HDFC Bank Report

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Financial and Management Accounting

Instructors: Dr. Krishna M


Financial and Management Accounting
EC1 Experiential Learning

Financial Statement Analysis


Group No.5 Group Members (Names, Roll No, email address):

1. Kuldeep Singh Rathi [2019HB74512, ]
2. Supriya Srivastav, (2019HB58539, )
3. Sainath R, (2019HB79513, )
4. Shubham Arora,( 2019HB59505,
5. Pyanampuram shri vishnu ( 2019HB79557,
6. Angelina salma selvan( 2019HB74512,
7. Vikas Grewal,( 2019HB79529,
8. Mohit Kakkar, (2019HB79513, )
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Executive Summary

Finance which is the life blood of business is required from the constitution of an organization to
liquidity or closing up of business, financial institutions such as banks play a crucial role on the
operation of the business.

Banking business was restricted to monetary deposits and lending, but now its the most watched
sector nowadays and this is due to the reduction of CRR and Repo rate by RBI. The debt/GDP
ration of government is 80% implying that government cannot borrow much without imperiling the
stability of the banking sector.

Our project is an attempt to analyse the financial statements and market position of HDFC bank, as
well as comparing them with its major competitor. We also provide the important information of
HDFC bank related to business needs. The widely used and accepted CAMAL’s method is used for
the financial ratio analysis of HDFC bank with its competitors. All the major internal and external
factors affecting HDFC bank are identified in the form of SWOT analysis and strategies to overcome
the drawbacks are presented in our project as conclusion.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Table of contents

1. Introduction to HDFC Bank ltd

a. History of company, Milestones
b. Vision, Mission, objectives of company
c. Organization structure
d. Products and services offered
e. Operational model
f. Five major competitors of company, their brief profile and position in market
2. Research Methodology
a. Selection of competitors
b. Source of Data
3. Financial performance
a. Trend analysis of performance in last five years [year on year financial data]
b. Comparative analysis of performance with competitors [at least 2 competitors]
c. Ratio analysis of financial statements [Liquidity, Solvency, Profitability, Efficiency]
d. Comparative ratio analysis of with competitors [at least 2 competitors]
4. SWOT Analysis of HDFC Bank
5. Conclusion

Annexures [In table format, no pictures] [5-10 pages]

a. Balance Sheet and Income Statements of company

b. Balance Sheet and Income Statements of Competitors

Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

1. Introduction
HDFC Bank Ltd. is an Indian banking and financial services company .Its headquarter is in
Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has a base of 104154 permanent employees as of 30 June 2019. India’s
largest private sector bank by assets is HDFC. It is also the largest bank in India by market
capitalization as of March 2020.The company hold 60th position in 2019 Brands Top 100 Most
Valuable Global Brands . Company has good consistent profit growth of 20.63% over 5 years,
maintaining a healthy dividend payout of 18.32%.HDFC Bank is one of India’s leading private
banks and was among the first to be given approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a
private sector bank in 1994.Today, HDFC Bank is having a banking network of 5,345 branches and
14,533. There are ATM’s spread across 2,787 cities and towns.

a. History
In August 1994,HDFC Bank was incorporated in the name of HDFC Bank Limited, with its
registered office in Mumbai, India. The bank began operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in
January 1995.

b. Vision, Mission And Values

● The mission of HDFC Bank is to be a world class Indian bank. Their two aims are:
o To be the most preferred provider of banking services for target retail and wholesale
customer segments.
o To achieve balanced growth in profitability, consistent with the bank’s risk appetite.
● The bank is committed to maintain the highest level of ethical standards, professional
integrity, corporate governance and regulatory compliance. HDFC Bank’s business ideology
is based on five core values:
○ Operational Excellence
○ Customer Focus
○ Product Leadership
○ People
○ Sustainability.

The objective is to build sound customer franchises across distinct businesses so as to be the
preferred provider of banking services for target retail and wholesale customer segments, and to
achieve healthy growth in profitability, consistent with the bank's risk appetite.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

c. Organization Structure
An organization can be structured in many different ways, depending on its objectives. The structure
of an organization will determine the modes in which it operates and performs. Organization needs
to be efficient, flexible, innovative and caring in order to achieve a sustainable competitive

d. Products and services offered

1. Retail Banking
2. Wholesale Banking
3. Treasury
Retail Banking Wholesale Banking Treasury

Loan Products Commercial Banking Products/Segments

● Auto Loan ● Working Capital ● Foreign Exchange

● Personal Loans ● Term Loans ● Debt Securities
● Home Loans ● Bill / Invoice ● Derivatives
● Commercial Vehicles discounting ● Equities
● Construction Equip. ● Forex & Derivatives
● Agri and Tractor loans ● Wholesale Deposits
● Letters of Credit
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Retail Banking Wholesale Banking Treasury

Transactional Banking
Deposit Products Other Functions
● Cash Management
● Savings Accounts ● Asset Liability
● Custodial Services
● Current Accounts Management
● Fixed / Recurring ● Clearing Bank Services ● Statutory Reserve
Deposits ● Correspondent Management
● Corporate Salary
● Tax Collections
● Escrow Accounts ● Banker to Public Issues

