bis
') of, this c'Unlilislniic.nt, or . c-m i',i 10 nAy favor him with SCIIOONK
ranJ tho br^t-w.ima, (o order. , ''e'ry shori tiim^, in', ex- JAME
The. subscriber wishes 'I'liesubseri
fashions in .".'.ili'id tl-al theahuv
icnl, in ninch ercalcr Tario»jr(liau 'at to purchase one hundred
' fifty seryanlsof all manually I
bookRtorcfl, SH.nioofthcin
. raro and particularly yriahlsonaBlrong siibslantial Sohooa- o., is now in
<valuabl<V kept c:>tistaiiily for sale. y^ng sixteen hun'tlwAbushels'of Grain, ti-vniinn fn-.th-TOi'sfilvc--;, :i- iptiohs,—MechaTf- of fricght an
' .III sli'yr't.'ol/ article} wanted by fniinci.'i nm fUwcll.furnished cormnodiniig cabbin-g^- id'.;- of tln.-ir v,-o»'!-,. ' " lynds, from -12.». ui-Klious Cal
\gardncrs in tho •'prasoouiioti of their buiarn ;: MVO -S£.A^iui.aols every Sniidayi? Morn- , years of ago. IIo'j aeewnmodat
oro intended either- to lie ke[.t oh hand, >u , ~- ltl? o'clock, :A'. M., for Baltimore'.*..jeavo v.'ishcalo ptirchaso fifty in famil She. will
' Baltimorirovery,.Wednesday uiortiln»at lliq;.,,.. ,-,„ • iiirablo to purchase thorn in largo lots', is'they 1 icket betw
| \mrn6 hrfuf'An Si. Michaels; as a rcgo^ Pick- the t|mc8' WAS ..'.-.I.,' of i-'r<-ihirick
. „ . £,.-.- »*-0''tor her,-, 1 in Alabama, and will not'bfl will Icavo A
*mn»->«. iMPO.KTAircfc to-tiVeVy '' et throughout tlie^season. , Freight ah'l v ]ins- Tho priblic'a obedient .-.crv-mt, (,'ouiHy on (In .--.t, :i.-i .i rim-
irso:w having slaves to dispose ' !.:.d of Marc
Isage aarecable to the now existing rales. Tho JOHN W ;nvay, adarl
eoil and kenpof-Wf Dbmc&tin Aniinals, llio sub may IJ G\v " '•• - ! -- 'lirri a (alias-lie '» Fr' timoro., lit
Bcribrr ''offers' Jo tlioiii 'I'HE 'SF.P,[).y OK subscriber haying dbtermincil to uso.every ex- market and is prfpar-1 wharf, Balli
eition taipleasoAhoao who may employ him, 0'highest cash prices. J7,%rrisiin, at
KNOWLEDGE in llmTr vocutidus --l'n ,h
'nnd^gonuin'o," having been rarrlMlly ;i,itlu'i••-,' '•"speclfiHly solicits a ajiarc of public iiatronat'c IlARYESl^ TOO WUtohimin Eaaton lowing Wei
iroiri th» fiold of oxpuriouc .'in! tin- ;;,n'','••• ;i f: j .^WBTUUAK WIG K -' [ocaji Mall or the abovi
•cjoncn—ihn wliulo ilodo up ii.- /«.•/,(, . :>,•>.] !,-,. Bc-MicmjBls,;?' iteLjttffias-1 S/io will tal
liollod'-'TflEKAUMEl; ,\NO !;\|Jj>KN- \V,n. Towi
KR, ANO LIVE STOCK 11U KKOKU f; j U» rx^- ' for tbo ...„ 7NE8.
IMANAOEUi a'iid«iispeii8Rd from dn- El jml-water, and having i Ail order
jife.ss of "thi?i riilablishmi'iit i.-v-i-i • i-'mla/ m | ni ilu-vi':u'-" Ifiiloricn in hia industry, bonea'tf S,ioncer am
tho t'nn : 'Hi :i \,p t'i'l-.!y A".iirniuu,ii , .un'r, a'. ;,:'»i VV'iu-.ro liic i,vt ir.isu:: ;; has chartered him tho'aboye Jurdcn, at t
[schooner on the usual lonns..' Thf? to. Tho S
•-'-"-'up repairs and tho Captain t'h.-i- adjoin-
'N.' I).:- T!i)-' i'. f exertion lo
In tin lai" .i.'-,U''.iM(.-A'N ••'' 'i KMKU . llu 1 pi:i- ; -.-ni, (?,. dividinf; iho earning ,-., ( u: aM Cloy'd anfl Dr. patronage o
pilMiraliiin of Hi.ii-h 'i.i'i'i..:i n I'dr •;<»:•><•. linn: j '1'hc nrd;.,-ni isvo in Kcnmmcnd him a?) ,vi ,1, iilnhd"—this? farm
Hunting Creejc, (a
'tin v'ill iii:i-i puhlic, and can i
'f his own crVrt ah and oystors.jFUie land N. B.
ulntcd for city and all
smokn of a vessel,
iltiif ii ,l'i'o'iji; h|.-!UH ui' ii' tip, AND TOBAT'CO Nicholas
-.itr:li> : nii! nl Si .'(\'; H!!ii tur- l the '.!'(» US illi .» ireiii-ial :i?,.;i Ben.\Ml:ic
ViSl I);; H'..Ht p;i'tU:i lo
turn) Ini cinMils. co mty.
iH '!iS.
niiui ,iisvm>:fi ii|:i uditii.rih
I'll'.'- .y .TOfe'cjuihiit iiit.crf.i'ui
Mary riculliu.-il
March 5
WHERE THE PRESS IS FREE-«Liierature well or ill-conducted, is the Great Enrineby which all Popular States must ultimately be supported m'wnim*
RELIGION purifies the Ilea-t and teaches us our Duty Morality refines the Manners Agriculture makes us Rich, and Politics provides for the enjoyment of all.
, NOTICE. TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. tional trip I on a. third, «u lhat a single contract and inefficiency of his agent . The truo sum is believed to be larger, but
PRINTED AVD PDBI.ISI1F.D FVEnT FIRST SESSION. is, in this manner, iciiih-ied so complex as to
Tlic subscriber (jives notice to all persons in- co,,,ractcr-r, Edwin Porter, is also the bor- king that to be the actual amount. th« K
SATURDAY J»/ORJV/.VG terested, that il is necessary that business in POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. require th e leW uf several days to reduce it to | n«er «,t largo sums ot money of(>. H. Brown, n7o,r««CM exceed the whole.mthe .me
nett proceeds of
BY ALEXANDER GRAHAM. his hands should bo promptly closed, as he is REPORT OF THE MAJORITY. ils elements and ascrriam its irnc condition. hrce thousand hve l,undr«l dollars early in ! poslages on that line from Alexandr
E. Purler and Cu. arccuntiucturs for carry- the year Is.W, and four thousand five hundred , it first diverim, from from na where
Alexanda w
determined that his securities shall not suffer (Concluded.) tho line of Stockton
T Eli MS by any delay. ing the i.iail froni Siaunion, j,, Virginia, to dollars ,n November, 1S3.S. making an aggre- Co. to Lex in-r.on, where it unit* with k
The express mails which have been noticed Callettsburg, Keutuc'i.y, throe times a "week in with the
TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS He also wishes to call attention to Ihe notice by your committee, arc, as far as they can ns- four hor-;o pustcoachis, IVomlho. 1st of Janu- gale loan of eight thousand dollars. line of Peck nnd Welford, by more than '> 000
of Joshua M. Faulkner, Ksq. by which it will cerlain, nothing, more nor less than another ary, 1831, to Ihe .51st December, 1S34, at an- The waste of money on thiscontracl is enor- dollars, including all the postages of the ikrmj
Per annum, payable half yearly in advance. )o s?en, lhat all his business as late Sheriff, is
' it i
mous, 1 he nett proceeds ot all the postages ' towns of Warren, Charloilcsville and Lynch.
-----, --- ....^...^ u .. , , 1V, i-vijm^j VM tilt: ItLIffQ
.Materials in his line of business, which he will Ins friends ami ihe public in general, lhat he ilay; in eoesijeialion of wliieli, Slocklon and of ibis roiitei ^asample fur ihal purpose. No insla»c.'s of vlus kmil aicslated in ihe Icsvimo-1 of Iho conlract will not. in all probability,btinir
iiianufacuircat ihe shord^t notice and mi very has taken the above named properly in Ea* ny ot .lames Reeside. Ateut two years ago \ up the receipts to a sum sufficient to discharge
Neil Kgrcn lo carry his nmil «:\ each of Ihe one travelsinfstages from Guyandotte lo Cin- in thn four years \>y th»
reasonable terii.s, he has also on hand a varie- Talb t euiinly, Md., Known as Ihe "UNION other alternaln days, without compensation cinaiti. or frifn C'liicinalti to Louisville: nnd he drew a draft ol six thousand dollars al ibo i those rxtra allowances
roiinest of the department, and for its use, and ; nun proceeds of pns'nn-es for tho *ame four ve»r
ty of TAYERN," on the corner of NN ashinglon an<l except at (he option of Reeside. The trans- llio nid of the' depnitmont is not necessary to got it negotiated at the Western Bank of/'hi- .in the whole .Sale. °
Golds'.mrnuirh streets, immediately opposite the portation ol the mail is treated as a mere inci- keep n constant regular line of communication ladolphia; and sometime last winter ho "arrang- ! *E. P. Johnson, John Hiilchins, Joseph II.
FANCY .ARTICLES, Hank, adjoining the efliceof John Leeds Korr dental business, not with serious notice, in a by stcaiiiboaljbftwi en them. The oslablish- fd" ten thousand dollars through tho assistant j Hough, William //eury, and J. C. Chihs, ard
which he will sell for a small advance, he earlv opposite to that of Win. llayward, Jr conttacl u'lout I'.asseiiin'rs and opposition lints. mcntofthis lino \\ai therefore unnecessary, p.istmaster at Now York, fnr Iho USB of the ;r.ateu in Iho report of ihe Postmaster General
]iarlicul:nly invites his old customers r.nd the nd directly lhat uf Win. U- Price, Esq. 11 C. SlocKioii and Win. Neil comrade 1 lu either for the; transportation of ihe mail or the department. No Other cases uf the like kind ( of tho ISlh of Apiil, 1830, (Doc. 1 12, p. 22,)
puhliis generally to give him a call, ami he ". his house is situate in the, most I'.ishion.ibla carry ihe mail funn C'nmhcrlind lo \Vheeling accomniiTjaliun u'' passengot.i. arc distinctly in evidence before tin: commiitro as contractors for carrying ihe mail from Mays*
thinks there is 1ml little doubt hut what they I'd pleasant part of the town, within s few pa from \\'a8hiiii;!on, I'erin., It) Slcu'a'nvillc h is also jfgaitiM law. The general act i.l bul from jjoncral information, they believe the ' vill.' to Louisville daily; Irom Frankfort tu
will be induced to purchase. Ho returns his in of tho Court House, and a market (1 can from liallimoie to Cumlii-rland from Wash- the third dajul'.\luieh, lS;j, reducing into practice to have prevailed lo a considerable ex- ' Nashville three time* a week; from Louisvillo
to aconsiileralde
thanks for the many favours received and still lot hesitate to say.) equal, if not superior, t Mini City to Frederic!;. Si from Fi; derir-k tu one tho sevetal :ie;s resiulatiug ti:t; 7'ost Of- tent. Your condemn this practice in Naihvilto six limos a week, and from Lex-
hopes to receive the patronage of a generous iny i.fa like population in this Slate he is also Winchester, from the first day of January. fice Department, in Us first section enacts- most decisively. In thrir opinion, it i inglon to liean station six limos n week, in lour
public. gratified in assuring the public, that he ha * ad- JS.'.O, fur fuur yoais, (see lepoit of April 1$, That the. Po« Master Gcneial ".--hall provide the department in an improper nnd injurious hui«n i'ust coaches, al llm annual com\>ensatioii
Tho public's humble sorrant. vantages this tavern never before hail, viz: A &,!.!, l.li.c. 210, p. 10,'j at the annual compen fur llio carriifgc of the mail mi all post route:; connection \villi individuals. As a uutier of of ;I7.7(10 dol'arr.
JAMES HEN NY. lomforlabli! dwelling adjoining m,t hrretu'oro "I «,7. DUO 00 lhat arc or nijiv liiustaidislicd by law.' 7'liis| mere prudence, independently uf tho imcslion Vmir Commilioc called for the bids pursuant
June 11 clinched lo the properly, ami nil llii- property l!ut ihn contract was in fact executed, giving clause contains his whole eeneral anthoritv lor of puwor, il ehould neither venture its own lo which this contract was made,and they find
about logo iliroii'ih a lho:- %u'jh repair; which lem a jraily eomp( us t'iu'i for liie contraciing ffr the transpoilnlioii ol'lbe mail, i^ muni'V or ph»hl ils crrdil, lo s-uMain any inrii- those that ,-MO marked accepted as follows.-
will enabh; him to enteitain private families, witli some variations at ^IJ...OO Oil tlnsiloesnot inlliori/.c thescUm;; up oJ this lin vidiril, much less should il .<sk pecuniarv a<- 17J1. From Maysvillc to Lou-
MARYLAND, '.artios or individuals in comfort ho intends \iiii ior increased expnlition, and f steamboat 4, inasmuch as ihe Ohio river le sistanco ul its contractors lo enaldc it lu keep isville d:iily, in four horso
Talbot County Orphans' Court, keeping in his bar Ihe best of Liquors, and his increased number of trips, mak» tweon those points, is not a mail rotilo cs'ab up its credit. These conlraciurs S'KHI' I he re- post coaches, une linn,
Table shall bo furnished in s . .Mill wilh such as in%r two lines of f.-tni_'es daily. lished by la' '. -lint Ihe authority here rxer- quired to do tlioir duty, and they should be ask- drod and forty miles, also
10th day of June A. D. IS."! I. llio market will afford. Delias provided at- which was, as is believed, whol- ciseil may I' supposed lo be conferrnl in ihe ed for nolhing more. Favors arc expected to from /.ra-iiifflmi to
On application of Josiah Chaplain, adminis- tentivc Ostlers and Waiters, and h::s do.ler- ly unnecessary for Ihe public- fifth scclioii of Ilic act. which provides, be reciprocal, and if I'.io department ask and Frankfort. thirty miles
tor of George Stevcns late of Talbot Coun- miiied ir.ithinir on his part shall be wanting lo service, they were allowed e.x- That the I o«t Master General bi> aiitliuiiz.'d | icceivo llicni, u cannot deny when something E. P. Johnson's
ly, deceased, it is i'ivc satisfaction- Ills //acks will run regular- Ira, the yearly sumol JO,-i.9fl-2 00 to have the iia:l tMir:i:d in any steamboat in ' is asked ir. return. But the department has ( accepted and exocut-
ORDEREI), That ho [rive the notice ly lotlio Steam Boat Maryland, I jr the aecom- other vessc which ;-!iall be used as a packet placed itself in ibis undignified n alioii with 51,500 00
required by law for creditors to i-xhihi modalion of passengers, w hen they can be con- T!n;s, ujvin a contract for 7,000 in any of thi waters of the Unilcd Stati.-s, on us conlraclors. h has become llir acceptor fur 17-10. From Frankfort, Ken,
their claims agViust llio said deceased':- voyed lo any pan ol llio adiace:il county a m::ile purtnanl to law, the de- sujh terms Ijul iMiiditions ns shall l>e consi- one to enable him to nustiin his credit and carry lucky, lo Nashville,
estate & that h(; cause the same to be puhlishci almost a moment's warning H' jiular Oi.i.vey parlment has, by means uf hypo- dered expeoicnt. Provided lhat ho dois not on his contract; and it has become the debtor lo Tennessee, 3 limes a
once in each week fur the space id* three sue ances can be had from East' n lo llie principal inolical bills and extra :illou..n- pay more tKiti lliroe ootils loi each Ic'tcr, and another for his name to enable il lo raise monry week in four horso post
rossive weeks in mic of Ihe newspapers prin- cities a li>nr horso sta'je ru:i* three times a o('s, Umislerrcd lo thu hands of not moro fl ^<i V' c l>u1:ili''i'vr''U. ' lir r:f"'' newsp.i- lo answer its own pressing ncros-Mlics. Tlic rc- conches, two hundred
tod in the town of Kaston. & also in <mc of tho wool; to Philadelphia via Cenlrovillc; llio l,!m°of '"""'""''' '' " ' t _...» ..,.. ...,!,.., llw,,,.).
biw and
I.Kl.lilV, I'>:toll. ,,._,
insured that itwifl ensure a continuance of made-their .way "to JerRey i>v !K>l;';>vni,: or-.,, j iiouii '-> £hb next coart,. j^fay-tertn..j Th« | ADVEI
' bliu <nUoini;i.'. Philadelphia as"they v-on :;;;. n '.^ivclHui; LI>-• "5;;;?:,;•: v j .-t',!)B!'.i-ili!--r:i being duly aOlhorized-:andVeqaircd exceeding •'
All orders from tho. country thankfully ,rp,- ffethor on the Main ror'd in 'H;I! ili'-eeiton, (;;i | . ,-y .;.n.i !'•>•. j :,-; y y> ; ;U ,':.i.i.i >Sl :cur.itics to.complo'e snid-tcollections *'
ivtd ami promptly executed; also Old Chaiife Sunday morning-last '.......,...—.... . Miy ;;o-:' Oour^horebyi^ivp-notiee-toKll con-
repainted nnd Gilded in the latest slylo."^H^ " 1 will, pay a -Tewan! of one biuniu-il ;;n;i j ,\ •.,,,, fni( ;: CENTS for every
..HUH> m.
Mb. ' '-• ' fifty dollare'for tii". doliv'uy of ''^'--ni in -m; ; "•'
in Kiis'ton, or one iinndn'-d (iolia;n for :;reiuin<r; CLOC
TO THjHBLIC. im :;o that I [^i v t iiisvi riijaiu.
':':.• ! • ! bo|); ;i,ad expect, that as they Hn've^a large gum
Ondcr8ignod'ha^flJ: been 'appointed {•y- J ,,'.''';"'' ( i«- iait=e, undtli'o collec*tion^tne3e feCa is tbt
tho autb (GlST :.,to tlio'Stato' of JVIary?and, f y^j • U:T' '• ; , j.Diiacipal iionrco ofr'cliefTbr'lhem, anil the a-
One of t .-advisableto mako known lo_Mafelr fMiv,' < i inonutUluo from e'affch indlyidnal being compar-
azinna of the tijions tbo 'duties'*which. under^sbplj fe^Sfe. Jativplysma'l, that therewiljVibe no difficulty
Tudor'a nc "*~ t be is rwjulred to perform, .arid"to ,., • •*"-T'j',; ,-^ , -,-, ! ]ir;.:"'iite'd--inT«jjj; 'quarter, j as the collection
Cuba. of his readiness to satisfy Ihoir
lam'il i'ilii;!i:ijliiu:.'.l J.-lm i.: fii- J T ;' - !i,--:. '• , .-. -•
jvA'ji t 'i/.,. i
T-I M rr/ i • r7^*-iri-.1^
uA/ii*. as of tho most convrttiient hereby .nutiticdfclf&£|!j$genetal meot|i NVM. C. .R1DBAWAY, Distric^No.
.ii'!j:iliu-o' iiji liu: last iii'r-1 \ ,i .u. .ft
.beir^ajiplicatton to himth'a'y be be held at their-Banking, House,.in tli_
K'Usvm :i IVom [5,'ilii !
-,ii--- l.--i ',. .i;-vin-tiU'~;il i -'-'-• -ONrDictiict No. j.2
";i:>'3 aiimore. on MONDAY1,' the 7th' ^.Dislrict'No. 3.
tin; Mi'ncrntii !i io m.alte"~ ';' fiom inn o'clock, A- M-- 'till t»vo
ML for the purpose of oli'iolingHixt
UK !.--n>H'-:i"ll 1.0.-Mil i . 4.
