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ROADMAP™ B2+ End-of-course test (Units 6–10)

Listening Grammar
1 Recording 1 Listen to people talking about 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
their eating habits. Tick () the correct of the verbs in brackets.
answer, a b or c. 1 They ’ve been painting (paint) the kitchen
1 What does Leila say about her mother? but they haven’t finished yet.
a She couldn’t be bothered to cook. 2 I’m considering _________________ (spend) the
b She influenced Leila with her cooking.  summer in India.
c She would shop in the supermarket. 3 I _________________ (take) the bus to work for
2 What does Jeremy say about what he eats? the last few months.
a He eats luxury foods when he can afford it. 4 _________________ (situate) on the edge of
b He has to add sugar to the food he buys. Lake Annecy, this is the perfect spot for your
c He tries to avoid foods with added ingredients. holiday.
3 What does Zoe like about the student cafeteria? 5 This medicine _________________ (should not /
a the information about the food give) to children under six years of age.
b the cooking facilities 6 If universities _________________ (not need) to
c the range of desserts on offer share information back in the 70s, the internet
4 Why does Darren prefer to make his food? might never have been invented.
a Because he doesn’t like the other drivers. 7 What __________ you __________ (suppose)
b Because he doesn’t want to eat in the café. these strange symbols mean?
c Because he doesn’t have time to stop at a café. 8 No sooner __________ they __________ (dial)
5 What does Marina occasionally have as a main 999 than a police car arrived at the scene.
meal? 9 I wish you _________________ (not make) such
a some chocolate biscuits a mess when you eat.
b a roast dinner /8
c a microwave meal
6 How does Richard decide what to cook? 5 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c to
complete the sentences.
a He chooses food which matches his budget.
1 b thing I love about Madonna is that she just
b He chooses food which lacks artificial
keeps on going.
a That b One c What
c He chooses food which is grown locally.
2 According to the weather forecast, it’s ___ be
/5 getting a lot colder next week.
2 Recording 2 Listen to a discussion about a supposed to b considering to c hoping to
books. Decide if Raquel and Stephen agree (A) 3 This is a much fairer system, ___ everyone will be
or disagree (D) on the statements below. able to participate.
1 The book Raquel is reading is a self-help book. A a which b how c whereby
2 Self-help books can be quite annoying. ___ 4 A: You should have drunk lots of water.
3 Novels are a good way to relax. ___ B: I ___ , but I’ve still got a headache.
4 The Lord of the Rings is a frightening novel. ___ a should b had c did
5 Characters in The Lord of the Rings are 5 The film was ___ near as good as everyone said
skilfully described. ___ it would be.
6 Finding out about the past can be interesting. ___ a nothing b nowhere c not
/5 6 We couldn’t find our dog Jake, despite ___
3 Recording 2 Listen again and write true (T), everywhere for him.
false (F) or no information (NI). a looking b to look c looked
1 Raquel was desperate to get a self-help 7 The birthday cake was beautifully decorated, ___
book. NI extremely delicious.
2 Raquel tends to read several books at the a not to mention b even though c therefore
same time. ___ /6
3 Stephen is usually too tired to read books in
the evening. ___
4 Stephen finds it hard to relate to the
characters in novels. ___
5 Raquel thinks ideas of right and wrong have
changed a lot in the last 150 years. ___
6 Stephen is enthusiastic about a science fiction
novel he has read. ___

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2+ End-of-course test (Units 6–10)
6 Correct one mistake in each sentence. 5 We have to get some work done on the flat so
1 I am going to call the doctor the next morning. we’ve asked a builder for a written ____________ .
was 6 My office ____________ to Madrid last month so
2 That we’ve noticed is that you’re not taking your I’ve started learning Spanish.
job very seriously. __________ 7 Penny doesn’t like to be told what to do. In fact,
3 The more you practice, the easiest it gets. she can be quite ____________ sometimes.
__________ 8 Rafa wore an amazing costume and really
4 A: Nina’s not talking to me at the moment. ____________ in the carnival procession.
B: That can’t be awkward. __________ /7
5 A: Have you ever been skiing?
B: I wish I have. __________ 9 Complete the sentences with the correct
words and phrases. The first letters are given.
6 She said there were no tickets left, that was not
1 There was a huge t h u n d e r s t o r m last night
what I’d expected her to say. __________
with heavy rain and lightning.
7 If you aren’t such a careful driver, there might
2 I’ve been bitten on my face by a mosquito and it’s
have been an accident. __________
really i _ _ _ _ . I can’t stop scratching it.
/6 3 There have been traffic jams on the A38 after a
Vocabulary lorry s _ _ _ its l _ _ _ .
4 My parents will have been married for 50 years in
7 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c, to
November so they’ll be celebrating their
complete the sentences.
g_____ a__________.
1 I thought the song might grow c me, but it
5 His new song is pretty m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ really. It’s
definitely not up to his usual standard.
a with b at c on
6 Before you serve the pasta, s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ some
2 The facilities are ___ now, as they were installed
grated Parmesan cheese on top.
nearly thirty years ago.
7 Her latest book is a m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and is
a bankrupt b outdated c declined
surely her best work yet.
3 We were going to take an umbrella but it was only
___ , so we left it at home. /6
a spitting b pouring down c freezing Function
4 It’s supposed to be sunny today so you should
10 Complete the statements, 1–6 and a–f, with
wear a ___ for protection. the words and phrases in the box. Then match
a bob b stud c cap the statements 1–6 with the follow-up
5 There was a huge ___ on the motorway stretching statements a–f.
15 kilometres.
a bypass b roadblock c tailback awfully sorry check out illustrates
6 The company has a virtual ___ , so we have no no see open up what exactly
choice but to buy from them. 1 So what exactly is the article about? _a
a edge b monopoly c board 2 I’m ____________ about all this. ___
7 We need partners to ___ with us on this project. 3 I’d like to ____________ the floor for
a collaborate b oversee c submit discussion. ___
8 Brendon’s really tired so he’ll be ___ tonight. 4 If you’re into renaissance art, you might
a an early riser b a night owl c out like a light want to ____________ the Uffizi Gallery in
/7 Florence. ___
8 Complete the sentences with the words and 5 This graph ____________ a number of
phrases in the box. interesting points. ___
6 Hi Annabel. Long time, ____________! ___
cracked up disturbing estimate proof
relocated slumped stood out stubborn
a must comments obvious outline
1 He told such a funny joke that I just cracked up up to up to me
when I heard it.
2 The value of shares in the company a In this section, I’ll give you a brief outline .
____________ as a result of the warning of b Obviously if it were ____________ , I’d give you
losses. the money back right now.
3 It’s an interesting theory, but there still isn’t c It’s ____________ for anyone visiting the city.
enough ____________ that it’s true. d What’ve you been ____________ ?
4 The series featured some ____________ crimes, e Does anyone have any ____________ or
leaving many viewers upset. questions?

