Thesis - Jenny Rose

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A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas




A Thesis
Presented to the Faculty of
College of Business and Management
Lemery Colleges
Lemery, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Financial Management

Cortiguerra, Mark Dave D.
Enriquez, Lycel D.
Manzanilla, Princes G.
Sanchez, Jenny Rose Y.
Tatoy, Marisol E.

June 2024

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


This research paper entitled “Saving Behavior Determinants of Local

Government Employees in Lemery, Batangas” prepared and submitted by
Cortiguerra, Mark Dave D., Enriquez, Lycel D., Manzanilla, Princes G.,
Sanchez, Jenny Rose Y., Tatoy, Marisol E. in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration,
has been examined and recommended for acceptance for Oral Examination.


Thesis Adviser

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of






Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.


Program Head

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


The successful completion of this research study was made possible

through the invaluable support and contributions of the following people. The

researchers are deeply grateful to everyone who offered their time, knowledge,

and encouragement throughout this journey.

With humility and sincerity, the researchers would like to express their

heartfelt gratitude to the individuals listed below for their guidance, necessary

insights, and numerous other contributions. Their generosity and commitment

to academic progress helped the researchers overcome the hurdles they

faced. Special mention is given to the following:

First and foremost, to our Almighty God for granting us the wisdom,

inspiration, and strength needed to complete this study, making everything


To the beloved parents, for their unwavering support and

encouragement throughout the journey of completing this thesis. Their

constant belief in the author’s abilities, along with their sacrifices and patience,

has been instrumental in achieving this milestone.

To the local government employees of Lemery, Batangas, for their

cooperation and willingness to participate as respondents, providing essential

data that contributed significantly to this study.

To their thesis adviser, Mrs. Raquel I. Cerdenia, for dedication and

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

patience, which greatly helped improve the quality of this work and supported

the author’s personal and academic development. This thesis would not have

been possible without her valuable help.

To the members of the panel Dr. Lyra Crizelle M. Hernandez, Mr.

Zorcastro E. Cabello, and Dr. Aileen A. Matibag for their valuable time,

insightful feedback, and thoughtful comments. Their contributions were crucial

in refining this research and enhancing the overall quality of the thesis.

To their Industry Expert, Mr. Jeffrey R. Cabral, And Ms. Rosemarie C.

Buelo, who validated the questionnaire and giving some suggestions for the

betterment of the study. To their siblings, classmates and friends, for the

inspiration and for being there every step of the way.

To all the members of the group who stood until the end and extended

their strength to accomplish the task.

Mark Dave



Jenny Rose


A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


This thesis is dedicated with heartfelt appreciation to the author's loving

and supportive family, whose unwavering encouragement and financial

assistance made this study possible. Their constant belief and understanding

provided the foundation upon which this research was built.

Special thanks are extended to the local government employees in

Lemery, Batangas, whose participation and insights were essential for the

success of this work. Their cooperation and willingness to contribute have

been crucial.

The author also wishes to acknowledge the profound guidance and

support of Mrs. Raquel I. Cerdenia. Her wisdom, encouragement, and

steadfast support from the beginning to the end of this project were crucial to

its completion.

Above all, this study is dedicated to the Almighty God, whose strength,

protection, and guidance throughout this journey have been a source of

inspiration and resilience.

Mark Dave



Jenny Rose


A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas



TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………….…….……………..…………. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………….…………………….……… iii


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………vi

LIST OF TABLES……………………………….………………………….viii

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………….xi




Background of the Study................................................. 1

Research Aim.................................................................. 3
Statement of the Problem............................................... 4
Theoretical Framework................................................... 5
Conceptual Framework................................................... 7
Hypothesis of the Study.................................................. 8
Significance of the Study................................................. 9
Scope and Limitations..................................................... 10
Definition of Terms.......................................................... 11


Conceptual Literature...................................................... 13
Related studies............................................................... 31
Foreign Synthesis........................................................... 56
Local Synthesis............................................................... 57

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


Research Environment.................................................... 59
Research Design............................................................. 60
Respondents of the Study............................................... 61
Data Gathering Instrument.............................................. 61
Data Gathering Procedure.............................................. 63
Ethical Consideration...................................................... 64
Statistical Treatment of Data........................................... 65

IV. Presentation, Analysis and interpretation of Data

Statement of the Problem……………………………….....66

V. Summary, Findings of the Study, Conclusions and


Findings of the Study……………………………………….106







A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas



4.1.1 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age…………..66

4.1.2 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Sex……….….68

4.1.3 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Civil


4.1.4 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Highest

Educational Attainment…………………………………..71

4.1.5 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Average

Monthly Income…………………………………………...73

4.1.6 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Length

of Service………………………………………………….74

4.1.7 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Tenure

of Employment……………………………………………76

4.1.8 Distribution of Respondents in terms of Family


4.2.1 Saving Behavior Determinants, the respondents

assessed in terms of Saving Behavior…………………79

4.2.2 Saving Behavior Determinants, the respondents

assessed in terms of Financial Knowledge……………81

4.2.3 Saving Behavior Determinants, the respondents

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

assessed in terms of Financial Attitude………………..83

4.2.4 Saving Behavior Determinants, the respondents

assessed in terms of Self-Efficacy……………………...85

4.2.5 Financial Management Practice toward Saving


4.2.6 Summary of the saving behavior determinants of

local government employees……………………………89

4.3.1 Significant Difference between age and the

saving behavior determinants of local government


4.3.2 Significant Difference between sex and the saving

behavior determinants of local government


4.3.3 Significant Difference civil status and the saving

Behavior determinants of local government


4.3.4 Significant Difference between highest educational

attainment and the saving behavior determinants of

local government employees……………………………96

4.3.5 Significant Difference between average monthly

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

income and the saving behavior determinants of local

government employees………………………………….98

4.3.6 Significant Difference between length of service

and the saving behavior determinants of local

government employees………………………………….99

4.3.7 Significant Difference between tenure of employment

and the saving behavior determinants of local

government employees………………………………….101

4.3.8 Significant Difference between family size and the

saving behavior determinants of local government


4.4.1 Proposed Practices to enhance the knowledge of

Local Government Employees in Lemery, Batangas

about Savings……………………………………………..105

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas



1.1 The Theory of Planned Behavior Model adopted

from Ajzen 2005 Saving Behavior Determinants

in Malaysia………………………………………………..6

1.2 Conceptual Paradigm of the Saving Behavior

of Government Employees in Lemery, Batangas…….7

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas



Authors: Cortiguerra, Mark Dave D.

Enriquez, Lycel D.

Manzanilla, Princes G.

Sanchez, Jenny Rose Y.

Tatoy, Marisol E.

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Financial


Year: 2024

Adviser: Raquel I. Cerdenia, MBA, LPT


This study aims to examine the saving behavior determinants of local

government employees in Lemery, Batangas, and to identify the factors that

influence their saving behavior. The researchers selected 245 local

government employees as respondents, using a simple random sampling

technique facilitated by the Raosoft calculator.

The findings revealed that financial literacy plays a significant role in

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

shaping positive financial behaviors and attitudes among the respondents.

Specifically, higher levels of financial knowledge, financial attitudes, financial

self-efficacy, and financial management practices are correlated with better

saving behaviors. However, the study also found that demographic factors

such as, sex, average monthly income, length of service, tenure of

employment, and family size did not show significant differences in saving

behavior determinants.

Based on these findings, the researchers propose the distribution of

educational materials, such as printed booklets, to enhance the financial

literacy of local government employees. These materials aim to provide

comprehensive guidance on price considerations, money-saving techniques,

effective budgeting practices, and establishing financial goals for the future.

Keywords: Saving Behavior, Financial Literacy, Local Government Employees,

Lemery Batangas, Financial Management

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Chapter I


This chapter focuses on how the problem is presented. It contains an

introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, theoretical

and conceptual framework, research hypothesis, scope and limitation,

significance of the study and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

In recent years, the global economy has been increasing rapidly. The

financial management of individuals varies in different aspects, and the most

universal one is saving. Over the past decades, saving has been playing a vital

role in the process of economic growth and development. Savings behavior is

a key need for people to acquire and practice good financial skills in their lives

so that they can solve possible future spending decisions on their own.

Correspondingly, individuals gain control over their spending habits by

saving and learning how to spend wisely (Abdullah et al., 2017). It takes the

social influence of family, friends, and coworkers to show proper saving

behavior. This may be accomplished through nurturing, guiding, and sharing

knowledge on money management techniques. Putting money away for the

future, on the other hand, is a difficult choice that requires excellent saving

habits (Hoffmann et al., 2018).

Furthermore, saving is seen as a way of reducing the risk associated

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

with the inability to foresee the future, as well as a precautionary measure. If

people could foresee the future, they would know precisely how much money

might need. However, since individuals are unable to do so, the necessity to

preserve money for the future is essential.

In connection with the aforementioned statements, this study

investigates the factors that affected saving behavior among government

servants and focuses on financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-

efficacy, and financial management practice in relation to saving behavior.

Money management is very important for every employee either in the public

or private sector. This is because managing money is more difficult compared

to making or earning money.

Thus, every individual must know how to manage their money in terms

of saving and investment. Saving plays an important role in the economy since

it promotes long-term economic growth. Saving happens when an individual is

able to save some money from their income instead of overspending the

money. Besides that, saving also means sacrifice some current consumption in

order to improve the living standard in the future. If people do not save and fail

in managing their money properly, it can lead to financial problems.

However, according to Alejandro (2024), managing his salary has

always been a challenge as it primarily goes towards covering daily expenses.

With the cost of living constantly rising, it becomes difficult to set aside any

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

significant amount of money for savings. As a result, whatever little a person

manages to save from his salary is often barely enough to make a noticeable

difference in his financial situation.

On the other hand, according to Bendaña (2024), despite the constant

rise in the cost of living, the importance of planning for the future is highly

regarded. That is why prioritizing to invest the money in insurance is a must

and need at the same time, because insurance provides a vital safety net that

can protect people and their families from unexpected financial burdens and

uncertainties that may arise in the future.

Henceforth, the proponents of this study aim to explore the saving

behavior determinants of government employees. Moreover, the researchers

strive to address the influence that affects individual saving decisions. The

researchers’ main goal is to investigate the saving behavior determinants of

government employees and determine the program that can be proposed to

help them build healthier financial habits.

Research Aim

The researchers strive to determine the saving behavior of local

government employees at Lemery, Batangas and to identify the factors that

influence their saving behavior. This investigation concentrated on the

respondents’ internal variables, such as their saving habits, cultural and

mentalities surrounding saving. The researchers also aim to analyze the role of

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

financial literacy as the main goal that considerably affects one's attitude

toward saving.

Furthermore, this study strives to offer insightful information that can

contribute to the existing literature on financial behavior and saving goals and

to promote positive saving behaviors and enhance financial well-being among

all ages.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the saving behavior determinants of

Local Government Employees in Lemery, Batangas. This study ought to

answer the following questions.

1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;

1.3 civil status;

1.4 highest educational attainment;

1.5 average monthly income;

1.6 length of service;

1.7 tenure of employment; and

1.8 family size?

2. How may the saving behavior determinants of the respondents be assessed

in terms of:

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

2.1 financial knowledge;

2.2 financial attitudes;

2.3 financial self-efficacy; and

2.4 financial management practice?

3. Is there a significant difference on the assessed saving behavior

determinants of the respondents when grouped according to profile?

4. Based on the findings, the researchers proposed booklet guidelines to

enhance the knowledge of local government employees in Lemery, Batangas

about savings.

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the Theory of Planned Behavior by (Ajzen,

1991). According to the theory of Planned Behavior, behaviors are influenced

by intentions, which are determined by three factors: attitudes, subjective

norms, and perceived behavioral control.

Additionally, this study is the first one that attempts to extend the TPB

by accumulating additional predictors such as the financial knowledge,

financial attitude, financial self-efficacy, and financial management practice.

Research in this area aims to uncover these hidden values and ideas that

influence decision-making. There is some controversy about the assumption of

rationality because sometimes humans act emotionally, not rationally.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Figure 1.1 The Theory of Planned Behavior Model adopted from Ajzen

2005 Saving Behavior Determinants in Malaysia

 Saving behavior: Refers to the actions and decisions individuals make

regarding their savings. It involves the process of setting aside money from

one's income for future use or emergencies.

 Financial knowledge: The objective mastery of financial definitions,

terms and concepts.

 Financial attitude: It is about one’s perception about money. The

attitudes among individuals are different and may influence the perception of

one’s income and the effects on social preferences or self-esteem.

 Financial self-efficacy: It is defined as an individuals’ ability to handle

their financial and it is correlated with self-confidence and could reflect the

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

financial skill.

 Financial management: Refers to a set of behaviors that is related to the

management of money, financial planning, investment, insurance and

retirement. Financial management is the determination, acquisition, allocation

and utilization of financial resources.

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this study was to determine Saving Behavior of

Government Employees in Lemery, Batangas. So, the researchers prepared

their illustration to present their study.

Input Process Output

The profile of the

•Descriptive study
•civil status;
•Simple Random
•highest educational Sampling Technique
attainment; where the
•average monthly respondents are
income; identified by Raosoft
Guidelines to
•length of service; Calculator
Enhance the
•tenure of employment; Knowledge of
and • Gathering of data
Local Government
•family size through the use of
Employees in
Lemery, Batangas
The saving behavior
about savings
determinants of •Statistical
government employees in Treatment of Data
Lemery Batangas
•Financial knowledge •Presentation,
•Financial attitudes Interpretation and
•Financial self-efficacy
analysis of data

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Figure 1.2 Conceptual Paradigm of the Saving Behavior of Government

Employees in Lemery, Batangas.

Figure 1.2 shows the research paradigm, in which the researchers

constructed an Input -Process- Output model (IPO). The first box represents

the input which contains the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,

civil status, highest educational attainment, average monthly income, length of

service, tenure of employment, and family size. The saving behavior of

government employees in Lemery Batangas influenced financial knowledge,

financial attitudes, financial self-efficacy, financial management are also

included in input.

The second box represents the process of how to gather relevant data

and information, including descriptive study. Moreover, Simple Random

Sampling Technique was used to identify the respondents by utilizing Raosoft

Calculator, gathering of data through the use of questionnaire, Statistical

Treatment of Data, Presentation, Interpretation and analysis of data.

The last box corresponds to the output of the study in which it contains

the proposed saving plan and program among government employees that

may educate government employees about saving.


Ho. There is no significant difference on the profile of the respondents and

saving behavior of local government employees in terms of financial

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

knowledge, financial attitudes, financial self-efficacy, financial management are

also including in input.

Significance of the Study

This study was undertaken to find out the saving behaviors of

government employees in Lemery, Batangas. Understanding the saving habits

of government employees can identify areas of improvement in financial

management practices. The outcome of this research would be beneficial to

the following:

To the Local Government Employees, as the researchers’

respondents are from the sectors government employees, this would

give them an idea, explanation, understanding, and can be relatable as an

employee. Employees will be the main source of the study’s findings and


To the Parents, this study should also be significant to the parents

because they are mostly the providers and managers of finances in the family.