'".tl1," \ " J 'F ' " '? ,,"'].'., i .'••'•'.'Ji.'i- tlU'lllllJ
.^,,i,ii.^o, ..-,.!.(.••'j 11 '^- ; u'i.;. A;::neiiUui
'gieal survey of tin The subscribi
itnij 'witb tbat portiojltwhieh Directors foi tbo ensuing yfer. | :;i' from H.iliimorc '
Tertiary order of gcfnnjjical ' .iH'By order,, , ^ .U.' MIGKLli, Gabbier, j
I Is, li:C: ai.';o ; re sncn .Materials in bis
with tba ISotitbein-division oTincorpafion, not more Hum e-i fwlhwiili
The Curate's
' from a now v>oik<
,r-v:^'?cor';;!1( '5!"rJl uu::iiia " >!i
,-. • i v * - ' '• * i:: .<' - <*u':ni.;
esaingf regularly-iijith' tho |iron^f the present board are cligiblo for ihe j
kl? '^A't'Jh. i HI.;OlH'«l !u IB the law directs.
manufacture. at t
reasonable terrr.f
•vyators.'of the.. PototpKc and jsuing yeur. ly of
. Table. that rpgiort, nji^tithence 'may-'17 '
Ths'ThK.i Y;- ; et. tiitbdivisions o! tho'Slate FANC
____ pcdition and despatch as may NEW-AUK COLLEGE. \vbich he will
A Narrative (if ;;;<• :~lin>\\ siatetit with minuteness and accuracy, THE fri&nds of science-are reajteotfully M- particularly invi
lopoat t'i'hivr, in i~;i.!. :ur:i . i <:\r,\ll prepaiuand laj before tb^lcgislagi fiivinoil tbiit 'bi:i Institution, witlileave of Pro- piiblio general!;
. liie I'omineucemcni of.ovcry Session a thinks there is
account of Prill!1 -.- • ' f '•"•'•
-I 11 r.ui.; iifall remarkable discoVeries viiionci!, will »i> into operation and commence
. All tbo ui;<.!Y'.-! ,-.ni in Ui<- W%v<-.rr'\*ttrx---'"'- i(K<- lt!ni1 ' "" tll° -(1 -Tliurtday,tl*IUkJtiHl •will be induced
ri,-!! :!K: |.'ii:;;rcs.9of tho \v6rk." thanka for the m
'i:i!l i\i;-ii\',.>i be bis duty "at ihoqe* i'Vi •'':!:•, for Ani j '"•'";/ '.'• :i - _''.' •
Offic3 No. ~U7 Clir•"••;!!i i. v '. f HV | l;i,-'..! A very commodious Building,** sufficient to hopes to receive
Subscription-1 tn W;ii'iio'..- c,. :vu?! i; tn ibe active prosecution .of tin public.
oiii !/ ;. n;ijii.,f, ic'-'-ivi-r'n-.-ii •••IH-I.-V, iu analyaeaiidascorlairi tb> , wiii ! :u'(-' !11Iimodato 8,0 studeuts has been erecUd, on
' n plan capablo'of cxtension'at.a future day.— Tho public
jior anmi'o, i:i";i';.u ; !!y n - •";
; rt !i!! viir,-. ;; r.i'iiiii)-i-i !i-:i!!i-.: ;i',i'l Tif.:-j::--Ih-.-i of all specimens .oj
y. .;< ; 1,'jiiijjJHHMnjngrrJ :•.»:-- ;;inc:-:< or.'ifiila IclVat 11 is office or Tvyp"professors of iiigh-slanding and first ralo
tfualifipatiqns havo beeii'already elected; and a June 11
,.; - if'j:ir::Vl^^ll»!,-^-o, fur tbat purpose, by any 'citizen
.;- ji u'ilicaiJ^^^^BK bUtti', :>nd taken fio.o any ])orlion'>6ftbo third ,will bo added whenever the necessities
1 . ..i :;Mlj^^^^^H|^HB(<rthc State. •T'llVb College shall require. . ":: '•-,
.. u i'" 4H|HHI^II|HBur>nco u '" t ''" sc duties, tbo undersirrii- which, *ddcd to their, former Slock makes, and JM.VTHANiMuNROE, of,Andovcr, , Mass, artd
hat tho/r'ilBWli/jfjJffrpnfliffitoout to proceed*.immediately-to the the.ir. assortment very, complete, Clieslcrtown, Icavirirr JJaitim"3To"~CV?yry Mon JOHN HOIMK AowEVf lately of JVashinj-j Talbot Co
THOMAS i .•so two-highly frilerc'atiiig-'to'pics Eastern Sboro of Alary land, wherd lie wll ro- ^ji'lieir fficnds and the public g-enernlly are day m'qrning atG o'clock and return'aatuaday; tori Cbllfgb,'Perin.i botlrof t»<em accomplished^ H
''Who can exhibit „ e-greatertfttarest to the Jwper, and to ioaih until the end of-June; after 4^R|r he respectfully invited to give them a -"- Passage as ' 1' lMil *"™*"'" "••«' scholars,' experienced teachers, and bringiog On applicalio
jfCM^kjuit morewortiyr'iof genofalitieiition. • ~"" fisit
will -!-: -•'--'—•-«
the counties !~'•"— u'-«-——**k*i>.
lying betwocnWf'Pa- rnay 3^'-^ G\v . ,. ' All bafg tbo higbeat/Tocornmendations,' have the pres-
«na either for Lttdti tor of George f
may 1.7 jlj^How,)f«ifie plan" fan bajrnada acdcptabloTo tuxont aqd PotomacVivers, proposing to "make owner or owners thereof. entxharge^bf tho Institution. .Till the el«c- ty, deceased, it
iha%nHi«;t»BU3 mtisl be left to'th^e sequel L in his examination of Uiis portion of the Slate EDWARD STUART^ -> By order , tion of a President, Mr- Munroe will act as ORDERliD
oasea wlTlcieht patronage is extended to justi durin the months ^
and^A'igust.V.Hw Principal. , ; '•''• ~ v -'••-
. Slill continue* to earn/ on the . L. Q. T jLYLOR,"Tommnn'ilcr. ' reijuired by hi
fiEKDiL TRliK.S, PLSNTS;' DOMES- fy thVincreitued expenses-lo;'bo^inctJrred in cabinet"dulies c!>napt lffiref?re te commenced April The plan of sfiidy,>nd general prineiplei to' their claims ;
r'* i'lu'ANIMALS, ' ia[ptEMEN^'stijj| ma](labour, typo and other ma* before' tho nionlh^f, September. ' Desinrtfs, parjtyhcel-right-and. Scythe Cra-
' /V y ,. - - *^
g, i( it intended, «ba)l estate & that be
"""- ' . HOOKS, ffc. ho. • $6 ' ' a* in procuring thpinost intcr- however,' that iio«roidable delay "shoalf bo once in each w
sxus AT TH» experienced by on'ch of his fellow citizens ns ^ dling Business," cessivo weeks i
" •'"
a re interested in the subject of his inret^igation led in the town
th'O unddrifiJn^iT hns rriad0''hrr«hire^ifims *riih newspapers pri
Mr. Philip" P. Tyson, of the firm of Tyson ing/on n?td South streets In testimony
Soutft- Calverl Slrettt Baltimore Md- a'nd Jfishejv-No- 192 Baltimore street, to re- Dr. Dcnnifs and the .
hi* respecU',to far- P
cffivo -diirinj his absence tbo 8pe?irncn9 of c
gaidencri,and dealwra in Seediithrough- hiinor.-il mibstances, soils, wnters, &e$j&hich jLadiM^ Seminan/. ,j;; ,„.... _ _ ,..,„,,. .-._.. ..
out ihqJJnitedftjtate£ particularlyjiw : —'-'- »•'-»"•"-«•-
custom- may-be iiubmitied. . Ap^.iufiirmaliq,'! coficerri- v Feeling grateful for past favors, he begs leave country, on . the borders of Delaware, Marylihd
_ _ ' _'JtL i_r«.*l«? «t. A«T.''iilt*«KViA»jK*fl nwn^oil
girei inr these,'not rcquiijjn|i.to be determined on to inform his frionda and the publfc.gonerally MAKKll.'-' and Pennsylvania,' has for more than 100 yean
from JE^rwrfftom isN» (t msy'perhapifyjfthglWWby some, that the sri elaborate invosti<r«uon or analysis; will beitha't ho lias procured*! first rate assortJjWnt of
_ *_^_i_ t_ ^ '-jrk-i ;„ _.__* :__I5iWL -_ ___»_ ±T_. __•!» I.*. recommended it as- R convenient, healthful
depressed nnd-'f^<liilced*w(HHtoh'<if ou r oonn'tty furnished 'by Mr. Tymm; furlbei tnformaUbnl "lyf /\ fl*. 18 "R'T 'J\L-T« fi \" ; Tho Subscriber feeling gmlef,ul for past fa economical, arid pleasartt location for » Pnblin Lord eightec
•nngalsxfpply of :MF,!-!) at tho present lime renders it- ati unsuitable will be communicated ted \hy
\by Iho' UnSjBKfflJejJI- , . * -?,i^l 'l!4ti'fc^ 1^i"-i »*» vors begs -lea vo to inform his frionda and tiro Hcbool.; The -College has grown out of an Test,
•HEF.DS; and tbai ho i ion to-put-forth prophsnbr for a Journal, himsulf at tlio earliest earliest etinvenichc
ennvenicncOil^HlBiv^'. ' °omra^pi^ij-,C(jagHngf(|i8nu.i.ipterTd8 public 1 jfenerally, that '-ho has just relumed Academy established- by llie^-AIlison*,"'' }bo
6rdtir»i vrhoUisalc U-MI ri'!;ii J. T. DU lingthcirn already made on Land. Baltimore wii^.a'cholco ,tis3bJtmor>t of Blairs and M'Dowgir^.of a former age.
—:—"-"' i"*ip may want Cradles, will do from
rcquiro patronage :u tin; bauds of tho J?
•udaccujacy, at. ,;d i >v -Thft remark is obviously a plausible Jt&R'"''1 ' -'"''14 Lcxington sirect.'H M/VTKRIAf>S
M A 'IMi11 I>I * r. CL in :.. bin
L":^ lino,
,:„! and -_ J Wtffejiarml
t_ _£_y_L\-t to r"f -/TMlcrfVVvill
ThereAyil.r,bo -hn ,;cbnnected
'i>tannpr»t/><! with.the
with thn College,
Torablt- lenii 1 ' :vi c:ra \>c. ul svoiibi in, ira.-sbiiibln, ii' ti,o Ji.iitu.i! | S\l;i\ 17,18,51 Hi
g immediate application, as it i:i <lo all !,-iui!i; ni' v.ork in bis -lino in tbe best | ;1U ''^(irfcmicnj Department, under tho.cafe of In coniplia
4k,|||0tlUnit<^J iila __ - "' "'"-^ "'Hilly '-imte.mpluU' an a:;*::n-y in i . ,........_,_,....._. a'tiling often putolftill to^latc. "- ,pur;randou '!ir, ID.-MI rra-i'i-nblo tennn. b,, j lll(l t'rofessors, ' in which studeuts ' may fit for NOT 1C
:-l Md p1;7Wr^Wffi!;;hiii;: !(.;• illr ^-Ujiu: i)ls- illl'lUlUitiiJil .lll.i TO'HKNT. on hand -i b-.--.-)iitif>0. a^-ortmcnt of: '<- ; olli-;>-t!; and in which :th(»d^ who do not wish That the
<;;•>'•'!••: TV.. | ii'' ;!<.''• ur:<"."...,-.; j ,-,1 mud Ui- cii-..! 1 -, ;.;> H i in i-ii- |'-Ert3ton, M:iy .). !SM ,T01! t'-'.S \vitb nciny other ;ir;ir'ii ••*. \ '" "-" 'hrottgh a regular .course, cim be taught hath obtainei
To Hi'nt, my farm fur the, of Talbot eou
cufrint, and ; '''' " : ''.i .'.".''"'.':'• '..''"','.'.'';' i' '.',",':'. V'' U I ';'" !l ' rl ''•"". j-'ti'il 0:1 T!iii.|.//aven Creek,'opposite Ilohry V»rtfVT>Cl ':;i:- 'V".'".".iV, r-: 'i-i in oii;inii)ii-. -:;H i'!' v/!(i<>i,-. im \\-ij | ;-'l''h branohes as I hoy may'Select.' •_',-.
other flower r< /T;"'I J! rr, J . '""i.. 1 ':: 1'";.^ " : ";> °f'"' TV ^ nullv.bvV, and Vmmjr Tbo,. Dawson, for- ; I>UO A'fo =<:„- Mi ,^> K: •',!ii,n! ,:ujii! lor en-.;]i. , .'"' ! iu!:?i!i'i will be receive<l at'once hot only admiuislratiou
l«> procured i > i V, '' " •• | - ; '" i; . .i'"i •:,.( . .P.'. lr .- s,^ -:-!i:i:U-(l. :,.,,.,i,. ...,,,...;.. i !>y
nicilv (ic;-!n>iril i... Robml
r».7.... Bartlrtt.
ii .1... . One /v.. . half;
i ..I.- !'r,b!i'i.."- ; nb'i ."i";.-"t. Vv . L. ,1. I in.n-tht! '.''ru-iliiuan, but iutojjiy oftheCollega George Stev
•eluding all liif in'irii' 1 :*:! ;. ^it.-::^!i; ::f>^;,i! ;;,i lu^ [:i o ; rl': ;: y u; :'l 'il
'will i'-ivm i<; i in'.bi:,ed by .water wbic'i abnuinl-t • dec'd. all persi
'In this country, fur rr» ,-:u!!:;;:fi-J/ii,-:ry oiiK-vrn- !>;,- :;;;-y--.;:r... i ,.' , t ::;i ; iv n.ii:..!i',s ..,.,;. r...i. .... . ........._'. .r".',' '!"'
':"..' ! i' !i;-,i; ;iti-,l nysters; tbo land .in ot. i;mul,:j ,.,i'-'. in;;!'[>!•.• >:3 of nil tho necessaries and con- deceased's c:
bcr !« agent; also, [,:'i,' ai:ii;i.(—';;-.vi!r:i ,-,i,(\ jiiiii^'ivin:. ,; :';
j'"il, U-,i- iiv•;:'.!! <enanl,Klizabt'lU B;;?UrH, i:i' -.- of life in Now-Ark will lender iln» exhibit the
Hi,., .( i. .''"Iji'llV !0 Ui- ,! ! . 'l5i.-;:i:,;-il ;i:iti<i--.-,i, III,;.'- :: ; ;ii
ji-iiLMiii 'i!»iv<- I'lT^acccsd to .need in v;niu tbo "'.'.V. - - '• • '".'':"'"' •'';•' ,.,,"'., i w'bobs expiMif.i"-. of :m education in thia'jnstitu- thereof to th
'. iivtjlir.-ny i-..,:ir,::: liiin .; iHi.;;-.n.- :(ln! "'''-'•',"' '::" ; ."" : V". '•''•:• '•'-"-' ••• !1L >'- : !ia / ;i! -| ti,,» r-u.arhuMy !o\v. The Stadepts wlj Room 1st day of
DUXt ' ='•' •••;•: .'' ''I SftrtfBrnliflrhjexi. Anv fiirthcr do- •••("•'••'•; l '.\ - 1 '- 1 i':-ir,.:-, ..)!-:>, iriuM-M, Unvj,, Con,,,,.,. ;,-, ,, |. ( . llt O f5 a,,]iar8"a veaf.Board erwiae by
^ X'essary aa ;alt per- "'•': ! " ; :••'">"';:-<•/"•-•""••: ,ilir ;';;i i '.;!lm ; ; n r -i.-ior. : ,,,,, „ .-,i :r, per Wfc, and \heTni-. (it of the said
"iv'ii-^'™,^;!-' l - '^'.;.i;.'.M,1;v!;.,-;;a.! ' m' |1 '!!:! -"^ "'^""^"''y :<ppHcat'»" >" i!'» !.'• Any..,furth'.¥ r -iii'br •"•n-fTMi^-.Miii.x.:.-.! i.", ^-.r .•,.-.;•>:-,.; ! ,•„,., .,,.,,..,.. !(1 ., year/ The^gludenU will bo
iiirni^ii (heir own Rooms, and find
Given un
Juno 1834.
,! ' j!1 y L ' u ' !l ."""''""";• ll(Mt ''" !i -iL:i; ..•"'' I {v!"),:.o Train! cii-mty. .- - Clie;ip& Great B;n-iv i-!, lirrht, washing-, ironing, &ci It .J J
,TIC ANSMAs,^ p;irl nty.
I llto improvi-ii i'i.iflniii Sliiiiib-.i SUSANNA Ni Till1', snbacrjbrr ba-i ju ; i <v,!i!i-i<inily bulieved that the necessary ex-
SebnVaud I lie il>i!-:s<>>h iir.'i-ii.-i; .Sii- •>•:•*:
i-h °,io. 7th 133-1 Baltimore, with a roiiijib'tr < . ii'Mi: i -j (ifibi: iiiBtitulion, for tbo 40 weeks of June 21
oil,' .S'oiu!iiiov;n, und -.'i-riiii! ' BOOTS'AN B : j ; ri.i im. , \, iii nofoXceed 100 dollars;—and*'
11 )i:H -i-Muit will no IUKS than 115 dollars^r
Easton ar
,llO Imni '-, :ii"'. i y•'•'.• •.:'!>:v:l , •,':aiou i m*y b» way
^_S of Poultry, 'iivcb -HI vvbiu-. iuvi.i".. sivn- ali l.luu !:) tU :; J ii: _____ j Thomas
ipn and \Vcstph:ilia u<-.'.' - 'i-nriv. -mi: utbcr
ii^': iu:;U t I.M in:;;;. Til:! ''IS. ' :i:,uiii;/ ;ii" NowTSBtT-WeliT" "" - i'->- •
Ibwb, and iiover.-i! otbi'.i1 tipccii-i ,>!' :iniui:il!-, .H:(--;:K. io-i-: iiy order of tbo Board. #•* •'•
(r,' t;i.:i : ii;ay ;: ; iiu, '.;-...:< t;i i|i .. ' .K. W.'•GILnKRT/Prcs'fc
' till of choicest bri'i.'ii-i, i.'/:nc' ii'.' ''-/i''i'<' ;'V, fiMr
tilt- ol'ji -,:i i-i i( . [•irrj'.;u\i. !u', jueam in tiSM.rj
'. pr'k«p|jA)r8aU; ^ 'b'1 i^q--.-nuii-iit:ii rutii I.,H'I.;M- r ?' . :' :'i> -'; !. ; "''- " : '-'Milti tliiOf ri;;ii ..-uiiili.iiiii. ;h.>
'.-'.. : if ••••' 'i' !.-.t:ii]; - i j|. v i-i_ ID jili-:.i...... ;.ii(.. : : : SCHOONK
•i'.-ii- i':'.tliil;:-iv;'. iii : JAME
'BOOX-S, Mi^iriiliuv;,:.' i:ohrnlli:Va' .,n,i; .; •; ,,; -i :l , uli-.i. SUOivS. j ,.;. . h, c,:..,..;'.,,,., o|,., !iiib;;enbor wishes 'I'hesubscri
^xjtanical, i;i lnucli jrrv^trv •;;iiir»y s!i.i;i '•«' rb:-, j v,-;- ; !i,-.:k i;. yiS •,-,. '-,-.; in !b ; . r.- O-- - 'i vb" -'• i.-'.rj'-u;-. :; I.-.- y.i jimelui.soiino hundred tl-at the abov
Mil!;',-;i'l!!<-.!,. '.' ,-i-. .'il-.i-i p:i,'lil;i!?;,liy i ))„; ; i,j,-!i|;.; ,,; ;:,; .''.fn •;!-• ,..'<;,-. Tim AVritthlson a strong subslnntin! .sVln;i;i ', ;i-;i,y.:l::u-n v.'it! I,. -,;, isl'iv sejrynnlaof all manually I
ipl I'Dl'.'.lU'.Uiy ''.l .S'.lll' | - 'i : - : '- : '-' llitll'lllii 01 '• II- ':• •:..•':' ':, i'.irtyiiif; sixteen liiirutajiljbilsltela >sl' (ir:<in ,s- ;i ;•. nt/u,:-:a-,it l- j t, (lli -.i,.,;-, : - <];,:., •,. jw Meehatf- o., is now in
Ill sboft, 'alt ar(i<:^:~ ---MII:•.-(* \>y Kunu-rn iin:.l | iiu^'-jy, ',••<:" ^ ,:.;•;-.-,vi-',::i in,n-i!n- witb a well.furnished cflimnodmii's <-;i!iliii j i'-- (,!'l!-.-.-.-v<-,r!:' of frieght an
WHERE THE PRESS IS FREE-'-Literature well or ill-conducted, is the Great Engine by jwhich all Popular States must ultimately be supported overthrown
RELIGION purifies the Heau and teaches us onr Duty—Morality refines the Manners—Agriculture makes us Rich, and Politics provides for the enjoyment of all.
• L •
.. NOTICE. -THIRD CONtiRESS. tttpixm Athird, so that a single contract unskilfulnrss and inefficiency of his agent.— The true sum is believed to be larger, but ta
The subscriber gives notice to all persons in FIRST SESSION. is, in, this foamier, tendered so complex as to This contracts, Edwin Porter, is also the bor
SA TURDA Y MORNING terested, that it is necessary that business in POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. require the lebor of several days lo reduce it to rower of largo sums of money of O. B. Brown, king that to be the actual amount, the extra
BY ALEXANDER GRAJIAM. his hands should bo promptly closed, as he is REPORT OF THE MAJORITY. its elements and ascertain its true condition. three thousand five hundred dollars early in aloirancei exceed tbo whole nelt proceed! of
Alexandria, where
determined that his securities shall not suffer E- Porter and Co. are contractors for carry- the year 183-2, and four thousand five hundred postages on that line from
line of Stockton fit
TERMS by any delay.
( Concluded.) ngtho i,tail from Siaiintun, in Virginia, to dollars in November, 183:!, making an aggre it first diverge* from the
The express mails which have been noticed JalleUsburg, Kentucky, three times a "week in Co. lo Lexiugton, where it un'ucs wilh i.1D the
T WO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS Wo also wUhes to call attention to the notice by your committee, are, as far as they can as 'our horse peat coaches, from tho 1st of Janu- gate loan of eight thousand dollars. lino of Peck and Welford, by more than 2,000
I Per annum, payable half yearly in advance. of Joshua M. Faulkner, Esq. by which it will certain, nothing, more nor less than another ry, 1831, to Ihe 31st December, 1834, at an- The waste of money on this contract is enor dollars, including all tho postages of the larrm
)c sson, that all his business as late* Sheriff, is mous. The nett proceeds ot all the postages \ towns of Warren, Charlotiesville and Lynch-
; d D VL: it TISKME ATS ilaeed in the subscriber's hands, for settlement
mail, or another line of coaches upon the same nu.it compendium of
route—sent for no special purpose, or on any On thiscoMraet, legal and regular in Us in
$7,5«l> in tho city of New Orleans, and the tow*of'
; exceeding a square inserted three time and
the TENTH of the present month is fix special emergency—probably applied for bo- ception, is euttbfied extra allowance; compen Mobile, are hardly sufficient to sustain it. The E. P. Johnson is tho coniractor for carrying
ed as the lime by which it must be closed.—
?for ONE DOLLAR; and TWENTY Fivr. Triose who wish to avoid further cost and trou- :ause it was found profitable to run a third sation fur ext^bsion and private cunlracls to the law has been violated by entering into a con iho mail on several rouies in Indiana,—nua™
tract to get up a steamboat lino for the trans
>le will, it is expected, attend to this notice—
li'io of coaches for the transmutation of passen enormous yearly sum of «U8,1 do- portation of the mail without any regard lo le bcrcd H, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 41, from
CENTS for every subsequent insertion. gers, and granted because they were applied the Isl of January, 1830 to the 31st of Decem
The two Ingest of iho items which compose
.hose who neglect must abide the consequences. for. Your committee look upon tho expendi this extra suin.namely, $-2000 for extending a gal restriclions. It was violated by the depart ber, 1833, at a yearly compensation of 3,300
JO: GUAHAM, Sliff. ture of money to establish these second and steamboat mail between Guyandotte, Vi.ginia, ment when it entered into a contract for tho dollars. There are no IPSS than eighteen dif
CLOCK AND WATCH manh -1—2-2 tf third daily lines, in no other light than that of & Cincinnati, Ohio, and <U 1,000 a year for ex
iransporialion of ihe mail without an advertise ferent modifications and additions to this sin
a premium paid by the department to one line tend ing the steamboat mail to Louisville, is, in ment inviting public compclition. And thore =gle contract, fur which he receives ...„„„„_
....... ..„..,„...^ in Ihe ag-
of passenger coaches, tending to give it the the opinion of your committee, not only an un is another fealurein this and soina other eases gregate yearly; 14,502 doTlarVl8cents, i'n al-
THE UNION TAVERN, ascendency over every other line. A striking necessary aridfxtiavaifant expenditure of the inwhich your commitlee have examined, which, dition lo what ho receives by contract—«.
their opinion, is deserving of the most decis- mounting in the four years to 58,008 dollars
case, in illustration of this view, occurs in the public funds/but is an act wholly unauthor
EAJTON, MARYLAND. agreement above referred to. Mocklon and ized by law.-J ivc condemnation. It is the blending and con-, 75 cents; and all this by private arran<rement
necling Inn
nnf*tinrr fiscal «iaffairs
the fionnl (Ynira nl'ilinrJi-mn**.***«.** with without
of llie dcparlment IIT!*!*'...^!. advertisement. or competition.
,...»_ _»___.•_ . . * ^
Neil are the contractors on the line froiv Every onC»cquainU>d with the silualion rf those of individual contractors. Thus, while
Washington, Pa. to Wheeling. Reeside and the country a?d the course of business between idvancing its funds, and lending its credit to The nctt amount of postages received in th«
others are contractors on the route from Phila those points, .will he at once satisfied that it this individual lo enable him lo repair his er Slate of Indiana, according to the report of the
delphia, by Pittsburgh and Washington, to is unnecessary. It is wholly immaterial rors and carry on his contract, the department Postmaster General, on thn 28lh of February.
Wheeling— thus running iwo linos from Wash whether ihe'mail be carried between those itself did, in several cases, call in jpartmeni 1831; was 9,600 dollars C7 cenls, falling short
1 OJ t . ..__ ^ t\ f*f\f\ .111 fum - «... .•'
o., is now in complele order for the receptio- servant, or secure him so lhal the subscriber There is! trier transaction wilh the same dueed in consrqucnco uf il, but James F. Robinson contracted lo carry th»
of frieghl and Passengers; having a vety com- can <ret him, shall receive iho above reward. contract, and slated in tho report of March 3, individual, \ eh is liablo tu the same and still 4,1)0(1, leaving him an additional mail daily, in four horso post coaches, from
iTvxIious Cabin, she is well calculated for the ROB'T. 11- GOLDSBOROUGH, \3i'l, thai the express mail from Baltimore to 1,001 Cincinnati, Ohio, to* Georgetown, Kentucky,
stronger objt yearly allowance of
accommodation of Gentlemen and Ladie«-— near Easlon Tnlbot county Lancaster is discontinued, but no mention is Fur ichieh no sen-ice whatever is rendered, 71 miles, in 14 hours, al a yearly compensa
in that reporl or elsewhcie as your com- It seems at a person by the name of
Sl,6 will commence running as a regular Eastern Shore of Maryland made mittteecandiscovcrtlr.it such express mail Rhodes und took to carry llie mail from Tnero is also an extra allowance of nin tion of 1,000 dollars. His schedule was so
1 icket between the above named places—and May 24 hundred and seventy five dollars made to Win changed that ho was required to run through
will leave Miles River Ferry on Sunday the was ever efilablishcd. The improvements for New Orlea to Mobile, but failed and gave A'niith for an extension of his line from Dob in 1°. hours, instead of 14, making part of tho
which this enormous eum of $20,150 was up the conlr . Afterwards Messrs.Slockton
tid of March inst. at 9 o'clock, A. M., for Bhl REWARD. allowed, aro not indicated in any report made St Slokes, Reeside, and Avery and son's X roads to Lexington, North Carolina trip in the night; for which he was allowed
limoro. Returning will leave Light Street Porter und oc uli l*T carry' llio iwail o'n iho j Prior lo this arrangement, this mail went 01 the oihlititmol yearly compensation of 3,000
wharf, Baltimore, opposite the store of A- B. RA.NAWAY from thn Subscriber, living in lo Congress. In the report of the 18th of A- rco times a week in sle-nn- the ruulo Irom Dobsun's X Roads to Salom [loll.iis. ./t is not perceived by your commit
sumo roule hrco
Hurrison. at 9 o'clock, A. M on tho fol Talbot counly (Deep Nock)on Wednesday last, pril, 183.1, ihe conlracl is sot down at $1-1, 000, boals lor )iily five ihousand dollars a and from Salem to Lcxington, which increas tee. that tho change of a schedule was at all
the 4th inst. (June) a negro fel and nothing is anywhere said to the public, of
lowing Wednesday, and will continue to run
low, who calls himself DICK or in-reased service or increased compensation. — year. The Iso failed to comply, nnd their cd his distance only seven wiles, passin< cssenlial to the public interest.
or the above named days, during the season. through a very flourishing town. Thiscxtc.ii One among tho many contracts of
She will take or. board and land passengers at The oxtra amount thus paid on this contract, conlracls wi also given up. Kdwin Porler sion, as ilia called, was therefore whully use Tompkins $-co. and others who aro connected
without legal warrantor adequate consideration ihen underti c, by private agreement wilh the
\V.n. Townscnd's; going to and from Balti- DICK ANDERSON, •'-' less, oxccpl so far as il served llio convenience with them, and :vhoso contracts are interlaced
~ that
during its continuance four years, is 80,(iOO deparlment, carry the mail daily on of the contractor, and enabled him to draw of with theirs is taken as a specimen of another
n.cre. _ , ,- route in ste nboats for four years, at forty
Ail orders left at tho Drug Store of Messrs. about 21 years of age. Dick is ve besides the 3,150 a year paid for express mail thousand du rs n year; which agreement is upon his newly adjusted lino thfl passenger, very large class of cases —a leading fualuio of
S,>onccr and Willis, Easton, or with Mr. Jas. ry black and square built, about 5 fvet 7 or on the same line. which hud therefore gono upon llie old lin which is complication and confusion.
Jorden.at the Ferry, will bn stiictly attended B inches high. Ho took away with him a In the above caso, it will bo perceived that slill subsisli Within Ihe last year there of Peck and Welfurd. It does not touch a The annual report of ihe PostmaMer General
the contract is, in the aggregatc,for eleven mail were one hi Ired and fifty failure* on this
to. The Subscribers, intending to use every largo quantity of wearing apparel, and / have routes; so interweaving and complicating the improved lit for which tho contractor says single post office in the tweuly live mile of Iho 25th of February, 183 1, stales that E.
exertion to give general satisfaction, solicit Iho no doubt has mado his way to Delaware or transaction as to render it exceedingly difficult he Htands fin in the books of the department which is not also passed onlte logular mai Porter, James Reosido, John H. Avery, l<|Uo
patronage of the public- New Jersey. Diok is an outrageous scoun hundred dollars, yet no pail route established by la\v. /., Tompkins, D- A. Sallinanh. Charles P. Mal
F WM. TOWNSsEND and drel, having mado an attack on me for repri to unravel it, and to find whether the bids al six thoiisant ight pears to have been retained out The extra allowances made en tljis route o lei!, John Mo Lean, and Sidney Porter, aro
manding him fur his negligence, in not being which the routes wore struck off are tho most of Ihis sum
JAS. STEWARD. William Smith,) from Washington until i contraclorson loules 1901, )!>02, 1903, 0047,
N- B- For Capt. James Steward's capa in place for hours after my other hands wero favorable for thn department, and it is Hill of bis pay- )n tho contrary, ho was permit- unites with the, route of Pock and Welford, a 2101,2103, 2104, 2105,3254,2265,8558,
more difficult to ascertain the reality of any led to oven w very largely, and his draft
city and attention to business, as a commander at work, /will give tho above reward for his alleged Improvement, and their -actual value fur twenty I usand dollars accepted by llio ted in the report of the 3d of March, 1854.— lars yearly.
Loxington, N. C., was 8,875 dollars, an sta 2853, in stage* aud steamboatt, at 87,950 dol
n( a vessel, tho public are referred to Messrs. apprehension and delivery in Iho jail in Eas if they oxist. The same objection occnrs in Poastniastnr cnoral, and not yet paid, was . <
Nicholas Goldsboiough Tench • Ttlghman, ton, Md. or secured in any jail so that I got ——. «u- •) *«v •- •".'' The Postmaster General, in his report of
Qenjuhic Bowdle and John Newnaro, of this him atrain. numerous cases, /raprovemenrs aro said to be discounled sotoe lime bince at New Orleans, •Doc. ISS, p. 167.
B FOSTER MAYNARD. mado by expediting on "one route, changing lo enable him to raise money logo on with |Doc. 11!) of 1830 and 1991. •Nos. 1731, 1540, 17-11, 1745 «d 174»-
conity- Talbot county Md.,Junc, 7 1834. 'the schedule on another, and ordering addi- the contract, *hich was likely to fall by the
March 5
•kit io If. TorV, tut Oc- i found tti« .ffnirs of tbe Depmrtiatnt in «
the Sth of Janaary, 1880, they obtained so Whi.>, —— ....-...„ ...... ,.„„.,..... -.. .. . . for tot>ei 1*99 $365 SS state of utter derangement, resultin», AI
a view lo the correction of the abuses 'be P''!""'- 1 '"'' ks alone ex- Bi-ynn & Lesph k Co. for :itis believed, from the oncontroleJ dis-
„ March, ,8*. .,.,«, h« which .1 disrlotWNi, the atiwttion of your c-ed- the sum. published put ia dilto in New York, 10th ! -crelion exercised by its orticers orer its
comtnife. was arrested by the ex'ent -f 'I"1 1}hj " lljokl h-v $9504 '00
September 1831 441 09 contracts and its fu ids; and their ba-
It appears that the-orih
they receive, (ur diver* improvements on route* and arrayed it at once on tun side of ill* ad- oiririiii official iiuiibini^
patronage to iu [Miinrrs vfii'L-n wired n it | * . ., .. . •J:«mes Sliyker, lor ditto, in bilHal erasions, ami in some instance!
Kos. I903, 2101, and 2102, which »ie ill in rainiatralion. demand the amount oHha. ^'^'^^^^^ N. York, 29ih November their total disregard of'he? Uws which
cluded in the grand aggregate of contracts a At the letting* in October. 1830, this route were paid, is t-he i-prtificalp of Nathaniel
nage as exhibited in the uB'ue Book- 13S-2 416 10 have been provided for Ihi-ir restraint.—
bore named, and al*o lor improvement* on was advertised to run through in two days and The resolu'ion of Congress, of 'IIP I »'!i (Jipene, HIP pnsfmastPi at Boston. He J.irues Wrigb'.for publish- And your comrnitlpp, see no rne.»'i-< >vjth-
s--vpn hours. E /Matt & C o Lid lor ii at f 1,-
211)7, vliich it not included in ii, an extra al ofj.dy. 1832, dirpcled that nld i« Ihe broil-Pi of Chailp.s Gippnf, nj ing m* Sandy 4lill ll»-r ild" in th«» power of Conzr-«s of px'ricn»iri«
lowance yearly of 13,600 dollar*. Thus fiist 980, Mi ore. Libo & Co. at $2,450, and Benja the limi of P'UP &. Giepitw HP under
grouping, and thfn clivnJiu^ ml, smaller groups min BenneU at "$350, pt. 5a5 »?00" in broken be included in the nex> (present") edition N- Y , -propo-a!s lor cur* it f om its pres^n' condition, and ie«tor»
takes to certify in nil ruses thai blanks,
and confounding one group of ouniiacti with bids, equal, it is lilifvrd, to >l 57 5 fur the of <lm book a correct list *: nil prin paper, and twine, were TiirnUli'-d to the lyins: the mail in N. York, jinzit to healthy and elTJ.:ient action,
aiiuil.or, u> til it becomes iuiprscticable to trace « hu!« ruiite. 'I'lir bid ot lierj; inin Urnnett ia ters in any troy employed j^y n " v I'i'h July, till September, 'without providing by Jaw a more strict
and reduce to their element* lliess ruullil'oim marked accepted, and the acceptance erased. puitmenl or officer of (bflttbovpnun'-nt. rmiM-iK. vnrioii* poslmastp.s "in N- Y & elsp- 1812 418 10 system fur its government; prescribing
•transactions. and that ul'J B Bennelt (the owner of the Within 'lie between 30-h of W|IPI-P,MIO llipf»i-erise amount Mated in all ———— to its officers more special rules for tho
Alter tcveral other extras fnr improvements press) is accepted at (3,000, through in two September 13.11, and the $fl(h if Sep- ihp Touchers. Me is the same person who $1.6*0' 35 performance of their several duties; tak-.
which result in clailv mails, with incirasrd ex days. Hut the m-het'ule which appears u> have H |. pilited "ihe Boston Statesman," before
lember, Isti. with the •———— in? from diem, a* far as possible, all dis-
pedition on these run leg, and an increased al- hei n made nut al the time of executing the con- - lo»ed to ea<h. The n ,„,„,,,.,,.,, of Con-
,,„..- '''"' P-. re* s was transferred to. its , present
- .
fao's" utaipa that on account (if the unusual
lowanc* of 11,000 dollars a year, lh*ie occurs Ir,-, hell and destruction of i.ricge*. and other! gres.., to enable the Seciet^.y of Sate proprietor*, nnd. from Ihe information Tt will be seen, by reference to the. ac- c.refion, where 'he acceptance of a con-
.this extraordinary allowance: count now furnished by the Department trad, or disbursement of money is con-
material changes in HIP rond since the 15th of. i o comply with if. enjoiHa. il'iipon the we have., it up-ears 1o us that tin- post- hat while the Globe weekly, •semi" cer-ned; establishing a more s'rict sys —
•'For running, beside* a tn weekly line in a
four harte tcagoA, so as to exclude |mssenp«rs, Oriober, 1831, it is »-freed to run through in .., ev ^,.a | t i ei,J* o f department' d.tectin" mister himself was interest.! m it at Ibe weikly, and daily, was publishing th^s* (em of nrronntahilily, atrl enforcing an
and iiitur* the tegular sn,val of ihe mail dur two days and a half each way. making! OI. incurring (he ,-xpense, |o rauvp the lim- of granting his cp.tific:.(ps. very "mail ptoposals" fir the whole tJ- observance of Ihe laws by penal enact-
ing the winter Reason, liny weir allowed, from five h.urs lontpr time than ,1 was fixed a. by j , j „„,-,„.,„,.,. ,', . . } This is but one of a clas.i
nioii; and while the A biiiiy Argus nnd ment.
thea-'verliaeilieiil, anil proposed lor the oilier . .•» ' '1 '"
December 1, 1632, an additional cuiipenmiiioii bidden. Ssu..p,,aintr the hid of IMijanvn He,, | «»• added, to be lodged m the Depart- seiited by ''the incident.il expense*," ai the Courier and Knquirer were puhli»h- ShofiM Congress ndvince. ont of Ihe
ai th* annualiale of two thousand live bun • by• arriingemrnl mem <f t-tate. 1 ' The (lociirr.mt in th' we think it proper to n-mai k, that, profit ing the *amp for HIP Statp of N.tN' Yoik tipa«nry for Ihe support of the D»part-
died dollars.7 Thus, alter jay my tlicsn iiuli ne't to be fictitious, or made
able »•< such rnnliai-ts nip, tnpie is nn
•viduals a large compensation l.y contracts f(,r, merely to enable, the Depart,unit the heller In Blue Book u>aze 182, 3.- 4 ) 'trilled, and tiansmitling them to ever. p«rl cif nvnt, liie wun. o 1 money H'keil for by
carrying th/ mail, and giving "tin m further transler the c ntractioJ. H. llennett. there is •List o all 'printer.. p'mplby«d hv the |1 <""P Ml '"'"» admitted for foe them; no ad- the Slate from which a bid could be ex- the Postmaster Gpiienil, or even the
large extra allowances for carrying it, they are' 8 '' 11 n dillcrpnc • belwpf.. tho next lower and Po-l Oili.e Uepirlm.nl -helwei-n the veili-ernei.', or other notice, invi (RS other p cted, these four papers. SOITH' oftl.em whole amount of its dpb's. it is not prob-
paid two t/iousand five • •liurulred
..... dollars ayrir-:v.il:d
: I.ill. and thai in which il was struck nfT Sib of September 1 S3 Land tlip S0<h P'-'-on- to • liter the IMs in rivall.y with
'carcely circiilalmg Ihiough P sinjle nble. whilp under the manugement of
furtherc^tra for currying i! in a waxen. i 0' '••'>-'1 d rsll.irs
G.OSOdoll a yar,
whiol, "<|ii:,l toin b,,
a : >p,ars four.hoyears to „•'
extra «•»••«<.........i,..
s 'l"«"'»'«r i" n ,iI93»
QJ « wi'M
oa« •
..:... . • r_.._...._.._
the. )mpen-a- the favored newspaper newMiatier editor upon ui>o whom County in Ihe interior, a'-d niihlishpd its piosFrt offic--is with noo'h.r me n«
i txaminmg the proportions which the mo-; l.on ol cacti." i« the otfi'-inY paper fur 'ii»alion is to be bestowed —
nry paid for the Uauspor'talK n of the n.ail hems. (1)t Pf> «" in-um-.t hv tlm dopnrtmeiit io .' two or three tini'-s a HPI k were kept up than now exist to control and restrain'
] nished HI ont-dience to ibis resolution. &. I in a citv where its patronage
to the receipts for postages in pariiculi.-din .this contract, IB llio hinds ,.l a newspaper edi is Hi..' fust putilicalion of any portion of! lVoni olhRr *°»r<-e* than Executive favor at an cxpensp of :jj)l.6SG 33 for two them, that ilsdihis would bp Hqiiidalpil,.
< icls of country, and even in whole Siaten, ihv n onths, printing ol tbe mail piopo<;tls or i ( s ffficieni-v restored. Under (his.
disproportion is in soiue cases rruiark^ble. "Tha 1 ^nr.'nlental txpeniri compre- Ibe incidental i-xpeiK.es trial has ever! w;is probably not very great, the press for the Slate For these and oihpr sim- impression nnd hplief, your committee
'J lie aitra allowanais of E- F- Jol.nwin, o* hendmg tlie seait fercl,-t T«r« fund of the, the ''e n made HI olfl ience to 'the requiti- of '"he Boston Slatesmnn" appears by ilar expenditures, now biought to cnn.iot recommi'tid (he apropiiation of'
one single contract, as has I ecu shouii, con Department. pie«enl an interesting mih-l lion- of law. the vouHieis and rpceii ts. to have been
light by the document amused, we any money to relieve the wants of Ihe de-
sume the whole revenue of Indiana. jcc* for coiiiideraron. No law appio-' The ol.jert of the lesotut'on ut'o wm lo ' sn-tainetl in the ypat'lS3i. when the last can perceive no pieced nt* in the form- partment until there be some further
Theexfra allowance* of c.mtractors in Vir-^,,;.,,„ ,llol money ,,.y f,, IITr ibose • xpens't-Ji — uitei post-Ihe check of p"i,|i|fr opinion to | P'e-iilential election orcurn.-d, by the pr bi'lory of the depiirlni'ent- guaran'ee for its proper ami judicious
|inia tall .hott, in 1ml three hundred snd thirty Co 1>H „„„.,„,, |)O co ,,, ru , OVft a r ,.es , „„ abuse of o(fi(. [al I,,,.^,,,^ lat , o ; employment of its pro,.i ir lors in rPniler-
The year IsS-J was «l«o distinguished application:
Sue "ec'.m'j tv^* S'"ueLr!ru nl' in'tUt'' 1 ''-'" Tl '« ^'mnster G«n.-ral, .ihia.prii.ltis., no other check Rav.ng been ! "'« »"vices to thp amount of i.Pailv stx-
by the amount of expfrises incuired lor! Your I'o.umlttee, reserving the right
».-.. (mere discifiion. selects 'he object of his provided. To the end, afro, that this 1 teen ''""u-ai'd dollars, which was paid the services o' sundry agents and secret ,to mnken lurther report on these snb-
In North Csnlina, the txtra allowances 'pa'toiia?p, wbieh he di«pen«f» from the patronage might ••--••"• net be abulrd, without nju,,,,,! j| •"» cut ol of "'«
the revenues
revenues of of this
this iUp-4iitnent
emissaries who weie put in motion at an ! j"c's liprpufler, resperlOiliy >-ecornmend
llshottol the netl receipt* for postages six!revenue derived from postage-, and iii delei lion, by employing tin owners of | And now it also apppa s ih.ii 11 || and expense of nearly Ion thousand dollars jibe adojilion of (he ftiilowin" r»solu-
mdreddollais |fiiided by that divcifition alone in fix-|"'e press, in uny other way t-.an in j Abboli, (piinteis of tin- New Hampshire fi.r that vi ar. These trips of investigii-! lions, (die resolutions was published in
In Alabama, the extra ullowancc* ars to th*ij r, z i b» amount o( that patronape. UP'printing, it provided (hat ihe li^l to be' f-t'^iot,) were allowed, during the same lion do not all apppar on the 'ace of the! s loirr.er nuniber.)
ill proceeds for postage* as vwo to one- I mny rrrplov one printer mid one ira»el.,'uini«ii«-' " nnrite.s in P-....:-.i 1' 1'' 01^ when
-«.— TIUP and Qipptie
»»«...--.... ^. _ _........ weie PPI
The whole n.llptuccedsuf r«»Ugesm\ir-| )i , B?en , '„, One ,lul, 1 | redor0 , oh „, |,i.''*ny Wa^ compensa- : l llox ej - §U* S 2fi " f(" hli'nks puper, nr.i -account, Th su'ii o! 6 Oi5 is rredi'i d
ma, a* appear* bv tho rostinasier v»*n«>r»r* , r • . L <• .1 .• .. - for sums paid to S (jouverrriiur, (he SENATK Cl
iK-rt of 111. 8811? of February, 13.11, »., P>e">tne; »nd be may pay each of them . ";-n toeeac,,. non.a.ter for Hut allow-' tw ' l "?>" ol "'hich $H,S-28 83 wan for I oslrnaster »l NewYoik. Kiom cm in i WASHINCTOV. 2fl'l\ Jt'ne. 1831.
vKiitv line ilmiisand two - prinl- r be . m.il •conlractor i Panting blanks, tbou^li tin- sums nppp^r-
iwo hundred
hundred and and SUIT
sijty-• •» mllrh as "" P''"**.- • , . ".by - III* mi-:i-w- l(• i •; • Blue Bnnl, PS paid lo them dorsemeiit on one ol Hie vourb«-ts 'o sup- I To mi/ "I<1 friend .1'f l.heiphl oj
two dollars ninety one cents. The whule co*t proppr exeicise- of l.his a-d his other 'I was intended by the reiolulion thai Ihe ; '"K ln |,or( 'bis cba g , i' appenr-, H-at he I,HS | .Vew Yin k Dall'l Jidvrrtiirr.
for transportation in that State by the con- unrestrained powers, the Department he- j f»c! ihould app.-ar. Il any $i,e of (hose j "mount only to ftl 494 86. • •ceived t I'd': on Ibe bo.)k« ol-be IV-| My !••»! tr-tier l.t veil tt-U'dvou al
traclsof Oc'.ober, 1S3I, and allowances mid ! comes bankrupt, (hen, by the construe-' who contiol tne public press enjoys loi! HoinlioIMI ttUo h..d mnil cotit-aclt Ib-tt anio.iii 1 , by linn /;ai.'/|lhe iins-i'-lenty til chirr bark t.|.». n,]
•»xiraallowaiictsmad»t<icoiiltacior*,i*i235,ySl)|)j on nrliich he beslo»vs on tin Coii«titu '>Pars a monopoly in supplying Ihe I)e- i ^or lv 'i'cli he reeciv- d 0.272 doilm -. \\ilr
Fallini/sliotl bul •-I,*'-* of tarce to on*. or 'be ini-idcnlai»xpen-es ul b.- . .lit t caie v\;is tnkm n si-rapin th*
lion, he (no(t Congii-ss alone) in:iy bor partmeut w th Ihe articles fp the real j "newspaper pnvile 2 p,'' a- we Inve «en b.irk. -or il- jist us n»fior Parson- teji'd
Tho whole m U receipts in Ala from w h.cli .We it.fer .'hat h- Hit- iliiec-
row any amount of money, on Hi*Icred- prc-fjt of Ihe contractor, th* fact was though ihe Blu> Book do s not notice <h
bama were 12.671 it of the. nation, lo supply the deficiency, deigned lo be shown in or|tr that Ihe fact in flie " st °' P'in'e.-; .»nd 11-11 and lion nf tbe de.;aitme:it, h*- made ilie-e n,y good olil melb»", if j., 5,-r.ipe,j
bolb w»y» thei-p i-no tr.ibn how thi-i»«
The cost of transportation with appear »l<o on ti-e list ol mail- 1 i aym< nt<, and ^'BS allo'^-d l> <:in OM
in il is reported at 157,^58 Subjoined is a staleinput of ili«>.' in- public might judge of Ihe extfent and ' ' i '- u ' ------ -'•- -- -• - '--• ' -, ttlement for postages. Mr. Gouvc-n will work An- 1 iis l : rr,-> ji«t «n nilh
Benij soinething more thin fire to on* cident.il expenses from Ihe year 1790. fl'<enee of thi: Executive p*|lroii;ige o- contnictors, both for Maine and New
> ur is not fiponsihle lor Iliese pay ••IbeGov^-iniiicnt''- &. thp folks :vboutlhe
Thesis estimates are suhjcct to variation •- prepared by a clerk, at the r(H]uest of ver Ih.- press j-o i-onlroMed JBut, so far li.itnpt.hirc, with 11.11 and iMoise, T. S. ments ordered by the D"partment. A - ii ,ta« !ilwa>-*> s.-rapiti both ways,
•ual to the increase of pnBiinres in thoseSlates the Committee, accompanied by a vie* fiotn ac omplishing (his, of xny nlh- A l.boi and Co.. dill .ind Crane, and B ib-
mong Ibe ,-pcpipts is one ol P S. [jouj;'! St tliing« wa- grttin wo«-->- &. '.vorxp.. [
(rum January, 1S30, until the contracts took of the •'contli.gent expense*," isndol'llie «r proper otijfcl of hi* p-irtfot the res- bn and IMI.
effect, and the extra allowances were mad*. sums appropiialed by law for lh» sala-, olution, i' link lie»n the rnea DIIIIIIJT lamp perio 1, Shadrnch borough, travelling n gen I, for one lion t» ic!| the ji'uieral nheti / was with
... n........ the .
