Easton Gazette 07-1834

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;^ : ,, iv,;^:^£;|^

" 'vmc.t no . . - •.- -,..-,., ,,, i r - - ; - - - ji - 'i!t i" v!'1<!
mi»ifr''i;..Tfey.('"«.' < ;i- ri"
.:.: 'urii-ofcM^s^iril^S^f^lsU^^ifpg^iiiiiiJ 4tr : ^*y-L--M : '.'T-:i!i-'•:! i'.-.••iii,.-:•-:..: IN-- -..•': \Mi-\slv
•i? Vi i. l 'l^i:sfi:isu«t.\n»litfi|*iK«.i?iHc)?Hf^it'''-^-^:>-•';- •?"" f|ia'OJ''t^r-*»B'!i-;!-'iU-. ..: s !:;;i, vr-i.,-',:,.^:^;',:,) xv.?".:

^||'|^te|||l^ijj!|| 5 :K :; , ! 1 ^'f'q:^i'iir7^;''.'.;^u"-
T WQ DOLLARS AND F? II i- : A3i|!j:|jfi|iJl3ij;..^yjj^ ;> v-.",:c
Peri i: , 7.}(ii:iyiEi{4|)Jij!7jaa4%"s'-':^''-- '-"--^ :: ^-^ i^?"-''.1 -' 1 '. '•.l.l'yjfelfe'i.^uiiff^sihiri M. :I.. i: .;u. iV^f v<' ! i''
I "'i'';''-1 ;;!!^-' -:":,.-» :/'v! .'.l',-iSf I'v'ifc'lW.'.' • • • •.- "—'--- : -I I'-i'.'I'.'i-".'.(', VIJl|'^SllJ]p^t<» ! it,jffi;:'. i l.'-.i .'l.''!.l:.-!] ru 1 '-?-'-,
A^^^.^>:_;_a-^ .,.'.' .L ..-'.I.' - -'--'i'..:- .• - - .', '"1*1 iii-..? * T V fl. i-'li'V.'^t'- ..-I1.{.i t !•: jI'..nw !iiii*ji{^:.t'u*'4l;-i.'.*Swul'.". -• ... - - • i- . t .
Not-exceeding1 ! a square in i<.fo<i ;;.i'-1 -' - :...'• ' : ''••>- • T"- -r'lt'v;"-"!'/ .-J-.iVH-itl'"! , ; -;:.V"i->*'.:.„. ', iijM'-.v:;:-;
'', T,-;:i . Cir«;8;;:l;lj(!S.i!rijfTJsy''Ai^ • j-,..'-p'
foT^ONB- DOLLAR; and '.'>.
'•*"'•''•"-•' '''i;!: ^l|^t!^-;.;;ri-'X'^J..a!it^(^l irt!Ji\&;;^!ltVp:'--- ; ',; ''".'l',. !."• . a! an •
icEHTs for every snbseqi :mt.llt;rilY !'<> V.
U^^:^4;i,^: F^W^'tt'AVl'VVf <k i<r- ; ' '" '..r:' ; •••.: .-.urilijiiujiii.
••'•'•'"'-'"'"'"•ul ;| "- -vailitb,.;
uS'''In; ;iv;iil{ibie, cl;aui!i
ci;;i tino
Gf6at. Bargains, 'Iv^r 'i '' :1i?l%-f^^|*^ ''"''" m;i " :;;[ " -wti othiTS to tho department
'a.-.- 1'1!--'••"''• •- ' ^i''^^'.^"^'^^/^^!^^^^^'^!''^:^ j !>h' : '-•'•' -' ;i - <'ii' fi:' i>! < 'i.-iydijjndnjso'the, amount
wn«r TO D
.^£-.-^^..^1:^ ''i.•»(::. .ru i fttiHfllillMiniinirv nquiry tho.v
•••'^';i''rt£^ir>^ "' '••"- .-.I';"1 '";," !!l^ work <' f
•*.;?=^ 1.-JI.-.XV'" I A;w J*..* £ '; "; '.> -"." Vr/Hi! ; U'Ji! '-' I:1 ", o forc^ i ;,-.',

: : ~ f<\--'i : ''{r^f^7^'^.!>'''< ->-:---?'i-i'' : :-i-'U i'ij-^aM^f^li.i!)1 ;.!!).'^ :..!'.--.

» ... • ... g^;i.i

........ ,.....,-,..->
j. • ••kK"S;-l '.'!,{''-.,':'''.-I ,1 ,i ''.r-f.* .',., :-rri?. ';i'! tiilnrri!
. i| 1^-,-fji;!,,
- j,i.i;siv,;nt;' ;>!iO. Mint Mines: r-omo
i liuio in
,.'.,:...; 5i-1 •'> it-mi.-. :>r.t\ iltr j.i.il.iJr- ii> .'j.-jii'f.-.i, '.fiat. hn | ((„, ,.-,,.,- r is,;- 1, tli.i PostmrwUT fJoneral has,
RSQ.JV :::it;:i',':• 'i..i',iuyt .T');--!'-:. 1 ,- m Tl.i.>..-iton,! .i-,.^!.,.,,,!. \V :\ri':!iit (>!' hv.-. linrrtn'.'eil from the
-IntheToien of ': f.fic u '/i.''> K)N j jvjj.i;.- ',•:.,n; r-llttl;: (it' 1 !l! ( jlH>V Oil interest for lllO li'tln;!.'.
• THE Subscribers '•',':i,.i!vi!'.!''.n'i .inii !j v!it';ii 5'f iiO.ii^viiiiiii^ U. 'Cbi,' ifiieifslaccount,
turning lhoir-gratef\i .!l''l { .:p!V.:.ri:.: !.; l>: ; r-..'jiiiir'j (} '.HM'CV'Hb, jillliVL. l.ll:.'.t :.,illlUM)f tlltlSC
those gentlemen-of '] '•I''- i....'-r- : : • ••:!!•.' !=n-., !: : ' y.vi;; n I':(!':. (!.II!Sli<; Ult: ]:,V,L <(>Rsioll of
counties, for thairHboi i' ! -' : '('••-; - ! < -'' ; !.'IT-i.'.;•••.". ,:ti'i '''isisiu .: ,:imn iimt 1 after tin!
commenced Jheaborj '.•• •-';••' ?>t ;!iiii>i.' ! V.-MI.;( vf tin- Pcjiunnsk'i'
inforjn^hem.and .the,; ^':- 1,1,-
" ttiey.ha.va nowt on ria|ti '::"".;i' •. iii '. sDMiiii,; ''.nui rs\ i>,:itti! oi'-,v,'0-.;,:.S) 1 40, nili)
a superior assortment '' -hr' • .'.•'.:•!•' i in',: 1 : . I's-ii:',. '•'•':! l .;,'i ,t i- '-i'!: t' :i(0i i-.;;i',tii v. ' H" iritiiriiailii: r.i' ',UIV IHolnlllf j "'!) 'ii'.'i1 ! :V;:>ill--i ' i'li il b^i^l.e^'CJ^riyftl'''^^'^^^^^^!!^-!I:-! 1 ' • i 1 -:;;'1.
iiv"i!i.'ri.i :.v> •-.i.y.') ivp.iiii, i! •••>•'. l | ;!' ; -: :.,i':, !0 j (ii-'i^;: ":.i-r":'nt or i.tUirr.,. ,('|. i-: ;il---n v,-orl!tv dS'j tlos'iu 11, '.ltd"
i:')i,iil.-i.Ui.iuii iiti--.•'''i:i!i.--:"'i"ii::r.i-i.! i,',,,;;,..-!:, .;;, :l f iii : ; '....,,,. iiiinsi.d rciiori ti '.viiullv -Tin'.-.'W
in tnkc f the''oi
price trom ISO to 300 of the
terns V ftnishi—"-also t< :.-,.-uU'(i (n your thoseaccounU; pr. .
f various'pfipM , and Ti'e.;::->nry is iie- to'havegiven them ittKfe
y •-.•: ••-!fi!,ic'. htiii f i'<;.in'V on llio opera. racy, Rhdjntir committci •:->•'• [ .'V: 'ho^C'lvlilelV':

."jBrVeorthem Is hiinjpri SiJ
I.-.-)II i;;i:: J--. 1-im !i.; i'i](.'r'.:iiii i.nivv.fo limiM'--':. MJ,.„.;,,(' tiii' tli>ji:u-!;,v.'i»i, and, lie lina sta-
p;iflir-; ii- iniHvirltiiil'i in. i.:-;>rnliirf-~ \\':< uiUniilr: I ;, M | !!, ;i |. ;i4:M),0(ii'J is ili^ stualloal sum ihat;will
ke.epin<1' in tii ; b::.r ti!!' hc-^i. »l' i./i'inorti, niui iiis j -v^i-ve t.ii:;t pmpii-;n.
Jar reason to doubt their

afc-'t'Splendid assortment of'•••• Tubiu i.biiH bo jiinii:ilu:d i'i si'.trtni u'itli Miiob u:i 'i*lm suii;sbojrowed and overdrawn on l>anks •:,M not to the credit and on!.iinmliny• i in"•.
'S*'. .^NEW.HAIW tho itiarkbrwill afford. Ho IK", smiviJeil at- (o Uio die 11th April, 1S3<1,
133-1, and th'cn-p.visUnj
th'on-pxistinsr. as ofclatrJKof the departtioent, your coiutniu>-i 1. j innni
tentivo Ostlers mid Wii'uet.-i, niiii ba.i acter- a debt aqainsl against tho
th« department,
' .are itaUd by could wf place the sarnSjIreliance on thn gun-i lion*
all of which will bo.disposed of on moderate mined nothing on liis part ch;-!! bv ,. anting to the officers tu bo $183,000 walealBfiatcpresented totherri. Theamount'phfc
terms, for cash or Rood paper, and liberal pri- give satisfaction. Hin 7/acku will tr.n regular- L<jnd they 8UitO:tlio amount due ' " Iar|rer.'than they had reaStirMtrBup-l te.ifSKB
cesgiven for old Carriages in exchange. ly to tho Steam Boat Maryland, ftr, theaccom-J "to cfmtraotdrs .on the. 1st of.| c; tonvtheir knowlldgo of the gen- (fflrf
TOey have uiider way a^first r^Cnacjicr ijpdatioti of possonpfora, w hen they cap.ho con -1 «iApril,,/ " -•**-'—•--- '!„ J|,Q 4ep«tUuont, and I pee
and jrnumber ofGIGS, to nnv pnrt <il tlio mitd ty at Si'*, . m "±. • __J*. .Jte.« ^- ,. _ .-**•« 1 • Jfl

p. whi
to artfl 'C.vl can ','19 h^d.ttCilsv ;! '::'U)!-
er ~*\f^^^ , n ' .' * fcr ^i :-j jt:L bi:i;:i (_'ivut; io ;i tail iiiiiio by
ordeposites in banks it. eai9om»do, and hero Senftte, on;tbo nth Jay;of March lut, on
-Balti-1 fie dopartmenVof J37.000, 95j jhaent «n ostlmate of the revenue and ex- milted by the presentPosfo Rind, i rcswlnlioh olfurcd by,pnc ot your committee,
.in the Mpro I Of this there was donoaited in Tertditu as of the depar1 tutent of the last qnar- in a third, tlie rcporfcame iri'0»lsto to be re- 'or a statement^ of the sums paid for tnnsporbp*
era banki'which ha*e'(ail 5,455 07 «r of tr s-year 1833, by which it will be seen forted toby jmif.cpmraittfe, and Io aid them lion and. exira'arlowa'nce/ if »nj-, omitted in
, — - .- . —,-.— -. i advnntage'ln r • f I. |p VfH V .
Jiat, wi bout some real and substantial reform in'their investir'«ii6'ri.7""So »n»wf'r has yet .ho'Blao JJook, which; Wonld bavo enabled
in theirlino, of* cYefy1 'description, from" vi -._-,. ,.,.,_,-- • ./ . , •* -••' '^ "«IJ .
Boarders will be accommodated on liberal terms Leaving to thn credit account,
by tflfc assistance of trie. 'be$tr workmen j -anti R trr* m tnagerncTit of its eonccins, there is lit- lioeh given by the SecVetary ofjhe Treasury tliam to present an explanation of the discre­
theirYwn knowledge of tho business,' they are by.thft day, week, VnoiitrTor year—ho sbticitc funds in hank, Apiil -lllli, tle prosj (ect (hit h will extricate itself from to resolution of the Sertste adopted ori.irfo11th pancy; a)id we can perceive of DO mode of ae-
persuaded they can finish offasf handsome and the ojjj stomcrs of tTm linu.ic and tho 1H3.I, available, ,545 SSj ;h* presmt embarrassments. day of March h?<, oh motion of'orw' 61 y'otii «iiirit[ng fb« it,. consistent with tlio correct ad»,
substantial COACHEES;'*BAKO.lfqH ES gcri'e'rally,' to call and SPO him. They alsu reported, aa a eonjeetvteJ. cttt [I appeani as stated above, thai thn coininittcfl, wh'iqli calls for copiorf 6f the tlnpli miriistratiori of tfio dcpaftlnetrt, and.)a careful
GIGS, &o. fec.asany . establilliqu^in the Oct. :V iiMte, that thero was tine fruin poetmnsters receipts for postoges- m ib cates of contracts, bids, and nxlfa' nlliiwanccs .iiid accnraic cxatniftatiorj of ilia papers whicU
State. All kinds of repairs dmioTn n neat nnt tor posiao;(!s liciVruirt^ prior to January 1st - ter amount^ to -1"' ' wniclilticlaw rcquircs.f should bo filelinv Ihr, ^ff^Ufttto;' ' l < anJ tniilcr il»tifBcial onthoritv. : "'
tlurtUe manner, and steel spring's of every tie $300,000 Tire tn'nsporialiun for tho' ofR6e,of tire''
Comptroller qfthr/.I'leasury.' Tli ' Utco hasnlso b'aove'd to |m select-'
scription, made and repaired, nil of which wil. from \yhich this CHliinato was 'quatlrr aniotihletlj bitfertro ;
be doue al tho shortest notice and on rcasonabli '" i ih:nvd bnyo been examined by tho connniltee to tuny h nil din : (.Vnoijtr to tho^Senato on
lerms. ••--.• ,, ,, . ;''! :t'nti Ui'i rr-itilttiF that ot'ntnination --leaves 'no Incidental e.i I:! 1-!, :,lf that hisve been
I'iTH c(ii)i;unniK a ''MI-:! ..f on- J 1( nbi. ;!ir; ) ihc ;inioii!\t. o( this credit id jrreatly ::i'Uiii't nlluwtnces *inc»
The Public's OVtSetV!:; i ;i'.t v:iliini unit rcmai!-:. '.iifi-.iivii tl':"li!!ni >')inov: (,\-..ITH-[-J.,(.I,"| ' f-iiiiif; !lX.,(, wliich oAgKt tr»
Total oxpcnditurp.
ANDERSON".&. HOL'KLVs. ,i!'tt..i If.nmiimj'nrsiti^Hl, tin.l ill! M;i:«is w!i(, iT";,,,, ,,,... ,; i:u t!u; iv .-.;-inC; of tho dopa'rt- there'by. tho i" i -"li'iiioeii in Ihu Uiuu Bo<.»..
N.B. .A- 8tll.,-havp also for sale, n l:u;;.: ' : " ! -!' !"< l( "n ; !ll!l " '" •••"•b"^-.ii>- > ><••;'.-> trv j ,,,, , li; ( ;, r tfl ,. i:,,u ,,,, a ,; ( , r ;,,•,)„. yoar 1833i Excess of ox ;cpnrt o
& superior turninpr Latlie,and tools, which can j !;;l '"" :>i'i«"V' !ll< rn - {'•<!"" •'-•;!-.:-'•'-%• :-" L^ooiiiiy.- <»\.\ it . ;,.. i (vuitunic ib:acan'')oloim- nno ' 0351,573
i bought low. boys ofgood'atcady hub- ;•'•«';/ ( '""' ; ^''" l!! <" ! ';' /"'•y-^'^' <'-'"' ' ' • - LaMMmigji^^-, i:n i ; ,, H haviiisbpen
it», from 13 to 15 . f „ d h :v<; in.-L-ii,) amounted Which ronttnuiri
as apprentices, the one'at. the woodwor':, :
vha olhcr at^lho tiimmin^ I! ranch ofthn !'i>:! | an aniitial deficit of
ness.. Letters,, addressed to Atuleiium DIHI { An opifti
Hopkins, Easlon, Talbot 00111115 Md. sip ;:!:;.. j iV ' ; '3 J f the preso i i (' Tos t
ingthe kind of carriage \vantinjT, will bupt"iti|'!j_ r IB,
ly attended to, and tho c,irri;i|r;'i bioiuriii tn , i|- >(| ^ ..,,.. ,„,,., hyia vlgilimt :uTiniuis
their own door. *. • j P!i' ;1 .K;'-> "V .1 !U.ri'', jtl! th
\.i-.ir. 1 y.'a'nd-in a lew year's to'i">"i
Feb. 15 3m ! i:.,',!\ .''Mn.in I:;,* ;;l |h i-i-ihi •-,• h. •! •.•:. •,. u S it., j ;,-[:;. intotl . ry, an »nnual stiin 1'"""
' flie Eastern Shore .Wliljf. nml CainbrW"!; S : ... r,~;.i iinb.v iTih -mi 1 •'",.-! this estiniBlo Sccmf to have
"' Chronicle will publish the JOl'idl::. I O^'f'.i.r
"':'.'. i /.i*.7 tltnt considerable BUIH3 on the rtDid increase of the receip
•'Vi-rr T"i'i'i'.'r(l !>iliis ]!C.-:lnr,lf.ti'l:., ' xe.ltlsi' agesi the itnprovpmcnt of romls aui
Easton and Bal i!u: t!(!p;i ::!(::! il! ':• :'ll,'-. Y/hiiM !:•,
I'rHni'i- tin: :nii')'uit, in i.m.'ir li:im.!.'i |i>r jec'ei
.'. -
yance, and
ol-.-. pns.engfers
• ' •
the^ttcat and :\nor
<%i^^H^*f"Y **> •-:•! ' i

way diirim;- ihi !;is', (jii-uirr of iS.i.t, in AS;t, tlio profits of tliei
i'r:: ; .i.:r. i.-'; v.'biui: ./.i,:!. -,i-, !iltii;i;' Ivdin llte ,'i:verttl data to iiie-costs of trnrtsportafioh' of th
''..:. ' ' i '..'ilUlb ';"•:: ;:.!'.:: ^iTi:.;:;, i:, li.\ci| upon «3 tllO your comtnitleo entertain ho doubt, hsd
'.:(!!••:•.:\iin;i!iim u» tin: (mill, attainable fairs beeh conducted prudently, with « vf
<ii'' h!,/,-'.'-',!" sin!,-, -..-'iii:h it was in otlrthopnblio'intercat, the,.-anticipation would
•'••^•'.•ii.''n> siii:-: p-titofthi; inve8li(jn- this timehavobeorrreftl'iT^d;unless, itulecil, .....
SCIIOONEH- should have beeni.thought expedient io rcducojci
b-')."r :,M-, .iUai,;-8ny.'"per»on
JAMES STE , the postages, and thus relievo.lho•community
' 'HieBubscribertberjfli of a part of its-pr«Bm>t hiirdon .iit the' li.ftj)^ " nr-!?(tr? til' ?•;' tif -hilv . IS>!>
that the above fine,, faW tion tif business, aqdut&p g'——'^•'•'^-•-'- —•• U'f: Hid J
L •ujnlially built, 'copper ,', <::i(itnatd tlie amount of knovvlcdgo.
e., is now in complet^ord, ith ri vory near In order to proscnf-v"
of f"|jband Passeiigertj • - 3l -;; ;- i--'i'^.! ;-;< : ;»', •( !.- - . .'•-! .ji •;..! 'id;'::, :te>:iU:t.^', nn.iiluit, tinj.i of lincily to the1 Sonato'f^
iv.-'.v ivni>lt>lij.ii,';ij(jyt .™:!!:.;h: •| ".!,,i l : ! . ,';!i".:i.^nt. v.'.n, ;it . i;y :i<n" lak«n, and hero ptr
accorarrwdation of Gentle' .'. .''Ulwrn'{')l(>I)}'.qtJ\1::)'''l.':Ui'. ! '-- !!V i '"i'i'.o ..n ,ib;ir.tr! ^l:s( t 'iii!'i!i. Ire revenue and e
V She wiH'commenco < T^l^^ i": L ,'.:-'i^'..''lr i . i'V-(i^'i-! .„, , i '".Hii'''ll!'- ::. ! hi- i Of iUliS:' tinlr ;>|' ,m ;• rrifcnt for the four xehn
I acket between thti abovd'nain; i ,"«'-''.•'••• ;•"•••-'. »:-': •:;":;.;..:^ 1-': | iii-n'iil!;.' ;u'!',:i ,''i- f:i: !ftr (irdinn >r»'peXt following thfe.time at'ivliii-li it!
will leave Miles llivor l'\irr.y"
i o(Mairch inat.at !> o'nlnrk, nt PtWtmastor'GtineraU • of tlio dn)i:tiiiufni :it 'iio'-'f; svroi:-, ji ••inpi-.-ir-'i iiu n ;<:n: i('' Genera),
* timore.^Returnirig wilt it^vi, ;;,i<;iit Mtien'-i -v ••"••'••?> st of .Inly, (SJ."i,| in ilif'nr, tli;;' tl-,i -iCi'-^aiZWrmQL. « ii'i i liu'th ill another
f" wharf^'Baltimore, oppoyiK: ibciU.jnM)! .",. ;•. | r,:-..K:>\ •i i;iim;i, v/itluit liio hv; <marUir of'tlip there >vas» tilt rnore^ic-
I': HMrisOfl*fe 9 O'clock, A. M -in iii,: fb) - : j 1,,!),:,,. .;,<;.,|,

-xor the.above nap

'. She will t8.ke.jfc Muster Ue
ti. Towhsen lint n
- ' ' **t .
Ob.,.*' idt-rlc of. tha.do- thopreaerrt
AJfordersleJl . ^'-'»'l«(t'ijt: ir' m-iv. ^vivu^a 'fa Main- it was reduced
S,> ncor and lit fir. ,i:^. ; fv i,| :il-i.: •'.'"firo' ^rf.iii^rB'BtfiirUiif u Vi,;:>; wftf'Vnibiint
Which, for th
> tv;L-; _ oV'-fy j iuc-vi viii:i;iiiiy;'6J.t4rt!arJng.:'ippar<!lv.i8rtd' ? iuv.;. j Vunv Ci'iiuijiti^, iavo -.un-rt^nu'-d sent esiiin:
!!, boiiU'Uh'M no iiniilii iiaSi-T/lftdfe'hitiiWajrf'tV-'SJoliU'::.'!': fir -••- -'-"-'•• '.•.•.•u-a;'},! ,;(i:,i ID »;'.ti!;.-, "»$r"
, ^ i NI-V,',j(-,v.';cy L':f;: •-. :.;'.: i.ij;!,;;^-':!!.;-! fjv r.iit. ( -DVili-'. u.-o vf tin:' ri.ifi.-iiiiin.iit '.-^.
on tbis'nippci
-I).'- II! 'I ,. <i!:t:l.. h;-.vi:ii;'iin.iid :in ;!:,',i...:k 011 u.v.i irr ;n:ii!'i- V'iMii.'i 1 '":if yii^d^y, :HH! iiiii/;- i-> bio fmldn < ;
N. n. " 1'"" !'"•' !.''»,r(t"aA«r mV^tli
Tho receipts foe \
and alii that lour yr;iv;'., .v;;:;
nt a vrssul, thn 1
| Nirhofit GttldS .And the.;t".:)ii'ii !it-,i.;<.-..- da ?
inji.ii.ip Bowdloi arl -•_, four yea,:
|i(v hino-intOi" :;isiiii!, :,unk by !lu
pose of]
-, ,
-Qr"mi§i6sen»ej of
urtaoiied, ;and a-
f»is occasion, col«
" *\ Mr. Mil),
in-a rew-minutes,
•nt- of cowls, kc.
ascended in %
and successful mariner.—,
rrtd!_ ;
j|»ent' of,JVfr. MV- prepara-
"Stely subsequent td'tha
to eyerjrtBpecla-
altogether one. of
iwhich we have,f5r*-'a
""in Philadelphia,
ft'-a'.native of Philadel-
joed that lie• wilK not
This, his first experiment
i skill, tact, knowledge,
tirfn;'to J**>Ur- 6bserva-
1l Jf,ivbr'us with an-
of his sprostal.ic .excel-
is not doubted, that a
full load oj passengers on those^ripV; tj^j patronage will favor the
seem'ill at the should have been ob-serv-
tfie balloftu, in a few minutes af-
Crossed the Dataware in
S'o',000 d'pllars, of Camden, and it is not
pay the contractor - of Mr- Mills'sde-
expense find inoonv. :e'rtnincd with correct-
fation of the nia.il- tni^ht d r. It-o'clock this day.
Orratlier,<o give the transti •£•-3.. --v--' '•-'.•
thfe additions* character, • this §10,000 ft is Mr..-Mills', own ac»
funds.of thn
to these contractors; n[n3 th
'" **'"•' afternoon, >
ll,.4th,.aboveMarket. )
I.'.Thursday, 14 minutes
Bry.lhing being prepared
wliicn;share '"'•'Vbegan mv ascent.—
on thiji lini fiffballasted, the bal-
transport Wwly^lvnd-passing at
over'the city) I was
rvo tho»«rrangemcnt of
Ito see the roofs of the
fed with people; _so that it
ils,are sustail as i f the whole population
t of the ptibll' SiTthe roofs arid in the streets- In
eni'td thnir partners, ^->»™ monopoly set tip by issins over tho city,t. threw out some"
uponainy ncc'ou'nt^book of tl.ic c o mparnfls TnerTrof these'(leMiliona/daiT_ s, and discharged some bat-
direct tioti whi.cl: express mails, is of. the most.
t)f the com from• : 0,000,
«>"*i- >£••< ' the Hecsidc, on !iis examination, stated, that,
dealing between man,i t
ract, to they had kept this back, to pay some tendency. They enable"the:large mail Trie .Delaware presented an agreeable
the'whole Ti contractors .to. put down and ruin any sight, glitferiri^Tike a pure and unruffled
The' first case examined by. your committee Prior. ,fo Anit ,an rxprasj|mail was orderV old debts of tho companies, which ,l(iey !
was a conimi George, llontfl, of LiiiJsay. aorf' ors -for car- eil to be run on the same routK, supposed-had,,been'^provided for, .but" man AV!IO shaltattempt to compete, with mirror, ~an^ full of boats. Several steam
•Gullipolin, ii hit>. andllio folfovr- ryintjthe maji Blown to JMcGon- at a yearly compensation.of ^ S, 150 which were unexpectedly- -found to tx» them in-^hevlransportation of pnssengers; boats were in' sight.
a "
bttinus, thby again bid ....«-.: «**••• «f*,'.-T-V.»«<l'''i*)S* s"t —i 4&d the sum. appropriated for ttfgir &thii9,fdr!want of that wholesome-corn pe­ After passing Camden a considerable
to can jiriea a,^ft|Wlin four the |d-jjtttl yearly 2S,775 payment; but bcirig*%'fae(^Uy.-inter, tit ioti'rtbfdi trre"Anntural coftrifeifcthrn ie,«J^jctors 35 minutes, found the
hoisc he stated, that tbis" would otherwise create,are barVmeter^
** ..v.-u^«.;^_l-' •.-. .-i_ t: »>»jr»
__praai -.
jaseioown m-inc^repor^oi inei——„--.—,. ^-••«„»,•
Maine* Jii
vJ-» —.tbe con-1 in the
i , ••»- 7-« L . TL •
ScriU'ftbeiSilLof'.Wril. 1832 Uractor for carrying tTiti-Tri3H from Bed- ered to oxist until..about,tbt *<
theSlefEfccenjbtr, 1J34 I ford
f«.,» to
tn Blair's
Ttl n ;^. Gap,°and
n^^ nn .l from T, n .n Blalr's
Ul^l.'1 . Gap nOppllie first
n. n jal Rrar ten
tnn llinii«nn<l dollars of this time- • colorerj-niaii
as me conitecior, at $4Qa year
._.. jurf' .._-_ ilnl
On the filea'of tlio dcparlmrnt. is a letter In. the of exlia alluwannes of the Ad to Cumberland, once a week, f n .horse­ 'extra allowance was receive'J. by him pleasure^ __ mediately after making my observations,
from Geo. House to the Postmaster Gi'neral.di- of March, 1834, no extra allowances on this and Slay maker—the whple amount so It is not the purpose'if your'Comtnit- passed a magnificent cloud, nearly on
tad al Washington, January 23th 1941, in contract is noted, but in that "part of the samo back, from the 1st of January,' 1832, to and so retained by them, on-thin mittee, by these remarks, to arraign the a level with the balloon, nt a Bmaj| Jis- '
"tobncn he propose* to carry the mail three report which gives a statement of the retrench­ the 31st of December, 1935, at a yearly
times a week, in a steamboat from (Jharlestbn, ments ordered, this route is noted Ihua (in pago compensation of $275. In the report of account appears to have been sixteen thou conduct of ahy'clai's of individuals:'— lance. It was fleecy, white as snow, or
Kenhtwa, to GalUpolia, at (30 per niilo, per an- 253) "123l,IIager3town to McC.onnellsbnrg, ,the 3d of March, 1834, [Doc. 183,p. 198] sand, »ix hundttad. f dollars, These men, Uku all o^hers,, pursue their like R vast volume of curled &. wreathed
-Tiura, to commence as soon as hia.ttoa't should be James.Reside four weekly trips.ieducod £700. "Yijnvi Reeside is reported to$e the con- sixty-six and two-tli'irii cents. 4>Wn',-Hidivi(!unl intorcslsj^atid r^arjy of steam.' •' •' •'•••;•>
ready in the 8pring;Si ho adds, that his pfo'jkisi fcjpt, understanding .'precisely how $1,QO-could tractor for carrying the mail on these lowance of this money and its applica­ lliem labor oooaaionallyfifgc.'' " v *iv ' A-t4^5inin. tcm. 80 dg. Barom. 25. \-
tion is made in pursuance of a T""***^***1151 an of the *A't>5r'§*»H6 ' do. T3dg. do 23.
'-'•''•—- jii), without, runt adding routes, [Not. 1*15 and 1230,] from Cum- tion are alike.remarkab,' "'"" were
' loMiorts of the ' department mai sssg^ §uun, ainetiiber of your. ' ' ' ' lllair'%G.>p, three M mesa also certain pecuniary^ s of.a' ose to inaric tlie geni'ral (en- Afa". "5 do. .do. 70 dg. do 21.0^
Jiaywari in Deteinbpt '(intri) V Ctiinn\iyj^j§iPrl^u£BHMi^iul^fiQv<' r l' lu di private nature-bet ween theie-corfirnctors, and fow travellers can Tlfis was the highest elvcvation reacliod
timatcd JiatiiRco is yiity four 'horse po.st cuachpj, «t' an
crcpai ^compensation of 4,500 00 ;tnd scrne of tlteotlkers of the department; 8bserv8'.that tho comfort in this trip, beiug considerably, upwauls
In a' commif "he 25th ;pf > February, xv'hich -came under'-Mv
..•iu:_t. .__^._ .. .1 :. . ^i.^Wrfi.-- ». L-
btice ofj«. ^ . .. ipSssongpr in the of;two miles from the earttt. It was barely
tlio Postni&sti aKasjjdirecled to run meri i.t.h'e"exislont;e possible, at this height, to distinguish thn
.February, 1831, edford and cdnsiJcratioh. ^on the same largest houses^ from ttlhor objects, the
Hosse.at^l.C i additional Some time in Uie yQ'al to . _____': houses ofordinary .size could not be seen
a Week in a'j" 2,911 78 Brown applied to Sjaymak, SJ'WBSftt^of these at all; and the little streams teem (o ba
that the all loan of nuitipyi($30oi whic: slender silver threads, winding along the
^f April;"] itMCt of 375 accordhigljijftleiit .him, but '-green catUK. Tho. woods \\ern
Black may
be done? and Jnade ffo'-fnemorandu !1gTeen, and the lighter green of tho
•ei onl — | action, which took placclffthe"'' pre'sl .fields'had a tiq$e 6f yellow.
on Bin Ja'mw^ees'ule and S. li of n,o - ono but them:selves.i1'*^| it 5 hour?, 15 minutes, tcmperaturo
tuute fromt e contractors Ibr •ca'tryf time Mri.:Bro.wn i-.-~ '14 degrees, barpmeler 22.7. I was
tract ap.,, n Philadelphia to"-Pills' could lend him;()irce tho lowered thu^ far 'by jetting orfgass, for
« and Blacji neatly compensation o{ the usual rale of interest,..'., Id HoMee a ;head on account of the
' .ItorsubackJ rom Pittsburgh to Washin promised, and some limoj .floating before me, and which,
of the the "
contract out i ttftedby the same wind, could not
U in the hamls v£, bont. irtaken.
mi made n see.beneath these clouds,
A letter, written7 by" iJaation (or ir tor Temple, 'o the'! p'prt, ied 1o be a moderate
lG»ncr»l on tho 2d of^I_ fsetilcd. The* fcthe rcpoli the
' 18th of Apri omised loan'. pulntcdj row sir'ipe of ocean,
lie had not yet got his steatni )oc.2l2,.| jefore the'committee, that .tit that timo' t|»cir c. 1-upy.udent .to come down
doei notjtnpw. •whcn'ho B if <vfl""S that the- Veport'of tjie 33'of March, 1834' be had not the' required sum. of money jjinc \v\ile
that he netet jj'tn", fur,|! : - y^SjflRie the 'accelerated ye-
•on horseback on that rou" liis bid, that [Doc. 133, p. ipa.j'they are staled to be at command but uiuleitook, to raise lt,,&' >e niotion led mo to perceive
icil-inarks, nnd contractors for carry ing the mail dp .the accordingly d.««4«e •it Uy. means OJE
-.---.I! • .!_- J'l * - •••' I '*
. At tho letting of con tracts'it7 so of^wind, and: gave mo
TouteNo. 1,588, from"Cliii1 "*''' 'in1 copyins;,'it.— same route?, ond-Mn addilion^i"s ' * ' draffs, drhftrv d being carried off to sea.
was bid off by A. \, .! R »•*«.'*• intended for $1400, from-Washington'to'Wheeling Jar ber,. • h'undred 'fnVbmeter 77 dg, barome-
hum, the mail to be carriei rW.': '!• ' _ __ twice, was ia, [which is also covered by theCoVitract drawn amuel R. Slay1 'de&cend rapidly became nb-
In four Kbrso postcoachc»,'' i ten (Ted forft 1999, and HIP. Postmaster of Stockton & Ncill,] at an annual com­ B. B en dor'sdi) b ssary, for I <Vas near to the
ted,»ndiia •'--'""" ^ side*,'
trcncral adds that O. B. Brown ropor- pensation of ^^^^» " Sble at riihet •~* Js, to. b^ sc'cn'' ahead of
the 18ihl J" ted to hjm_at anotlier 'jjjic tjnsc Siyin™s On tho 5th of MipfeasVthere They were negotiated at
tractor. JFaa. a great 'forest, ap-
9n. ofV was made on thj^route a year­ Bank in 'ding, to the- OCOAQ. ^s
'& ly extra allowance from April Patriotic Bank I near to the eed|lr, tho
inghim'tnaP 1, 1332, of 10,000 collection. The; |J8(H»,- and th^roaring
suspended,,and -thatih'isL— of And there was ordered an express by the proceeds ttjB^Wihdj-n-otV'hfiard for the first
him tojjive it up, as iV wafw a mail on -the same route, lo be James Reeside, on 'nic of a difficult Ih'nding.—
•tage lino from. £hillicolho) "Tun-'b'y James Reeside, from three.Jhousand dbllr anchor into a field of
houM be oonnectejj wil i/iqf'l * Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, at a This draft was suffer grass., but althoiigh it CHUght,
' rromCfaUipoU»"tolC L- £A
yielded u> the requ
anil' yearly allowance of two beyojjd. ;0 away by Uie bal-
»t route was,< went, butj£ fdr a moment, and
V>but«wiihout <jayu
out of the' wMH. The
\tten and.,autp , _ anehor arrested-by iWeivd tree,
liibited- to, yotirMcommittfl fouilimo-thpui limbs; and catching
, Uoiue to0- B(.:Brown, without«,dat] nic sand Uolla 'tho whole top of the.
mart, in whjch he^eayg ho hae carrip tfew out of the ma- and O. B. Br(i rjt to (he ground, and
From Chillftothe.to pallipoliu, ami .
J »nr« hi lames R'e^ijdo and on Ueeside ^ broad side of the car,
" " ' " ts!-
!;mid in """he allowances 'In which dr]J portion (hat side. As
_ ond the amount of. anchor^ Ove balloon
^pn tliat sub- .Wi.Ta'r and legal coh», somejimes .touching
JBC».nf- tracts, 1 is 02,1^.^ dollars and W cent as ncs bounding forty or
iljoned year; amounting, during the contipu transaei tho air. Saplings, aend
of their contracts, to the enormoui • .mp's ir^t|rvene%rand were
and 12 cents, given to rown or«hrew mi^up again
the ilepartmeht, Two reasons kjpl me by
i i! unwilling Jo lone it,
'ii Ills: but of wj f tho .mfttjon "made cs-
ertain- .tlengllLM I came near
'.is^icllcd tochooso
BIV.», «l|!
tie bazar
feet, jumped* to
-The balloon relieve
ro«ei^ain..rapidly intl
ed'off 'tofjhe oceaj
•mnrth, at tbay
afteiwimJjLlffl. cd _that l!v'.x tun
f' JV*: *l3*''S9F*Uf&
ill on.'vL. alisnteti
•)|i,ftnd curios!* • ti f.it*-: •-..-
rection, react

Ims occasion, col« ' • ".".•''.j returned

D. Re»mer,t ':> !i r inai supply of
Wftibers'incalcula. Furnace, Bn
'clock^ Mr, Mil], assisted me '-iL_ " ul:;< '';"•;' :lt llio sborleat notic'caml on very '
in a Tew-minutej, brought me tori f-i^.Hji-] UM:-..',-, be has also en hand a varie-
>nt of cools, Sic. the night. ;.*^ w .. .
d{* ascended ^in a, ThI onlf thiu gS^riilchde* ffftrritd Miss
c'fessftil mariner-,— immense e»»joymen{ of tKii ul and >in- •\ ARTICLES,
possessiorMiVident ; are th^dis'appftinknel^ oj ^ :r most re-
rJifc./M'.- prepara- iipK In-- old fcustornnr.i an
companion theballoon jand''myfin'orfni fnnrrveninp; Mrs. " '•> '-i<v> him ncall.ai.,^^
subsequent to tha I ometer and corrinass.'JTh^.'two 1 \(ll jjgjjjojlie^Df the bride] hud n ; l! "/ ! ' ''• •"!'• i'l'lf doiibt bnt \vbat tboy""
le toeveixspecta- I wire tossed out ^rinpftj^l!ra"<!;, and i:\de, nnd'sent 1 '''"' <•<<<: iiuii-lin.se. Ho returns his
i altogether one of I [other has gone ci^'toTnen,. probably fa I .children.. On. l^aiid stilt
:h we have, fit- a ' |beyond .the .chances, of . recp^elyV I aV onerous
in Philadelphia. nappy to add lhat my injuries-pr
inativeTDfPhilrtdef- ?» very'formidable character'
vthat be .wilK-not
from the nature of the
is first experiment on to apprehend n ni'ucl
, tact, knowledge, issue.
>5ses»ion,J*are only I do not feel disc •^.
ijtfi%Ur" dbserva- theie mishaps, but
lYvbr us with on- u» pursuance of tbe provisiuna.of the l-Khfut Hth Knst aide of
can obtain a new^.-.^ mental article contained' iq thq.,^ | limits of the town \
s aerostatic .excel- thar assent /rom :.i?hii_.^^..^, ''V 8'*P public notice that a,(»« "Hgr, as I suppose, of/"?; .
t doubted, (hat a new contribution* to (he -seien >f'the Stockholders ofvBaid Banft'.,
2;e will favor (he ostation and meteorology T il-jl'i-tho Bankinor housoin the town of'Sfif-]
inve been obstrv- I am very..resBfi<itfuUirT hogton, on MONDAY tho 8lh day of Sepfejn- md;
a few minutes af- & W. 1 iieit, at 4 o'clock .in, the aft^noon, to i ' iiso,' for tha •
iTow no nppc WB<toai4(8ratiynj ind val-
the- Dataware in i in-'all"t
m, and it is not »-—'£et'rio oho elso ii _
|]ce<l, and not one of (h'a.t Ilevo- inanlialnoidontf*, Alj
ic'I with correct- {Ip.iivoided.tliQ.cpstard. All
'clb($c '-' day.
•' this Marge n .
iLjIMttist rot e*»are a 1K i n • a- su.a next Btn-U
. own Saturday i/Uanji^ ppople semn p, lately occupied b>
• Tlicre'is n!so two
me. case of
it). afternoon, • Yesterday., being .tt
*bov« Market. eirated in this TOT
ature*--88 degrees; situ;i(oil iinmrdi-
otic spjrits- in true . [Ghojitank river, at
irsday, 54 minutes
that the great be* 1ms lnu>n rsi-
ng being; prepared 3.equal to any in tlin
sgau mv ascent. — much engaged id th'«
Br iho property may
allaste'd, the bal- not attend. _______ with aHout/;«i g .tRrjp.s—or
y, rind- passing at Some ho jjrevcTSWJnfRHflJ^Fn'rt Ww5 •T..-1-ihetaW *«?•"•,
H'tthB city, f was participators in' the Joyous' festival nnd'it ( •»»,i r*«i. Tnumaa A. K ta ujwn
i»nrranp;emcnt of necesaary lhat^6arpar«t'wpuld appear at an fms apply to. nip, at'
am D. Ball, r, ur ID
the' roofs of the etrly hour to-day wo cinnot giva^.ho particu­ Jbsiali llonon, tl). •Hu.I-
icopie; so that it lars, but will hold it in re«'erveTofJt!ur(iie eir stomachs' William B. (Jny,
2 whole population -*.,- . ' and i'qrrh Joel 'IllaisdolK
1 in the streets- In a IHtlo from the hut, n indigestible hard^nia»s,-wnir'l%wi"i ln «&bYtint|ro •_ Boy so, uaa one or more _ ^ ^
Mr. 'wfslitngton, latp nierabcr.of Cohjt.^y, {tlesnj>ke lived for a^rent WiUiaip Kilmer, anged .for the I'ianoor-Qiiiiwr.
t threw out some" from Maryland, has bcdn cr4cled* Presiffent bf aofj presfnf Upon dissection,H.good cast
charged some bat? in.d died ^at. last ft pm. the ftiie rat's ^itomn'ch, and <>j)eeilily' pi^- li. .A. denkiD.s, Sveryfltx.numbofs.of the .Work form an el
tto-Chctupeake and Ohio Canal'Compariy, in John Uoae, rant -Wiim* BUttaule fo^blnding, &(fd wil
the place of General Eaton, appointed Gover­ his o\vn venom.1 uco n kind 'of Alilcrmnnlc death, i. e.
rill-/a+a, that the->Senator from FrajcutS: Walter, ,hegp^re'fwnisned ^gratuitously a »uporbly
entedan agreeab'o nor of Florida? yyrrenicd'mbleindigestion, ^v . yp Memct,
pure and unruffled Jl/aryland had tokl a story about a rattle* graved Tnjatfage, and a general
liclwrd Duiiovaii, Oontonts.. i -<t ."^r-JvMl*-"
ts. Several steam from Ifa Bolit'mon Patriot of IhtZd. snake, but htrhad not tofil the whole.— [Daniel 1>. Lee, The tjpo^rapliioal exeonttoo o^tlle Lady'1 _-^^-^m - - Wa'dniinis-
RUMORS—nolftuig^witre;;—The Philadel- Tho atention of the nkf man was called • ^^. Y
Book Is suoh that the proprietor challenges tor ofGeni^«4lp||l|Ul)Hif'Talbot Coun­
len a considerable •phia Inquirer says it is rumored that Mr. to ;jjhe fctutnp bjr,the3?acklmg of'nn old Kitchen .Seen*,—Sally, Ibe comparison with any Magazine, wbetner-Kti- ty, deceased, it il*^^P-
minutes, found the Woodbury has directed tjio .public depositcs to Ho. had not before understood mnid parins;ap_ples in the corner. ropcan or .American. The beat materials and -ORDERED, That ho RIVQ tho .milieu'
!s,8t jhe ba'rVtneler^ I.
t*flhe Qirajd.toBank
Kieatored S. CaHjHSHiadelpliia,
the U.bavin* ^™™"iit f*-'J Enter Obediah, "who seats L!t tlio ablujt ^workmen ara einpljyed.iJtnd tho re^niredjHbjf- law for •• creu'jtore^ t
or-intrj ' lie corner opposite .to Sail most scrupulous regard i Their ; 'cuilm8 against t.ba. . said'
" 1st Ju' *6r fifteen' mln TUcMycral pjigera OR ibe.KjWtei.n,Snorpof e|tatfiScthat ho causo tbosnme to be published
Maryland \vi\l plrato copy the above and Bend of the various subjects wlych itaaittte Vho let- 'once in oacn week for the 'spare of ibrco suc­
•,-.„— .^p,.- . n» raeas ^ tbelr Ijillg to tho oCbo of the Chestertuwn'. lar-press. ^. , '-jKlfr •'--•- cessive wcoliu In one of tlm nowspapers prin­
Jackson, with regard to tho public 'Tho LitonO^i; department of iho LaiJy.'s ted in llie town'of Easlon, fe-nfSo in one of tho
; my observation*, and the Bank. , ^. ere's considerable imperceptiljla e£^£
. ,^ urday were;Oftsy JKJSys weather .since PROPOSALS Book comprises every thing.,which is deemed newspapers printed in tho eily-of JJalti'moic.
cloud, nearly on suitable for lhat SMC to whose.use it is .princi­ In testimony that the foregoing- is truly «>-
a, at a smajl dis- ' APPOINTMENTS""^ THE _bn»reas. The Ioiij;nnd .ttfterestitij; Sally—Taint so injudicious and so .. ,„..... ty Siilsnnptinn, in tht city of Dnl- pally devoted.- Tajes, which are distinguish­ ,v ' pi ejh front tho minutes of pro-'
white as snow, or ; DENT, ; taiKof proceotlings published in our col ndiibriou's cold ns'twas, the phenomicnii ' Ji'fiinrc a weekly Butrrarij JVeuupnpcr,
entitled the *>'*'
to be ed by interes'tinjf.fticrdents,-"viffprV)uB,ilarraiiyc, ifTS, of Tulbot dinuly Or-
curie*) Jc wreathed By Sf with the advice If'consent qf. ihc Senate. um'ns^Vill acquaint the reader -wjjli. -t^i towered up to four hundred degree chnsto diction, and tho absence of uiankiab
William Hunter to be Charge d'A^irs to particulars of the various and important icr than zenith. ., "Unllitnore Young Men's Paper," sentiment; I'oetry, ip which.scnsu has no| beou '.tnir seal
Brazil, in tho place~of Eihan. A- Br^ixv^, re­ subjects which successively engaged;the "r^I think's -likely -for birds- ""''"" ,ho auspices of the Baltimore Young sacrificed to sftund.but, where glowiiin; lli.oiiKh.ls -this 10th,
lg. Bnrom. 25. 1. signed. :• Men's S^Muty. aro sopsibly _o.xpres3ud, Essay.^ upon plcnsinir J one -in tha yoi\r of our
do 23. attention,of both Ifouses, during lh of that sp€fle*fly a-ferlisaffe* quantity high-;
Richard Pollard to be. Charge d'AITuircs jo trncted',. sidings of tho'e^ days* cbfd'ones. Baltimore Yining Hhhi'a and instruetive,>uhjecla;.Bi(igr;i[i|iioal £ anrl thirty four.
1?;. do 21.2. Chilo, in theplaco of John Hnmn _ ee ^"*irC n/vlil" nnpq. ^*
oa of_Jllu8trious Women; Aiu-c.dote.s, unj
Sennte-remainRd in session tintHj assumes a grave ..,.,....jd to piomoLa tliu moral and-iny....
elvcvation reached Eben R. Dorr to bo. Consul 'for i improvement of thyYouug Men .in (lie oily by indelicalQjriuendov.Si lively Uon.-nm'i Wills furTMlbotcuuiiiy.
siderably^upwaitls Ayr«s, in the placo'of Gco. W. Slacum o'clock orr!?riturdny nis;htfSm!(l \ . -C I.. l_
tbem more intimately in tint lio '
.'* '._ if^-l.......

arth. It was barely moved. in' Na-

until two licjji'^nfter nji'jUJKjjt- (he sties.. patq« I unito
—r ncquatnUince, and to ..extend kin?__ ^ constitute, alo «c,e toJlic above order,
to distinguish (do Williarp M. Gwin to bp._M_a/S] »nd ti2 and 'fellowship tothoso, who coming from tl.io: ynrious
District of Mississippi; in tho pi REBY «IVEN\
oilier ;jQ.bjee»s, the parcnial homes hither, in pursuit of wealth or Woiky r,jf,of TalUjt county
W. Dickson, appoihtedcllcco)ve dist|neUoii, ar*'p.-irtienliriy'ex'iwaed'tp all th;
could not be seen Humphrey li: Loavitt 1 -' 1--
be Jude'ft jo Orphan's' "couit
temptaliund to vice itnd dissipation,'u-h'mli Uthi" .. -.
reams teem to ba Distrtct o( Ohio, in the^lagi Lit )iaa Warylnni) Idttera of.
qvcVV 'largo ci^y, airo too often fndil to yoiU" '""' irrepna] ^6slate . of
winding along the pan, rejected by the Senate i\n"d{|iexpiiiicneo._ To carry o\\t. t"
The. woods wero Charles Howard, Elisha TibbcitB',' and "jt • tou'nly
pies,' no moans cmild be employed moro (dice ittliosaiU
D;hter green of the Klmaker, to be Directors'of'the Bank tivethan thi proas'.'^'Nyith n poriodiua
l/nitetrStatetVln'tho ~^-- -" ''—'' ied. to
yellow. published uiideflts'atiBplccs, tho " no" ear
lutes, temperature Saul Alley, an ium\efin\le- bU'd to extend moto wldjly"1
appointmeht. .; ..>* :ordeal ^IstenM, andti'
sir" 22.7. I was f oth-
Jting offgass, for atno means, whatever
From the Washington Corjogrj , whatever o
Don account of the son's Advertise wili bp
I me, and which, with
WADHIMOTOH, Ji find exorc'iM,
|me wind, could not .The t*vo Houses of, f .-»•»«'• JT;
bout half past i that the"]
enth these clouds, of the aflerno •». suspect i upon such a '
be & moderate ination of Mr?
w 8.\r5pe of ocean, Navy, and subafquently. tbat of Mr. W|
as minister to Russia, ^{lie Pjegi<lent*1i| 'to tin ,rr?ft«i'.i*<' .
nt to come down vetoed any of tho bills which nave bceii jr.m'v
the Accelerated ve-
idove. to 'perceive
ed, but retains a bill .making i -^ nd of I lie lovors
for an improvemenj.snJLb.pVVi now sulicilwl. «j j r^f>
d, and ; gave me consideration.,V I *n^Pflffln tn> day,' he . Ifho^jiaracierofilio^'Y^iiny »M<!ii lioii .res; ^r«'/drais-
in very fine health, and t am r/ssurod ia«*?d [fll ba.coiisoiiant wilh th'o priucipUiH of. llio tli
carried off to sea. yJT.Talbot
er 77 d», baromc- He goes to TenncsseQ in. ten^ <)atety of which it is tho organ. Coiubi
•apidly became ab- this place very early in thA iiteVaturo with Morality, its aim will b Fnbri (o ex-
tired of it, and as sooh'nB I f muVarid instruoti whiW, irt-f--OTI*""^""
I tfas near to the tie leisure at home? Bhall^ ta title, tho general'tem [to be >pub-
^..a.eW' ahead of prospectus, «f the g«)Bne that' to awaUon .Y|mtyl n^.of threw
great 'forest, ap- til the two bodies TeassemblollrM 0110 of lh« |i«v»jp»pcr<
(rations, to iiN|lM.tliem to considoiatrieir, II (HI?) '»'• !»'

(lib town of r.'.iston, and'alHirlhqk

> the oceAD' As Every body seems .-ion vast oapabililicR, -and. to dirooMowa^dtjpob* i printed in tho city oHSalu-
to the eajtb, the ••roour, and in.\l_ bjecls, tbatardour,which
I,- and tho*Toaring thing has not been do n frivolous dissipation, or
'heard for the first useful to the public,'yoTflijt Jly .olTof bd"a room ixtravagance.«. ,_•(• *-•*-•
•houldera strong enough &, nlaaiic'* A portion of the. pa per will bo-«ocmrp(ediby :ir,ti1J|)»r,
difficult -landing.—• " '•' tho pur'posa ol
ior inlp a field of bear and throw off when nccewnrvnri' oviewsand critioa^ttotioes.' • The-- ohvadter
when i> becomes insupportable. Brinod, that iho and talents of .thoprontlfimnrr whoso-names ar6
although it CHUght, ilako place thero appended to, this-ProspirctuR, ,will"bi».an»Bssu-
away by the baN i i.-t oxpeuUd tliat ance not only lbal«»ki8VHleparlmenf."will be
or a nyomfint, and sustained with
. Tho .,(.
Itled.by tWeiwl tree, tornIlavrg
mbT^and catching
'whole top of the. I New York Daily / liMh*
t to (he ground, and pious film of Havr^ kit the ^
>ad aide of the car, 1 Paris to tho 25th |,or .$'i.50 If paid uln advance.- • r
with th,e latest Hi Ai\veni»eu>ui\Ul insoiled on th
n that side. As TIIBI following; jwjpaiKi-i
perusal of them, wtTS
the balloon character to trtVu*" ted to cuiitriUaJb
>mej,imes Jouching peat Patriot Lafal Pail
bounding 'forty or ing of the 21st, an|
Savings, deod Viousljpitatcd; hoi
r«htii|yfihd were Pariw ftaij
people of'•---t" J. A. I
,Kovefl> 0. W
Iflfety me up again „-*• .1.(J. .i»|
"* "; i kftplme by I honor j,^^. G."
Ilihg to lose it, .CHy^qulet.- _.. .
[offjxirfecllyqttiot. J.P.IW
m ,maJe es- [ at Havro were hoi
f menear Tha' Paris Job?
lochooso I ationo arc this mu
rorfi tho I1 arm. oi
, neafcEaston^wl
hirerl.'early on,.£u.ndaj
^lasV,'tho' I'Sth iust. a tall
ihc- ^iH'.iin-'inj'uu'nt of lUrcd -negro man, nnrnod
"\V. '..''• ,-: ii Library.
t-Sliondf-W. Wi'Hartdy,- Samuel Ba-
l'lii>3 \vil| bo iollowed, at .:;: o; .,Roberts, BaltircbTc-
!-Thomas and T- Dcnuy, Easton. a her
U.8 MemolM,of Hetiry Masara <•.. about'sixTegriiighj' thirty years of ngo timorc, \.q;frtih iiipply of-
aswc^lied for tHrfty five y : long arms;and logs and in gcriera^a ttioinin
t Stito Pfisohs in ,l<ranci ;
"ORNAMENTAL ing felloiv^olonging to the su {Corner
The : Woiks publisher itt tho curv rlk L.
cciitor of -MmfeRachel •' Ke
r» respectfully informs jBTpffwith two o
'BOW on tho point of cohipleUon, ..an f Easton, arid the public gcner- ritlerrinn' of tins
Ko has commenced Abe abowbuBi- onea negro lad, named JACOB, applied'™^ SA TUR
ruitsner, or tho -.viiii-h he- will <li:i|)(i';o of low for cash or tr llyithat - -".""**— " «•»-- scribed to. me 8^8-,of a tawney complexion— a> culated to m _\jg been'passed .byihe laat Gen- BY A LEX
the author of .Canterbury 'V1 >! punctual ciistortio!- -. . sevcn or eight inches high—1 Ssembly, and being now In forcei lo.au*
jjjrnoirav.of-.Sir James Camp'iell, oi'Ard- W. Bi .All pnvixiiuj having accounts standing and Slianahan's Caj dy in walking, the .other t^ -thori/o Joshua'j.Jrf. FarflknerNl»te •" eheri of
fifcr, Written by himself: a vwy • pedant nested opposite McNeal &--1 WF,,
where ho is prepared to oxcculo every variety ame' Phill, about twenty foilf packet. Talbot County'or hisjissigpsio complelo~h'u 1
ihlaining anecdotes of. most of the'd is- adark mulatto-s-about five feet .mo prompt and collection of fqes Sic.,'and the said fees being * TWO DOLL
.(-_„..— individuals of tho
:ujt«:.l.. n ln rtf*l»« l^ct . .
civlrr^vn^r«. (ifVainting with neatness & despatch, and at
such prices asheliOpeswll accord with thopres six inches hig im^i^^n*v d Inn mnnllest assigned by Faulkner wriiB securities who | Per annum, paya
Gaod Sir \Valtor, a talo by the author of
s'uro flf tho times. He solicitg.^trial, arid feels •'It it very certain thatTtli|SI|^iyow8 have „order thankfully ^strictly fulfilled, are-wilh/said , Faulkher, under execn- A I) V lil\
Family Portraila. V . ; ! assured that it will ensure a' continuance of made -their' way''to Jersey eo?l !Di3lawarn .or IM faV V, 1)7 next co'tfrt, Jtfay- term. ' . Th» ...
The Broken Heart; o dramatic sketch, from r.ubscribers'bcing duly authorized iand required V, ^ Not exceeding a
iblic .patronage- ^.; Philadelphia as they /wero seen travelling to-1
the Italian. All orders from the? country thankfully rb [Tether on the.Main road in thn» direction, on j by satd Securities to comploie said* collections •"for ONE DOL
Rome in the Nin'elecntli C/ontury; In a sc­ j bjmpxtVCourt, hereby give notice to all con-
ries of letters written during a residence in . ivcdand'promptlyexecutiQd; also Old ' M-- : - ; Sunda* rooming last. j CENTS for every
repainted and Gilded.in the latest slyli . 1 will :• pay a rewaid of one hundred and | cerncd, that they wifl iiftmediately enter upon
•hat city, by:a Lady. -
^ The Usaf and Pamb Page, it Talfe fifty dollars'fpr ( tho dolivory of Levin to mo
in Easton, or one hundred dollars for securing- 'ilinfri -by-mdei ofl^rfasigns to complete lh«
Anecdotes of the (3ourt of Lojiir'"1' roUectioii by JlfayT/purt—and the Securitirs CLOC)
bySrio Duke ofSt.: Simon, ...\, TO
.^ THE '-**"•- hitn so"
'"•""•' '
that I got him again.
JOHN LEEDS KERR- liope and 'expect, that as they Mve a large sum
The Black Watch; an Historical "undersigned havin" been 'appointed to raise, andtlfb, collection ottRese fees is th«
trig author of iho Dominie's Legacy; b®(JtOGlST to tlio State' of JV/ary'and, Easton, Mil. May &V1834.
.principal Bonrce'of-r'elieffor them, and the a-
One of ihe best novels say tho Lumii ileorSS'tt advisable to make known to.his fel- mojhnW3iie~iYom each individual being compar­
*zinM of.the present day. roV**eHi7.ons tliff^duiieVVhich. under."slich ORMAUYLAND. atively sma'l, that there will be no difficulty
Tudor'a ne^lr book of Travels in Mi-3 iritmciit he is required to perform, ;arid 'to presented 'in_ stjr 'quarter, ,as the colleclioa
Cuba. V ;,-'..,->*-•• '.'-._.'... .... ,„. them of his readiness .to satisfy their „-,-.- ^ must ho-,made. ir ^-( v .
Allan Cunningham'a Biogrsplncal and Lrit- , as well as of -tho most convenient hereby .nuTJiied,'- that a* 'general meeting will WM..C, RIDGAWAY,Di8trict.No. i.
loal'History of .'Literature for tho last fifty v -Til E subscriber has just returned from Haiti
itvxyhich their appltcatiori'to hinrtjjay bo be hbld.al theirrBankincr. House, in thai City more, and is P- now opening tho .assortment ,TN0 -( HARRINGTONTDictBct No. a
Helen, a Novel, hy Maria Edgcwiot,
BYuhe generous offer of a gentleman"1^
c-' ' - """ ' ~- ' oCJla^imore, on -MONDAY?, live 7tl» day of
WrttiQ duly of iho rjRlo<;ist""to' Tniako a July.nexti from' teri .o'clock, fa M^ 'till two o1'-
ihd SHOES; had. J. D. BROMWELL, District No. 3.
, Journal nf-rr^Vesi India'.P d the'public ari EDWARD ROE, District No. 4.
ifiwhjhroiighont'tho State, to s'upcrintdnd jomplctc, " a'inihntc geological survey' Of the clock,- R'M-'for the piirpose of electing sixteen "Hc.i6"dcterr The sul)scrihi
during a tesidCTBo'irt Ihb Islatti ie Agricultural ami Political departments b|" SthtPj '"Comnonciriir withj that portioj whioh Directors Ibi^th'o ensutn"- year. . - " - ' ' from li.-iltuihjre i
tho laletMatthiBW G. Lewis, _, . v' n l? expired sineo
y^wper, 1 am cndbled tb-propoae to pub- i,elonga to tiio Terliarj. order of ngical . i^y orders": '•, -RJ MICKtE,- Cashier. Crcat variety of Palm leaf HatSr?ilackihsf,!1 &c.! tho accounts 'wejre delivefed, 1 shall forthwith J/atrnnls ill his
ihii'Jorjrfial particularly devoted ro'Agncul. 'otmrvtion, and -with, .-.tha "Souther ivHion ,By the'act jfincorpation.'not'-moro than e- fee.' -, 5PETERTARR proceed to levy and advertise as the la nr directs. iiiauiifacturitat tl
_..B OiirWa Tale, or PrS irfe and.Politicsi-wluch"I Jla'lfof myself Will tlinreof,; nnci progressing regularly 3th the leycn't)f the present board arc eligible for the rrasonablo tern.t
from a DOW w«k entitled'Nigb WM. C.RIDGAWAY.
•••'•'and^receivo.ari extended patronage^ • • ; Courso of -ibe-.waters,of the. PoloffRfc and ffiisuing year. THE STEAM ROAT iy of
Table. j 'lo'imt^tiohs.lonir produced hy politi- Chesapeake.-through that region, ar^ttthcnce may 17 '
. "/The Three \Yi:!;lmin:,trr hn • it^iasjbeen hitliort^lho'uVrht best to through the other diibdiviiiops' o! -.1)io'Slate FANG
Lord Chancellor Thurlow, and irJMtihgsiibjcctebygrVingihcra with as Triiicli expedition and despatch'as may which IIP will
ings, contrasjed.'.froni tho fiamc- SPRING GOODS. EW-ARK- COLLEGE.
;ae il Ava's sup jo consistent wilh minuteness and accuracy, _ friends-of science- are respectfully in- particularly invi
*A Nsrrativo of the Shipiyreek
lopo^at Pelow'/in 17S.1; nnd j» brici'bi first, and ho•abali'p'renaibiniid Inj beibre ttiJUegisla^ thut this Institution, with leave of Pro- jinlilin gcMierall'
.___^^^^^^^^_,^o cast would turo at Ihocommencomcnt of every Boston a viilmico, will go into operation and commence thinks there is
accountbf-Princo LD.BOO-'
All th'e aboro cost in the "Library " but likely"Wfl^^^^^^^Bi the other.— detailed account of all romarkiibJe discoveries H. &. P. G R 0 O ME ife first term, on the iid Ilivrtdny, tlicUlk day will he induced
Where TM>lilidl|^^Hi^HlFcumrncntai,ics l^and tho-'pnwrcssof the wdrk." "- HAVE just received,.-. from.lPhiladeljihm Will as i usuailcaj?e""Baitirnt)To every Tnc,'s- • " • thanks for the in
tco and'-jude In- Itsball further he his duty "at thos.e'sea and Baltirm jire-.siipply of-r-' lay and Friday morning al T^i'clockj-'for A'nj hopes to receive
Office No. 207 Chcsnutfl'-rc-L, o.'ld-.r "! u;. lapdlisvC/ambridgft idgft (via the, eofnpariy's Whar-
the comptirty's A very commodious Building,-^sufficient tn
Subscription* to WaldioV;,S.-h;,-; Cirfulalioy there'scoriis to bo"a ne- sons not suited to llio, active prosecution of the
itioiri. But if a tiapnr Ljeoloirical survey, to analyze and ascertain the
IB SUMMEfi. -, •U Gasilohaven) a'iid 'Easton,' returning^ will accomii.'odatu SOsliideiita has been erected, on pulilic.
Tho public
library,w.hichria published i.ii-cy week, at pa cave. Easton every /Wednesday nndvfSaturday ii plan capahlo'of extension "at .a future day.—
por'annum, thankfully recniv! I by ',-' .1
__^^^^ i-fTinciplcs and Views of pub- jiialiticH and properties,of nil ..specimens ol
tnincral substances or soils lefl-al his oflico or
icsiilcncc, fur'that purpose, by any citizen
L-TO^BS. •it,7 o'clockf/for.Cambridge, (via CHSlIchaven)
T\yp professors flf high standing-
rfualifipatiftrfs havoy been already elected; and a
and first rato
June M

P^-, . .fi LI Q U ORSj JlJlRD- imoro to Castlehnvon or Easton^. ,,v; . ..>#/-,••"'' third ,will bo added whenever the necessities
!e liioso^ifaflilTorentpoliticsl way of of llio Stato, a'nd'takon fio.p any portion of tho
frlj'r c'U C IMJ J X f^^VTIKf^^^HK'"^l-?a * '''O'Othor 'side of the (|iicslion. Tei-ritory:-;iif the Stale. j;'>'v " r ' "•""• CUIjVJl .."^. •Of) Monday, the 21st insl..she will cqrjjimcince ofTlib College sliall require. .." • 1NL
f Itl'yOrt^_ Oi JV« >> *-*" >^b|f||^^^^Mtyrm[lrnoanin™ Ii6wevcr to press this view Itfputsuaticoof those duties, tho undersign- whichy.'ldu'edrHo . their,former Stoelr roa ler routes from'iBiillimore,'.to Corsica and . oftAndovcr, Mass, and
ilccciveiFal'iht Storesf^^^^^HJ^UKnijocl, f-'musl say/ thai llio real design ril. is'abont'to/proceed' immediately .to the tlieir, assortment very.complete.. . •', • Ihestcrtown, leaving Daltiinore evey -Mon- JOHN HOLMES AowE'wJ lately of Washing­ Talbot Cc
T II 0 M A-S H. J E N 1C 4%iH^6T»"WHiuing these tw^o-bighlyinleresting topics Eastern Shoro of Maryland, where he will re­ >? Their friends and the public, (generally are lay morning at C o'clock and rclurn'samo day; ton' Cbllogle Penn., both of th,em accomplished it
Who can exhibit the la'tcit style* »ud P-iabl « *> B'vo greater interest to the paper; and to main until tho end of'June, after which ho respectfully inviied to give them .ft call, ?assacre as heretofore. scholars,' experienced teachers, and bringing On applicant'
•ns either for Ladles or.Gcniloni»B. tig|i*f J»k«it.morc worthy of genoraUttention. -, " will visit tho counties lying betwocn*rie r Pa- may 3 Cw • ' • ' All baggage/packages &.c. at the risk of the tho highest --recommendations,' have the prea- tor of George f
,, -s»wwv*t'. ent^chargo- of; tho Institution. .Till the elec­
' ' "'" i '•'••• -'-ff. M*^T -' ."

