Bzycl 132 Exp 1
Bzycl 132 Exp 1
Bzycl 132 Exp 1
1. Compound microscope.
2. Prepared slides of Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, and Plasmodium.
3. Drawing sheets/note book, an HB pencil and eraser
1. Amoeba
i) Euglena is an oval spindle shaped organism with a blunt anterior end and a pointed posterior end.
ii) Body is externally covered with a pellicle.
iii) Underneath the pellicle the cytoplasm is clearly differentiated into an outer ectoplasm and an
inner endoplasm.
iv) Anterior end of the body bears an opening cytostome, which continues internally as a tubular
cytopharynx. The cytopharynx leads into a large spherical reservoir.
v) From the base of the reservoir a single whip-like flagellum arises.
vi) A single large spherical nucleus is located towards the posterior region of the body.
vii) Cytoplasm also contains chlorophyll which is contained in bodies known as chloroplasts.
i) It has a cigar-shaped or slipper-shaped body, hence commonly called slipper animalcule (=little
ii) Now focus it under high power (10X × 40X): The entire body is covered with pellicle, which shows
rows of tiny depressions.
iii) Look carefully at these depressions. From each such depression arises a cilium.
iv) These cilia cover the entire body and are uniform in size except at the posterior end of the body
where they are larger and form a caudal tuft. These cilia help the Paramecium in locomotion.
v) The anterior end is bluntly rounded and the posterior end is slightly pointed.
vi) One side of the organism has a depression, which leads into an oral groove. This groove ends in
the mouth or cytostome.
vii) Now observe the protoplasm, which is clearly divisible into an outer ectoplasm and an inner fluid-
like endoplasm. You can see series of rod like trichocysts under the pellicle embedded in the
viii) The endoplasm contains two nuclei – one large kidney-shaped macronucleus and the other
small dot-like micronucleus.
ix) You can also see two contractile vacuoles – one towards the anterior end and the other towards
the posterior end.
x) Apart from these structures, many spherical food vacuoles can be seen in the endoplasm.
i) Plasmodium is an intracellular parasite of human and other vertebrates and causes malaria.
ii) The life history of Plasmodium (Fig. 1.4) is completed in two hosts, viz partly in a definite host, the
man and partly in an intermediate host, the female Anopheles mosquito.
iii) When an infected female Anopheles bites a human, sporozites are introduced in the blood from
where they reach in linear cells through blood stream and multiply to form merozoites.
iv) After a few cycles in the liver the merozoites enter the red blood corpuscles (RBCs) and feed on
its contents.
v) After having undergone 2-8 schizogonous changes in the main blood stream, the merozoites
assume different shapes called gametocytes.
vi) Development of gametocytes cannot proceed further in blood of human, therefore, they wait for
female Anopheles to bite and feed on the blood.
vii) When gametocytes reach through blood of human to Anopheles, they undergo sporogony for
further development.
viii) There are 4 species of Plasmodium causing different types of fever
i. P. vivax causes benign/tertian fever.
ii. P. falciparum causes malignant tertian fever
iii. P. malariae causes quartan fever
iv. P. ovale causes mild tertian fever
Geographical Distribution:
It is widely distributed in tropical and temperate countries of the world like India,
Srilanka,Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan.