The Lost World of The Dinosaurs - Armin Schmitt
The Lost World of The Dinosaurs - Armin Schmitt
The Lost World of The Dinosaurs - Armin Schmitt
Praise for
The Lost World of the Dinosaurs
“Through personal stories from fieldwork in the far corners of the world to
the latest discoveries in research laboratories, Armin Schmitt traces the
history of the dinosaurs, their evolution, and their environment. In The Lost
World of the Dinosaurs, you’ll encounter issues as diverse as the bizarre
marine reptiles of the deserts of Nevada, the ethical questions of the
scientific study of Myanmar amber, and why Tyrannosaurus rex deserves
its reputation as the most beloved dinosaur. Schmitt’s book will delight
those new to paleontology, and even dinosaur devotees will learn something
—Thomas R. Holtz Jr., principal lecturer in vertebrate paleontology at the University of
“An enthusiastic survey of the ancient world. Schmitt’s tale blends memoir,
science history, and new discoveries into an exuberant celebration of
Mesozoic life.”
—Riley Black, author of When the Earth Was Green and The Last Days of the Dinosaurs
ARMIN SCHMITT has been fascinated by dinosaurs since he was five
years old. During his studies in paleontology at Bonn, he also rose to the
position of collection manager at the university’s Goldfuß-Museum. Most
recently, he was a research assistant at the Department of Earth Sciences at
the University of Oxford. Today, he is a vertebrate paleontologist as well as
a PhD student at the University of Cambridge.
The Lost World of the Dinosaurs
Uncovering the Secrets of the Prehistoric Age
Armin Schmitt
With illustrations by Ben Rennen
For Elisabeth and Maximilian
The Great Dying
Chapter 2: New Life on Land
Chapter 3: The Dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation
Chapter 5: Argentina—Where the Giants Live
A Moral Dilemma
The Super-Lung
Chapter 9: Wyoming—The Hell Creek
Phylogeny Chart
Time Scale
Since the age of five, I have been fascinated by the giant dinosaurs of
prehistoric times. I am very grateful that my passion and purpose were
revealed to me so early on and that I was able to turn this enthusiasm for
dinosaurs into my profession. Today, when I find a dinosaur bone in the
field, I still have the same glow in my eyes as I did as a small child when I
first saw real skeletons of these giants at the Senckenberg Natural History
Museum in Frankfurt. The path from dino-crazy child to vertebrate
paleontologist, however, was not straightforward by any stretch of the
imagination. Nevertheless, I had the great fortune to be part of many
discoveries, some of them very important, even if I myself was not at the
center of the research. Some research projects I was involved in contributed
to a better understanding of the evolution of dinosaurs and other prehistoric
reptiles and fundamentally changed our view of dinosaurs. Some of that is
reflected in this book. It’s a great feeling to be at the heart of research in the
golden age of paleontology, using cutting-edge technology to uncover new
mysteries and unravel puzzles that just a few years ago were thought never
to be explained. One reason we’ve recently learned so many new things
about dinosaurs is the incredible rate at which new dinosaur species are
being scientifically described. In the last twenty years alone, more dinosaur
species have been discovered per year than ever before. Since 2003, about
forty-five new dinosaurs have been discovered each year. This is mainly
due to increased funding for research, more scientists today, and more
teams in the field. Remote sites are more accessible, and we have
increasingly accurate geological maps with precise coordinates for these
sites. It is not uncommon for new fossils to be discovered at already known
localities, and it is not uncommon for this to bring new species to light.
Also partly responsible is the rapid increase in computing power and speed
of computers and workstations, which make it possible to generate
simulations and three-dimensional models and to evaluate complex
statistics to generate phylogenetic trees of dinosaurs. And recently
discovered dinosaur species not only fill museums and provide new names
that are difficult to pronounce, but also provide insights into how different
animals were related as well as their habitats and survival strategies. Each
new find gives us ever-more-precise insights into the ecosystem of the
dinosaurs, and their external appearance even helps us better understand
their internal structure and the function of their organs. This is enormously
important because some dinosaurs had such unusual anatomies that we
cannot find anything comparable in nature today. New discoveries help us
understand how dinosaurs were able to cope with drastic climate changes
and adapt to new habitats. Dinosaurs were fascinating creatures that can
serve as model organisms to understand many mechanisms of nature and
evolution. In this book, based on several prominent examples of species of
dinosaurs, I discuss the fact that there are always new discoveries to be
made and that, despite our extensive knowledge of dinosaurs, many
questions remain unanswered.
The Great Dying
When the Earth was burning and the sea was choking
Droughts, fires, air pollution, and acid rain subsequently destroyed the
lush forests, causing the atmospheric oxygen content to drop from 30 to
about 10 to 15 percent and then remain at low levels for many millions of
years. Oxygen levels would never again reach those from the beginning of
the Permian. The effects were so far-reaching that it took almost 15 million
years for the Earth’s forests to fully recover.
“The Great Dying,” and the subsequent collapse of the ecosystems, is
thought to have been caused by mega-volcanism in Russia. The so-called
Siberian traps, or flood basalts, are a testimony to this catastrophe. These
are extensive lava flows that stretch from the Barents Sea in the northwest
to Kazakhstan in the southwest. From there, they continue to Novosibirsk
and Irkutsk in the south. In the east, they extend beyond the Lena River
almost to Yakutsk. Some of you may recognize Irkutsk and Yakutsk from
the board game Risk. The volcanic eruptions occurred in three spurts, over a
period of about nine hundred thousand years, and covered an area of 7
million square kilometers with volcanic rock. This is equivalent to almost
the entire area of Australia!
The volcanic eruptions responsible for this are considered to be among
the largest known volcanic events in Earth’s history. The eruptions took
place about 252 million years ago at the Permian–Triassic boundary and
their consequences are causally linked to the mass extinction at the end of
the Permian, or “the Great Dying.” The postapocalyptic world after the
Permian catastrophe must have come very close to our idea of hell. The
mega-volcanism in Siberia released substantial amounts of carbon dioxide,
fluorine, hydrogen chloride, and sulfur dioxide, which reacted with rain to
form sulfuric acid, permanently damaging or destroying both marine and
terrestrial habitats. Carbon dioxide emissions triggered global warming,
increasing the global temperature by 9°F in a very short period of time. We
now also suspect that the ozone layer was severely damaged by the
greenhouse gases and the fly ash, resulting in an increase in UV radiation,
in turn hampering plant growth and causing pollen malformations. Massive
forest fires accelerated the large-scale vegetation loss, and acid rain finished
off most of the plants. At that time, it only rained periodically, during the
mega-monsoon season. But then, the celestial floodgates would open wide
and pour forth torrents of caustic rain for days and weeks across the
supercontinent of Pangaea. The rest of the year was marked by terrible heat
waves, droughts, fires, and an unbearable average temperature of 113°F.
While there was still sparse vegetation in the coastal regions, the interior
landmass was dominated by vast deserts wider than even the Sahara or
Gobi deserts. The consequences were devastating. The extreme
environmental conditions increased erosion on land. This resulted in
extensive draining of the soil into the sea, leading to eutrophication effects
such as algal blooms in marine habitats. At the same time, there was a mass
proliferation of marine protozoa in oxygen-free environments, whose
metabolic products—in addition to all the gases from the massive
volcanism—released methane, halocarbons, and large amounts of hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) into the atmosphere.
In the meantime, anoxic—oxygen-free—conditions developed in the
oceans, causing all reefs and their inhabitants to die off. Rocks that bear
witness to this momentous event are called black shales, which are dark-
colored organic-rich sediments. With the formation of anoxic marine zones,
the rapid decrease in pH, and the release of methane hydrate, a mass
extinction began in the oceans. As a result of the methane escaping into the
atmosphere, the Earth’s temperature rose by a further 9°F and the upper
water layers of the world’s oceans even warmed by at least 14°F. The Earth
was burning and the oceans were boiling. The ever-increasing concentration
of greenhouse gases led to a domino effect, which we describe as a
galloping greenhouse effect, that explains why the mega-volcanism in
Siberia lasted almost a million years but the mass extinction only thirty
thousand. Initially, the changes were gradual, but as more and more habitats
were damaged and more and more pollutants were emitted, temperatures
increased faster and faster, and the collapse of the ecosystems became
unstoppable. In the end, about 95 percent of all marine species and about 75
percent of all terrestrial species became extinct during this event. Among
the few survivors were the direct ancestors of dinosaurs and crocodiles: the
so-called archosaurs.
Without this catastrophe, the triumphant rise of the dinosaurs would
probably never have happened. And so it is perhaps an irony of fate that, on
the one hand, the dinosaurs entered the world stage after a devastating mass
extinction, while on the other, they then fell victim to a mass extinction
themselves. There have been five such events of mass extinction in the
history of the Earth. Three of them are closely related to the origin of the
dinosaurs and were crucial for their unprecedented evolutionary success—
but ultimately also responsible for their demise:
The Triassic
Chapter 1
In the water itself, the situation was not much better, because here, too,
there were anoxic and oxygen-deficient zones. The sediments that indicate
these zones are the so-called black shales. The daonellids and ammonites
were apparently able to cope with this oxygen-deficient environment better
than other animal species, so much so that this habitat was largely lacking
species diversity. However, the few animal species that could cope with the
adverse conditions occurred here in abundance.
The anoxic conditions may also explain why we found ten or more
ichthyosaurs during our excavation, but comparatively few fish that receive
oxygen directly from the sea through their gills. If it were lacking there,
they would not survive. Ichthyosaurs, like whales and dolphins, are not
dependent on oxygen levels in the sea and breathe atmospheric oxygen after
surfacing. Conditions for the fish lizards were less than ideal, but the low
oxygen levels in the ocean would not hinder their development as long as
they had enough to eat. So, the local story in Nevada seemed clear, even if
the mystery of the absence of Omphalosaurus in China and its supposed
presence in the Germanic Basin still remained unsolved.
Only a study by a team from Bonn led by the paleontologist Tanja
Wintrich—who, six years after our excavation in Nevada, examined the two
jaw fragments from the Germanic Basin that had been assigned to
Omphalosaurus—helped to clarify the facts. She used a scanning electron
microscope and computed tomography to visualize the complex
microstructure of the enamel and the structure of the teeth in the jaws of
these two finds. In the case of one piece from the Lower Middle Triassic
found in eastern Poland, the characteristics of the tooth-bearing fragment
provided unequivocal evidence that the jaw was indeed that of an
omphalosaur. This was indicated by the shape of the teeth, the morphology
of the enamel surface, the unique enamel microstructure, and the peculiar
tooth replacement pattern that was unique to Omphalosaurus. The teeth of
the animal are indeed amazing. They seem to erupt from the jaw almost at
random. Microcomputed tomography shows that at least two more
generations lie dormant beneath the functional teeth. However, they do not
lie directly under the erupted teeth, but are offset, with no discernible tooth
roots, and they do not grow out of sockets, but are simply stuck randomly in
the jaw. Because we do not yet fully understand this tooth structure, Tanja
always speaks of the enigma that is Omphalosaurus.
The other piece from Rüdersdorf near Berlin turned out to be a fragment
of the left upper jaw of a placodont. Here the characteristic microstructures
in the enamel were missing; the shape and the arrangement of the teeth in
the jaw were also different. Now the story made more sense. The shallow
part of the Germanic Basin was indeed devoid of omphalosaurs, while the
find in eastern Poland was located at a sea gate connecting the Germanic
Basin of the Muschelkalk with the open sea of the Tethys. The animal had
perhaps strayed or ventured too far into the basin before dying there.
The story was then rounded off when, in 2020, Martin learned that
omphalosaur teeth had very well been found in the Anhui province, and
quite a while ago, at that. Why colleagues there had not reported these finds
and why there are no scientific articles about them is difficult to understand.
But we knew nothing of all this on that Monday in the early fall of 2011.
I made a drawing of the position of the individual boulders in relation to
each other so that the preparators could rearrange them correctly again later,
back in the laboratory. Then I was allowed to wrap the blocks with
bandages dipped in plaster and tie burlap around them. This protected them
for transport. A helicopter came all the way from the town of Winnemucca
for this, to fly them down into the valley in a huge net. Koen and I flew up
to the dig site from base camp with the pilot, an elderly Vietnam veteran
named Ted. The climb, which usually took us hours, now happened in three
minutes. Ted landed the aircraft on a bare, flat spot about three hundred feet
from the omphalosaur. He stopped only until Koen and I had hopped out of
the cockpit and nimbly stooped to get far enough away under the running
rotor blades. Then we had to load the rocks into the net and attach it with a
large hook to a rope hanging down from the belly of the helicopter. While it
was approaching again from above, we wore earmuffs, yet the noise was
still considerable. We waited by the net until the helicopter was close
enough. The rotor blades were stirring up dust, and every move had to be
executed quickly and precisely so Ted could fly away promptly. It took only
a few moments to hook up the net and then away he flew with the precious
cargo. We quickly ran to a cliff and we watched the helicopter now flying
below us through the Favret Canyon toward the valley. What an impressive
sight! We followed the helicopter on foot and descended through the
canyon. Halfway down, we passed another prominent spot, which we
dubbed Beer Point. From this vantage point we could see the base camp for
the first time, and we could already anticipate the cool beer that was waiting
for us in a cooler down there. Today we had really earned it.
The concretion with the omphalosaur skeleton being recovered by helicopter. On the ground: myself
(left) and Martin Sander (right).
Later, at the base camp campfire, the whole team ate dinner and drank water
and a few bottles of beer. Usually, we bought the cheapest beer brand.
Once, however, Lars spotted a local beer at the supermarket with an
ichthyosaur on its label, and he bought a six-pack of it. It was called
Ichthyosaur India Pale Ale, or Icky for short, and came from Great Basin
Brewing Co. It made us wonder why the brewery had a geological structure
in its name and offered a beer with a label that featured the state fossil. In
the United States, each state has its own official motto, flower, and animal,
and sometimes even an affiliated fossil. Nevada’s fossil is the ichthyosaur
Shonisaurus, a giant whalelike fish lizard from the Upper Triassic.
Since our plane was taking off from Reno anyway, we decided we’d stop
by the brewery before we left. But for now we were still sitting around the
slowly dying fire talking about the day’s work and the second big
excavation we had planned for the coming days: we were going to dig up
the sea monster of the Augusta Mountains that we had discovered on the
north flank of the Favret Canyon. This monster was so huge and had such a
big mouth that it must have eaten not fish but other ichthyosaurs. At some
point, Herman cleared his throat because he felt an itch there. And when
Koen and a little later also I felt the same itch in our throats, we knew—it
was high time for our “medicine.” Lars took out a bottle of Tennessee
whiskey, and after each one of us had drunk a good slug of whiskey, the itch
immediately subsided. Solely as a prophylactic measure, Martin and Lars
also took a sip. It had become dark around us in the meantime, and the clear
sky offered a fantastic view of the Milky Way. This place was so secluded
and free of light pollution that the stars shone brighter in the sky than
anywhere else I had known before. Those evenings around the fire,
physically exhausted but satisfied with my day’s work, that untouched
nature, the camaraderie, and the significant finds make the Augusta
Mountains a very special place for me to this day.
The big monster we wanted to excavate was located in the Favret Canyon
near where we had previously recovered Omphalosaurus, about one
hundred and fifty feet farther down the steep slope. The rocks there are
from the Anisian, the lowest Middle Triassic stage, and are about 246
million years old. The round dorsal vertebrae of the animal already
weathered out of the mountain, just rolling down the slope. The dorsal
vertebrae of ichthyosaurs are very distinctive: when viewed vertically from
above, they appear circular, and in cross-section they look like an hourglass.
We suspected that this huge animal was a Thalattoarchon. This was a
massive predator, about thirty feet long and with a huge skull. Its pointed
teeth were flattened on the sides and measured at least five inches long. In
front and back they had serrated edges, with which the animal could cut
through the flesh of its prey like a steak knife when biting down.
Thalattoarchon’s full name is Thalattoarchon saurophagis, which means
“the lizard-eating ruler of the seas.” An excellent name, in my opinion.
Thalattoarchon was the very first apex predator of the seas known to
science. It could hunt extraordinarily large prey and kill them with its teeth.
Its dentition was designed so that it didn’t just swallow its prey, as most fish
do, but could bite off large chunks of flesh from it. Thalattoarchon’s teeth
were shaped in such a way that they were unsuitable for catching and eating
smaller prey. It thus depended on eating other species of fish lizards, as its
figurative name suggests. One can perhaps compare its way of life with that
of modern-day orcas. Such hunters, which can kill very large prey and are
at the top of the food chain, are also called apex predators, and their way of
life has far-reaching effects on the ecosystem. For a healthy population of
predators to be maintained, prey must be at least a hundred times more
abundant than their hunters. Statistically, there may only be about one lion
for every hundred zebras in the savannah. In the oceans, the ratio is
different from that for land animals, but animals that serve as food for
predators must still be available in sufficient numbers before the predator’s
ecological niche can even be occupied. These niches are referred to as
trophic levels.
Since the fossil we were excavating was directly under a layer of tuff, we
were later able to determine its age with a high degree of accuracy in the
laboratory. This was important in that other index fossils such as conodonts,
bivalves, crinoids, coralline algae, and ostracods were completely absent
here—except for the ammonites, whose biostratigraphy can also be used to
determine the age of the Triassic. Besides the ichthyosaurs, the ammonites
formed one of the groups that recovered most quickly after the Permian–
Triassic catastrophe. About one million years after “the Great Dying” they
were again abundant worldwide. It is assumed that probably only two
genera of these cephalopods survived the mass extinction at the transition to
the Triassic, but already in the lowest Triassic more than a hundred genera
can be found again. Thus, a very fine biostratigraphic classification of the
Lower Triassic is possible.
Mounted plesiosaurid Cryptoclidus in Bonn, Germany, with its flippers in underwater flight posture.
Whether plesiosaurs really used their fins for underwater flight or for
rowing was not clear for a long time. To answer this question, it was not
enough to reconstruct only the arm and leg muscles; the pelvic muscles and
the muscles of the phalanges that form the winglike fins also had to be
considered. Hydrodynamics studies show that muscles serving fin rotation
in particular are necessary for efficient underwater flight. To reconstruct
muscle groups of an extinct species, we must first look closely at the
muscle attachment grooves on their bones and compare them with those of
closely related groups still living today, such as the turtles, crocodiles, and
squamates (scaled reptiles such as lizards and snakes). We also need to
understand the corresponding muscle functions in sea turtles, penguins, sea
lions, and whales to draw reliable conclusions about how the relevant
muscle groups work in secondarily aquatic animals. Studies show that
plesiosaurs were very capable of wing flapping with the front and rear
extremities, while other muscles were able to rotate the front and rear fins
on their longitudinal axes during upward and downward strokes.
Chapter 2
The small bipedal lizards that roamed around the Thrinaxodon burrow were
the archosaurs. Archosaurs consist of, simply put, all crocodile relatives and
If archosaurs are considered the last common ancestors of crocodilians
and birds and all their descendants, then this group originated in the earliest
Lower Triassic. Other definitions do not refer to a pure relationship, but to
characteristics in the skeleton that are unique to this group.
If one follows this definition, one can find the first representatives
already in the Kupferschiefer (German for “Copper Shale”) sedimentary
unit from the uppermost Permian, which is about 256 to 259 million years
old. Such anatomical features seem unimpressive at first sight, but they
made the archosaurs the real superheroes of the Triassic—or possibly, as
we’ll discuss later, the supervillains.
The cranial opening in front of the orbit (the so-called antorbital window)
reduced the weight of the skull, which was relatively large in early
archosaurs, similar to modern crocodiles. The mandibular windows
probably also reduced the weight of the jaw in some forms and better
distributed the bite forces, allowing these animals to bite harder and more
efficiently. The large process on the shaft on the posterior side of the femur
provided a large surface for muscle attachments. Stronger muscles enabled
early archosaurs to walk upright and helped them or their immediate
ancestors survive the catastrophic Permian–Triassic extinction event. The
upright gait also made it easier for archosaurs to breathe while moving
around. It freed them from the so-called Carrier’s constraint found in
Contrary to that, in human lungs, breathing air moves back and forth,
bidirectionally, as if in a tidal flow. This rhythm is the same in all mammals,
with the lungs inflated and compressed with the help of the diaphragm,
almost like a bellows. However, to achieve unidirectional flow, various air
sacs in the body are inflated and deflated in a complex sequence, like a
whole series of interconnected bellows. The lungs, located midway between
the air sacs, are supplied with fresh air in one direction during both
inhalation and exhalation. The air sacs fill with this fresh air by expanding
the chest and the abdominal cavity. The sternum swings forward and
downward while the ribs and chest wall move laterally. Exhalation is
caused by compression of the air sacs with the help of the skeletal
musculature. In a world with little atmospheric oxygen, this was a crucial
Now unidirectional lungs have also been observed in monitor lizards and
iguanas. This could mean that this type of lung evolved before the
archosaurs split off from the other lizards. If true, this lung design would
have formed as early as the Permian, but there is no fossil evidence for this
so far. But it could also mean that this concept evolved several times and
independently, i.e., convergently, in the animal kingdom.
Without the bronchial system within the lung tissue, however, iguanas
lack a key innovation that enhances the airflow pattern in birds enough to
enable them to engage in active flight. This bronchial system was likely
favored by natural selection because it facilitated metabolic processes
during strenuous activity. And while the unidirectional lung may have
evolved as early as the Permian, we don’t see this particular bronchial
system in the lungs until after the divergence of crocodilians and dinosaurs
in the Triassic, which correlates beautifully with oxygen scarcity in the
atmosphere. A super-lung, while the other animals were running out of air
—this brought the development of the dinosaurs furiously forward and
displaced more and more other animals from their habitats.
But not everything was about breathing. To be a successful predator, you
also had to have big jaws with strong teeth and be strong enough to kill
your prey. So sometimes sheer muscle helped. But if you wanted to hunt
large prey, you also had to be able to chomp them into bite-sized pieces
after killing them. This meant cutting through bones to separate body parts
from the carcass.
The ability to crush or even consume bones as a food source is called
osteophagy. Osteophagic feeding behavior, however, seems to have been
rare in carnivorous dinosaurs. This can be well explained if we remember
that dinosaur skulls were very lightly built. They had one cranial opening in
front of the eye and two behind it, and an opening on the lower jaw to
optimally distribute and relieve stresses generated during biting. All
dinosaurs possessed these openings; they are synapomorphies of
archosaurs. In addition, the teeth of predatory dinosaurs were narrow and
bladelike. They could cut meat very well with them, but they could not
crush bones. These teeth would have usually broken off or would have
chipped if the animals had attempted an osteophagic diet. Therefore, we
rarely find bite marks on bones in ecosystems dominated by dinosaurs.
The oldest known dinosaurs may have come from the Triassic in South
America or Africa, but there are remarkable finds in Europe as well. One of
the most interesting and probably largest European sites for dinosaur
remains is located in northern Switzerland, near the Rhine River, less than
six miles from the German border. Dating from the middle stage of the
Upper Triassic, sometime between 228 and 208.5 million years ago,
hundreds of plateosaurs died near what would become the city of Frick, and
were preserved in the mudstone. Plateosaurus was an herbivore that could
grow up to thirty-three feet long and weigh up to four metric tons, the
largest animal of its time in Europe.
Plateosaurus had a small head that sat on a long, flexible neck with ten
cervical vertebrae. Its body was reminiscent of the large long-necked
dinosaurs (sauropods) of which it was an ancestor. Its torso was stocky, and
it had, similar to its descendants, a long, flexible tail. It carried its long legs
vertically under its body. Plateosaurus could walk on all fours, but usually
moved bipedally. When doing so, only its toes touched the ground, but not
the soles of its feet, indicating that it could, at least at times, walk quickly
on two legs. The real long-necked dinosaurs were no longer able to do this.
The biggest difference to the sauropods were the short forelimbs, which
were about half as long as the hind legs. With its short arms and its hands
with long claws, it could grasp and hold large objects. Its chest and shoulder
girdle were relatively narrow.
When I visited the outcrop in the active clay quarry in Frick in 2011
during a field trip, I met a former fellow student from Mainz who was in the
process of recovering a new, nearly complete skeleton of a plateosaur.
Plateosaurus was probably the most common dinosaur in the Late Triassic
and there are more than fifty localities in Central Europe where it was
found. Since many complete skeletons of Plateosaurus have been found, it
is probably one of the best-known Triassic dinosaurs.
The first remains of a Plateosaurus were discovered in 1834 by the
chemistry professor Friedrich Engelhardt near Nuremberg. He passed the
find on to Hermann von Meyer, who is now considered the founder of
vertebrate paleontology in Germany. Von Meyer wrote in a letter to the
journal Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie on
April 4, 1837:
“Dr. Engelhardt in Nuremberg brought to the Assembly of Naturalists in
Stuttgart some bones of a giant animal from a breccia-like sandstone of the
upper Keuper of his region. This find is of great interest. The bones derive
from one of the most massive lizards, which is related to Iguanodon and
Megalosaurus because of the heaviness and the hollowness of its limb
bones. These remains belong to a new genus, which I call Plateosaurus; the
species is Plateosaurus engelhardti. The detail of this I will make known
Von Meyer recognized the similarity of Plateosaurus to the lizards of the
Mesozoic period reported from England. When he named the animal in
1837, the term “dinosaur” did not yet exist—the British paleontologist Sir
Richard Owen would only introduce it in 1841. Plateosaurus was thus the
first dinosaur described in Germany and one of the first ever to be given its
own name. At the time, only four other dinosaur genera were known
worldwide. When the first finds of Plateosaurus were made in the middle
of the nineteenth century in Trossingen in southern Germany, Friedrich
August von Quenstedt, another contemporary paleontologist, gave
Plateosaurus the nickname “Swabian lindworm,” in reference to the
dragons of Germanic mythology.
Although there are more than fifty sites in Germany, and many more in
France and Switzerland, most of the complete skeletons and much of the
exposed material come from only a few outcrops. The most important three
are Frick in northern Switzerland, Trossingen in southwestern Germany,
and Halberstadt in central Germany. The depositional conditions of these
sites are very similar, which is why the three sites are also described as
“Plateosaurus bone beds.”
These deposits extend over tens of thousands of square feet. In Frick, the
bone field is at least one mile long, and a new skeleton appears around
every thirty feet. It is interesting that there are a large number of complete
Plateosaurus skeletons at this site, but that all other vertebrates are missing
there. The only exception is a few primitive turtles of the genus
Proganochelys found here and there among the plateosaurs. The outcrops at
Frick, Trossingen, and Halberstadt are particularly intriguing because the
skeletons of the plateosaurs there are stuck in the sediment in an upright
position. However, the hind legs of many specimens are bent, and the thighs
are spread wide so that the knees point to the side. In this position, the legs
look a bit like those of frogs. Because of this posture, it was clear from the
beginning that the animals, after their deaths, were not further transported
on by rivers but buried by the sediment, on the spot. But how did these
plateosaurs die? Why are the legs bent in many specimens? And why do we
see the same posture in numerous animals at three different locations
hundreds of miles apart?
The fact that plateosaurs are so abundant in the fossil record indicates
that they were the most common herbivores in their ecosystems. They were
often found in mass assemblages, indicating that they moved in herds and
roamed large areas. The layers where the Frick fossil deposit were found are
referred to as playa strata. The word playa comes from the Spanish word for
“beach.” In geology, however, playas are considered plains within mostly
drainage-free basins. These basins may be located in valleys between
mountains, for example, or they may be coastal plains. Over time, they are
gradually covered by layers of saline clay or marl. When it rained or the
water table rose, these plains would then turn into shallow salt lakes or salt
marshes. For the herds of plateosaurs, especially for the heavy specimens
among them that migrated across these playa plains, small, shallow gullies
in the dense mud of the marl formed veritable traps. The large animals got
stuck in the mire, while the juveniles could escape. The heavy plateosaurs
tried to pedal their way out of the mud, but their hind legs could not find
solid ground underneath the sticky mud, and, much like in quicksand, they
sank deeper and deeper until they finally gave up in exhaustion. The leg
muscles were then so weakened that the animals slumped down. The body
sank deeper into the mud and the powerless legs were spread apart. While
the animals were helplessly stuck in the mud, small predatory dinosaurs
came and started chewing on their upper bodies, which were sticking out of
the mud, regardless of whether the plateosaurs had already died or were still
alive. These predators were not big killers like Tyrannosaurus, but actually
tiny animals that under different circumstances would never have been able
to take down a plateosaur more than twenty-six feet long. Although we had
not been able to find any bones of these predators until recently, we knew
they were there, as evidenced by hundreds of shed or broken small
carnivore teeth in the Plateosaurus bone beds. The carnivores preyed on the
defenseless plateosaurs in their mud traps, so much so that the upright
animals embedded in sediment were often missing their heads, necks, and
However, there is a second form of deposition in which complete
skeletons in a recumbent position have been preserved. In these specimens,
the neck and tail are strongly bent over the back, indicating desiccation and
mummification after death. During heavy rains, these mummified carcasses
were then carried away by mudflows and redeposited in deeper places.
Over time, the mud dried out and settled. This and the load of new sediment
flattened the brittle bones of the plateosaurs. The dried soft tissues such as
skin, muscles, and tendons were not preserved and they gradually
Although plant-eating plateosaurs and carnivore teeth have been found in
the Frick clay pit as early as the 1960s, it wasn’t until 2006 that an amateur
paleontologist finally discovered the first skeleton of a carnivore in a higher
stratum. Unfortunately, this skeleton was missing its head, but that was
found three years later during a closer examination of the surrounding
rocks. In 2019, the animal was described and given the scientific name
Notatesseraeraptor frickensis. The genus name Notatesseraeraptor means
“the predator with mosaic features” and refers to the fact that this carnivore
combines different features of different predatory dinosaur clades. The
species name frickensis refers to the place of discovery, the community of
Frick. Although dinosaur remains and their footprints have been found in
Switzerland for many decades, Notatesseraeraptor is the first carnivorous
dinosaur described from this country. Considering that there are hundreds of
Plateosaurus skeletons from Trossingen, Halberstadt, and Frick, but hardly
any other dinosaurs, the discovery of the Swiss Notatesseraeraptor seems
almost like winning the lottery.
Similar to the predatory dinosaurs, juveniles of Plateosaurus are virtually
absent from the playa deposits; they were not found until fifty years later at
Frick. The smallest specimens measured about sixteen feet. Perhaps smaller
animals had been light enough to escape the mud trap of the Plateosaurus
bone beds. Martin Sander, my former professor from Bonn, even claimed
that no young animals would ever be found in Frick. He had led a large-
scale excavation campaign there as a young man and contributed
significantly to deciphering the causes of the plateosaurs’ deaths. For more
than twenty years, his prediction seemed to be correct. Then, however,
something completely unexpected happened that both disproved and
confirmed his prophecy. For her master’s thesis, one of Martin’s students
described several vertebrae of a plateosaur from Frick. The vertebrae were
not yet completely fused and could therefore clearly be assigned to a
juvenile animal—however, they were huge, much larger than those of some
adult animals. Nevertheless, there was no doubt that they were the same
species. At first, no one could make sense of it. Then they took a closer look
at the internal bone structure of this animal and other plateosaurs. It turned
out that these dinosaurs apparently did not yet have the same active
metabolism as their descendants. They simply grew quickly when it was
warm and there was plenty to eat, and more slowly when there were not
enough resources. So, these animals showed a certain developmental
plasticity in their body growth. This means that you cannot necessarily tell
the age of the animal by its size. This young animal was not yet fully grown
but was already quite a bit larger than many of its adult conspecifics. And
although it was only a few years old, it was sinking into the mud because its
body weight exceeded the critical threshold. So, contrary to Martin’s
prophecy, there was a juvenile among the victims after all, but this animal
was more than sixteen feet long and certainly already weighed more than
one metric ton.
It remains to be seen whether Frick will surprise us again in the future
with new finds that will force us to rethink our current views. The chances
for that are good, because the bone bed seems to extend much farther than
previously thought. Only recently, more plateosaurs were discovered during
groundwork for a new residential area on the other side of the valley. With
the numerous finds of recent years, Frick is now considered one of the most
fossiliferous dinosaur sites in Europe. Halberstadt in Saxony-Anhalt will
not be able to compete with Frick for this title. Although there were
extensive excavations there in 1910 and 1914, the site was later built over
and is no longer accessible.
The first dinosaur bones in Trossingen, in Baden-Württemberg, were
found as early as 1904. The first excavations began there in 1911, and two
complete skeletons found there were then displayed in the Natural History
Museum in Stuttgart in 1913. In the 1920s, a second excavation took place,
in which German and American colleagues worked together. They
recovered a total of twelve skeletons, one of which was exhibited in the
American Museum of Natural History in New York. A third excavation took
place in the 1930s, but unfortunately, two thirds of the recovered finds were
destroyed during World War II.
In addition, there are dozens of smaller sites in Germany, many in
Franconia near Nuremberg, where over a thousand individual bones have
been found. Other famous sites are in Burgundy, France, and there are even
reports of a relative of Plateosaurus from Greenland. Even in the North
Sea, off the coast of Norway, isolated bones of Plateosaurus have been
discovered during an oil drilling, eighty-five hundred feet below the
seafloor. In the Upper Triassic, Plateosaurus was probably widespread
throughout Europe, and had closely related genera on every other continent,
with the exception of Australia. It is not surprising that these animals were
found worldwide, considering that in the Triassic, all continents were still
connected and formed the primeval supercontinent of Pangaea. Even in
Argentina, relatively large relatives of Plateosaurus, such as Riojasaurus
and Lessemsaurus, lived in the Upper Triassic. They were even a bit larger
than Plateosaurus and, with their length of up to thirty-nine feet,
foreshadowed the even larger sauropods that would succeed them in the
Jurassic. In the Triassic, however, these prosauropods were still the largest
animals in their respective ecosystems. At least that is what was believed
for a long time—until an extremely unusual discovery was made recently,
not in the field, but in the collection of the Tübingen Museum of Natural
History. There, the remains of a “plateosaur” discovered in 1922 were
reexamined more closely. It was found that in reality it was not a plateosaur,
but in fact a completely new species, much more closely related to the
sauropods than to Plateosaurus. The new name is Tuebingosaurus. This
finding could have far-reaching consequences, forcing paleontologists to
take another look at the “plateosaurs” in all the historical collections of
Germany, France, and Switzerland. Perhaps not all is Plateosaurus what
appears to be Plateosaurus.
At any rate, by the end of the Triassic, dinosaurs had evolved so much
that they became the true superheroes of their time.
And so the mass extinction that followed the Triassic offered the
dinosaurs infinite opportunities to evolve: a crisis as an opportunity.
The prosauropods evolved into giants and the carnivores became
increasingly dangerous predators. The legs they carried under their bodies
offered five advantages at once:
1. With two legs swinging vertically under the body, they could
run faster.
2. Being bipedal also allowed them to use their hands in other
ways. They could grab or hold on to things, and use their claws
as weapons to hurt or kill other animals.
3. The upright gait prevented them from dragging their bodies
across the ground, as is the case with lizards. This made the
dinosaurs less susceptible to overheating, even when the
ground was very warm.
4. Their upright posture also enabled them to see farther into the
distance and detect potential danger or prey much earlier. This
gave them the opportunity to react preemptively, which proved
to be a great evolutionary advantage.
5. Their upright posture meant that they did not have to twist their
bodies sideways when walking, nor was the air forced from one
half of the lungs into the other. They could exhale it to make
room for fresh air. This improved breathing in an environment
that was less oxygen-rich than today’s.
However, elongated legs extending vertically under the body were not the
only key innovation of the dinosaurs. Their avian lungs, combined with
more efficient breathing, enabled them to walk with endurance and for long
distances. This allowed them to cover vast areas and disperse across the
And sometime after splitting off from other dinosaur-like animals, such
as Silesaurus, the dinosaurs developed plumage. This was perhaps an
adaptation to a new catastrophe that struck the world. This time it didn’t get
hotter, but instead really cold, and the dinosaurs were prepared for it. The
end-Triassic mass extinction about 201 million years ago was one of the
five major extinction events in Earth’s history. In addition to the marine
conodonts, it caused the extinction of four major groups within the
crocodilian lineage that had previously been competitors of the dinosaurs:
the rauisuchians, the phytosaurs, the aetosaurs, and the ornithosuchians.
These large groups were similarly successful in the Triassic as the
dinosaurs. Yet the causes of mass extinctions during this period are not
entirely clear. Some of my colleagues cite sea level fluctuations. In
addition, climatic changes must have accompanied the extinctions.
Normally, climatic fluctuations are very slow processes, whereas this
extinction event may have been quite abrupt. In less than fifty thousand
years, all conodonts and many crocodile and amphibian species were
extinct. Other possible causes include volcanism or an asteroid impact, or a
combination of both.
However, because the sea level was extremely low—it was at a low point
worldwide at the Triassic–Jurassic boundary—we must assume that the
water was bound elsewhere. In 2022, a study found that there is evidence of
moraines at the end of the Triassic in northern China.
A moraine is material that is moved along by glaciers then
deposited and piled up as debris elsewhere.
This makes a climate catastrophe seem more likely, and glaciation of the
polar ice caps may have led to significant cooling.
The dinosaurs’ feathers offered a significant advantage in this harsh
environment. This allowed them to access the rich, evergreen Arctic
vegetation even in freezing winter conditions, or to hunt for animals that
needed these plants for food. Recurrent, violent volcanic eruptions,
resulting in volcanic winters with massively reduced solar irradiation,
caused mass mortality on land to which all medium-sized to large non-
dinosaurs fell victim. These reptiles were not sufficiently insulated and
were decimated as a result. They were replaced by dinosaurs that were
insulated and protected against the cold. With their plush plumage, these
animals had adapted well to cold temperatures and were able to spread
rapidly through the Jurassic by adapting quickly. This ecological expansion
also led the dinosaurs into regions that had previously been dominated only
by large non-feathered reptiles.
The Jurassic
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Germany’s Dinosaurs
The Lower Cretaceous
Chapter 5
Many more bones are preserved from this titanosaur than from
Argentinosaurus, including the humerus and femur. To reconstruct the
anatomy of the animal, bones from at least three individuals of similar size
were examined. José then gave the dinosaur the scientific name
Patagotitan, “the Titan from Patagonia.” After applying various methods, a
reliable mass estimate of about sixty-nine tons was obtained. However, the
standard error in such a calculation is about seventeen tons. So the animal
could actually have weighed between fifty-two and eighty-six tons! This
sounds like a large margin of error, but it is relatively small compared to
estimates for other sauropods. We have a great many skeletal elements of
Patagotitan available and can use several different measurement methods,
all of which confirm a similar weight for the titanosaur. For
Argentinosaurus, such mass estimates cannot be calculated with scaling
equations because of the lack of the humeri, which makes the standard error
much larger for it. In addition, the anterior dorsal vertebrae of
Argentinosaurus are about 10 percent smaller than those of Patagotitan.
Thus, Patagotitan actually represents the largest known dinosaur species.
Probably more finds of giants are to be expected from Chubut, and I would
not be surprised if one day an animal is discovered there with a size that
would put even Argentinosaurus and Patagotitan in the shade.
The museum in Trelew has made many casts of the bones of Patagotitan,
and replicas of this giant are now located all over the world. In the Field
Museum in Chicago, there is a model in the main hall that is about one
hundred and twenty feet long and over twenty-eight feet high. In late
February 2022, during a trip to Argentina, I visited the workshop in Trelew
that makes these giants. At the time, I was to participate in a campaign by
Professor Oliver Rauhut from Munich, who researches and was searching
for dinosaurs from southern Argentina. This was at a time when
international air travel was extremely restricted due to the Covid pandemic.
Oliver didn’t know if this campaign would even take place and couldn’t
confirm it until a week before my flight. Fortunately, my Covid test came
back negative, and a short time later I was already on the plane from
Frankfurt to Buenos Aires. After a one-day stopover, I continued to Trelew
the next morning, where Oliver kindly picked me up from the airport.
Even at the Trelew airport, you feel as if you’ve landed in dinosaur
country. On the wall of the baggage claim area, a relief of a dinosaur
excavation site with bones of the prehistoric giants is emblazoned, and a
little farther on there are posters of dinosaurs, advertising the local
paleontological museum. It is a major attraction of this city and brings in
many international visitors. Its exhibition is worth seeing, but the real
treasures are in the collection, which is not open to the public. Among other
things, the original bones of Patagotitan are kept there. One night I stayed
at the Touring Club Hotel. The name sounds like it’s a flophouse for
backpackers, but it’s actually a legitimate hotel with over one hundred and
twenty years of history. Supposedly, the famous outlaws Butch Cassidy and
the Sundance Kid stayed here for some time after fleeing the United States.
The next morning, we loaded up the two SUVs and headed west. We
drove about four hours on National Route 25 to the village of Paso de
Indios. Along the way, we saw many impressive Cretaceous and Jurassic
rock formations, and the landscape often reminded me of the American
Midwest. In Paso de Indios, we refueled and bought some provisions before
continuing north. Route 12, one of the main north-south connections in
Chubut, is an unpaved dirt road, and I soon realized why Oliver had chosen
the off-road vehicles. His goal for this campaign was to investigate an older
outcrop where parts of a long-necked dinosaur skeleton had come to light
some time ago. He wanted to find out how much of the skeleton was still
hidden in the rock so that he could then decide whether to recover it later
with heavy machinery. Another focus of this campaign was to find new
outcrops. Oliver has been working in this part of the world for over twenty
years, but it was my first trip to Argentina and South America. I was
completely overwhelmed by the beauty of its environment and the many
animals and plants that were foreign to me. Most impressive to me were
certain large insects, grasshopper relatives, which do not exist here in
Europe, and the many birds of prey with their remarkable wingspans. But at
the sight of the nandus and guanacos I fully realized that I was in an
absolutely strange world. Except for in Kenya, I had never seen such large
flightless birds in the wild as those, simply running through the wilderness
here. These nandus sprint seemingly effortlessly, at up to thirty-seven miles
per hour across the rocky terrain. The guanacos are a wild species of the
llama genus, though the llama we know is a domesticated species. You just
don’t get to see animals like this in the wild in Europe.
We continued on Route 12 north along the Rio Chubut until we reached a
small village called Cerro Cóndor. There were only a few individual houses,
as well as a school that was apparently attended by the children of all the
surrounding farms. Without the school, the village would probably no
longer exist. Next to it was a small museum with some dinosaur finds from
the surrounding area. Directly in front of the village was an outcrop of
pterosaurs, which one of Oliver’s doctoral students wanted to study more
closely. A few miles farther north, about half an hour’s drive away, we
stopped to look for new dinosaur sites. The rocks there are assigned to the
Cañadón Calcáreo Formation and are between 160 and 150 million years
old. Thus, they range from the Oxfordian to the Tithonian, the oldest and
youngest stages of the Upper Jurassic, respectively. Even if the giant
titanosaurs of Argentina do not come from these strata, the rock is
immensely exciting for us. Unlike the Upper Jurassic in North America,
Europe, and Asia, we know little about this time in the southern
hemisphere. Since the contest between Cope and Marsh, many North
American Upper Jurassic sites have become known and been well studied,
but from the southern hemisphere we only know the sites in Tanzania.
Oliver has made it his mission to better study this period of Earth’s history,
and this is important because we can already see that long-necked dinosaurs
evolved quite differently in the northern hemisphere than in Gondwana, the
southern hemisphere continent. Furthermore, in no other country on Earth
can we trace sauropod evolution in the fossil record for as long as in
Argentina. Some colleagues even suggest that the cradle of sauropods was
in Argentina. In fact, the oldest long-necked dinosaurs are already found in
strata from the Norian of Argentina, a stage of the Upper Triassic that is
about 228 to 208.5 million years old. Sauropods are still missing completely
in the fossil record of North America and Europe from this time. But
already in the Jurassic, these giants existed everywhere on Earth, and while
their history was largely uniform into the Upper Jurassic, evolution in the
Cretaceous progressed completely differently in the northern and southern
hemispheres. In the United States and Canada, where long-necked
dinosaurs were long the dominant group of herbivores, they became rare at
the beginning of the Cretaceous until they then disappeared completely
from Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, and North and South Dakota. Only in
the far south, in the region around southern Texas and New Mexico, small
isolated colonies of long-necked dinosaurs remained in some cases. This
was a species of titanosaur called Alamosaurus, while the long-necked
dinosaurs in the north were successively replaced by the duckbill dinosaurs
and the horned dinosaurs.
The situation was quite different in South America, where these
ornithischian dinosaurs were almost absent. But even here, the Diplodocus
and Brachiosaurus relatives were gradually replaced by titanosaurs, which
attained an amazing species diversity. There were tiny titanosaurs—which
sounds like an oxymoron—medium-sized forms, and huge giants; there
were long-necked and short-necked forms, grazing animals and those that
ate foliage from the tallest trees. Sauropods occupied a wide variety of
ecological niches and thus prevented the development of other species. But
in the Jurassic Cañadón Calcáreo Formation, north of Cerro Cóndor,
titanosaurs were not yet present, and we therefore hoped to find other
earlier forms of long-necked dinosaurs there.
On our quest for Jurassic dinosaurs, we drove through stunning landscapes in Chubut Province,
Chapter 6
In the competition for the most newly described dinosaurs, Othniel Charles
Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope left behind a hopeless mess of invalid
names and duplicate descriptions of these animals. This had to do with,
among other things, the extreme ambition and egocentricity of the two
paleontologists. Each wanted to outdo the other. Yet, both having been
financially independent, they would have had enough time to examine
specimens more thoroughly and diligently, to proceed with care and
conscientiousness. After all, the number of scientific publications was low
at that time, and the two were able to publish their reports without the need
for lengthy proofreading. Both scientists were wealthy and not necessarily
dependent on research funds—at least not at the beginning of their careers.
Consequently, apart from their own ambition, there was no reason for them
to rush out results. Today, things are different. Research moves so fast that
hundreds of articles are published and up to fifty new dinosaur species are
scientifically described every year.
At the same time, scientists today are competing for research funding.
Not every researcher receives sufficient funding to advance their field and
publish their findings. There is often not enough money for new equipment,
new computers, to attend meetings, or go into the field. A research proposal
must be written for each grant, and the rejection rate is often high. This is
especially frustrating for young academics. Those who want to stay in
research must show universities that they are intellectually capable of
writing research proposals and performing at a high level. Among the most
important publications for paleontologists are the journals Science and
Nature. For example, to publish an article in Nature, the topic must be
groundbreaking, and the research must be pioneering and involve new
methods. It must appeal to people beyond specialist circles.
The fact that what I perceive as one of the biggest blunders in
paleontology in recent years happened in the renowned journal Nature, of
all places, is extremely surprising. In 2020, a Nature article was published
that had everything you would expect from a paper in this journal.
Researchers had shortly before described a tiny reptile encased in amber.
The find was a sensation, as it was said to be an exceptionally well-
preserved birdlike skull. The skull appeared to belong to the smallest known
dinosaur of the Mesozoic era, which probably weighed only a few grams
during its lifetime, and competed with the bee hummingbird for the place of
smallest dinosaur of all time. However, there was a catch to the story. The
fact that spectacular articles have to be published ever more quickly today
may also have led to a hasty publication in this case. What exactly
happened and how did this mistake come about?
The researchers found a lump of amber containing the head of a small
animal, and the rest of the body was missing. This head had large eye
sockets, a round, domed skullcap, and a long pointed beak. When I saw
photos of this fossil, I too immediately thought it was a bird.
Prior to this animal, only seven specimens of enantiornithine birds had
been scientifically described from amber, which included several articulated
skeletal elements. Six of these were juveniles and one was an almost fully
grown adult specimen. They were all smaller than the fossils that came
from typical sedimentary deposits. But this animal was even smaller.
Because it was also thought to be a bird with large eyes and jaws that still
bore teeth, the researchers named it Oculudentavis, which means “eye-
toothed bird.” The animal was fascinating. In addition to dwarfing and
avian features, it had a unique eye morphology that resembled that of
lizards. In its eye socket was a ring of individual bones called a sclerotic
ring, which indicated that the animal’s pupil had originally been very small,
although the eye socket, and thus probably the eyeball, had been very large.
This bony sclerotic ring apparently indicated a reinforcement of the eye. It
occurs in birds, in the extinct dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and ichthyosaurs, and
also in some modern reptiles. The way these ossicles are arranged is more
reminiscent of squamates than birds or dinosaurs. In every known dinosaur,
the sclerotic ossicles are square shaped and narrow, and they usually delimit
a larger opening inside the ring. In Oculudentavis, the sclerotic ring was
very large, leaving only room for a small pupil. It was formed by elongated,
spoon-shaped ossicles, otherwise found only in lizards.
Deep-diving ichthyosaurs had the largest eyes of any vertebrate and
particularly pronounced sclerotic rings to withstand the enormous water
pressure at the deepest depths of the sea. In the small pupils of
Oculudentavis, my colleagues see evidence of a diurnal lifestyle. Its tiny
body size suggests island dwarfing—according to them, the amber forest
therefore once grew on an island. The unusual body shape of the animal
suggests that this species occupied a previously unknown ecological niche.
With the help of such amber deposits, we are able to uncover habitats that
were inhabited by vertebrate species at the lowest limit of the body size
spectrum. From the tip of the beak to the occiput, the head of this presumed
dinosaur measures only 7.1 millimeters. Except for hummingbirds, there is
no other group of birds that have such a small skull. The skull of
Oculudentavis showed a general avian morphology with a slender beak that
narrows at the tip, nasal openings located far back on its beak, enlarged and
well-defined eye sockets, a short region behind the eye, and a dome-shaped
skull roof. What should have puzzled colleagues, however, were the
unusual teeth. They are stuck in the jaw in a way usually seen only in
iguanas, monitor lizards, and geckos, and not in dinosaurs. Paleontologists
assumed that this unusual feature was related to dwarfism, although no
other detail, such as a shortened beak or toothlessness, indicated
paedomorphosis. Oculudentavis had an entire row of small teeth. Therefore,
the researchers believed that the dwarfing had been accomplished simply by
reducing the growth rate. The way in which the individual bones of the
skull were fused together and the shape of the sutures on the contact
surfaces of the bones also did not conform to the pattern of theropod
dinosaurs, which only emphasized the enigmatic nature of Oculudentavis.
The researchers also tried to attribute this to structural constraints due to
dwarfism. In the end, however, the differences in cranial anatomy were too
great to be explained by processes of insular dwarfism. This was also
noticed by many readers after the article appeared in Nature, which
eventually led the authors to retract it.
Then, in August 2021, a new article on the subject appeared, clearly
showing that the supposed dinosaur was in fact not a bird at all, but a small
lizard. The large eyes and the strongly domed occiput had initially led the
researchers down the wrong track. But a more thorough examination
showed that several features disqualified the animal as a dinosaur despite its
birdlike appearance. Another nearly complete fossil of this prehistoric
animal showed that Oculudentavis was a squamate. The group of squamates
includes nearly all extant reptiles today: lizards, iguanas, monitor lizards,
and snakes. The only modern reptiles that do not belong to squamates are
the turtles, the crocodiles, and the tuatara. An accurate classification in the
animal kingdom had proven so difficult because Oculudentavis had
apparently undergone a convergent evolution of its skull proportions that
made it look like a bird. However, other body features showed a clear
affiliation with the squamates. When skeletal features are weighted and
combined with features from the gene database of extant lizards,
Oculudentavis appears to be closely related to an armless and legless group
of Southeast Asian blind skinks (Dibamidae). If, however, skeletal features
are weighted less, these odd animals end up closer to tuatara in the
phylogenetic tree. If only skeletal features are considered, Oculudentavis
lies somewhere between iguanas and a group of extinct marine reptiles
known as mosasaurs, which could grow up to fifty-nine feet long. With
these animals, Oculudentavis shares a long process of the premaxillary bone
that extends to the nose and the far-recessed nasal openings, but it differs
from them in most other features of the skull. It is all very complex. Despite
this, or perhaps because of it, this fossil is so extremely important to
paleontology. Oculudentavis was part of a forest ecosystem that is
otherwise very rarely preserved in the fossil record, because forests are full
of scavengers, and the forest floor is just teeming with insects and worms
cleaning up the mess. What is not eaten by scavengers and worms is then
taken by fungi. When an animal dies in the forest, there is rarely anything
left of it. The forest recycles very thoroughly and is therefore a bad place
for fossil preservation. The only way for such small organisms to withstand
the millions of years and be preserved as fossils is to be sealed airtight in
tree sap. Amber is therefore a window to the Earth’s past, giving us
glimpses of a fauna that would never have been preserved in sandstone or
mudstone. The conditions of deposition thus dictate what we find later in
the fossil record. In the fossilized tree resin, it is small animals, plants, and
pollen, whereas in the sedimentary rock, it is large bones and tree trunks.
Fortunately, the amber deposits from Myanmar provide us with
remarkable details about the smallest vertebrates of the Mesozoic and help
us in their classification. For example, the very next specimen of
Oculudentavis discovered showed us that although bird features were
present in the skull of the animal, there was no convergence with birds in
the rest of the skeleton. On closer inspection, the resemblance to a bird skull
could be attributed to deformation of the bones during fossilization, but
because the rest of the body was missing from the first specimen, this
misinterpretation was not immediately apparent. We now understand the
ecology of Oculudentavis much better. Its small pupils indeed suggest that
the animal was diurnal, and its embedding in amber suggests that it lived in
trees. The long narrow mandible, the sharp pointed teeth, and the
mandibular joint with little room for jaw muscles and an awkward lever
indicate a weak bite force and a snapping mode of feeding for the animal,
which apparently preyed on insects. The large eyes helped it to better
identify its small prey. The fact that the relationships of Oculudentavis
could be clarified was related to the fact that a second find contained parts
of its body that helped identify the animal as a squamate. In addition, with
the help of a computer program, the researchers were able to virtually re-
create the original morphology of its deformed bones.
A Moral Dilemma
Fossils from the amber of Myanmar are spectacular because they preserve
structures that usually have a low preservation potential and cannot be
found anywhere else in the world. We can learn a lot about extinct species
from this, because no fossil embedded in a rock matrix provides us with a
comparably detailed picture of the world 99 million years ago. It becomes
increasingly clear that the fossils of the faunal assemblage originated from
an island and contained different species than other fossil deposits from the
mainland. Perhaps someday it will indeed be possible to extract organic
molecules, proteins, or even DNA from dinosaurs in amber, be it through
blood ingested by trapped mosquitoes or directly through the cells, blood
vessels, proteins, or other tissues of small dinosaurs. This prospect is
tantalizing and promises groundbreaking insights in the future.
The amber from Myanmar, however, always plunges paleontologists into
a moral dilemma. Myanmar is one of the poorest countries in the world and
has been politically unstable for decades. Since the military coup on
February 1, 2021, the situation there has deteriorated considerably.
However, as the export of amber strengthens the illegitimate regime, many
of my colleagues are discussing the reconcilability of scientific research
with human rights violations. The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, or
SVP, a nonprofit scientific organization and the largest association of
researchers, students, and interested laypersons in my field of research, has
contacted its more than two thousand members several times to call
attention to this human rights violation. The society, whose goal is to
advance the science of vertebrate paleontology and to promote the
discovery, preservation, and protection of vertebrate fossils and fossil
deposits, first proposed a publication stop on all scientific articles dealing
with fossils in Myanmar amber recovered after January 2021.
However, the troubling political developments in Myanmar came to a
head when the country’s armed forces seized political control in February
2021 through said military coup and declared a state of emergency. In the
process, over seven hundred people were killed in just two months. The
military had already gained control of the amber mines since 2017,
repeatedly instigated armed conflicts, and carried out ethnic cleansings. The
United Nations condemned these actions as genocide and crimes against
humanity. Since the gemstone mines and amber deposits are located in the
north of the country, where it is very difficult for international observers to
reach, it was easier for the military government to commit atrocities there
unobserved by media representatives and unpunished by the world. They
secured access to the valuable mines and acted with great brutality against
the local rural population. It was important to the SVP that its members and
other paleontologists take special care in their research on the amber
material from Myanmar. They wanted to make sure that fossils did not
come from holdings of the military dictatorship so as not to indirectly
support those in power in the country through research funds. The society
admonished all scientists and scholars to refrain from publishing
manuscripts on Myanmar amber acquired after the 2021 coup. However, the
proportion of amber containing important vertebrate fossils is vanishingly
small, while the majority of amber is processed in the jewelry industry.
Nevertheless, it was important to take a stand on this issue. Even if one’s
own contribution does not necessarily lead to a change in the situation, it is
still important to condemn the injustice and not be complicit in it. The
fossils from this area of conflict are incredibly significant for our
understanding of the evolution of the smallest vertebrates from the
Cretaceous. We can only hope that peace will return to this beautiful
country and that new spectacular fossil finds can be made in the amber that
will reveal to us further secrets from a sunken world.
Chapter 7
The Spinosaurs
Spinosaurus is one of the most popular and well-known dinosaurs, and ever
since new remains of it were discovered in the Kem Kem Basin in
Morocco, researchers around the world have been taking a closer look at it.
And because it’s such an unusual dinosaur, distinctly different from other
carnivores, discussions about its appearance, lifestyle, diet, size, and weight
continue to inspire strange hypotheses. But I’ve been upset with the public
perception of Spinosaurus and its portrayal in the media lately.
It all started with an article by Nizar Ibrahim and his colleagues in 2014
that described Spinosaurus as semiaquatic. There is a lot to be said for
Spinosaurus living near water. It certainly stayed on the shores of streams
and lakes, and its diet consisted to a not insignificant extent of fish. This is
supported by the shape of its teeth, which resemble those of crocodiles and
marine reptiles, and also by the shape of its skull, which is more like that of
a crocodile than those of other carnivorous dinosaurs. In the article written
by Ibrahim and other scientists, the team of authors attempted to prove an
aquatic lifestyle by highlighting the fleshy nostrils located far back on the
head, and the unusually long neck and torso for a carnivore, which shift the
animal’s center of mass well forward of its pelvis. In addition, the authors
point out the short hind legs, which on land would have led to a
disadvantage in hunting. Probably their most important argument is that the
leg bones did not have an open medullary cavity and instead had a massive
bony cortex on the shaft. Such bones are indeed indicative of a secondary
adaptation to life in the sea, as we observe today in penguins, for example,
which have very massive bones compared to other birds. If you look at the
ribs in manatees and dugongs, you will notice that they are additionally
broadened and thick and also lack a medullary cavity.
The team of authors succeeded in making a big splash on the topic; their
article appeared in the prestigious journal Science, while National
Geographic simultaneously published a long popular science article about
their research. An Italian company made a life-size model of a Spinosaurus
that was featured on the cover of National Geographic, and a Canadian
company built a museum-quality skeletal model. Ibrahim gave a perfectly
staged talk at the largest meeting of vertebrate paleontologists, and a movie
was even made about how he serendipitously ran into a fossil dealer in
Morocco who led him to a secret site in the Kem Kem Desert where new
remains of Spinosaurus were found. The story was a huge media spectacle,
and I seemed to be the only one who didn’t take the bait. This was back
when I was still working at the dinosaur park, where they were also in the
process of making a new model of Spinosaurus. I remember well the
discussions I had with the park’s general manager, the sculptor, the
scientific director, and a former fellow student from Bonn who was now
also working in the park. They all found Nizar Ibrahim’s article interesting
and wanted to build the model according to his specifications. My
criticisms fell on deaf ears.
A heated exchange with the managing director, in which he pointed out to
me that four votes were in favor of these changes and only one vote (mine)
was against them, was the last straw. I replied undiplomatically that science
is not a democracy and only the facts count. After that, it was clear that I
would not be working in the park much longer.
What bothered me was the fact that Ibrahim’s reconstruction was based
on a composite of several individuals, whose proportions I thought he had
wrongly scaled and misinterpreted. The animal looked kind of jumbled
together even at first glance.
The second argument that made no sense to me was the reference to the
pachyostotic bones. I had already seen, during excursions to the Mainz
Basin, fossils of sea cows that had swam around with their thick, broad ribs
in the shallow sea there during the Oligocene, about 30 million years ago;
moreover, I had observed pachyostosis on a primitive mammal, the
enigmatic Desmostylus in the collection of the Tsukuba University in Japan,
and therefore I knew that the bones of Spinosaurus were quite different in
Apart from that, it was absolutely incomprehensible to me why the leg
bones in an animal should be thicker, but at the same time shorter, to give it
additional weight. On the contrary, this animal would have to become rather
lighter by such a development, because the mass gain by pachyostotic
bones would not have outweighed the mass loss of smaller muscles on the
smaller legs.
Also, I did not see any significant widening of the ribs, which would
have been much more important for static lift. And why, of all things, would
an animal with such a massive dorsal sail live in the water? A crocodile
ambushing unsuspecting wildebeest or zebra at a water trough might be
completely submerged until only its nostrils peek out of the water. In the
same situation, a spinosaur’s dorsal sail would have protruded out of the
water by up to six feet. This would certainly not have been a good strategy
for an ambush predator, whose hunting success heavily depended on the
surprise effect. If Spinosaurus had then also decided to swim or submerge
so far that its sail would also have been underwater, the water resistance
would have made any change of direction impossible, and the animal would
have drifted helplessly as soon as the sail accidentally got crosswise to the
direction of flow.
Ibrahim and his colleagues only marginally addressed the sail and its
hydrodynamic properties. Instead, they argued that this body part was
probably a display feature males used to make an impression on females. I
don’t doubt that, because on land such an imposing structure would
certainly have caused a stir, but in the water, it would only have been a
I don’t blame the media here—the whole story was sensational and
exciting, because Spinosaurus would have been the first non-avian dinosaur
adapted to a life in water. Dinosaurs with such a high degree of adaptation
to water are only found among today’s birds. Penguins are the only birds
that show quite extraordinary adaptations to life in the sea.
To test Ibrahim’s hypotheses, Donald Henderson created three-
dimensional digital models of Spinosaurus and other animals in 2018 that
also accounted for regional density variations in the animals’ lungs and air
sacs. In doing so, Henderson noted that the model of Spinosaurus tended to
tip on its side in the water. His models of Baryonyx, Tyrannosaurus,
Allosaurus, Struthiomimus, and Coelophysis showed similar buoyancy,
suggesting that Spinosaurus’s hydrodynamic properties were far from
exceptional. The software also provided evidence that the center of mass of
Spinosaurus was close to the hip. This would allow Spinosaurus to move
forward well on land. Its pneumatized skeleton and air sacs ensured that it
was unsinkable. A semiaquatic lifestyle of pursuit hunting in the water is
thus ruled out. Henderson concluded that Spinosaurus may have been more
specialized for a life on the shoreline, wading only occasionally in shallow
water. At the same time, it may have been a competent hunter on land,
spending a significant portion of its life away from the water.
The article about the static buoyancy of this dinosaur did not receive
nearly as much attention as the media spectacle about the swimming
Spinosaurus. After Henderson’s article appeared, I pointed out his new
findings in an online forum and also mentioned the unfavorable
hydrodynamic properties of the large dorsal sail. I must admit that this was
somewhat naive, as my contribution was immediately criticized, and I was
personally insulted and responded to with hostility. I don’t normally
converse in these forums, so I was unfamiliar with the strange dynamics of
such groups, where anyone can just post anything without backing up their
claims with appropriate scientific evidence. I was asked who I was that I
could dare to doubt the “fact” of an aquatic lifestyle of Spinosaurus. When I
looked at the profile of my vociferous critic, to my knowledge this person
had no academic background, nor did he practice any scientific profession.
Though this topic is heavily debated and there are many opposing
theories, I don’t understand at all why everyone seems to want to make
Spinosaurus into a creature that it is not. With its massive size, huge dorsal
sail, and crocodile-like snout, Spinosaurus is one of the most fascinating
dinosaurs, whether it was aquatic or not, and its popularity today almost
rivals that of Tyrannosaurus. Unfortunately, the movie Jurassic Park III and
the 2014 publication previously mentioned have contributed to the public’s
misconception of Spinosaurus. It was such an extraordinary animal that
there is no need to attribute additional superpowers to it. In 2020, Nizar
Ibrahim published a new study to debunk Henderson’s arguments and
provide more evidence of strong aquatic adaptation. In principle, I think
highly of maintaining discourse on a controversial topic when new evidence
emerges. However, sometimes one has to wonder if new work actually adds
to our scientific understanding or has been published for questionable
reasons. While Ibrahim and his team acknowledged that Henderson had
presented compelling anatomical, biomechanical, and taphonomic reasons
to question a semiaquatic lifestyle, they also presented evidence for a
putative swimming tail. Their article appeared this time in the prestigious
journal Nature. They argued that Spinosaurus possessed extremely high
dorsal and ventral spinous processes on its caudal vertebrae, forming a large
and flexible finlike organ with which it could supposedly perform wide-
ranging swimming movements. To demonstrate these swimming
characteristics, they built several underwater models of oscillating tails,
measured the physical forces on them, and compared different tail shapes.
They wanted to show that the tail of Spinosaurus produced greater thrust in
the water than that of other supposedly land-dwelling dinosaurs, and that
Spinosaurus was therefore more comparable to aquatic vertebrates, which
had laterally flattened and vertically extended swimming tails to produce
propulsion while swimming. Unfortunately, the story was again
inconclusive from my perspective. Namely, the team claimed that all
Spinosaurus relatives had the characteristic crocodile-like teeth and
elongated snout, suggesting that they were all piscivores, yet the tails of the
remaining spinosaurids showed only minor aquatic adaptations.
What bothered me about this experimental setup was that the two-
dimensional robotic models of the swimming tails could only inaccurately
simulate the movements of a three-dimensional body in the water. This was
also noticed by David Hone, a colleague from London, and Thomas Holtz,
one of the world’s leading experts on predatory dinosaurs, who took a
closer look at Ibrahim’s study. They included new finds of Spinosaurus in
their considerations. The two paleontologists evaluated arguments about the
animal’s functional morphology, ecology, and its hunting and feeding habits
in the context of these new finds. They were convinced that the degree of
Ibrahim’s aquatic adaptations was overestimated. The interpretation of the
anatomy of the tail as a caudal fin was not tenable in their view, and they
expressed considerable doubt that Spinosaurus was able to swim efficiently
and rapidly with this tail and to pursue prey underwater. They saw no
evidence for a highly specialized adaptation as an aquatic predator and
instead proposed a model that Spinosaurus fished predominantly along the
coast or in shallow waters but could also search inland for prey. Even
evidence that Spinosaurus was a good swimmer would not be
counterevidence for a wading lifestyle and the fact that this dinosaur may
have sought its food along the coast. Conversely, the instability in the water,
the high water resistance, the position of the eyes and the nostrils, and the
low swimming performance argued against an efficient hunter underwater.
Another aspect that had been noticed in previous studies was the underside
of its neck, which had rugose muscle attachments, indicating strong
musculature that may have been useful for rapid, downward pecking
movements of the head. The animal may have fished in the water with its
snout, as storks do today. It may have remained underwater with its mouth
slightly open until a fish swam by, and then snapped at it, or lunged at the
prey with a rapid downward movement. The ability for such rapid
downward movements would not have benefited a pursuit predator
underwater because there, fish can escape in all directions. In this context,
the position of its nostrils far back on the skull is advantageous, since
Spinosaurus could still breathe easily even with its mouth underwater, as
storks can. David Hone and Thomas Holtz therefore drew a picture of a
generalist that searched for prey along the shore, in and out of the water,
and also did not disdain meat of animals that had come to their death at
watering holes or during floods. The denser leg bones would have aided its
wading because they would have minimized unwanted buoyancy in the
water. By being able to hunt in the water and on land, there was less
competition for these animals from crocodiles and land-only predators, and
they could also move more easily from one lake to the next.
There is another piece of evidence that supports this hypothesis.
Examinations of an animal’s tooth enamel can show what it feeds on
predominantly. Certain isotopes reveal whether it ate more land animals or
fish. In the case of Spinosaurus, this signal is ambiguous because it
probably made its prey both on land and in the water.
In late 2022, Professor Paul Sereno of Chicago joined the discussion
about Spinosaurus. Ibrahim was Sereno’s student and Sereno had been one
of the coauthors of his 2014 article. Therefore, I was surprised when Sereno
criticized Ibrahim’s second Spinosaurus article from Nature and came to a
completely different conclusion. Paul Sereno and his colleagues used
computed tomography to scan all available parts from different specimens
of the animal and created a three-dimensional model to which they added
muscles, air sacs, and lungs to model the weight distribution as realistically
as possible. They showed that Spinosaurus was only about forty-five feet
long and, while on land, walked bipedally rather than on all fours, while its
body was laterally unstable in deep water. It was a slow surface swimmer
with weak tail muscles that could not move forward in water faster than 2.2
miles per hour. Said paleontologists also demonstrated that Spinosaurus’s
static buoyancy was so great that it certainly could not dive. This dinosaur
could have waded to a water depth of about 8.5 feet but would then have
floated on the surface of the water, unable to submerge. In fact, while its
hind legs had slightly thicker bone walls, its dorsal vertebrae had air-filled
cavities in front of the pelvis, and the bones of its forearms had a
pronounced medullary cavity. Sereno and his colleagues calculated that
because of the strong pneumatization of the vertebrae, Spinosaurus, despite
its considerable weight of about 7.4 metric tons, had a low density of only
about fifty-three pounds per cubic foot, which would have been far too little
to dive on its own.
The south coast of the Isle of Wight is very steep and experiences strong
erosion. There, fossilized footprints of dinosaurs crop out, which are
gradually washed into the sea. If they are not salvaged, they will eventually
be swallowed up by the waves. Such footprints were formed when a
dinosaur walked on the soft clay or sandy ground and sank a bit into the
subsoil, leaving imprints. These impression molds were then infilled with
sand or clay shortly after their formation and were thus protected. This
allowed both the soil and the infillings, called casts, to slowly turn into
stone. Sometimes the rock that forms these casts is harder or more resistant
to weathering than the surrounding matrix, and when the matrix weathers
away, millions of years later, only the casts remain. Sometimes these casts
are not quite clearly identifiable as such, but if you have an eye for it you
can easily spot them. On the Isle of Wight, footprints of dinosaurs are found
far more frequently than their bones. A single imprint in sedimentary rock is
simply called a footprint, while several footprints in succession are a track,
and the layer on which such a track is found is a track site.
The most common tracks found on the Isle of Wight are those of
iguanodontids. Iguanodon was one of the largest ornithischian dinosaurs of
the Lower Cretaceous. After Megalosaurus, Iguanodon was the second
dinosaur to be scientifically described, in 1825. Particularly striking are its
bony thumbs, which were initially misinterpreted as a nasal horn. The first
reconstructions show Iguanodon with a quadrupedal, or four-legged, mode
of locomotion. Later, it was depicted as bipedal for nearly a hundred years.
But more recently it is assumed that it actually walked mainly on all fours
and only moved bipedally when it fled from danger. Tracks of Iguanodon
confirm this assumption. Since its hoof-like forefeet were much smaller, it
is easy to distinguish impressions of their hands from their feet. Another
herbivorous ornithischian dinosaur found on the island is Hypsilophodon. It
was significantly smaller and actually a nimble biped.
The Needles form the western tip of the Isle of Wight and are the main tourist attraction of the island.
With a body length of up to twenty-two feet, Neovenator was the largest
purely carnivorous dinosaur on the Isle of Wight. It could move quickly and
had three deadly claws on each foot and razor-sharp teeth in its mouth.
Unlike Tyrannosaurus, however, these teeth were very thin and better for
cutting meat than for crushing or biting bone. Tyrannosaurs also play a role
in the fauna of the island. In fact, the oldest representative of the group and
thus the earliest ancestor of Tyrannosaurus rex was discovered on the Isle
of Wight. Its name is Eotyrannus, which means “the tyrant of the dawn.”
He was about sixteen feet long and was described only in this century. Even
bigger than Neovenator was Baryonyx. It was probably not a pure
carnivore, but rather a fish-eater, as suggested by its teeth and its crocodile-
like skull shape. Baryonyx was a close relative of Spinosaurus but did not
have a dorsal sail. Its skeleton is the most complete of any spinosaur to
date. In 2021, two new spinosaurids were described: Riparovenator—“the
hunter of the riverbank”—and Ceratosuchops, “the horned crocodile face.”
However, not many remains of these two animals have been found. In 2022,
another spinosaurid was reported. It too appears to be a new species, as its
fossils were found in younger strata, the Vectis Formation on the southwest
coast of the island, near the village of Compton Chine, which—strictly
speaking—consists of only a farm and a large parking lot. The find contains
no skull bones, which is why researchers have not yet assigned a scientific
name to the animal. Cervical, pelvic, and caudal vertebrae are well
preserved, as well as parts of the ilium, ribs, and fragments of arm or leg
bones. These remains suggest an individual of enormous proportions,
comparable to the size of the Spinosaurus found by Stromer. This would
make the animal much larger than the other known spinosaurs from the
island. And, assuming similar anatomy to Spinosaurus, this find could even
be the largest carnivorous dinosaur ever found in Europe. A comparison
with the bones of other spinosaurids shows that this yet unnamed animal is
more closely related to Spinosaurus than to the other spinosaurids of the
Isle of Wight, such as Baryonyx, Ceratosuchops, and Riparovenator. The
find from the Vectis Formation also suggests that spinosaurids diversified
and occupied new ecological niches since their origin. While the earlier
representatives from the Wessex Formation predominantly inhabited the
banks of extensive river systems, this animal apparently lived near a lagoon
from which few other dinosaurs are known to date.
What fascinates me is that spinosaurids probably always occurred in
ecosystems that had very high carnivore diversity. We see that with Ernst
Stromer’s dinosaurs from the Bahariya Oasis, which included Spinosaurus,
Carcharodontosaurus, and Bahariasaurus. And the same is true on the Isle
of Wight, where, besides the three spinosaurids Baryonyx walkeri,
Ceratosuchops inferodios, and Riparovenator milnerae, there may have
been a fourth, much larger genus from the same family, plus the
tyrannosauroid Eotyrannus lengi, the large predator Neovenator salerii, and
a number of other carnivores whose position in the dinosaur family tree is
not entirely clear.
In Morocco we have a similar picture. There lived besides Spinosaurus
also Carcharodontosaurus and huge crocodiles, which were so big that they
probably ate even dinosaurs. And on the Isle of Wight, the fragmentary
remains of the new spinosaurid suggest that it too may have been one of the
largest carnivores in Europe.
We will learn later, in the chapter on Tyrannosaurus, that this was very
unusual for dinosaurian faunas. And the fact that in these assemblages oft
particularly large predators occurred, makes little sense in regard to the
distribution of large predators within the trophic network.
Chapter 8
The Super-Lung
Through the various fossil discoveries, we have learned much about the
powerful lungs of dinosaurs. We see evidence of unidirectional lungs in the
highly pneumatized bones of the vertebrae, and we can infer their
functioning from the anatomy of modern birds and crocodiles. Many of
these conclusions are based on computer models and theoretical
considerations. Yet for a long time there was no clear, direct evidence
because the lung, like all other soft tissues, has a low preservation potential.
But that changed when an animal called Archaeorhynchus was reported
from China that was already more closely related to modern birds than to
enantiornithines. It came from the Jiufotang Formation of the Lower
Cretaceous, and its soft tissue and plumage were still very well preserved.
In its thorax were the remains of two lungs that resembled those of living
birds, an indication that even these early forms of birds were capable of
flight 120 million years ago. Of all living, air-breathing vertebrates, birds
have the most complex and efficient respiratory system, allowing them to
maintain their energetically demanding form of locomotion even in oxygen-
deficient environments. The lung microstructure of Archaeorhynchus also
appears modern and is further evidence that many physiological changes in
the respiratory system that characterize extant birds and helped them
succeed were already present in dinosaurs that were not directly on the
avian lineage. Instead of saying that dinosaurs possessed birdlike lungs, it
would probably be more accurate to say that birds possess dinosaur lungs.
The Cloaca:
How Do Dinosaurs Make Wee-Wee?
Hard-shelled eggs are a characteristic shared by all birds and crocodiles. Yet
the reproductive systems of all living archosaurs are very different—as are
their cloacae. Crocodiles have two ovaries, their ovarian follicles mature
slowly, and they have large clutches and small eggs. Living birds, on the
other hand, almost all have only one ovary and one oviduct, and their
follicles develop rapidly. Birds are now the most diverse tetrapod class, and
there is a wide range of clutch and egg sizes within their group, depending
on the body size of the bird. Generally, however, the eggs of birds are
larger, and their clutches are smaller than those of crocodilians.
Derived reproductive traits in birds are thought to have evolved gradually
early in the dinosaur evolution, but the exact timing of these changes is
difficult to trace because of the incompleteness of the fossil record and
because of sparse soft tissue finds. However, we have learned much from
fantastic finds from the Jehol Province in northeastern China. Recently,
there have been reports of exceptionally well-preserved ovarian follicles in
the prehistoric bird Jeholornis and in several enantiornithines from the
Early Cretaceous strata of this region. Initially, it was doubted whether
these were actually follicles or rather seeds that had been eaten by the
To find out, fragments of these alleged follicles were extracted and
subjected to several analyses. These structures were found to have
histological and histochemical characteristics of smooth muscle fibers
intertwined with collagen fibers, resembling the contractile structure of
connective tissue in birds today. Fossilized blood vessels were also
preserved. No plant fibers or evidence for other plant tissue was found,
supporting the original interpretation as follicles in the left ovary. At the
same time, the right ovary was absent, showing that it was apparently
functionally lost early in avian evolution. The fossils from China were
compared with the small carnivore Compsognathus from Germany, which,
like Archaeopteryx, was found in the Solnhofen Limestone.
As it turned out, Jeholornis and Compsognathus both show features
similar to those of present-day crocodiles because they still have a large
number of small ovarian follicles. Enantiornithines also differ from modern
birds in terms of ovarian follicles. They had fewer and larger follicles;
however, these follicles were all similar in size. In today’s chickens, the size
of the follicles in the ovary varies, corresponding to different stages of
Kai Jäger, one of my former fellow students from Bonn, dealt in his
research with the evolution of early mammals. Kai can talk about his work
in a very lively and humorous way, thus making it more accessible to a
broad audience. That’s why he also took part in Science Slam, a
competition in which researchers have to present their results as
entertainingly as possible in a very short period of time. The focus is on
communicating scientific content in a way that is broadly accessible. The
participants’ ten-minute presentations are voted on by the audience through
cheering with the winner being the one who receives the most applause. Kai
did so well that he was invited to the German Science Slam Championship
in Berlin, which he actually won in 2014. Since then, he has been regularly
invited to speak by radio and television broadcasters when an expert in
paleontology is needed. Hence, it was not surprising when in 2017 the
Deutschlandfunk radio station called him when a spectacular find of a club-
tail dinosaur was reported from Canada. However, he forwarded this
request to me, since he is not a real dinosaur expert, but as a paleontologist
is mainly interested in the evolution of mammals. This radio program was
about an ankylosaur that had been discovered in the oil sands of Canada,
and since I had already read quite a bit about it, I was familiar with the
topic. The animal, named Borealopelta markmitchelli, was found in a mine
in northeastern Alberta. There, workers came across its skeleton in a debris
heap, and employees of the mining company immediately informed the
Royal Tyrrell Museum in Drumheller, one of the best-known and most
famous paleontological museums in the world. It has one of the largest and
most speciose collections of dinosaurs, with an emphasis on fossil finds
from the Canadian Badlands. A museum team traveled directly to this mine,
recovered the fossil with help from the workers, and shipped it back to
Drumheller. The rock strata in which the animal was found is composed of
Albian marine sediments and belongs to the Clearwater Formation, where
several plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs were also deposited. However, no
dinosaur had ever been discovered in it until that time, which is not
surprising because the formation contains sediments of a coastal facies and
a nearshore marine environment. Normally, land creatures would not be
present in these sediments. Most likely, said Borealopelta had fallen into a
river and had been washed away by it. Whether this happened before or
after the death of the animal is not conclusively clear. In any case, after its
death, the carcass, floating on its back, entered the open water and then
sank to the bottom of the sea. There, the animal was quickly buried by
sediment. Although remains of seafloor benthos such as worms, snails, and
starfish can be found in these deposits, there was no evidence of feeding
marks on the dinosaur by such scavengers. If, despite the seafloor being
oxygen-rich and populated by burrowing animals, the carcass does not
show any feeding marks, it is an unmistakable sign of a very rapid burial.
When the fossil was found, it was completely encased in a dense and hard
—but at the same time brittle—iron carbonate concretion, such as the one
we have already encountered with the ichthyosaurs from Nevada. Cracks on
the surface of the concretion showed that it must have fractured as the
carcass collapsed in its calcareous grave, as the organic material
increasingly decomposed, liquefied, and produced decomposition gases.
When the loading pressure finally became too great, the gases escaped, and
the body fluids were released. The resulting cavity in the dinosaur’s carcass
was then filled with sediment. However, because the animal was lying
underwater with its belly side up, its carapace remained intact. As a result,
not only have its scales and osteoderms been almost completely preserved,
but so have their arrangement in their natural compound, and—much more
unusual—many of the dermal bone plates are still covered by a horny
sheath. Because the empty body cavity was so quickly filled with sand, the
fossil is barely crushed, and we now have an excellent three-dimensional
preservation. The Canadian research team was even able to identify the
pattern of its scales and systematically searched for melanin pigments
which were preserved on the carapace.
To reveal all of this, the fossil had to be freed from the concretion in the
laboratory first, which took the preparator Mark Mitchell a full five years
and around seven thousand hours of work. His extraordinary achievement
was recognized with the naming of the animal, whose species name ended
up being markmitchelli. The genus name Borealopelta is a combination of
Latin and Greek and means “the shield from the north,” alluding to its
northern location and its carapace. Mark Mitchell’s effort was clearly worth
it, because the fossil is very beautiful. For its display, they turned it upside
down so that the carapace was again facing up. If you look at it from the
front, you might think Borealopelta is still alive and just sleeping, which
has earned it the nickname “Sleeping Beauty.” Although the animal may not
be as pretty as a king’s daughter, at least it looks like a sleeping dragon,
with its entire front part preserved. The head, neck, most of the torso, and
its limbs were protected by osteoderms during its lifetime. On its flanks, the
animal also bore long spines. One might think it was a walking tank on four
legs. But the color pigments of its carapace reveal that even adult
Borealopelta must have had predators. The pigments are distributed over its
carapace in a countershading pattern and were meant to fool predators.
The Upper Cretaceous
Chapter 9
One of the most talented fossil hunters who worked for both Marsh and
Cope—and probably the most successful—was Charles Hazelius Sternberg.