ma V 17 ' .^tMHBl ^Huw/Ur.ihe plan can be;made acceptable To .uxont and Potomac fivers, proposing to idake owner or owners thereof- ty, deceased, it
- ---——=^SE=Z the* public,.lastomusl be left to'thescquelt in iis examination of this portion of tho Slate EDWA11D STUAR1\ By order • \ . . tion of a President, Mr. Munroe will act M ORDERED
case a sufficiehl palronage is extended to justi­ during'the rfionths dEJuly and 'August.'.'His Principal. . - : " '
Slill continues to carry on Up L. Q.TAYLOR, Commander. rei|iured by la
DS; TREKS,; PLANTS,' DOL fy the increased expenses to'bo'incdrred in cabinet 'duties CMittpt tfieref;ro be commeneed April 12 '.•__ . _j. Thaplan of study, and general principles i.' their claims :
rMALS, IMPLEMENTS. wages for additional labour, typo and other rW- •efore tho monlhSf. September. ' Desirous, Cartwheel-right-and. Scythe Cra- government and discipline, it is intended, shall eslate&that he
BOOKS, <-c. «tc. • terials—^a» well as in procuiing the most inter­ lowever,' that ho-avoidable delay shouU be correspond$f9*ia]ra8' practicable, with tho&of once in each w
l-QU SIL* IT TH» esting VUpnjnd..works relating^trf Politics experienced by such of his fellow citizens ns dling Business, -' best Kastcrn Colleges/ ' No feber rs tobe rc-K.sivo weeks i
FARMERBSTABUSH- and Ag^BlijIp, *(}lich ran not bo-hhd by the are interested in the subject of his investigation ; -> Arid no Professor duflKg his con- tod in the town
stand, ....al the
. corner of
^ - ....^"Ttfcj^« ll^,. isrib engage^ fr a" *d
ordinaryitfenu^ngM^unong EJfrors-^-aml the tho understgrieiThns made arranifetnents frith newspapors prii
.*&**.*.* .-,. ;-, '*-^ *^**.- pr^U^rijjBbjBjjytWDot be risked, until I can Mr. Philip T. Tyson, of the firm of Tyson ' and South streets,'oppo& .. ~ proirJs^lun" Durwill cfdVoto • In testimony
. 13 SotdA Calwr/ SJr«f» Salltiiun Md- ascorurrWni^rfljJic opiriton|ljif''relation to iho •ihd ^Fishef, No. 1D2 Baltimore street; to re- Denntfs nnd the Youn self exclusively to the business of iustruc-
'• iho subscriber presents Iii« respects to far­ plan, and their disposition to sustain it. :cive dnriut; hia absence tho specimens of
mers gardeners, and dealers in Scedii through­ v'l'hal jte nlan'can bo rcndercd'acceptablo 1 tiinoral substances, soils, wnters, SirfiV^rhich Ladies' Seminary. . > .'Tlio sitnatio'a of New 'Ark, in a railing
out the. United State* rrariicnlarly hia custom­ bare? ho'doubt, If adequate encouragement is may be submitted. Apy^infdnnatitjn concorn- vi . Feeling grateful for past favors, ho begs leave country, on ihe borders of Delaware, Maryland
er*,'and informs thor>i''that*lie, hai received given." v. •' • • ime these, not rcniiirihc.ln he determined 1 on 'to inform his frionds and ihe publfc'.gnnenlly and Pennsylvania, has for more than 100 years
from .Eurppe,, from jafown Seed Garden, and 'It may perhaps be thought by some, that the -V elaborate . . _;,--. *.. \V?r
investigatidn or
. ..
analysis; will
... .
be thai ho has procured"* first rate assortment of recommended it as'* convenient, healthful
.. rtf_.._ Rr.-i._ -» rhis sjpurvtry, liis depressed nnd' reduced •cotldition'of pur .country
fron».varjiaiiB Tho Subscriber'feeling grateful for past fa­ economical, and pleasant location for a Public Lord pijjhtei
furnished .-'by Mr. Tyst'in; furlhci inforuiatign MATERIALS,
•nnqal supply?. _ at .thB'p'reserit' time renders it-' atf'Unsuitable ivill ho'commiiriicnted 'by Iho' uri vors begg-leavo to inform his'friends and tiro School.' The College liaa grown out of art Ti-.st,
•HEEDS; and tlmt he is prermcd^to riCcasibn to put-forth pronosalsYfor'a Journal, liimsulfat tho earliest cunvpnicn has Commenced/ cradling, and intends public-generally, ihfit *lio .has just r'clurncil Academy, established-, by the Allisons, tho
brdUrs, vrlio'.caalotand •' retail, ,-wilThpr (: , lhafis"tO rcquifo pah(jnago'''ar.tho !handSi of the .1. T. DU ^ pepinglhorn, Mi'eady made on Land, from Baltiraoro' with, a'choice a'ssMtmorU of Blairs and M'DowcH'8 of a former age.
•nd accuracy, at aeliiw prices, and on as.fa- ^Persons wfip may waritVCradles te?,.willdo ."MATERIALS in his line, and 'is^vrepard4 to rtTherb\yil] bo,cbnnecled with the College,
remark is obvuninlv a plausible
Toribje terms JIB canTjenfibriSod by any. dealer mas, and would bo irresistible-)' if tii'o Journal
1-1 Ijcxingtou street, Ha '
well'by making.imm(;diat6nppll In coni])lia
May 17, I3.M ](>w
a thing often put oir till trolj^"^ do. nil 'kinds pf, work .in hisflinein the best 'yiJIcailemical Department, under tho. cafe of
in tho;-United SlateaV/orJirjJ" rale article!.-' ' ilsolfdid not-mainly contemplate'liaagency in manner and on tho most reasonable torms, ho the" Professors, in which studeuls may fit for NOTIL
s.t)d hrnimenlal \recar«nd plants fufnishin^ "'0"3lhiBipBiip|^:y\tt^wPirmation aiu has on haiul beauliful •: . assortment.,d College; and in which thoso who do not wish That tho
TO KENT. Easton, May 3. 133, hntli olitailK'
prspevmus, tl>p niilvi urn 1! fuid limi' To limit, my farm fur the year 1835,81(11:' no\v WA'jl'f ivilh many othi-r aMiclr tii qo through a regular course, can be taught
jorl am such brar(clie's as they, may'select. - of Talbut cuu
currint, atml on Third J/.iveii Crrek, oppositoHenry ton lediouh tn iiiciiliiin—• ~:;\\ o!' lie \\ il
other fli)Wcr 1001? ifrrso wan Hollyday'8 and jmnitijr. Thus. ,pa\v.aon, '.for- \ sell at a smrtll proli! tor c;i:;h. Siude'tits willjyj^lgcelved at'once not only adminislraliiiii
b«procured too sly Ejected TIlC t'lliilii,':; (lll't :.ii!VV'C. \V.i, into the FreshratB^«"int6a»y of the Collcgo George Stev
merly occupied by RcibOTt Bartlett.- ; ; 0'no half dec'd. all persi
said farm is cnclusdd.by water which abounds ..... ,...,.,.,...,.„., ..fall iho necessaries and con- deceased's
In this co&ntt rmiimi with fish and oysti'rs; tho land is of good
bcr !• ag^pu a 1) tlu-y VfVtonces of life in .New-Ark will render thu exhibit ihe
il. tho present.tenant Elizabeth Uarllctt, i^i 1 hereof to th
j \Vl\oIo expenses of an education in this inslitu-
PLOUOL _^_ io<;ivf free. ncccsjt,o .srcit in grain tho 1 ;ul;.i lion romarknbly low. Tho Students w*ill Room 1st day of
•utters, wliBai fanrf^^oVrRrlfiltilrr^tlitcshlnd iv <)!' Si'ptnmhiir next. Any. furtjier do- orwiso by
triacliinos, and all olhnr kinds bfagrjcuhdul tSk y "V? 1 in Collcgo a\.n rpri'l of 5 d-illars a year, Board
mjliot deemet necessary aa.all per- !; jll."M in Commons ai3l 25 per ftreek, and the Tui- lit of the said
1iorti«{t^uft\|$riplcHi(iiUn, will be procured ftoo1 ho Form. ' AnyHjfurllier'-infor- Given nn
. the' beSt^rViSirrifnctorieii in Baltimore; at tl»j S:! ~-1 fi"ti will be ^0 n .year. The-eTudents will bo
lined hy application to tho Juno 133-1.
(uanitfaettirrrq1 prices. l eiul)<5m1 TO R. Loockerman, Es<(.,
pooled to furnish their own Rooms, and fiml
DOMESTIC AMlMALS ji.irlirularly <-nt? a'ro al
and Cheap & Groat "Rnirgaiiis to Ix- had'; [cir own fuel, light, washirig, ironing, Sic. It
<?NA JSJEEi^ES. Till 1' .subscriber has just returned iroui confidently believed that the necessary ex-
Oo v{ lliq improved Durham Sliorihiini, till ns'es of iljo iristilutipn, for tho 40 weeks of June -21
I)otot4,"and tLe'//(ilatcin'"breeds; Shcru iil834 . •&*,- . Baltimoro, with a complcln assortincnl 01"
Tin tinny vviH tibroxibeed 100 dollars;—and at
DaSlDWoll/Soulhdown, and varinni !im • 1JOOT& ANDKIIOES, triituiosi vvill>b«<lc8S3m\ri'H5 dollars'per
Swine (if si'vcr;i' ',-:ilii;-.Uhi UuiB "' COf>SISTlK(S OF *t ^ .>w«!*^ /y --- • • ' Easton at
•tho IJarnii-.-. '.if M!, ! i.i-v'
Gentlemen's BOOTS, SHOK.San.l iMTMPS, For furUfflitiBnnBiiilitiStrT'wire'rence may bo
»''•" ! had h>il««fflinS};Bell,^'r Doctor Thomas
y, inch ;w \vhiti! lurkir'i, lire? ofall.doscriitionr;. .
LADIES- SHOES,''<-on:>i'.-<tiii" ui kl!;, .
li^Ka K<;c:yo, gnnic and oilier lUdJ
Uy order of llio Hoard.. ,
'.lpTal. lilhor ypi-cii1 ^ of anima SEAL and MOROCCO, of iho UH.;) li-.'n- •.•null! : i.vi'i' the public
M of choicosl broerts, (fiiiit'iio nlher.^ ;<;• ionahlc atyle, and mado by tho b 1 1 ;.i 111:111 i'- d'•'<-;n\iir..<! .ihatiiei- E. W. '' GILBERT, Prest
er; kept for sale at'tlm I'xpcriini'iitnl ami O •hall bo waulinij on bis
') of, this c'Unlilislniic.nt, or . c-m i',i 10 nAy favor him with SCIIOONK
ranJ tho br^t-w.ima, (o order. , ''e'ry shori tiim^, in', ex- JAME
The. subscriber wishes 'I'liesubseri
fashions in .".'.ili'id tl-al theahuv
icnl, in ninch ercalcr Tario»jr(liau 'at to purchase one hundred
' fifty seryanlsof all manually I
bookRtorcfl, SH.nioofthcin
. raro and particularly yriahlsonaBlrong siibslantial Sohooa- o., is now in
<valuabl<V kept c:>tistaiiily for sale. y^ng sixteen hun'tlwAbushels'of Grain, ti-vniinn fn-.th-TOi'sfilvc--;, :i- iptiohs,—MechaTf- of fricght an
' .III sli'yr't.'ol/ article} wanted by fniinci.'i nm fUwcll.furnished cormnodiniig cabbin-g^- id'.;- of tln.-ir v,-o»'!-,. ' " lynds, from -12.». ui-Klious Cal
\gardncrs in tho •'prasoouiioti of their buiarn ;: MVO -S£.A^iui.aols every Sniidayi? Morn- , years of ago. IIo'j aeewnmodat
oro intended either- to lie ke[.t oh hand, >u , ~- ltl? o'clock, :A'. M., for Baltimore'.*..jeavo v.'ishcalo ptirchaso fifty in famil She. will
' Baltimorirovery,.Wednesday uiortiln»at lliq;.,,.. ,-,„ • iiirablo to purchase thorn in largo lots', is'they 1 icket betw
| \mrn6 hrfuf'An Si. Michaels; as a rcgo^ Pick- the t|mc8' WAS ..'.-.I.,' of i-'r<-ihirick
. „ . £,.-.- »*-0''tor her,-, 1 in Alabama, and will not'bfl will Icavo A
*mn»->«. iMPO.KTAircfc to-tiVeVy '' et throughout tlie^season. , Freight ah'l v ]ins- Tho priblic'a obedient .-.crv-mt, (,'ouiHy on (In .--.t, :i.-i .i rim-
irso:w having slaves to dispose ' !.:.d of Marc
Isage aarecable to the now existing rales. Tho JOHN W ;nvay, adarl
eoil and kenpof-Wf Dbmc&tin Aniinals, llio sub may IJ G\v " '•• - ! -- 'lirri a (alias-lie '» Fr' timoro., lit
Bcribrr ''offers' Jo tlioiii 'I'HE 'SF.P,[).y OK subscriber haying dbtermincil to uso.every ex- market and is prfpar-1 wharf, Balli
eition taipleasoAhoao who may employ him, 0'highest cash prices. J7,%rrisiin, at
KNOWLEDGE in llmTr vocutidus --l'n ,h
'nnd^gonuin'o," having been rarrlMlly ;i,itlu'i••-,' '•"speclfiHly solicits a ajiarc of public iiatronat'c IlARYESl^ TOO WUtohimin Eaaton lowing Wei
iroiri th» fiold of oxpuriouc .'in! tin- ;;,n'','••• ;i f: j .^WBTUUAK WIG K -' [ocaji Mall or the abovi
•cjoncn—ihn wliulo ilodo up ii.- /«.•/,(, . :>,•>.] !,-,. Bc-MicmjBls,;?' iteLjttffias-1 S/io will tal
liollod'-'TflEKAUMEl; ,\NO !;\|Jj>KN- \V,n. Towi
KR, ANO LIVE STOCK 11U KKOKU f; j U» rx^- ' for tbo ...„ 7NE8.
IMANAOEUi a'iid«iispeii8Rd from dn- El jml-water, and having i Ail order
jife.ss of "thi?i riilablishmi'iit i.-v-i-i • i-'mla/ m | ni ilu-vi':u'-" Ifiiloricn in hia industry, bonea'tf S,ioncer am
tho t'nn : 'Hi :i \,p t'i'l-.!y A".iirniuu,ii , .un'r, a'. ;,:'»i VV'iu-.ro liic i,vt ir.isu:: ;; has chartered him tho'aboye Jurdcn, at t
[schooner on the usual lonns..' Thf? to. Tho S
•-'-"-'up repairs and tho Captain t'h.-i- adjoin-
'N.' I).:- T!i)-' i'. f exertion lo
In tin lai" .i.'-,U''.iM(.-A'N ••'' 'i KMKU . llu 1 pi:i- ; -.-ni, (?,. dividinf; iho earning ,-., ( u: aM Cloy'd anfl Dr. patronage o
pilMiraliiin of Hi.ii-h 'i.i'i'i..:i n I'dr •;<»:•><•. linn: j '1'hc nrd;.,-ni isvo in Kcnmmcnd him a?) ,vi ,1, iilnhd"—this? farm
Hunting Creejc, (a

'tin v'ill iii:i-i puhlic, and can i
'f his own crVrt ah and oystors.jFUie land N. B.
ulntcd for city and all
smokn of a vessel,
iltiif ii ,l'i'o'iji; h|.-!UH ui' ii' tip, AND TOBAT'CO Nicholas
-.itr:li> : nii! nl Si .'(\'; H!!ii tur- l the '.!'(» US illi .» ireiii-ial :i?,.;i Ben.\Ml:ic
ViSl I);; H'..Ht p;i'tU:i lo
turn) Ini cinMils. co mty.
iH '!iS.
niiui ,iisvm>:fi ii|:i uditii.rih
I'll'.'- .y .TOfe'cjuihiit iiit.crf.i'ui
Mary riculliu.-il
March 5
WHERE THE PRESS IS FREE-«Liierature well or ill-conducted, is the Great Enrineby which all Popular States must ultimately be supported m'wnim*
RELIGION purifies the Ilea-t and teaches us our Duty Morality refines the Manners Agriculture makes us Rich, and Politics provides for the enjoyment of all.

, NOTICE. TWENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. tional trip I on a. third, «u lhat a single contract and inefficiency of his agent . The truo sum is believed to be larger, but
PRINTED AVD PDBI.ISI1F.D FVEnT FIRST SESSION. is, in this manner, iciiih-ied so complex as to
Tlic subscriber (jives notice to all persons in- co,,,ractcr-r, Edwin Porter, is also the bor- king that to be the actual amount. th« K
SATURDAY J»/ORJV/.VG terested, that il is necessary that business in POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. require th e leW uf several days to reduce it to | n«er «,t largo sums ot money of(>. H. Brown, n7o,r««CM exceed the whole.mthe .me
nett proceeds of
BY ALEXANDER GRAHAM. his hands should bo promptly closed, as he is REPORT OF THE MAJORITY. ils elements and ascrriam its irnc condition. hrce thousand hve l,undr«l dollars early in ! poslages on that line from Alexandr
E. Purler and Cu. arccuntiucturs for carry- the year Is.W, and four thousand five hundred , it first diverim, from from na where
Alexanda w
determined that his securities shall not suffer (Concluded.) tho line of Stockton
T Eli MS by any delay. ing the i.iail froni Siaunion, j,, Virginia, to dollars ,n November, 1S3.S. making an aggre- Co. to Lex in-r.on, where it unit* with k
The express mails which have been noticed Callettsburg, Keutuc'i.y, throe times a "week in with the
TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS He also wishes to call attention to Ihe notice by your committee, arc, as far as they can ns- four hor-;o pustcoachis, IVomlho. 1st of Janu- gale loan of eight thousand dollars. line of Peck nnd Welford, by more than '> 000
of Joshua M. Faulkner, Ksq. by which it will cerlain, nothing, more nor less than another ary, 1831, to Ihe .51st December, 1S34, at an- The waste of money on thiscontracl is enor- dollars, including all the postages of the ikrmj
Per annum, payable half yearly in advance. )o s?en, lhat all his business as late Sheriff, is
' it i
mous, 1 he nett proceeds ot all the postages ' towns of Warren, Charloilcsville and Lynch.
-----, --- ....^...^ u .. , , 1V, i-vijm^j VM tilt: ItLIffQ

a D vitit TisiiMiurTs ilaceil in ihe subscriber's hands, for settlement

tin- TENTH of the present month is fix-
nail, or another line of coaches upnuUie same nual coinponralion of
uulu sent tor no special purpose, or on any Oi ' ' '
<j,7.ii<Hi in the city
;ity ol ISew Orleans, and llio lown of buitj.
in ihiscontracl, legal and ro'.'ular in its in- Mobile, are hardly sufficient to sustain it. The
lot exceeding a square inserted three time and
d as the lime hy which it must he closed.
pecial etr.ergency probably applied for he- ception, is enyraficd extra allowance; compen- um pen- law has been violated by entering into a con- thoE.mail P. Johnson is tho contractor for carrying
ause it was found jimjitablc lo run a third sation for extension and on several routes in Indiana, nutn"
''for ONE DOLLAR; and TWENTY FIVE 71iosc who wish to avoid further cost and trou- private contracts in the tract lo get up a steamboat linn for the trans- bored 11, 17, 11), 23, !M, i>a, 47 and 41, from
i'le of coaches for tho transpoitation of passen- enormousyeariy sum of
CENTS for every subsc.'H'.ont insertion. ile will, it is expected, attend to this notice portation of the mail without any regard tu tho Ist of January, 1330 to the 31st of Decem-
gers, and granted because they were applied The iwolr.rjjosl uf ihe items which ei impose
.hose who neglect must abide thr consequences. or. Your committee look upon the expendi- this oxlia suin.nanicly, £0000 for < xt. ....... ..a gal restrictions.
. . It waa, violated bv- tho depart-
..__... .1 • .. .,'IL' r- 1833, at a yearly compensation of 3,800
• " . '
JO: GRAHAM, ShiT. ure of money lo establish these second and teainboat majl between Guvandoite, Yi^'mia, incut when u entered mlo a contract for the i dollars. There are no loss than tig/item dif
CLOCK AND WATCH manh -I 20 tf third daily lines, in no oilier light than that of & Cincinnati, Ohio, and *U l.oooayear for ex- iransporialion of the mail without an advertise- j ferent modifications and additions to this
a premium paid by the department to one line tending the S'.camboal mail to Louisville, is, in ment inviling public compelilion. And there ; gle contract, for which he receives in Ihe atr-
of passenger coaches, tending lo give it the tho opinion of your conimiitcc, not only an un- is another feature in this and sumo other cases gregate yearly; 1-1,50* dollars 18 cents in
THE UNION TAVERN, ascendency over every other line. A striking which your coinmitlec have examined, which, Idition to what ho receives hy contract a-
necessary andtxtiavairant expenditure of ihe
ease, in illustration of this view, occurs in the public funds/ Iml is an act wholly unauthor- in l.ieir opinion, is deserving of the most dccis-'mounting in the four years to 58,003 dollars
E ASTON, MAHVI.A.NU. mreeiuent abi.-ve tel'erred lo. Mocktnn and ized by law. I ivc condemnation. It is Ihe blending and con- 75 cents; nnd all this by private arrangement
Noil are the contractors on the line from
necttng the fiscal affairs of the department with 1 without advertisement or competition *
I'.very oM.tcqtininted with the situation ( f those ol individual contractors. Thus, while ; The nett amount of postages receh
Washington, Pa. to Wheeling. Rcesi.ln an the country av<J tin- course of business between ulvancmg its funds, and lending its credit to '..State of Indiana, .1 g rppnivpd
tacres " in
others are contractors on Ihe route from Phila-
delphia, by Pittsburgh and \Yn*hin;rtnn, to is unnecessary. It is wholly immaterial j
Wheeling thus running iwo lines from Wash-
j [""?"{! ''arr>' °'\ llis r"" lr:l<' t . "IB dopartmoni 18SI: was 9.(iO!) duliars 07 cents, falling short
11 si il, in several cases, call in the aid ul by .l.s'l-i dollars 01 cents of psving the yearly
JOSHUA Jlf. F.1ULKXE11, i'lg'.un In \Vhei'ling upon the samo route, lly points in a tVu horse coach, or in a steamboat,
thor contractors lo assist u m racing money tjclra allmranccs on this sino-lc "contract. Tho
The subscriber having recently retuined the ni;reemenl rcfoired to,RcesiJe stipulated (o provided it bilcamcd safely; and the lines on to pay us ordinary and cumuli expenses. Two | increase of (he postages during thoconl.nuance
fioin Ualtimore with an mldilional supply ol RF.SPECTF11.LY heirs leave to inform run that route no oftuner than each ahernate which it waslcatticd bct'ure the establishment
_ i • I • i * "I ----•-•"--•- •-• ••••' |-vu*»"t.^ inning i nu \,*Ji i nflUlnCO

.Materials in his line of business, which he will Ins friends ami ihe public in general, lhat he ilay; in eoesijeialion of wliieli, Slocklon and of ibis roiitei ^asample fur ihal purpose. No insla»c.'s of vlus kmil aicslated in ihe Icsvimo-1 of Iho conlract will not. in all probability,btinir
iiianufacuircat ihe shord^t notice and mi very has taken the above named properly in Ea* ny ot .lames Reeside. Ateut two years ago \ up the receipts to a sum sufficient to discharge
Neil Kgrcn lo carry his nmil «:\ each of Ihe one travelsinfstages from Guyandotte lo Cin- in thn four years \>y th»
reasonable terii.s, he has also on hand a varie- Talb t euiinly, Md., Known as Ihe "UNION other alternaln days, without compensation cinaiti. or frifn C'liicinalti to Louisville: nnd he drew a draft ol six thousand dollars al ibo i those rxtra allowances
roiinest of the department, and for its use, and ; nun proceeds of pns'nn-es for tho *ame four ve»r
ty of TAYERN," on the corner of NN ashinglon an<l except at (he option of Reeside. The trans- llio nid of the' depnitmont is not necessary to got it negotiated at the Western Bank of/'hi- .in the whole .Sale. °
Golds'.mrnuirh streets, immediately opposite the portation ol the mail is treated as a mere inci- keep n constant regular line of communication ladolphia; and sometime last winter ho "arrang- ! *E. P. Johnson, John Hiilchins, Joseph II.
FANCY .ARTICLES, Hank, adjoining the efliceof John Leeds Korr dental business, not with serious notice, in a by stcaiiiboaljbftwi en them. The oslablish- fd" ten thousand dollars through tho assistant j Hough, William //eury, and J. C. Chihs, ard
which he will sell for a small advance, he earlv opposite to that of Win. llayward, Jr conttacl u'lout I'.asseiiin'rs and opposition lints. mcntofthis lino \\ai therefore unnecessary, p.istmaster at Now York, fnr Iho USB of the ;r.ateu in Iho report of ihe Postmaster General
]iarlicul:nly invites his old customers r.nd the nd directly lhat uf Win. U- Price, Esq. 11 C. SlocKioii and Win. Neil comrade 1 lu either for the; transportation of ihe mail or the department. No Other cases uf the like kind ( of tho ISlh of Apiil, 1830, (Doc. 1 12, p. 22,)
puhliis generally to give him a call, ami he ". his house is situate in the, most I'.ishion.ibla carry ihe mail funn C'nmhcrlind lo \Vheeling accomniiTjaliun u'' passengot.i. arc distinctly in evidence before tin: commiitro as contractors for carrying ihe mail from Mays*
thinks there is 1ml little doubt hut what they I'd pleasant part of the town, within s few pa from \\'a8hiiii;!on, I'erin., It) Slcu'a'nvillc h is also jfgaitiM law. The general act i.l bul from jjoncral information, they believe the ' vill.' to Louisville daily; Irom Frankfort tu
will be induced to purchase. Ho returns his in of tho Court House, and a market (1 can from liallimoie to Cumlii-rland from Wash- the third dajul'.\luieh, lS;j, reducing into practice to have prevailed lo a considerable ex- ' Nashville three time* a week; from Louisvillo
to aconsiileralde
thanks for the many favours received and still lot hesitate to say.) equal, if not superior, t Mini City to Frederic!;. Si from Fi; derir-k tu one tho sevetal :ie;s resiulatiug ti:t; 7'ost Of- tent. Your condemn this practice in Naihvilto six limos a week, and from Lex-
hopes to receive the patronage of a generous iny i.fa like population in this Slate he is also Winchester, from the first day of January. fice Department, in Us first section enacts- most decisively. In thrir opinion, it i inglon to liean station six limos n week, in lour
public. gratified in assuring the public, that he ha * ad- JS.'.O, fur fuur yoais, (see lepoit of April 1$, That the. Po« Master Gcneial ".--hall provide the department in an improper nnd injurious hui«n i'ust coaches, al llm annual com\>ensatioii
Tho public's humble sorrant. vantages this tavern never before hail, viz: A &,!.!, l.li.c. 210, p. 10,'j at the annual compen fur llio carriifgc of the mail mi all post route:; connection \villi individuals. As a uutier of of ;I7.7(10 dol'arr.
JAMES HEN NY. lomforlabli! dwelling adjoining m,t hrretu'oro "I «,7. DUO 00 lhat arc or nijiv liiustaidislicd by law.' 7'liis| mere prudence, independently uf tho imcslion Vmir Commilioc called for the bids pursuant
June 11 clinched lo the properly, ami nil llii- property l!ut ihn contract was in fact executed, giving clause contains his whole eeneral anthoritv lor of puwor, il ehould neither venture its own lo which this contract was made,and they find
about logo iliroii'ih a lho:- %u'jh repair; which lem a jraily eomp( us t'iu'i for liie contraciing ffr the transpoilnlioii ol'lbe mail, i^ muni'V or ph»hl ils crrdil, lo s-uMain any inrii- those that ,-MO marked accepted as follows.-
will enabh; him to enteitain private families, witli some variations at ^IJ...OO Oil tlnsiloesnot inlliori/.c thescUm;; up oJ this lin vidiril, much less should il .<sk pecuniarv a<- 17J1. From Maysvillc to Lou-
MARYLAND, '.artios or individuals in comfort ho intends \iiii ior increased expnlition, and f steamboat 4, inasmuch as ihe Ohio river le sistanco ul its contractors lo enaldc it lu keep isville d:iily, in four horso
Talbot County Orphans' Court, keeping in his bar Ihe best of Liquors, and his increased number of trips, mak» tweon those points, is not a mail rotilo cs'ab up its credit. These conlraciurs S'KHI' I he re- post coaches, une linn,
Table shall bo furnished in s . .Mill wilh such as in%r two lines of f.-tni_'es daily. lished by la' '. -lint Ihe authority here rxer- quired to do tlioir duty, and they should be ask- drod and forty miles, also
10th day of June A. D. IS."! I. llio market will afford. Delias provided at- which was, as is believed, whol- ciseil may I' supposed lo be conferrnl in ihe ed for nolhing more. Favors arc expected to from /.ra-iiifflmi to
On application of Josiah Chaplain, adminis- tentivc Ostlers and Waiters, and h::s do.ler- ly unnecessary for Ihe public- fifth scclioii of Ilic act. which provides, be reciprocal, and if I'.io department ask and Frankfort. thirty miles
tor of George Stevcns late of Talbot Coun- miiied ir.ithinir on his part shall be wanting lo service, they were allowed e.x- That the I o«t Master General bi> aiitliuiiz.'d | icceivo llicni, u cannot deny when something E. P. Johnson's
ly, deceased, it is i'ivc satisfaction- Ills //acks will run regular- Ira, the yearly sumol JO,-i.9fl-2 00 to have the iia:l tMir:i:d in any steamboat in ' is asked ir. return. But the department has ( accepted and exocut-
ORDEREI), That ho [rive the notice ly lotlio Steam Boat Maryland, I jr the aecom- other vessc which ;-!iall be used as a packet placed itself in ibis undignified n alioii with 51,500 00
required by law for creditors to i-xhihi modalion of passengers, w hen they can be con- T!n;s, ujvin a contract for 7,000 in any of thi waters of the Unilcd Stati.-s, on us conlraclors. h has become llir acceptor fur 17-10. From Frankfort, Ken,
their claims agViust llio said deceased':- voyed lo any pan ol llio adiace:il county a m::ile purtnanl to law, the de- sujh terms Ijul iMiiditions ns shall l>e consi- one to enable him to nustiin his credit and carry lucky, lo Nashville,
estate & that h(; cause the same to be puhlishci almost a moment's warning H' jiular Oi.i.vey parlment has, by means uf hypo- dered expeoicnt. Provided lhat ho dois not on his contract; and it has become the debtor lo Tennessee, 3 limes a
once in each week fur the space id* three sue ances can be had from East' n lo llie principal inolical bills and extra :illou..n- pay more tKiti lliroe ootils loi each Ic'tcr, and another for his name to enable il lo raise monry week in four horso post
rossive weeks in mic of Ihe newspapers prin- cities a li>nr horso sta'je ru:i* three times a o('s, Umislerrcd lo thu hands of not moro fl ^<i V' c l>u1:ili''i'vr''U. ' lir r:f"'' newsp.i- lo answer its own pressing ncros-Mlics. Tlic rc- conches, two hundred
tod in the town of Kaston. & also in <mc of tho wool; to Philadelphia via Cenlrovillc; llio l,!m°of '"""'""''' '' " ' t _...» ..,.. ...,!,.., llw,,,.).

SW« n > It n «> lU^.yl-^J «—1-- - ••••' N «« Ilulil-

i J 0(} ieVilV'ctear to your comii'ittce lhat lliis pro causeSt partly Iho conscipiem-i.Mil its present in- mil Chiles, I MO and
newspapers printed in tho city <«f Halt,more
In testimony that the foregoing is truly co- more, hi sides other con', eyaneps in the twi vision of law was never intended IP authori7.e, solvent condition. The individuals who, vari- 17-11 improved, ("sc-
pied fioi'i <!« miiiiitrs of pr - v.istnn Packets ST lhat passengers oanr.:> R. C. Stock Ion and Wm. Noil \\erealso and docs not authorize, the establishment of ously connected Si combined, bold extravagant copied anil executed.") 7,080 00
contracts &. who receive e\tra allowan- 17-lC>. From Li'iinglon to Bonn's
ceodings of Talbol county Or- ill to find an advantage in |>as;iiv: 'hi* way oMitracDrs f<i* carrying the mail on se\cnlcrn a sle.imboat lino Inj contract for ihe purpose private
phans1 court I have hereunto rdors will be accommodated on liberal terms mail routes, staled in the ii-porl of April IS, of cart) ing (ho mail, the whole Iramo ami ces, w liich cxhanM the revenues ul wl.uli-Sliilcs. station one hundred and
same who lend their eirdit to ki i p up
set my hand and the sea! v the day, week, month or year !;e s.ilioitr 1S.5J J)iic. 21-J, ]i. 17.)al the. annual cum lansil.igi! of the section lorhnls it. "The are tin' fceventy ono miles, Iwico
of my office allKod (his lOlh ho oh! slomers of l,ho ho'iso and the pub1 is iens.i!i..ii of (pn.r.oo oo Postmaster General is authorized to have the llio credit i.f tlic department » In) !iuiii-h n wci k, in four horso
The tvmtracts however appear (Report of mail carriid in anv steamboat which i^liall ho fiinda In pay ull'the debts and lelii ve ihe (in- post rum-lies, six times a^
day of June in the year of our vneially, I" call and see him.
Lord eiir|ite( n hundred nn-1 thirtv four. Oct. fi- .1/jrch I'., 18.M, Doc, l.H.'p. :!(>, illllo lined as a packet." lie m.iy avail himself u)'' liarrassiiirnts ef ils chief i.llioor who ndvanco week, lo liow ling Giren
Test, .l.\S. PIULT.,'Uogislor have been niodifn d and adjn^ied alter llio ac- Kiicli moans of Iransporlation wlipn ho liinls lar'^c sums uf money to enable another of Mf nnd ihe. remainder throo
ceptance of ihe bids so as lo (live them uu (he it alroadv c.Mslin;", but he i:t not authorized lo efttceis lo purchase n al estate "at a iciluccd limes a wool;, E- P.
* of Wills for Talbot countv. Johnson IM Co ("ac-
iiiu ii'U'.cs tho UMiual compi nsaliou of incur ihe oNjionco uf providing u. I price" and who send presents uf chiiicu' wine"
TO STONE MASONS. (10 /; also pruviilis thai he shall not p-iy mine;; to fiirmiiii Ihe tables of luth. cepted and eiroutcd,") 1,500 00
In compliance to the above order. THE unilersi'i-ned, a committee appointed And tlicv wcr" allowed for i \tris, than three crnls I'm each letter, nor inoin than 'i< William Smith is the contractor for carrying
superintend llie building of a Church at I half a cent for cae.h newvpaper irm^iioiled on : the mail Irom W:-.nlii!igt,>u In Luichbnr»*, Ammmlingin llu: whole to V--J,fi80 °°
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Mihs Iliviir Ferry, near Fusion in Talbot inoliuiinir an alluwatict! for Uil'.i
That thi! Subscriber of Talbot county i unlv Maryland, propose lu le.uld tiio same ul and fciiiagi1 yearly, 00 si:ch r.niic. A restriction wholly in' -'"!si.-icnt I two liriiiiliwl loilis, tlii'ee limes a week, in lloinir less tlpii the sum repotted by thu
hath obtained from tho Orphans' com! 5«.,,..ic diuH'.u^'Aiu-; of Chiiri-.U ;nl feel by 3S __ , \tiih t'ue Ki^'posiiion lhat he had ]"iwor In ;^rt I four horse rosi coaches, at the viailv com I'oslmuster Genera! ill his report of April 18,
of Talbot county in Maryland loiters Making "n npgregnjeuf up steambi'M lines by conlract I'^r the ir:m-nor- pcnsatton oi fO.UU'J l!M»,liy Slj.lSO.
riiev iiivilo pruposals from Stune Masons ul lalion uf llir mail. And llio roa, in lhat tiii-;] He was nllowed for two eluin'nsi.f Opposite llio accepted hid on route 17-12,
administration on the personal cstalo price and lime, and will lie prepared lu leceive
George Slovens late of Talliul count) llieiK. addressed lo Iho undeist'ineil at Easts Being an advance ,ipun their teg- is not peiuiiltcil is obvious. the expense nil scholule, ihe pruprn-ly :md mill- from Louisville lo Nashville, is rioted in red
doc'd.all persons having claims against ihe sail ular legal coiilraois of 3fl,j(Hi 00 ; i;c:iiii'.' up !' sl'iait-hunt linn hy Ci'iilrict. fur! ly ot whi'h is not shown, £110 ink, "to run allemr.it) between Franklin and
deceased's estate aie hereby warned li Aii'r ust next.
1'alliot countv, I'.ic I::-. Tl'ESDAY
'bo advance t the olln-i c,i;i- llie tr'.ui i>!'0il:ilion of llie mail, is t norii'nusly dollars and .III.') uu'lars. ),ior, llusselvillc at per rata allowance," showing
exhibit tho same with tl.o proper voucher! tracts above n l rr< d lo is 12 00 disproix'iiiined to tho object; .vhile, at lii.-' !'>>r a dailv mail Jnnii \\asliiiiot.n that onooflhi: routes which ho run from 7^01*-
thereof to the subscriber, on or before (hi 11. 11. samelinic, he department may avail its if] '' ' to Warrcnloii, lifl\ t'vu miles /ifiir lircin to tViinliritlt under thii contract,
1st day of January next, or they may oth Fcdilcnian, MaVmtr llio yearly advance a','. most ailvimagcously of nil o\isti>;'i lino, i.f. And a daily mail from Warren loO- pnsstul through llu&wli-illt-
orwisn by law hi> excluded from all bone on llio iwo coiiira<>is ot 00 packets for lie clionp and e.\o"diliou'; tran«p , r : riiiije cuiirthuiise, fnrly four miles 1,000 1743. And in Doc. 010, p 23,
lit of the said estate.
UicliM Spencer. Which, diirin'j ihn four yrr.rs uf tation uf the mail. " The lifih section i.f llir A'«l a daily mail from Orange conn of April ISih, 18.10, \vn
(iiven under my hand this 10th day ' July ihcir coniiiuianei', ar/ounl in Iho act above riferred to is a Iranscrip! ef the. house to L.vnchhurjr, one hundred find that John Gray re-
S-i73.S7-2 00 third sccliot of tins act of tin;'J7th of Fehriia \ and :,i". Miles, 4,000 ceives on the route from
Juno 183-1. ngU'reirate in
JOSIAII CHAPLAIN, adm'r. UliWAIlI). And this is u-ivon without advertising and ry, |Sr>. \ud while the last named art I Holding Circcn to Nash-
ol" George Slovens, dec' was in force il was ihou^lu i-xpfdienl by the Making an extra allowance yeaily of $7,uoo ville 5,980 00
RAN off from thf suh^cribi-r 1 e!ween S'll without conH-olitior. depsrlmonl In contract fur carryina ihe mail .The . The luiir additional trips per wei-k And by llio report of I ho 3d cf
Juno -21 urday I7lh and Wednesday llu ]\.. C. Stocklo:i i^April IS, ISj}, Doc. 1\-1,
from New (ileans to Loiiisvilln by stcatuboat. win' n limpiishi d on t'ue IKI l)i March, lHj.l,(l)oc. 138,
Jlst nf this moi.th of May. a no- p. 9) is eoiilriclur for cariviii;; the mail on il lo bo con cenibor, IS.i3, in consoijuonci: f p. 218,) he appears to be
i;ro lad nami d routes No*. 1105. 1111, I-J 111. 1371, 137-.', j Hut as ih» owrr was not suppiKi:
Ewston and Hallimorc Packet, by l.;*7, 1.-51M, IMll'), l.'Wli, l.'!'7, 1.-JD3 -i i miles! ferred by lint law. a special act wxs jiasxeiL tin! in-iolvncy of the departim nf, allowed for running three
Rlirc ISIll, niitlioiizingsiich con-; nnd Ihero was deducted Irum lliu additional nips from
way of Miles River, JACOB, dailv, (il milrs ihiice a wcel,, !'^ miles dnily, I on ihe Od JS|irob,
llie --d
express proviso, that the whole , extra i.llowanco 4.1)00 | Howling Green to Rus-
of lawney coni|ilexinii niul about TiS miles d.iilv. VO mih:>i daily, .".I miles twice, j tract, with iu
> miles daily. '01 milcn oii'-e, 15 milct once, j expellee of(iciiidimj the mail in sleanibuals ficllvillu ou ihu samo
feet 7 or S inches hiuh his countenance is .-!. «.i-t,or.'0 shoiihl n"' Exceed that of Irati9porliu ;: ihe Leaving for r.o known increase of.*-! t- route, 1,010 55
ather mildth'it chan'j"abl<- when spoken to- ,SI> viiiU'S unoe. '.il
no cln attached to Bame ' In the steamboat contracts vice llio yearly allowance of 3,000
e shows his whi'e teeth a good deal when he This conlract has
P/est maile by tbcprc.-ent Postmaster (ieneral, not If we ndiuil the change ol schedule to Amounting to $3,999 55
peaks in his ordinary walk he is labmretl it, and on ils margin baa Ibis memorandum. the sh;;hto-l attention is paid lo the res'no- bo a incriloriuus cau.so fur ihu al- So it appears that John Gray is paid three
SCHOONER WILLIAM £ HENRY. ml seems to work his whole body. /I issnp- All tho /mpiovcments in ibis contiact were tions in eilhjr ul tho above named statutes, and lowance ul 1,101' thousand nine hundred and nincty-ninn dollars
JAMES STEWARD, MASTI:II. ioscd hi; went olf on the Saturday before or ordered by lli Poslinasiei G-i.cral, frem tlm
the sum ill for tho tr.insp.irlalioti of III Tho contiaclur i«. in lhat ens: 1 , re- nnd fifty-five cents for carrying tho mail from
'I'he subscribers beg leave to inform the public Sunday of the Whitsuntide llcjlydays He is rioginning; he is therefore entitled to ihe sliji- mail from t'ncinnatti to Louitjvillo, COIIMIMICS leased from all his additional trips, Howling Groon to Nashville, on the samo routo
tl-allheabovo line, fist sailing, new and sub, ulatcd sum uf CO, lid dollars per annum, addi-
shrewd and specious fellow whoever will irreallv inoMthan half hn nott levcnuo te- lor which he was allowed O.t'Ull on which it in carrieil by E. P. Johnson & Co.
BUiuiaUy built, copper fastened Schoon- cliver lo iho subscriber tho said absconding tional." . I , .i leparliuont, dollar", and his cum (mutation is 10- as above.
Il is also noted ('Doc. 138, p. ITiPon ihe teived by in butli thi.se cities.
n., is now in complete order for the rooeptio- ervanl, or secure him so lhat the subscriber There is : Iraniiaclion wilh ihn same duccd in consi- (|iic.1ici) of it, bill James F. RnhitiPon contracted lo carry th»
of fricght and Passengers; having n very com- can TO! lum, shall receive the above reward. contract, and slated in the report of March 3, individual, \ job is liablo to the sinir and still J.Mdil, leaving him an additional p-iil dnily, in four horso post coaches, from
111 nlious Cabin, she is well catculateil for the 1S3-1, that tho express mail from Itultiinore ID
UOU'T. 11. GOLDSBOKOUGII, strongor obj ions. yearly allowance of 1,000 Cincinnati, Ohio, to'Georgetown, Kentucky,
accommodation of Gentlemen aod Ladies. near Easlon Talbol countv Lancaster is discontinued, but no mention in 'f-'iir ir/il'r/i no scrncc \ehn(cvt.r \> rntJrrnl, 70 miles, in M hours, al a yearly compensa-
1 It seems at a person by the name of
Shf. will commence running as a regular Eastern Shore of Maryland. made in that report or olso'.vheic as your corn- Rhodes urn1 took to carry ihn mail from Tnoro is also an o\lra allowance of nine tion of 1,000 dollars. Ilia schedule was BO
1 sckel between the. above named places and niillteo can discover such express mail
Mav 2-1
was ever established. The improvements for New Orlcai 1.to Afterwards Mobile, but failed and gavi hundred and seventy five dollars made to W in. changed thai ho was required lo run through
will loavn Milos River Ferry on Sunday the conlr Messrs.Slocklon JSmilh fi>r an extension of his liise, from Dob- , in 10, hours, instead of 14, making part of ihn
which ihis enormous sum of SOO.liiO was "I ihe
-:.d of March inst. at 9 o'clock, A. M., for Hnl $? () REWAIll). St Stokes, . rios Heoside, ami A very nnd son's X roads lo Lexington, North Carolina. trip in llio night; for which ho was allowed
timoro., Returning will leave Light Street allowed, nro not indicate;! in any report made
11ANAWAV from tho Subscrilior, livincr in to Congress- In tho report of the 18th of A- Porter mid ouk lo carry llio n-ail on ihe Prior to this arpingeiiienl, Uiis mail went on i In; inlililiontil yearly compensation of 8,000
wharf, Baltimore, opposito llio store of A. U saiiiii mute lireo limes a wool; in sle-im- llio roulo Irom Dobson's X! lloads to Salem, dollaia. 1\. ia not perceived
by your commit-
Hsvrrisun, at 9 o'clock, A- M on tho fol- Talbot county (Deep Neck ton Wednesday last, pril, 18.>.), tlic contiact is set down ut >! 1,'JiiO,
the 4lh inst. (June) a negro fel- and nothing is anywhere said lo the public, uf boats fur nly-fivo thousand dollars a and from Salem to Lexington, which incrcas- tee lhat Ihe, change of a schedule was at all
lowiii<r Wednesday, and will continue to run iplv, nand their ed his di.ilance seven miles, pausing essential to Ihe public interest.
or ihiTabovo named days, during the season low, who calls himself DICK or in-reasod service or increased compensation. year. Th ilso failed lo comply, through a very flourishing town. This exten- Ono among the many contracts of Avery,
The oxtra amount thus paid on this contract, conlracls wi also given up t'dwi Porle
Sno will take oi. board and land passengers at then r.ndi-rt' t,by private.agreement wilh tin: sion, as i! is called, was therefore wholly use- 'Pumpkins tyco. and ollicis who arc connected
\V.11. Townsend's; going to and from Haiti DICK ANDERSON, without Icgnl warrantor adequate consideration less, exccpl so far as it served llie convenience with them, ami :vhoso contracts are interlaced
during ils continuance four years, is 80,(iOO department, i carry the mail daily on lhat uf the contractor, and enabled him to draw ofl with theirs is taken as a'specimcn of another
nboals for four years, nt forty
'Vll orders left at tho Ding Store of Messrs about 21 years of ago. Dick is ve- besides the 3,i:"i() a year paid for express mail roulo in sir rs n year; which agreement is upon liis newly n;!]U3tcd lino llio pass-'iigeis very large class of casts a lending foaluio of
thousand do
S.ioncer nnd Willis, Kaston.or with Mr. .las ry black and square built, about 5 tVet 7 or on the stimo line. Within the hist year there which had thereloro guild upon the old lino which is complication nnd confusion.
Jordtm, at the Ferry, will be sliictly altendei 8 inches high. He took away with him a In the above casn, it will hn porceivod that still subsist!
the contract is.in the aggregate,for eleven mail were ono lit Irod and fifty failure* on ibis of 1'iok and Wolfurd. It docs not touch n The annual report of ihe Poslmasler General
to. Tho Subscribers, intending to use over) largo quantity of wearing apparel, and / have improved lii for which tiio contractor says single past ollico in thu twenty five miles of the 25lh of February, 1831, stales that E.
exertion to give general satisfaction, solicit lh no doubt has made his way to Delaware or routes; so interweaving and complicating tho he Blinds (in in Ihe (woks of llio department which is not also passed on the regular mail Porter, James Recside, Jwlm H. A very, Isiao
patronage of the public. New Jersey. Dick is an outrageous scoun- transaction as to render it exceedingly dtliicult route established by law. Tompkihs, D. A. Saltmarsh, Charles P. Nat-
\VM. TOWNfeEND and drel, having made an ntlack on me for repri- to unravel it, and to find whether the bills al six thousand ight hundred dollais, yet mi pail The extra allowances made en this route of Ion, John Me Lean, and Sidney Porter, are
pears to have boon retained mil
JAS. STEWARD. manding him for his negligence, in not being which the routes were struck off are the most of ibis sum )n the contrary, he was permit- William Smith,! Irom Washington until it contractors on loutes 1901, l!»0i, 190S, 2047.
favorable for the department, and it is iitill of his pay-
N. B. For Capt. James Steward's capa in placo for hours after my other hands weio moro didicult to ascertain the reality of any ted tu overdraw very largely, and his diaft unites with the route of Pock and Wtdford, at 0101,210-J, 210-1, '2105. 2254,2255,2855,
rily and attention to business, as a commando at work. / will give the above reward for his alleged improvement, and their actual Tallin for twenty thousand dollars accoplod by Iho ted in the report of the 3d ot'March, 1831. lars yearly.
Lu.xiiiRton, N. C-, was 8,875 dollnrs, as sta- 0353, in slagcs and steamboat*, at o'7,950 dol-
,,{ a vessel, tho public are referred to Messrs apprehension and delivery in tho jail in Eas- if limy oxist. same objection occurs in Poaslmastnr General, and not yet paid, was
Nicholas Goldshoiough Tench Tilghman lon, Md. or secured in any jail so that I get numerous cases,The.improvements aro said to bo dificonnlod sojio limo since at Now Orleans,
The JAistmaiter Central, in his report of
n:ic Bowdle and John Newnam, of thi him again- msdo by expediting on 'one route, changing to enable him to raisn money logo on wilh
•Doc. ISS.p. 157.
FOSTER MAYNAHD. !Doc. lib of 1S30 and 1981. Nos. 1731, li-10, 17-11, 1745aid 174«.
uWri- co uity. Talbot eonniy Md., June, 7 l«34. the schedule on another, and ordering addi- the contraci, *hich wss likely to full hy the
March 5
itltflilj^^ ' '"'

biw and
I.Kl.lilV, I'>:toll. ,,._,

long arms'and lc;>;» and in in-iioni!. a Junj I'"A. - ; y VOI

ORNAMKNTAl iflir follow, iKlIonirjIll 1 ;1 I'l Ul.- S'll,: i-fibl'l", is •, ",'.,.'-.. ... A ).} J) L E il Y ;
AINTING. ivTitorn!" r,.-r-., U.U-IH-! "i.. 1-.••.•-[, dec,;;.ii-i.--.'i.-• - ',
H. llopkirm respectfully informs' riiis fellow, made off witb two other
fEaston.and tho public genet- belonging to ".Gentlemen of i.b'-; ; i;-uiiy r u. i-:'i.-nb:i ;'.. ,^^^^_,
• - ir-ii.-- t iii_ i- _ ; •
one a riogrolad, named .1 A* ID i'-, whi. vv -.K •'y!. : :' - 1 .: ^^^HHHR'•' ';;.';'!.'.! v'itii j •L NOTICE. SATUR
scribed to tno n^ of .-. in\vn'-y c.-iiiiiilexio!!-..;1•••-i <•!,•:-,r- riiii'.'!-' ii1 ':'.;;.:::»n -tlciitnl; 1 !! '•'-'• niin-i b'the last BY ALKX
v fent Snven or ci'rb' i;:.;n fl- 'iii|.;!i-- -V1 L -.'i'-!0' ;-li (-HI r--|ii)ib'-i, :'l 'ill; T :;a :i ' s ;!f'C: •-- -- | now
boiirH v.'tlii bit; li-;>il\' in \~' • :>| .ri'itidn will lin'trii-en ('! Ibn v/nitU; :
negro man named Phiil, lifjuwyi. i , °; -•"- ., f ,- r i
neatness years of age—a dark molauo- --.;U:»;K livi; i'lci .1 ii'!;; ,Vn., and the said fees being TWO DOLL
rices saholiones.wi six inches hiR^- .iii! ;,ii,-.'ilc;4i inK:;t«neii by Faulhiu-r to Jim" secnrities Per annum, paya
miro of tbo times- He solicits :i trial, and feels •'It it very cerlain tbat tbe:>o ii'siour. iia>-o', ,>, liv t'liliillei: fiivii v,'ith is:u(l s^uulkhe'r, ' under.' exectt-1
•P^MJ"* V, ; , ,» - , . JJfUV -J***..--'.* ,

insured that itwifl ensure a continuance of made-their .way "to JerRey i>v !K>l;';>vni,: or-.,, j iiouii '-> £hb next coart,. j^fay-tertn..j Th« | ADVEI
' bliu <nUoini;i.'. Philadelphia as"they v-on :;;;. n '.^ivclHui; LI>-• "5;;;?:,;•: v j .-t',!)B!'.i-ili!--r:i being duly aOlhorized-:andVeqaircd exceeding •'
All orders from tho. country thankfully ,rp,- ffethor on the Main ror'd in 'H;I! ili'-eeiton, (;;i | . ,-y .;.n.i !'•>•. j :,-; y y> ; ;U ,':.i.i.i >Sl :cur.itics to.complo'e snid-tcollections *'
ivtd ami promptly executed; also Old Chaiife Sunday morning-last '.......,...—.... . Miy ;;o-:' Oour^horebyi^ivp-notiee-toKll con-
repainted nnd Gilded in the latest slylo."^H^ " 1 will, pay a -Tewan! of one biuniu-il ;;n;i j ,\ •.,,,, fni( ;: CENTS for every

..HUH> m.
Mb. ' '-• ' fifty dollare'for tii". doliv'uy of ''^'--ni in -m; ; "•'
in Kiis'ton, or one iinndn'-d (iolia;n for :;reiuin<r; CLOC
TO THjHBLIC. im :;o that I [^i v t iiisvi riijaiu.
':':.• ! • ! bo|); ;i,ad expect, that as they Hn've^a large gum
Ondcr8ignod'ha^flJ: been 'appointed {•y- J ,,'.''';"'' ( i«- iait=e, undtli'o collec*tion^tne3e feCa is tbt
tho autb (GlST :.,to tlio'Stato' of JVIary?and, f y^j • U:T' '• ; , j.Diiacipal iionrco ofr'cliefTbr'lhem, anil the a-
One of t .-advisableto mako known lo_Mafelr fMiv,' < i inonutUluo from e'affch indlyidnal being compar-
azinna of the tijions tbo 'duties'*which. under^sbplj fe^Sfe. Jativplysma'l, that therewiljVibe no difficulty
Tudor'a nc "*~ t be is rwjulred to perform, .arid"to ,., • •*"-T'j',; ,-^ , -,-, ! ]ir;.:"'iite'd--inT«jjj; 'quarter, j as the collection
Cuba. of his readiness to satisfy Ihoir
lam'il i'ilii;!i:ijliiu:.'.l J.-lm i.: fii- J T ;' - !i,--:. '• , .-. -•
jvA'ji t 'i/.,. i
T-I M rr/ i • r7^*-iri-.1^
uA/ii*. as of tho most convrttiient hereby .nutiticdfclf&£|!j$genetal meot|i NVM. C. .R1DBAWAY, Distric^No.
.ii'!j:iliu-o' iiji liu: last iii'r-1 \ ,i .u. .ft
.beir^ajiplicatton to himth'a'y be be held at their-Banking, House,.in tli_
K'Usvm :i IVom [5,'ilii !
-,ii--- l.--i ',. .i;-vin-tiU'~;il i -'-'-• -ONrDictiict No. j.2
";i:>'3 aiimore. on MONDAY1,' the 7th' ^.Dislrict'No. 3.
tin; Mi'ncrntii !i io m.alte"~ ';' fiom inn o'clock, A- M-- 'till t»vo
ML for the purpose of oli'iolingHixt
UK !.--n>H'-:i"ll 1.0.-Mil i . 4.
'".tl1," \ " J 'F ' " '? ,,"'].'., i .'••'•'.'Ji.'i- tlU'lllllJ
.^,,i,ii.^o, ..-,.!.(.••'j 11 '^- ; u'i.;. A;::neiiUui
'gieal survey of tin The subscribi
itnij 'witb tbat portiojltwhieh Directors foi tbo ensuing yfer. | :;i' from H.iliimorc '
Tertiary order of gcfnnjjical ' .iH'By order,, , ^ .U.' MIGKLli, Gabbier, j
I Is, li:C: ai.';o ; re sncn .Materials in bis
with tba ISotitbein-division oTincorpafion, not more Hum e-i fwlhwiili
The Curate's
' from a now v>oik<
,r-v:^'?cor';;!1( '5!"rJl uu::iiia " >!i
,-. • i v * - ' '• * i:: .<' - <*u':ni.;
esaingf regularly-iijith' tho |iron^f the present board are cligiblo for ihe j
kl? '^A't'Jh. i HI.;OlH'«l !u IB the law directs.
manufacture. at t
reasonable terrr.f
•vyators.'of the.. PototpKc and jsuing yeur. ly of
. Table. that rpgiort, nji^tithence 'may-'17 '
Ths'ThK.i Y;- ; et. tiitbdivisions o! tho'Slate FANC
____ pcdition and despatch as may NEW-AUK COLLEGE. \vbich he will
A Narrative (if ;;;<• :~lin>\\ siatetit with minuteness and accuracy, THE fri&nds of science-are reajteotfully M- particularly invi
lopoat t'i'hivr, in i~;i.!. :ur:i . i <:\r,\ll prepaiuand laj before tb^lcgislagi fiivinoil tbiit 'bi:i Institution, witlileave of Pro- piiblio general!;
. liie I'omineucemcni of.ovcry Session a thinks there is
account of Prill!1 -.- • ' f '•"•'•
-I 11 r.ui.; iifall remarkable discoVeries viiionci!, will »i> into operation and commence
. All tbo ui;<.!Y'.-! ,-.ni in Ui<- W%v<-.rr'\*ttrx---'"'- i(K<- lt!ni1 ' "" tll° -(1 -Tliurtday,tl*IUkJtiHl •will be induced
ri,-!! :!K: |.'ii:;;rcs.9of tho \v6rk." thanka for the m
'i:i!l i\i;-ii\',.>i be bis duty "at ihoqe* i'Vi •'':!:•, for Ani j '"•'";/ '.'• :i - _''.' •
Offic3 No. ~U7 Clir•"••;!!i i. v '. f HV | l;i,-'..! A very commodious Building,** sufficient to hopes to receive
Subscription-1 tn W;ii'iio'..- c,. :vu?! i; tn ibe active prosecution .of tin public.
oiii !/ ;. n;ijii.,f, ic'-'-ivi-r'n-.-ii •••IH-I.-V, iu analyaeaiidascorlairi tb> , wiii ! :u'(-' !11Iimodato 8,0 studeuts has been erecUd, on
' n plan capablo'of cxtension'at.a future day.— Tho public
jior anmi'o, i:i";i';.u ; !!y n - •";
; rt !i!! viir,-. ;; r.i'iiiii)-i-i !i-:i!!i-.: ;i',i'l Tif.:-j::--Ih-.-i of all specimens .oj
y. .;< ; 1,'jiiijjJHHMnjngrrJ :•.»:-- ;;inc:-:< or.'ifiila IclVat 11 is office or Tvyp"professors of iiigh-slanding and first ralo
tfualifipatiqns havo beeii'already elected; and a June 11
,.; - if'j:ir::Vl^^ll»!,-^-o, fur tbat purpose, by any 'citizen
.;- ji u'ilicaiJ^^^^BK bUtti', :>nd taken fio.o any ])orlion'>6ftbo third ,will bo added whenever the necessities
1 . ..i :;Mlj^^^^^H|^HB(<rthc State. •T'llVb College shall require. . ":: '•-,
.. u i'" 4H|HHI^II|HBur>nco u '" t ''" sc duties, tbo undersirrii- which, *ddcd to their, former Slock makes, and JM.VTHANiMuNROE, of,Andovcr, , Mass, artd
hat tho/r'ilBWli/jfjJffrpnfliffitoout to proceed*.immediately-to the the.ir. assortment very, complete, Clieslcrtown, Icavirirr JJaitim"3To"~CV?yry Mon­ JOHN HOIMK AowEVf lately of JVashinj-j Talbot Co
THOMAS i .•so two-highly frilerc'atiiig-'to'pics Eastern Sboro of Alary land, wherd lie wll ro- ^ji'lieir fficnds and the public g-enernlly are day m'qrning atG o'clock and return'aatuaday; tori Cbllfgb,'Perin.i botlrof t»<em accomplished^ H
''Who can exhibit „ e-greatertfttarest to the Jwper, and to ioaih until the end of-June; after 4^R|r he respectfully invited to give them a -"- Passage as ' 1' lMil *"™*"'" "••«' scholars,' experienced teachers, and bringiog On applicalio
jfCM^kjuit morewortiyr'iof genofalitieiition. • ~"" fisit
will -!-: -•'--'—•-«
the counties !~'•"— u'-«-——**k*i>.
lying betwocnWf'Pa- rnay 3^'-^ G\v . ,. ' All bafg tbo higbeat/Tocornmendations,' have the pres-
«na either for Lttdti tor of George f
may 1.7 jlj^How,)f«ifie plan" fan bajrnada acdcptabloTo tuxont aqd PotomacVivers, proposing to "make owner or owners thereof. entxharge^bf tho Institution. .Till the el«c- ty, deceased, it
iha%nHi«;t»BU3 mtisl be left to'th^e sequel L in his examination of Uiis portion of the Slate EDWARD STUART^ -> By order , tion of a President, Mr- Munroe will act as ORDERliD
oasea wlTlcieht patronage is extended to justi­ durin the months ^
and^A'igust.V.Hw Principal. , ; '•''• ~ v -'••-
. Slill continue* to earn/ on the . L. Q. T jLYLOR,"Tommnn'ilcr. ' reijuired by hi
fiEKDiL TRliK.S, PLSNTS;' DOMES- fy thVincreitued expenses-lo;'bo^inctJrred in cabinet"dulies c!>napt lffiref?re te commenced April The plan of sfiidy,>nd general prineiplei to' their claims ;
r'* i'lu'ANIMALS, ' ia[ptEMEN^'stijj| ma](labour, typo and other ma* before' tho nionlh^f, September. ' Desinrtfs, parjtyhcel-right-and. Scythe Cra-
' /V y ,. - - *^
g, i( it intended, «ba)l estate & that be
"""- ' . HOOKS, ffc. ho. • $6 ' ' a* in procuring thpinost intcr- however,' that iio«roidable delay "shoalf bo once in each w
sxus AT TH» experienced by on'ch of his fellow citizens ns ^ dling Business," cessivo weeks i
" •'"
a re interested in the subject of his inret^igation led in the town
th'O unddrifiJn^iT hns rriad0''hrr«hire^ifims *riih newspapers pri
Mr. Philip" P. Tyson, of the firm of Tyson ing/on n?td South streets In testimony
Soutft- Calverl Slrettt Baltimore Md- a'nd Jfishejv-No- 192 Baltimore street, to re- Dr. Dcnnifs and the .
hi* respecU',to far- P
cffivo -diirinj his absence tbo 8pe?irncn9 of c
gaidencri,and dealwra in Seediithrough- hiinor.-il mibstances, soils, wnters, &e$j&hich jLadiM^ Seminan/. ,j;; ,„.... _ _ ,..,„,,. .-._.. ..
out ihqJJnitedftjtate£ particularlyjiw : —'-'- »•'-»"•"-«•-
custom- may-be iiubmitied. . Ap^.iufiirmaliq,'! coficerri- v Feeling grateful for past favors, he begs leave country, on . the borders of Delaware, Marylihd
_ _ ' _'JtL i_r«.*l«? «t. A«T.''iilt*«KViA»jK*fl nwn^oil
girei inr these,'not rcquiijjn|i.to be determined on to inform his frionda and the publfc.gonerally MAKKll.'-' and Pennsylvania,' has for more than 100 yean
from JE^rwrfftom isN» (t msy'perhapifyjfthglWWby some, that the sri elaborate invosti<r«uon or analysis; will beitha't ho lias procured*! first rate assortJjWnt of
_ *_^_i_ t_ ^ '-jrk-i ;„ _.__* :__I5iWL -_ ___»_ ±T_. __•!» I.*. recommended it as- R convenient, healthful
depressed nnd-'f^<liilced*w(HHtoh'<if ou r oonn'tty furnished 'by Mr. Tymm; furlbei tnformaUbnl "lyf /\ fl*. 18 "R'T 'J\L-T« fi \" ; Tho Subscriber feeling gmlef,ul for past fa­ economical, arid pleasartt location for » Pnblin Lord eightec
•nngalsxfpply of :MF,!-!) at tho present lime renders it- ati unsuitable will be communicated ted \hy
\by Iho' UnSjBKfflJejJI- , . * -?,i^l 'l!4ti'fc^ 1^i"-i »*» vors begs -lea vo to inform his frionda and tiro Hcbool.; The -College has grown out of an Test,
•HEF.DS; and tbai ho i ion to-put-forth prophsnbr for a Journal, himsulf at tlio earliest earliest etinvenichc
ennvenicncOil^HlBiv^'. ' °omra^pi^ij-,C(jagHngf(|i8nu.i.ipterTd8 public 1 jfenerally, that '-ho has just relumed Academy established- by llie^-AIlison*,"'' }bo
6rdtir»i vrhoUisalc U-MI ri'!;ii J. T. DU lingthcirn already made on Land. Baltimore wii^.a'cholco ,tis3bJtmor>t of Blairs and M'Dowgir^.of a former age.
—:—"-"' i"*ip may want Cradles, will do from
rcquiro patronage :u tin; bauds of tho J?
•udaccujacy, at. ,;d i >v -Thft remark is obviously a plausible Jt&R'"''1 ' -'"''14 Lcxington sirect.'H M/VTKRIAf>S
M A 'IMi11 I>I * r. CL in :.. bin
L":^ lino,
,:„! and -_ J Wtffejiarml
t_ _£_y_L\-t to r"f -/TMlcrfVVvill
ThereAyil.r,bo -hn ,;cbnnected
'i>tannpr»t/><! with.the
with thn College,
Torablt- lenii 1 ' :vi c:ra \>c. ul svoiibi in, ira.-sbiiibln, ii' ti,o Ji.iitu.i! | S\l;i\ 17,18,51 Hi
g immediate application, as it i:i <lo all !,-iui!i; ni' v.ork in bis -lino in tbe best | ;1U ''^(irfcmicnj Department, under tho.cafe of In coniplia
4k,|||0tlUnit<^J iila __ - "' "'"-^ "'Hilly '-imte.mpluU' an a:;*::n-y in i . ,........_,_,....._. a'tiling often putolftill to^latc. "- ,pur;randou '!ir, ID.-MI rra-i'i-nblo tennn. b,, j lll(l t'rofessors, ' in which studeuts ' may fit for NOT 1C
:-l Md p1;7Wr^Wffi!;;hiii;: !(.;• illr ^-Ujiu: i)ls- illl'lUlUitiiJil .lll.i TO'HKNT. on hand -i b-.--.-)iitif>0. a^-ortmcnt of: '<- ; olli-;>-t!; and in which :th(»d^ who do not wish That the
<;;•>'•'!••: TV.. | ii'' ;!<.''• ur:<"."...,-.; j ,-,1 mud Ui- cii-..! 1 -, ;.;> H i in i-ii- |'-Ert3ton, M:iy .). !SM ,T01! t'-'.S \vitb nciny other ;ir;ir'ii ••*. \ '" "-" 'hrottgh a regular .course, cim be taught hath obtainei
To Hi'nt, my farm fur the, of Talbot eou
cufrint, and ; '''' " : ''.i .'.".''"'.':'• '..''"','.'.'';' i' '.',",':'. V'' U I ';'" !l ' rl ''•"". j-'ti'il 0:1 T!iii.|.//aven Creek,'opposite Ilohry V»rtfVT>Cl ':;i:- 'V".'".".iV, r-: 'i-i in oii;inii)ii-. -:;H i'!' v/!(i<>i,-. im \\-ij | ;-'l''h branohes as I hoy may'Select.' •_',-.
other flower r< /T;"'I J! rr, J . '""i.. 1 ':: 1'";.^ " : ";> °f'"' TV ^ nullv.bvV, and Vmmjr Tbo,. Dawson, for- ; I>UO A'fo =<:„- Mi ,^> K: •',!ii,n! ,:ujii! lor en-.;]i. , .'"' ! iu!:?i!i'i will be receive<l at'once hot only admiuislratiou
l«> procured i > i V, '' " •• | - ; '" i; . .i'"i •:,.( . .P.'. lr .- s,^ -:-!i:i:U-(l. :,.,,.,i,. ...,,,...;.. i !>y
nicilv (ic;-!n>iril i... Robml
r».7.... Bartlrtt.
ii .1... . One /v.. . half;
i ..I.- !'r,b!i'i.."- ; nb'i ."i";.-"t. Vv . L. ,1. I in.n-tht! '.''ru-iliiuan, but iutojjiy oftheCollega George Stev
•eluding all liif in'irii' 1 :*:! ;. ^it.-::^!i; ::f>^;,i! ;;,i lu^ [:i o ; rl': ;: y u; :'l 'il
'will i'-ivm i<; i in'.bi:,ed by .water wbic'i abnuinl-t • dec'd. all persi
'In this country, fur rr» ,-:u!!:;;:fi-J/ii,-:ry oiiK-vrn- !>;,- :;;;-y--.;:r... i ,.' , t ::;i ; iv n.ii:..!i',s ..,.,;. r...i. .... . ........._'. .r".',' '!"'
':"..' ! i' !i;-,i; ;iti-,l nysters; tbo land .in ot. i;mul,:j ,.,i'-'. in;;!'[>!•.• >:3 of nil tho necessaries and con- deceased's c:
bcr !« agent; also, [,:'i,' ai:ii;i.(—';;-.vi!r:i ,-,i,(\ jiiiii^'ivin:. ,; :';
j'"il, U-,i- iiv•;:'.!! <enanl,Klizabt'lU B;;?UrH, i:i' -.- of life in Now-Ark will lender iln» exhibit the
Hi,., .( i. .''"Iji'llV !0 Ui- ,! ! . 'l5i.-;:i:,;-il ;i:iti<i--.-,i, III,;.'- :: ; ;ii
ji-iiLMiii 'i!»iv<- I'lT^acccsd to .need in v;niu tbo "'.'.V. - - '• • '".'':"'"' •'';•' ,.,,"'., i w'bobs expiMif.i"-. of :m education in thia'jnstitu- thereof to th
'. iivtjlir.-ny i-..,:ir,::: liiin .; iHi.;;-.n.- :(ln! "'''-'•',"' '::" ; ."" : V". '•''•:• '•'-"-' ••• !1L >'- : !ia / ;i! -| ti,,» r-u.arhuMy !o\v. The Stadepts wlj Room 1st day of
DUXt ' ='•' •••;•: .'' ''I SftrtfBrnliflrhjexi. Anv fiirthcr do- •••("•'••'•; l '.\ - 1 '- 1 i':-ir,.:-, ..)!-:>, iriuM-M, Unvj,, Con,,,,.,. ;,-, ,, |. ( . llt O f5 a,,]iar8"a veaf.Board erwiae by
^ X'essary aa ;alt per- "'•': ! " ; :••'">"';:-<•/"•-•""••: ,ilir ;';;i i '.;!lm ; ; n r -i.-ior. : ,,,,, „ .-,i :r, per Wfc, and \heTni-. (it of the said
"iv'ii-^'™,^;!-' l - '^'.;.i;.'.M,1;v!;.,-;;a.! ' m' |1 '!!:! -"^ "'^""^"''y :<ppHcat'»" >" i!'» !.'• Any..,furth'.¥ r -iii'br •"•n-fTMi^-.Miii.x.:.-.! i.", ^-.r .•,.-.;•>:-,.; ! ,•„,., .,,.,,..,.. !(1 ., year/ The^gludenU will bo
iiirni^ii (heir own Rooms, and find
Given un
Juno 1834.
,! ' j!1 y L ' u ' !l ."""''""";• ll(Mt ''" !i -iL:i; ..•"'' I {v!"),:.o Train! cii-mty. .- - Clie;ip& Great B;n-iv i-!, lirrht, washing-, ironing, &ci It .J J
,TIC ANSMAs,^ p;irl nty.
I llto improvi-ii i'i.iflniii Sliiiiib-.i SUSANNA Ni Till1', snbacrjbrr ba-i ju ; i <v,!i!i-i<inily bulieved that the necessary ex-
SebnVaud I lie il>i!-:s<>>h iir.'i-ii.-i; .Sii- •>•:•*:
i-h °,io. 7th 133-1 Baltimore, with a roiiijib'tr < . ii'Mi: i -j (ifibi: iiiBtitulion, for tbo 40 weeks of June 21
oil,' .S'oiu!iiiov;n, und -.'i-riiii! ' BOOTS'AN B : j ; ri.i im. , \, iii nofoXceed 100 dollars;—and*'
11 )i:H -i-Muit will no IUKS than 115 dollars^r
Easton ar
,llO Imni '-, :ii"'. i y•'•'.• •.:'!>:v:l , •,':aiou i m*y b» way
^_S of Poultry, 'iivcb -HI vvbiu-. iuvi.i".. sivn- ali l.luu !:) tU :; J ii: _____ j Thomas
ipn and \Vcstph:ilia u<-.'.' - 'i-nriv. -mi: utbcr
ii^': iu:;U t I.M in:;;;. Til:! ''IS. ' :i:,uiii;/ ;ii" NowTSBtT-WeliT" "" - i'->- •
Ibwb, and iiover.-i! otbi'.i1 tipccii-i ,>!' :iniui:il!-, .H:(--;:K. io-i-: iiy order of tbo Board. #•* •'•
(r,' t;i.:i : ii;ay ;: ; iiu, '.;-...:< t;i i|i .. ' .K. W.'•GILnKRT/Prcs'fc
' till of choicest bri'i.'ii-i, i.'/:nc' ii'.' ''-/i''i'<' ;'V, fiMr
tilt- ol'ji -,:i i-i i( . [•irrj'.;u\i. !u', jueam in tiSM.rj
'. pr'k«p|jA)r8aU; ^ 'b'1 i^q--.-nuii-iit:ii rutii I.,H'I.;M- r ?' . :' :'i> -'; !. ; "''- " : '-'Milti tliiOf ri;;ii ..-uiiili.iiiii. ;h.>
'.-'.. : if ••••' 'i' !.-.t:ii]; - i j|. v i-i_ ID jili-:.i...... ;.ii(.. : : : SCHOONK
•i'.-ii- i':'.tliil;:-iv;'. iii : JAME
'BOOX-S, Mi^iriiliuv;,:.' i:ohrnlli:Va' .,n,i; .; •; ,,; -i :l , uli-.i. SUOivS. j ,.;. . h, c,:..,..;'.,,,., o|,., !iiib;;enbor wishes 'I'hesubscri
^xjtanical, i;i lnucli jrrv^trv •;;iiir»y s!i.i;i '•«' rb:-, j v,-;- ; !i,-.:k i;. yiS •,-,. '-,-.; in !b ; . r.- O-- - 'i vb" -'• i.-'.rj'-u;-. :; I.-.- y.i jimelui.soiino hundred tl-at the abov
Mil!;',-;i'l!!<-.!,. '.' ,-i-. .'il-.i-i p:i,'lil;i!?;,liy i ))„; ; i,j,-!i|;.; ,,; ;:,; .''.fn •;!-• ,..'<;,-. Tim AVritthlson a strong subslnntin! .sVln;i;i ', ;i-;i,y.:l::u-n v.'it! I,. -,;, isl'iv sejrynnlaof all manually I
ipl I'Dl'.'.lU'.Uiy ''.l .S'.lll' | - 'i : - : '- : '-' llitll'lllii 01 '• II- ':• •:..•':' ':, i'.irtyiiif; sixteen liiirutajiljbilsltela >sl' (ir:<in ,s- ;i ;•. nt/u,:-:a-,it l- j t, (lli -.i,.,;-, : - <];,:., •,. jw Meehatf- o., is now in
Ill sboft, 'alt ar(i<:^:~ ---MII:•.-(* \>y Kunu-rn iin:.l | iiu^'-jy, ',••<:" ^ ,:.;•;-.-,vi-',::i in,n-i!n- witb a well.furnished cflimnodmii's <-;i!iliii j i'-- (,!'l!-.-.-.-v<-,r!:' of frieght an

•cured when ordi-iri'. !>>.• ;. :--!ii.;(l! --isnuifi :•:]>-!, !

