Lecture 02 - Horizontal Distance Measurements
Lecture 02 - Horizontal Distance Measurements
Lecture 02 - Horizontal Distance Measurements
Measurement of Distance
The accurate determination of distance between two points on any
surface is one of the basic operations of plane surveying. Such
linear measurements are understood to mean horizontal distance.
If the points are at different elevations, the distance is the
horizontal length between plumb lines at the points. In many
instances measurements are taken along an inclined line. These
distances, however, are subsequently reduced to their horizontal
projection for use.
1. Pacing
2. Taping
3. Tachymetric
4. Graphical
5. Mathematical
6. Mechanical
7. Photogrammetric
8. Electronic Distance Measurement.
1 full stride
1 pace
1 pace
Distance by Tachymetry
Distance by Tachymetry: Subtense Bar Method
1 AB 50
2 BA 53
3 AB 51
45.0 m
4 BA 53
5 AB 52
6 BA 53
3RD RULE: When measuring or laying out lengths with a tape that
is “too short”, the corrections are applied opposite to those
stated in the first two rules.
Correction for Taping
B Where:
1. When MEASURING, the correction is ADDED when the tape is TOO LONG and
2. When LAYING OUT, the correction is SUBTRACTED when the tape is TOO LONG
and ADDED when tape is TOO SHORT
Correction due to Temperature
CT = Correction due to temperature (m)
C = coefficient of linear expansion = 0.0000116/℃
L = length of the tape or length of the line measured (m)
T = observed temperature of the tape at the time of measurement (℃)
Ts = temperature at which the tape was standardized (℃)
Correction due to Tension
CP = Correction due to pull (m)
Pm = pull applied to the tape during the tape measurement (kg)
Ps = standard pull for the tape (kg)
L = measured length of line (m)
A = cross-sectional area of the tape (sq. cm)
E = modulus elasticity of the tape material (kg/sq. cm); for steel = 7.866x10-3
The cross-sectional area may also be calculated by dividing the total weight
(W) of the tape by the product of its length (L) and the unit weight of the
teel which is approximately 7.866x10-3 kg/cm3.
Correction due to Sag
A tape attains its correct length when it is fully supported and
subjected to the pull for which it was standardized. If the
support is only at its ends or at the two points measured, it
will sag even if the standard pull is maintained because of its
own weight. The tape takes the form of a catenary when it sags,
between points of support just as an electric or telephone wire
which hangs and swings loosely between two posts.
Correction due to Sag
Cs = correction due to sag
w = weight of tape per unit length (kg/m)
W = total weight of tape between supports (kg)
L = interval between supports or the unsupported length of the
tape (m)
P = tension of pull applied on the tape (kg)
12. A 50-m steel tape weighs 0.04 kg/m and is supported at its end
points and at the 8-m and 25-m marks. If a pull of 6kg is
applied, determine the following:
a) correction due to sag between 0-m and 8-m marks, and 8-m
and 25-m marks, and the 25-m and 50-m marks. [Ans. 0.0009 m,
0.0091 m, and 0.0289 m]
b) correction due to sag for tape length [Ans. 0.0389 m]
c) correct distance between the ends of the tape [Ans. 49.9611