2024 Pan-African Youth Forum Declaration.
2024 Pan-African Youth Forum Declaration.
2024 Pan-African Youth Forum Declaration.
WHEREAS we, the youth of Africa, gathered at the 4th Pan African Youth Forum
(PAYF), held from November 1 to 4, 2024, in Oran, Algeria, under the High Patronage of
the President of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, H.E.M. Abdelmadjid
TEBBOUNE, the auspices of the African Union Commission (AUC) and hosted by the
Algerian Government through the Higher Council of Youth of Algeria, which is a
consultative body for the President of the Republic, endowed with moral personality and
financial independence.
WE WELCOME the celebration of African Youth Day in conformity with the AU’s theme
of the year: "Educate an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient
Education Systems",
WE APPRECIATE the decision of the AU heads of state and government for deciding
that Education take center stage in 2024 as it offers a transformative opportunity to
address the challenges of the youth of Africa and build resilient education systems for a
brighter future for the youth of Africa.
WE ALSO APPRECIATE the adoption of the 2025 AU theme on “Justice for Africans
and People of African Descent Through Reparations’’, and underlines the necessity to
ensure involvement of youth in activities undertaken under this theme in order to instill
in new generations the values and principles that have underpinned the heroic struggles
of our ancestors and the African peoples for freedom, justice and dignity, as well as to
continue supporting for the total completion of decolonization of the continent and the
WE CONSIDER the multifaceted challenges faced by the youth of Africa and the need
for accelerating our collective action to address the plight of the youth in Africa and
RECOGNIZING the vital role that African youth play in the achievement of the African
Youth Charter, the 1 Million Next Level Initiative, and Agenda 2063, we declare the
following as our common call to action:
1. Education and Skills Development for the 21st Century
● Promote and enforce the African Youth Charter (AYC) to ensure that youth
voices are included, in shaping Africa's future. We reaffirm the need to accelerate
the universal domestication, implementation, and ratification of the AYC by
Member States.
● Support the review process of the African Youth Charter in line with the adopted
youth engagement strategy to include new and emerging topics for accelerated
Youth Development and Empowerment.
● Establish a sustainable mechanism to accelerate the identification, training and
preparation of youth leaders who are change-makers.
● Call for inclusive policies that address the specific challenges faced by young
women and marginalized groups in all spheres of youth development.
● Ensure that youth policies and programs include young women, rural youth,
youth with disabilities, and other marginalized communities, promoting an
inclusive approach to development.
● Support the African youth to play a key role in implementing the African
Continental Free Trade Area (AfCTA) by facilitating cross borders youth
employment, launching youth-led initiatives in agriculture, financial technology,
Information technology (IT), the creative industries and other relevant sectors.
● Strengthen the AU Youth Fund mechanism to support youth-led businesses and
social enterprises, ensuring that young entrepreneurs have reliable access to
finance across Africa.
● Cascade the youth quota and gender parity introduced by the African Union
Commission by reserving entry level posts for young graduates at the member
states level.
● Ensure that health systems are youth-friendly and accessible, addressing the
specific needs of vulnerable and disadvantaged young people through the design
and implementation of inclusive health policies and programmes.
● Promote capacity-building and support climate education in both formal and non
formal education settings to ensure that African youth are well-prepared to lead
the continent in sustainable development.
We, the youth of Africa, represented by over 600 participants from all corners of Africa,
stand united in our commitment to building a peaceful, prosperous, and people-driven
Africa. To ensure the sustainable implementation of this Declaration’s priorities, we call
upon AU Member States, development partners, and regional and continental
institutions and organizations to commit adequate resources and sustainable financing
for youth-led initiatives across the continent.