He accompanied the two paleontologists on various campaigns into the
Cretaceous strata of Wyoming and Montana, and even after the death of the
two disputants in the early twentieth century, Sternberg returned there. It is
thanks to him that Frankfurt has this mummy. Charles Sternberg, who was
sixty years old at the time of its discovery, had previously dug for dinosaurs
in the area for over twenty years and had a forty-year career as a fossil
collector. He had earned his reputation as an expert fossil collector at a
young age when he gathered fossilized plants from near his home in Kansas
for paleobotanist Leo Lesquereux of the Smithsonian Museum in
Washington. Word of his sleuthing soon spread, and a little later, in 1876, he
began searching for dinosaurs full-time for Edward Cope. That was also the
year General Custer was crushingly defeated at the Battle of the Little
Bighorn by the Sioux, Arapaho, and Cheyenne under their leaders Sitting
Bull, Crazy Horse, and Gall in what is now Montana. Not far from this
theater of war, in the middle of the Wild West, Cope and Sternberg
unearthed spectacular dinosaur finds. Marsh also sought good relations with
the Indigenous tribes so that he could dig in their territory. From 1889 to
1894, Sternberg’s son Charles, along with paleontologist John Bell Hatcher,
searched for vertebrate fossils there on Marsh’s behalf and actually found
the first remains of the horned dinosaur Triceratops—even though he
initially mistook its horns as bison horns. Horned dinosaurs are also called
ceratopsians, and because their remains were often found in the strata of the
Lance Formation, Marsh named these deposits “Ceratops beds.” Because of
the constant weathering at the surface of the site, new fossil discoveries
continue to be made there regularly today. According to 2017 and 2018
counts, a total of nearly seven hundred skulls and partial skeletons of
horned dinosaurs, one hundred and fifty skeletons of duckbill dinosaurs,
and about seventy partial tyrannosaur skeletons have been discovered in the
Lance and Hell Creek formations. Teeth and individual bones of dinosaurs
are found even more frequently, with over forty thousand documented from
these strata, private collections excluded.
Cope and Marsh had both been dead for ten years when Sternberg
returned to the region. Starting in 1908, he, together with his sons, George,
Charles Mortam, and Levi, worked in the Lance Formation strata in
Converse County (now Niobrara County), Wyoming. The county was much
larger in the early twentieth century; only later did the eastern part of
Converse County become what is now Niobrara County, and only the
western part retained its old name. In 1908 and 1909, the family discovered
the first Trachodon mummy and two Triceratops skulls. They sold one of
them to the London Museum of Natural History, while the other, along with
the duckbill dinosaur, was acquired by the American Museum of Natural
History. The Senckenberg mummy came from the southern Schneider
Creek area in Niobrara County. In 1910, Charles Mortam, the second-born
son of Charles Sr., discovered parts of a dinosaur tail weathering out of the
sandstone. Subsequent excavation revealed a complete skeleton with skin
impressions. In situ, it measured 17.2 feet, of which the skull accounted for
3.9 feet, the torso 7.9 feet, and the tail 5.4 feet. The recovery of this fossil
was the most laborious that the Sternberg family had undertaken up to that
time. Charles was determined to secure every fragment of the skin
impressions, so the salvaged blocks of rock turned out to be particularly
large. The mummy’s torso alone weighed about 1.6 metric tons, and the
total weight of the fossil was 4.5 metric tons. Since the Sternbergs did not
have a block and tackle, the recovery of the fossil blocks could only be
done step-by-step by lifting them ever so slightly. It is hard to imagine
today how these four men could cope with the tremendous undertaking. The
Sternbergs built a ramp of sand and soil and lifted the fossil out of the pit in
an immense feat of strength. They used poplar logs as levers and then
shoveled sand underneath the blocks of rock. In this way, they were lifted
inch by inch to a height of about 3.9 feet before being hoisted onto the
horse-drawn carriage and taken to the railroad station at Edgemont in South
Dakota, some seventy-five miles away. In total, the excavation took two
and a half months.
Charles Sternberg offered to sell the fossil to Fritz Drevermann, then the
director of the Senckenberg Museum. Drevermann was able to raise the
requested sum through a donation from the industrialist Arthur von
Weinberg. However, shortly after the agreement with the German museum
director, Sternberg received another offer from the Canadian Museum of
Nature in Ottawa. The Canadians offered Charles twice the amount of
money for the fossil that he was to receive from the Senckenberg Museum.
Sternberg wrote about it in his 1917 memoirs: “I shall never forget the
effort I made to induce him to give up the specimen, or take another in its
stead. [...] But [the fossil] crossed the Atlantic. The last message I had of it,
before this awful war [World War I] cut off all communications, was that
the head had been prepared and it was the best of which there was any
In the summer of 1910, the Sternbergs also discovered four Triceratops
skulls, two of which went to the Senckenberg Museum, and a few years
later Charles Sternberg found another dinosaur mummy, which he sold to
the British Museum of Natural History shortly before the First World War.
The fossil was to be brought to Europe by ship. Unfortunately, that ship
would be the ocean liner RMS Lusitania, which was sunk by a German
submarine not far from the Irish coast on May 7, 1915. This terrible tragedy
claimed the lives of 1,198 people and the sinking of the Lusitania ultimately
led to the United States entering the First World War. This is the reason
why, to this day, the London Museum does not have a dinosaur mummy and
this one lies at the bottom of the sea. More than a hundred years after the
ship first sank, however, there’s probably nothing left of it.
As interesting as the descriptions of fascinating, novel, and ever bigger
dinosaurs may have been back then, nowadays it is no longer enough just to
look for the largest fossils. Today, other research topics have become much
more important. We want to understand the environment the animals lived
in, what they ate, what enemies they had, and what other animals coexisted
in the same ecosystem. Scientists want to find out what climate and
vegetation prevailed at that time, and they want to learn about the ways of
life and cause of death of the dinosaurs. That’s why, in 2019, researchers
from the Senckenberg Museum traveled once again to the original site in
Niobrara County to reconstruct and understand the ecosystem of
Edmontosaurus. In a collaboration with the Wyoming Dinosaur Center
Foundation and supported by the Lipoid Foundation, the Senckenberg team
explored the strata of the Lance Formation and recovered an approximately
215-square-foot bone field in July 2019. I had the honor and the great
pleasure of accompanying the excavation for National Geographic
Germany to write four articles about it. For me, it was a pleasure to be part
of an excavation for the Senckenberg Museum so many years after my first
visit to Frankfurt—even more so in an area where Barnum Brown had
found remains of Tyrannosaurus and Charles Hazelius Sternberg of
Triceratops. So, I took a flight from Frankfurt to Denver and rented a four-
wheel drive SUV to take me to the quiet town of Lusk. It is located in far
eastern Wyoming and has about fifteen hundred inhabitants. That’s 60
percent of the total population of Niobrara County, the most sparsely
populated county in Wyoming. Other than a bank, a supermarket, a truck
stop, and two liquor stores, there is not much in this town, but it is located
in a geologically interesting basin. All around, the land is mostly flat, and
extensive pastures stretch out for the many herds of cattle. Here and there
you see pumping stations that extract petroleum from rock strata a mile
deep. It was here that Sternberg and his sons discovered the Senckenberg
dinosaur mummy, even before the county was established in 1911. The
rocks exposed north of Lusk are part of the Lance Formation, named for the
village of Lance Creek, and contain one of the best-known Late Cretaceous
dinosaur faunas. Anyone even remotely interested in dinosaurs knows the
names of the animals that have been excavated here: Triceratops,
Edmontosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and, of course, Tyrannosaurus.
The site we drove to was rediscovered back in the 1970s. It is located on
the grounds of a private ranch about fifty miles north of Lusk. To get there,
you exit US Highway 18 at Mule Creek Junction and end up on a gravel
road. Wild sunflowers lined our path, an invasive plant species not
originally endemic to the area. The ride was repeatedly disrupted by cattle
carelessly crossing the gravel road while pronghorn and mule deer grazed in
the distance. With the exception of a small deciduous forest near a river, the
area was treeless for many miles. Just before the gravel road ended after ten
miles, it took us past a colony of prairie dogs that watched each passing car
suspiciously and called out warnings to each other before disappearing into
their burrows. From here, the only way to get farther was with an all-terrain
vehicle with plenty of ground clearance. Although the site had been known
for a long time, it was only then that a scientific excavation was first carried
out, which was certainly related to the fact that such a research project was
expensive and involved considerable effort. In addition, the site was simply
too remote for regular excavations. In the middle of nowhere on the
American prairie, some forty tons of ancient bones and rocks had to be
lifted, cut up, loaded onto a container, and shipped—a logistical challenge
in a class of its own. Fortunately, the Senckenberg team had support at the
time from the Wyoming Dinosaur Center, which had leased the outcrop.
Philipe Havlik, curator at the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt, was in
charge of the excavation. For him, the site was important because he and his
science team wanted to understand what had happened there in the Late
Cretaceous. Today, we know that during this time period, there were
particularly high carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere. In order
to find out how this phenomenon affected the vegetation at that time, a
precise profile of the rock sequence was needed. This would provide us
with information about the type of deposition and, in conjunction with
further lab work, enable us to surmise the era’s climate. The scientists at the
Senckenberg Museum were finally able not only to identify numerous plant
and animal fossils, but also to reconstruct the entire ecosystem in which
Edmontosaurus once lived. However, elaborate tooth enamel studies that
provide clues to the chemical composition of the atmosphere at the time,
just like studies of plant pollen, can only be done under ideal conditions in a
scientific laboratory. Even small fossils such as mammal teeth, fish scales,
or plant seeds, which are often overlooked in the field, can only be spotted
and quantified in the laboratory. Hence, the question was how to transfer an
entire bone bed to Frankfurt. Philipe Havlik had an answer: instead of
recovering individual bones as Sternberg once did, he decided on a recovery
en block. We were to cut out all the fossils, along with the surrounding
matrix, as one big chunk of rock. This concept was not new, but to recover a
block of 215 square feet was unique and presented a great challenge even to
the experienced Senckenberg crew. The paleontologist Manuela Aiglstorfer
from Mainz, who accompanied our excavation in the hopes of finding many
fossil mammal remains, explained to me that at first the area had to be
uncovered and several feet of overburden had to be removed with the
excavator in order to reach the fossil-bearing layers. In doing so, it was
important not to damage bones that protruded from the rock. Bones that
were visible on the surface were measured and then either recovered
directly or plastered in place. Long steel bolts were then driven into the
rock layers of the fossil deposit, and ropes were tied to them to create an
excavation grid. This grid helped to mark the exact position of the bones
removed, so that they could be reassigned later, in the lab. A grid was then
drawn with a spray can and cuboids with an edge length of 3.3 feet were cut
out piece by piece. A chain saw with a diamond-tipped saw blade was used
for this work, cooled with water from a large tank. Cutting such a bone bed
into cubes with a saw, when the bone density is so high, one might risk
cutting the bones. But these cuts are rather small compared to the total area
and size of the bones, and one can reassemble the cut bones relatively easily
in the laboratory. After sawing, the cut surfaces of the cuboids were
reinforced with reinforcing fabric soaked in resin to prevent the sediment
from crumbling out. Once a cuboid was suitably prepared, it was removed
by a telehandler, a type of mini-excavator. Steel plates were attached to the
lifting fork, the front edge whetted and its surface greased with lubricating
oil. This allowed the telehandler to use sheer force to push the steel plate
into the in situ rock beneath the cuboid and dislodge it from the subsoil.
Then the oversized “cake lifter” was raised and the remaining surfaces of
the rock were also sealed with resin. Now the cuboid only had to be
shuttered with plywood sheets and lashed down with ratchet straps. Finally,
it was loaded onto a pallet and into an overseas container. Despite all the
auxiliary tools, a lot of manpower was needed to handle such a project. That
is why Philipe Havlik and Manuela Aiglstorfer were supported by a team of
eleven from France.
As soon as we arrived there, it became clear to us that the effort would be
worth it, because individual bones of the Edmontosaurs were already
sticking out on the surface of the rock. One could see ribs, vertebrae,
humeri, and thigh bones with the naked eye, but also more delicate
elements such as lower jaws and even finger bones. The size of the bones
left no doubt that these were the remains of dinosaurs. Furthermore, the
hooves and teeth were indicative of several duckbill dinosaurs. The way
they were deposited revealed that the bones must have been moved after
death and possibly washed away in a flood, as many different bones from
different individuals were crisscrossed. Interestingly, however, there was
little to no abrasion at the tips of the bones. This suggested a short transport
during which the bones had not rubbed against each other. The exact
number of animals buried here could no longer be determined with absolute
certainty. In such a situation, however, one can use some simple tools to
determine a minimum number of individuals. If, for example, five left
femora are found, one can be certain that there were at least five
individuals, since such a bone occurs only once per animal. If there are
several identical bones of different length, this may speak for animals of
different ontogenetic stages. It was clear that the latter was the case with the
dinosaurs in our bone bed, and also that it was a herd of a single species.
Close-up of the bone bed in Niobrara County, Wyoming, showing a vertebra (front) and a scapula
(back) of Edmontosaurus.
Philipe was pleased not only with the dinosaurs, but also with smaller
finds such as soft-shelled turtle shell fragments, the first mammal tooth of
the dig, and another hand-sized piece of rock that showed a deciduous tree
leaf next to a conifer branch. Such a fossil would never be seen in the
Jurassic strata since deciduous trees did not appear until the Cretaceous
period. Layers of leaves or charcoal and individual tree trunks were also
found in the bone bed, repeatedly. There was much to suggest that there
were mixed forests in this region of the Midwest of North America at that
time, indicating to us the prevailing climate at the end of the Cretaceous.
The tension in the field was great because we naturally wanted to get the
bone bed to Frankfurt in one piece. Our schedule turned out to be tight and
the working conditions were difficult, because all the equipment and tools
had to be laboriously transported to the excavation site. In addition, there
was no workshop for miles around and no electricity, water, or sanitary
facilities on-site—only the burning sun and a lack of shade. The extreme
conditions at the excavation site were not only a challenge for the research
team, but also put a strain on the equipment. Each block that had to be cut
weighed about 1.5 tons, and the total weight of the removed sediment was
thirty to forty tons. The chain saw turned out to be the weak point of the
project. There were repeated delays due to its defective metal blade and
chain. Another issue was the crumbling rock, which broke off at the edges
of the blocks despite the resin and could have affected the stability of the
whole block during transport. This was mitigated by superglue, of which
the team used up dozens of bottles during those days. The coat of resin
around the blocks was also a source of danger because, as soon as the toxic,
corrosive compound was mixed, it generated intense heat that could have
caused burns or even caught fire. Therefore, protective gloves were
necessary. Once the resin had been applied and dried, the wooden sheeting
was put in place and fastened with the ratchet straps. Then the cavities were
filled with polyurethane foam to prevent movement within the block during
transport. Whenever a damaged saw blade needed to be replaced, I used the
time to search for more fossils on a nearby hill. Philipe told me that he had
once found small fragments of a Triceratops frill there, and of course I
wanted to see for myself if I might discover more pieces of my favorite
dinosaur. But since I didn’t have the right tools with me, my search was
limited to the terrain surface. At least I also found a few frill fragments.
Overall, this excavation was quite impressive. The rock blocks were
loaded into a large overseas container with the telehandler. This mini-
excavator was just as wide as the inside of the container and was able to
push one pallet at a time deep inside. The overseas container was then
loaded onto a large truck. To this day, it is still a mystery to me how the
truck driver managed to get so close to the excavation site with his huge
truck. Even with our much smaller off-road vehicle, we had to carefully
drive around holes and large boulders on the gravel road so as not to
damage the underbody of the truck. The big truck drove the huge chunk of
dinosaur graveyard two thousand miles to the East Coast. There, the fossil
bones landed on a container ship and, after millions of years underground,
sailed across the vast ocean toward Frankfurt. Later, during the preparation
of the blocks, a few predatory dinosaur teeth were actually found—and they
were from a Tyrannosaurus!
Chapter 10
A cast of the “large” arms of the juvenile “Nanotyrannus” at the Black Hills Institute, South Dakota.
When I was on the dig in the Lance Formation in Wyoming in the summer
of 2019, I met Pete Larson, president of the Black Hills Institute, a dinosaur
museum in Hill City, South Dakota. Pete is an extraordinary personality and
one of the most important Tyrannosaurus discoverers. It is definitely worth
googling his name sometime or watching the movie Dinosaur 13, which
explores the discovery of the tyrannosaur Sue. Pete invited me, the
photographer, and the cameraman from the excavation to visit him in South
Dakota. I really wanted to see his museum because it had Stan, one of the
largest and most complete tyrannosaurs in the world, on display. The animal
is extremely impressive, and I definitely wanted to see it at the Black Hills
Institute before it was sold, as Pete had told us it would be. Pete and his
brother were in litigation at the time, and as a result of the settlement, Pete
would keep the museum while his brother would get the proceeds from
Stan’s sale. Finally, on October 6, 2020, the T. rex was sold to an unknown
bidder for the incredible sum of 31.8 million dollars. This was a record sum
that had never been collected for a fossil before and exceeded the wildest
estimates many times over. The previous record holder at auction had also
been a tyrannosaur, the T. rex nicknamed Sue from the Natural History
Museum in Chicago. Its skeleton had already earned its previous owner a
whopping 8.36 million dollars in 1992. But as great as the enthusiasm for
this high sum was, the experts were shocked. No one knew who the
mysterious bidder was, and it was feared that a private collector or investor
might withdraw the fossil from public view and prevent future research on
the animal. From October 2020 until the end of March 2022, the fossil
remained missing, and speculation about the mysterious owner and the
animal’s whereabouts ran rampant. When a tyrannosaur skull was seen in the
background during a television interview with actor and wrestler Dwayne
“The Rock” Johnson in January 2022, rumors spread that he might be the
one who had purchased the dinosaur at the auction. However, it was only a
replica of Stan’s head. Two months later, it became known that the future
Museum of Natural History in Abu Dhabi had bought the fossil at auction.
Many paleontologists expressed relief that a museum had acquired the
animal and welcomed the fact that it would now be on display in a part of
the world where people rarely had access to fossils and dinosaurs in
Skull of the large Tyrannosaurus “Stan” at the Black Hills Institute, South Dakota, before it was
auctioned off in 2020.
When the first predatory dinosaurs with feathers were discovered in China
about twenty years ago, it was a sensation. Over time, more and more finds
came to light that showed evidence of plumage in theropods and triggered
speculation about whether T. rex was covered in feathers also. Since we have
now found fossilized integument from tyrannosaurs, we can answer this
Many jokes about T. rex allude to its short arms. They were downright tiny
compared to its otherwise enormous proportions. Initially, only a humerus
and no forearm or digits were found from T. rex. Henry Fairfield Osborn, at
the first public exhibition of the skeletal reconstruction in 1915, had
mounted three-fingered hands on it, as had been seen in Allosaurus. But he
should have known better, because the closely related Gorgosaurus was
already known at that time, and it had two fingers on each hand. And
although there was later no doubt that T. rex also had only two fingers on
each hand, it was only a specimen discovered in 1989, which is now on
display in Montana, that provided unequivocal evidence of this, because in
this fossil the entire arms had been preserved for the first time. Today it is
clear that all tyrannosaurids were two-fingered.
But why were the arms of T. rex so short compared to its body size? They
measured just around three feet, and some of my colleagues describe them as
rudimentary. But we shouldn’t make fun of it—muscle attachment scars on
the humerus, in fact, show that Tyrannosaurus’s biceps were very strongly
developed. The bones of their arms had extremely thick cortical bone,
showing that the animal could withstand heavy loads. The biceps of an adult
T. rex were so strong that it could lift four hundred and forty pounds with
them. Other muscles in the upper arm, such as the brachialis muscle, worked
in concert with the biceps to strengthen elbow flexion. So, T. rex would not
only have won against any human in arm wrestling—its muscle strength
would have been enough to simply rip out a human’s entire arm.
While human upper arms can rotate three hundred and sixty degrees at the
ball-and-socket joint of the shoulder, tyrannosaurs had very limited range of
movement. They could only pivot their arms forty degrees at the shoulder
and forty-five degrees at the elbow. Biomechanical analyses of the massive
arm bones, extreme muscle strength, and limited range of motion suggest
that the short arms evolved so that these dinosaurs could hold on to their
prey even in the face of massive opposition. The large muscle attachments
on the humerus caught Osborn’s attention as early as 1906 and he correctly
concluded that these arms must have been very strong. He assumed that they
were used to hold a partner during mating. In the 1970s, it was assumed that
the arms were important when standing up from a prone position to prevent
the animal from sliding forward while pushing with its hind legs. All three
considerations are plausible and need not be mutually exclusive. In 2021,
however, Professor Kevin Padian of Berkeley argued that the reduction of
arms in tyrannosaurids had no special function but was rather a secondary
adaptation. According to him, the arms became smaller as the animals’ skulls
became larger and their jaws stronger. This served to prevent bites and
serious injuries when, for example, a pack of tyrannosaurs fought over the
same prey. But whether this is tenable remains questionable. In Albertosaurs
we see such pack behavior. They lived at least partly together with
conspecifics of the same age, but for Tyrannosaurus so far there is no
evidence for such behavior.
The idea that the arms were used as weapons during hunting and the claws
were used to slash prey, however, seems more than questionable to me. The
arms are much too short for that and their range of motion is, as mentioned
above, much too limited. The claws on their fingers could have inflicted long
and deep cuts on the prey, but Tyrannosaurus probably could not have
targeted vital or vulnerable areas with them.