; ; '; : ; ; ^^S;.R^Sa£;:;;::;:t
B;iir.,uiH, .•vct^y.cdijesday mortii.u; tit ibo ' '""""' !UUl prices mad(jU>:".tii!. tbo f>ii-'.-;tii,i -n'i
'-'• .--.. 1 . Av.-n.J-! . '. H;:,..-.
on ibn I'.tn;-.; ,-ili'":-: ; .."r 1 ... .. - - ..... ....... .. . .
.iVfl1 '.
5 Ho;*«f
in familii
in'idious Gal
She will cc
•.::- .;. ;o^BB»mHael«»a9aregi)Var s ; :- ( ,- ;tbl- { vV'Ao I.-OM: ::i ;.ti-. :, largo lots', as W^J I acket betw
JCy'And tbl:U!;h l;iMt llj Otil'.T ill:.!'! 1.. -V f I ! '1 !l< tiitt'-.nilcd i()' In lift'ij ob'.idieiiS ;i-v-':nt T I tiixiuty oil tin-- "'i ;.y ..; i and will riol' be will leave
VIHWT'IH. IMPoi'iV.uftJK id en.;)' i'!,; ,.-r ' !' ii!l-!'i\i nt'i rriv'J tid of Mare
' sdiland keoper'o't'.DomeAtir ;uiiio;:!;, t'hi.-'-ub-j \\-.•-.:••. he IB per- timoro. llf
'•gribor (iflera t^i them iiSdjia prepar- wharf, Ball
. "v'lSoXVLF.fXJK i'li
t cash pr)ccr Htirrison, at
-,J 11(1 • HUiui-. " 'j.'i.'i sir
lUilonl lowing
Jio can, or the abovi
She will tal
YV.n. Towi
Ail order
Spencer an<
Jorden, at t
to. The S
exertion to
<r S;i, li'i'i-n. (.-:iiU'ii '• VViiTnitthnd"—this?farm patronage '
'y i;in!itU--,| on Hunting Ciesjc, (a :
iiiii- with foli and nyBter' N. B.
l (jnainy, :,n;i v/'cil I'-.l
(it- i-i,in-.- iii.: city and atij
' ivni!i-ii'.'i:iK'-! .ii o< a vessel, |
bouse, !H;:bif, bai!)v ;! ii ! '"ii--:;h;ivo.tie Nichoha
j...i!iH.-'f*:trm will f;=: -i'old'iim.- -iii.i (in ;,ci-(
aa—.-.'.pply to a. »Hr;bitni, or to
co «nty-
..". ; .'.•«>'AS." H. BE:


WHERE THE PRESS IS FREE-'-Literature well or ill-conducted, is the Great Engine by jwhich all Popular States must ultimately be supported overthrown
RELIGION purifies the Heau and teaches us onr Duty—Morality refines the Manners—Agriculture makes us Rich, and Politics provides for the enjoyment of all.

• L •
.. NOTICE. -THIRD CONtiRESS. tttpixm Athird, so that a single contract unskilfulnrss and inefficiency of his agent.— The true sum is believed to be larger, but ta­
The subscriber gives notice to all persons in­ FIRST SESSION. is, in, this foamier, tendered so complex as to This contracts, Edwin Porter, is also the bor­
SA TURDA Y MORNING terested, that it is necessary that business in POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. require the lebor of several days lo reduce it to rower of largo sums of money of O. B. Brown, king that to be the actual amount, the extra
BY ALEXANDER GRAJIAM. his hands should bo promptly closed, as he is REPORT OF THE MAJORITY. its elements and ascertain its true condition. three thousand five hundred dollars early in aloirancei exceed tbo whole nelt proceed! of
Alexandria, where
determined that his securities shall not suffer E- Porter and Co. are contractors for carry- the year 183-2, and four thousand five hundred postages on that line from
line of Stockton fit
TERMS by any delay.
( Concluded.) ngtho i,tail from Siaiintun, in Virginia, to dollars in November, 183:!, making an aggre­ it first diverge* from the
The express mails which have been noticed JalleUsburg, Kentucky, three times a "week in Co. lo Lexiugton, where it un'ucs wilh i.1D the
T WO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS Wo also wUhes to call attention to the notice by your committee, are, as far as they can as­ 'our horse peat coaches, from tho 1st of Janu- gate loan of eight thousand dollars. lino of Peck and Welford, by more than 2,000
I Per annum, payable half yearly in advance. of Joshua M. Faulkner, Esq. by which it will certain, nothing, more nor less than another ry, 1831, to Ihe 31st December, 1834, at an- The waste of money on this contract is enor­ dollars, including all tho postages of the larrm
)c sson, that all his business as late* Sheriff, is mous. The nett proceeds ot all the postages \ towns of Warren, Charlotiesville and Lynch-
; d D VL: it TISKME ATS ilaeed in the subscriber's hands, for settlement
mail, or another line of coaches upon the same nu.it compendium of
route—sent for no special purpose, or on any On thiscoMraet, legal and regular in Us in­
$7,5«l> in tho city of New Orleans, and the tow*of'
; exceeding a square inserted three time and
the TENTH of the present month is fix­ special emergency—probably applied for bo- ception, is euttbfied extra allowance; compen­ Mobile, are hardly sufficient to sustain it. The E. P. Johnson is tho coniractor for carrying
ed as the lime by which it must be closed.—
?for ONE DOLLAR; and TWENTY Fivr. Triose who wish to avoid further cost and trou- :ause it was found profitable to run a third sation fur ext^bsion and private cunlracls to the law has been violated by entering into a con­ iho mail on several rouies in Indiana,—nua™
tract to get up a steamboat lino for the trans­
>le will, it is expected, attend to this notice—
li'io of coaches for the transmutation of passen­ enormous yearly sum of «U8,1 do- portation of the mail without any regard lo le­ bcrcd H, 17, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 41, from
CENTS for every subsequent insertion. gers, and granted because they were applied the Isl of January, 1830 to the 31st of Decem­
The two Ingest of iho items which compose
.hose who neglect must abide the consequences. for. Your committee look upon tho expendi­ this extra suin.namely, $-2000 for extending a gal restriclions. It was violated by the depart­ ber, 1833, at a yearly compensation of 3,300
JO: GUAHAM, Sliff. ture of money to establish these second and steamboat mail between Guyandotte, Vi.ginia, ment when it entered into a contract for tho dollars. There are no IPSS than eighteen dif­
CLOCK AND WATCH manh -1—2-2 tf third daily lines, in no other light than that of & Cincinnati, Ohio, and <U 1,000 a year for ex­
iransporialion of ihe mail without an advertise­ ferent modifications and additions to this sin­
a premium paid by the department to one line tend ing the steamboat mail to Louisville, is, in ment inviting public compclition. And thore =gle contract, fur which he receives ...„„„„_
....... ..„..,„...^ in Ihe ag-
of passenger coaches, tending to give it the the opinion of your committee, not only an un­ is another fealurein this and soina other eases gregate yearly; 14,502 doTlarVl8cents, i'n al-
THE UNION TAVERN, ascendency over every other line. A striking necessary aridfxtiavaifant expenditure of the inwhich your commitlee have examined, which, dition lo what ho receives by contract—«.
their opinion, is deserving of the most decis- mounting in the four years to 58,008 dollars
case, in illustration of this view, occurs in the public funds/but is an act wholly unauthor­
EAJTON, MARYLAND. agreement above referred to. Mocklon and ized by law.-J ivc condemnation. It is the blending and con-, 75 cents; and all this by private arran<rement
necling Inn
nnf*tinrr fiscal «iaffairs
the fionnl (Ynira nl'ilinrJi-mn**.***«.** with without
of llie dcparlment IIT!*!*'...^!. advertisement. or competition.
,...»_ _»___.•_ . . * ^
Neil are the contractors on the line froiv Every onC»cquainU>d with the silualion rf those of individual contractors. Thus, while
Washington, Pa. to Wheeling. Reeside and the country a?d the course of business between idvancing its funds, and lending its credit to The nctt amount of postages received in th«
others are contractors on the route from Phila­ those points, .will he at once satisfied that it this individual lo enable him lo repair his er­ Slate of Indiana, according to the report of the
delphia, by Pittsburgh and Washington, to is unnecessary. It is wholly immaterial rors and carry on his contract, the department Postmaster General, on thn 28lh of February.
Wheeling— thus running iwo linos from Wash whether ihe'mail be carried between those itself did, in several cases, call in jpartmeni 1831; was 9,600 dollars C7 cenls, falling short
1 OJ t . ..__ ^ t\ f*f\f\ .111 fum - «... .•'

... " of" ,by <l,S'J->

. the-...--,__, dollars 51 cenls
.,— -—.—.--. paying the yearly
ul psying
^v,,.o of
JOSHUA M. FAULKNER, nglon to Wheeling upon the samo route. By points in a tvu horse coach, or in a steamboat, other comraclors lo assisl il m ra-smg money ' t lira allowances on this single contract. Tho
The subscriber having recently returned the agreement referred to.Reeside stipulated to rovided itbucamcd safely; and Ihe lint-son to pay its ordinary and current expenses. Two increase of the postages during tho conl.nuane*
from Baltimore with an additional supply ol RESPECTFULLY beers leave to infunn run thai route no oftener than each alternate vhich il waKcariied before tho establishment
.Materials in bis line of business,which lie will his friends and ihe public in general, that he day; in consideration of which, Stock ton and f this route, M'as ample for that purpose.' Nu instances of this kind are staled in iho Icsiimo- of ihe contract will not. in all probtbility.brinir
manufacture at the shortest notice and cm very has taken the above named properly in I'V.i^ton, Neil agree to carry his mail on rach of the no Iravelsinfslngcs from Guyaiulotte to Cin- ny of James Reeside. About two years ago up the receipts to a sum sufficient to dischar^o
in tho four years toy the
reasonable tcrir.e, he has also on hand a varie­ Tall) .t county, Md., known us the "UNION other alternate days, without compensation inaiti. or frun C'incinatti to Louisville: and he drew a draft of six thousand dollars al ihe | thcee extra allowances
rcijucst of tbo department, and for ils use, and i unit proceeds of pos'.anres for tho same four year
ty of TAVERN," on the comer of Washington and except at the option of Reeside. The trans­ 10 a id of ihe depaitment i<* nol necessary to gol it negotiated at tho Western Bank of Phi- m the whole S.alc. °
Goldsborough streets, immediately opposite the portation ol the mail is treated as a mere inci­ eep a constant regular lino of communication ladolphia; and somolime last winter he "arrang- 'E. P. Johnson, John Ilutchins, Joseph IT.
FANCY ARTICLES, Hank, adjoining the office of John Leeds Kerr, dental business, not with serious notice, in a y steamboat; between ihem. The establish- ed" ten Ihousind dollars through iho assistant | Hough, William Jlr.nry, and J. C. Chiles, art
which he will soil fur a small advance, lie early opposite to that of Wm. Hayward, Jr cmuiact about passengers and opposition lines. nentof this »ine was therefore unnecessary, postmaster al New York, for ihe use of the | stated in the report of the Postmaster General
particularly invites bis old customers and the nd directly that of Win. II- Price, Esq.— R C. Stuck tun and Win. Neil comrade. 1 to ilhe.r for ihe; transportation of ihe mail or tUe department. No oilier cases of ihe like kind , of tho 18lb of Apiil, 183'2, (Doo-212, p. 22,)
public generally to give -him a call, anil he his bouse is siluate in the most fashiim.ibla carry the mail from C'iu)ibrrl»ml to Wheeling ccuinmiliiation of passengers. are distinctly in evidence before the committee I as contractors for carrying the mail from Mays'
thinks there is but little doubt but what they I'd pleasant part of the town, within a few pa —from Washington, l'enn.,^« Slcu'ienville— /t is also fcainsi law. Tho general acl of but from general information, they bclicvo the villa to Louisville d'aily; from Frankfort tu
will be induced to purchase, lie returns his n of tho Court House', and a market (I can- ] from Baltimore lo Cumberland—from Wash­ he third dajpif .Match, 1S25, reducing into practice Uj have prevailed lo a considerable ex- i Nashville ihreo limes a week; from Louisvillo
thanks for the many favours received and still lot hesitate to say,) equal, if not superior, to ington City to Frederick, &. from Firderick to me the several nets regulaling liie 7'ost Of- tent. Your committee condemn this practice! 10 NanhviKu six times a week, and from Lex-
hopes to receive the patronage of a generous any c,f a like population in this Slate—he is also Winchester, from the first dav of January ice Departrownl, in its first section enacts: — must decisively. In their opinion, il is placing ' ingion i.i lU-an station six limes n week, in tour
public. rratificd in assuring the public, that he h:>s ad­ 1S;V2, for four yeais, (seo leporl of April 18, That tbo Poll Masler General "shall provide the department in an improper snd injurious | lu.isii j>iist coaches, al ihe annual compensation
Tho public's humble srrrant. vantages this tavern never before had, viz: A 1SJ.J, Due. 21-2, p. 1-2,) at iho annual compen or llio carriijeeof llie mail on all post routes connection wilh individuals. As a uulter of 'of :t7,7tiO dol'arr.
JAMES BENNY. anmfortahle dwelling adjoining not hereto'ore salion of &7.000 00 hat are or n'aty h" established by law." 7'his mere prudence, indopcndently of llie i|uestion j Your Committee called for the bids pursuant
June M Htnched to the property, and nil ilip properly Bill ihn contract was in fuel executed, giving clause conlaijis his whole general authority for of power, il should neither venture its own i lo which this eonlract was made, and they find
s about to go through a llio.-Mi'jli repair; which them a yeaily eompcnsviu'i for llie SMIIO lini contracting Fjr the iransporlalionof the mail, &. money or plight ils credit, to puMam any mrii- \ those thru are marked accepted as follows:
will cnablo him to entertain private families, wilh some variations at Jili.JOO 00 ibis does not Jiilhuri'/.u thescuingiijiof this line fidual, much less should it ask pecuniary as- I 1731. From Maysvillc to Lou-
MARYLAND, [.artics or individuals in comfort—ho intends And lor inorr.ised expedition, and f sleamboal.d, inasmuch as the Ohio river be- sislance uf its conlraciurs lu enable it lo keep isvillc daily, in fourhorso
Taibot County Orphans' Court, Table keeping in his bar the best of Liquors, and his
shall bn furnished in season with such as
increased number of Uips, mak»
ing two lines of plages daily,
iween these points, is not a mail roulo cslab up its credit. These contractors s'.iou! \ bo re poat coaches, one hun­
lislied by la1 • -But Ihe authority hero exer­ quired lo do llieir duly, and Ihey should be ask­ dred and forty miles, also
lOlh day of June A. D. 183.1. the market will afford, lie has provided at- which was, as is believed, whol­ cised may I' supposed to bo conferred in the ed for nothing more. Favors are expected to from IstxuiKtaH to
On application of Josiab Chaplain, adminis­ tenlivc Ostlers anil Waiters, and hr.s deter­ ly unnecessary for llio public fifih section of llie act, which provides,— be reciprocal, und if the department ask and Frankfurt, thirty miles—
ter of George Stevens late of Talbot Coun­ mined nothing on bis part shall be wauling to service, Ihey were allowed ux- "That the o«t Master General bo authuri-s.rd icceive them, it cannot deny when something E. P. Johnson's bid—
ty, deceased, it is give satisfaction• His //acks will run regular­ ira, ihe yca/ly sum of £'22,9<>-2 00 to have the lail carried in any steamboat or is asked in return. But the department has ("tcceptcd and exccul-
ORDERED, That he give the notice ly to the Steam Boat Maryland, fjr the accom­ olher vessc which shall be used as a packet | placed ilselt' in I Ins undignified relation wilh ed,") J 1,500 00
required by law for creditors to i-xhihi modation of passengers, when they can be con­ Thus, upon a contract fur 7,000 in any of th« waters of the United Stales, on Us contractors, il has become tlir acceptor fur 1740. From Frankfort, Ken­
their claims against the said deceased'; veyed to any part ol the adjacc:it cuunty at made puriuant to law, llie de­ sujh termsInd conditions as shall bo consi­ one to enable him lo sustain his credil and carry tucky, to Nashville,
estate & that lib cause ihe same lube publishei almost a moment's warning Regular convey­ partment has, by means of hypo- dered expedient. Provided ihat he dors not on his contract; and it has become tbedoblorlo Tennessee, 3 limes a
once in each week for the space of three sue ances can be had from Easton to the principal Itielical bids and extra lillnu211- pay more tkan three cenls foi each le'.tor, and another for his name, to enable it lo raise money week in fuur horse post
cessive weeks in one of the newspapers prin cities—a four horse sla^o r^ms three, limes a ces, Jjansl'erred lo Ihe hands of notmoro »* . f Is*~i3 9UX.14
cent for A^»»
>A.o;iii liulf Illitii* ea-.:h •*newspa-
•- j'^i
lo answer its own pressing necessities. The re- coaches, two hundred
led in the town of Easlon, &. also in one ot'th week to Philadelphia via Centroville; the lllO«» ^"ii.i.l.l.lo •"-- . .--——V •" ——.
to your comri'ittce thai this pro canso& partly lheconsc<|uein.-cofits present in­ afi'j Ohur«,"Ti40lv aii(f
newspapers printed in the city <>f Bali.mnro. SIM» nn.« M—3.1—a .^t.- - -.,., K ... i»»iii- ' ...in of * $38,46-2 0
In testimony that the foregoing is truly on moro, besides other conveyances in the two vision of law was never intended in authorize, solvent condition. The individuals who, vari­ 1741 improved,—("ac­
pied froi'i the minutes of pro­ Easton Packets—so that passengers cannot R. C. Stock ton and Wm. Neil were also and does not authorize, the establishment of ously connected &. combined, hold extravagant cepted snd executed.") 7,080 00
&. who receive extra allowan­ 174C. Fri.m Lexington to Bean's
ceedings of 'i'albiit cuunty Or­ fail tn find nn advantage in lias-sin;: "hi 1: way- contractors TOT carrying the mail on seventeen a steamboat line by contract for iho purpose private contracts
ces,which exhaust the revenues ol wl.oli-Sluti'S. stution one hundred and
phans' court I have hereunto Boarders will be accommodated on liberal terms mail routes, stated iu..ihe report uf April IS, of carrying Ihe mail, llie whole frame and
by the day, week, month or year—he soliciic IS32(Doc. 21-2, p. I7,)at the uimual eom- language of llie section lotbids il. "The aro llie same who lend their ercdil to krcp up levcnty one miles, twice
set my hand and tin; seal
ihe old slomers of the house and ihe pub1. '.!- .icnsii'.ion of $.r.0,<)00 00 Postmaster General is authorized to have the the credit i;f the department—who iniifi a w^ik, in four liorso
of my office affixed this 10th post i-oaehes, six times a
day of June in the year of our 'encially, tu call and sec him. The contracts however appear (Report of mail carried in any steamboat which bhall he , funds lo pay oft llie debts nrid rcli< ve the i m-
Lord eighteen hundred and thirty four. Oct. 5- .I/arch S, I8.il, Doc, 1.13, p. >210, -2111 lo usi.-d as a packi-l." lie may avail himself of I harrassiiirnls el' its chief cllicer—who'advance week, to Howling Giccn
Test. JAS. PRICE.'Register have been modified and adjut-ied after llm ac­ such means of iT^iispovtution wlifn ho finds i large sums uf money tu enable another'of ilt= mid the remainder llirco
ceptance of the bids so as lo give them on Ihe il already existing, Itut be is not authorized to oflU-ors lo puichase real eslate "al a icdiiccd times a week, E. P.
of Wills for Talbot countv. NOi'IOR incur the expencu of providing it price"—and who send presents uf choice wine.1* Johnson k Cu —("ac­
TO STONE MASONS. >:m.u ruii'iCS tho auiuiul compensation of
h also provides that he shall not pny mure to furnish Iho lablcs ofhuth. cepted anil executed,") -1,500 00
In compliance lo the above order, TIII'1 undersigned, a committee appointed And they were allowed for cMns, <js.'i(>,410 00 than three cents for each letter, nor more than William Sniiih is the contractor for carrying
to superintend thn building of a Church at half a cent Tor each newspaper iransported on (he mail Itom \Y;ir.hi!>gton lo Lyuchbnrg*, [mounting in the, whole lo t.22,580 00
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Miles River Kerry, near Easlon in Talbot incltuiincr nn allowance for tulia
That the Subscriber of Talbot county eiunty Maryland, propose lo build iho same, ol and fcinage yearly, 1S,50G 00 sr.ch Mine. A restriction wholly inconsistent two hnndrwl miles, three limes a week, in Being less limn tbo sum repoiled bv thn
hath obtained from the Orphans' cuvirt slum-—dimension-; uf Church '">!> feel by 38— with li\c ti<irrtosuum that he had power to get four horse post conches, at the yearly com 'ostmusler General in his report of Apiil 18,
of Talbot county in Maryland loiters ul They iiiviln proposals from Slone AlaAons ul Making an aggregate of O';i,(.'0li 00 up steamboat lines by contract for the traiv-por- pensatton ol (JG.UOU tf 32, by $15, 180.
administration on the personal cslale ol price and lime, and will he prcpanvl lo receive tation of the mail- And iho reas in that liii-J He was allowed for two changes of Opposite Iho accented bid on roule 1742,
George Slovens late of Talbot county lliem, addressed lo the nndeisi'jiicd at l-'.aslon, Being an advance upon their reg­ is not priiuilU-d is obvious.— the expense of bchedule, llie propriety and ulili- rom Luuisville to Nashville, is noted in red
doc'd.all persons having claims againsl Ihe sail Talbot counly, until llio lira: TUESDAY in ular legal contracts of 39,500 00 ge'.tiiu; up i1- Rloaii-lHial line by conliacl, lor ty ol whirl) is not ahuwn, 80U nk, "lo run allernnte between Franklin and
deceased's eslate aie. hereby warned li Tl>o advance upon the other con­ llm transposition uf the mail, is i norii'iiusly dollars and JO.'l dollars, J.IOO lusselville at per rnta allowance," showinj
Au"ust next. iial one of the routes which ho run from Hoie-
exhibit tho sime with ll.e proper vouchers tracts above referred to ia SI, 102 00 dispro]Kitiio«ed to the object; >vhile, at lln< ' For a daily mail i'liun Washingljn
thereof to the subscriber, on or before ihe H. IT. Gold shorn ugh, same.lime, -he d.-parlmenl may avail itself) to Warrenton, lift) Hyu miles 1,-JOO 'iiir (»'rffn lo J\a»hvillt under this contract,
1st day of January next, or they may oth IVichM. Fcddcman, Making ihe yearly advance allowed most ailvan'.agcously of nn existing line of| And a daily mail from Warren loO- mssod through Jtuttch-illc- •
erwiae by law hn excluded from all bene­ on Ihe two contracts ot $70,1)53 00 packels for li«Bchpap and e.\|i"dilions Iranspnr I unge conrthoiiRe, forty four miles 1,00(1 743. And in Doc. 21-2, p 23,
fit of the said estate.
lliclfd. Spciiccr. Which, during iho four yrars of talion of the mail. The fifth seclion of llie ; And a daily mail from Orange court of April ISlh, 13.S2, we
Given under my hand this 10th day of July their continuance, air.ount in ilm act above riferred to is a transcript of the house lo Lynchburjr, one hundred find that John Gray re- "
Juno 1834. ngrregalo In S'i73,S7-2 00 third serlioi of lliu act of iho '27th of Felirna- and bit miles, 4,000 reives on thn route from
JOSIAU CHAPLAIN, adm'r. $100 REWARD. And this is tfiven without, advertising and 1815. \ud while tin; last named aol Kmeling G'rccii tu Nash­
of George Slovens, dec'd. without eomprtiiior. was in force il was thought expedient by the Making an extra allowance yearly of f7,'JOO ville 4,980 00
RAN off from the subscriber between Sat­ department lo contract for carrying thn"mail ; The lour additional Iripn >er
pe week And by Iho report of the 3d of
June 21 urday 17th and Wednesday the R. C. Stockion (.April 13, 1S32, Doc. 11-1,
March, 1834, (Doc. 138,
from New (Means lo Lonisvillo "by steamboat, j wr.ro ii-linijuishcd on the 1st De­
2ltst of this inoi.th uf May. a no- p. 3) is coutnc.lor for carrying the mall on But as the ^>\ver was not supposed lubn con cember, 18.13, in consequence of p. 218,) he appears to be
gru lad named rouies Nos. 1105, 1111, 1-i 1'J, 1371, 137-.',
Easton and Baltimore Packet, hy li!.S7, Hill, !»!);>, I3!)li, 1.1H7, 1.-193—-21 miles ferred by tWt law, a special net WUH passei the insolvency of the department, allowed for running three
JACOB, daily, (il miles thrice a week, !'S miles daily, on ihe -d T nnd lliern was deducted from llio additional tiips from
way of Miles River, 53 miles daily, 70 miles daily, f><l miles twice iracl, wilh e express proviso, thai Ihe whole | extra :.llowanco 4.900 Bowling Green to Rus-
of lawncy complexion and about expenco of .ending the mail in steamboats' scllvillo on llm samo
5 fre.t 7 or 8 inches high—hia countenance is ;)5 ni'.les daily. s!-l miles onccs, 15 miles once. should not xcecd" that uf transporting Leaving for r.o known increase of M roule, 1,010 55
rather mild, but changeable when spoken lo-— 36 miles once, at $1-1,910 03
This contract has no schedule attached to same by In: I. In iho steamboat conlructs vice llie yearly allowance of 3,00(
he shows his whi'o teeth a good deal when he
and on its margin has Ibis memorandum-— made by Ih" iirepent Postmaster General, not If we admit the change of schedule to Amounting to (3,999 55
speaks—in his ordinary walk he is laboured it,Alt ,» . I« the ."' hi attention
.nu slightc^ . ----- to the restric- j
•- paid
----••--•-••• is
be a meritorious cause fur the. al­ So it appears ihnt John Gray is paid ihrea
'All iho
1110 /mpiovements
llIlplOVCIIH Ola 111
SCHOONER—WILLIAM & HENRY, and seems to work his whole body. It is sup­ ordered by the Pustmastei G-neral, from th« lions in eithk of iho above named statutes, and in ibis contract
Una looil.iut wero
lowance ot 1,1OL thousand nine hundred and nincty-ninn dollars
JAMES STEWARD, MASTER. posed ho went off on the Saturday before or heiriiinino-. he is therefore eniiiled lo ihe slip- ihc tho sum p.'il
p-V for
lor the transportation
tr.insportalion of
ol Ihe
Hie The conductor is, in that case, re­ nnd fifty-five cenls for carrying the mail from
' 'I Tie subscribers beg leave to inform the public Sunday of the Whitsuntide llolydays—He is beginning; he is therefore en mail from llncinnatii to Louisville, consumes leased from all his additional trips;, Bowling Green to Nashville, on the samo roulo
tl-at the above fine, fast sailing, new and sub, a shrewd and specious fellow—whoever will nlaled sura uf 20, 1 50 dollars per annum, addi­ m which it is carried by E. P. Johnson & Co.
irroalh' inomhan Ir.vlf iho nelt revenue for which ho was allowed C,8UO
sunlially built, copper faslencd Schoon- deliver to llio subsciibcr llio said absconding tional." dollars, and his compensation is re- as above-
Jl is also noted (Doc. 138, p. l.r>l) on the
". .i
ccived by Icpartmcnl.:in ibulb
«i. !_._...
those cities,
. t. j 1.. „_

o., is now in complele order for the receptio- servant, or secure him so lhal the subscriber There is! trier transaction wilh the same dueed in consrqucnco uf il, but James F. Robinson contracted lo carry th»
of frieghl and Passengers; having a vety com- can <ret him, shall receive iho above reward. contract, and slated in tho report of March 3, individual, \ eh is liablo tu the same and still 4,1)0(1, leaving him an additional mail daily, in four horso post coaches, from
iTvxIious Cabin, she is well calculated for the ROB'T. 11- GOLDSBOROUGH, \3i'l, thai the express mail from Baltimore to 1,001 Cincinnati, Ohio, to* Georgetown, Kentucky,
stronger objt yearly allowance of
accommodation of Gentlemen and Ladie«-— near Easlon Tnlbot county Lancaster is discontinued, but no mention is Fur ichieh no sen-ice whatever is rendered, 71 miles, in 14 hours, al a yearly compensa­
in that reporl or elsewhcie as your com- It seems at a person by the name of
Sl,6 will commence running as a regular Eastern Shore of Maryland made mittteecandiscovcrtlr.it such express mail Rhodes und took to carry llie mail from Tnero is also an extra allowance of nin tion of 1,000 dollars. His schedule was so
1 icket between the above named places—and May 24 hundred and seventy five dollars made to Win changed that ho was required to run through
will leave Miles River Ferry on Sunday the was ever efilablishcd. The improvements for New Orlea to Mobile, but failed and gave A'niith for an extension of his line from Dob in 1°. hours, instead of 14, making part of tho
which this enormous eum of $20,150 was up the conlr . Afterwards Messrs.Slockton
tid of March inst. at 9 o'clock, A. M., for Bhl REWARD. allowed, aro not indicated in any report made St Slokes, Reeside, and Avery and son's X roads to Lexington, North Carolina trip in the night; for which he was allowed
limoro. Returning will leave Light Street Porter und oc uli l*T carry' llio iwail o'n iho j Prior lo this arrangement, this mail went 01 the oihlititmol yearly compensation of 3,000
wharf, Baltimore, opposite the store of A- B. RA.NAWAY from thn Subscriber, living in lo Congress. In the report of the 18th of A- rco times a week in sle-nn- the ruulo Irom Dobsun's X Roads to Salom [loll.iis. ./t is not perceived by your commit­
sumo roule hrco
Hurrison. at 9 o'clock, A. M on tho fol­ Talbot counly (Deep Nock)on Wednesday last, pril, 183.1, ihe conlracl is sot down at $1-1, 000, boals lor )iily five ihousand dollars a and from Salem to Lcxington, which increas tee. that tho change of a schedule was at all
the 4th inst. (June) a negro fel­ and nothing is anywhere said to the public, of
lowing Wednesday, and will continue to run
low, who calls himself DICK or in-reased service or increased compensation. — year. The Iso failed to comply, nnd their cd his distance only seven wiles, passin< cssenlial to the public interest.
or the above named days, during the season. through a very flourishing town. Thiscxtc.ii One among tho many contracts of
She will take or. board and land passengers at The oxtra amount thus paid on this contract, conlracls wi also given up. Kdwin Porler sion, as ilia called, was therefore whully use­ Tompkins $-co. and others who aro connected
without legal warrantor adequate consideration ihen underti c, by private agreement wilh the
\V.n. Townscnd's; going to and from Balti- DICK ANDERSON, •'-' less, oxccpl so far as il served llio convenience with them, and :vhoso contracts are interlaced
~ that
during its continuance four years, is 80,(iOO deparlment, carry the mail daily on of the contractor, and enabled him to draw of with theirs is taken as a specimen of another
n.cre. _ , ,- route in ste nboats for four years, at forty
Ail orders left at tho Drug Store of Messrs. about 21 years of age. Dick is ve­ besides the 3,150 a year paid for express mail thousand du rs n year; which agreement is upon his newly adjusted lino thfl passenger, very large class of cases —a leading fualuio of
S,>onccr and Willis, Easton, or with Mr. Jas. ry black and square built, about 5 fvet 7 or on the same line. which hud therefore gono upon llie old lin which is complication and confusion.
Jorden.at the Ferry, will bn stiictly attended B inches high. Ho took away with him a In the above caso, it will bo perceived that slill subsisli Within Ihe last year there of Peck and Welfurd. It does not touch a The annual report of ihe PostmaMer General
the contract is, in the aggregatc,for eleven mail were one hi Ired and fifty failure* on this
to. The Subscribers, intending to use every largo quantity of wearing apparel, and / have routes; so interweaving and complicating the improved lit for which tho contractor says single post office in the tweuly live mile of Iho 25th of February, 183 1, stales that E.
exertion to give general satisfaction, solicit Iho no doubt has mado his way to Delaware or transaction as to render it exceedingly difficult he Htands fin in the books of the department which is not also passed onlte logular mai Porter, James Reosido, John H. Avery, l<|Uo
patronage of the public- New Jersey. Diok is an outrageous scoun­ hundred dollars, yet no pail route established by la\v. /., Tompkins, D- A. Sallinanh. Charles P. Mal­
F WM. TOWNSsEND and drel, having mado an attack on me for repri­ to unravel it, and to find whether the bids al six thoiisant ight pears to have been retained out The extra allowances made en tljis route o lei!, John Mo Lean, and Sidney Porter, aro
manding him fur his negligence, in not being which the routes wore struck off are tho most of Ihis sum
JAS. STEWARD. William Smith,) from Washington until i contraclorson loules 1901, )!>02, 1903, 0047,
N- B- For Capt. James Steward's capa­ in place for hours after my other hands wero favorable for thn department, and it is Hill of bis pay- )n tho contrary, ho was permit- unites with the, route of Pock and Welford, a 2101,2103, 2104, 2105,3254,2265,8558,
more difficult to ascertain the reality of any led to oven w very largely, and his draft
city and attention to business, as a commander at work, /will give tho above reward for his alleged Improvement, and their -actual value fur twenty I usand dollars accepted by llio ted in the report of the 3d of March, 1854.— lars yearly.
Loxington, N. C., was 8,875 dollars, an sta 2853, in stage* aud steamboatt, at 87,950 dol­
n( a vessel, tho public are referred to Messrs. apprehension and delivery in Iho jail in Eas­ if they oxist. The same objection occnrs in Poastniastnr cnoral, and not yet paid, was . <
Nicholas Goldsboiough Tench • Ttlghman, ton, Md. or secured in any jail so that I got ——. «u- •) *«v •- •".'' The Postmaster General, in his report of
Qenjuhic Bowdle and John Newnaro, of this him atrain. numerous cases, /raprovemenrs aro said to be discounled sotoe lime bince at New Orleans, •Doc. ISS, p. 167.
B FOSTER MAYNARD. mado by expediting on "one route, changing lo enable him to raise money logo on with |Doc. 11!) of 1830 and 1991. •Nos. 1731, 1540, 17-11, 1745 «d 174»-
conity- Talbot county Md.,Junc, 7 1834. 'the schedule on another, and ordering addi- the contract, *hich was likely to fall by the
March 5

•kit io If. TorV, tut Oc- i found tti« .ffnirs of tbe Depmrtiatnt in «
the Sth of Janaary, 1880, they obtained so Whi.>, —— ....-...„ ...... ,.„„.,..... -.. .. . . for tot>ei 1*99 $365 SS state of utter derangement, resultin», AI
a view lo the correction of the abuses 'be P''!""'- 1 '"'' ks alone ex- Bi-ynn & Lesph k Co. for :itis believed, from the oncontroleJ dis-
„ March, ,8*. .,.,«, h« which .1 disrlotWNi, the atiwttion of your c-ed- the sum. published put ia dilto in New York, 10th ! -crelion exercised by its orticers orer its
comtnife. was arrested by the ex'ent -f 'I"1 1}hj " lljokl h-v $9504 '00
September 1831 441 09 contracts and its fu ids; and their ba-
It appears that the-orih
they receive, (ur diver* improvements on route* and arrayed it at once on tun side of ill* ad- oiririiii official iiuiibini^
patronage to iu [Miinrrs vfii'L-n wired n it | * . ., .. . •J:«mes Sliyker, lor ditto, in bilHal erasions, ami in some instance!
Kos. I903, 2101, and 2102, which »ie ill in­ rainiatralion. demand the amount oHha. ^'^'^^^^^ N. York, 29ih November their total disregard of'he? Uws which
cluded in the grand aggregate of contracts a At the letting* in October. 1830, this route were paid, is t-he i-prtificalp of Nathaniel
nage as exhibited in the uB'ue Book- 13S-2 416 10 have been provided for Ihi-ir restraint.—
bore named, and al*o lor improvement* on was advertised to run through in two days and The resolu'ion of Congress, of 'IIP I »'!i (Jipene, HIP pnsfmastPi at Boston. He J.irues Wrigb'.for publish- And your comrnitlpp, see no rne.»'i-< >vjth-
s--vpn hours. E /Matt & C o Lid lor ii at f 1,-
211)7, vliich it not included in ii, an extra al ofj.dy. 1832, dirpcled that nld i« Ihe broil-Pi of Chailp.s Gippnf, nj ing m* Sandy 4lill ll»-r ild" in th«» power of Conzr-«s of px'ricn»iri«
lowance yearly of 13,600 dollar*. Thus fiist 980, Mi ore. Libo & Co. at $2,450, and Benja­ the limi of P'UP &. Giepitw HP under
grouping, and thfn clivnJiu^ ml, smaller groups min BenneU at "$350, pt. 5a5 »?00" in broken be included in the nex> (present") edition N- Y , -propo-a!s lor cur* it f om its pres^n' condition, and ie«tor»
takes to certify in nil ruses thai blanks,
and confounding one group of ouniiacti with bids, equal, it is lilifvrd, to >l 57 5 fur the of <lm book a correct list *: nil prin­ paper, and twine, were TiirnUli'-d to the lyins: the mail in N. York, jinzit to healthy and elTJ.:ient action,
aiiuil.or, u> til it becomes iuiprscticable to trace « hu!« ruiite. 'I'lir bid ot lierj; inin Urnnett ia ters in any troy employed j^y n " v I'i'h July, till September, 'without providing by Jaw a more strict
and reduce to their element* lliess ruullil'oim marked accepted, and the acceptance erased. puitmenl or officer of (bflttbovpnun'-nt. rmiM-iK. vnrioii* poslmastp.s "in N- Y & elsp- 1812 418 10 system fur its government; prescribing
•transactions. and that ul'J B Bennelt (the owner of the Within 'lie between 30-h of W|IPI-P,MIO llipf»i-erise amount Mated in all ———— to its officers more special rules for tho
Alter tcveral other extras fnr improvements press) is accepted at (3,000, through in two September 13.11, and the $fl(h if Sep- ihp Touchers. Me is the same person who $1.6*0' 35 performance of their several duties; tak-.
which result in clailv mails, with incirasrd ex­ days. Hut the m-het'ule which appears u> have H |. pilited "ihe Boston Statesman," before
lember, Isti. with the •———— in? from diem, a* far as possible, all dis-
pedition on these run leg, and an increased al- hei n made nut al the time of executing the con- - lo»ed to ea<h. The n ,„,„,,,.,,.,, of Con-
,,„..- '''"' P-. re* s was transferred to. its , present
- .
fao's" utaipa that on account (if the unusual
lowanc* of 11,000 dollars a year, lh*ie occurs Ir,-, hell and destruction of i.ricge*. and other! gres.., to enable the Seciet^.y of Sate proprietor*, nnd. from Ihe information Tt will be seen, by reference to the. ac- c.refion, where 'he acceptance of a con-
.this extraordinary allowance: count now furnished by the Department trad, or disbursement of money is con-
material changes in HIP rond since the 15th of. i o comply with if. enjoiHa. il'iipon the we have., it up-ears 1o us that tin- post- hat while the Globe weekly, •semi" cer-ned; establishing a more s'rict sys —
•'For running, beside* a tn weekly line in a
four harte tcagoA, so as to exclude |mssenp«rs, Oriober, 1831, it is »-freed to run through in .., ev ^,.a | t i ei,J* o f department' d.tectin" mister himself was interest.! m it at Ibe weikly, and daily, was publishing th^s* (em of nrronntahilily, atrl enforcing an
and iiitur* the tegular sn,val of ihe mail dur two days and a half each way. making! OI. incurring (he ,-xpense, |o rauvp the lim- of granting his cp.tific:.(ps. very "mail ptoposals" fir the whole tJ- observance of Ihe laws by penal enact-
ing the winter Reason, liny weir allowed, from five h.urs lontpr time than ,1 was fixed a. by j , j „„,-,„.,„,.,. ,', . . } This is but one of a clas.i
nioii; and while the A biiiiy Argus nnd ment.
thea-'verliaeilieiil, anil proposed lor the oilier . .•» ' '1 '"
December 1, 1632, an additional cuiipenmiiioii bidden. Ssu..p,,aintr the hid of IMijanvn He,, | «»• added, to be lodged m the Depart- seiited by ''the incident.il expense*," ai the Courier and Knquirer were puhli»h- ShofiM Congress ndvince. ont of Ihe
ai th* annualiale of two thousand live bun • by• arriingemrnl mem <f t-tate. 1 ' The (lociirr.mt in th' we think it proper to n-mai k, that, profit­ ing the *amp for HIP Statp of N.tN' Yoik tipa«nry for Ihe support of the D»part-
died dollars.7 Thus, alter jay my tlicsn iiuli ne't to be fictitious, or made
able »•< such rnnliai-ts nip, tnpie is nn
•viduals a large compensation l.y contracts f(,r, merely to enable, the Depart,unit the heller In Blue Book u>aze 182, 3.- 4 ) 'trilled, and tiansmitling them to ever. p«rl cif nvnt, liie wun. o 1 money H'keil for by
carrying th/ mail, and giving "tin m further transler the c ntractioJ. H. llennett. there is •List o all 'printer.. p'mplby«d hv the |1 <""P Ml '"'"» admitted for foe them; no ad- the Slate from which a bid could be ex- the Postmaster Gpiienil, or even the
large extra allowances for carrying it, they are' 8 '' 11 n dillcrpnc • belwpf.. tho next lower and Po-l Oili.e Uepirlm.nl -helwei-n the veili-ernei.', or other notice, invi (RS other p cted, these four papers. SOITH' oftl.em whole amount of its dpb's. it is not prob-
paid two t/iousand five • •liurulred
..... dollars ayrir-:v.il:d
: I.ill. and thai in which il was struck nfT Sib of September 1 S3 Land tlip S0<h P'-'-on- to • liter the IMs in rivall.y with
'carcely circiilalmg Ihiough P sinjle nble. whilp under the manugement of
furtherc^tra for currying i! in a waxen. i 0' '••'>-'1 d rsll.irs
G.OSOdoll a yar,
whiol, "<|ii:,l toin b,,
a : >p,ars four.hoyears to „•'
extra «•»••«<.........i,..
s 'l"«"'»'«r i" n ,iI93»
QJ « wi'M
oa« •
..:... . • r_.._...._.._
the. )mpen-a- the favored newspaper newMiatier editor upon ui>o whom County in Ihe interior, a'-d niihlishpd its piosFrt offic--is with noo'h.r me n«
i txaminmg the proportions which the mo-; l.on ol cacti." i« the otfi'-inY paper fur 'ii»alion is to be bestowed —
nry paid for the Uauspor'talK n of the n.ail hems. (1)t Pf> «" in-um-.t hv tlm dopnrtmeiit io .' two or three tini'-s a HPI k were kept up than now exist to control and restrain'
] nished HI ont-dience to ibis resolution. &. I in a citv where its patronage
to the receipts for postages in pariiculi.-din .this contract, IB llio hinds ,.l a newspaper edi is Hi..' fust putilicalion of any portion of! lVoni olhRr *°»r<-e* than Executive favor at an cxpensp of :jj)l.6SG 33 for two them, that ilsdihis would bp Hqiiidalpil,.
< icls of country, and even in whole Siaten, ihv n onths, printing ol tbe mail piopo<;tls or i ( s ffficieni-v restored. Under (his.
disproportion is in soiue cases rruiark^ble. "Tha 1 ^nr.'nlental txpeniri compre- Ibe incidental i-xpeiK.es trial has ever! w;is probably not very great, the press for the Slate For these and oihpr sim- impression nnd hplief, your committee
'J lie aitra allowanais of E- F- Jol.nwin, o* hendmg tlie seait fercl,-t T«r« fund of the, the ''e n made HI olfl ience to 'the requiti- of '"he Boston Slatesmnn" appears by ilar expenditures, now biought to cnn.iot recommi'tid (he apropiiation of'
one single contract, as has I ecu shouii, con­ Department. pie«enl an interesting mih-l lion- of law. the vouHieis and rpceii ts. to have been
light by the document amused, we any money to relieve the wants of Ihe de-
sume the whole revenue of Indiana. jcc* for coiiiideraron. No law appio-' The ol.jert of the lesotut'on ut'o wm lo ' sn-tainetl in the ypat'lS3i. when the last can perceive no pieced nt* in the form- partment until there be some further
Theexfra allowance* of c.mtractors in Vir-^,,;.,,„ ,llol money ,,.y f,, IITr ibose • xpens't-Ji — uitei post-Ihe check of p"i,|i|fr opinion to | P'e-iilential election orcurn.-d, by the pr bi'lory of the depiirlni'ent- guaran'ee for its proper ami judicious
|inia tall .hott, in 1ml three hundred snd thirty Co 1>H „„„.,„,, |)O co ,,, ru , OVft a r ,.es , „„ abuse of o(fi(. [al I,,,.^,,,^ lat , o ; employment of its pro,.i ir lors in rPniler-
The year IsS-J was «l«o distinguished application:
Sue "ec'.m'j tv^* S'"ueLr!ru nl' in'tUt'' 1 ''-'" Tl '« ^'mnster G«n.-ral, .ihia.prii.ltis., no other check Rav.ng been ! "'« »"vices to thp amount of i.Pailv stx-
by the amount of expfrises incuired lor! Your I'o.umlttee, reserving the right
».-.. (mere discifiion. selects 'he object of his provided. To the end, afro, that this 1 teen ''""u-ai'd dollars, which was paid the services o' sundry agents and secret ,to mnken lurther report on these snb-
In North Csnlina, the txtra allowances 'pa'toiia?p, wbieh he di«pen«f» from the patronage might ••--••"• net be abulrd, without nju,,,,,! j| •"» cut ol of "'«
the revenues
revenues of of this
this iUp-4iitnent
emissaries who weie put in motion at an ! j"c's liprpufler, resperlOiliy >-ecornmend
llshottol the netl receipt* for postages six!revenue derived from postage-, and iii delei lion, by employing tin owners of | And now it also apppa s ih.ii 11 || and expense of nearly Ion thousand dollars jibe adojilion of (he ftiilowin" r»solu-
mdreddollais |fiiided by that divcifition alone in fix-|"'e press, in uny other way t-.an in j Abboli, (piinteis of tin- New Hampshire fi.r that vi ar. These trips of investigii-! lions, (die resolutions was published in
In Alabama, the extra ullowancc* ars to th*ij r, z i b» amount o( that patronape. UP'printing, it provided (hat ihe li^l to be' f-t'^iot,) were allowed, during the same lion do not all apppar on the 'ace of the! s loirr.er nuniber.)
ill proceeds for postage* as vwo to one- I mny rrrplov one printer mid one ira»el.,'uini«ii«-' " nnrite.s in P-....:-.i 1' 1'' 01^ when
-«.— TIUP and Qipptie
»»«...--.... ^. _ _........ weie PPI
The whole n.llptuccedsuf r«»Ugesm\ir-| )i , B?en , '„, One ,lul, 1 | redor0 , oh „, |,i.''*ny Wa^ compensa- : l llox ej - §U* S 2fi " f(" hli'nks puper, nr.i -account, Th su'ii o! 6 Oi5 is rredi'i d
ma, a* appear* bv tho rostinasier v»*n«>r»r* , r • . L <• .1 .• .. - for sums paid to S (jouverrriiur, (he SENATK Cl
iK-rt of 111. 8811? of February, 13.11, »., P>e">tne; »nd be may pay each of them . ";-n toeeac,,. non.a.ter for Hut allow-' tw ' l "?>" ol "'hich $H,S-28 83 wan for I oslrnaster »l NewYoik. Kiom cm in i WASHINCTOV. 2fl'l\ Jt'ne. 1831.
vKiitv line ilmiisand two - prinl- r be . m.il •conlractor i Panting blanks, tbou^li tin- sums nppp^r-
iwo hundred
hundred and and SUIT
sijty-• •» mllrh as "" P''"**.- • , . ".by - III* mi-:i-w- l(• i •; • Blue Bnnl, PS paid lo them dorsemeiit on one ol Hie vourb«-ts 'o sup- I To mi/ "I<1 friend .1'f l.heiphl oj
two dollars ninety one cents. The whule co*t proppr exeicise- of l.his a-d his other 'I was intended by the reiolulion thai Ihe ; '"K ln |,or( 'bis cba g , i' appenr-, H-at he I,HS | .Vew Yin k Dall'l Jidvrrtiirr.
for transportation in that State by the con- unrestrained powers, the Department he- j f»c! ihould app.-ar. Il any $i,e of (hose j "mount only to ftl 494 86. • •ceived t I'd': on Ibe bo.)k« ol-be IV-| My !••»! tr-tier l.t veil tt-U'dvou al
traclsof Oc'.ober, 1S3I, and allowances mid ! comes bankrupt, (hen, by the construe-' who contiol tne public press enjoys loi! HoinlioIMI ttUo h..d mnil cotit-aclt Ib-tt anio.iii 1 , by linn /;ai.'/|lhe iins-i'-lenty til chirr bark t.|.». n,]
•»xiraallowaiictsmad»t<icoiiltacior*,i*i235,ySl)|)j on nrliich he beslo»vs on tin Coii«titu '>Pars a monopoly in supplying Ihe I)e- i ^or lv 'i'cli he reeciv- d 0.272 doilm -. \\ilr
Fallini/sliotl bul •-I,*'-* of tarce to on*. or 'be ini-idcnlai»xpen-es ul b.- . .lit t caie v\;is tnkm n si-rapin th*
lion, he (no(t Congii-ss alone) in:iy bor partmeut w th Ihe articles fp the real j "newspaper pnvile 2 p,'' a- we Inve «en b.irk. -or il- jist us n»fior Parson- teji'd
Tho whole m U receipts in Ala­ from w h.cli .We it.fer .'hat h- Hit- iliiec-
row any amount of money, on Hi*Icred- prc-fjt of Ihe contractor, th* fact was though ihe Blu> Book do s not notice <h
bama were 12.671 it of the. nation, lo supply the deficiency, deigned lo be shown in or|tr that Ihe fact in flie " st °' P'in'e.-; .»nd 11-11 and lion nf tbe de.;aitme:it, h*- made ilie-e n,y good olil melb»", if j., 5,-r.ipe,j
bolb w»y» thei-p i-no tr.ibn how thi-i»«
The cost of transportation with­ appear »l<o on ti-e list ol mail- 1 i aym< nt<, and ^'BS allo'^-d l> <:in OM
in il is reported at 157,^58 Subjoined is a staleinput of ili«>.' in- public might judge of Ihe extfent and ' ' i '- u ' ------ -'•- -- -• - '--• ' -, ttlement for postages. Mr. Gouvc-n will work An- 1 iis l : rr,-> ji«t «n nilh
Benij soinething more thin fire to on* cident.il expenses from Ihe year 1790. fl'<enee of thi: Executive p*|lroii;ige o- contnictors, both for Maine and New
> ur is not fiponsihle lor Iliese pay­ ••IbeGov^-iniiicnt''- &. thp folks :vboutlhe
Thesis estimates are suhjcct to variation •- prepared by a clerk, at the r(H]uest of ver Ih.- press j-o i-onlroMed JBut, so far li.itnpt.hirc, with 11.11 and iMoise, T. S. ments ordered by the D"partment. A - ii ,ta« !ilwa>-*> s.-rapiti both ways,
•ual to the increase of pnBiinres in thoseSlates the Committee, accompanied by a vie* fiotn ac omplishing (his, of xny nlh- A l.boi and Co.. dill .ind Crane, and B ib-
mong Ibe ,-pcpipts is one ol P S. [jouj;'! St tliing« wa- grttin wo«-->- &. '.vorxp.. [
(rum January, 1S30, until the contracts took of the •'contli.gent expense*," isndol'llie «r proper otijfcl of hi* p-irtfot the res- bn and IMI.
effect, and the extra allowances were mad*. sums appropiialed by law for lh» sala-, olution, i' link lie»n the rnea DIIIIIIJT lamp perio 1, Shadrnch borough, travelling n gen I, for one lion t» ic!| the ji'uieral nheti / was with
... n........ the .
When lho«c torrcctiune arc made, the dmprn- ries of Ihe officers of Ihe |)ep«rlmerit,: i"g ar.poitliom Ihe Post [Oifire Df- P e ""< who "S the |n inter and propiietor d. ed .Jol'ars paid him Ibe 4>h day of J jnr i m. IIP beitp- let tbe Sen.it- have a hnnd
portion between tli» nelt receipls for postages, °f I|;P Loui>»ire Public Advi-r'iser. wat I8S2; and .seven ol Barnabrn IJ.ites. M diiei-iin tlvs m.i'le 1 ^ tl.al I|IPIM wnrn't
•nd the eznendiluret in these Slates, though whic.'i must not be confounded with ih* j parlrm-nt prtcisely calcu'ut |to mi<tle<d •titotlier traveller, for $I.'J5S cash pnid in all ••re.iiioii a s-f of Ib k« w!.o knew
lessened, will still be •iiiirmous. "inc'ulenlal expenses." 15y this thrj the public in reference tj the i\hol<> sub- employed lo Inmith blanks, paper, and
twine, lo Hie amo:i'>t of 5r9 58G Sli, »l h.rn as u.«pt cial agent," between the • , ireil wi.at wa^rig''.! to be done, and
IMi* law conlFinplaurilral on new ronte*, gentile will pn-ceiie (hat, f.om a «nm ; jcct.
'Blue Hook 'hough m the lilue Hook his i,;ime ap 1st of August and the 12th Dccemoei .vhen tt-oublesdid .-omp, who knew how
and consequently in new States, a considerab'.s less than (wo thousand dollurs, ihe->« ft- On the list of printem in (he
•xjienditure should be allowed uver snd above penses, under foiinT adniinittiHti->i,<, T.ue fc. G--epne, proprielor-s id i.nnters P*-' a|is °" 'he list ol print rs a» in any ls(3i, inclusive. .1 gin hitiKine.riil out on't qu-cker than
the amount of receipts; hut even where the gradually increased for many JPHI->, of th • Boston Statesman, ur thus Mated Mnv f rri[iloyeil by ihe department on'y ,Mr Barnaban Bates, in October 1833. i,ey did; but the Gineral would'nl give
money is ftirly arr4 judiciously applied for the there being an avernge annunl .iddi'luii of) *° he employed: for the Mim ol ijp'J 297 9-2. The sums p;ps»iite.d an account, of wiiich thft loi- up till (other day, wh°n he couhPnt git
benefit nf the public, theru i* a limit beyond • bout or.5 thousand dollars. In 1H-J9, I'.'ue Sf iiieene, for priming^ wert- paid wi'hin the >ame period 'o other lo"ing ia a literal copy. by it, and the Senate »ot a ch.inci- to
which such expenditure w not permittee to '^£6692 75 pei s "i'S for "paper *n I twine,'' amount- "G-neral Po-t Olli.-P, •ciape a leelle bark for "the Govern­
pass without the convent of Congress. — By Ihey ha ' swelled to the »um of $S6.47I,! blanks, ^V
exceeding Ihe sum exp«nded in «i,y for-1 For advertising proposals, '
\"-'t ' i206 50 iiii: 'o $'2'l,562 6t. Other mirna Hllow "To B. Ua;»-s Special A sent Dr' ment," and in |PS« than no time it w^nt
Ih* 39th section •' ihe act of I8!2J, reducing
into ona th* acta regulatim,; th« Cost UtTice mer year; nnd in tlu- year commencing! j _j_ ___ rd duiii.i hese. I" o \" >»is, as appear' In * nS3 . April 30. ji-t M» (I e pitij-le ixpccltd i 1 would, and
ns' li' I «„. .._ . . • • •> r. * L'f" >•""••!>"••« •"-! acc.ouiils d'-r printed To services from July 1, H32 jisl ai ihi'y wanted :t lo work; it bus
i'in'gfaV i''lectio?i,"flie"v BOOK, • C.899 25 blank*, p.iper ai,d I win p., not including *• J -»-^ •£>' -*--i'«, !•» <.a iu.r rloereduiM Wr Taney anil Mr. Sleven-
.nnuallf to Congrcas every p*st route which moiinte I to about <j98.000 Z • ^uJ-1 l'«t 'he exhibit now made by the ac- "' e latgc >ums paid lo other erlito-s for difin • 912 00 •on already, and a eo»d j--»g n>ore would]
•Miall not, after the second year troin us rttab- den increase o! near 20 000 do'l»rs over 'count of Ihe Department, hereto app»-n p*'" 1 '"* '"'ail proposals,' amount to mote Do do expenses daring the same follow if the Senate gits another chanc*
lishiH*nt, have |iroduc»d out! third of ilia ex ihe corresponding expenditures of -»ny ded, *hows that tt««y have bi-»n employed than-evenly thousand dollars, 2. 50 760 00 at scrapin the bark.
pott w* of carrying th* nwil on the sarnr"
If this pnivMton of law had bep« altrndr^ former vear- ' diiriug the whole lime, (as the present i The account now exhibited by the de- Do do steamboat &. stage fare Sonic folks and especially them wh»
to, theaggrrgrate of the route* in Indian*, II- Of Ilipsp pxpcnsfs, no detailed account Po-lmatter Genpial hud in fict lury.'.iri paHmen' «hows thai Francis P. UUir ed- do 134 00 want or expect offices think that the
lin./is, and Alabama, ought to ha^e hcnn re requited to his rendernd io Cti.igi«!s-i— beforn cmp'owd (hem.) in fuinikbing t' 01 °' "'« Glob.-, i -reived I'.-orii tie SO'h Senate ought to do ji-t what the Giner-
fiirlcd as unproductiTe n.'uv*. and Kentucky', no 11 poil ot the vuiiout i'ems which p»per. piiiiimg hl-ihk* and twine, to the l.'eeembei, 1831, io tne 26<h of O.-toiier 1,856 00 nl tells em—hut that aint my notion,
Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia, form their iig^rcgaic amnunl is | ub!i*h- amount ol •fad.'JO? 7S | 1833, inelu-iv , Ibe sum ot 0.21,634 90. So that Mr. B,irnab«s Bates set n for I don't see why the ppople should
Would bul ju*l have tscapi il its provision*-, th* ed. Th«-money to defiay lh'-m eor,» i Seeilipaiiiouni forlhefolhowing item-. Flpappems ontbei5lueBookforoi.lv cood pri' P. on his (ravels, Sf although, by he at the expense of bavins a Senate if
«xpendilure in each of tlu-ai: last vtuird h lute wh.it in-.ty b« emphatirally « a!!.-d 1 iSi. J.iiiunry 25. True fc Greene's frH.371 57. But as the department oil ' * n endorsement, it appeals that Mr. C. that is lo be Ihe rule —The Senate h«
feeing more than double lit* amount of le- the ncrtljund. The Inn.I common - -..-.:— .--
nniily no compeiiNalion tor .-furiiisni.ig• ...
hi.inks, pa- 'he ...- application - .- of- the
. r omnnllee, « sent u< jI K. ir Gardner,
/-.._,.....,./-tbe first..Assistant
-. ... 1'ostmas- cot a notion Hut il is thoir duly to see
'1'here »!• two Stale* which lie, (id* by side. called, which i* pUred in the I • •-ids of per, and twine, to v»'iou:s IIQNI ofil.-es in only a part nt ihe voui-her- for this ac tpr General, doubted about ihe allowance :b:U no man gels an office »ith iheir
Hcatly r.^ivl in population, *ilcnl «f ttrritnry Ibe Pr.-idml to defr.iy Ihe i ontingf-nt M>w N>vv Ycik and i-1-.pwl.n i-New-l.c- e. |r,nn 1«.| O count, u ml ilflei icil M n'img >he te^l ontii of 50 i cuts' ol ^>2 50 pei ilipm for "PX '•O'.Tt.t utiless IIP will di'cha.oo .1, i!u'i»> 5
«ud in thnievemi* which they ji*ld (o tin expense> of loieigii iii eicoursp. ,« not no lolisr to Sl.-t December, 1811. ine.usii,.,,. it is ruiw too late lo >xuminc. Ihem in ppnu «." in ndditioli to Ib" "per diem for lor the gond nf the hull p.-orde urul n t
•Vpartinaiil, which show a remarkable differ »rop"ilj Pntille.l lo the ni pellxiion-— ' 3,944 10 lime lor tins rppott, we i-Hiinot say bow «i"vicr«." and the "s'eainboat "nit staji- lor a pa>iy, and tbi-> i« j|.f n ,v PI.(ion
•nco in the *utn* paid in each for lliu Uaueaij That J mid is limited in its amount by May 9. True Ptid firepne1 * lar 111.- official Maiemi-nt in the Rfgisler fjir;" ypt, on pu'lirig the <jues'ion en too. loril is n pUgv haid' bargain for all
Ution of the mail. the will ol Congress, who-.e nppiobation compensation for fumi-hing is correct or incorrect The rate> al d«ised on the voucher—"shall tbe addi­ nartifs lo be rall'd on to pav wages
In Verm ml lh*r* wu received lor pn>t«^os. !H requisite to its exi-te.nce. 7'Ait fund' paper and twine, gic. from the which ibis pi inier is employed are enor- tional fifty cpnls b.- allowed under Ibe to an office holder, and he in turn ony
«4 appear* by the report of Fahruary 28. is unlimited by aught bul the will o! him
a*tt si Januaty lo Ihe 31-I of tnou«, and, in our opinion are not lo be circiirnntances?" the Postmaster Gener­ work fnr one party— that aint
In New Hampshire, 16,3,-tS 9-2 who U«PS il, nnd u as I'rPP from the < on- March. I*3J. inclu-ive, ' 2,144 55 jniinud : . . i > •-
bv tel'erence to anv Ihincr nhicl, al iinderw rilns—"allowd;" und on the justice. If a man in office is natural
trol of the Uwasifii were the treavirp A . /»v >tv. _»^»
Aug. 27- TrueSi Greenc. .: ._._ i..
l.as occurred m the paM history .: ^
of this 15.h of Oetober, 1833. Mr Bites gives work for a parly then that partyony ought
in faror *f Vermont, 1.S-J4 DO of utt iiiilcprmlpiil government. That or blanks, papc>, nn 1 depattiiienl. \Veberpi\itlisii-.iniia-ipr- a tec. ipt for a credit allowed him »n nc- lo pay him his. wages.
(und is also limned by the acts of appm- Vom SOili June, 1S33, 2,824 JO ciuiHii of the rales p id fur adve, listing; i-dunt for Ihe wh'de mnriunl ot'$1950 —
Te«r* I* p*,id fnr transportation priii'ion to it certain object. ']/iii\\.,*
Times have got so now that most folki
Dec. 15.1 rue &. Gi eene, d a',d jei'ompanviiig ihi> .same is u sinlp- The most curious part of lh ; s matter, think when tb-y nre elected to offiee
in New Hampsliir*,_ 18.618 90 just so many nbjeets u» tbe Postmns- or blanks, paper and twin : rnenl of the rates and mnu allowed lot o i over, is'that the drpurtinp.nt has di-'l '.V have ony got to saivn Ihe
In" Vermont, 23.i08 CC tcr G neial may aebct. Whatever >x 'mm 1st July lo the 30.h .Sejj- pniiti'ig iidvpiliteniPiits in JuU, 1830 — ectpil i»Ir Goiiverneur lo pay these n- j who voted for PMI ; and look upon all fIIR
prnses he cbouses to considci as "inci ember. 1832, 2,455 05 Tbe tum a'loued to)1 pi inlii-g tliexp ad •r«Mits for travelling, a* it appears thcylr.st as a set of Aliiereens; ai.d
OifTnrmes on th* otxtr sid*, 15.CU SO
denial" to his-dcpiutmi-nl, he pa,_,«; .im! IS33. March 23 True v«rlise.:iiMiis i» ii wil he si>i-|i. ith,iiil fou: did. as '-"pi-rial agpnln," in New York I on "rew ardin fripnd
ai.d |iuni«hin ene-
Your Committee find nojrxxi reaioi. for ihiii III.'only a'count wbichhe remlcia lot (JrceriR do. lor blanks, |<a| liincs the am jtnil Ibeii pa.d for ibcm. So and NPW- Knulnnd, an«l then covorwl nnd ' mip.«.' til , ,. VP1.V •„„,
vacabond who is
4ispropoition of expeiiuilute in th*s« two it is contincU (» a l.ne in bis annual IP ind'wine. from 1st Oi lob the <la<<>meiit- in..,U'(i X. cntiepnlcd the cliiirdP- under l!>e n^rriP of oo lazy lo 2Pt nn t.otiRst
Stales. port, thus: ''Tbi1 incidental expeini- livin bv Inhoc,
to 31st December, 183 2,164 851 ULiiiig I e inte ps'm;: (leriod between cidmlal expen&'x nf the Punt OJfire ...~ al
«. ivoiks liim-ifll inlo a good fat ofRf-e, jist
Mr. Jf (Tierson, in hi« lollf r to Nathaniel Ms- tor las! year were 87.701 dollars." TI.P Ap'il-^3 True k Gre the !••( o! July and lue 59'b of Dfcrm- city nj ."<tw York. 1 B\ I|IPI turns brcau-e he has been nylng nhoti' l;t .
•un.ofMay 14th 1801, "*Vi ihal "a Tery early COI,M-I|'.price of this slate of things i^. ''or blanks, p.iper und i bt r, 133-J. the •'iiiriil-'iiul .t>xiien>ps" ol'the (I,si q.i.irter for I5<33, it aKo ,,,- and ifntg s'mps. "glory and
trconiineiiilaliiin had heen mvtn to ihn 7'osl- 'hat. wlnli- ihe. sMerel HPI vice lund in tb-
mastcr Ciei.ernl to employ no printer; lurrign- hainls ol the Preo.denl i- 30,000 dollars fro-n 1st Octobei, 1332,to 15 'were fe-Ji.:-58 07. \> ilhih Hut liHi.- ppnis tint P S. l,(i'iulib.).O'.jb who IP- and "Ihe spoil- ol'the cnemv
•x. or Refolutiormiy lory, in any of his ol- Vp>il, 1»33, 3747 19 $13,673 31 wax paid for pr.-n-ing lo the ccives an ni'iiu.il salary liom the Ti " the victors. 1 ' Now, i ion i«. it«
flces." Hut reason for the exclusion of the Ibe lund 'Xuend-d dining HIP euiicui July 24. True & Greene, fdiioix an i |itiriteis of neir-p,tper«, be- liry of tlie Lr . Slnle< ol sixlepn bur.
PRINTER from any connection wilh (hn I'ovt yearbj t ,c Pjuln.a-lpi- Geupral for lh>> p.iper, blank-, and twine, Ir/ stile- $5 166 15 for oth«r at-tielps by liiPin dollars as "general agpn'" of tl
Olfl co Ucpartuiont is nhriuus, and if we would >k incidenl:il <>xpen-<». " foriiisdepai-linpii- 1-t Get,,b.-r. 1833, to 30tli S supplii'd. Ol the nuin to pmd to printers paid in n
preserve tnn pres-i from cur-U|iliou. and pic- IIH s now ini'i-ea'-ed, ,is appears by the lembei, 1333. 3,022 19 Francis P. Ulan received $8.336 50
fent it from exerting a corrupting iiifliii-in-e o- e-timii!e in bis la-,1 annual report to Or.t. 10 True and Gre >l !or printing proposals for cm-tying II,p

ss:;;;;;;;,;:,;',;?:,;!..-.^;;: ^.r','.;;:',;.1 !0;'^""""" •?» ?