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2+ End-of-course test (Units 6–10)
f The first and most ____________ thing it shows more powerful, but over the centuries, some of that
is that sea levels are clearly rising. power has been handed to the Commons, whose
members debate issues and propose new laws. The
government tends to be made up of members of the
Reading Commons and this is where the government has to
respond to the elected representatives.
11 Read the article and match the headings a–f
with the paragraphs 1–6. 3 ___
a How has government changed?
There are 650 MPs in total and they are chosen to
b What is the future of British elections? represent different areas of the country, known as
c How does the British parliament work? constituencies. Anyone can stand for election, but
d How have elections changed? most MPs belong to the two biggest political parties,
e The first parliament? the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. These
f How are MPs elected? parties are well established in British politics, but
some smaller parties, such as the Liberal Democrats
/5 and the Green Party, are now also influential. Each
12 Read the article again and write true (T) or party has a manifesto, or list of promises of what they
false (F). will do if they get elected. Voters therefore vote to
1 The first British parliament was in the elect a person (the MP) and the policies they represent
in their manifesto. The political party with the most
tenth century. _F_
MPs across the country normally forms the
2 Members of the House of Lords are government.
chosen by the public. ___
3 Members of the House of Lords are not as 4 ___
powerful as they were in the past. ___ As in many other countries, the main parties are not
4 Only the bigger political parties are as popular as they once were. In recent years, smaller
represented in parliament. ___ parties have appeared and taken votes, reducing the
power of the main parties. Given this situation, the
5 A party’s manifesto is only made public
government has two options. It can either run a
after the election. ___ minority government, with little chance of fulfilling
6 Smaller parties have more power than its promises, or it can form a coalition. In this case,
they used to. ___ they have to compromise on their policies and work
7 Some people believe it is better for parties with other coalition parties. It is argued that this is a
to work together. ___ positive change as it reflects a more collaborative way
8 Anyone can vote at a polling station. ___ of doing things. However, it also means governments
are less stable and can result in more frequent
9 In general, a greater percentage of people elections.
voted before the twenty-first century. ___
10 Some people think the electoral system 5 ___
favours the larger parties. ___ Key elements in the voting process have remained
11 Proportional representation could result unchanged in recent years. Only adults over the age of
in fewer changes of government. ___ 18 are allowed to vote in elections and voters usually
go to a polling station to vote for their MP. What has
changed is the way the media cover elections. During
an election campaign, there is 24-hour news coverage
and political parties send targeted messages via social
The British electoral system media. Parties are constantly trying to guess what
voters want and change these messages daily. As a
1 e result, people often have doubts about the best way to
The British parliament is said to be the ‘Mother of cast their vote. Voter turnout has also varied a lot over
Parliaments’ because it has been a model for many the years, with between 60 and 80 percent of people
modern parliamentary systems around the world. voting. Turnout has been particularly low since the
Although some form of parliament has existed in the beginning of this century, although it has increased
UK since the thirteenth century, its modern form slightly in recent years.
didn’t appear until the beginning of the eighteenth 6 ___
century. This means that while Britain may be the People have argued for a change to the electoral
‘Mother of Parliaments’, it cannot claim to have the system because they believe the current one gives an
oldest. The oldest parliament is Iceland’s, known as unfair advantage to the bigger parties. For example,
‘The Althing’, which dates back to the tenth century. some have proposed an alternative system called
2 ___ proportional representation, which means that the
number, or proportion, of MPs reflects the number of
The UK parliament is made up of two ‘houses’. The votes for each party. However, while this would give
House of Commons consists of elected Members of smaller parties a chance to participate in government,
Parliament (MPs), while the House of Lords is it could also bring more instability and more frequent
represented by unelected members who have either elections.
inherited their titles or been nominated by the
government. Historically, the House of Lords was

© Pearson Education Limited 2020
ROADMAP™ B2+ End-of-course test (Units 6–10)

13 Choose the correct idioms to complete the
1 My brother has eyes for / an eye for a bargain.
2 It was a difficult job, but he soon managed to
learn the ropes / about ropes.
3 He always wanted to be in the driving chair / seat.
4 When he was a student, he lived on a shoestring /
5 He helped me see the big picture / biggest picture
when I was feeling down.
6 He was never shy and was always happy to be in
the limelight / light.
14 Write a biography of a member of your family
or a friend. Include the following:
• general information about the person
• time expressions to describe their early
• positive and/or negative descriptions of the
• idiomatic phrases like those in Exercise 14
• a conclusion giving a fair summary of the

Write 180–240 words.



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