It is relatable to the saving habits of employees.

To the Students, the study would give some necessary details to them

about saving behavior that can be used in their future living since weekly, they

spend their money on transportation, necessities, school payment, and other

basic necessities

To the Researchers themselves, this study would enable the

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

researchers to understand the government employees’ saving behavior. The

study itself is significant to them, not only it was required to conduct, but also

it would give them awareness and a chance to inform the beneficiaries of the


To the Future Researchers, this study could be useful and would

serve as the future researchers’ references that can support their research

study related to saving behavior of government employees.

Scope and Limitations

The aim of this study is to examine the saving behavior determinants of

government workers within Lemery, Batangas. It examined the patterns and

factors influencing their saving behavior, with a particular emphasis on

understanding how funds are utilized. This study took (6) months to gather all

related information, relevant data and studies up to interpretation and

presentation of data.

Furthermore, the researchers decided to choose the Municipality of

Lemery, Batangas as its research location because of its relative accessibility

and manageable size. Despite its smaller size, Lemery still boasts various

resources relevant to research, such as educational institutions, libraries,

government offices, and community organizations. These resources can

provide valuable information and support for conducting research.

The participants of this study are the local government employees in

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Lemery, Batangas. The researchers chose these respondents because they

have the ability to influence saving behavior among their employees through

policies, incentives, and programs related to financial management and

savings. Moreover, the researchers used simple random sampling to

determine who would be the respondents. The researchers utilized survey

questionnaires as an instrument to gather information from participants.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and thorough understanding of this study, the following terms

were herein defined conceptually and operationally.

Financial Attitude. Conceptually, it refers to an attitude that can shape

the way individuals conduct financial management such as investing, saving,

and even spending money (Mien & Thao, 2015). In this study, it is about the

state of mind of a person about finances which is a resultant of his background

and environment.

Financial Knowledge. This term refers to a person's knowledge of his

financial situation, rather than basic financial concepts (Normawati et al.,

2021). In this particular study, it pertains to the objective mastery of financial

definitions, terms and concepts.

Financial Management Practices. Conceptually, it refers to the

standard operating procedures designed to improve the proper execution of

financial accounting, reporting, budgeting, and other related tasks in order to

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

increase a firm's technical efficiency (Sa'eed et al., 2020). In this study, it is

about monitoring all financial resources to achieve ones’ business goals.

Financial self-efficacy. It is defined as a conceptualized confidence of

an individual in his or her ability to acquire information for making effective

financial decisions (Netemeyer et al., 2018). In this particular study, it evokes a

behavior to be disciplined to achieve long-term financial goals.

Local Government Employees. Conceptually, government employees

refer to those employed by the National Government or any of its political

subdivisions (, 2024). In this study, Local government units

participated in this study as respondents.

Saving behavior. It is defined as a key need for people to acquire and

practice good financial skills in their lives so that they can solve possible future

spending decisions on their own (Abdullah, 2017). In this particular study, it is

the money set aside for future use and not spent immediately.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Chapter II


This study discusses the review of related literature in both foreign and

local aspects. To conduct the study, the researchers used books, papers,

magazines, theses, and other related materials as their tools. This study also

represents the synthesis of overall literature review.

Conceptual Literature

Foreign Literature

Financial Knowledge

Primarily, financial knowledge refers to the basic understanding or

knowledge of financial markets with the help of which one can effectively and

efficiently consume or invest their funds to gain profits from various sources.

Having basic finance knowledge helps a person manage their relationship with

money throughout his lifetime. It is very important to have financial knowledge

since it is the most basic way to start being financially independent and

understanding how to manage the funds independently without anybody’s help

(Financial Knowledge - Unacademy, 2022)

Moreover, according to Kakridas-Regan (2019), financial knowledge can

be a significant benefit for both government agencies, the systems they serve,

and especially for the public sector employees. Financial literate employees

are less likely to end up with financial woes. Not only does financial stress

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

affect work productivity and absenteeism, but it may also mean fewer requests

for salary advances or hardship withdrawals from company. Financial

knowledge of employees is an investment with easy setup and lasting value.

Many large companies recognize the benefits of offering workers some

financial education, especially online programs. These programs have had

positive results and led to higher employee participation rates in retirement

savings plans.

Both studies highlight the importance of financial literacy for both

individuals and organizations, showing how financial education can improve

employee well-being, reduce stress, and boost productivity. It also

demonstrates that businesses benefit from investing in employee financial

education, leading to increased retirement savings and overall financial


According to Hussain & Sajjad (2016), they distinguish subjective

financial knowledge from objective financial knowledge, and propose self-

esteem relates to financial behavior both directly as well as indirectly through

subjective financial knowledge. It is the combination of awareness, knowledge,

skills, attitude and behavior to achieve financial being. In most research, young

adults have low financial literacy and possess poor financial related decisions

(Xiao et al., 2015).

This study explores the impact of financial knowledge on confidence

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

and financial behavior, particularly among young people who often lack

financial literacy. It shows that both subjective and objective financial

knowledge are crucial for making better financial decisions and improving

financial well-being.

Financial Attitude

Financial attitude means an attitude that is a response in the form of a

statement of "like" or "dislike" or "useful" or "not useful" related to the individual

financial behavior. Financial attitude will likewise shape the manner in which

somebody spends, stores, and go through cash inefficiently, whereas another

author supported that financial attitude is an attitude that can shape the way

individuals conduct financial management such as investing, saving and even

spending money (Poblacion & Manigo, 2022).

This research is relevant to our study because understanding the

financial attitudes of government employees is crucial because it directly

influences how they manage their money.

Moreover, in accordance with the statements of Budiono (2020),

financial attitude is the application of principles finance to create and maintain

value through creating resource decisions and management the best. The

personal financial behavior of an individual is determined by his financial

attitude. Financial attitude Is defined as the state of mind, opinion, and

judgment about his finances applied to attitude. The indicator of financial

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

attitude a good and responsibility on each individual can be observed from his

attitude on organizing in and out cash flow, investment or for long-term, and

can handle the financial suitable for his needs.

Financial attitude can be defined as personal inclination towards

financial matters. It is an ability to plan ahead and maintain a savings account

that matters. Bhushan and Medury (2014) concluded that in order to enhance

financial literacy among generations, the focus should be on developing

favorable financial attitudes among the people of the country. Then only, real

benefits of any financial education program can be achieved.

This study on financial attitudes shows how personal views on money

influence saving habits, helping us understand why some government

employees save more effectively than others.

According to Yiing (2017), women play a significant role in budgeting

and saving decisions and have a more positive attitude towards savings

compared to men. In order to enhance financial literacy among generations,

the focus should be on developing favorable financial attitudes among the

people of the country. Then only, real benefits of any financial education

program can be achieved (Bhushan and Medury, 2014).

This research underscores the significance of financial attitudes in

shaping saving behaviors among government employees. Developing positive

attitudes towards budgeting and saving can lead to better financial outcomes.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


Financial self-efficacy (FSE) refers to one’s belief in his or her ability to

achieve financial goals. The social cognitive model of wellbeing proposed a

number of mediating paths between self-efficacy which is both general and

domain-specific, and life satisfaction. These paths imply the mediating effect of

domain-specific satisfaction in the association between domain-specific self-

efficacy and life satisfaction. In the finance domain, one potential mechanism

underlying the association between FSE and life satisfaction is investment

satisfaction. Investment satisfaction describes investors’ subjective evaluations

of the quality of their decisions and performance (Hu et al., 2021).

Employees with strong financial self-efficacy feel confident in managing

their finances, leading to higher financial satisfaction and overall life

contentment. Satisfied government employees are more likely to save, creating

a positive cycle of financial behavior and well-being.

Additionally, the role of financial self-efficacy in increasing financial

literacy and financial inclusion is needed, especially at the productive age.

Financial self-efficacy is an individual's belief in managing finances, using

financial services and beliefs about their personal ability to achieve major

financial goals (Asebedo & Payne, 2019).

Financial self-efficacy encourages participation in the formal financial

system, which simplifies and enhances saving practices. It also motivates

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

government employees to seek financial knowledge and improve their literacy.

Furthermore, Limbo and Sato (2019) confirmed the mediating role of

financial self-efficacy between credit card literacy and financial well-being

(FWB). They pointed out that adequate credit card literacy fosters confidence

and skills to use credit cards effectively which further delivers increased

financial security. Mindra et al. (2017) find financial self-efficacy as an

important determinant of financial inclusion (demand side) because it provides

the confidence required to avail financial services and thus makes lives better.

This research is closely relevant to our study. As Mindra et al.

emphasize that financial self-efficacy contributes to financial inclusion by

providing the confidence needed to avail financial services. For government

employees, this means they are more likely to utilize savings accounts,

retirement plans, and investment products effectively, thus enhancing their

overall financial security.

Bruggen et al. (2017) have observed that increased financial literacy

leads to financial self-efficacy, and that is an essential factor for financial well-

being. These authors identify financial self-efficacy as being able to control

one’s finance which reflects an individual’s skill and ability to influence his or

her financial matters.

Understanding financial concepts and products is crucial for government

employees to build confidence in managing their finances, leading to better

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

decisions in saving, investing, and budgeting.

Accordingly, Farrell et al. (2016) stated that much policy attention has

been placed on enhancing individuals’ financial knowledge and literacy, chiefly

through financial education programs. However, managing one’s personal

finances takes more than financial knowledge and literacy: an individual also

needs a sense of self-assuredness, or self-beliefs, in their own capabilities.

This research was relevant to our present study. Financial self-efficacy

is crucial for the saving behavior of government employees because it

complements financial knowledge and literacy by providing the confidence,

motivation, and resilience needed to apply financial principles effectively.

Financial Management Practice

Financial Management is one of the most important aspects for

individuals and organizations in this rapidly growing world. It is about managing

and growing money. Financial management supports the design and

demonstration of an organization’s financial performance story – from financial

cost to results or consequences (Sajjan, 2022).

According to Rahim et al. (2019), enhancing trend of better financial

management practices is essential, especially for working employees due to

the increased levels of existing personal indebtedness, and increasing focus

on personal responsibility for financial planning among them. Nowadays,

employees’ role in managing their finances is becoming complex due to

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

experiencing the complexity of financial commodities in the marketplace. The

main objective of financial management can vary depending on the individual

or organization's goals. However, generally, the main objective is maximizing

profits while minimizing risk. This is often done by strategic planning and

making decisions based on market knowledge and analysis to help ensure the

company's long-term success.

Both studies highlight the significance of good financial management

practices, especially in the context of rising personal debt and complex

financial products. These insights can help identify factors influencing the

saving behaviors of local government employees in Lemery, Batangas.

In addition, financial management has a positive effect on retirement

confidence. Sound financial management is expected to promote higher

pension trust. Then the high financial literacy does not automatically lead to

people having a high level of confidence in the pension. Financial literacy can

encourage individuals to practice sound financial management. Financial

literacy will encourage the appropriate use of financial practices, which can

increase a person's confidence pension (Patrisia & Fauziah, 2019).

This study is related to our study because Patrisia and Fauziah (2019)

show that good financial management and literacy boost retirement

confidence. Understanding how financial practices impact confidence and

saving behavior can help us identify key factors that influence the saving

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

behaviors of local government employees in Lemery, Batangas.

The process of managing financial resources is known as financial

management. Nkundabanyanga et al. (2017) operationalized financial

management practices as processes that include planning and controlling,

accounting, cashflow management, capital budgeting or appraisal, and working

capital management. Financial management, specifically control of expenditure

behaviors, had positive effects on both individualistic happiness and

collectivistic happiness. Financial management moderated the relationship

between financial stress and happiness (Jooyung Park, 2015).

Moreover, financial management also involves a variety of decisions

that have a connection with the importance, frequency and the amount of

money. Then, the individuals who neglect money will not practice good

financial management. The financial management in household involved in

budgeting for expenditures, provide funds to meet the budget, evaluate and

controlling the spending (Krah et al., 2014).

Our study on "Saving Behavior Determinants of Local Government

Employees in Lemery, Batangas" relates to financial management practices

such as planning, controlling, and budgeting. Effective financial management

can reduce financial stress and increase happiness, helping us understand

how local government employees' financial habits influence their saving

behaviors and well-being.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Local Literature

Financial Knowledge

Financial literacy is a driver of financial inclusion. Financially literate

people make informed financial decisions and support life-transforming goals

like saving for education or retirement, using loans responsibly and running a

business. Knowing the positive impact of financial literacy on economic

growth, the Microinsurance MBA Association of the Philippines (MiMAP) held

its first online financial literacy program last Oct. 31. Almost 250 participants

from fifteen (15) microinsurance mutual benefit associations all over the

Philippines attended the program called, “Kaalamang Pinansiyal, Ngayon Na!.”

Accordingly, there is a growing body of literature providing evidence that

financial literacy aids people in making better financial decisions that can lead

to improved financial outcomes such as higher savings, lower debts, and

greater wealth accumulation. It is good that the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas is

prioritizing financial literacy and education programs because data from the

2021 Financial Inclusion Survey (FIS) show that when asked basic financial

literacy questions, only two in ten (10) Filipinos gained perfect scores, while

seven in 10 correctly answered at least half of the questions.

This study is relevant to the fact that it shows how The Bangko Sentral

ng Pilipinas is focusing on financial education because many Filipinos lack

basic financial understanding and how financial literacy helps people make

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

better financial choices, leading to benefits like more savings and less debt.

Improving financial literacy can help more people achieve better financial

The FIS also indicates that only 42 percent of adult Filipinos correctly

identified inflation’s effect on purchasing power and only 30 percent

understood simple and compound interest. While more Filipinos may be

owning financial accounts, less are saving and availing of insurance compared

to 2019. More adults also reported having outstanding loans. During the

Financial Stakeholders’ Education Expo in November 2022, then BSP

Governor Felipe Medalla said that only 25 percent of adult Filipinos are

knowledgeable on basic financial concepts, according to the World Bank. He

also mentioned a Standard and Poor’s global study showing the Philippines at

the bottom 30 out of 144 countries surveyed on financial literacy (Alip, 2023).

According to Fernando (2023), a strong foundation of financial literacy

can help support various life goals, such as saving for education or retirement,

using debt responsibly, and running a business. Key aspects to financial

literacy include knowing how to create a budget, plan for retirement, manage

debt, and track personal spending.

Fernando's study from 2023 is relevant since it explains how

understanding finances helps people achieve needed life goals like as saving

and debt management.

Achieving financial literacy is crucial in today’s society due to everyday

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

facets of life, such as student loans, mortgages, credit cards, investments, and

health insurance (Team, 2023) Financial literacy combines awareness,

knowledge, abilities, attitude, and behavior. A lack of financial knowledge

enables someone to make bad decisions without realizing it. It is in line with

the statement of Lusardi (2014) who highlighted that a lack of financial

knowledge and literacy will limit one's capacity for decision-making. A low level

of financial literacy may result in financial decisions that can have a negative

impact on personal financial circumstances.

