08 SoftwareTesting
08 SoftwareTesting
08 SoftwareTesting
Engineering II
• Development Testing
• Program testing goals
• Verification vs validation
• Software inspections
• Inspection & Testing
Program Testing
• Testing is used to show that a program does what it is
intended to do and to discover program defects before
• When you test software, you execute a program using
artificial data.
• You check the results of the test run for errors,
anomalies or information about the program’s non-
functional attributes.
• Can reveal the presence of errors NOT their absence.
• Testing is part of a more general verification and
validation process, which also includes static validation
Program testing goals
• To demonstrate to the developer and the customer that
the software meets its requirements.
🞄 For custom software, this means that there should be at least one
test for every requirement in the requirements document.
🞄 For generic software products, it means that there should be tests
for all of the system features, plus combinations of these features,
that will be incorporated in the product release.
Verification vs validation
• Testing is part ofa broader process of software
verification and validation (V & V).
• Verification and validation are not the same thing,
although they are often confused.
• Verification: "Are we building the product right”.
🞄 The software should conform to its specification.
• Validation: "Are we building the right product”.
🞄 The software should do what the user really requires.
• Software verification
is the process of checking
that the software meets its stated functional and
non-functional requirements.
• Validation is
a more general process. The aim of
software validation is to ensure that the software
meets the customer’s expectations.
V & V confidence
• Aim of V & V is to establish confidence that the system
is ‘fit for purpose’.
• Depends on system’s purpose, user expectations and
marketing environment
• Software purpose
🞄 The level of confidence depends on how critical the software is
to an organization.
• User expectations
🞄 Users may have low expectations of certain kinds of software.
• Marketing environment
🞄 Getting a product to market early may be more important
than finding defects in the program.
Software inspection
• As well as software testing, the verification and
validation process may involve software
inspections and reviews.
• Inspections and reviews analyze and check the
system requirements, design models, the program
source code, and even proposed system tests.
• Inspections mostly focus on the source code of a
system, but any readable representation of the
software, such as its requirements or a design
model, can be inspected.
Inspections and testing
• Software inspections concerned with analysis of
the static system representation to discover
problems (static verification)
🞄 May be supplement by tool-based document and
code analysis.
• Software testing concerned with exercising and
observing product behavior (dynamic
🞄The system is executed with test data and its
operational behavior is observed.
Inspections and testing
Software inspections
• These involve people examining the source
representation with the aim of discovering
anomalies and defects.
• Inspections not require execution of a system so
may be used before implementation.
• They may be applied to any representation of the
system (requirements, design, configuration data,
test data, etc.).
• They have been shown to be an effective
technique for discovering program errors.
Advantages of inspections
• During testing, errors can mask (hide) other errors.
Because inspection is a static process, you don’t have
to be concerned with interactions between errors.
• Incomplete versions of a system can be inspected
without additional costs. If a program is incomplete,
then you need to develop specialized test harnesses
to test the parts that are available.
• As well as searching for program defects, an
inspection can also consider broader quality
attributes of a program, such as compliance with
standards, portability and maintainability.
Inspections and testing
• Inspections and testing are complementary and
not opposing verification techniques.
• Both should be used during the V & V process.
A model of the software testing
Stages of testing
• Development testing, where the system is tested
during development to discover bugs and defects.
• Release testing, where a separate testing team test
a complete version of the system before it is
released to users.
• User testing, where users or potential users of
system test the system in their own environment.
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