When lho«c torrcctiune arc made, the dmprn- ries of Ihe officers of Ihe |)ep«rlmerit,: i"g ar.poitliom Ihe Post [Oifire Df- P e ""< who "S the |n inter and propiietor d. ed .Jol'ars paid him Ibe 4>h day of J jnr i m. IIP beitp- let tbe Sen.it- have a hnnd
portion between tli» nelt receipls for postages, °f I|;P Loui>»ire Public Advi-r'iser. wat I8S2; and .seven ol Barnabrn IJ.ites. M diiei-iin tlvs m.i'le 1 ^ tl.al I|IPIM wnrn't
•nd the eznendiluret in these Slates, though whic.'i must not be confounded with ih* j parlrm-nt prtcisely calcu'ut |to mi<tle<d •titotlier traveller, for $I.'J5S cash pnid in all ••re.iiioii a s-f of Ib k« w!.o knew
lessened, will still be •iiiirmous. "inc'ulenlal expenses." 15y this thrj the public in reference tj the i\hol<> sub- employed lo Inmith blanks, paper, and
twine, lo Hie amo:i'>t of 5r9 58G Sli, »l h.rn as u.«pt cial agent," between the • , ireil wi.at wa^rig''.! to be done, and
IMi* law conlFinplaurilral on new ronte*, gentile will pn-ceiie (hat, f.om a «nm ; jcct.
'Blue Hook 'hough m the lilue Hook his i,;ime ap 1st of August and the 12th Dccemoei .vhen tt-oublesdid .-omp, who knew how
and consequently in new States, a considerab'.s less than (wo thousand dollurs, ihe->« ft- On the list of printem in (he
•xjienditure should be allowed uver snd above penses, under foiinT adniinittiHti->i,<, T.ue fc. G--epne, proprielor-s id i.nnters P*-' a|is °" 'he list ol print rs a» in any ls(3i, inclusive. .1 gin hitiKine.riil out on't qu-cker than
the amount of receipts; hut even where the gradually increased for many JPHI->, of th • Boston Statesman, ur thus Mated Mnv f rri[iloyeil by ihe department on'y ,Mr Barnaban Bates, in October 1833. i,ey did; but the Gineral would'nl give
money is ftirly arr4 judiciously applied for the there being an avernge annunl .iddi'luii of) *° he employed: for the Mim ol ijp'J 297 9-2. The sums p;ps»iite.d an account, of wiiich thft loi- up till (other day, wh°n he couhPnt git
benefit nf the public, theru i* a limit beyond • bout or.5 thousand dollars. In 1H-J9, I'.'ue Sf iiieene, for priming^ wert- paid wi'hin the >ame period 'o other lo"ing ia a literal copy. by it, and the Senate »ot a ch.inci- to
which such expenditure w not permittee to '^£6692 75 pei s "i'S for "paper *n I twine,'' amount- "G-neral Po-t Olli.-P, •ciape a leelle bark for "the Govern
pass without the convent of Congress. — By Ihey ha ' swelled to the »um of $S6.47I,! blanks, ^V
exceeding Ihe sum exp«nded in «i,y for-1 For advertising proposals, '
\"-'t ' i206 50 iiii: 'o $'2'l,562 6t. Other mirna Hllow "To B. Ua;»-s Special A sent Dr' ment," and in |PS« than no time it w^nt
Ih* 39th section •' ihe act of I8!2J, reducing
into ona th* acta regulatim,; th« Cost UtTice mer year; nnd in tlu- year commencing! j _j_ ___ rd duiii.i hese. I" o \" >»is, as appear' In * nS3 . April 30. ji-t M» (I e pitij-le ixpccltd i 1 would, and
ns' li' I «„. .._ . . • • •> r. * L'f" >•""••!>"••« •"-! acc.ouiils d'-r printed To services from July 1, H32 jisl ai ihi'y wanted :t lo work; it bus
i'in'gfaV i''lectio?i,"flie"v BOOK, • C.899 25 blank*, p.iper ai,d I win p., not including *• J -»-^ •£>' -*--i'«, !•» <.a iu.r rloereduiM Wr Taney anil Mr. Sleven-
.nnuallf to Congrcas every p*st route which moiinte I to about <j98.000 Z • ^uJ-1 l'«t 'he exhibit now made by the ac- "' e latgc >ums paid lo other erlito-s for difin • 912 00 •on already, and a eo»d j--»g n>ore would]
•Miall not, after the second year troin us rttab- den increase o! near 20 000 do'l»rs over 'count of Ihe Department, hereto app»-n p*'" 1 '"* '"'ail proposals,' amount to mote Do do expenses daring the same follow if the Senate gits another chanc*
lishiH*nt, have |iroduc»d out! third of ilia ex ihe corresponding expenditures of -»ny ded, *hows that tt««y have bi-»n employed than-evenly thousand dollars, 2. 50 760 00 at scrapin the bark.
pott w* of carrying th* nwil on the sarnr"
If this pnivMton of law had bep« altrndr^ former vear- ' diiriug the whole lime, (as the present i The account now exhibited by the de- Do do steamboat &. stage fare Sonic folks and especially them wh»
to, theaggrrgrate of the route* in Indian*, II- Of Ilipsp pxpcnsfs, no detailed account Po-lmatter Genpial hud in fict lury.'.iri paHmen' «hows thai Francis P. UUir ed- do 134 00 want or expect offices think that the
lin./is, and Alabama, ought to ha^e hcnn re requited to his rendernd io Cti.igi«!s-i— beforn cmp'owd (hem.) in fuinikbing t' 01 °' "'« Glob.-, i -reived I'.-orii tie SO'h Senate ought to do ji-t what the Giner-
fiirlcd as unproductiTe n.'uv*. and Kentucky', no 11 poil ot the vuiiout i'ems which p»per. piiiiimg hl-ihk* and twine, to the l.'eeembei, 1831, io tne 26<h of O.-toiier 1,856 00 nl tells em—hut that aint my notion,
Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia, form their iig^rcgaic amnunl is | ub!i*h- amount ol •fad.'JO? 7S | 1833, inelu-iv , Ibe sum ot 0.21,634 90. So that Mr. B,irnab«s Bates set n for I don't see why the ppople should
Would bul ju*l have tscapi il its provision*-, th* ed. Th«-money to defiay lh'-m eor,» i Seeilipaiiiouni forlhefolhowing item-. Flpappems ontbei5lueBookforoi.lv cood pri' P. on his (ravels, Sf although, by he at the expense of bavins a Senate if
«xpendilure in each of tlu-ai: last vtuird h lute wh.it in-.ty b« emphatirally « a!!.-d 1 iSi. J.iiiunry 25. True fc Greene's frH.371 57. But as the department oil ' * n endorsement, it appeals that Mr. C. that is lo be Ihe rule —The Senate h«
feeing more than double lit* amount of le- the ncrtljund. The Inn.I common - -..-.:— .--
nniily no compeiiNalion tor .-furiiisni.ig• ...
hi.inks, pa- 'he ...- application - .- of- the
. r omnnllee, « sent u< jI K. ir Gardner,
/-.._,.....,./-tbe first..Assistant
-. ... 1'ostmas- cot a notion Hut il is thoir duly to see
'1'here »!• two Stale* which lie, (id* by side. called, which i* pUred in the I • •-ids of per, and twine, to v»'iou:s IIQNI ofil.-es in only a part nt ihe voui-her- for this ac tpr General, doubted about ihe allowance :b:U no man gels an office »ith iheir
Hcatly r.^ivl in population, *ilcnl «f ttrritnry Ibe Pr.-idml to defr.iy Ihe i ontingf-nt M>w N>vv Ycik and i-1-.pwl.n i-New-l.c- e. |r,nn 1«.| O count, u ml ilflei icil M n'img >he te^l ontii of 50 i cuts' ol ^>2 50 pei ilipm for "PX '•O'.Tt.t utiless IIP will di'cha.oo .1, i!u'i»> 5
«ud in thnievemi* which they ji*ld (o tin expense> of loieigii iii eicoursp. ,« not no lolisr to Sl.-t December, 1811. ine.usii,.,,. it is ruiw too late lo >xuminc. Ihem in ppnu «." in ndditioli to Ib" "per diem for lor the gond nf the hull p.-orde urul n t
•Vpartinaiil, which show a remarkable differ »rop"ilj Pntille.l lo the ni pellxiion-— ' 3,944 10 lime lor tins rppott, we i-Hiinot say bow «i"vicr«." and the "s'eainboat "nit staji- lor a pa>iy, and tbi-> i« j|.f n ,v PI.(ion
•nco in the *utn* paid in each for lliu Uaueaij That J mid is limited in its amount by May 9. True Ptid firepne1 * lar 111.- official Maiemi-nt in the Rfgisler fjir;" ypt, on pu'lirig the <jues'ion en too. loril is n pUgv haid' bargain for all
Ution of the mail. the will ol Congress, who-.e nppiobation compensation for fumi-hing is correct or incorrect The rate> al d«ised on the voucher—"shall tbe addi nartifs lo be rall'd on to pav wages
In Verm ml lh*r* wu received lor pn>t«^os. !H requisite to its exi-te.nce. 7'Ait fund' paper and twine, gic. from the which ibis pi inier is employed are enor- tional fifty cpnls b.- allowed under Ibe to an office holder, and he in turn ony
«4 appear* by the report of Fahruary 28. is unlimited by aught bul the will o! him
a*tt si Januaty lo Ihe 31-I of tnou«, and, in our opinion are not lo be circiirnntances?" the Postmaster Gener work fnr one party— that aint
In New Hampshire, 16,3,-tS 9-2 who U«PS il, nnd u as I'rPP from the < on- March. I*3J. inclu-ive, ' 2,144 55 jniinud : . . i > •-
bv tel'erence to anv Ihincr nhicl, al iinderw rilns—"allowd;" und on the justice. If a man in office is natural
trol of the Uwasifii were the treavirp A . /»v >tv. _»^»
Aug. 27- TrueSi Greenc. .: ._._ i..
l.as occurred m the paM history .: ^
of this 15.h of Oetober, 1833. Mr Bites gives work for a parly then that partyony ought
in faror *f Vermont, 1.S-J4 DO of utt iiiilcprmlpiil government. That or blanks, papc>, nn 1 depattiiienl. \Veberpi\itlisii-.iniia-ipr- a tec. ipt for a credit allowed him »n nc- lo pay him his. wages.
(und is also limned by the acts of appm- Vom SOili June, 1S33, 2,824 JO ciuiHii of the rales p id fur adve, listing; i-dunt for Ihe wh'de mnriunl ot'$1950 —
Te«r* I* p*,id fnr transportation priii'ion to it certain object. ']/iii\\.,*
Times have got so now that most folki
Dec. 15.1 rue &. Gi eene, d a',d jei'ompanviiig ihi> .same is u sinlp- The most curious part of lh ; s matter, think when tb-y nre elected to offiee
in New Hampsliir*,_ 18.618 90 just so many nbjeets u» tbe Postmns- or blanks, paper and twin : rnenl of the rates and mnu allowed lot o i over, is'that the drpurtinp.nt has di-'l '.V have ony got to saivn Ihe
In" Vermont, 23.i08 CC tcr G neial may aebct. Whatever >x 'mm 1st July lo the 30.h .Sejj- pniiti'ig iidvpiliteniPiits in JuU, 1830 — ectpil i»Ir Goiiverneur lo pay these n- j who voted for PMI ; and look upon all fIIR
prnses he cbouses to considci as "inci ember. 1832, 2,455 05 Tbe tum a'loued to)1 pi inlii-g tliexp ad •r«Mits for travelling, a* it appears thcylr.st as a set of Aliiereens; ai.d
OifTnrmes on th* otxtr sid*, 15.CU SO
denial" to his-dcpiutmi-nl, he pa,_,«; .im! IS33. March 23 True v«rlise.:iiMiis i» ii wil he si>i-|i. ith,iiil fou: did. as '-"pi-rial agpnln," in New York I on "rew ardin fripnd
ai.d |iuni«hin ene-
Your Committee find nojrxxi reaioi. for ihiii III.'only a'count wbichhe remlcia lot (JrceriR do. lor blanks, |<a| liincs the am jtnil Ibeii pa.d for ibcm. So and NPW- Knulnnd, an«l then covorwl nnd ' mip.«.' til , ,. VP1.V •„„,
vacabond who is
4ispropoition of expeiiuilute in th*s« two it is contincU (» a l.ne in bis annual IP ind'wine. from 1st Oi lob the <la<<>meiit- in..,U'(i X. cntiepnlcd the cliiirdP- under l!>e n^rriP of oo lazy lo 2Pt nn t.otiRst
Stales. port, thus: ''Tbi1 incidental expeini- livin bv Inhoc,
to 31st December, 183 2,164 851 ULiiiig I e inte ps'm;: (leriod between cidmlal expen&'x nf the Punt OJfire ...~ al
«. ivoiks liim-ifll inlo a good fat ofRf-e, jist
Mr. Jf (Tierson, in hi« lollf r to Nathaniel Ms- tor las! year were 87.701 dollars." TI.P Ap'il-^3 True k Gre the !••( o! July and lue 59'b of Dfcrm- city nj ."<tw York. 1 B\ I|IPI turns brcau-e he has been nylng nhoti' l;t .
•un.ofMay 14th 1801, "*Vi ihal "a Tery early COI,M-I|'.price of this slate of things i^. ''or blanks, p.iper und i bt r, 133-J. the •'iiiriil-'iiul .t>xiien>ps" ol'the (I,si q.i.irter for I5<33, it aKo ,,,- and ifntg s'mps. "glory and
trconiineiiilaliiin had heen mvtn to ihn 7'osl- 'hat. wlnli- ihe. sMerel HPI vice lund in tb-
mastcr Ciei.ernl to employ no printer; lurrign- hainls ol the Preo.denl i- 30,000 dollars fro-n 1st Octobei, 1332,to 15 'were fe-Ji.:-58 07. \> ilhih Hut liHi.- ppnis tint P S. l,(i'iulib.).O'.jb who IP- and "Ihe spoil- ol'the cnemv
•x. or Refolutiormiy lory, in any of his ol- Vp>il, 1»33, 3747 19 $13,673 31 wax paid for pr.-n-ing lo the ccives an ni'iiu.il salary liom the Ti " the victors. 1 ' Now, i ion i«. it«
flces." Hut reason for the exclusion of the Ibe lund 'Xuend-d dining HIP euiicui July 24. True & Greene, fdiioix an i |itiriteis of neir-p,tper«, be- liry of tlie Lr . Slnle< ol sixlepn bur.
PRINTER from any connection wilh (hn I'ovt yearbj t ,c Pjuln.a-lpi- Geupral for lh>> p.iper, blank-, and twine, Ir/ stile- $5 166 15 for oth«r at-tielps by liiPin dollars as "general agpn'" of tl
Olfl co Ucpartuiont is nhriuus, and if we would >k incidenl:il <>xpen-<». " foriiisdepai-linpii- 1-t Get,,b.-r. 1833, to 30tli S supplii'd. Ol the nuin to pmd to printers paid in n
preserve tnn pres-i from cur-U|iliou. and pic- IIH s now ini'i-ea'-ed, ,is appears by the lembei, 1333. 3,022 19 Francis P. Ulan received $8.336 50
fent it from exerting a corrupting iiifliii-in-e o- e-timii!e in bis la-,1 annual report to Or.t. 10 True and Gre >l !or printing proposals for cm-tying II,p
The waves i-arni Miiailiin :>ii)H2. one ar- be brutes without t'-em. lor manufacturing of nil kinds of grain. The j •'',' ahi;n isojsa, fact,
orifcl obsei vations of the celebrsi'ed \Vai.—Bo*<on J7fr. Jour. water power is the best in the neighborly od, i J' ' '' :| '" Kilmor,
ter ruiotl'.e'. and lie " I'wo Po'lu-s ' for a Tho l"illo\vi:i^ aro some of th« Volutilei-r John I,ocki a century or twoac°,<vho nev
apell went aluns with Vm soiri Ion's which were drank amidsi songs ami er has had his equal in piofound nnd cor and llu- whole premises beautifully and advan- j '- ^ Jenkins,
glees. latrivitisly situated for a ninnufacluiing ejtnli- | J- 1 '"1 f.°'.., .
one eeiiJ fust and «oni'!imes anotlier. against Ihe idle notions of PRICES CURRENT—B.U.T July 8 lishmenl of any kind. Thi.t properly is wur- '' ril " 018 h ' " ilt8f
Capt Jumper «aul i' wnrnt no t'rnn Ry Mr. Tomlinsm—May the hinges of rect reasoning |1 Ou1 a I '-'0
"innate principles," and the mysteries Wheat thy of thu allenlion of Capi Capilalists. " I ! >lp",rcn ,-N.\'<mel.'._
now lo make a lon£ .<pcn h nnd all lie friendship never rust, nor the American Kajrlt of Ccnsuien"e, such as King Andrew has Corn (yollow) 03 a G4 —ALSO— Richard Uoncv.in,
had to say about il was ilia' if the an I ever loose a feat In*. Dan:il P. Le.i,
Hy -Ur. Co.iliiljrp of Boston-—Our political been and continues to hold forth to those, A neat two storT
chor hiv>k'd on to sood hoi,lin ground, creeds and our political Sabbath—on this occa who have recently honored him with William Dawion,
NOTli K. Hrick Dwelling Itotisc, Sam'l. II. Ucdgreaves
the "Two Pollie.s^' would by tne blessiiig sion may wo nil forget our minor differ their company. with a good garden, on Liberty John r'allon,
THE Chnfches at Whit? Marsh and I'as-
of Providence, be saved, provided we ences, and worship at a common Altar our It would appear from Ihe tenor of his ton, will not be opened for public service on street, in Ceiurevillc, and at |iros-
didn't flinch fiom our duty, and that was common Constitution. conversation and oli«e'va ion*, that his Sunday next, as vlii su'Hcribrr has Ci>nc'.u.Itvil en l occupied byJUr.Johii I'almer, who will jnnc -28 8\V
that a* !>oon ns the anchor did git hold 81 By Mr. Thomas II. Jeiikins—Ilmry Cla\ Conscience, «ui h as it i , s not altogether to accept ail hivilali.ni lo meet thn U:sliop shew the same, lo any person disposed lo pur- The several papers on iho Eastern Shore of'
the vessel faced the stoim, wn mnsi r.of —'he American Orator. and attend tin-association ol the C'leray in chrtSR il. Also—Two Lots uf Ground cou- Maiyhnd w:ll pleasn copy the above and send
quit the bow, but ke'|> all ilie wliiie The Company, ever min-lfnl of those mMi t'»M,;Mil tlul lllC p.li-iuli^ O.' It .-olillCI Cainbridjje.un Fnd:iy, Saturday and bumlay tuininij together, alrout eleven and one half eir bills to the oflica of the Chestertown T»l-
A:e piTi'omiiian', with itliom eoniami acres, adjjining iho'ast above mentioned pro
tending the chafing iii.ii', and see tlwl revi.i|u;iun:iry spirits that CHUM', i luted the -'Ma aiiii revenge are loo olten con-ideinl n« next. perty, and winch was piirrhaw«l by ih» l:>i«
opc for p:>) ment
lyland lin.-" sent a deputation- at the soirrjres- THUS. BAYNK.
the cnb!e di'l'iil ch'-fc oil', .tnd keep linn »f tin-Vice President ot ihn day, lo in virtui-s, having I t'.l« ir»ard lo ilie iiipi- Jolui T Micr* from Henry Harden, Esq
etery thing well pressed Ilinrc. "I cnn vite Mid Mr. flntom'in IJarrotl, ihe lasl survi rus, which his majesty | as bi'«n heaping Easton, julyS, 19.11.
dec'd. One of thes.) lots is well located for " Pit POS.ALS
depend" sayshn ''on tlul ere cable if we vor of the eirps nnumnrsi us, to join them in grazing, being well watered—the other isara- To pulli'li by ttiibieriptitm, in the cityoj Sal-
do our duly by it,"—and jist then sure d linjr honor to the day. Mr. Barroli soon ap
upon his country, and forgetful that the Luin&er for Sale. b'i) and inry bu profitably cultivated either in tiiiit'ir. u ii-teklij Literary .\cieipajicf, to bo
blood of several of bin countrymen has FOR SALK. at Easlon Point, u vessel load entitled ilie
«nuf, the anker cot hold, nnd (lie "Two pe.ired. when Mr. Alexander Graham nro ,, , • i • • ... erain or grass,
been made to flow lo gra.ifV private re- of Lumber, atnony winch ts some nice Cl.wnut * Als,,J;v ,. OT on the south side of Ccu- "Maltiniofc V«niii;r \Jrr»'s Paper,"
Polltes" faced right round head to Ihe posed, The health of Salomon Bnrrott. Ihnlast
irnge "Oh! 'ell il not in <jath. puuli-h |piii:iiiir and fl.Hiiii)); plank II will bu VJl>l Irevilln, lying between the Main road leading L'ndcr t!io auspices ol dm BHliimora Young
storm, and every wave that come jihe'd limb in our Sjeiety of the R/volution—may
he live lon<r and happy! "if not in the dtrecli of Askelon, kst the 1 low lor cash, il la!<eu away imuiedinlely. lo Kaolin, and a large gully, by which it u Afen'S Siciely.
smash her nose right into it, and split it UOl.OsBOKOUGil & LKONAHI1.
clean through, and il would break and theHv Mr. Harr.itt—M":.y ihe Spirit i f '76 and Pi.iliv ians rejoice, and the daughters of separated from the lots of Dr. Harper and o- The Baltimore Young Men's Society was
4'h of July never !•,-; forgotlen in ihu hearts "the Piiilistians triumph!"' liaslon.july H._________________ lliera; ihe 'nnprove'iieul^ in lliii lot consist of
smash right over her and we uas nil OM of Ihe Atneriean People. instituted to prom,ite the moral ind intellectual
us as wet as dock tats—The slorrn
Like the Uimain ol old, who conquer "l'«i bedraivn~July ~l7lli IS3-I, Thu Liieraluru
Lntlerv, Class .NO Sil.