This study is useful because it highlights the need of understanding

finances in order to make everyday decisions such as managing loans and

investments. Without financial literacy, people may make poor financial

decisions that have negative effects on their lives.

However, financial education can help people make better decisions

since it increases financial literacy. Better financial decision-making resulted

from greater financial literacy. Financial literacy plays a significant role in

developing the right financial behavior. It means that individuals may have

more success in managing their financial resources if they are financially

literate. Financial behavior is crucial for people because it enables them to be

accountable for their finances, develop for creating plans, effectively manage

their money and solve their financial difficulties (Cayangcang et. al., 2023).

Thus, financial literacy plays a major role in the lives of people,

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

particularly the youth towards effective money management decisions. Taking

into consideration the fact that young individuals are a significant factor for the

development of the national economy, substantial improvement of young

people's financial literacy is essential. Young people with a high level of

financial literacy would be those who could make a greater contribution to the

state economy, so it is important to research the level of financial literacy

among young people. Some of the factors involved in the financial literacy of

the youth are their saving and spending habits which greatly affect their current

and future lives (Fernandez et al., 2021).

This study focuses on how financial literacy helps young people make

better money management decisions. Improving young people's financial skills

can boost the national economy. By understanding their saving and spending

habits, we can enhance their financial well-being and future prospects.

Financial Attitude

Villagonzalo and Mibato (2020) stated that positive financial attitude

begets wise decision-making on the part of the individuals to handle their

financial resources well, while unhealthy and poor financial attitudes toward

money lead individuals to poor financial decisions.

The individual intention is influenced by individual behavior and attitude.

If the individual considers that saving behavior is important and he or she has

positive attitude towards such behavior, it is more likely to increase the

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

intention to act on saving (Khalid et al., 2019). Spending is heavily influenced

by the family system. Parents have a significant influence not only on their

children's money management attitudes, but also on their children's overall life

attitudes (Bona, 2018).

This research aligns with our study on saving behavior among

government employees by examining how personal attitudes towards money

influence financial decisions. Positive attitudes, like valuing saving, contribute

to better financial management.

Furthermore, Haque and Zulfiqar (2016) stated that financial attitude

deals with the ability to manage finances, the interest of the individual in

increasing financial knowledge, spending versus saving attitude and attitude

toward taking risk while making an investment.

Financial attitude affects financial well-being, as the financial attitude of

women resulted in better financial well-being. There are strong and positive

relationships that exist between the parameters of financial literacy. Financial

attitude can be defined as personal inclination towards financial matters. It is

an ability to plan ahead and maintain a savings account that matters.

This ties into our research by highlighting key aspects such as effective

financial management, the pursuit of financial knowledge, and attitudes

towards spending and saving. These factors significantly impact financial well-

being and can guide strategies to encourage positive financial behaviors.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


According to Sabri and Vosloo (2023), financial self-efficacy predicts

successful well-being outcomes, such as mental health, physical health, and

quality of life, financial self-efficacy is positively associated with positive

financial behaviors, such as investing and (retirement) saving. Some studies

also showed that financial self-efficacy is positively related to financial well-


In line with the statements of Netemeyer et al. (2018), financial self-

efficacy is conceptualized as the confidence of an individual in his/her ability to

acquire information for making effective financial decisions.

This research is directly relevant to our present study because it

highlights the understanding that confidence in acquiring and using financial

information allows individuals to better assess and manage financial risks.

Government employees who feel capable of evaluating different savings

options are more likely to choose and maintain effective savings strategies.

The greater one's belief in one's financial capacity, the more favorable

future results accumulate (Bruggen et al., 2017). Moreover, financial self-

efficacy helps in avoiding adverse financial behavior, and consequently, the

financial anxiety accompanying that behavior. Therefore, financial self-efficacy

should have a positive association with financial well-being.

Additionally, Bruggen et al. (2017) have observed that increased

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

financial literacy leads to financial self-efficacy, and that is an essential factor

for financial well-being. These authors identify financial self-efficacy as being

able to control one’s finance which reflects an individual’s skill and ability to

influence his or her financial matters. Thus, financial self-efficacy can be

understood as the confidence of an individual stemming from his or her

financial knowledge which eventually results in financial well-being. Therefore,

the greater one's belief in one's financial capacity, the more favorable future

results accumulate.

This study’s focus on the belief in one’s financial capabilities shows that

confidence in financial management reduces stress and impulsive behavior.

Government employees who are confident in their financial skills are better

positioned to prioritize long-term savings.

Correspondingly, Amatucci and Crawley (2014) proved that women

entrepreneurs were less confident than their male counterparts, and Fatoki and

Oni (2016) found that spaza-shop owners did not have sufficient financial self-

efficacy to manage some financial management functions. Self-efficacy can be

manifested through various elements of personal behavior, such as how well a

person perseveres in the face of adversity, whether they have an optimistic or

pessimistic attitude about their future, and whether they think in self-enhancing

or self-debilitating ways.

This research was closely relevant to our study as it highlights the

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

importance of financial self-efficacy in personal behavior. High financial self-

efficacy equips employees to handle financial adversity effectively.

Financial Management Practice

According to Piñeda (2023), things like income, lifestyle, a person’s

psychology about money, priorities, and other aspects vary from one person to

the next and these significantly affect how each of us manages our finances.

Most of Filipino netizens (62.5%) follow a tight monthly budget for various

recurring expenses. Only about a quarter of the respondents (24.8%) shared

having a debt amounting to more than P20,000. 31.3% revealed having

investments through various financial instruments such as stocks, mutual

funds, and real estate.

The individuals’ ability to save plays a crucial role in managing their

finances and building their wealth. Financial management is a managerial

process which is concerned with the planning and control of financial

resources. Financial management was started as a separate subject of

study in the 20th century.

Our study "Saving Behavior Determinants of Local Government

Employees in Lemery, Batangas" is related to factors identified by Piñeda

(2023), such as income, lifestyle, and money attitudes, which significantly

influence financial management. Understanding that most Filipinos follow a

tight budget, with some having debts and others investing, helps us explore

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

how these factors impact the saving behaviors of local government


In the initial years of its development, financial management was

concerned only with collection of funds for business. But according to the

modern viewpoint, not only collection of funds but also their proper

utilization are the basic functions of financial management. In present

times, financial management analyses all financial problems of a business

(P, 2022).

Our study aligns with the modern view of financial management, which

involves not just collecting funds but also their proper utilization. This

approach, as noted by P (2022), emphasizes analyzing all financial problems,

helping us understand how effective financial management influences the

saving behaviors of local government employees.

According to Banks (2018), some business owners begin their operation

with a wave of optimism and enthusiasm but without a well thought out budget

they find it is not possible to create a successful action plan. When running a

business, it is easy to get bogged down with day-to-day problems and miss the

bigger picture. Successful businesses allocate time to create and manage

budgets, prepare, and review business plans and regularly monitor their

financial situation and business performance. Financial management identifies

current available capital, provides an estimate of expenditure and anticipates

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

incoming revenue.

Subsequently, the financial management services implemented by the

City Government of Cotabato based on the record from the Government

Services Office include centralized payment, collection and reporting services,

oversight of a daily cash flow, disbursement, issuance of tax refunds and other

payments, collection of annual payments to the government through financial

institutions, and collection of delinquent debts owed to the government.

Our study relates to the principles outlined by Banks (2018). Successful

financial management, including budgeting and monitoring finances, is crucial

for creating effective action plans and ensuring long-term success. This

approach helps us understand how these financial practices influence the

saving behaviors and financial well-being of local government employees.

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Financial Knowledge

In the study entitled Financial Literacy, Investment and Savings

Decisions Among Government Institutions’ Workers in Mwanza, Tanzania, the

study focused on examining how financial literacy influences the savings and

investment decisions of government worker. The findings of this study revealed

that both financial attitude and financial knowledge were significant at a 5%

level and had an impact on making sound investment and savings decisions

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

among government workers. The study also revealed that attitude and

knowledge are the determinants of savings and investment decisions of

government employees (Mbwambo et al., 2022).

Mbwambo et al., 2022 investigate how financial literacy influences

government workers' decisions to save and invest. It discovered that a positive

financial mindset and excellent financial knowledge had a substantial impact

on making sound financial decisions. This shows the importance of financial

education for government employees who want to make wise savings and

investment decisions.

Based on the study of Tang & Baker (2016), the economic impact of

deficiencies has received increasing attention in public policy arenas. In an

effort to seek remedy for individual financial behavior inefficiency, numerous

studies have investigated the determinants of individual financial decision-

making. Early economics literature tended to focus investigations on the link

between objective financial knowledge disseminated by financial education and

individual financial behavior.

Tang and Baker's (2016) study focus on how limits in financial literacy

effect individual financial habits as well as the economy. The study also

demonstrates how financial education can help people make better decisions

by offering objective financial information. This emphasizes the importance of

financial knowledge in creating positive financial behaviors and outcomes.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Furthermore, in the study conducted by Harya et al., (2021) that aims to

determine whether financial attitude and financial knowledge partially and

simultaneously affect the interest in saving, it is found that the aforementioned

indicators have a positive and significant effect on the interest in saving.

Individuals require a greater degree of financial literacy to understand and

explore these sophisticated and emerging financial markets and products.

Consequently, financial literacy is found to influence individual saving

behavior. This could be due to their educational level too. The findings showed

a high level of financial illiteracy among the respondents. Besides, parents play

an important role in affecting their children in the conduct of saving.

Furthermore, peer influence can have a great impact on the saving behavior of

embassy staffs due to their close relationship other than parents. Lastly, no

one can affect another easily. In other words, self-control plays an important

role for staff to practice saving.

This study by Harya et al., (2021) is significant to our study since it

demonstrates that both financial attitude and financial knowledge have a major

effect on persons' interest in saving. It emphasizes the value of financial

literacy in encouraging saving habits.

Thus, financial literacy is the most important influencing factors to save

money. This study has positive social change implications in that it could lead

to improvement in the financial well-being of employees as well as the nation’s

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

economy. Therefore, to enhance knowledge of the advantages of saving,

financial institutions like banks should do activities to encourage of financial

literacy (Naing, 2019).

In the study entitled by Nay Min Aye (2018), financial literacy of

individuals is an important ingredient for economic development of the country

through their informed financial decisions like savings which can trigger the

investments for the corporations. Thus, the study found that there is a

significant positive relationship between financial literacy and individual saving

behavior among the staff. Also, the finding addresses the financial literacy

training program on individual saving for employees in the universities.

Both studies likely connect financial knowledge with saving behavior

since knowing around accounts makes a difference individuals make superior

choices with their cash. When individuals get it how to manage cash, they are

more likely to spare and contribute wisely. This may lead to more investment

funds, which in turn can be utilized for investments, boosting the economy.

Based on the study of Greeman (2017), savings are a critical

component in financial management. A variety of social psychological factors

underlie financial saving practices, impacting asset accrual. Using an

experimental design, this study examined the impact exposure to an

incremental financial saving orientation, future financial-self, and basic financial

literacy training have on the transtheoretical level of saving behavior and intent

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

to save. Future financial-self intervention exposes individuals to how they can

become more cognizant of their future financial self and plan accordingly.

The study by Greeman (2017) is related to the study on saving behavior

determinants of local government units in terms of financial knowledge

because both explore factors that influence saving behavior. Greeman’s study

highlights the importance of financial literacy and future planning, which are

crucial for making informed financial decisions.

In addition, in the study entitled, the effects of perceived and actual

financial knowledge on regular personal savings: Case of Vietnam, the results

showed that perceived and actual financial literacy have separate effects on

regular personal saving. Particularly, actual financial knowledge has a

statistically significant positive relationship with regular personal saving.

However, perceived financial knowledge and financial risk tolerance factor are

not statistically significant with regular personal saving (Nguyen et al., 2017).

This study is actual financial literacy over perceived information in

affecting saving behavior. Understanding that genuine monetary information

positively impacts standard individual saving can direct local government units

to focus on upgrading the genuine budgetary proficiency of their workers. By

doing so, they can move forward the saving behaviors of their staff, driving to

better monetary stability and asset administration inside the local government.

Financial Attitude

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

According to Hailu (2023) in the study entitled Factors Affecting the

Attitude of Government Employees towards Monetary Saving, the study

analyzes monetary saving factors that are mostly affecting the attitude of

government employees towards monetary saving. Almost above half percent of

the participants of the study did not know how much of their money spent and

for what purposes. Above half of the subjects of the study announce their

monthly income to their partners but they did not discuss and plan how to use it

consistently. Only 35% of them are saving at least 10% of their monthly salary.

Moreover, most of them do not feel saving is their usual part of life. The

respondents also perceived that saving is essential for reaching goals. From

this it was concluded that despite the knowledge and information they have,

only 35% participants of the study can still save 10% of their monthly salary.

This study about factors affecting the attitude of government employees

towards monetary saving is highly relevant to our research on saving behavior

determinants among government employees. It reveals critical insights into the

current saving habits and attitudes among government workers.

Accordingly, the study entitled Financial Attitude and Spiritual

Intelligence as Predictors of Financial Management Behavior in Employees by

Amri et al. (2023), the results showed that financial attitude and spiritual

intelligence have a positive and significant effect on financial management

behavior. This shows that if the employees of the center have a high financial

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

attitude, the level of financial management is also high and is getting better.

This study on financial attitude and spiritual intelligence influencing

financial management behavior is directly related to our research. It highlights

that having a positive financial attitude, such as responsible financial decision-

making and effective management of finances, leads to better financial

management behaviors among employees.

Furthermore, a study conducted by Syarif et al. (2022) found that

financial attitude and financial knowledge are important factors that influence

personal financial management behavior. While personal income does not

affect personal financial management behavior. However, these indicators

remain important in improving personal financial management behavior,

especially by paying attention to indicators of financial attitude, financial

knowledge and personal income. Financial attitude has a positive effect on

personal financial management behavior. To improve personal financial

management behavior, one can monitor spending in financial attitude because

this has proven to be significant. It was found that financial attitude and

financial knowledge have a positive and significant effect on personal financial

management behavior.

The study you mentioned by Syarif et al. (2022) emphasizes the

importance of financial attitude and financial knowledge in influencing how

people manage their personal finances. It suggests that these factors are more

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

critical than personal income when it comes to improving financial

management behaviors.

Additionally, the study entitled The Influence of Financial Attitude,

Financial Behavior, and Self-Belief towards Financial Vulnerability among

Public Employees indicated that employees with good financial behaviors such

as investing and budgeting are less likely to indulge in risky credit card conduct

and less susceptible to compulsive purchases, thus significantly reducing the

financial risk leading to financial vulnerability. Therefore, organizing financial

management programs geared towards directly improving the employee’s well-

being is highly recommended to strengthen their positive financial behavior

(Magli et al., 2020).

