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Source: Outside In Ltd.

Please consult your doctor if you believe you may be suffering from a depressive illness.

This questionnaire is designed to help you assess whether you have SAD; it can also be used to
help you assess how much bright light therapy is helping. It is based on the standard assessment
tool used by doctors. You might like to talk it over with your doctor or another person in your

Not everyone will have every symptom, but the score should go down over the weeks.
Typical figures are over 20 when you have SAD and under 10 when you are better.

Compared to how you normally feel when you are well, how would you rate yourself on each of
the following during the past week? Complete the following form and fill in the numbers in the

0=no different, 1=a little bit, 2=somewhat, 3=quite a lot, 4=definitely, badly

STANDARD depression symptoms score

Before After After After
I have been … starting 1 2 3
lights week weeks weeks
down and depressed
less interested in doing things or delaying doing
less interested in sex
less interested in eating
losing weight
finding it hard to get to sleep
waking up in the night or sleep is restless
waking up too early
more tired than usual, heavy in my limbs, aching
back or muscles or headaches
Before After After After
I have been … starting 1 2 3
lights week weeks weeks
guilty, I feel like a failure
feeling that life is not worth living
tense, irritable, worrying too much about little things
sure I’m ill or have a disease, unreasonably worried
about my physical health
my thoughts or speech are slow
fidgety, restless, cannot keep still
morning is worse than evening
evening is worse than morning
feeling unreal, as if I am in a dream or cut off from
what’s going on around me
paranoid, suspicious
preoccupied, I have to keep checking things
having physical symptoms such as stomach
problems, sweating, cramping, having to urinate
frequently, dry mouth, sighing, heart palpitations,
TOTAL standard depression score

SUPPLEMENTAL depression symptoms score

Before After After After
I have been … starting 1 2 3
lights week weeks weeks
avoiding people, don’t want to socialize
gaining weight
I WANT to eat more than usual
I ACTUALLY HAVE eaten more than usual
craving sweets or starchy foods
sleeping too much or I have been more tired than I
should be
my mood or energy slumps in the afternoon then
picks up at least an hour before bedtime
TOTAL supplemental depression score

COMBINED TOTAL depression score

If you suspect you have SAD or a depressive illness, and the problem is undiagnosed or
untreated, please consult your physician or other health professional as soon as possible.

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