Investment Banking
Other Products/Services
● Debt Capital Markets
● Depository Accounts ● Equity Capital Markets
● Mutual Fund Sales ● Project Finance
● Private Banking ● Advisory
● Insurance Sales (Life,

e. Operational Model
HDFC is one of the leading banks of India and maintains their position on top among private banks
by giving the right mixture of products for both of its customers in retail and corporate sector. For
retaining this position HDFC always keeps their high focus on their operating strategy, for
continuously providing their finest services and robust system.
HDFC Major operating strategies are:
1. Technology: It always tries to get the best technology in the world for strengthening their
robust system. Because of high technology their all branches are connected together and offer
speedy transactions. As customers are more switching to cashless mode of transaction, for
providing this support and services they enable features like Mobile banking, internet
banking. With the help of technology they are able to provide more innovative products and
save their time & operating cost.
2. Quality of service and their execution: In earlier times customer is more focused on
quality of service not much focused on their execution time, but in today’s era customer is
also focused on execution time. And HDFC is able to reduce their dwell time and execute it
more efficiently & effectively.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

3. Wide range of products: HDFC provides a wide range of products for both of its customers
in retail sector and corporate sector. This helps to connect more customers by cross selling
opportunities and retain their customers well.
4. Highly experienced management team: HDFC claims to have a highly experienced team at
senior most positions from multinational banking. This helps in driving the organization
more towards the sky.

Major competitors of HDFC banks are:
i. SBI bank
ii. ICICI bank
v. AXIS bank
i. SBI Bank: The State Bank of India (SBI) is an Indian public sector, multinational banking and
financial services provider organization. It is a government corporation legalized body
headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. In world's biggest corporations of 2019 SBI ranked
236th competing 500 Fortune Global. With a 23% market place percentage in assets, SBI
maintained itself on pinnacle among largest banks of India, besides a portion of one-fourth of
the total loan and deposits market. The bank descends from the Camber of Calcutta, founded in
1806, via the Imperial Bank of India, one of the oldest commercial bank in the Indian
subcontinent. The Bank of Madras merged into the other two “presidency banks " in British
people India, the Bank of Calcutta and the Bank of Bombay, to form the Imperial Bank of India,
which finally became the State Bank of India in 1955. The Centralized Government of India
took control of the Imperial Bank of India in 1955, with Reserve Bank of India (India's central
bank) taking a 60% stake, renaming it the State Bank of India.
● Bank type: Public
● Est.: 1955.
● Headquarters: Mumbai
● Total branches : 24000
● No. of ATM’s: 59,291 across India.

ii. ICICI bank: ICICI Bank building is a leading common soldier sector bank in India. Like other
private banks ICICI Bank also offers a wide range of banking intersection and financial
services to corporate and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels and through
their specialized subsidiaries in the areas of investment banking, life and non-life Insurance,
venture speculation capital and asset management . The Bank currently has subsidiary company
in the United Kingdom, Russia and Canada, Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic and
Canada, branches in United States, South Africa, Bahrain, Hong Kong, Qatar and Dubai in UAE,
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

China, Singapore, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kingdom of Thailand , Malaysia and Indonesia. In
UK branches are in Belgium and Germany.
● Bank type: Private
● Est.: 1994.
● Headquarters: Mumbai
● Total branches :5,275
● No. of ATM’s: 15,589 across India
iii. Axis bank: In the Beginning Axis Bank was known as UTI Bank, and one of the leading Banks
of India along with HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank. When Government of India opened the gate
for the private banks to flock into the Indian financial market Axis bank is the first private sector
banks in India to start its operations. Vision of the Axis Bank is ”To be the preferred financial
solutions provider excelling in customer delivery through insight, empowered employees
and smart use of technology”. Axis bank claims on values Customer Centricity, Ethics,
Transparency, Teamwork, and Ownership.
● Bank type: Private.
● Est.: 1994.
● Headquarters: Mumbai
● Total branches : 4,050.
● No. of ATM’s: 11,801across India.

iv. KOTAK MAHINDRA: Kotak Mahindra is one of the leading financial banks of India, with a
range of financial services that serves all customers' day to day requirements. Their product
covers from commercial banking, to stock booking, to mutual funds, to life insurance, to
investment banking .It also caters for diverse needs of individuals and corporate customers.
● Bank type: Private.
● Est.: 1985.
● Headquarters: Mumbai
● Total branches: 4,050.
● No. of ATM’s: 11,801 across India.

v. Punjab national bank: Punjab National Bank owned by Indian government which provides
banking and financial services. Its headquarters is in New Delhi, India. It was founded in 1894.
It is the 2nd largest public sector bank (PSB) in India, in terms of business as well as network. It
has a customer base of over 115 million.
● Bank type: Public.
● Est.: 1894.
● Headquarters: New Delhi
● Total branches : 6,937.
● No. of ATM’s: 13,000 across India.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

2. Research Methodology
Banks are financial institution with diverse products and services. In order to evaluate their working,
CAMELS methodology is used. It’s a rating system which uses below mentioned factors to evaluate
performance of banks.
1) Capital Adequacy
2) Asset Quality
3) Management Efficiency
4) Earnings Quality
5) Liquidity
6) Sensitivity
Our study makes use of 10 financial ratios related to above model. We have replaced use of ‘M’ &
‘S’ in standard CAMELS model i.e. Management & Sensitivity respectively with stock market
performance of banks chosen for analysis.
Detailed preview of the methodology:

1) Capital Adequacy
Using capital & assets, it measures bank’s financial soundness. It ensures stability in financial
system of economy & protects depositor’s money.
 Leverage ratio

a) Debt to Equity Ratio: Measure of the degree to which a company is financing its
operations through debt versus wholly-owned funds.

2) Asset Quality
A critical area in banking sector, that evaluates overall quality of loans the bank has disbursed.
Classification of loans in to good and bad (Non-Performing Assets) quality assets is done on the
basis of repayment.
 Net NPAs to Total Advances: Provisions deducted from Gross NPA and then divided by total
advances, thus representing overall quality of loan book.

