(Dwg. MHP2738)
Form MHD56313
Edition 2
June 2010
© 2010 Ingersoll-Rand Company
Only allow Ingersoll Rand trained technicians to perform maintenance on this product. For additional information contact Ingersoll Rand factory or nearest
For additional supporting documentation refer to Table 1 ‘Product Information Manuals’ on page 2.
Manuals can be downloaded from
The use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand replacement parts may result in safety hazards, decreased performance and increased maintenance and will invalidate all warranties.
The original language of this manual is English.
Refer all communications to the nearest Ingersoll Rand Office or Distributor.
Frequent inspections should be performed on equipment in regular service. Refer to
Product Information Manual.
n Periodic Inspection
Refer to Table 2 ‘Inspection Classifications’ on page 2 for suggested winch
inspection classifications for Periodic Inspection intervals. Select conditions most
appropriate to application.
Maintain written records of periodic inspections to provide an accumulative basis for 6. Brakes. Individually test brakes installed to ensure proper operation. Brakes must
continuing evaluation. Inspect all items listed in the ‘Frequent Inspection’ section of hold a 125% rated load at mid drum without slipping. If indicated by poor
the Product Information Manual. Also inspect the following at the suggested intervals operation or visual damage, disassemble and repair brake(s). Check all brake
recommended in Table 3 ‘Maintenance Interval Chart’ on page 3: surfaces for wear, deformation or foreign deposits. Clean and replace components
as necessary. Adjustments can be made to the band brake to compensate for
1. Siderails and Uprights. Check for deformed, cracked or corroded main normal brake lining wear. Refer to ‘Adjustments’ on page 7. If brake band
components. Replace damaged parts. cannot be adjusted to hold rated load, replace the brake band assembly.
2. Fasteners. Check retainer rings, capscrews, nuts and other fasteners on winch, Adjustments cannot be made to the disc brake. The disc brake must be repaired
including mounting bolts. Replace if missing or damaged and tighten if loose. as described in “MAINTENANCE” on page 7.
3. Drum and Sheaves. Check for cracks, wear or damage. Replace if necessary. 7. Foundation or Supporting Structure. Check for distortion, wear and continued
4. Wire Rope. In addition to ‘Frequent Inspection’ requirements, also inspect for ability to support winch and rated load. Ensure winch is firmly mounted and that
the following: fasteners are in good condition and tight.
a. Build-up of dirt and corrosion. Clean with steam or a stiff wire brush to remove 8. Labels and Tags. Check for presence and legibility of labels. Replace if damaged
dirt and corrosion if necessary. or missing.
b. Loose or damaged end connection. Replace if loose or damaged. 9. Limit Switches. Operate winch in both directions to activate limit switches. Limit
c. Check wire rope anchor is secure in drum. switches should engage (stop winch operation) at established settings (+/- 2 feet
d. Verify wire rope diameter. Measure the diameter of the wire rope from crown- [+/- 0.6 metres]). Reset limit switch by operating winch in opposite direction.
to-crown throughout the life of the wire rope. Recording of the actual Refer to ‘Limit Switch Adjustment’ procedure in Product Information Manual.
diameter should only be done with the wire rope under equivalent loading 10. Winch Guard. Verify fasteners are tight and in good condition. Ensure guard is
and in the same operating section as accomplished during previous in good condition and panels are correctly positioned.
inspections. If the actual diameter of the wire rope has decreased more than 11. Emergency Stop Valve. During winch operation verify the emergency stop valve
1/64 inch (0.4 mm) a thorough examination of the wire rope should be operation. Valve must stop winch operation quickly. Valve must reset properly.
conducted by an experienced inspector to determine the suitability of the Refer to ‘Emergency Stop Valve’ in the “OPERATION” section in Product
wire rope to remain in service. Refer to Dwg. MHP0056 on page 2, A. Wire; Information Manual for procedures.
B. Crown to Crown; C. Wire Strand; D. One Lay. 12. Overload Device. Ensure overload device is properly set to stop the winch when
loads exceed 150% (+/- 25%) of winch rated capacity. If winch does not shut
down, contact your distributor or the factory for repair information.