Ter ihecotninanity, that rrciiinminiil.it. on cai^hi Ibiice thai -um. tor bl.ii'ks, paper, and twii
to be esteemed a* a precept, and religiously u.i- mail from the ".Olh of July. 1832. Vnginia, New York, and
At an eat ly <Jny of the present s *<•!<.n iO'n Ixt Apiil lo lit Uct»

«o7Th.,,Ma ,,,ak,n,,hew,,i::m srft:;0:^^:!:^!^^

•erved in the prrscnl nnd in all fiiiurn times. lo the Mil. October 1822 a period
But this admonition hoi phased unnoticed, or one of your eommi'tee diew the utiei. 1833, 9,«25 95 nod of two months nnd twenty MTU ilnys. -al. f.om l-l November. 1831, lo 31st fu . , } ° °, f(ne »"»l^. •» for
is disregarded, hy th.iSA wl.u now comlncl lh" lion ol Ihe iSinatelo this subject, bv a (a) p 218, in pa. The period iinm.' di-
%fTairsi>r tht« I ir partment. Larpn sums of,, resolution c-illing for an account of these Real compensation •piles," to tum right
C0.<507 75 • ly piccedmg the P,e«.ideiilial'elec(ion pniil HiAl olfieer dining tliiit period, $4,- to mid at Ihe next election see that no-
money appear u. hate been expmuled in such [expenses, for HIM peno'UnterV'ning he- So Hint II. e printers of -f ie Boston w..s (hi; lime selected for paying from 967 66. During the same nernd, it w-.ll
• manner, ihit the olivious tendency of the ex- ween li>e 30th of iSepfnber, 1831 Statesman," thus employe!! by the De- man goes to Congrpss unless he is of
(hit depurlmenl to this >ingle. editor u- be seen fiom Ihe a.-eount ilmt other a- Ih* rishl kind of stuff- No good farmer
pendiiura, w to extend the influence of the Uit-1 anil the Sntb September, 1883. Months parlmenl, receiveil eompeimtion for the
bout on« l.undred and sixteen dollars gpnN recelvHil #4.099 40. which, with ever expects to raise a clean harvoM of
aiticlts H I ic.'i they were emdoved to fur- for every dav his paper issued from (hi 'he payment to Ua'rs mndft by Govern-
nish, within Ihe period nnrr-.l in the res- press. At Ihe same lime "the mail pro- eur, made $9510 66 (or travelling agr>r wheat, if be don't look out sharp.- lul cull
olulion, exceed. tig. by $2J,003 05, the po a's" appeared not only in Ihe city in about ano.it one year. It is in ev eviden-e
id,?n be- ° U ' ?/ ^ •"** W ^ '">1 nln " tl(' "» th »
»uinn published by the Dopnmet.t in the prints, and others having extrusive eir fore the committee, bv O. B Brown 7 7 ?"""; «?;l | ' he 1 'Io ':k "'««»• •"««
tn efficient party press in Culpoppor cuunty, hereto annexed, the wb o |« of it Ulue Book. filiation in d flprenl par's of Ihe countrv, tha, M ,Loughb,trough M.«, d on J^ b^'will"^^^^,:'^;'1^
•}*•__; _;_
Virginia have been transcribed from Ihe Post And from an accurate, elimination of
Horatio Hill, said to lie the conductor of a Office books, by a tolerable clerk, in one ' wiM
violent party press in ih* Stale of New /Jamp day. When, niter repealed inquiries for tbe oiiginal vouchers for In-sc payments
•hire, is a contractor to carry ,the mail on no this paper, it was at length, loi the first to them, the following fuctsappear: I all
leas thsn fifteen mail routes; &. instead of extra First, thai the renl sum laid for "the bread
allowances, hisoontrat-U are noted in the mar­ time, communicated to the Senate, it ap- • printed bbnks,» including l,e press work , jilt for
gin "WITH wswsrAPE* raiviLEoe," which anMh. 'I! "ertl *tHt°n> '" company with, type setting, and the papt-ron which Ihe
w* understand to mean the privilege of ^onfidenZ't »* n" Ku " r'0""1 "inrk " d bl^* Wer° aclually Pnnlel' w" nn yel
eaitying and distributing newspaper* ai plea­ eon/iaenftaf." On Ihe last paper, over cifi — !••
sure on hi* mail routes. $16,403 35 si-
r«,!?r »«;' of "ec^y.*"!! hangs. And that the real sum pad New Yoik, were the following expead- ; '>f*160,541. The necrssiv for 1.0.1 ,h f t[* we've
Hay and Bnnnelt were contractor* for car­ j our IxommMlee make no comment; hut for wrapping paper an< - ' ' and all thrnsbM
rying tho mail from Bellelonto to Meadville, lo Hie paper, on which the injunction Mniue, WM jres'rauit in this matter, we think, too ap­ p ' hrp " ll
PP 1 ntffto »ee (hut we gel a
lathe SUIQ of Penniylvania, from the 1st of
ftMoart, 180A, M th* •!*<•! DflMmWr) 1861. e
of Un 6ra»te.
i re8t» 18,444 60 1338. Mack and Andrews,
publishing proposals for
far parent to require futher Cuirtment,
Jwe now dismiss this part of the subject. '
and' "* „ '"er !h*n. But if we be-
tf etrrying tbf Uiitetl •1 On th« ?? hole, ytur commiU** h«T«
nfller, iml nobtdy *l««, torn* o(h*r folks which h« ha* «tref reposed In »e,ihe, &J tha Pfetident-tJiniel Webrter—J«tly
who want (o be millers, may go to work kindness which I have uniformly txpe ]«tyled in aU parts of^ourcouniry yThi Defon-
I der of ihe
Rumor ad«la, that thi deed was donn by
some of the sarno family who threw English O'CONNELL. BOOTS A:TA SHOES
jist out of spite, and sap his mill dam i ienced from him, under all the changes By Mr. memory of Pal- tea overboard in the same harbor, about sixty
or cut his gearing, and then we shall gel which hav° taken pi- ce during this e j ric!.-H years
be had
into s new fizht and be neglecting the ventliil administration ; our coincidence I Mr. M. J. , Kerr introduced the following | Th* following is from the Button Com-
i J B. subscrr.fr hr<« junt returnwl froia
BaltimorH, wilb a eonipleto (imrtmcnt of
most important part of our business, o' sentiment on all leading prin.' pies of il)agl W ; V|, a few )Wru,i»iu remtrka—The cause mercial Oai-Ue uf Thnrsihy.
which 1« fir*t to g t a clean ciop and n ilional policy. II.IVB coiitiiiut!.| to ol general Kilue.alion. and on^nf.ts ablest Tin I "The city wan thrown into a high degree of BOO IS AND SHOES,
THE owners of this beautiful and thorough
tht-n to «elrct the most hot.esf miller to sin nelheii thai dex- lion; and while he is dieaturs William Sullivan of^ostoti yesle.rday nmrn.njf, by a teport ured horse,, have consented to phae him thi» CONSISTING 0V
grind for »*. mad.- Ihe object of Ihe most l.jner ap- Hy Mr. Bainton—" The Land of the free Horn Charlestown
Ihe tree i/nariestown that the figure head of lf fHl1 ' « l the cu'"™ n(' farnien of Gentlemen's BOOTS, SHOES and PUMPS,
We have 20! a p'njy rnfi of gwlic. nnd |>rol>iium. /imve no reason to look lor and ihe home of the brave." Donl think it President Jackson, which was placed on the and •hould sufficient inducement be ofltted he of all descri| tion<-;
(jemlauien, s»1d Mr. Bainton —I. v>at _...... bows ot ilm Frisale ».„„,.,,U»UHI by
-..__.. Consliiulion uj Commo
^.,........ wi |i bc ,enl lo , |)tl couniy in a few wwk". LADIES' SHOES, consist inn Of KID
mul'en, and d.M k wet d in the present kindness or candor, fiom his enemies" strange an Englishman, bul Philosuphers, I think, jdore Elliot. hid bpon mutilated during the and commence the season on ihe first of Sep­
Congress, an.1 that's the reason the liar- SEAL and MOROCCO, of ihe moat fash!
', have said lhat once in seven 5 ears man under- | night of Wedensday, by ^me unknown hand. tember. Gentlemen desiring th* services of ionahle style, and made by the best of man.
vest aint worth notion. The Senate is U"«* perfect revolution—I have f been iii here now It appeals that the head and sholders of the
" ' I n • i f • t -. — -.- - -,...., horse,t will
the itfi«u leave
n in it-ji fu their names
iiicii iiu and the
(lira «HU num-
nip mini- ulaciurers;
the best part on'l. and if it warnt for these fitieen years, ul course / am doubly an | President w»re fairly sawed off and carried ber of maros, fyc. at th* ^.aston Gatelte Office BOYS' and MISSES' SHOES ofsll deccr!*.
some folks th TO. things would he pietty American. i away, no one Wvs where. The night wa« Ion or before the 15th of August next. For ihe liuns;
squally, nnd there wouldn't be seed enuf I- ASTON. Bi Mr. Jcnkms— Senatoi Chambers— the dnrk.thc thc rain fe fell ,n torrents, the thunder lol- description and pedigree of O'Coimell as well CHILDREN'S BOOTS ami glJOliS.
left to plant a newciop. I don1 ! believe accomplished grntleman, the protjund lawyer, led, the lightening Ihshcd, and the senlineli«!aH the terms, (which will be the «MIII« as 'hose
in nil creation we could find a s< I of the undaunted statesman. l slept upou then ,K,SIH! The Const tution lies at whirl, he has been standin- in Dorchester.)
folks who de«erve more Ihe support of I he mrmory ot Col. John E Howard— not b*tvre»n two seventy-fours and ihe act is c-on- Eentlompn are leferred to tho Editor of the Palm IcafHnts, Tn/rUfc*
recollected by whom given ! sidered on al^hnmls as one of a mosl daring Gazette.
•every hone-t man mid tine patriot in 4til <<F.JUI.Y. Hy Mr. Daxvsou—Our Hosl—Solomon • characler. The atlair produced much merri- Cambridge, July 12. lilackiiig,
(he country than th" Senate we've The late Aunivetsary of American Inde­ Love. menl and exultation auionj llio enemies of All which will be s^d on ihe most pleagnf
got now; and every time / listen lo pendence was celebrated in this Town by a|" By" Mr. j as. Goldsboroiifrri—Our beloved •the President yesterday." TO KKN r terms, and prici.» made lo suit the prussurdof
•Vm. nnd mix in among Vm. and see small party who assembled to do honor t. the; country—many bodies bodies but one ooiil—th« al- ABOMINABLE OUI-KAGE—Comodore F.lliot For lha ensui. g year — nn very accommoda­ tl'.e turns.
how they hatde agin tie slouii that day From the circumstance ot its occurring l(>m , „, ,„ .,r (ino afl-(,(
mpt to lop aiTonc affects the whole. put the image tif Andrew Jacks n on the bo\v« ting terms, ihe huuse and hit on \Y:m!iiiicnoii The public's obedient servant,
in the midst of Harvest and at an cm'.mrass-
•it all tl\e while pellin agin 'en\, I can't ed prri'i<l of the harvsl in conS'i]U<-nen of The President then rose and offered as a csn- of ton noble sh'p Consliiulion as a Kioute street, it pres"nt oc"U|iit-d by YA \\anl 15 Gililw JOHN VVRIGHT.
help thinkin I of,r.an - lime 1 bad once clndinjr toast — May every heart in nur coun­ Head, nn'.withstindiav ih« indignant reiuon- Esi|. nsn dwelling, with all ihe iiiiprovpineuts msy 3 Gw
_•.!, r>^K.t it o K , i- i •"•••-< few
rains, •• •• of ••••• A<TrieullurtsU
••• our ••«• ••••••••••—-—••—•••-atlended • iry
try cri'-rtsn
cbi-rish inn
thn principles cansecraieo
cunsecrated on HUB
this strannesof a very l:iruo pnrtton of the frer
wiih Cap|. Jumper .he first fine he | Small -.s iho party was.il . was nevertheless ,,,>. A ,'.' erwlr ch the company rolircd i:. cheer- people iu ihis s.-ciiun of the country:—but il — :n V ur-ei'ssary lepnirs wanliiii; will bnilune i.KvKi.'AL MKETLNd
t*ia«la a trip in
a fflii 111 ffto I tv«t ' .Pollies1
f!ie *•"Two from (joyous
'f nlliA*' 7' lt*i\nt i :.......... _„,! grateful,
and ,.._««, r..l nndsong,
„.. I ..,...._ sentiment
*.*.«*• and fulness
.*.«»• «ti.l _ * . . * — r !!•" aci-o.nuiudatioi) of th« finnily. Alsi. a
and harmony. will not stay p'lf. Tl,i a mornim much lothe «el|-nr hiiuso and lot i-i lue t.iwa ol ("am 7'i:e sut-scribera. Stockholders in the Gf.tn^
Kennebnnk to Clnrles'on. The "Two harmony reioned triumphant. surnrise. tnurli:halion arul indiirnaiion of ilu. r.']'T (>, .it present i.ccn;>ied ! V .Mr. Wil.iai | n rn-.rd Hank ol'.Millington and owners of mura
Pollies"' wis preyv nc\\ Ihen. arn." Cnpl Mr. ROBERT H. GOLDSBOROUGIl A beautiful production, tnd, ir t'lesc parts. Ci-'.iiuio'lore. n:i I a few of th? more violent isze|l, well cnleul.iicii for cart) iniy 01 I!I j it-an tin* hundred shares of stix;k therein, in
Jumper wa« shockin proud on her; and was called to prcg'uh) u:rl Mr. F.D'VAno N. cunr.fcity—A summer squash ufs.n-j TS of t!:.' col! ir party, and to tlr> satis hittiiv Itiisinuss. having ''iimt nu,' feir'; alfips (lursi.ance t,f the provisions of ihe 14lh funda-
I went along w'nh him with some ro- HiMni.EMN, WM* appiMited Vice President) . wo Vfiy niiii'll fcrr, nf every une rise, n;tl article cuniamed in ihe Chatter, do
of the day.—After enj >ying n'liiiiy good form anil symmetry was presented to us w« rouii,and ill uercMarv <mt tiuiidinv.s — :i
1ion», hi in my fiist trip intrude lo for- tliimjs, served up in Mr. f.nwo's bi-st style, at froni the gaidcn of R. H. Goldshorough, K*. discovers! that the head of ihe General it'id stiiul lor lhi» business, which Iws beeii hereby qive. public notice llmiu Genrral Mee'-
parts. \Ve went along a spell pret- „,„ K ,,, un , Iutn , t fi ,,,„„, teinB rpmoredi
wns afliongthpiu'.ssii'U'! /a a word, the Fir rried on succi sslully l',r 17 yeir< p.\»: nl'ihe Stockholders nf said Bank will be
to which we invite th» allontionot the curious Head hail had i's head sti'rtd vff>. in the held at the liankinir house iu the town of Mil.
»yy srnoolh. and the Captain was all lb«! the following I. asis, suggested at the momeht, also uvti othiT hi. uses and luljt and one mi-
while boasting of tin; "Tivo Pollie'--," were drank by ih» company.
-while —il resembles a beautiful vase more than a Course uf the li'-jht. hy some lawless depre d lot (provided) ihoseorciipyin^ltiem Imu'ton, on MONDAY the Slh day of Septem­
dalor, whose cranium was dcslitut<t of the or- hoiild nul inli ::d coiilinuiiii; f.r ihf eiisuiiiij ber next, al 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to take
nnd well he niiahl, for >he was n 1. The day we celebrate—the 4th of July vegetable. iran of venfrat-nn. nnd who had not ihe fear ear. For terms apply to the subscriber, or into consideration the condition of the affair*
•peeler, and was called alter Ms wife and '76.
ol Commodore Klliot, before his ryes. dr. Samuel Macltcy, Knsiun. of said Hank, and ihe expediency of winding
eldest dale.r, nnd they was both named 0. The Constitution of the United Slates. T e nmr.ina'.ion of Mr. Wilkins lo Rus­ Yes, werepeat it, notwithstanding the Con- WM. MACKEV. up its business with as little delay ss may b«
Polly. Well, jest as we got along oil' 3. The memory of George Washing!" sia, makes Ihejiirtij third mn.jihi-i of Congress stitulion wos snucrly moored between thn Co­ Dovtr load, near E^slun- consistent wiih itie interests ol'ill panisscoa-
the fuun.lnr of tho Republic.—This toast was {appointed by General Jaouson iu the CJurse lumbus and ilu Independence for safr-keepifij.''. carried.
Cape Halteras, it c.ime on lo blow pret­ dran*. tho company standing. July 12.
J..._'. .1.- -._-.. . !• '
ol five years.
C '
—notwithstanding v-ailant s 'titries were con- I'.vnu Morgan
ty sharp ri^hf on shore, and the Capt-iin 4- The memory of ilii* Mgncrsoflhe IJe- glaully occup'cd durin» the ninlil in pacinu Allan
he t^ck'd and tack'd OIK; way and t'o­ claralion of lndependei.ee. t-'nr tlit Entton Cnzrltc. the decks and forecastle of Ihe friyx'e and ihe Trustee's J-ale. Evan 1'oulinry, For R. Johnson and
ther, but M the while ihe Two Po lies D. The meaiory ot General Ijjfaye'te— KING AUDKKW AM) 111S CON- seventy-lours.—with huue muskets Under1 By virtue uf a decree of Queen Ann', coun­
kept gillin nearer ;md neaierlhn shore, the friend of Washington, our adopted felbw
J. Glean, Assigns***
.SCIENCK. , with giin-powdiT and rullets,—nr.iwithsland ty couit, siuins; as a court nf Kipiily; the un­ Thouias /'oullney,
and Capt. Jumper began to look pretty Citizen. "The grent pi inciple of morality, to iiirr the "divinity" wlrch doth "hedjie a kins' dersigned will offer al public Rale at the courl Ann I'ouhuey,
streaked- ''This pesky cape" says he t>. T!ie President of the United States. and should attach itselfif to, the imagei of roy house door in Cenirevflle, Md. on -Saturday Cieoige KIJIJJ*,
7. Tiie Governor of-Maryland. 'do as une would be done <o, \.id mote
But he i s )'' — w " ftn "' p P"rl!< l s of morning opened in 2d day of Anausl next, al 3 o'clock. I' M. the John Heaiee,
111 is r v> , , , • i *
'•Major is a had place, and there U no
pilling romi'l it no w. y, a* the wind i« be 8.theass Tim Ameiican Navy—may Victory ever 'commended than practised, ''the F.asl, it win discovered thai ths upper following binhly valuable prrperty, hi ing a Henry Cline,
iciale uf the Siar Spangled Hant.er. '•brenrh of this rule cannot lie a greater part of ihis venerable eflitrj had been removei part ot'lhe real estate of Jihu T. Mtcrs dec'd, lieor^H Frccburgor,
now blowing. ' iv I'll, »ays lie, I had 9 The Army of the United Mates. vn:t, than to teach oilier', IhM it it no j hy vioipnt h^,,,!,, an ,i wc i ealn tilat 'lt has no vix. —
never let "T. e T-m I'jiie/' git ».» near 10. The S-ale of.\laiyliiurf— God bless If-r.' •moral rule, nor obligatory, would be since Keen seen. (tawin Harris,
The Mill, aiill Seat, ami \\ illiam 7'nrscy,
it, and I • ever "ill agin, if I "it 11. The/vistcrn Shore of Maryland.—She •Hhousbt madness and ^oniraiy in that It in nol yet known whn committed this , , , if,-] Is.iac Kui<;ht,
o.it of 'hi* scrape- and it it h i ha: he en I I'd joins in the general joy—shn lifts her stili. "in'eiest, men sacrifice to, when they ! tmci'ms and IreasoiiMe act. Could il b mil oiiii liiiiulied and fil-' 3illlinM A. Kichards,
• II hand*, arid g •' "p IIM best new cable,. small voice to proclaim, This is the Ririh dav •'bre'ik it themnolves. Pniliups, « on- ] one of the i|uiel. peaei :dde and loyal ciliien ly :icri'S of L;illd lllOI'cto Charles Goddsn,
nigh upon »» tl-ir k as my leg, and he , of our Independence, thn glorious 4th of. Inly '•I'lcnce will be urged as check n<* us for • "f B '*l<ln? lr ' llis "(T.'nder. » 2ainst ihe law
_ I 1 12. The Union of the Stales—may these attached, wiiic'i formerly belonged to Thomas William U. Ball,
hitcht'd it on 'o ''ie b^ioM anUei an •such bri'iiclii «, and fo (he internal ob ; and mnjeityeif ilm country.shoul.I be found on B. Cook. KSII. ami now' generally known as Jliainl ' l.lur on,
let i 1 go. and lo.-k in nl'sail, "this .( f'.v.f dan'jhteis oTour Country never be found ' igalion and establishment ol ibe rule —his fate will indeed be pitiable, he. wil Miers' L'pp-r Mill. The null has just under- j |N lUtanyD Ouy, By Geo .\V. Dobbin,
with their "zuie u. loused. doubles! he 4truni; up: shjit, or i" • their Attorney in
noii." say*
ITS' I'l-n'e lion." ay* i.e. '-for nil on us.
I.e. "lor IS Our lair Countrywomen—Men wonli! • DC preset ved." These are Ibe wi-e:-nd der the "second «e<-i : nq" of Ihe Articles of gone considerable repair, and is in good order ! •* '°' HlaisdHl,

The waves i-arni Miiailiin :>ii)H2. one ar- be brutes without t'-em. lor manufacturing of nil kinds of grain. The j •'',' ahi;n isojsa, fact,
orifcl obsei vations of the celebrsi'ed \Vai.—Bo*<on J7fr. Jour. water power is the best in the neighborly od, i J' ' '' :| '" Kilmor,
ter ruiotl'.e'. and lie " I'wo Po'lu-s ' for a Tho l"illo\vi:i^ aro some of th« Volutilei-r John I,ocki a century or twoac°,<vho nev­
apell went aluns with Vm soiri Ion's which were drank amidsi songs ami er has had his equal in piofound nnd cor­ and llu- whole premises beautifully and advan- j '- ^ Jenkins,
glees. latrivitisly situated for a ninnufacluiing ejtnli- | J- 1 '"1 f.°'.., .
one eeiiJ fust and «oni'!imes anotlier. against Ihe idle notions of PRICES CURRENT—B.U.T July 8 lishmenl of any kind. Thi.t properly is wur- '' ril " 018 h ' " ilt8f
Capt Jumper «aul i' wnrnt no t'rnn Ry Mr. Tomlinsm—May the hinges of rect reasoning |1 Ou1 a I '-'0
"innate principles," and the mysteries Wheat thy of thu allenlion of Capi Capilalists. " I ! >lp",rcn ,-N.\'<mel.'._
now lo make a lon£ .<pcn h nnd all lie friendship never rust, nor the American Kajrlt of Ccnsuien"e, such as King Andrew has Corn (yollow) 03 a G4 —ALSO— Richard Uoncv.in,
had to say about il was ilia' if the an­ I ever loose a feat In*. Dan:il P. Le.i,
Hy -Ur. Co.iliiljrp of Boston-—Our political been and continues to hold forth to those, A neat two storT
chor hiv>k'd on to sood hoi,lin ground, creeds and our political Sabbath—on this occa who have recently honored him with William Dawion,
NOTli K. Hrick Dwelling Itotisc, Sam'l. II. Ucdgreaves
the "Two Pollie.s^' would by tne blessiiig sion may wo nil forget our minor differ their company. with a good garden, on Liberty John r'allon,
THE Chnfches at Whit? Marsh and I'as-
of Providence, be saved, provided we ences, and worship at a common Altar our It would appear from Ihe tenor of his ton, will not be opened for public service on street, in Ceiurevillc, and at |iros-
didn't flinch fiom our duty, and that was common Constitution. conversation and oli«e'va ion*, that his Sunday next, as vlii su'Hcribrr has Ci>nc'.u.Itvil en l occupied byJUr.Johii I'almer, who will jnnc -28 8\V
that a* !>oon ns the anchor did git hold 81 By Mr. Thomas II. Jeiikins—Ilmry Cla\ Conscience, «ui h as it i , s not altogether to accept ail hivilali.ni lo meet thn U:sliop shew the same, lo any person disposed lo pur- The several papers on iho Eastern Shore of'
the vessel faced the stoim, wn mnsi r.of —'he American Orator. and attend tin-association ol the C'leray in chrtSR il. Also—Two Lots uf Ground cou- Maiyhnd w:ll pleasn copy the above and send
quit the bow, but ke'|> all ilie wliiie The Company, ever min-lfnl of those mMi t'»M,;Mil tlul lllC p.li-iuli^ O.' It .-olillCI Cainbridjje.un Fnd:iy, Saturday and bumlay tuininij together, alrout eleven and one half eir bills to the oflica of the Chestertown T»l-
A:e piTi'omiiian', with itliom eoniami acres, adjjining iho'ast above mentioned pro­
tending the chafing iii.ii', and see tlwl revi.i|u;iun:iry spirits that CHUM', i luted the -'Ma aiiii revenge are loo olten con-ideinl n« next. perty, and winch was piirrhaw«l by ih» l:>i«
opc for p:>) ment
lyland lin.-" sent a deputation- at the soirrjres- THUS. BAYNK.
the cnb!e di'l'iil ch'-fc oil', .tnd keep linn »f tin-Vice President ot ihn day, lo in­ virtui-s, having I t'.l« ir»ard lo ilie iiipi- Jolui T Micr* from Henry Harden, Esq
etery thing well pressed Ilinrc. "I cnn vite Mid Mr. flntom'in IJarrotl, ihe lasl survi­ rus, which his majesty | as bi'«n heaping Easton, julyS, 19.11.
dec'd. One of thes.) lots is well located for " Pit POS.ALS
depend" sayshn ''on tlul ere cable if we vor of the eirps nnumnrsi us, to join them in grazing, being well watered—the other isara- To pulli'li by ttiibieriptitm, in the cityoj Sal-
do our duly by it,"—and jist then sure d linjr honor to the day. Mr. Barroli soon ap
upon his country, and forgetful that the Luin&er for Sale. b'i) and inry bu profitably cultivated either in tiiiit'ir. u ii-teklij Literary .\cieipajicf, to bo
blood of several of bin countrymen has FOR SALK. at Easlon Point, u vessel load entitled ilie
«nuf, the anker cot hold, nnd (lie "Two pe.ired. when Mr. Alexander Graham nro ,, , • i • • ... erain or grass,
been made to flow lo gra.ifV private re- of Lumber, atnony winch ts some nice Cl.wnut * Als,,J;v ,. OT on the south side of Ccu- "Maltiniofc V«niii;r \Jrr»'s Paper,"
Polltes" faced right round head to Ihe posed, The health of Salomon Bnrrott. Ihnlast
irnge "Oh! 'ell il not in <jath. puuli-h |piii:iiiir and fl.Hiiii)); plank II will bu VJl>l Irevilln, lying between the Main road leading L'ndcr t!io auspices ol dm BHliimora Young
storm, and every wave that come jihe'd limb in our Sjeiety of the R/volution—may
he live lon<r and happy! "if not in the dtrecli of Askelon, kst the 1 low lor cash, il la!<eu away imuiedinlely. lo Kaolin, and a large gully, by which it u Afen'S Siciely.
smash her nose right into it, and split it UOl.OsBOKOUGil & LKONAHI1.
clean through, and il would break and theHv Mr. Harr.itt—M":.y ihe Spirit i f '76 and Pi.iliv ians rejoice, and the daughters of separated from the lots of Dr. Harper and o- The Baltimore Young Men's Society was
4'h of July never !•,-; forgotlen in ihu hearts "the Piiilistians triumph!"' liaslon.july H._________________ lliera; ihe 'nnprove'iieul^ in lliii lot consist of
smash right over her and we uas nil OM of Ihe Atneriean People. instituted to prom,ite the moral ind intellectual
us as wet as dock tats—The slorrn
Like the Uimain ol old, who conquer­ "l'«i bedraivn~July ~l7lli IS3-I, Thu Liieraluru
Lntlerv, Class .NO Sil.
Two small framed HOIISI-S, ini|i,<ivnin"in ol Hie Yoiinjr Men in the city, ly
Mr. CiK'Iidgt) beinir c:!!-d up, introduced ed the ixoild, his majesty seems to hold tcnanled by people of color. The nn:n ihem more iniimaiely in ilm bonds of
whistled, and it thundered and lightinM. the following toasl with some feeling and clo GUAM) SCI1KMT..
forth courage as among his ?ieate-.l vir­ terms of sale MS prescribed by the mutual .iei]ii:i;iitanee, sml lo extend kindnm
and Ihe''Two Follies" roll'd and tumbled' ,qnent r«'m:ir!;s—'/he g"o;l spirit nf '76' which 1 pri7.euf ^IMIOU | 71 prize* ofv"'
tues, and -Innatt f.'onsrienri." as t'ie -Jt'O dei-ret! are; thai ill" pureliMT or ,nd felliiwsli") iu those, who coming from their
and bounced and (humped ngin ihe b-und our Fathers In^i-ilifr—may iu rvil spi:- 1 4,000 | 83
pil'ehasers shall give lo the Trustee a bund parcinal homes hither, in pursuit of wealth or
wavrs lik« till po••••»!.«—W«' :«d Mining il cause l!i" : r sons to i ii nding pi ini'iple ol all liii ui I ons, even I l,:i<)0 | 1-2.9 &H
with tiei-ui it y to tie npproveil hy him fir the distiiieliun, are pat ticul.-'tly exposed to all ihuM
Hv i'ic Vice PresiiU'iil.—Chief Justice "lii-ii i.c iiiis In en delitier ilelv pulling hi* \ I,-Kill | 158 «'
pa«ment of the purcha-in money, in twelve, iHinptatiuus lo vice and dissipation, which in
to il and Cnpl.Vm J.nnppr loo'< the leul, I 1.037 | US ?0
pulilic and piMa/e enemies !• drain or
and we k<-pt wi-llii. tin- chafiii nin<s nnd .M.ir.sha'l. Ticket* $3. Halves $2 :')() Qnarlers }1 25.
and eighteen nioiitln and two ye-irs, with in eveiy large cily, are too often fatal to youiK
! lly A'r Biinton.—I.illle pelmvarc. always i^-isling Ihe voice ol lin countrymen, lere^t therein from the day of sale—and upon and inexperience. To carry but ihtsc princi­
kept the {iret-se »uii>g. "If Ihis caulf" , firm nnd true—lliough Major Noah c»uld lu.t A K.I, I'm tiraud Conn drialrd Delaware
•»ho have been crying again >-t hit mil- a ratification of the sile by thn Court, and nn ples, no means could be employed more effec­
says he:,' gits chated off by our neg|, ct, ; put her iu II'H hri'eehrs p,icl:et. Lottery, clasi No l.i, drav\s July 2-2d 18J4. the receipt of (he pur.--hn*e inn'i.-y and not be­
tive t!nn ill-? ptes.i. \Vith a periodical journal
rule, i\hich bus biouglil down m much
there is nothing will savu us—and I Uy Mr \Vm K. Ltaiilin—The youn<r green rnisrhiel upon the public, and hundreili j 3 Cap: u , ,.,;„. O'j-.,, SCIIKMf..
0it;^ , 10 v , [wtj{ tf JQQ fore, ihe trustee shall by a irio I drnd, duly ac published itiidi'r its auspices, the Society wrll
would'nt give a two inch pine pi inU lor Tree of A.ner'can J.dierly—may tlie arm ol 'Ihousand* •"•---• " ol ••••'••"• •••• -
-' in<lividuaU. H) 'J-' 0 knoirledged ac'-ording to l:i>v, convey to ' tin- In! enabled to extend niuio widely a knowledge
the 'Two Polli'-s' and nil on boaid n and wither mil the hearl p'.-rish thai would iii,|H'<le purchaser or purchasers, ill. j-r iperty tn 1 ofi's cxisieiicc, and of iis objects, whifo, b* i)m
Such a Cutiscitnce as Kin? Andrew's, •JO 1 M or l!n>::i s il.l. free, clear, and disr-inr-ieil fio
so we kept at it till ar'e;' mnbii^h . when I lls srowili. 1,000 s'liiio means, whatever of moral influence it
Ihe storm giv way and ih" wmd shifled ">' M'- J"hn Banian Kerr—The princi- is not lobe moved, while 'he Bank oflbn' 000 4li 7D «ll cl.iims of the complainants or def.-iubnts. may exert, whatever of power to do good ji
and bv day li-l.t" it wa« blowin jist to h- j '•', ."^.j'V.hiic'01 """1 3 '^'^' "" ^"^ '" U. S. M'ts him at d< fi.ince, llio' lie I Tickets (.3—Halves J4—Quarters }'• Any fuither information may Ill-obtained by ap-1 may p.isscsi, will be called more activtly inta
• ia c|i>i<ri ',,, ' sent',by s slranirer who . was prevented . , n,ay remove and t-et up Sccteiury of the |t t|,,> Liiller/ ultiou of I1 ' plicaliou lo the sub»rr:'>er I operaiion, :;lid lind (xercisc in t mars extensive
er wav
*r nnd ii"M oil shore,
""•'-,, r- \ and lii-is. Treasuiy after Secretary nnd rry-'Mon- HACKET. John Til^liman, J field.
>ky; "and now" sa>S Captain Jump.-r. hv ind,sp.isi-ion from a'liei.iline—"The onacl stc'i,'' while such uu epithet may be two Ea«toii, iMd.
my boys, lets «U onus thank (Jo.I tor j U)V)1, l>1<r p |,,,rra which wna brilliantly turned W'ell Mpplic-d lo him-.elf. Cnn any re»«on-
July 12 Trustee. I Bidievinjf th;.l thp pit jlic favor would bebe-
C. Ville, (J. A. co. July tJ, 'slowed upon mrch a juurnul, ihe Society has-
ali his ma. cies, lor llu-rt ninl one on u« [asido by "the flaniinir sw-iiJ of S'. .Michael's." to «ny. lhat his maje<- LOST. | detcrininnd In issue thu Prospectus and speci-
Rv Mr. Thomas S. able man preti-nd
that hainl cot much lo be tlianUM,! for —The fair *rx , men nu:nher of n Prn-.d.L.il lotu'rallnd tho
this time," and niie"- that we. up tin­
ker and ittck'd on the canvass, and llic implishinents hy none.
coiinly"— exocfled in beauty 'am' ac" j '.v

,t/r. Walter having much contributed to ihnl M:iy God of his intnu.e mercy Ion'*
llas » rll' J "' >' "''"S "lo "' or l(' ss I||1IM. A Yoke of )xcn—of yood size- black and
ihe iv ul cliaincler ol a m .Jls/»-»JW tyrant? while, oun n very fine ox— ihe her. uoi .vi
largr, but marled wild s sear near the shoul­
N:\EliY. "Yniinjr Men's J'a|.er;V ti, 'lies, pp'irl ofwhioh
the |niioii;ij;e. of ihe Irii'iiils ot' Y, unjj Men,
"Two Follies'' stituk'd it out of that ere der. Any uiifwho will give information of To real and possession girrn ihe f.rnl of and of ihn Livers of morilily and good gider
Icasnreof the day by snveial delightful sor.trs,! down ti; on King Anuri'W, nnd leach him next -i Tin YarJ a..d iinprovoiui-nts ! is u >w solii iti'd. ,
scrape nboul llic qnii ke«l / lell you. It. lirahatn gave, Mr. \V;illcrs >—af to KI>OW ttun-ell, niul txive. coriei't id us anid n\ni. ..rolltthrr of them shall be suitably January n the vill..jr.-uniM-nsl>.irnii.j;i v ai.)iinepon:i- T!,t> clnrai-ter c,f iho "Young Men's Paper,"
/ u*M lo heT Capiii'ii Jumper iell a- r which Mr. Walter proposed as his toasl — o*' ConvciciK e, anil the Uulu-s he oweb lo cimipcnsaud. '
bout that ere priil pu-lty ollmrnnd when 'ho CitiziMisof '7'illnl c.nnty, celcbral«u fjr \ M- SI'F.NCKH, y,—Ati'ii'i'd thcii'iinlo aro large a'i.1 ."niii- will !.e ei.nsuinrl wiih the priiiciplr.s ol the
his couniiy. ! near .Si Michael*. ii.idiiiii!< bar!;, cnriyiii 1 ; nnd b'am I'ou-ies, a S.it-irty ol'whieh itisllu; organ. Combining
I would try to CIM r.i r him nhout his ven­ eir huspiiahly and l-indni-.ii. i-.vid s'one lablu, hit'; :i!Vl hydr Mills &.' — Literature unh Morality, its aim will bu tti
ture in so near tin: laud in that quarter. By Mr //uwi-s (! iliis')uroii<rh—The Ladi*s WASIIIXOTON. July 13
,_ _ I'iiis Yard is Rituaicd dirfctly on tlio t'aop- amuw anJ instruci; while, in accordance wiih
he'd try to sit off by tellin me lhat at ri'alhol—(-(pialled hy few—surpassed br none .niili Uiver. 3:i thai little or no hind carri.ijre is its tale, the general tenor of its influence will
the "Two Vollies' WHS bcand Fplinter — Lei ihem never be f'.irirotlcn on llv.s day. THE FIGi:UE HKAI). to nwakoii Young Men to a sense of their
By Mr. Jame* Uiildnliorouc;li.—The memo- The Boston Courier of Thurfcday mentions \ fp\v youn; BL'CKS from full blood Mt- •cqutred in shipping articles to or from ibe H j' be
new, am) the rocks nil along th. re plagy rino Kwes aii a cholcu ill)|Kilti-d lull bl.uii tie . Bark ot the lifil quality and in gie:it ibli.rations, to iuJui-e ihem lo consider their
y of Charles Cam.II of Cairollon. thai there wns considerable excitement m thai iliumlance ish night in this |;laei> very low p.'id vitt C'lpah.lilir*. and to direct inwards noblo
old, if she had g'onoagin em they would By Mr. Bairoti—The memory of ihe braris cily on \Vcduesday, in consequence of ihe de- Suxnn Buck-
had the wor«t ou't; but when he'd 'oil i'-ncra' Perry Brtison. UOUKR H. in ace inr.ii.'d'il.n,' trrim: then is n.nv n s'nek d'j-eln, that ardour which is too ufien wasted
jcaptialiou of llio tiguroofGe.ni Jacks u 10- i on hand suftifii ni lo carry on the Yard for, in liiv..lous dissipation, or let loose in vicioua
the story to folks who knew more, about By Mi. llobeil Ker.nard—The cause of ccntly placed as a (iguru huud on th« frigate July \t some tim,) which i tcuaiil cuu liuvo on agrees- extravagance.
the nalur on't than / did then, he woulu freedom throinrhuul ihe \Voild. ~
Constilutifci. It appears that during the night! — Aporli.in uflhe paper will be occupied by
By Mr. Jenkins—John C. .Calhoun—Thn TALBO IICOUNTY TO WI T: lie terms.
always say if it had'nt been for his men , of Wedmsday, ' the head of this wooden image
Apply tn reviews and critical ri'ilices. The character
On apphcaii* lo mo the subscriber, ono nf
standin hy the cable and keeping il well ;.l!ter of Ihe Hank of the United Stales, his. wns sawed oil', by some person- or persons un- the Justices olthe Orphans' Courl, of the Ann II. Codwin, or and talents of Iho gentlemen whosn namre ai»
grexi'd and well mailed ns strong a« il iareiii.il care has not bc;u withdrawn in ihe known tppe.nriod lo this Pros|wctus. wilt bo an assu­
was, it would a chal'd off and that would lour of peril. | "II is rMher a mysterious affair. T! e Con- . county aloresaii^y petition in willing of NVil d(>o. W. llurringlon. rance not only th-i th.i deparitnent will be
By ihe President—Old Virginia—the an-i stitutioti lies al ih e Navy Yard, belwuin two liam Hudjes, plying for tho benefit of tho act Orecnsboiotigh, July 12. etialained tviih ability, but also lh..l nothing
a ben the last of the 'Two Fellies' and ionl Dominion—llio early silo of our furiifa- seventy-fonts, and il is understood that a guard, of - Assembly, . _ l^sed at November session, undignilied, scurrikus or vindictive, will find
Capt. Jumper—find I suppose also of bora. o- watch, is constantly kepi onboard. Il eighteen bund™ and five, for the relief ol In- place iu It. -v
Yo-ir old Iriend By Jlfr. Knight, (of Virginia,)—The men seems impossible -• lliat- llio deed could ---havn been solvent : ¥N ' • -and the several supplements
D'blors fePKI.NG GOODS. Tho "Young Men's Paper" will be printed
"J. DOWNING, Major. 'f ihe present day—ir:ny they imbibe and ever I executed wiihout discovery notwithstanding ihiTeto, on ihe t ma mentioned in the said on a roy»l sheei, quarto form, with new typo
DowniiiRville Militia 2d Brigade relnin thn principles which influenced llic IV I hat the nighl was dark and rainy The acts—and the id William //odjjes having uho Rutmcripiion piicenf|3.00 p»r annum,
riots of '7li. head, which has thus been severed from its coni|'.ied willi t o several requisites rc(|u'i.ed WM. II. &. P. G ROOME r #1.50 if paid in advance.
By Mr. Thomas S. Dawion— Robert II- trunk, it is said, was al least twcnly-live feul hy the said ads if assembly—I do hereby or- HAVE just received from Philadelphia Adveriinuinenis inserlud on Ihe usual term*
Major Rarry has published n long ad
dress lo tho people of the United St .lei. .•nldsborougb, Ihn induslrioua farmer, thn po- above ihe surface of thn water. Il is l ,e o- der is. adjudgo t U the s..id \ViMiamllodgeH nd IJiiliiinure, iheir entire supply of Tno following named gentlemen have con­
;IH (rcniinnian, nnd llio hone.sl politician pinion ol several inl-lligenl men who cxamin- shall be and «|>p Tr before the Ihe judges of of Tulho.
1 albo. sented ti contribute to iho columns of iM
in nhieh bedont prove that Ihe charge l/pon this toasl being drank, Mr Uoldsbo- <.d tho promises yesterday, thai thn perpetra ' County Courl, i* the first Saturday after the SIJ I(ING AN Young Mnii's Paper.'
againM him are not ttue, but in wbii'i •iii'.fli arose and in a mosi snitibleand respect irs nitisl havt guns lo their work UirjU"lMho Ihiril Slonday iii November next, and al sucl Rev.U. Breckenridge, Professors,N. R Srniili
be i^ofs *ay-- \\ manner f.xnrcssed hi* thinks—-.fTcr'tug in Navy Yard.
'My attachment to the illustrious r*n :.inclusion as his u>ast—The spiril of '76, may
r IF I *
olhoi days and tines as the Courl shall jirect
'ft was reported last evening that Com.no- the sanm lime isippointed for the. creditors in
' ........


J. G. Morris,
J. A.Collins,
<> K. Geddings,
•> J. T. DucaleJ,
iriot and hero, who presides over on i ever be pr»dorninenl in our country. dore Elliot had i flered one thousand dollars the said Williaji Hodges to allend, & show U. W-Mu^rave, <• J. A. Miljer,
public councils, is known. I have a' Uy Mt. A. Guham—Edward N Hamblfi tor ihe discovery of ihe person Or persons who : causn, if any ihejhave, why lliesaid VV lltan WJiRK< CW/A^. ^-c. J. Johns, •< S.K Jenrring*
,n—ilm kind neighbor, the firm friend, the cuinmiltcd the deed." I lludui-s should ot have the benefit of tin which, addud lo ihcir former Siook makes, G. G- Cuukman, Francis Walers,D.D»
hr«rd '<> him in all his measures, and
[Il is said ll.al Commodore Elliot applied to said arts of Assc ihly.
I . - * r k

mwavering politician. hijir aBsnrlmenl very complola. J P K Henshaw, Dr. J. Fonerden,

•in piond in Ihe belief, tl.ut the bitlerne«, Given under 11 r h;md the 4lh day of Julj Their friends and ihe pulrtio generally are
<;pon which Mt. Wambloton arose rri»inrjr n ihe carver who i-onstrucled the abducted cra- Win. McKeuney H. Dickehut, A. M..
•gtin*t nit BMII'* in no small degree fion 'nil expression of his thanks and proposed as wium, iu ctown the trunk anew; bin, thai llio 1834. re^pectfullj inviied to fiyt t>»«^ t e»U- N. C. Biwk* A-
HIT devotion to him and Ihe piiucinles o :iis toast "The Judiciary of the United States moulder of images, imitating othe.- ••king-ma- . N. UAMBLETON
kit administration. Tb« con&itonc —"Tht rock on whiah the storm may beat." k*n," rsplwJ, "thai hs kad 'glory enough' In Jolyftt ,l
-r "WilUatn "LoveAtv'j FRESH SPRING GOODS FOR RENT OR SALE, JVcwand Splendid Assortment WW.SHGGINS
POETRY. Received at l/i« Store nf My property upon the South East side nf
Has just returned Irom Baltimore wilk an THOMAS II. J EN KINS, ^huplank river, within the limits of the town
From/ike Youth's Sketch B<r<k. additional supply of Who can exhibit the latest stylos tmJ l'' as'1 of Greeiisboiuurjh,consisting, as 1 supposo, of
THE LITTLE BOAT BUILDERS- ons cither fur Ladles or Gentlemen, about ^
may 17 Ttccnlij acres nf
Beside the rea shore Charles and Ecu
Sat doW4, one summer day, which ho can offer to his friendi and the pub [CUMKRAL AUVEHTISEMENT.l
a new brick Store House, for Ihe
To build I'vMt liule heart—and th«n lie generally upon lair terms. BEEDS, TlHiKS, PLANTS, DOMES­ sale of Merchandise; a now and val­
June 14. (W) TIC ANIMALS, IMPLEMENTS, uable Granary, capable of stowing HOOTS AM) SIIOFS. Has just received from Philadelplih
To wa'.A them sail away. from six to eight thousand bushels THE subscriber has just returned from Balti Baltimore
BOOKS, #c. &c.
Hurra1.,!' tho bents have left the short, LOUIS A. GODKY rOR SALE AT TH*
of' —dim other gianary,
„..__ more, and is now opening the best assortment a fresh supply of
AMERICAN FARMER ESTABLISH- SHOP 0fi5OOTS and SHOES, that he has ever had.
An,! aide by si.io tN-y sail; Having become tvlc proprietor of thi and TOOLS—a largo and valunl'l i llis fnt, n(| 8 an(] ,j, n public are requested lo call SADDLERY,
And peasant sunshine all bofor«, MLNT, Barn nnd Corn House, a now Brick a|)j sce |lim j.j e is delcrmined lo soil at ihe
Dwelling House, lalcly occupied bj ' m()St r(,(] uce<i pr jces furcash He has also a Easton.Kay 17
Beli'.nJ, llie summer gale- JVb. 16 Smith Cahert Street, Baltimore Md
2hi« pubscriber presents his respects to far­ James C. Reyner & Co. There is also iwo t vancly Of pai,n j ca f Hats, Blacking, Sic.
But all too rough the sunny sea:—
Jl Monthly Magazine containing mers gardeners, and dealers in .Seeds through­ other .. TH7"r»i;"D TARR.
Talcs, original and solcclcd, out the United States, particularly hi* custom­ liRTCK DWELLINGS, THE friends of science are respectfully in.
Ono boat upsets—*nd then Moril and scientific Essays, ers, and informs thc?i that ho Ins received formed that this Institution, with leave of Pro­
Tl»ey clap their hands and shout wilh |lee; This property is situated immedi­ vidence, will go into operation and commence
Poetry, from the best Authors, from A'nrope, from is own Seed Garden, and ately upon the Choptank river, al HOUSE SIGN Sf ORNAMENTAL
"llurrab she's up again." The quarterly representation of Lady's from various parts of ibis country, his llie Imad of the navigation, and has been es­ PAINTING. itb first term, on the lJd Thursday, thcStli dan
Fashions, adopted in Philadelphia—Col­ annual supply of FIELD AND GARDEN teemed a stand for business equal to any in tho William H. Hopkins lespcclfully informs Mfii/ next.
put on tho wave ii cannot live; oured. SEEDS; and that he is prepared to execute place—to a goiid purchaser llie properly may the, Cilizens of Easlon, and the public gener­ A very commodious Building, sufficient to
Music, of the newest style, Stc- &c. orders, wholesale and retail, wilh pru::ip'.noss be.purchased upon accommodating terms ally that he has commenced tho above busi- accommodate SO students has been erecUd, on
• It sinks-—nod now ihe other!
Pi-lilished resvlarly on the fir.it dm/ <f rrenj and accuracy, at as low prices, ami on ns fa­ the Store House, Granaries and Dwellino iioflsin the \«ing adjoining Messts Ozmon a plan capable of extension at a future day'.—
/ And now a 1 rnfler sh.iut they cive,
month at .Yo. 3 . Ithmian liuildingt l-'rniiklir. vorable terms as can be afforded by any de.aler which is now unoccupied, may be lentcd upon °' ; ——^^X^
and Shanahan's ^"llohinson's
Cabinet shop Varioly and diroclly j Two ^professors of high standing and firsl rat»
Store, j qualifications have been
been already
already' elecled; and \
•7/imah! we'!! 1-uiM another!' in the United .States, J or Jirst rale articles. fiivurabli; terms. For terms apply to MIL, dl | i ( r ns have
plaec, 1'hiladelfiliiii. Galloway; either in person or by letter, or to where
••••-•-• ho
t is
. prepared_ t to ^ execute
__._....._ every
„...._.. variety
—„:„,., j' tlur.
- i
tJiird( 1 wl
. , f , ,, "
will 'I0
ll " added
i/I'l."I whenever
, ,.
.. l...«n.,~- Ihe necessities
FRUIT and ornamental trees and plants
•Let's r-.ako ourselves n little sta— grapevines,shrubbery, gooseberry, raspberry, ny agent near ihe premises, hooper D. Hud- of paiulmg will, neatness & despatch, and at "I »'«_^»«B?_ *"»" require,
currant, and strawberry plants, bulbous and , son, Esq. such prices ashehopes will a-eurd'with thcpres NATHAN MU.NIIOE, ufAndover, Mass, and
T..e ocesn is too largo; a Leaiiti/'id und extensive variety nf sure of ths times. Ho solicits a trial, and feels Joii.v J^OI.MES AONEIV, lalely of Washing-
other flower rivits, will at the proper seasons WILLIAM HUGH LETT.
Tiiis tub will >lo for you t>nd mt assured ih.H ii will ensure a continuance of ton College Peun., both of Ihom accomplished
To sail our iittlo barge.
ENGRAVINGS, hff procured to order, from ihe best sources, in­ Galloway, Tulbot co. June 1-1, 4\v
public patronage scholars, experienced teachers, and brin^inc
cluding all tho principal nurseries and gardens
From orignnl and selected designs, both col­ in this counliv, for most of which tho subscri­ . All orders from the country thankfully re­ the highest recommendations, have the pres°-
Dear children! thus ibroucrhlife your j ITS oured and plain, wilh two engravcil Ti­ ber is agent; also, PROPOSALS ceived and promptly executed; also Old Chaiis eni charge of the Insliiiiiiuu. Till the elec­
tle 1'agts, ami two dislincl Indexes, repainted and Gilded in the latest style. tion of a President, Mr- Munroc will act as
May vanish! Will you then (inidulrd to perfect separate PLOUGHS; harror.'s, rnhnators, slr.iw FOR I'UIILISHINC TUB Juno '-'3. Principal.
Still laugh as o'er your childish toys, volumes in Iho year.) cutters, wheat fsns, corn shelters, thresh!ng The plan of study, and general principles of
—ALSO— * ' machines, and all other kinds of agricultural k EASTON GAZETTE government and discipline! it is intended, shall
And think they'll rise again? NOTICE.
Jchr.iee Collection of MUSIC, origins! nnd horticultural implemonls, will be procured from correspond, as far as practicable, with those of
•elected, arranged for llie. Piano or Gi i- lha besl manufactories in Baltimore, at the In an extended and improved furm, WAS commuted lo iho Jail of Frederick Hie best Eastern Collec.es. No L'sher is to be
And whon life's ocean scf m» too wide u a mfacturers' prices. County on Ihe 17th day of May last, as a run-
lar, with nearly GOO Pages large oc- LY Ihe generous offer of a gentleman well away, adark no.-rro man who calls himself employed. And no Professor during his con
Your quiet course to trace, lavo Letter Press, and only DOMESTIC. ANIMALS particularly cat- known throughout the State, in superintend > SAM GALA.WAY, ne.xion with the College, is to engage in any
Say, will you wisely turn aside, Three Dollars per annum. lift of the improved Durham Shorthnrn, the the Asnculiural and Political departments of' he is about, fi-2 years of age, !> feet S other occupation or profession, but will devolo
Devon, and the //olstein breeds; Sheep of the my 1-2 ineh-
And choose a humbler place." I am eiKlliled to propose lo pub-; ,,, |,j»|,. y/a ,| on wh^n commilled, a drab himself exclusively lo llie business of instruc­
Bakewell, So'ilhdown, and various lino wool- is.i apaper, Journal particularly dcioled to Agnciil- i co:it-n:ul pnnlaloons, trrceii vest, an oM fur hat— tion.
Each number of this peiiodicsi contains <\3 ed Ifreeds; Swiuo
And will you, as your joys decay, of several valuable kinds, es lurrand I olaies, which I nutter myself will ; says ho The situation of New Ark, in a rolling
panes of extra royal oclavo leller press, printed pecially of ihe
Ii:iruil7. breed; Dugs of several meril and receive an extended p-itronago. belongs to "John Dorsoy nep.r Ihlti-
First one, ind then ihe other, with r.k-ar, new and beaulifnl type, (arranged varieties for iho I m;, rn. Tho owner if any, is herehy reqn.-sled country, on the borders of Delaware, Mar) land
farmer and sportsman, various 1- rum the irritations Ion- produced l,y politi-' tl, come and havo him released, ho will other- and Pennsylvania, has for more lhan 100 years
Shout on, as one hope sinks away, liter the manner of ihe London Labelle AS- kino's of Poultry,
semhlee,) on paper of iho finest texture and
such as white lurkiei, Bre- calwarljio,it has bi-nn hitherto lli'.uirhl hestlo' wise be disfliarrjed nprordintr to Inw. recommended it us a convenient, healthful
•Hurrah! I'll build anotlur?' rpf n and \\'i slphalia gee.'se, game sind oilier separateihesciiilereslir.gsu'.iieoi-ihygiviiigthoui' MAHLON TALBO'IT ShrrilT economicnl, and pleasant location for a Public
whitest color, ll is embellished wilh splcndii
fowls, ami several other species of animals, pouscssioii ot distinct papers—as it was
Engravings on Cupper and Steel, executed b\ all of choices! breeds,
(and nn others) ara oilh- posed that nil parlies would ,i;iile in sup. | o f Frederick County, School. Tho College has grown out of an
ai'.irtts of the highest skill ard disiincron, am' *r kept for sale tho first, j N
Nat.:,t lutelli-encer,
Intelli Washington, and Gnv.otto Academy established by the Allisons, the
NEW fcPKING GOODS mbracing every variety of subjects. Among ing farm of tins
at thi" t'.xperiinciilal and breed­ whilst none but parlizans of one cast would Hlairs and M'Dowell's of a former nge.
establishment, or can be pio- be likely lo take "an interest in Ihe other._ Easlon, will copy theabore 9 times andM.charm; T.° There will be connected with the College,
these are iiiustralions of Popular Legends, Ro­ •ured fr.im the best sources, lo order.
mantic Incidents, Aitr.tctivo Sce.<i;ry, and por \Vhcro political discussions and comiiRnlarics June 14 ' Bt an Jlcwlemicul Department, under the care^of
traits of Illustrious I'cmnles. Tho nuiiihc BOOItS, agrictillural, horticultural, snd am marked with personal olt'eneo and Hide in­ tho Professors, in which students may fit for
commencing onoh quarter contains a picture of hotanicnl, in much irreater Tario'.v than at the trusions upon feelings, there seems to hi; a ne­ College; and in which those who do not wish
HAVING just returned from Philsdolphia
ibn c\i?ti;m /'hiladelphia Fashions, drsli^nnl. bnok*lnrp«, s'lin^fiftlieni r;ue and particularly cessity for this separation. But if a paper 1'X) Dollars or 100 Dollars such to go through a regular course, can be taught
and Baltimore with tlrwn, ensrarrd ami coloured t-xpro!-,ly ti.i valuable, kept constantly for sale. maintains its own principles and views of pub­ branches as they may select.
a /rc»i supply o/ this work, by coiiipoienl persons specially i n- In uluirt, fll urlic.lcf. wanted by faimrrs am! lic men and things fearlessly and with deco­ .Students will bo received at once not only
SPRING AND SUMMER ijanp.d far ih.it pirpnso. Tho Aiiihollif.hmiMils gf.iilners in Iho priscciHii.ui of ibeir busine.s> rum, the union of these interesting topics would into the freshman, but into any of the College
of ihischaraclcr which have appiaie 1 in form­ sre inliMided cither to lie ko[rl <MI hand, or pro­ only enable those of a dill'crent political way ofl RANAWAV from tho Farm of Col. Nich­ classes.
er num'.iers, :,ie confi ssedly superior lo any cured when orlereil, for a ijiiiall comminsion. thinking to boar the i.lher side of the question.' olas Goldsboruugh, near Easton, whore ho was The cheapness of all the necessaries and con­
which have hepii f'.inibhod iu any o'.her fiimilai JCy*And thoiigli la^t in older here, yet Without moaning however to press this view | veniences of life in New-Ark will render the
hired, early on Sunday morning whole expenses of an education in this institu­
American puMica'iun. and from lilt; arrangr- rni'T IN l.Mror.TANCF. lo every tiller of the of the subject, I must say, that Iho real design ! last, Iho ISthinst. a tall copper-co­ tion remarkably low. Tho Students will Room
monts which hi ve l:tcil made, t!ioro is every soil and keeper of Domestic, Animals, the sub­ in uniting these two highly interesting topfcs loured negro man, named
reason to believe they will be improved in the scriber offers to them THE SEEDS OF is lo give greater interest to iho paper, and t» in College al a rent of a dollars a year; Board
DRY GOODS AND CKOCERIF- ccming volumes. In addition to the Embnl- KNOWLEDGE in their vocations, "fresh mike it more worthy of general attention. in Commons at $1 'J5 ppr week, and the Tui­
.ishments jiia'. referred to, every number con­ ami genuine," having been carefully gathered How far the plan can be made acceptable lo ___ LEVIN, tion will he f'O a year. The students will be
QUEENS-WARE, fcc. • tains several engravings on wood, representing from the field of experience, and the garden of thn public taste must he left t,i the sequel, in about M.\ feel l iy'i, thirty years of age expected to furnish their own Rooms, am! find
Foreign and Nitivo Scenes, curi.iUH and inter­ Science—the whole done up in paprrn and la­ c.nsoa sii/ficienl patronage is extended lo jusli- lo;iir arms and le s Mid in general a line look­ their own fuel, light, washing, ironing, &c. It
which lie wiil dUposa of low for cash or It
esting Subject J, Natural History, Entomology, belled "THE FARMER AND GAIIDEN- y iho increased expenses lo bo incurred in ing fellow, belonging to iho subscriber, ns Ex­ is confidently believed that the necessary ex­
iiiinctual customers. wages for additional labour, type nnd other ma­ ecutor of Mrs. Rachel L. Kcrr, deceased.— penses of the ins'.itution, for tho '10 weeks of
N. B. All perii'.ni'! having accounts Kt.iml.iiy Mineralogy, Conehology, I lumoroua Incidents, KR, AND LIVESTOCK BUKEDEIl & terials—as well as in procuring the moM inter­ This fellow mado oil' with two other negroes, term time, will not exceed 100 dollars;—and at
Ornamental Pro,luelii>ns, Embroidery, and o- MANAGER; and dispensed from llie/in'/i/i'ii™1
for six months or more are earnest'.}- nguested prtis of this cs!a'.:lisli!iient ovcrv Friday in esting papers nnd works relating to Politics belonging to Gentlemen of this county,—tho the utmost will be less than 115 dollars per
tn come forward and close them ii|> l.y wi-li Iher needle work, Riding, Dancing, $-c. bo- the form of a weekly Agricultural paper, at v>5 and Agriculture, which cannot hi; had by iho inn a negro lad, named JACOB, who is de­ year.
sides one or moro pieces (if popular uiu'iic, ar-
or note. rnu-^r«l lor llio ['iaimur Guitar. a \ e:ir, payablo in advance. ordinary interchanges among Editors—and tho scribed lo mo as of a lawncy complexion—a- For further information, reference may bo
May 17 Every six iiuiiibersnf tbo woik form an olo- N. I!. This periodical is essentially similar procuring which, cannot bo risked until I can )outfivc fool seven or eight inches high—la­ had to Rov. .Samuel Bull, or Doctor Thomas
rraul volume suimlile l\>r binding, and wilh tn tho lato AMERICAN FARMER, the ascertain ihe public opinion in relation to llie bours wilh his body in walking, the other a W. Handy of Now Ark, Del.
EDWARD STUAUT, Iheso aro furnished gratuitously .1 supoibly publication of which has been for some time, plan, and llioir disposition lo sustain it. legro man named Phill, about twenty four Uv order of the Board.
wigraved Tillo Page, and a general index of suspended. Address That the plan can be. rendered acceptable I years of age—adark mulatto—about five feet E. \V. GILBERT, Prcs't.
Still fontiniK-a la carry on Ik'. Contents. I.1RV1NE HITCHCOCK, havo no doubt, if adequate eirjuura^emenl is six inches hijrh. April 5 Gw
Tho typographical execution of thf Ladv's American Farmer Estahlshmcnt. Ijivcn. It it very certain that those, fellows have
Cartwheel-right ami Scythe Cra­ Book is such that iho proprietor challenges otr.—An'•I'.xlra" number of the Fanner It may peihnps ho thought by sime, that tho made ihoir way to Jersey or Delaware or NKGKOKSWAVTRI)
dling Business, comparison with any Magazine, whether KII-| containing a /'rusiieclusuf iho Establishment, depressed and reduced condition of our country Philadelphia as they were seen travelling to­ TJie subscriber wishes
rr:)>ran or slimrican. Tin: heit materials and j and a catalogue, of Si e.!s niul other articles at ihe presont lime renders it nn unsuitable gether on the Main mad in that direction, on lo purchase one hundred
Jit his old stand, al the corner of tho ahl'iKl workmen aro employed, and Ihe ; »nlo, will bo scut gratis to nny person occasion lo put Ibith proposals f,ir a Journal, Suml.'w moiniiKj hist. and fifty servants of all
tngfon and South tire els, o/ most scrupulous regard is paid lo uoiilncbs, I shall furiiah his ndilicss, j). .11 paid, for ihal thai \n to lequire paironage at tho hands of the 7 will pay a rowaid of one hundred and (! escript inns,—Mechan­
harmony, and miifinuity, in iho arrangement forpose. people—Tho remark is obviously a plausible fifty dollars lor the delivery of Levin to me ics of all kinds, from Is!
Dr. Denwfs nnd the of the various subjects which Cjinpuse ihe let­ .May 44. o 10, and would be irresistible, if l'uu Journal in Easlon, or one hundred dollars for securin; NOTICI
lo ij, years uf age. lie
Ladles' Seminary ter-press. itstll did not mainly contemplate an agppcy in hii'.i bo ihal I get him n'niin. That the
Feelin<r grateful fur past favors, Unbars leave Tho Litenry department of llie. Lndy'i furnishing lo tho People tho iitf'iriii:iiion and JOHN LEEDS KERR. also wishes lo purchase fifty in families.—It is hath obtained
tninforirThis friends and llie puUic'gcnrrally^ Bunk eumprisc'S'jVuiy thing whir.'i is deemed the aids noccssary lo meet the crisis, nnd tn en- Easton, Mil. May -J.I, IS.) I. desirable to purchase lliom in large lots, as they of Talbot conn
tint ho has procured » first ruto assortment ol suitable for thai 8i-x l» whnsn us? it is |niin:i- SELECT CIRCULATIM.; LUJUARY. able them to restore th::t slate of comfort and \viil be settled in Alabama, and will not bo administration
p-.lly dcvilnd. Tules, which an; ilisliiiguifh- prosperity from which they havo been so wan­ separated. Pe'so:is having slaves to dispose George Stevoi
cd by intc-reslinj inciilenls, vigor.ius narrative, Jiublft frnnt ike /j'nomnu nj\\\issau, tonly, so causelessly, and «o lawlessly ejected. TO THE PUBLIC. of. will dn well to give him a call as he is per- dec'd. all person
chaslo dictif.ii, aiul llie absence of mankish A description of ihn fanhionablo watering Pressed down as iho people are in their pecu­ THE undersigned having been appointed ..,...„,. in.inontly settled in this market and is propsr- deceased's est
and hal commenced cradling, and mlcm,? sentiment; Pnotiv, in which souse has not inon places in Germany, by an old man, will form niary concerns by measures equally ruinous GEOLOGIST "to Iho Sialo of .'Maryland, | ed at all times to give the highosl cash prices. exhibit tho sa
keeping them already made on Land. | sacrificed lo soiuid.but where glowing thoughts , iho eonimcneiunenl of ill* f.uirlli voluinu of am! absurd—excited and indignant as lliey [looms it advisable lo mako known lo bis fel­ All communications directed to him in Easton thereof to tho
Persons who may want Cradles, will do aro sensibly c.\pressed, Essays upon pleasing | Waldio's library. ought to boat iho high handed, uuoonstilulion- low citizens iho duties which under such will be promptly attended to. He can at all 1st day of Ja
well by making immediate application, as it is and instructive subjects] Dingraphieal Mietch- This will be tollovveil, at ?.n cnrly day, by al, and arbitrary course thai arrogant and stim­ appointment ho is required lo perform, and to times bo found al Mr. Lowe's Hotel in Eas­ erwist; by la1
m thing often put offlill loo late. es of Illustrious Women; Anecdotes, unlanitedj tho Memoirti of Henry M:r;orl do !a 'I'ude, ulated power lias adopted, pnlicnco lor a mo- inform thorn of his readiness lo satisfy their ton. fit of the said e.'
Ij• O• by indelicate iiiuendoes; lively Bon-mo's, and Ti'hn \vns ciM'.fined for thirty liv« yea.s iiPthe meiil under such suffering would bo construed inquiries as well ns of the most convenient THOS. M. JONES, Given unde
Easlon, May 3, 1 S3 1 8w humorous tuples cheerfully but nmdcMily Uen.l- Stato Prisons in Kraitec, no\ into acquiescence that would tend to swell Iho modo in which ihcii application to him may be may •! June 1834.
t'd, riuiMilulp, along wilh ilcbcriptioii s of the i tmn- ted into English.
various embellishment, t'.ie reading of Ihe
lisl of llioir grievances, m.d embolden dariinr mad
Tho works piiblish:-J in the ptirvon'. volume, ambition in its usurpations and abuses. The
ll is iho duty of the Geologist "to make a
now on ibo-poinl of coii:p',oli..ni,tiro llie follow­ People must resist or they nro degraded and complete, a minute geological survey of the
A small fiiim in Miles River nook, adjoin­
Thnunh coominu«i expenses havo born in- ing:— ruined—Tho People must resist or their Re-i Slat comi'VMicmg with that portion which ing tho lands of Col. Edward Lloyd and Dr.
currod in making ibis work di-scrviug of Ihe Kruitzncr, or Iho German's t'.ilo, a novel, publican Institution:!, their Liberty, and hap­ belongs to Iho Teiliarv order of geolngical I E. .Speddcn, called "Whoalland"—Ibis farm
HAVE succeeded in obtaining very supc mnivnso patronage it has icccived, tho pro- by tin; author of Canterbury Titles. piness will he annihilnled—Tim People must formation, and wilh ilio Smithcm iliviuiou is beautifully situated on Hunting Creek, (a
iorr loiiffh wood for their irietur does uul mean lo relax in hise\erli, ns. of Sir James Caiipbell, of Aril- rcaist now early, or they will have later to thereof, ami projtrrssing regularly wilh the river abounding with fish and oysters,) ilia land
GRAIN CRADLES. \Vhe:evcr iinprovement can lie made, he is ilo- kinglass; written by himself: very piquant seek through blood and slaughter the repara­ of the walers of the Potomae and is of the best quality, and well calculated for
mid have Manufactured a large slock of such ermined In accomplish it, without regard to book, containing ani-oilotos of ost of Iho di.s- tion of n loss too great to be borne, involving Chesapeake through thai region, and ihonoe wheat or corn—tho improvements are, a new
ns they can warrant ol first quality—to which cost or labe.r, confident that be will bo amply tinguished individuals oftho I; t sixty years, all that is dear to the henit of num. Tho cri­ through Iho other subdivisions o' Iho Slate two story framed houso with kitchen, sinokn
Waldron scythes am attach-d—and ready for remunerated. Good Sir Walter; a tale hv iho author of sis calls I'drtli iho proposal — it is necessary to with as much expedition and despatch as may house, stable, barn, Sic. The above described
delivery by wholesale or letail at immediate The terms of tho Lady's Book arc three Family Portraits. act— the loss of time may be tho loss of all — bo eonsislent with minuteness and accuracy, farm will ho sold low and on accommodating
notice. dollars pet annum, payablo in advance. The Broken Heart; a drama c sketch, from I he object is to prepare tho means to make and ho shall prepare and laj before iho legisla- terms.—Apply to A. Graham, or to the subscri­
GRASS SCYTHES and Sneads ready remitting ten dollars shall he the Italian- known In the Peoplo their real condition, the luro al iho commenoomoul of every session a ber. SCHOONER
hung. /Jay folks, rakes, sickles, Scythe stones entitled to four copies of the work. £ci;~'Per Rouin in iho Nineteenth C tury; in a so- causes that havo produced it, and Iho way to detailed account of nil remarkable discoveries JAS. IT. BENSON.
and riibs Ike. ons remitting .fifteen dollars shall bo entitled rles of letters wrilltn durint a residence in resist it. made, and tho progress of the work." april 5 it (W)
—ALSO— to six copies of the work, and additional copies | thai city, by a Lady. not this language be misinterpreted — "It shall further be his duty "at those sea-
of the best Engravings. JlcrpPer.-wns jirocu- Tho l)"af and Dumb Pa^o, Tain. wo ppoak in all we sny in iho spirit and under sons not suited to the active prosecution of the
CORN AND TOBACCO CULTIVA- ring ten new subscribers, and forwarding the Anecdotes of the Court of I uis llie XIV.; llie sanction of llie Constitution and ihe. Law geological survey, lo analyze and ascertain Ihe Kaslon anil Ikillimore Packet.
TORS with t general assortmenl of Agricul­ cash for tho same, besides a discount of fifteen I by tho Duko of St. Simon, — it is the triumph of these, we aim at as the qualities nnd properties of all specimens ol SLOOP THOMAS
tural ImpIemenifiiLs. per cent, shall he proaented with a copy of the Tho Black Wmc-h; an ical Novel, by means tinder Heavens merciful behests, of re­ mineral substances or soils loft at his otlice or
Maryland Agricultural Repository; corner third volume of the work superbly hound.— thn author of the Dominic 's L ;acy; &c. Sic. storation to happiness and peace. lesidenee, for that purpose, by any citizen
ofPrattand Light .Sis. Baltimore. tdpUncurrenl Notes of solvent banks receiv­ Ono of the best novels say London Ma<;- of Iho Slate, nnd taken fro.n any portion of the
Baltimore, June U Sw ed at par value- azines of tho present day. TERMS. Territory of the Stale.
An extra copy of tho work, or any informa­ Tudor'* nvw book ol TravlL in Mexico and Tho paper is intended lo be called "TiiE In pursuance of those duties, Ihn undersign­
tion respecting it, may be obtained by address­ Cuba. GEORGE W. PARROTT, Master.
. } MARYLAND COUNTIIV JOURNAL AND FAII- ed is about to proceed immediately lo Ihe THIS splendid new coppered and copper
THE STEAM ROAT ing the publisher, (postpaid) Allan Cunningham's Biugaiphical and Crit­ MKIIS SOCIAL COMPANION," to bo published Eastern Shore of Maryland, where ho will re­ fastened sloop, jusl launched, and finished
ical History of Literaluro 'or iho last fifty twice n week during tho session of Co.ngress, main until tho end of June, nfler which he Iho most complote and commodious manner for in
NOTICE. years.
Helen, a Novel, by MariaRdgoworth.
which will also embrace iho period of the ses­ will visit the counties lying.between llie Pa- tho accommodation of passengers, (with dining
THE Partnership heretofore existing under sion of Ihn General Assembly of Maryland— tuxonl and Potomae rivers, proposing to make cabin und state room,) has commenced her
the lirm of Journal of a Wcsi Indi: Proprietor, kept and once a week tho rest of the year—Salur- his examination of this portion of iho Slate reguhr trips between Easlon and Baltimore,
during a residence in iho Islnd ol Jamaica, by day and Tuesday, days of publication.
MARYLAND, Thompson & Harper, tho lato Matthew G. Lewis .Esq. M- P,
during the months of July and August. His leaving Easlon every Wednesday morning
The prico of iho paper to Subscribers will cabinet duties CMIIIOI lhoref>re. be commenced al 9 o'clock, and iho Maryland wharf (Corner's)
Will as usual leave Baltimore every Tues­ is now dissolved by mutual consent. All per­ thor of ihe Monk, kc. bo $3 00 per annum—one half payable at the before Iho month of September. Desirous, Bal timoro, every Saturday al tho same hour.
day and Friday morning at 7 o'clock, for Anj sona indebted to the (inn, are requested to make Tho Curate's T.ile, or Practical Jo!i oiling; time of subscribing, the other half at tho end however, that no avoidable delay should be This packet has two ranges ot commodious
napolis, Cambridge (via the company's whar- payment to Thomas Harper, who still contin­ from a new work entitled N Mils of tho Round of iho year. experienced by such of his fellow citizens ns berths furnished with th« best beds and bed­
nt CuBtlehaven) and Easton, returning wil ues tho business, and has constant!} for sale a Table. Where the whole subscription runs duo for are interested in Iho subject of hisinvestigalion ding—iho table will bo supplied with
leavo Easton every Wednesday and Saturday handsome assortment of Tho Three Wrstminstenoyn, or Cowper, three months over tho year, it enhances tho tho undersigned has made arrangements with every article in season calculated to min­
at 7 o'clock, for Cambridge, (viaCaa'.lehavon) Lord Chancellor Thurlow, nd Warren Hast­ subscription dues for each year twenty five Mr. Philip T. Tyson, of tho firm of Tyson ister lo tho comfort of the passengent—
Annapolis and Baltimore. Passage from Bal Beaver, Otter and Muskrat ings, contrasted, from the smo- per cent. and Fisher, No. 192 Baltimore street, to re­ and ovory attention will be given to tho wants
limore to Cnstlchaven or Easton $9.. A Narrative of tho Shipweck of tho Ante­ The present Subscribers to the Easton Ga­ ceive during his absence the specimens of of those who may palronize tho packet.
On Monday the 21st inat. she will commence lope at Pelow, in 1783, and : brief but accurato zelle will be considered as subsciibors to Tho mineral substances, soils, waters, &c. which Freights will receive iho same prompt nnd
her routes from Baltimore, to Corsica and account of Prince Lo Boo. Maryland Country Journal, unless forbidden may be submitted. Any informalion concern­ punctual attention as ever, and the smallest
Chestertown, leaving Baltimore evory Mon­ All the above cost in tin "Library" hut §2 by them. ing ihcso, not requiring to bo determined on order thankfully received and strictly fulfilled
day morning at G o'clock and return same day 50!!! No Subscription discontinued until all ar- an elaborate investigation or analysis, will be as far as practicable.
Passage a» heretofore. Office No. 207 ChoBiiutsrpet, below 7th. reaiages aro paid up, without the consent of furnished by Mr. Tyson; furthet information SAMUEL H.BENNV.
All baggage, package* &o. at tho risk of the which he is disposed to sell on terms tn Rtiit Subscriptions to Waldia'sSelect Circulating tho publisher of tho paper. will bo communicated by the undersigned Easton Point, may 0—24
owner or owners thereof. the pressure of the times- All orders thank­ Libiary which is publjslmd svery wpek, ut $5 Advertising, not exceeding a. square, at a himself at iho earliest convenience.
By order fully received and punctually attended to. ' per annum, thankfully recei-ed by cost of one dollar for throe insertions, and J. T. DUCATEL.
L, G.TAYLOR, Commander. THOS. HARPER. ADAM WALDIE, twenly five ronls for every siibsnquonl innnjMofi M Lcxinglon Street, Baltimore. MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS
April 13 Easton, Juno 31, 183*1. June 23 Philadelphia- A. GRAHAM. May 17, 1834 ><>W FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE-
>>//•% .

.. S FREE-"Lite»ture we» <" ill-conducted, is the Great Engine by ich all Popular States must ultimately be supported .. overthrow
nj RELIGION punfles the Heau and teaches us our Duty Morality refines the Manners Agricultrrc makes us Rich, and Politics provides for ihe enjoyment of all.


NO, 29.
NOTICE. THE DEATH OF MONK LEWIS. PERPE-nrjALMOTION TheMe- lave been made, it is more than proba«
TRINTKD AND PtTBLIlHEp EVERY i through which ha entered them, Be
SATVRDA Y MORMJYG The subscriber gives notice to all persona in- -It is (he general impression that ctmnics' M*azine for June, which has >!e that new and more interesting devel- could not have backed out (or hii scalea
crested, that it is necessary that business in
BY ALEXANDER GRAHAM. is hands should be promptly closed, aa he is Monk Lewis, the author of several just appearet contains in addition to a pmenls will be made when the land is would npt have permitted htm,nor wat U
great numb* of articles interesting to
etormined that his securities shall not suffer monkish romances, and, whose works workingmenjand men of science, a chap- worked for gold. ' egress in any other manner at all poiiiblt.
TERMS iy any delay. A great number of curious specimens The fata of the poor fro* wai matter
arc familiar to ereiy novel reader this ter under Uwtiead of ttobert Fulton, of f workmanship have been found, in st-
T WO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS Wo also wishes to call attention lo the notice of grave speculation; but the probability
if Joshua M. Faulkner, Esq. by which it w side the Atlantic, died of Sea Sickness. course relatihg to the introduction ot ations which preclude the possibility of is that the little tnake held fait to him
Per annum, payable half yearly in advance. ie seen, that all his business as late Sheriff, is But it is stated in a late number of the Steamboats A the rivers and lakes ofA- heir baring been moved for more than and secured not only a snug night') lodg-
ADVERTISEMENTS placed in the subscriber's hands, for settlement pjerica. Tftft fo'lowing extract in rela-
London Metropolitan, that he perished tion to the pfpttnal motion introduced i thousand years. During my mining ing but a hearty supper.
Nut exceeding a square inserted, three time ed,ndasthe TENTH of the present month is fix-
the time by which it must be closed.
operations last year, F found, nt one time, The above account is strictly authen*
of the Yellow Fever, and the following I in this city bj'Rei bjRedhefl'er, possesses con- about one half of a crucible, of the capa-
for ONE DOLLAR; and TWENTY FIVE Those who wish to avoid further cost and trou- interesting particulars are given. (sidcrable Intwest. tic. We received it from a gentleman
ccirrs fur every subsequent inadtUon. ile will, it is expected, attend to this notice city of near a gallon. It was ten feet who was an eye witness to the transac-
hose who neglect must abide the consequences. ''He grew restless and impatient, con- f- Phllad. Gat. below the surface, and immediately be- tion. Immediately after its occurrence
tinually pacing up and down the deck, It will bofemembercd by some of our neath a large oak tree, which measured he prepared a statement for one of th*
SPRING GOODS. marsh 4 22 tf and spouting forth Italian and German readers, how^ong. and how successfully, five feet in diameter, and must have been journals of the day, but he wai dissua-
poetry in a wild and impassioned lone Redheffer hi I deluded the Pennsylva- four or five hundred years old. The de- ded from publishing it on the ground that
of voice, accompained with violent niaus by hli perpetual motion. One of posile was diluvial, of what may be term- it was too marvellou s to be believed. Aa
H. 8c P. GROOME TUB UNION TAVERN, gestures. On the 13th of May these se- these maohil is was put into operation in ed (able land. The stratum of quartz the late feteol the Anaconda has opened
New York i 1313. Mr- Fulton was gravel, in which the vessel was imbed- the eyes of the public to what snaket
HAVE just received from Philadelphia EASTO/, MARYLAND. rious symptoms rapidly increased In
nd Baltimore, their entire supply of him, and becoming every hour worse a perfec* unl sliever in Redhcfler'« dis- ded, is about two feet in thickness, rest- ran do. we publish it as a well substan-
SPRING AND SUMMER. and worse at six o'clock the following covery, and Ithough hundreds were dai- ing upon decomposed chlorite si.do. tiated make ilory.
morning he expired in Ihe greatest bodi- ly paying th r dollar to see the wonder, It is not difficult to account for the de-
DRY GOODS ly and even mental agony; for such he could nc ba prevailed upon to fol posit of those substances in alluvial soil, From the JV. F. Daily Advtr. July |0.
was his delirum that loud and bitter low the croy After a few days, how for Ihe hills are generally very high and RIOTS AND DISORDERS. In
GROCERIES, LlQVOR9,.nARD groans and fearful imprecations burst ever, he wi induced by some of hi precipitous, and from the immense quan« consequence of an annunciation, that a
WARE, CffNfA Sfc. from bis lips whilst suffering the last friend* to vii! the machine. In a very (ity of rain which (alls, the streams are meeting was to be held in Chatham »t.
which, added to their former Slock makes RESPECTFULLY begs leave to inform pan short timen| Sr Mr. Fulton had entered swollen to great heights, sweeping every Chapel, for the purpose of furthering the.
their assortment very complete. the room vhich it was exhibited, he tiling with them, and frequently formin
his friends and iho public in general, lhal he
Their friends and tha public generally an has taken the above named property in Easton, "7t is very much to be regretted that exclaimed,"' by this is a crank motion." a dcposite of several feet in thickness in ainterests of the Anti-slavery Society:
crowd assembled around the door,
respectfully invited to give them a call. Talb-it county, Md., known as the «'UNION the remains of Ibis accomplished gen His ear enal ed him to distinguish that a season , but some of the diluvial land is long before Ilia hour of meeting, prepar*
may 3 6w TAVERN," on the corner of Washington and lleinnn (and perhaps too celebrated an the marhinl was moved by a crank, from 10 to 50 feet above the present cd to act efficiently in the event of any
Goldsborough streets, immediately opposite the author) were not preserved and brought .vhich nlwaj gives an unequal power, level of the streams. Theso deposit* outrage being committed ou public o>
Bank, adjoining the office of John Lee-ls Kcrr, home to be buried in (be sepulchre and thercfol i an unequal velocity in the exhibit appearances of as great attrition public _
LOST. nearly opposite lo that of \Vm. Haywnrd, Jr: of bis family, the dust of genius hein course of et^rh revolution; nud a nice pinion! Happily, however, from an in-
A Yoke of Oxen of good' size black and and directly that of Wm. R. Price, Esq. as those recently formed. timation made la a morning paper the
white, one a very fine ox the other not so e his house is situate in the most fnshioiuhlo in some measure sacred to the soil from ,\nd jfliere was a vessel, or rather a dou- blacks were deterred from assembling
large, but marked will) a scar near tho shoul- Td pleasant part of the town, within a (Y-w pa which it sprung. But, on the contrary sound is nofliniform. II' (he machine ble mortar, found in Duke's Creek, a- and but a few of the whites who hatl
der- Any one who will give information of an of the Court House", and a market (I can- the corpse of the deceased was carried had bee nt in motion by what was bout fivn inches in diameter, and the been instrumental in getting up the meet-
said oxen, or of either of them shall be suitably not hesitate to say,) equal, if not supetior, to on deck, almost as soon as the last breath its ostenslblejrnoving power, it must have excavation on each side was nearlj an ing were found to be in attendance,
compensated. any of a like population in thie Stale he is also bad departed; and being rolled up in the had an equable rotnry motion, and the inch in depth, basin likf, and perfectly In 'consequence of the disposition that
M. SPENCER, gratified in assuring ihe public, that he has ad- ships colors, it was laid on the stern, sound woulj have been always the polished. It was made of qurtz, which existed, to prevent any meeting in favor
near .St. Michaels. vaniages this tavern never before had, viz: A where it remained until a slight shell of same. bad been semi-transparent but had be- of ~ r immediate
' J: -'- emancipation,
- --.
July 12 aom for table dwelling adjoining not heretofore deal boards was nailed together by one
aj evinced
After somi little conversation nith the come stained with the iron which a- by the crowd that «ssembled, no effort
attached to the properly, and all the properly of the carpenters.
M A. IIY LAND, is about logo through a thorough repair, which show-man, R*. Fulton did not hesitate lo bounds in quantity in all this country. was made to carry the avowed object*
' Into this humble coffin (he body was declare thatB>e machine was an impo- In the bottom of each basin was a small of the meeting into effect, although a
will enable him to entertain private families,
Talbot County Orphans' Court, parties or individuals in comfort he intends (hen carefully fastened down by the lid, sition, & to till the gentleman be was an depression of half an inch in depth and crowd of officers had been assembled to>
10th day of June A. D- 1334- keeping in his bar the best of Liquors, and his and four eighteen pounders attached to impostor. pfotwithslandmg the anger about the same diameter. What its use protect the convocation from antictpa-
On application of Joeiah Chaplain, adminis- Table shall be furnished in season with such as it,in order lo sink it; a common white &. bluster wli eh these charges excited,he could hare been, is difficult to conjee- ted injury and abuse,
tor of George Slovens late of Talbot Coun- the market will afford, He has provided at sheet, such as sailors use in their hnni- assured the omt<auy (hat the thing was ture. Some suppose it was used for From the non-assemblage oftheper-
ty, deceased, it is tentive Ostlers and Waiters, and has deter mocks, finally wrapped rouml the whole, a cheat, and [they would support him grinding pain', See. or in same of sons who had designed to occupy the
ORDERED, That he give tho notice mined nothing on his part shall be wanting to why or wherefore it is dillicult to guess. in Ihe ntlem , he would detect it at (be their plays or games. The high finish Chnpel, it was evident that the objects
required by law for creditors to nxhihit give satisfaction His .Hacks will run regular- Captain ,tben proceeded lo read o- risk of pay g nny penally if he failed and its exact dimensions, induce me to oPlhe meeting bad been abandoned,and
their claims against the said deceasod's ly to the Steam Boat Maryland, f jr tho accom ver the burial service several 6f the pas- Having obti ntd tlie assent of all who believe it the production of a more ci- the friends of colonization thereupon en-
estate&.that he cause thesamo lobe published modalion of passengers, when they can bo con sengers and moet of the crew being pre- were present he began by knocking a vilized people, than the present race o'' lereil, - ' organised
-;--.i a- _.-«!__
meeting, passed.
one* in each week for tho space of three suc- veyed to any part ol the adjacent county at sent; after which in obedience to his way some vr ylhin pieces of lath, which Indians. Respectfully yours. M.S." resolutions in favor of their own o-
cnssive weeks in one of the newspapers prin- almost a moment's warning Regular convey-
ted in the town of Easton, & also in ono of tho ances can be had from Easton to the principal commands, the deceased was commitled appeared be no part of the ma pinions, and peaceably dispersed.
newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore cities a four horse stage runs three times a to the deep- At the first plunge, the chinery' po from the frame of the SNAKE STORY--Thc story of the This business was brought to a close be-
In testimony that the foregoing is truly co- week lo Philadelphia' via Centreville; the coffin disappeared entirely; but rising n- machine to ttie'wftll of the room, merely late marvellous feat of the Anaconda in fore 9 o'clock nt night. But a much
pied from the minutes of pro- Steam Boat Maryland twin* vreolc t.. lUlti- galn, (lie sheet (hat had been fastened to keep the corner posts of the machine Ihe New York Museum, in swallowing more formidable difficulty existed far-
ceedings of Talbot county Or- more, besides other conveyances in ihe Iwo round it became partially disarranged, slcaJy. It was found that a catgut a seven quarter blanket, is fully confirm* ther up in the city. Mr. Farren, Stage
phans' court I have hereunto Easton Packets so that passengers cannot and the ivr introducing itself between its string was lead through one of the laths ed by the testimony of Mr. Peale, who Manager of the Bowery Theatre, had
I'rcs'l- set my hand and the seal fail lo find an advantage in pas*in» ibis way. folds, ir.fl.ited them; and buoyed the and the frame of the machine, to the avers that hissnakeship docs not appear been represented as having cursed the
of my office aflixed IhiS 10th Boarders will be. accommodated on liberal terms coffin up so (bat it floated on the surface to be in the least degree incommoded by Yankees, called them jackasses, and
day of June in the year of our by the day, week, month or year he solieitr of the waters, just like a boat with its bend of the upright shaft of a principal
Lord eighteen hundred and thirty four. ijio old stomers of ihe house and the pub 1, is wheel, that the catgut was conducted his extraordinary supper- A still more that he would gull them whenever he
Test, JAS. PRICE, Register ijeneially, to call and see him. sails full set. It was first observed by n through (he wall and nlons; the floors of extraordinary story is related by the could. This declaration, whether true
of Wills fur Talbut county Oct. 5- few oflhe passengers, from a wirdow in the second story lo a back cock-loft, at a New York Times. It is as follows: or false, had been sworn to by Mr.|Sen-
the front cnbin where sudilfinly to their distance of a number of yards from the A number of years ngo, a gentleman- ds, a butcher, before the Police, by vir-
In compliance to the above order, NOTICE urprisfi and terror, they beheld this no- room which contained the machine,and who had charge of n public museum tue of whose affidavit Mr. Farren had
TO STONE MASONS. vel and spectre like object borne up by there was found (be moving power. This in Baltimore, exhibited among his other been arrested.
NOTICE IS IIEREHY GIVEN, THE undersigned, a committee appointed the swell of the sea almost on a level \v;is a poor old wretch with nn immense living curiosities a couple of beautiful gar* From the attempts of Mr. Farren to
That the Subscriber of Talbot county to superintend the building of a Church at with themselves- Never shall I forget beard, and all the appearance of having ter snakes. There is something aboita deny bis declarations and his published
lilies. It is hath obtained from tho Orphans' court Miles llivor Ferry, near E.isiuu in Talbot garter snake peculiarly attractive, per- allegations on the subject, charging hi*
c)1n,as they of Talbut county in Maryland letters ol ccunty Maryland, propose lo build ihe samo of the thrilling sensation caused by so ap- sud'ereil a long imprisonment; who, when
administration on the personal estate of stone dimensions of Church 50 feet by 38 palling an apparition imagination cnn they broke in upon him was unconscious haps from the associations connected accuser Mr. Sentis with perjury, a num-
vill not bo
to dispose George Slovens late of Talbot county They iiivilo proposals from Slono Masons of scarcely picture any thing more horri- of what had happened below, and who with iu name. They are the most vo- ber of persons highly respectable bad
fs he is \it'r- dee'd. all persons having claims against the said price and lime, and will be prepared lo receive ble, coming as it did so unexpectedly- while he was seated on n stool, gnawing racious of all the small sized snake fam- predetermined to prevent bis appearance
is prcpar- deceased's estate aio hereby warned lo ihem, addressed lo Iho undersign*! al Easton, [ was that time a mere child almost nn n crust, was with one hnnd turning a ily, and pounce upon their prey like on the Uowery Board. As an adjunct of
ash prirra. exhibit tho samo with tho proper vouchers Talbot county, until the first TUESDAY in infant, but sticb impressions pass no' crank. The proprietor of the perpetu- starved hawks. They bare a trulj French tho corps for bis own benefit, which wa»
in Easton thereof lo tho subscriber, on or before the August next. away! Around the ves?el that co(Tn\- al motion soon disappeared. The mob appetite lor frogs, and it was upon conspicuously nnnounced for last night, at
can at nil 1st day of January nexl, or they may oth- li. H. Goldsborough, bark danced like n fearful mockery, demolished his macbinn, the destruction these slimy nmphibials (lint the garter which Mr.Forrest was to be present and
.el in Eas- erwist) by law be excluded from all bene- RichM. Fcddcman, then heaving heavily over the surf, ns un- of which immediately put a stop to that snakes in question chiefly made their lo appear in the character of Metamora.
fit of the said estale. willing still to part from '.be living world, which had been, for so n long a time, and suppers. The keeper of the museum The piny commenced at the usual time,
Given under my hand this lOih day of RichM. Speuccr.
June 1834. Julys.____________ it bent its course towards the shores ol to so much profit exhibited in Philadel- was one evening giving them their daily and Mr. Forrest a favorite son of the
JOSIAH CHAPLAIN, ndm'r. the Havana, and was soon lost to the phia. The merits of this exposure will rations, when he' observed that the stage, had reached the second act when
of George Stevcns, dec'd. $100 REWAHD. straining sight of the awe struck specta- appear more striking, when we consid- big snake was so voracious as to devour a rush was made from the crowd in the
lork, adjoin- Juno 21 tors, whether it arrived at those shores er that many mon ot ingenuity, learning all tho little snake's supper. He accord* street, consisting of more than 1000 per-
RAN off from the subscriber between Sat-
[yd and Dr. urday 17lh and Wednesday Iho or was swallowed up in (he whelming and science, tftul seen (he machine; some. ingly separated (he two animals b_r ai sons,who broke the front doors, & making
I this farm <2lRl of ibis inonlh of May, a ne- waves, we have never been able to ns- Imd written on tho subject, not a few of thin partition, and threw a frog (o the their way into the Theatre, soon filled
Creek, (a Eastern and Baltimore Packet, by gro lad named certnin. these were his zealous advocates, nnd younger and weaker of the two. The (he boxes, pit, and stage, and ejected the
actors therefrom.
|ra,) lh« land
ll ciliated for way of Miles River, JACOB, "The impression that Mr. Lewis made others, though they were afraid to ad- little snake seized the animal and com- The crowd continued to pour in their
|s are, a new on my parents was that of a very reserv- mit that be had made H discovery which menced swallowing it, and had succeed- swarms until every nook and avenue of
oflawney complexion and alwut ed yet very kind hearted man; heappear- violated what were believed to be (be es- ed i»i bagging its head, fore paws, and
hrn, Binoko 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high his countenance is ed lo feel for (be sufTurings of any oc- tablished laws of naluie, appeared also the greater part of its body, when the the Theatre was filled. 8c the females of
|fO described rather mild,b'it changeable when spoken to afraid to deny what Ihe inceisant mo- partition was taken away,*and the big the stage & the audience, were happy to
ammoilatiiiR he shows his whi'e toelh a good deal whon ho casionally indisposed person on board tion of his wheels and weights seemed to snake made a dash at the hind legs of escape from the bouse through Ihe rear
the subscii-
SCHOONER WILLIAM & HENRY. speaks in his ordinary walk ho is laboured and particularly for my eldest sister, prove.'' the frog, which yet protruded from the door of the building. Efforts were made
and seems lo work his whole body, h ie sup- who almost fell a victim to the fatal dis- mouth of his younger brother. He ob- by the*nctors to address the audience,
1NSON. JAMES STEWARD, MASTER. posed he went off on the Salurday before or order which terminated his career.
' The subscribers beg leave to inform thn public Sunday of the Whitsuiilido llolydays Ho is Before it manifested itself in him, lie us- A SUBTERRANEAN VILLAGE
tained n hearty grip of these projecting but they were unsuccessful until It was I !
n shrewd

.. .... .,.._.

specious <• " ....
_ _
...U......... ...Ill
whoever will A subterranean Indian Village lias been members, and slowly swallowed his way announced that Mr. Farren was dismis-
tr-at the above fine, i'a«t sailing, new and sub, ed to come frequently, and rap at the
[Packet Rlanlully built, copper fastened Schoon- deliver to the subscriber the said absconding door of our birth, and ask after her discoveiedin Nacoehee Valley,in Geor- towards the head of his supper com- ed from the Theatre, after a speech
e., is now in complete order for the receplio- servant, or secure him so that tho subscriber health in the gentlest tones, never forget- gia, by gold, miners, in excavating a ca- panion, who clung sturdily to bis savory from Mr. Forrest, whentranquility, ia
of frieght and Passengers; having a very com- can get him, shall receive tho abovo reward. ing to accompany such enquiries with nal for the purpose of washing gold. mouthful. some measure was restored-
modious Cabin, she is well calculated for the ROB'T. II. GOLDSBOROUGH, >viui;ii i.it .=
The depth to which is ,.-.-.-.. ._..-.
covered varies The heads of the I wo animals met, and Still the crowds occupied Ihe entire
accommodation of Gentlemen and Ladies - near Easton Talbot county ionic little gift for the fevered invalid, (o nine. feet;
r..». some of ( tthe
L the issue of the struggle Tor a moment theatre,, including the stage for a long
She will commence running as a regular Eastern (-'horo of Maryland such ns a shnddock or a bottle of soda from seveniembedded o nn
in a stratum of rich seemed doubtful, when tho big snake's ' time, and the civil authorities were una-
Jacket between the above named places-^nd May 2<t water--articles of which be bad brought houses are --'-- - mouth expanded b. slowly closed on t
the ble to expel them.
\ Master. will leave Miles River Ferry on Smldny the on board a plentiful supply, lie also auriferous gravel. They are 94 in num- bead of the small one, iy again he want re* In n sbort time however, about 100
and copper
finished in
S!.d o(March inst. at 9 o'clock, A. M., forBal REWAHD. possessed an old fashioned piano, bound ber, built of logJ from six to ten
diameter, and from ten to twelve feet in
inches in
joking on his swallowing course. Slow- 1 watchman of Capt. StewarC* and Cap-
timore. Returning will leave Light btreot RANAWAY from the Subscriber, living in with brass bands for travelling; and often lenctb. The walls are from three to six Iy but surely he went ahead the longitu- tain Asten's command, assembled, and
Is manner 1'or whsrf, Baltimore, opposite tho store of A- H. Talbot
(with dining county (Deep Nook)on Wednesday last, didhf while away the dreary hours ever feet in height, forming a continuous line dinal dimensions of the young serpent, under the direction of Hit Honor the
/fcrrison, at 9 o'clock, A. M on the fol- liic4lh'inei. (June) a attended, on a long ,sea voyage, bv bis
nmcnoed her lowing Wednesday, and will coniimio to run low, who calls himself DICK or exquisite (such on that instrument," or street of 300 feet. The logs are constantly becoming; less as they were Mayor, Aid. Ferris and Labagh, Asis-
Baltimore, nr- the above named days, during the season. sucked into his maw, until he had swal- tant Aid. Ballagh, Judge Lownds of the
lay morning She will take on board and land passengers at "I must not forget to mention, that hewed and notched M at Ilia p.e.ent lowed him from nose to tail. After Police, and a powerful body of the
Irl (Corner's) Win. Townaend*; going to and from^ BaHi- DICK ANDERSON, Mr. L. expired in the arms of the same day. The land beneath which they displaying this unnatural . preference for Police, efforts were made to dislodge
Jaamo hour, person who was afterwards present at were found, was covered, at its first set- his own flesh and blood, the garter sntke the occupants of the house. Violence
(commodious ruirf. aliout 21 years of age. Dick is ve- Lord Byron's death; and of whom his Uement by the whites, "
AU orders left at the Drug Storo of Messrs black and square bnilt, about 5 frci 7 or lordship speaks in his journal with the growth of timber, denoting a great an- coiled himself up lor his nap, and took a had not been resorted to by them, and
ds and bed- Spencer and Willis, Easton, or with Mr- Jas. ry inches higii. He took away wilh him a highest praise, as forming ono of the tjquity to these buildings, and a power- comfortable snooze- The next morning it was resolved that no (violence
Iplied with Jorden, at tho Ferry, will be strictly attended 8largo quantity of wearing apparel, and / have the keeper called to view "the two single should be exerted against them- They
lied to mi" to- The Subscribers, intending to use every no doubt has made his way to E)elawaro or most faithful servants of his, household. ful cause which submerged them. Cane gentlemen rolled into one," when to were addressed by Mr. Georg* Dixon
|assengers exertion to give general satisfaction, solicit the New Jersey. Dick is an outrageous scoun- Ilia nama was Baplista or Tila, (for baskets and fragments of earthenware
i the warns his astonishment he found that theyoun?- and others, and requested to go home,
bket. patronage of the publio- drel, having made ah attack on me for repri- short) He was a Venetian by birth and were found in tlTe rooms- The account ... snake had left bis close quarters and but still lingered when a body of 100
WM.TOWNtsENDaml manding him for his negligence, in not being certainly his attention and devotion to i. contained in a letter to the editor of was gambolling about by the side' of his watchmen headed by the Mayor and Al-
(prompt and
dAS. STEWARD. in place for hours after my other hand* weio Mr. Lew,is, during his fatal illness and the Southern Banner, from which Hie
kho smallest N. B. - For Capt. James Steward's capa- at work. I will give the above reward for .his in his last momenta, fully deserve a siro- following further particulars are extraci- big play-mate. The only reasonable dermen, appeared on the stage, and very
)stly fulfilled «ity and attention to business, as a commander apprehension and delivery in the jail in Eas- ilar tribute here; and with,pleasure the. way of account for the manner in which soon succeeded by pacific measure*, in
oU vessel, the public are referred to Messrs ton, Md. or secured in any jail no that I ge be bad managed lo leave his prison house 'dispersing the vast number! that had as-
3ENNY. Niefcolw Goldsborough Tench Tllghman writer bears witness to the uncbangca,- * «TUe louses are situated from 50 to is that he coiled himself regularly round sembled.
" ' ' Bowdle and John Newnaro, of this him again. FOSTER MAYNARD ble character,, of a. dutiful servant, an 100 yard* from the principal channel ot and left his lodgings by the same door Tbey retired peaceably, having effac-
humble friend, faithful unto death.'" the creek; and as no further excavations I
INKS T&lbot eounty Md., June,
ta Jmad in every part and hula and oornerut th«
Earl of Aipou, and tha Duke ol tfoiled States, to do whatever this individual
River, thence wcstvfaidlt toward* the Mexi- it Uiere . ...-. I were of a contrary opinion, karget ns witl
_.--. - can frontier, thence northward a» far as it may hand write and samp' . under which I stand to that Almighty shall choose to bid him, or loose his place and the "soft impea
division in the Council wai the con- Buren coat oner
ted liieii piedelermined purpose °t l " be prudent to go, allowing lima lo return be-1 neighborhood that groUM and pounded: Being, before whom we must all one day iy and thesn twenty thousand agenta have
for* the cold woatjier-sets in. On its return a little grain. this, if don't' disre-- sequence. have been com
polling Mr. Farren from the Vnrious efforts were made to escape appear. When thai day shall come, you ,Wice or thrice that number of persons subject do noi follow «vi
,,hich wai closed before eleven o'clock, ; ||M, Tegimi.nt wi)i descend by ihe Missouri lh» re|girif Atilii'.whose will know whether I am sincere in the io iheir commands, who most also do as they
with no other injurv, save the breaking on either bank. » iit m»y be Id' "bv"
' hi"
' ' dec-'the
'"" difficulty, and it was thought possible on their backs to
loltys, . ......What fortress, up to Tuesday evening to avoid the ne- declaration which/now make, of firm are bid ot loose their places and pay
of the-dobrs «nd of the foot li Kht*. The expedition, H IB understood will be ac- laration to VirgiHu* *V attachment to Ihe church, and resolution The N*w Yo
ot ir.«-ooors (!or ol)j pc(s C(,rapan ied' hy spvcra| geillen.en of science
There were tude. After ,tvha go at their own expense. The object of
what oiycity ID
io uw Roirferf^
the iwnrarrempire, enn cessity
*.»•• -- -* of- secession ...na/.i,n« n «r how-
to maintain it."
How far ihe People of this country will to). pinion, thai the
-in' the minds of the
hopeto«ist,ifitri : burieasure Itiat it, ever, elicited by the speechesof Mr. irate such a department, in tha» heart of the indict Tappan, C
were ns- the expedition ia to give the wild /ndians . '.. be
, erased.-.i from
r__ the
4L- win:"
_!L.L.- i...i that
ii.«>' Ward and Mr. Grote, lelt the reiutt no"I have spoken mere strongly than
leaving the theatre.
..; ,...*...-. ........... f . nnno ror. *ume idea of our vowcr, and to endeavor, under shall r but usual, because of unhappy circumstan- Nation, with its corrupting powers extending ists, as public nui
.e.mble.d, to the numher ol 10' o»<>,»Hn°r ^^ ^ iinp(18i|lg forcBi , enter into conferen- is a digression. Well, th* Chief hur-ess ! longer doubtful. Ministers were sure to ce! lhat have forced themselves upon :o every limb and fibre, is yet to be seen and Rigorous measur
(ion of them ruu«lied down Chatham to ce.s with them, to warn tlmse /ndians wlm of the village took it inlo »is head. ihat : bein a minority, and accordingly Mr Ihe observation of all. The threats of hey must jealously watch and openly express
the present comn
Jfcoso strcfct. wheie Mr- Lewts hwe b,pnin lllo of robbing and murder the mill was a nuisance* j gilou|(i be i Stanley made a hasty communication to those who are enemies of the church, hemselves against such a system in their n-
the majesty of th
of the Grand Jur
ides auJ supposing him concerned in j n(r mlr , P,, rh, who trade among Of th:
put down before- the to te expired ' Lord AHhorpr and the House adjourn.
petiiv'uD the meeting of the blacks at ,,,, , w | lich they will be exposed in case make it the more necessary for those sual intercourse with each other and in voting will, we know, I
'Whal power has that ascu-ed Miller',cd to 2d June. sens generally; al
the Chatham street Chapel, they pressed they continue their depredations and massa- London, May 30. who feel their duly to that church lo speak otherwise the corruption will become, sanc-
said he, 'the fellow can d uble toll he oan be adopted bjf
can grind, if he pleases, oi y for the rich, The general anxiety lo hear the result out. The words which you hear from tioned and fastened on them, and instead of rioters from the i
me are indeed spoken by my mouth, but
and by infusing to fcrin . for the poor ofthe new Ministerial arrangements col- they flow from my heart." __ being the free and independent Citizens of this mob-law at a sinj
man, starve hirn and hi* p tt\y little ciiil- , a number of eager
- inquiries
- on the supported.
drea, and loving wife, all I, death.' Aw- Exchange during the who.e of the morn Republic who watch over and control its con-
house arum. ._.._. cerns, they will bo ihe vassals and ihe victims
appeared to abate, and although tribes near them, will accompany tl ful! cried his load eater , who before i»R- When known it appeared lo p.ve EAST3N GAZETTE of IB higlj handed and corrupting a source of
continued to be used by the mob, at 13 lion, in tho hope of making treaties of friend never dreamed evil of the.nill and mil-] general satisfaction as to the mam point We have see|
last nisht, the disposition to des- ship W
S|,jp withiln the_ wild tribes and thus prevent, foi ler. llt is an aristocratic boncern,' *aid , that °t securing sufficient union among
abated- and by the advice of t|,c fulure, the recurrence of those wars Ihe burgess, 'for it grind with foreign ! members of the Administration to allow KASTON, (Mn.) power as ever existed under the sun.
Aa a leading point to guido the People in
lion that the
sion, in regard
in mill stones and will ruin' our liberties.1 ! Ihe public business
Abominable,' roared his » itti»ans. The'ceed with due order and regularity; bul
oflhe country to pro.
Saturday Morning, July 19. his matter, let ihem attend to and reflect on men), done nr>[
tions made by I
he following resolution, which Ihe committee
miller tried to defend iiimfelf 'Did you an expectation certainly existed that Public Sentiment—and w/wf n diffcrtncd of ihe Senate, lhat investigated the affairs of
ted States. \V|
tional item: trade with the natives, and cover the Sante ever hear such impuJenceP s;iid the bur- some me n of rather more decided influ- lo inquire what
A parly of persons lh"n started for (he |,'ocaravans i,^\ n ^ with Mexico; and perhaps gess- 'what! dare deny try assertions, ence and character would be brought in- —The wooden image of Gen. Jackson which .he Post Office Department, attached to tteir Ibis grave acci
dwelling of Dr. Cox, In Laight Street, to cn |js |lton the Indians generally as to the hu charge me with falseho'odrTWith this, he lo office on this occasion. has been arbitrarily and with bad taste and eport, and which was UNANIMOUSLY ap- facts. Of the i
which place the watchmen immediate!/ mane policy ofihe L'niied States towards ihem We have no further uiiect news fronP| worse design put at the bow of our admired proved of and adopted by every attending mem- President durinl
rushed into the mill with atledge ham-
cnaired leavin" a considerable crowd and also as to their own true Interest. Lisbon. A letter from Paris, however, National Ship "The Constitution" (called gress, the Sen
1 . of _T Tappan's mer, and broke the machinery, then o- ber of the SenatJ, forly one in number, Jack-
yet1. In . front TI- '. house, iinnco The
windows of the house were then broken: The New York Advocate contains some par- pened a sluice gate in his Born yard that ol Wednesday's date, refers to accounts familiary, from her hard fought battles and men and Anti-Jackson men, Tory and KVBNTEB*, ar
ticulars in relation to the figure head of the overflowed the mill and irenclied it in of Ihe 19ih inst. received there from brilliant victories, "Old Yronsides") was so Whig, without a dissenting voice the fol-
flic combustible furniture dragged inlo ; Constitution. The Advocate affirms that the filth. I Lisbon through Madrid, stating that a body is (he Ser
... c~ middle of the street Sc fired. It wis deed was ihe work of a boy, and adds,
.... . _..-.----. indignantly felt by the American People, that lowing is the resolution.
The mill slopped work, wid the people junction had taken place between the
supposed (hat Hie building would De set | ,, ile |lttd no accomplice, no assistant. I suffered severely for wartl of grinding. troons of General Rodill and Ihe Duke no citizen could be found who would for "love lictolvedi That it is preyed and ad. WINCri
on fire, but Iwo engines arrived and be- } wag en ij rc ]y a creation of His uwn brain, and Sec,' said Ihe burgess, 'wh1 t distress the of Terceira. and lhat they were in the or money" lend a hand to^.emove this''graven milted, lhat large sums of money have
«an (o play upon the house. The furni- ho had never breathed a word of it to any hu- rear of Sontarem. Hence \\ was conclu- Image" from the s'lop to ihe ship and a par- been borrowed at different banka, by
tiire is all destroyed, or so much injuied man being. On the eve of the 3d of July, a cursed mill and miller has irought upon ded lhat a very short lime would ne- learn that on S
as to be'worthless. j 1-2 o'clock hn went inlo a small boat, with no- the community is this to be endured! cel of newly imported foreign laborers, who he postmaster general, in order tb .make Harper's Ferr
thin<* but a saw, twopimbletsand a small ropo. All this is (o force us to ex end his lease- cessarily bring the news of Miguel's had not been liere long enough lo feel any o- up the deficiency in the mean's of carry* tin* down a hi
- ttmwft aid rW«« in rfe cily rf M.r- j On arriving al tho vessel, he had the greatest If tlmt establishment can c t-atv somuch surrender. This statement is not to be ther sentiment than a wish to get wages for a on the business of the post office de- upset by the
York 4 succession of incensed crowds have difficulty m reaching the gangway ladder, in riiUoliief by being into rupied now, adopted, however, on such authority partment, without authority given by the harness of
IorAl - A ulahcr in the city of New Yoik, 1 which he finally succeeded. The ra;n wai wlial may it do hyenndby,! day's work, were employed and paid for doing any law of Congress; and lhaf, a* Con-
See what though there is considerable probability fell upon Mr. A
"«f meeiinos held by Messrs, j falling in torrents, and when he stepped on ihe power it bus 1 Ought anyi [Jablishment in it. it. No sooner is the ship let out of tho Dock, gress alone possesses the power te> bor- of Mr. A. Hum
C,,xo and others, lo propagate lhe dock, no ono was visible. He heard the tread o he permitted to exist tthich has Ihe The Consol market was quite steady than, some bold npirits, determined to resent row money on the credit of th» United
,],,,.un,os of'ti.o abolitionists. The churches of the sentry below, bul nolhmg daunted, he town) and inju
in Ihe early part of Ihe day .and advanced the contumely offered to the American People Stales, all such contracts for loans bv
ofi h'se wlm haw proposed an immediate lib- j proceeded to his work. He bored the twoginv power to do -«o much InjuVf? it may re occasion his d
, ruiun of the Hacks, and tb -IT intcrmnrrwtrc blew into the head, and laMcned one end of the fuse (o grir.d at all, or only. r those who 1-8 per cent near lo the close of busi- by placing the figure of the man who had tram he postmaster general are illegal anil Mr. II was set
with ihe white population, have been broken 1 rope lo them, the other end he made fast to will vote as the miller cho s, and then ness; when the quotation wai 92| to 1-8 pled on and defied tho Constitution an-1 the void. The only oil:
..prnand disniantlrd-their private dwellings; the vwwl lie wns two hours in sawing ofl he sole government of the Ihige cnn be for the July account. Exchequer bill
Now, after ihia, what ought the abuse and were the Hon.
Laws- and made way with ihe public money
Imvrbnen ransacked, and the furniture burnt tho body. 1 he iron bolt which ran through \vnyed hy him, to the ruin the whole.' left ofTnt 49s 7 to 51s premium. Iy lady the fo
r otherwise destroyed, and the houses of those to keep the General »tramht, gave him much Doivn wi'.h the mill,' voci; atbd all Ihe TRADE. MANCHESTER. The rise in ID answer what purposes no body has yet ribaldry put inlo ihe Pont Master General's ad- what though n
rolorr.! persons following those preachers, | difficulty, as he was obl.ged^o^saw all around cullions of liis kitchen." cotton yarn* not being accompanied found oul, at the head of a favorite National dress and re echoed in all his vassal and do-
have also been visitwl, assailed, and the win- t. After ihis was done, the head was fairly U'hat in llie world,' astjecl one, 'has with a corresponding advance on goods Ship, got hold of this figure uf Gen. Jackson pendent presses, to be worth? Here is the [From the Boston
dows shivered with stones. Some of the more ified off tho bar, and lowered into the b.:al. et OMI- chief man in *ucjt a passion the depression in business is gent-rally and sawed off ihe head of it leaving the de- whole body of the Jackson men present in the Denth by Ligti
frail tenements, we believe, have been entirely Tne boot had been left under one of ihn scup-
iers, and Ihe hoy loiind it nearly full of water. .vitli the mill and miller ture it has greater even than usual at this season of truncated body in appropriate disfiguration. 'Senate, Benlon, Hill, Brown, VVright, with about 5 o'clock, '
demolished. Ro.nan Catholic I
The Mayor of the City has put forth two Ic was obliged !o tako hold of the boat rope, i.'cn grinding these forty .; witho'it the year- The demand for coarse fab- This is one expression of national sentiment. ?'orsyth, Wilkinsand all the thorough-g.iinn;,
town, was struck
proclamations, to suppress the disturbances. nd laiscd up the biiw, till some ofthe water ijury (o iinv one. and wi h manifest rics, ir greater than Ihe supply; for (he
The ciiv police were fiSl called into requisi- ad run out, when he got in, and safely reach- ene/it to n'll' '7'ul!' s l a shieiril wrrlched price obtained by the hand-
Morn recently in the midst of some tumul- nicking pariizancuips, gravely obliged, from in ihe Chapel ha
dis- id the shore- The head was taken home, and, waiter in teply 'ihe tuot.s and alarming- mob riots in the city of New .he truth of (he matter thus fixed on them, to fire, but many of
tion, but" wore not sufficient to qiirll t'w /! '° loom weavers, by whom principally lh:it bout the building
turbers of llie public peace. The military force llhough we cannot vouch for the lact, yet we avorile nejilinvv AI.,lly lias' mill power description of gooils is produced, hns York, excited by the mischievous and vicious condemn the Posl Master General without
then was callt-d out, and succeeded in disper- uspect it has been ere this consumed in a *Llnst a window in
another place do you *k.? 'Aye thrown a large portion of labor out oflhe proceedings of a parcel of wrong headed and pretext or salvo. und story, and kil
sing the iiiiiliinide at their different points of f glory-' We give the above account lo our nye, whispeied another, the'j'old Burzess market.
rendezvous. Some persons wero knocked aders, because we believe it lo be true- Bo- fanalical ph : Ianthro|iists, when Ihe mob had The white washing minority part of that to the bojs scl
once tried lo make the miller lend his On Wednesday, (May 28lh) the King, been for si>ruo days triumphant, &wereengaged tarnmitiee full blooded Jackson men, also a- window to a
down with sumps and bludgeons, but we be- des the boy, there is, or rather was but ono
' lieve no lives have been lost. crson in Hi.ston to whom the fact was known mill to further his political iews, but he as usual on the anniversary of his bitlh boys were lean!
gree in (heir apologelic, sympathetic report,
iVhat a ridiculous position does this place the wouldn't.' 'I should (bin ;,' »ni<i the day received an address from the pre- in ransacking & gutting the housea of these lu- A girl was al
Tliol at JVew-.#rt. \Vhat are w« coming party" in, who have been willing, in theiran- third, 'the customers to (her niller would lates, and, in reply, delivered the follow- natic & false notioned enthusiasts, breaking up :hat THE POST OFFICE DEPART- lat!on of her bloc
to? VVhern are fliese mischiefs to end? We vr, to punish the whole city of Uoslon for the have as much influence oye; him as he ing most gracious declaration. their furniturs anu making bun-fires of it in MENT IS BANKRUPT nor do this mi minutes; but bein
had indeed hoped that, grievous as tliey were, els of one boy." has over thf m.' '/t is a qu er business,' THE KING'S DECLARATION. upon her, she soc
the strecis, a picture of Washington among nority Committee nor even the address of tha children were hu
they would be confined lo onr ill-fated island. >:<i<J the fust speaker, 'all rough, or I After a short conversation, in which other things, in the indiscriminate and blind 'ost Mas.tor Ganeral himself attempt to giv»
l)ut we were deceived in that hope, and learn [From the New York Gazette.] killed were from
T?ie Conilifufioifs Figure Head. — Uinnow lack common sense.' ; his Majesty said among other things, names were Mall
that like results, springing from like causes, havoc, had been brought out by tho maddened my explanation ofthe bribing presents of
n our power to add precise information, deriv- "I Now remember you have a right lo a *on of Widow
occurred last evening at Newark.
It seems that tho tier- Mr. Weeks, who ed, we think, from a correct source. We shall LATEST FROM EliROPE. require of me to be resolute in defence mob and waa destined like the rest to confla- >Vine lhat have been made to officers in tho'
lias been recently inoculated with the amalga- e;ive the facts in as few words ax possible, and oflhe Church," the King proceeded: gration but-as it waa lifted up to be thrown on 'ost Office Department hy threw who wanted
At the ,T«ck'
mation infection, introduced a coloured man hey are so clear, that we cannot withhold our By the packet ship North Ameri ca 1 1 have been, by the circumstances of tho burning pile, a glimpce of the picture was o finger its cash A douceur of wine to the corporatcd Pen
into his pulpit last evening, against llie previ- v lief of their accuracy. Captain Dixry; arrived at New Yoik my life, and by conviction, led. fo sup* caught by some of tho furious incendiaries, Officers of the Department.' this puls them in toast was given
ously ascertained will of the people. When The truth, then, according to oar informa- London and Liverpool papers to Snlur- port toleration to the utmost extent of when the exclamation burst forth, even from roo I humour for wine gladdens the heart,
the pnpiilaco fuund this oat, iWy «ntsr«d the ion is, that the young man, who is only eiglt- dav May §lst inclusive, have been re- which it is justly capable; but toleration
"J R. Ho f
x:hurch in preat numbers, look the Utter for ocn years of age, ami who had the hardihood, ceived. the mouths of the iufuriatnd rioters, O! that is .nd renders men kind and obliging, and makes the day. Derr
must not be suffered to go into licentious.
cibly Irom tlie pulpit, conveyed him tothe j*il >f his own accord, to saw tho hc?d off the im
The bill removing the civil disnbili* Washington! Save him dont burn it and llie wheels over life's rugged "high way roll filed; Ihe pride
ihrr atening tu tear it down if the jailor iliil nut *!TC, is now in this ci:y; and, feeling safe, has it has its bound*) which it is my most delightfully as ihe Post Office depart- guard ofthe na
receive him locVed him up, and then re- llie following particulars! ties of thf Jew*, was rend a second time duty and which / am resolved to main- the picture was actually taken caro of by the ment is ono of despatch, a spur in the bead is The pure an
turned lo the Chnrch, broke the windows, tore On the evening of the third of .July, during in (he Mouse of Commons, Jl/ay Q8th, tain. I am, from the deepest conviction, mob, and eafcly deposited in a neighbouiing worth two in the heel. A tardy messenger our excellent fi
<hnvn the pulfiil and pews, and reduced the ed the storm, / went to work to ell'ect an object. by R vote of t2S to 92. attached to the pure Protestant faith louse, as an Image that madness itself in its ;ots a vote of a pai,- of spurs but others are lamp to the fee
ifioe to & «Vtc\l. Ctmt. JlAv. which I promised myself the completion of he- CHANGE IN THE BRITISH MIN- which this Church, of which / am the most sacriligions hour would preserve and save [uickeoed up by wine. eralists- Som
fore Ihe celfbrttion of American Independence, ISTUT. temporal head, is the human means of Th's is another expression of national scnti-
A COMPARISON AND CONTRAST and Providence favored me. Tha National /ntelligencer&ays: at a loss ( kn
London, Satuiday, May 31, 1834. diffusing and preserving in this land. nenl.
Aii 1'jiiiior of a periodical publication may "I had my l»i;il, saw, auger, and cordage, all "The President of the Uniled Ststei sionally makei
The Cabinet nrrangement«, if »uch "/ cannot forget what was Ihe course
be compared to a Coo't in a large hotel. prepare:!- I left my mother's house, who
they can he called, were yesterday eilh' of events that placed my family on the Yet tho Wind guides and sycophants of the has, v»e understand, left this city on a visit to democrat the
croik is required to be always on tho spot and keeps Railur hoarders, in street, Boston, "the Hermitage," his residence in Tennessee,
poor old Imbecile, tell you, Ac i« the second whence he does not propose to return before the wool—not
in a Irurry, BO is the Editor. The boarders at !' o'clock in the evening, / was not long in »r formally or practicullv completed throne which I now fill. These events Ph
<if the huttl look for a variety of dishes', so reaching tho bmv of the Constitution. 1 that is to say, there h<*s been a shifting were, consummated in a revolution which —miserable men! Go and play October.
the readers of a periodical expect a variety of made my boat fast to the ca&le of the ship, -of scatr, a transfer of persons from one was rendered necessary, and was ofl'cc- Tory at the footstool of arrogated power while MAIL ROBBE
news. Tho cook is bound to bo careful that allowing sufficient scope to my bowfasl lo lepartmentio another, a domestic move' ted, not as has sometimes been most er- 'ou may, until the ballot boxes put you down The New York Mercanlile Advertiser of master it Hartf<
nothing unclean or unwholesome find its way let the boat drift exactly under the ves- ment in the interior ol Ihe Administra- roneously stated, merely for Ihe sake of jo and help to bear away the Peoples money Monday, says: Nicholas Biddle, Esq. Presi- ny Mail was stol
into the repast, so the Editor must equally sols bow', where, from the course of tho ivind, tion; V>ut as fornccesaion ofpowcr, char- Ihe temporal liberties ofthe people, bul dent of the Bank of the Uniled Stales, arrived fti«? of the tentl
guardj _—_*__.
against any_ _. _. _ .. _„!
moral — „ i „,„;„.»»•
conlaminalion or I WLS sure she would lie until I got through acter, or value of any kind from without for the preservation of their religion. It Venn the /'copies Treasury and place it in ad in Ibis city on Saturday and proceeded to Bos- bed of its conter
poison in his paper The cook, after furnish- with mv work. I then look my saw, augur there appears not a singl" particle. ministration hiding p'aces Go and help t Ion on ihe evening oflhe same day. His visit at the Posl Offic
ing one meal, immediately begins M think of and a coil of rope over my shoulders, quit ihe The Government, with one or two indi- was for the defence of (he religion of make way with the plunder of the bankrupt- wo understand, has some connection with an twelve at night i
and prepare for another, just eo with the boat, and ascended the cable of the sYip, and Ihe country that wns made the settlement expansion of ihe business of ihe Bank so loud- the stage, which
Editor; when one number of his paper is fin- without much difficulty, soon had my arms vidual exceptions of little moment,stands ] of the crown, which has pla laced me in Post Office, and smother up the foul deeds ly called for by llie commercial embarrassment*
two o'clock, A. 1^
ished, he forthwith reflects in reference to tho round theold gentleman's neck. Having firm- precisely where it was. It stands, in ! the situation which I now fill, and lhat of yiitir Post Master General and his foul con every where existing and which expansion, Iy taken from th
next, and begins lo collect, arrange and serve I) fixed myself, 1 bored a holo through the respect of its personnel, where it was last religion, and the Church of Kngland and 'ed«rAlcs in th* ashns of your, luckily for you we leara, the Directors uf the Bank have re- ty,whilst staridii
un materials for it. Tho cook itt nol always head ofthe image, passed my rope through it, Monday morning minus twoarnon? the Ireland (Ireland with peculiar emphasis,) solved upon.
engaged In Ukci
alike judicious &. fortunate in the selection and made, fast, and then, with the use uf my saw most effective of its former members, the prelates of which are now before me, burnt up documents Go, and stand around package* for Al
preparation of his dislion, &. ia such cases is apt I wont regularly to work. In about an hour viz: Mr. Stanley and Sir J. Gralmrn. it is my fixed purpose, determination, your deranged Land Office, and swear no man t /ro'ii l-'riincf— We learn Oi«» York, the only o
to be tho subject of severe cen?tiro, nothing can the head fell into tho water, but it was pro The following is, we believe, a correct
flni] resolution, to maintain. shall enter there to search, but ono smeared arnoag thn prvsspninirs \,y tho Norlh America, teso, wern broke
be more descriptive of an Editor's fate. The vented from floating away by my precaution list of the changes: is Thenilure ^ritifcu'ick. Jr. JK$q Bearer of have heen found
cook being modi about the fire, often has very of securing it in the way above described. "The present bishop*, / am quite sat- with the vicious pollution of official crime Despatches! from Mr. Liviii(rston, our Minis-
CABINET- bout a mile and
warm work and perspires freely, so the F/d- immediately descended the ropo to which the
• .. T—— - »-_-!.. —— .t._ EM
isfied (and I am rejoiced lo hear, from Then go and fee from tho multitudinous gram ter to Franco to thm .Government. The reward of fifty t1
ilor, especially in Ihe present hot weather, head was appended, and found that my boat Mr. Spring Rice, Colonies. Ihem and from all, the same of the cler- larcenies from the Peoples treasure, the lalse- French Government after a long delay, has at hoinion ofthe n
and more especially when compelled to engage had nearly rilled with water, from the sprays Lord Auckland, Ailrr.inlty. gy in general, under their goverance) ficra, tho false swearers, and defamnrs of the last given up tho original papers of the ship*
in controversy. The cook is often blamed fur against the bow nfthn ship; ip; but I got in her Lord Carlisle, Privy Sr.il. have never been excelled at any period 'copies Bank,'tho merchants, tho intelligen illegally captured. The French Government On I'nt. \iYtstr
over-doing 01 under-doing his meals; an Kd- ^hauled In tho head uf llio Hero, cut the fasten Mr. Elli», his present odice. ofthe history of our church, by any of has also consented to give us copies of the de-
itor is frequently condemned for going loo ing, and drilud with the wind and lulu, with. and honest men of our country, and then you cisions by which the condemnation of thosa at tin) depth of c
Nor CABINET, their predecessors, in learning, piety, or duce shoots neai
far or not fai enough, for too much hoLjIntsslout noise, until I reached llio shore. I then
«ir timidity in tho expression of his opinion. landed, dug a holo, and buried my prize, which Mr. P. Thomson, President of the leal, in the discharge of their high duties will exhibit yourselves in your appropriate col vessels wai made. Mr. Sedgewick, we learn, of two feet, the]
Board of Trade. ia the bearer ofthe original ship's papers. A
Good cooks are scarce, so BTR able. Kditnia. probably, w'll hn exposed lo sight, aflrr the If there are any of the inferior arrange onrs, IP your true vocation. may ba inferred from these being serit at the
n\er, at three fe
But th«ro are some points in which there first hiirh tide and storm, as I had not time to Lord Musgravc, Post Office. merits in Ihe discipline ofthe church, and never come
Mr. Francis Bating,Secretary of the which, however, I greatly doubt (the POST OFFICE. Previous lo the devel full present lime ibat Mr. Livinyston enlertalna three and five ft
U no resemblance, hut a contrast. Cnoks u- dcposiic it very remote from the common high confidence, that at the next session of th*
«uaily receive high wages, but Kditors for water mark. Treasury. expression of doubt was given by his opmenta made by a Committee oflhe Senate o' Chamber of Deputies funds will be appropria- conseqnence of c
the most part must put up with what ihey ' Ity this time, I was very wet. and consid- Mr. M. OTcrrall, Lordof the Treas- Majesty with great emphasis) that require the corruptions of this Department, the gener- ted to carry inlo effect the treaty concluded bv parcels of pbtali
can gel and that is often precious little. Cooks erably fatiirund, and I made tho best of my way ury. the depth of thrc
have plenty lo eat and grow fut, Editors homo. The next morning, before / wns out amendment, I have no distrust o al opinion was that the P. M- General was tc Mr. ttive«.-WV. K. E. Pott. removed till al
often have little and grow lean. Cooks oc- of bed, my mother heard that Jackson's head
Also, Mr. W. Ord in the room of Mr. the readiness and ability of the pre- yean. They \
be turned adrift as among the worn out cattl The excessive heat experienced in this rity
capy a cotnmaadinc station in the kilchcn, had been cut off ^having observed the stairway George Porisonby, who goes lo Ihe seat lates, now before me, to correct such in the cruel service of unconscionable (ask mas
r I

appearance of
Editors are the servants of all. Uut 'tis e- wet, she- immediately suspected that I had in the Customs vacant by the death of things, and to you, I trust, they will b for the last week has been felt in an equal de- their original fii
i.ough. May every reader labor effectually for done the job. The old lady was so much a- of Mr. Hoo. gree in Boston, New York and Philadelphia.
left to correct, with your authority, unim lers but .t is supposed that no body could be In New York, on Wednesday, eight persona twte «4nn- S
that meat which endureth unto cverlnst- lumed, and so anxious for my escape., that 1 The immediate cause of the disagree- paired and unshackled." found hungry enough to go into a department so
ing life, and Booking first of all the. kingdom confessed my guilt. She immediately grave ment 1,1 Iho Ministry, wasj clause in the died from imprudently drinking cold wat»»r;
"I trust it will not be auppoied tha stript, and beggared and lazarded with the sores and leventecn from exposure to the heat. It ia The Nation;
of God, realise the troth ofthe promise, that me some money, and recommended mo to /ri.h Tithe Bill, which left it doubtful contains a valui
every other needful good will he. added. make my escape. I took the money, and waa whether Ihe Church of /,eland was to I nm speaking lovou a speech which I have of crime; and so Mr. P. M. G. was obliged 16 added lhat at least eight horse* fell dead ia the abstract of the
Lnlh. OLi. off in less than no lime. I need nut say how got by heart. No, I am declaring to you hold on, and they rave put into his hand streets, from Ihe same cause.
Stale Banks in
I got to New York; but hero / am, and wil- poMCM the entireproceedrarising from my real and genuine sentiments. I have address to the people of the United State* U In Philadelphia, on the ram* day, three or riea.of the Unit
We learn from tho Army and Navy Chroni- ling to take my oath that no human being rce eNiaiHeo source,. The clause orig- almost completed my 69th year, am four person* also died from the effects of taa
in the years 1
cle lhat the Regiment .of Drnguons is now prompted me lo this act of mischief." in* Iy passed, M r . SUn , contendinn dolend himsolf, lhat all ihe hired presses arv, excessive, heat Jlmerican.
though blessed by God with a very rar lures of the set
completed to its establishment, and all ihja [It will He seen Irom this plain statement of """ If Wi» b'l'«M« present, to leave!h« measure of health, not having known publishing and praising to ihe skies,, to see together with
companies have marched to Fort Gihson, where facts, that all the surmises connected with a question open, nm| , Crst setlle the a- if they canl mako a fool of party devolion Peaehei and Green Corn. We noticed in. banks and th*
the head quarters !iavo been established during transaction, whi«b has elicited so many con- "- All might have gone on smoolh- what sickness is for some years, yet I dc gorve ihem at a light pinching moment. the Centre Market this , morninjr, soino fioe since the said r
the winter. This regiment IB composed often jectures, are completely knocked in £e head.) ,ly, hhut lor , n soo-
Mr. O'Conneir, pacific prop- not blind myself to the plain and eviden ripe Peaches and Greea Corn. The Peaohw From this i
companies of about 70 men each; each man "'«'««. «n,l Mr Ward! no.ice of'ml truth that increase of years must ttl
If thn positions and grounds taken In thk were selling for 01-25 per pock the Corn at blate Banks i*
is armed with a sword, pistol and carbine. THE BURGESS vs. OLD MILL. largely upon me when cickness thai addles* in relation to the Post Office depart- 37 1-2 eta. per dozen. Bolt. Pat. of July 19, necticut, 31; G
The Drigoons are instructed to serve on The following pleasant allacion to the K '" r C ? a cl(UMe 'leclaratory of come. 1 cannot, therefore, expect thai ment and the management of its concerns, are
A proof-slip from the New York Mercan-
ian*. 10; Dela
horse or foot as occasion may require. About war upon the United States' bank is of lr Pl T tbe ho»«Mhat the Tithes I shall be very long in Ihil world. I Maine, 99; Mi
thU time, it is expected that they are on the from the VVycoming Herald. e! B.nwer" mo« Ihw, abundant for is under this impression that I tell you permitted and received as true by Congress tile Advertiser, under date of Sunday, »oo»',
Jersey, 26; Ne
expedition among the tribes of /ndians inhabit- communicate* the following intelligence. '
ing llie ouuntty between the Kooky Mountain* A village had a large mill that accom- that while I know that the law of Ih ihe People, ihen you have an irresponsible d We are happy to stale thai no disturbance*
South Carolina
and the Misai*«ippi. 1 hey are to proceed a- modated many; it was under lease for a purposes. Sever- land considers it impossible that I shouli parlment with uncounted funds at the control occurred in the eily last night. Strong | SO; Pennsylvai
so netaoe, 3; Vir
roaa the_countfy lo the boggy of tb» Red given lime, and th« real had been paid In i h,
but Mr. w a,Si.nl.yj Sit *y jUe,ooKr Grfttma.o do wron/f lhat while I know there i of a single individual, who has not leas than of the miliiarj and civil board* wen > <
DO earthly power which can ttll mt *' twenty thouMod agtota la daily pay, «pre«d a during the night but there waa'no of Colombia, 8
Mn*» oftioter*." MI with a i