But if you think that the tyrannosaurs had the smallest forearms relative to
the rest of their bodies in the dinosaur kingdom, you are wrong. The arms of
Carnotaurus and Abelisaurus from Argentina or those of Majungasaurus
from Madagascar are much shorter. The three carnivores belong to a group
that we call abelisaurians and are found mainly in the southern hemisphere.
This probably seems strange to us because we don’t know any other
dinosaurs today except for birds. The extremely short arms seem strange to
us, even if, conversely, it is actually the anatomy of modern birds that is
special. With them a clear decrease of body size took place with a
simultaneous increase of relative arm length. The wings are unusually long
for dinosaurs. The evolution of birds toward a small body size and long arms
probably made active bird flight possible. Indeed, there is conversely an
evolutionary trend of negative forearm allometry in theropods that are not
yet birds, where larger species often have relatively short forearms. This
contradiction can be explained by the fact that the forearm bones, i.e., the
ulna and radius, were disproportionately long early in the body evolution of
predatory dinosaurs. Thus, the longer a juvenile lived, the longer its humerus
and femur became relative to the forearm, which was accompanied by a
significant change in arm function. Because tyrannosaurs were not fully
grown until they were about eighteen years old, but their arms stopped
growing much earlier, the arms of adult animals appear very short. This was
not yet noticeable in T. rex teenagers, because a three- or four-year-old T. rex
already had arms as long as its parents, and they simply stopped growing
after that. A large abelisaur or T. rex killed its prey with its mouth and did not
need strong arms. Consequently, the transition from one food niche to the
next also determined arm development. Conversely, small theropods needed
arms to catch prey and, in the case of birds, to be able to fly. The negative
allometry of the arms is thus a signal for evolutionary developments, which
are also reflected in ontogenetic trends. In modern birds, the growth of arms
is related to changes in movement and behavior during ontogeny—that is,
bird flight. The proportionally longer arms of birds are a juvenile trait that
adult birds retain. We have also seen the same phenomenon in the dwarfing
of Europasaurus, supporting the notion that the evolution of modern birds
was driven by paedomorphosis. Paedomorphosis can be achieved by
accelerating sexual maturity relative to the rest of development, or by
delaying physical development relative to reproductive capacity. That’s why
birds basically look like baby dinosaurs.
The T. rex at the Field Museum is named Sue—but is the animal really
female? It’s hard to tell. Distinct sexual characteristics in dinosaurs are
usually lost during fossilization. But one particular bone tissue is found only
in female birds, and in all other female dinosaurs—medullary bone tissue. It
is a special, derived tissue that lines the internal medullary cavity of females
just before they lay eggs. Medullary bones in extinct dinosaurs suggest
similar reproductive strategies and serve as an objective method for their sex
differentiation. However, there is a catch: it only helps us identify females
that were sexually mature and about to lay eggs at the time of their death.
This is because the medullary bone served as a calcium reservoir, which the
females needed for eggshell formation. In Sue, we do not find this bone
tissue, which does not necessarily mean that she was a male. It may simply
mean she hadn’t laid eggs shortly before her death. Medullary bone tissue is
known from two other tyrannosaurs, however. One of these animals is on
display at the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, Montana. It is nicknamed
B. rex and at the time of its death was about eighteen years old and already
weighed three tons. Of B. rex less than 40 percent of the skeleton is
preserved, but its skull is nearly complete. The medullary bone tissue came
from the medullary cavity of its femur, from which other spectacular
discoveries were made, too. In fact, contrary to popular belief, this
tyrannosaur showed that fossil bones can sometimes contain original cells,
blood vessels, and structural tissue still composed of its original proteins. In
this case, this was due to the extraordinary deposition and preservation of the
animal after its death. The carcass of B. rex decayed in a brackish estuarine
channel and was buried under sand in an oxygen-rich environment, rapidly
solidifying. As a result, no further chemical decay occurred. Much research
will certainly be done on this in the coming years.
The other female is housed at the Burpee Museum of Natural History in
Rockford, Illinois. It was about fifteen years old at the time of its death, still
a teenager. Fossils of juvenile tyrannosaurs are extremely rare, but the
Burpee Museum has not one but two of them, both found in the same region
of Montana. The more complete specimen of the two teenagers, nicknamed
Jane, was slightly smaller and, at about thirteen years old, a bit younger.
However, we do not yet know if Jane was a female or even sexually mature.
Paradoxically, medullary bone tissue was detected in the larger animal,
which bears the male nickname Petey. Jane, by the way, is that specimen that
was thought to be the new species Nanotyrannus lancensis. However, since
it turned out that it was actually just a young T. rex, the animal is called
Tyrannosaurus again.
The King, the Queen, and the Emperor
With all the confusion about gender and dramatic changes in body structure,
it is not surprising that some of my colleagues believed that there may have
been several different species of Tyrannosaurus. The species Tyrannosaurus
rex is widely known, but researchers have long observed that some animals
were more robustly built and some had wider pelvises than others. Some
paleontologists interpreted these as gender-specific traits. They argued that
the narrow pelvis was indicative of males and the wider one was indicative
of females, because a wide pelvis would certainly be advantageous when
laying eggs. Others saw the high variability as a sign that there must have
been several different species. This hypothesis does not seem to me to be
completely far-fetched; after all, as we have already learned, Tyrannosaurus
existed on Earth for about 1.2 to 3.6 million years. This time span is
sufficient for it to have split into several species. A 2022 article states that
there was originally one species of Tyrannosaurus, which later gave rise to
two new ones. The authors noted that many footprints and skeletons of T. rex
showed considerable variability that had not yet been studied in detail
stratigraphically. This meant, they said, that it is not yet known whether the
differences might not be related to a different temporal occurrence of the
respective finds. In studies of more than three dozen specimens of T. rex, the
authors found evidence of a remarkable disproportionate variation in
tyrannosaurs, which they believed could not be explained by different
growth phases or sexual dimorphism alone, but by the fact that various
forms occurred in chronological succession and were found in different rock
strata of different ages. They cited the robustness of the skeleton and the
varying number of small incisor-like teeth in the lower jaw as the most
important arguments for their theory. Thus, at the beginning of the
tyrannosaur evolution, there was one robust species with two small teeth in
the front and much larger teeth farther back in the lower jaw. The robustness
of the animals was defined by the circumference of their femora. The
original form of T. rex is thought to have later split into two new species that
had only a single small tooth in front of the larger teeth in the lower jaw. One
of these new species still had robust femora and the other one had more
slender ones. The two new species then replaced the original species.
When a new species develops from an old one, it is called
anagenesis. When an original species has split into two new
sister species occurring at the same time, a so-called
cladogenesis took place. Something like this can happen when
two populations are spatially separated and then adapt
differently to their respective habitats.
The first skeleton of a T. rex ever found was not at the same time the
geologically oldest. It was a more derived form as a result of the anagenesis,
and a robust one at that, but bearing only one small tooth in the anterior
mandible. However, according to the rules of nomenclature, the specimen
which was described first must retain its original name, so the authors gave
this species the name Tyrannosaurus rex. For the oldest robust form with
two small teeth at the tip of the lower jaw, they later gave the name
Tyrannosaurus imperator, while they renamed the more gracile new species
Tyrannosaurus regina. I like all of these names very much. Tyrannosaurus
rex, as we recall, means “king of the tyrant lizards,” Tyrannosaurus
imperator means “emperor of the tyrant lizards,” and Tyrannosaurus regina
means “queen of the tyrant lizards.” According to this new naming scheme,
Sue would be a Tyrannosaurus imperator, and a Tyrannosaurus regina can
be seen at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC.
However, it is uncertain whether these names will catch on in the long run. I
found the distinction of these three species based on only two characteristics
very questionable, and shortly after the publication of the article in question,
many experienced colleagues shared my concerns. There are doubts about
the coherence of some arguments. If one postulates such a distinction of
different species, one should clearly prove it. Thereby the assumption of a
species succession over a period of 2.4 million years is quite plausible. In the
case of Triceratops, the species Triceratops horridus was followed by the
species Triceratops prorsus in the same period. On the other hand, there are
very many skeletons of Tyrannosaurus that have hundreds of distinct
skeletal features by which its species can be described. To derive three
species on the basis of only two features does not seem very convincing to
me. But the authors did not succeed in finding any more features among the
many that support their hypothesis. In fact, femur circumference varies
widely among tyrannosaurs, and other authors have shown that there are not
two size clusters with thick femora on one side and slender femora on the
other, but that there is a whole range of bones of different thickness, with
some occurring somewhere in the middle.
The tooth variation is a groundless argument. With mammals, this
characteristic would have perhaps been convincing, since they usually have
a strict tooth formula so all animals of the same kind always possess the
same number of teeth. Humans, for example—so long as they brush their
teeth thoroughly—always have two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and
two molars per quadrant. As they get older, they then grow one more molar
per quadrant, which we call wisdom teeth. Reptiles, on the other hand, have
very variable tooth formulas that allow for much more plasticity. Two
animals of the same species may have more or fewer teeth in their jaws. To
base different reptile species on different tooth formulas therefore does not
seem very reliable to me. That the distinguishing features are also inadequate
becomes clear from the example of the New York Tyrannosaurus, which is
one of the most complete specimens in the world. In this animal, the skull,
ribs, pelvis, and the entire spine up to the tip of the tail are almost
completely preserved. It is only missing its thighs. Consequently, it would be
impossible to assign this animal to a Tyrannosaurus species because we do
not know the circumference of the femora. It is not surprising that some
colleagues refuted the corresponding article only half a year after its
appearance. Perhaps someday we will actually be able to determine
differences that will make it necessary to divide the genus Tyrannosaurus
into several species. But so far this is not necessary, and so the name of our
favorite dinosaur remains with us for the time being: Tyrannosaurus rex!
Chapter 11
An ideal place to test this method was the dinosaur track site of
Münchehagen, a natural monument in a former quarry, where hundreds of
sauropod and theropod tracks can be found over an 160,000-square-foot
area. There—about 140 million years ago, at the beginning of the Lower
Cretaceous—the dinosaurs left their footprints in the soft subsoil of an
estuarine delta. These tracks can be traced further in the adjacent quarry.
Titanosaurs did not yet exist in the Upper Jurassic, but the brachiosaurs
also already walked with a broad-gauge gait. Their tracks were not caused
by a herd moving together in the same direction, but by individuals that
crisscrossed. Therefore, no clear predominant walking direction can be
recognized. The animals moved very slowly and were probably searching
for food. Calculations showed a walking speed of only two to three miles
per hour. Spore findings show that various conifers and fern species were
available as food sources for these animals. Conifers were well adapted to
the prevailing arid climate, but also to brackish conditions. In addition, the
sauropods may have fed on trees with water-storing leaves and herbs that
grew on the tidal flats. The tracks usually stand out from the rest of the rock
by their lighter coloration because the tracks were subsequently covered
and infilled with carbonate plugs. However, as the escarpment is exposed to
weathering, the tracks are beginning to fade and will become less and less
distinct in the future.
Some of the most impressive dinosaur tracks are located near the city of
Sucre in Bolivia. At the Cal Orck’o mountain, a paleontological site, there
is a cliff with thousands of footprints. It is about two hundred and sixty feet
high, four thousand feet wide, and has an incline of seventy-three degrees.
The tracks come from hundreds of different turtles, crocodiles, small
lizards, but also from sauropods, theropods, and ankylosaurs from the
Upper Cretaceous period. The wall in central Bolivia has been known since
1968, and recent work shows that track sites also exist elsewhere in Bolivia,
occurring in several strata from the Campanian to the late Maastrichtian
(83.6 to 66 million years ago). They all belong to a mega-track complex
that extends from southern Peru across the central Bolivian Andes to Salta
Province in northern Argentina. This is probably the largest assemblage of
dinosaur footprints in the world. The main track area is about two hundred
and seventy thousand square feet and was mapped in 1998 using heavy
mountain-climbing equipment. The track-bearing strata show episodic soil
formation, stromatolites, and storm deposits. They formed in calcareous
lake deposits that repeatedly dried out in places. Three hundred and thirteen
tracks were recorded on nine levels, including those of five different
dinosaur species. Tracks of ankylosaurs were the first to be discovered
there. The high diversity of tracks clearly shows that the decline of dinosaur
species toward the end of the Cretaceous, at least in South America, was not
gradual, but that the dinosaurs died out abruptly due to external factors.
Chapter 12
Therefore, it was long assumed that this group originated there. However,
molecular data, the fossil record, and phylogenetic studies over the last
twenty years refute this hypothesis. Animals such as Lithornis also suggest
that the evolution to flightlessness and large body sizes occurred later in
their evolution. So, the question arises whether it is possible that these two
traits evolved three times, independently of each other, in South America,
Africa, and New Zealand, at a time when these landmasses were already far
apart. Thus, we still do not know exactly how, when, and where the present
paleognath diversity arose. The group does appear to have lived before the
Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–Pg), but since we do not have
Cretaceous fossils, we cannot trace the convergent transitions to
flightlessness and large body sizes. And while Lithornis is about 60 million
years old, we don’t even find direct ancestors of modern paleognaths until
about 40 million years later.
Moreover, the following thought is keeping me up at night: paleognaths
and neognaths are the only surviving dinosaurs. In the group of archosaurs,
only the modern crocodiles have survived. This means that the closest
relatives of the paleognaths outside the avian lineage are the crocodiles.
This split of archosaurs into crocodiles and dinosaurs, however, already
occurred 250 million years ago. So, if we compare features in the family
tree or in the genome, it is not surprising that all paleognaths always end up
in the same group. They are different from the other birds and are light-
years away from crocodiles in their development. But maybe this effect is
just related to the fact that we don’t have any dinosaur DNA available yet?
Maybe the paleognaths are not a uniform group at all, and their similar
appearance is only a result of convergent evolution? Perhaps the
bioprovince of Australia was already so isolated that cassowaries and kiwis
descended from a different coelurosaur than ostriches, nandus, and
tinamous. Or maybe it all happened much later. We can only hope that at
some point there will be finds that will allow us to reconsider the
relationships of paleognaths to neognaths and their dinosaurian ancestors.
This would also explain the long ghost lineage, because there is no direct
common ancestor. Perhaps ostriches, nandus, and cassowaries split off from
coelurosaurs at three different nodes.
All birds lay hard-shelled eggs. They are also the only terrestrial
vertebrates, some of which lay colorful eggs. Crocodiles and turtles are a
little different. They also lay eggs, but these are white because their shells
do not have color pigments. From whom did birds inherit the ability to lay
colored eggs? Were their dinosaurian ancestors also able to do this? Did all
dinosaurs lay colored eggs? And why do birds lay colored eggs while
crocodiles do not?
That some birds produce colored eggshells is a result of selective
pressure. Egg coloration is primarily for camouflage. If they have the same
coloration as the vegetation that surrounds them, or if they have speckles to
blend in with gravelly substrate, they are less likely to be discovered, and
are less likely to be eaten by egg thieves. Egg camouflage is thus an
important part of the breeding behavior of open-nesting birds, which protect
their unhatched offspring from visually oriented predators in this way. But
not all eggs of open-nesting birds are colored. In fact, many birds protect
their eggs by continuously incubating, so coloring is not necessary for them.
Colored eggs also help birds distinguish their own eggs from those of other
species, and it keeps them from mistaking foreign eggs as their own, when a
parasite secretly adds them to the nest, as is the case with cuckoos. Turtles,
on the other hand, bury their eggs in the sand, and crocodiles cover them
with branches or twigs, so they don’t need camouflage. If the egg of an
extinct animal is colored, then we can conclude that it was not buried, but
laid in an open nest. The color of its egg thus allows us to draw conclusions
about the social behavior of an animal, even if we can no longer observe it
in the wild. This has led dinosaur researchers to investigate whether
dinosaurs laid colorful eggs even before modern birds emerged from them.
Fortunately, there are many sites with dinosaur eggs around the world. The
first specimens were discovered in France in 1846. Other finds have come
from the United States, Spain, and China, where entire nests and clutches
have been found containing dozens of eggs.
Jasmina Wiemann, a colleague at the Field Museum, wanted to know if
only the direct ancestors of birds produced colorful eggshells or perhaps
long-necked dinosaurs, duckbill dinosaurs, or horned dinosaurs as well. She
studied dinosaur eggshells from around the world and used
microspectroscopy to identify different pigments responsible for bluish,
greenish, and reddish-brown coloration. She found that color pigments are
present only in the eggshells of theropods, but not in other dinosaurs. She
also found that among carnivorous dinosaurs, only Maniraptora had colored
eggs. Carnivores such as Tyrannosaurus and Spinosaurus did not lay
colored eggs.
Jasmina Wiemann was able to trace the origin of colored eggshells back
to an oviraptor from the Late Cretaceous of China. Oviraptors are those
toothless maniraptors we know as “egg thieves.” Yet they were probably
very caring parents, hatching their chicks in their nest and nurturing their
young. Their nests contain eggshells of the type Macroolithus yaotunensis,
assigned to the species Heyuannia huangi. Some of these eggs contained
exceptionally well-preserved embryo remains that can be assigned to
Heyuannia. They come from three river deposits from eastern and
southernmost China. The pigments in these eggshells indicate a blue-green
coloration. The colored eggs of Heyuannia are thus the oldest in the fossil
record. Their pigmentation supports the interpretation of their depositional
conditions—because the eggs were colored, they were laid in an open nest
and were not buried. The nests of these oviraptors are mostly circular and
the eggs in them are arranged in several concentric layers, stacked on top of
each other. All the while, the elongated eggs are stuck almost vertically in
the sediment, with the pointier side down. In the circle, they are also
arranged in pairs, with two eggs always close together and separated from
the next pair by sediment. This arrangement, as well as the shell pattern and
shell porosity, are clear indications of an open nesting behavior of
Heyuannia, because buried eggs, as those of turtles, for example, are not
neatly, symmetrically arranged.
It is interesting to note that no bird today arranges its eggs in this way.
Only in the nests of ratites, which live in breeding colonies, can a similar
breeding behavior be observed. Some of these birds lay green ones, like
emus, or bluish ones, such as cassowaries. The nest arrangement and blue-
green eggs indicate that oviraptors were already engaged in intensive
nesting. The colors blue or green are usually not used for camouflage, but
as signal colors. They are especially common in birds, whose roosters play
a major role in parental care. So, we can learn and infer a lot about the
social behavior of these animals from the color of their eggshells.
Because we have not found colored eggshells in other dinosaur groups,
the blue-green eggs of Heyuannia also show that colored eggshells did not
evolve multiple times, but only once in the Maniraptora group. So, if
someone asks you in the future who brings the colorful Easter eggs, the
answer should definitely be the Maniraptora!
The origin of modern birds remains difficult to find, as shown by the ghost
lineage of paleognaths. We cannot trace the earliest evolutionary stages of
modern birds because of the incompleteness of the fossil record from the
Mesozoic. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that modern birds split off in the
Cretaceous, but representatives from the ancestral lineage of birds are
virtually unknown from the Mesozoic. The first paleognaths do not appear
in the fossil record until about 60 million years ago, although they are
actually thought to have existed much earlier. The situation is similar for the
neognath birds. Key questions about their geographic distribution and
ecology, and the actual divergence of modern birds, therefore remain
unanswered. However, a Mesozoic fossil was recently discovered in
Belgium that is undoubtedly a modern bird from the neognath group. The
fossil fills an important phylogenetic gap in the early evolutionary history
of the so-called crown birds. Some characteristic features of its skull
indicate that the animal was closely related to the last common ancestor of
chickens and geese and may be the last common ancestor of Galliformes
and waterfowl—and hence, the first known representative of the
Galloanserae. The find is from the latest Upper Cretaceous period and is
about 66.8 to 66.7 million years old. Hence, it lived contemporaneously
with Tyrannosaurus and Triceratops, about seven hundred thousand or
eight hundred thousand years before the asteroid hit. My doctoral advisor,
Daniel Field, studied it with scientists from Cambridge, Maastricht, and
Greenwich. The fossil consists of an almost complete, three-dimensionally
preserved skull and individual elements of the postcranial skeleton. This
makes it the first modern bird from the Mesozoic with a well-preserved
skull. It represents one of the few unequivocal pieces of evidence of crown
birds from the Mesozoic and exhibits a unique combination of galliform
and waterfowl features. Interestingly, it was also found in strata in which
extinct tooth-bearing seabirds appear that do not yet belong to the crown
group: relatives of Ichthyornis. The co-occurrence of this animal with
Ichthyornis relatives may be evidence of their coexistence. It also
challenges previous hypotheses that crown group birds originated in the
southern hemisphere. The team named the small bird Asteriornis
maastrichtensis. The genus name means “Asteria’s bird,” while the species
name refers to where it was found and its geological age. Both names take
into account other additional aspects of the fossil. Namely, Asteria was a
Titan from Greek mythology who transformed herself into a quail to escape
Zeus’s advances. Quails are galliform birds and Asteriornis is the mother of
all galliformes. Also, Asteria once plunged from the sky into the sea—just
like the asteroid that fell into the sea off the coast of Chicxulub at the end of
the Cretaceous period.