A 13. Press Roller. Inspect rollers for wear and grooves. Ensure rollers freely rotate.
Replace rollers if worn or grooved. Replace bearings if rotation is rough or stiff.
14. Slack Wire Device. Inspect rollers for wear and grooves. Ensure rollers freely
rotate. Replace rollers if worn or grooved. Replace bearings if rotation is rough
or stiff.
n Records and Reports
Inspection records, listing all points requiring periodic inspection should be
maintained for all load bearing equipment. Written reports, based on severity of
service, should be made on the condition of critical parts as a method of documenting
periodic inspections. These reports should be dated, signed by the person who
performed the inspection, and kept on file where they are readily available for review.
n Maintenance Intervals
Refer to ‘Periodic Inspection’ and Table 2 ‘Inspection Classifications’ on page 2 for
maintenance interval guidance.
• Perform an annual winch load test for all applications.
(Dwg. MHP0056)
5. All Components. Inspect for wear, damage, cracking, distortion, deformation and
cleanliness. If external evidence indicates damage, disassemble as required to
conduct a detailed inspection. Inspect gears, shafts, bearings, sheaves, springs
and covers. Replace worn or damaged parts. Clean, lubricate and reassemble.
System Air Filter Inspect system air filter every 45 days or 100 hours.
Grease Fittings Lubricate grease fittings every 180 days or 250 hours.
Gearbox Oil Level Check oil level in gearbox every 120 days or 250 hours. Replace oil yearly.
It is recommended that the following work be completed by an Ingersoll Rand trained service technician.
Note: Hours are for actual winch drum rotation. Perform an annual winch load test for all applications.
* Do not disassemble air cylinder unless brake operation or visual inspection indicates a requirement.
* Maximum test load is 125% of rated line pull at full drum. Testing to more than 125% of rated load may be required to comply with standards and regulations set forth in
areas outside the USA.
This page may be photo copied and used as an inspection record.
WARNING - DO NOT OPERATE, EQUIPMENT BEING REPAIRED. 6. Adjust brake so when brake handle locks (goes over-center), brake will hold rated
7. Install cotter pin (352) and bend ends apart when adjustment is complete.
• Only allow Ingersoll Rand trained Technicians to perform maintenance on this
winch. CAUTION
• Shut off air system and depressurize air lines before performing any
• Do not use Trichloroethylene to clean parts. • When any part of the brake lining measures 0.062 in. (2 mm) or less, brake
• Use of other than genuine Ingersoll Rand parts may result in safety hazards, bands (376) must be replaced. This also applies to Auto Band Brake.
decreased performance and increased maintenance and will invalidate all
• After performing any maintenance on the winch, test winch to 125% of its For new Brake Linings:
rated line pull at mid drum before returning to service. (Testing to more than Run-in new brake linings to remove loose material and allow new lining to conform
125% of rated line pull may be required to comply with standards and to brake drum.
regulations set forth in areas outside the USA.)
1. Operate winch while applying increasing pressure to brake band handle until drum
Refer to Product Information and Safety Manuals for specific information.
• Observe end of load line. Drum should only complete three to five full
rotations before stopping.
n General
Correct disassembly (to prevent loss or damage of good parts), repair, assembly, 2. Repeat step 1 twice while operating winch in both directions (payout and haul-
testing and adjusting are critical to proper winch operation. Maintenance procedures in). The brake link stud may require tightening to stop drum rotation.
are technical in nature and require training and experience to accomplish correctly. 3. Adjust brake as described in steps 1 through 7 above.
In addition, repair and testing require specialized equipment that is not typically
found at the winch-mounting site. WARNING
Proper use, inspections and maintenance increase the life and usefulness of your
Ingersoll Rand equipment. During assembly, lubricate gears, nuts, capscrews and all
machined threads with applicable lubricants. Use of antiseize compound and/or • Ensure brake band has been adjusted properly. Chattering of brake band
thread lubricant on capscrew and nut threaded areas prevents corrosion and allows during winch operation is an indication of improper adjustment. Continual
for easy disassembly of components. chattering could cause fatigue to brake band, resulting in cracking near the
bracket area and cause brake band to fail.