Two small framed HOIISI-S, ini|i,<ivnin"in ol Hie Yoiinjr Men in the city, ly
Mr. CiK'Iidgt) beinir c:!!-d up, introduced ed the ixoild, his majesty seems to hold tcnanled by people of color. The nn:n ihem more iniimaiely in ilm bonds of
whistled, and it thundered and lightinM. the following toasl with some feeling and clo GUAM) SCI1KMT..
forth courage as among his ?ieate-.l vir terms of sale MS prescribed by the mutual .iei]ii:i;iitanee, sml lo extend kindnm
and Ihe''Two Follies" roll'd and tumbled' ,qnent r«'m:ir!;s—'/he g"o;l spirit nf '76' which 1 pri7.euf ^IMIOU | 71 prize* ofv"'
tues, and -Innatt f.'onsrienri." as t'ie -Jt'O dei-ret! are; thai ill" pureliMT or ,nd felliiwsli") iu those, who coming from their
and bounced and (humped ngin ihe b-und our Fathers In^i-ilifr—may iu rvil spi:- 1 4,000 | 83
pil'ehasers shall give lo the Trustee a bund parcinal homes hither, in pursuit of wealth or
wavrs lik« till po••••»!.«—W«' :«d Mining il cause l!i" : r sons to i ii nding pi ini'iple ol all liii ui I ons, even I l,:i<)0 | 1-2.9 &H
with tiei-ui it y to tie npproveil hy him fir the distiiieliun, are pat ticul.-'tly exposed to all ihuM
Hv i'ic Vice PresiiU'iil.—Chief Justice "lii-ii i.c iiiis In en delitier ilelv pulling hi* \ I,-Kill | 158 «'
pa«ment of the purcha-in money, in twelve, iHinptatiuus lo vice and dissipation, which in
to il and Cnpl.Vm J.nnppr loo'< the leul, I 1.037 | US ?0
pulilic and piMa/e enemies !• drain or
and we k<-pt wi-llii. tin- chafiii nin<s nnd .M.ir.sha'l. Ticket* $3. Halves $2 :')() Qnarlers }1 25.
and eighteen nioiitln and two ye-irs, with in eveiy large cily, are too often fatal to youiK
! lly A'r Biinton.—I.illle pelmvarc. always i^-isling Ihe voice ol lin countrymen, lere^t therein from the day of sale—and upon and inexperience. To carry but ihtsc princi
kept the {iret-se »uii>g. "If Ihis caulf" , firm nnd true—lliough Major Noah c»uld lu.t A K.I, I'm tiraud Conn drialrd Delaware
•»ho have been crying again >-t hit mil- a ratification of the sile by thn Court, and nn ples, no means could be employed more effec
says he:,' gits chated off by our neg|, ct, ; put her iu II'H hri'eehrs p,icl:et. Lottery, clasi No l.i, drav\s July 2-2d 18J4. the receipt of (he pur.--hn*e inn'i.-y and not be
tive t!nn ill-? ptes.i. \Vith a periodical journal
rule, i\hich bus biouglil down m much
there is nothing will savu us—and I Uy Mr \Vm K. Ltaiilin—The youn<r green rnisrhiel upon the public, and hundreili j 3 Cap: u , ,.,;„. O'j-.,, SCIIKMf..
0it;^ , 10 v , [wtj{ tf JQQ fore, ihe trustee shall by a irio I drnd, duly ac published itiidi'r its auspices, the Society wrll
would'nt give a two inch pine pi inU lor Tree of A.ner'can J.dierly—may tlie arm ol 'Ihousand* •"•---• " ol ••••'••"• •••• -
-' in<lividuaU. H) 'J-' 0 knoirledged ac'-ording to l:i>v, convey to ' tin- In! enabled to extend niuio widely a knowledge
the 'Two Polli'-s' and nil on boaid n and wither mil the hearl p'.-rish thai would iii,|H'<le purchaser or purchasers, ill. j-r iperty tn 1 ofi's cxisieiicc, and of iis objects, whifo, b* i)m
Such a Cutiscitnce as Kin? Andrew's, •JO 1 M or l!n>::i s il.l. free, clear, and disr-inr-ieil fio
so we kept at it till ar'e;' mnbii^h . when I lls srowili. 1,000 s'liiio means, whatever of moral influence it
Ihe storm giv way and ih" wmd shifled ">' M'- J"hn Banian Kerr—The princi- is not lobe moved, while 'he Bank oflbn' 000 4li 7D «ll cl.iims of the complainants or def.-iubnts. may exert, whatever of power to do good ji
and bv day li-l.t" it wa« blowin jist to h- j '•', ."^.j'V.hiic'01 """1 3 '^'^' "" ^"^ '" U. S. M'ts him at d< fi.ince, llio' lie I Tickets (.3—Halves J4—Quarters }'• Any fuither information may Ill-obtained by ap-1 may p.isscsi, will be called more activtly inta
• ia c|i>i<ri ',,, ' sent',by s slranirer who . was prevented . , n,ay remove and t-et up Sccteiury of the |t t|,,> Liiller/ ultiou of I1 ' plicaliou lo the sub»rr:'>er I operaiion, :;lid lind (xercisc in t mars extensive
er wav
*r nnd ii"M oil shore,
""•'-,, r- \ and lii-is. Treasuiy after Secretary nnd rry-'Mon- HACKET. John Til^liman, J field.
>ky; "and now" sa>S Captain Jump.-r. hv ind,sp.isi-ion from a'liei.iline—"The onacl stc'i,'' while such uu epithet may be two Ea«toii, iMd.
my boys, lets «U onus thank (Jo.I tor j U)V)1, l>1<r p |,,,rra which wna brilliantly turned W'ell Mpplic-d lo him-.elf. Cnn any re»«on-
July 12 Trustee. I Bidievinjf th;.l thp pit jlic favor would bebe-
C. Ville, (J. A. co. July tJ, 'slowed upon mrch a juurnul, ihe Society has-
ali his ma. cies, lor llu-rt ninl one on u« [asido by "the flaniinir sw-iiJ of S'. .Michael's." to «ny. lhat his maje<- LOST. | detcrininnd In issue thu Prospectus and speci-
Rv Mr. Thomas S. able man preti-nd
that hainl cot much lo be tlianUM,! for —The fair *rx , men nu:nher of n Prn-.d.L.il lotu'rallnd tho
this time," and niie"- that we. up tin
ker and ittck'd on the canvass, and llic implishinents hy none.
coiinly"— exocfled in beauty 'am' ac" j '.v
,t/r. Walter having much contributed to ihnl M:iy God of his intnu.e mercy Ion'*
llas » rll' J "' >' "''"S "lo "' or l(' ss I||1IM. A Yoke of )xcn—of yood size- black and
ihe iv ul cliaincler ol a m .Jls/»-»JW tyrant? while, oun n very fine ox— ihe her. uoi .vi
largr, but marled wild s sear near the shoul
N:\EliY. "Yniinjr Men's J'a|.er;V ti, 'lies, pp'irl ofwhioh
the |niioii;ij;e. of ihe Irii'iiils ot' Y, unjj Men,
"Two Follies'' stituk'd it out of that ere der. Any uiifwho will give information of To real and possession girrn ihe f.rnl of and of ihn Livers of morilily and good gider
Icasnreof the day by snveial delightful sor.trs,! down ti; on King Anuri'W, nnd leach him next -i Tin YarJ a..d iinprovoiui-nts ! is u >w solii iti'd. ,
scrape nboul llic qnii ke«l / lell you. It. lirahatn gave, Mr. \V;illcrs >—af to KI>OW ttun-ell, niul txive. coriei't id us anid n\ni. ..rolltthrr of them shall be suitably January n the vill..jr.-uniM-nsl>.irnii.j;i v ai.)iinepon:i- T!,t> clnrai-ter c,f iho "Young Men's Paper,"
/ u*M lo heT Capiii'ii Jumper iell a- r which Mr. Walter proposed as his toasl — o*' ConvciciK e, anil the Uulu-s he oweb lo cimipcnsaud. '
bout that ere priil pu-lty ollmrnnd when 'ho CitiziMisof '7'illnl c.nnty, celcbral«u fjr \ M- SI'F.NCKH, y,—Ati'ii'i'd thcii'iinlo aro large a'i.1 ."niii- will !.e ei.nsuinrl wiih the priiiciplr.s ol the
his couniiy. ! near .Si Michael*. ii.idiiiii!< bar!;, cnriyiii 1 ; nnd b'am I'ou-ies, a S.it-irty ol'whieh itisllu; organ. Combining
I would try to CIM r.i r him nhout his ven eir huspiiahly and l-indni-.ii. i-.vid s'one lablu, hit'; :i!Vl hydr Mills &.' — Literature unh Morality, its aim will bu tti
ture in so near tin: laud in that quarter. By Mr //uwi-s (! iliis')uroii<rh—The Ladi*s WASIIIXOTON. July 13
,_ _ I'iiis Yard is Rituaicd dirfctly on tlio t'aop- amuw anJ instruci; while, in accordance wiih
he'd try to sit off by tellin me lhat at ri'alhol—(-(pialled hy few—surpassed br none .niili Uiver. 3:i thai little or no hind carri.ijre is its tale, the general tenor of its influence will
the "Two Vollies' WHS bcand Fplinter — Lei ihem never be f'.irirotlcn on llv.s day. THE FIGi:UE HKAI). to nwakoii Young Men to a sense of their
By Mr. Jame* Uiildnliorouc;li.—The memo- The Boston Courier of Thurfcday mentions \ fp\v youn; BL'CKS from full blood Mt- •cqutred in shipping articles to or from ibe H j' be
new, am) the rocks nil along th. re plagy rino Kwes aii a cholcu ill)|Kilti-d lull bl.uii tie . Bark ot the lifil quality and in gie:it ibli.rations, to iuJui-e ihem lo consider their
y of Charles Cam.II of Cairollon. thai there wns considerable excitement m thai iliumlance ish night in this |;laei> very low p.'id vitt C'lpah.lilir*. and to direct inwards noblo
old, if she had g'onoagin em they would By Mr. Bairoti—The memory of ihe braris cily on \Vcduesday, in consequence of ihe de- Suxnn Buck-
had the wor«t ou't; but when he'd 'oil i'-ncra' Perry Brtison. UOUKR H. in ace inr.ii.'d'il.n,' trrim: then is n.nv n s'nek d'j-eln, that ardour which is too ufien wasted
jcaptialiou of llio tiguroofGe.ni Jacks u 10- i on hand suftifii ni lo carry on the Yard for, in liiv..lous dissipation, or let loose in vicioua
the story to folks who knew more, about By Mi. llobeil Ker.nard—The cause of ccntly placed as a (iguru huud on th« frigate July \t some tim,) which i tcuaiil cuu liuvo on agrees- extravagance.
the nalur on't than / did then, he woulu freedom throinrhuul ihe \Voild. ~
Constilutifci. It appears that during the night! — Aporli.in uflhe paper will be occupied by
By Mr. Jenkins—John C. .Calhoun—Thn TALBO IICOUNTY TO WI T: lie terms.
always say if it had'nt been for his men , of Wedmsday, ' the head of this wooden image
Apply tn reviews and critical ri'ilices. The character
On apphcaii* lo mo the subscriber, ono nf
standin hy the cable and keeping il well ;.l!ter of Ihe Hank of the United Stales, his. wns sawed oil', by some person- or persons un- the Justices olthe Orphans' Courl, of the Ann II. Codwin, or and talents of Iho gentlemen whosn namre ai»
grexi'd and well mailed ns strong a« il iareiii.il care has not bc;u withdrawn in ihe known tppe.nriod lo this Pros|wctus. wilt bo an assu
was, it would a chal'd off and that would lour of peril. | "II is rMher a mysterious affair. T! e Con- . county aloresaii^y petition in willing of NVil d(>o. W. llurringlon. rance not only th-i th.i deparitnent will be
By ihe President—Old Virginia—the an-i stitutioti lies al ih e Navy Yard, belwuin two liam Hudjes, plying for tho benefit of tho act Orecnsboiotigh, July 12. etialained tviih ability, but also lh..l nothing
a ben the last of the 'Two Fellies' and ionl Dominion—llio early silo of our furiifa- seventy-fonts, and il is understood that a guard, of - Assembly, . _ l^sed at November session, undignilied, scurrikus or vindictive, will find
Capt. Jumper—find I suppose also of bora. o- watch, is constantly kepi onboard. Il eighteen bund™ and five, for the relief ol In- place iu It. -v
Yo-ir old Iriend By Jlfr. Knight, (of Virginia,)—The men seems impossible -• lliat- llio deed could ---havn been solvent : ¥N ' • -and the several supplements
D'blors fePKI.NG GOODS. Tho "Young Men's Paper" will be printed
"J. DOWNING, Major. 'f ihe present day—ir:ny they imbibe and ever I executed wiihout discovery notwithstanding ihiTeto, on ihe t ma mentioned in the said on a roy»l sheei, quarto form, with new typo
DowniiiRville Militia 2d Brigade relnin thn principles which influenced llic IV I hat the nighl was dark and rainy The acts—and the id William //odjjes having uho Rutmcripiion piicenf|3.00 p»r annum,
riots of '7li. head, which has thus been severed from its coni|'.ied willi t o several requisites rc(|u'i.ed WM. II. &. P. G ROOME r #1.50 if paid in advance.
By Mr. Thomas S. Dawion— Robert II- trunk, it is said, was al least twcnly-live feul hy the said ads if assembly—I do hereby or- HAVE just received from Philadelphia Adveriinuinenis inserlud on Ihe usual term*
Major Rarry has published n long ad
dress lo tho people of the United St .lei. .•nldsborougb, Ihn induslrioua farmer, thn po- above ihe surface of thn water. Il is l ,e o- der is. adjudgo t U the s..id \ViMiamllodgeH nd IJiiliiinure, iheir entire supply of Tno following named gentlemen have con
;IH (rcniinnian, nnd llio hone.sl politician pinion ol several inl-lligenl men who cxamin- shall be and «|>p Tr before the Ihe judges of of Tulho.
1 albo. sented ti contribute to iho columns of iM
in nhieh bedont prove that Ihe charge l/pon this toasl being drank, Mr Uoldsbo- <.d tho promises yesterday, thai thn perpetra ' County Courl, i* the first Saturday after the SIJ I(ING AN Young Mnii's Paper.'
againM him are not ttue, but in wbii'i •iii'.fli arose and in a mosi snitibleand respect irs nitisl havt guns lo their work UirjU"lMho Ihiril Slonday iii November next, and al sucl Rev.U. Breckenridge, Professors,N. R Srniili
be i^ofs *ay-- \\ manner f.xnrcssed hi* thinks—-.fTcr'tug in Navy Yard.
'My attachment to the illustrious r*n :.inclusion as his u>ast—The spiril of '76, may
r IF I *
olhoi days and tines as the Courl shall jirect
'ft was reported last evening that Com.no- the sanm lime isippointed for the. creditors in
' ........
.. S FREE-"Lite»ture we» <" ill-conducted, is the Great Engine by ich all Popular States must ultimately be supported .. overthrow
nj RELIGION punfles the Heau and teaches us our Duty Morality refines the Manners Agricultrrc makes us Rich, and Politics provides for ihe enjoyment of all.
appearance of
Editors are the servants of all. Uut 'tis e- wet, she- immediately suspected that I had in the Customs vacant by the death of things, and to you, I trust, they will b for the last week has been felt in an equal de- their original fii
i.ough. May every reader labor effectually for done the job. The old lady was so much a- of Mr. Hoo. gree in Boston, New York and Philadelphia.
left to correct, with your authority, unim lers but .t is supposed that no body could be In New York, on Wednesday, eight persona twte «4nn- S
that meat which endureth unto cverlnst- lumed, and so anxious for my escape., that 1 The immediate cause of the disagree- paired and unshackled." found hungry enough to go into a department so
ing life, and Booking first of all the. kingdom confessed my guilt. She immediately grave ment 1,1 Iho Ministry, wasj clause in the died from imprudently drinking cold wat»»r;
"I trust it will not be auppoied tha stript, and beggared and lazarded with the sores and leventecn from exposure to the heat. It ia The Nation;
of God, realise the troth ofthe promise, that me some money, and recommended mo to /ri.h Tithe Bill, which left it doubtful contains a valui
every other needful good will he. added. make my escape. I took the money, and waa whether Ihe Church of /,eland was to I nm speaking lovou a speech which I have of crime; and so Mr. P. M. G. was obliged 16 added lhat at least eight horse* fell dead ia the abstract of the
Lnlh. OLi. off in less than no lime. I need nut say how got by heart. No, I am declaring to you hold on, and they rave put into his hand streets, from Ihe same cause.
Stale Banks in
I got to New York; but hero / am, and wil- poMCM the entireproceedrarising from my real and genuine sentiments. I have address to the people of the United State* U In Philadelphia, on the ram* day, three or riea.of the Unit
We learn from tho Army and Navy Chroni- ling to take my oath that no human being rce eNiaiHeo source,. The clause orig- almost completed my 69th year, am four person* also died from the effects of taa
in the years 1
cle lhat the Regiment .of Drnguons is now prompted me lo this act of mischief." in* Iy passed, M r . SUn , contendinn dolend himsolf, lhat all ihe hired presses arv, excessive, heat Jlmerican.
though blessed by God with a very rar lures of the set
completed to its establishment, and all ihja [It will He seen Irom this plain statement of """ If Wi» b'l'«M« present, to leave!h« measure of health, not having known publishing and praising to ihe skies,, to see together with
companies have marched to Fort Gihson, where facts, that all the surmises connected with a question open, nm| , Crst setlle the a- if they canl mako a fool of party devolion Peaehei and Green Corn. We noticed in. banks and th*
the head quarters !iavo been established during transaction, whi«b has elicited so many con- "- All might have gone on smoolh- what sickness is for some years, yet I dc gorve ihem at a light pinching moment. the Centre Market this , morninjr, soino fioe since the said r
the winter. This regiment IB composed often jectures, are completely knocked in £e head.) ,ly, hhut lor , n soo-
Mr. O'Conneir, pacific prop- not blind myself to the plain and eviden ripe Peaches and Greea Corn. The Peaohw From this i
companies of about 70 men each; each man "'«'««. «n,l Mr Ward! no.ice of'ml truth that increase of years must ttl
If thn positions and grounds taken In thk were selling for 01-25 per pock the Corn at blate Banks i*
is armed with a sword, pistol and carbine. THE BURGESS vs. OLD MILL. largely upon me when cickness thai addles* in relation to the Post Office depart- 37 1-2 eta. per dozen. Bolt. Pat. of July 19, necticut, 31; G
The Drigoons are instructed to serve on The following pleasant allacion to the K '" r C ? a cl(UMe 'leclaratory of come. 1 cannot, therefore, expect thai ment and the management of its concerns, are
A proof-slip from the New York Mercan-
ian*. 10; Dela
horse or foot as occasion may require. About war upon the United States' bank is of lr Pl T tbe ho»«Mhat the Tithes I shall be very long in Ihil world. I Maine, 99; Mi
thU time, it is expected that they are on the from the VVycoming Herald. e! B.nwer" mo« Ihw, abundant for is under this impression that I tell you permitted and received as true by Congress tile Advertiser, under date of Sunday, »oo»',
Jersey, 26; Ne
expedition among the tribes of /ndians inhabit- communicate* the following intelligence. '
ing llie ouuntty between the Kooky Mountain* A village had a large mill that accom- that while I know that the law of Ih ihe People, ihen you have an irresponsible d We are happy to stale thai no disturbance*
South Carolina
and the Misai*«ippi. 1 hey are to proceed a- modated many; it was under lease for a purposes. Sever- land considers it impossible that I shouli parlment with uncounted funds at the control occurred in the eily last night. Strong | SO; Pennsylvai
so netaoe, 3; Vir
roaa the_countfy lo the boggy of tb» Red given lime, and th« real had been paid In i h,
but Mr. w a,Si.nl.yj Sit *y jUe,ooKr Grfttma.o do wron/f lhat while I know there i of a single individual, who has not leas than of the miliiarj and civil board* wen > <
DO earthly power which can ttll mt *' twenty thouMod agtota la daily pay, «pre«d a during the night but there waa'no of Colombia, 8
Mn*» oftioter*." MI with a i
.'JrtiiiaidiiMis..,;... ' , ' . . ',' . ' -'-,. ,:••:,:-... -,..',.. ..'^.,.T^.:,_' ,_...n_ . .'..',..,'.
Vte have been looking ont for ftrihe days
M«M*i LA.*.-»CnM*ell, of* the A/gu«, ,in. Banks ^battered, but sot ta Deration when
ehargei ns with being turncoat. We admit j the nbove lelurns were made; 43 with a capi- past for news ot bloodshed between the Mor-
the "soft impeachment." We wore a Van } tal of |30,200,000. Total banking capital, »ons and their opponent in Jackson county, O'CONNELL. BOOTS
Buren coat once, and Wore it threadbare; wo ; authorized and paid in |TOO,323,792 12. Notes'In Missouri. The subjoined is the first re- Vfi«wW}eatF»n jp complete order for
have been compelled to tarn it, and if others In circulation, $77,798,782 M: Specie and port of it, and being through a private channel, TH
be had
has returned fro»
do not follow «IM( they .will not haves suit specie funds on hand, f 17,081,704 65. may not be very accurate. We shall hear W. II. & P. Grooffie. BalUmorev with i.
on their backs to follow them. .- T trore fully, no douM, either to-day or to-mor- July 19
row. JVat. InttUigencer. JBOOTS AND SHOES,
A letter df'the Spy in Washington,*' THE owners of this SesU,ifui tnd thorough
The Nsw York American expresses the o- which appears in the Inst received num- From (fie Chmdon (Ohio) Spectator, July 12.
pinion, that the Grand Jury of lhat city should ?""'"r .? F' p
" York Courier ond En- A MORMON BATTLE^ A letter has • , *. BAOKBT bred hone, have consented lo place him, thU
fall, at the command of the fanners of Talbov Gentlemen's BOOTS, SHOES
and PUMPS,
indict Tappan, Cox, and the leading Abolition- ; bef of "'j. been received, by a gentleman in this neigh- 18 etljl dunbuting ihe shiners to his custo- of all description?! "
isls, as public nuisances, & properlyremarks: j 1 uirer» ^ discloses seme circumstances borhood, direct from Missouri, stating that a mers. Combination 33 68 63 a prize of $200 and should sufficient inducement be offered, lit
Rigorous measures against all who are parlies to | concerning a lafe removnl from office body of well armed Mormons, led on by their in the Delaware JLoitery, Class No. 11, sold and will be sent to that county in a few we?ks LADIES' SHOES, consisting of KID.
commence the season on the first of Sop- and MOROCCO, ofihe most fash-
the present commotions, will alone re-establish i in this city, which concur with infrtrma- great prophet, Joe Smith, lately attempted to on las* Thurtjay. All those that aw desirous lember. Gentlemen desiring lhe mrvicea of SEAL ionable slyle, aird made bjr the best of uuu-
the majesty of tho laws. The immediate action lion which has reached us on the same cross the river into Jackson county. M party of getting a thance at ihe shiners would do
the hnrso, will leave Iheir names and lhe num- ufaclurers;
of the Grand Jury in the way we have hinted at, subject. It appears that about a week of the oil tens of Jackson county opposed their well to have i «hance in the following Grand
will, we know, be approved by oor fellow citi- ao.o- Alexander M'lntirp itiA w*IU crossing, snd a battle ensued, in which Joe SehermB... ber of mares, frc. al lhe fasten Gazette Office, BOYS' and MISSES' SHOfiSofall deMrip,
or before the 15th of August next. For the tionr,
sens generally; and the mostsevere means that t"°' n " 7 M I * » n r Smith was wounded in tho leg, and the Mor- The Virginia State Lottery, Class Xo 14, on description and pedigree of O'Connell, as well CHILDREN^ BOOTS tnd SHOES.