According to the results of the study by Kamini et al. (2019), the three

main factors, namely financial knowledge, financial behavior and financial

attitude were recognized as very important factors to examine financial literacy.

The outcome of the research work explains that financial attitude of working

women is highly associated with financial literacy level. It concluded that

financial education is not the only determinant to examine financial literacy, but

financial attitude and behavior are also important and have positive impact on

financial literacy of women. The findings also revealed that financial attitude

and financial behavior have strong association with financial literacy of working

women than financial knowledge.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

This research highlights the importance of understanding employees'

financial attitudes and behaviors in promoting effective saving habits. Like the

working women in the study, government employees' financial literacy and

saving practices are influenced by their financial attitudes and habits. Our

study can explore how these factors interact to encourage better saving

behaviors among government employees.

Financial self-efficacy

According to the study of Hatta et al. (2024), there is a positive

relationship between the availability of heuristics and financial efficacy partially

influencing performance, then financial self-efficacy influencing investment

decisions; financial self-efficacy influences small and medium enterprises

(SME's) performance. The implications of this research show that SMEs need

to have a good strategy to be able to gain profits from an investment.

The study mentioned by Hatta et al. was closely relevant to our present

study. Just as SMEs need good strategies to gain profits, local government

employees with high financial self-efficacy tend to develop sound financial


The study about savings behavior of bottom income group investigates

financial self-efficacy by applying psychometric instruments, risk preference

and demography characteristics towards saving decision behavior. The results

showed that financial self-efficacy is one of the critical factors that explain

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

individual saving decision behavior. Also, risk preference, gender, and area

(rural or urban) determine the saving decision behavior (Muhamad & Zamri,


In the study about saving behavior of bottom income group also relevant

to our study, for instance, female employees with high financial self-efficacy

might show different saving patterns compared to their male counterparts due

to varying financial goals and responsibilities.

In accordance with the study of Ali & Marwat (2021), it was indicated

that financial literacy is positively associated with saving behavior. It is also

observed that financial literacy positively impacts self-efficacy and increases an

individual’s confidence in taking financial decisions. In line with social cognitive

theory, results of the study showed that self-efficacy positively affects saving

behavior. It is also found that self-efficacy mediates the link between financial

literacy and saving behavior.

The study mentioned above was directly related to our study because it

emphasizes that financial self-efficacy, bolstered by financial literacy,

enhances government employees' ability to make informed financial decisions,

manage risks, utilize available resources, and maintain disciplined saving


Dew (2008) in his study entitled Personal Financial Management

Practices of Young Married Couples stated that married couples are likely to

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

pool their income and savings; whereas cohabiting couples keep it separate.

This study entitled the personal financial management practices of young

married couples, after marriage, couples usually show less risky behaviors,

strive to spend their money wisely and increase their financial well-being Thus,

an individual’s relationship with finances changes extensively after marriage.

The study of Dew (2008) was relevant to our study as it highlights

personal management practices. Government employees who are married

may become more conservative in their financial decisions, prioritizing saving

and investing for future security.

The study entitled Financial Self-Efficacy and Retirement Preparation

found that both income and the FSE latent variable had significant positive

relationships with retirement preparation. Financial planners should not

assume that higher income alone will prompt saving for retirement. Instead,

clients would benefit from a financial planner’s effort to enhance the client’s

FSE. Fostering FSE in clients can be an indirect avenue to enhance retirement

preparation (Sturr et al., 2021).

This research was relevant to the present study because it highlights

that financial self-efficacy positively influences retirement preparation. For

government employees, increasing their financial self-efficacy can lead to

better retirement planning and saving behaviors, ensuring they are adequately

prepared for their post-employment years.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

According to the study of Palmer et al. (2021), it showed that general

self-regulation and financial self-efficacy were positively associated with

financial management behaviors and that general self-regulation was indirectly

associated with financial management behaviors through financial self-efficacy.

Implications of this study suggest that by coupling financial education,

counseling, and coaching interventions with broad-based self-regulation

programming, such as mindfulness or relationship training, clients will realize

more significant improvements in financial management behaviors.

The study mentioned by Palmer et al. is directly relevant to the present

study because it emphasizes general self-regulation skills, which include the

ability to control impulses, manage stress, and set goals, directly impact

financial behaviors.

In the study of Anvari-Clark & Ansong (2022) entitled Meaning of

Financial Well-Being Changes with Age, middle-aged and older consumers

benefit from tools and programs that allow them to plan and save for the

freedom to choose whatever purchases or activities are appropriate for their

life stage. They may benefit from saving and investing products that are

tailored for specific goals, such as a child’s education or funeral fund. These

institutions can assist all consumers in developing confidence in their financial

knowledge and taking deliberate action to secure financial well-being.

The findings are closely aligned with our study on the saving behavior of

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

government employees, suggesting that middle-aged and older workers may

have specific financial goals, such as funding education or preparing for

retirement. Tailored programs, like retirement savings plans and pension

funds, could help them achieve these objectives.

Financial Management Practices

In the study entitled Factors Affecting to Personal Financial

Management Behaviors of Government Employees in Sri Lanka, effective

financial management behavior should improve financial well-being positively

and failure to manage personal finances can lead to serious long term,

negative social and societal consequences. Thus, financial management is

mainly concerned with effective fund management. A number of research has

proved that financial attitudes as an important factor determining a person’s

financial behaviors. Financial attitudes shape the way people spend, save,

hoard, and waste money (Senadheera, 2020).

Our study aligns with Senadheera's (2020) findings that effective

financial management and attitudes significantly impact financial well-being.

Understanding these attitudes helps us explore how local government

employees manage their money, including their saving behaviors.

In the study conducted by Amad et al. (2014), one factor that affects the

sales and profitability of the business in an inverse way is the aggressiveness

of the firm in terms of investment decision which also has a positive risk on

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

how sales and profit varies. As for individuals, people need money to allocate

their day-to-day household obligations. Evidence available demonstrates that

financial management behaviors of households do not only foster cohesion

and mutuality within the household but also influence their savings and

investment behaviors (Krah et al., 2014).

Furthermore, Krah et al. (2014) used four (4) financial practices within

the household to explore the pattern of financial management practices and

these include cash-flow management, credit management, savings, and

investments. Financial management is also an essential practice that assists

people to save for a better tomorrow and serves as emergency fund during

rainy days.

Our study is related to findings by Krah et al. (2014), which show that

effective financial management in households fosters cohesion and influences

savings and investment behaviors. Understanding these behaviors helps us

explore how local government employees manage their finances and savings.

In accordance with the statement of Umeora et. al (2019), people's

socioeconomic standing shapes their expectations and influences their housing

decisions, based in their average monthly incomes, which affects their degree

of satisfaction. Interest in residents' satisfaction studies has grown mostly as a

result of increased consumer protection knowledge over the years;

consequently, housing interests have switched from production to marketing,

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

and subsequently to adapting housing output to residents' needs.

Ng et al. (2013) stated in their study that there are two opposing

theoretical viewpoints on how work longevity may influence job performance.

According to human capital theory, as knowledge and skill rise over time, so

will work performance. In contrast, research on job design indicates that as job

tenure increases, individuals are more likely to get bored and unmotivated at

work. As a result, advantages from human capital acquisition may be

countered by loss of motivation.

These insights are relevant to our study on the saving behavior

determinants of local government employees, as they shed light on the

possible impact of job longevity on saving habits and financial decisions.

According to Njeja (2014). financial management is a managerial activity

that is concerned with the planning and controlling of a firm’s financial

resources. The resources considered here include assets both tangible and

intangible assets. As individuals become literate, they increase their financial

sophistication, and it is assumed that this also means that an individual has

become more competent. The financial management system underpins good

government. It does so by ensuring that internal and external environments

can understand and control how well an agency plans for and implement good

financial management.

This insight is relevant to our study on the saving behavior determinants

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

of local government employees, as it emphasizes the importance of financial

expertise and management in achieving good financial outcomes within an


Local Studies

Financial Knowledge

In the study entitled Financial Literacy and Financial Well-Being of

Public Health Nurses in a First Class Province in the Philippines, financial

decisions have short-and long-term consequences; thus, financial literacy

plays an important role. More so, solid personal financial literacy is a building

block of one’s financial well-being. The ratings in terms of financial knowledge

that older nurses with higher monthly income and with two or more dependents

have a very high level of financial knowledge indicate that as the individual

grows older, he tends to learn from previous financial mistakes, and as income

rises, the individual is motivated to acquire more financial knowledge and with

two or more dependents, the higher sense of responsibility in terms savings,

budgeting management, investments, and loans or debts.

Understanding financial concepts, budget, and debt management goes

a long way to help and improve nurses’ financial security in the present and

future. Also, being cognizant of the value of having savings, the benefit of

insurance, and understanding the need for various investments will strengthen

the nurses’ financial resilience in times of economic downturn (Gerzon et al.,

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


The study by Gerzon et al. (2023) on nurses’ financial security is

relevant in local government units, both emphasize the crucial role of financial

literacy in achieving financial stability and resilience. Understanding financial

concepts, budgeting, and debt management helps individuals make informed

decisions, which is important for both nurses and local government employees.

A study on Financial Literacy and Financial Behavior of Young

Professionals in Metro Manila by Cabauatan et al. (2022) emphasized that

nowadays, finance is necessary, especially in occasions where progressively

complex financial products are easily accessible knowledge, skill, attitude, and

behavior to make financial decisions in their interests, short and long term at its

best. It was then concluded that financial literacy has a significant influence on

financial development and financial well-being. Moreover, capability and

utilization of money are two determinants that influence financial literacy of

young professionals. Financial literacy has been considered a life skill

necessary for making sound financial decisions. Yet numerous studies around

the globe have documented low levels of financial knowledge among different

populations and socio-demographic groups.

Financial literacy makes a difference individuals make great monetary

choices both presently and within the future. The think about highlights that

being capable with cash and utilizing it admirably are key variables in money-

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

related education. It also focuses out that many individuals around the world

still need financial knowledge, making monetary instruction significant. By

Cabauatan et al. (2022) interfaces to monetary information since it appears

how critical understanding finance is in today's world, where complex

budgetary items are common.

Correspondingly, a study entitled An Analysis of the Knowledge

Dimension of Financial Literacy among Basic Education Teachers in Southern

Antique, Philippines showed and identified aggregate variances in financial

knowledge scores and underscored vulnerabilities within the population.

Therefore, in terms of targeting, financial education programs must explicitly

focus on demographic groups with low average scores. These are the teachers

with low family income, those without graduate education, with few or no

dependents, and those teaching at elementary level (Panaguiton, 2022).

It shows the differences in financial understanding among teachers. It

demonstrates that teachers with lower income, less education, and fewer

dependents often have lower financial literacy. This suggests that financial

education programs should target these specific groups to improve their

financial skills. Addressing these gaps can help these teachers make better

financial decisions and improve their financial well-being.

Moreover, in accordance with the study of Galapon and Bool (2022), it

was found that most of the teachers generally experience moderate financial

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

security rather than financial stress. They were assessed with excellent scores

on their financial literacy, and most were found to have good financial behavior.

It was determined that their financial behavior affected their financial well-

being. On the other hand, their financial literacy did not significantly affect their

financial well-being. Hence, this study recommends that a financial wellness

program tailored for the respondents should focus more on behavior-changing

financial coaching rather than financial concepts learning.

According to study of Casingao and Ancho (2021), the results showed

that the majority of the public-school teachers are struggling financially. That

results in a controlled and limited financial lifestyle. Moreover, teachers

unconsciously practice informal debt, which causes uncontrolled debt. Without

proper knowledge and education to financial literacy, borrowing money

becomes a lifestyle of every teacher in the country.

The study by Casingao and Ancho (2021) is related to the thinking

about saving behavior determinants of local government units because it

highlights how a lack of financial literacy leads to poor budgetary habits and


Financial Attitude

In the study entitled Factors Affecting Financial Well-being of Filipino

Basic Education Teachers by Manalo et al. (2023), it was revealed that

teachers have a high level of financial literacy, attitude, behavior, and well-

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

being. Structural equation modeling showed that financial literacy is

significantly related to both financial behavior and financial well-being, while

financial attitude is significantly related only to financial behavior but not to

financial well-being. The study also revealed that financial behavior has the

strongest effect on teachers' financial well-being, which also played a

significant mediating role in the relationship of financial literacy and financial

attitude to financial wellbeing.

The study provides valuable insights into the impact of financial literacy

and behavior on financial well-being. Similar to teachers, the saving behaviors

and financial well-being of local government employees are likely influenced by

their financial literacy and how they apply their financial knowledge.

A study entitled Predictors of Financial Management Behavior of Public

Secondary School Teachers in a Municipality of Davao de Oro by Remis

(2023) revealed that financial knowledge was evident, financial attitude and

financial management behavior were favorable, while the locus of control was

manifested. The results showed that the majority of the public-school teachers

are struggling financially. That results in a controlled and limited financial

lifestyle. Without proper knowledge and education to financial literacy,

borrowing money becomes a lifestyle of every teacher in the country.

This study is related to our study because Remis' (2023) research on

public school teachers' financial management behaviors highlights the

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

importance of financial knowledge and attitudes. It shows that poor financial

literacy leads to financial struggles, underscoring the need for financial

education to improve saving behaviors among local government employees in

Lemery, Batangas.

In line with the findings of the study conducted by Co and Centeno

(2023), encouraging financial behaviors depends primarily on how Filipinos

think about the ability and controllability to save. The attitude towards the gains

of proper financial management such as those manifested in banking

behavioral intentions can be directed towards the benefit frame. These findings

also have substantial implications on public policy and private companies in

enabling Filipinos to be more favorable in their financial behaviors. For policy

makers such as the BSP, programs enabled, and the strategies employed

should deeply understand individuals in their attitudes, social norms and

perceived behavioral control.

A study entitled financial attitude towards budgeting, saving, borrowing,

and investing among students of a private higher education institution revealed

that students had favorable attitude towards budgeting, saving, borrowing, and

investing but the t-test computations revealed that a significant difference was

noted when respondents were grouped according to sex (Encio et al., 2022).

This study is related to our study because Encio et al.'s (2022) research

on students' financial attitudes toward budgeting, saving, borrowing, and

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

investing highlights the significant differences based on sex. Understanding

these variations can inform our investigation of saving behavior determinants

among local government employees in Lemery, Batangas, emphasizing the

role of demographic factors in financial attitudes and practices.

In addition, according to the study of Villagonzalo and Mibato (2020), it

was presumed that there are factors that affect the individuals’ financial

attitude; however, said presumptions had been proven otherwise because age,

sex, civil status, educational attainment, family income, and location of

residents do not influence their financial attitudes. Regardless of

demographics, all need to have the right attitude towards handling financial

resources. The areas of financial attitudes, such as financial discipline,

financial planning, and financial implementation, are not dependent on the

demographics of the individuals. Findings were used for a financial literacy

program that seeks to improve the financial attitude and financial management

of the said teachers.

