TBS2105 β Hexosaminidase Activity Assay 2022
TBS2105 β Hexosaminidase Activity Assay 2022
TBS2105 β Hexosaminidase Activity Assay 2022
Assay Buffer 12ml 24mL 4. Transfer 20 µL of each sample, blank, positive control, and
standards into two separate wells.
STORAGE CONDITIONS 5. Add 80 µL of the substrate solution to all sample, positive
The kit is shipped on ice and should be stored at -20°C for long- control, and blank wells. Add 80 µL of Assay Buffer to each
term storage. Shelf life of 12 months after receipt. standard well (Note: Do not add substrate in the standard). Tap
plate briefly to mix.
This assay is based on a kinetic reaction. To ensure identical 3. Incubate at 37°C or desired temperature for 30-60 minutes.
incubation time, addition of Substrate and Stop Reagent to 4. Add 100 µL of Stop Reagent to all wells. Tap plate briefly to
samples should be quick, and mixing should be brief but thorough. mix.
Use of a multi-channel pipettor is recommended. 5. Read OD405nm.
2011 © by Tribioscience 365 San Aleso Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Website: www.tribioscience.com
Tel: 408-498-0197 / 650-917-9269, Fax: 650-618-5498 Email: order@tribioscience.com
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Beta-Hexosaminidase Activity Colorimetric Assay
0 500 1000 1500 2000
pNP standard concentration(µM)
2011 © by Tribioscience 365 San Aleso Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 USA Website: www.tribioscience.com
Tel: 408-498-0197 / 650-917-9269, Fax: 650-618-5498 Email: order@tribioscience.com
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