«n be adopted by the Mayor, for sweep.ng the ^ J ' «8P«ctab!e «" tl 'fluent Chief mnos obliged to retreat; that Joe Smith's limb draws on July 96th 1834.
rioters from the streets and pulling an end to ] olerk. "» the Patent Office, »vas removed was amputated, but he died three days after GRAND SCHEME, as lhe lerms, (which will bo the same as those
pntepf $30,000 I 50 prizes of ft 1000 at which he has been standing in Dorchester,)
mob-law at a single blow, will bo equally well anc* ' '* place "iven to another- For this the operation.
removal, we are satisfied, there cannot 11000
gentlemen are referred to lha Editor of the Palm leaf Hats, Tnmfo and
supported. ''"' 8,000 liO 500 Gazette.
be assigned even a plausible reason. A gentleman left Philadelphia on Tuesday 100 Cambridge, July H. Sw
IT vs. 449! But the manner of (he removal in the evening al 6 o'clock, and arrived the next af- • 6,000 128 80 All which will be sold on ihe most pleasinir
We have seen somewhere an Intima- most extraordinary. The Patent-Of- leinoon, at 4 o'clock, in Boston. This beats 3,000 133 60 terms, and prices made lo suit lhe pressure of
tht enthusiaslic drawn by OLIVER EVAHS; by Tickets $10. Shares in proportion. No the times.
tion Out the SENATE has, at this ses- fice, every one knows, is under the di- two hours. U. S- Gaz. prize less ihan$12. TO KENT
sion, in regard to the matter of appoint- rection and control of the Secreta- For tho ensuing year on very accommoda- The public's obedient servant,
Also, the Marylnn* State Lottery, class ting terms, Iho house and lot on Washington JOHN WRIGHT.
ment, <lont> nothing but reject nomina- ry of Stale The Clerk* are, in fact, PRICES CURRENT-BAI.T. July 14. No. 15, draws Joly29lh 18.M. may 3 Gir
office, whose ap- street, at present occupied by Edward U. Gibbs
tions, made by the President of the Uni- the Clerks in hi« Wheat (red fcl 10 a 1 J5 SCHEME. as a dwelling, with all the improvements,
ted States. We have taken the trouble pointment is in his hands. But the (white) 1 20 t prizes of $.5,000 lt 85 200 Esq. ar.y necessary repairs wanting will be done, UUNEiiAL MEETING.
to inquire what foundation there is for President of the United States himself Corn G4 1 2.950 |'m 50 for lhe accommodation ol the family. Also, a The subscribers, Stockholders in the Com!
tbi« grave accusation, and here are the has in person made this removal and 5 500 I 128 40 dwelling house and lot in the town of Cam- mercial Bank of Millingion and owners of mot*
facts. Of the nominations made by the appointment, without, so far as is known, MARRIED Tickets $5*_Halv<>8$: 50 Quarters 41 25 >ridge, at present occupied by Mr. William lhan five hundred shares of stock therein, «x
President during the last session of Con- consulting his ne«v Secretary of State On the 10th inst. by the Rev. Joshua Hum-| .t tho Lottciy office of ilosxell, well calculated for carrying on the pursuance of lhe provisions of the 14lh fundi-
gress, the Senate refused to concur in at oil on the subject. The late Secreta- phriss, Mr. William Small, to Miss Hannah | P. SACKET, Hailing Business, having fionl and back shops, mental article contained in lhe Charter, do
SEVENTEEN, and confirmed FOUR HUN- ry of State, it is well understood, was fre- Biinsficld, both of Talool county. July 19 Easton, MJ. bows room, and all necessary oul buildings a hereby give public notice that a General Meet-
DRED AND KPRTT-NINE!!! What a/ac/iout quently importuned to make this same good stand for this business, which bus been ing of tbo Stockholders of said Bank will ba
body is the Senate! Nat. Intel. removal, but peremptorily refused. His The Eastern Shore Jockey Cli ru be carried on successfully for 17 years past held at the Bunking house in the town of Mil-
also two other houses and lots and one un- lington, on MONDAY the 8th day of Septem-
successor seems tit have been spared the For ont or mor ycan.lhnt large fy commodious improved lot, (provided) I hose occupy ing thorn ber next, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to tak*
WINCHESTER, (Va ) July 8. trouble either of refuting or complying. should not intend continuing fur the ensuing into consideration the condition of ihe affairs
Di.i/r«»»ing Accident.— We regret to At least, so says 'the Spy'' and so says WILL commence, over the Eaaton Course, BRICK TAVERN ear.. For terms apply to tho subscriber, or of said Bank, and the expediency of winding
learn lhat on Sunday last, the stage from common report.- -National fnlelligencer. on the last Wednesday in September next itii audits appurtenances, well known Mr. Samuel Mackcy, Knston. up ita business with as little delay as may ba
(the 24th)& continue ti.ree days the course is III! \VAI. MACKEY. consistent wilh the interests of all parlies con-
Harper's Ferry lo this place, was pas- by the name of iho cerned.
sing down « hill near Brucelown, it was From ilia Correspondent of the Jour, of Com beautifully situated on the farm of A. C. Bul- Dover toad, near E»ston.
upset by the breaking of some part of
(he harness of one of the horses, and
Circleoille, Ohio, July 4, 1834-
lilt, Esq. about half a mile from Easton, and
will be in first rate order on the day« of run- EASTON HOTEL. July ie. Evan Morgan
Allan Quynn,
Rvan Poultney, Per R.'Johnson and
The Sciota river, swelled by heavy and re- ning. situate in the Uwn of Eastnn, on the Eastern George Fitzhug'i,
tell upon Mr. Albert Humrickhouse, (son newed rains, has arisen lo a htighl only below FIRST DAT. A Colts purse of -200 dollar* Shore of Marjtand, at present, and for some Trustee's Hale. J. (ileaa, Assigns**.
of Mr. A. Ifumrlckhoose of Shepherds- that ofthe"G'reiU Ffoorf of 19i-i," at which two miles and repeat. Thomas /'outtiicy,
ves-s past, oicupied by Mr. Solomon Lowe. By virtue of a decree of Queen Ann's coun-
town) and injured him so severely as to time it was higher thui ever known before, by SECOND DAY. A purse of 300 dollars four This establivhnent is universally admitted lo ty conit, sitting an a court (if Equity, the un- Ann Poullney,
George Riggs,
occasion his death in a few minutes. |ev«n the oldest settler*. This freshet is the miles and repeat, free fur any horse, marc or be tho largest ind mo«l convenient fora Public dersigned will offer at puhliosale al iho court John Beaicc,
Mr.ll was selling on the driver's box. more remarkable on account of ils happening foaled on the .Eastern Shore of JVd. house door in Ccntreville, Md. on Saturday
House, of any on the Peninsula, and lo a man Henry Clinr,
The only other pnstengers, we learn, in July, an incident never noticed since the E it Urn f-horeofVa. or in the Stale of Dela- well calculate! to conduct it, an opportunity 2d day of August next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. the George Frecbiirger,
were the Hon. Henry Clay, and an elder- settlement in Ohio. Thn Com and Wheat on will be offered for doing a very extensive anil following highly valuable properly, being a
THIRD DAT- A F/andy cap purse of 100, profitable busiirss, more particularly if he has part of the real estate of John T. Miers dec'd, Gaxvin Harris,
ly lady the former of whom was tome- under the Western bolloms of iho river is enlirely V\ illiam fersey,
water, comprising th» best crop known dollars best three in five, one mile heats. a sufHcient capital lo carry it on advantageous- viz. Isiac Knight,
what though not seriously bruised. in this section of country for years. The 1st- A. GRAHAM, See'y.
ter was just fit for cutlinjr, and indeed somo ly- The Mill, Mill Sent, and 7Tiomas A. liichards,
E«ston, July 19, 1334. (\V) Goddan,
[From the Boston Daily AHv. of the 13th inst ] h ad been already reaped when lhe fieshel came Easlon is kiown as a town of considerable
trade, and thp,Stcam Boat Maryland, which about one hundred and fif- Charles William D. Bnll,
Death by Liglilnins.—Yesterday afternoon and destroyed lhe whole. But 'he most de Notice. plica twice a week between baliuuuro, An- ty acres of Land thereto .losinh Huron,
about 5 o'clock, during the thunder storm, tho gtruction was efTecled upon ir-e Corn, with THE subscriber offers for rent the ensuing napolis and ths pla-'e, cunsidfrably incruascs attached, which formerly belonged to Thomas Willinrr. I>. Guy,
Ro.nan Catholic Chapel Austin street.Charles-! wnjch ,i mo8t ,h e whole of those rich bolloms year, the farm in Wyo where Geoige Noble the business, aid of c:mr«r adds very much to IJy Geo .W. Dobbin.
town, was struck by lightning. A school kept j owned pTj nc jpntiy by lar<re stock raising farm- now lives. Also, his farm adjoining Col. tho value of this establishment, by the con- B. Cook, Esq. and now generally known as Joel Blaisdi-11, Iheir Attorney i*
in lhe Chapel had dismissed a shori lime be-, ergi wa£ p]arlted. Thousands of acres, in lhe Hughlett's residence, whereon James Under- stant intercourse of travellers from tho differ- Miers' l/pper Mill. The mill lm« jusl under- William »'/hrahain Iloyso, fact,
tore, but many of iho pupils remained in and a-1 highest stale of cultivation, were in ten hours wood now resides. For terms apply to gone considerable repair, and is in good order Kilmer,
bout the building. The fluid first entered at j ^^ completely over with water. Sheep, ent counties m xhe Western and Eastern for manufacturing of all kinds of grain. The L. A- JenUJns,
a window in the girls' room in the sec- hogs, and calile were swepl away and drowned J. Loockcnnan. Shores, to those places, and foreigners from water power is the best in llie. neighborhood,, John Rose, I
ond story, and killed two boys, then passed in-1 prj ncj pa |]y Of the former, to the amount of sev- July 19 Svr other States. | and lhe whole premises beaulifully and advan- Francis S. Walter,
Possession nil! be. given on the first day o! | fageously situated for manufacturing estab Goorge Memet,
to the bojs school room below out at a; ern) hundreds. The bridges both at Colum- January next. Persons wishing lo icnl are jlishment of any kind. This properly is wor- Richard LXmovJn,
window to a post against which two ' bvig mn(j at tnig j,isce have been swepl away by NOTICIC. tocomeand view the, premises. The thy of the attention of Capitalists. Daniel P. Loo,
boys were leaning, killing one of them. lhe onward rll8h o; waters. THE subscribers have now on hand and for invited terms, which will be moderate, will be made William Dawson,
A girl was also stunned, and the circu- The Ohio Canai |)M been aiso damaged to sale a first rate ALSO
known by app'.balion to the subscriber. A neat two story Sam'1. H. Redgrcaves
latlon of her Wood appeared to cease for some j a RTeat extent> both above and below im; but WM. H. OROOME. John Fallon,
minutes; but being placed where the ram fell i tne exact arnol, n t of mischief is nol known. Easton, July 19, 183t. Brick Dwelling House, R. S. Boggera, J
upon her, she soon recovered- Several other i«lie fjulumbus feeder is also broken, for three with a good garden, on Liberty June 28 8w
children were hurt but not badly. The boys ; or fl),lr hundred yards but Iho damage done on in Cenireville, and al pres-
killed were from 13 to 16 years of age; their'' lhe m-»in canal a lillle distance Mow, where Fanners' Hank of Maryland, ent occupiedstreet, Tho several papers on the Eastern Shore of
by Jl*. John Palmer, who will Maryland will please copy the above and send
names were Mat hews, a son of John Ray and the feeder joins it, is of a far greater extent, BRANCH-BANK AT EASTON. shew the same to any person disposed to pur- eir bills to the office of the Chestertown T«l-
a son of Widow Mellen. whic'i ii will lake much lime lo gel repaired i- 14lh July, 1834. chase, it. Also Two Lots of Ground con- opo for payment.
ore boals can run clear through ajfain- NOTICE Hi hereby given lo the Stockhold- taining together, about eleven and one half
ers in this institution, that an election will bi ncres, adjoining lhe 'ast abovo mentioned pro-
In Id al ihn Banking house in Easlon, on lhe perly, and which was purchased by the Into '"
At Ihe .T;«ckson Fealivnl in the Uuin Thd ruin which this sud len overflowing of PROPOSALS
corporatedi Pcnn Township, the following the water has brought upon the lenanls tn CLOSR CARICAGE lira I. Monday of August next, between the John T Mien) from Hejiry Darden, Esq. To publish by Siiliicription, in the city of Bal
toast was give.n: | whom the batom land was mostly hired, is not
and harness, painted a handsome brown and hours of 10 o'olpck, A. M and S o'clock, P M. timore a \ceeklij IMerary JYewnxrucr, |o l»
"J R. Hopkins, Esq. President of to lw> described, and is r.ither a melancholy trimcd with brown cloth, made of Iho best ma- for lhe purpose of choosing from among the dec'd. One of these lots in well located fur rntltMtlie
the day. Democracy Pure and unde- subject fur reflection, upon the anniversary ot grazing, being well watered the other isara-
terials and workmanship, which they will Stockholders, tyclve Directors for lhe Branch tJ !o andrnny bo profitably cultivated either in "Halthnorc Young Men's Paper,''
filed; Ihe pride of thn people, and safe- our independence. dispose of on reasonable lerms, for cash or good Bank for lhe eisuing year, agreeably lo iho or grass. Under the auspices of the Baltimore Young
guard of the nation. GOLD CURRENCY. paper. They have also for silo a hands.me charter.
The new law, regulating Gold, poe« Also A LOT on tho sotilh sidn of fen- Men's Society.
The pure and undcfiled democracy of Bay jlfarc, which could be bought very low. By order, Ireville, lying between the Main road leading
info existnnce on the 31st inst. The Persons who wish to purchase would do well The Baltimore Young Men's Society was
our excellent friend Hopkins, will he a John GoldsboroUgll, Cashier, to Eas'on, and a large gully, by which it i.< instituted to pioinoio the moral and intellectual
now will pass as (o call and examine for themselves
lamp to the feet of the Wandering Fed- old and ncw coinag,e ANDERSON &. HOPKINS.
july 10. separated from thn lota of Dr. Harper ami o- improvi'iii-iil of the Young Men in Ihe city, ta
Old. N««v.
eralists- Some of us old Federalist* arc follows: Easton, July, 19 W . 3t
thers; tho improvement!) in this lol consisl of unite them mure intimately in llio bonds of
An En°;le $10 Gfifc $10 NOTICE.' ~~ Sheriff's Sale. acquaintance, and to extend kiudnes*
at a loss ( know what it is, (hat occa-
do 5.33^ 5 Two small IVamctl Houses. mutual Mid fnj.W-ship to those, whocomip; from their
sionally makes one of our small flock H BY virtue of a writ of vendilioni exponas is- Icnanted by peoplo of color. Thn
do 266J 250 parental homes hither, in pursuit of wealth or
democrat they seemed to be dyed in
FOREIGN GOLD Guinea $,5.11 TlIF. Subscriber has just received a large sued outof Talhot county court, and to nift di- terms of sale as proscril>eil by the distinction, are particulaily exposed to all lho*«
the wool— not «kin deep. rected against Wrightson Jones, si ihn suit of decree, nre; that ihe. purchaser or
P/iilailelpliia U. S. Gas. Sove.-eicn 487i; Louis d'or of France supply of William Skinner, will bi! sold at the front iluur piirchssers shall give, to the Trustee, a bond temptations to vico and dissipalton, which in
4 54; Donhloon*, Spanish niid Patriot
16 3; 10 Guilder 4 2; IMoidoie 0.56; 20
LUMBER, of the court house in the. town of Kasiou, on wilh security In bo approved by him for th« every large city, ara loo often fatal to youth
TUKSIJAV tho 12th day of August next, for cash payment of the purchase money, in twelve, ind inexperience. To carry out ih»se princl
between tin hours of 10 o'clucU, A. M. and U and eighteen months and two years, wilh in- lies, no means could be employed more effeo
master Lt Hartford, Cu stales, that tho Alba- Francs 3,86-, Fifiderirk d'or 3.07; all IVP than the press. With a periodical journa
ny Mall was stolen from the stage on lhe mor- these values suppose full weight Span
ning of the tenth inst. broken open and rob- Ish and Patriot Doubloons nre by law
IPH'FJlB IB®A!B3D:&J, o'clock,
P. M. of said day, the following pro-j ler,,8 i ^hereon from the day of sale and upon lublished
viz: All lhat Farm '
purchased ' of- Wil-L ratification of the sale by lhe Court, and on
u enabled
under its auspice*, the Society will
to extend muio widely a knowledge
of superior quality. Also a quantity of am Skinner by Wrighlsor, Jones, being part i t |vo rccejpt of Ihe purchase money and not be- if its existence, and of its objects, while, by the
bed of its contents. The Mail was delivered the same value, for they ore the »nme f a tract of land called "Ray's Point," and . f, )r0i t |l(, ir,,8t0e shall by a good deed, duly ac S-IITIO means, whatever of moial influence iV
at the Post Office a: //uiford aboui half past weight «r»d finr-iie**, but the Spanish HAILING HOARD art of a tract of land called "The Adventure," |in(1wlodged wlodged according to law, convey to the iho
twelve at night and placed under tho boot of will generally be above Ihn Irgnl rale AND >ntaining one hundred and four and a quarter purchaser or purchasers, the properly to him may exert, whatever of power to do good |i
the stage, which left the city between one and for the purpose of exportation to Cuba, nay possrs.3, wili be called more actively into
two o'clock, A. M. The mail was undoubted-1 CYPRESS SiHJYGLES crcs of land more or less. Thn above i\iwi- or them sold, free, clear, and discharged flfom operation, mid find exercise in a more extensive
oned property is situated on Broad Creek,
ly taken from the carriage before it left the ci- j where it is worth $.17. which w'll be sold very low for cash or to ear St Michaels, and will be sold to satisfy all claim.H of Ihn complainants or defendants. field.
ty.whilst standing before iho public Imus", or j Thn amount of Gold now in Iliis rotin- itinrlunl dealers. ,ny fmlher information may he obtained by ap- Believing llif.t the public favor would be be-
engaged in lakcn in passengers. The letter Iry. i«rqnal lo about one million and a The public's nb'l. serv't. tie aliove mentioned vendilioni exponas, and licalion to the subscriber.
lio interest and cost duo and to become due stowed tijHjn such a journal, the Society has
paekajres for Albany and the stato of Now : hulf of dollars. SAMUEL MACKEY. John Tilghman, determined lo issue the Prospectus and sped-
York, the only ones contained in the portman- There was coined in England, Gold Easlon, July 19 liereon. Attendance by Trustee. men number of a Periodical to he called the
Jos. Graham, shir.
teau, were broken open, and the mosl of them lo the value of 2S millions ol pound ster- C. Villo.Q. A. co. July 12. 4w Young Men's Pa|*r;" lo the sopnort of which
have heen found in a mutilated condition, a-' ling in 6 years after she reformed her NOTICE. July 13. the patronage of lhe friends of Young Men, '
bout a mile and a half south of the city. A 1 THE Commissioners for Talbol county will and of Ihe lovers of morality and good order,
reward of fifty dollars is offered for theappte- currency. France coined 199 millions meet on TUESDAY iho 'JOth inst., for the pur- "MLLU1L COW-Js TALBOT COUNTY TO WIT-. is now solicited.
licmion of the robbeis. of gold since Ronapnrle reformed her pose of appointing a Collector of the county tax. On application lo mo inc subscriber, onrt of Tho character of ihe "Young Men's Paper,"
currency in 1803 between (ho year Applicants will please hand in their applica he Justices of the Orphans' Court, (if ihe will bo consonant wilh the principles of the
On Hie. preservation of Potatoes- — Potatoes, J822aml 1929 England coined 40 mil- lions in wriling lo the Clerk on or befoie that (.inity aforesaid.by petition in wriling of Wil- Society of which it is Ihe organ. Combining
at iho depth of one fool from Ihe ground, pro- lions of silver and France 490 millions day. iam I lodges, praying for the benefit of the act Literature with Morality, its aim will be to
duct! shuols near the end of spring, al the depth of dollars in silver since Bonaparte ban- All persons having claims ngrvnst iho coun- >f Assembly, passed at November session, amuse and instruct; while, in accordance with
of two feet, ihey appear in lhe middle of sum- ished paper money. ty, are hereby notified, thai thn Levy will ce.r FOB S ighteen hundred and five, for the relief of In- its title, tho general tenor of ita influence will
mer, at three feet depth, they are very shoit, lainly bo closed on tho abovo mentioned day, The subscriber 'iHrrs lor V.-.IK: two or tlirer lolvRnt Dfbiors, and the several suppk'tnenu bo to awaken Young Men to a sense of their
if therefore Iheir accounts are not rendered, I'OWS. all ot" which liavu had .hereto, on the terms mentioned in the said obligations, to induce them to consider their
and never come to the surface, and between The Globe erroneously Males the val ihey will be excluded /or tho present year. g^o MII.Cll .
three and five feet they cease lo vegetal*. In Calves lliis Rim"K>" llfl " n|1 of thorn has a calf acts and tho said Willimn 7/oilgcs having vast capabilities, and to direct towards noblo
consequence of observing these effects, several' ue ofa^Guincn nt$2.Si 1-8; it should be Per order of the Board now wilh her thfy are also in good order complied with lhe several requisites requiied objects, that ardour which is too often wasted
parcels of pounds weie buried in a garden al as above. Philad. IV. Cur. THOS. C. NICOLS, Clk.
and of finn size- Jf«t having a use for ihom iy the said acts of assembly I do hereby or- in frivolous dissipation, or let loose in vicious
July 19, 1834. der fc. adjudge lhat lhe said William Hodges extravagance.
the depth of three feet and a half, and were not NOTICE. ——— they will l)fiS''IJ u l°n moderate terms.
removed till after intervals of one and two Another McUtwn Riot-—On Thursday Apply i" I hall he and appoir before tho judges of Talbot A portion of the pqper will be occupied by
years. They were then found without any night last a riot took place at Norwich, Con %fl Camp-Mcelintc for Talbot Circuit, of th P1 WM. II- GROOME. lounty Court, on the third Monday of reviews and criiical notices- Tho character
Is city , appearance of germination, and possessing neclicut. /t appears that somo person from Methodisl Episcopal Church, will commence Easton, July 10 1834- Suveinbor 7erm, next, and at such other days da; and talents of the gentlemen whose names are
lal de- their original firmness, freshness, goodness and Boston had the evening previous preached an in lhe wood adjoining the meeting house, in nd times as the Court shall direct, the appended to this Prospectus, will be an assu-
phis, taste «4/w- Soc, d'Agric. abolition sermon in tho Rev. Mr. I/ickerson's lhe Chippel district of this county on FRIDAY samo limn is .. rance not only thai this department will ba
wrsone first Presbyterian Church in that city which the 15th of AugiiFt next. Our brethren in the tho said William Hodges lo attend, & show stistnined wilh ability, but slso thkt nothing
the said William undignified, scurrilous or vindictive, VjH find
watrr; The National Intelligencer of Wednesday passed oifquietly. The next evening he made ministry, and friends of the adjoining circuits To rent and p wession given the first of causu, if any they have, why
Itie contains a valuable document, being a "general t second attempt when a mob, headed by a are affectionately invited lo come over and hel January nest a Ta Yard a..d improvements Modges should nnt have the bonefit of tlu place in it.
in the abstract of the number and situalion of lhe band, marched to the church, proceeded up Iho us- in tho village of Gnensborough Caroline coun- said acts of Assembly. Tho "Young Men's Paper'1 will be printed
Slale Banks in the several States and Territo- broad aisle, took the parson from tlio pulpit, Bread and horse food, will be sold by anlho ty Attached theHunto are large, and com- Given under my hand lhe 4lh day of Julj nn rt royal sheet, quarto form, with new type
ireeot ries of the Union, compiled from returns made and (breed him lo march before them, at the rily on the ground, except, that, by a speciu modlouAaik, curing and beam houses, a I QJ I
nt tho subscription price of f3.00 per annum,
of U>» in the years 1833 snd 1834 to iho Legisla- same time playing the rogue's march, till they >rder of ihe Conference, the bread market wi! gnod siono table, blrk and hydo Mills fee. E.N. HAMDLETON., or Jd.oO if paid in advance.
tures of the several States and from esiimaies; actually drummed him oul of the place, ihreal^ be closed on the Sabbath day. This Yard is situaUd direclly on lhe Chop- July H Advertisements inserted on the usual term*
together with statements of the. number of ening if he ever returned again to 'give him a Joshua Uumphriss, lank Rivor, so that stile or no land carriage is The following named gentlemen have con-
ieed in. banks and the amount of capital authorized coat of tar and feathers.' JV. Y. Gax. lo or from the ci- Lumber for Sale. sented to contiibuie to th* columns of the
o fine since the said returns were made ont. Ignatius T. Cooper. reouired in shippingiirtlcles
ties. Bark of the best quality and in gr«al Young Men's Paper."
