After the Hussainara Khatoon case, PIL became a powerful tool for
public interest litigation in India. PIL opened up new avenues for
citizens to directly approach the court for redressal of their grievances.
PIL has been used successfully in India in several cases related to
environmental protection, protection of human rights, women’s rights,
and judicial reforms.
The Supreme Court’s relaxation of the standing requirements has also
made filing PILs easier in India. Normally, only a person who is directly
and personally affected by a legal dispute can file a case in court. But in
PIL cases, a person who has no direct stake in the dispute can also
approach the court if he or she believes that the dispute affects the public
at large.
PIL has been seen as a means of empowering the powerless and giving
voice to marginalised groups. It has allowed individuals to seek justice
against powerful corporations or government entities. It has also been
seen as a way to hold the government accountable for its actions or
The impact of PIL on Indian law has been significant. PIL has led to the
development of new laws and policies to address various social,
economic, and environmental issues. It has also been used to challenge
the constitutional validity of certain laws or government actions.
Concept Of PIL:
The concept of PIL was introduced in India to ensure that justice is
accessible to every citizen of the country, irrespective of their socio-
economic status. It allows any person or organisation to raise issues that
require immediate attention and provide legal remedies for them. This
means that any person, whether rich or poor, can approach the courts to
protect the interests of the public at large, even if they do not have a
direct personal interest in the matter.
Despite the positive impact of PIL, there are also concerns about its
misuse. Some PILs are seen as frivolous or motivated by personal gain
rather than the public interest. There are also concerns about the
increasing number of PILs filed, which can lead to the clogging of the
judicial system.
The Supreme Court of India has played a vital role in establishing the
concept of PIL in India. The court has widened the scope of public
interest litigation, and many landmark judgements have been passed
through PIL. The court has also introduced the concept of ‘continuing
mandamus’, which means that the court can direct the government to
take action on an issue and monitor the progress of the same until the
issue is resolved.
The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) has given a significant role to
as well as for their own benefit. The representative party must have a
direct interest in the suit, and the accounts of the parties must be actively
where the object of the suit is unlawful, the court may not permit the suit
to proceed. The court also has the power to permit the withdrawal of the
The court observed that it is the duty of the State under Article 21 to
protect the lives of people. Also legal professionals and people who are
related should keep a check that any medical professional is not being
troubled or put into problems in any way. The law or State’s action
should not interfere in the proceedings of hospitals and allow the
medical professionals to do their duty without any interruption. The laws
which are an obstacle in carrying out the duties of doctors and people
concerned with it, should not be followed. This case is an example of
participatory justice that is where all the entities cooperate with each
other for the welfare of the public.
It was held that any person acting pro bono public and who is not a
meddlesome interloper can approach the Honourable high courts and the
Supreme Court directly in any case if the constitutional or fundamental
rights of a class of people is violated. So, in this case the petition filed by
the advocates of different courts was admitted because the advocates are
an integral part of the Indian judicial system. Until S.P Gupta case,
courts had been exercising their discretionary powers and relaxing locus
standi on case to case basis. By this judgement, relaxation of locus
standi in PIL was fully established and wherever there was legal injury
PIL was used to seek justice and thus, it became an important tool for
seeking justice.