Short Answer Type Questions

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1. What is the underlying message for us in our hectic life with reference to the poem, “Dust of
Snow”? / What is the central idea of the poem “Dust of Snow”?

Answer: In the poem ‘Dust of Snow‘, the poet wants to convey that sometimes certain moments or
actions which are simple have larger significance. They can change the mood or life of a person. The
way a crow shakes down dust of snow on the poet inspires and gives him the idea to shake off his
depressive thoughts, become cheerful and do something useful.

2. Which side of nature do ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent?

Answer. Crow is a black, harsh-voiced bird and hemlock is a tree with poisonous bitter fruit. Both are
not beautiful. They represent the dark, depressive, sorrowful and bitter side of nature.

3. Why does the poet use such poetically uncommon bird and tree? What does it reflect?

Answer. The poet seems to be in a depressive and sorrowful mood. In such a mood, one cannot
think of a sweet and beautiful side of nature. The harsh, bitter and poisonous images come to his
mind. That is why he uses an uncommon, harsh, ugly crow and poisonous tree like hemlock.

4. Justify the role of the crow in the poem “Dust of Snow” in changing the poet’s mood.

Answer. I think, the way snow dust was shaken off changed his mood. Perhaps it gave the poet
inspiration/idea to behave in the same manner—shake off his depressive thoughts and revive his
cheerful mood.

Q1. What is a “dust of snow”? What does the poet say has changed his mood? How has the poet’s
mood changed?

A. “Dust of snow” refers to the tiny particles of snow. The particles are so small that poet referred to
them as ‘dust’. The poet was in an awful mood when particles of snow had fallen on him. This
changed the poet’s frame of mind instantly and his day got a lot better.

(i) What are the birds that are usually named in poems? Do you think a crow is often mentioned in
poems? What images come to your mind when you think of a crow?

A. Birds like sparrow, nightingale and peacock are more than often named in poems. Unlike these
birds, crows are often seen as the indicators of doom and fear. They are often used for negative

(ii) Again, what is ‘a hemlock tree’? Why doesn’t the poet write about a more ‘beautiful’ tree such as
a maple, or an oak, or a pine?

Answer: Trees are also seen as mighty creatures imparting wisdom as they’re too old. They give out
oxygen and absorb the carbon dioxide which is connected with absorbing all the negative energy.
But there are trees that are poisonous too, like a hemlock tree. The poet does not mention a more
‘beautiful’ tree such as maple, oak or pine because he wants to indicate a sad scene. Being
poisonous, a hemlock tree is considered bad and so, he refers to it.

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