3) Earnings Quality
When a bank can predict, control and maintain a strong cash flow, its balance sheet reflects robust
economic conditions and reflects itself a trustworthy organization to all stakeholders.
 Return on Equity Ratio: Measurement of how efficiently is the company using its equity
for generating profit.
 Return on Assets Ratio: Measurement of how efficiently is the company using its assets for
generating profit.
 Net Interest Margin: Measure of the difference between the interest income generated and
the amount of interest paid out to lenders.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

 Price to Earnings: Comparison of company’s share price to its EPS i.e. earnings per share.
 Earnings Per Share: It’s the measurement of amount of net income earned for each share
 Dividend Yield Ratio: Dividend allocated to shareholders comparative to the market value
per share.

4) Liquidity
Managing liquidity risk are of utmost importance. Meeting financial obligations that are due &
managing liquidity for every transaction or commitment in order to tackle any form of stress event in
economy or a particular sector.
 Current Ratio: Measures a company’s ability to pay off short-term liabilities with current
 Loan Per Deposit Ratio: Bank's total amount of loans to the total amount of deposits for the
same period.

Selection of Competitors
For our study we selected State Bank of India and ICICI Bank as competitors to HDFC Bank. And
reasons for selecting the same are as mentioned:
“Reserve Bank of India issued a framework in 2014, called Domestic Systemically Important Banks (D-
SIBs). HDFC, ICICI and SBI are the only banks in India which come under this as these banks are too
big to fail. And if a bank of this size or complexity fails there would be substantial disturbance in the
overall economy.”
Moreover, this basket of banks comprises of top banks (w.r.t. Market Capitalization & Total Assets)
from each category i.e. Public and Private Sector.
State Bank of India Rs. 166,307 Cr.
HDFC Bank Rs. 491,569 Cr.
ICICI Bank Rs. 211,187 Cr
SBI and HDFC have been long known for acting as pioneer in introducing new products and services in
country, thereby maintaining dynamism in banking industry.

Sources of Data
1) Screener:
2) Money Control:
3) Reserve Bank of India E
4) Investopedia:
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

3. Financial Performance
a. Trend analysis of performance of HDFC in the last five years
The figure obtained on adding up every asset and deducting liabilities from the same. HDFC shows a robust,
positive net worth with increase of 2.4 times in 2019 from 2015 with an average growth rate of 1.3 Year-on-
Year, thus indicating towards sound financial health.

(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

HDFC 62,009.42 72,677.76 89,462.35 1,06,295.00 1,49,206.35

The value that the bank owes to others. Deposits in bank, is what bank owes to account holders.
With increase in CASA and inclusion of high net worth customers, HDFC bank’s total liabilities
have also rose at an average pace of 1.2 Year-on-Year. However, the current liabilities shows a peak
of 1.5 in 2017 from 2016 with an average rate of 1.2 Year-on-Yea.
(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 5,43,942.46 6,55,957.69 8,00,550.21 9,93,587.04 11,39,133.05
HDFC 32,484.46 36,725.13 56,709.32 45,763.72 55,108.29
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

These are assets irrespective of ways they are financed. It is actually the combined amount of fixed
and current assets of company, as recorded in its balance sheet. Total assets of HDFC bank have
increased to nearly twice in 2019 compared to 2015 with an average growth rate of 1.2 Year-on-
Year stats. Also, the current assets have rose to more than twice in 2019 from 2015 with an annual
average growth rate of 1.2.
(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 6,07,096.52 7,30,261.82 8,92,344.16 11,03,186.17 12,92,805.71
HDFC 4,20,921.39 5,41,616.64 6,45,750.12 8,18,126.88 9,49,922.81
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Indicates gross income minus all expenses. Below bar graph reflects that HDFC has been efficient
and its income has been on constant rise with its expanding set of services. Its total income has
multiplied to nearly twice in 2019 from 2015 and additionally its annual average growth rate is at a
staggering 1.2.
(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 60,212.18 74,373.22 86,148.99 1,01,344.45 1,24,107.79
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Interest and non interest form the two categories of expenses. Interest expenses incur from deposits,
short-term and long-term loans, and trading account liabilities while non-interest expenses are
generally operating expenses for day-to-day operation of bank. With wide range of products and
expanding portfolios, the total expenses of the bank has increased to nearly twice in 2019 from 2015
which indicates the outgrowth of bank over the 5 years with an average annual growth rate of 1.2.
(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 49,512.13 61,555.89 70,861.58 82,783.61 1,01,662.18

For banks, it is about earning more than what they pay in expenses. The main share of a bank's
profit comprises of fees that it charges for its services and the interest that it earns on its assets.
Increasing trend with an average annual growth profits of 1.2, reflects its efficiency.
(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 10,700.05 12,817.33 15,287.40 18,560.84 22,445.61
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

b. Comparative analysis of performance of HDFC with Competitors

HDFC’s net worth have increased 2.4 times the value in 2015 while the competitors have shown 1.3
(ICICI) & 1.7 (SBI) times increase over years. There has been 141% rise in the Net worth of HDFC
bank since 2015.

(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

HDFC 62,009.42 72,677.76 89,462.35 1,06,295.00 1,49,206.35
ICICI 80,429.36 89,735.58 99,951.07 1,05,158.94 1,08,368.04
SBI 1,28,438.23 1,44,274.44 1,88,286.06 2,19,128.56 2,20,913.82

HDFC’s total liabilities have increased 2.1 times the value in 2015 also the competitors have shown
almost same increase year over year. The contribution to the total liabilities of HDFC comes from
both current and non-current section. But for competitors it comes from non-current section.