It is extremely important that anyone involved with maintaining the winch be familiar
with the servicing procedures of these winches and be physically capable of n Automatic Drum Brake Band
conducting the procedures. These personnel shall have skills that include:
Refer to Dwg. MHP2743.
1. Proper and safe use and application of mechanics’ common hand tools as well as
special Ingersoll Rand or recommended tools.
2. Safety procedures, precautions and work habits established by accepted industry NOTICE
• If brake band cannot be adjusted to hold rated load, replace the brake band
Ingersoll Rand cannot know of or provide all the procedures by which product assembly. Refer to Manual Band Brake adjustments.
operations or repairs may be conducted and the hazards and/or results of each
method. If operation or maintenance procedures not specifically recommended by the
manufacturer are conducted, it must be ensured that product safety is not endangered 1. Remove cotter pin (352) and washer (385) at adjustment clevis (358).
by the actions taken. If unsure of an operation or maintenance procedure or step, 2. Apply air to the brake cylinder (362) and remove pin (357) to disconnect clevis
personnel should place the product in a safe condition and contact supervisors and/ from brake lever (355).
or the factory for technical assistance. 3. Turn adjustment clevis (358) clockwise to increase cylinder rod extension. Turn
clevis counterclockwise to decrease cylinder rod extension.
NOTICE 4. Assemble clevis (358) to brake lever (355) using pin (357). Release air to brake
cylinder (362).
5. Brake should hold rated load when cylinder (362) is retracted. Brake band should
• Refer to the Product Parts Information Manual for drawings unless specified not drag on drum when cylinder is extended. Refer to “INSPECTION” section in
elsewhere. the Product Information Manual.
6. Install cotter pin (352) and washer (385), bend ends of pin apart to secure clevis
to brake lever when adjustment is complete. Discard and replace cotter pin (352),
n Maintenance Intervals if necessary.
Refer to Table 3 ‘Maintenance Interval Chart’ on page 3 for recommended maintenance n Overload Device
Contact factory for adjustment information.
n Adjustments n Limit Switch
Refer to “INSTALLATION” section in the Product Information Manual for slack wire
rope detector adjustments. Refer to ‘Limit Switch Adjustment’ procedure in Product Information Manual.
n Disc Brake
n Disassembly
Refer to Dwg. MHP2741.
Brake adjustment is not required. If disc brake does not hold 125% of rated load at n General Disassembly Instructions
mid drum, disassemble and repair.
The following instructions provide necessary information to disassemble, inspect,
n Manual Drum Brake Band repair, and assemble product. Parts drawings are provided in Product Parts
Information Manual.
If a product is being completely disassembled for any reason, follow the order of
Refer to Dwg. MHP2743. topics as they are presented. It is recommended that all maintenance work on product
1. Release wire rope tension on the drum. be performed in a clean dust-free work area.
2. Raise handle (354) to free brake band assembly (376). In the process of disassembling product, observe the following:
3. Remove cotter pin (352) and pin (351) from link stud (353).
4. Rotate brake link stud (353) clockwise to increase brake torque. Discard and
replace cotter pin (352), if necessary. 1. Never disassemble product any further than is necessary to accomplish needed
5. Install pin (351) and check adjustment. repair. A good part can be damaged during the course of disassembly.
2. Never use excessive force when removing parts. Tapping gently around perimeter
of a cover or housing with a soft hammer, for example, is sufficient to break the
3. Do not heat a part with a flame to free it for removal, unless part being heated
is already worn or damaged beyond repair and no additional damage will occur
to other parts.
4. Keep work area as clean as practical, to prevent dirt and other foreign matter Refer to Dwg. MHP2742.
from getting into bearings or other moving parts. 1. Remove control valve as described in “Control Valve Removal”.
5. All seals, gaskets and ‘O’ rings should be discarded once they have been removed. 2. Using a 7/16 in. -14 thread bolt, remove rotary valve (107) from rotary valve
New seals and ‘O’ rings should be used when assembling product. bushing (106).
