t2 Prox-Hum
t2 Prox-Hum
t2 Prox-Hum
Contributing Surgeons:
1. Introduction 4
2. Indications 7
3. Pre-operative Planning 7
5. Operative Technique 9
5.2. Incision 9
Ordering Information-Implants 24
Ordering Information-Instruments 25
Proximal humeral fractures can To complement the T2™ Nailing However, they can also stabilize the
be difficult to treat, particularly System, Stryker Trauma has created a nail, allowing compression of the
multifragmented fractures in "new generation" humeral implant: surrounding bone against the nail.
osteopenic bone. A large number the T2™ Proximal Humeral Nail for • The Distal Locking Hole configu-
of treatment modalities have been the treatment of complex proximal ration allows for either Static
developed over the years. humeral fractures, and those with or Dynamic Locking Modes.
diaphyseal extension. In the Dynamic Locking mode,
Treatments range from conservative the pull of muscles spanning the
measures such as swathe, to per- Although based on the well-known fracture may be used for secondary
cutanous procedures using pins, T2™ platform, the T2™ Proximal dynamization.
wires and screws onwards to open Humeral Nail design incorporates a • The bend of the nail allows
procedures with plate fixation and number of unique features: insertion at the standard insertion
even joint replacement. point, i.e. lateral entry just inside
• Small diameter intramedullary the Greater Tuberosity, or central
Problems lie in the difficulty of implant that requires only a 10mm insertion, i.e. through the articular
obtaining fixation of one or several entrance hole and minimal canal surface at the top of the humeral
fragments and achieving rotator cuff preparation. head. Central insertion improves
stability to allow early motion. • Left and right versions, designed fixation through interference
Reduction and fixation must be to reduce possible interference with between the subchondral bone at
performed without disturbing the axillary nerve. the entry point and the proximal
the blood supply to the fracture • End Caps, of three different end of the nail.
fragments. heights in 2mm increments, allow • The 6° lateral bend allows insertion
Finally, the implants used should fine adjustment to the length of the of the nail along an almost straight
be low profile so as not interfere nail and optimize the purchase of path. The risk of losing reduction
with surrounding soft tissue or the the nail in the entrance hole. of fragments during insertion is
acromion. Additionally, the risk • Four Proximal Locking Holes thereby minimized.
of implant migration should be strategically placed to enable The nail may be used for percu-
minimized. locking of separate fragments of tanous reduction and insertion,
the Lesser Tuberosity, the Greater or open insertion through a
Tuberosity and the Humeral Head. deltopectoral approach when
• The Proximal Locking Holes in indicated.
the nail are threaded. Thus, the • The long nails (220mm−300mm)
holding strength of the Locking are cannulated and allow reaming
Screws will not depend on purchase of the medullary canal over the
in the often poor cancellous bone. 2.5×800mm Ball Tip Guide Wire
The Locking Screws can also pro- (1806-0083S). The solid nail design
vide firm anchoring for suture of the short nail (150mm) should
augmentation of the Tuberosity not require additional reaming for
fragment. nail insertion.
• The Proximal Locking Holes in the
nail have a nylon bushing. This All implants of the T2™ Proximal
will further improve the holding Humeral System are made from
strength of the screws and helps Type II Anodized Titanium Alloy
avoid screw back out. It also stops (Ti6Al4V) to maximize mechanical
screw toggle, thereby minimizing strength and biocompatibility.
mechanical destruction of osteo-
penic bone. See the detailed chart on the next
• Washers may be used in page for design specification and size
conjunction with the screws for offering.
fixing fragmented tuberosities.
Technical Details
Note: 29.5
Screw length is measured
from top of head to tip.
Fully Threaded Bend, 6°
Locking Screw**
Length 25−60mm
Diameter 5mm
Fully Threaded
Locking Screw***
Length 20−60mm
Diameter 4mm
Diameter 17mm
Size 10×18mm
Proximal Humerus
End Cap
The majority of the instruments come from the existing T2™ platform.
A new Targeting Device* has been designed, unique for the T2™
Proximal Humeral Nail.