(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

HDFC 5,43,942.46 6,55,957.69 8,00,550.21 9,93,587.04 11,39,133.05
HDFC 32,484.46 36,725.13 56,709.32 45,763.72 55,108.29
ICICI 7,41,374.62 8,24,645.48 8,81,401.67 10,13,651.35 9,72,061.74
ICICI 31,719.86 34,726.43 34,245.16 30,196.40 37,851.46
SBI 25,38,722.48 27,90,305.27 32,27,929.41 33,86,111.06 36,53,974.40
SBI 1,37,698.04 1,59,276.08 1,55,235.19 1,67,138.08 1,45,597.30
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

HDFC bank showed an increase in total assets section relative to its competitors. HDFC has recently
shown 7.5 % rise in deposits and has also increased its current assets greatly.

(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

HDFC 6,07,096.52 7,30,261.82 8,92,344.16 11,03,186.17 12,92,805.71
HDFC 4,20,921.39 5,41,616.64 6,45,750.12 8,18,126.88 9,49,922.81
ICICI 8,26,079.17 9,18,756.20 9,86,042.66 11,24,281.04 12,38,793.89
ICICI 4,54,823.74 5,52,706.39 6,02,479.69 6,68,291.47 7,48,795.04
SBI 27,00,110.02 29,70,897.64 34,45,121.56 36,16,433.00 38,88,467.06
SBI 15,56,991.89 17,71,576.48 18,97,057.76 23,53,773.03 26,74,694.73
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

HDFC has increased total income significantly over the years it has become more than double since
2015. While ICICI and SBI have shown an increase of 1.5 and 1.3 in total income since 2015.
However, for the year 2019, the difference in total income between HDFC and ICICI and HDFC
and SBI are 6% and 166% respectively. From this data, it can be seen that SBI earns the highest
income compared to HFC and ICICI.
(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 60,212.18 74,373.22 86,148.99 1,01,344.45 1,24,107.79
ICICI 90,216.23 1,01,395.85 1,13,397.63 1,18,969.10 1,31,306.50
SBI 2,57,289.51 2,72,871.03 2,98,640.45 3,06,527.52 3,30,220.88
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

HDFC & its competitors have shown increasing trend in total expenses. HDFC expenses have
almost become double since 2015 whereas the total expenses of ICICI and SBI are 1.6 and 1.4 times
respectively. However, for the year 2019, the difference in total expenses between HDFC and ICICI
and HDFC and SBI are 24% and 222% respectively. From this data, it can be seen that SBI’s
expenditure is the highest compared to HFC and ICICI.

(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

HDFC 49,512.13 61,555.89 70,861.58 82,783.61 1,01,662.18
ICICI 77,273.93 90,468.95 1,02,057.30 1,09,869.56 1,25,617.34
SBI 2,39,772.14 2,60,127.74 2,99,031.13 3,10,714.93 3,27,618.29
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

For HDFC bank net profit had a increasing trend with a growth of 110% in 2019.

However ICICI and SBI profits shows a decreasing trend in 2019. ICICI bank shows a drastic surge
in net profit of 56% since 2015. ICICI Bank also showed a annual declining growth % of 25% with
the exception of increase in net profit of 4% in 2017 from 2016.

SBI also showed negative profit trend since 2015 reporting a loss of -102% and -124% in 2017 and
2018 respectively.

(in Cr.) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

HDFC 10,700.05 12,817.33 15,287.40 18,560.84 22,445.61
ICICI 12,942.30 10,926.89 11,340.33 9,099.54 5,689.16
SBI 17,517.37 12,743.29 -390.67 -4,187.41 2,602.59
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

c. Comparative Ratio analysis of performance with Competitors

i. Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E) : It is basically a ratio of the share price to the earning per
share, and HDFC got lag in this from last 2 years, as SBI and ICICI performed very
well in last 2 years. Ratio is more than double compare to HDFC.
PE for last 5 years
Companies 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 25.1 22.02 25.4 28.07 29.93
SBI 15.21 15.16 22.25 0 32.06
ICICI 16.36 12.86 14.97 26.4 76.45

ii. Dividend Yield % Ratio: It is basically a ratio of Dividend per share to the price per
share. HDFC get the lead in this ratio because competitors performed badly. And HDFC
ratio is declined from 0.78 to 0.65 in last 5 years

Dividend Yield% ratio for last 5 years

Companies 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 0.78 0.89 0.76 0.69 0.65
SBI 1.31 1.34 0.89 0 0
ICICI 1.59 2.11 0.9 0.54 0.25
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Earnings per Share ratio for last 5 years

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 20.38 24.32 28.39 33.69 38.7
SBI 17.55 12.82 13.15 -7.34 0.97
ICICI 17.52 15.21 15.3 10.54 5.22

iii. Earnings Per share Ratio: It is a ratio of (net income - preferred dividends) / average
outstanding common shares. From last 5 years HDFC performed very well almost
double to their position in 2015, no competitor is standing near to HDFC.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

iv. Net income margin Ratio: It is basically a ratio of Net profit to the Revenue. From the
last 5 years HDFC is maintaining almost same figures, and also these figures are also
better than competitors.

Net Income margin ratio for last 5 years

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 4.05 3.95 4.05 3.92 4.05
SBI 2.84 2.59 2.47 2.35 2.62
ICICI 3.24 3.24 3.1 2.88 3.09

v. ROA% Ratio: It is a ratio of Net income to the average total assets. HDFC maintains good
position in terms of ROA compare to competitors, it is decreased very less form last 5 years,
Whereas ICICI which is giving good competition to HDFC now nowhere stands out near to

ROA% ratio for last 5 years

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 1.89 1.85 1.81 1.81 1.83
SBI 0.68 0.45 0.41 -0.21 0.02
ICICI 1.8 1.42 1.31 0.82 0.36
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

vi. ROE% Ratio: It is a ratio of net income to shareholder’s equity. And as per the below
analysis, HDFC stands out very well among their competitors. There is decline of only
2.5% whereas competitors reached to almost less than 5% of ROE.

