Clarkes Analysis of Drugs and Poisons 4th Edition 2012
Clarkes Analysis of Drugs and Poisons 4th Edition 2012
Clarkes Analysis of Drugs and Poisons 4th Edition 2012
BOOK REVIEWS Limitations: As stated earlier, references are available online only.
This can make it more cumbersome to use the textbook as a secondary
Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapeutics, 3rd Edition reference for the identification and retrieval of primary literature. Be-
cause a wide array of cardiovascular medications are discussed, some
Edited by William H Frishman MD and Domenic A Sica MD. Published sections are not as detailed as they could be. Additionally, newer or more
by Cardiotext Publishing LLC, Minneapolis, MN, 2011. ISBN 978-0- controversial topics, such as platelet function testing and pharmacoge-
9790164-3-1. Clothbound, xix + 775 pp. (28.5 × 22. cm), $199. nomics, are not covered extensively. Comparison with Previous Edition: The previous edition was pub-
New with this edition is an accompanying Web site,, which lished 8 years earlier, so the textbook has been fully updated with newer
highlights advances in cardiovascular drug therapy. Along with provid- data and references to reflect the changes in cardiovascular pharma-
ing periodic updates to each chapter, including links to the latest studies, cotherapy over that time. In addition, new chapters that cover pulmonary
the site reviews cardiovascular drugs newly approved by the Food and hypertension, vasopressin and vasopressin antagonists, and drug-eluting
Drug Administration for clinical use, as well as drugs under investiga- stents have been added.
tion. Comparison with Other Related Books: This textbook is unique in
that it focuses specifically on medication classes. It is larger and more
Therapeutic Area: Cardiology and pharmacotherapy. thorough than Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy: A Point-of-Care
System Requirements: Internet access and Adobe reader (or other Guide by Michael A Crouch. It is less useful for learning about the treat-
PDF reader) for viewing references and updates. ment of a cardiovascular disease state than other therapeutics texts and
Audience: All health care professionals who care for patients with less useful than Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of
cardiovascular diseases. Therapeutics in terms of a pharmacology textbook.
Purpose: As stated by the authors, the purpose of this textbook is to Reviewer’s Summary: This textbook is a well-written, useful refer-
provide updated information “for the clinician using drug therapy to pre- ence describing the role of an individual medication or class of medica-
vent and treat cardiovascular disease and for those with an academic in- tions in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. It is a bridge between
terest in cardiovascular pharmacology.” disease state–focused pharmacotherapeutics texts and medication-based
Content: The textbook is divided into 4 parts consisting of 37 chap- pharmacology texts.
ters and 8 appendices. Part 1 has 4 chapters that cover some introductory Reviewer: James M Hollands PharmD BCPS (AQ Cardiology), Clin-
topics. Part 2, the main section of the text, is divided into 25 chapters, ical Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Barnes Jewish Hospital, St.
with each chapter covering a separate class of medications (eg, calcium Louis, MO
channel blockers, lipid-lowering drugs). These chapters start with a basic Conflict of interest: Dr. Hollands has received honoraria from The
rationale for the treatment of certain disease states and a brief overview Medicines Company.
of the pharmacology of the medications. Each chapter reviews the evi-
Published Online, 27 Dec 2011,
dence for the medication class in the treatment of a variety of disease
DOI 10.1345/aph.1Q569
states. Part 3 covers 8 special topics in cardiology, including cardiovas-
cular pharmacotherapy in pediatric patients, alternative and complemen-
tary medicine, and cardiovascular drugs in development. Part 4 consists
of 8 appendices that are frequently in tabular or outline format. These ap-
pendices highlight a variety of topics, including pharmacokinetic proper- Clarke’s Analysis of Drugs and Poisons, 4th Edition
ties and dosing adjustment in patients with renal insufficiency. A thor- Edited by Anthony C Moffat, M David Osselton, Brian Widdop, and
ough index is also included. Jo Watts. Published by Pharmaceutical Press, London, UK, 2011.
Usability: References are available online only, which is a limitation ISBN 978-0-85369-711- 4. Clothbound, xxv + 2473 pp. (28.5 × 22.5),
of the textbook. However, the references are current and it appears that $750. This package consists of a 2-volume reference set in a slipcase,
additional updates are posted online, keeping the textbook even more plus 1 year’s individual access to the online version via MedicinesCom-
current. The textbook price is reasonable and competitive. Separating the
pharmacotherapy textbook by class of medications is a different way of
presenting the data. Therapeutic Area: Analytic toxicology.
Highlights: The textbook is very thorough in covering most clinical Format: This hardcover book consists of 2 volumes plus access to
conditions in which individual medications have been studied; however, the on-line version for 1 year.
for practical reasons, not all studies are addressed. Organizing a pharma- Audience: This book is intended primarily for analytic and laboratory
cotherapeutic textbook by class of medications can allow the clinician to scientists, including those in clinical and forensic laboratories. Some sec-
get a handle on how the medication has been studied and when to use the tions would also interest clinical toxicologists, clinical pharmacologists,
agent. Providing updated information online keeps the text more current. and those working in poison centers.