Math Ii 2020 CT 1

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ShriShankaracharya Technical Campus

Shri Shankaracharya Group of Institutions

(Managed by Shri Gangajali Education Scociety, Bhilai)
Junwani, Bhilai-490020 (Chhattisgarh), India
Nior& Asesstunt & Aeceedtabce Caund
Phone: 0788-2291605, 4088888 Fax: 0788-2291606 E-mail:

*NIRF ranking 2020 (250-300) band

B.Tech 2" Semnester Session 2020-21 Unit-I|

Semester - I|
Questi Questions Mar
Class Test-I CO BL
on No. ks
Subject Code: AM100201 Subject Name: Applied mathematics-l| 2 a) Show that
Duration: 02 Hrs Max. Marks: 40
CO3 L4 1.1.2
Min. Marks: 14

Course Outcomes (co): 2(b) Evaluate,

On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
CO 1: Use the concept of convergence and tool of power series in various problems of advanced
Mathematics. J, xydxdy ,where Ais bounded by x-axis, ordinate
L5 1.1.2
CO 2: Implement the De Moivre's theorem for finding roots of Complex numbers and use the Method of
separation into real and imaginary parts in the study of complex calculus. Also use the relation between X=2a ,and the curve x= 4ay
roots & coefficient and transformation to solve Algebraic Equations.
CO 3: Use the Multivariable Integral Calculus for finding Area and Volume and to employ the Beta and 2(c)
Gamma functions for evaluating improper definite integrals. Solve the integral by change the order of integration
CO 4: Differentiate and Integrate Vector functions and apply Stoke's, Gauss and Divergence theorem for CO3
easier evaluation. L5 1.1.2
CO 5: Fit Linear and Second order Parabolic curves to given set of data, And use Correlation and Regression dydx
for Interpolation or Extrapolation.

2(d) Prove that

Note: Attempt Ques.1 & Ques. 2. Parts (a) of both the questions is compulsory &attempt any two parts from (b), (c) &(d) of
both the questions [m. n CO3
L4 1.1.2
B(m,n) = mtn

Question Questions
Marks CO BL P
1a) Bloom's Level Wise
Prove that
tan ilogba-b 4 CO2 L4
Marks Distribution
Course Outcome wise
Marks Distribution
1 b) Prove that the nth roots of unity form a geometric
progression. Also show that the sum of these n roots MARKS
iszero and their productis(-1) CO2 LO
2 L5

CO2 C02 CO2 CO3 CO3 CO3

1 c) Solve 6x°-25x+31x-31x+25x-6 = 0.
CO2 L5
BL- Bloom's Taxonomy Levels (1- Remembering, 2- Understanding, 3- Applying, 4 - Analyzing, 5- Evaluating, 6- Creating)
1 d) Solve 6x'-11x'-3x+2=0, given that its roots are in
1.1. CO- Course Outcomes; P0- Program Outcomes; PI Code - Performance Indicator Code
harmonic progression. C02 L5


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