.'JrtiiiaidiiMis..,;... ' , ' . . ',' . ' -'-,. ,:••:,:-... -,..',.. ..'^.,.T^.:,_' ,_...n_ . .'..',..,'.
Vte have been looking ont for ftrihe days
M«M*i LA.*.-»CnM*ell, of* the A/gu«, ,in. Banks ^battered, but sot ta Deration when
ehargei ns with being turncoat. We admit j the nbove lelurns were made; 43 with a capi- past for news ot bloodshed between the Mor-
the "soft impeachment." We wore a Van } tal of |30,200,000. Total banking capital, »ons and their opponent in Jackson county, O'CONNELL. BOOTS
Buren coat once, and Wore it threadbare; wo ; authorized and paid in |TOO,323,792 12. Notes'In Missouri. The subjoined is the first re- Vfi«wW}eatF»n jp complete order for
have been compelled to tarn it, and if others In circulation, $77,798,782 M: Specie and port of it, and being through a private channel, TH
be had
has returned fro»
do not follow «IM( they .will not haves suit specie funds on hand, f 17,081,704 65. may not be very accurate. We shall hear W. II. & P. Grooffie. BalUmorev with i.
on their backs to follow them. .- T trore fully, no douM, either to-day or to-mor- July 19
row. JVat. InttUigencer. JBOOTS AND SHOES,
A letter df'the Spy in Washington,*' THE owners of this SesU,ifui tnd thorough
The Nsw York American expresses the o- which appears in the Inst received num- From (fie Chmdon (Ohio) Spectator, July 12.
pinion, that the Grand Jury of lhat city should ?""'"r .? F' p
" York Courier ond En- A MORMON BATTLE^ A letter has • , *. BAOKBT bred hone, have consented lo place him, thU
fall, at the command of the fanners of Talbov Gentlemen's BOOTS, SHOES
and PUMPS,
indict Tappan, Cox, and the leading Abolition- ; bef of "'j. been received, by a gentleman in this neigh- 18 etljl dunbuting ihe shiners to his custo- of all description?! "
isls, as public nuisances, & properlyremarks: j 1 uirer» ^ discloses seme circumstances borhood, direct from Missouri, stating that a mers. Combination 33 68 63 a prize of $200 and should sufficient inducement be offered, lit
Rigorous measures against all who are parlies to | concerning a lafe removnl from office body of well armed Mormons, led on by their in the Delaware JLoitery, Class No. 11, sold and will be sent to that county in a few we?ks LADIES' SHOES, consisting of KID.
commence the season on the first of Sop- and MOROCCO, ofihe most fash-
the present commotions, will alone re-establish i in this city, which concur with infrtrma- great prophet, Joe Smith, lately attempted to on las* Thurtjay. All those that aw desirous lember. Gentlemen desiring lhe mrvicea of SEAL ionable slyle, aird made bjr the best of uuu-
the majesty of tho laws. The immediate action lion which has reached us on the same cross the river into Jackson county. M party of getting a thance at ihe shiners would do
the hnrso, will leave Iheir names and lhe num- ufaclurers;
of the Grand Jury in the way we have hinted at, subject. It appears that about a week of the oil tens of Jackson county opposed their well to have i «hance in the following Grand
will, we know, be approved by oor fellow citi- ao.o- Alexander M'lntirp itiA w*IU crossing, snd a battle ensued, in which Joe SehermB... ber of mares, frc. al lhe fasten Gazette Office, BOYS' and MISSES' SHOfiSofall deMrip,
or before the 15th of August next. For the tionr,
sens generally; and the mostsevere means that t"°' n " 7 M I * » n r Smith was wounded in tho leg, and the Mor- The Virginia State Lottery, Class Xo 14, on description and pedigree of O'Connell, as well CHILDREN^ BOOTS tnd SHOES.
«n be adopted by the Mayor, for sweep.ng the ^ J ' «8P«ctab!e «" tl 'fluent Chief mnos obliged to retreat; that Joe Smith's limb draws on July 96th 1834.
rioters from the streets and pulling an end to ] olerk. "» the Patent Office, »vas removed was amputated, but he died three days after GRAND SCHEME, as lhe lerms, (which will bo the same as those
pntepf $30,000 I 50 prizes of ft 1000 at which he has been standing in Dorchester,)
mob-law at a single blow, will bo equally well anc* ' '* place "iven to another- For this the operation.
removal, we are satisfied, there cannot 11000
gentlemen are referred to lha Editor of the Palm leaf Hats, Tnmfo and
supported. ''"' 8,000 liO 500 Gazette.
be assigned even a plausible reason. A gentleman left Philadelphia on Tuesday 100 Cambridge, July H. Sw
IT vs. 449! But the manner of (he removal in the evening al 6 o'clock, and arrived the next af- • 6,000 128 80 All which will be sold on ihe most pleasinir
We have seen somewhere an Intima- most extraordinary. The Patent-Of- leinoon, at 4 o'clock, in Boston. This beats 3,000 133 60 terms, and prices made lo suit lhe pressure of
tht enthusiaslic drawn by OLIVER EVAHS; by Tickets $10. Shares in proportion. No the times.
tion Out the SENATE has, at this ses- fice, every one knows, is under the di- two hours. U. S- Gaz. prize less ihan$12. TO KENT
sion, in regard to the matter of appoint- rection and control of the Secreta- For tho ensuing year on very accommoda- The public's obedient servant,
Also, the Marylnn* State Lottery, class ting terms, Iho house and lot on Washington JOHN WRIGHT.
ment, <lont> nothing but reject nomina- ry of Stale The Clerk* are, in fact, PRICES CURRENT-BAI.T. July 14. No. 15, draws Joly29lh 18.M. may 3 Gir
office, whose ap- street, at present occupied by Edward U. Gibbs
tions, made by the President of the Uni- the Clerks in hi« Wheat (red fcl 10 a 1 J5 SCHEME. as a dwelling, with all the improvements,
ted States. We have taken the trouble pointment is in his hands. But the (white) 1 20 t prizes of $.5,000 lt 85 200 Esq. ar.y necessary repairs wanting will be done, UUNEiiAL MEETING.
to inquire what foundation there is for President of the United States himself Corn G4 1 2.950 |'m 50 for lhe accommodation ol the family. Also, a The subscribers, Stockholders in the Com!
tbi« grave accusation, and here are the has in person made this removal and 5 500 I 128 40 dwelling house and lot in the town of Cam- mercial Bank of Millingion and owners of mot*
facts. Of the nominations made by the appointment, without, so far as is known, MARRIED Tickets $5*_Halv<>8$: 50 Quarters 41 25 >ridge, at present occupied by Mr. William lhan five hundred shares of stock therein, «x
President during the last session of Con- consulting his ne«v Secretary of State On the 10th inst. by the Rev. Joshua Hum-| .t tho Lottciy office of ilosxell, well calculated for carrying on the pursuance of lhe provisions of the 14lh fundi-
gress, the Senate refused to concur in at oil on the subject. The late Secreta- phriss, Mr. William Small, to Miss Hannah | P. SACKET, Hailing Business, having fionl and back shops, mental article contained in lhe Charter, do
SEVENTEEN, and confirmed FOUR HUN- ry of State, it is well understood, was fre- Biinsficld, both of Talool county. July 19 Easton, MJ. bows room, and all necessary oul buildings a hereby give public notice that a General Meet-
DRED AND KPRTT-NINE!!! What a/ac/iout quently importuned to make this same good stand for this business, which bus been ing of tbo Stockholders of said Bank will ba
body is the Senate! Nat. Intel. removal, but peremptorily refused. His The Eastern Shore Jockey Cli ru be carried on successfully for 17 years past held at the Bunking house in the town of Mil-
also two other houses and lots and one un- lington, on MONDAY the 8th day of Septem-
successor seems tit have been spared the For ont or mor ycan.lhnt large fy commodious improved lot, (provided) I hose occupy ing thorn ber next, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to tak*
WINCHESTER, (Va ) July 8. trouble either of refuting or complying. should not intend continuing fur the ensuing into consideration the condition of ihe affairs
Di.i/r«»»ing Accident.— We regret to At least, so says 'the Spy'' and so says WILL commence, over the Eaaton Course, BRICK TAVERN ear.. For terms apply to tho subscriber, or of said Bank, and the expediency of winding
learn lhat on Sunday last, the stage from common report.- -National fnlelligencer. on the last Wednesday in September next itii audits appurtenances, well known Mr. Samuel Mackcy, Knston. up ita business with as little delay as may ba
(the 24th)& continue ti.ree days the course is III! \VAI. MACKEY. consistent wilh the interests of all parlies con-
Harper's Ferry lo this place, was pas- by the name of iho cerned.
sing down « hill near Brucelown, it was From ilia Correspondent of the Jour, of Com beautifully situated on the farm of A. C. Bul- Dover toad, near E»ston.
upset by the breaking of some part of
(he harness of one of the horses, and
Circleoille, Ohio, July 4, 1834-
lilt, Esq. about half a mile from Easton, and
will be in first rate order on the day« of run- EASTON HOTEL. July ie. Evan Morgan
Allan Quynn,
Rvan Poultney, Per R.'Johnson and
The Sciota river, swelled by heavy and re- ning. situate in the Uwn of Eastnn, on the Eastern George Fitzhug'i,
tell upon Mr. Albert Humrickhouse, (son newed rains, has arisen lo a htighl only below FIRST DAT. A Colts purse of -200 dollar* Shore of Marjtand, at present, and for some Trustee's Hale. J. (ileaa, Assigns**.
of Mr. A. Ifumrlckhoose of Shepherds- that ofthe"G'reiU Ffoorf of 19i-i," at which two miles and repeat. Thomas /'outtiicy,
ves-s past, oicupied by Mr. Solomon Lowe. By virtue of a decree of Queen Ann's coun-
town) and injured him so severely as to time it was higher thui ever known before, by SECOND DAY. A purse of 300 dollars four This establivhnent is universally admitted lo ty conit, sitting an a court (if Equity, the un- Ann Poullney,
George Riggs,
occasion his death in a few minutes. |ev«n the oldest settler*. This freshet is the miles and repeat, free fur any horse, marc or be tho largest ind mo«l convenient fora Public dersigned will offer at puhliosale al iho court John Beaicc,
Mr.ll was selling on the driver's box. more remarkable on account of ils happening foaled on the .Eastern Shore of JVd. house door in Ccntreville, Md. on Saturday
House, of any on the Peninsula, and lo a man Henry Clinr,
The only other pnstengers, we learn, in July, an incident never noticed since the E it Urn f-horeofVa. or in the Stale of Dela- well calculate! to conduct it, an opportunity 2d day of August next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. the George Frecbiirger,
were the Hon. Henry Clay, and an elder- settlement in Ohio. Thn Com and Wheat on will be offered for doing a very extensive anil following highly valuable properly, being a
THIRD DAT- A F/andy cap purse of 100, profitable busiirss, more particularly if he has part of the real estate of John T. Miers dec'd, Gaxvin Harris,
ly lady the former of whom was tome- under the Western bolloms of iho river is enlirely V\ illiam fersey,
water, comprising th» best crop known dollars best three in five, one mile heats. a sufHcient capital lo carry it on advantageous- viz. Isiac Knight,
what though not seriously bruised. in this section of country for years. The 1st- A. GRAHAM, See'y.
ter was just fit for cutlinjr, and indeed somo ly- The Mill, Mill Sent, and 7Tiomas A. liichards,
E«ston, July 19, 1334. (\V) Goddan,
[From the Boston Daily AHv. of the 13th inst ] h ad been already reaped when lhe fieshel came Easlon is kiown as a town of considerable
trade, and thp,Stcam Boat Maryland, which about one hundred and fif- Charles William D. Bnll,
Death by Liglilnins.—Yesterday afternoon and destroyed lhe whole. But 'he most de Notice. plica twice a week between baliuuuro, An- ty acres of Land thereto .losinh Huron,
about 5 o'clock, during the thunder storm, tho gtruction was efTecled upon ir-e Corn, with THE subscriber offers for rent the ensuing napolis and ths pla-'e, cunsidfrably incruascs attached, which formerly belonged to Thomas Willinrr. I>. Guy,
Ro.nan Catholic Chapel Austin street.Charles-! wnjch ,i mo8t ,h e whole of those rich bolloms year, the farm in Wyo where Geoige Noble the business, aid of c:mr«r adds very much to IJy Geo .W. Dobbin.
town, was struck by lightning. A school kept j owned pTj nc jpntiy by lar<re stock raising farm- now lives. Also, his farm adjoining Col. tho value of this establishment, by the con- B. Cook, Esq. and now generally known as Joel Blaisdi-11, Iheir Attorney i*
in lhe Chapel had dismissed a shori lime be-, ergi wa£ p]arlted. Thousands of acres, in lhe Hughlett's residence, whereon James Under- stant intercourse of travellers from tho differ- Miers' l/pper Mill. The mill lm« jusl under- William »'/hrahain Iloyso, fact,
tore, but many of iho pupils remained in and a-1 highest stale of cultivation, were in ten hours wood now resides. For terms apply to gone considerable repair, and is in good order Kilmer,
bout the building. The fluid first entered at j ^^ completely over with water. Sheep, ent counties m xhe Western and Eastern for manufacturing of all kinds of grain. The L. A- JenUJns,
a window in the girls' room in the sec- hogs, and calile were swepl away and drowned J. Loockcnnan. Shores, to those places, and foreigners from water power is the best in llie. neighborhood,, John Rose, I
ond story, and killed two boys, then passed in-1 prj ncj pa |]y Of the former, to the amount of sev- July 19 Svr other States. | and lhe whole premises beaulifully and advan- Francis S. Walter,
Possession nil! be. given on the first day o! | fageously situated for manufacturing estab Goorge Memet,
to the bojs school room below out at a; ern) hundreds. The bridges both at Colum- January next. Persons wishing lo icnl are jlishment of any kind. This properly is wor- Richard LXmovJn,
window to a post against which two ' bvig mn(j at tnig j,isce have been swepl away by NOTICIC. tocomeand view the, premises. The thy of the attention of Capitalists. Daniel P. Loo,
boys were leaning, killing one of them. lhe onward rll8h o; waters. THE subscribers have now on hand and for invited terms, which will be moderate, will be made William Dawson,
A girl was also stunned, and the circu- The Ohio Canai |)M been aiso damaged to sale a first rate ALSO
known by app'.balion to the subscriber. A neat two story Sam'1. H. Redgrcaves
latlon of her Wood appeared to cease for some j a RTeat extent> both above and below im; but WM. H. OROOME. John Fallon,
minutes; but being placed where the ram fell i tne exact arnol, n t of mischief is nol known. Easton, July 19, 183t. Brick Dwelling House, R. S. Boggera, J
upon her, she soon recovered- Several other i«lie fjulumbus feeder is also broken, for three with a good garden, on Liberty June 28 8w
children were hurt but not badly. The boys ; or fl),lr hundred yards but Iho damage done on in Cenireville, and al pres-
killed were from 13 to 16 years of age; their'' lhe m-»in canal a lillle distance Mow, where Fanners' Hank of Maryland, ent occupiedstreet, Tho several papers on the Eastern Shore of
by Jl*. John Palmer, who will Maryland will please copy the above and send
names were Mat hews, a son of John Ray and the feeder joins it, is of a far greater extent, BRANCH-BANK AT EASTON. shew the same to any person disposed to pur- eir bills to the office of the Chestertown T«l-
a son of Widow Mellen. whic'i ii will lake much lime lo gel repaired i- 14lh July, 1834. chase, it. Also Two Lots of Ground con- opo for payment.
ore boals can run clear through ajfain- NOTICE Hi hereby given lo the Stockhold- taining together, about eleven and one half
ers in this institution, that an election will bi ncres, adjoining lhe 'ast abovo mentioned pro-
In Id al ihn Banking house in Easlon, on lhe perly, and which was purchased by the Into '"
At Ihe .T;«ckson Fealivnl in the Uuin Thd ruin which this sud len overflowing of PROPOSALS
corporatedi Pcnn Township, the following the water has brought upon the lenanls tn CLOSR CARICAGE lira I. Monday of August next, between the John T Mien) from Hejiry Darden, Esq. To publish by Siiliicription, in the city of Bal­
toast was give.n: | whom the batom land was mostly hired, is not
and harness, painted a handsome brown and hours of 10 o'olpck, A. M and S o'clock, P M. timore a \ceeklij IMerary JYewnxrucr, |o l»
"J R. Hopkins, Esq. President of to lw> described, and is r.ither a melancholy trimcd with brown cloth, made of Iho best ma- for lhe purpose of choosing from among the dec'd. One of these lots in well located fur rntltMtlie
the day. Democracy Pure and unde- subject fur reflection, upon the anniversary ot grazing, being well watered the other isara-
terials and workmanship, which they will Stockholders, tyclve Directors for lhe Branch tJ !o andrnny bo profitably cultivated either in "Halthnorc Young Men's Paper,''
filed; Ihe pride of thn people, and safe- our independence. dispose of on reasonable lerms, for cash or good Bank for lhe eisuing year, agreeably lo iho or grass. Under the auspices of the Baltimore Young
guard of the nation. GOLD CURRENCY. paper. They have also for silo a hands.me charter.
The new law, regulating Gold, poe« Also A LOT on tho sotilh sidn of fen- Men's Society.
The pure and undcfiled democracy of Bay jlfarc, which could be bought very low. By order, Ireville, lying between the Main road leading
info existnnce on the 31st inst. The Persons who wish to purchase would do well The Baltimore Young Men's Society was
our excellent friend Hopkins, will he a John GoldsboroUgll, Cashier, to Eas'on, and a large gully, by which it i.< instituted to pioinoio the moral and intellectual
now will pass as (o call and examine for themselves
lamp to the feet of the Wandering Fed- old and ncw coinag,e ANDERSON &. HOPKINS.
july 10. separated from thn lota of Dr. Harper ami o- improvi'iii-iil of the Young Men in Ihe city, ta
Old. N««v.
eralists- Some of us old Federalist* arc follows: Easton, July, 19 W . 3t
thers; tho improvement!) in this lol consisl of unite them mure intimately in llio bonds of
An En°;le $10 Gfifc $10 NOTICE.' ~~ Sheriff's Sale. acquaintance, and to extend kiudnes*
at a loss ( know what it is, (hat occa-
do 5.33^ 5 Two small IVamctl Houses. mutual Mid fnj.W-ship to those, whocomip; from their
sionally makes one of our small flock H BY virtue of a writ of vendilioni exponas is- Icnanted by peoplo of color. Thn
do 266J 250 parental homes hither, in pursuit of wealth or
democrat they seemed to be dyed in
FOREIGN GOLD Guinea $,5.11 TlIF. Subscriber has just received a large sued outof Talhot county court, and to nift di- terms of sale as proscril>eil by the distinction, are particulaily exposed to all lho*«
the wool— not «kin deep. rected against Wrightson Jones, si ihn suit of decree, nre; that ihe. purchaser or
P/iilailelpliia U. S. Gas. Sove.-eicn 487i; Louis d'or of France supply of William Skinner, will bi! sold at the front iluur piirchssers shall give, to the Trustee, a bond temptations to vico and dissipalton, which in
4 54; Donhloon*, Spanish niid Patriot
16 3; 10 Guilder 4 2; IMoidoie 0.56; 20
LUMBER, of the court house in the. town of Kasiou, on wilh security In bo approved by him for th« every large city, ara loo often fatal to youth
TUKSIJAV tho 12th day of August next, for cash payment of the purchase money, in twelve, ind inexperience. To carry out ih»se princl
between tin hours of 10 o'clucU, A. M. and U and eighteen months and two years, wilh in- lies, no means could be employed more effeo
master Lt Hartford, Cu stales, that tho Alba- Francs 3,86-, Fifiderirk d'or 3.07; all IVP than the press. With a periodical journa
ny Mall was stolen from the stage on lhe mor- these values suppose full weight Span
ning of the tenth inst. broken open and rob- Ish and Patriot Doubloons nre by law
IPH'FJlB IB®A!B3D:&J, o'clock,
P. M. of said day, the following pro-j ler,,8 i ^hereon from the day of sale and upon lublished
viz: All lhat Farm '
purchased ' of- Wil-L ratification of the sale by lhe Court, and on
u enabled
under its auspice*, the Society will
to extend muio widely a knowledge
of superior quality. Also a quantity of am Skinner by Wrighlsor, Jones, being part i t |vo rccejpt of Ihe purchase money and not be- if its existence, and of its objects, while, by the
bed of its contents. The Mail was delivered the same value, for they ore the »nme f a tract of land called "Ray's Point," and . f, )r0i t |l(, ir,,8t0e shall by a good deed, duly ac S-IITIO means, whatever of moial influence iV
at the Post Office a: //uiford aboui half past weight «r»d finr-iie**, but the Spanish HAILING HOARD art of a tract of land called "The Adventure," |in(1wlodged wlodged according to law, convey to the iho
twelve at night and placed under tho boot of will generally be above Ihn Irgnl rale AND >ntaining one hundred and four and a quarter purchaser or purchasers, the properly to him may exert, whatever of power to do good |i
the stage, which left the city between one and for the purpose of exportation to Cuba, nay possrs.3, wili be called more actively into
two o'clock, A. M. The mail was undoubted-1 CYPRESS SiHJYGLES crcs of land more or less. Thn above i\iwi- or them sold, free, clear, and discharged flfom operation, mid find exercise in a more extensive
oned property is situated on Broad Creek,
ly taken from the carriage before it left the ci- j where it is worth $.17. which w'll be sold very low for cash or to ear St Michaels, and will be sold to satisfy all claim.H of Ihn complainants or defendants. field.
ty.whilst standing before iho public Imus", or j Thn amount of Gold now in Iliis rotin- itinrlunl dealers. ,ny fmlher information may he obtained by ap- Believing llif.t the public favor would be be-
engaged in lakcn in passengers. The letter Iry. i«rqnal lo about one million and a The public's nb'l. serv't. tie aliove mentioned vendilioni exponas, and licalion to the subscriber.
lio interest and cost duo and to become due stowed tijHjn such a journal, the Society has
paekajres for Albany and the stato of Now : hulf of dollars. SAMUEL MACKEY. John Tilghman, determined lo issue the Prospectus and sped-
York, the only ones contained in the portman- There was coined in England, Gold Easlon, July 19 liereon. Attendance by Trustee. men number of a Periodical to he called the
Jos. Graham, shir.
teau, were broken open, and the mosl of them lo the value of 2S millions ol pound ster- C. Villo.Q. A. co. July 12. 4w Young Men's Pa|*r;" lo the sopnort of which
have heen found in a mutilated condition, a-' ling in 6 years after she reformed her NOTICE. July 13. the patronage of lhe friends of Young Men, '
bout a mile and a half south of the city. A 1 THE Commissioners for Talbol county will and of Ihe lovers of morality and good order,
reward of fifty dollars is offered for theappte- currency. France coined 199 millions meet on TUESDAY iho 'JOth inst., for the pur- "MLLU1L COW-Js TALBOT COUNTY TO WIT-. is now solicited.
licmion of the robbeis. of gold since Ronapnrle reformed her pose of appointing a Collector of the county tax. On application lo mo inc subscriber, onrt of Tho character of ihe "Young Men's Paper,"
currency in 1803 between (ho year Applicants will please hand in their applica he Justices of the Orphans' Court, (if ihe will bo consonant wilh the principles of the
On Hie. preservation of Potatoes- — Potatoes, J822aml 1929 England coined 40 mil- lions in wriling lo the Clerk on or befoie that (.inity aforesaid.by petition in wriling of Wil- Society of which it is Ihe organ. Combining
at iho depth of one fool from Ihe ground, pro- lions of silver and France 490 millions day. iam I lodges, praying for the benefit of the act Literature with Morality, its aim will be to
duct! shuols near the end of spring, al the depth of dollars in silver since Bonaparte ban- All persons having claims ngrvnst iho coun- >f Assembly, passed at November session, amuse and instruct; while, in accordance with
of two feet, ihey appear in lhe middle of sum- ished paper money. ty, are hereby notified, thai thn Levy will ce.r FOB S ighteen hundred and five, for the relief of In- its title, tho general tenor of ita influence will
mer, at three feet depth, they are very shoit, lainly bo closed on tho abovo mentioned day, The subscriber 'iHrrs lor V.-.IK: two or tlirer lolvRnt Dfbiors, and the several suppk'tnenu bo to awaken Young Men to a sense of their
if therefore Iheir accounts are not rendered, I'OWS. all ot" which liavu had .hereto, on the terms mentioned in the said obligations, to induce them to consider their
and never come to the surface, and between The Globe erroneously Males the val ihey will be excluded /or tho present year. g^o MII.Cll .
three and five feet they cease lo vegetal*. In Calves lliis Rim"K>" llfl " n|1 of thorn has a calf acts and tho said Willimn 7/oilgcs having vast capabilities, and to direct towards noblo
consequence of observing these effects, several' ue ofa^Guincn nt$2.Si 1-8; it should be Per order of the Board now wilh her thfy are also in good order complied with lhe several requisites requiied objects, that ardour which is too often wasted
parcels of pounds weie buried in a garden al as above. Philad. IV. Cur. THOS. C. NICOLS, Clk.
and of finn size- Jf«t having a use for ihom iy the said acts of assembly I do hereby or- in frivolous dissipation, or let loose in vicious
July 19, 1834. der fc. adjudge lhat lhe said William Hodges extravagance.
the depth of three feet and a half, and were not NOTICE. ——— they will l)fiS''IJ u l°n moderate terms.
removed till after intervals of one and two Another McUtwn Riot-—On Thursday Apply i" I hall he and appoir before tho judges of Talbot A portion of the pqper will be occupied by
years. They were then found without any night last a riot took place at Norwich, Con %fl Camp-Mcelintc for Talbot Circuit, of th P1 WM. II- GROOME. lounty Court, on the third Monday of reviews and criiical notices- Tho character
Is city , appearance of germination, and possessing neclicut. /t appears that somo person from Methodisl Episcopal Church, will commence Easton, July 10 1834- Suveinbor 7erm, next, and at such other days da; and talents of the gentlemen whose names are
lal de- their original firmness, freshness, goodness and Boston had the evening previous preached an in lhe wood adjoining the meeting house, in nd times as the Court shall direct, the appended to this Prospectus, will be an assu-
phis, taste «4/w- Soc, d'Agric. abolition sermon in tho Rev. Mr. I/ickerson's lhe Chippel district of this county on FRIDAY samo limn is .. rance not only thai this department will ba
wrsone first Presbyterian Church in that city which the 15th of AugiiFt next. Our brethren in the tho said William Hodges lo attend, & show stistnined wilh ability, but slso thkt nothing
the said William undignified, scurrilous or vindictive, VjH find
watrr; The National Intelligencer of Wednesday passed oifquietly. The next evening he made ministry, and friends of the adjoining circuits To rent and p wession given the first of causu, if any they have, why
Itie contains a valuable document, being a "general t second attempt when a mob, headed by a are affectionately invited lo come over and hel January nest a Ta Yard a..d improvements Modges should nnt have the bonefit of tlu place in it.
in the abstract of the number and situalion of lhe band, marched to the church, proceeded up Iho us- in tho village of Gnensborough Caroline coun- said acts of Assembly. Tho "Young Men's Paper'1 will be printed
Slale Banks in the several States and Territo- broad aisle, took the parson from tlio pulpit, Bread and horse food, will be sold by anlho ty Attached theHunto are large, and com- Given under my hand lhe 4lh day of Julj nn rt royal sheet, quarto form, with new type
ireeot ries of the Union, compiled from returns made and (breed him lo march before them, at the rily on the ground, except, that, by a speciu modlouAaik, curing and beam houses, a I QJ I
nt tho subscription price of f3.00 per annum,
of U>» in the years 1833 snd 1834 to iho Legisla- same time playing the rogue's march, till they >rder of ihe Conference, the bread market wi! gnod siono table, blrk and hydo Mills fee. E.N. HAMDLETON., or Jd.oO if paid in advance.
tures of the several States and from esiimaies; actually drummed him oul of the place, ihreal^ be closed on the Sabbath day. This Yard is situaUd direclly on lhe Chop- July H Advertisements inserted on the usual term*
together with statements of the. number of ening if he ever returned again to 'give him a Joshua Uumphriss, lank Rivor, so that stile or no land carriage is The following named gentlemen have con-
ieed in. banks and the amount of capital authorized coat of tar and feathers.' JV. Y. Gax. lo or from the ci- Lumber for Sale. sented to contiibuie to th* columns of the
o fine since the said returns were made ont. Ignatius T. Cooper. reouired in shippingiirtlcles
ties. Bark of the best quality and in gr«al Young Men's Paper."
Preachers. FOR SALE, at Easton Point, H veastl loar Rev.R. Breekenridge, Professors,N.RSmfeli
Mohw From this it appears that the number of HIGHLY IMPORTANT By tho ship July 19 abundance is.boughtfnjhis place very low and of Lumber, among which is some nice Chesnu « K. Geddinft,
arn at State Banks is as follows: Alabama, 5; Con- Moro Castle, CapU Flowery, the Editors of A Camp-Meeting on accommodating thera is how a slock fencing and flooring plank. It will be sold " J. G. Morris, .
IS. necticut, 21; Georgia, 13; Kentucky, 3; Louis- the Now York Journal of Commerce have re carry on the Yard for low for cash, if taken away immediately. *' J. A.Collim,
ceived a supplement to the Havana Diario of WILL be held by the Methodist Protests! on hand sufficient " G. .W.Musgrtve, « J.A. Miller,'^
iana. 10; Delaware, 7; Mawachusells, 102; Church, ot the land of Mr. John Brown, nei some time which i hant can have on agreca- GOLDSBOROUGH & VEONARD. S.K.Jenniefe ' '
ercan- Maine, 29; Maryland, 8; Mississippi, 8; New the 5th inst. containing Madrid dates to .May Church //ill to commence "on Friday, the25t «' J. Johns,
93th, Lisbon to the 17th, and Cadiz to the 3d ble terms- Easton, July 12. < G. G. Cookroan, Francis Wsl«»,D. D.
Jersey, 26; New York, 78; North Carolina, 3;
South Carolina, 7; New Hampshire, 22; Ohio, of Juno. The news is highly important, as it fully invited.
of July inst. to which the public Ire respect- . Apply t° . ,« J.P.K.Honshaw, Dr. J. Fonerfen, ^«*
'JO; Pennsylvania, 41; Rhode Island, 51, Ten- winds np the bloody drama which has been Ann 1 ;, ijpdwin, or t" Win. McKenney H. Dickehut, A-
ministtrs from a distance are expet Geo- li HUtrrington, MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS
nessee, 3; Virginia, 4; Vermont, 17; District sating in Portugal for two years past, and ted.Several FOR SALE AT THIS OFEICK-
of Colombia, 8; Florida, 6, Michigan, 5; total, leaves Don Pedro, OT hit daoghlei Donna Queen Ann's Circuit, July 19,1834. , Jl JT'
«*j whh tsplUl of $170,125,791. 18 paid Maria I[. la fall posswsjoa oftheThrooe-
FRESH SlPRI^G COQDS FOR RENT OR SALE, JYcwetnd Splendid j3«8orftncn(
POETRY, Received at *tf* St* I if My property upon the South East side of
Hal just returned from Baltimore wilk an THOMAS H. J El KINS, Choptank river, within the limits of the town
additional supply .of Who can exhibit the latest s ylee and Fash of Greensborough, consisting, as I suppose, of
ont either fur Ladies ot Gentle nen. about
To Prttdom and Temperance. may 17 Twenty acres of Land;
'"' >- '(Tune Tmmworth.) which he can offer to his friend* »n<l the pub' [eEKEIU-U ADVERTISEMENT.]
a new brick Store House, for the
. Hail! all hail! this day of Glory, lie generally upon fair term*. SEEDS, TREKS, JLANtS, DOMES .--^ sale of Merchandise; a new and val
vOmvhichFieeuom's Fathers met, June 14. (\V) TIC ANIMALS, IMPLEMENTS, i!(!Hs uable Granary, capable of stowing BOOTS AND SU0KK. Has juat received from Philadelphia
BOOKS, 4-c. &cl from six lo eight thousand bushels THE subscriber has just relumed from Balii- Jaltimoro
t On which Britain's chains were broken, of grain one other gianary,
' '4And the sun of slavery sat, LOUIS A. COOKY FOR SALB AT TH» more, and is now opening the best assorlment a fruh $upply of
A BLACKSMITH SHOP of BOOTS and SHOES, that ho has ever had.
Having become stile j)ro}>rietor of t/ie AMERICAN FARMER ESTABLISH-
God of balllM,
and TOOLS a large and valuivM His friends and the public aro requested to call SADDLERY,
To thy mercy all we owe. Barn and Corn House, a new Brick and see him. He ts determined to sell at the
Ab. 16 South Culvert Street, Baltimore Md Dwelling House, lately occupied b) Eaaton.May 17 .
9. We have still a tyrant o'er us, 'Ike subscriber presents his rfcspoeus lo far- James : Jlteyner &, Co. There is also two'
most reduced prices forcash HB has also a
rest variety of Palm leaf Hats, Blacking, &c. VOI
A Monthly Magazine containing mers gardeners, and dealers in Seeds through- other &.c. PETER TARR. NEW-ARK COLLEGE.
See how many wear his chain1
Tales, original and selected, out the United States, particularly his custom- BRICK DWELLINGS, THE friends of science are respocifully in.
Aid us brothers, aid us Bitten, Moril and scientific Essays, ers, and informs them that hi has received This property is situated immcdi- brined lhal this Institution, with leave of Pro.
Aid in to bo free again; Poetry, from the best Authors,
from .Europe, from is own Sefcd Garden, and ____ atfcly upon the Choptank river, at HOUSE SIGN Sf ORNAMENTAL vidence, will go into operation and commcnca PMWTKD
God of Heaven, The quarterly representation of Lady's from various parts of this country, his the head of Ihe navigation, and has been es- PAINTING., ts firsl lerm, on iho 2d Thurtday, IhcSlh day S.4 TUR
Fashions, adopted in Philadelphia Col- annual supply of FIELD AND GARDEN teemed a stand for business equal lo any in the William II. Hopkins respoctfnlly informs May next. BY ALEX
Aid us in oar glorioui cause. SEEDS; and that he is prepared lo execulo place lo a good purchaser Ihe properly may the Citizens of Easton, and tha public 'gener- A very commodious Building, sufficient to
Music, of the newest style, &c. &c. orders, wholesale and relail, wjlh promptness be purchased upon accommodaling terms or ally thai he has commenced Ihe above busi- accommodate 30 students has been erected, on
. Shall we still to vice surrender?
'vblislied regularly on the first day of every and accuracy, at as low prices, and on as fa- Ihe Store House, Granaries and Dwelling, ness in Ihe wing adjoining Messrs. Ozmon a plan capable of extension at a future day.
Shall w« mourn our brothers brave? vorable terms as can be affordeo. by any dealer which is now unoccupied, may be lentedupon and Shanahan's Cabinet shop arid directly Two professors of high standing1 and first rau I TWO DOLL
month al JVo. 3 Athenian Bullding$ Franklin in the United States,/or./ir«l rtye articles.
Shall our husbands and our falh«rt favorable terms. For icrms apply to me, at opposilo McNeal &. Robinson's Variety Store, qualifications h&vo been already elected; andi Pet annum, paya
place, 1'hiladeliihia. where he is prepared to execute every variety
FRUIT and ornamental tees and plants tialloway; either in person or by letter, or to of painting with neatness & despatch, and at third will be added whenever tho necessities
Fill a dark disgraceful grave?
fmy agent near the premises, .Hooper D. Hud- of the College shall require. ADVEh
Never, never! grupovincs, shrubbery, gooseberry, raspberry t such pricesashehopes will accord with thepres
currant, and strawberry planli bulbous and son, Esq. NATHAN MONROE, of Andover, Mass, ani Not exceeding
We for TermVrance still will plead- a beautiful and extensive variety oj WILLIAM HUGHLETT. sure of tho times. Ho solicits a trial, and feels JOHN HOLMES AGNEW, lately of Washing, for ONE DOL
other flower roots, will al ihe roper seasouj assured that it will ensure a continuance of ton College Penn., both of them accomplished
ENGRAVINGS, bo procured to order, from the b st sources, Galloway, Talbot co. Juno 14, 4w public patronage. CENTS for every
4. "riends and neighbors come and join u«s eluding all the principal nurseri s and garde! scholars, experienced teachers, nnd bringing
"Woman we tby aid implore: Prom oiignal and selected designs, both col- All orders from the country thankfully re- the highest recommendations, have tho pres-
in this country, for most of whin iho subsc ceived and promptly executed; also Old Chaiis ent charge of the Institution. Till the elec- WASIIIN
cured and plain, with two engraved Ti­ bcr is agent; also, i PROPOSALS
Beauty, be thy power «xdrled, tle Pages, and two distinct Indcxci, repainted and Gilded in the latest style Liott of a President, Mr. Munroe will act u To my old fr
And our sons will sin no more; (intended to perfect separato PLOUGHS; harrows, cult valors, slra FOR PUBLISHING TUB June 28. Piincipal. Jfew For
Friends of Virtue, volumes in iho year.) cullers, wheat (aos, corn shell rs, tbresblng1 Thdplan of study, and general principles of As nigh as
Rise and in our cause nnitt.
ALSO machines, and all other kinds of igricultural & EASTON GAZETTE NOTICE. government and discipline, it is intended, shall lelter'.to you t
A choice Collection nf MUSIC, original and horticultural implements, will b< procured from In an extended and improved form, WAS committed to the Jail of Frederick correspond, as far as practicable, with those of H mong other thi
telcnled, arranged for ihe Piano or Gti- the best manufactories in Ba limorc, al the
6. Hail! all h»il! this day of glory. ii«iufaolurcra' prices. County on the 17th day of May last, as a run- the best Eastern Colleges. No Usher is tob« Haterass »ntl
On which Freedom's fathers met: lar, with nearly GQO Pages large oc- BY the generous offer of a gentleman well away, a dark negro man who calls himself employed And no Professor during his con- .ioce then Con
tavo Loiter Press, and only DOMESTIC ANIMALS r rticularly cat- known throughout Ihe Stale, lo superintend SAM GALAWAY, nexion with the College, is to engage in any ^H i u
.Sing the fame of HIM who served us,
Three Dollars per annum. tle of the improved Durham ihorthorn, Ihe the Agricultural and Political departments of 10 is about 62 years of age, 5 feet 2 1-1 inch- other occupation or" profession, but will devote
Devon, and the Holslein brendi Sheep of.the my paper, 1 am enabled to propose lo pub- es high. 7^ad on when committed, a drab himself exclusively lo the business of imtrnc- H « L
^ Df . 11*
And the dyinj La FayelUr. &
Hakcwell, Southdown, and var ous fine wool-
Honour, honour, Each number of this pciioilicai contains 48 ed breeds; Swine of severa' valt ible kinds, c>s lish a Journal particularly devoted to Agricul- coat and panlaloons, green vesl, an old fur hal tion, ^1 I"1 nangin on
Washington and La Fayeiie. pages of extra royal oclavo letter press, printed pccially of iho Barnitz breed; Dogs of several lure am! Politics, which I flatter myself will says he belongs to John Dorsey near Balti- The siluaiion of.New Arki in a rolhV ^K give the new c
MILFORD BIRD. wUb clear, uew and beautiful typo, (arranged varieties for iho farmer and spoi sman, various merit and receive an extended patronage. more. The owner if any, is hereby requested country, on ihe borders of Delaware, Maryland IR advised me tha
after the manner of the London Labelle AS- From tho irritations long produced by politi- tocomo and havo him released, he will other- and Pennsylvania, has for more than 100 years Hv folks notv in tb
July 4th, 1834.
semblee,) on papc" of the finest texture and kinds of Poullry, such ns white turkirs, Bre- cal warfare, it has been hitherto (bought best lo wise be discharged according to law. recommended it as a convenient, healthful it would be but
whitest color, li is embellished with splendid men and Westphalia geese, gn ic and other Bcparatetheseintereslingsubjcctsbygtvingthem
fowls, ami several oilier sped i of animals, possession of distinct papers as il was sup
MAHLON TALBOTT Sheriff economical, and pleasant location for a Public and keep an e]
Engravings on Copper and Steel, executed by all of choicest breeds, (and no ol crs) are eilh- of Frederick County School. The College has grown out ofai\ take charge ol
SPRING COOD8 artists of thn highest skill and distinction, and
er kepi for sale at iho expcrimo: tal and breed-
posed lhal all parlies would unite in Ihe first,
whilst nouo but partisans of one casl would
Nat. Intelligencer, Washington, and Gazette Academy established by the Allisons, the meet agin.
embracing every variety of subjects. Among Easlon, will copy thcabove 8 times and charge Blairs and M'Dowell's of a former age.
ing farm of ibis establishment, i r can be pio- be likely lo lake an interest in the other There will be connected with the College, I «e« by so
these are illustrations oi'/'upjilar Legends, Ro- M. T.
SB.MUEL MACKBY manlic Incidents, Attractive Sen-pry, and pur- cured from the best sources, to rder. Where political
BOOKS, agricultural, hor {cultural, and are marked with personal offence and rude in-
discussions and commentaries June 14 ' 8t an J)cadcmiciil Department, under Ihe caro°o[
ihe Professors, in which students may fit fur
folks say I ha
print a nctvsp
trails of Illustrious Females. Tho number
HAVING just returned from Philadelphi commencing each quarter contains a picture of botanical, in much trrcater varie y than at the trusions upon feelings, there seems to be a ne- College; and in which those who do nol wish I have got a p
and Baltimore with the existing J'hiladelphia Fashions, designed, bookstores, soma of them rare ai i particularly cessity for this separation. But if a paper
maintains its own principles and views of pub-
130 Dollars or 100 Dollars lo go through a regular course, can be taught donrt know %\
n fresh tujtply of drawn, engraved and coloirrrd expressly for valuable, kept constancy for sa B. such branches as they may select. I can say abou
SPRING AND SUMMER this work, by competent persons specially en In short, all
gaged for lhal purpose. The Ambellishmenls gardner.i in tho prosecution of icir business
articles wanted I faimcrsand lic men and things fearlessly and with deco-
of this character which have appeared in form- afe intended either to be kept m hand, or pro- only enable those of a different political way of
the union of these interesting topics would REWARD. Students will be received at once not only
into the Freshman, but into any of the College
down in the w
news paper for
GOODS, RANAWAY from tho Farm of Col. Nich- classes. I can do to \vr
er numbers, are confessedly superior to nny cured when ordered, for a small commission. thinking to hoar the other side of the question. olas Goldsborough, near Easton, whore he was The cheapness of all the necessaries and con- in your paper;
which have been furnished in any o'.hcr similar JCJ*Anil though last in c der here, yet \Vithoutmeaiiing however to press tins view hired, early on Sunday morning veniences of life in New-Ark will render Ihe
American publication, anil from the, arrange- FIRST is IMPORTANCE to ever) lillcr of the of the subject, I must say, that tho real design are worth repr
CONSISTING OF last, the 18th inst. a tall copper-co- whole expenses of an education in this institu- aint my busine
ments which hive been made, there is evory soil and keeper of Domestic An lals, the sub- in uniting these, two highly interesting topics loured negro man, named tion remarkably low. The Sludents will Room
DRY GOODS AND GROCERIF reason lo believe they will be improved in Ihe scriber offers lo them 'THE SEEDS OF is to give greater interest to tho paper, and to in College at a rent of 5 dollars a year; lioatj countable fora
ccming volumes. In addition to the F.mbol- KNOWLEDGE in their voci tions, "fresh make it more worlhy of general attention. ___ LEVIN, in Commons at $1 25 per week, and the Tui- unless they ar
QUEENS-WARE, &c. lishments just referred lo, every number con- and genrine," having been care illy gathered How fur the plan can bo made acceptable to lion will be $30 a year- The students will b« per. If folks
tains several engravings on wood, representing from tin; field of experience, am the garden of tho public taste must be left to the sequel, in about six feel high, thirty years of age with expected to furnish their own Rooms, and find | help it. Ft sh
which ho will dispose of low for cash or U Foreign and Native Scenes, curious and inter- science tho whole done up in p \ptr» and la- case a sufficient patronage is exlended lo justi- long arms and legs and in general a fine look-
punctual customers. their own fuel, light, washing, ironing, &c. It pood, for / ne
esting Subjects, Natural History, KtUomolugv, fy tho increased expenses to bo incurred in ing fellow, belonging to the subscriber, as Ex-
N. B. All persons having accounts itandin Mineralogy, Concholoiry, Humorous Incidents, belled "THE FARMER ANt GARDF.N- wages for additional labour, type and other ma- ecutor uf Mrs. Rachel L. Kerr, deceased. is confidently believed that the necessary ex- terfit bills of a
for six months or more are earnestly requeste Ornamental Productions, Embroidery, and o- MANAGER; KR, AND LIVESTOCK HIIEEDF.R& penses of the institution, (-IT the 40 weeks > r wine bills won
and uispenscd fro i the/>ri/id';i<r. terials as well as in procuring tho mosi inter- This fellow made off with two other negroes, term limn, will not exceed 100 dollars; and ..l
to come forward and close them up by oas lltcf needle work, Riding, Dancing, fyc. be- firms of this establishment c\ ;ry Friday in esting papers and works relating to Polities belonging to Gentlemen of this county, the bad for the ko
tho utmost will be less than 115 dollars per
or note. sides one or more pieces of popular music, ar- the form of n weekly Agricultunl Paper, at $5 anil Agriculture, which eannot be hail by tho onoa r.egrolad, named .JACOB, who is de- year. I was prett
May 17 ranged for Ihe Piano or Guuar. a year, payable in advance. ordinary interchanges among Editors and tho scribed to me as of a tawney complexion a- For further information, reference may be broke up, (akin
Every six numbers of tho work form an ele- N. B. This periodical is cssunlially similar procuring which, cannot be risked until I can boutfive feet seven or eight inchest high la- had to Rev. Samuel Boll, or Doctor Thomas 1 thft last place to
gant volume suitable for binding, anil with to th« late AMERICAN F.VUMER, the ascertain the public opinion in relation to the bours with his body in walking, the other a VV. Handy of Now Ark, Del. Branch, Bank o
FOR SALE. these arc furnished gratuitously n superbly publication of which has been lor some time plan, and their disposition to sustain it. negro man named Phill, about twenty four By order of the Board. t ery one on em "
A few yonng BUCKS from full blood M engraved Title P;ige., and a general index of post suspended. Address Thai Ihe, |''^r can be rendered acceptable I years of age a dark mulatto about five feel E. W. GILBERT, Prcs't. brought the mor
tiuo Ewes and a choice impelled full bloo Contents. I. IRVINE HITCHCOCK, iave no doubt, if adequate encouragement is six iiches high. . April a Gw
Saxon Buck. given. It it very certnirt tint Ihcsr follows have out ofthe treasu
The typographical execution of the Lady's American Farmer Establshment. round to the U
ROBERT II. GOLDSBOROUGJfl. Book is such that the proprietor challenges Xntn. An '-Extra" number of the Farmer It may perhaps be thought by some, that the made their way to Jersey or Delaware or
July li comparison with any Magazine, whether /vi- containing a / 'rospoctus of the Establishment, depressed and reduced condition of ourcountry Philadelphia as ihoy were seen travelling to- EGROES WAVTED change it orTfoi
rnpean or American. The best materials and and a catalogue of Seeds and otker articles for at the present limn renders il an unsuitable rrotlior on the Main road in that direction;' on dle> name to
occasion to put forth proposals fur a Journal, Sundav rooming last. The subscriber wishes woulil'nt po no
MARYLAND tho ablest workmen nre, employed, and the sr\!r, will be srlit gratis to any person who to purchase one hundred
most scrupulous regard is paid (o neatness, hall fuiiish his address, post paid, for that lhal is to require patronage at the hands of the 1 will pay a reward of one hundred and the district,
and fifty servants of all
Talbot County Orphans' Com harmony, anil uniformity, in ihfl arrangement nrpoBC. people The remark is obviously a plausible fifty dollars for the delivery of Levin to ma
oii>, ami would bo irresistible, if the Journal in F.aaton, or orto bundled dollars foi securing descriptions, Mechan- vras about goin
C0;h <lny of June .1. D. 183-1. I of vlie vaTloua subjects w'hich compose the lot- .May *4. son he pot a <
itself did not mainly contemplate an agency in him so thai I get him again. ics of all kinds, from \-l
On application of .7nihony Hanning. .//dmis- ter-pregs. furnishing lo the People the information ami to 25, years of age. He where (he Gir
t rat or of Thomas Banning late of Talbot I The Literary department of thn Lady's JOHN LEEDS KERR. money here, for
eminly. deceased ilia ordered that he give I)ook comprises every thing which i* iloemed the aids necessary to meet the, crisis, and to en- Easton, Md. May 24..18.-M. also wishes to purchase fifty in families. It is
the notice required by law for creditors 10 ex- suitable for that srx lo whose. us« it is princi- SELECT CIRCULATING LIBRARY able them to restoro tlir.l state, of comfort anil desirable to purchase thnm in large lots, as they lo U.S. Bankti
l.ibit their cluim» against Ihc said deceased's levot(H, Tale*, which ni-o prosperity from which they have heon so wan- will be settled in Alabama, and will not bo Biddle's bills,
estate, &'d that he cause the same to be pub- ed by inlerpKting inciilnnts. vigorous n:irralive, Jluhles from the Jinmticni of JViiwnti, tonly, so causelessly, ami so lawlessly ejected TO THE PUBLIC. separated. Persons having" slaves to dispose how is this say
lished once in each week for th* -pa c of three clinsto diclii.n, ami tho ubseimo of inaiiUisli A dpsctipt'uiu of the fashionable watering Pressed down :is the people are in their pecu- TllF> mulnrsignod having been appointed of, will do well to give him a call as ho is per- Ihe pet bill* yel
successive weeks, in one of Ihe newspapers places in Germany, by an old innu, will form niary coneerns by measures equally ruinon? GEOLOGIST to tho Slate of .Maryland, manently settled in this market and is prepar- mitagc? Well,
printed In the town of Easton, and also in one sentiment; Poetry, in which sense has not been
of the newspapers printed in the cily of Haiti- sacrificed to sound,but where glowing thoughts thn comiueiic.pinent of the fourth volume of mil absurd excited and indignanl as they lenins H advisable to make known lo his fel- ed at all times to give tho highest cash prices. ttsad (o em y
arc sensibly cxpri'ssed, F,ssay^ upon plcasinir Waldic's Library. night to beat the high h'liuleil, iinconstituliun- ow citizens the duties which under such All communications directed to him in Easton
more. while, when th
In testimony dial the fore going i* truly copied and instructive subjects; Biographical Sketch This will he. billowed, at an early day, by il, anil arbitrary course that arrogant and stim- ppoinlmcnl ho is required to perform, and to will bo promptly attended to. He can at all
iho Memoirs of Henry Masers do la Tude, ulated power has adopted, patience for a mo- til'orm them of his readiness lo satisfy their
tor. Yery well
from tho minutes of proceedings es of Illustrious Women; Anecdotes, untainted limes be found al Mr. Lowe's Hotel in Eas- notion too; for
_. of Tnlbot county Orphans' court by indelicate inue.ndoes; lively Don-mo's, and who was eor.fincd for thirty livo yea.s in the ment under such suffering would bo construed nquiries as well us of the most convenient Ion.
,,',',= ' liavc hereunto nctjny hand fclhe humorous topics cheerfully Iml modestly Ue?.t- different State Prirtous iu France, now first nto arijuii'srnnoi! that would lend to swell the undo in which their application to tunmay be THOS. M. JONES, ty much like 11
O f my office nfTixod, this 'JOth ed, constitute, along with descriptions of ihft translated into English- tisl of their grievances, ai.d embolden daring naile. may 4 he was ahvayi
day of June in the yeir of our Lord eigh- various embellishment, the reading of the The works published in iho ctirrenl volume, ambition in its usurpations and abuses. The It is tho duty of the Geologist "to make a when he got I
teuo hundred and thirty four. Work. now on the point of completion, are thofollow- People! must resist or they aro degraded nnd omplete, a ininnlo geological survey of the ded.
TMt Though enormous expenses have been in- iujT- ruined Thn People, must resist or their Re- >tnln, counii.'iieing with that portion which FOR SALE. Since Congr
JAS. PRICR, ReR'r. Kruitzncr, or tho German's Tulo, a novel, publican Institutions, their Liberty, and hap- jrlcmgs to the Tertiary order of geological
c r \\iili for Talbot county curred In making this work deserving of the by the author of Canterbury Tales. piness will bo annihilated Tho People must A small faim in Miles River neck, niljoin. had more timt
immense patronage it has received, tho pro- ormation, and with ilia Southern divTsion and things in
M<M)ini:8 of Sir James Campbell, of Ard- resist now rarly, or they will havo later to hereof, and-progressing legularly with iho ing the hmds of Col. Edward Lloyd nnd Dr.
In compliance totf.'f nbnvo order, prietor does not menu to relnx in his i-xerlii ns.
Wherever improvement ran lie mnde, ne isde- kinjrlass; xvuilen by himself: a very piquant seek through blood and slaughter the repara- ^ourso of llm waters of the Potomnc nnd is beautifully situated on Hunting Creek, (a
E. Sno.ildeu, called " W heatland" this taim have q,ot more
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tennined to accomplish it, without reward to book, containing anecdotes of most of Iho clis- tion of a loss too great to be borne, involving Chesapeake through thai region, and thence river abounding with fish and oysters,) Iho land from Zekel Hi;
Thalthe subscriber of Tulbot county hath COBt or lahor cnfldcllt thal hc wjll , liinruishcil individunls of the last sixty years. all thai is dear to tho heart of man. The cri- through the other subdivisions ol the Stale bout money m
' 3 is of ihcbcsl quality, and well calculated for
obt.ined from the Orplu,n«' coir I of Tulbot I Icmuncretcd . (Mod Sir Walter, a. tale by iho author of sis calls fdrlh Ihe proposal il is necessary to \vilh as much oxpcdilion tmd despatch as may wheat or corn the improvements are, a no* the notion, if;
ounty, in Maryland, Utters of Administration Family Portraits. act the loss offline may be Ihe loss of all bo consistent with minuteness and accuracy, two slory framed houso with kitchen, smokn ty quick by t
on the personal estate of Thomas Bnnmug The terms of tho Lady's Book are three
late of Talbot county dcc'd. .''II person hav- dollars pei annum, payable in advance. The Broken Heart; i dramatic sketch, from Ihe object is to prepare the means lo make and ho shall prepaic and laj before tho legisla- house, stable, barn, Sic. The above described tales, we are
ing claims against the snid iicotii'K'd's estate remitting '< « tlMitrs ahull bn the Italian. known to the Ptsoplu their real condition, the ture at the commencement of every session a farm will he sold low and on accommodating this summer, a
ore hereby warned to exhibit the ejnie \vilb entitled lo fourcopics of tho work, I'er Koine, in llie Nineternlli Century; in a sc- causes lhal have produced it, and the way to detailed account of all remarkable discoveries lenns. Apply to A. Graham, or to the subscri-
resist it. ngin, that will
the proper vouchers thereof to the subscriber sons remitting fifteen shall bu ries of letters writli n during a residence in made, and the progress of the work." be r. seen ye(.
on or before tho 1st of January next or Ihey to six copies of the work, and additional copies that eily, by a Lady. Lot not this language bo misinterpreted "It shall further bo his duty "at those sea-
may otherwise by law, bo excluded from all of tho best Engravings. SCpPcrsous ptocw- The. IK-al'and Diimb Page, a. Tale. wo speak in all we say in the s[1iril and under sons not suited to the active prosecution of ihe JAS. H. BENSON. Congress h
benefit of the said estate. Anecdotes of the. Court of Louis the XIV-; the sanction of iho Conslitulion and tho Law geological survey, lo analyze and ascertain the april 5 tt (W) many appropr
I ring ten new subscribers, and forwarding iho
Given under my ham) this 20lh day of June cas(, for t |, 0 game, besides a discount of fifteen >y the Duko of St. Simon. it is the triumph of Iheso wo aim at as the qualities and properties ot all specimens ol the interests o
•9. D. eighteen Imiiclreo and thirty four Tho Black \Vaich; an Historical Novel, by means, under Heavens merciful behests, of re- mineral substances or soils lefl al his office or Easton and Baltimore Packet.
ANTHONY BANNING, adm'r. per cent, shall be presented with a copy of the sums that the
third volume of the work superbly bound. Iho author of tho Dominie's Legacy; &c. &.C. storation to happiness and peace. residence, for that purpose, by any citizen ther offices a
of Thomas Banniiru*, dec'd. tC7"Uncurrent Nutcs of bol vent banks receiv - One of the best novels say Lie London Mag- of Iho State, and taken fro.n any portion of the SLOOP THOMAS
Jaw 51 can calkulate,
ed at par value. azines of the present day. TERMS. Territory of Iho Stale.
Tinlor's new bouk of Travels in Mexico and In pursuance of those duties, tho undersign-
five millions o
An extra copy of tho work, or any informa- The paper is intended lo be called ''TiiE
THE STEAM ROAT tion respecting it, may be obtained by address- Cuba. MARYr.AND COITNTJIV JotJRWAT, AND FAR- ed is about to proceed immediately to the Treasury this
ing the publisher, Allun Cunniugham'R Biog-riphical and Crit- MERS Sooui. COMPANION," to be published Eastern Shore of Maryland, where he will re- ney is to com
ical History of Literature for tho last fifty twice n week during Ihe session of Congress, main until the end of June, alter which ho though the S
NOTICE. years. , which will also embrace tho period of the ses- will visit tho counties lying between tho Pa- GEORGE \V. PARROTT, JtfMler. ays lh<3 dutie
THE Partnership heretofore existing under Helen, a Novel, by MariaEd«reworth. sion of the General Assembly of Maryland ttixent and Potomac rivers, proposing to make THIS splendid new coppered and ooppor large, I am af
the firm of Journal of a Wcsl India Proprietor, kept and on co a week tho rest of tho year -Salnr- his examination of this portion of the State fastened sloop, jusi launched, 'and finished in nuffor theatric
MARYLAND, Thompson & Harper, during a residence in the Island of Jamaica, by day and Tuesday, days of publication.
the lute, Matlhow G. Lewis Esq. M- J?'. au- The prico of the paper lo Subscribers wil
during tho months of July and August. His the most complete and commodious manner for
cabinet duties cannot thoref jro be commenced the accommodation of passengers, (with dining
claim back (c
Will as psual leave Baltimore every Tucs-1 is -now - dissolved -j ...
>-« by mutual
.. .. ,...
,,.... ....,._.-
All per- thor of the Monk, kc. can't find a rr
day and Friday morning at 7 o'clock, for An-' MRS indebted lo ihn firm, are requested lo make
' be £3 00 per annum one half payable n( the before tho month of September. Desirous, cabin and state room,) has commenced her hey import, tl
napojis, Cambridge (via Ihe company's wharf payment to Thomas Harper, who still contin- Tho Curfle's Tale, or Practical Joking; time of subscribing, the other half at the end however, that no avoidable delay should bo regul'r trips between Easton and Baltimore,
from a uew woik entitled Nbhtsof the Round of the year. experienced by such of his fellow citizens as leaving Raston every Wednesday rooming on'em off to <
nt L-astlohavcn) and Easton, returning will ' UM the business, and bus constant!} for sale a Table. law, git back
leave Ewton every Wednesday and Saturday handsome J ----- --
assortment ot'' Where Ihe wholo subscription runs duo for nro interested in the subject of his Investigation at 9 o'clock, and the Marylandwharf (Corner's)
7 | o'clock, for Cambridge, (viaCas'.lohaven) Thn Thrrn Wcstminslnrboys, or Cowper, 'three months over thn year, it enhances the the undersigned has made arrangements with Baltimore, every Saturday at the same hour. mount of duto
Beaver, Otter and Muskrat that makes a i
\ Annapolis and Baltimore. Passage from Bal- Lord Chancellor Thurlow, ind Warren Hast- subscription, dues for each year twenty five Mr. Philip T. Tyson, of Hie firm of Tyson This packet has two ranges ot commodious

