Spelling Bee - 070317
Spelling Bee - 070317
Spelling Bee - 070317
1. DELIVERY An instance of a physical transfer of a shipment
2. BASEMENT The part of a building that is either completely or partly below
the ground level
3. FLAME A part of a fire that glows
4. PARDON Forgiveness of a fault or offense
5. REPLY To answer in words or writing
6. SOCIAL Marked by pleasant time spent with one’s friends or companions
7. LEGEND Someone having special status as a result of possessing
extraordinary qualities
8. CROWD A large number of people
9. ADMIT To accept as the truth
10. PLOT To devise or plan
1. DINOSAUR A member of a group of extinct reptiles
2. ANCIENT Existing from a long ago period or date
3. APPETITE The desire to eat when food is available
4. CONSTELLATION Configurations of stars
5. DISINFECTANT A chemical that destroys vegetative forms of harmful
6. DEPOT A place for the storage of large quantities of equipment, food, or
some other commodity
7. BIDET A low oval basin used for washing one's genital and anal area
8. SHERIFF An important country officer in the US who is typically elected by
the people
9. PAMPHLET An unbound publication with a small number of pages
10. COINCIDENCE A remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without
apparent causal connection.