Preachers. FOR SALE, at Easton Point, H veastl loar Rev.R. Breekenridge, Professors,N.RSmfeli
Mohw From this it appears that the number of HIGHLY IMPORTANT By tho ship July 19 abundance is.boughtfnjhis place very low and of Lumber, among which is some nice Chesnu « K. Geddinft,
arn at State Banks is as follows: Alabama, 5; Con- Moro Castle, CapU Flowery, the Editors of A Camp-Meeting on accommodating thera is how a slock fencing and flooring plank. It will be sold " J. G. Morris, .
IS. necticut, 21; Georgia, 13; Kentucky, 3; Louis- the Now York Journal of Commerce have re carry on the Yard for low for cash, if taken away immediately. *' J. A.Collim,
ceived a supplement to the Havana Diario of WILL be held by the Methodist Protests! on hand sufficient " G. .W.Musgrtve, « J.A. Miller,'^
iana. 10; Delaware, 7; Mawachusells, 102; Church, ot the land of Mr. John Brown, nei some time which i hant can have on agreca- GOLDSBOROUGH & VEONARD. S.K.Jenniefe ' '
ercan- Maine, 29; Maryland, 8; Mississippi, 8; New the 5th inst. containing Madrid dates to .May Church //ill to commence "on Friday, the25t «' J. Johns,
93th, Lisbon to the 17th, and Cadiz to the 3d ble terms- Easton, July 12. < G. G. Cookroan, Francis Wsl«»,D. D.
Jersey, 26; New York, 78; North Carolina, 3;
South Carolina, 7; New Hampshire, 22; Ohio, of Juno. The news is highly important, as it fully invited.
of July inst. to which the public Ire respect- . Apply t° . ,« J.P.K.Honshaw, Dr. J. Fonerfen, ^«*
'JO; Pennsylvania, 41; Rhode Island, 51, Ten- winds np the bloody drama which has been Ann 1 ;, ijpdwin, or t" Win. McKenney H. Dickehut, A-
ministtrs from a distance are expet Geo- li HUtrrington, MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS
nessee, 3; Virginia, 4; Vermont, 17; District sating in Portugal for two years past, and ted.Several FOR SALE AT THIS OFEICK-
of Colombia, 8; Florida, 6, Michigan, 5; total, leaves Don Pedro, OT hit daoghlei Donna Queen Ann's Circuit, July 19,1834. , Jl JT'
«*j whh tsplUl of $170,125,791. 18 paid Maria I[. la fall posswsjoa oftheThrooe-
FRESH SlPRI^G COQDS FOR RENT OR SALE, JYcwetnd Splendid j3«8orftncn(
POETRY, Received at *tf* St* I if My property upon the South East side of
Hal just returned from Baltimore wilk an THOMAS H. J El KINS, Choptank river, within the limits of the town
additional supply .of Who can exhibit the latest s ylee and Fash of Greensborough, consisting, as I suppose, of
ont either fur Ladies ot Gentle nen. about
To Prttdom and Temperance. may 17 Twenty acres of Land;
'"' >- '(Tune Tmmworth.) which he can offer to his friend* »n<l the pub' [eEKEIU-U ADVERTISEMENT.]
a new brick Store House, for the
. Hail! all hail! this day of Glory, lie generally upon fair term*. SEEDS, TREKS, JLANtS, DOMES .--^ sale of Merchandise; a new and val
vOmvhichFieeuom's Fathers met, June 14. (\V) TIC ANIMALS, IMPLEMENTS, i!(!Hs uable Granary, capable of stowing BOOTS AND SU0KK. Has juat received from Philadelphia
BOOKS, 4-c. &cl from six lo eight thousand bushels THE subscriber has just relumed from Balii- Jaltimoro
t On which Britain's chains were broken, of grain one other gianary,
' '4And the sun of slavery sat, LOUIS A. COOKY FOR SALB AT TH» more, and is now opening the best assorlment a fruh $upply of
A BLACKSMITH SHOP of BOOTS and SHOES, that ho has ever had.
Having become stile j)ro}>rietor of t/ie AMERICAN FARMER ESTABLISH-
God of balllM,
and TOOLS a large and valuivM His friends and the public aro requested to call SADDLERY,
To thy mercy all we owe. Barn and Corn House, a new Brick and see him. He ts determined to sell at the
Ab. 16 South Culvert Street, Baltimore Md Dwelling House, lately occupied b) Eaaton.May 17 .
9. We have still a tyrant o'er us, 'Ike subscriber presents his rfcspoeus lo far- James : Jlteyner &, Co. There is also two'
most reduced prices forcash HB has also a
rest variety of Palm leaf Hats, Blacking, &c. VOI
A Monthly Magazine containing mers gardeners, and dealers in Seeds through- other &.c. PETER TARR. NEW-ARK COLLEGE.
See how many wear his chain1
Tales, original and selected, out the United States, particularly his custom- BRICK DWELLINGS, THE friends of science are respocifully in.
Aid us brothers, aid us Bitten, Moril and scientific Essays, ers, and informs them that hi has received This property is situated immcdi- brined lhal this Institution, with leave of Pro.
Aid in to bo free again; Poetry, from the best Authors,
from .Europe, from is own Sefcd Garden, and ____ atfcly upon the Choptank river, at HOUSE SIGN Sf ORNAMENTAL vidence, will go into operation and commcnca PMWTKD
God of Heaven, The quarterly representation of Lady's from various parts of this country, his the head of Ihe navigation, and has been es- PAINTING., ts firsl lerm, on iho 2d Thurtday, IhcSlh day S.4 TUR
Fashions, adopted in Philadelphia Col- annual supply of FIELD AND GARDEN teemed a stand for business equal lo any in the William II. Hopkins respoctfnlly informs May next. BY ALEX
Aid us in oar glorioui cause. SEEDS; and that he is prepared lo execulo place lo a good purchaser Ihe properly may the Citizens of Easton, and tha public 'gener- A very commodious Building, sufficient to
Music, of the newest style, &c. &c. orders, wholesale and relail, wjlh promptness be purchased upon accommodaling terms or ally thai he has commenced Ihe above busi- accommodate 30 students has been erected, on
. Shall we still to vice surrender?
'vblislied regularly on the first day of every and accuracy, at as low prices, and on as fa- Ihe Store House, Granaries and Dwelling, ness in Ihe wing adjoining Messrs. Ozmon a plan capable of extension at a future day.
Shall w« mourn our brothers brave? vorable terms as can be affordeo. by any dealer which is now unoccupied, may be lentedupon and Shanahan's Cabinet shop arid directly Two professors of high standing1 and first rau I TWO DOLL
month al JVo. 3 Athenian Bullding$ Franklin in the United States,/or./ir«l rtye articles.
Shall our husbands and our falh«rt favorable terms. For icrms apply to me, at opposilo McNeal &. Robinson's Variety Store, qualifications h&vo been already elected; andi Pet annum, paya
place, 1'hiladeliihia. where he is prepared to execute every variety
FRUIT and ornamental tees and plants tialloway; either in person or by letter, or to of painting with neatness & despatch, and at third will be added whenever tho necessities
Fill a dark disgraceful grave?
fmy agent near the premises, .Hooper D. Hud- of the College shall require. ADVEh
Never, never! grupovincs, shrubbery, gooseberry, raspberry t such pricesashehopes will accord with thepres
currant, and strawberry planli bulbous and son, Esq. NATHAN MONROE, of Andover, Mass, ani Not exceeding
We for TermVrance still will plead- a beautiful and extensive variety oj WILLIAM HUGHLETT. sure of tho times. Ho solicits a trial, and feels JOHN HOLMES AGNEW, lately of Washing, for ONE DOL
other flower roots, will al ihe roper seasouj assured that it will ensure a continuance of ton College Penn., both of them accomplished
ENGRAVINGS, bo procured to order, from the b st sources, Galloway, Talbot co. Juno 14, 4w public patronage. CENTS for every
4. "riends and neighbors come and join u«s eluding all the principal nurseri s and garde! scholars, experienced teachers, nnd bringing
"Woman we tby aid implore: Prom oiignal and selected designs, both col- All orders from the country thankfully re- the highest recommendations, have tho pres-
in this country, for most of whin iho subsc ceived and promptly executed; also Old Chaiis ent charge of the Institution. Till the elec- WASIIIN
cured and plain, with two engraved Ti bcr is agent; also, i PROPOSALS
Beauty, be thy power «xdrled, tle Pages, and two distinct Indcxci, repainted and Gilded in the latest style Liott of a President, Mr. Munroe will act u To my old fr
And our sons will sin no more; (intended to perfect separato PLOUGHS; harrows, cult valors, slra FOR PUBLISHING TUB June 28. Piincipal. Jfew For
Friends of Virtue, volumes in iho year.) cullers, wheat (aos, corn shell rs, tbresblng1 Thdplan of study, and general principles of As nigh as
Rise and in our cause nnitt.
ALSO machines, and all other kinds of igricultural & EASTON GAZETTE NOTICE. government and discipline, it is intended, shall lelter'.to you t
A choice Collection nf MUSIC, original and horticultural implements, will b< procured from In an extended and improved form, WAS committed to the Jail of Frederick correspond, as far as practicable, with those of H mong other thi
telcnled, arranged for ihe Piano or Gti- the best manufactories in Ba limorc, al the
6. Hail! all h»il! this day of glory. ii«iufaolurcra' prices. County on the 17th day of May last, as a run- the best Eastern Colleges. No Usher is tob« Haterass »ntl
On which Freedom's fathers met: lar, with nearly GQO Pages large oc- BY the generous offer of a gentleman well away, a dark negro man who calls himself employed And no Professor during his con- .ioce then Con
tavo Loiter Press, and only DOMESTIC ANIMALS r rticularly cat- known throughout Ihe Stale, lo superintend SAM GALAWAY, nexion with the College, is to engage in any ^H i u
.Sing the fame of HIM who served us,
Three Dollars per annum. tle of the improved Durham ihorthorn, Ihe the Agricultural and Political departments of 10 is about 62 years of age, 5 feet 2 1-1 inch- other occupation or" profession, but will devote
Devon, and the Holslein brendi Sheep of.the my paper, 1 am enabled to propose lo pub- es high. 7^ad on when committed, a drab himself exclusively lo the business of imtrnc- H « L
^ Df . 11*
And the dyinj La FayelUr. &
Hakcwell, Southdown, and var ous fine wool-
Honour, honour, Each number of this pciioilicai contains 48 ed breeds; Swine of severa' valt ible kinds, c>s lish a Journal particularly devoted to Agricul- coat and panlaloons, green vesl, an old fur hal tion, ^1 I"1 nangin on
Washington and La Fayeiie. pages of extra royal oclavo letter press, printed pccially of iho Barnitz breed; Dogs of several lure am! Politics, which I flatter myself will says he belongs to John Dorsey near Balti- The siluaiion of.New Arki in a rolhV ^K give the new c
MILFORD BIRD. wUb clear, uew and beautiful typo, (arranged varieties for iho farmer and spoi sman, various merit and receive an extended patronage. more. The owner if any, is hereby requested country, on ihe borders of Delaware, Maryland IR advised me tha
after the manner of the London Labelle AS- From tho irritations long produced by politi- tocomo and havo him released, he will other- and Pennsylvania, has for more than 100 years Hv folks notv in tb
July 4th, 1834.
semblee,) on papc" of the finest texture and kinds of Poullry, such ns white turkirs, Bre- cal warfare, it has been hitherto (bought best lo wise be discharged according to law. recommended it as a convenient, healthful it would be but
whitest color, li is embellished with splendid men and Westphalia geese, gn ic and other Bcparatetheseintereslingsubjcctsbygtvingthem
fowls, ami several oilier sped i of animals, possession of distinct papers as il was sup
MAHLON TALBOTT Sheriff economical, and pleasant location for a Public and keep an e]
Engravings on Copper and Steel, executed by all of choicest breeds, (and no ol crs) are eilh- of Frederick County School. The College has grown out ofai\ take charge ol
SPRING COOD8 artists of thn highest skill and distinction, and
er kepi for sale at iho expcrimo: tal and breed-
posed lhal all parlies would unite in Ihe first,
whilst nouo but partisans of one casl would
Nat. Intelligencer, Washington, and Gazette Academy established by the Allisons, the meet agin.
embracing every variety of subjects. Among Easlon, will copy thcabove 8 times and charge Blairs and M'Dowell's of a former age.
ing farm of ibis establishment, i r can be pio- be likely lo lake an interest in the other There will be connected with the College, I «e« by so
these are illustrations oi'/'upjilar Legends, Ro- M. T.
SB.MUEL MACKBY manlic Incidents, Attractive Sen-pry, and pur- cured from the best sources, to rder. Where political
BOOKS, agricultural, hor {cultural, and are marked with personal offence and rude in-
discussions and commentaries June 14 ' 8t an J)cadcmiciil Department, under Ihe caro°o[
ihe Professors, in which students may fit fur
folks say I ha
print a nctvsp
trails of Illustrious Females. Tho number
HAVING just returned from Philadelphi commencing each quarter contains a picture of botanical, in much trrcater varie y than at the trusions upon feelings, there seems to be a ne- College; and in which those who do nol wish I have got a p
and Baltimore with the existing J'hiladelphia Fashions, designed, bookstores, soma of them rare ai i particularly cessity for this separation. But if a paper
maintains its own principles and views of pub-
130 Dollars or 100 Dollars lo go through a regular course, can be taught donrt know %\
n fresh tujtply of drawn, engraved and coloirrrd expressly for valuable, kept constancy for sa B. such branches as they may select. I can say abou
SPRING AND SUMMER this work, by competent persons specially en In short, all
gaged for lhal purpose. The Ambellishmenls gardner.i in tho prosecution of icir business
articles wanted I faimcrsand lic men and things fearlessly and with deco-
of this character which have appeared in form- afe intended either to be kept m hand, or pro- only enable those of a different political way of
the union of these interesting topics would REWARD. Students will be received at once not only
into the Freshman, but into any of the College
down in the w
news paper for
GOODS, RANAWAY from tho Farm of Col. Nich- classes. I can do to \vr
er numbers, are confessedly superior to nny cured when ordered, for a small commission. thinking to hoar the other side of the question. olas Goldsborough, near Easton, whore he was The cheapness of all the necessaries and con- in your paper;
which have been furnished in any o'.hcr similar JCJ*Anil though last in c der here, yet \Vithoutmeaiiing however to press tins view hired, early on Sunday morning veniences of life in New-Ark will render Ihe
American publication, anil from the, arrange- FIRST is IMPORTANCE to ever) lillcr of the of the subject, I must say, that tho real design are worth repr
CONSISTING OF last, the 18th inst. a tall copper-co- whole expenses of an education in this institu- aint my busine
ments which hive been made, there is evory soil and keeper of Domestic An lals, the sub- in uniting these, two highly interesting topics loured negro man, named tion remarkably low. The Sludents will Room
DRY GOODS AND GROCERIF reason lo believe they will be improved in Ihe scriber offers lo them 'THE SEEDS OF is to give greater interest to tho paper, and to in College at a rent of 5 dollars a year; lioatj countable fora
ccming volumes. In addition to the F.mbol- KNOWLEDGE in their voci tions, "fresh make it more worlhy of general attention. ___ LEVIN, in Commons at $1 25 per week, and the Tui- unless they ar
QUEENS-WARE, &c. lishments just referred lo, every number con- and genrine," having been care illy gathered How fur the plan can bo made acceptable to lion will be $30 a year- The students will b« per. If folks
tains several engravings on wood, representing from tin; field of experience, am the garden of tho public taste must be left to the sequel, in about six feel high, thirty years of age with expected to furnish their own Rooms, and find | help it. Ft sh
which ho will dispose of low for cash or U Foreign and Native Scenes, curious and inter- science tho whole done up in p \ptr» and la- case a sufficient patronage is exlended lo justi- long arms and legs and in general a fine look-
punctual customers. their own fuel, light, washing, ironing, &c. It pood, for / ne
esting Subjects, Natural History, KtUomolugv, fy tho increased expenses to bo incurred in ing fellow, belonging to the subscriber, as Ex-
N. B. All persons having accounts itandin Mineralogy, Concholoiry, Humorous Incidents, belled "THE FARMER ANt GARDF.N- wages for additional labour, type and other ma- ecutor uf Mrs. Rachel L. Kerr, deceased. is confidently believed that the necessary ex- terfit bills of a
for six months or more are earnestly requeste Ornamental Productions, Embroidery, and o- MANAGER; KR, AND LIVESTOCK HIIEEDF.R& penses of the institution, (-IT the 40 weeks > r wine bills won
and uispenscd fro i the/>ri/id';i<r. terials as well as in procuring tho mosi inter- This fellow made off with two other negroes, term limn, will not exceed 100 dollars; and ..l
to come forward and close them up by oas lltcf needle work, Riding, Dancing, fyc. be- firms of this establishment c\ ;ry Friday in esting papers and works relating to Polities belonging to Gentlemen of this county, the bad for the ko
tho utmost will be less than 115 dollars per
or note. sides one or more pieces of popular music, ar- the form of n weekly Agricultunl Paper, at $5 anil Agriculture, which eannot be hail by tho onoa r.egrolad, named .JACOB, who is de- year. I was prett
May 17 ranged for Ihe Piano or Guuar. a year, payable in advance. ordinary interchanges among Editors and tho scribed to me as of a tawney complexion a- For further information, reference may be broke up, (akin
Every six numbers of tho work form an ele- N. B. This periodical is cssunlially similar procuring which, cannot be risked until I can boutfive feet seven or eight inchest high la- had to Rev. Samuel Boll, or Doctor Thomas 1 thft last place to
gant volume suitable for binding, anil with to th« late AMERICAN F.VUMER, the ascertain the public opinion in relation to the bours with his body in walking, the other a VV. Handy of Now Ark, Del. Branch, Bank o
FOR SALE. these arc furnished gratuitously n superbly publication of which has been lor some time plan, and their disposition to sustain it. negro man named Phill, about twenty four By order of the Board. t ery one on em "
A few yonng BUCKS from full blood M engraved Title P;ige., and a general index of post suspended. Address Thai Ihe, |''^r can be rendered acceptable I years of age a dark mulatto about five feel E. W. GILBERT, Prcs't. brought the mor
tiuo Ewes and a choice impelled full bloo Contents. I. IRVINE HITCHCOCK, iave no doubt, if adequate encouragement is six iiches high. . April a Gw
Saxon Buck. given. It it very certnirt tint Ihcsr follows have out ofthe treasu
The typographical execution of the Lady's American Farmer Establshment. round to the U
ROBERT II. GOLDSBOROUGJfl. Book is such that the proprietor challenges Xntn. An '-Extra" number of the Farmer It may perhaps be thought by some, that the made their way to Jersey or Delaware or
July li comparison with any Magazine, whether /vi- containing a / 'rospoctus of the Establishment, depressed and reduced condition of ourcountry Philadelphia as ihoy were seen travelling to- EGROES WAVTED change it orTfoi
rnpean or American. The best materials and and a catalogue of Seeds and otker articles for at the present limn renders il an unsuitable rrotlior on the Main road in that direction;' on dle> name to
occasion to put forth proposals fur a Journal, Sundav rooming last. The subscriber wishes woulil'nt po no
MARYLAND tho ablest workmen nre, employed, and the sr\!r, will be srlit gratis to any person who to purchase one hundred
most scrupulous regard is paid (o neatness, hall fuiiish his address, post paid, for that lhal is to require patronage at the hands of the 1 will pay a reward of one hundred and the district,
and fifty servants of all
Talbot County Orphans' Com harmony, anil uniformity, in ihfl arrangement nrpoBC. people The remark is obviously a plausible fifty dollars for the delivery of Levin to ma
oii>, ami would bo irresistible, if the Journal in F.aaton, or orto bundled dollars foi securing descriptions, Mechan- vras about goin
C0;h <lny of June .1. D. 183-1. I of vlie vaTloua subjects w'hich compose the lot- .May *4. son he pot a <
itself did not mainly contemplate an agency in him so thai I get him again. ics of all kinds, from \-l
On application of .7nihony Hanning. .//dmis- ter-pregs. furnishing lo the People the information ami to 25, years of age. He where (he Gir
t rat or of Thomas Banning late of Talbot I The Literary department of thn Lady's JOHN LEEDS KERR. money here, for
eminly. deceased ilia ordered that he give I)ook comprises every thing which i* iloemed the aids necessary to meet the, crisis, and to en- Easton, Md. May 24..18.-M. also wishes to purchase fifty in families. It is
the notice required by law for creditors 10 ex- suitable for that srx lo whose. us« it is princi- SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRARY able them to restoro tlir.l state, of comfort anil desirable to purchase thnm in large lots, as they lo U.S. Bankti
l.ibit their cluim» against Ihc said deceased's levot(H, Tale*, which ni-o prosperity from which they have heon so wan- will be settled in Alabama, and will not bo Biddle's bills,
estate, &'d that he cause the same to be pub- ed by inlerpKting inciilnnts. vigorous n:irralive, Jluhles from the Jinmticni of JViiwnti, tonly, so causelessly, ami so lawlessly ejected TO THE PUBLIC. separated. Persons having" slaves to dispose how is this say
lished once in each week for th* -pa c of three clinsto diclii.n, ami tho ubseimo of inaiiUisli A dpsctipt'uiu of the fashionable watering Pressed down :is the people are in their pecu- TllF> mulnrsignod having been appointed of, will do well to give him a call as ho is per- Ihe pet bill* yel
successive weeks, in one of Ihe newspapers places in Germany, by an old innu, will form niary coneerns by measures equally ruinon? GEOLOGIST to tho Slate of .Maryland, manently settled in this market and is prepar- mitagc? Well,
printed In the town of Easton, and also in one sentiment; Poetry, in which sense has not been
of the newspapers printed in the cily of Haiti- sacrificed to sound,but where glowing thoughts thn comiueiic.pinent of the fourth volume of mil absurd excited and indignanl as they lenins H advisable to make known lo his fel- ed at all times to give tho highest cash prices. ttsad (o em y
arc sensibly cxpri'ssed, F,ssay^ upon plcasinir Waldic's Library. night to beat the high h'liuleil, iinconstituliun- ow citizens the duties which under such All communications directed to him in Easton
more. while, when th
In testimony dial the fore going i* truly copied and instructive subjects; Biographical Sketch This will he. billowed, at an early day, by il, anil arbitrary course that arrogant and stim- ppoinlmcnl ho is required to perform, and to will bo promptly attended to. He can at all
iho Memoirs of Henry Masers do la Tude, ulated power has adopted, patience for a mo- til'orm them of his readiness lo satisfy their
tor. Yery well
from tho minutes of proceedings es of Illustrious Women; Anecdotes, untainted limes be found al Mr. Lowe's Hotel in Eas- notion too; for
_. of Tnlbot county Orphans' court by indelicate inue.ndoes; lively Don-mo's, and who was eor.fincd for thirty livo yea.s in the ment under such suffering would bo construed nquiries as well us of the most convenient Ion.