The importance of this find can hardly be overstated: first, because it
provides us with new information about the habitat of the first modern
birds; and second, because finds of the very first modern birds are
extremely rare. In fact, there is only one other bird from the late Upper
Cretaceous that undoubtedly belongs to the modern birds and of which
more than a single isolated bone has been found. This bird is called Vegavis
and is about 66.5 million years old, or about two hundred thousand to three
hundred thousand years younger than Asteriornis. It was found on Vega
Island, which is off the Antarctic Peninsula. This is where the name of the
animal comes from. Some colleagues suggest that Vegavis is closely related
to ducks and geese, while others believe it is still phylogenetically just
outside the Galloanserae. To be certain of the answer to this question, we
would need further skull material of the animal, through which we could
recognize characteristic features. However, there is more evidence that it
belonged to the neognaths than it being an ancestor to the group. In any
case, Asteriornis and Vegavis have relatively small body sizes, and both
finds come from sediments that indicate they were coastal dwellers. They
lived in a similar ecosystem, which may provide an explanation for why
modern birds were able to survive the asteroid impact. I return to this
question in the last chapter of the book.
Cone cells in the retina of the eye are responsible for the
perception of colors. Cone cells are neurons that are needed
as specialized sensory cells for seeing in daylight. Mammals
have three different cone cells and are therefore called
trichromats. Reptiles have four different cones, which is why
they are called tetrachromats. Trichromats can recognize
about a million different colors, and tetrachromats up to a
hundred times more. It is believed that they can distinguish
about 100 million colors. Three of their cone cells perceive
the colors blue, green, and red, and via a fourth, short-wave
receptive neuron they can recognize the ultraviolet color
spectrum up to shades of turquoise.
Chapter 13
The impact of the asteroid not only caused earthquakes and tsunamis, but
also ejected huge amounts of debris, molten rock, and dust from the crater.
The force of the impact was so violent that some pieces of rock may have
even been hurled into space. At the Tanis Fossil Site in North Dakota, about
two thousand miles from Chicxulub, researchers have found tektites
associated with the asteroid.
In the Tanis sediments, which are part of the Hell Creek Formation, fish
skeletons were found that had been hurled ashore and perforated by small
tektites. In the fossilized remains of some of these fish, the small projectiles
were still stuck in their gills. The fish were an important indication of the
seasonal confinement of the impact event. Indeed, the earthquake deposits
show an annual cyclicity in the last years of the Cretaceous and prove that
the impact occurred during the northern hemisphere’s springtime.
I remember the early phase of the research project surrounding the Tanis
fossil site well—I was not involved myself, but was lucky enough to meet
Melanie During, the lead author of the paper, in Grenoble in 2018. I was
scanning Mesozoic and recent fish with our Oxford team while Melanie
was there segmenting fish fossils and the small, spherical tektites for her
project. I had seen her at a few meetings, but I had never talked to her
before. In Grenoble, she took the time to explain her work to me, which she
published in Nature in 2022. I found the topic exciting at the time, not
realizing that her research would later receive so much attention. As it
turned out, she could detect seasonal changes in the bones of the fish, just
as we have seen in the bones of Thrinaxodon. Just like Thrinaxodon, there
were signs of aestivation and hibernation in the fish. In addition, their
reproduction apparently followed annual cycles, and the food supply also
varied depending on the season, which of course makes sense, since
otherwise aestivation and hibernation would not have been necessary.
It is amazing that the Tanis site provides an accurate chronology of the
immediate events of the Chicxulub impact. The strata there were formed
within about an hour of the impact and represent—far inland—a mixture of
marine and terrestrial deposits. Although the nature of their assemblage is
reminiscent of tsunamites, these layers were likely formed by the shock
waves of a massive earthquake. Researchers estimate the earthquake that
could lead to such strata had a magnitude between 10 and 10.6 on the
moment magnitude scale (MW). A 10 MW earthquake already releases the
energy of 1.2 million Hiroshima bombs. The most violent earthquake ever
measured in our time occurred in Chile in 1960 with 9.5 MW. At first, this
may sound similarly devastating as the primeval asteroid impact; however,
an earthquake with a magnitude of 10.5 MW is about thirty-six times more
powerful than one with 9.5 MW. The moment magnitude scale ends at the
value of 10.6 MW, because physicists assume that the Earth’s crust would
break apart completely. So, if the asteroid had been just a little bit bigger
and crashed into Earth a little bit faster, it might have destroyed the whole
Evidence of the dust cloud caused by this impact, which completely
enveloped the Earth for a short time, are wafer-thin layers of sediment
known as the iridium anomaly. In 1980, this anomaly, detectable around the
world, was scientifically described by Luis and Walter Alvarez, Frank
Asaro, and Helen Michel. The team was able to detect an elevated
concentration of iridium in a boundary layer between Cretaceous and
Paleocene rock deposits in Italy and Denmark. Such layers have since been
detected in New Mexico, New Jersey, and other regions. In 2022, an article
was published that reported on rock layers at the Cretaceous–Tertiary
boundary from Baja California, Mexico. They consist of terrestrial and
shallow marine sediments that were rapidly rebedded onto sediments on the
continental slope as a result of the impact. Radiometric dating indicated that
the strata are about 66.12 million years old, with a margin of error of
650,000 years. This corresponds to the age of the Cretaceous–Paleogene
boundary. They contain corals, marine gastropods, and bivalves, as well as
tuffs, quartz, and charred logs that originated on land. The quartz grains are
shocked quartz, formed only when earthquake waves pass through them.
This unusual mixture of disparate materials is interpreted as heterogeneous
landslide deposits generated by an earthquake as a direct result of the
Chicxulub impact and a mega-tsunami. The charred logs in the sediments
probably formed in a very short period of time. Immediately after the
impact, a huge fire wave with a temperature of more than 1,832°F must
have swept over the land at this location, which was extinguished by the
tsunami only a few minutes later. As the water flowed back, the floods then
swept away trees, tuffs, and coastal sediments, washing them into deeper
water. Directly above, we now find mudstones that also bear a distinct
iridium signature. While the Tanis sediments were formed within an hour of
the impact, these sediments were deposited within the first ten minutes after
the impact.
Since the element iridium hardly occurs in the Earth’s crust, but is found
in high concentration in meteorites, an iridium-rich layer can be an
unmistakable sign of an extraterrestrial impact. Some astronomers believe
that the origin of this asteroid was in the farthest reaches or just outside our
solar system in the Oort Cloud. Recent evidence suggests that the asteroid
may have broken apart shortly before the impact, and a second part of the
celestial body crashed to Earth off the west coast of Africa.
aestivation: a form of summer hibernation in which the metabolism is
lowered and all activity is suspended or shut down altogether as an
adaptation to adverse environmental conditions. It can occur during periods
of heat or drought, and seasonally in arid climates. Aestivating behavior still
exists today in some moth and snail species.
altricial birds: birds that live in their parents’ nest for an extended period of
time after hatching and require brood care.
Amniotes: a large clade that includes all terrestrial vertebrates, with the
exception of amphibians, that is characterized by the ability to reproduce in
locations outside of the water.
Bone Wars: a term used in the American press and popular science literature
to describe the dispute between two American paleontologists, Edward
Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh, that lasted from 1877 to 1892.
ecology: the study of living things’ relationships to each other and their
fossils: the remains of living things and evidence of their activity that are at
least ten thousand years old and can attest to past life in Earth’s history.
Galloanserae: a major group of modern birds, including all fowl and geese.
Jurassic: the middle period of the Mesozoic (201.3 to 145 million years
before present).
Leidy, Joseph (1823–1891): an American paleontologist and professor of
anatomy with the University of Pennsylvania.
Neoaves: the group of all modern birds except the Paleognathae and the
osteoderms: dermal bones that usually form a carapace and serve to protect
an animal.
Oxfordian: the oldest stage of the Upper Jurassic (163.5 to 157.3 million
years before present).
Paleognathae: the group of all modern birds except the Neognathae and the
Permian: the youngest period of the Paleozoic (298.9 to 251.9 million years
before present).
Spinosaurus: a genus of the Spinosauridae family with dorsal sails and one
of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs, which has been found in Morocco and
Tanystropheus: a genus of basal Middle and Upper Triassic
archosauromorphs whose greatly elongated neck was at least as long as
their trunk and tail combined.
tektites: glass objects that are formed when surrounding rock melts during
an asteroid or meteorite impact and is hurled away from the impact site. The
mostly teardrop-shaped objects are several centimeters in length and consist
of modifications of quartz.
tetrachromacy: a type of color vision with four different cone cells. Reptiles
are tetrachromats. It is believed that tetrachromats can see up to 100 million
colors. Tetrachromacy is an original characteristic of terrestrial vertebrates.
Tithonian: the uppermost stage of the Upper Jurassic (152.1 to 145 million
years before present).
Sander, P. M. et al. Early giant reveals faster evolution of large body size in
ichthyosaurs than in cetaceans. Science (2021).
Olsen, P. et al. Arctic ice and the ecological rise of the dinosaurs. Science
Advances (2022).
Carbone, C. et al. Intra-guild competition and its implications for one of the
biggest terrestrial predators, Tyrannosaurus rex. Proceedings of the
Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2011).
Paul, G. S. et al. The Tyrant Lizard King, Queen and Emperor: Multiple
Lines of Morphological and Stratigraphic Evidence Support Subtle
Evolution and Probable Speciation Within the North American Genus
Tyrannosaurus. Evolutionary Biology (2022).
Wiemann, J., et al. Dinosaur egg colour had a single evolutionary origin.
Nature (2018).
The pagination of this digital edition does not match the print edition from
which the index was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your
ebook reader’s search tools.
abelisaurians, 218–19
Abelisaurus, 218–19
Aegyptosaurus, 147, 148
described, 61
growth and, 64
torpor stage compared to, 65
aetosaurs, 52
Aiglstorfer, Manuela, 188, 189
Alamosaurus, 127, 203
Albertosaurus, 214–15
Alcmonavis, 109
Allosaurus, Europasaurus and relatives of, 105
Alvarez, Luis, 248
Alvarez, Walter, 248
from Canada, 132
fossils in, 131–33, 137, 138, 140–41
from Myanmar, 132, 140, 142–44
American Museum of Natural History (New York City), 82
ammonites, 26(illus)
basic facts about, 17
oxygen-deficient environments and, 35
as prey of Omphalosaurus, 31
recovery of, after “the Great Dying,” 43
amniotes, 59–60
Amphicoelias fragillimus, 96
anagenesis, 223
abelisaurians, 218–19
ankylosaurs, 161
Archaeopteryx, 107(illus), 247
Archaeorhynchus, 165–66
archosaurs, 67–68, 167–69
Baryonyx, 163
birds, 168–69, 219
Brachiosaurus, 110
differentiating into species based on, 221–24
dinosaurs, 68–69, 138, 242
Diplodocus, 232
Edmontosaurus, 211
Hypsilophodon, 161
ichthyosaurs, 29, 138–39
Iguanodon, 160, 161
lack of current animals with comparable, 14
learned from examining bones, 227
lungs, 165
lungs’ oxygen capacity, 21, 84
Oculudentavis, 138–39, 140
ornithischian dinosaurs, 73
paleognath birds, 238
Plateosaurus, 76
sauropods, 215
“secondary metamorphosis,” 210–11
Silesaurus, 73, 181
Spinosaurus, 151, 152–54, 155, 156–58
theropods, 219
Triceratops, 178–79, 180–81
Tyrannosaurus, 210–11, 212
Tyrannosaurus rex, 217–18
See also dentition
anatomy, 161
Borealopelta markmitchelli, 170–173, 227
Polacanthus, 161
tracks in south America, 233
Ankylosaurus, 203
Anning, Mary, 28
apex predators
described, 40
in ecosystems, 40, 173, 199
eyesight, 173–74
aposematism, 173
anatomy, 107(illus), 247
feathers of, 109, 247–48
first scientific description of, 94, 106
Archaeorhynchus, 165–66
anatomy, 67–68, 167–69
dentition of, 66
Dinosauromorpha, 71, 72–73
“the Great Dying” and, 21
locomotion, 67
split into crocodiles and dinosaurs, 66–67, 240
synapomorphies of, 66
Argentinosaurus, 119, 122, 123
anatomy, 110
discovery of, 112–13, 119
phylogenetic tree of, 113–15
size of, 102, 119
arrested growth, 64
Asaro, Frank, 248
Asteriornis, 261
Asteriornis maastrichtensis (“Asteria’s bird”), 245
Augusta Mountains (Nevada), 27–28, 30, 47, 48–50
autochthonous fossils, 228
Bahariasaurus, 147
Bahariya Basin (Egypt), 146–48, 163–64
Bakker, Robert, 109, 195
Barnes High sauropod, 161
Baryonyx, 118(illus), 162–63
bee hummingbirds (Mellisuga helenae), 121
beer, 38–39
benthos, 35
Benton, Michael, 18
biostratigraphy, 43
bioturbation, 35
advantages of, 83
dinosaurs and, 73
Hypsilophodon, 161
of Plateosaurus, 76
Alcmonavis and, 109
anatomy, 168–69, 219
Archaeorhynchus and, 165
Chicxulub survival impact by, 260
crown birds, 244–46
current decline of, 23–24, 266
as descendants of dinosaurs, 108
eggs of, 134
enantiornithines and, 132–35, 137–38
evolution, 219–20
lungs of, 166
Marsh and relationship of, to dinosaurs, 94
mousebirds, 260–61
Oculudentavis and, 138–41
oldest fossil, 109–10
passerines, 260–61
reproduction, 134, 168–69, 241–42
Sander prediction about proto-, from Langenberg quarry, 109
sexual characteristics of, 220
See also Archaeopteryx; neognath (“new jaw”) birds; paleognath (“old
jaw”) birds
Bismarck, Otto von, 110
Bison alticornis, 179
bivalves, 26(illus)
Black Hills Institute (South Dakota), 195, 197
black shales, 35
bone beds, removal of, 188–89, 189(illus), 190–92
Bone Wars, 91–93, 95, 97
Borealopelta markmitchelli, 170–73, 227
brachiosaurids, 104
See also Europasaurus
brachiosaurs, 232
anatomy, 110
discovery of, 112–13, 119
phylogenetic tree of, 113–15
size of, 102, 119
broad-gauge trackways, 232
Brontosaurus, 121
Broomistega, 56(illus), 61–64
Brown, Barnum, 186, 194
Buckland, William, 92
Bull, John, 146
Burma. See Myanmar
Burpee Museum of Natural History (Illinois), 221
burrowing lifestyle
benefits of, 58, 64–65
in Karoo Basin, 58–59
Thrinaxodon, 61
Thrinaxodon and Broomistega together, 61–64
Caihong juji (“rainbow dinosaur”), 253–54
Cal Orck’o mountain paleontological site (Bolivia), 233
Camarasaurus, 102
camouflage, 172–74, 241
Canada, 132
Cañadón Calcáreo Formation, 126, 127
Carballido, José, 122, 123
Carbone, Chris, 201, 205, 206
Carcharodontosaurus saharicus, 147, 148
Carnotaurus, 218–19
Carpenter, Kenneth, 201
Carrier’s constraint, 67
cassowaries, 235, 238, 241, 243, 251
cephalopods and “the Great Dying,” 43
ceratopsians, 184
Ceratosuchops, 163
Cetiosaurus, 121, 161
Chicxulub impact
birds and, 260
described, 255–56
earthquakes and, 256, 257–59
ecological collapse from, 259–60, 262
fish and, 256–57, 261–62
chirotheria, 52
Chubut Province, Argentina, 127(illus), 128
cladogenesis, 223
Claosaurus annectens, 182
Clearwater Formation (Canada), 170, 173
climate change, 19, 20, 24
cloacas, 166–68
Cody, William, 97 (aka Buffalo Bill)
Coelurosaur (hollow-tailed lizards), 214, 216
Como Bluff site (Wyoming), 96
compsognathids, 251–53
Compsognathus, 169
concretions, 31, 51
Conflicto antarcticus, 261
Confuciusornis, 253
conodonts, extinction of marine, 21, 84
contour feathers, 216, 246, 247–48, 249, 250–51, 253
convergent evolution of marine animals, 29
Cope, Edward Drinker
basic facts about, 93, 94, 136
competition with Marsh of, 91, 92–93, 94–95, 97, 136
Elasmosaurus and, 95
Native Americans and, 184
Osborn and, 96
Triceratops and, 194
Tyrannosaurus rex bones and, 194
coprolites, 70, 71–72
coral reefs, 34–35
countershading, 172–74
Crichton, Michael, 131–32
crocodiles and archosaurs and, 66–67, 240
crocodilian lineage and end-Triassic mass extinction, 21–22
crown birds, 244–46
species of, from Augusta Mountains, 47
success of, in Middle Triassic, 51
Cymbospondylus duelferi, 51
Cymbospondylus youngorum, 26(illus)
as apex predator, 45
diet of, 45
discovery of, 40
preservation in field of, 44
removal of skeleton of, from discovery site, 44
size of, 44–45
cynodonts. See Thrinaxodon
Dakotaraptor, 210
“the dance floor,” 52
daonellids, 35
Darwin, Charles, 93, 106
Daspletosaurus, 214–15
decomposers, 41
deformation of bones, 141
Deinonychus, 108
archosaurs, 66
differentiating into species based on, 224
dinosaurs, 69
environmental information from, 188
Neovenator, 162
Oculudentavis, 139, 141
Omphalosaurus, 32, 33, 36
placodonts, 34, 36, 53
Silesaurus, 72
Spinosaurus, 149, 157
Thalattoarchon saurophagis, 40
Tyrannosaurus, 69, 149
Tyrannosaurus rex, 194
Denversaurus, 176(illus)
Dicraeosaurus, 112
Dinornis, 237
Dinosaur 13 (movie), 197
“dinosauria,” term coined, 92
Dinosaur Island of England (Isle of Wight), 159(illus), 159–64, 162(illus)
Dinosauromorpha, 71, 72–73
Dinosaur Park Münchehagen (Germany), 161
the “dinosaur plateau,” 228–29
age of, and diet differences, 262
anatomy, 68–69, 138, 242
archosaurs and, 66–67, 240
behavior of, 228
bipedalism and, 73
birds as descendants of, 108
camouflage, 172
determining body mass of, 122
eggs of, 242–43
end-Triassic mass extinction of competitors of, 84
evolution of, 74, 103–4
eyesight, 249, 253
feathers, 253
feeding behavior of, 69
first American found, 92
first excavations of, 82
footprints on Isle of Wight, 159(illus), 160
“the Great Dying” and, 20
length of time of reign of, 22
Marsh and relationship of, to birds, 94
medium-sized carnivores during Late Upper Cretaceous of North
America, 203