Fig. 1
2-part 3-part 4-part
2. Indications Neck
− Two-part fractures of
the proximal humerus Greater
− Three-part fractures of Tuberosity
the proximal humerus
− Four-part fractures of
the proximal humerus
− Proximal Humeral Fractures Tuberosity
with diaphyseal extension
(Long PHN only).
The most important step before
surgery remains a proper analysis of
the fracture type.
NEER Classification
3. Pre-operative Planning
Fig. 3
Short Nail
Long Nail
Operative Technique
5. Operative Technique
5.1. Patient Positioning and Fracture Reduction
Closed reduction by ”Joystick-tech-
nique” with K-wires to manipulate
fragments can be used.
5.2. Incision
If the greater tuberosity is fractured
or compromised, the central entry
point is recommended to achieve
stability between the humeral head
fragment and the proximal end of
the nail.
During opening of the entry portal
with the Awl, dense cortex may
block the tip of the Awl. An Awl Plug
(1806-0032) can be inserted through
the Awl to avoid penetration of bone
debris into the cannulation of the
Awl shaft. Fig. 7b
Fig. 7c
Operative Technique
Reamed Technique
(Long PHN):
X-Ray Templates should be used
pre-operatively to determine the canal
size radiographically.
Fig. 10
Operative Technique
Both the Short and the Long version
have a proximal diameter of 10mm
and a shaft diameter of 8mm (Fig. 11).
The Short PHN is available in 150mm
length only. The Long PHN are
available in five different lengths
Operative Technique
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Operative Technique
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
Note: Note:
Two circumferential grooves are The Strike Plate (1806-0150)
located on the insertion post at 2mm (Fig. 16) or the Short Universal Rod
and 5mm from the driving end of (1806-0113) may be used to improve
the nail (Fig. 14). Depth of insertion handling during insertion. These
may be visualized with the aid of are screwed into the Nail Holding
fluoroscopy. Screw and have to be removed if the
Targeting Arm (1806-2035) is to be
mounted after introduction of the
Operative Technique
Before inserting the nail, verify
that the assembly is locked in the
appropriate position: the smaller
peg of the Nail Adapter engaged into
the smaller slot of the Targeting small large
Arm indicated by the ”LATERAL
Locking” sign (Fig. 17a) and the
larger peg into the larger slot on the
Fig. 17a Fig. 17b
opposite side (Fig. 17b).
Prior to nail insertion please check Tip Guide Wire. The Short PHN is Note:
correct alignment by inserting a drill solid and can be inserted directly. Do not hit the Targeting Device
bit through the assembled Tissue Advance it through the entry point and/or the Nail Holding Screw.
Protection - and Drill Sleeve placed (Fig. 19).
in the required holes of the targeting The nail should be advanced with Note:
device (Fig. 18). manual pressure. Aggressiveness The nail should be inserted at least
can result in additional fractures or up to the first circumferential
The nail is ready for insertion. The fragment displacements. If the nail groove on the Nail Adapter but not
Long PHN is cannulated and can be does not advance easily, use the image deeper than the second groove.
inserted over the 2.2×800mm Smooth intensifier to identify the problem.
Fig. 18 Fig. 19
Operative Technique
Fig. 20 Fig. 21
A K-Wire placed through the Target-
ing Device and aligned with the
forearm indicates anatomical 30°
retroversion of the humeral head
(Fig. 21).
Note: Tar
g et in
Prior to proximal locking of the Long gA
Pl a
PHN, ensure correct alignment of ne
the distal holes as these are locked
by freehand technique. The K-Wire
placed through the targeting device
is in the same plane as the AP locking
holes at the nail tip whereas the plane iqu
ol es
of the targeting arm is the same for
the distal Oblique holes (Fig. 22).
Fig. 22
A/P holes
Operative Technique
For the use of an A/P Locking Screw
see Chapter 5.7.
Ensure correct rotational alignment
of the nail prior to proximal locking,
to avoid penetration of the biceps
tendon with the proximal anterior
Fig. 23b
Operative Technique
Fig. 24
Do not drill through the far cortex as
this will penetrate the joint.
The position of the Drill tip placed
in the subchondral bone is equal to
where the end of the screw will be.
The Locking Screw length determi-
nation is very important and must be 5mm
carried out carefully.