,,',',= ' liavc hereunto nctjny hand fclhe humorous topics cheerfully Iml modestly Ue?.t- different State Prirtous iu France, now first nto arijuii'srnnoi! that would lend to swell the undo in which their application to tunmay be THOS. M. JONES, ty much like 11
O f my office nfTixod, this 'JOth ed, constitute, along with descriptions of ihft translated into English- tisl of their grievances, ai.d embolden daring naile. may 4 he was ahvayi
day of June in the yeir of our Lord eigh- various embellishment, the reading of the The works published in iho ctirrenl volume, ambition in its usurpations and abuses. The It is tho duty of the Geologist "to make a when he got I
teuo hundred and thirty four. Work. now on the point of completion, are thofollow- People! must resist or they aro degraded nnd omplete, a ininnlo geological survey of the ded.
TMt Though enormous expenses have been in- iujT- ruined Thn People, must resist or their Re- >tnln, counii.'iieing with that portion which FOR SALE. Since Congr
JAS. PRICR, ReR'r. Kruitzncr, or tho German's Tulo, a novel, publican Institutions, their Liberty, and hap- jrlcmgs to the Tertiary order of geological
c r \\iili for Talbot county curred In making this work deserving of the by the author of Canterbury Tales. piness will bo annihilated Tho People must A small faim in Miles River neck, niljoin. had more timt
immense patronage it has received, tho pro- ormation, and with ilia Southern divTsion and things in
M<M)ini:8 of Sir James Campbell, of Ard- resist now rarly, or they will havo later to hereof, and-progressing legularly with iho ing the hmds of Col. Edward Lloyd nnd Dr.
In compliance totf.'f nbnvo order, prietor does not menu to relnx in his i-xerlii ns.
Wherever improvement ran lie mnde, ne isde- kinjrlass; xvuilen by himself: a very piquant seek through blood and slaughter the repara- ^ourso of llm waters of the Potomnc nnd is beautifully situated on Hunting Creek, (a
E. Sno.ildeu, called " W heatland" this taim have q,ot more
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tennined to accomplish it, without reward to book, containing anecdotes of most of Iho clis- tion of a loss too great to be borne, involving Chesapeake through thai region, and thence river abounding with fish and oysters,) Iho land from Zekel Hi;
Thalthe subscriber of Tulbot county hath COBt or lahor cnfldcllt thal hc wjll , liinruishcil individunls of the last sixty years. all thai is dear to tho heart of man. The cri- through the other subdivisions ol the Stale bout money m
' 3 is of ihcbcsl quality, and well calculated for
obt.ined from the Orplu,n«' coir I of Tulbot I Icmuncretcd . (Mod Sir Walter, a. tale by iho author of sis calls fdrlh Ihe proposal il is necessary to \vilh as much oxpcdilion tmd despatch as may wheat or corn the improvements are, a no* the notion, if;
ounty, in Maryland, Utters of Administration Family Portraits. act the loss offline may be Ihe loss of all bo consistent with minuteness and accuracy, two slory framed houso with kitchen, smokn ty quick by t
on the personal estate of Thomas Bnnmug The terms of tho Lady's Book are three
late of Talbot county dcc'd. .''II person hav- dollars pei annum, payable in advance. The Broken Heart; i dramatic sketch, from Ihe object is to prepare the means lo make and ho shall prepaic and laj before tho legisla- house, stable, barn, Sic. The above described tales, we are
ing claims against the snid iicotii'K'd's estate remitting '< « tlMitrs ahull bn the Italian. known to the Ptsoplu their real condition, the ture at the commencement of every session a farm will he sold low and on accommodating this summer, a
ore hereby warned to exhibit the ejnie \vilb entitled lo fourcopics of tho work, I'er Koine, in llie Nineternlli Century; in a sc- causes lhal have produced it, and the way to detailed account of all remarkable discoveries lenns. Apply to A. Graham, or to the subscri-
resist it. ngin, that will
the proper vouchers thereof to the subscriber sons remitting fifteen shall bu ries of letters writli n during a residence in made, and the progress of the work." be r. seen ye(.
on or before tho 1st of January next or Ihey to six copies of the work, and additional copies that eily, by a Lady. Lot not this language bo misinterpreted "It shall further bo his duty "at those sea-
may otherwise by law, bo excluded from all of tho best Engravings. SCpPcrsous ptocw- The. IK-al'and Diimb Page, a. Tale. wo speak in all we say in the s[1iril and under sons not suited to the active prosecution of ihe JAS. H. BENSON. Congress h
benefit of the said estate. Anecdotes of the. Court of Louis the XIV-; the sanction of iho Conslitulion and tho Law geological survey, lo analyze and ascertain the april 5 tt (W) many appropr
I ring ten new subscribers, and forwarding iho
Given under my ham) this 20lh day of June cas(, for t |, 0 game, besides a discount of fifteen >y the Duko of St. Simon. it is the triumph of Iheso wo aim at as the qualities and properties ot all specimens ol the interests o
•9. D. eighteen Imiiclreo and thirty four Tho Black \Vaich; an Historical Novel, by means, under Heavens merciful behests, of re- mineral substances or soils lefl al his office or Easton and Baltimore Packet.
ANTHONY BANNING, adm'r. per cent, shall be presented with a copy of the sums that the
third volume of the work superbly bound. Iho author of tho Dominie's Legacy; &c. &.C. storation to happiness and peace. residence, for that purpose, by any citizen ther offices a
of Thomas Banniiru*, dec'd. tC7"Uncurrent Nutcs of bol vent banks receiv - One of the best novels say Lie London Mag- of Iho State, and taken fro.n any portion of the SLOOP THOMAS
Jaw 51 can calkulate,
ed at par value. azines of the present day. TERMS. Territory of Iho Stale.
Tinlor's new bouk of Travels in Mexico and In pursuance of those duties, tho undersign-
five millions o
An extra copy of tho work, or any informa- The paper is intended lo be called ''TiiE
THE STEAM ROAT tion respecting it, may be obtained by address- Cuba. MARYr.AND COITNTJIV JotJRWAT, AND FAR- ed is about to proceed immediately to the Treasury this
ing the publisher, Allun Cunniugham'R Biog-riphical and Crit- MERS Sooui. COMPANION," to be published Eastern Shore of Maryland, where he will re- ney is to com
ical History of Literature for tho last fifty twice n week during Ihe session of Congress, main until the end of June, alter which ho though the S
NOTICE. years. , which will also embrace tho period of the ses- will visit tho counties lying between tho Pa- GEORGE \V. PARROTT, JtfMler. ays lh<3 dutie
THE Partnership heretofore existing under Helen, a Novel, by MariaEd«reworth. sion of the General Assembly of Maryland ttixent and Potomac rivers, proposing to make THIS splendid new coppered and ooppor large, I am af
the firm of Journal of a Wcsl India Proprietor, kept and on co a week tho rest of tho year -Salnr- his examination of this portion of the State fastened sloop, jusi launched, 'and finished in nuffor theatric
MARYLAND, Thompson & Harper, during a residence in the Island of Jamaica, by day and Tuesday, days of publication.
the lute, Matlhow G. Lewis Esq. M- J?'. au- The prico of the paper lo Subscribers wil
during tho months of July and August. His the most complete and commodious manner for
cabinet duties cannot thoref jro be commenced the accommodation of passengers, (with dining
claim back (c
Will as psual leave Baltimore every Tucs-1 is -now - dissolved -j ...
>-« by mutual
.. .. ,...
,,.... ....,._.-
All per- thor of the Monk, kc. can't find a rr
day and Friday morning at 7 o'clock, for An-' MRS indebted lo ihn firm, are requested lo make
' be £3 00 per annum one half payable n( the before tho month of September. Desirous, cabin and state room,) has commenced her hey import, tl
napojis, Cambridge (via Ihe company's wharf payment to Thomas Harper, who still contin- Tho Curfle's Tale, or Practical Joking; time of subscribing, the other half at the end however, that no avoidable delay should bo regul'r trips between Easton and Baltimore,
from a uew woik entitled Nbhtsof the Round of the year. experienced by such of his fellow citizens as leaving Raston every Wednesday rooming on'em off to <
nt L-astlohavcn) and Easton, returning will ' UM the business, and bus constant!} for sale a Table. law, git back
leave Ewton every Wednesday and Saturday handsome J ----- --
assortment ot'' Where Ihe wholo subscription runs duo for nro interested in the subject of his Investigation at 9 o'clock, and the Marylandwharf (Corner's)
7 | o'clock, for Cambridge, (viaCas'.lohaven) Thn Thrrn Wcstminslnrboys, or Cowper, 'three months over thn year, it enhances the the undersigned has made arrangements with Baltimore, every Saturday at the same hour. mount of duto
Beaver, Otter and Muskrat that makes a i
\ Annapolis and Baltimore. Passage from Bal- Lord Chancellor Thurlow, ind Warren Hast- subscription, dues for each year twenty five Mr. Philip T. Tyson, of Hie firm of Tyson This packet has two ranges ot commodious
timore to Castlehaven or Easlon $'». ings, conlrastcd, from the stme. per cent. nnd Fisher, No. l'J2 Baltimore street, to re- berths furnished with the best beds and bod- Now, it ali
On Monday the 2I»llnst. she will commence A Narrative of the Shipvrcck of the Anto- The:p>csent Subscribers to tho Easton Ga- ceive during his absence tho specimens of ding the table will be supplied with this plagy wi
the routes from Baltimore, lo Corsica and lope at Polew, in 1783, and \ brief but accurate z«tle will bo con.8idor.qd as euhscijbors to The mineral substances, soils, waters, &c. which every article in season calculated to min- Bank, for the
Che»»ertown; leaving Baltimore- every Mini- account of Princo Le Uoo. Maryland Country Journal, unless forbidden may be submitted. Any information concern- ister to tho comfort ! of the passengers the Bank to
All tho above cost in iht ''Library" but |<2 ing these, not requiring to bo determined on and every attention will be given to Ihe want*
day morning at 6 o'clock and return same day,
Passage heretofore. : IH&'ff®,
All btggtge,'packages fee. at the risk of the which he in disposed lo sell on terms lo suit
p'flicfl No. 207 Cheomii,trust, below 7th."
by them.
rnarages are
, ( , ,. < .;/
paid up, without
the consent
No Subecriptioni discontinued until ell ar an eUliorate investigation or analysis, will bp
o furnished by Mr. Tyson; further Information
atronize the packet.
ceive the came prompt and
watch all th
would bjjgin &
ftwner or owner* Iruiroof. .Subscriptions to Waldio'j Select Circulating the publisher of the paper- 'will bo communicated by \ho undersigned punctual attentiop as ever, and the smallcft the Treasury
tho'jireMure of life limes: ""All orders thank- Library which la published every Week, at fO himself at tho earliest convenience. and the publii
i:-By order ' . t» . . fully received and punctually attended loJ Advertising;, not exceed.tng^a qquarc, at i order thankfully received and strictly fulfilled
l>er annum, thankfully received b* . coat of one nollar for three insertions, anc J. T. DUCATEL. as fur aa practicable, Government
'.-.'»-« "> twenty five, cents /or every subecxiuont insertion 14 Loxiiigton street, Baltimore. Bank, millioi
If T
. A. GRAHAM. May I7.18S4 ' "' ' Iflw '* Eastonpoiht,'may 6 24 : without the p
was about tl
FREE-"^"»""e -oil or in-conducted , is the Great Engine by State.
Duty_Mor>my fcfinM the Mannore_AgricuUuio
p»iMTFn AKO rnBLisncn EVERT well known in Europe, and everybody to relieve the people, and have Ml things jpositories, might be made, nnd ought
S.9 TVRDA Y MORJWJYG hod confidence in it, and was ready to at odds and ends, I have a notion if we to be made, by congress. He did not Jank ofthe United States, where foreign t butalsotorefus.it in their Reneral b(1.
lend money at low interest whenever it act on common sense, and scout at party perceive ; ~- .. .._ tockbolders have no vote, how mi.M,
vote, how much
BY ALKXANDER GRAHAM. any insuperable difficulty, and more must there be in State Banks, im- "ness. If ,( was expedient to discredit
wanted if, so that when a pinch would we'll git things goin pretty smooth agin. nothing less should prevent it. The such paper, why not dishonor it altoeel
come, all Squire Diddle had to do was y ° f which, are under no such restric-
TERMS Your Friond, committee Ihnmsclves admitted there lon? IS either can we be assured that er? Ue had the same right lo imp
to draw money from the foreigners, in- J. DOWNING, Mnjar, could be no objection to that mode, pro- heSecretaiy of the Treasury will m »ke one condition as the other. Enou»h of
TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS stead of making our own countrymen
Downingville Militia, 3d Brigade. vided it be deemed practicable to make uch a selection as to exclude Banks with the remedy ought to be administered,
Per annum, payable half yearly in advance. pay up, and then pay it back by decrees, the selections in such a manner as to it it were a good one, to make I he cure
leotle by leetle, till he had whittled it REMARKS OF MR. WILDE, OF protect and preserve the public funds. orrign capital ;for in one of the Banks al - perfect. I,, truth, however, he was far
leetle eend of nolhin. The GEORGIA, IN REPLY TO MR. And why not practicable? Have we not eady selected, he was informed, a for-
Not exceeding a square inserted three time down to the
"* I."* f\ D f* f * » «vT m» »~i »% * __ n « . «.
pet banks can't do this, folks abroad eign nobleman was oneoflhe lar-est Irom thinking the small note
for ONE DOLLAR; and TWENTY FIVE don't know 'ein, nnd folks at home no.
POLK. the same sources of information as the stockholders. was lobe cured by this nostrum. Th«
Mr. WILDE said, in brevity he hoped Secretary? Where are the returns of I,, another S'ate "the only effect of the selected Banks refus-
Bank has been raised
CKHTS for every subsequent insertion. tlier. 100 miles off. to rival the honorable Chairman of the the State banks? Cannot we invite fur- whole capital ofn ing to receive the paper of the smalVftota
Noiv lets see how things will work as Committee of Ways and Means (Mr. ther information? raise a committee? or »y foreign loan; and, if he was rightly issuers, would be to depreciate it, and a
WASHINGTON, 12lh July, I8S4. things are now fix'd. The Treasury Polk:) in close adherence lo the subject, nformed, that loan was secured by :i
depreciated pape.- always usurps the cir-
To my old frlend*Mr. Dwight of the must call on the pet Banks for the peo- he aspired, if possible, lo surpass him. take any other measure that may be oar re- mort
ortgage of the real estate of the stock- cululion.
quisite? Which do we distrust, Every one knew that not
JWw York Daily Advertiser. Holders.
pie's money, and over 20 millions of dol- There were times, he though*, when the integrity or our discretion? Why must excepting the Secretary and Committee-
As nigh as I can calkulate, my last lars must be paid up right off; nnd the gentleman discussed the Bank of the U- A provision which he did think ou<-ht
delegate this important power ant :o be inscrtt-d in the bill, was one lo dis- It is distinctly admitted in his letter, and
lelter'to you telled you the story (a- pet banks must take it from our folk* nited Slates ratliei than the deposite we duty to the Sccietary? Are we invitee their rpport. as a law of circulation; and
tribute the amount of deposites, and lim-
mong .- other things)
,.-'.«.of the ^ . off Cape
storm r , who have borrowed it from >m and banks. It was perhaps difficult to sep- to stut>ify or to stigmatize ourselves? For it the use of transfer checks. If the use t'lR principle of tin; remedy they propose
A Ol
Haterass and the Two Follies. Well,'this comes ' as Umes
"** — "— f '"/ »** •»tj^l»i«»*l««V vUl>CIVt,9i
arate thnm; and sometimes expedient his own part, said Mr. W.ifihete'musl be of the public treasure must be granted to ism thefetth of the law (hey acknowl-
since then Congress has cleared out anil to bespeak favor by fl.Uteiing prejudice a selection, he would not surrender the the 6'tate Banks gratuitously, the Bank< edge. He was won anted in *«yin» they
gone to hum, and the Gineral has cut As soon as I see this , I set right d.-»w n and odium. Party tactirs seemed to con- right of Congress to make it. Ho fear had no great confidence in it themselves,
of all the Stales should share tho bene
stick too and
. gone to the Hurmatage, . & and rit to Squire Biddle about it,, and an I sist in directing all your strength against ed giving it up might be construed into fit with something like equality. Why smcp they suggesled that the Stale Leg.
I'mhangm on ['.ere yet for a spell, to tell'd him he must come right out and what are supposed to be the weak points an admission of the President's claim to isiatures would aid us in this policy.-.
give the new cab.net a ,ft, for Mr. Clay i loan money. He ail swer'd and tell'd me of your adversary, taking no care of your the custody of the public money. II should the Banks in New York or else- Now, the States had granted numerous
ady.*ed me that seem that most of the j he did not dare to do it, for Conjrres, own. Accordingly tha Bunk of the U- did not mean, by nay act of his, to lent where have an advantage in this respect? charters expressly authorizing the issue
folks now in the Cabinet are new hands, , and the Ginera1,, an.l all the folks of that States, thoU': h already slain, as we are the least sanction to the doctrines of th He mentioned New York with no invid- ot small bills- Would gentlemen inform
it would be but fair for me to remain here. 'party, said the Bank of the U- Slain told, by the Hero, is daily reslain by the protest, text or gloss, ^ He did not in ious feeling, but merely because the larg- him how they could be revoked? If the
and keep an eye on things, and I might must be woundup: and if the Rank noxv humblest of his followers, whilo the Pet tend to discuss those* doctrines. Tim est amount of revenue being collected abolition of small notes were a wise and
K«<Jlm A «_. u .».._...#t.!...-._ _ _ I ¥ _ • ii. . « , *-" «s 1C n
take charge of his rooms till Congress in the face of that went to extcndin its banks and Post Otfice are left to shift would be wantins:. On that topic, it th there, the Banks of that State would constitutional object, we must have the
meet agin. have the largest amount oi deposites, un- power to effect it by our own legislation.
loans, they would all say it was ony to for themselves. Tha gentleman bad gentleman from Tennessee was not satis
I sea by some of the papers, some j git friends, jest as they did efore; that the done him the honor (o advert to some fied with Ihcargumentsofthe distinguish-. less they were required to be distributed. It was to him a conclusive objection a-
folks say I have gone to .Portland to | Gineral said the country was never more remarks ol'hisduringa former discussion- ed Senator from Massachusetts, (Mr. Why /I... rshould Virginia and Ohio. and. --North """ the
.__ * _ *. t\. « ft. *
i j~i -i --- IK exercise ui
» '<; cjicn.iac any power, inai
of uny that
print a newspaper there; and others say ! pro-perous than it now was; and the onv This topic, from the manner in which it WEBSTER,) he must leave him to discuss Carolina and Georgia be excluded from the concurrence of the States was neces-
(heir f;ur proportion of that fund to -- .
I have got a paper in New York; and I j way lor the Rank to act for the safety of had btsn trealed required no reply. Mr. the matter with hi* own friend, the gen- which they contributed their fair propor- sary. If we had it at all, we had it in-
UK the
""• |-*"« •"•^••» of
dependent States. it. we
If llWU it
\^ (3 had
H«n.i know
don't L . !..» all.
what ., now all , its stockholders, (and they were numer- W. at the lime referred to, had exprest - tleman from Virginia, (Mr WISB.) . » y- - i r
lhatlnot. Slate
could not »!ve it
nen the horse, will leave their names and the num-
especially distinguished in the circle of her guiding, foaled on the .Eastern Shore of Jlfd. ber of mares, fyc. at tho fusion Gazclir Office, BOYS' and MISSES' SHOES of all descrip- 10th day of Juno A. D. 1834. which
friends, for her kindness and attention lo her Eastern Shore of Va. or iu the State of Dela- On application of Jusiuh Chaplain, adminis- punctual10 will dispose of low "fur cash or tc
on or before the IMh of August next. Fur the liuns; customer*.
iUt« aged mother, in the management of the con- ware. CHILDREN'S BOOTS and SHOES. tor of George Slovens lalo of Talbol Coun- "' " ! All
.**'.: '.I*, _ *' 1 / -.,' '. , . '' '.* '!;-- :.' v*j*.'.i»=,-..- ..-,.vi.,,,rf.f ..-,.'ii., .t *. J.:V " . . .*'"' .. '-., ,., -'••'- ' ' ' -'-J- '« - f^ I -*-*£*izx*f-.'.*~&&ti*iaifi**..... '_ . ^_,._ ... ..