Annual Revision Sheet
Annual Revision Sheet
Annual Revision Sheet
Q26. Sports minister Mr Kiran Riju has launch a number of scheme in India among these one of the best
game is khelo India program Mr Rajwade father of Rohit met the physical education teacher of our school to
know about the physical fitness level of senior classes our teacher reply that hello in the program consistent
of various physical fitness test for school children in the next week all the students physical fitness will be
measured. measure all over body flexibility which one of the following tests is best:
a) Harvard step test
b) plate taping test
c) 600 M run/walk
d) Sit and reach test
II.Which test is used to measure strength and endurance of abdominal muscles?
a) Partly curl up
b) 600 M Run
c) push up
d) Relay
III.Which test is most famous body strength and endurance?
a) Standing broad jump
b) partial curl up
c) 50 m Das
d) Push up
IV.Khelo India programme was launched by:
a) Shree Narendara Modi
b) Milkha singh
c) Ministry of sports and youth affairs
d) None of these.
Q29.Leadership quality develops through participation in adventure sports sports. Discuss.
Q30.What is limber down? Write the Importance of limber down in sports in detail.
Q31Elucidate the utilities of test and measurements in the field of phy. Activities and sports.
Q31.What do you mean by team cohesion? Discuss the factors which affect it in details.