This finding supports our focus on understanding the intrinsic factors

influencing saving behaviors among local government employees in Lemery,

Batangas, highlighting the importance of cultivating the right financial attitudes

through financial literacy programs.

Financial self-efficacy

The study entitled, The Mediating Effect of Financial Self-Efficacy on

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Financial Behavior and Financial Well-Being of College Students in Region XI

found that significant direct effects exist in the paths between financial behavior

& financial well-being, financial behavior & financial self-efficacy, and financial

self-efficacy & financial well-being. Moreover, financial self-efficacy was found

to partially mediate the relationship between financial behavior and financial

well-being of college students (Nacua et al., 2024).

The relevance of this research lies in its finding that financial self-

efficacy mediates the relationship between financial behavior and well-being, a

concept that also applies to local government employees.

Moreover, according to the study conducted by Sandico et al. (2023),

the findings revealed that DepEd teachers showed moderate levels of FSE and

FWB, and high level of FMB. Moreover, it was found that significant direct

effects exist to each path in the hypothesized mediation model, as well as

significant indirect and total effects. Thus, the teachers’ FSE partially mediated

the relationship between FMB and FWB.

Accordingly, the study entitled Recreating Financial Literacy of Private

Secondary School Teachers, examined the personal financial activities of

private secondary school teachers in selected municipalities of the 4th

congressional district of Quezon in the Philippines. The theories of human

capital, self-efficacy, goal setting, and financial literacy modelled this study.

The majority of respondents are female-married, young professionals teaching

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

either English or Social Sciences holding a permanent position as Teacher I

with less than five years of service. An increase in saving found an association

in the field of specialization (Pinawin, 2022).

Both was directly relevant to the present study as it emphasizes the

importance of clear financial goals and understanding financial concepts.

Government employees can improve their saving behavior by setting specific

financial goals and enhancing their financial literacy, similar to the teachers in

the study.

Additionally, the study entitled Financial Self-Efficacy and Motivation

among Young Entrepreneur was conducted to determine which domain of

financial self-efficacy best predicts motivation of young professionals in Davao

City, Philippines. Moreover, there is a significant relationship between financial

self-efficacy and motivation of young professionals. Furthermore, the selection

process as domain of financial self-efficacy best predicts motivation of young

professionals (Ciocon, 2019).

This research is closely related to our study as it explores the link

between financial self-efficacy and motivation among young entrepreneurs,

offering insights that could enhance the saving behavior of government


Financial Management Practices

In the study entitled Employees’ Financial Management Practices of a

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Private University in The New Normal, it was emphasized that good financial

management practices are very important for the growth and performance of

every organization. Financial management is distinct for every individual. For

some, it means earning money from work, taking control of it, and adequately

sustaining the standard of living. While for others, it is allotting a portion of

earnings for saving to become secure in the future in times of uncertainties.

Thus, it is a practice that concerns every individual who can earn and take

control of his or her earnings (Manuel, 2022).

This aligns with our study on the "saving behavior determinants of local

government employees," as it underscores the role of financial management

practices in individual financial stability and long-term security.

Financial Management is one of the critical areas of business and one

of the common causes of business failure. Lack of proper management of

finances can hamper and lead to the poor financial performance of the

business. In the study entitled The Effects of Business Management Practices

on Financial Performance: Evidence from Freight Forwarders in the Philippines

by Matias (2021), it was highlighted that the primary goals of a business are to

maximize profit and growth, and highly efficient financial resource management

has a significant impact on firm profitability and sales growth. Working capital

and its impact on profitability are two areas of finance that should be


A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

This aligns with our research on the determinants of saving behavior

among local government employees, as it underscores the significance of

managing finances effectively to achieve financial stability and long-term


Empirically, there are significant and positive effects when the inventory

conversion period is evaluated in terms of the profit margin of the business

(Samilogl & Akgün, 2016). Furthermore, effective working capital management

has a significant effect on the profitability of the business, and it will not create

any liquidity problem.

This study by Samiloglu and Akgün (2016) highlights how managing

inventory and working capital effectively can positively impact a business's

profitability. By understanding how these factors affect profit margins and

liquidity, local government employees can apply similar principles to improve

their saving behavior and financial stability.

Subsequently, profile variables were significantly correlated with

financial management practices. Age, number of years in service, employment

status, monthly income, and other sources of income were significantly

associated with money management practices. Similarly, a number of years in

service were correlated considerably with savings management practices.

Finally, age, employment status, and other sources of income were

significantly associated with investment management practices. Further, there

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

is a significant difference in the respondents' assessment in all indicators of

financial management practices (Castillo et al., 2021).

The study by Castillo et al. (2021) found that profile variables such as

age, years of service, employment status, income level, and additional income

sources were linked to financial management practices among local

government employees. Specifically, age, years of service, and alternative

income sources were notably related to savings and investment management


Foreign Synthesis

The above collection of the researchers in foreign literature provided

information that was relevant and had similarities to this research study, titled

“Saving Behavior Determinants of Government Employees in Lemery,


In the study titled "Factors Affecting the Attitude of Government

Employees towards Monetary Saving," which was provided by Hailu (2023),

the study examined the factors related to monetary saving that have the

greatest impact on government employees' attitudes toward saving money.

Specifically, the study aims to determine the relationship between income,

consumption, interest rate, current investment level, and inflation.

Financial issues are becoming more common among young adults.

They have to make difficult financial decisions at a young age due to their lack

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

of financial experience, especially when they are just starting their jobs. This

has a direct bearing on the study because the researcher also wants to find out

how respondents' demographic profiles and the saving behaviors of

government employees correlate.

The study conducted by the researchers differs from comparable

studies as it used distinct variables under saving behavior, different regions,

and different respondents. Rather, the literature mentioned above has a

significant impact on the current study.

Local Synthesis

The researchers’ gathering of local literature supplied relevant and

related material to this research study, titled "Saving Behavior Determinants of

Government Employees in Lemery, Batangas."

In a study titled "Determinants of Saving Behavior of Working

Professionals: An Intergenerational Perspective," conducted in 2023, Bayona

found that the majority of working professionals save money, enabling them to

have cash on hand in an emergency. The study demonstrated that various

generations have distinct goals in mind when it comes to saving. According to

the report, the focus of financial educators should be on enhancing the

financial literacy of individuals of all ages and motivating them to save


According to Casingao and Inero’s (2021) study, the majority of public-

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

school teachers have financial difficulties. As a result, one's financial lifestyle is

controlled and limited. Borrowing money has become a way of life for every

teacher in the country due to a lack of financial literacy, understanding and

instruction. This study is pertinent to the current study since the proponents

want to know what kind of program they may suggest educating government

employees about saving.

Nevertheless, the researchers’ study is not a replication of any similar

studies since it differed in another way; the researchers employed other factors

for saving behavior, different locales, and different respondents. Instead, the

aforementioned literature contributed a significant contribution to the current


Chapter III


This chapter provides a discussion on the methods that the researchers

used in gathering data. This represents all detailed information about the

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

methodological choice and research design process of the researchers. This

chapter includes the research environment, research design, respondents of

the study, data gathering instruments, data gathering procedure and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Environment

The locale of the study is the Municipal Hall of Lemery, Batangas. The

Municipal Hall of Lemery is a magnificent structure that serves as the seat of

local government in the town. Located in Batangas province in the Philippines,

it stands in the center of Lemery, a vibrant and bustling town. The building

houses various government offices and departments and serves as a hub for

administrative and civic functions, ensuring the smooth governance of the

municipality. The Municipal Hall of Lemery is not only a functional government

institution but also a symbol of pride and identity for the local community.

The distance between the Municipal Hall of Lemery and Taal Volcano

varies depending on the specific route taken, but it is approximately 14

kilometers. The Municipal Hall of Lemery serves as a gateway to Taal Volcano,

offering visitors a starting point to explore and appreciate the natural beauty

and cultural significance of this iconic Philippine landmark.

Research Design

The study used a quantitative type of research. Quantitative research is

the process of collecting and analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and

generalize results to wider populations (Bhandari, 2023). The researchers

utilized this method to gather more reliable information and to come up with

more precise conclusions that would be helpful in the study.

Furthermore, the researchers used a descriptive research method to

determine the Saving Behavior Determinants of Local Government Employees

in Lemery, Batangas. Descriptive research method is a purposive process of

data gathering, classifying, analyzing and tabulating the data that can help in

every quantitative research. This design allows the researchers to obtain a

comprehensive understanding of the saving habits and other relevant factors

that influence the behavior of government employees in terms of saving.

In addition, comparative research design is a methodology that involves

analyzing different variables or cases to identify similarities and differences

among them. By comparing the saving behaviors of local government units in

Lemery, individuals can identify similarities and differences that may help them

understand the factors that contribute to saving behavior.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers have come up to conduct their survey with government

employees, particularly the local governments units with the total number of

674 employees. A local government unit is suitable for studying saving

behavior because it serves as an important governing body that directly

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

impacts the lives of its employees. Local government employees often play a

significant role in personnel management, including salary structure, benefits,

and other financial considerations.

As such, they have the ability to influence saving behavior among their

employees through policies, incentives, and programs related to financial

management and savings. This can help inform the development of targeted

strategies and interventions to promote better saving habits among this specific

group, ultimately leading to improved financial well-being and stability. To

determine the sample size, the researchers used Raosoft calculator with 5%

margin of error and 95% level of confidence and they came up with a total of

245 respondents.

Data Gathering Instrument

The main instrument used by the researchers in this study was self-

made questionnaire checklist to gather the needed data for the respondents’

profiles. The draft of the questionnaire was based on professional-related

literature researchers' readings, previous studies, and published and

unpublished journals. The researchers utilized a closed-ended questionnaire

where the respondents had different options for answering each question. In

the end, the questionnaire prepared by the researchers was validated by the

chosen industry experts and advisers before being distributed.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Construction of Questionnaire. The questionnaire used in this study is

self-made questionnaire. The researchers used the questionnaire in the study

entitled Saving Behavior Determinants in Malaysia: An empirical study by

Ismail et al. (2019) as reference. It is a closed-ended questionnaire; therefore,

the respondents have different options for answering the questions. The first

part contains the respondents’ profiles, while the second part of the question

consists of composing a statement with a corresponding scale that assess the

saving behavior determinants of local government employees in Lemery,


Validation of Questionnaire. Through the help of the adviser and two

industry experts who are master’s in business administration and Licensed

Professional Teachers in the field of financial management and a financial

advisor in Sun Life of Canada, and a licensed financial advisor in Manulife

Palanas, Lemery, Batangas, the questionnaire was validated before its


Administration & Retrieval of Questionnaire. Once the questionnaire

was validated by the adviser, the researchers distributed it to the respondents.

They anticipated that retrieving the completed questionnaires would require

three days. They collected the completed questionnaires in person, ensuring

all responses were fully answered. The researchers assured that all participant

responses would be utilized solely for research purposes and kept confidential.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Scoring of Responses. To determine how the respondents rate the

saving behavior and to gather the result, the researchers utilized the Likert

Scale System. Here are the following criteria: 5-Always with a scale range of

4.20-5.00, 4-Often with a scale range of 3.40-4.19, 3-Sometimes with a scale

range of 2.60-3.39, 2-Rarely with a scale range of 1.80-2.59, 1-Never with a

scale range of 1.00-1.79.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers constructed a questionnaire and submitted it to the

advisers and industry experts. Subsequently, the researchers submitted a

request letter to the registration office to get a list of the total number of Local

Government Unit (LGU) employees in Lemery, Batangas. Through the help of

the adviser and the industry experts, the questionnaires were validated before

the distribution.

After validating the questionnaire, the researchers provided a letter of

request to give the consent of the respondents to answer the questionnaire.

Upon the approval of the respondents, the questionnaires were disseminated.

It took a couple of days to collect and complete all the survey questionnaires.

After answering the questionnaires, the researchers directly recorded

the information and proceeded to the interpretation of the collected data and

information. The researchers tallied, tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted all

the relevant and necessary data gathered. All the answers provided would be

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

used for research purposes only and would be treated with confidentiality.

Ethical Considerations in Research

Informed Consent. Prior to the start of the dissemination of

questionnaires, the researchers obtained consent from the subjects.

Respondents are free to stop answering questions at any time before, during,

or after their involvement in this study.

Voluntary Participation. The research participants are never subjected

to any form of pressure or coercion in order to participate.

Confidentiality. The researchers of the study ensured that any

information or data provided, including their name and address, were kept


Reliability. For the reliability of the questionnaire, the students

conducted pilot testing to evaluate if the questionnaire was reliable or not. So,

the proponents of the study look for 30 respondents to conduct their pilot

testing or dry run in Municipality of Agoncillo, Batangas. The composite

reliability and Cronbach’s alpha value are greater than 0.7 which indicate that

the variables are valid.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data collected through survey were tallied by the researchers to

quickly assess the overall number of responses for each item. The gathered

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

information was then analyzed and interpreted using statistical software such

as Microsoft Office Excel and IBM-SPSS. The following test statistics were


Frequency and Percentages. This was used to determine the

frequency of profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, average monthly

income, highest educational attainment, length of service, tenure of

employment, and family size.

Mean. This was utilized to quantify the average value of a dataset,

serving as the pivotal point for analysis and interpretation.

Composite Mean. This was used to determine the spending behavior in

terms of financial knowledge, financial self-efficacy, financial attitude and

financial management practice.

T-test. This was utilized to compare the means of two groups and

determine is the observed differences were statistically significant.

Analysis of Variance (Anova). This was used to determine if there is a

significant difference between the profile of the respondents and their saving


Chapter IV


A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

This chapter covers the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data

gathered by the researchers through the use of survey questionnaire. It

included the results of the statistics, the analysis, and the interpretation of the

findings, which were presented in tables.

4.1 Profile of the Respondents

The personal and background information included the following sub

variables: the age, gender, civil status, highest educational attainment, average

monthly income, length of service, tenure of employment, and family size.

4.1.1 Age

Table 4.1.1

Age Frequency Percentage

Below 21 3 1.22

21-30 67 27.35

31-40 86 35.10

41-50 58 23.67

Above 50 31 12.65

Total 245 100.00

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age

Table 4.1.1 shows the age distribution of the respondents, with the

highest percentage being 31-40 years old (35.10 percent), followed by 21-30

years old (27.35 percent). It was then succeeded by the respondents who

belong to the age bracket of 41 to 50 years old (23.67 percent), followed by

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

above 50 years old (12.65 percent) and lastly are the respondents from the

age range of below 21 years old (1.22 percent). Therefore, most of the

employees of the Municipality Hall of Lemery are in the age bracket of 31 to 40

years old.

Henceforth, the researchers concluded that based on the respondents’

answers, the age and the position in the life cycle are great determinants of

how individuals choose to save. Granted, the subjects in the age group of 31 to

40 years old tend to have the greatest propensity to save. This is because they

tend to think about families before spending and are mindful about spending in

the case of emergency. In addition, as a person gets older, they are also more

responsible for their finances.

