PDF Creation Guidelines
PDF Creation Guidelines
PDF Creation Guidelines
May 2018
Each article should be named in numeric order, using the volume number, issue number, and author’s last name where
possible. For example:
00_25.1cover.pdf double issue: 00_25.1-2cover.pdf
00_25.1fm.pdf 00_25.1-2fm.pdf
01_25.1smith.pdf …
PDF Compatibility
To ensure backward compatibility use the setting no higher than that of Acrobat 7.0 (PDF 1.6) to create PDF documents
suitable for reliable online viewing and printing. These PDF documents can be opened with Acrobat and Reader 7.0 and
later. Please do not use a setting lower than Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4).
All fonts must be fully embedded. Embedding prevents font substitution when readers print or view PDF files. This will
maintain proper character encodings for the conversion process. Please DO NOT subset fonts. Subsetting fonts can
result in XML conversion errors.
MUSE acknowledges that some fonts cannot be fully embedded, although using these fonts may cause an article or issue
to take longer to convert.
Please consider using UTF-8 characters when setting your print files. Using combined/kerned characters can result in
XML conversion errors.
TIP: Once the PDFs are created, check to see that they are embedded properly by opening the PDF. Select File –
Document Properties - Fonts. A list of fonts will display. They should say (Embedded) instead of (Embedded Subset)
Page Display
PDFs must be created as single page (not as two page spreads).
PDFs must be created with consistent page display settings:
Show: Page Only
Page Layout: Default
Magnification: Default
The following elements can be done in Acrobat, after the PDF is created.
Project MUSE requires unique page labels for each page of every file.The page label should match the page number for
each page in the article. Label blank pages and pages without a page number with the page number that would have
gone on the page. Be sure to label specialty sections with a unique page label scheme so that the section does not
interrupt the pagination in the following section.
in Acrobat > Pages > Options > Number Pages
Cropped Pages
PDFs should be cropped and free of registration and printer marks. Pages must be uniformly cropped throughout the
article to eliminate as much “dead space” outside the live area as possible, therefore maximizing the live area display.
Please maintain the journal’s print size margins.
in Acrobat > Document > Crop Pages
Omitted Content
Include disclaimers for omitted images. Please remove the image and insert the following text: “The copyright holder has
denied the Publisher permission to post this image online.” An Acrobat stamp can be provided by MUSE.
in Acrobat > Tools > Commenting > Stamp
Please remember to alert Project MUSE of permissions problems, whether it be for an article that we cannot post or for an
Recommended Distiller Settings
The PDFs created for print production will most likely fall within the following guidelines. Below, are the minimum
suggested requirements for file submission to MUSE.
The main settings are for images: to downsample to 300 DPI, but only use ZIP and CCITT Group 4 compression; for
fonts: to embed all fonts but not to subset the fonts; and for color: to convert all colors to RGB. Screenshots of settings
Fonts (do not subset)
Make sure that “Subset embedded fonts when…” is unchecked and/or percent of characters used is set to 0% (1% if it
won’t hold 0%).
Video for
Project MUSE
May 2018
Video files submitted to Project MUSE should ideally be smaller than 500MB. This isn’t a strict rule, but larger videos
negatively impact our users. Smaller video sizes expand the reach your videos have across our user base.
This document will show you how to quickly reduce your video file sizes.
Note: This document is a tutorial for the basic usage of Handbrake (https://handbrake.fr). Project MUSE does not
officially support Handbrake in any way and does not provide support for it. However, it is well supported across the
internet, free, available for multiple platforms, and easy to use.
Advanced strategies
As a rule, you should aim for file sizes below 500MB.
If you really can’t get the video below that size after the previous steps, try reducing the video resolution, shown on the
following pages.
You can either play with the presets to downsample the video or you can downsample to a custom resolution under the
‘picture’ tab in Handbrake by turning Anamorphic to ‘off’, Modulus to whatever step is appropriate, and by adjusting the
arrows listed for Storage Size (with Keep Aspect Ratio checked)
Project MUSE uses JWPlayer to embed video in articles, with a link to the raw video below. JWPlayer operates at a static
480x300 (outside of full-screen mode) so reducing video resolution in the article will not be immediately noticeable until
you drop below that threshold.
As always, Project MUSE can link externally to a website or video which is a higher quality/size, but for our users we
prefer to host easily digestible files that don’t take up an immense amount of data.