Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
A recreational activity
t h at c a n d eve l o p o u r
physical, mental, social,
and emotional health.
Dancing as par t of our
lifestyle can surely
sustain our fitness.
• a therapeutic
refreshment of
relaxations of
one’s body and
•Improve condition of your
heart and lungs
•Increase muscular
DANCING strength, endurance and
motor fitness
•Increase aerobic fitness
•Improve muscle tone and
•Weight management
FOLK Refers to a variety of
d a n c e s develop e d
by group of people
or c o m m u n i t i e s
t h a t reflect a b o u t
their way of living.
RURAL • Perha ps the best known
and closest to the Filipino
heart are the dances from
the rural Christian
lowlands: a countr y
blessed with so much
beauty. To the Filipinos,
these dances illustrate the
Fiesta spirit and
demonstrate a love of life.
• Pandango sa Ilao
• Maglalatik
RURAL • Sayaw sa bangko
FOLK • Tinolabong
• Tinikling
DANCES • Itik-Itik
• Kalatong
• Pas-an Saging
• Pasikat na baso
URBAN • As the Philippines was
colonized by the Spaniards,
MARIA it was customar y for
CLARA Filipinos to celebrate their
‘class and distinction’
through Spanish influenced
dances. This era of dances
w a s a l s o r e fe r r e d t o a s
‘Maria Clara’.
URBAN • Aray
• Chotis
MARIA • La Jota Manileña
CLARA • Paseo de Iloilo
DANCES • Recuerdos de Europa
• Engañosa
• Jota Paragua
• Polkabal
• Baston
• Ethnic dance is any dance form which can be
identified as originating with an ethnic culture
and expressing the movement aesthetics of
that culture.
• Dugso
• Pagdidiwata
ETHNIC • Salip
DANCES • Kambadakbadak
• Kadal Tahu
• Singkil
• Kapa Malong-Malong
• Pangalay
MODERN It encourages dancers to
DANCE use their emotions and
moods to design their
steps, combinations and
dances instead of
following a structured
code of technique as in
the ballet.
• Done primarily for its
social educational or
RECREATIONAL health benefits
• It includes social
• dance and amateur
dance instruction
and performance
COMPETITIVE Dancers are judge by
diverse criteria
(postures, speed,
timing, proper usage of
weight/ankles/feet, and
CHEERDANCE C h e e r d a n c e c a m e t o
describe the complex
routines that incorporated
elements of dancing,
cheering, tumbling, and
Hip-hop moves were
inspired by complex
rhythms and the down to-
earth movement style of
African dancing. It includes
a wide range of styles
primarily popping,
breaking and locking
which were created in the
Festival dances are cultural
dances performed to the beats
of instruments, usually
percussion, by a community
sharing the same culture.
These are usually done in
honor of a Patron Saint or in
the thanksgiving of a
bountiful harvest.
T h e s e are usually
d o n e in h o n o r o f a
P a t r o n S a i n t or in
t h e t h a n k s g i v i n g of
a bountiful harvest.