This finding is closely related to the study of Anvari-Clark & Ansong

(2022), in the study entitled, Meaning of Financial Well-Being Changes with

Age, middle-aged and older consumers benefit from tools and programs that

allow them to plan and save for the freedom to choose whatever purchases or

activities are appropriate for their life stage. They may benefit from saving and

investing in products that are tailored for specific goals, such as a child’s

education or funeral fund. These institutions can assist all consumers in

developing confidence in their financial knowledge and taking deliberate action

to secure financial well-being.

4.1.2 Sex

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Table 4.1.2

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 112 45.71

Female 133 54.29

Total 245 100.00

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Sex

Table 4.1.2 presents the gender of the respondents. Female

respondents have the highest response rate with 54.29 percent, while male

respondents have the lowest response rate with a percentage of 45.71. As a

result, the table revealed that females made up the majority of the respondents

among Local Government Unit of Lemery.

The researchers found that gender can also affect saving behavior. The

existence of sex differences results in different levels of managing money. It

was revealed that females are most likely to have learned about saving

behavior. Female subjects tend to have greater saving behaviors, saving types

and purposes of savings. Given the information that women are the decision

makers in major spending activities in families as major part of income is spent

in household activities.

The present study is related to the study of Nyhus (2022) in his study

entitled, Study of Determinants of Spending and Saving Behaviors of Non-

Working Women, the precautionary saving motive is the most important saving

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

motive. He also suggested that women regarded saving as more important

than men, with an overall higher level of reported importance of the different

saving motives than men. If women are believed to be more impatient than

men, it is expected to find that women will be saving more by paying down debt

than what men does.

4.1.3 Civil Status

Table 4.1.3

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 88 35.92

Married 138 56.33

Divorced 4 1.63

Separated 6 2.45

Widowed 9 3.67

Total 245 100.00

Table 4.1.3 exhibits the respondents’ civil status. This shows that

employees with married status have the highest percentage of responses with

56.33 percent, followed by single status with a percentage of 35.92.

Subsequently, it is preceded by the respondents with widowed status which

corresponds to 3.67 percent, succeeded by employees with separated status

that is equivalent to 2.45%, and followed lastly by participants with divorced

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

status that corresponds to 1.63 percent. Therefore, married employees have

the highest percentage of response for the respondents’ civil status.

As the researchers found out, the majority of respondents' civil status

was married. During this time, money is an important area of discussion,

regardless of whether couples are rich or poor. The management of finances is

more crucial point in marriage than the amounts of money couples earn.

Married households provide risk sharing opportunities, expecting these

households to hold riskier portfolios.

This result is related to the study of Dew (2008) who highlighted that

married couples are likely to pool their income and savings; whereas

cohabiting couples keep it separate. This study entitled the personal financial

management practices of young married couples, after marriage, couples

usually show less risky behaviors, strive to spend their money wisely and

increase their financial well-being Thus, an individual’s relationship with

finances changes extensively after marriage.

4.1.4 Highest Educational Attainment

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Table 4.1.4

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Highest Educational Attainment

Highest Educational Attainment Frequency Percentage

High school graduate 24 9.80

College undergraduate 74 30.20

College graduate 138 56.33

With post graduate units 4 1.63

Post-graduate 5 2.04

Total 245 100.00

Table 4.1.4 displays the respondents’ educational level. This shows that

college graduates have the highest percentage of responses with 56.33

percent and corresponds to a frequency of 138, followed by college

undergraduates with a percentage of 30.20. It was then succeeded by high

school graduates with a frequency of 24 and equivalent to 9.80 percent,

followed by postgraduates with 2.04 percent. Lastly, it is succeeded by post

graduate units with a percentage of 1.63. Therefore, the majority of the

respondents’ educational level is reported having completed college graduate

and lowest response with post graduate units.

Henceforth, the researchers concluded that based on the respondents’

answers, education is very important because it is at this age that people

would undergo a transitional phase and a major life-changing experience, and

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

it is also crucial to ensure financial well-being. Higher levels of education may

increase productivity of individuals resulting in higher earnings. Therefore,

teaching college students the fundamentals of personal finance through the

school system would seem to be a successful strategy for preparing them to be

ethical and sensible individuals.

This finding is closely related to the study entitled, Financial Literacy and

Demographic Factors: Evidence from Emerging Markets by Ananda et al.

(2024) who found a positive correlation between higher education levels and

improved financial decision-making and saving behaviors. These findings

support the notion that higher education equips individuals with the knowledge

and skills necessary for effective financial planning and saving.

4.1.5 Average Monthly Income

Table 4.1.5

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Average Monthly Income

Average Monthly Income Frequency Percentage

Below P10,957 117 47.76

P10,957- P21,914 91 37.14

P21,915-P43,828 28 11.43

P43,829 and Above 9 3.67

Total 245 100.00

Table 4.1.5 presents the respondents’ average monthly income. This

shows that the employees receive below P10,957 as a salary with the highest

percentage of responses that is equivalent to 47.76 percent), followed by

P10,957- P21, 914 which corresponds to 37.14 percent. It was then succeeded

by the employees who receive an average monthly income of P21, 915 - P43,

828 with a percentage of 11.43, and followed lastly by P43, 829 and above

with 3.67 percent. Therefore, the respondents with below P10, 957 average

monthly income have the highest percentage of response for respondents’

average monthly income.

As the researchers found out, the majority of respondents' average

monthly income is below P10,957. Currently, money is an important area of

discussion, and budgeting through the average monthly income. Mostly the

respondents show that their average monthly income is below P10, 957.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

This result is closely related to the statement of Umeora et. al (2019)

who emphasized that people's socioeconomic standing shapes their

expectations and influences their housing decisions, based in their average

monthly incomes, which affects their degree of satisfaction. Interest in

residents' satisfaction studies has grown mostly as a result of increased

consumer protection knowledge over the years; consequently, housing

interests have switched from production to marketing, and subsequently to

adapting housing output to residents' needs.

4.1.6 Length of Service

Table 4.1.6

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Length of Service

Length of Service Frequency Percentage

Below 2years 36 14.69

2-5 years 100 40.82

6-10 years 71 28.98

11 years and above 38 15.51

Total 245 100.00

Table 4.1.6 exhibits the respondents’ length of service. This shows that

the employees who have been working for two to five years have the highest

percentage of responses with 40.82 percent, followed by respondents who

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

have six to ten years of service with a percentage of 28.98. It is then

succeeded by the employees who have been working for 11 years and above

with 15.51 percent, and lastly followed by below two years with a percentage of

14.69. Therefore, employees with two to five years of service have the highest

percentage of response for respondents’ length of service.

As the researchers found out, the majority of respondents have been

working for two to five years already. Currently, the length of service is an

important matter as it shows how long an individual has been with an

organization. To find the length of service, divide the entire employment time

by the number of employees.

According to Oshagbemi (2020), the term length of service refers to the

number of years an individual has worked. There is few research that

investigates whether job satisfaction rises with duration of service. Several

previous researches have suggested that the duration of service in a job could

be used to assess workers' job satisfaction rates. The assumption is that

dissatisfied employees resign, whereas satisfied employees stay on the job.

Several researchers have reported a negative link between work satisfaction

and turnover, which is consistent with this hypothesis.

4.1.7 Tenure of Employment

Table 4.1.7

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Tenure of Employment

Tenure of Employment Frequency Percentage

Permanent 83 33.88

Coterminous 4 1.63

Elected 3 1.22

Job Order 155 63.27

Total 245 100.00

Table 4.1.7 displays the respondent's tenure of employment. This

signifies that the respondents with job order have the highest percentage of

responses with 63.27 percent, followed by the employees who are permanent

with a percentage of 33.88. It is then succeeded by coterminous employees

with 1.63 percent and followed lastly by elected with a percentage of 1.22

percent. Therefore, employees with job orders have the highest percentage of

response for respondents’ tenure of employment.

As the researchers found out, the majority of respondents' employment

based on job order. Today, employees who have been with their company for a

long time are promised some level of job security. In this sense, tenured

employees demonstrate a level of commitment and devotion to the

organization, which reduces the need to hire and train new staff.

Ng et al. (2013) stated in their study that there are two opposing

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

theoretical viewpoints on how work longevity may influence job performance.

According to human capital theory, as knowledge and skill rise over time, so

will work performance. In contrast, research on job design indicates that as job

tenure increases, individuals are more likely to get bored and unmotivated at

work. As a result, advantages from human capital acquisition may be

countered by loss of motivation.

4.1.8 Family Size

Table 4.1.8

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Family Size

Family Size Frequency Percentage

2-4 members (small) 119 48.57

5-10 members (medium) 124 50.61

greater than 10 members (large) 2 0.82

Total 245 100.00

Table 4.1.8 displays the respondents’ family size. This signifies that the

employees with five to ten members (medium) in their family have the highest

percentage of responses with 50.61 percent, followed by two to four members

or small family with a percentage of 48.57 percent. It was then lastly

succeeded by more than ten members or large family with 0.82 percent.

Therefore, employees with five to ten members (medium) in the family have

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

the highest percentage of response for respondents’ family size.

Based on the findings of the researchers, the majority of respondents'

family size ranges from five to ten members. In this matter, family size refers to

the number of people in the family. An economic family is a group of two or

more people who reside in the same house and are linked to one another

through blood, marriage, common-law union, adoption, or foster care.

According to Cools et. al (2017), an increasing amount of work has

revealed the significant effects of parenthood and family size on female labor

supply. If the lag in female income is due to family-related career pauses and

shorter work hours, children should also have an impact on career measures.

However, the work on career effects has generally relied on cross-sectional

correlations or panel data estimates.

4.2.1 Saving Behavior Determinants of local government employees in

Lemery, Batangas

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

4.2.1 Saving Behavior

Table 4.2.1

Saving Behavior Determinant of the Respondents in terms of

Saving Behavior
1. I put money aside regularly for
3.75 1.02 Often 4
the future to save.
2. I plan to save first before
3.58 1.16 Often 6
spending for necessities.
3. I compare prices before I make a
4.00 1.05 Often 1
purchase to save.
4. I follow a careful monthly budget. 3.60 1.11 Often 5

5. I save funds for emergency

3.99 1.03 Often 2

6. I save to achieve specific goals. 3.96 0.99 Often 3

Composite Mean 3.81 Often

The table above demonstrates the assessment of saving behavior

determinants in terms of Saving Behavior. First, the statement which says that

the respondents often compare prices before they make a purchase to save

has the highest composite mean of 4.00. Second in the rank is the indicator

which corresponds to saving funds for emergency purposes which has a

composite mean of 3.99 with a qualitative value of often. Third, the

respondents save to achieve specific goals with a composite mean of 3.96 and

verbally interpreted as often. The indicator which ranks fourth states that

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

putting money aside regularly for the future to save has a computed mean of

3.75 with a qualitative value of often. The fifth rank, which corresponds to the

indicator that says follow a careful monthly budget has a computed mean of

3.60 with a verbal interpretation of qualitative value. Lastly, the employees

often plan to save first before spending on necessities with the lowest weighted

mean of 3.58.

In conclusion, the researchers have found out that those residents of a

local government, when it comes to saving behavior, looks at the variables that

impact how LGUs oversee their funds and save funds for future needs and

create procedures to advance prudent saving behavior of a budgetary.

Based on the study of Greeman (2017), savings are a critical

component in financial management. A variety of social psychological factors

underlie financial saving practices, impacting asset accrual. Using an

experimental design, this study examined the impact exposure to an

incremental financial saving orientation, future financial-self, and basic financial

literacy training have on the transtheoretical level of saving behavior and intent

to save. Future financial-self intervention exposes individuals to how they can

become more cognizant of their future financial self and plan accordingly.

4.2.2 Financial Knowledge

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Table 4.2.2

Saving Behavior Determinants of the Respondents in terms of

Financial Knowledge

1. I have a better
understanding about 3.41 0.97 Often 2
2. I have a better
understanding of how to 3.39 1.01 Sometimes 3
manage my credit use.
3. I can prepare my weekly
3.42 0.99 Often 1
or monthly budget.
4. I have little or no difficulty
3.27 0.79 Sometimes 5
managing my money.
5. I can maintain financial
records for my income and 3.31 1.01 Sometimes
Composite Mean 3.36 Sometimes

Table 4.2.2 presents the weighted mean and qualitative value of the

respondents about their financial knowledge. First, the indicator which states

that the employees can prepare their weekly or monthly budget has a

qualitative value of often with the highest weighted mean of 3.42. Second,

interpreted often is the statement which says that respondents have a better

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

understanding about investment with the composite mean of 3.41.

Third, with a verbal interpretation of sometimes and a composite mean

of 3.39, the indicator which ranks third states that the respondents have a

better understanding of how to manage their credit use. The fourth rank

corresponds to the indicator which states that the employees can maintain

financial records for their income and expenditure has the weighted mean of

3.31 and is verbally interpreted as sometimes. Lastly, the statement that says

the employees have little or no difficulty managing their money is interpreted as

sometimes, having the lowest mean of 3.27.

Briefly, the respondents with financial knowledge are sometimes or

often likely to make more informed decisions regarding saving. Some of these

may have to know more about financial strategy when it comes to their saving

and encouraging improvement in financial knowledge practices.

Based on the study of Tang & Baker (2016), the economic impact of

deficiencies has received increasing attention in public policy arenas. In an

effort to seek remedy for individual financial behavior inefficiency, numerous

studies have investigated the determinants of individual financial decision-

making. Early economics literature tended to focus investigations on the link

between objective financial knowledge disseminated by financial education and

individual financial behavior.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

4.2.3 Financial Attitude

Table 4.2.3

Saving Behavior Determinants of the Respondents in terms of

Financial Attitude
1. I can control my monthly
3.37 0.94 Sometimes 3
2. I can establish financial
3.62 1.01 Often 1
target plan for the future.
3. I follow my monthly
3.21 1.00 Sometimes 6
expenses plan.
4. I pay full credit card
3.27 1.21 Sometimes 5
5. I can stay within my 2
3.50 1.02 Often
6. I invest regularly. 3.27 0.91 Sometimes 4
Composite Mean 3.37 Sometimes

Table 4.2.3 demonstrates the saving behavior determinants wherein the

respondents were assessed in terms of Financial Attitude. The first highest

composite mean of 3.62 corresponds to the indicator which states that the

employees can establish financial target plan for the future. Second, it is

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

interpreted as often wherein the respondents can stay within their budget with

the composite mean of 3.50. The indicator which ranked third states that the

employees can sometimes control their monthly expenses has a computed

mean of 3.37. The statement which has a computed mean of 3.27 corresponds

to the indicator which states that the respondents invest regularly, and they pay

full credit card balance both interpreted as sometimes. Additionally, the lowest

rank corresponds to the indicator which states that the employees follow their

monthly expenses plan has a computed mean of 3.21.