ROE% ratio for last 5 years

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 19.37 18.26 17.95 17.87 16.5
SBI 10.62 7.3 6.97 -3.73 0.44
ICICI 14.55 11.63 10.66 6.81 3.24
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

vii. Current Ratio: It is the ratio of Current assets to the current liabilities. From the last 5
years it is declining more although it should be at least equal to 1 to remain in profit,
now it states that current liabilities are more than assets.

Current ratio for last 5 years

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 0.34 0.36 0.33 0.31 0.31
SBI 0.31 0.33 0.37 0.39 0.33
ICICI 0.44 0.38 0.33 0.36 0.32

viii. Total debt/Equity ratio: It is the ratio of total debts to shareholder’s equity. From the
analysis it is clear that all the companies stands almost equally except HDFC in year of
2018, Which basically shoes debts of HDFC almost to double from the previous year.
Total Debt/Equity ratio for last 5 years
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.13 0.05
SBI 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06
ICICI 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

ix. Net NPA advances ratio: It is the ratio of Net non-performing assets to net advances
(loans). It is clear from the analysis HDFC really performed extremely good in this ratio
as compared to others and which is very good sign of customers as well as investor to
invest their money.
Net NPA to Advances
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 0.2 0.28 0.33 0.4 0.4
SBI 2.12 3.81 3.71 5.73 3.01
ICICI 1.4 2.67 4.89 4.77 2.06
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

x. Advances to deposit ratio: It is the ratio of loan to deposit. Maintaining it below 1 means
bank is not dependent on their depositors to give loan to others. From the last 5 years
HDFC maintained its ratio below 1.
Advances to Deposits
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
HDFC 0.8108 0.8502 0.8616 0.8346 0.8876
SBI 1.2129 0.8457 0.7683 0.7149 0.7508
ICICI 1.0718 1.0328 0.9473 0.9134 0.8985

 Seeing the above ratio analysis for the last five years, we can conclude that HDFC is
giving tough competition to its competitors in many areas such as earning per share
ratio ,net income,etc
 The EPS value of HDFC is high which shows that the growth and stability of the
company is good and profitability of the company is also better than others.
 As per above graph, the Net Income ratio is high for the company which gives us a clear
picture that HDFC is able to convert its sales into considerable profit.
 The ROA of the company is also above 10% so is one of the good financial companies
where we can do investing.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

4. SWOT Analysis:

Strengths Weaknesses
1.) The share prices of HDFC are often
1.) Growth Ontogenesis in Quarterly Net profit fluctuating causing uncertainty for the
with increasing Profit Margin. investors

2.) The company has low levels of current

assets compared to current liabilities, and
2.) Company with Zero Promoter Pledge.
this can create liquidity problems for it in
3.) Cash flow problems: There is a lack of
proper financial planning at HDFC Bank
3.) HDFC maintains good position in terms of
regarding cash flows, leading to certain
ROE% and ROA%, which attracts more
circumstances where there isn’t enough
investors to invest.
cash flow as required leading to
unnecessary unplanned borrowing.
4.) Advance to deposits ratio increasing
continuously from year 2015-2019 whereas
competitors are decreasing continuously.
5.) Net income margin is also very high as
compare to other competitors which ultimately
gives good return to investors in term of
6.) Consolidated revenues increased 21.6%
YoY due to 12.5% increase in volume growth
of production.

7.) Net worth increased by 2.5times from 2015

to now.

8.)Net profit increased by 33% compare to year

2015 comparability to year 2015
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Opportunities Threats
1.) The company has a large working capital. It
1) . Intense competition - Stable profitability
would the company enter new segment add
has put downward pressure on overall
product to its portfolio and increase its
2.) The new taxation policy can significantly 2) Slight variation in NPA increased from
impact the way of doing business and 0.20% to 0.40%, it’s not good sign for
increase its profitability. financial health of the bank.
3) RBI has opened up to 74% for outside
3.) HDFC maintain lower NPA as compare to banks to put resources into the Indian
others which increase the trust of investors market, which will attract the banks from
to invest as the risk is low. outside the country and can give tough
competition to HDFC.
4.) HDFC bank has improved it’s bad debts
portfolio and the recovery of bad debts are
high when compared to government banks

5.) Greater scope for acquisitions and strategic

alliances due to strong financial position

6.) Interest rate: Lower interest rates than

compared to previous years provide an
opportunity for HDFC Bank Limited to
undergo expansion projects that are financed
with loans at a cheaper interest rate.
7.) Inflation: The inflation rate has been low
and is expected to remain low in the next
two years. This is an opportunity for HDFC
Bank Limited as its cost of inputs would
remain low for the next two years.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