6. When grasping a part in a vise, always use leather-covered or copper-covered vise 3. Unscrew eight motor case capscrews (119) and remove motor housing (118)
jaws to protect the surface of part and help prevent distortion. This is particularly containing assembled motor from motor adapter (139).
true of threaded members, machined surfaces and housings. 4. Unscrew four cylinder capscrews (112) from any one of the four cylinder heads
7. Do not remove any part which is a press fit in or on a subassembly unless removal (114) and remove the cylinder head, cylinder sleeve (111) and gasket (115).
of that part is necessary for repairs or replacement. 5. Crank assembly (135) until piston (108) is at top dead center. Push piston wrist
8. When removing ball bearings from shafts, it is best to use a bearing puller. When pin (109) out of piston, freeing piston from connecting rod (134). Repeat until
removing bearings from housings, drive out bearing with a sleeve slightly smaller all four cylinders and pistons have been removed freeing the crank assembly (135)
than outside diameter of bearing. The end of sleeve or pipe which contacts and assembled parts.
bearing must be square. Protect bearings from dirt by keeping them wrapped in 6. Using two screw drivers, pry crank pin sleeve (131) from crank and remove
clean cloths. connecting rod rings (133), connecting rods (134) and connecting rod bushing
7. Remove crank bearing (138) (only if replacement is necessary) by supporting
n Winch Disassembly inner ring of bearing and pressing on face of motor pinion.
8. If pinion on crankshaft (135) is damaged or worn, it will be necessary to replace
Refer to Dwgs. MHP2719, MHP2742, MHP2741, and MHP2744. entire crankshaft.
1. Remove wire rope from drum. 9. Unscrew four oil wall buttonhead screws (129) and remove oil wall (127). Removal
2. Operate winch to position reduction gear drain plug at its lowest position. of the oil wall is seldom necessary unless reverse valve bushing (252) is to be
3. Relieve pressure in air lines by operating winch control several times after air removed.
supply has been shut off. 10. Rotary valve bushing (106) and reverse valve bushing (252) are press fits in the
motor case and should never be removed unless replacement is necessary. To
WARNING remove, heat bushings to 450° F (232° C) to loosen Loctite®. Support the face
of the motor case that contacts the valve chest cover, and, with a suitable arbor
• Shut off, bleed down and depressurize air lines before performing any inserted into motor case and against the face of the bushing, press bushing out
disassembly procedures. while it is hot.
4. Disconnect and tag air lines.
5. Remove winch from its mounting and take to a suitable work area before
beginning disassembly. • Use an arbor that will clear the pins (120) that project into each bushing
6. Remove lower drain plug (121) on motor housing (118) and allow oil to drain into bore in motor case. Pressing bushings out in the opposite direction or using
a suitable container. Loosen fill cap (117) to vent motor housing. an arbor that will not clear the bushing keys will result in the keys being
7. Drain oil from reduction gear assembly by removing plug (34) when positioned sheared off.
at its lowest point, and similar plug (34) from its highest point to vent.
• Refer to Dwgs. MHP2271 and MHP2297 in “LUBRICATION” section in Product Refer to Dwg. MHP1463 on page 9. A. Press bushings OUT; B. Housing Supports;
Information Manual. C. Motor Housing; D. Press bushings IN; E. Reverse Valve Bushing; F. Rotary Valve
1. Fabricate one of the two punches shown in Dwg. MHP1461 on page 8, A. Plain
8. Remove pipe plug (177) in disc brake housing (4) to drain brake oil. Punch; B. Shoulder guide required to keep punch centered in bushing; C. Punch
9. Remove drum band brake, winch guard and any other externally mounted winch with slot; D. Shoulder guide is optional; E. Not to scale. The first punch will clear
components. Refer to appropriate disassembly text. the pin (120), the second one has a slot to clear the bushing key. Press old rotary
valve bushing (106) out of motor housing (118).
WARNING 2. Measure motor housing bore. If greater than 1.313 in. (33.35 mm) replace
• The air motor weighs approximately 45 lbs (21 kg). Adequately support air
motor before removing motor mounting capscrews. CAUTION
• Press rotary valve bushing out from inside motor housing only. Bushing has
10. Remove capscrews (119) and washers (113) securing motor assembly to motor a groove to clear pin (120).
adapter (139). Using a hoist to support motor, pull motor straight away from • Support motor housing to prevent damage during pressing.
winch. Reference the applicable ‘Motor Disassembly’ section if motor disassembly
is required.