In the study, the researchers found that most of the respondents

choose the simplest and most common structure of saving behavior

determinants that can establish financial target plan for the future. In this type

of result, the employees are too focused on their future for a better life. This is

often important for them in case of inevitable cash issues, they can get

something as emergency funds.

However, a study conducted by Xiao (2015) has different results

wherein financial attitude has a negative effect on financial satisfaction,

because individuals who have better financial attitudes do not necessarily

produce better financial satisfaction but there are other factors such as

financial literacy and demographic factors which can create greater financial


A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

4.2.4 Financial Self-Efficacy

Table 4.2.4

Saving Behavior Determinants of the Respondents in terms of


1. I can stick to spending
plan if unexpected expenses 3.23 0.92 Sometimes 5
2. I can make progress
3.70 0.96 Often 1
towards my financial goal.
3. I do not use credit loans
even unexpected expenses 3.13 1.03 Sometimes 6
4. I can easily figure out
solution when facing 3.31 0.82 Sometimes 4
financial challenges.
5. I am confident on my
3.52 0.91 Often 2
financial management.
6. I do not worry about 3.38 0.91 Sometimes 3
running out of money after

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

retirement age.
Composite Mean 3.38 Sometimes

Table 4.2.4 shows the distribution of the respondents in terms of self-

efficacy as a saving determinant. The highest weighted mean is 3.70 which

means that the employees can often make progress towards their financial

goal. Subsequently, the second rank has a composite mean of 3.52 which

corresponds to the indicator which states that the employees are often

confident on their financial management.

Consequently, the statement which ranks third says that the employees

do not worry about running out of money after retirement age with a weighted

mean of 3.38. The fourth rank has a total composite mean of 3.31 and it states

that the employees can sometimes easily figure out solutions when facing

financial challenges. The second to the last has a 3.23 composite mean and is

interpreted as sometimes which means that the respondents can stick to a

spending plan if unexpected expenses arise. Lastly, the lowest composite

mean of 3.13 corresponds to the statement which says that the employees do

not use credit loans even in unexpected expenses occur.

As a whole, it shows that the determinants in terms of financial efficacy

of the respondents are actively concentrating their efforts on particular

budgetary goals to create an important advance toward their objectives. By

prioritizing their financial focus and attention, they are illustrating a commitment

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

to upgrading their money-related situation and achieving success.

In addition, Bruggen et al. (2017) have observed that increased financial

literacy leads to financial self-efficacy, and that is an essential factor for

financial well-being. These authors identify financial self-efficacy as being able

to control one’s finance which reflects an individual’s skill and ability to

influence his/her financial matters.

4.2.5 Financial Management Practice

Table 4.2.5

Financial Management Practice toward Saving Behavior

1.I have my own personal
3.84 1.29 Often 4
saving account.
2. I am saving money for
4.01 1.05 Often 1
emergency fund.
3. I am preparing long-term
3.93 1.06 Often 2
savings for my future.
4. I have my own retirement
3.46 1.37 Often 5
5. I have divided my income 6
3.35 1.35 Sometimes
for my retirement.
6. I have my own life and
3.89 1.30 Often 3
health insurance plans.
Composite Mean 3.75 Often

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Table 4.2.1 exhibits the saving behavior determinants the respondents

assess in terms of financial management practice. The first rank

correspondents to the indicator which states that the employees are saving

money for an emergency fund, with a composite mean of 4.01. The second

rank is "I am preparing long-term savings for my future," with a 3.93 composite

mean. Interpreted as often, "I have my own life and health insurance plans"

received a computed mean of 3.89 and found itself as a third in the rank.

Additionally, the statement "I have my own personal saving account"

received a computed mean of 3.84. Next statement, "I have my own retirement

savings," has a mean of 3.46. Lastly, "I have divided my income for my

retirement" has a computed mean of 3.35.

Thus, the table reveals that local government units in Lemery, Batangas,

always practice the indicated saving behavior in terms of financial

management practices, except for dividing their income for retirement, maybe

because they have no financial plan. Henceforth, the researchers believe that

they need to have a savings plan for them to have a secure future.

This result is closely related to the study entitled "How knowledge and

financial self-efficacy moderate the relationship between money attitudes and

personal financial management behavior" by Allam & Khalil (2023) as this

study, money attitudes and financial knowledge have a significant positive

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

impact on the personal financial management behavior of young adults. This

study helps individuals to recognize a different way of thinking about the

relationship between money attitude and personal financial behavior among

young people.

4.2.6 Summary of Tables

Table 4.2.6

Summary of the Saving Behavior Determinants of Local

Government Employees

Saving Behavior Composite Verbal

Determinants Mean Interpretation
Saving Behavior 3.81 Often 1
Financial Knowledge 3.36 Sometimes 5
Financial Attitude 3.37 Sometimes 4
Financial Self-efficacy 3.38 Sometimes 3
Financial Management Practice 3.75 Often 2
GRAND MEAN 3.53 Often

Table 4.2.6 demonstrates the summary of saving behavior determinants

of local government employees which garnered the grand mean of 3.53, as

interpreted as very often. Additionally, saving behavior got the highest mean of

3.81, followed by financial management practice with 3.75, financial self-

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

efficacy with a composite mean of 3.38, and up-financial attitude with a

composite mean of 3.37, which is all interpreted as sometimes, and lastly,

financial knowledge with a composite mean of 3.36.

3. Significant difference between the profile of the respondents and

saving behavior determinants

4.3.1 Age

Table 4.3.1

Significant Difference between age and the saving behavior determinants

of local government employees

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 4.011 0.004 Rejected Significant
Financial Knowledge 2.286 0.061 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Attitude 2.448 0.047 Rejected Significant
Financial Self-efficacy 1.777 0.134 Failed to Reject Not Significant
3.189 0.014 Rejected Significant
Management Practice

As depicted in Table 4.3.1, there is a significant difference between the

age range and the saving behavior determinants of local government

employees. The table shows that age has a significant relationship with saving

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

behavior, financial management practice, and financial attitude, with p-values

of 0.004, 0.047, and 0.014. While financial knowledge and financial self-

efficacy have p-values of 0.061 and 0.134, which is considered to have no

significant relationship.

It can be seen that age has no significant relationship with financial

knowledge and financial self-efficacy, but it has significant difference on the

saving behavior, financial attitude, and financial management practice. Age

significantly affects saving behavior due to different financial priorities and

stability at various life stages. Younger adults often save less due to expenses

like education and housing. Middle-aged individuals typically save more as

their income stabilizes and they plan for retirement and children's education.

Older adults prioritize preserving wealth and covering healthcare costs,

focusing on financial security in retirement.

These varying goals and challenges result in significant differences in

saving behavior across age groups. In the study of Lone and Bhat (2024), the

study found a significantly positive impact of financial literacy as well as its

dimensions on financial self-efficacy and financial well-being. It was also found

that financial self-efficacy partially mediates the effect of financial literacy on

financial well-being. Moreover, it is generally observed that salaried people pay

less attention to long-term financial planning for retirement, which makes the

present study more relevant. Therefore, this study will prove beneficial to all

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

employees in understanding the importance of financial literacy and its

subsequent effect on financial well-being.

4.3.2 Sex

Table 4.3.2

Significant Difference between sex and the saving behavior determinants

of local government employees

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 0.95 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Knowledge 0.54 0.59 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Attitude 0.63 0.53 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Self-efficacy 0.85 0.39 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Management
0.17 0.86 Failed to Reject Not Significant

As shown in Table 4.3.2, the saving behavior has no significant

difference with the saving behavior determinant of the respondents, which has

a p-value of 0.95. On the other hand, financial knowledge, financial attitude,

financial self-efficacy, and financial management practice, which have p-values

of 0.59, 0.53, 0.39, and 0.86, have no significant difference in their saving


A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Thus, the researchers conclude that all the variables listed above have

no significant difference on the gender or sex of the employees. Sex has no

significant difference in saving behavior, financial attitude, financial knowledge,

financial self-efficacy, and financial management practice because these

financial behaviors and skills are influenced more by individual experiences,

education, socio-economic status, and personal values than by gender. Both

men and women are equally capable of acquiring financial knowledge,

developing effective financial habits, and demonstrating self-efficacy in

managing finances, suggesting that gender does not inherently determine

financial competence or behavior.

This is related to the study of Jamal et al. (2017), which states that the

total household savings remained low, and there is a high risk that Malaysians

will not have sufficient savings for their retirement. Even more worrying is that

young adults are reportedly the main group trapped in this financial difficulty.

The issue has raised concern about the need to educate young Malaysian

adults on the fundamental importance of savings in order to ensure financial

sufficiency for their retirement. With regards to savings behavior, the needs for

savings are different among individuals due to different mindsets, behaviors,

knowledge, and social environments.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

4.3.3 Civil Status

Table 4.3.3

Significant Difference civil status and the saving behavior determinants

of local government employees

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 3.11 0.02 Rejected Significant
Financial Knowledge 3.08 0.02 Rejected Significant
Financial Attitude 2.51 0.04 Rejected Significant
Financial Self-efficacy 1.21 0.31 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Management
2.00 0.09 Failed to Reject Not Significant

As shown in table 4.3.3, the saving behavior, financial knowledge, and

financial attitude have a significant difference on the civil status of the

employees which has 0.02, 0.02, and 0.04 p-value. On the other hand, the

financial self-efficacy and financial management practice which have 0.31 and

0.09 p-values have no significant difference on the civil status.

It can be seen that civil status has no significant relationship to financial

self-efficacy and financial management practice, but it has significant

difference on the saving behavior, financial knowledge, and financial attitude.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Civil status significantly impacts saving behavior because marital and family

responsibilities directly influence financial priorities and obligations. Married

individuals or those with dependents typically save more to ensure financial

security for their families, cover future expenses such as education and

healthcare, and prepare for unforeseen events. In contrast, single individuals

might have fewer immediate financial responsibilities, leading to different

saving patterns. These differences in financial commitments and goals based

on civil status create distinct saving behaviors across various groups.

This finding is related to the study of Jamal et. al. (2015) which found

that both family and peer have a positive and significant influence in shaping

the young adults’ savings behavior. Equally important is financial literacy that

would affect savings behavior and retirement planning. The findings suggest

that financial education should be given even at primary and secondary levels

so the students who later would become adults will have sufficient financial

knowledge that enable them to manage their income and debt efficiently as

well as planning for their retirement.

It is therefore important for the authorities to ensure that any financial

education program that aimed to enhance financial knowledge must not be

limited to printing materials or other forms of general media, but a more

structured approach to financial education should be considered to enhance

the people understanding on personal financial management.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

4.3.4 Highest Educational Attainment

Table 4.3.4

Significant Difference between highest educational attainment and the

saving behavior determinants of local government employees

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 2.04 0.09 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Knowledge 4.23 0.00 Rejected Significant
Financial Attitude 2.23 0.07 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Self-efficacy 3.15 0.02 Rejected Significant
Financial Management
1.96 0.10 Failed to Reject Not Significant

Table 4.3.4 exhibits the significant difference between the highest

educational attainment and the saving behavior determinants of local

government employees. The table shows that the highest educational

attainment has a significant difference with financial knowledge and financial

self-efficacy which has the p-value of 0.00 and 0.02. While the saving behavior,

financial attitude, and financial management practice with p-value of 0.09, 0.07,

and 0.10 which is considered as no significant difference.

It can be seen that highest educational attainment has no significant

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

difference on the saving behavior, financial attitude, and financial management

practice but has a significant relationship in terms of financial knowledge and

financial self-efficacy. Highest educational attainment significantly impacts

financial knowledge because higher levels of education often provide greater

exposure to financial concepts, critical thinking skills, and resources for

learning about financial management.

Educated individuals are more likely to access information about

budgeting, investing, and saving, and they typically have better opportunities

for learning through formal education and professional networks. This

increased access and understanding lead to higher financial literacy among

those with higher educational attainment, resulting in significant differences in

financial knowledge across education levels.

In the study of Aydemir (2021), it was found that education has positive

effects on financial market participation and formal financial inclusion.

Education may enhance cognitive skills, enable access to better information

about the financial market that affects financial decisions. This has some

implications for promoting greater financial inclusion. Making financial

decisions, in a world with an increasing number and complexity of financial

products, may be strenuous. Devising a savings plan, choosing between

various financial instruments requires a considerable number of skills, time and

effort to process the inherent information.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

4.3.5 Average Monthly Income

Table 4.3.5

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 1.42 0.24 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Knowledge 0.44 0.72 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Attitude 0.58 0.63 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Self-efficacy 0.26 0.86 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Management
0.26 3.15 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Significant Difference between average monthly income and the saving

behavior determinants of local government employees

As shown in table 4.3.5, the average monthly income has no significant

difference on the saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude,

financial self-efficacy, and financial management practice with the p-value of

0.24, 0.72, 0.63, 0.86, and 3.15.

Thus, the researchers conclude that all the variables listed above have

no significant difference on the average monthly income. Average monthly

income has no significant difference in saving behavior, financial attitude,

financial knowledge, financial self-efficacy, and financial management practice

because these financial behaviors and skills are influenced more by individual

habits, education, and personal discipline than by income level. Thus, average

monthly income does not influence the saving behavior determinants.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

This is related to the study of Dema et al., (2021) wherein the study

found that there is no significant mean differences between the gender, age

and family monthly income of the respondents.

4.3.6 Length of Service

Table 4.3.6

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 1.19 0.32 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Knowledge 1.76 0.16 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Attitude 1.46 0.23 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Self-efficacy 0.57 0.64 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Management
1.47 0.22 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Significant Difference between length of service and the saving behavior

determinants of local government employees

As depicted on table 4.3.6, it shows the significant difference between

the length of service and saving behavior determinants. The table reveals the

correlation coefficient of p-value of 0.32, 0.16, 0.23, 0.64, and 0.22 for saving

behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-efficacy and

financial management practice has no significant difference on the length of


Hence, the researchers conclude that all the variables listed above have

no significant difference on the length of service. Financial aspects are more

influenced by individual financial literacy, personal habits, and proactive

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

financial planning than by the duration of employment. Regardless of how long

someone has been in service, their financial behavior and skills are shaped by

their education, personal discipline, and access to financial information and

resources. Consequently, the length of service does not inherently determine

one’s financial competence or practices. Thus, length of service doesn't

influence the saving behavior determinants.

In the study of Sabri and McDonald (2014), it was suggested that the

role of work, parents and education on financial literacy had a positive,

significant effect on savings behavior. However, their study did not highlight

whether the role of work, parents and education could trigger attitude towards

individuals’ savings behavior or not. Therefore, it is important to have the

knowledge on factors influencing individuals’ saving behavior as it is essential

in maintaining the economic growth as it will give benefits to the entities

involved such as households, financial authorities, government and other

related stakeholders.