5. Conclusion:
This financial statement analysis gives us the knowledge of how to do the analysis of financial
performance of a company which gives a clear picture about its market position, growth and
performance .With this analysis for HDFC ,we can summarize that the changing economic and
political scenario bank sector faces many ups and downs but in order to maintain the position HDFC
needs to take some remarkable steps. As because in many areas we could see that there is hardly any
difference with its competitors. HDFC has to use its strength and convert the drawbacks of other
competitors as an opportunity to grow
● There is a steady increase in the net worth of the company, as it saves most of its incomes as
● Net sales and profits are also increasing form the last 5 years can be analysed from the
financial statement and ratio analysis.
● Assets of the company is also increased from the last 5 years
● ROE% and ROA% ratio has decreased from the previous year but it is still quite high
compared to SBI and ICICI.
● Share price and Earning per share is also increased for almost 90%.
● The company has to come up with more customer friendly process like allowing customer to
perform self service
● There was significant loss in loaning area of the bank so HDFC has to come up with some
strategy to focus on this area to continue to be one of the leading banks in India.
● HDFC has to grow their branches to remote areas more so as to gain more rural customer
● Current ratio of the company has decreased compared to the last 5 years which is not a good
sign of any improvement so HDFC needs to focus on taking out the liabilities and convert
more into the assets.
● Net income margin ratio is almost constant from last 5 years which needs to increase at least
by very small percentage, which ultimately increase overall growth of the company, any
decrease in minor percent can show decreasing graph which is not a good sign
● Total expenses of HDFC have increased by almost double from last 5 years, need to focus on
expenses to get more profit and good productivity.
● Although HDFC is rise in bad loans but the bank is quite positive and hopeful that it will
utilize the market share from shadow lenders which are in crisis .Still HDFC has to closely
monitor the succession risks.
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

MAR'19 MAR'18 MAR'17 MAR'16 MAR'15
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
Equtiy share capital 544.66 519.02 512.51 505.64 501.30
TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL 544.66 519.02 512.51 505.64 501.30
Revaluation reserves - - - - -
Reserves and Surplus 544.66 519.02 512.51 505.64 501.30
1,53,128.00 1,09,080.11 91,281.44 73,798.49 62,652.77
1,53,128.00 1,09,080.11 91,281.44 73,798.49 62,652.77
Minority Interest 501.79 356.33 291.44 180.62 161.63
Deposits 9,22,502.68 7,88,375.14 6,43,134.25 5,45,873.29 4,50,283.65
Borrowings 1,57,732.78 1,56,442.08 98,415.64 71,763.45 59,478.25
Other Liabilities and
58,395.80 48,413.49 58,708.88 38,140.33 34,018.93
12,92,805.71 11,03,186.17 8,92,344.16 7,30,261.82 6,07,096.52
Cash and balances with RBI 46,804.59 1,04,688.21 37,910.55 30,076.58 27,522.29
Balances with banks money at
35,013.05 18,373.35 11,400.57 8,992.30 9,004.13
call and short notice
Investments 2,86,917.68 2,38,460.92 2,10,777.11 1,61,683.34 1,64,272.61
Advances 8,69,222.66 7,00,033.84 5,85,480.99 4,87,290.42 3,83,407.97
Fixed Assets 4,219.84 3,810.56 3,814.70 3,479.70 3,224.94
Other Assets 50,627.89 37,819.29 42,960.24 38,739.48 19,664.57
TOTAL ASSETS 12,92,805.71 11,03,186.17 8,92,344.16 7,30,261.82 6,07,096.52
Bills for collection 49,952.80 82,299.09 30,848.04 55,242.58 22,304.93
Contigent Liabilities 10,25,125.31 8,36,231.70 8,18,284.29 8,21,774.81 9,75,278.60
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

MAR'19 MAR'18 MAR'17 MAR'16 MAR'15
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
Equtiy share capital 1,289.46 1,285.81 1,165.11 1,163.17 1,159.66

TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL 1,289.46 1,285.81 1,165.11 1,163.17 1,159.66

Revaluation reserves 3,070.00 3,027.64 3,065.11 2,817.47 -

Reserves and Surplus 1,289.46 1,285.81 1,165.11 1,163.17 1,159.66
1,12,959.27 1,09,338.32 1,03,460.63 92,940.85 83,537.44

1,09,889.27 1,06,310.68 1,00,395.52 90,123.38 83,537.44
Minority Interest 6,580.54 6,008.19 4,856.31 3,355.64 2,505.81
Deposits 6,81,316.94 5,85,796.11 5,12,587.26 4,51,077.39 3,85,955.25
Borrowings 2,10,324.12 2,29,401.83 1,88,286.76 2,20,377.66 2,11,252.00
Other Liabilities and
73,840.14 1,92,445.22 1,75,671.34 1,49,834.79 1,41,661.56
12,38,793.89 11,24,281.04 9,86,042.66 9,18,756.20 8,26,079.17
Cash and balances with RBI 38,066.28 33,272.60 31,891.26 27,277.56 25,837.67
Balances with banks money at
49,324.62 55,726.53 48,599.61 37,758.41 21,799.50
call and short notice
Investments 3,98,200.76 3,72,207.68 3,04,501.74 2,86,044.09 3,02,761.63
Advances 6,46,961.68 5,66,854.22 5,15,371.31 4,93,729.11 4,38,490.10
Fixed Assets 9,660.42 9,465.01 9,337.96 8,713.46 5,871.21
Other Assets 96,580.14 86,755.00 76,394.78 65,233.57 31,319.07
TOTAL ASSETS 12,38,793.89 11,24,281.04 9,86,042.66 9,18,756.20 8,26,079.17
Bills for collection 49,579.19 28,705.41 22,755.55 1,12,646.68 65,976.61
Contigent Liabilities 26,12,071.94 18,91,035.83 13,07,841.59 10,70,233.91 9,69,353.45
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

MAR'19 MAR'18 MAR'17 MAR'16 MAR'15
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
Equtiy share capital 892.46 892.46 797.35 776.28 746.57
TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL 892.46 892.46 797.35 776.28 746.57
Revaluation reserves - 24,847.99 35,593.88 1,374.03 -
Reserves and Surplus 892.46 892.46 797.35 776.28 746.57
2,33,603.20 2,29,429.49 2,16,394.80 1,79,816.09 1,60,640.97
2,33,603.20 2,04,581.50 1,80,800.92 1,78,442.05 1,60,640.97
Minority Interest 6,039.99 4,615.25 6,480.65 6,267.40 5,497.12