timore to Castlehaven or Easlon $'». ings, conlrastcd, from the stme. per cent. nnd Fisher, No. l'J2 Baltimore street, to re- berths furnished with the best beds and bod- Now, it ali
On Monday the 2I»llnst. she will commence A Narrative of the Shipvrcck of the Anto- The:p>csent Subscribers to tho Easton Ga- ceive during his absence tho specimens of ding the table will be supplied with this plagy wi
the routes from Baltimore, lo Corsica and lope at Polew, in 1783, and \ brief but accurate z«tle will bo con.8idor.qd as euhscijbors to The mineral substances, soils, waters, &c. which every article in season calculated to min- Bank, for the
Che»»ertown; leaving Baltimore- every Mini- account of Princo Le Uoo. Maryland Country Journal, unless forbidden may be submitted. Any information concern- ister to tho comfort ! of the passengers the Bank to
All tho above cost in iht ''Library" but |<2 ing these, not requiring to bo determined on and every attention will be given to Ihe want*
day morning at 6 o'clock and return same day,
Passage heretofore. : IH&'ff®,
All btggtge,'packages fee. at the risk of the which he in disposed lo sell on terms lo suit
p'flicfl No. 207 Cheomii,trust, below 7th."
by them.
rnarages are
, ( , ,. < .;/
paid up, without
the consent
No Subecriptioni discontinued until ell ar an eUliorate investigation or analysis, will bp
o furnished by Mr. Tyson; further Information
atronize the packet.
ceive the came prompt and
watch all th
would bjjgin &
ftwner or owner* Iruiroof. .Subscriptions to Waldio'j Select Circulating the publisher of the paper- 'will bo communicated by \ho undersigned punctual attentiop as ever, and the smallcft the Treasury
tho'jireMure of life limes: ""All orders thank- Library which la published every Week, at fO himself at tho earliest convenience. and the publii
i:-By order ' . t» . . fully received and punctually attended loJ Advertising;, not exceed.tng^a qquarc, at i order thankfully received and strictly fulfilled
l>er annum, thankfully received b* . coat of one nollar for three insertions, anc J. T. DUCATEL. as fur aa practicable, Government
'.-.'»-« "> twenty five, cents /or every subecxiuont insertion 14 Loxiiigton street, Baltimore. Bank, millioi
If T
. A. GRAHAM. May I7.18S4 ' "' ' Iflw '* Eastonpoiht,'may 6 24 : without the p
was about tl
FREE-"^"»""e -oil or in-conducted , is the Great Engine by State.
Duty_Mor>my fcfinM the Mannore_AgricuUuio


p»iMTFn AKO rnBLisncn EVERT well known in Europe, and everybody to relieve the people, and have Ml things jpositories, might be made, nnd ought
S.9 TVRDA Y MORJWJYG hod confidence in it, and was ready to at odds and ends, I have a notion if we to be made, by congress. He did not Jank ofthe United States, where foreign t butalsotorefus.it in their Reneral b(1.
lend money at low interest whenever it act on common sense, and scout at party perceive ; ~- .. .._ tockbolders have no vote, how mi.M,
vote, how much
BY ALKXANDER GRAHAM. any insuperable difficulty, and more must there be in State Banks, im- "ness. If ,( was expedient to discredit
wanted if, so that when a pinch would we'll git things goin pretty smooth agin. nothing less should prevent it. The such paper, why not dishonor it altoeel
come, all Squire Diddle had to do was y ° f which, are under no such restric-
TERMS Your Friond, committee Ihnmsclves admitted there lon? IS either can we be assured that er? Ue had the same right lo imp
to draw money from the foreigners, in- J. DOWNING, Mnjar, could be no objection to that mode, pro- heSecretaiy of the Treasury will m »ke one condition as the other. Enou»h of
TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS stead of making our own countrymen
Downingville Militia, 3d Brigade. vided it be deemed practicable to make uch a selection as to exclude Banks with the remedy ought to be administered,
Per annum, payable half yearly in advance. pay up, and then pay it back by decrees, the selections in such a manner as to it it were a good one, to make I he cure
leotle by leetle, till he had whittled it REMARKS OF MR. WILDE, OF protect and preserve the public funds. orrign capital ;for in one of the Banks al - perfect. I,, truth, however, he was far
leetle eend of nolhin. The GEORGIA, IN REPLY TO MR. And why not practicable? Have we not eady selected, he was informed, a for-
Not exceeding a square inserted three time down to the
"* I."* f\ D f* f * » «vT m» »~i »% * __ n « . «.
pet banks can't do this, folks abroad eign nobleman was oneoflhe lar-est Irom thinking the small note
for ONE DOLLAR; and TWENTY FIVE don't know 'ein, nnd folks at home no.
POLK. the same sources of information as the stockholders. was lobe cured by this nostrum. Th«
Mr. WILDE said, in brevity he hoped Secretary? Where are the returns of I,, another S'ate "the only effect of the selected Banks refus-
Bank has been raised
CKHTS for every subsequent insertion. tlier. 100 miles off. to rival the honorable Chairman of the the State banks? Cannot we invite fur- whole capital ofn ing to receive the paper of the smalVftota
Noiv lets see how things will work as Committee of Ways and Means (Mr. ther information? raise a committee? or »y foreign loan; and, if he was rightly issuers, would be to depreciate it, and a
WASHINGTON, 12lh July, I8S4. things are now fix'd. The Treasury Polk:) in close adherence lo the subject, nformed, that loan was secured by :i
depreciated pape.- always usurps the cir-
To my old frlend*Mr. Dwight of the must call on the pet Banks for the peo- he aspired, if possible, lo surpass him. take any other measure that may be oar re- mort
ortgage of the real estate of the stock- cululion.
quisite? Which do we distrust, Every one knew that not
JWw York Daily Advertiser. Holders.
pie's money, and over 20 millions of dol- There were times, he though*, when the integrity or our discretion? Why must excepting the Secretary and Committee-
As nigh as I can calkulate, my last lars must be paid up right off; nnd the gentleman discussed the Bank of the U- A provision which he did think ou<-ht
delegate this important power ant :o be inscrtt-d in the bill, was one lo dis- It is distinctly admitted in his letter, and
lelter'to you telled you the story (a- pet banks must take it from our folk* nited Slates ratliei than the deposite we duty to the Sccietary? Are we invitee their rpport. as a law of circulation; and
tribute the amount of deposites, and lim-
mong .- other things)
,.-'.«.of the ^ . off Cape
storm r , who have borrowed it from >m and banks. It was perhaps difficult to sep- to stut>ify or to stigmatize ourselves? For it the use of transfer checks. If the use t'lR principle of tin; remedy they propose
A Ol
Haterass and the Two Follies. Well,'this comes ' as Umes
"** — "— f '"/ »** •»tj^l»i«»*l««V vUl>CIVt,9i

arate thnm; and sometimes expedient his own part, said Mr. W.ifihete'musl be of the public treasure must be granted to ism thefetth of the law (hey acknowl-
since then Congress has cleared out anil to bespeak favor by fl.Uteiing prejudice a selection, he would not surrender the the 6'tate Banks gratuitously, the Bank< edge. He was won anted in *«yin» they
gone to hum, and the Gineral has cut As soon as I see this , I set right d.-»w n and odium. Party tactirs seemed to con- right of Congress to make it. Ho fear had no great confidence in it themselves,
of all the Stales should share tho bene
stick too and
. gone to the Hurmatage, . & and rit to Squire Biddle about it,, and an I sist in directing all your strength against ed giving it up might be construed into fit with something like equality. Why smcp they suggesled that the Stale Leg.
I'mhangm on ['.ere yet for a spell, to tell'd him he must come right out and what are supposed to be the weak points an admission of the President's claim to isiatures would aid us in this policy.-.
give the new cab.net a ,ft, for Mr. Clay i loan money. He ail swer'd and tell'd me of your adversary, taking no care of your the custody of the public money. II should the Banks in New York or else- Now, the States had granted numerous
ady.*ed me that seem that most of the j he did not dare to do it, for Conjrres, own. Accordingly tha Bunk of the U- did not mean, by nay act of his, to lent where have an advantage in this respect? charters expressly authorizing the issue
folks now in the Cabinet are new hands, , and the Ginera1,, an.l all the folks of that States, thoU': h already slain, as we are the least sanction to the doctrines of th He mentioned New York with no invid- ot small bills- Would gentlemen inform
it would be but fair for me to remain here. 'party, said the Bank of the U- Slain told, by the Hero, is daily reslain by the protest, text or gloss, ^ He did not in ious feeling, but merely because the larg- him how they could be revoked? If the
and keep an eye on things, and I might must be woundup: and if the Rank noxv humblest of his followers, whilo the Pet tend to discuss those* doctrines. Tim est amount of revenue being collected abolition of small notes were a wise and
K«<Jlm A «_. u .».._...#t.!...-._ _ _ I ¥ _ • ii. . « , *-" «s 1C n

take charge of his rooms till Congress in the face of that went to extcndin its banks and Post Otfice are left to shift would be wantins:. On that topic, it th there, the Banks of that State would constitutional object, we must have the
meet agin. have the largest amount oi deposites, un- power to effect it by our own legislation.
loans, they would all say it was ony to for themselves. Tha gentleman bad gentleman from Tennessee was not satis
I sea by some of the papers, some j git friends, jest as they did efore; that the done him the honor (o advert to some fied with Ihcargumentsofthe distinguish-. less they were required to be distributed. It was to him a conclusive objection a-
folks say I have gone to .Portland to | Gineral said the country was never more remarks ol'hisduringa former discussion- ed Senator from Massachusetts, (Mr. Why /I... rshould Virginia and Ohio. and. --North """ the
.__ * _ *. t\. « ft. *
i j~i -i --- IK exercise ui
» '<; cjicn.iac any power, inai
of uny that
print a newspaper there; and others say ! pro-perous than it now was; and the onv This topic, from the manner in which it WEBSTER,) he must leave him to discuss Carolina and Georgia be excluded from the concurrence of the States was neces-
(heir f;ur proportion of that fund to -- .
I have got a paper in New York; and I j way lor the Rank to act for the safety of had btsn trealed required no reply. Mr. the matter with hi* own friend, the gen- which they contributed their fair propor- sary. If we had it at all, we had it in-
UK the
""• |-*"« •"•^••» of
dependent States. it. we
If llWU it
\^ (3 had
H«n.i know
don't L . !..» all.
what ., now all , its stockholders, (and they were numer- W. at the lime referred to, had exprest - tleman from Virginia, (Mr WISB.) . » y- - i r
lhatlnot. Slate
could not »!ve it

I can say about it is, I tion? He was not prepared to say

aint got so far ous old folks, and young orfans, and in- ed plainly what ha felt strongly, but hav- Mr. WILDE next objected to the bill, _, ._...._.....__..... __
down in the world yet, as to set up any nocent foreigners, who had put their mo- ing said what he thought, was too fond that it required no compensation from Ibeled, u very esact distribution could be effert-) to us. The weakness of re\yin S 1m as-
but a .rule might be found,* in the sistance from that quarter would be weU
news paper for a livin: it is as much as ney in that stock,) wa?, to wind it up of bis own repose to harbor ill-will to Stale Ban'.;* for the use of the public mo- representative
O»_i.t»._»-^/-.i .'_• >. I T
population of the States illustrated by one example. Mustachu-
I can do to write letters for you to print gradually, so that by the time its charter anyone. If the gentleman had satisfied ney. The Bank of the United States I sulficiently near for justice and conve-
setts drew a largo part probably two
in your paper; and if folks think they run out, there wouid'nt be such an ever- his conscience on the occasion in ques- paid the nation for the privileges it thirds of her wvenue, from a tax ot
are worth reprintin in other papers, thai stin sum to pay by folks who had been tion, by the belief that he was mer«:ly joyed. Tin bonus distiibuted over one per cent on the capital of her Banks.
aint my business. But 1 wont be ac- onowin from (he Banks. performing an honest act of public du ty >eriod of id charter was equivalent to I them were not limitid, every Bank em- The Banks derived much ot their
countable for nny letters bearin my name, Well, this was true cnuf;and I see ex- Mr. W. would be the last to disturb its ighty or ninety thousand dollars annu-1 ployed would be at the mercv of the I its from th" issue of »m»U biUs. VfV»a%,-
unless they are first printed in your pa- clly on which too the shoe pinched; and Iranqnility. ally; and no\v it is proposed to pivel Secretary,and an unbounded Geld of fa- Iprospect was there that thft Stale vyou\4
per. If folks will kounterfit em, / can't or a spell I could'nt see how the countrz The House had voted gratuitoiislj to the Stale banks what Ihel voritism and corruption would be open-1 vo\untnti\Y re\inq\jl»h her revenue, or the
help it. Ft sbowa they must be pritty ould get relief. So arter a while I be'- That the Bank of the United States LTnited Slattt Bank had only by pay Ing led. .. \Bi\nW fovego their profiU? But \ba °
good, for I never knew a chap to koun- an to think about Congress, and the ought riot to be rechartercd: fot it. I Mr. W. would draw the tvilcnl'xon of linodo of tk\>o\i»\i\ng »ma\\ notes sug-
terfit bills of a bad bank; for if the jene- ineral and his folks. "Consarn it, That the deposites ought not to be re- Mr. Gallatin'* report of 1909 suj;»est»l gentlemen to Another otmstion in the \gested by t\»c Committee, is Viable lo an
wine bills wont pass, it will be jest as h'mks I, this Congress has ony got o«ie stored : the payment of interest on the public de-1 bill. It not only (ailed to y.rovide for a- objection more serious than it* impracti-
bad for the kounterfits. ear more to sarve. This fall there is to That the deposites in the Slate B«.nks posilet whenever they exceed a certain I ny examination of the State BauUv co- cability. It proposes the introduction of
I was pretty busy when Congress e a new election, and the Ginoral'a folk* oupht to no regulated by law. sum tbrf.a millions, be believed. An extensive with that to which they insisted n new political heresy Men linvo held
and This b<ll, then, is the regulation pro honorable Senator from Missouri, (Air. the Bank of the United States aught to that the end justified the means, ft was
broke up, takin leave of the folks; and int all creation by a tarns! sight; Benton,) sorno time since, proposed to I submit, but it failed to provide for any reserved for a committee to discover
the last place to see cm all was at the cnowin as I do, (hat this war agin the posed ;the sanction of the Secretary'* act subject the Bank of the United Slates I examination by Confrrtts t\t nil. flow that tin; means sanctioned the end. All
Branch Bank of the U- States; for ev lank is a party wnr, and folks ony tryin the the adoption of the Executive policy
legislative recognition and upiiro- 10 (he payment of interest on tho public! gentlemen, who inainlnincd tho- power the world have pronounced the first niax«
t ery one on em who lived 20 miles off, o knock it down just to get other banks vnl of the President's experiment. This moneys, in addition to the bonus it had | of a Committee of Congress to mako n im fade and wicked. JC the second ei-
brought the money that was paid to cm n the place on't, it seemed plagy hard we have heard from high authority, ir the already p»id. The average of those de- istcret inquisitorial scrutiny into Iho i<idi- cnpeil condemnation, it would not be ic«
out ofthe.treasury pet bank here, right hat so many p »le should suffer just only measure of relief the country need positus, if he remembered rightly, for he I vidual Recounts and private correspon- plausibility that laved it. fie meant
round to the U. S. Branch Bank, to or parly notion* ; and / set down ngin, exp'ect. As to the people, indeed, we did not speak by the book, exceeded six dence oCthe flank ot the United States, to treat the Committee fairly, What
change it offfor bills with Squire Bid- and giv tho Squire another letter, and I aje assured their distiesse* are imagina- millions and a half of dollais, and the could reconcile U to tbemielves deliber- were their notions with respect (o the
die's name to ero, lor the other bills t-HM him I did raly believe if tin; Bank ry. They only requira lo be relieved of interest on the surplus, at the moderate ately to give up all right to order nny currency?
wouhl'nt go no how when you git out ol of the United States, instead of windin up, he pinic makers. The approaching rnte of two per cent, would amount to examination whatever of those Slnle They admit Ihnt regulation by Congress
the district. And when the Gineral as the Gineral tellM em to do, would let adjournment will - do '
' that. 'The f.'ov- seventy thousand dollars. Here, then, Banks to which the public money is to s ntossary but deny that it is constitu'
was about goin off too, Major Donald- off, and go along relieving Die people as eminent' crnment* feeling no distres distress, (except in is a benefit, equivalent at least to'that be lent gratuitously, in such proportions tonal. They say Hint a mixnd curren-
son he got a check on the pet bank rar as was in itn power, takin care at the ,hp Post Office) ran get on without this <iim. gratuitously conferred on the Sinte as the Secretary inn) direct, it wa* not cy is inevitable, and a sound currency
where the Gineral keeps the people' lame time of its stockholders, (for they bill, having the custody of the Treat ury Bank?, for which the Bank of the United for him to conjecture. By the bill, as desirable; they grant that Congress ha»
money here, for §200, &. cum strait rouni had rights too, nnd it was their inony,) I altendy. Sliitea paid upwards of eighty thousand it stand*, the Secretary may examine, complete power over one element of»
to U.S. Bank to change it oft'for Squire did raly believe the good sense of the This assurance is consolatory. But dollars. Mr. W. a»ked the gentlemen or appoint nn agent to examine, but mixed currency, but insist it has no pow-
Riddle's bills. Why, says / Major people would back Iho Bank; and when why, then, inuit we be goaded to its who were so fearftl of corruption, if Congress would have no potver to er at all over the other; yet they agree
how is this says /, wont the people tak the lime came lo consider on anew char- adoption. The spirit of party, he hofied, there was nn danger of favoritism nnd appoint a Committee for nny such pur- that, to operate on either, it is necessary
the pet bills yet on the way to the her ter, the people would look at il straight might he salisticd with the implied, equiv- coiruption. here.? Are thn State Banks poses. Ifc rcspei (ed the sanctity of pri- (o regelate both; and, in the absence of
power over the currency
mitago? Well, says he, they haint go in the face, mid not with n party squint, ocal, negative sanction we have given less motived nriitocricies than the vate correspondence; he approved the a constitulional
and do it justice. Bank of tl\n United States? Are inviolability of individual accounts se- lhey propose effecting their object by a
ttssd to em yet, but they will arter
while, when they cant get nothing bet The Squire's answer lo this was jusl to the past, by only not condemning it- they not governed by the same instimMr cured by this bill- The provision wai n constitutionnl power over the r«t'«nu«.
Shall we be urgcl would it he prudent to commentary on the conduct of the What had been the great argument
ter. Very well, says I,that's aboat in what I rxpcctcd. He said thnt the in urgo us farther? II we pass this bill we What makes lliem more immaculatr? bittor ngainsl protective larilfb? That a pow-
terest of every Director and Stockholder gentleman's own party, for if the individ-
notion too; for our folks says /, are pret-
of the Bank was so blended and mixei make all that has been done our ctvn. The directors and olliccrs. he presumed, ual accounts and private correspondence er to lay taxes, given by the Constitution
ty much like the Scotchman, who snid were men very much like time, of the
There are reasons for acting on it defi- of the State Banks were to be sucred, for purposes of revenue, was perverted
bNES. he was always pretty well contented up with the interests of the country, tha nitely, however. All sides of the House United States Bank liable to thu same into the means of effecting an end for
when he got the best the house affor- it was one and the same thing, that no motives, &. operated on by (he same pas why not those of the Bank of the United
bank could prosper unless the people feel that. The country is tired of eva- sion». And your Secretaries of the Stales? A committee of the gentle- which it was no( given the encourage*
ded. The friends of the Administration
prospered, and thnt if thn Bank thought sions. ar,, ,,,
man's friends had reported resolutions mcnt of manufactures.
ov,..., degree pledged to pass it'. Treasury, arc they to be saints or anpel.j to attach the Pienidnnl of and Directors
Since Congress has been gone, I have are in sonv. But the friends of that policy had at
the Gineral and his folks would not make
k, Riljoiri* had more time to think about mailers about it, it would go
through this body- Thrj will do it the With respect to corruption, he availed of the Bank of the United States for as- cast a consistent system: tlu-y held that
and things in the money way, and I I a .......... _.._.- - clatter and to-do . f more readily, because .1 is sure to fait in himstlf of the forcible illustration ol a
and Dr. prelection of domestic industry was
IMS mm have got more than a bushel of letters {right to work, and lend out as much ot Ihe other. They desire the Scnato shall j friend, the pungency of whose w,l is r- serting the principle engrafted on this Ihe conlemplaled by tbe
Cioek,(» from Zekel Bigelow, in Well street, a- its money as the condition of the country rejecl it, »o as to incur Ihe odium of de- quailed only by the soundness of his bill, and the gentleman sustains that re« one of thi% objects tupy did not maintain that
port and this provision. constitution:
tho land bout money matters; and/ have come to requires, that it could not do as much as feating a measure which is to put an'judgment. Putting down corruption, by
listed for if something aint done prit- it formerly could, on account of the re- Mr. W. desired private rights should nn unconstitutional end was legitimated
the notion, end to corruption, and give us a better; employing State Ban.cs in plnre ol the lie was not by Ihe u«fi of constitulional moans.
, a nn* ty quick by the Bank of the United moval of the people's money from it, and currency than lha United States Ban k. i Bank of the United Mates, is like pro- he carefully respected, but The falsi doctrine of Ihe Committee
Congress should be deprived ol
In, amok"
tales, we are goin to see trouble agin on account of some ol the pet banks anti Evory true believer expects the fulfilma ut: muling temperance by establishing live, willing all power to examine into the condition involve* us in n (is«tio of absurdities.
nwlatinff this summer, and afore Congress meets | party folks all the while pickin at it; tor of Ihe prophecy with impatience. If Ihe | hundred giog shops in place ol one of the selected Banks. With respect to What are tlipy? The States have not
; subscii- agin, that will be worse than we have lit was just like war times, when you must Senate will not pass it,the prediclion can-'wholesale grocery,
Treasury, the Executive had indeed the ri:;hl lo coin money; but they hav«
ecn y el. ! keep aa force at every place to guard agm nol be falsified. Some gentlemen there, Mr. W. said the almost become an unit, ami t'ongrtiss the right to coin the representative of
ISON. Congress has been parsing a good a ltac 'c - ,, , i. i i Besides, the st,.teofparr.esmav change, would be surprized to leurn that this bill and even to delegate that right
many appropriation bills, and what with But if things would only be kept llesponsibility assumed, may be enforc- \ contained no security against the plan- a cypher he would not inaku it u'terly so. money,
an.l friendly, the bank would The next objection to the bill was, to corporations. They cannot make any
the interests on the public debt, nnd the .- peaceable ed. The custody of Ihe Treasury, -.vith ' gers of foreign capital and foreign .nuu- Mr. W. said, to his mind, a capital one. thing but gold and silver coin a tender
sums that the Post Office and some oo-iturn riftht to and give relief where it was our friends in power, is safe and ea-1 encc. They had heard much of he m,- The selected Banks were not rcijuirejhn payment of debts; but they can au-
Lcket. tlier offices are in debt, as nigh as I! most ..... wanted. I was so tickled when I sy. Rendering an account of its .«!.zure chiefs arising from these causes in Ihe
to receive each other's paper, even for' thorize a paper is^ue, which makes ft
' I see day-light so
YARD- can calkulate, there will be over twenty R0t this letler, and ,n and deficit, lo our adversaries m<v, be. Bunk of (lit United Stales, and he cer duties or debts due the Government. tender in coin practically impossible, and
five millions of dollars wanted out of the c lenr ahead, thai I sot right down less pleasant. On the other hand' \ the tainly expected that one of ne first pro- The consequences were inevitable; a therefore renders a payment in paper'in-
Treasury this year; and where the mo- writ to the Squire, nnd I tell d him opposition may desire to see the a, Imin- p ositions in the Bul.a " 011 ,°' , I0 multiplicity of local uncurreut currency, ovitable. Congress hare no constitu-
ney is to com.'from I can't see yet; for says I Squire, I want you to eH all istration commit themselves and their State Banks, would have been ie "'- 1 "- each circulating only in ils own narrow tional power lo regulate this currency
though the Secretary of the Treasury i folks all about the counlrj,il they ... of all those, any part of whose cap circle, fu.d stagnating every where else, of paper; hut they have power to collect
'fiends lo this measure. They may hope 81011 tho
savs he duties on imports will be pretty t| lo prMCnt notions of Congress are go- it passes, that the Senate will amend tal was O" imu by
as owned vj foreigners
.~.-. n --- t But
f all depreciated in comparison with com. a rf voii'ie, and they may so manage the
iter. Ke am Sd nenaint calculated e- in ,0P be the notions of Ihe: next Congress , and send UK something belter. contained no such provis 10 n. It and unequally depreciated with ref«mi..-e ollection of the revenue, over which
(id copper Per- Bill not for him to offer any amendment
nuffortheamountthatthemorchan s will ,hcy are mistaken, and if hey think rhe mps they deem (he worst inea .Hire, was toeach other. A pupcr receivable eve- hry have full power, as to regulate the
hiahed in • I li:. opinion nBU
His nnininll had been06611 At*
claim back for the expo ,ts, for ,f they people are gom to have all the bus.ne.. which the Government can adopt, bet- of that. .kind where at par Is to cease, and duuet, currency over which they have no
tanner fot Tho benefit arising rv
th dining can't find a market here lor the Roods done by party folks, and on party prin- cr than perpetual inactivity and sul'ter- «ady expressed. The collected in nn unequally depreciated me- >ow<;r at all. That is th* argument.
lanced her ciple, that's 'another mistake. And it rro,ny ,,,ePe,1) ployment of foreign cap, a. dium ore no longer to be wiijorm, in As to the proposition, that we do not in-
Ihey import, they will ship a good jug
they think the Gineral and his folks arc "uge. Before it passed, however,
he have tho
"beH-ved wa, mulunl injunction end to ufiVcl the currency by legislation,
wan.. and despite of the constitutional
laltitnorc, on 'em off to other markets, nnd then by vished to point out a few errors nnd 11 fe- use
morning all creation, that's a bigger mistake than of the money which we Such is the better currency we were Mil by contract, it docs not deserve th*
law, git bnck from Government the a- eds in ils provisions, some of whii'h, the lenders the interest which they want.
Corner's) mount of duty paid on such goods, and he others. promised such is the fruit of the Prcsi- name of an argument. Wo cannot, by
to hour- that makes a plagy hole in the accounts. So, says T, the safest course is to sarve ts friends, if they regarded their o*>'n t o
A foreiRn influence, ho thought the denl's experiment such his reverence our legislation, authorize the Secretary
nmodiom irinciples and pledges, wore bound action and re-
nd bod- Now, it always was the fashin afore he interest of the country and the people emedy. He did not propose to treat lb« daner g imaginary.
for tho Constitution! Even the mea- of the Treasury to contract with the
equal. When we have sure proposed forthe banishment ofsmall State Banks for the exercise of an uncon-
o far as you can, and though you cant
wtth this plagy war began agin the U. o-
lo as much that way as you could afore subject in detail, but to examine itsofmai n bo ro ved their money, it is their mterest
I to min- Bank, for the Treasury Department and features. What the members th>n notes, was totally insufficient and illuso- stitutional power.
he Gineral tried to cut o no of your wings House desired, at this stage of the session, "Should prosper, and we have sccuriy ry. If calculated lo produce any effect We are told, "Go to the Constitution.'*
on(fets the Bank to rub nosesi together, and that vour feathers have go a-'ninsTthcm for the peace. But > did the committee should have followed i We ate asked. Where do you find any
he wants wttch all these pints, and the Bank yet, seem was not nn argument in form, most logi- that, if genllcmen intend-
"npear to him
. pretty well grown out agin, my notion is cally prolix bat facts and hints, the ma- up. They should have required the se thing about the currency? Congress
would bjgin &. forelay agin the time when L /« ahead:" and until the peopb tel Jd to be true to themselves-if they meant have power to coin money. But Bank
linpt and CU ahead;'
\O go for thought, out of which «>ach lected Banks not merely'to abstain from
TOU you are wrong, dont you mvnd wha terials
• i L
the Treasury had to pay away money! «n»-«»**f —--— -
to be thought earnest and sincere in their notes areaoleoin. You cannot say of them
smalloft and the public debt, and the expenses ol man for himself would work out his issuing such notes themselves, and to
fulfilled partv folk" say about it; for the people' own conclusion oftentimes repeated denunciations of for- thiitthey are coined. Under a power, then,
Government would be paid through the eign capital, now was tho tune to prove
refuse the papor of any Banks that di
Bank, millions on millions of dollars
inte/est is a plagy deal more ,»p.rt« In the first place, he thought, the se- in pavmont of duw to the Government *>f coining m#t»ey, coining bank ncri »
than the interests of "tbe parly. ' thS sincerity. W there was dinger in the
without the people's feelin on U, and thu lection of banks, to be employed as de-
Bo now, though Con Sress did nothip
was about the way en't-, the Bank wa
stitu.tiona.Vity. The anxiety of the honor-',
cannot be included. The power of coin- able Chairman, to avail himself of such
^f^™^"\&^^£=^\&**™'**n*** their resources. Though iho Tennessee Bonds
were then pledged to the Uuion Bank; it was
the country, for s while, <Yoja the further exits.
s ion of commercial distress, snd to prevent, for
a time, the growth of further soffcrmg; until
|Mr. Graham
Will you all
ing money, however, is not the only one an authority, proved that he felt iti The gross misMpresin.laiions of my con- supposed if a sale oi them could bo effected in BASTON, (Mo.) Congress, tho representative* of the people,
Sail again assemble, and again have it in their
lishing in Ihe Oa*
to the memory of
by <«'» " I *" '> Reculetmz the full wei Rht with the public. Mr. Gal* duct in tn« Bank ot Maryland, have induced Europe, an important advance upon their price in the Gospel, AM
£(«. of money is an authority, .Uo giv- latin's opinion on the currency, had in- mo to publish the annexed affidavit, that IHO would be realised, and under the authority Saturday Morning, July 26. power to correct tho evils we are suffering un-
ter of Jacob and
with which this deponent had been invested,
n. Evidently this don not mean a regu- leed almost be.come the sterling stan- public may see Uiat the very persons who are ho entered into n contract with J homas Wi- der, in all parts of our Country, by restoring ford Neck, in this
lation of the iluctunting value of the prfr- dard. And where were we to look for or* much most clamorous in denouncing nin, lm<) as
lt that the E aid 1 homas
We have long since ceased lo wonder at any things to their former rightful and lawful con- father's residence
cious tnetals themselves when coined, thodox doctrines on this subject, if not to sjrcncy and control over the transaction* Kllicou made arrangement, to proceedVolv j thins that occur, in the poHibal world, or we dilion, whir1 about 3 o'clock, A
him nnd Mr. Madison? Theie eminent of that Bank as 1 had. From tho friendly re- of her age. I am
.s compared with olhpr *rhole.; becau persons V.VMIU
|ivrauup could not
i.w% be suspected
u^ .>..-|. v .. . H — of sinis-
_. —._. _ ,_lutions
. which subsisted between tho gentle- ror* to e.flW-i iho sale of Ihe Honds and other 'should be surprised at llie idle inconsistency, ivrongheadod removal of Ihe dcposiis. . been from her chi
the framers of the Constitution w, tcr motives. They hadi «lived ...1 down
i- .,,all i men, who were my former partners and }'- objec.s which he ooosidored of much interest! jf not t |,c gross impropriety of a tcleetfcw of
in If Ihe United Stales Bank, upon a free com- the most dutiful
knew this was impossible. In that sense prejudice and detection; and their fame!self, / was willing to beat in silenco the to hiwself 8t others, but before ho embarked, it intermeddling Jackson men, who nra busying and for several of
munication with the men of trade and business
i),e value of money depends upon the was * portion of every American1* patri- euro --._ lieaped upon me by persons who knew brcaine evidenl thai Ihe situation of Ihe Hank especially distinj
Maryland would require » prompt applica- themselves with instructing and directing the throughout this country, which i* now in pro-
gupply of the mines, arid of the commod- mony. How Jar one ol them had been nothing of the affair, without disclosing who of tion, of not only all the means, but all the fi- Governor and Council of Maryland, whom, and
friends, for her ki
were the real agents in all the visionary spec-
ities for which money i* to be exchanged fairly treated by quoting a detached ulations in which the Bnnk embarked. But nancial talent of all the parties connected with gress, and a full knowledge ofthe real «Ute aged mother, in t
(he conxumption of pold »nd silver in passage, contrary to the general sens when the joint authors of all tho mischief, fjr it, in order to sustain its credit through Ihe from whence, they must select a Judge to and condition of distress in the various part*, earns apperUinin
the arts, &c.; and a\l human legislation and spirit ot his report, Mr. >V. would the purpose of diverting public attention from change,, which was being produced in the cur- fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation shall find ilsolf enabled, (tftei the cuilailmeats nieslic economy.
In early life sh
it incompetent to regulate it. leave to the justice nnd cundor of Ih- themselves are traducing me in every quarter, rency of tho country. In consequence of the of These Mr. Earle.
subservient vassals to the ruinous ad-
of ils accommodations which hare been forcpj our holy religion,
Neithtr doe* it mean, determining House. He did not mean to imtitnat / think /cannot be censured for informing tho measures of tho Government in relation to the upon her by the wanton and wilful designs of ministers of the C
the fineness and weight of the rneta nny intention on the part of the gentle public, who are, responsible for the mismanage- Bank of the United States. ministration that is turning every thing tho Jackson administration) to extend her ac- preached at her fi
C-oined, because this is necessarily ii.Hu man from Tennessee to misrepresent the ment of the Bank of Maryland. Although It being necessary to obtain the relmquish- turry in our Country by misrule, and eorrup- commodations lor-t'ihort lime where relief is nothing was inon
ded in the term "coining money." Too opinions of Mr. Gallatin, but (he gdntle we weru jointly concerned, yet stich was my relation ment by ThnmaB Ellicott «f his contract in mind, than the or
to the sale of the Tennessee Bonn's, tion; are not contented with bolstering up this j mMl wanted| witnout injllrT ,o the interwt o(
cannot coin money without regulating its man himself must admit (hat tlw extrac reliance on my partners, that they had abso-
lute control over the affair* of Ihe Hank. In so tar as might be .... necessary to enablo the viciona course by every misrepresentation and i lheStocWloWor,,it wi)lbeoiieof the maetgrato-
and the privilege
weight and fineness, and Ihe word- "re»- in question, by itself, did not convey tbos fact such was my confidence in Heverdy John- patties lo dispose of them in this ., - country;
. -. .. praise and thanks
ulatinR the value thereof," would there- opinions fairly. deception,
. . but, thoj miisl
.. thrust
. , ,their
_ malign . . and. acceptable
. I ful ... extensions
. of.,favour "T"~"
that aims.
son and Julm Ulcnn, that even after the Hank agreed to do it on receiving a much less coi cnnsi-
fore be words ol supererogation. Con- exe- counsel, into the consideration of the Executive distressed pcap'e- evor received- and--it b- de-
- She sought ai
The learned Chairman has wade a re suspended payment, at their instance, 1 deration as ho alleged, lhan hu had reason lo the tenth year ol
eress, the Convention, and the people, ry extraordinary us* of another f ragmen cuteda deed without n knowledge of ils il$ con- believe he would have realized by carry- of Maryland (which they would sacrifice lo- voutly to be wished that the Bank nay feel herself to the Me
were nearly as familiar with the princi- of history. Quoting the proceeding* o tents, and which I find upon examination ing his engagnment into effect as it morrow if they could) to mako Iliem give up itsolfenabled safely to doit. which, she conlir
ple* of a convertible currency, then, as the Legislature of Pennsylvania, in 1785 since, contains various recilnls <it fuels, nut was at fiisl anticipated. This deponent further their own judgment and that of their faithful The hue and cry thai is got up against the
Bank, as having caused the present dittreu hy plilying in all he
we are now. It is Impossible to look against (he Bank of North America, he true, and which were no doubt inserted, not ssith, that al iho inslanco of Ihls deponent of the chrislian c
into the fugitive litfrafure an«l politics, had thought proper to stigmatize the o- fur any of the purposes of the i'.eud, but to and the parties interested with hiiojleverdy and efficient friends, to follow the insidious iti voluntary curtaiMtnt of accommodation!,
is as gross and palpable a falsehood ass nick- During her sic
the newspapers, familiar letters and riginators and supporters of that Bank furnish exculpatory evidence to the parties. Johnson and David M. 7''etino wonl lo Wash- and wilfully ill designed dictates of their im- TKSijjneil to Ihe i
pamphlets of that dny.wifhout perceiving as Federalists, and predicts that Penn-
KVAN POUJ.TNEY. ...^lon to solicit funds from the Treasury De- placable and revengeful political opponents- ed tongue ever uttered. Tho great rrasoi* standing an occai
partment, upon a pledge of t/nion Bank Slock assigned by GefT. Jackson and Mr. Taney for
it. They knew the convenience and ad- sylvania will come lo the rescue, and BALTIMORE CITY: To nn- they returned and reported that the. Secru- Can any thing be more indecorous? and if we the removal of the deposits were lo force, to
ious and afflicted
lh.it her God wai
vantage of a mixed currency, but they put down the Bank of the United Stales On this eighteenth day of July, in UJR j lary hud declined making tho negotiation did not know ihat their object wan lo lead a- compel the Bank to wind tip ill concenu—and tals of hnr Heavi
knew also, hi spite of many specious as she put down Ihe Bank of North A of our Lord one thousand eijjht hundred nnd I proposed, but brought up contingent drafts for stray, to do mischief, and lo inducn others to what is winding up her concerns but to dimin-
theories <o (he contrary, that ueilher mprica. Now, sir, what are the fact Ihirty-four, before me, the tuh«H,her, a jr.Hii.-e l^,,,,,,,,^ l , | ,,u;aml' *" _ "-- to the Union ish her business, to curtail hnr discounts, and The evening 1
Government frith nor rerripl for taxes of Ihe peace, in and lor Ihei ci.y .(V-resai.I, per- , , , concluded tocn'oct an ab- do wrong (which is entirely consistent with pay ami collect her debts? anil did not Amos tho family were
with respect to the Bank of North A anally appeared KV AN POLL iNKY, who , unls, brolhers am
Dor any other means but ennvrrlilnltty merica? fn the very gloomiest perio
sa)e , )f |h(;s| . Uf,, M ,s ,,, ,,, e L'nion Rank, their daily vocation) wo should think il u'on-1 K>-ii,!,iil. whocontioled both Gen. Jackson anil
near, to receive
into coin on demand, would nave paper of our Revolutionary war, when Hi solen.nl>' srneerely.aml truly declared »mlal-| in ori! ,. r ,jlat U , ! ,,, v |.,,. (r. ,;, em to tfiu (Jov- .! p| " j Mr- Tjney, deulata, that his purpose was to
was then presen
money from depreciation. They knew bravest only hoped on, by main force currecl firmed, that tha facts heroin.iftei st.iled iernmee.t, : nj irciive f:um it fund? will. , , . , I hrin" the Bank on its knees and prostrate it*
and trn ; lo the h<:st nf Itis kn r.vl,.1 'Ijn, VVha. sort ,-f people must thr,n inir-nnod- i au ,, -^ pi)l , h|1 whl)| (, c,mrs(i Of ,ile Treasu.
ir.lr-rtncd- doted, and infid':'
slso. Mint, although pnper money should when the Gore: nmrnt was bankrup and belief. This deponen'. sai'ih, that in the Iwhii'h lo i':c'iri.;)lis!i tiie i'!<',i:i;'s desired bv dlini; adversaries snpposft llie Governor and ; ry departmeni, since Air. Taney came into il, looking, looks n
he convertible into «-oin. on rlemrnd, at j us and Ilo\erdy Johns m was aulhi'ris.d to
n.n-1 tlicpriny about lo dissolve, some pa j enter iuii the i:;'«furijiion with t!<at Coimeil nr«? Do they consider them \ve:«!» by \\iir ever directed, been to distress and de-
Ihe pleasure of the holder, that, by (he nership, was formed Vvlwecn Rcvt'idv John- 1i Ba.i!( v.pii this t.ulj.'Cl; which I'.o dill, world, (tin, and -l
triotic citizens stepped forward to »d ( r silly enough not to understand thrir idols' stroy the 17. S. Ha.ik first, by ordering Ihe retire from lha
issue of paper, the whole fpiantity of mo-
vante their money, and plolge their cr«d McKlderry, on, .lulji (ih'nn, David M. IVrno, llnirh i and ellec'.td a sa'e of llie I5oin!s to-it -llie i depo.»:is ,.f lli» U- Slates reven-jo to be made
my is inneased, and the t;alut of coune Kvah'l'. Kllieult, and himself, in
;d»htf.r tim p;ir*ha <>i! of the six lh«u.:o:id Or do they stipj>:*s>! them men so incapttblA or I in other lianks secondly, hy removing from naint in undistu
it. and » bnnk was formed, called th u;ii|ihs of a glori
diminUhed, an<l this (liiniuution of rnl- Ihe Si!.rli -mil I'r.ifils nf Hie Ban!,- of Maryland, 's'mres cf ihe Uniun li.ink St..e!« b n'.r by i losl to every senso ofduly.ns to Vision in tlie u- ; iho ,'/. j r S. Hank thu deposits already made
Hank of Peiiii«ylvaiii;i, for Ihe txpres
in whieh this deponent was to In; in'ercst'cd in . lli.lt niefiRa i'i Bl ll,:it tiin" ]uliil, Jv |''O L'li'.on j vilcoimicls of their enemies and v.-ilful de ! there and thirdly, by furnishing transfer prnyfd fervcn'.ly
He affects the coin ns well as the pnppr. to purpose of supplying l'ie army- Con slid nn nrYnclion
long as the paper continues convertible. the ratio uf four bundled shares and ihe s:iid' Hank loaning lo ll:« p:irlii-j upon a plu'^^'Islroyer-,' We say noiliinir of the incapacity l<Irjfls l" al> "nnwnso amount to time wl,.,
{*re*s resolving that they entertained i
Hiiverdy .l>ihn>,i,n, John CiU-ni,, David M- ftitir thniis.nid shares of ils own stock, be most capable and most dis|>osed lo ' My friends I
If the Convention, then, looked, as there
is little ilouhf lh»y did. to the exi'fpnre
hiph sense ol the liheral ofl'er oflhe asso
Penile, Hii'.;h MoF.lderry, r.nJ F.van T. Kl- li'inilied liu nl Dollars, l'"f which tliu note<i of this Junto to advJBn in any ^'ood roiirs,*, nor i use them to the r-mlmrassmcnt and ruin of the- 1 leave you
lieod, in the ralio of one hiuiJred shares each,! iil'Johii (;!i.'iie, Ui'verdy Johnson, Kvan T. of their aptitude to deal out falvhii'ids rnd Itank.' Have the Jiicksoii administration, and
riales, accepted it us "a (liMingui'-liec And if 1 neve
of a mixed currency consisting of cum, three of whom, lo wit, licverdy JuhMs.in,; l<'.ll:(Mliiiiiil i;f this Dopoiienl, fjr si^ Come on I'l
proof of thrir patriotism." The army, its minions, and subservient presses omitted to
snd of paper convertible into mi/i, (lie John Glenn, nnd Kvan T. Kllieoil were then, lhoii>:ind Dollars each, \vvro (riven. This scandals to support a bad one. \Vei)nlyhn!d i do any thinjlhey could do, right or wrong to
hy menus of (hit l.anlc was supplied and ThM night, v
power of reflating t\,? currency be­ hxil been, nnd cuiiliiincd lobe- (jircclors uf thei i feels it proper lo state, that, in theso up to public, view the gross attempt of these I
I destroy the Bank? at one time attempting to lv windintj Im
recruiltd, and the bank wait re-moddellci
came nn indispensable ad June I lo Ihe said
Hank ,from the
.. -,
time this
• I .
became- j llu''OllilllM.HillJII.Hll
.',:,,; ,,, u i,,, 1,1,1 , or scarcely any a- Jiicksonian adversaries to dictate lo ihe exec- j destroy her credit by proclaiming her insolvent, dnrknflss henrnt
ml new-named, and from this origins('resident thereof twool ihein. 10 wit,
fi'lRcr of refj'ilalino1 the coin, became the I'en^v, and iher.'fi ie his sinlenieiits must be utive of Maryland in an appointment, where ; bankrupt, incapable of redoL'iriinjr her notes in nf the;., |>er sin
ho re" ula- ' ro *" "ie ^""k of Norlh America; "pro
dy Johnsun and Jnli" Glum., u«re his
i of ihp latter c ,Msjdered as his recollection of facts and cir- integrity, learning, talent, and xperience i circulation al another, finding thai would nol his golden face
- " | dtireil." »nvs a omlemporary, "by th* ' . mil mlvisrr.-i,and ull of llein, tn wit, cuiiislaiKPs derived from ll.c persons ubovc
fed without the regulation oflhe former ,, , , .. . . ., . ' etleel llieir purpose, hy taking llie conlrary Ihe haul of the
nnt bv ' di'lret«es of Ihe limes, and the enlerpriz-
l!ie s^id Johnson, (ilcnn, Putjiu*, AleKlderry, m. nliunt'd, who were, most active nnd prinoi- oughl alone lo prevail. I he Executive must _ p(11, Mfl- anl,'
course, and p{ 0 n,,uncinR her a MO NI El)
also. This, then is what w.n and Kveii T. Kllieult havinj; as full and fief p.i'.lv en^.i^ed in the business. This dc;j*o- indeed be "poor of counsel" if they can loiter a MONSTr.K that had got all the specie next
''"" "pirit nf patriotic individuiiN; and, he floated out upor
the words "r'1 gulaliii2 the value, thereof;" arcess to iho lioika ol account of s:t:<l (tank n ni f,.rther sailli, ihut previous to, and durin? her Redeemer.
dils that the sud<l<>n restoration of pub- they violated the national faith hy removing
and this power extendt to w lintevrr :is ihis di.ptinenl had, and were coinlanily con- tin! exist nee of ihe said paiinertthip, difibrenl moment with snub volunteer marplots and
lic and private credit, which look place "Weep not fi
currency may he in exi»tence. proxi'iled uilleil and theii advice taken alxiui all ni:it- agencius or InancJits wuru eslahlishcd, at the empty casks- from her custody the revenues of the country, Nor tdiake
on its establishment, is an event a» extra
ii-i.s of ini|)orla.it inleresl in reiilioa lo it. with thu avowed intent of compelling "the 'Tisbut the '
it ntFeet the value of J'lonfi/ The po-.>i-, estion of id.) a'ifleri-nt parlies interested, Wo have hilherto scrupulously lorborns
bility of any cwvtncy, in modem tiim-s,! "''' ' '7 j" ''f,'' 1 '^ anr domestic ocejjr- I'll si the conlracl of parlnership was icduced Mourner"' to wind up snd curtail its concerns To call me
will, iho full concurrence of all, to ex-
which would not effect the value of coin,
rence during (he Revolution. :o wrilin^ bv Heverdy .Adinson, and handed tend Iho riaiikiiiir operations, and do other pro- Iroin snywjr a word in relation lo Ihe appoint- and v hen "the. Monster" in obedience to
In 1785
may well l)° doubted- All eminent wri-
«n attack wns made, on Ihe charter ol o this deponent hy David M- I'urine, ami eo- tita'.le huiiincc*, to wil: one at Wheeling Vir- ment of a judire, as well form entire confidence their avowed compulsory decree only begins to F.istoo, July
lies oflhe same h>'iiij.j made, VBIC signi'dby ^ in ; :j, oni- at 1 ,oniHvilln, Kenluc!;y. one at Lit- ;ID ,,
the Bank in lh« Legislature of Pennsyl- , J , , , . . ,' wind up, and public, distress and national ca-
the «, ,! judgment and ngaciuiia view, of; |:lmi ,y Fj,, liwj. tn(. n lhpsn prccious disciplesof
ters on this vihjpct admit, (hat. through* II the parties, ami one copy given toeneh. tle itock in ArLr.nsaw, one at t'.ltunii, Mary-
vania, imputed, hy Ihe tame writer, (o
out the world, Ihe quantity of money hn,« I'lie icnns of ihe eon tract ivcrcj lb^' lh<; p.ir- laud, uac at CutiiiiBrlaiKl, Mil- one in N. York, the Governor unJ Council, as from a sense of Jackson and Kend.ill and Taney swear louder
envy, the spirit of .speculation, :ind a pas-
strict propriuty in not inturfnring in relation to , than ever, lli.it ihi) Bnnk is winding up and Wheat (re,
of tlie Uauk of Maryland ,Slo<:k, one it ix-w <»r!,-. , », 0 ,,.j „„„ t,, ,l,o Vail, j ,,f an np|l<liritiurnt «< a>.ol, • nnti.ru—an appoint j Cllrl11 ll' n ! ol Its own ncuord, on purpose to
rau«ed its depreoi-ilion. am) Ihi' fion for tttnt* f*ntt*r- tnon*f. 'Thm nht»r-^
though o*~ing ntminlv to II,» f\ repealed, with soinelliing of in u[reTl'shares Vici;ini«, whieh were at-mduclrd for i!ie com- (wh
per, has affecfeif'tfx' coin «f»o. Tli» pi- iho propurcii/ng above mentioned; and thai
id precipitancy. This uch \vaslu lit- interested in the open,lions mnn bunrfit c,f thu parliiKH, hut in eaeh of inont so permanent in it« dnration.so hi^li in its | C30S'.. public ilistri'S:, Was thorn over fcuieh a Corn
per I.R.« gone doivu nml cariicd the coin proceedinj;, which 'he prnllo- arried on in thu name of the Dank of Marj- their iifrc.nci.-g or blanches, some one of the conspiracy of wretches connected together in
functions, so inlciestlng and important in its lono disii.ru, to defy triilh, to biow-bcat piolta-
trill, it. mnn from Tennessee holds up lo our ad- and, in ihe proportions aforksatd. In order to partners was wire-led lo superintend ils oper- consequences nor should we now have var.ed j "iliiy, and to give currency to all that is vis-
aiions; and in order to do so etli.-cliKillv, heeaine J1GRK
From (his clause in (he Consd'lufion, miration, was warmly disrupted by Ihe iblain ihe ru<|ui8ilc number of shares of hlock, cijin. eoirupl, and ruinous! The Tnisie
therefore the power to regulate th* People. The breach of public faith wae irchases wciu made at the fino-o;psli<iii ami the cstemible partner in that pnrlienhir a<jon- (rom that coursn in any degree, but to repro- j And ns if folly an 1 baseness had nol ynt, at T.»l Society
Talue of money and fiorn the injunction j loudly condemned, and the unconstitu- with the adricc of llie above iiuiued parties, c:y. Tim ajrcncio* or branches at Liltle lloe.k, bend llie practices thai wo learn arc adopted, j
al I.auisville, at Wheeling, :il hllklon and at Ihi-ii commanding, played enough anlicks be- tlie ; r next me
that all duties, imposts, and excises, tionally of the act clearly demonstrated l,hi?h prices. In pursuance of the agreement Cuiul/erland, were unilrr iho conlnd and and the course wo have seen pursued with a fore the world, they now strive lo forests! pub- ol R.jhert
shall be unilorni ttiioughoiit Ihe United by the ablest and most popular political X) twee 11 the parties, and ufler a sufRcienl BCpcTvisionto John (tlenn. The aguiiev iilNew view to iiilluencn ihe appointment. lie opinion hy attempting to inculcate a belief, n-'xt lh« Slst
States, is derived the constitutional writer of the day. The position he as- uaiility of the Stock of iho Hank hud been York was under the supervision ot Kvan T. The plotting Junto, we sus|M*et, need not tint if thu U. S. Dank, al the. solicitation of tha tnal attendaiu
power of Congress lo regulate Ihe cur- sumed, wat, that the bank might forfeit purchased with the funds of iho (tank; nnd was Kllicolt, and lho*'< in New Orleans and th. ,
held hy il in its cor|xirato character, linn depo-
- i distressed commercial interest, undertakes lo
e,give ihmnfuilvea miy trouble in taUing this Kx-1 attempt to relievo them fora shorl lime by par-
rency, and lo provide for the exit- (he charier by delinquency, but the de­ nent an PreeiJenl of Iho Hank, transferred lo Valley of Virginia, were under the contri *!' | eeiUive. under their destroying care. This j lially adiuinislering lo their wants, it will July 00
sapiirvision of this Jeponenl- '/l.at nt
tenre of a circulating med*um of uui- linquency, mnst be proved and establish­ John Gloun, onn hundred shares, to Heverdy limn of 11,,, sloppasrc of ihe Bank of^ Marylam'l! ' Rxeculiv,* will think for themselves, and think j ' )r" ve i '» ' l'*ljk'ly ll,'»t »lle I|U9 ^»>n lll ° voU
form value. ed by a legal process, in a court of jus­ Johnson, one hundred shares, to //ugh McKl- the I' gmaics or
tice and trial b; jury, foi the State, or iteriy. ooi) huudrmi shares lo David M. IV- were indebted lo the ranches »!K,VO in'.>niiuned,
., ' soundly and cautiously: Jn selecting a rhief unlary cuusa of the distress can any pretence
That part of the bill which e HinL of Maryland, in n J,,,)L,n, be morn wicked? Can any position be moro
that the Secretary, for sufficient cause, lh« Assembly, is not to be a judge in ile rin», one hundred nhaies, lo Kv*n T. ICllieotl, IS still dis
hundred shares & tu himself, four hundred larc larpc sum
sum olol monrv, a sum which would, have , ,,, .L,n, ihe . character -,, oflhe
, man.
a and the pro- .L. false and absurd' As well might il be suid
might remove Oie depo»Ues during the own case, but must come to the lawn of one and each of Ui(^]i:ulii-s with iho ox- bec'i more than auilinnnt lo ciinMn it t,, ens- f«-»"n.il man, will alone influence-not the by then., thai whero an experienced and ablq
niers. Conit
recess, and asaign Uis reasons to Con­ the land for judgment-, for that which is aliarc-s
ceplion of John (ilonn; who did not do so, pas- lain itself without difficnltr. 2'his ^ ..... dnpotient place of
...' ..,...,.,. |-.-«« nativity *«i
'« .........j or residence character anil Physician was winding up his business and re-
n,-aunj.n;c un;,iacier
in the Dela
gress, wanted explanation. It wa» not law for the individual is likewise law for sed his note lo the Bank for llie same. This furll'er sailh, llint during last auiiitim, alter capacity are tha great objects ofintmiry in ma- tiring from his professional puisuits, if a sud- on last Thur
•aid what was to be the effect of Con the State. deponent further eailh, that somo time after all these extensive, and as this deponent ad- king a J udff0-whero llicso are united in tho den dinlemper assailed llie community, and a of getting a
greaa approving or disapproving—what The unanswerable argument! of lha ihe n-ulnernhip was formeil, ihe parlies borrow- miU, indiscreet operations had been entered . , , i , , portion of its intelli|renl
intelliirenl and philanthropic in- well to have
was lobe the consequence if one House writer, (ajid he could wish a copy of hi ed from the Union Hank of Maryland, upon in.,., andth, Uink was surrounded by tho m.«t eminent degree.lhcn, let the choice rest- shoiild induce him to resume hi* tichemrs.
approved, and the other disapproved production wan in the ha'ids of every the joini responsibility of tho partners, one difii.-nities they had prodneetl, some of llie To he guided by locality, unless Tobedrai
in case* of, practice for a short time to relieve the distress- State Lotlei|
The clause it like that ofthe 16th section one, for much of it was extremely appli- hundred thousand dollars; to aid in the accom- [.allies bccatno greatly alarmed at the i es nf iho sick, nml he was generously to do it,
of the Charter of the Bank of the Uni cable to the present slate of things) plishment of the plans the parties had a .art- P" ccl r'l" alltJ °r '"eri's i'< all respects, in ge- and cure tho alllicled, that ih.it would be proof
4 prize
ted Statfs. /f the meaning of it is, thai had such an effect as one would suppose in pursiio in condticli<i<( ihe affairs whieh was ani-or- ' ecl' n ? * Chief Judge of a district, would baa ' positive that the old Doctor had caused tho
unless Congress approve, the act of OD the good sense of the people of Penn- the Hank. Th<s du|*onenl- -furU.er K.iilh, »imi
.. —. . ....,..., that airped to bo done, the notes of the samiliee sai:iifiee of duty and an irreparable irrrparabU wroni;
wrong i ,." S°' - , .-
the Secretary is annulled, then we may in Iheycnr 1S33, and during said parlnership i ifiven for the su>ck to done lo the community and the State, Can a nation be Bubjecl to any thing wors*,
sylvania. They changed a large number bonds of ihe sUle of Tennessee, n.noun- say short nf ruin, thin the misrule and nonsensical Tickel *!
aave ourselves all further trouble — leing atlerwanls return-',...,!.!_.. ..n.- -i _,;. . * S3-
of their tepreseniatives at the next elec- ling to )>500,000, were purrlutix! of Uuneral to hem. " This "drpiinnnV" furmer' miihi I lWlM"S "^ aU" r')ity-and wh «"« local sit ' jorpon of such a set of iiincoiupton*, and im-
The coiiktruc.f'on ofthe 16th section tion, and the legislature restored the U. W. Gibhs, the President of iho L'nion that d.irinir Ihe exislencc cftlm said partner-1 "aliwl is llfffwl as llic Urcat and » le««ling postors! Also, til
must Le the rnme, and Congress have not charter. This is (he (rue history of the Bank ofthe Stalo of TenneMce all the said No The administration, to further its own
No. 11, drj
yet approved Mie act of Mis Secretary in o measures adopted hy inducement; be assured that intrigue or error
triumph of Republican Pennsylvania o parlnors being parties to the said negotiation tho General Insiiranro ' or |H ,,|, are at ,h« bottom- The highest <]iml- sinister entts, undertook to drive the Bank 1 prize o|
removing the deposite* from the Dank nf ver (lift Federal Bank of North Ameri and assisting therein. Koon after the said y in whiel, lh,y were to be tho prin; from ita field or operation, because the Dank
the United Slates. Of course, they must 1
ca; and the Federalist who defended purchase), and al a ineelin;; uf the parlnors, it ci|ia. puioprielois, nnd over which they WCTl,,' ;, are the first and chief object of o«- refudcd to humble itself to become a Jicksori
go back a<;nin and this bill is unneces­ the Bank, and attacked the arbitrary was determined to send a coininitte.o consis- toif c.Tcreise " the rontrnl. That the influence ; V"'J '" selecting a Judge, and so solemnly im- and Van Ouron parly tool in doing this tbey
of Hugh MeKldcrry and Kvan T. El- ' it.o parties was exerted at tho Legislature, I pressed are we with Ihis flcntimi-nl.lhat in the drove lh« best friend oflhe trading and com- 5
sary. If this is not to be the construction seizure of itt charier, was THOMAS ting Tickets
what is it? That the at-.t of the Secreta­ licutt, to j'hiladclpliia and New Voik, lo to pi ocure a chaitcr for ilm same, in which' , r T i ,, , mercial world out of use distress and disaster
PAINC! make dispnition of iho s.iid Jiunds, wlio prn- ihey sneceedod, and the funds of ,ho Hank of | B° ll!Cll0n of * JudK"' W" W°U 'd ai' TlS° "° ^ ensued, and then the mischief makers swore it prize less l
ry not being approved by Congress; or, If Ihe gentleman was not aware of eceded to do so, hut did Tickets
being approved by one House, and dis­ these facts; the question arises, how he in making a sale. This defument wns snceced Maryland, BO far as this dc|>nnent and his hercnce even to party, if,by its sacrifice, a man was tho Bank and not themselves who had
-- ..... ..... OIK.C-CITU
iho ever h
then par Iners wern concerned, wero advanced to of superior chancier and endowments could done it. Let io-norance and depravity bfl-xxun
approved by the other, shall nevertheless could venture to quote thai of which he authorized to make ihe best disposition 1^5 for the stock. Tho Company being estab- bo ])to<-uied- Thn Judiciary lhat is lo decide ihe dnpo nf HI.eh miscreancy a fair, honest
stand good? Or is it that the Secretary knew so little? If he did know them, lie could of the lloiids whicli he continued lik'.iud, it went into operation, nnd was used tipiighl man disdains and loathes il. July 20
hall merely report his facts and reasons, (he inquiry occurs What degree of Ja- lo mako efforts to do in this uuuntry, but with- as o.'ie of the means for extending their busi- impartially upon the persons! rights, liberty
and (here the mailer rnds Congress robini'm must that be, which denouncei out cuceefu. Tlio exiirviie'u'n of the liank, ness .'n connection with the ' bank of JUarylsml ai.1 property of tho citizens ou»bl to bn of elu- After all passible exertion in Baltimore and
I'.. having nothing to do with the facts and THOMAS PAIN» as a Federalist? llOWPV*»f
of tin I the dissolution ol'lhn
ori^:...- '-•-• '' • '
partnership above vatril mind, jiuro in fame, sound, learned, and elsewhere lo make a ({rand Raree Show ot A small
reasons reported, but to listen to them? Mr. W. would advert to but one more U, n , K lra "saclil>n' entered into by moiili, uied was not intended to interfere with of experience in iho Li.w. Tho .People havo acting Secretary Tanoy'a entro into Ballimoro ton- A Is
Will the gentleman favor ut with the topic. The Secretary in his letter, th* ,te,part,,-.,, . brc.ni,,
,. so ,..-....,.tr RS t0 render the in! I'rcsts of the parties in that Company, iiKiuiie i
(rue interpretation? an aceession ol pecuniary m,ians indispensable which it was understood wag to remain as it loo much at slake in the character of their the other day, it lurned out, we understand, a July
Committee in (heir report, and (he Chair- to«Mtiin the credit of .!, bank, and thm tle- wns t he Raid parlies to bo interested us before
Air- Wilde did not mean (o he seduce, man in his speech, had enlarged upon S'..,!" ."'C |w rli<!8 C'.""«wtcd with him, in the profils ihereot, nnd Ihe stock remained Judiciary In hall about political party or local thorough failure it presented a small group
eren by the example of the hoiiorabl mi argumenl, first u.red, as far as he situation where both or either can be inJul- of desperate men, most of them unknown, in
to ,mrclia.e, if practicable about on tho b ooks of the bank of Jtfnry land- That an
Chairman of the Committee of Way knew, by his colleague (Mr. CJilmcr) in U,'rl'U9U" . «'"«« «f «ho
- --- Capital Moe.k of' - tll ! 8tloPone "'--j toilllout llie Ieu4l MCriftee nf lhefwit gr^t . melancholy procession atlending the fallen, (lift
., ,.,,».» n.i..n j
and Means, ii.to an argument on (ho mer answer lo himself. /f Ihe State Ranks l.v il , it I' 1' Mar>'l«i'«I which wns held' and partners, lo separate t'm interests of point, it is nol improper to do il bin in Ihn { hwyer-and tho whole presented
lhat it i»l
its or demerits oflhe United States Bank are unsound, why his not (ho United, y that Hank, and which was than in high es- the Ilan I; of Mary land and the General Insu- selection of any member of the Judiciary, and more tho appcarancu of a procession to some ns possilif
Respect for a highly diitinguishpd nnd Slate* Hank corrected them? We hav '»' « wn m Ihe market, and ilu, parlii* *up- rance C jinjviny, but how far it has been suc-
chiefly in the most important mcinbor, every |ilace of execution, than any thing like a tri-
virtuous citizen who had done the .Stale had that Bank sixteen years, and »'». . wo,, , f,,rnisl, a n.aleiial upon whieh Lijuie this deponent cai.noi say, JIJJinneA tiling musl yield lo procuring iho soundest, umphal entry.
cessful, my bruill
live insl
otne service, and whoie retirement ough its great merit is said to he (he salutary "»ney COU I'I readily |,e raisetl, besides presen-
JAMES U. LATIMKR. ablest, and most experienced lawyer, and fees are
to be as tranquil as his public life hot' control it exercises over the currency ,m ,l" rnas;"!a;llle l"-os|*oci for speculation up-
» .the provide advance in the price of it,
This is however nn. omen that causes great tember i
been useful, demanded a word nr two of Either (he State Hanks, (hen, are not WINCH u^vas then Niipposnd by the parties .'7u ..le.nal Ktc.ainhottt.— A <rentleinnn in t'in- purest man. exultation am >ng the freemen of Maryland it ed to Oil
explanation on the part ofthe gentle- insnund, or (he United States llnnk is "night »
r _,
to "tin
' " luiiulre.d
iiuiMirr.ii dollars
uuiiaia per|*vi einrri ti, by llie naiii« of Masnii, has invented
bhr.ws how a man falls and becomes deserted bear inf
man'* proceeding. The honorable g;en- faithless or useless. iml'n M ',' ''"' Glpu "' «! 'vndy Johnson, an Aerial Steamboat, which is ihns described After tbn dismay cast over this nation by as BOOH as he tjuils ihc palhs of honor, of vir- will be [
to enler in a Cincinnati paper: "It is about ten feet llie ndjoiiiiimrnlof Congress without in uny tue, and of common sense Lot Taaey's de- my hnr
llotnan had read a passage from (he re- With due submission to so many high ;'»u u. M. ] rrmo were auilir.rijr.rl i[ and if ll|
port of n former Secretary of the Treas- authorities, (he horns of their dilemma into a nogociHtion with the Lnion non Bank a to of Ion:/ ; llie ribs being covered with silk, in order the shadow of relief tu gradation be a solemn warning to others. ed to
ury, (Mr. C.'allatln.) Mr. W. confessni are not fatal or even dangerous. The and made llus object. They succeeded in ddoing so tort'ndnr it very light. The engine, of two
the purrhas'o at eijliiy-flve Dollars horne power, is placed in the middle, and turns of Iho Country, whieh bad beun 1,001
KUrjiiise (n heai Mr. Gallatin quoted a question is not fairly stated. The persharn John Glenn giving his note 'or ' foiri vcriic.il stalls projecting- over Ihe /iota produced bj the violent and ille{fal measures of impoliri Tlio Executive Council will meet at An-
gainst a Bar.k The g"nllrm:iii must State Banks may be partly, but not ti(- to the Dunk. the oil Wednesday n.,xl the (.'ill day uf
Ibn Slock
Si.-.- being ' f~"" to anrt itri'ii, into each of which are fund four President Jackson nnd liis »Secrel.iry Taney, August.
'- : -- transferr«d
know at least rvnry om; < !«» Ihoro, \er\y unsound. TiieUniied Slates Bank un a,,, tbo ,.,, IIM8ro , bfli ]o,^t] sp'ral ni IK en wines, v.-hich nre made to re-
line>v That Mr- G- hail more Ilian oricr nny have exercised a partial, not an ah- l>y hint to tho Union Ha ,,|( 10 seeuie tiio p»y vi'lvo with n sufficient velocity to CUUMI the in violating thn National faith, nnd irmkin United Slates Hunk. — We are much pleas-
Dxprr-ssed himself strongly in its (avor. olule control- The love of peace rnay .neni of hu note.. Tl.o . con, tu onnes- vessel to r'Ri-.
tul oof tthee Tonnes- Over tho whole is fixed a wny with the National revenues, withdrawing ed to learn that the correspondence commenced Till
He distinctly »dnlilted its convenience have, restrained (he use of power. The eo Bonds thus passing from the han<Js of this riioveal.le silken cover designed to assist in them contrary to law from tho commer- by tho merchants of New Yark with Piest- year,
and utility. He is understood at this ''rue probhni is not how bad Ihe cur- lltlr a" d. hu' pwtnrrs, and they receiving cmintoiiirliflg the (jravitatin<r force, at the cial use of the Country llie correspondence c.'enl Diddle, published in this paper on Mon- now
moment, after still longer experience and rency is despite the Bank of the United .Stock of ,hn IJnion Bank on which to op- saint1 Hire lending loimsiBt in ils propulsion day last, has had the eiTi.'CI, in a good degree
?ralc as a means l o , aif,8 funji. EfforUl wore forward. The wbnlo hi.at, ineUidinjf iho en- heiwcon thfl Now York Meichanls and the in
larger observation, to maintain its ne- ^Katcs: but how much worse it ha* been, accordingly to Mii.,o
relieve i..he ...
market. 1'he Bank wood
inado by i|)c pj.rUe, lo ,3taf mo- gine, weighs CO pounds, nnd has cost t<bonl President of the United States Bank gives Philadelphia, on its last disc(. u ,..u«j,iii^ic<w
ceuity for fiscal purposes, aud Hi cou* ud will bo again, without it? discount
" day, i
ey ujion this Stock, but with partial euccets, JSOO. < some hope, that an effort will be mado to save cd its loins $300,000,,_--..,
Tt — ..-1- - « "'• ""-
and' the Now Yolk
Branch f 100,000.