4.3.7 Tenure of Employment

Table 4.3.7

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 0.81 0.49 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Knowledge 1.14 0.34 Failed to Reject Not Significant

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Financial Attitude 1.44 0.23 Failed to Reject Not Significant

Financial Self-efficacy 0.37 0.78 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Management
0.73 0.53 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Significant Difference between tenure of employment and the saving

behavior determinants of local government employees

Table 4.3.7 reveals the correlation coefficient of p-values of 0.49, 0.34,

0.23, 0.78, and 0.53 for saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude,

financial self-efficacy, and financial management practice has no significant

difference on the tenure of employment.

This concludes that all variables have no significant difference in their

saving behavior. Regardless of employment duration, individuals can develop

strong financial literacy, effective saving strategies, and positive financial

attitudes through learning and personal discipline. Thus, the length of time

someone has been employed does not inherently affect their financial skills or

behaviors. This only means that the extent of the saving behavior determinants

of the local government unit in Lemery, Batangas, does not depend on their

tenure of employment.

In the study of Sakaew (2020), low-income informal workers do not

participate in any compulsory saving schemes and have no other fringe

benefits that help reduce the cost of living, unlike formal workers. Informal

workers, therefore, have to save their own uncertainty for old age. The reason

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

that employees save more is to prevent the emergence of sickness because

the social security benefit does not cover all medical care expenditures.

Moreover, the pension benefit for private employees is relatively low compared

to that of government employees. For instance, the total individual income,

educational attainment, consistently saving behavior, and saving motive for

retirement and precautionary saving are crucial factors in determining savings.

4.3.8 Family Size

Table 4.3.8

Factor F p-value Decision on H0 Interpretation

Saving Behavior 0.74 0.48 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Knowledge 1.09 0.34 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Attitude 1.50 0.23 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Self-efficacy 1.20 0.30 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Financial Management
0.43 0.65 Failed to Reject Not Significant
Significant Difference between family size and the saving behavior

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

determinants of local government employees

In table 4.3.8, it shows the significant difference between the Family

Size and the Saving Behavior determinants. The above table highlights the p-

value of saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-

efficacy, and financial management practice which are 0.48, 0.34, 0.23, 0.30,

and the last is 0.65.

The table therefore signifies that there is no significant difference

between the family sizes. Family size has no significant difference to saving

behavior, financial attitude, financial knowledge, financial self-efficacy, and

financial management practice because these financial behaviors and attitudes

are more influenced by individual education, personal experiences,

socioeconomic status, and cultural factors than by the number of family

members. While family size can impact household financial resources and

expenditures, the personal financial habits and attitudes of individuals are

shaped by broader educational and societal influences that operate

independently of family composition. It appears that the saving behavior

determinants are not influenced in the family size.

In the study of Niyaz and Siddiq (2020), income is necessary for

consumption and savings activities of the people but depends on family size or

number of dependent in a family. Spending habits of people are reflected

through various indicators. Economic theory tells us that saving represents the

Table 4.4.1. Proposed Guidelines to Enhance the Knowledge of Local Government


Local Government The objective of

Employees the researchers is
compare prices to provide
before they
purchase to save.
materials through
producing that income.

Propose a guideline to a Manual Booklet

enhance the knowledge that will educate
Local Government of LGU employees recipients on
Employees save about: price
money for considerations
emergency fund.
Price before Pinted

consideration purchasing, Researchers booklet
before various money- Government with the (Php
purchasing saving employees guidance of 20.00x245

Local Government Different ways to techniques, particularly local Financial people)

Employees can save money for effective government units Management Total: Php
make progress emergency fund budgeting Professors 4,900
towards their
Budgeting practices, and
financial goal.
Establishing establishing

 
Financial Target financial target
Plans for the plans for the
Local Government Future future. The
Employees can How to reach researchers also

establish financial financial goals aim to ensure
target plan for the
(the guidelines will be understand these
A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

distributed through concepts and can

booklet) apply them
Local Government practically, with a
Employees can focus on helping
prepare their individuals reach
weekly and
monthly budget.
their financial
goals by providing
difference between income and consumption expenditure and income includes

earnings from all sources during a year and is net of costs incurred in

actionable steps.
A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas
Employees in

Financial Attitude
Saving behavior

Financial Self-




Chapter V



This chapter presents the overall assessment of the study conducted.

The findings of the study are based on the data gathered through the primary

instrument which is the survey questionnaire. The findings were followed with

the conclusions and recommendations.


This study mainly focused on the saving behavior determinants of local

government employees, which is supported by the Theory of Planned Behavior

by Icek Ajzen (1991). It includes saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial

attitude, financial self-efficacy, and financial management practices.

Moreover, this study was conducted from September 2023 to June

2024. The researchers employed a quantitative research design which utilized

the descriptive and comparative analysis. Through self-made questionnaire,

the study was administered to 245 local government employees selected

through the use of Raosoft Calculator with 5% margin of error and 95%

confidence level and performed simple random sampling.

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

Findings of the Study

The investigation shows the following major findings after analyzing the

acquired data.

1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Age

From the information gathered in the study, it reveals that in


of age, the highest number of responses were Local Government Unit(LGU)

employees who are in the age range of 31 to 40 years old with the percentage

of 35.10, while the least percentage 1.22 of responses are LGU employees

who are below 21 years old.

1.2 Sex

In terms of sex, the researchers found that the majority of

the LGU employees in Lemery, Batangas are female with 54.29 percent while

45.71 percent are male.

1.3 Civil Status

The overall result shows that most of the respondents’ civil status

were married with 56.33 percent. Meanwhile, as there were seven (7)

responses recorded for divorced status, the said item was the last in rank with

1.63 percent.

1.4 Highest Educational Attainment

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

The highest number of responses for LGU employees highest

educational attainment fell under college graduate with 56.33 percent.

Meanwhile, as there were four (4) responses recorded for with post graduate

units, the said items were the last in rank with 1.63 percent.

1.5 Average Monthly Income

The result showed that most of the LGUs has an average

monthly income below P10,957 with 47.76 percent. Meanwhile, an LGUs with

average monthly income of P43,829 and above were the last in rank with 3.67


1.6 Length of Service

The highest number of responses for LGU employee’s length of

service fell under 2-5 years with 40.82 percent. Meanwhile, as there were

thirty-six (36) responses recorded for with below 2 years the said items were

the last in rank with 14.69 percent.

1.7 Tenure of Employment

It was clearly showed that with regards on the tenure of

employment, majority of the LGU employees are classified as Job order with

the frequency of 155 or 63.27 percent.

1.8 Family Size

From the data collected in the study, it was revealed that in terms

of family size the highest frequency is one hundred twenty-four (124) or 50.61

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

percent. While only two (2) of the respondents has a family size greater than

10 members.

2. Saving Behavior Determinants of Local Government Employees in

Lemery, Batangas

2.1 Saving Behavior

The findings revealed that the majority of the respondents in


of saving often compare prices before they make a purchase to save with the

highest composite mean of 4.00. Meanwhile, the employees plan to save first

before spending on necessities findings revealed that it had a mean of 3.58,

the lowest composite mean in saving behavior.

2.2 Financial Knowledge

It was discovered that in terms of financial knowledge, the


mean with 3.42 corresponds to the indicator which states that the employees

can prepare their weekly or monthly budget. However, the respondents

sometimes have little or no difficulty managing their money and has the lowest

mean of 3.27.

2.3 Financial Attitude

It was found that in terms of financial attitudes, the employees

can establish a financial target plan for the future, has the highest composite

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

mean of 3.62. On the other hand, the lowest mean of 3.21 was I follow my

monthly expenses plan.

2.4 Financial Self-Efficacy

In terms of financial Self-Efficacy, it is shown that the highest

mean with 3.70 corresponds to the indicator which states that the respondents

can make progress towards their financial goals. While the statement which

says that the employees do not use credit loans even unexpected expenses

occur got the lowest mean of 3.13.

2.5 Financial Management Practice

It was revealed that in terms of Financial Management Practice,

employees save money for emergency funds got the highest composite mean

of 4.01 and the lowest mean of 3.35 corresponds to the indicator which states

that the employees have divided their income for their retirement.

3. Significant difference between the profile of the respondents and

saving behavior determinants of Local Government Units

3.1 Age

The result shows that the Age of the respondents has no significant

relationship between the financial knowledge, and financial self-efficacy with

the p-value of 0.061 and 0.134 wherein the null hypothesis is accepted while

the saving behavior, financial attitude and financial management practice has a

significant different with the p-value of 0.004, 0.047 and 0.014 and null

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

hypothesis is rejected.

3.2 Sex

In terms of sex, it has no significant difference between saving behavior,

financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-efficacy and financial

management practice with the p-value of 0.95, 0.59, 0.53, 0.39 and 0.86, and

affirms that the null hypothesis is accepted.

3.3 Civil Status

As shown in the result, the civil status has no significant difference in

saving behavior determinants in terms of financial efficacy and financial

management practice with the p-value of 0.31 and 0.09 that the null hypothesis

is accepted while the saving behavior, financial knowledge, and financial

attitude which has 0.02, 0.02, and 0.04 p-value has a significant difference and

null hypothesis is rejected.

3.4 Highest Educational Attainment

On the other hand, the highest educational attainment the saving

behavior, financial attitude, and financial management practice has a p-value

of 0.09, 0.07, and 0.10 which has no significant difference that the null

hypothesis is accepted while the financial knowledge and financial self-efficacy

have a 0.00 and 0.02 p-value which has a significant difference in highest

educational attainment and the null hypothesis is rejected.

3.5 Average Monthly Income

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

In this study, it shows that the average monthly income has no

significant difference on the saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial

attitude, financial self-efficacy and financial management practices which have

0.24, 0.72, 0.63, 0.86 and 3.15 p-values and the null hypothesis is accepted.

3.6 Length of Service

In the length of service, it demonstrates that the saving behavior,

financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-efficacy and financial

management practice has p-values of 0.32, 0.16, 0.23, 0.64 and 0.22 which

have no significant difference and null hypothesis is accepted.

3.7 Tenure of Employment

The result shows that the tenure of employment has also no significant

difference in terms of saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude,

financial self-efficacy and financial management practice with the p-value of

0.49, 0.34, 0.23, 0.78 and 0.53 and null hypothesis is also accepted.

3.8 Family Size

Lastly, family size shows that the saving behavior, financial knowledge,

financial attitude, financial self-efficacy and financial management practices

have 0.48, 0.34, 0.23, 0.30 and 0.65 p-values, and it also has no significant

difference with the null hypothesis accepted.


These are the main conclusions drawn and formulated from the study’s

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas


1. Most of the local government unit employees in Lemery, Batangas

are in the age range of 31 to 40 years old, and the majority of them are female.

Regarding the average monthly income of the respondents, the majority of the

respondents receive Php 10,957 and below. Whereas most of the respondents

are currently on job orders in the Municipality of Lemery. Furthermore, the

majority of the employees are college graduates. In terms of length of service,

most of the local government employees in the municipality of Lemery,

Batangas have been working for two to five years already. Lastly, majority of

respondents’ families have five to ten members.

2. In conclusion, in terms of saving behavior, least of the respondents

plan to save first before spending for necessities. Then, with financial

knowledge, least of the respondents have a little or no difficulty managing their

money. Moreover, in terms of financial attitude, only few respondents are able

to follow their monthly expenses.

When it comes to financial self-efficacy, only few respondents do not

use credit loans even unexpected expenses occur. Lastly, in terms of financial

management practice, least of the respondents have divided income for


3. The researchers found out that the age has no relationship with

financial knowledge and financial self-efficacy and null hypotheses are

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

accepted while regards to saving behavior, financial attitude, and financial

management practice it has a significant relationship and null hypotheses are

rejected. Nevertheless, in terms of sex, it has no significant difference on

saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-efficacy,

and financial management practices and null hypotheses are accepted.

However, in terms of civil status, it has no significant difference on

financial self-efficacy and financial management practices and null hypotheses

are accepted. While it has a significant difference on saving behavior, financial

knowledge, and financial attitude and null hypotheses are rejected. In terms of

highest educational attainment, it has no significant difference on saving

behavior, financial attitude, and financial management practice and null

hypothesis are accepted. While it has a significant difference on financial

knowledge and financial self- efficacy and null hypotheses are rejected.

On one hand, average monthly income has no significant difference on

saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-efficacy,

and financial management practices and null hypothesis are accepted. While,

in terms of length of service it has no significant difference on saving behavior,

financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-efficacy, and financial

management practices and null hypotheses are accepted.

On the other hand, tenure of employment has no significant difference

on saving behavior, financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

efficacy, and financial management practices and null hypotheses are

accepted. Lastly, family size has no significant difference on saving behavior,

financial knowledge, financial attitude, financial self-efficacy, and financial

management practices and null hypotheses are accepted.

4. Based on the findings of the study, the researchers recommend a

booklet of manual guides on credit management and educating the local

government employees in Lemery, Batangas. The researchers conclude that

the local government unit needs to enhance their knowledge of reducing

impulse buying and also have different types of savings, especially by having

the right investment path.


The following recommendations were drawn based on the findings and

conclusions of the study:

1. To improve the financial status of the local government unit in Lemery,

Batangas, it is advisable for them to regularly review and adjust their financial

plans to ensure they are staying on track with their goals. They should focus on

reducing unnecessary expenses and redirecting those funds toward savings

and retirement.

2 This study recommends that respondents automate savings, it is a system

where money is automatically transferred from your checking account to a

savings account or investment account on a regular basis, to ensure they save

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

before spending, simplifying money management. To manage money with little

difficulty, adopting a detailed budgeting system and regularly reviewing

finances can provide better control. Following a monthly expense plan can be

reinforced by using budgeting apps that track spending in real-time. To avoid

using credit for unexpected expenses, respondents should build an emergency

fund that covers 3-6 months of living costs. Lastly, to ensure income is

allocated for retirement, setting up automatic contributions to retirement

accounts will help secure long-term financial goals.

3. The study showed that age and civil status have a significant difference in

Saving behavior and financial knowledge. Therefore, it is recommended that

targeted financial education programs be developed to address the specific

needs of different age groups and civil statuses among the respondents. For

younger individuals, focus on the basics of saving and the benefits of starting

early, while for older individuals, emphasize retirement planning and future

security. Workshops should cater to married individuals by emphasizing joint

financial planning and to single individuals by highlighting personal savings and

long-term planning. Additionally, promoting positive financial attitudes through

motivational seminars and peer support groups, as well as providing age-

appropriate financial counseling, can help foster a community of support and

improve overall saving behavior.

4. The researchers created a booklet or manual guides on credit management

A. Bonifacio St., Bagong Sikat, Lemery, Batangas

tailored for local government employees in Lemery, Batangas. Providing

education on reducing impulse buying and promoting various savings options,

including the right investment path, can help employees make informed

financial decisions and secure their financial future.

5. To the future researchers, in addition to the existing questionnaire,

incorporating in-depth interviews or focus group discussions can provide

valuable insights into the underlying factors influencing saving behavior, such

as individual attitudes, beliefs, and experiences.


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