Deposits 29,40,541.06 27,22,178.28 25,99,810.66 22,53,857.56 20,52,960.79

Borrowings 4,13,747.66 3,69,079.34 3,36,365.66 2,58,214.39 2,44,663.46

Other Liabilities and Provisions 2,93,645.69 2,90,238.19 2,85,272.44 2,71,965.92 2,35,601.11
38,88,467.06 36,16,433.00 34,45,121.56 29,70,897.64 27,00,110.02
Cash and balances with RBI 1,77,362.74 1,50,769.46 1,61,018.61 1,60,424.57 1,44,287.55
Balances with banks money at
48,149.52 44,519.65 1,12,178.54 43,734.90 64,299.02
call and short notice

Investments 11,19,247.77 11,83,794.24 10,27,280.87 7,05,189.08 6,95,691.75

Advances 22,26,853.67 19,60,118.54 18,96,886.82 18,70,260.89 16,92,211.33

Fixed Assets 40,703.05 41,225.79 50,940.74 15,255.68 12,379.30

Other Assets 2,76,150.31 2,36,005.33 1,96,815.98 1,76,032.52 91,241.07

TOTAL ASSETS 38,88,467.06 36,16,433.00 34,45,121.56 29,70,897.64 27,00,110.02


Bills for collection - 1,95,961.17 77,727.06 2,37,771.91 2,31,883.54
Contigent Liabilities - 10,44,433.85 11,84,907.82 10,53,041.11 10,64,425.66
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

MAR'19 MAR'18 MAR'17 MAR'16 MAR'15
ACCOUNT (Rs in Crores)
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
Interest / Discount on Advances /
83,736.16 67,658.90 55,986.18 47,736.19 39,334.66
Income from Investments 19,924.75 16,229.79 15,951.56 14,125.50 10,709.85
Interest on Balance with RBI and
660.62 540.62 544.86 375.16 542.94
Other Inter-Bank funds
Others 839.21 858.53 788.76 924.72 79.04
TOTAL INTEREST EARNED 1,05,160.74 85,287.84 73,271.35 63,161.56 50,666.49
Other Income 18,947.05 16,056.60 12,877.63 11,211.65 9,545.68
Total Income 1,24,107.79 1,01,344.45 86,148.99 74,373.22 60,212.18
Interest Expended 53,712.69 42,381.48 38,041.58 34,069.57 27,288.46
Payments to and Provisions for
10,451.15 9,193.90 8,504.70 6,306.14 5,162.68
Depreciation 1,220.67 966.78 886.19 738.03 680.45
Depreciation on Leased Assets - - - - -
Operating Expenses (excludes
16,022.94 13,766.54 11,360.18 10,787.71 8,734.40
Employee Cost & Depreciation)
27694.76 23927.22 20751.07 17831.88 14577.52
Provision Towards Income Tax 12,961.15 10,848.11 8,424.16 6,889.36 5,492.37
Provision Towards Deferred Tax -1,088.60 -945.03 -346.04 -195.70 112.97
Other Provisions and
8,382.18 6,571.82 3,990.81 2,960.77 2,040.04
20,254.73 16,474.90 12,068.93 9,654.43 7,646.15
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,01,662.18 82,783.61 70,861.58 61,555.89 49,512.13
22,445.61 18,560.84 15,287.40 12,817.33 10,700.05
22,445.61 18,560.84 15,287.40 12,817.33 10,700.05
Minority Interest -113.18 -51.34 -36.72 -19.72 -14.41
Share Of Profit/Loss Of - 0.52 2.34 3.73 3.25
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

PROFIT/LOSS AFTER MI 22,332.43 18,510.02 15,253.03 12,801.33 10,688.89
Profit / Loss Brought Forward 43,098.98 34,532.33 24,825.59 19,550.86 15,207.47
AVAILABLE FOR 65,431.41 53,042.35 40,106.06 32,352.20 25,896.36
Transfer To / From Statutory
5,499.76 4,562.03 3,777.16 3,180.93 2,623.87
Transfer To / From Revenue
- - - - -
And Other Reserves
Dividend and Dividend Tax for
- 3,390.58 -1.69 -11.71 0.84
The Previous Year
Equity Share Dividend 4,052.59 50.77 - 2,401.78 2,005.20
Tax On Dividend 43.31 - 25.60 512.35 424.54
Balance Carried Over To
52,849.61 43,098.98 34,532.33 24,825.59 19,550.86
Balance Sheet
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 65,431.41 53,042.35 40,106.06 32,352.20 25,896.36
Basic EPS (Rs.) 83.00 72.00 60.00 51.00 44.00
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 83.00 71.00 59.00 50.00 44.00
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