mortality and number of eggs laid, 203
numbers of carnivores compared to herbivores, 207
ontogenetic development of, 103–4
origin of, 73–74
plumage development by, 84
protofeathers, 248
reproduction, 203, 208, 242–43, 248
rethinking of biology of, 108–9
scales, 248
sexual characteristics, 220
term coined, 77
therapsids and, 60
tracks, 160, 161
See also specific dinosaurs
Dinosaur Valley State Park (Texas), 228–29
Diplodocus, 232
Drawno Beds Formation, 181
Drevermann, Fritz, 185
Dülfer, Olaf, 51, 104
During, Melanie, 257
dwarfism, 102–3, 138, 139, 220
earthquakes and Chicxulub impact, 256, 257–59
apex predators in, 40, 173, 199
Chicxulub impact and, 259–60, 262
coexistence of different genera in, 210
current destruction of bird, 266
expedition to understand, of Edmontosaurus, 186–92
extinctions and collapse of, 266
feathers and, 215
“the Great dying” and, 18
island dwarfing and, 103
“niche assimilation” in, 211
predators in Tyrannosaurus-dominated, 205, 206–7
preservation of fossils in forest, 140
trophic levels in, 41
Edmontosaurus, 176(illus), 183(illus)
anatomy, 211
expedition to understand ecosystem of, 186–92
first discovery of skeleton of, 184
in Hell Creek and Lance formations, 203
size of, 185, 211
Trachodon mummy, 181–82
Elasmosaurus, 95
elephant birds, 235, 236, 237
El Fayum (Egypt), 145
emus, 235, 238, 243
enantiornithines, 132–35, 137–38, 168, 169, 262
end-Cretaceous mass extinction, 17, 22
See also Chicxulub impact
end-Triassic mass extinction, 21–22, 84
Engelhardt, Friedrich, 76
Europasaurus, 100(illus)
distribution of, 104
dwarfing of, 102, 220
extinction of, 105
first discovery of, 101
Sander and, 102
Schmitt and, 100–101, 104
size of, 102
study of ontogenetic stages of, 103–4
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), 57, 58, 70
of birds, 219–20, 238–39
continental drift and, 103–4
convergent, of marine animals, 29
of dinosaurs, 74, 103–4
of ichthyosaurs, 28–29, 45, 51–52
publication of theory of, 93, 106
of sauropods, 126–27
causes of, 17, 18–20, 21
ecological collapse and, 266
end-Cretaceous mass, 17, 22, 259 (see also Chicxulub impact)
end-Triassic mass extinction, 21–22, 84
energy requirements and, 261, 262
of Europasaurus, 105
predator sizes and, 203–4, 205–6
of Stegosaurus, 22–23
“the Great Dying,” 18–20, 21
apex predators, 173–74
color spectrum, 249, 250
cone cells, 249
dinosaurs, 249, 253
ostrich, 236
paleognath birds, 251
advantages of, 85
of Archaeopteryx, 109, 247–48
Bavarian “Urvögel,” 72
body mass and, 215
Caihong juji, 253–54
coloration of, 248–49
development of, 84
dinosaurs, 253
ecosystems and, 215
enantiornithines, 135
filamentous, 133, 248, 251
Maniraptora, 249–51
metabolic rate and miniaturization and, 248, 250
microraptors, 253
oldest evidence in fossil record of, 72
ostriches, 251
paleognath chicks, 236
pennaceous (contour), 216, 246, 247–48, 249, 250–51, 253
planar, 250
precocial and altricial characteristics, 133–34
preserved in amber, 132, 133
protofeathers, 248
reproduction and, 249
Sinosauropteryx, 252
ticks on, 135
transformation of, into scales, 216
Tyrannosauroidea, 214
Tyrannosaurus rex, 213, 216
von Meyer and, 106
Yutyrannus, 213–14, 215
Fernandez, Vincent, 57, 58, 61
Field, Daniel, 245
Field Museum (Chicago), 124, 195, 220
filamentous feathers, 133, 248, 251
first-order consumers, 41
fish and Chicxulub impact, 256–57, 261–62
“fish lizards,” 28
See ichthyosaurs
food chain, 40–41
fossil record
amber and, 131–33, 137, 138, 140–41, 142
of birds, 260
deformation and retrodeformation of bones, 141
described, 22
forest creatures and, 140
gap in paleognath birds’, 239
information from autochthonous fossils, 228
method to determine if object is bone, 129
missing links in, 106
paleognath birds, 244
trace fossils, 59, 228
Foth, Christian, 247–48
Fraas, Eberhard, 111–12
Frick site, Germany, 76, 77–78, 78(illus), 79, 80–81
galliformes, 236, 244, 245, 260, 261
Galloanserae, 236, 244–46
galloping greenhouse effect, 20
geobionts, 35
German East Africa, 110–11
Germanic Basin, 33–34, 52–53
Germany, 36–37, 99, 110–11
gigantism, 45, 215
Gilmoremys, 176(illus)
Giraffatitan brancai, establishment of genus, 114
global warming, 19, 20, 24
goats, dwarf, 103
Gondwana, 239–40
Gorgosaurus, 214–15, 217
Great Basin Brewing Co., 39, 45
Great Basin Collared Lizards, 30–31
“the Great Dying”
cephalopods and, 43
coral reefs and, 34
described, 19–20
dinosaurs and, 20
ecosystems and, 18–19, 20
recovery of ammonites after, 43
growth interruption, 64
habitat adaptation, 106
Hatcher, John Bell, 184
Havlik, Philipe, 188, 189, 191, 192
Heilmann, Gerhard, 108
Hell Creek Formation, 177, 178, 184, 194, 195, 203, 210, 256
helveticosaurs, 53
Henderson, Donald, 153–54, 155
Hendrickson, Sue, 195
Hesperornis, 108
Heyuannia, 243, 244
hippos, dwarf, 103
Holtz, Thomas, 156, 157
Homo floresiensis, 103
Hone, David, 156, 157
Huincul Formation (Argentina), 206
humans, emergence of, 22
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 108
Hypsilophodon, 161
Ibrahim, Nizar, 150–52, 155, 157
ichnofossils, 59
Ichthyornis, 108
ichthyornithids, 261–62
Ichthyosaur India Pale Ale (Icky), 39
ichthyosaurs, 26(illus)
anatomy, 29, 138
countershading as survival strategy, 172
evolution of, 28–29, 45, 51–52
first complete skeleton found, 28
locomotion, 29
nickname, 28
ocean oxygen levels and, 36
origin of, 29–30
Sander and, 34
skeleton, 29
viviparous, 47, 49–50
See also specific ichthyosaurs
Iguanodon, 118(illus), 160, 161
insects, current decline of flying, 24
“integument,” 213
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), 74, 114
inverse tree line, 27
iridium anomaly, 258–59
island dwarfing
described, 102–3
of Europasaurus, 102, 220
of Oculudentavis, 138, 139
Isle of Wight, 159(illus), 159–64, 162(illus)
Jäger, Kai, 169–70
Jane (Tyrannosaurus rex), 221
Janensch, Werner, 110, 111, 112–13, 119
Janenschia, 111
Jehol bioprovince (China), 168–69, 252–53
Jeholornis, 168–69
Jiufotang Formation (China), 165
Johnson, Dwayne “The Rock,” 197–98
Jurassic Park (Crichton), 131–32
Jurassic Park (movie), 193
Karoo Basin (South Africa), 58–59
Kem Kem Basin (Morocco), 150
kiwis, 235, 236
Kori bustard, 238
Kruger National Park (South Africa), 207
Kugitangtau Mountains (Turkmenistan), 228–29
LAGs, 64
Lance Formation, 177, 179, 184, 186, 187, 203
Langenberg quarry (Harz Mountains, Germany), 101–2, 103, 105, 109
Larson, Pete, 197
Leidy, Joseph, 92
Lessemsaurus, 82
Lipoid Foundation, 186
Lithornis celetius, 239, 240
Archaeopteryx, 247–48
archosaurs, 67
brachiosaurs, 232
Diplodocus, 232
flight and weight, 238
ichthyosaurs, 29
Maniraptora and, 242
paleognath birds, 235
Plateosaurus, 76
sauropods, 231, 231(illus)
Silesaurus, 72–73
Spinosaurus, 157
thunniform, 29
titanosaurs, 232
Lommiswil (Switzerland), 132, 230–31, 231(illus), 232
London Museum of Natural History, 184, 185
López de Bertodano Formation, 261
Lourinhã Formation (Portugal), 91
Lower Triassic
biostratigraphic classification in, 43
conditions on land during, 57
Mustang Canyon of Augusta Mountains, 30, 48–50
Lüdtke, Holger, 101
bidirectional compared to unidirectional, 68–69, 165
birds, 166
oxygen capacity of, 21, 84
Lusk, Wyoming, 186–87
Lystrosaurus Assemblage Zone (Karoo Basin), 58
Majungasaurus, 218–19
mammals, 262
mammoths, dwarf, 103
Maniraptora, 242, 243, 244, 249–51
Manospondylus gigas, 194
Maraapunisaurus, 96
marine reptiles, extinction of, 17
Markgraf, Richard, 147
Marsh, Othniel Charles
basic facts about, 93, 94, 136
birds as descendants of dinosaurs, 108
Edmontosaurus annectens and, 182
competition with Cope of, 91, 92–93, 94–95, 97, 136
Native Americans and, 184
relationship of dinosaurs to birds and, 94
Triceratops and, 179
Martina, 47
Mbiresaurus, 75
medullary bone tissue, 220–21, 227
medullary cavity, 151, 158
mega-volcanism in Russia and “the Great Dying,” 18–19
melanin, 171
Mesozoic, Germany during, 99
metabolism, plasticity in, 65
Meyer, Hans, 111
Michel, Helen, 248
microraptors, 253
Middle Triassic, 30, 40
Mitchell, Mark, 171
moas, 235, 237
Monte Carlo simulation, 199–200
Monte San Girogio, 53
moraines, 84, 85
Mörnsheim Formation, 109
Morrison Formation (United States Midwest), 91, 97, 205
Motani, Ryosuke, 33, 34, 49–50
mousebirds, 260–61
Münchehagen, dinosaur tracks at, 230
Museum of Natural History (Abu Dhabi), 198
Myanmar, 132, 140, 142–44
nandus, 235, 238, 241
Nanotryrannus lancensis, 195, 196(illus)
Nanuqsaurus, 214
narrow-gauge trackways, 232
National Geographic, 151
National Geographic Germany, 186
National Museum of Natural History (Washington, DC), 223
Natural History Museum (Berlin), 107, 195
Natural History Museum (London), 107, 107(illus), 194
Natural History Museum (Stuttgart), 82
natural selection, 106
Nature (journal), 137, 139, 155, 257
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), 23–24
Nautilus, 17, 26(illus)
Amphicoelias fragillimus, 96
Cope and Elasmosaurus reconstruction, 95
Great Basin Collared Lizards, 31
ichthyosaurs, 29
Plateosauru, 76
sauropods, 120
Tanystropheus, 53
Neoaves, 236, 260–61
neognath (“new jaw”) birds, 235, 236, 246
Neovenator, 105, 118(illus), 162
“niche assimilation,” 211, 212
nicknames of dinosaurs
“Big John,” 178 (see also Triceratops)
“fish lizards,” 28
“Sleeping Beauty,” 172
“Swabian lindworm,” 77
Trachodon mummy, 181–82 (see also Edmontosaurus)
nomenclature, 74, 114–15
Notatesseraeraptor, 80
nothosaurs, 53
Nyasasaurus, 73–74
oceans during “the Great dying,” 20
Oculudentavis, 138–41
Omphalosaurus, 26(illus)
dentition, 32, 33, 36
diet, 31, 33, 34, 39
preparation of skeleton, 51
preservation in field of, 32–33
removal of skeleton of, from discovery site, 37, 38(illus)
Sander and, 34
size of, 31
On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 106
The Origin of Birds (Heilmann), 108
ornithischian dinosaurs
anatomy, 73
development of, 181
Hypsilophodon, 161
Iguanodon, 118(illus), 160, 161
Psittacosaurus, 166–68, 167(illus)
Ornithopsis, 161
Osborn, Henry Fairfield
arms of Tyrannosaurus rex, 218
Cope and, 96
dinosaurs named by, 194
Tyrannosaurus rex reconstruction by, 217
osteoderms, 161
osteophagy, 69, 70
aggressiveness of, 238
eggs of, 236
eyesight, 236
feathers, 251
ghost lineage among relatives, 260
size of, 237
Ostrom, John, 108–9
Ostromia, 108
ovaries, 168
oviraptors, 243
Owen, Sir Richard, 77, 92
oxygen levels
current, 18
during Late Triassic, 67
during Permian, 18
upright posture and, 67, 84
Pachypes dolomiticus, 47–48
pachypleurosaurs, 53
Padian, Kevin, 218
paedomorphosis, 103, 139, 220
paleognath (“old jaw”) birds
anatomy, 238
color vision of, 251
diversity of, 239, 240
feathers of chicks, 236
in fossil record, 244
neognath birds compared to, 235
origin of, 238–39
reproduction, 236
species of, 235
Pandoravenator, 129
Pangaea, 57
Paralititan stromeri, 148
passerines, 260–61
Patagotitan, 123–24
Paul, Gregory S., 113
Peabody, George, 93
peer review process, 136
pennaceous feathers, 126, 246, 247–48, 249, 250–51, 253
Permian, Earth during, 18
Permian–Triassic mass extinction. See “the Great Dying”
Petey (Tyrannosaurus rex), 221
Phalarodon, 46, 46(illus)
placodonts, 34, 36, 53
planar feathers, 250
“plateosaurs,” 82–83
Plateosaurus, 56(illus), 77(illus), 78(illus)
basic facts about, 76
developmental plasticity of growth of, 81
diet of, 78
first remains of, found, 76–77
global discoveries of, 82
juveniles, 80–81
nickname of, 77
as prey, 79
sites in Europe with, 76, 77–78, 79, 80–81
playa strata, 79
plesiosaurs, 53–55, 54(illus)
plumage. See feathers
poachers, 49
Polacanthus, 161
Potamornis, 176(illus)
primary producers, 41
Prince Creek Formation (Alaska), 214
Procolophonichnium, 53
prosauropods, 83–84
protofeathers, 248
Psittacosaurus, 166–68, 167(illus)
Qvarnström, Martin, 70, 71–72
Rauhut, Oliver, 109, 124–26, 128–30
rebbachisaurids, 96
Red Nose Point (Augusta Mountains), 28
regurgialites, 70
birds, 134, 241–42
dinosaurs, 203, 208, 242–43, 248
egg coloration, 241–42, 243–44
enantiornithines, 168, 169
feathers and, 249
Jeholornis, 168–69
limit to egg size, 237–38
medullary bone tissue and, 220–21
paleognath birds, 236–37
Triceratops, 180
research, funding and publishing, 136–37
retrodeformation of bones, 141
Rhaeticosaurus, 54
rhinoceros, dwarf, 103
rhynchosaurs, 52
Riggs, Elmer, 113
Riojasaurus, 82
Riparovenator, 163
Royal Tyrrell Museum (Drumheller, Canada), 170
Sacrison, Stan, 195
Sander, Martin, 38(illus)
affinity of Omphalosaurus to ichthyosaurs, 34
basic facts about, 32
Europasaurus and, 102
field designations of skeleton and, 46–47
juvenile Plateosaurus and, 80–81
prediction about proto-birds from Langenberg quarry, 109
Sao Khua Formation (Thailand), 91
sauropodomorphs, basic facts about, 75
anatomy, 215
Argentina as cradle of, 126
Barnes High, 161
Brontosaurus, 121
diet, 232
evolution of, 126–27
locomotion, 231, 231(illus)
names of, 121
necks of, 120
size of, 120–22
tracks, 228, 230–31x, 231(illus)
uniqueness of, 119–20
See also Brachiosaurus
Schmitt, Armin
Borealopelta markmitchelli and, 170, 172–73
characteristics of, 47, 48
childhood love of dinosaurs, 12, 99, 121, 177, 181, 182(illus)
dinosaurs in southern Argentina and, 124–26, 128–30
Europasaurus and, 100–101, 104
expedition to understand ecosystem of Edmontosaurus and, 186–92
field designations of skeleton and, 50
in Harz Mountains, 101–2
Jäger and, 170
at Lommiswil, 230
reconstruction of world’s largest dinosaur by, 122–23
Spinosaurus as semiaquatic and, 151–53, 154, 155–56
Schmitz, Lars, 32, 46, 46(illus)
Schweinfurth, Georg August, 145
Science (journal), 137, 151
Science Slam, 169
sea levels, at Triassic–Jurassic boundary, 84
secondary marine animals, 151
“secondary metamorphosis” anatomy, 210–11
second-order consumers, described, 41
Seismosaurus, 121
Senckenberg Natural History Museum (Germany), 13, 177, 181, 182(illus),
185, 186
Sereno, Paul, 157–58
Siberian traps, 18–19
Silesaurus, 71, 72–73, 181
Sinosauropteryx, 251–53, 254
“Sleeping Beauty” (Borealopelta markmitchelli), 170–73, 227
Smith, Matt, 201
Smok wawelski, 70–71
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP), 142–43
Solnhofen Limestone (Bavaria), 247
“Solothurn Turtle Limestone,” 231
Sonorasaurus, 115
species, discovery of new, 14
spinosaurids, 163–64
See also specific dinosaurs
anatomy, 151, 152–54, 155, 156–58
bite force of, 150
center of mass of, 154
diet of, 150, 157
discovery of, 147–48
locomotion, 157
as semiaquatic, 150–51, 152–58
size of, 149
squamates, 139–40
Stan (Tyrannosaurus rex), 195, 197, 198(illus)
Stegosaurus, extinction of, 22–23
Stein, Koen
basic facts about, 32
field designations of skeleton and, 46, 49
removal of Omphalosaurus skeleton, 37, 38(illus)
Sternberg, Charles Hazelius, 182–83, 184, 185, 186
Sternberg, Charles Mortam, 184–85
Sternberg, George, 184, 185
Sternberg, Levi, 184, 185
Stromer (von Reichenbach), Karl Heinrich Ernst Freiherr
Bahariya Basin discoveries by, 146–48
basic facts about, 145–46
Bull and, 146
National Socialists and, 148
Sue (Tyrannosaurus rex), 195, 197, 220, 223
Sumatran rhinoceros, 103
“Swabian lindworm,” 77
See also Plateosaurus
synapomorphies, described, 66
Tanis Fossil Site (North Dakota), 256
Tanystropheus, 53
Tarbosaurus, 198, 214–15
taxon, described, 74
Taylor, Mike P., 113–14
tektites, 256
temnospondyls, extinction of, 22
Tendaguru Formation (German East Africa), 111
tetrapods, described, 59
Thalattoarchon saurophagis, 26(illus)
dentition of, 40
diet of, 40–41
as first apex predator of seas, 40
size of, 40
Thayer, Abbott, 172
Thayer’s principle, 172
“the Great Dying,” 21
dinosaurs and, 60
LAGs in, 64
Thrinaxodon, 56(illus), 60–64, 65, 257
trace fossils of, 59
theropods, 105, 121, 173, 219
Thrinaxodon, 56(illus), 60–64, 65, 257
thunniform locomotion, 29
ticks, 135
tinamous, 235
Titanoboa, 149
Alamosaurus, 127
Argentinosaurus, 119, 122, 123
discovery of, 119, 122
evolution of, in South America, 127
locomotion, 232
Tornieria, 111
torpor stage, 65
trace fossils, 59, 228
Trachodon mummy, 181–82
at Cal Orck’o mountain paleontological site, 233
of dinosaurs, 160, 161
in Dinosaur Valley State Park, 228
importance of, 228
in Kugitangtau Mountains (Turkmenistan), 228–29
at Lommiswil, 230–31, 231(illus), 232
mega-track complex that extends from southern Peru to northern
Argentina, 233
at Münchehagen, 230
narrow-gauge and broad-gauge trackways, 232
of sauropods, 228
weight of animal and, 229–30
See also locomotion
Trelew International Airport, 123, 124
Triceratops, 178(illus), 182(illus)
anatomy, 178–79, 180–81
first discovery of complete skeleton of, 194
first discovery of skeleton of, 184
in Hell Creek and Lance formations, 203
nickname, 178
as one of last dinosaurs outside avian lineage, 177
as prey, 179–80, 196
sales of skeletons, 178
species of, 223–24
valid and invalid species names of, 179
Triceratops horridus, 223
Triceratops prorsus, 223
Tristan Otto (Tyrannosaurus rex), 195
Trix (Tyrannosaurus rex), 195
troodontids, 210
trophic levels, described, 40–41
Tsidiiyazhi abini, 260, 261
tsunamites, 256
Tübingen Museum of Natural History, 82–83
Tuebingosaurus, 82–83
tuffs, described, 42–43
Tyrannosauroidea, 214
See also Tyrannosaurus; Tyrannosaurus rex
anatomy, 210–11, 212
behavior of, 215–16
bite force of, 150
dentition of, 69, 149
earliest ancestor of, 162
extinction of, 22
“niche assimilation,” 211, 212
number of species of, 221–23, 224–25
“secondary metamorphosis” of, 210–11
Tyrannosaurus imperator, 223
Tyrannosaurus regina, 223
Tyrannosaurus rex, 176(illus)
anatomy, 217–18
behavior of, 218
early discoveries of, 194
feathers and, 213, 216
juveniles, 208, 209(illus), 210, 212, 216
meaning of name, 194
naming of, 194–95, 223
number of, 199–201, 203–4
as one of last dinosaurs outside avian lineage, 177
popular images of, 193
prey of, 179–80, 196, 200, 201–2, 204–5, 208–9
range of, 198, 200
range of movement, 217–18
relatives of, 198
sales of skeletons, 197
sexual maturity, 208
size of, 200, 209(illus), 215
size of babies, 208
strength of, 217
time on Earth, 199
underwater flight, 54–55
University of Berkeley (California), 199
University of Bonn, 104
Upper Jurassic southern hemisphere dinosaur sites, 126
upright posture, advantages of, 67, 83–84
“Urvögel,” 72, 107
See also Archaeopteryx
Vectis Formation, 163
Vegavis, 245–46, 261
vision. See eyesight
vivipary, 47, 49–50
von Branca, Wilhelm, 112
von Meyer, Hermann, 76–77, 106
von Quenstedt, Friedrich August, 77
von Weinberg, Arthur, 185
von Zittel, Karl Alfred, 145
water column, described, 35
waterfowl, 236, 244, 260, 261
Wealden Group (Isle of Wight), 159
Wessex Formation (England), 91
When Life Nearly Died (Benton), 18
Wiemann, Jasmina, 242, 243
Winkelhorst, Herman, 32
Wintrich, Tanja, 36
Wyoming Dinosaur Center Foundation, 186
Young, Bonda, 45
Young, Tom, 45
Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico), 256
Yutyrannus, 213–14, 215
Zhuchengtyrannus, 198
zircons, described, 42–43
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