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Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi

Affiliation no. - 2131699

Session - 2024-25

TOPIC - Study of starch by salivary amylase and effect

of pH and temperature on it

NAME-Yash Kumar Gupta


SUBJECT- Chemistry


Sign. Of External Examiner Sign. of Internal Examiner

Mrs. Chetna Chauhan ma’am Yash Kumar Gupta
This is to be certify that Yash kumar Gupta of class XII
PUBLIC SCHOOL has successfully complete their
Chemistry project on topic “Study of starch by
salivary amylase and effect of pH and temperature
on it.” during the academic session 2024-25
towards partial fulfillment of credit for AISSCE…………
.. evaluation of CBSE 2024-25 and submitted
satisfactory report as compiled in the following
pages under my supervision.

Mrs. Chetna Chauhan ma’am Mr. Amit Mishra Sir

Deptt. Of Chemistry principal


I would like to express my gratitude to my Principal Mr.

Amit Mishra Sir as well as Chemistry teacher Mrs.
Chetna Chauhan ma’am who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic
“Study of starch by salivary amylase and effect of pH
and temperature on it” and helps me in doing a lot of
research and I came to know about so many new things, I
am really thankful of them.

Secondly, I would like to thank my parents and our friends

who have helped me a lot in finalizing this project within
the given time frame.

Yash Kumar
Gupta Xll(B)

I , hereby declare that the project submitted to Pt. RAM
SCHOOL,PRAYAGRAJ for subject Chemistry under the
guidance of chemistry teacher Mrs. Chetna Chauhan
ma’am and principal Mr. Amit Mishra sir.

Yash Kumar

Table of Contents
 Certificate
 Declaration
 Acknowledgement
 Aim of Project
 Objective of the Project Report
 Introduction
 Apparatus Required
 Procedure
 Observation
 Conclusion
 Precaution
 Bibliography


“ To study the digestion of

Starch by salivary amylase
effect of temperature
and pH on it. ”

Objective of the Project Report
The main objective of this chemistry project report is
“To study the digestion of starch by salivary amylase
and effect of temperature and pH on it” .

1. To study the digestion of starch by saliva.

2. To study the effect of temperature on the digestion of
starch by saliva.
3. To study the effect of pH on the salivary digestion of

Every health book insists on the chewing of food. The act of
chewing stimulates the excretion of saliva. Saliva mixes up
with the food and helps its digestion. That is, the enzyme
ptyalin or amylase present in human saliva hydrolyzes the
big molecules of food into many molecules.

For example, starch into mono-saccnaricies maltose and

glucose; proteins into amino acids and fats into fatty acids
and glycerol.
Thus saliva not only helps in digestion of food but also
convert into energy generating substances. Further, enzyme
and their activity are very sensitive to temperature and pH.
Even a slight variation in these two factors, can disturb the
action of enzymes. In other words, digestion of food by
salivary amylase is also effected by temperature and pH and
can be verified experimentally.
For example, hydrolysis of starch can be verified by testing it
with iodine solution. Starch forms blue coloured complex
with iodine. If no starch is present in a system it will not give
blue colour with iodine.

Apparatus Required
The requirements for experiment of chemistry project report
Are as follow:
1. Test tubes
2. Test tube stand
3. One dropper
4. Beaker
5. Stop watch
6. Starch
7. Iodine solution
8. Thermometer
9. Dilute HCl solution
10. Dilute NaOH solution

Experiment 1
Aim:- To study the digestion of starch by saliva

Procedure for Chemistry Experiment 1 is:

1. Collection of Saliva:- Rinse mouth thoroughly with cold

water and ensure that it does not contain any food
particles. Now take about 250ml of lukewarm water in
the mouth and keep for about three minutes so that saliva
mixes up well with it. Spit this into a beaker. Filter, if
there is any suspended impurity clear filtrate is saliva
solution and contains enzyme ptylin.
2. Preparation of starch solution:- Take about 0.5g of starch
in 100ml beaker and add enough water to make a paste.
Dilute the paste by adding 50ml water and boil for about
5 minutes.
3. Digestion of starch:-
a. Take 5ml of the starch solution in a test tube. Add
2ml of saliva solution into it. Mix the solution well
by shaking the tube carefully and start a step watch.
b. After one minute, take out two drops of the mixture
solution from the test tube with the help of dropper
and transfer it into another test tube containing
about 1ml of 1% iodine solution. Note the colour
produced, if any.

d. Repeat this test after every one minute taking two
drops of the mixture solution and fresh 1% iodine
solution continue until the test shows no blue colour.
e. Record the time and blue colour intensity.

Time Passed after 1 2 3 4
Mixing minute minute minute minute
Colour Intensity Deep Blue Light No Blue
Blue Blue

Absence of blue colour on addition to iodine solution means

absence of starch in the mixture solution. That is whole of
the starch has got digested or hydrolysed.

Starch gets hydrolysed by salivary amylase

Experiment 2
Aim:- To study the effect of temperature on the digestion of
starch by saliva.

Procedure for Chemistry Experiment 2 is:

1. Take three test tubes and label these 1,2, and 3.

2. Take 5ml of the starch solution, 2ml of the saliva solution
and 5ml of water in each test tube. And shake the test
tubes carefully.
3. Place test tube number 1 in water at room temperature,
test tube number 2 in a beaker containing water at 50°C
and test tube number 3 in boiling water.
4. After 5 minutes, observe the colour change on mixing
two drops of the mixture of every tube with one ml of 1%
iodine solution. Note the intensity of blue coloured form.

Time passed after Intensity of blue colour
mixing saliva Test tube 1 at
solution with starch room Test tube 2 at 50°𝑪 Test tube 3 in
solution (in min) temperature boiling water
5 Light blue Blue Deep blue
6 No blue colour Light blue Blue
7 - Faint blue Blue
8 - No blue colour Blue
9 - - Blue
10 - - Blue

Temperature affects the digestion of starch by

Experiment 3
Aim:- To study the effect of pH on the salivary digestion of
Procedure for Chemistry Experiment 3 is:
1. Take three test tubes and label these 1,2, and 3.
2. Add 5ml of the starch solution, 2ml of the saliva solution
in each test tube.
3. Now as 2ml of water in test tube number 1 2ml of Dilute
HCl in test tube number 2 and 2ml of Dilute NaOH
solution in test tube number 3 and shake carefully.
4. Keep the three test tubes in water at room temperature
for about 10 minutes.
5. Add 2 drops of the solution of each test tube with 1%
iodine solution and observe the colour change.

Colour produced (in test
Test tube Solution taken tube) with 1% iodine
1 Starch + saliva + water No blue colour
2 Starch + saliva +dil. HCl Blue colour
3 Starch + saliva + dil. NaOH Blue colour

Hydrolysis of starch by the enzyme does not take place in
the acidic or alkaline medium.


1. All apparatus should be clean and washed properly.

2. Add equal drops of iodine in all the samples while
testing for starch.
3. Temperature variation affects enzyme activity, so take
the readings at a constant temperature for all the
4. Delay in sampling or the reaction time may affect the
result. So, iodine drops must be added at fixed intervals
in all samples.

1. Wikipedia-the free encyclopedia
2. http://www.google.com/
3. http://en.wikipedia.org
4. www.icbse.com
5. Comprehensive Chemistry
6. Chemistry NCERT Class XIIth
7. Dinesh chemistry

Thank you!!

-Yash Kumar Gupta


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