MAR'19 MAR'18 MAR'17 MAR'16 MAR'15
(Rs in Crores)
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
Interest / Discount on Advances /
50,884.83 43,252.82 42,080.37 41,550.90 38,059.71
Income from Investments 18,102.29 16,125.62 15,456.07 14,324.47 15,131.73
Interest on Balance with RBI and
927.11 810.41 623.00 303.96 366.16
Other Inter-Bank funds
Others 2,067.43 1,973.50 2,780.53 3,114.38 1,406.40
TOTAL INTEREST EARNED 71,981.65 62,162.35 60,939.98 59,293.71 54,964.00
Other Income 59,324.85 56,806.75 52,457.65 42,102.14 35,252.24
Total Income 1,31,306.50 1,18,969.10 1,13,397.63 1,01,395.85 90,216.23
Interest Expended 39,177.54 34,262.05 34,835.83 33,996.47 32,318.15
Payments to and Provisions for
9,425.26 8,333.53 7,893.26 6,912.29 6,568.32
Depreciation 945.84 922.14 911.64 823.89 763.16
Depreciation on Leased Assets - - - 19.22 35.06
Operating Expenses (excludes
53,887.78 46,499.96 39,365.08 33,034.16 27,656.17
Employee Cost & Depreciation)
64,258.88 55,755.63 48,169.97 40,789.56 35,022.71
Provision Towards Income Tax 4,808.28 4,078.21 3,137.56 6,736.54 5,675.80
Provision Towards Deferred Tax -3,089.18 -2,199.29 -668.54 -3,359.04 -284.18
Other Provisions and
20,461.82 17,972.96 16,582.48 12,305.40 4,536.34
22,180.92 19,851.88 19,051.50 15,682.92 9,933.07
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 1,25,617.34 1,09,869.56 1,02,057.30 90,468.95 77,273.93
5,689.16 9,099.54 11,340.33 10,926.89 12,942.30
5,689.16 9,099.54 11,340.33 10,926.89 12,942.30
Minority Interest -1,434.92 -1,387.36 -1,151.95 -746.93 -695.43
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

Share Of Profit/Loss Of
- - - - -
PROFIT/LOSS AFTER MI 4,254.24 7,712.19 10,188.38 10,179.96 12,246.87
Profit / Loss Brought Forward 21,999.16 21,504.55 19,821.08 19,827.87 14,547.55
AVAILABLE FOR 26,253.40 29,216.73 30,009.46 30,007.83 26,794.42
Transfer To / From Statutory
840.90 1,694.40 2,450.30 2,431.60 2,793.90
Transfer To / From Revenue And
1,643.72 645.45 44.65 520.70 -560.08
Other Reserves
Dividend and Dividend Tax for
- - -6.24 3.85 2.98
The Previous Year
Equity Share Dividend 965.13 1,457.46 - 2,907.52 2,898.81
Tax On Dividend 193.31 233.14 235.22 553.91 488.27
Balance Carried Over To Balance
22,046.38 21,999.16 21,504.55 19,821.08 19,865.26
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 26,253.40 29,216.73 30,009.46 30,007.83 26,794.42
Basic EPS (Rs.) 7.00 12.00 18.00 18.00 21.00
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 7.00 12.00 18.00 17.00 21.00
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

MAR'19 MAR'18 MAR'17 MAR'16 MAR'15
(Rs in Crores)
12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths
Interest / Discount on Advances /
1,66,124.58 1,44,958.59 1,56,790.48 1,57,001.75 1,53,144.59
Income from Investments 80,243.51 75,036.62 64,201.37 57,922.72 51,002.02
Interest on Balance with RBI and
1,324.76 2,410.75 2,591.57 1,186.80 1,159.94
Other Inter-Bank funds
Others 5,629.29 6,564.32 6,864.07 5,743.57 2,667.79
TOTAL INTEREST EARNED 2,53,322.14 2,28,970.28 2,30,447.49 2,21,854.84 2,07,974.34
Other Income 76,898.74 77,557.24 68,192.96 51,016.18 49,315.17
Total Income 3,30,220.88 3,06,527.52 2,98,640.45 2,72,871.03 2,57,289.51
Interest Expended 1,55,867.46 1,46,602.98 1,49,114.67 1,43,047.36 1,33,178.64
Payments to and Provisions for
43,795.01 35,410.62 35,691.21 32,525.60 31,117.61
Depreciation - 3,094.39 2,911.03 2,248.15 1,581.49
Depreciation on Leased Assets - 10.68 3.65 4.06 -
Operating Expenses (excludes
71,005.30 57,638.68 48,684.18 38,939.26 41,148.91
Employee Cost & Depreciation)
1,14,800.31 96,154.37 87,290.07 73,717.07 73,848.01
Provision Towards Income Tax 2,151.41 1,747.29 4,842.56 5,350.36 9,386.84
Provision Towards Deferred Tax - -9,804.79 -3,507.06 83.18 -1,049.64
Other Provisions and
54,799.11 76,015.08 61,290.88 37,929.77 24,408.29
56,950.52 67,957.58 62,626.38 43,363.31 32,745.49
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 3,27,618.29 3,10,714.93 2,99,031.13 2,60,127.74 2,39,772.14
2,602.59 -4,187.41 -390.67 12,743.29 17,517.37
3,069.07 -4,187.41 -390.67 12,743.29 17,517.37
Minority Interest -1,050.91 -807.04 338.62 -794.51 -837.51
Share Of Profit/Loss Of Associates 281.48 438.16 293.28 275.82 314.44
Financial and Management Accounting
Instructors: Dr. Krishna M

PROFIT/LOSS AFTER MI AND 2,299.64 -4,556.29 241.23 12,224.60 16,994.30
Profit / Loss Brought Forward - -4,340.04 3,279.83 2,615.88 2,032.37
AVAILABLE FOR - -8,896.33 3,521.07 14,840.47 19,026.67
Transfer To / From Statutory
- 59.95 3,254.36 3,709.43 4,904.63
Transfer To / From Revenue And
- 921.21 2,110.22 5,388.68 8,301.62
Other Reserves
Dividend and Dividend Tax for
- - - 0.01 -
The Previous Year
Equity Share Dividend - - 2,108.56 2,018.32 2,662.48
Tax On Dividend - 63.71 387.97 444.19 542.06
Balance Carried Over To Balance
- -9,941.20 -4,340.04 3,279.83 2,615.88
TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS - -8,896.33 3,521.07 14,840.47 19,026.67
Basic EPS (Rs.) 3.00 -5.00 - 16.00 23.00
Diluted EPS (Rs.) 3.00 -5.00 - 16.00 23.00

5. E.

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