01-Living From A Place of Surrender

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Journal Session One: Who Am I?

The rst step in learning how to surrender is to understand who in there is doing the surrendering. The world and
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saved to the journal our thoughts are so distracting that it is di cult to attain clarity of self. It turns out that the question “Who am I?” is
tab very deep. In this session we will explore who we are and what our relationship is to our thoughts, emotions, and
the outside world. Things may not be as they seem. Are you ready to take an objective look within?

In this session, Michael explained that the rst step in learning how to surrender is to understand and know who
you are. So, who are you? In other words, do you realize that you are the being who is in there, aware of your
thoughts, emotions, and the outside world?

We learned you are not what you look at, but rather, you are the one who is looking. This is called your seat of
awareness. You are always aware, you are always conscious—even in deep sleep you are in there, aware.

The problem is we don’t experience life from that place of awareness. Throughout our lives, we have been lost in our
outside world—the people, the places, the things, and the experiences—as well as in our thoughts and emotions, all
in an attempt to make ourselves be and feel OK. When we learn to center back into the seat of awareness, we will nd
ourselves, and we can begin the path of surrender.

Were you able to relate to Michael when he spoke about hearing the voice talking inside his head as he sat on the couch with
his friend? If so, describe what it’s like to just notice your mind is talking.

If you are aware that you are in there, what’s it like in there? For example, is it a nice place to be, or is it a messy place to be?
What does it feel like on a day-to-day basis? Would you actually allow someone else to see what’s going on in there?
Michael explained that awareness is the subject, and the things you experience outside, including your own mind and heart,
are simply objects you are aware of. Can you relate to your heart and mind being something you are simply aware of? Describe
your experience of what it is like being able to keep your distance, versus getting drawn into them.

As we learned in Session One, the rst step to surrender is to notice you are in there. If you were able to pull back from behind
the world of experience, thoughts, and emotions, were you able to catch a brief glimpse of how beautiful you truly are? What
did it feel like?

Do you or do you not want to know what is beyond you?

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