Drill the lateral cortex only. In cases
where the nail is inserted close to the
lateral cortex, manual drilling will
help to avoid nail contact.
Fig. 25
Operative Technique
In order to optimize screw insertion
in the threaded screw hole, push
the Locking Screw without turning
through the first cortex until it is
in contact with the nail. Then start
turning the Locking Screw with gentle
axial pressure to engage the internal
thread of the nail. In cases with
dense bone where the screw cannot be
pushed forward, the lateral cortex may
be opened with the 5.0×180mm Drill
to ease screw insertion as described
above. Fig. 26
To avoid loss of reduction or position
of the nail when the Drill is removed,
you may leave the first Drill in the
bone. Then, using the second set of
Sleeves, drill the second hole and
insert this screw while the nail is Fig. 27
stabilized by the first Drill.
Fluoroscopic visualisation during
Locking Screw insertion is absolutely
necessary to place the tip of the
Locking Screw in the subchondral
bone, to stabilize the head fragment
and avoid penetration of the Locking
Screw into the articular surface.
In four-part fractures, the role of
the first Proximal Screw is to obtain
fixation of the Head Fragment and
not of the Greater Tuberosity.
Do not use a Washer with the most
Proximal Locking Screw as it may
cause Acromial impingement.
The A/P Screw is designed to fix the
Lesser Tuberosity. If an A/P Screw is
inserted, it is recommended to per-
form the A/P Screw locking after all
other required screws are inserted.
For the left nail, the larger peg of the (For the right nail, the smaller peg Hand tighten the Nut to ensure it does
Nail Adapter engages into the larger must be engaged into the smaller slot, not loosen during locking procedure.
slot indicated by the ”AP locking left” indicated by the ”AP Locking right”
sign (Fig. 30a) and the smaller peg into sign and the larger peg into the oppo- Routine locking procedure is
the opposite smaller slot (Fig. 30b). site larger slot.) performed as described in Chapter 5.6.
Operative Technique
The dynamic hole on the Targeting
Arm will allow placement of the
Locking Screw in a Dynamic Locking
Mode (at the bottom of the oblong
hole) (Fig. 31).
Operative Technique
Never use the the distal holes (Static/
Dynamic) of the Targeting Device.
There are no corresponding holes in
the Long PHN.
In order to avoid damage to the Fig. 34
neurovascular structure, a limited
open approach should be considered.
Leaving the targeting device attached
can facilitate the freehand locking
procedure. The K-Wire placed
through the targeting device is in the
same plane as the AP locking holes
at the nail tip whereas the plane of
the targeting arm is the same for the
distal Oblique holes (Fig. 22, p. 16).
Fig. 35a
The Ø3.5 × 130mm Drill (1806-3550S)
is held at an oblique angle to the center
of the locking hole (Fig. 33, 34). Upon 35mm
The A/P oblong hole (Long PHN)
in the nail tip will allow placement
of the Locking Screw in a Dynamic
Locking Mode (at the bottom of the
oblong hole).
Use image intensification to confirm
screw position through the nail as
well as screw length.
Fig. 38
Fig. 39
Ordering Information - Implants
Implants in sterile packaging
Ordering Information - Instruments
Ordering Information - Instruments
Jan Paul M. Frolke, et al. ;
Bixcut™ Intramedullary Pressure in Reamed Femoral
Nailing with Two Different Reamer Designs.,
Eur. J. of Trauma, 2001 #5
Mehdi Mousavi, et al.;
Pressure Changes During Reaming with Different
Parameters and Reamer Designs,
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Number 373, pp. 295−303, 2000
Ordering Information - Instruments
Bixcut™ Trays +
Use with Stryker Power Equipment
REF Description * Use with 2.2mm×800mm Smooth Tip and
2.5mm×800mm Ball Tip Guide wires only.
Stryker Trauma GmbH
Prof.-Küntscher-Strasse 1-5
D-24232 Schönkirchen
The information presented in this brochure is intended to demonstrate a Stryker product. Always refer to the package
insert, product label and/or user instructions before using any Stryker product. Products may not be available in all
markets. Product availability is subject to the regulatory or medical practices that govern individual markets. Please
contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area.