11. Remove capscrews (3) and separate brake assembly. If brake assembly sticks, tap A
brake housing with a soft faced hammer until parts separate. Note position of all Plain Punch
brake parts for reassembly.
12. Support drum (60) and remove capscrews (13) from drum shaft (15). Pry drum Shoulder guide required
shaft (15) from inboard upright (17).
13. Remove capscrews (65) and lockwashers (22) which secure siderails (62) to to keep punch centered
inboard upright (17). Drive out dowel pins (19). in bushing
14. Remove inboard upright (17).
15. Remove capscrews (70) and lockwashers (5) that secure limit switch assembly to B
upright (64).
16. Remove capscrews (13) and shaft retainer (72) from drum (60).
17. Remove drum (60) and reduction gear assembly (30). in.
18. Remove remaining capscrews (65) and lockwashers (22) which attach siderails in. ) 3.0 mm)
1.0 mm 0.203 in.
(62) to outboard upright (64). Drive out dowel pins (19). . 4 (76
19. Remove bearing (71) from outboard upright (64). n. ) (25 (5.2 mm)
20. Remove capscrews (21) and lockwashers (22) securing gear carrier (23) to drum 3i
(60). 1.2 mm
. 0
21. Install two 1/2 in. - 13 NC x 3 in. long capscrews into threaded holes in outer (31
bolt pattern ring of gear carrier (23). Use these capscrews to break seal. Remove
reduction gear assembly (30) from drum (60).
C Punch with slot
To disassemble reduction gear assembly refer to ‘Reduction Gear Disassembly’ section.
0.09 in.
n Control Valve Removal Shoulder guide is
optional (2.3 mm)
Refer to Dwg. MHP2742. Complete handle disassembly is not recommended.
in. )
1. Remove capscrews (245) and washers (244) from valve chest cover (247).
2. Remove cover (247), gasket (103) and assembled parts: handle assembly, rotary in. ) 3.0 mm
valve (106) and reverse valve (251). 1.0 mm 6
3. Carefully pry off cap from throttle lever (242). .4 (7
4. Remove reverse valve nut (241) and tab lockwasher (122) from reverse valve n. ) (25
(251). 1.3 mm
.0 E (Not to scale)
B • Do not disassemble cylinder (354). Cylinder is under spring pressure.
Housing Housing
Supports 2. Manual Brake:
a. Remove cotter pin (352) and pin (351) from handle (354), then remove
handle (354) from brake band (376).
Brake Disassembly:
Reverse E 1. Remove capscrew (63), adjustment screw (383), lockwasher (22) and locknut
D (374) that secure stop plate (382).
Valve Bushing 2. Use a hoist to raise the winch approximately 6 in. (15 cm). Separate the brake
Press bushings band (376) halves and rotate the brake band assembly slowly until it can be
IN removed from the drum (60).
Rotary F 3. Remove cotter pins (352) and pins (375) so brake band halves (376) can be
Valve Bushing removed from the arm (379). Lower winch when brake band assembly has been
• Press reverse valve bushing out from inside motor housing only. Bushing has
a groove to clear pin (120). 3. Remove capscrews (201) and washers (220) from both ends of shaft (228),
• Support motor housing to prevent damage during pressing. carefully slide shaft (228) through hole in upright. Press roller assembly (200)
and collar (226) will fall away from shaft (228).
4. It is not necessary to remove bushings (227) unless replacing.
n Disc Brake Disassembly 5. Remove springs (223) and (225) from press roller arm (224).
6. Remove capscrews (201), washers (220), and rollers (221) from ends of press
Refer to Dwg. MHP2741. roller arm bar (224).
1. Carefully loosen capscrews (151) 4 or 5 turns each, progressively around motor
adapter (139) until brake spring compression is relaxed. Do not allow adapter to n Emergency Stop Valve
become cocked during removal.
2. When brake spring compression is relaxed remove capscrews (151), adapter (139)
and springs (154). Refer to MHP2540.