,>iL^j^--?ki^->1 -w.1'^i-^U^^-'t^U,^>t',** ' li.'-v'jBi'.V.J^' i'iit',.1','-^'/.-'

--fciiiiLLi^uaf-.;, :}. ,.'': , *i-,-. . '. .' [! ,..' .(-,. '.. * . ,' , ' >-.--:i~=? :i-*
The Enstern Shore Jocfay Club
|Mr. Graham—
Will you allow mo Hie privilege of pub- Cheap & Great Wargains to be had A Yoke of Oxan ofgoodJ siv:e black and
THL subscriber ilas jus, relurnei from white one a very fine ox_the other nol so
lishing in the Gazelle a short tribute of respect
to the memory of a deceased friend and sister
. WILL commence, over the Easton Course,
the last Wednesday in September next Ualumore, wilh a complete assortment of large, but marked with a scar ,i«ar the ghoul-
der. Any one who will gi ve intbrmntioo of
in the Gospel, ALICE ANH B ROM WELL, daugh-
ter of Jacob and Elizabeth Bromwell, of Ox-
|ic 2'llh)& oonlinue-lLtee d«ya the course is
dutifully situated on the farm of A. C. Bui- THE owners of this beautiful and thorough
BOOTS AND SHOES, f Clthcr of thom slia11 bo
ford Neck, in this county, hlio died at her t, ESIJ. about half a mile from Easton, and 11 red horse, have consented to place him, this « Jreik tupply iff
father's residence on Saturday the I2lhof July [ ill be in first rate order on tho days of run- Gentlemen's BOOTS, SHOES and PUMPS, M SPENCER, SPRING AND SUMMER
fall, at the command of the farmers of Talbot; wwr St. Michai-ln.
I ho about 3 o'clock, A. M. in the twenty-fifth year ning. nnd should sufficient inducement be offered, ha ol all Ju| . ,.,
of her age. I am pleased to learn, that she has FIRST DAY. A Coifs pursa of 200 dollars will be sent lo thai county in a fuw weeks, LADIES' SHOKS, consisting of KID,
been from her childhood lo her death, one of two miles and repent. HIU! commence the season on the first of Sep- SEAL and MOROCCO, ufthe most fash- co.taisTiNG or
om- the most dutiful and affectionate of children; SECOND DAY. A purse of 300 dollars four tember. Gentlemen desiring the services of ionable style, and made by the best of man- DRY GOODS AND GROCER1J2
and I'or several of the last years of her life, was miles and repeat, free for any horse, mate or ufacturers; Talbot County Orphans' Court, QUEENS-WARE, &c.

nen the horse, will leave their names and the num-
especially distinguished in the circle of her guiding, foaled on the .Eastern Shore of Jlfd. ber of mares, fyc. at tho fusion Gazclir Office, BOYS' and MISSES' SHOES of all descrip- 10th day of Juno A. D. 1834. which
friends, for her kindness and attention lo her Eastern Shore of Va. or iu the State of Dela- On application of Jusiuh Chaplain, adminis- punctual10 will dispose of low "fur cash or tc
on or before the IMh of August next. Fur the liuns; customer*.
iUt« aged mother, in the management of the con- ware. CHILDREN'S BOOTS and SHOES. tor of George Slovens lalo of Talbol Coun- "' " ! All

description and pedigree of O'Connell, as well having accounts standing

art., cerns appertaining1 to her department of do- THIRD DAT- A Handy cap purse of 100, as the terms, (which will he tho same as those ALSO-- ty, deceased, il is
mestic economy. dollars best three in five, one mile heats. at which he has been standing in Dorchester,) ORDERED, That he give the notice fonvard
In early life she showed a high regard for A. GRAHAM, Sec'y. gentlemen are referred to tlm Editor of the Pclm leaf Hats, Tntnks (,nd required by law for creditors lo exhibit
Easlon, July 19, 1834. <W) their claims against the said deoeasiid's
fns of
our holy religion, a great attachment to the
I ministers of the Gospel, who from time to time
Cambridge, July 1-3. Sw
lilacs-ing. estate b. that li» cause the same lobe published
pr ic- I preached at her father's house, and apparently NOTICK. All wiich will bo sold <,n the most iditiiHin? once in each week for ihe space of three sue- GOODS.
Dothinjr was more delighting to her youthful THE subscribers have now on hand and for terms, aid prices made to *uit the prewure of [cwssive weeks in one of the newspapers prin-
ef ii ViM . II. ~8t"PrlB R OO M E
<t o(
mind, than the ordinances of the house of God, sale a first rale TO KENT tlm timis.
The public's olwdieiU servant,
ted in llio lown of Easton, i*. ulso in onu of llio
wspaiMir.* prinlcd in the city of Baltimore, i HAVE just received from Philadelphia
and tho privilege of mingling her accents of Foi ihe ensuing year on very accommoda-
nt»- praise and thanksgiving, with the songs of his ting terms, Ihe house and lot on \Vashi JOHN W1UGHT. In testimony that the foregoing is truly en-! d Ballimnre, their entire supply of
hat » ainlR. street, at present occupied by Edwaid B. _.._ may S (itv .«HUr. I1' 1'*' '""'-1 lne ti'iim'cs of pro- ( SPUING AND SUMMER
de- She nought and found the God of peace in Ksq. as a dwelling, with all llie iiiiprovcmenU, vffivpfe. ceudings of Talbot county Or-'
feel the. tenth year of her age, nnd at once joined
herself to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of
any necessary icpairs wanting will IIP dune,
for the accommodation of ihe family. Also, a
The subscribers. Stockholders in the Com
phnns' court I have
set my hand and the seal
[>21T GOODS,
of my office affixed this Kllh GROCERIES, LIQUORS, HARD­
which, she continued a beloved member, exem- dwelling house and lot in the town of Cam- murcisl BankofMillington and owners of mora
plifying in all her deportment, the devotcdntss bridge, .n present occupied by Mr. William than five hundred shares of stock ihercin, in day of June in Ihn year of our
I eighteen hundred and thirty four. WARE, CHINA, 4c.
of the Christian character, till her death. Roszell, well calculated I'or carrying on the pursuance of tlm provisions of the 14lh funda- which, added to their former Slock make*,
During her sickness, she was patient and Hatting Business-, having front and back shops, mcnlul i.rticle contained iu the Charter, do Test, JAS. PRICK, Register
Cl.OStt CARRIAGE their s-isorlment very complele.
K-sinriied to the will of the Lord, and notwith- bowo Totim.arjd all necessary out buildings a hereby «ivo public notice thsta General Meet- ol Willi fur Taluut county-
Their friends and tho public generally ara
standing an occasional delirium, gave her anx and harness. painted a handsome brown and (rood stand for this business, which has been ing of tke Stockholders of said Bmik will b« e.spccifully invited to give them a cull.
ious nnd afflicted friends thti fullest assurance, triiticd with brown cloth, made, of the host ma- carried on successfully for 17 years past held at do Banking house iu the town of Mil-- In compliance to the above order, in«y 3 tiw _
VM'f'ir-t.' "-• i™.«« •"••- ---------
th.it her God was with her, and the bright por- terials and workmanship, which they will also two other houses and lots and one un- ^rton, «> MONDAY the itlh day of Seplem- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,
tals of hor Heaven open before her. dispose of on leasonable terms, for cash urgood improved lot. (provided) those occupying them berr next ut 4 o'clock in (ho afternoon, lo take That I hi) Subscriber of Talbol county WiXUanV
Tho evening before she. died, at her request paper. They have also for ssle a hands »me should not intend continuing for the ensuing into coisideration the. condition of the affairs hath obtained from Ihe Orphans' courl re tin no j from Baltimore willi »u
tho family were all railed toiler bed side, par- Bay .IJare, which could be bought very low. year. For term!) apply lo the subscriber, or of said iank, nnd the c.t|>ediency <.f winding of TalUit county in Maryland letters ol Hilditional supply of
up its bisiness with :is little delay as may fan administration on the. personal estate ol'
unls, brothers and sisters and frienJs now draw Persons who wish to purchasn would Uo well Mr- Samuel Mackey, Easlon.
near, lo receive hfr partin<r blessing. A scene lo call and examine for themselves. WM. MACKEY, the iiilerudls of all parties con- George Slovens lain of Tallnit county
was then presented, at which Philnsophy.won- ANDERSON &. HOPKINS. Dover loaif, ueur Esston. cerned. don'd. all |>ersons having claims against I he said which ha can oiler to hii fiiendu and tha pub-
<l»icd,and infidelity confounded, lurneasido. or Easton, July, 19 W Si July 10. Evan ^'ore sn deceased's enisle, me hereby warned lo lic generally upon fair terms.
looking, looks on in breathless silence, nnd Allan t^iynii, exhibit the same wilh ll,c proper vouchers June 11. (W)
ilimiirii tmtrilfinir. foi a \vliile belivvcs. ilm NOTICE. Evau P«nliiiri.y, Per R. Johnson and thereof lo ilm subscriber, on or before the
world, sin, and Satan now vanquished f.mwer, TDK Subscriber has j'lst leceived a large Trustee's Hale. George Fitzhuglt, J. Glean, lat day of January ui-xt, or they may oth- ~THE~UNION TAVKK^T
rt-tire from ilia contest, and leave tin- (frying fiipply i't' Thoma> /'oultney, rwi.se by law IIP excluded froiu all bone- EtHTON,
Mint in undisturbed possession of all ihe. tri- By virtue of a decree of Quron Ami'i coun- Ann Poiltnuy, fit of thu said estate.
umphs of a glorious victory. S!ioble.=snd them,
prayed iVrvcn'.ly fir ihem, nnd tl:cn Lid a loi:.!
LUMBER, ty cniut, sluing as a court of Equity; Ihe un- George Uiggs,
dt-r-iigried will offer at public s:ile at the conn John Bmrce,
Givon under my hand this lOlh day i>i
June 13J.J.
and an affrclion.itc farewell. house door in Centreville, Mil. on Saturday Henry Clino, JOSLUI'CHAPLAIN, mlro'r.
Jd day of August next, nt 3 o'clock, I'. M. the George Freeburjor, of George Slevcns, dec'd.
' My friends I bid you all a.'iiciij fulliiwing highly valuable property, bein (inuin Harris, June 11 JOSHUA M. FAULKXER,
I leave, you in G'id'3 cnre, of superior quality. Also a <|itantity of part ol'lhe real estate of John T. Mieru dec'd, \Villian /'ersiy, RESl'EC rP/JLLY lierrg leave to inform
And il I Merer more s°e you viz. Isnnc K light, FOR SALK. h;n friends nnd tho public in genera), that ho
Come on I'll meet you llmre " HAILING UOA1U) '/lionia.s A. liicliardi, A few young BUCKS from full hl,i.,d Me- lias taken thrt above named properly in Eaxtofi,
That night, while yet llio sun was scorning AND The Mill, Mill Seat,and Charles GiHldan, iino Ewea and a choice impoited full bli.od Taib.it comity, Md., known as the "UNION
Iv winding his way throur/.h tho regions of about one hundred nnd fif- \Villia:i D. Ball, SJUTOII Buck. T.\YERN,"on i he comer of \Ynshinglon and
dnrknnss beneath, towards the circling canopy
nf trte-..,.|)cr sky, and ere tho bright radiance of which will he sold very low fur catih or lo ty acres oi' Land thereto! Josiilh ''""""
"rilliatn B. Guy, By Gfo .W. D.-bbin. July
li. GOLDSUOROUGli. Gnldsborough streets, immetlintely opposite Ih»
Bank, :iilj,iiuing the ofliceol'John Lee-Is Kerr,
liis irolde.n faro had tinged our horizon with nrlual dealers. attached, which formerly belonged to Thomas Joel their Atl*rn»r it nearly opposite lo that of Win. Hay ward, Jrt
the light of the coming morn, her happy spirit
floated out upon a tide ot glory into tho arms of
The public's ob't. serv'l.
B. CiKik, Esq. and now generally known as >7h'ahan Uoyse,
Miers' l; pper Mill. The mill bus just nmli-r- Wiiliair Kilmrr,
fact, TANNERY- mil direclly thai of Wm. R. Price, Esq.
' his house is silnnlo in the most fashinnJbl*
Jier Redeemer. Easton, July l!l __ __ Ijonc consnh'iablu repair, and is in good order L. A. .linkin.s, To rent and possession given tho first of Td |-.ler.sanl part of the town, within a few pa
lor maiinl'aeti:rin[> of all kinds of grain. Tho ,lohn llute, Junu.iry next a Tan YarJ ar,d improvements .111 of tho Court House, nnd a market (I can-
"Weep not for me survivin<r friends. water power is tlic best in the neighborhood, Francis S. Walter, in tlio villagetifGret'iislioroiigh Caiolinecoun- not hcsimtc to say,) eipml, if not superior, lo
Nor fhakn at death's alarms, and llif whulfl premises beautifully and advan- George Fli'met, ty, Attached thereunto arc largo and com any of :\ like |Hipiilation in Uiie State he is also
'Tisbut the voice that Jesus scuds A new Wheat Fan in complete order tageously situated for a manufacturing estab- Richard Diinovan, modiouj bark, currying and beam houses, » rraiified in assuring the public, that he has ad-
To call me to his amis." sale by lishment of any kind. This property is wor- Daniel J. Leo, <^«id sionc table, bark and hydo Mills fee. vantages this tavern never before had, vix: A
A friend untl acquaintance. W. II. & P. Groome. thy of the attention of Capitalists. This Yard is silualcd directly on the Chop uomlortiible dwelling adjoining not heretofore
Easton, July 21, 183-1. William Dnwjtnn,
July 19 2w Al.SO Sam'l. K. R<!il|rrcavc8 tank Rtvnr, su thai liitloor no land carriage is cllac.hod to ihe property, and nil the property
John F.llon, required in shipping articles lo or from the ci ',3 a'.iyut lo go through a thur-nigh terinir; whicU
A neat two story
Wheat (red f 1 OS a 1 1-1
To be llentud
'J TSrick Dwelling House,
R. S. Jhsjgers,
June it) 8w
lies. Bark of the best ipialily and in great will ennblc him to euleilain private families,
abundanco is boughl in this (dace very low and nnics or individuals in comforl hn iuurndu
(while.) 1 SO For one or mqre yf.nn,th«t large S,- commodima with a gi«"l giidru, nil Liberty 'fho»i)ver«l papers on the Eastern Shorn of on accommodating terms; iboro is now a slock kenpin? i" hia Irar tlm beat of L,ii)uora, nuj ti(»
Corn CT sireet, in Cenirevillc, and at pres- Ma*')snd will plcnxo copy the almvu and send on hand sufficient to curry on llie Yard foi T:ibh) shall be furnished in season with such u
£jj&k BRICK TAVERN cnt occupied by ,1/r. John Palmer, who will ei.bills to the ofll^n of the Chostortowu 'I'el- some lime wliich -i tenant can liavu un ii the market will afford. He has provided at-
{'iffy, and its appurtenances, well known j shew thu same lo any person dis|«wi>d to pur- o|>> for payment. bio terms. tentive Ostlers and Waiter*, and has deter-
AnRKULTUll.11. . VO T / CK. i**i*itai by the name of thu chase il. Also Two Lots of Ground con- Apply I" mined nothing on his part shall be wanting1 to
The Trustees of the Maryland Agricultu- taining together, about eleven and one hall
PROPOSALS Ann II. Godwin, or jfjve satislhcliou His //ncka will run regular-
ral Society far tho Eastern Slioin will hold
tlie ; r next rrwpunsf at Isthmus, the residence
ol R,,hen Banning. ESII. on THURSDAY
B A STUN HOTEL, acres, adjoining; ilm last above mentioned pro-
perly, and which was pnrchnsc.1 bv ihe lain To p:llisH by Subscription, in the city it/ /JuJ- GroenalMir
Get). W. lictrrington. ly lo the Steam Boat Maryland, f>r theaccom-
n.ivlntiiiii of passengers, when they can bo con-
situate in the town of Easton, on the Eastern John T IMiers from Henry Daiden. Ksi|. tintrc a trtcklij Literary AC-IMMW/ICT, fo Lt veyed to any part id the adjacent county at
rif-xt lli« 31st insi at 11 o'clock, A. M. .'/punc- almost .1 moment's warning1 Regular convey-
tual attendance of tin; members is particularly Shore ol' Maryland, at present, and for some doe'il. One nf llicsa lots is well located for Hit
yea s past, occupied by Mr Solomon I.owe. grrtKiiKf. being wi-ll wnlfrcd the other is ara- "Batimorc Young Men's Paper," ances can bo liad from Knston lo Ihe principal
requested. This establishment is universally admitted to ble nnd iiir.y be profitably cultivated cither in ,-ilirs a I'mir horso stage runs thr«-c limes a
M. GOLDSBOROUGH.Soc'ry. wml< to l'liiladel|>hi» via Ccntrt-rille; th*
bo the |jr'_rest and most convenient fora I'ublic grain or grass. L'nde; the auspices of the Baltimore. YOUTIJ;
Steam BOH i Maryland twice a week in Balti-
July i2G House, ol'any on the Peninsula, and to u Hum ' Also A LOT on the smith side of Ten- Men's Society.
nn'ri>, liesides other cimveyanccs in llie two
well calculated to conducl il, un o)qiortuul(y ' Ircville, lying between the Main road leading
Tin B.-iltiiiior«; Young Men's Society wr,»
will be ofl'.-red lor doing a very exlun.sive and . to Easlon, and a l.irge gullv, by which il i* inslititod In piomotc the moral iiul intvlleclual FOR SALE Knslon I'nckrls so that passengers c.niiDot
IS still distributing the shiners to his ruslir profitable business, more particularly if he has separated from Ihn lots of Dr. Harper and o- iiiipnvem^iit of ihe Young Men in llie city, to r oilers fur sale two or thre* tail in find nn advanlage in |iaft4Jn» ihis way.
IVuuilers will he tieroimnodated on liberal term*
liters. Combination .-58 53 (i.l a prixo of $-00 a sufficient capital lo carry il on advantageous-, ihers; the improvements in this lot consist of unite them more intimately in the bonds of !joort MII.CH COWS, al) nf which have had iv llio day, week, month or year hfl solicitn
Calves this spiing, and one of them lia.-< a cull
in the Delaware Lottery, Class No. M, Hold ')' I Two small framed Houses, and mutii.'l I'.cijuaintance, and Iu extend kindness liic. iil'l KlomeiK of the houso and the publia
on last Thursday. All those that are desirous Esslon is known as a lown of considerable i
tenanted by people of color. The fd!invs!ii|) lo those, who coming from ilictr now wilh her they ore ulso iu good order <rciierally, lo cull and see him-
trade, and the Steam Bout Maryland, which j and ol Him sty.c. Not having a use I'ur them
of getting a chance at the shiners Would do
plies twice d week between Baltimore, An- lerms of sale as prescribed by the pnrenal homes hither, in pursuit of won lib or they will lie sold upon muderate lerms. Oct. fi-
well lo have a chance in the following Grand
napolis and this p)a-e, considerably increases decree are; lhal ilm purchaser or dislimliou, are pariicuUily exposed to all tlm.-o Apply lo
Schemes. tflmpiiUnns to viou and iliMsipati.m, which in
To be drawn July 29lh 1334, the .Maryland the business, sod ui course adds very much to purchasers shall give t<i Ihe Trustee, a bond every lar»« city, arn LHI often f:Mal to youth WM. 11. GROOME. TO STONK MASONS.
the value of ibis establishment, by Ihe con-j with security lo be. approved by him f»r the Easton, July 19 1831.
State Lottery. Clans iVo. 15. payment of llie pnrchngn money, in twelve, and in'X(icrience. To carry out tlusp prinei THE nnileisii;npd, a committee nppointeit
GRAND SCH EME. slanl intercourse of travellers from Uu; differ-: pies, no mcuns conlj be employed inuro rlli o lo superinlcii'l the: building of a Church at
ent counlies on llie Western nnd Eastern j and eighteen mouths and two years, with in- live Ikun Ilm press. Wilh a |>vriodical journa NOTICtf
4 prize of 85,000 | 65 prizes of $200 terest thereon from the day of sale and upon THE Commissioiieis for Talbot count)' will Miles Rivur Ferry, near Easlon in Talbot
1 2,957 | 1-JU SO Shores, to those places, and foreigners from ' pulili«licd under its auspicop, the Socirly will ci-ittitv Maryland, pro|>os« lo build thn Bam« of
other Stales. | a ratification of the snip by the Court, and on bo enabled lo exluud mote widely u knowledge meet on Tut:su\v tho 'JiHli inst., for tlic pur-
75 500 | 1-J3 40 ihe receipt of the purchase money ami not be- pisrt nf H]i|xiiiitiuga Cullector of the county tax. Sl nne dimensions ol' Clmrcli 50 feel by JS
Ticket *5. Halves $2 50. Quarters £1 1'uasession will be {riven nn the first day of of its e.vinlciiCA, and of its objects, while, by lu» They ihviiii proposals from Stone Masons nf
January next. Persons wishing to rout are fore, the trustee shall by a {rood deed, duly nc Bimo ini-ans, whntevcr of moral influence il Ap|ilicunl.s "ill please hnnd in their applic^- price and time, and will be prepared loreceiv*
invited to come and view the premises. The kimwledged according to liiw, convey lo tho lions in wriling lo ihu Clerk on or befoiu lhal
Also, the Virginia State Lottery, class ir.uy excrl, whulevcr of power lo do good )i ihem, addressed lo llie undersignod al Easlon.
No. 11, draws August ihn 2d 18.il. terms, which will be moderate, will bo made mrchasor or purchasers, tho pro|>erty to him may ixisat-'ss, wili bo called more actively into day. Talbot county, until the first TUESDAY iu
known by application to the subscriber. >r them sold, free, clear, and discharged from ' ** i - __:__ :.. _ ....__ ^., ,....^:.._ All persons havinn; claims agiinst tho coun-
WM. II. GROOME. 11 clnims of the complainants or defendants. openitinn, and find exercise in a mure oxtunsiv* ty; are hereby notified, lhal the Levy will car August nexl.
1 prize of $10,0001 5 prizes of J 1,000 Any /uilher iiiloriiintioii may be obtained by ap- tainly he close I on tlm abuvo menlioned day Jl. H. GoMsboroughj.
1 4,000 | G .1(10 Eiiston, July If), 18J-1. Believing Ihat the public favor would
1 1,060 | (i 300 plication to the siibscrihnr. ed Feddcman,
5 200 I 50 100 Fanners' Bank of Maryland, John Tilghman, Sp encer.
Tickets $3 50. Shares in proportion. No BRANCH 1UNK AT EASTON. Trustee. July 5.
prize less than J 1- C. Ville, Q. A. co. July 12, 4w
14lh July, 183-1. iMAllVLAND
Tickets in the above Schemes can bo had at NOTICE is hereby given to Ihe Stockhold-
tho over lucky Lottery office of nnd of lhe lovers of morality and good ordci, NOTICE. Talbot County Orphans' Court
ers in this ii-siilutioii, that an election will ho TALBOT COUNTY TO WIT. Jl Camp-Jlltrliit!? fur Tulbot Circuit, of the
I'. SACKET, hi Id at the Banking house in Eastoii, on llie is nnw sulu iti'd. JOUi d»j of June .! D. 1834.
July 2G Easlon, Mil. On application lo me the subscriber, one of The character of the. "Young Men's Paper," Methodist Episcopal Church, will commence On npplientu.n <>( .'/nlliony Ilinning, ^dnin-
(irsl Monday of August next, between the «! Justices of the Orphans' Court, ol'lhe will be consonant with the prmciph'8 of Ui« in the wood adjoining the meeting house, in
hours of 10 o'clock, A. M and 3 o'clock, P. M. trator of Tliomiis Banning, Ute of Talbot
county aforesaid.by petition in wiitinjr of Wil- Society of which it is tho organ. Combining the Chappel district of this county on FUMMV, comity, dccuzsvd it is ordored 1'iat be gi»»
FOR SALE. I'or lha purpose of clmo.-iiiig1 fioin among ihe iam lloj'res, praying fur Ilm benefit of the net Literature with Morality, its uiiii will bo lo the I5t!i ol'Aiiiiusl next. Our brethren in thu tho notice required b; law for creditors ! ex-
A small Farm in ihr neighborhood of Ens Stockholders, twelve Dircctois for tlm Branch if Assetulily, passed at November mission, ainnxc and instruct; while, in uccordancn with ministry, mid IriendK of the adjoining circuits, hibit Iheir ciaimi against the taid doceaicd't
ton. Also a kiln of BRICKS. For tercis Bank for ihe ensuing year, agreeably lo Ihe eighteen hundred and five, for the relief of In- its liilc, ihe irencial tenor ol' its influence will are aflectioiiulcly invited to conm over uud help estate, R'<l that he cauiie the »nmo to be pub-
iiiquite of Ihe Editor. charter. solvent Deliiurs, and the several supplements be to awaken Young Men to a sense of Iheir us- MslicU once in each week for th» pa e of Inre*
July 'Jii By order, thereto, on the term!) mentioned iu the said obligations, to induce them to consider their Bread nnd horse fond, will be sold by autho- Aucccuslve weeks, in one of the newspaper*
.John Goldsborough, Cashier. printed in the lown of Euiton, »ud ulso in on*
nets and the s;tid Willuim J/odgns h.iviii'r vast capabilities, and to direct towards nohla rity on llie ground, exctqil, lhal, by a s|>ecial oT the nowipupcrs printed in the city of Balti-
OFFICERS' FEES. july 19, compiled w-ilh tlm several requisites lilijiicts/that nrdour wliich is loo often wasted', order of llio Couferonce, llie bread uurrket will
ALL persons indebted for officers' fees, will by the said acts of assembly I do herebyT-i in fiivoloiu dissipalion, or let loosa in vicious. b* closed on ihe Sabbath day InteMimonj Ihnt theforegoing In truly eopled
please take notice ihat they are now clue, nnd THE STEAM ROAT der &. adjudge that thr said William Hodges extravagance. Joshua Hnmphriss, =. from the minute* of proceeding*
that it is my duty lo collect them as speedily (dial! b» nnd appear before tho judges of Talbol A portion of the paper will be occupied by Igtiatius T. Cooper. rg nf TulL'ot county Orphans' court
ns possible; therefore lookout for a visit from County Court, on tho third Monday of reviews and crilio*! notices. Tho character '"'ki UiavQ hereunto let my hand Jtthe
my brother Thomas Grahnm, jr. who has posi- November 7crm, next, nnd at such other days nnd talents of tho;m>tlcnien whose immes nr* july in _..........liBSs sca| Of my office atfixod, tl(U tOth
dny of June in tho year of our Lord i|b-
tive instructions fo levy in every CUSP, if Ihe and fiuic.s as tho Court shall direct, the appended lo this Priw|Mx:tuR, will be an assu- ShcrilPs Sale. leun hundroil and thirty four.
fees are not selt'ed by tho (itst day of Sep- same timn is appointed for the creditors of rance not only thai this department will b* BY virtue of a writ of vondilioni eiponas is-
tember next. Likewise, thosn persona indebt- tho said William Hodges to attend, tt show sustained with ability, but also lliht lht»t »'>»>'»!(
nothing I, ,, olltof Talbot county courl, nnd lo mo di Ttil
ed to the nubs Tibet on rrrcntiotts, will please cause,, if any they have, why the said William undignified, acurnLius or vindicate, will »«u . ._,.,,,u_ a,r.,jnsl against Wrighlson
„ #ono», «l tho suit of cf Willt for Talbul county
bear in mind that lh" nb.ive mentioned tiire >Vill us usual leave Baltimore eve'y Tues- 1 lodges should not have the benefit of the place in If. ' William Skinner, ............
will be sold at the front door
will be tho extent given »:i any cxpenlion in dny and Friday morning at 7 o'clock, I'or An- said acts of Assembly. Tho "Young Men's Paper" will bo printed of the court house in the town of Easton, on
my hands us Sheriff or Inte Deputy Shciiif inpolis. Cambridge, (via the company's wharf Given under my hand the 4th day of July on a royal sheet, quarto form, with new lyp« TuesDAi ihe 12ih day of August next, for cash
In compliance to the above order$
andiftha plaintiff directs. I shall he compell- atCiisllelmve.il) nnd East.m, returning will 18.U. c subscription price ofJS.OO per annum, belwcen the. hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 6 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,

'iiri'.....-."'.'-1 .'" f" """"'

ed to ndverlise sooner. Therefore, 1 say again leave Easlon every Wednesday and Saturday „, $,-i.50ifpaid in advance. That the subscriber of Tilbot county hath
E.N. HAMBLETON. 'clock,!'. M. of said day, the following pro- obtuincd from the Orphan** court of Talbot
LOOK OUT! 7 (, o'clock, lor Cambridge, (via Cas'lchaveii) July U Advertisement inserted on the usual ternn perty, viz: All that Farm purchased nf \Vil- oui.ty, i» Maryland, loiters of Administration
JOSEPH GRAHAM, Shff. Anmijxilis and Baltimore. Passage from Bal Tii ft following named gentlemen have con- liam Skinner by Wrightsor, Jones, bMiii part on tho personal estate of Thomas Binning
July 06 if ttniern to Castlehaven or Easton f,-2. sented to contribute to the columns of tho of a tract of land called "Ray's Point," and late of Talbot cuunty dec'd. ,<!l,]>«rsou h»T-
On Monday the : l«t inst. sl,« will commence Lumber I'or Sale. Young Men'* Paper. |iar"tof a tractOf laud called "Tlie AdveuUue," ingcluims^apainsl the said deaeo^'d's «ttat6
Notice. lh o routes from Baltimore, to Corsica nnd Ruv.R. Breekenridge, Professors.N- R Smith containing one hundred nnd four and a quarter are hereby xvurned to ctliibit the tame with
FOR SALE, al Easton Point, n vessel load " .1. G Morris, " E. Gcddings, acn* of land more or less. The above men- the proper vouchers thereof lo the subscriber
THE subscriber offers for rent the ensuing Ch c«(ertown, lenving Baltimore every Mon- of Lumber, among which is some nice Chesmit " J. A- Collins,
day morning at G o'clock and return same da «« J. T. Diicale), tioned property i« «ituitled on Broad Croek on or before tho 1st of January next or the;
year, thu farm in \Yya where Geor/ra Nubia fencing and flooring plnnk. It will bo sold " (i. W.Miugravu, J. A. Miller, near St. Michaels, and will be aold to satisfy may otherwisu by law, l:e excluded from all
now lives. Also, his farm adjoining Cul. Passage as heiotoforc. low for cash, il laken nwny immediately.
All baggage, packages &c at tho risk of the " J. Johns, " S.K.Jonn'ing* the above meiitionml vendilioni exponaa, nnd benefit of the said estate.
Uughlell's residence, whereon James Under- GOLDSBOROUGII & LEONARD. (iiven under my h»nJ this SOlh day of JuDe
wncr or owners thereof. Easton, July 12. G. Cookman, Francis Wators.U. D the interest and cost duo and lo become due '.t, l> vii'litren hiinilreo »nd thirty four.
wood now resides. J-'or terms apply to ' .M'.K.Henshnw, Pr. J. Fonorden,
Uy order thereon. Attendance by ANTHONY BANNING, idrnV
J. Loockiiman. U G.TAYI.OR, Commander. ' AVm. McKonuey H. DicVehut, A. Jt. Jos. Graham, 5 vt TVuiiaa IXinniug, duc'd.
July 19 3\v MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS N. f Brooks, A. M.
April IS Jun« ?I
FOR SALE AT TIH..^ OFFICE t)aUimcr«, June tl
FOR UENT OR S VLB, j JYeu?and Splent
Well dona Old Roman! with deserved atvlaiml F RESH SPIN* G GOODS
POKTHY. Thy Cictar-tiuiking cohorts hail thy name,!
Loud peal tho triumph shouts, and hymns of
Received at t/ia Store of
Who can exhibit the latest styles and Faah
My properly upon the
Choptanli river, within the limitB of the town
of Grccnsborough, consisting, as 1 suppose, of
South East side of
(For tho Easlon Gazette.] praise, about
ons cither for Ladies or Ucntlomen.
To hii Imperial Miijetty, the "Great Hero of Three wars and fifty fraysl may 17 Twenty acres of Land;
EMPEROR ANDREW I. Now, to the peaceful Hermitage retire;
a new brick Store House, fur th«
on his kpving Wailiinxtcmfor the Hermitage Midst thy loved groves the fragrant breeze re- [GENERAL XUV KRT1SLMF.MT. ] sale of Merchandise; a new and val*
Jt'LY, 1834. spire. SEEDS, TREES, PLANTS. DOMbb u:iu' e Granary, capable of stowing BOOTS AND SHOKS. Has just received from Philadelphia
TIC ANIMALS, IMPLEMENTSV from six to eig-ht thousand bushels THE subscriber lias just returned from Balti-
Thou Chief of Heroes, and of human-kind Yet, like Tiberius, on Caprea's isle, BOOKS, f,-c. ike. of grain one other gianary, more, and is now opening the best assortment Baltimore
Wisest and Best, (in' t!iy own Matchless Thou, ever mindful of thy Home tho while, roil SALE AT THE n fresh supply of
ill leave the great Kejanus of the day, AMERICAN FARMER ESTABLISH- A BLACKSMITH SHOP of BOOTS and SI IOES, that he has ever had.
His friends and thfi public are requested to call VO1
rniud!) and TOOLS a largo and valunbl SADDLERY,
Tho toils of a tomp(>'.uous session o'er, Kendall, to work thy wrath on all who may, MENT, <"<&! . Harn and Corn House, a new Bricli and see him. lie is determined to sell at tho 17
most reduced prices for cash Ho has also
Thy hst great victory famed on every whore; Impious, thy mandates dare dispute or his: A'o. Ifi South Culvert Street, iMtimnre AM, Dwelling House, lately occupied bj
at variety of Palm leaf Hats, Blacking, &c.
Tha Bank and Biddle taught thine arm to That, Sire, a sin less deadly were than th'u- '1 he, subscriber presents his respects to tar_ Jnmea 0. Key nor St. Cu. There is also two FOR
Go take thy "golden rest" awhilo, and then mers gardeurrs, and dealers in .Seeds through other A small farm in Miles Rivet nerk, t$\n\. fj SATVT
dread, jut ihe United Stales, particularly h'w custom-
Welcome thy war trump's glorious note again! ers, and informs thooi that he has received liRTCK DWELLINGS, HOUSE SIGN S,- ORNAMENTAL ing the lands of Col. Edward Lloyd and 1), S BY AL.EXI
Worse than tho routed legions of Sir Ned*; This properly is situated immcdi- PAINTING. E. Spedden, called "Whratland" this fsrljl
The fragrant Hermitage invites you, where, I1ARUCH DOWNING, from A'uiopo, from is own Seed Garden, and ._-__- nu-.ly upon the Choplank river, al William H. Hopluns respectfully informs ia beautifully situated on Hunting Creel; ,
A uul'.on erica, "Heaven speed you tj repa:.r, Poet Laureate. from various parts of this country, his the headf of the navigation, and has been es- 10 Citiv.ens of Easton, and the public geuer- river nhoundiiig with fish and oysters,)
Sir Edward Packenhani. annual supply of FIELD AND GARDEN lo execute if Pined a stand for business ccpial to any in the lly that he has commenced the above buai- is of the best quality, and well calculated fcJ
Yet, a brief space, Dread Monarch! deign to ^Caius Mariua, an "Old Kotnaii"of similar SEEDS; and lhat he is prepared ood purchaser the property may css in tho wing adjoining Messis Ozmon wheat or corn the improvements are, a Per annum, payf
kidney. terms or nd Shanahan's Cabinet shop and directly two story framed house with kitchen, si
stay, l-'Man-midwife,'' Vc. illnding to his bein Dwelling, pposite McNcal &. Robinson's Variety Store, house, stable, barn, &c. Theabove deseriW,
And, as upon the "glorious eighth," survey the c<ita-paw to usher tho Treasury Hank pro icnted upon .vhero he is prepared to execute c.very variety farm will be sold low and on accommorlalim. Jfot exceeding
The well won balilu-field, the vanquished foe ject to light. to me, at if painting with neatness &. despatch, mid at terms. Apply to A. Graham, 01 to tho subset".
{Mr. S. assured his political friendsat W FRUIT and ornamental I roes and plants either in person or by letter, or to uch prices as he hopes will accord with the prcs her. for ONE DOl
Yet made bat half thy sovereign halo to know
tint his district was perfectly staunch. gnpiwiues,
° ' , -shrubbery,
. i"i iiuoseU'.rrv.i nraspberry' i mv agent' near - ,,Ihe
" promises,
. ." ,,
" -
Hooper ,,
~ Hud- lure of tha times. He solicits a trial, and feels
D JAS. II. RENSON enrrs for ever j|
currant, and strawberry plants, bulbous and -P.. fcn « ' r^ " assured that it will ensure a continuance of april 5 tt (W)
A suddun vision flits before my eves, other flower ro.ils, will nt iho proper seasons WILLIAM IIUGHLETT. public patronage- Easton and Baltimore Packet. SCEN
I see thy *J\luri\u form before me rise., LOUIS A. CiODfcY bo procured to order, from the best sources, in- Galloway, Talbot co, Juno 14, -Iw All orders from the country thankfully re- n
Quivering with god-liko rage, na ruur.d and
Having become lolt proprietor of lh»
chiding all ihe principal nurseries
in this country, for most of which tho subscri-
and gardens ceived and promptly executed; also Old Chairs SLOOP THOMAS TI
repainted and Gilded in the latest stylo.
. far, ber is agent; also, PROPOSALS We had
Thou scowlst upon the lessening din of war! June -28.
PLOUGHS; harrows, cullivatorp, straw FOR ri'DLISHING THE llarlior for s
AVith fist sublimely clenehud and glance of cutters, wheat tans, corn shelters, threshing parture of an
flip, A Monthly Magazine containing machine*, and all other kinds of agiicillural Si KASTON GAZETTE WAS committed to thn .Tail of Frederick sailing had at
horticultural iui|ilemonts, will he procucd from County on ihe 17th day of May last, as a run- GEORGE VV. PAKROTT, Matter. ifA gracplol1
I hear theo thus pour forth thy regal .re: Talcs, original and selected, In tin extended and improved farm,
Monl and scientific F.ssays, the best maiuitUcturicu in UaUimor(, at the away, a dark negro man who calls himself THIS splendid new coppered and cop, wind which
BY the generous ofl'er of a gentleman wcl SAM GALAWAY, 0 fastened sloop, jusl launched, and finished in '
"Slaves! when I set iny life upon a cast, Poetry, from Ilie best Author*, ii«iiufncturers' prices. . known throughout ihe Slate, to superintcn ho is about 6-i years of age, 5 fcot 2 1--2 inch- and promise!
The quarterly representation of Lady's DOMESTIC ANIMALS parliruhrly cat- , l|l(J AKrlcll | lura | an ,] Political departments (- the most complete and commodious manner fct
(And know that life will nut be cheaply sold!) rieedy arriW
Fashions, adopted in Philadelphia Col- tie,.(the improved Durham Ni.iuli.rn, _ the ^ , am ,, riahl.3(l to propose to pulj es high. Wad on when committed, a drab thn accommodation of passengers, (with dininff fleet was con
Deemed yee that battle ftnt would ho the
Deemed oured. Devon, and the //.dsteui breads; Shc^ «t tho , lsj( a ,,,,1|rnal parliou)ar! y devoted to Airrtcul coat and pantaloons, green vest, an old fur hat- cabin and state room,) has commenced her
Music, of the newest slylc, &c. See- Bakowc-ll, .Southdown, and various n|e W.KI!- , uro and l.uli , icSi wnirjn ( fl.lttor raygcl ,- wj - says he belongs to John Dorsuv near Balti- rcguhr trips between Easlon and Baltimore
of vessel* of
last, more. The owner if any, is hereby requested leaving Easton every Wednesday morninj sought the
Unless ils smoking whirlwinds should pnfold Prliliilirti rei'Vlarly on thrfirtl tlity of rrery rd breeds; Swine of several valuable kinds, es Kierll and receive an extended patronage. loeome. and have him released, he will other- at 9 o'clock, and the Marylandwharf (Corner's]
miinth iifvYci. 3 .Jf/,fiii<m Ruildings /Vim/; /in pcc.ially of thn Barnit?. breed, Dogs of several From K> irritation*-, long produced by polil the many pi:
The MONSTER an.1 its d**"d abettors fan!,
vaiiei ies f,,r the farmer and sportsman, various I caf wa ;farc , i",' has'been hitht-r'to Ihougb'i best t wise be discharged accordino- to law. Baltimore, every Saturday at the aame hour. lime infeslet
In helpless, hopeless, bloody ruin rolled, kmrfs of Poultry, slid, as white lurkus, Bro S(.*.:. M ,othpscint.'resling8nhjontsny.rJvin-rtlieii MAHLON TALBOTT Sheriff This packet has two ranges ot commodious din Wands,
"Tiod down and trampled? that this red right -----anil
iven - ' Westphalia gec-ir game
\v eslphalta geiMe, ~- aid ' olhpr
-' -" l ' .... » J .' of Frederick County. berths furnished with tht. best beds and bed.
EMnBI.I.IMIK.l) WITH possession of distinct papers as U was sn| Nat, Intelligencer, Washington, and Gazette ding the table will be supplied with the clumsy
fowls, and several other species of knimals, posed that all parties would unite in the fir.-i pile vessel o
hind beautij'ul mid extensive variety n/ till ol rhoieest breeds, (ami no others) lire, rilh- whilst none b'it partisans of one cast woul Easlon, will copy theabove 8 times and charo-e every article in season calculated to trur,.
Would execute by halves my heart's demand.' M. T. ister to the comfort of tho passengers Barque of P
er kepi for sale at thn experimental anil breed- be Jikfily lo take an interest in the other.
ENGRAVINGS, ing farm of this establishment or can b« pio- \Vhere political disciicsinns and comment June M__________8t __ ______ iml every attention will be given to lhe°waiitj of the Me
"Tretnblo ye serf*! for by my grinding From urignal mid sclented designs, both col- enrrd fr.im the best sources, lo order. of I huso who may patronize the packet. h»nd»om« I1
am marked with personal offunce and Hide in 150 Dollars or 100 Dollars ful and fait
wrath I eurpd and plain, with two engraved '1'i- BOOKS, agricultural, horlieultiiril, and trillions u pun feelings, then: seems to be a in Freights will receive the ?ame prompt and
Thai wrath none e'er encountered with impu- tlt I'nzes, ami two distinct /iu/c.cc«, hot:inicnl, in much irrealer vario'y thai at Ihe ce.ssity for tl'.is separation. But if a papc punctual attention as ever, and the smallest Slatns, the I
(intended to perfect separate lii,okslon:s, soinuof thorn rare and parlicularly • maintains ils own principles am views of pub order thankfully received and strictly fulfilled and the 1
nity! volumes in the yrar.) valuable, kept eoiislaully fur sale. ' lie men a'ld things " fearlessly ami wilh deco as far as practicable. all v»i«h
Ye who have, reckless, dared to cross my ALSO RAN AWAY from tho Farm of Col. Nich- SAMUEL H. BENNT.
In short, all ttrticlcs wanted by fanners and ruin, ihe union of these interesting topics woul olas Goldsborough, near Easton, where he was
path, .f r/im'c# Cullrrtiimif MUSIC, original ami gaidners in tho prosecution of their business only enable those of a different political way Eitston Point, may 6 24 jaiitic. 1
elected, arranged for the Piano or Gi i- hired, early on Sunday morning
Deny the Executive its Sovereign unity! am intended either to be kept on ham,', or pro- thinking to hear (he other side of the question last, the 18th inst. a tall copper-co- Et\ston and Baltimore Packet, by tnerican *h
inr, wilh nearly tl(M) Pages large oc- cured when ordered, for a small commission. \Vitlioiitmcaning however to press this vion
Or question the Experiment it hnth loured negro man, named more, a '
tavo Letter Press, and only jCj»And though last in order ken', yet j of the subject, I must say, that Iho real dcsigi way of Miles lliver, felt a sec re
My L. L. D.-ship pleased on the community
Three Dollars per annum. FIK*T IN iMPtniT\N<:r. lo nvery til let of iho I fn uniting these two highly interesting topic
goihind knipcr of Domestic Animals, Ihe sub- is to give greater interest to tho paper, and ti ___ LEVIN,
To try. by cudjjpl, pistol, fire and sword, cast my cy
scriher oilers lo ilium THE SEtDS OF make it more worthy of general attention. about six feet high, thirty years of age with uffcringtn
Perdition sweep your whole rebellious horde! Each nnrnbrr of this periodical contains 48 med head i
,'jes of extra royal octavo iMtrr press, printed KNOWLEDGE in thuir vocations! '-fresh i How far ihe plan can bo made accoplablo I long arms and logs and in general a fine look- There wa«
"Ye who've presumed my glory to disparage, with clear, new and hr autiful type, (arranged anil genuine," having been carefully fathered' ' thn public taste, must bo lefl to tho sequel, i ing fellow, belonging to the subscriber, as Ex- SCHOONER WILLIAM & HENRY,
alter tho manner of tho l.oii'lon Labetle As- from the fluid of experience, and the (firdcii of c:i ic a sii.iirioni patronage is extended to just ecutor of Mrs. Rachel L. Kcrr, deceased.
but was dr
My Orleans Gr.ORT, Veto GLORY or, place and
scienro thn whole done up in papers Hid la-j ly the increased expenses to be incurred in This follow made off with two other negroes, JAMES STEWARD, MASTER.
(However rife with blunder or miscarriage,) srmiilcc,') on paper (,f the finest texture ami belled "THE FARMEIl'AND'GAlDEN- i wages for addilional labour, typo and other n,a- belonging to Gentlemen of this covmty, the graceful ci
whitest color, /t is embellished with splendid Thesubscribers beg leave to inform the public
Against tho Bank my lust, most GLORIOUS ; ! on Copper and Steel, excentoil by ER, AND LIVE STOCK. BREE^KR Hi j turials as well as in procuring the most inter- one a negro lad, named JACOB, who is de- that the above fine, fast sailing, now and sub, in beauti.
.iitists of the highest skill and diftlinctiun, ami MANAGER; and dispensed from the/l'i.'/i/ig-J cstiug papers and works relating to Politics scribed to mo as of a tawney complexion a-
oini; ov,.ry vnrioly <»f floV»jt»otd. Amt.ng of this tst.ihlishmi nt every Fruity in and Agriculture, which cannot be had by tho boulfive feet seven or eight inches high la- suntiaUy built, copper fastened Schoon- thins; presi
the t'lir cit a weekly Agricultural Paper, X $5 ordinary interchanges among F^litors ami tho bours with his body in walking, Iho other a r., is now in complelo order for the rccepUo-
C"H make yo a <lr«a«i tncflmtrlc l*j (t far «t"<S
Of those who've ventured 'he triumphal car are illustrations of /'opular Legends, Ro- aloft, the J
mantic Incidents, Atlraclive See i>rv, and por a yr>:ir, payable ill advance. procuring which, cannot be risked until I can necrro man named Phil!, about twenty four of frieghl and Passengers; having a very com-
Of .Heaven's anointed kings to block the way traits of Illustrious FemaUs. Tho number N. !! This periodical is essentially siuilm ascertain the, public opinion in relation to tho years oT age a dark mulatto about five feet modious Cabin, she is well calculated for tho bound to t
to; commencing rach quarter contains a picture ol to tht laic AMERICAN FARMER, the Inn, and (heir disposition to sustain il. six inches high. accommodation of Gentlemen and Ladies. breechinz.
thn existing /'hiladclphia Fashion*. <fr.iiV;ir</, pnblie:ition of which has boon for KOIIK: lime That tin; plan can be rendered acceptable I It it very certain thai these fellows have Shf. will commence running as a regular «v*ry fib
.Ml hang, and make ye all thw hangman pay have no doubt, if adequate encouragement is madn their way to Jersey or Delaware or I Ackot between the above named places and
drnicn, eiiifrure'l find coloured cxprissly for pusl suspended. Aildie-s running ri
too! lhi» work, by competent persons specially en I.IRVINE IHTCIICOCK, given. I Philadelphia as they were sren travelling to- will leave Miles River Ferry on Sunday ibu belay ins!
gaged for thai pu r ponc. The Ambollishnieiiis Ameri'Mii Farmer Eslablsbuijit. It may perhaps ho thought by some, that iho ' gel her on the Main road in that direction, on i:id of March inst. at U o'clock, A- M-, for Bal- 1 had fmi
"Cslhoun, Clay, Webster, it shall bout you of this character which have appeared in form Notf>. An '-Extr.x" miribcr of llm Firmer depressed and reduced condition nf ourcoinitry } Sunday moining last. timore* Returning will leave Light Street
«ncf, I ti
et numbers, ate confessedly superior to any containing a /'rospeotusof the E^lablisblii'iit, p<usenl lime renders it an unsuitable, 1 will pay a reward of ono hundred ami wharf, Baltimore, opposite the store of A- B-
little, ward* the
To rirale of law t<j one, who himself is which have horn furnished in any other similar and a catalogue ol'Seods anil other iirtiells for occasion lo pill forth proposals for a Journal, fifty dollars fur the delivery of Levin to me //t.rrison, at 9 o'clock, A- M on the fol- fall upon
American publication, and from the arrange- sale, will be sent gralis to any pi!rsnn;who thai is to require patronage al iho hands of tho in Easlon, or one hundred dollars for securing lowing Wednesday, and will continue to run rolled in
The Law and Constitution to a tittle, ments which ht vo hei'ii made,, there is every hall furnish his address, [tost paid, fu i ihut lu-iiplu -The remark ia obviously a plausible him so that I "vt nim again. on the abovo named days, during the season.
Knew ever earth audacilj like this! reason to believe Ihey will be improved in the pnrpose. irie, and would be irresistible, if iho Journal JOHN LEEDS KERR. Slio will take on board and land paaecnjjers al gaff th«
My Hickory cario your backs may not befit iccming voli volumes. In addition to llm Embel ilKi'.lfdnl not mainly contemplate an agency in Easton, Md. May iM, 1S.M. W.n. Townsend's; going to and from Balti- protectio
\liMinip.nlsjti refi'rird to, every number con- tiiruisbiiig to the People tho information and n.tre. Our c
I laiu« si;vei»l pni»T.»viti|^s on tvood, representing the aids necessary lo meet the crisis, and to en- TO THE 1'UKLIO. All orders left at the Drug Store of Messrs. moulded
Since wilh you Protests go so macli amis.'i. ) {,\, re i (r,, ,i ni\ > a tive Scenes, curious and inter able them to reslore thill slate of comfort and THE undcmynnd haviuii been appointed Sjiencer and Willis, Easton,or with Mr. Jas. <acit beV
i inaV« the ntxt tenfold moie biting; j puling SubjecU, Natural Hibtoiy, Enlomologv SELECT CIRCULATING LWKiRV. prosperity from' which
- , so - causelessly, , ", andi s,
lln-v" have
1, , been so wan-
, y ejected., .GEOLOGIST Jordcn, at the Ferry, will be etiictly attended would tt
I'LL tm TUB ' Mineralogy, Conchulogy, Humorous lueidents tonly, lawless ,,, , , advifiah , uto(f)the m;lke Slainfc * of '.Uarv'aml
l > ^' to. The Subscribers, intending to use every
lle, docs vh« tcrtiini?, bul
OrnamRiilal ProduclionH, Embroidery, .ind o
HiibL'sJriiiH Hit liniiuiciis if .'\'u snail Pressed down as the people am . heir pccii- ,,)W cui.,;( ,ls th(> duli ,; , tlmU! s ,c h exertion to give general satisfaction, solicit th» taffrall e
VIUHTIMU! ther needlo work, Riding, Dancing, iVc. l)e A description of Iho fashi.mablc walnring mary concerns by measures equally niinous! apooinlnicnl , In •„ lirwi , ^l.r U'fo natronage of the public. cean, a»
side* ono or more pieces of popular music, ar places in Germany, by an old man, wilt form and ahsurd-cxcued and indignant as they : ^nm thorn of his readiness to satisfy satisfv he WM. TOWNSEND and darkly f
"FioiiTiwo.' that »ord is music (hum and ranged for the Piano or Guitar- thn comineiiceinent of the fourth voluui! of | ought to bo at the high handed, unconsliliition- their «ve« we
I i.ii|iiirics as well as of the most convenient JAS. STEWARD.
VValdio's Library. al, and arbitrary course that arrogant and stim- N. B. For Capt. James Steward's capa-
clarion Evervsix numbers of Iho work form an fle- " i mode in which their application to him may bo
This will he followed, at an early day, by
It uiaVea rnj b\ood boil futiuus through each ganl volume, suitable fur himliii'r, and with llm Memoirs of Henry Maseru do la'i'udc, . ulated power has adopted, patience for a "-' in:iile. city and attention to business, as a commander trt, t»ntl
arteiyl these are furnished ;;rnlniiously a superbly who was confined for thirty fivu yca:s in tho nicNl under such sullering would be couslrueil It is the duty of th,! Geologist "to make, a of a vessel, thn public aro referred lo Messrs. fied of
longraved Title P:igc, and a gi-iicfsl index of dill'crent Stato Prisons in France, now first into acquiescence thai would lend to swell thi ' complete, a minute, jrcohwrical survey Nicholas Goldshorough Tench Tilghtnan, glance;
Look jrc! vile glares! the next campaign I'll Contents. 1 i-. . . . "* . ' Bcnjisfi.ir Bowdle dud John Nownam, of lhi§
translated into English. co> nty.
carry on, Tho typographical execution of lli^ Lady's Thn woilis published in thn current Volume, affcctio
To shame even my immortal cotton battery! March 5'
Book is Hiieli that thn proprietor challenger, now »n the point of completion, aro the follow- board li
Chambers, McDuflie, Everett, I dare ye, on comparison with any Magazine, whether KII- ing: pleasur
Yuur worst peril flout me! I will scatter ye, rnjiean or iliiieriran. The hr.t nmteiials and Kriiit/.jicr, or the (ierman's Tale, a novel, NOTICE. was '
thn ablest workmen are employed, and the by the anihor of (Canterbury Tales. THE Partnership heretofore existing under
Poindextor, Binney, Prcslon imps of evil most scrupulous rnjard is pniil in neatness, _.. thn other subdivtsi U.o Hlato thfe firm of
Mcmoi.'s of Sir Jumes Campbell, ol'Ard- seek through bUd ghter the son of
Wilde, Adams, Leigh, a Burgess, to tho d""l! hnrtnony, and uniformity, in. the atrangeiii^ni l>inn<>lass; written by himself: a vciy pii(tianl lion tit.. u ,loss loo . ,,ii ro j ):x.r!l " with as much expedition an,
great to be. borne, involving ; 1|(, ' »" Thompson & Hnrpcr,
of the various subjects which compose Ihe let- book, conl.iining anecdotes of most of the dis- all lhat is dear to the hcnrt of man. Thecri-| , utern,
» n _^l , " is now dissolved by mutual consent. All per- felt, as
"Ay! note my faithful fellows: ISagc Mc- ter-press. tinguished individuals of the lasl sixly years. sis callw forth tho proposal it is necessary to H"il ho snail nreniuu ' laj bct'ori! ihe legisla- sons indebted to tho firm, are requested l'i mako
Good Sir Walter; s tale, by iho author of net the loss .of (inn; may be ihe, loss of all ture at ihe commencement of every session a «hould
Kim The Literary department of tin; Lady's
the object is to prepare the means to make detailed account of all remnrkablo discoveries payment lo Thomas Harper, who still contin- fell fro
Projector of my Glory Bank, and Benton, Book comprises every thing which \fi deciwc" Family Portraits. undo, and the progtKssof the work." ues the business, and has constant!) for sale a
suitable for that sex lo whoM! nae it tn princi The Broken Heart; t druiual'tc sketch, from known to the Pooplo ilieir real condition, (ho handsome assortment of anrout
Who for a quick-abut can compare witb hin ; pnlly devoted. Tales, which are. dislingui»h- tho Italian- "It Khali further bo his duty "at those sea- mo for
causes that have produced it, and the way to sons not suited to tho activo prosecution of the
And Joel, aa sharp a tool as e'er was sent on rd by interesting incidents, vigorous narrative, Romp in llip Nineteenth Century; in a Se- resist it. Beaver, Otter ami Muskrat trntin
!;>Milogical survey, to analyze and ascertain the
Old Nick's behest; there's Polk, mycorpo- chaste dicliui, and iho ali.iiMicc of uiankish rbs of Idlers written during a residence in Lnt not this language he misinterpreted qualities and properties of all specimens ol
t»l Ttiro, sentiment; Poetry, in which sense ban nut bi en thai city, by a Lady. wo speak in all we sav in the spirit aV.1 under mineral substances or soils lefl al his office or *lhese
sacrificed to sound, hut \vhereglo\ving lliuuglii.s Tim D.aVnnil Dumb Pa;'c, a Talo. tho aauclion of tho Cousliluliuu and thV Law residence, for that purpose, by any citi'/.en raised.
The fthrewdeai dog thkt o'er my coll»t went aro sensibly expreswd, Essays upon pleasing Anecdotes of the Court of Louis the XIV.; it \H tin; triumph of these we aim al as iho of iho Slate, and taken fro.n any portion of iho
on; and instructive subjects; Biographical Minii-h- y iho l)u!(r <il'St. means under Heavens merciful behests, of re- Territory of Ihe Slate.
The Black \Vateh; :iu Ilistori'-al Novel, by tart t
With honttt jStoddert, Bcstdslcy, Cambrc- us of Illustrious Women; Anecdotes, unlaiuled storation lo happiness and peace* In pursuance of ihose duties, tho undersign- first i
leng, by indelicate inuendoes; lively Bon-rno's, and the author of the Dominie'; Legacy; Sec- &.c. ed ia about to proceed immediately to the which he is disposed to sell on terms to init
huti\uiuu(i topics chuerfiilly bnt modestly treat- Our, of the hi-sl novels say the London Mag- belov
White, Wright, a»d Jarviu, Kavanagh, and cd, eonr-itilute, along with (lesi'ri'.itloim of tho a/ines of the pre'fnt day. Eastern Shore of Maryland, where ho will re- Iho pressure of the times- All orders thank-
TERMS. main until iho end of June, after which he fully received and punctually attended lo. I cou
King, various eiuliellishiiienl, the reading of the Tndur's new book of Travels in Mexico and Tho papp.r Is intended to bo called "Tiir. I RT«
Cuba. will visit the counties lying between thn Pa- 1HOS. HARPER.
Work. MARYLAND COUNTIIY JOURNAL AND F.ui- tuxotit and Potomac river.s, proposing to make Ea«t*n, June 1834. whicl
"And, bnt what signifies ennmcra- Though enormous expenses havo been in- Allan ('iiniiingham'a Biogrdphical aiul Crit- MKHS SOCIAL COMPANION," lo be published his examination of this portion of the State could
ting? curred in making ibis work deserving of the ionl yinrn.
History of Litotsturo for Iho last fifty twice a week during Iho session of Congress, during thn months of July and August. His $100 REWARD. he 1<
I have tho larks, you'll find it to your cost, immense patronage it has received, thn pro- which will also embrace llm period of tho ses- cabinet duties cJinnol ihorefiro he commenced
llrli-n, a Novel, by Maria Edgownrth. sion of the General Atisenihly of Maryland RAN off from the subscriber between Sat- were
Drilled, ready cocked and primed, to stop prietor docs not mean lo relax in his nxerlicns. of a West India Proprietor, kept and onco a week the rest of the year Satur- before the month of September. Desirous, urday 17th and Wednesday iho ed.
Wherever improvement can In: made, he i« do however, that no avoidable delny should be dead
your prating. tcrminrd to accomplish it, without regard to during a resilience in iho Island ol Jamaica, by day ami Tuesday, days of publication. 'i I st uf this month of May, a ne-
the late, Matthew (i. Lewis, Esq. M. P. au- experienced by such of his fellow citizens as haul
What matters it if Pennsylvania's lost? cost or labor, confident thai ho will bo amply thor uf the Monk, kc. Tho price of thp paper lo Subscribers will are interested in thn subject ot'his investigation gro lad named
hi! My backwoods' boys aro but my mandate remunerated.
waiting, The terms of tho Lady's Book arc ihreo frnm a new work entitled Nights of the Round of the year.
bo *i.i 00 por annum one hnlf payablo at thn
Tho CuraiJ's rl'^|p, or Practical Joking, time of subscribing, Iho other half at the end Iho undersigned has inadn arrangement with
Mr- Philip P. Tyson, of iho firm of Tyson
dollars pel annum, payable in advance. Table. and Fisher, No. Ifl'J Baltimore glroet, to re- of lawney complexion and about men
To drub tho Dutch, and all the recreant bust Where tho wholo subscription run? duo for ceive during his absence tho specimens of 5 foot 7 or 8 inches high his countenance ia then
IcyPiirHons remitting ten dollum nhall bo The Three, \Vrslminster boys, or t'owper,
Of Yorkers and New-Jorseymcn to boot, entitled tu four copies of the work. lr_jL'Per Lord .__..._.._...
Chancellor. Thurlow,
,,, ., three mouths over iho year, it enhances ihe
and Warren Hart- subscription dues fur each year twenty live mineral substances, soils, waters, &c. which ho shows his whi'e teeth a good deal when ho
rather mild, but changeable when spoken lo a di
And, by Ihe living thunder they shall do 't! sons remitting Jijlecn dollart shall bo ontilled^jngs, cuntraKtcd, from iho .
may bo submitted. Any information concern- nm
to six copies of tho work, and addilional cquies A Narrative of ihe Shipwreck of llm Anto-
per cent. ing these, not requiring to ho determined on speaks in his ordinary walk he is laboured con
uf tho host Engravings. |c7"'PerHons procu- lopo at Pcjew, in 173.1, and a brief but accurato The present Subscribers to iho Easton Ga- an elaborate investigation or analysis, will bo and seems to work his whole body. 7t is sup-
zello will be, considered as suliseiibers lo Tho furnished by Mr. lyson; furthei information posed he wont ofTon tho Saturday before or imp
ring fen nr.w tvbtcriuer.i, and forwarding the accnnnlot Prince Le llou . him
cash for the same, bosidcR a discount ol'liftccn Maryland Country Journal, unless forbidden will bn communicated by tho undersigned Sunday of the Whitsuntide Holydays Ho is
All tho above cost in tho "Library" but #J by Ilium. a shrewd and specious fellow whoever will 1
per cent, shall be presented with a copy of tho himself at the earliest convenience.
third volume of tho work superbly bound. No Subscription discontinued until nil ar- J. T. DUCATEL. deliver to the eubsciibcr the said absconding mo
Offico No. 207 Chcsn.it strert, |,el,, w 7th. servant, or secure him BO that the subscriber of i
JCyUnciuront Notea of sol vent banks rcceiv. rearages tun paid up, without the consent of H Lexmgtan street, Baltimore.
SnbscrtpUons to \Vald i(! '8 Seloct C.rculating tho publisher of the paper. can gut turn, shall receive the nbovo reward* equ
ed at par value. Library which IH published every week, at «S May 17, 1834 lUw
An oxlra copy of tho wotk, or any Informa- per annum, thankfully receive,! liy Advertising, not exceeding fi square, nt n ROB'T. U* GOLDSBOROUGH, cat
tion respecting it, nmy bo obtained by address- cost of ono dollnr for ihreo Insertions, nnd near Easton Tnlbot county rn«
ADAM WAI.DIE, twdfliy fivu confs tut «vcry sub/rrmionl insertion MAGISTRATE'S BLANKS Eastern .c hoie of Maryland.
ing the publisher, (pottf aid ) f8

.**'.: '.I*, _ *' 1 / -.,' '. , . '' '.* '!;-- :.' v*j*.'.i»=,-..- ..-,.vi.,,,rf.f ..-,.'ii., .t *. J.:V " . . .*'"' .. '-., ,., -'••'- ' ' ' -'-J- '« - f^ I -*-*£*izx*f-.'.*~&&ti*iaifi**..... '_ . ^_,._ ... ..


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