3. Remove cylinder (164) and brake piston (157) as an assembly from brake housing It is not recommended to disassemble Emergency Stop Valve unless repair is required,
(4). contact factory.
4. Tap brake piston (157) out of cylinder (164) and remove seals (155) and (158).
n Overload Valve and Brake Release Valve Removal
Refer to Dwgs. MHP2756 and MHP2752.
• When any part of friction disc thickness measures 0.072 in. (1.83 mm) or 1. Remove and tag hose connections if not already done.
less, or if oil groove pattern is not clearly visible, friction discs must be 2. Remove capscrew (500), nut (436) and lockwasher (435) securing overload valve
replaced. (549) to bracket (508).
3. Remove and store overload valve assembly (549), in a clean, dry area until ready
5. Remove brake hub assembly, brake discs (173) and friction discs (172). to reassemble winch.
6. If brake hub must be disassembled for inspection or repair, remove retainer ring 4. Remove capscrews (433), washers (399) and nuts (434) securing brake release
(16), bearing (174) and spacer (152) from shaft (8). Carefully tap or press bushing valve (432) to bracket (508).
(168) out of back side. Take sprag clutch (169) out of brake hub (171). 5. Remove and store brake release valve (432) in a clean, dry area until ready to
reassemble winch.
n Reduction Gear Disassembly
NOTICE • It is not recommended to disassemble brake release valve (432). If
disassembly of overload valve (549) is necessary refer to Dwg. MHP2756.
• It is not recommended to disassemble reduction gear unless necessary.
n Slack Line Detector Disassembly
Refer to Dwg. MHP2719.
1. Remove capscrews (21) and lockwashers (22) from gear carrier (23), separating Refer to Dwg. MHP2739.
it and the reduction gear assembly (30) from drum (60). 1. Remove and tag hose connections if not already done
2. Unfasten capscrews (24) from reduction gear assembly, separating it from gear 2. Remove capscrews (216), washers (217), and plate (218) that secure limit valve
carrier (23). (213) to bracket (211). It is not necessary to remove bracket (211) unless
3. Remove capscrews (35), retaining ring (31), and seal (32). Pry off output housing replacing.
(33). 3. Remove capscrews (201) and washers (385) from both arms (203) that secure
4. Remove retainer ring (36), bearing (37), and retainer ring (38) from end of rollers (204) and shaft (205).
planetary assembly (39). Separate planetary assembly (39) and ring gear (41) 4. Remove shaft (205) from roller (204).
from spacer (45). 5. From outboard side, remove lower capscrew (201), washer (385), and spacer plate
5. Unfasten retainer ring (44) from sun gear (43) and remove sun gear from planetary (212) that secure arm to cam shaft (210).
assembly (46). 6. Remove capscrews (201) and (206) and washers (385) and (297) that attach cam
6. Separate spacer (45), ring gear (41), and planetary assembly (46). Remove pinion actuator (208) and arm (203) to cam shaft (210).
(47) from planetary assembly (46). 7. Remove both cam shafts (210) from lifting lugs (12). It is not necessary to remove
lifting lugs.
n Assembly NOTICE
Refer to Product Parts Information Manual for item numbers referenced in this • It may be necessary to use capscrew (119) as a locator, to align holes in
section. motor case and adapter.
General instructions: 40. Slide motor assembly to the edge of the bench. Insert one capscrew (119) through
lockwasher (113) and secure adapter to motor case. DO NOT Final Tighten.
41. Rotate assembly 180° and install one more capscrew and washer.
1. Definitions:
DRY: Cadmium plate, zinc plate, and oiled fasteners.
LUBRICATED: Molysulfide paste, carnaba wax, molysulfide grease and
copper-based anti-seize coated fasteners.
PTFE: 2% minimum PTFE (teflon) coated fasteners.
2. All torque values foot-pounds unless noted.
3. SAE grade 5 equivalent to ASTM A325 Type 2 and ASTM A449.
4. SAE grade 8 equivalent to ASTM A354 Grade BD, ASTM A490 Type 1.
5. If mixing fasteners use lowest torque value.
6. Torque values 75 to 85% of fastener proof load ref.